rms 3IORXItO OREGOXIAN. MONDAY, 3IAY 6, 1912. 8 POPULAR NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE MANAGERS WHO WILL OP' POSE EACH OTHER IN OPENING GAME TODAY, AND PORTLAND PITCHER. clnnatl won from St- Louis, 11 to 9 FAREWELL Score: R. H. E.l R. H. E St. Louis. ..9 10 2pincinnatl ..11 12 Batteries Willis, Dale, Laudermllk A Suit COLTS FAR BEHIND IS CLEAN VICTORY arad Wlngo; Smith, Humphreys. Bagby, Benton and McLean. Umpires John stone and Eason. 'specially designed AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won, 14 10 10 10 8 fl 6 a HERD HEAVES PUT BEAVER jWJisjpissajii niiji-ts. p,m,-mvvmv V Lost. PC. 8 .737 6 . -.) 7 7 .588 fl .471 11 .450 12 .333 18 ' .188 : 2. Chlraa-o . Washington Philadelphia Boston , Cleveland .. petrol t Pt. Louis .... New York .. Vancouver Wins 8 to 4 When Williams' Men Shoot Far From Target. for the Silent Elmer Koestner Again Doles Out Defeat to Vernon. made particular to endure, by man: Detroit 3, St. Louis 2. SXEIN- DETROIT, May 5. Ty Cobb's scorch ing single in the eighth escaped Shot ten and before the latter could get it, TONNESON IS BATTED HARD BRISK HITTIMG COUNTS Bush and Cobb scored the runs which enabled Detroit to defeat St. Louis. Score: hi li-K'X' ) ' sv-; r- , .--.- - ' .' ,. . . . : f v t if-. i ' - 1 1 t. 4.jyv Game Captured Early (iray's Slants In Xinth Is Carlisle's Boneheacl" Costly to ' Tiger. PartAr - Imim Htaadlna. 1 W. U re w. 1.. pr. , Oakland ..23 .1 Sacram'to 1 IT .4.".j vmon ...I 11 ..Vc I. Am'lii m IT .is Fka Fran.. It lft .iwn Portland .. 1 .Una I Yterdsjs Keult. At Portland Portland Varnon 1. at San Franclaro San Franclaco larrtmrntn S-. At Am Anjrls Los Anglrs 1-2. -T. land 0-4- H-bdul nrra May 7-11. Portland at Sarramrto. Oakland at Vernon ino came Tuesday). ! Angrl at n Francisco. BT ROSTOE FAWCSTT. The difference between good and bad pitching and the Immediate effect on the aspect of the percentage tahle was ably emphasized at the Coast League park yesterday, when Klmer Koestner pitched the Beavers to a 3-1 victory over the Vernon Tleers In the final Same of the three weeks' stay at home. Koestner Is one of those flingers who has to eat garlic or raw onions to let you know ha Is around. Beside him the, Sphinx would appear garrul ous. But that tall, lanky right-hander can be depended upon In the pinch, as witness his two wins over llogan only three days apart. "If I had two other men as reliable aa Klmer I'd be up In the first division tooay. tie's the grandest pitcher In the league." said Manazer Mct'redle after the ninth inning finale. Mc J ,rciin mm uaianrn is weii tounuea inr Koeatner has won five of the eight Portland victories this season. Thanks to the Piper. III., youth the Beavers took two of the five games of the Ver non aeries. -Dally- Cray la llaaaaaerea. "Polly" Gray, a former Los Angeles southpaw who has been Injecting him self Into numerous major league box scores for several seasons back, began the offensive work for Haps visitors. But despite the fact that the Hoganlles frave him the usual working basin of a run In the first Inning, he was con tinually In deep water Finally, with one out In the fourth Inning, and after the Beavera had made their winning tally, the straggling Cal ifornia rooters were given an oppor tunlty to warble at that familiar Southern melody: "Oh. my darling 'Dolly Gray: they have taken you away." for "Soldier" Carson rushed to the rescue. From that on the two heavers en- cared In a maanlflrent battle of brains. Vernon threatening on one or :wo occasions to trespass from the phlegmatic tenor of the going. Koeatarr Cool I aaer fire. Koestner's remarkable coolness un der fire and his ability to muster