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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1912)
THE MOKTIJfG OKEGONIAN. FRIDAY, 3IAT 3, 1913. Greatest Sale of Children's and Misses' Coats We Ever Held Begins at 8 o'CIock Saturday Morning! Entire Sur- & plus of Vassar Manufacturing Co., New York Over 1000 Coats Bought to Sell at About Half the Regular Price THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 1857. WEATHER REPORT SHOWERS TODAY. THE MEIER & FRANK CO., 5th, 6th, Morrison and Alder Sts. A Double Event 1 1 61st Friday Surprise, 55th Anniversary Sale Vote Your Duplicate Sales-Checks in the $4000 Scholarship Contest! 23 MAX V of the most extraordinary purchases maic for our great 55th Anniversary Sale have been arriving' since Mondav. And we've reserved the best for Friday's Surprise offerings that'll bring even bigger crowds than have thronged the store all this week! Save every one the feature of our both Anniversary Sale. In all 1- scholarships and local colleges. On the right we print the standing of contestants up to 5 P. M. Thursday. riwniin mail llll uu V'llv u nit nn; cin nun of vour duplicate sales checks pnd vote them in the great $4000 Scholarship Contest ;r 5.3th Anniversarv Sale. In all 12 Scholarships will be awarded in the best Eastern Joe H alloc k. 30 North Twentieth... .4,300 Fred Freth, 30 Second dtreet IMJCWI Raymond Fryer. 716 East Bush B4.5;:5 Harry Parsons, R034 fi3d ve M.OLT. I.. T. O'Brien, I'niv. of Orrsron 27ioo Moroyn Phlan, Columbia Lrnlv 2ff,425 Hlen Clark. Grants Pass O.A.C.)....34,oaa Edith Horers. 64 White avenue. . . ,1W Charles Bleegr. Fulton, Or. 14,OT. William Evans, 731 Kern arc lSr435 William Turrk. Lincoln Hitch S... .12.42. Alfred Grandstrom. Allen Prep .S ll.O-iS Maud fxisfv. 40 Kasf Sumner miss Paul Adams, Washtj.grton Hlsh S...10.P7n Oscar MePherBon, ishinKtnn HlKh..10.7Ro Oeorsria PloKtra, 9 Ford st 10,3211 Klsie Rhinehart K.TOO Cora Haley. St. Mary's Academy.... S.3SO Harry Fog-arty, 24th and Irvlnft J.-o Kvelyn Penal, Allen Prep. School... r2. Forest Wilson. Holladay School r..4o Fred Leslie, Washington High 3-." Krnest Peterson. S56 East 39th 3,075 Kdna Metcalf. 531 Kast Com-li i,.. Fred J. Barber, WashlnKton High... 2.:t."0 Evb T,. Gentry, 5432 3th avfl 8. Florlan M. Mnnelater :.'.' fnpvive Courtney, Pacific T'niv.. 2.7n Sara B. Brachear. 1 : Kast K'tii st... 1,t7." Addle Claviss. Wasliinston 1 1 itjli . . . . 17i Malcolm McLean. St. fjwrence Acad, ix.'rft Marv C. Davies. Washington High.. l.7r.o n. Keller, 173 Sixth streot tl-T. Nettle Drew, 537 East 36th 1.230 FOR 1161st SURPRISE AND 55th ANNIVERSARY. 200 Doz. Women's to $ 1 Hand-E'b. Kerchiefs, 3 9c ONE of the most interest ing of Anniversary offerings today dainty Hand kerchiefs of fine quality linen with hand-embroidered initials and corners. Narrow boms eare- ully hemstitched. Plain white anxl dainty colored novelty styles. Fully 200 dozen Kerchiefs in this splendid lot of actual uOc, 7oc and 1 grades, tor the Surprise today, 3 for $1.10. . Each at only Lovely Ribbons at 27c I Women's 15c Vests, 9c 39c lust the of ferine you've been wanting beautiful all-silk Taffe ta, Ombre and heavy (Jrosgrain or French Faille Ribbons. Every new and novel -linde. also in the popu lar black and white. Handsome for millinery purposes. ." and 6 inches wide. F.xi ra spei-ial for O "T today only at this low price"" A special purchase of riOO dozen lijrht Summer weiprht Vests for the Friday Surprise today at 9c each. Of fine ribbed cotton, in low-neck, sleeveless style, with plain yokes. Iejular and extra sizes. You pay loc each, or 2o for two of them regularly. We offer them Q in the Sale today for only C Flrat floor. Mala Balldlaar. FOE 1161st SURPRISE AND 55th ANNIVERSARY. $1.50 Lingerie Waists in 12 Styles, 9 2c c-r.l.l l-.nnsli.,, r 1, ns&L !KvTtv prettv Lingerie Waists, the 'ast Friday they were on Bale. A new shipment of 1200 here for the 1161st Sur- fill prise. Twelve different styles, made of sheer mulls and lawns, trimmed in dainty cot ton filet, Val and imitation crochet laces. Also allover embroidered, llijrh and Dutch necks, lontr and short sleeves. Kvery one a splendid $1.50 "Waist, for the 1161st j JLt Friday Surprise Sale we offer them W oad Floor Mala RalldlBcMalt