in - i a a ,nn a I Ub' S I - 4 I K. . 1 I . ONION CROP IS BIG 200 Acres Wear Hubbard, Or., Are Planted This 'Year. BOYS AND GIRLS FIND WORK Hud tMMl Market anJ lalr Prom la Vegetable. Yield One of the Moet Certain; lrf 3 to 5 Cent. a I'onnil. III BBAHI'. Or.. May tSpe-UI. Within a radius or two miles of lluh Vard rnouih onions will be raised tnla inr -to make the whole world weep. Krom ynr to tr. since It wn dis covered that tha oll was wll adapted to onlon-ralslnr. fie baa been increased until mw more thin : ai-res) are planted card Fprlng. And the onion habit la roln. Xfwmiwrn, on making Inquiry, are tol.l that most of the jrardenera and farmers raise onion sets at a profit, and ko It la but natural that the majority ' the land owner moner or later engage In the business. This year the weather man ha been nrreJlnglv kind to Hubbard onions-rowers. The early pprlng. bright sun shine and occasional showers, hara com bined with the rich oll In giving earlr promise of a record crop. Just now the growers are looking for "weeder." an tli email, tender plants must bo kept free from other growths, and thla work must be done on one's hands and Itnori a tedious Job. to be sure, but well worth while when one acre pro duces from 1:00 to $100 worth of onion ets each year. Hera C-lrla M EUtbw. Hut the rail of the onion-grower Is oon answered, for the boys and girls are dallT deserting their studies at M-hool and playlne? "hookey" In order to earn from $1.80 to II a day. this betnK the average w. Naturally there Is a difference In the amount of c round weeded by different boys and Blrls. so the employer tests each one by observing the number of rows weeded In a given length of time, and pays accordingly. This also proves a treat Incentive to the youngsters, and while the season lasts there Is consid erable rivalry to see who will be called the "king" and "queen" of the onlon weedcrs. A few boys and girls, more Indus trious and accomplished than the oth ers, frequently command even more than I." a day, anil these are looked up to as being considerably above the average, as viewed by their st hol n ate and onion-patch fellow workers. When the eets are ready for the mar ket the Krower simply takes them to the total warehouses and disposes of t-rni at fmm 3 to h cents a pound, the I'rl- c varying according to supply and demand. Jut as It doea with other products. The warehouse men. In J urn. snip the sets all over tha country to gardeners and others, who "set" them nut and raise "rouni onions. so highly esteemed by city folks. Ilskkarrf lalass Distinction. While comparatively a small ai -tint ef jroiin? onions and dry onions are crown here, the claim has been made, sn.i goes undisputed, that the Hubbard gardens produce more 'sets' than all tiie tf of the Pacific Northwest states combined. To be a successful onion-grower In the community means that the owner of the ground Is making money, and unless he already baa reached that stale ha soon will own bis home and have a .omfortable bank account. Flftv men. nd a number of women, too. will tell you It la the most successful, the most ertaln and the most profitable crop n this part of oreson. BERRY FARMS INCREASE Heavy Acreage Brings Plant famine at Corrallls. CORVAI.LIS. Or, May 6. Special.) Planting? of oa-anbrry farms con tinued In Benton County this Spring until no more plants could be obtained from the nurseries. Also there was a large planting of Cuthbort red rasp berries. Booseberrles and blackberries. The Corvallls Commercial t'luh, with the active assistance of the Commer cial Clubs of Philomath, Monroe and Alpine, fostered the berry-farm move ment. A number of the members of the. Corvallis club purchased a 14-acre tract near tha city and planted It to small fruits a a demonstration farm, experts from the. Agricultural College directtng the preparation of the ground and the method of planting: but this farm will not enter into the competi tion for the cash prises offered by the several Commercial Clubs for the best acre of loganberries set out In the .-ounty. The Benton County Growers' Associa tion Is now thoroughly organized, with a capable directorates and it will this year operate the Corvallis cannery. Thla is a marketing concern, and vir tually every small fruit and tree-fruit grower In the county is a member. Little attention has been paid In this county to truck gardening, although. Corvallls Is a good market. SHERIDAN T0FIX STREETS Contract Is Awarded for Paving and Other Improvement. ABERDEEN. Or., May 5. (Special.) At a recent meeting of the Wlllamlna city council a contract for hard surfac ing the streets was let to G. E. Cross, t Sheridan. Citizens of Wlllamlna. in an effort to keep up with tha good roads agitation, have decided to pave their principal streets with concrete, with rrushed--wk on all others leadtng Into the town. The streets of Wlllamlna hav, long been a menace to the automobile. The contract caiis for three blocks of concrete overlaying a bed of crushed -or It, and for several hundred feet of ie werage. The action of the council Is the result jf a suggestion by the county, which aaree-l to macadamise tha road between Sheridan and Wlllamlna, the contract for which has Just been let. Thla is the largest paving contract ever let In Yamhill County, and will b a boost for Wlllamlna. GOLDENDALEPLANS PAVING Washington Town Will Spend Close to $80,000 In Improvements. OOLDEXDALE. Wash.. May 8. (Spe cial.) Ooldendala will spend nesrly $S0. 