i 21 MT.nvriv I'-nm . -I- AHV ft 1AI9. TIT I 'J ilKIK.MMr lUirAiU.AlA.it iinxsa, - tttf mot.ning oregoxiax, rniiiAi, BIG ECHO CLIP SOLD Cunha Crop 100,000 Pounds Brings 153-4 Cents. K0SHLAND IS THE BUYER 'orflainl MilU OrM'roilns t'rrcl In i:jlrn On'gon and WMnj ton shearing 1 lclel hx Kaln. U .M: I.imii- i r. nitf urrl-l n fm'Wy in th fUstrn Or-con rouulira ami th umi of trai ts oriy rtrut.d tjr the six" of th frf-rlnri. which ar nfr-ntri!y small. a wsrir eonrfitlns hav delayed shar lr. Whenever a rr has bta wv.t raiy f market It Is quickly taken up hann Aprtinn. hwT. havo boon hli back a n-ra:!y tfcjt tf is vtrtnt a vry lar Prt f the c: ip b mrkctd at the rmM.r sa'ed bid al-a. th Drat of which w h h:d t Fi ho on l W Th larrnt transaction in the paat -. h was ths sle of th Cunha clip of IOOOOO pounds at Echo. It brouchi 5V cents and th parrhs-rs wers J. Koshland Co. Th Portland mills have bn operating fr;y In th vicinity of Arlington. Coldn dal snd Roossvelt. maklnir selections of th Xleartnc continues In Vtah and Nevada nr-d ts fettln un-Vr way asaln In Arizona, w hT It Is tlmstd by the Bon Corn-m-rrial Bulletin that about J.' pound h-.a up to d-t bfra moved, out of total clip of about 3. pound. Some llttla bii;nMi has ten don In Utah ut prh es pr-vstllna during ths lst two w k. Ths saon is backward throughout thr enttra i. umrjr. Som Middl iounty California wwis sr rrport-d sold during the w--k In tiie- ran of rent. In the vicinity r-f Rawlins, Wy.. a clip is fporifd to hsvs bn a d on th clean lnndcd Boston baals of rK cents. Tvas Is bnclnninK to shear, hut n- sals of any moment as yet reported. .Von tuna appears to bo still quiescent. In the flcsce sections llttio new la report ed, one smIs of two or thr cars direct to a rhlia.V.ph.a mill of mdlum woo! re jections out t reported on the baaia of 23 S rents f. o. b. cars. OnVra of average Michi gan w oo:s arw rt ported from growers to dealers at 23 cents for mrdiutn rejections out and 1 cents f"r d lainr. fine unwashed snd rejections. In Ohio snd Pennsylvania iviere haa b-n little done as yet. growers snd draiers b- tns quits a distance spsrt on price, the former In a-me inatan.s de manding 'ZZ, cents fr medium wools. whH the latt.r aro willing to pay 2 cents for medium wools and 1 cents fr tine rlecces. OKDI K't IH4M MUM I OK BITTKK M RaniP sf Prtce Quoted la aco of Shipping; Hfmaoil. Th'-rs was no change yeetrday In the Io cs! butter situation. The battle was at HI i-n between th bulls and the bears snd both id'S are waiting to which gives up the sooner. The bta,rs hv th advantage In making city salts, but the bulls are encour aed hy the demand for butter from out std po-.nts snd the statiatlcal airengtb of ths market. Thers was Inquiry from both attls and T.icoma for cubes. The Califor nia market was firm, but there wss no si on of the San Francisco exchange, as It was build iy. Front -street commission ni'-n. with outside creamery butter on band, w-ould not ae:i under cents and regard ed the market as strong, based on the good local and shipping demknd. Th cheese market was Urm and there will be no change UX price this week. Eggs, poultry and dreaecd meats wers quirt and rather easv in tunc. !.!. LOT OF Xi II CAT ARK M-1. 1. IN 4. Hmg la mt PrWs I ader Ttao laUely (a t. It is not essier t buy wheat from farmers than it was a week or two a so. when ths market was active, hut :hr holders are not so ha":n and a f-w small lots are selling st prices a cvnt or o nnd-r those lately cur rent. Ths sr ere gat volume of trade Is rot aatensive. Ths oats market Is also quiet and prices r fairly atsady. What buying ts bing dons In the country is on the basis of 9.19. Ioc receipts. In cars, were reported by the Merchants Kichange as fallows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hi Mond.tr ..... 11 ." ! Tuedar .... t T Aineaday ... li 6 I 5 Thursday .... I I 3 mr a so 1 I 1 II hea a to dale 1? V I T.rtl T2X I Tar as . .11.14 Ml 2a-S 4 '.t;i KNr.R VF.AR FOR HOP ROOT MLM Otcc Threw MUIIosi Acs Kold la tho Cmmt SVI.KM. Dr.. May 3- Special. With ths s'e of over l.ono.OOA hop roots In Caltfornia. Oregon and Washington. C. A. Endlcott. ths leading dealer In hop eonts here, declares tat la Crrgan th ia ar there Is an In creased hop acreage of from &0 to ? Ri-rn He estimates the Increase In Cali fornia as nearly the sams and an Increase; -f fnm -0 to 40tfO acres In Washington. "This has been s banner year for ths es of hop roots." ststed Mr. Kndloott. "Hesry orders hsvs come In recently, but t he season on roots is practically closed snd they cannot be 'filled, although yestsr riav I male a shipment of s.00O roots to California. Ths new acreage along ths ei'Sst will be large. Last ear ths new scresgs hardly balanced up to ths ) ards that were abandoned. " allfornia ts sitll ordering roots, but there are none left. Indications this year, with a normal se-awon. point to at least IftO. ss balea. and with a season above the nor mal, from HO.Owu to IZO.sua bales. California will probably gv ahead of last ear In ths sue of Its