latent energy pulled the Beavera out of an extremely tight hole In the seventh In ning when Vernon filled the bases with only one man out and the two slug gers. Patterson and Brashear. waiting to murder the sphere. Referring to Patterson the office boy pens: "Eight thousand eyes were on him aa he rubbed his hands In 'dolt' "Four thousand hearta stopped beat ing as he wiped them on his 'sholt.' " Mister Koestner writhed In secret anger. Then Plowle! Strike one. Plowle! again. Strike two. Plowle! tome more. And a very exasperated Patterson had struck out In the pinch. A few seconds later 4000 fans broke Into a still more frantic outburst of cheering, when Koestner doled out the same dose of poison to the slugger Brashear. except that Brashear had three balls In his favor before Rimer settled to bis task. It waa beautiful pitching. Bayleee Pre am Ran. Vernon scored Hogan's one In the Initial Inning on doubles by Carlisle and Brashear. The MeCredleltes tied It up in the third on Bancroft's double Into center. Butler'a single and Krne ger'a two-base swat to the aame hole. Butler brought In the tally and only sensational pegging by Bayless to the plate cut Bancroft down by Inches. McDowell opened the fourth Inning bv walking. Gray held Rodgers to an Infield out but McDowell reached sec ond from whence he scored on How ley's drive to left field. Then Hogan derrlcked his southpaw, and well and wisely he acted, for the Beavers should previously have grabbed off a couple more In the second inning, when they had the bases full and nobody down on hlta by Krueger and Rapps and Mc Dowell's free transportation. Rodgers. Howley and Koestner. however, walked he plank In quick succession. Carlisle Lea Chase. Although few of the fans knew tt. Carlisle. Vernon left fielder of triple play fame, pulled the prise "boner" of the season In the ninth Innlna-. when he threw away Hogan's chance of pulling out a victory. And It waa a grand opportunity, too. Carlisle was on first from Rodgers' boot when Bay less grounded one over the ssme route. Rodgers tossed the ball to Butler at second. Butler throwing wild to Rap pa. trying to complete a double, Bayless going to second. Butler, however, wss four feet of the second bag and had Carlisle touched It and gone on to third there would have been men on second and third with only one out. But Carlisle failed to do so and died a natural death by ambling n the bench. The score: Vernoa I Portland Ab K Po A F. IbHPnAE arl sle.ir 4 11V n r-nad 'f 4 0 S 0 Parl'aa.cf Patt'n.lb Rraa-r.3! !um'n.rf tloep. aa. Burr 1 1.3b Brown, e. Orer.p. . .'arann. p UcOo la Pan ft. no 0 Butlar.aa. e Krue'r.cf O Rappa. lb o Vrtwil.rf i' kod'raao o Howv.c 0 Koest r.p 1 2 I A I IS 0 I 0 1 1 4 0 1 S o o o l 0 0 Two to One Off Dolly Totals 84 14 10 0 Totals 8 II 4 a Batttd for Carson In ninth. SCORE BT INNtXOg. Vernon t a 0 0 e 0 o Hita I 1 1 I 1 o 1 Portland . 0 1 1 0 0 J Hlta O S 3 1 1 0 1 8 91'MMART. Rana-arllate. Butter. McDowell Struck nut By Katner A Baaea on balie Off llrsr 2. of Koeatner &. Two.baae Mra rarilile. Braahar. Bancroft. Kroer. Hur ril. Hoop. Charee defeat to Gray. Stolen htM Hmp- lnn:nsa pitched ty Gray ? 1-3. by Caraon 4 2-3- Haee hlta Off "ray a. 3 rnne: off Caraon X no run a. Time af fame-1 tt"ur and V mlnutaa. empires Caaay and HHdebrand. Notes of the Game. It was a day "f heavy hitting, with sis ttotittlaa an tha Mil By aa odd coincidence one game kas bees L-i2rAjrjrtV'iL-.--4 .... . I,TII. .Ml, y I . - Nr 6 fc . ! . - . v . . IT .v- . - rt - v'. i i : a.