000 this year In Improving 53 blocks c.f streets. A large number of con tractors and their representatives hav, been on the ground for the past two weeks looking over the proposed work and estimating cost. etc. Proposals for the work were received from 11 firms as follows: Henry U Ulienthal. Spo kane: Warren Construction Company, Portland: Kibbe-Welton Company. Portland: Oeorge W. Armstrong. Spo kane: l Wllett A Co.. Spokane: Oeorge P. Iloolcy. Uoldendale: Oregon Ilaseam Paving Company, Portland; Hockallte Paving Company. Portland: K. t. Hall, Hood River: Washington raving Com pany. Tacoma. and Jeffery Bufton. Portland. The bids received covered 25 differ ent kinds of pavement, ranging in cost from TO cents per square yard for com mon water-bound macadam to $1.07 per square vard for haril-surf ace pavement. The bid's of K. O. iUH and Klbbe-Wel-ton Company were rejected. The swards will be, made within a week, as the Council will consume several days In tabulating the bids and decid ing on the kind of pavement desired. Nest to price the main matter under consideration will be the kind of base selected, concrete or macadam. The Council will rely greatly on the Judrment of f-'amuel C. I-aneaster. the good roads espert. who built the roads through Samuel Hill's Maryhlll prop erty. Mr. Ijtncsster recently returned from a a trip to New York and will supervise the construction work for the town. IDAHOllTlOMISIflG I.FWI.vrON TO MAKK PKRIT AS (IIU HAKD IUSTK1CT. Hanger of Frost Pac Trees Kull of Itkoni Selling A so da I loll Organizes. I.KWIPTOV, Idaho. May 5. (Special.) Lewiston this yesr will make Its debut as a fruit marketing district. Of the S00O acres of the district, about Bono acres of which are planted, more than 100 acres are this year coming Into bearing;. Several hundred acres of these are apples, now In their sixth season, and nearly 1"00 acres arc of peaches, which have been used as or chard fillers, and which begin to bear for commercial purposes, in the fourth and fifth seasons. Frost danger Is re garded as past and the abundant bloom of the orchards promises a good initial crop. To dispose of the crop, the growers have organised a selling body, the Lew iston Orchards Association, with cap ital stock of t-o.onn, in shares of 15 each, or a share for each acre of or chards owned by those selling through the association. All fruit will be packed at a central warehouse and sent out under the label and trade-mark of the association, the purpose being to build up at the start a reputation for hlKh class and quality of orchard products. The selling association Is an auxiliary of the Lewiston Orchards Assembly, which Is an organization for the pro motion of all community Interests. Other branches of the assembly will be formed for special attention to civic, social, horticultural and other needs of the rommunlty. Activity In all lines of development are seen this season. Many new resi dences are erected, to accommodate orchard owners who are impelled to be rome residents, as their orchards come Into bearing. Most of these new struc tures sre of an attractive bungalow type. Even the new church building. In the erection of which nearly all resi dents have Joined, regardless of creed. Is of the bungalow style of architec ture. The new graded rural school, about to be built at a cost of $11,000. will also be of the huncalow order and will have as a site a five-acre tract, with gardens., orchsrd trees and a horticultural library, labor atory and museum for the Instruction of pupils In the ways of plant life. Here will also be held sessions of the new school of horticulture, for the free training of fruitgrowers Alaska Wharf Owner lined. JCNKAC. Alaska. May 5. Tha North Pacific Wharvea and Trading Company, owners of the Moores Wharf at Skag way. and a defendant In the anti-trust rases pending here, was lined $jS0 Sat urday for contempt of court for failure to bring the books and accounts of the company to Juneau when Robert F. Reld. secretary of the company, was summoned from Seattle last Janu ary. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dmilr r Bandaj. ler IJn. Om time We ha. in d ( rnw4-wtt'r timt-a tte Mm md t hrvx r-M-utlT ttraca BOc Mfth id ait mr rontrrrui i umra . on Kefnttlanrf nual mcrmmpmny out-vf-toi mrti-r. W h n mirnimnt la i-M run In -aertitlt l -- tha ae-tln-i rata appllra. fait rrri count a on llnr vn rati aJ rriUsfnata and na ad caunlv-d for leaa than w Uno-a. Oa chart mr bh aleriWment tha chare will a ha-d an tha actual number af llnca apiw-artna; la tha paixr, regard leaa af tlu number of woimU In ca h II i.e. la Smw Today all advert larinrnta ara chanced bjr niratura onlj, 14 line to tha luih. Tha ahoT ratea applr to advert rmenta mler "r Today and all alber rlaaalUr llont aveepi the follow Inc. Ml nation V anted. Mala. . Mtuattona Wanted, Jem ale. Oreg'Milaa a til accept c la-1 fled drtle ment over tha telephone, providing the ad vert lcr la a uhacr.ber to eyher phone. No tirlcca will ba quoted aver the phone bu illl will be rendered the following day. Whether ube-quent advert.ftement will b accepted aver tha phon depend upon the promptiie-ia of the payment of telephone ad vertisement. Miuation Wanted and IV r oaal advertlaementa U not ba accepted aver tha telephone. Orders for on loer tlon only a III ba accepted for llue for Kent." -Kurnliur for Nie.- Buiue Op port an It lea." "Kooxuirs-Houaea' and " ant ed la Heat. II.VEIUL Noricta. ZEITK1T1IS In this rllr. May 4. SI th family reslcienre. 4404 Kort -second H. K. Vlrlch Zeltfuchs. aaed l years 2 months. Leave, two sons and s daugh ter. Annie A. Zeltfuchs. of Osklan'l, Cel.: Kdward H.. of Berkeley. Cal.. and Marie A., of portlnnd. Ud. Funeral services will be held at Holman a funeral parlors. Tues day. May T. at - I". M. Inl.rment Uone rc Cemetery. M'-'NNER The funeral of the late Mrs. Marie Monnrr. beloved wife of Nirhoias Mtnner. will leaves the family residence. M Kllllnssworth avenue, today t Monday i. May h at S :M A. M.. thenre to tit. An drew's Church. Kast Ninth and Alberts streets, where services will be held st 9 A. M. Friends are respectfully invited. Interment Ml. Calvary cemetery. AKF.RS In this city, at the lale residence. Third street. Mary Akers. sued rmrw. 7 months and U days. Funeral ser vices will tase place at Flnley'a parlors. TueMlay. May 7. at iO o'clock A. M. inter ment at Lone Fir Cemetery. Friends re spectfully invited to attend. "mOTMEST-Otlo Schumann Marble Works. Ir.a d and Itne sis. Kat 74J. MR. EDWABR HOI-M A V, the leading fo aerai director and undertaker, fiu luird cor. Salmoo. Lady assistant, Donning MrEntee. Funeral Directors. 7th and line, rbone Main 40. Ladj au tendaot. on tee et tounty t proper. A. R. ZKLI.ER fO.. 5t-4 Williams ave. Pbone fcaet loss. C loss, lady attendant. j. j. HM tV A M)N. Sd and .Madison. Lady attendanu l'hone Main A tins. Lv?T M1IK Funeral Wrectors, suereaaoni te F. 0. Dunning, Inc. K- al. B 'MBfll, I'ndertakee. ear. East Alder and Htlia. t-M 7S1. B ISSS. Aady attemlant. (h.r F.s COMFA V. Sd and Clay. Mala 4M. A tttl. Lady attendant. AI'CTIOM SALES TODAY. At residence. 