Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 03, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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White Serge Suits MakeTheir Appearance
Removal Price, Friday, $18.73
If we were asked to select a suit, offering the greatest Removal
Sale opportunity, we could make no better selection than these
white serge suits.
In the first place, we have selected suits that are in greatest de
mand now; second, they are fashioned, tailored and finished in the
very best possible manner. The style is identical with the most
elaborate suits, j
Women who bay in this sale have the satisfac
tion of knowing that they are buying white serge
suits that in any other store would cost from $7.50
to $12.50 more.
The coats are made with the new long shawl lapels, piped with
a white silk edge, land button with two large white pearl buttons.
The coats are lined throughout with white Peau de Cygne and
fitted with satin dress shields.
The skirts are made in the latest midsummer fashions.
All Dress Goods Remnants
Since the beginning of our Spring and Summer Removal Sale
we have sold thousands of yards of dress goods of all kinds. And
from this unusually large selling we have accumulated hundreds
upon hundreds of remnants in lengths from 1 Yl 4 yards.
Serges in all colors and weights panama cloth, poplins in
many shades broadcloths imported and domestic mixed
All will be on sale Friday at HALF PRICE,
All Silk Remnants
In our silk department you will find equally as many remnants
as are offered in the dress goods section. These silks are all new.
fresh. Spring materials. In lengths that are suitable for making
whole dresses, waists, lining purposes, can be used as trimmings
for hats and pipings on gowns in fact, a silk remnant can be
converted into most any kind of a practical idea.
Lengths from one to five yards. Friday, HALF PRICE.
Remnants of
Laces and Embroidery
At Half Price
Remnants of lace and em
broidery comprised of all the
short lengths left from month to
month are included in this sale.
They are allovers. flounces,
edgings and insertions, and light
and heavy weight in wash laces
and embroideries for all kinds
of trimming purposes at half
Remnants of Veilings
Regular Prices to 35c
Removal 10c
Remnants of fancy mesh
veilings in plain and dotted ef
fects, in black, magpie and
colors, selling regularly at 35c
per yard, now in lj,4 lengths
for 10c
Odds and Ends of
$2 Bordered Chiffons
Removal 95c
Ends of pieces sufficient to
make a dress. They are fine
chiffon cloth with colored bor
ders. Very desirable. Selling
regularly for $2.00 per yard,
now 95c
Fancy Scarfs, Squares
Half Price
$2.50 Scarfs $1.25
These scarfs and squares are
made with linen cluny lace and
filet centers. ' The scarfs are 1 8
by 54 inches, the squares 30 by
30 inches.
$1.25 Jap. Scarfs 63c
Japanese linen scarfs, elab
orately embroidered ends and
fancy drawn work centers. Size
18 by 54 inches.
Battenberg Scarfs 89c
Scarfs and centerpieces made
of deep Battenberg lace with
linen centers. The scarfs, which
are IS by DU inches, come in
three-piece, centered with elab
orate lace insertion between.
The centerpieces come in
round and square effects. Size
30 by 30 inches.
$2.00 Lunch Cloths
Removal $1.25
Lunch cloths made of fine
Irish linen damask with a hem
stitched hem about 1 4 inches
wide. Made with the best
spoke stitch.
500 Children's New Coats for Girls from 6 to 14 Years
In a Conspicuous Display of Immense Variety
No Two Alike, Show Room Coats Selling Regularly to $12.50
A Sensational, Remarkable Opportunity. Removal $4.48
Whipcords, Serge, Diagonal, Covert Cloth, Taffeta, Cheviot and Mixture Coats
We feel most confident that when this sale is over and you take the coats home and examine them quality, style, materials and work
manship, you will agree with us that we have taken vigilant care in selecting only the prettiest and most girlish coats cut on the most attrac
tive youthful lines.
These are the things which assure you satisfactory service in girls'
coats of the highest type. And that is what every coat in this great sale is.
These coats are made of white, navy, tan and brown serges, fancy mixtures in a great variety of combinations, tan covert cloth, black
taffeta and double faced cheviots, in regulation box style, notched tailored collars, fancy collars, large revers trimmines of silk, broad
cloth, fancy braids and buttons also many strictly tailor-made.
Odds and ends from our regular
stock of ribbons. All ribbons of the
finest qualities.
Wash ribbons, hair bow ribbons,
shaded ribbons of fancy warp, fringed
ribbons in fact, everything in the rib
bon line from narrow ribbons of less
than half an inch wide to ribbons as
wide as eight inches.
All colors and lengths from one-half
to three yards.
Friday at Half Price.
Odds and Ends of
Kid Gloves, Removal 48c
Regular $1.50 to $2.25
. Women's two and three-clasp
dress kid gloves with Paris point
stitching and one row of embroid
ery stitching on back. Come in
brown, navy, green, red, pearl
gray and black.
