Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 03, 1912, Page 20, Image 20

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HA 0
COSTS GITY 510,500
New York Engineers Are Paid
$3200 Each; Extra Work
Reaches Total of $900.
Attempt to Spture Quarter at City
Hall 1V11I Be Made and Then
Tock Sites Will Be rM-d
on by Board.
Authorisation mas given at the reg
ulr sMion of the Commission of
PuNIr locks yesterday to draw
vouchrrs for IS20O each In favor of K.
V. lloodri. h. Charles V. Stantford ami
William J. Barney, of Xm- York, en
Clners comprising the board of con
sultation, who compiled the special re.
port received last month rrcommrnd
1ns do-k sites and the t p of con
strtirtlon that should b fotlom-ed.
Thy mere employed with the un
derstanding that the compensation
mould he lift a day during tho time
tMer m-ere actually engaged on the
Th engineers came from New York
and studied the situation, taking; In
the entire harbor and its facilities, also
familiarizing themselves with all con
ditions relative to currents, freshets,
commerce, the types of vessels to be
accommodated, and made deductions as
to future prospects with the opening
of the Panama Canal and frrnwiji of
the country tributary to Portland!
Extra F.xpeaaea Are VOOO.
They were paid for the time passed ,
on the trip and that devoted to as
sembling the report on returning to
their homes. There were extras. In-
can-llawalian Steamship Company to
extend its direct service to Portland,
so says a private telegram received
from an Francisco yesterday. On
the occasion of a recent visit of Sir.
Talbot to the liolden Gate, ostensibly
to study conditions there relative to
the use of coal barges equipped with
conveyors for loading coal on vessels.
It Is said be took up the matter with
Manager Cook, of the line, who has
charge of the Pacific Coast territory,
and the result mas a visit soon after
by Mr. Cook and his recommendation
prompted the directors at New York
to order the change.
It has been expected for a year that
the Anierii an-llam-ailan mould in
crease the service between San Fran
cisco and Portland by placing a second
steamer In operation to alternate m-tth
the Falcon, but as the company had
direct steamers operating here un
profttahly several years ago when Us
service began. It was regarded doubt
ful that the big vessels would again
be sent here. The steamers Isthmian.
Nevadan and Nehraskan. which mill
be on this run witli the Lyra, can be
loaded to 27 S feet, so they are Tint
small types by any means. The Port
of Portland Commission is using Its
endeavors to attract deepwater inter
ests to this harbor and considerable
work In that direction has been car
ried on quietly, such as the American
Hawaiian improvement.
Miss Martin Questions Work
of Equal Suffrage.
AVomcn Lawmakers She Says, Fnil
lo Purify State or City Denver
Social Evil Problems Pointed
lo as One Argument.
Marine Note.
Coming with passengers and general ,
cargo, the steamer Klamath arrived
last evening from San Francisco and
will sail Tuesilay for Southern Cali
fornia. The steamer Carlos sails to
morrow for San Francisco, and the
steamer Beaver, arriving last evening,
departs Tuesday.
Hobert Mcintosh has secured a con
tract for caulking the main deck of
the steamer Beaver and will start the
m-ork on this trip, expecting to finish
it on the next voyage.
Superintendent McDonald, of The
Halles. Portland & Astoria Navigation
Company, says there is under consid
eration a plan to sell "deck passage"
on the steamer Bailey Uatxert when
the reopening of work on the Celllo
Canal and other projects on the Vpper
Columbia Increases second-class travel.
The rate will he one-half of the first
class tariff. The same scheme was In
effect on steamers between Portland
and Astoria years ago.
Kxctirslon dates have been booked
on the steamer Bailey Uatxert, the
first being a junket of Woodmen and
their families to the upper river May
;. and the "Elks Boosters will trave
eluding the cost of maps, printing. I on the vessel to Bonneville for a picnic
making copies of the statement and
kindred expenses that Increased the
expenditures l"0, the total work hav
ing cost 110.500.
There were no steps taken yesterday
to pass on dock sites, and a special
session will be held Monday for that
purpose. Members of the Commission
expressed themselves; as anxious to
get the preliminary labors under may
and asserted that the first important
move mould be to secure quarters.