100 11th St.. near Tsvlor el.': furniture, sir. Sale st 10 A- M. Baker a "cTowell. Auctioneers. at Wilson's AneUon House, it II A, a, raraltues lU-a-ft aecead street. THE SroUNIXG AMCSEMENTS. SKATS HOW PEI.MNG HEILIG m d Taylor Thonea Main 1 and A 1123. TONIGHT SrS Special price matinee Wednesday: reg ular matinee Saturday. Klasr a Erlaiicer present the bis Slusical romedy. -THE- PINK LADY Company of St: Orchestra of A fink of Perfection Chorus. friees: Evenlnss and Hsturtlsy Matinee. S-on. ft SO, II. oo, 7.m. and flc. bp-clst price Wednesday matinee. $1.30, $1.00. T.'c. fiOc. 3."c and SOc. B A.K1 EI Maln,laf'A1:o3a Oeo. U Baksr. Mgr. Tonlsht BaritslD Nlsht All Seats ISc. All this week. Mats. Wed and Sat. Hsker Stock Company In -ALIAS JIMMY VALENTINE' Rv arr.incemeiit with I.W-bler ''o,. The season's greatest event. An Immense hit. Kvenlns frloes. .'r. 5)c. Mats.. loc. . MAI , A t07 IA MATINEE EitRT DAI MAT. I5e :ie NIGHTS: ISe. .-c. SOe. 7Je HKKK MAY a Bsr Tost SU Klrksmltb listers: Muriel and Frances: Thedore Iloh en: The I'auiham Team: Marie and Hilly Hart ; Jnhnnr Hell; On-liesl ra; I'lctures. A-ATlriLCr UMIU H'KKK MV . VaJTa 6- Hroth Mlnatral Maid h; Klrln, flit and lrho!MB ; Kulpli i nnnm; KM Murph Vboom Trrui J rantu- Orrhtra; fantacrtMwpa. 1'opu lar I'r !-$-. llatlnea Every Day. res 3 Formerly Giand. Sullivan at ConslJIns. Keflned Vauilevlll-. MF.F.K MAY ."The Mayor and the Manleure" i'rof. Artllro Halleriul's IHurs: Hmnes and Bnrroo: Ihtily and Barlow; Mlcbael Kichardlni Troupe; Altua; Orches trw.. ITIi-e I Ac and -An LYRIC TUtAItB lOl'KTU A-N L B1ARS t:f.k may af, MONTE CAItTKR with Kcatinz Flood Musical Corned v CO., in "THE MKKKV MONAIUII Kntire New Chorus Two J'erformsnres Nightly. 7:10 and :15. Mailnee lislly. 2:3'. NUIHT Chorus Olrlr Contest. T H K A PltM NTMJENJS T H K WE B ylCK T H E C till X E In the Arcadian Garden In Hotel Multnomah "The Restaurant Beautiful" are only surpsssed by the excellence of Its superb prosranime of musical snd enter tnlnment f-stures. Complete bill twice every evenlnc. .10 to 8.80 and 10.30 to 12:30. All this week: htgnor 11 Lacra and Mcnora Holes Late Mar Principals of the Orasl Farls Grand Opera Company. ( line. Rose and Raymond Popular Singers of Popular Hongs. Brown and Kohlnson The Kuystrrlng Cavaliers Konsky Violin Virtuoso, f ji Auaoclta Hpsnlsh Dsncer. I'hllip l"els's Incomparable Concurt Orches trs of boioista Reserve Your Table Esrly! MULTNOMAH HOTFL COMPANY M. C- Bowers. MiMisger. MEETCfu NOTICES. W1LLAMETTK I.OUCIE. NO. 2. A. K. AND A. M. Stated aVs communication win be nem on Alontlny evening, .nay , a( 1 .au o'clock. Hlifht Hev. Chss. Pcl- fllng. bishop of Oregon, will de liver sn entitled "ScotlRnd. With lemortes of Hr Hipless Uueen snd Im mortal Hards." Music and refreshments. A cordisl Invltstlon Is etndd to all brethren to attend this meeting. W. M. WtEKs, 8cy. HEGVLAft rOMMI'NlCATIOV of l amella Chapter, No. 21, ttala ( Mnndav eve at A o'clock. Hv itlT of M. M.-VH1KTTK ROBINSON. Scy. TORTIsAND COMPANY. 107. W. O. will atva a whlat anil danca v dnfi(Jay. May r. at W. W. Tempi;. 12 11th Krfrpihmrmi and union iiiumo. DIED. THOMPSON At th futnily rlAnc, A KM tre't. 8utiiIh. May .V Utwl i'hm Thornpann. at" l yenra. ti month! and 1 day. Notice of fnral later. KI-FKMAN At the family re-ldenre. RIR .nmfr tr-t. 4' ymrm. I month and i1rm. Vnn-ral nt.c lat"r. NKW TO!AT. BEST STORE At Grand and Hawthorne Aves. FOR RENT Tlie stores. So. 3fl llswthorne svenus shout 2t40 feet, and No. 273 Grand svenii". about :0x55 feet, are for rent. They have full lilate glass fronts, rear windows and doors, high ceilings snd are nicely decor ated. They can be Joined together by an archway, making storeroom with entrance and show windows on both avenues, or will be rentsly separately. nicreet Transfer rotat en East Hide. Fight Ptreetrar Lines Pass the ltwrs. KAPIOLV UKVELOrlNO UlrVTKJCT. exceptionally good location for depart ment store, ladles' or men's clothier and h.ilpcrJaslier. confectioner and Ice cream par lor. Jeweler, baker, delicatessen or furniture siore. or almost any retail business. At tractive lease will be given to up-to-date, wide-awake tenant. Call on K I'. MALI, or K. A. BALDWIN. 300 Chamber of Commerce Hllg. CUMBERLAND (On the Kenton Carllne). Is on Alblna avenue, the most direct route between the Broad way and Vaucouver bridges, and will some dnv be business prop ertv. The lots are selling as low at 1776. Including Improvements. You owe It to yourself to Investi gate this offering at once. CTIAS. K. SHORT. 22S Lumber Kxchang Teamsters, expressmen, transfermen Residence, warehouse and stable, mod ern; also 7-room house and barn on Mississippi ave., delightfully situated. Big value for money 12700 and $3500. K. W. Latham Co.. lit Skldmore st. $50,000 TO LOAN ,?r.;ms,.;,in building or established city real es tate. Quick results on approved security. W. LAMAR, 41T t'orbett RldsT. MORTGAGE LOANS CC$r JOHN E. CRONAN, n& J fO tM)x Spalding Bldg. i J MORTGAGK LOANS. Farm and City Loans In Sums to Stilt. Farm Property to Be Near Portland. GEO. H. THOM AS. SM7 Onk Hwm a, Alsswerts Bldg. COLLIS. BKHHIDGK THOMPSON. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. 34 i erceatu Bleak, rasa llala aoar, ' moxd a y; 31 AY 6, 'lOis. OREGOXIA Beautiful Home S2IIO Cash. IJalance -'0 Per Month. Beautiful home, 6 rooms and sleep ing; porch, fireplace, bookcases, beau tiful buffet, Dutch kitchen, 3 large bedrooms and fine) bath, full basement, street Improvements paid. This home is brand new and double construction. One block to Hawthorne Ave. and In fine residence district. U'lll tnke auto up to $1200. Price $3600. Call 1405 Hawthorne Ave., corner BOth St., or 252 E. 4Nth st. Phone Tabor 66 or Tabor 30o2 evenlnus. Mortgage Loans $50,000 and Over on CKNTRAI. Bl'MNKSS IKOrERTY. LOWEST CIKRENT RATES. WM. MACMASTER lot Corbet t Bldg. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. BR C BAKER UKNEDICT. 602 McKay b'.dg. M. Mv. Beck. William !.. SUS-.1I Falling bldg. Chapln a Herlow. 