-: ' - If I .afMII. ,m, Mit l(tf,Jfit, ABOVK MIX.ftKK MCK U'IMJAMK, OF FOKTLAM) (I.KFTt, UD MA Af.KIt OKDYKFe, K It TORI A BELOW, l'lTCIIKH UASTLKY, OF PORTLAND. pnatponvd by rain In each of tba pat thre aria on th hom Int. and th vlaltinff cluha, Pan Francisco. Oakland and Vernon hav ach takrn thraa ftmri of the re mains flva. 8tinaon mad' a clrcua catch of what Irvokd )1k a two-bajtr by t'hadhourn. t rabbinic th ball hlrh oft th rlnht field wall. MrCredi proteated v1norouly that tha ball hit the fence Drat, but waa over ruled. Not a sacrifice hit or fly finuras In the box score. Tounf Bancroft had the fane behind him pulllna: hard. Yesterday Bancroft handled four chances faultlessly and banned out a double In four trips. He hit the leather on the line thunh every time up. Testenlay'e same waa one of many fea tures. In the eighth Inning an odd situa tion developed. Kruejrer was on first from his third hit, when Captain Brashear en jaffed in an argument with I'mptre Hlll brand over around rules coverlnc the spec tator on the nan i n!d overhead walk. Carson did not hear HHdebrand order time and pitched to J-tapp. who lined the ball for a double Into rljcht field. HHdebrand made them do thin us over again and Kappa grounded out Chad bourn slipped np on a tally In the fourth Innlnyr when as first man up he failed to run on a puny (t rounder that finally rolled Inside the diamond. Three hits fol lowed In the tnnlna. Catcher I.a I-onge and rite he re Slelier and I .ami In e were left at borne when the Beavers departed lat nlsht for Sacramento. The squad was aa follows: Catchers. How- ey. Burch; pitchers, Koestner. fiaritnesa. Temple. Klawltter. Or. Olrot, Otlllitan; Infleldera, Rapps. Koarers. rtuuer, jiancron. Undasv; outfielders, Chadboume. Krueser, iMsane, McDowell. SEALS AND SENATORS IIVIDE Sacramento Wins In Morning, ft to S. and Loe In Afternoon, 7 to 0. SAN FRANCISCO. May 6. Sacra- mento won the morning game by a. score of 8 to 1 from San Francisco and lost the afternoon game by 7 to 0. glv- lng Sat Francisco the series by four games to three. In the morning game Fanning was Ineffective and Noyes and wm be this afternoon at Twenty Melkle little better. In the afternoon fourth and Vauehn streets, when the Miller pitched good ball and received j excellent support. 8an Francisco made four two-baggers and one home run Score: Morning game R. If, E l H. II. E. Sacramento 8 14 llSan Fran.. .J 10 0 Batteries Arellanes. Byram and Price; Fanning. Noyes. Melkle and Schmidt. Afternoon game R. H. E R.H. E. Sacramento 0 5 3,Pan Fran. ..7 14 l Batteries Williams and Price: Miller and Berry. Ontario 10, Bole 0. ONTARIO, Or.. May 8. (Special.) The ball game here today between the Bols and Ontario teams resulted In a score of 10 to 0 In favor of Ontario. Morse, the Ontario pitcher, struck out 18 men. The heavy hitting of the On tario players and the. pitching of Mom were the features "of the game. In the game, at Vale today between the Vale and Nampa teams of the same league, the. score was 8 to S In favor of Vale. These four teams form the Snake River Valley League. Jefferson High 6, Tillamook 0. TILLAMOOK. Or.. May 6. (Special. The Jeffers-in High School baseball team of Portland defeated the Tilla mook High School here yesterday, 6 to 0. This was the. first game this year for Tillamook In tnterscholastlc ball. There were no earned runs, all being made on errors. Only three hits were made In the aame. two bv Jefferson j and one by Tillamook. A banquet and dance were given to the members of the teams at the Commercial Club rooms at night. St. Pan! I, Tiger 0. .M'MINNVILLE. Or.. May 8. (Special.) With the ao-called breaka all against them, the McMlnnvllle Tlgera were de feated today by the St. Paul nine, 1 to 0. In by far the best game, played here. Five hundred persons saw the game. The McMlnnvllle