Ikemlse it was argued that as con
demnation proceedings must be under
taken to obtain building locations, it
m-as Imperative that legal assistance
be available at all times. Therefore
It was moved that Chairman Mulkey
be delegated to represent the Commis
sion in a conference mith Mayor llush
light to ascertain If rooms could be
provided at the City Hall and provision
made by the Council for employing
another deputy In the office of City
Attorney Grant to be detailed on work
for the Commission.
Rmbi May Be .lve.
Commissioner Kellaher said that he
thought a small room could be set
asHie at the City Mall for oftlce pur
poses and meetings could be held in
one of the assembly rooms. The Com
mission haa no power to employ an
attorney, and only through a special
arrangement can a deputy be assigned
to the work.
Commissioner Kellaher moved that
Chairman Mulkey place those matters
before Mayor Rushlight and. as a
means of Interesting the city officials.
proposed that in return for the con
cessions, the Commission of Public
Pocks would select the new fireboat
station ami dormitory aa its first
project.. The building Is to be located
on the East Side, where the Upper Al
btna ferry landing Is, and will cost
approximately ISOOO. It waa also
moved that the courtesy of Inspecting
the report of the board and ail maps
and other data be extended Mayor
A communication received from
Brown ac Mct'abe. stevedores, calling
attention to port charges and other
subjects alleged to be detrimental to
Portland as compared with other ports
was filed because It was shown that
the complaint had been taken up by
the Chamber of Commerce.
Harbormaster Speier had an inning
before the Commission yesterday when
he asked if haste could not be dis
played in starting work on the recrea
tion pier proposed for the foot of
Stark street. He pointed out that the
condition of that street-end stood forth
as the worst of any In the city: that
the present backm-ater from the Co
lumbia caused sewerage there to be
come stagnant; the street mas littered
and unsightly, and. worst of all. Stark
street would be selected by the Rose
Festival and Elks committees as the
official landing-place.
The complaint resulted In a discus
sion as to time required to start work
after 30 days passed in advertising,
and it was voted that nothing could
he done In the way of temporary aid
and the permanent work could not be
completed this hummer.
At the same time it la not improb
able that aome means mill be found
for ridding the elty of the unsightly
landing. probably through public
bodies that will erect a temporary
landing and Improve the place In other
ways, because of the thousands) of
visitors expected in the city and from
whom the harbor cannot be hidden.
June 2.
On her last shift before departing
for Hongkong, the British steamer
Clan Marlver moved yesterday from
Albina dork to thut of the Portland
Flouring Mills Company.
To work more wheat the French
bark L'Hermlte hauled upstream yes
terday from Montgomery dock No. 3
to Irving.
With 1300 tons of grain. 1000 tons
being wheat and 300 tons mill feed,
the steamer Tampico cleared yesterday
and m-ill sail this evening, going by
way of Tacoma, where she will take
on 1700 tons of grain and a deckload
of lumber for San Francisco.
What remains of the boiler that ex
ploded aboard the steamer Sarah
Ptxon. m recking her and killing three
of the crew, has been landed at the
yards or the Portland Shipbuilding
Company by the Shaver interests. The
old boiler of the steamer Cascades was
discharged from the former bull there
yesterday, both being for sale.
In tow of the gasoline tug Echo, of
the Shaver fleet. 60 pontoons built by
the Portland Shipbuilding Company
for the new steel dredge of the Port
of Portland Commission, were taken
from the yards to tho public drydock
yesterday to be stored until the dredge
Is turned over to the Commission by
the Willamette Iron A: Steel Works.
Announcement has been made that
the British steamer Robert Dollar will
arrive here from the Orient with a
part cargo about June 1$ and the
loa ta Arrive.
Name. From. Date.
I'arlos San Frnclco. In port
Klamath. ..... an Francisco. In port
Beaver Nan Pedro.... In port
Alliance Eureka. ..... .Mar
KreuKwnter. . . .t'uos Bay ljr 7
Sue H. Elmnrt. Tillamook. . .. May 5
;cO. V. Elder. .bQ IMejro. ... May 0
Tar Ssn Feiro. . . . May T
Falron. ........pan Francisco May lO
Roanoke...... Hun Dl-iio,... May 12
Hie CUT San IVdro. ... Mar 1"
J.thmlan Sallna i'rus. June 11
scheduled ta Depart.
Name, For. Date.