Odds and Ends of
$1.25 Chamois Gloves
Removal 48c
One tailor button chamois
gloves in natural shade only
the kind that wash.
Odds and Ends of
Stylish Bags
Regular Price $2.00
Removal 98c
Real goat-seal bag. with gun
metal, gold or silver-plated frames
long cord handle poplin lin
ing, with inside compartment.
Removal Children's
$1.75 Sweaters at $1.23
Fine, warm sweaters in a variety of
styls, suitable for ages from 4 to 1 6
years. In plain or fancy stitches.
$2.25 Sweaters at $1.45
All-wool sweaters in cardinal, gray
or white. Made with "V" neck in the
coat style. With shawl collar and two
large pockets.
Sweaters Removal $2.95
Heavy pure wool sweaters in a
fancy stitch. Made in coat style
with shawl collar and two pockets.
Fastens with pearl buttons. Car
dinal or white.
No Man Who Wears Low Shoes
Can Afford to Miss This Sale
You Cannot Wear Shoes Without Sox
And You Cannot Buy Sox Like These
For Less Than 35c to 50c in a Specialty Shop
Removal 15c Pair
Incomplete assortments and small quantities form the basis of this re
markable reduction. A big store like this with a removal sale in progress
cannot be hampered with a lot of small assortments and odds and ends
in men's half hose, no matter how fine the quality) is nor how desirable
the) are. -. '
In this sale we offer lisle, silk lisle and cashmere sox plain and clocked.
In ever) size.
The regular prices are 50c, 35c and 25c.
The) come in black and in an assortment of the most desirable Spring
colors. And you fcnon that indications point to the return and popularity
of colored sox.
1000 Children's Milan Hats
Regular Prices from $1.75 to $3.50
Friday Removal 98c
Exactly as Illustrated and 10 Additional Styles
We are convinced that your inspection of these
hats will result in the verdict that this is unquestion
ably the most remarkable offering of fine millinery
in children's headwear ever offered in Portland.
The styles are undoubtedly the prettiest ever created
and the braids such as you have never before purchased
less than $1.75 to $3.50 a piece.
Trimmed with velvet bows, shirred ribbons, pretty
rosettes, silk cord, tassels and fringes.
Women's Hosiery
At Removal Prices
35c Stockings 22c
Silk lisle stockings in tan or white.
In light or medium weights. All have
deep double garter welts.
50c Stockings 33c
Stockings of fast black or tan lisle;
also of fast black cotton with un
bleached soles.
65c Stockings 39c
Thread silk stockings in black with
silk lisle garter tops. Silk lisle stock
ings made in Germany with double
lavender tops.
$1.00 Stockings 50c
Silk lisle or lisle thread stockings
in fast black and pretty patterns of
allover work or openwork ankles.
More Sensational Than Last Week's Hat Sale
We Cannot Wait Another Day for Sunshine
2000 New Tagal Hemp Hats at $4.00,
$5.00 and $6.00
Removal, Friday, $2.00
Hats purchased especially for the opening of midsummer millinery. Not one of these hats has
been placed on sale. On Friday we show them for the first time.
There is a distinct difference in these shapes from those shown earlier in the season. i
Each shape is distinctive. Copies of French hats that have established the lines upon which
all midsummer millinery will be modeled.
The illustration gives you a very good idea of the graceful and attractive lines that fashion has
In presenting this sale of untrimmed hats we direct especial attention to the quality of the
hemp and chip of which these hats are made.
They are not to be confused with the ordinary run of untrimmed hats.
About one-half of the entire assortment are of the finest quality hemps
1 in black, white and burnt. Some with velvet facings, and every one of
them selling regularly at $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00.
Also hundreds of white and black extra fine quality chips, and many milans with velvet
flanges. The temoval price is much less than the manufacturer s cost.
A Small Lot of
Wool and Fiber Rugs
Regular Price $12.50
Removal $8.33
In looking over our rug stock
we find that we have just a few
left. They are 9x12, firmly
woven and reversible. Come in
neat, small patterns in tan,
brown, green, blue and gray
especially suitable for bedrooms.
This is an excellent opportunity
for supplying housekeeping
needs in this line.
Picture Framing by Experts
Half Regular Prices
Odds and Ends in
Odds and Ends in
48-Inch Embroidered Flouncings
Regular $2.50, Removal $1.48
You may look where you will for handsomer embroideries than we
are offering Friday but you will never be able to duplicate such
beautiful patterns as these at the price.
This season embroideries are enjoying great popularity for lingerie
dresses,, waists and overskirts.
These embroideries are 48 inches in width, which can be used for
full length skirts or as overskirts. They are of the finest batiste in
many patterns. Plauen lace combined with sprays of embroidery.
Some of the lace has straight edges, others with scallops others grad
uated size bands and many with deep bands combined with the