band played several selections. Batteries St. Paul. Selbers and "Parish; Timers, Krause. Pennls and Courtney. St. Paul got only one hit, while the Tigers secured three. Wildcats Beat Oak Grove. OAK GROVE. Or.. May . (Special.) The Michigan Wildcata took the Oak Grove team Into their lair today by the one-sided score of 10 to 1. More land, on the mound for the Portland team, allowed but one hit. Next Sun day the Michigan Wildcats play Salem at Salem. Batteries. Martin. Barton and Skoggs; Wildcats, Moreland and Brown- 7 mi i COLTS PLAY TODAY Northwestern League Season for Portland Here. VICTORIA BEES OPPONENTS Manager Williams Coming With Kant Men to Show Fans That lie Has Real Team Hope of Getting; Mundorff Gone. Opening Pay lineups. Portland Victoria Menaor ..2b . .cf . .rf . .If ..lb . .e. . .. .Kellar 8pas Frlea Mralt William Moore. Kibble. Cnltrln Eaatlv, Adams ....Clamentson Stadll ...... .Nordyke Harris. . Mek . .lib ..Brennan aa KRwIlnRl etanfield . .P Concannon Time Today at a P. M. Plare Twenty-fourth and Vaughn streets, Portland baseball fans have been ac- ' ' on oay i. u.. were, unnu i absence of scheduled games In the Fa- rifie roast Leaarue. The Northwestern League, however, begins each new aeries on Monday afternoon and so It Portland Colts and the Victoria Bees open the 1813 Clasa a Lurua season In Portland. Frank Kastley, the former Seal twlrler. has been selected by Manager Williams to twirl the opening game, with Stanfleld as the alternate. Stan field Is the Vernon fllnger sold to Van couver thla Spring and evidently se cured within the past day or two by Williams. President Wattelet and Man ager Nordyke, of the Bees, have chosen Concannon, a new hurler, who pitched Tuesday's game against Seattle. Mundorff, the hard-hitting outfield er, has been given up as lost to Wil liams, so Fries, a hard-hitter but a slower man. will likely continue to hold down right field. President Me Credie said last night over the tele phone from Vancouver, where he Is laid up by illness, that he had received no word of acceptance from San Francis co, in whom title In he "Russian" is vested, consequently entertained little hope of purchasing him. Mundy Is still adorning the bench for the Seals, President McCredie will not be over until Wednesday. The Northwestern season has now been on for three weeks with Victoria and Portland, the cellar champions of a year ago, enjoying their heyday of popularity by reason of being up near the top. If President Jones had mapped out the first month In advance he could not have chosen more psychologically for the local fans are Intensely Inter ested In the organization Lou Nordyke la heeding to this city. Williams has three new regulars In his lineup Fries, Strait and Kibble; Nordyke, too, will present three re cruits outside his pitching staff Sta dllle. Meek and Rawllngs. Meek Is the behemoth batting king who is cleanup man for the Bees. A glance over the batting array shows a striking simi larity In the makeup of the teams. Both managers are first-sackers, Nor dyke having been with Spokane for three seasons back; both are batting down In the fifth notch, while the catchers on the teams are Inserted high up in the batting order. Owing to the Coast League priority no formal exercises will usher In the Jones' circuit contests. Pitcher Bill Bloomfleld. one of the star right-handers of Williams' club, reached Portland late Saturday night, a day ahead of the club, aa he came straight through from Vancouver. "Our team looks much stronger than last year." said Bloomfleld. "Vancou ver and Tacoma are both good, but Seattle looka wobbly. Barry has only two veteran pitchers, Fullerton and Barrenkamp. and his Infield has not been verv reliable." Augle Moran. tiie old major leaguer, m-lll umpire the series here. Van Hal tren switching from Seattle to Vancou ver. Toman handling the Indicator at the ound City Coltrln Starts Trouble In Fourth by Wild Toss Letting Two Score and ' Harris Alma Twice at Second, Hitting- Centerfleld. Norrhweatern League Standings. W. I. PC. W. L. PC Victoria ..10 7 .S'Vancouver 10 9 .S-n Pnokane . 