Tale 8. F for L. A. May X
Harvard s F. l A.. . May 4
t'irlni San Francisco. May 4
Alliance Eureka May 0
Heaver . San I'edro. . . .May T
Klamath .'n Pedro.... May 7
O -O. W. Eldr..Sn Diego. . . .May S
Breakwater. .. .Coos Bay. .... May 8
Sue H. bimart. Tillamook. . . . May 8
Hear San Pedro. .. .May 11
Falron. ....... San Francisco May 13
Koanoke Nan mego. . . . way i
Ko City.
iathmlao. . .
steamer M. P. Dollar will be In port
about the same time to load lumber
for China.
1'avies Fehon have chartered the
Norwegian tramp Guernsey to load
lumber at Eureka and Portland for
Austral a. She Is now on the way from
Puzet Sound for Sydney mith lumber
and will load coal at Newcastle for
lonolulu and proceed to this Coast.
Coming to load lumber for Australia
under charter to W Jt. Grace A Co.,
the schooner Geo. E. Billings entered
the river yesterday from San Fran
Cisco after a run of six days.
Portland Exchanges Goods With
Countries Beyond tbe Atlantic.
Custom-House inspectors yesterday
completed checking over a shipment of
Son barrels of currants that were
shipped from Europe, consigned to
Portland wholesale houses. Though
currants are grown in the Northwest
and nnd a ready market, the heavy
movement of the imported product In
dicates the Increased consumption. The
shipment waa handled cn vessels of
the North Pacific Steamship Company
front San Francisco, having been dis
charged there from a Harrison Line
On the steamer Rose City, sailing
yesterday, was a shipment of casings
to be used In the manufacture of sau
sage, so that this week there has been
a trade in Imports and exports. There
are many commodities moving from
Portland monthly to the t'nlted King
dom and other foreign countries: also
arriving here In bond. Much of the
business is handled by way of San
Francisco, as It comes either In foreign
bottoms from the other side or moves
from Europe to New York and is then
routed via the service of the American-Ham-alian
Steamship Company.
Port of Portland Figured in Amrri-
ra'n-Ilamalian Change.
To Marcus Talbot, general mana
ger of the Port of Portland. Is given
credit for bavins Induced the Ameri-
Movrmenta of Vessels.
PORTLAND. May 2. Arrived steamer
Klamath, from Kan Francisco; steamer
Beaver, from San Francisco, sailed Steam'
er Kose Cltr. for San Francisco and eat
Pedro: steamer Faleon. for San Francisco.
Astoria. May 2. Condition at the mouth of
the river at P. M.. smooth: wind, north
west. 24 miles: weather, cloudy. Arrived
down at 4 A. M. Schooner Balboa. Arrived
at 7 and left up at !1S A. M Steamer
Klamath, from saa Francisco. Arrived at
T::1 and l'ft up at 11:30 A. M. steamer
Beaver, from San Francisco. Arrived at
6:SO A. M. Steamer Geo. W. Fonalck. from-
San DIcro. Arrived at 9:10 A. M. and left
up at noon Schooner Geo. E. Bllllnsa. from
San Francisco. Sailed at 11 A. M. Steam
er Roanoke, for Sao Die so and may ports.
Failed at 1 r. M. Steamer Mackinaw, for
San Francisco: steamer Olympic, for San
I'edro. Sailed at 2:30 P. M. Rarkentlne
John C Meer. for Omllao. Arrived down at
3:4'1 and sailed at 6 P. it. Steamer Rosa
City, for San Francisco and San Pedro.
Coos Bay. May 2. Arrived Rietmrr
Breakwater, from Portland.
San Francisco, May 2 w Sailed lat night
Steamer J. R. Stetson, for Portland.
Seattle. May 2. Arrived Steamers, Dol
phin, from Skatfway: Northwestern, from
Southwestern Alaska: Montara. from Taco
ma: Charles Nelson, from San Francisco.
Sailed Steamers Watson, for San Francisco;
City of Seattle, for Skasway, Alaska: North
western, for Tacoma: Santa Ana. for South
eastern Alaska via Belllngham: narae Glory
of the Seas. In tow of tug- Wanderer, for
Southeastern Alaska: power schooner Polar
Bear, for Bering- Sea.
San Francisco. Mav 2. Arrived Steamers
Nome City. Atlas. Barge 93. Tukon. from
Seattle: O. C. Llndaucr. from Grays Harbor:
San Pedro, from 8oos Bay. Sailed steamers
Fllvara. whaling; A M. Simpson, tor Coos
Bay: Thomas l Wand, for Pugot Sound;
Tltanla. for Newcastle.