crop, owing to the heavy rains. IF AI F.R-S FIX STOCK KD WITH MOHAIR IHpeew Is Buy Only at Lawer Quota! lows Saw. The mohair season Is ove-r. so far as pool ui'i are concerned, but ther la still a con s.derable quantity unsold In ths country. It Is estlmsted that about a third of ths clip is still In farmers' hands. The local dealers and th mills sesm to bo well stocked with high-priced mohair, and as a consequence ars disposed to buy now only ml lower figures. Ths pries of fered in the country yesterday was 31 cants, t; rowers ars not responding to the laser b:ds snd bu Ing Is. therefor, on a small st-ale Nominal quotations In Boston on Oregon mohair are 5& U 3 cents, and dealers f icuro it takes S rents to handle ths busW ms snd pay a'i freight ami other charges. IORIK.X HOP MAKKKTH ARE FIRMER Piicew eihwvr AdvasH-lasr Tendency ! Ens; laskd ass Oermsusy. Improvement la apparent In ths foreign hop markets. Th following cabl was re ceived from London yesterday: "Market firm. Growers ars not sellers. Brewers show mors disposition to buy." A irman cable said ths Continental mar ,ta wers firm at ths advance. There was no business doing In any of the Cosat market. No osders Wars rs ported by local dealers. Mt.HT CAR.- OF BANANAS ARRIVE Mraigltt i ar ef I lnriaa Tomstart Is Alss Received. K.iM uii of bauaiiaa arrived Iat night. .io a strairlt car of Florida tomato a. Becetpts rarlter la Ihs day wers a car each of 1&a onion nd a. cr of rabbit- Th I onions rr quoted at on browof and S on whliM. lUinot hothoua tomato war on ala at 3S renia a pounds Florida straw brrjr receipts vm liberal, but aJa woro stow becauae of coot weathar and the condition of tha fruit. Jetsles wra quoted ai 1 1 and Dollars at f-.O a crate. Hank lew ring. Pink clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterdsy were a folios s t Clearing. Ilaiancea. J Portland $2.2.M.! f J" .'H I utiu i T-o ois :to-. 1 J':::::::::::::::: ii rOKTUNO MAUiail. Crala. Hoar. td. Kl.. V H K AT Truck r'r-: Hlnt-a'm. 1 n": r'ut. 1"1; rwi Ku.lan. $1; Vallc). Il.ol: 4-r!d. ri i.; Mil. I Tl' 1"F Hr.ru ".'4 per Ion; ihort. ''!. m'dttanita. H. Kl.(iru Pbiadil 1.10 nrr barr.1; pnlthti, M 7'l; .ipnrt. H I; V.M.jr. i nlthti, t4.7"; .ipnrt. H ID; V.M.jr. 1 rah.m. A1I: wh .'. arhrat. $10. ;OHN Whole. 3!. critknl. ii) prr ft ton. MAI limi'inr, riiwii. ........ ..'-w 11. clover. V: rata anil vetch. $iaiu 1 1 ; OATS .No. white. per ion. VrrrtalNffa and Fmtra. TltWAt. FRI-ITS Oranm na-' ?"rl.;S: Callfornl. rrpefn't. fSSOft. Klorid. araperrult. S.TiTnO: lemena. (19 6 r oo; pircappl.a. 6 pr pound. FIlESH KKl'IT Sirherrlea. :mMr crate; crant.-rrtea. I'vtflO per barrel; applea. II 1 it box. ToTAT'tKS Johbtnc prleea. Purbanka. old. II j 1 j per hundred; n.w California. 6c per pourd. iiMONM Her-nuda. ?.V1S per rrate. cliKT OiLK.S Ar:l. h .kea. ,.1tr"- P-e doBeo; aaparairua. ia!lfornla. $ 1 2 fl 2 rer cralr. beana. ::se: cabt-aee. 33e pound; eauliflo.rr. I-Ti per cralc; . elerT. per rrate; cucumber., $ll.V doxen; er p.ant 2.c p"r pound; bead lettuce. 11.75 pr , . . . ,.t h i .i t nr. 74-eill Dr boa: peaa, Be pound; pep perm. ISe pound; rad lahea. lSti?oe per dosen; rhubarb. .i03e per puiJ; aplnach. 5? per pound; to matora. IM per box; carlic. Stfloc per pound. .Ai.K VEOETABI.E9 TurBlpa. 11W per Mck- beeta. I1.6U. rutabacaa. IHl.it: carrota. 1. Dairy and Coantr- Producer Butter Oreron creamery bJtter; solid park, ll'ilil'k per pound. Kt;rjr Kr-ah cr'gn ranch, candled. 21c per riixen: caae count. ZoVc. CIliut-aE Urtoi (lata. lo par poand. pi'l'.K Karcy. liS1llc per pound. VEAL Fano. 1111SC per pound. POlLTKV-Hri, l.V; Sprlnsa. 15c; broliera. l'At30c; ducke. SOc: Seeaa, 11c; turkaja. Uva. JOc. drraaed. aa Btacl. Crarcrlaa. CALMON Columbia Rler. l-ponud taJI. Itri p.r dozen, a-pouod lalla. 1M; 1 pound r.ata. i0. Aiuu pink. 1-paaad COrt"KK Roaatad, In drum a. lOe per paund. ' NCTH Walnuts. leOKHo per Mnl; nraall nuta. 14lc; illberta. 14Uc; al tnonda. i;ilc. pecana. lac; cocoanula. SOop (1 per dosen; chcalnuia. 12 c par sound, hickory nuta. Ctflue per pound. HoNEY Cboico. par aaa; atralne honey, loc per round. SALT ilranulatrd. 1 par tan: fcalf ruuud. luta. a-i0 par ton: 60 par toat TiKANS Small white. Sc. iarra whlta. e.c; Urn, line: plnB. tike; ataxic an. a: bayou, ac RICE No. 1 Japan. tke: cheaper rada. ttavftc; SouUiara bead. B7a. bL'UAR tiry craculated. U.'S: fruit and berry. (0.05; Honolulu plantation. 0: beet. $.'. SJ. extra C. po(drad. barTa.a. .30; cubea. barre.a. I9.4. . DRIED FRUITS Applet 14a par . aprlcota. llsSc; peachaa. lOJi prune Italian. lu H a 10c: allear. lo: ni.a .bite and blak. (Si)o. aurrT?lt 100 11c; ralaina. looaa. atuscataL IVkc: bleached .Tbompaon. lie:. b eached -Bullanaa. lac, aeedad. T O J dates. Persian. I tic par pound: ard. !. Fro visions. HAMS All sixes. 1718c: sklnnsd. 17 d l.v. picnics, lie; boiled. 8jt lt Bacon fancy. 2 is e ioiac. tholca, 20 DRY AI.T HEATS Bs-ka. dry salt. 11H (ilc; batka. amoked. I.i i H'i bellies, dry sa.t. U',c; bellies, smoked, lie LAKIl Tierce basis, choice. lS.c: com pound c: leaf. 3-lb. jalis. .SO per case. KISi'Ei.LANEOl'S P.its I eel, kits. Jl.SS: ailed beef, uieidss. t23 per case; dried beef. Inaidea 2c per pound: Summer aauaase. 