9 7 .583 Tacoma . . 7 to .412 Portland .10 9 .olllilSeaUlo ... T 11 .301) Yesterday'a Roaulta. At Tacoma Vancouver 8. Portland 4. At Seattle Seattle A. Victoria 2. At Spokane Spokane 3. Tacoma 1. Schedule Week May 6-13. Victoria at Portland. Tacoma at Seattle. Spokane at Vancouver. TACOMA. Wash, May 5. (Special.) Vancouver won a rather listless game from the Portland Colts on the Tacoma grounds this afternoon 8 to 4. Tonneson was Ineffective and was forced to retire at the close of the fifth Inning In favor of Thomas. A bad throw by Coltrin proved to be the turning-point of the game In the fourth Inning. After Bennett, the vet eran Beaver second-sacker, had struck out. Kitty Brashear was presented with a base. Frisk doubled and Bra shear pulled up on third. Kippert came to bat and Nick Williams held a whispered conference with Tonneson and Kippert was given an Intentional base on balls. The Infield came in and James drove one right at Coltrln. The youngster fielded It cleanly and then made a wild peg to Harris, permitting two runs to score. Harris also aided Vancouver by mak ing two beautiful pegs into deep cen ter field In an attempt to catch runners at second base. In fact the Colts put up the poorest exhibition of the sea son, falling to play up to their usual snappy style of game. The score: Vancouver I Portland Ab H Po A E AbHPoAB Dulln.lf l'Mena'r.Sb 4 12 4 1 0 Spea.cf .81100 0 r'rles.rf . . 3 O 2 0 0 nstralt.lt.. 4 12 0 0 nwUH's.lb 6 1 9 0 0 1 Harrls.c . 4 0 5 2 2 0 Klhble.Db 3 0 0 0 0 (' Coltrln. s 8 18 2 1 OTonne'n.p 2 0 0 1 0 Thomaa.p 2 0 0 1 O Moors.. 110 0 0 2 Totals 88 8 24 10 4 Benn't.2b 4 Bras' r. lb 4 Frlak.rf. 4 Klpp't.rf 8 Jamea.3b 4 Cates.aa. 8 Bhea.c... 3 Clarke. p. 4 Batted for Thomas In ninth. SCORE BT INNINGS. Vancouver Portland . .0 0 0 8 2 .00001 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 SUMMARY. Runs Bennett, Brashear. Frlak. Kippert 2. James. Cates. Clark, Menaor, fipeaa. Kib ble, Moore. stolen baaea hpeaa, Kippert. Double plays Bennett to Catea to Brashear. Ta'O-baae hlta Menaor. Frlak. Cates. 8ac- rlflce hit Shea. Pltehera' record 8 runs, T hlta off Tonneaon In 5 Innlnaa: no runs. 4 hlta off Tbomaa In 8 Innings. Struck out By Tonneson 2. by Clarke n. Bases on balls Off Tonneeon 2. off Thomas 1. off Clarke A. Paased ball Harris. Hit by pitched ball Strait. Menaor: Bennett by Tonneson. Time 1 hour and 50 minutes. U m pi re M oran. OAK WIN ONE, LOSE ANOTHER Angels Blank Commuters In Morn ing, Fall in Second Game. LOS ANGELES, Cal., May 6. Los An geles and Oakland broke even on to day's gamee. the locals winning this mornings game at Vernon by admin Isterlng a shut out to Sharpe's men. and the visitors taking the afternoon contest through th inability of the Angles to solve Abies delivery. Abies grew wild In the eighth inning. and after he had walked two men, Ma larkey took his piace. Errors gave Los Angeles the lone run made In the morning game. The scores : Morning game R.H.E.I R.H.E. Los Angeles 1 8 0 Oakland.... 0 9 8 Batteries Halla and Boles; Gregory and Rohrer. Afternoon game R.H.E.I ' R.H.E. Los Angeles 2 I 2 Oakland 6 11 1 Batteries Flater, Slagle. Tozer, Lev- erens and Brooks; Abies, Malarkey and Ml tie. SHORT FENCE AIDS SEATTLE Three Home Runs on Little Field Are Victoria's Downfall. SEATTLE. Wash.. May 5. Three home runs, one with two men on banes, won today's game for Seattle from Vic toria. 