Tides at Astoria Friday.
His-ri Water. Low Water.
1 TO A. M. feet :2 A. M....-AJ feet
1". M 71 f-el:U P. M . . . I feet
Fifty thousand tons of coal axe burned
daily la London.
PORTLAND. May 2. (To the Edi
tor.) The Orcgonlan will find few suf
fragists who will agree with its sng
gestion this morning, that it Is not
fair to quote the failure of equal suf
frage in Colorado. In an effort to prove
that tho ballot In the hands of women
Is not tho cure-all that its leaders clal
of It. Usually, the suffrage leaders de
pend upon the suffragists of Colorado
to prove that suffrage Is a real help in
that state.
If. as your editorial puts It this
morning, "woman suffrage Is helping
and win continue to help. in Colorado,
perhaps you can explain why. with suf
fraue helping, and with four women
In the Legislature of that state, (the
largest number of women representa
tives in the hlstoryof the state), that t"e
four women, a few years ago. volei;
to legalize gambling and horse racing?
Why, with woman suffrage helping, is
the segregated district of Denver, an
eyesore to the country, and conditions
permitted there, that would not be per
mitted in civilized non-suffrage states?
Is It because Judge Lindsey tells us In
his volume "The Beast.' on page 308
that the, women leaders "in politics
are politicians; when they get their
nominations from tho corporation ma
chines, they do the work of the corpor
ations, and there Is almost no way, to
get a party nomination except from a
corporation machine."
PlirlHratloB Claim Doubted.
If the leaders of woman suffrage
will accept ?u-h nominations under
such corrupt conditions as Judge Lindsey
describes, why do the suffragists tell
its that with the. woman vote, will come
the purification of politics?
How manv more years must we wait
before we can quote conditions in Colo
rado, as an example of conditions under
woman suffrage? If tho women of
Denver are helpless In theiir endeavor
to rid the city of its moral sores, why
does tho National American Woman
finffrage Association flood the country
with circulars which . declare that
"Mothers need thejjallot to regulate tiie
moral conditions under which their
children must be brought up?
There is no reason for me to modify
what you term my "ra6h statement"
that, in the protection of wage-earning
children, non-suffrage states are far
ahead of the suffrage states. Not while
the Secretary of the National Labor
committee furnishes me with proof of
my statement. Conditions are not what
they should be in Florida and in Georg
ia, I grant, but they are Identical with
conditions In Colorado.
Noa-Suffrace States Escape.
Mr. Owen Lovejoy, Secretary of tho
National Child Labor committee, in his
report of the proceedings at Birming
ham, Ala., In March, lull, says: "The
states which do not require proof of
the child s age or at least any proof
worthy the name are Colorado,
Florida, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Georg
ia, etc." the four old suffrage states.
nd 14 other states mentioned by Mr.
Lovejoy. one of them. Wisconsin, hav
ing since corrected Its faulty child labor
law. Fourteen non-suffrage states, and
all the old suffrage states, quoted aa
examples of faulty child labor laws!
All the other non-suffrage states es
cape this Indictment by the National
The National Child Labor commit
ter has prepared a model child labor
law for uniform legislation. The bill
contains 49 sections, and of these 4'J
sections. Wyoming, the oldest suffrage
state, contains none of them; Idaho,
none; Colorado, seven: Utah, eight;
Oregon contains 14; Wisconsin, 27!
Which would Indicate that facts would
put the child labor plank out of the
suffrage platform.
States I rs-rd to Walt.
If women have not voted in any
state long enough yet to show what
the final effort of suffrage will be, then
the men and women who oppose ex
perimental government, ask that ths
suffrage leaders wait until the expert
ment in the suffrage states will show
what the effect will be. before forcing
the ballot upon an unwilling electorate-.
I agree with you. that it is too early
to quote California, as the effect of
woman suffrage upon that state, and
beg to remind, you that I only cited
facts to prove that the women of San
Francisco were not availing them
selves of the ballot. In answer to your
argument of the day previous. In which
you maintained that they were "regis
tering about as numerously as the
I grant you that it is difficult to
get the men to register. The man who
fails to register and to vote, makes
the machine possible. Will it aid mat
ters to add to this number countless
numbers of women who will not reg
ister and who will not vote?