3Ac: bologna, canvas back, loc; minced bam. lc Uopa. fAaoi and Hides. Hops llt crop. Sm39e; old, nomi nal: 1 1 2 contracts. 2ki'C- MOHAIll Choice. Per pound. WOOL. Eastern Oreion. ll)l"i P' pound. according to sbrlnkaae: Valksy. Is -I 11M per pound. PKLT9 Dry. lie; lambe. salted. TSO0s; shori-aool pelts. o4yS:c. butcher balta. Jan. take-off icJl.Ui; rah. taks-off. 1 lli lift. HIDES Salted bldaa. lOOlOHa per pound: salted calf, Ju21e. sa.ted ko. 110 12c; (reea hides. Sc. dry ca.f. Zlc; Jry hides. It, 13c; salted staa. ToTHt; trees etas a. ddvac cascaKa Per pound. 8 Ode UKA1.V BAUd In car lota. s.OtS.Se. AN rilAXtlStO PRODI C MARKET Prlc i Qaotrd at the Bay Cllr far Vaco tablea. rrnlta. r.tc AN FRANCISCO. May S. The follow ing paoducs prleea wars currant her. to day: Fruit Apples, choice, fl.OO; common. 5c; .exicaa limes. (.s.t: California lemons, choice. $4; common. Il.la; naval oraaxoa. lg:.:o. plneapplea. Ililslit. liultei Fancy creamery. 4c begs Ktore lvc: fancy ranch. 2iSc Ch.eee lav USe. Vegetables Cucumbers. Selfl0: green peas. Sti .'c; string beans. ls I.V: as psragus. 11 tt 1.3". tomatoes, nominal; egg plant, nominal. Potatoes River Rurbanka. $1 5O0 1.H.1; aaeeta. $i.75t2: Oregon Kurbanka. fl.75ts Hi. Hit Wheat. 15k;: wusat and oata. Illu 1: alfalfa. .12114 Receipts Flour. tJH quarter sacks: wheat. Ibs3 centals; barley. ;.ni centals: osts. 44t centals: potatoes. 4.".tt. sacka: mid dlings. S" sacks; hay. 375 tons; wool. 181 balea. Metal Markets. NK1V TOr.K, Mar 2. Standard copper weak. toot. May. June and July. IV4't 1.1.rtic; August, 13..tu 16-7i-: beptemtier. l.',.,'vll.j;vic- lndon quiet: spot 1 7s d; futures. t7t 2s Hd. Arrivals reortrd at New York today. 27 tons. Custom house returns show exports of tons so far this month. Lake ropper HllK'tf; electro lrttl.;c: mating. 15 Hi !" Tc. Local aalea. llei tuna Ser-iember at 1.1.45c; r.i tone beptember. at lVOiSc. Tin weak; spot. 43. .1 9 IfLOOc: May, 4J.0(r 4"..7nc; June. 43.3oi 4 i.IV:: July. it.We 44 lec: August. 44.50; 4 4.. 3c: September. 44.tMr 44.4HC London weak; spot i20 10a; futures. Jlti la. Local sales, five tons May at 45.75; five tone May at 4S.70c: five tons Mav at 45.'JSc; five tons July at 4tc: five tons August at 44.Mc: 25 tons July at 44.75c; 50 tons August at 44.50c. Lead steady; 4.1i 4.2c New Terk: 4.009 4.1oc Lest St. Louis. London, ild 10s. Iron. Cleveland warrants. 54s lSd In Lon don. Locally Iron was steady. No. 1 foun dry Northern. 115. U5l 15.75: No. 2, 15f 13.50; No. 1 Southern and No. 1 Southern soft. M3.2J u IS.73. . Antimony quiet: rooktoo'i. 8.0. fpeltsr quiet; ft.W'1 .l'c New York: 615 gr 0.75c rlxat St, Louis. London. J5 15s. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. May 2. Coffee futures rinsed steady net unchanged to two points loner. Msy. 13.VK: June. 13.ec; July. in.7c: August. i:i.7'c; S.-ptember. lU.Nic: Oi-tober and November, l.T.!:ic; January. 1 ; vie; February. 13.71'c; March and April, l:t.-ic. Spot quiet; Rio No. 7. 14 He: Santos No. 4. l'lc. Mild quiet: Cordova, log lbic- nom inal. Raw sugar stead v. Muscovado, s test. 3.55c. eentrlfugsl. I test. 4i5c: molasses sugar, M lest. J.30C. Refined quiet. Natal Ktorea. SAVANNAH. Ga.. May S. Turpentine, fine. 4StMic. Salea. 4t; receipts. 99; sntprnrnta. K2; storks. 114. Knetn firm. Sales, lio-d. receipts. 1790: shipments, i'l : stocks. 4.4t.. Quote; B. D. Il-ui; &. rJ.M; F. O. H. 1. K. M. 7 oO. N. ?.U2S: WO. 7.0i; WW. (7.07H. lndoa Wool Hales. LONDON. May 2. Tha wool auctions were continued today with offerings of 14.. If! I alee. Merinos were firm and especially ct Austral. An and South Australian and cro.abreda were steady excc'it quslltlea ault alle for America, which were easy owing lo tha slackened demand. STRONG Ifl PLAGES Undertone of Stock Market Good, but Trade Is Dull. (SPECULATORS HOLD OFF Slcrl Itct-ovprs From Uio Bml F.rfcc-t PrwluceU by Ihc Qumrtcrly Ito port KcadiiiaT Continues lis Climb. NEW TORK. Msy 5 The stock market today was dull and uninteresting. The un dertone was firm and In places strong, but speculative Interest was light, with an ab sence of public participation. Active deal ings were restricted to speculative favorites. Reading rose to 177 with a aympathetlo rise In Lehigh Valley. Steel seemed to have recovered from tn chill produced by Its unfavorable report and resumed flrat plao. la the Hal. Specialties were conspicuous, soma advancing two, three and even four points. Stagnation overtook the list In the rT' afternoon, after another rise in Reading and American Can. ('renter strength and activity In Steel was the feature of the last hoar. Advices from trade centers said another advance In fin ished products was contemplated. Prices shaded In the final dealings, but tha clos ing was steady. Tha recent light demand for money con tinued, although the cash movement to In terior ports was unabated. Today's outflow Included another telegraphic transfer of tiou.out to the Pacific Coast, Honda manifested a better tone, but price changes were unimportant, aside from the Wsbash refunding 4s. which mads a mod erate advance. Total sales, par value. $J.4;t. tto. L'nited States Government bonds were unchanged on calL CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Sales. High. lxiw. 111.1. AMIS ChKl pf Amal Copper .. !.' C3S f'-s a Aiu Aitntult .. ls l "1 "": Am Uvel Sugar. 