6 to 2. Barrenkamp weakened in the fifth and. with two men on bases, was relieved by Fullerton. who held the visitors the rest of the game. Score: R.H.E.I R.H.E. Seattle 6 8 1 Victoria 2 8 3 Batteries Barrenkamp, Fullerton and Whallnz; Jorstad and Meek. INDIAN'S TAKE TIGERS' SCALPS Tacoma Hlta Ball Ont of Infield Only Three Times Off Cadreau. SPOKANE. Wash.. May S. Cadreau. for Spokane, pitched good ball today and should have scored a shutout. Ta coma hit the ball out of the Infield but three times. The game was full of hair-line decisions and the work of Umpire Toman waa a feature. Score: R. H. E. R. H. E. Tacoma ...1 5 ISpokane ...8 10 2 Batteries Schmutz and Ludwig; Cadreau and Devogt. Umpire Toman. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won. Lost. PC Cincinnati 14 3 .824 New York U 4 .7.S3 Boston 8 8 . .V"1 Chicago 8 9 .471 Pittsburg 7 10 .412 Prookivn 8 9 .400 Philadelphia 8 fl . :t.T.7 St- Louie 5 12 -2U4 Chicago , Pittsburg 2. CHICAGO. May 5. Marty O'Toole made his Chicago debut by suffering a defeat at the hands of Chicago. Al though pitching In fine form, he became lid at critical times. Score: R. H. E.l R. H. E. Chicago ...8 10 llPlttsburg ..2 9 1 Batteries Richie and Archer; O'Toole and Gibson. Umpires Brennan and Owens. Cincinnati 11, St. Louis 9. ST. LOUTS. Mav 8 Tn a a-ama full nf Interest from start to finish today, Cin- R. H. E. R. H. E. St. Louis... 2 7 2!Detrott 3 9 0 Batteries Lake and Stephens; Wil lett and Stanage. Chicago 2, Cleveland 1. CHICAGO, May 8. Chicago Increased Its lead In the American League to three full games, defeating Cleveland S to 1 today. Score: R. H. E. R. H. E. Chicago 2 6 OlCleveland ..1 9 1 Batteries Mogridge and Block; Kah ler and Easterly. Union Association Results. At Salt Lake First game. Great Falls 6, Salt Lake City 4: second game, Salt Lake City 7. Great Falls 6. At Ogden First game, Helena 10, Ogden 4. Second same, Helena 16, Og den 4. At Butte First game, Missoula 8, Butte 1. Second game, Missoula 17, Butte 7. American Association Results. At Minneapolis Minneapolis 6. Co lumbus 4. At Milwaukee Milwaukee 7, Louis ville 2. At St. Paul St. Paul 1. Toledo 5. At Kansas City Kansas City 1, In dianapolis 2. Western League Results. At Wichita Wichita, 7; Lincoln. 2. At Omaha Omaha, 6: St. Joseph, 3. At Denver Denver, 7: Topeka, 2. At Des Moines Des Moines, 7; Sioux City, 2. OVERLOOK, of the Archer & Wig gins Baseball League, defeated Co lumbia Park yesterday at Columbia Park, 6 to 3. The game was a pitchers' battle, Mohler for the winners striking out 21 men, while Forden, of the Co lumbia Parks, downed 13 batters, a a a The game between Astoria and the O.-W. R. & N. baseball teams has been postponed until June 2. a a a The Union Meat Company defeated the Kenton Windies yesterday at Ken ton, 11 to 6, In its first game of the season. The game was marked by heavy hitting on both sides. Frank Powers, for the winners, knocked two home runs in the sixth inning, bring ing In three runs besides his own each time. a a a Gill Butchers defeated the Jaegers Jewelers yesterday at the East Thirty fourth and Arnold-street grounds, 16 to 1. The pitching of Schroeder, for the winners, the batting of Herblg and the catching of Sears were good. a a a The Golden Rod Millers defeated the Upper Albinas Saturday, 9 to 8. Mon pler. for the defeated, and Shea, for the winners, were the stars. CENTRALIA TAKES GAME CHEIIALIS LOSES CONTEST IN ' STATE LEAGUE, 2-1. Frlnk Strikes Out Dozen Men, but Support Given Smith Enables Him to Pull Out Victor. CHEHALIS.' . Wash., May 6. (Spe clal.) The best game of the first series of the Washington State League was played here today on Millett Field, when Centralla won 2 to 1. The features of the game were the pitching of Frink of Chehalls, and the support given Smith for Centralla, This gives Centralla two out of three games, the fourth to be played at a later date, as rain prevented the open ing game Thursday. Score: R.H.E.I R.H.E. Chehalls 1 6 2 Centralia 3 4 2 Batteries Frlnk, Taylor; Smith and Roche. Summary Bases on balls Off Frlnk, 6; off Smith. 