1 do not believe that the last m-ord
haa been said In the child labor field,
but I do know, that In Boston, New
York. Cincinnati. Milwaukee and St.
Louis, the regulations for the protec
tion of child workers are better than
they are in any of the suffrage states
or cities. Miss Jane Addams bears me
out In this statement in her "New Con
science and an Ancient Evil," on page
Resrulatlom .Nullifies Lairs.
On page 36 of the same volume. Miss
Addams says, "the very existence of a
segregated district under police regu
lations means, of course, that the exist
ing law must be nullified or at least
rendered totally Inoperative. When po
lice regulation takes the place of law
enforcement, a species of municipal
blackmail Inevitably becomes intrenched."
Miss Addams exactly describes . the
condition In Colorado today. On page
81 of the same volume. Miss Addams
says: As yet Massachusetts is tne
only state which has appointed a spe
cial commission to consider the estab
lishment of a minimum Wage Board, al
though the Industrial Commission of
Wisconsin is empowered to Investi-
gate wages and their effect upon tne
standard of living."
On page 131 and 132 oi tne same
volume. Miss Addams sas, "this new
public concern for the welfare of certain
American cities nas resuuea in a munic
ipal milk supply. New York. Chicago,
Boston and other large towns, employ
hundreds of nurses each Summer to in
struct tenement house mothers upon the
car of little children.
Is there any such solicitude for the
children of the poor, in any of the
suffrage states?
On page 157, Miss Addams calls at
tention to the fact that "Kansas City
has Instituted a Department of Pub
lic Welfare, with power to regulate
places of amusement: a New York com
mittee has established model dance
balls: Milwaukee is urging the ap
pointment of commissions on public
recreations, while New York and Co
lumbus have already created them."
Suffrage Cities Not Mentioned.
"Why no mention of suffrage cities or
On page 173. Miss Addams states that
the Massachusetts General Hospital is
the only hospital that has a social
service department to care for erring
m-omen. In the face of all the facts
presented In the volume, on page 198,
Miss Addams asks: "Would women
voters concur In the assumption that
every large city must either set aside
well-known district for the accommo
dation of prostitutes, or continually
permit it to flourish?"
The social evil thrives in Salt I-akn
City and. In Denver, as it thrives In
few American cities. It flaunts Its
vices In the faces of the civilized
world. But then we are told that wom
en have not been voting long enough
to help!
If the suffragists donH hurry with
the era of universal suffrage, the very
reforms they advocate will have been
accomplished by mere man in this
glorious United States of America.
The plain implication from this ex
traordinary letter is that women are
a pretty tough lot who are eager to
vote in favor of vice, child labor, white
slavery and whatever other deviltry'
they can hatch lip. No doubt Miss
Martin has her own reasons for think
ing poorly of her sex, but we cannot
concur in her estimate. The women
whom we have the happiness to know
will not vote for white slavery, child
labor or gambling when they have ob
tained the right of suffrage. The so
cial conditions in Colorado, Wyoming
and Utah are unusually bad. They
are mining, cattle-raising and shesp
ranrhing communities. Colorado lias
been distracted with labor wars for
many years. Wyoming" was not long
ago controlled by a combination of
cattle thieves. Utah has had the Mor
mon problem on Its hands. Denver
has been tho stamping ground of the
smelter trust. By the snap Judgments
which Miss Martin makes upon con
ditions in these states she shows that
sho prefers to deal with the surface of
things, and her observations lose pro
portionately in value.
Where are the factories in Wyoming,
Utah or Idaho that thrive on child la
bor? Where arc the city tenement
mothers who need public instruction
in the care of infants? Is state regu
lation of city amusements needed in
Wyoming or Idaho, neither of which
has a town of 25,000 Inhabitants?
Woman suffrage is not a failure be
cause it does not provide unneeded laws.
Yet at the root of every social reform
which Miss Martin mentions In th
East or West lies the tireless effort of
some band oi women. Hampered a
they are by the lack of the ballot they
hare done wonders. With the ballot
tliey would do more. To deny them
the right to vote is to tie their hands
Both. Tempting
and Healthful
v -1
TnriiVestion is the cause of most human ills: lard which
is made from hog-fat is ofttimes indigestible. Cottolene is
more healthful, more wholesome and goes one-third farther
than lard therefore, is more economical.