4.7"H) 7o ' '- American Can.. to.Oi'O 41 S1 4"'. Am Car Fdy. ' -s Am Cotton Oil. S'.tloo S5 04 Am Hd 4t Lt pf - .-''. Am lie SerurL. 10.00O 23 H 23 ! "i l Am Llusetrd ... 3'W 15 14 14-. Am Locomotive "!,0il 44 44 S 44a Am Smcl Hof ll.-'- . " M do preferred.. i K'S lOi liw Am Stoel Fdy Am Sugar Rcf.. 3.2-k( 13i'1 l-'K'i "J- Am Tl & Tel.. :n 14'i't, 14ik ll'l Am Tobacco pf S liH W l;,1 'a Am Wooltn 25 An-Lconda M Co. 1.2 42-. 42k 4-'H At. hi.on 2.::. 107V 1. U J"', a do preferred.. 1" lo;;. KKl lo..'. Atl Coast Un... list 141 141 14N L..!t A Ohio .. 3.' lllls 1" Helhlehem St ml iWMI Z S'-'s -Is, Hrook H Tran.. 4.M' M 3 4 Cann.llan I'aclllc 3.3" 25'A 254" J;'''" Central L.ather 7 2. 2J - J do preferred.. loo 1'4'i u4 4 M U Central of N J "J,,, Ches V Ohio ... .loo 7P 79'4 i.IH ftoTO Alton - 7' Clil tit IIVil ... HK Ill's " .V',- do preferred Chicago A N W 50.I 142 141 14J C. M Ar St PauL l.rlisj ll'l'i 11 lolll. r. c, c 61 u ... Col Fuel ar Iron -" Col Southern ,?. Consol lias 12.110 14.V1. 144V. 14J , Corn Products.. 700 Irt 'w 10S. 2 , rl Hutison I.'-,, D R C.rultde - --" do preferred.. .!' 41 '4 41 Vt 41'. Dlrtlllers' Secur :! --;'e J-j . Erie 3.4' 3ti 3 J . do Ut Pf 21-0 r.:.' 53 O. n" Electric' I4.ni iio" i"4 1" Ol North pf ... l." I".'-'". j:S2'i l..Ll tit North Ore .. '- 4. 40 4.1 ll!!n.. I. Central. 2' l-"., l-'H'j 12 S Interbor Met .. ' 1' 1 Jf J'" do preferred.. 1. ."' 5SS, ... S ..7 -4 Inter Harvester. 117 llHS 11'IS Inter Marine pf ""3 JL' Int Paper 3.2'"' lVn ! ' Int Pump S.tK-0 315, SO', M Iowa Central ; .' - K C Southern.. 25W MS 2.. H do pr.r rred.. l' i4 I..!ede Oaa ... 4' 1"7 llt4 VMM Louie Nash.. 1.4"0 1'loV, lo'-- l.'l' Minn at St 1. . . 23 22 a 2.1 M S P 4t S S M 3 141 140 li Mo. Kan Tex 2 do preferred Mo Pucllic .41 43 42S 42, Nut ll.scult ... 7' 15-1 a, 13.'. l..h Nstlonsl l-ad . 2.70O M ..H IJ- N llv Mux 3 Pf M N Y Central ... 7V 12JS "S llt-S N Y Ont Sr. Wes 111 a Norfolk Ar West l..V 1 U 113 1I3J. Norm American 7'" V. k ;Vi .'J'' Northern Pac .. !. 121S 121 121 Pcll1c Mall ... 3" 334 H.IH .U Pennsylvania ... 13.'i-0 125' J-'-'bs - Peoples lias .. 4- 111, 110 a 111 P C C St U. l.l' 10" 1"TH l"""a l-ittahtirg Cowl.. 7"- 22 S Si's 21 PreaseJ S Car.. IOO 3 3.1 jji K v" Steel' Spring "' i'-0 ' 'viH Mi R.a.llna 9.4'Ki I.,-, 1...S li4 Republic Steel.. J 24 S -4 .4 do pref.rred.. 2" w4 K" R.h k l.land Co 2.4'- -H ', 21' do preferred.. 57 V, .. . 'a St L & S V a P' 3' 3B St L Southwest i'i do preferred i't Sloea-Sheffleld .. I.OOfl R 1 V, 0 J2 Southern Pacific 2.1o 112S 112 112V. Southern Ry .. - Hn ; do preferred.. " 74"v, 74V. .4Vj Tnn Copper .. 1.50O 45 44 44 v, Texas A Pacific "4 V, Tol. St L Wea l" "S l"a 14V, do preferred.. 4.i 34', S4S 3.1 Union Psrltlc. 1,3. 173V. 172 1.2s do preferred.. 2" "IV. "t' PI t? Realty .... loo 73 10 75 V 8 Huboer ... nl"i 'si U S Steel 101.4"O 72 704. ,1 V, do preferred.. 1 !' 1131 ji'.-s, jijx. I'tah t'opper .." l.ioo :tS -H 3 Va-Caro Chem 2.50O 62 'a 61 ' 51 ' Wabaeh do preferred.. 4s 21 2S 2 Western Md .. "" M Wealing Kc. iim 7; 7rtV, ,H Western Union. 3oo MS s:: Wheel A 1. R ' Lehigh Vallev.. 11. .'." 17'. ln !!, Chino Copper.. 1.300 20-, 21S 20S1 R:.r Consois ... P.oi 14 1v, 1S Am Tobaco ... 1.3O0 24? 245 24SH Total talis for the day. 51S.TOO shsres. BONDS. NEW YORK, Mav 2. Closlnr quotations: U S Uef 2s reg.10"4:v r C gen 3V,S b', do coupon ..look. Nor psc 3s ... 6!S f s 3s reg ....10214 Nor Pac 4s !!'s do coupon ...102'. Union Psc 4s . ..InWj r new 4S reg.114 "Wis Cent 4a .... 2S do coupon, . ..MtVilJapanese 4s .... !$ D R O 4 ... stock, a t Boston, HUSTON'. May 2. A I lone a 43 Amal Cop MS Am 7. L st S. . 21". Arix Com 5 BACCAVSM 74k Cal 4k Arix 72Vs Cal at Hec MM Centennial .... 24 Cop H Con Co. ni'H -Closing quotations: Miami Cop 23 'Mohawk 1:2 Nev Con 22'4 Nlplsslui: Mines. 7 North Butte North Lake Old Dom . . 'Osceola . . . . Qulrury .... Shaimon ... ISuDerlor . 21' . 7W . 33 .117 . SV4 . 14 1. F Rulte CM.. 13 V, Franklin C.lroux Con . . Oranby Con .. Greene Can .. lole Roy Cop . Kerr Lake Lake Copper.. 13 n 37 H S'a 27 v, IK. 3 'Sup Boa Mln 2H Tamarack 42 U S S R M. . 37 j do pfd 4SS 1 ian v. on j.its iWinona t4 44 4 Condition of the Treasury . WASHINGTON. May 2. At the beginning of business today ths condition of tha Uni ted States Treasury was: Working balance In Treasury offices. 63. R.2u: In banks and Philippine Treasury. 132.4so.3ot: total balance In general fund, 1 125.237.95 7. Ordinary receipts. 11.PS7.58S, with ordinary disbursements. S2.lVl.Vb9. Deficit to date this fiscal year Is S12. 