3:i2 Chamber of Coromsrca Cook. B B- CO. SOS Corbett bldg. HOLMES MENEKEB. -'" KnilWay Ex change bldg. Phone Main BOOS. Jennlng. A Co Main is. iu Oregotilan PALMER-JONES CO- H. P. 404-40S-.0 Wilcox bldg. Ths Oregon Real Estate Co.. firand .. at Multnomah St. (HolladST Addlticn.) REAL KSTATB. lor bale -Lota. ."OtI 12 con N'KR with IS-foot alley, three blocks from carllne. IBi; JS down, balance $!75 per month. Two lots sdlmnlng can be used for garden, potatoes or chicken run. ace. MR. LEONARD, 82 Fourth Kt. FOR West Side property see I.e Nolr 4 Co. Exclusive dealers In West Side Realty. Suitable terms made with those Intending to build a home. 3&, 3T, Si Chamber of Commerce. J7& HUYS a lot ."lOxlliO with water piped In street, only 20 minutes from the heart of Portland, on terms of 10 per cent cash and $lo per month. See owner, 414 Spslding hltlg. J47.YOO. Ttuvs a well-located TrflxlOO-ft. lot. 4 blocks from car and 3 blocks from school; must hMve $175 tesh; balance easy terms. A E 4"i. Oreponluru APARTMENT SITES. Two choice lots on the parks: fraction al coiner on Seventh St. Vanduyn & Wal ton. MS Chamber Commerce. V BLOCK for sale, lls'xUH), most desirable plactt In city, apartment, close In, West hide; price reasonable. Call 334 Colless st. No agents. t ""PORTLAND HETtiflTS EXCLUSIVELY. ilEAUTIFI'T. HOMES AND HOMESITE.1. Marshnll 4R27. BUOOKE. A 8S.19. THKEf full-size lols on the east slope of Mount Tabor. oo-:ach. This Is a bar gain and must sell quick. Artdress owner, 11. F. D. 1. Bos litf, uswego. Or. SXAP TOxtoo. East 2."th, between Hancock and Tillamook. 2i.Ml; street assessment psrtly puld. 522 1st ave. 60., Seattle, W ash . . PIEDMONT. SACRIKU'E. Owner niust .icrlice quarter block; $400 below market price. F 41, Oregonlan. 110 DOWN. 1.1 monthly. a.-.x-'V). 30 minutes out. Ask. for Marsten or Hale. 202 Wilcox bldg. CHOICE VIEW LOT $15(10. Improved, restricted, near lty Park. Call evenings. A 2740. Marshall 4."w. FI LL lot on East 4stli, block south of Hawihorne ave. Call 2HS East 4Ulh st. Phone Tnbor 3IX. lA.n f'OK SALE IN LAL'RELHl R3T. Less than cost; need the money. Aa dresa Jolin Rothstrom 1 "7.1 Eitst Hoyt. liAHdAIN. I0: good Hawthorne district lot. AK 4.r. Oresonian. LACRELHl'K.ST Equity in four view lots. Phoue Main PC6. EAST Mt, Tabor lota $125 and up. $1 down and l a week. R. W. Woud. 287 Couch su S LOTS near Beaumont on iSd: loou; cash $J00. itis Abington Bldg. CORNER lot, Elmhurst. cheap; Su0. Write C. B. Hmlth. Harrison. Idaho. 1'nr sale Houses. THAT VACANT LOT. . WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO NC'OME PROPERTY? IP YOU OWN A 'LOT WE WILL FI'HNISH THE HONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR J'LATs. PLANS FREE IF W13 BUILD. OLR REPUTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO bKE US. I R. BAILEY CO.. INC.. CONTRACT INO ARCHITECTS. 324 ABINGTON BLD. ABOVE AD TO PE CHANCED AFTER RUNNING TWO YEARS DAILY. It was our purpusn to let you know we are here to stay snd that our business Is drswlng Plans, Mnanelng snd building at saving to our customers. They are sutla ned and we will ror you to them. If you expect to build apartment or anything In frame or brlek. It will pay you to Inves tigate our record snd see us. L. R. BAILEY CO., Inc., 32 Abington Bldg. MR. LOT OWNER! HERE IS YOU R CHANCE TO IM PROVE YOUR PROPERTY WITH A. HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILIj FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF IN TEREST; PLANS FURNIfcHKD FRb-c; IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME II AND TALK TJJIS OVER. J 8. ATKINS, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HENRY BLDO. LEAVING city, will sell my beautiful 1 room Irvlngion home, with Soxloo corner on paved street, cost 1IU..VH), for $i-"oo cash or $7Sixi time. 12."i(0 uown. balance to be arranged; no Incumbrance; all improve ments there and paid for; houses insured for $tf.u. Phone mornings. East 6-iai. $17.000 1HV1NUTON home that will suit a man looking for an elegant place; 10 large rooms, big attic, llnished; 2 baths. 4 toilets. 4 lavatories, 3 fireplaces, pa pered throughout, all wires enter house underground. lOuxluo. nice lawn, big porches and lots of conveniences thst go with a home built by owner to live in; might consider trsde for smaller house, or half rash. AF 87, Oregonisn. BEST-BUILT HOME. Leaving city, will sacrifice my Just-completed s-room double constructed strictly modern house; has all conveniences, elec tric cookers, etc.; make Jluoo by taking Hose City Park car today to Mth St., walk 1 blflwk north to Broadway: small payment down, balance like rent. S. Peterson, owner. r.H." E. 30th at. TERMS EASY. WILL PACRIKICE FINE HOME KOR QUICK SALE. S ROOMS. SLEEPING-PORCH, HARDWOOD FLOORS. CIX)SE IN. ON 2 CARLINE3. H A RD-SURFACE STREET. ASK FOR MR. E ASTON AT 1110 SPALDING BLDO. NO AGENTS BY OWNER SAVE COMMISSION. Portland Heights, one sis-room house, on nice ground, luuxsu Fern ave., $3O0O; little cash, balance on s per cent, like rent. Phone Marshall 17. MY EQUITY, modern bungaiow. one block from Hawthorne ave., near 32d, 6 rooms, largo attic, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitch en, concrete basement, concrete floor and wash trays; easy payments; bargain if sold at once. P65 E. Market. u OWNER Holladay Park Addition, strictly modern 6-room house, 1 block from car, downstairs hardwood floors, all conveniences, big lot, fruit trees. Call C 13GS. FIVE-ROOM hllletde- Cottage, on Portland Heights, close In, good vlsw; lot 90x100 ft 100 ft. from street; entered by rustic ' steps and walk; I40OO cash.. Address L 10, Oregonisn. I3S0O MODERN 6-room house. lot 50x100. faring east, large room, piped for fur nace. This la s snap. Phone Woodlawn B22H or call at 930 E. flth North. PRETTIEST bungalow In Rose City Park for sale cheap. I am leaving the city; must sell at once. Strictly modern. I will give terms. Phone Esst 3IW4. OWNER will sacrifice new, four large room modem house; close-in: value $2500, for HS50 cash. Answer soon. AO 4s, Ors gon I s n. ' CALL ME UP. Ask about my 6 beautiful,- artlsth: houses: all different; restricted district; first-class constructed; terms. Main 4144. rf)T Very choice location, -Central East Side; will build after your plana, on easy terms. AT 3S. Oregonlan. EIGHT-ROOM modern home In Irvlngion witlt or without furniture. Owner leaving city. Easy terms. Phone East 4S37. 1RVINGTON residence for sale Most desir able location, complete In all details; tsrms. For psrtlculars phone C M84. FOR FINE HOMES See Solahuat. 