Being made from pure, vegetable oils, containing no hog-fat, Cottolene
makes food which agrees with the stomach and aids rather than retards
digestion. Don't be talked into using some of the many imitations.
hU. "Nature's Gift from the Sunny South" Jg"
the Summer. Several launches and
river craft are at tho yards for overhauling'.
Sixteen Witnesses for Oetinser DC'
clarc Victim of Homicide Hud
Violent IiKsition.
The defense yesterday devoted its
efforts in tho Oetlnger murder case to
proving the reputation and character
of E. W. Mutch, alias rrank Martin
the man killed by Oetlnger in the lat
tor's saloon, at 9 First street, on th
night of January 19. In all 16 wit
nesses were called and their testimony
was substantially to the same effect,
that Mutch was a "holy terror" when
under the Influence of liquor, as he
was on the night of the homicide,
according to several who have been
on the stand.
W. K. Scott told of the longshoremen
in the employ of Brown &. McCabe
once declaring that they would go on
strike If Mutch was not removed
rom the position of foreman over them
They won their point.
W. H. Souls, a former newspaper re
porter, who knew the dead man well
described him as a "fighting man"; W
I. Mail declared that Mutch tried to
pick" a fight with him on the day
receding the night of the shooting
O. Markstrom told of having been
beaten once by Mutch in a saloon and
Chris Lolllck said that he received
share of fistic attention from Mutoh
when lie went to Markstrom's assis
I B. Felcher, who was in Oetinger's
saloon the night Mutch was killed, said
that Mutch was emitting a "blizzard
of blasphemy" with Oetinger as the
recipient. S. H. Harris had heard
Mutch say, referring to Oetinger, "I'll
get that Dutchman some day." George
J. Qulnlan testified that Mutch once
tried to assault him with a chair and
I'ollreman Goltz said that he put a
stop to the trouble on that occasion.
Others who testified to the bad repu
tation of the victim of the shooting
were: fanford Hirsch, Carl Zimmerman
E. R. Rutherford, Detective Coleman,
John Knox. Petectlve Scow and Ernest
Johnson. Hirsch said that on the aft
ernoon of the night on which Mutch
met death he heard Oetlnger say that
he wished Mutch would keep away
from his saloon.
This testimony is being introduced
for the purpose of assisting the jurors
in determining which of the two men
was the aggressor. There were no eye
witnesses of the homicide and Oetlnger
declares that he shot In self-defense.
Police Captain Keller was recalled
by the defense to testify that there was
a rubber mat in tbe saloon and that It
Is possible that the body of Mutch may
have been dragged from behind the
bar over this mat.
Several witnesses had previously tes
tified thst marks on the floor indicated
that the body was dragged from a point
in front of the bar. Oetinger declares
that Mutch had come around behind
the bar to assault him. The attorneys
for the state and defense both consider
this an important point.
Government Boat McndeJI Will Slide
Into Water at S o'clock.
Joseph Supple has fixed tomorrow
afternoon at 3 o'clock as the time when
the staunch new tug Geo. H. Mendell
shall take the water at his plant. The
vessel could have been launched weeks
ago. but It was desired to wait until
the river raised so as to insure perfect
safety in getting her off the ways.
When the Mendell is In the water all
that will be required to complete the
work will be to place the pilothouse
and mast into position, and to set the
stack and smaller parts, such as ven
tilators and connections from the pilot
house to tho englneroom. Mr. Supple
bas ordered material from Inman-Poul-sen's
for the steamer Grahamona, which
he will build for the Oregon City Trans
portation Company, and the drafting
work is under way. The rehabilitation
of the Minnie E. Kelton is progressing
and she will be In commission during
Largest Flt-ct of Windjammers to
Sail Under That l'lag.
In mail advices received from France
yesterday it was stated that N. & C.
Gulllon. of Nantes, have sold their en
tire fleet of vessels to the Societe Nou
vollo d'Arniement and that the pur
chase of new tonnage made by the
latter will soon place it at rlie. head of
the world's sailing ship owners. With
those last secured the corporation has
43 sailing vessels.
Tim vessels disposed of, all being
under the French flag, are the Charles
Gounod. KUmond Kosland, Edouard
Dctaille, Ernest Legouve. Ernest Reyer,
General do Ncgrier and the I'lerre Lotl.