7S4.5nl. as against a surplus of I2,21 at this time last year. These figures exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. Moneor. Exchange. Etc. NEW YORK. May 2. Money on call steady, 2V,t2 per cent; ruling rata. 2H: Closing uiu. ' ' Time loans easier: til) days. 3V.; 90 day. SVti:iVk; six months. S'itjS. prime mercantile paper. 48 4V, per cent. Sterling exchange steady, with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at S4.8423 for 60-day bllla and at S4.4ft0 for demand. Commercial bllia. S4.8S6. Mexican dollars. 4Sc. Government snd rsllroad bonds, steady. Bar silver. 61c. LONDON, May 2. Bar silver, steady. 2SHd per ounce; money. 2 V 4) 24 per cent: rate of discount on short bills. 3'o3 1-1 per cent; do. three months' bills. 3e3 1-18 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO, May 2. Sterling on London. 1 days. I4.M W : no. sight. 1 Silver bars, ele. Xnlnn dollars, nom- : lnal: drafts, sight, par; do. telegraph. 2 per cent. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW VOHK, May 2. Evaporated apples quiet. Prices steady for prompt delivery. Fti'rrcs market wn easier, spot fancy. BVj jiov-c: choice. s,i!lo: prime, 7v,WSc. Prunes steady. Peiier demand. Quotations: 4 to v.c for CalKornlas up to 3O-40J and 7 to lo Vac for Oreffons. Peaches firm. Improved Jobbing demand. Choice, JO v. i lo,c; extra choice, ll'oll'vc; fancy. ll'iS12c. New York Cotlon Market. NEW TORK. Mny 2. Cotton futures closed firm, liidr: May and June 11.06. July 11. 1. August ll.H'. September 11.14. Oc tober 11.2.'l. No. ember 11.24. lieccmbT 1I.K2. January 11.87. February 11.27, March Spot clcaed quiet and unchanged. Mid-uplands 11.4": d- gulf. 11.05. Salts (delivered on contract! i2.:'.0O bales. I hlcasjo Produce. Market. rmcAlo. May 2. Butler, steady. Cream eries. 2Ki3lr: dairies. 24'2Sc. Kin. weak: receipts, .".1,72 cases: at mailt, esses Ircluded. 17 toe; ordinary firsts. 16 firsts. 17'3l lxc. Cheeae. atcady. Daisies. 1 rt h) 1 1 c : Twins. 10 ' I l.l, c ; Younff Amertcus. l1Ql'c: Long lioinr. I;1, w 1HV.C. STOCK RUN 15 LARGER TItADE 1MPROVF.S IV VOLUSIE AT NORTH PORTLAND. ftuytng 1 Ohicfly In the Sheep and Hog Divisions Ibices Are Veil Maintained. Tha livestock supply at the yards yes i.eri.. th. heat of the week, sggre- gating over 1300 head, but a good part of the arrlvala came too late to do inuiuoeu In the day s trading. Except for a load each of steers and calves, the buying was atl In the hog and sheep divisions. Hogs In large and small lots were dis posed of at S.25 to SS-40 for light and 17 to $7.60 for heavy weights. The bulk of th mutton stock handled was shorn, yearlings beinKlng 16.25 to 15.50 and ewes H ill and 14.75. A few wool year lings sold at SB.25. Spring lambs brought For steers 6.0 was paid. Calves had a range In the day salos of 7 to $S.S. Receipts yesterday were 317 cattle. 40 rslves. 47 hogs. l.".4 sheep and 24 horses. Among the shippers were J. E. Cherry. Caldwell. 1 car of horses: J. A. Martin, Shelley, t cars of hogs; C. S. Walker. Jo seph. 2 cars of cattle; D. T. Ketchum tc Son. Slmonax. 2 cars of sheep; V. E. Reed. Killings, 1 car of hogs; F. I. Hibbs. Mt Mlnvllle. 1 car of sheep and hojrs: A. R. Ford. Sheridan. 1 car of cattle and hogs: A. R. Gale. Amity. 1 car of sheep, and C. B. Lurke. Canby. 1 car of cattle. The day's sales were as follows: WeiKht. Price. X calves ............. 2fi calves 2 calves 4 calves 25 hogs 7 hogs 10 hoss I hog .' hogs 3 cows ISO sheared sheep 12 Spring lambs wool yearlings 24 sheared yearlings . . 1 sheared yearlings .. 82 sheared ewes ...... 25 steers 11 sheared ewes 21 wool 'yearlings 37 sheared yearlings . . 10 hogs - Z hogs 0 hogs 1 hog 6 hops 7 hogs . .. ISO 17.00 ... 144 S.6.1 . . . 1 5 11 7 "0 ... Hi a S..".l ... 2 t S.30 . .. 3.17 7.5 317 7.:.'l . ... 250 X.30 .... 110 tin . ... ;o 5.00 8S 4.75 5S 7.25 .... S3 S.23 .... MS 5..-. S9 .". .". . ..." Ml 4.7,7 ....1132 ri.i.0 .... 114 " 4.50 111 s.:s 1..0 6.2n .... 16 8.20 .... lt5 S. 25 .... 8.4.1 . ... r.fio 7.o 298 7.2.1 . 2"0 8.2S . ... 170 S.L'. 7 hone 70 hogs 164 The rsnge of prices at the yards was as c"!o7ce steer. Good steers -''f ! Medium steer i ' ) --' Choice rows ; ' ? 000,1 cows Medium cows J-5"' 00 Choice calves Good heavy calve. " Bulls J ; '!? Stsgs 3'' I Irht5- 8 00 8 r, Heiiy too 7 75 : ::::::::::::: IZZ Lamba .! 4 3o.n B.oo Spring lambe".'.'.'.. 6.00 S 7.50 t'hicaifo I.lvewtiM-k Market. CHICAGO.' May 2. Cattle llrcelpts. 60"0: market. slow. Beeves. ."..H0'f 9.00; Texas steers, S5.35'il 7.35; Western steers. S5 5 'o 7.70: Blockers and feeders. 14.23 Uil. i.; cows and heifers. 2.bi 'i 7.05; calves. ."..30' .oo. Hogs Receipts. C2.O00; market, weak to 5c lower. Light. 17.25 . 7.70; mixed. S7.SOW 7.77S; heavy, 7 3otl70' rough. ..3.'(l 7.. "el; pigs. 14.73k tLba; bulk 'of sales, S7.. 4.7.75. heep Receipts. 1S.OOO; murkot, slow. Native. 5tif.25. Western. I.,.2.. i Iv jo; year- ( 11 P X 1. S'l.aO'O V. "V. lU.lToe. . " ' V.b5; Western. S-30g 10. Bo. Omaha Llvrwtork -Market. SOUTH OMAHA. Neb., May 2. Cattle Receipts. 25oo; market. srendy. Native steers. d.30i S.30: cows snd heifers. S3.30O 7.3: Western steers. S4.S0& 7.75; Texas steers. S4.30ft.25; rang., cows and heifers. s.ttm.25; canntrs. $2. 