1" : . RFAL ESTATE. I REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. S-room house, modem. 2m feet to car. lot SOxlOO; excellent neighborhood. SoSj". fl-room bungalow, modern, with an hullt-ln conveniences, furnace; two blocks from car. near fine school; gas. electricity, street Improvements paid; excellent view, corner lo.'IOO. , . 4 rooms, In excellent suburb, restric tions: all built-in conveniences, large liv ing rooms, with panels, fixtures and tint ing. 2.".oo. , . Two beautiful 7-room homes in "Ign clasa district: oak floors: first floor fin ished In oak, second in white enamel; large plate-glass windows: hot-wster heat; cor ner lot 1110x100: lawn graded and seeded. Improvements all In; $0250; $.00 cash, balance very easy. rooms and sleeping-porch; full lot. everything modem; plastered basement; price reduced from r.0O to loWKi for & days only: M cash: easy terms; a blocks from Broadway car. 7- room home. In Beaumont, close t car: lot lOiixloO: lawn made: oak floors. S-lnch cement wall, sewer, every modern convenience; shsdes and tinting; $4iO, $300 casli. balance easy. Fine 8-room home; hardwood floors, first floor oak finish, second white enamel, steam heat; shades, tinting, electric fix tures; good garage; hard-surface streets, a snap. $M00; 1300 cash. . , 8- room home In Rose City Park, close to ear: strictly modern: lot (SnxlOO: street Improvements paid; $3900; MD cash, bal ance easy. . 5-room bungalow. thoroughly moaern, built-in effects, close to school, good view, street Improvements paid. 2 blocks to car. $3l.r0. I.'.no sacrifice. 7-room m-story new bouse, oak floors, double constructed, fire, place. Dutch kitchen, cost $330O to build. Lot cost IHSO. Must be sold at once. $37.W. $.VI0 cash. ,.. 6 rooms and sleeping-porch, east front, near Broadway car, full cement basement, lot 50x1 12 Vi. oak floors, modern con veniences. fSOOo; $70 cash. T rooms. lS-atory. thoroughly modern, lot 40x100: 3.V0. This Is a snap. 8 rooms and sleeping-porch, hardwood floors, cement basement, modern, lot -ox loo. This house is new and Is good value. $3750. $.-,0(1 cash. ,, 6 rooms snd sleeping-porch, near B"" mont car. hard-surfacee streets, modern conveniences, oak floors, cement base ment, lot ftOxloo. J3S..O; $no cssh. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, Sd Floor Selling Pldg. Main 1S; A 6261. 1300 DOWN. Brand-new 6-room bungalow, facing east on hnrd-surfaced street In highly restricted residence district; the bungalow Is IO1'"'' In the Hawthorns district, two b ocks from Hawthorne car and three blocks from Sunnyslile car. This gives you tne best car service on the East Side. . The living-room Is 14x14. with polisheu oak floors, fine pressed-brlck nreplsce, built-in bookcases on each side of nre place. Ihe dining-room Is 14xlrt, oaic fioora, with wide, massive buffet; veneereo paneled dining-room; heavy plate ran. The den Is 10x10. with folding doors lead ing to the living-room: this can be used for music-room, den or third bedroom. The tinting In this bungalow Is a mr of art and must be seen to be appreciated. Polished hardwood floors Jn living-room, dining-room and den. . The bedrooms have douhle windows, ana in the rear bedroom Is a beautiful built-in dresser and large closet. Heavy roll plumb ing ill bathroom. Complete Dutch kitchen, with every bullt-ln convenience. Concrete basement, with cement floor and laundry '"'am going to sell this beautiful home at tho sacritlce price of $3300. with the small payment of $30O down; balance can be paid monthly at rental payments, if vou want to verify the above statements, just call on owner. R. S. McFarland. at 1046 Hawthorne ave.. or phone Tabor ob-i, or auaress j ji v-stm.,.. In Irvlngton, the place of homes, new, artistically designed and well-built home of rooms, ball. sleeplnK-hatcony and finished attic; large, well-ilBhted rooms; closets with windows: hardwood floors throtishout; osk finish below; enameled fir above; thoroughly modern In every respect: near car; garage. For furtlior particulars see R. F. BRYAN, Chamber of Commerce. Main I'.irt3. A 1"T- WALNUT PARK. If you are looking for a bargain In a coxy, modern home. It will pay you to call and examine my property: 2-story with full cement basement, wash tras furnace and fruit closets. 3 bedrooms with large clothes closets and bullt-ln ward robes In each room, large kitchen and paes pantry, dining, living-room and den. 2 fireplaces. 2 toilets, beautiful lawn and garden. 15-ft. alley, restricted district and good car service Owner. 1135 Roy ave.. near Kllllngsworth. Woodlawn -71.. $.11. ".O. SMALL PAl'MKNT DOWN. BALANCE LIKE RENT. New doubly constructed -room bunga low, reception hall, fireplace, bookcases, paneled illnlng-room, bulTet. Dutch kitch en. 3 bedrooms, line bathroom, large base ment, cement floor, laundry trays, etc.: large lot. gas, electricity and all other conveniences; all street improvements paid: terms arranged to suit. Phone Ta- . Dor .io'.v. l-lt'ltJ.Vl M'M T., .-VJm". . w... . A line 7-mom house with furnace, fire place, doubly constructed. 3 bedrooms, sleepmg-poreh : nice guragc; tine corner looxloo; street improvements all paid, a tine home and a snap; on Holman St., Just cast of Union ave. Trice, a snap. I."ij"0. $i;oo cash and $2.". per month. GRUSSI & HOLDS, :11S Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak AM LEAVING city, 5-room modern house, full lot. fireplace, fine lawn, rose bushes, chleken-jard. entirely fenced, many at tractive conveniences too numerous to mention; one block and 4 t'om Firland station, on Mt. Scolt line. 30 minutes ride: price $2400, $450 cash, balance to suit purchaser. This Is worth Investi gating it you Intend buying. AJ 4S, Ore gonlan. . . . . ....,--1.. ,,.,.vt,,. PiiUVK.l!. SACRIFICE. LAURELHURST HOVE. $lt;00 equity In beautifully designed home. $S60; all modern conveniences; fin ished In white enamel and mahogany, haul wood floors, fireplace, furnace, built in features, electric fixtures, etc.; balance of $31173, on eaay terms. AO B0, Oregonlan. " WES T S IDE HOUSE $ 2 .-0 . Good 6-room house; gas, full cement basement: lot 42r120; some bearing fruit trees- chicken-house; Imr view; on 1st St.. near Bancroft ave. Price $3000. $'.j cash $2a per month. casn. ... I.IU.SH1 & p,0r.DSi 31 S Board ,f JVadePddg.4JndJ2i!i ONE BUNGALOW ONE ACRE. Owner must sell tj -story bungalow: oak floors, fireplace, full basement. 