1. Two base hits Berry, Taylor. Double plays Hollis to Hill Hit by pitcher By Smith, 1. Struck out By Frink, 12: by Smith, 1. stolen bases Gleason, Guyn, 2; Roche. Sac rifice hit Hollis. WOODLAND SECURED HONORS Cowlitz County Track Meet Proves to Be Big Success. KELSO. Wash., May 5. (Special.) The Cowllts County track meet, held here yesterday, was attended by the largest crowds In the history of Cowittz County athletics. In the high school events. Woodland won with 60 points. Castle Rock was second with 37 points. Silver Lake 15, Kelso 11, Kalama 5 and Sandy Bend 4. In the grade events, Woodland also won. -with 76 points. Silver Lake 11. Kelso 11, Oak Point S. Ostrander 8. Stockport 3, Sandy Bend 4. In the special events for girls. Castle Rock won the relay race and the 50- yard dash for high schools. Silver Lake won the relay and 50-yard dash for the grade schools. The relay race for boys of 15, and that for boys of 10 were won by Ostrander. The winners of individual cups were Swartz of Wootlland, for the high schools, with 21 points, and Lawson, of Woodland, for the grades, with 21 points. Officials were Dr. C. P. Fryer, Castle Rock, referee; R. B. Moore. Portland, starter: G. B. Roberts, Kalama; Earl Bryant, Woodland; C. R. Abbott, Kelso, and Dr. C. P. Fryer, Castle Rock, Judges. A Mirror of Sport. " The May Sports Afield comes to hand with a choice collection of bright, timely articles "Partners Three," a stirring tragedy of the Klondike gold fields; "On the Upper Muskegon," full of Interest; the account of a camping trip to the famous Lost Lakes of North western Colorado; "At the Edge of the Cloud." a story of the Southwest during the Civil War, is a tale of absorbing Interest and frontier life. "The Depart ment Around a Campfire" Is one that will please. There are also fishing and shooting notes from various portions of the country. Minor Baseball On Wash-1 ington. Near Fifth WE SPECIALIZE IN SET SPEED Five World's Records Broken at Los Angeles Mile Course Pie-Pan. FIVE-MILE TIME LOWERED Caleb Brags Tears Around Motor drome in 3 Minutes 1 1 3-4 Sec onds Disbrow and Nlk rent Also Winners. LOS ANGELES. May 6. Five world's speedway records were estab lished at the Motordrome one mile pie- pan this afternoon by drivers and cars participating In yesterday's Santa Mon ica road race. Caleb Bragg in the 90 horsepower Fiat which he drove Into second place in yesterday's classic. broke the world's five-mile record for all classes, held by Ralph de Palma, lowering the letter's mark by more than 4 seconds. His time was 3 min utes 11 seconds. Louis Disbrow, in the Simplex Zip, broke Oldfield's record for the same distance for 600 cubic inch cars and Joe Nikrent In a Case broke Ray Bar- roun's record for cars of the 300 cubic Inch class. Disbrow's time was 3 min utes, 25 1-10 seconds, almost 13 sec onds faster than the former record, and Nlkrent's time, 3 minutes 44 3-10 seconds, was more than 11 seconds faster than the previous record. Disbrow, In a Case, also established a new ten-mile record for cars of the 300 cubic inch class, his time being 7 minutes 4 8 2-5 seconds. The fifth record