75 4.2f. : s'.ockers and ted. rs. S4.2513 7.25: calves, 4'7.5o; buils. stuns, etc.. S4.40W400. Hogs Receipts. 11.H0O: market, steady to 5c higher. Heavy. ST..i3j 7.75; mixed. 7.40- 7.53; light. 7.25ti 7.UO: pigs, S"M-'-3; bulk of sales. 7.45i 7.0. Sheep Receipts. 7000: msrket, slow and steady. Yearlings. S7.73toS.75: wethers. S7.25'o8: ewes. Stt'7.50; lambs. 5tlo.50. Wool at bt. Inls. ST. LOUIS. May 2. Wool Steady. Ter ritory and Western mediums. 10'lbc; fine mediums. II "S 17c: fine. V(ctl5c. flops at New York. NEW YORK. May 2. Hops steady. USE OF GARBS CENSURED Free Methodists Want Religious Dress Stopped in Indian Schools. Resolutions were adopted at the mc-etlntr of the Oregon Conference of the Free Methodist Church, in session in fhe Central Church. Kast Fifty fifth and Kast Flanders streets, yes terday, demanding that the Federal Government require teachers to discon tinue the use of the garbs of their religion while teaching in the Gov ernment Indian schools. The action of President Taft In ordering the re calling of the order of Commissioner Valentine that -the teachers employed in these schools lo not wear the prarb of their religion called out the resolu tion. It was the sense of the confer ence that the order of Commissioner Valentine should stand and that the President be requested to withdrayj his order. The resolution will be trans mitted to the President. Division of the Oretron Conference into Northern and Southern Oregon conferences was made effective yester day by the election of Rev. W. N. Cof fee, presiding elder of the Northern Conference. Mr. Coffee has been serv ing as presiding elder of the whole conference for the past year. The newly-formed Southern Oregon Con ference will meet at Medford next Wednesday. Bishop Hogue, presiding, delivered an address at the conference yester day morning. Rev. S. H. Upton, of Minnesota, preached yesterday after noon, and Rev. M. A. Clark, of Kver ett. Wash., missionary from India, spoke last night. President Alexan der Beers, of the Seattle Seminary, and Rev. W. F. Matthewson. mission ary from Japan, are attending the conference. A large cheese, weighing more than 12.O00 pounds, recently was made In Wisconsin fur cxbibltloa purposes. BUYERS ARE SCARCE Wheat Prices Sag for Lack of Demand. LOSSES IN' LAST FIGURES Government . Report, Estimating Wheat Crop at 72,000,000. Bush els Less Than Last Year, IHes Xot Check Decline. v CHICAGO. May 2. Despite a private fore cast that the Government report would sug gest a Winter crop 72.000.OO0 bushels leas than a year ago, the wheat market today sagged because of lack of buyers. Closing prices ranged from last night's level to . G Ta o below. Something of a selling flurry started In the wheat pit, owlrflr to an official state ment Implying that. tha Kansas crop would amount to 3. 000. 000 bushels, notwithstand ing recent advices that damage has been severe. The m.ld. fine growing weather which prevailed over the entire Winter wheat belt also counted against the bulls. There was a sharp rally In quotations when an authoritative estimate appeared, putting the Winter crop at 158,000.000 bush els, but the market gradually slipped back after tha fact became clear that support depended wholly on professional traders. Feeling was nervous and unsettled at the and. Corn ruled a little firmer early on ac count of rain In Illinois, but relapsed when country sales from Iowa Increased. Be sides Eastern demand was poor and there was word that Argentine shipments for the week would be 1,700.000 bushels, com pared with sero the corresponding; time last year. A little weakness characterised oata as a result of unloading by pit longs. The Texas crop was figured at double that of last year. Provisions averaged lower because of large receipts of hogs and In consequence of lib eral stocks of products in store. Buying; at the decline, however, was active. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. May $1.13 $1.14 $1.13 $1.14 July 1.103, l.lin, l.Orti, l.loVj Sepu 1.07 1.07 V. 1.0SH 1.07 CORN. Mav 7!"t .N0(4 .7i ' .7!4 July 77X .7H .77V. "7Vi Sept 73 .7tt .75 V. .75(4 Dec G4 .CH, .04 .04 4, OATS. Mav Si'.", .57'i .5, .5 Julv SI .54, .5:i" .34 Sept. ...... .45 .45 4, .44 V-a -4 IS MESS PORK. Mav 1H.75 IS. 93 Julv Kilo Kl.:t2i .1I.10 19.27 44 Sept IV. 33 Jli.52'... 111.33 1V.40 LARD. Mav 1..S7'i 1U.92U 10.S5 10.87 Julv 11.1.2V, 11.12V, 11.02'i 11.07'i Sept 11.22 'a 11.33 11.22',x 11.27 Va SHORT RIBS. O." 11. .'I.". 11.40 11.32'i 11.35 Julv 10.4(1 10.47'i 10..".7vi 1O.40 Sept lo.r.2 4 10.72 'x 10.02 'a lo.rjo Cash quotations were &s follows: Flour Firm. Rye No. 2. 94 'tc. ,4 Barley Feed or mixing. 80cf(f$l; fair to choice malting. $1.20S 1.32. Timothy seed $7.5012. Clover seed $143i20. Pork .Mess. SIS'O 19.12V,. Lard In tierces. $19.87 V,. Short ribs Loose. S10.25. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 198,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 44. 