7-cent fare elertrlcltv. water, fine garden, rich acre nonresident owner must sell; moder ate payment, then easy terms; Ideal home. X 30. Oregonlan. WHY NOT Puv a new 8-room bungalow in Bose city Park, modern In every respect, In- tU,iJlng HOT WATER HEAT? $4000. terms. Phone owner. Tabor 2319. SWELL -room house, large attic, sleeping porch full basement, furnace, fireplace, beamed celling, paneled dining-room, Dutch kitchen, den, built-in buffet, bookcases, everything as complete as can be made and a bargain at the price. 361 E. 11th. E. S01S. ' NEW modern Bungalow, Schuyler St., near Rose City car; $3750. easy terms; hard wood floors, full basement, gas and eleo trio fixtures, bullt-ln buffet, large aula. Owner. fe3 Yeon bldg .Phone Main 11X OLR $7500 home for sale, the prettiest T2x 100-f t. spot on the morning slope of Port land Heights; Ideal apartment site, with ilty and mountain view. Owners. Ji 13th. comer Jackson. , ' IM DOWN, $15 MONTHLY. Price $liou, now 4-roora plastered cot tage lot 51"4xloo, Montavilla: monthly payment ' includes interest. This surely beats paying rent. Fred W. German, 32 Burnslde. M. or A. 2770. BY owner, strictly modern house. Just completed- i0 feet from Rose City car, on E. ooth; reception hall, living-room, dining room and Dutch kitchen downstairs, hard- wood floors;- 8 bedrooms, bath sleeping porch upstairs: terms. Sellwood 911. FOR SALE Nlce home, 4- rooms, reception hall, toilet, bath, pantry. Improvements in. - nico lawn,- good neighborhood: reasonable '"payment dovun, balance $20 month, includ ing interest. 6 per cent, near Montavilla rat-lire. Owner.- S3 East 72d. FINE PIEDMONT HOME. 7-room modem .house, with 60x100 lot; for $i500,' worth $6500;-house oost $47u0; also a line corner. 100x113. at a bargain. Owner.' Phone Woodlawn 81.17. ilODERN tt-room homtj, completely fur nished; must go at a bargain; terms: by ' owner. 3c3 E. 44th st., 2d house from Har rison St. Hawthorne car. BUILD AN ARTISTIC HOME BOOK FREE PLAN'S AND SPECIFICATIONS $5 - AND $10. Portland Bldg. Ass n.. 322 Mohawk Bldg. $2SH FOR modern 5-room bungalow; lot 5xlOO; fine location; small payment down and monthly payment like rent. Phone Woodlawn 3229 or C 2429. GOOD 6-room modern house, full lot, street Improvement paid, E. 12th, bet. ' Tillamook and Thompson; reasonable; terms. X 44. Oregonlan. - GOOD house on lot 50x300, small payment down and $15 a month. Call me up for full particulars. Phone Tabor 745. EASY TERMS. New and 6-room bungalow, modern and up to date, phone Tabor 2962. i. E. HALL, 808 Abington bldg.. sells us bungalows, rental payments. For Sale BEST chance for a home; finest 6-room bungalow, excellent neighborhood, best car service; owner must sell at once. Living room. 7 windows, fireplace, built-in book cases; den: veneer-paneled dining-room, rlaterall. handsome buffet, har!w?1 floors; full Dutch kitchen: also lhfa ......' . 1 anri eleetric ironing switch, white enamel bedrooms with c'os- 1 ets and built-in dresser; linen ciosei. " bath with best of plumbing; full, 1'RhJ attic and stairs; full cement basement ana laundry trays; large front and rear porches; painting and tinting the best, doubly constructed throughout: close to 37th and Hawthorne ave. Price $.il.'l), .-.M cash, balance small monthly pay ments. This Is no fake sale. If you haven't ."n don't answer this ad. Phone owner. E 2340. 100x100 WITH modern T-room house on Hancock st.. near Broadway car, full basement with furnace and woodlift: first floor has 3 large rooms and recep tion hall, dining-room has fireplace and built-in buffet:- 2d floor has 4 bedrooms each with large closet, also up-to-date bathroom, attic la full-slxed and roomy: This house cost $360O and the 2 lots are worth nearly $40011: price. Including hard surface street, only $4000; terms $.00 cash, balance $3.'. a month. Including In terest. Call Sunday, 7."4 Schuyler St. STAVER. 614 Couch Bldg. BUNGALOW, modern and up to date, close in. on sightly lot fronting Improved street. There are r rooms on first floor, a large attic with plenty of light and space for 2 more large rooms: attic Is floored. There Is a big sleeping-porch fully fin ished and ready for use. Kitchen Is Dutch stvle. The house Is well built, I am offering It at a bargain figure. No agent need apply. Will deal only with purchaser direct. See owner, 414 Spald ing Dins. For Sale Acreage BEFORE BUYING Ton get the new magazine, "Oregon Opinions.-' free, and seo what newcomers on our project tell you. Maybe it will s:ive vou from moving about from place to place, hunting for the right location. These newcomers are all tickled' with their purchases. But we won't ask you to buy. We simply wish to have you read our illustrated magaxlne and learn something to your advantage. Come In and help yourself. Ground floor. In the rotunda of tho Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Slark St., from 3d to 4th. WILLAMETTE VALLEY IRRIGATED LAND CO. ACREAGE , Beautiful land, very fertile, no rock gravel or cold white land, only 30 minutes' car ride. In valley just west of city. Fourth-street electric passes across center of plat. Com muters' fares 13 cents, buy hero and enjoy tho advantages of a su burban home, values advance with each vear'a growth of the city. Any sised 'tract you may desire at S2."0 to JttiOO per acre on monthly pay ments, proper discount for cash. Of fice open until 9 P. M. THR SHAW-FEAR CO.. Main 33. 102 Fourth St. A35O0 FOR SALE Valuable 2100-nrro tract 4 mi. North of Wallowa, over good wagon road; Ry survey runs through end of this tract; flue body saw timber, near good stock range- best of climate, short feeding sea son considerable Improvements; soil and water the best; bearing orchard, all grains, Including corn, grow to perfection; pres ent values bound to double; rural phone and dlst. school near center of the tract. If you mean business, write the owner. Box K. Troy. Wallowa Co.. Or. 5-ACRE tracts. miles west of Whitwood Court which Is B-cent fare on United Railways, fine ma cadam road all the way, only $1.S per acre for a few days, installment plan. Office open until 9 P. M. THE SHAW-FEAR CO.. Main 33. 