Order Killed. M. & F.'S 1161ST SURPRISE AND 55TH ANNIVERSARY The Season's Best Sale of New Tailored Suits! A New York Purchase Just In By Express Smart New $25, $30, $35 and $40 Suits in 30 Different Styles THE most phenomenal purchase and sale of Tailored Suits of the season. Every one of the 350 garments in the lot a smart, new, this season's model and every late fashion feature is shown. Think of it over 30 different styles and in every size for misses and women. You'll find Suits of White Jaunty New NorfolK Suits Plain Tailored Suits Cutaway JacKets Fancy Collars and Revers Empire Coats Handsomest of materials new Bedford cords, whipcords, twilled serges, tweeds, worsteds, smart stripes, checks and plain weaves. hvcry ccilor white, light blue, tan, leather, gray, Copenhagen, champagne, black and white. Note the illustration 6 of the models were sketched from the garments. Don't wait until after noon to make your selection come in the morning if you can; positive $23 to $40 Suits, for the Surprise today at $16.45. second Floor, mi R.iidi. FOR 1161st SURPRISE AND 55th ANNIVERSARY. Women's $6 to $10.50 Hats for Friday at $4.45 THUS .rv ot choosing trom our regular $6.50 to $10.50 Hats at $4.45 ! Both women's and misses' styles included in the lot. Smart Hats of Milans, chips and hemps. Pretty trimmings of flowers, ribbon, velvet, fancy feathers and tailored fabric quills. Jaunty models for street and dressy wear. Modish $6.50 to $10.50 Hats for the Surprise today at only aiuio sou nais 4 And what a saving this Vi off o& aU Hats M ranging in price trom frill to ifdU. includes (j stunning: creations of such makes as Ivurzman. Hyland," Gajre, Fiske and Bur- Off $2.50 to $6 Hats at $ 1 V It's a ridiculously low price, isn't itf and yet there's not an old style Hat in the entire group! Fully 200 models grouped for today's selling. Tailored and trimmed styles in black, white and colors. Trim mings of flowers, bows of ribbon, silk and maline. Not a hat in t' the lot worth less than $2.50. Many of them as high as $0. Today P $4.45 New Lot $2.50 to $4.00 Mesh Bags, Surprise $1.89 W HEX you see the attractive new stvles and snlendid nual- ity of these German Silver Mesh Begs for Fri day, you'll say it's the best sale of them we have had in a long time. Three styles, exactly as illustrated 4 and o.incn German su ver Ring Mesh Bags, kid lined, with extra money pock et. A variety of rich cm bossed frames. 4 and 5. inch German Sil ver Drawstring Mesh Bags one of the very newest styles. 3 and 4-inch Genuine Whit- nev & Davis Soldered lank. Unlined Mesh Bags the fin est German ISiIver JUesh Bags made. Kvery link hand-soldered and unbreakable ,$1 Flrnt Floor New Building:. 1161st SURPRISE SALE. Bedford Cord Dress G'dsc MORK the vogue than ever are these smart Bedford Cords, for Summer and Suits. White with b!ue cord, while with brown, or white with black corded btripe. Also plain white and rrram. 7-V jTade. .IS inches y wiile. Special for Ibis sale at V $1.50 Rich Satin Messalines 36 inches wide, of rlerant llimmerill qualities, for evenius wear. Pink, licht bine, black, nnvv, brown and QQ For Fridav tnlv. vard u Mnl Kloor. 'Mala Balldlac. cray. 1161st SURPRISE SALE. $1.50 Carts Friday for 99c BIG Fri dav Sur prise Sale of these popular, easy-runninjr, two-wheel Sidewalk or Beach Carts. ' Just as illus trated, with rubber-tired wheels. Kefrularly $1.50 Friday qq only they are on sale for jZjC Boys' $1 Khaki Indian Suits Ages 4, 6, 8 only. Three pieces, in cludins headgear. Friday at 49c Mfl 'lr. .w Bnlldlas. MEIER & FRANK'S 1161st SURPRISE AND ANNIVERSARY 3000 Men's Crisp New $1 Shirts 68c OUR Friday advertisement was almost completed when this big purchase of men's Shirts was checked in at the receiving room! We made space for this section it was too impor tant to omit. Over 3000 crisp, new, well-made Shirts from one of America's best manufacturers. Splendid madrases and percales in every new pattern smart pin stripes, line stripes, dots and small figures. Plain and pleated fronts with attached cuffs. All sizes and sleeve lengths $1 Shirts in Q every particular, Frrday three for $2, faLjC each, on sale at this special sale for only Jam lala yi9i i la-.t. Katraaor MEIER & FRANK'S 1161st SURPRISE, 65th