0U0 bushels, compared with 328, 000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 10 cars; corn, 152 cars; oats, 83 cars; hogs, 21.000 head. ;rainn In San Krancisro. S.W FRANCISCO. May 2. Spot quota tions Walla Walla, $1.8V4 ig l.7Vk : red Russian. $1.874, 4 1.V0: Turkey red. 1.9u&. 1.H2V,. lilucstem $1.10 1.V2V, ; feed barley, l.o'.t 1.K2V. : hrewlnir barley, $l.n2.00; w hite oat. 12.07 ', u 2.10; bran, $20.50; mld d Units. $32iii:i3: shorts. $211.50030.50. Call board sales Wheal, December, $1.64 b 1.07 V,. . i Barley. December. 3c: May. $1.86. Miuneupolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May 2. Close: Wheat May. Si. 11 V,; July. $1,124.; September. l.o5V, a 1.05,. cash No. 1 hard, $1.14'.; No. 1 Northern, $1.13", ; No. 2 Northern, $1.U; No. S wheat. $1.08s- Flax. $2,1449 2.1544. Barley. 70c4i$1.30. Corn No. 1. yellow. 77ft?78V,c. Oata No. 3, white. 55c. Rye No. 1. 00c. ilran In 100-pound acks, $24&24.5o ton. puget Sound Grain Market. TACOMA. Wash., May 2. Wheat Blue stem. $1.07: 40-fold. $1.03; club, $1.023' 1.03; red Russian. $1. Car receipts Wheat 21. onts 2. hay 3. SEATTLE. Wash., May 2. Wheat Blue stem. $I.0; 40-fold. $1,004: club. 89c; fife, 99c; red Russian, V8c. Yesterday's car re ceipts Wheat 21, oats 4. hay 3. flour 4, barley 1. Kuroean Grain Markets. LONDON, May 2. Cargoes, firm. Walla Walla for shipment at 39s 9.1. English country markets, easier; French country markets, tirm. LIVERPOOL, May 2. Close: Wheat May. 7s 10d; July, 7s fed; October,' 7s 4,d. Weuther, cloudy. Duluth Flax Market. Dl'Ll'TH, Minn., May 2: CloFe: Linseed, in store and on track. $2.17Vt; May. $2,16V4 bid: July, $'2.12'4 bid. "DRY" HUSBAND FAVORED 'Cool Lager"' and "Old Oaken Buck et" Figure In Divorce Review. SALEM, Or.. May 2. (Special.) "Cool lager beer" versus the "con tents of the "old oaken bucket" with its accompanying possibilities of bacteria and noxious germs" proved to be the burden of a Supreme Court decision to day in which Justice McBride discussed some marital woes and modified a di vorce decree granted to Charles E. Short from Maggie E. Short, the case being appealed from Josephine County. The lower court decided for the plaintiff, but as to settlement some of the lower court's findings were modi fled. In the course of his opinion Jus tice McBride says: We gather from the testimony that both parties were disposed to be tenacious of their opinions and that defendant was dis posed to magnify Innocent pleasantries Into gross Indignities. Thus, when a few days after the marriage, ho said. Jokingly, to a friend. "I paid $8 for this thing- (mean ing defendant). $5 to the minister and $3 for the license," she now assumes that a deadly Insult was Intended. Another "in dignity" was perpetrated the day after the wedding. The bridal party with relatives were on their way to Crater Lake. The day was hot, the road dusty, and tha bride thirsty. Prefering cool lager, right off the Ice, to the contents of the old oaken bucket, with Its accompanying possibilities of bac teria and noxious germs, somebody sug gested that a case of beer be procured at a wayside saloon. The groom made decided objectlona, and altfiough the beverage was procured and presumably consumed, the pro cess was not accompanied by the hilarity and good cheer usual on such occasions. The husband gives a fair and plausible reason for his opposition, namely, that ho objected to beer being drunk In the presence of the children. The wife should have re spected his scruples and tried to worry along on well water, or at least not have taken the objection to heart as an inten tional cruelty. Woodbnrn Plans Improvements. WOODBL'RN, Or May 2. (Special.) I I 1 1 We Maintain a Savings Department and Pay 4 PER CENT Interest on Savings Deposits LUMBERMENS National Bank Capital $1,000,000 LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital Stock $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 800,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail abl in all parts of the world. OFFICERS W. M. I. add. President. Robert . Howard, Asst. Caahlec Edward Cooklsiham, Vice-Pre a. J. AV. Larlrl, Asst. Ceshler. W. H. DunckJey, Caablex. Walter M. Cook, Aat. Cashier. First National Bank Capita! $1,500,000 Surplus 850,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains The first shipments of water mains for the municipal water system have arrived and work has begun in earnest on the installation. The steel for a new 100-foot water tower and 60,000 gallon tank is expected to arrive any day. At the. last meeting of the City Council bonds to the amount of $15,000 were sold for the purpose of building a City Hall. REALTY MENARE WARNED lealers Without Licenses to li Ar rested After May 22. City Auditor Barbur said yesterday that all realty dealers who have not taken out licenses by May 22 will be rounded up by the police and charged with operating contrary to the new city ordinance. At a meeting of the license commit tee a large stack of applications were on hand. The Council, at the request of the Realty Board, passed a license