102 Fourth St. A3500 A BEAUTIFUL VIEW TRACT An acre tract on fast carllne and very close to business district: a grove of trees on this tract, water, sidewalks and all Im provements In and paid for; soil rich, black and fertile: a family can put up cheap temporary home for a few dollars and move In at once. Can make. $uOO per year besides saving relit; $LuOv. easy term's. AK 47, Oregonlan. 00 lJ I'1'- Choicest red shot soil In Washington County. 40 miles from Portland on the new P R. N. Ry., partly timbered, easl'v cleared, good roads, school In quar. t " "of a mile, new railroad town la tw m$200 cash, balance your own tens FIRLANDS TRUST COMPANY, am . pure 900 bpaiains pmm- CHICKEN AND rRUIT RANCH nsaf C PoCrtlfnd: a NEW SUBDIVISION. Lowest prices; best soil; line view; wood. and roads; 6 acres. $400 per .tract; 10-A, 8500 30 A.. $800: 40 A.. $1200; 80 a-.2006- 160 A.. $3000; liberal terms FRANK. M' FAR LAND REALTY CO, 809 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Or. CHOICE ACRE HOME. Rich sandy loam, graded Btreets, side walks water In and paid, some small fir, six miles from Postoffloe by streetcar, in line with city's greatest growth; $ l'o cash will handle. Price $1300. AJ 3i, Orego nlan. AC R ES $1 500. Part In cultivation and balance almost ready for the plow. Good soil, no rocks nor gravel; well drained: on county road. -mile from town; $1.".0 cash, $25 monthly. Owner, 5l4 Spalding bldg. 20-ACRE SNAP. 5 acres In commercial orchard 1-year-old- 10 acres cleared: mile from town, soring stream, wood, creamery route. R. K D phone. Price $l.s.-0. Easy pay men is Owner. 50-1 Spalding bldg. 10 ACREs 1 miles east of Portland: house, barn fruit trees, small fruits, good els tern ' all fenced; adjoining properties sell ll'OO to $l.rK)0 per acre in rough; my price $1000 acre, cash and terms. 635 Hol tnan at., Woodlawn. tor SALE One mllo of Lebanon. 20 to 30 acres good house, barn, wuter system, gasoline engine. 8 aires orchard, good land Take suitable Portland property as part' payment; Investigate. AV 209. Ore gonlan , " FOR SALE. TERMS EASY. Fine acreat-e east of Portland; must have $12"0 cash. 110 Incumbrance; would plat In one or two-acre tructs. AK 40, IrcKonlan. MlTfc-T BE SOLD; TERMS EASY, lot- acres. 7 miles from Vancouver. W:ash- 1 Vi miles from electric railroad; line fruit form: will accept any reason able offer. AJ SC., Oregonian. HOMESTEAD and desert clulms; you can be located In Central Oregon on a beauti ful place where the bunchgrass grows, bv calling on Tbos. M. Rogers. 901 Cham ber of Commerce, "ooo ACRES of Eastern Washington wheat " land all under cultivation, for sale or trade for clear Portland property at $35 per acre Address AV 2.18, Oregonlan. i FINE 1NVKSTM ENTS SNAPS. Several good acreage buys cheap- all size tracts and very desirable terms. Van duyn V wait"". .i.. BARGAIN, 5-aere prune orchard In full bearing. 6 miles east of Vancouver in East Mill Plain. S. It. Cooke, lockbox 5, L,IIllcivu, 1 2 and 3-acre tracts, close to Portland, 1 to ' 8 blocks from electric carllne. $200 to $4oo per acre, easy terms. J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co.. 307 Railway Exchange. 17 ACRES. 16 cleared, running water, t blocks from car ststlon and 8 miles from Courthouse; only $300 per acre; terms; owner, James Wilson. Boring, Or., route 1. HO DOWN. $5 monthly, 95x2,V, 30 minutes out. Ask for Marsten or Hale, 202 Wilcox bldg. : $8O0 EQUITY for J00O. good sere, graded streets and water. Amons Acres; no agents. Marshall J.11-1. 160 ACRES, Tillamook County, good soil, no rock; well watered: $i acre. H. JJ. Swank, 308 Abington bldg. 5 ACRES and acres, on Vancouver elec tric car; good improvements: reasonable. J. E. Hall. 30S' Abington bldg. PK61RABL& families located free on best land In Central Oregon. Write Hamplos Valley Development Assn., Hampton. Or. ACREAGE - and ferme. large- and szaall tracts. Call Kinney & Stampfar, 681-U Lumber Exchange bldg. Homesteads. HOMESTEADS. If you are looking for a homestead, call here. Have relinquishments on several adjoining claims In Tillamook Co.. also some timber claims, full 160 acres, In each one, good water and near to towns and railroad. 804 Spalding bldg. AM going out on my homestead In a few days; have 4 160-acre claims; running wa ter and plenty of timber; best In Ore gon; Via miles from Portland; fees $50 If yon looate. Write T. W. McGinnls. 176 Caruthers. HOMESTEADS with timber, water, good - soil, two with furnished honse and Im provements, cultivated farms, $8 per acre: can see In one day. Covey, 267 Oak, Room 21. 5 ACRES. 10 minutes' walk from Courtnoy atatlon on the Oregon City line: all under cultivation; can be platted; $7000. AM 36 uregoniaa. -Fruit Lands. COMMERCIAL ORCHARD AT BARGAIN. 39 acres. 6 miles from Lyle, Wash., la acres in 16-vear-ohl apple trees, majority yellow Newtown and Spltzenberg; also currants, gooseberries and grapes: house 20x30, barn 20xoO. root house and chick en house. 30 acres fenced vr?r chicken fence; some timber; can all be cultivated; no rock, red shot soil, 2 wells, bearing orchards sourrounding selling at $400 to , $T00 per acre; for quick sale, $4500; terms S3O00 cash, balance time. This Is less than half what It Is worth. Address Box 81, Lyle, Wash. . SUNNY Southern British Columbia Irri gated fruit lands just like Hood River. Yakima and Wenatchee 15 years ago; 1000 acres growing trees. 40 rerfect 10-acro orchards, perpetual ownership of irrigated system included: $175 to $230 per acre: easv terms. This Is $10O less than local market price. Wo want apple growers. Full particulars free by return mail. AR DELL & KIRCHNER. Metropolitan bldg.. Vancouver. B. C. 61) ACRES fruit land, 800 2 and 3-year-old apple trees. 2 acres in potatoes, close to slate's experimental orchard at Estacada. Price $50 per acre, on good terms. For full particulars write to E. T. Davis, own er. Estacada, Or., R. D. .For Sa!e Farms. A GENUINE FARM SACRIFICE. S00 ACRES, 610 IN CROP. 100 aeres more good plow land, balane. fine pasture, with plenty, of good spring water; all the following Included at the price: 6-rooni houe, barn and outbidd ing, one 3S-lnch wagon, one Superior drill. 1 double disc. 2 4-horse harrows, 2 pang plows. 