broken was that held by Har roun for 25 miles for cars of the same class. Nikrent covered that distance in 18 minutes 53 4-5 seconds, almost a minute faster than the old record. The last record was made In an ex citing race between Nikrent and Ralph de Palma. who was driving the Mercer with which he won the medium car race at Santa Monica yesterday, and in which Nikrent was second. De Palma won from Nikrent in two five mile events. The fastest mile of the day was s a i a. D MOISTS ARKS BOXING f WRESTLING PACIFIC NORTHWEST CHAMPIONSHIPS Under the auspices of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club Thursday and Friday Nights, May 9 and 10. MULTNOMAH CLUB GYMNASIUM. Admission, $1.00 At 8:00 P. M. Sharp. OPEN TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC "It certainly is the of good ness and purity in b-e-e-r." proven as an effective tonic and as a "result getter" in rejuve nating the system. Each bottle equipped with the new cap that requires no opener. Standard prices. Delivered everywhere. Bottles ex changed. Phone your dealer or grocer or PORTLAND BREWING CO. Main 708. A 5325. H. ; n built on English lines, short coat, with out padding; soft roll front; narrow trousers; shown in the new blues, pur ples, grays and mixtures for 620 to $35. FINE MADE - TO - 0EDER SHIRTS driven by Disbrow in the Jay-Eye-See in 38 seconds flat. F. J. Wagner of ficiated as starter and the races were electrically timed. RAIN PREVENTS POLO GAME Artillerymen Defeat First Infantry men at Baseball, 6 to 0. VANCOUVER BARRACKS. Wash., May 4. (Special.) The polo game, which was to have been played be tween the officers of the post and a team from Portland, was postponed until next Sunday on account of the muddy field. The Second Field Artillery baseball team defeated the First Infantry today, 6 to 0. This was the last game here for the First Infantry team, as it will leave Friday or Saturday for Honolulu. The First Infantry team last season won nearly every game it played. The Timms-Cress team also defeated the First Infantry today, 9 to 0. TILLAMOOK DOWN'S HILLSBORO Harry Sutor Pitches Team to 9 to 2 Victory and Makes Two Doubles. TILLAMOOK, Or.. May 5. (Special.) Hillsboro went down to defeat be foe the Tillamook Commercial Club team at Stillwell Park in this city to day. 9 to 2. The batteries were, for Hillsboro. Forth and Freeman; for Tillamook, Sutor and Armbruster. Harry Sutor, the big Seal southpaw, had easy work all through the game and pitched as though it were child's play, while HillFboro could not find Sutor's curves. Tillamook is credited with getting five two-base hits from Forth, two by Sutor, two by Peterson and one by Armbruster. Tillamook will play a return game one week from Sunday at Hillsboro. WORLD'S 15-MILE MARK GOES A. I. Wood Runs Distance in 78:15. Henri St. Yves Quits. NEW YORK. May 5. In an interna tional 15-mile race at Celtic Park to day, A. E. Wood, the English ten-mile champion, won from a 'field of 12 pro fessionals and made a new world's record of 78 minutes 15 seconds. Wil liam Queal, of Alexandria Bay, N. Y., finished second about 700 yards behind. Albert Shrubh, of England, was third. Henri St. Yves, of France, quit at ten miles. The former record, 80 minutes and 4-5 seconds, was made by Charles Ap pleton at Glasgow, Scotland, several years ago. Launching Is Delayed. BerauBe a number of parts have not. as yet made their appearance from the local machine shops, C. V. Cooper's Charmalee, one of the best launches in the West, did not slide into the Wil lamette as was scheduled. The time of the launching Is not definite, but may be either Friday or Saturday. Real thing in the way - I'M L i . 3S mo