ordinance two months ago, so that deal ers may be checked up and the bad ones weeded out. A petrol motor road roller has recently be-n imported by the Durban municipality this being the first of Its kind to be used by n South African local authority. "At the end of six years we find bitulithic the cheapest and best p a ving." Ex tract from in dorsement of bitulithic by ex Mayor of Boise, Idaho. The ap preciation of bitu lithic paving in creases with the years. IT WEARS J. C. WILSON & CO. kiuiaa, ltONla. OltAlX It COIIO.1 M-lvMtfi3.1icl NEW YORK DlOlk HXCUAKOB NEW tfOKii COTTON EXtHANti tUHAIO BOARD OF TKAbK I ELK kXOCJk AND iiOND tltiUMil bAN hUA.SC 1st O. Main Office Mills Bide;., Ban a'ranclssa, Branch Offices Vancouver, Seattle. Portland, Los Angeles, ban Dlege. Cm enado Beaeb. . POK1 LAND OFFIClti Main Floor Lurnbermens Bank B nil die 5th and Stark. Phones Marshall 4120. A 411. . TRAVELERS GUIDE. EXPRESS STEAMERS FOR ban Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE. S. 8. BEAVEB Sails at 0 A. M.. May 7. THE SAN FRAN. PORTLAND 8. S. CO. Ticket Office 142 Third bt-eet. Phone: Main 260o. A UOi. COOS BAY LINE STEAMSHIP BREAKWATER sails from Alnsworth Dock. Portland. 9 A. H. May 1, 6. 13. 18. 23 and 2b; June 3, 7. l' 17, 22 and 27. Freight received at Alnsworth Dock dally up to 5 P. M. Pas senger fare, flrst-claas. 10.O0; second-class. $7 00 Including berth and meals. Ticket office' Alnsworth Dock. Phone. Main 3600. A 2332. . EUROPE 8eventy Spring and Bummer tours, com prising Tours da Luxe and Motor-car Tours, and also Vacation Tours at Popular Prices. Frequent sailings. All routes. Including Mediterranean. Programme of Tov-a da Luxe Arouua the World now ready. THOU. COOK SON, 68 klarket St.. ban Francisco. LOS ANGELES AND SAN DIEGO STEAMSHIPS YALE AND HARVARD. Railroad or any steamer to San Fran cisco, the Expo City. Largest, fastest, and the ONLY strictly first-class pas senger ship on the Coast. Average speed 28 miles per hour; cost $2,000,000 each. SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND A: L. A. S. S. CO, Main 628. Frank Bollam, Aareat. A 4uS(. Us Third Street. Corner Fifth and Stark TRAVELERS' Gl'IDE. Largest S.S. Co. in the World 1.210.00 IONS Atlantic Service LONDON'. rtHIS. HAMBIRO 8-IJaliivia. May U. 1 P'" Antenna. .y ". V t.raiil. May 1, 10 am 'Penu., May 23, 1 1 a ' "Second cabin only. Hamburg direct. SWill call at Boulogne SPECIAL SAILING S. S. VICTORIA LUISE JUNE e MEDITERRANEAN filBBALTAR. NAPLES. K' 8. B. Moltke May 2, 10 A. M. S. S. Moltke July 6, 10 A. M. rst'lSRS IThe Hamburg-American Lina orig inated Ocean Cruising 113 years ago TWO IDEAL CKC1SES AROUND THE WORLD OPTIONAL! 14 DAYS IN JAPAN Nov. is, ,i From New Kork From ban Ir'lsco By virmRiA IlilSR IJVIVIUI- .wiwawa- IUUB7 DURATION EACH cttuxan. 11U tr including all necessary expense, aboard and ashore, railway, hotel, shore excursions, carriages, guides. pic SUMMER CRUISES To the Land of the Midnight Sun F-leht delightful cruises during June. July and August, from Hamburg to Norway. North Cape, t?pltzber en Iceland, etc. Duration 14 to 26 davs. Cost, W2.50 and np. tolendld service, large steamships Victoria luise.- "KRO.nprin- EES61N CEC1LE" and "METEOR" Write for booklet of any cruise Hamburg-American Line 10 Powell St.. San Francisco. CaL; n -W R. & N. Co., Nor. Pacific. D. r" G.. Burlington Route, Mil waukee & Puget Sound R. R.. H. LMCKSOn, . r. a. Great Northern Ry Co. Dorsey ki. &mun. ow om bt., X'orxiaiiu, v.. Copyright. 1V12. Canadian Pacific -KMI'lUe-SS OF THE ATLANTIC" AND OTHER STEAMSHIPS MONTREAL. QUEBEC AND LIVERPOOL VIA THE SCENIC ROUTE TO EUROPE 1000 MILES ON THE 6T. LAWRENCE RIVER LEPS THAN FOUR DATS AT SEA 2633 MILES PORT TO PORT THE SHORTEST OCEAN PASSAGB -Pirrt Cabin 82.50 and np Knd Cabin . -. "nd OnCUs. Cabin 2aCclas.)....50.00 and np Third-Class Lowest rates on request. Canadan Pacific Office, corner Third and Pine (Multnomah Hotel bidg). Portland, and all local agents. , HONOLULU $110 FIRST-CLASS ROUND TRIP. The most delightful spot on entire world tour for your vacation. Delightful sea bath ing at the famous beach of Waikikl. The splendid S S. Sierra (10.000 tons displace ment) makes the round trip In 17 days. One can visit on a side trip the living volcano of Kilauea. which is tremendously active and see for himself the process of world creation. No other trip compares with tnis for the marvelous and wonderful in nature. visit tne isianus o. j - - - - , so easily and quickly, and while the volcano I i. ciia Prnmnt attention to telegrams for berths. Sailings May 11 and June 1. OCEANIC H. S. CO.. 67S Market Street. San Francisco. NEW YORK-PORTLAND REGULAR i-R-fcUUHT SERVICE. Low Rates. bcnedule Vims, AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. . Z13 Railway Kxcbanite Bltls Fertlsadi Or. Mala K3T- A StTCX San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego Direct S. S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder Sail Every Wednesday Alternately at (i P. M N0ETH PACIFIC S. S. CO. 132 Third St. Phones Main 1314, A ISIS 4