1 fan mill. 1 McCormlck header, one-half Interest in threshing machine. 5 sets double harness. 6 hives of bees, loo chii-kens. 2 cows. 0 head of horses. 1 1 hogs. It; geese and all small tools go with the place at $2.1 per acre. This FARM is well fenced and only 4U miles from towr. ulie county seati and railroad. To a responsible party I will make terms of $10,000 eash. balance on or before two ears. Addres, owner. 365 Empire bids . Seattle, Wash. 1600 ACRES 1600. 620 ACRES IN CROP. !tn0 ACRES IN CULTIVATION. 1550 arres. all A-l plow land, entire, ranch well fenced, good bam for 24 head of stock, fair house. 5 rooms; two wind mills with reservoirs, lots of outside stock rango, plenty of tools and farm Imple ments to work this pla.-e with. I am sac rificing this fine 1 FA KM at $20 per acre, the price Includes the crop, all the tools and Implements. This ranch Is located In Morrow County. Or. where the stock run on open range all Winter. It Is 9 miles from town and railroad, has school on the place. Remember the price is ONLY $JO per acre, terms $l2.0oi cash, balance easv. Address owner, 305 Empire bldg., Seattle, Wash. BIG SUB-DIVISION TRACT IN EUGENE DISTRICT TO TRADE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. Clos to new line of S. P. R. R. to Coos Bav and only a few miles west from Eugene, s-e have 91.1 acres of tho richest land In the Slate of Oregon, 42.. acres open laud with 225 acres in crop, balance in timber and fine wood; numer ous springs; good drainage: brand-new buildings costing about $.'.IXK. A very sightly and tine tract of land for small farm sub-division. practically 110 waste land. The owner has Eastern Interests, and must sell. Price $iio an acre. Will ' take Improved Portland property to ex tent of one-half, and balance up to s years at 0 per cent. Full particulars on request. FOR OTHER FARM BARGAINS write EUGENE & GREAT WESTERN LAND CO., CommerclalJuJI)JtldgJ:,Eugene. Or. FINE farm for sale, walking distance from Oregon Electric station, near Salem. 20 acres under cultivation, 6-room house and barn, two acres bearing orchard, spring and creek water, half acre In small fruits. Ferry earnings for owner. With this farm goes privilege of ferry across Wil lamette River. Ferry earnings now av erage between $40 and $.10 per month. Ferry and equipment included In sale of farm. For Information write "manager," 23.1 Stark St.. Portland. Or., or call Main 5076 or A 3774. 110 ACRES, rich black soil, well drained and all under cultivation, situated 1 H miles from Harrlsburg, on two county roads and suitable for subdividing; good house and barn: good fences, part wire-woven; two wells with good water. 1 acre young or chard. 3-year-old trees; one mile from graded high school. Hi miles from S. P. Ry. and O. E. Ry on rural free delivery and phone line. Inquire 233 Stark St., Portland. Oregon. Main 5076. A 3774. 206-ACRE FARM FOR SALE. Near Long Beach, Pacific Co.. Wash., with stock, implements and growing crop. This farm cannot be beat. Good reasons for selling: buy direct from owner. Ad dress Walllcut Farm, llwaco. Wash. POTATO FARM. Ten acres in Marlon Co., within mile of the town limits of Woodburn. This still lp a deep, rich black loam, and Just enough fall to drain nicely. The entire piece-is plowed and harrowed and fenced with a bog-tight fenee. If you want a bargain, look this up. as It only takes jr.OU cash to handle. S4 Spalding bldg. HOOD RIVER DISTRICT. 40 aeres. fruit farm. 20 acres set to commercial fruit, mostly apples. 4 yesrs old peach filler that will bear this year, house barn, team horses and everything neee-isarv to work place: rock-bottom price easv terms. This orchard is In first class' condition. GJM. 0r.JLc'n.lan- FOR SALE Farm and prune orchard. 134 arres 7(1 in cultivation. 30 acres pasture. 1" aeres In Italian prunes, average yie d 10 tons dried prunes: net profit $123 pr ton: 40 miles to Portland. 4 miles to S. P. R R station and 2 miles to new R. R.; $2000 will handle this, balance long time, x" 27, Oregonlan. 100 ACRES. Nine miles south of Salem, on Oregon Electric extension: good house and barn: well' fenced: house plumbed: rich river bottom and hill land. Write E. E. Groves. Independence, Or. lITvE some, very choice farms, close to Portland at prices that will appeal to you. also some small Improved farms toi ex change for city residence property. It will ' ray you to see me before you buy. W. W. Green, 713 Chamber of Commerce bldg. VOK SME 09 acres, 27 acres cultivated, good "house and barn; $110 per acre; 14 miles south of Portland, m miles from Malloy st., on O. E. R. Inquire at Gi3 Jefferson st. 1000 ACRES for $3000 cash. rich, level valley land S milos E. Kinu Bay. Sonora, ilex-leo- 'perfect title. A. M. Highhouse, 934 Chamber Commerce bldg. BARGAIN in deeded farms, and cholco Covernment land, locations In Harney County. Write to W. E. Sullivan, Burns. Oregon. BEST garden land In state In tracts from one acre up; get yourself a home in th country and pay for It like rent. Fhona Tabor 74.1. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings. 1$ miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash, by owner. 182 Monlsoa st. 170-ACRE dairy fnrm. Willamette Valley. mile Oregon Electric. JS7.50 acre. J. C McClure. I'.USi Abington bids. FOR SALE Chicken ranch. 4 miles from city good 6-room house, plenty of berries and' fruit: easy terms. Phono Tabor 74.1. 131 ACRES excellent farm, Willamette Val ley, 2 miles good town, $S5 acre. J. C. MeClure. 308 Abington bldg. TO EXCHANGE. 'ILL exchange furniture, five bedrooms and kitchen, for equity In lot or for good auto; quality of furniture first-class. AK 4, oregonlan. TO t-vraivr.l.' f.-.00 ennllv In S4.-.00 modern bungalow for smaller cottage and some casn. .uwner, w uoaiawn jiji. ONE 10-inch Huston sticker, boiler and engine, shafting, sawtable and saws, pul levs, belting, etc. 326 Worcester bldg. WANTED To exchange a stock of watches and Jewelry for farm lands or equity la farm lands. O 840. Oregonlan. $1000 EQUITY in 5 acres near Slfton, 10 minutes from carliue; part beaverdam. AN . .4ii. Oregonian. WILL trade 140 acres In Harney County for an East Side lot: value of acreage $120O. AF 3S, Oregonian. . IF you have furniture, lots or acreage te trads en a 6-room bungaiow, call u Mala K441, if 06.2 1