ANNIVERSARY $3 and $4.25 Long Kid Gloves at $ 1 .95 SLIGHTLY soiled from handling that's the sole reason for selling these beautiful 20-button lonpr Suede Gloves of our regular $4.25 grade for $1.95. White, pink, sky blue anA champagne 6izes V2 to 074. Also special lot or a ions', wtnie Glace Kid Gloves m 16-button style, sizes 6V2 to TV-:- On sale for Friday Surprise $5 to $15 Lace Boleros $3.98 Lovely Plauen Lace Bolero Jackets, one as illustrat ed. Also square neck Guimpes in colors. A beautiful addition to waist or gown for evening wear. Regular prices (J0 AO $5 to $15, but because some are a trifle soiled, Friday Surprise at D3i0 S1.95 Friday S'rprise in the Grocery Clover Leaf Butter, two pounds, 52 Royal Banquet Butter, 2 pounds, 54 Yeloban Milk, four cans at only 28 Special Coffee, pound, for only 23 Double "X" Coffee, special, lb., 27 Tea-room Coffee, lb., special at 39 English Breakfast Tea, pound, 25 10c Corn Starch, five packages, 25 Lighthouse Cleanser, five cans, 24c Fancy Table Peaches or Apricots, of fered at special price of 3 cans 50 Rock wood's Cocoa, 25c size for 17 Rockwood's Cocoa, 50c size for 33J Searchlight Matches, 12 pkgs. at 40 Macaroni, special, 3 pkgs., only 23 FOR THE 1161st FRIDAY SURPRISE. 1 1 00 Pr.Women's 50c to $ 1 Hosiery for Friday at 39c! BY all means, one of the most phenom enal Ilosiery specials we can remem ber offering in years! Around 1100 pairs of Women's fine, fancy, im ported Lisle Hose in blacks and colors. Beauti ful silk embroidered boots and dainty lace Boots for Summer wear. A decisive clearing out of all our incomplete lines of f0e, 75c, $1 "4 and even better grades. For the 1161st Friday Surprise, the pair at First Kloar, Mala Bulldla- Mall Ordera Filled. MEIER & FRANK'S 1161st SURPRISE. $5 to $10 Corsets $2.75 E'D never special them at $2.7o if it wasn't tor the w fact that they're broken lines in sizes 20, 21 and 22 only. High-grade Corsets, every one of them. Splendidly made, well boned all are new models, of fancy brocades and striped coutil. Long and medium lengths. Regular $5 dJO (o $10 corsets, today at only WOMEN'S $1.50 GOWNS, $1.00 Well made, of cambric, muslin and nainsook. High and low necks. Trimmed in good quality embroidery and lace. $1.50 Gowns, todav at onlyP CHILD'S TO 85c DRAWERS, 67c Splendidly made of muslin, cambric and nainsook. Nicely finished in embroi dery and lace edgings. Ages 1 to 12 years. 75c to 85c Drawers, for 67 seeoad Floor, Mala Building. FOR THE 1161st FRIDAY SURPRISE. Two Big Specials New Bung'Iow Nets ARTISTIC Bungalow Nets hard to find anything more generally suit able for pretty Summer Curtains and Hangings. Two ot our best grades reduced for Friday, 25c Bungalow Nets over 40 designs in white and ecru, 36 to 4.5 inches wide. Handsome floral and scroll designs. Of- 1Q. fered special, yard A C 50c Bungalow Nets the largest assortment we've seen in Portland. In white, cream and ecru; 3(5 to 50 inches wide, OQ. special, yard, onlyOC S1.25 ORIENTAL COUCH COVERS, 89 Bright, cheery coloring in Oriental stripes, finished all around with heavy fringe. Our regular QQ $L25 Couch Covers, for Friday's Sale, special OJ7C Third Floor, Mala Building. Mall Ordera Filled. t 1161St SURPRISE SA1.E. $3.25 Solid Oak Stools, $1.69 Famous make of solid fumed oak M i s s i o n Stools, exactly- as il lustrated, with genuine leather seat. Sell regularly in our stock at $3.25. Two hundred specially bought for Friday, rf J ft sale now for 4i-vJC? on Fourth Floor Main Buildlnjf, MEIER & FRANK'S 1161st SURPRISE, 55th ANNIVERSARY. White China Cups and Saucers 11c Aurnra immense suipraent 01 these popular "White China Cups and Saucers, imported by us direct from- the Austrian factory. The shape just as illustrated, thin and dainty. We've 2XM) pairs for the 1161st Friday Surprise Sale at only X JLC iaaaaalaafcJJaMaiHa mim mtmmmmtammSiBKKKKUtMKBamttkttammmmattmmmmmm TELEPHONES PACIFIC, MARSHALL 4600. HOME A 6101. MEIER & FRANK'S 1161st SURPRISE, 55th ANNIVERSARY. $5 Cut Sugars & Creamers $2.98 Riun Jut Ulass, sugars Creamers in the popular S2.98 star and pin wheel designs. Sparkling cuttings. $5.00 sets $1.75 Cut Glass Nappies, with or aq without the handle, Friday Surprise iOC Flrwt Floor, Mala Building-. lnll Ordera Filled. nnfl