Among the well-known carriers of the
Societe Nouvelle d'Armcment fleet
that have been here are the Admiral
Cecille. Boncliamps, Bossuet, Eugene
Schneider, General De Boisdeffre, La
Fontaine, Leon Blum. Marechal de Gon
taut, Marechel de Turenne. Marechal
de Vllllers. Marie. Moliere. Noeml, St.
Louis. Villo de Mulhouse, Touraine and
Portland Boy Writes of Stormy Trip
on Steamer.
Word has been received of the safe
arrival In Japan of Hubert M. Beattle,
a Portland lad of 20. who departed on
the Japanese cargo steamer Unkai Maru
No. 2 on March 14. Hubert reports
a tempestuous voyage across the Pa
cific. Starting out they took the northern,
or Great Circle route, passing within
150 miles of the Aleutian Islands. The
ocean resembled the Alps, as the big
ship seemed to climb a mountain of
water, slide down the other side, then
climb another. Seas came aboard and
m mm
Biggest Triumph in History
of Famous Health
Cases Treated by Mail
That the new system of special treat
ments for various ills which has been
introduced here by I'rofessor James M.
Munyon, the noted health expert, has
proved a wonderful success has now
become apparent. Immense crowds of
people are now calling at the offices
of the noted "Apostle of Hope." most
of them being drawn there on the rec
ommednatlons of friends who had tried
this new treatment.
In a recent statement Trofessor Mun
yon said:
'My new system or lnaiviouat treat
ments adapted to particular cases Is
practically a new thing with me. It is
not a new idea, for I and my expert as
sociates have been planning and exper
imenting with this method for several
years, but we became so conndent of a
great and far-reaching success that we
have at last placed them on the gen
eral market. Our anticipations have
been fully Justified. We are having one
of the greatest successes In my ex
'We have probably treated more
cases of rheumatism, m us various
forms, than any other single class of
cases. Our success has been almost
invariable. We have put out a treat
ment for stomach trouble that has
brought startllngly satisfactory results,
We have cured literally hundreds of
ases of stomach trouble. Indigestion,
gas on the stomacn, snorxness oi
breath, dizziness, constipation, palpita-
ion of the heart, etc., right here In this
itv. Another of our most effective
reatments is for catarrh in Its various
forms. This treatment Is both internal
and external. The external treatment
consists of a patented inhaler device
which medicates the upper air passages
where ordinary medicines could never
reach, and the Internal treatment acts
on all of the organs affected by this
insidious and dangerous disease. Of
course, we have treatments ior many
ther ailments, but they are put up in
lvldually by my expert physicians for
each case. Altogether I am delighted
with the success of my new special
Munyon s offices In Portland, are lo
cated on the second floor, rooms 4
nd 6, 362 Washington street, where
e has expert physicians in charge to
give free advice to the sick and ailing
from 9 in the morning to 8 at night.
paw paw pills rnrr
did some damage. One wave carried
a sailor out to sea, and another brought
him aboard in safety. This was a cause
of much merriment among the Japanese
officers, but Beattie admits he was
soared and failed to see the Joke,
No odds how bad your liver, stomach or bowels; how much your head acln-s,
how miserable and uncomfortable you are from constipation, indigestion, bil
iousness and sluggish Intestines you always get tho desired results with Cas
carets. Don't let vour stomach, liver and bowels make you -miserable another mo
ment; put an nd to tho headache, biliousness, dizziness, nervousness, sick,
sour, gassy stomach, barkacho and all other distress: .-leans your inside or
gans of all the poison and effete matter which is producing the misery.
Take a Cascaret now; don't wait until bedtime. In all the world there, is
no remedy like, this. A 10-cent box means health,
happiness and a clear head for months. No more
days of gloom and distress if you will take a Cas
caret now and then. Don't forget the children
thir little insides need a good, gentle, cleansing
T '
i ' i
No. 13
:0-POnTLAXD PASSENGER, leaves Ashland 7:10 A. M : Medford.
7:39 A. M.: Itoseburg, 1:20 P. M.; Eugene. 4:27 P.M. .: Albany. 6.10
P. M. : Salem, 6:59 P. M.; arrive Portland 9:25 P. M.
lSPORTbAJiD PASSE.VGER, leavs Koseburg 8:00 A M.: Eugene,
10:55 A. M.; Albanv, 12:40 P. M. ; Falem, 1:3a P. M.; Woodburn.
2:15 P. M.; arrive Portland 4:00 P. M.
. isHI.AND PASSENGER, leaves Portland 8:rf0 A. jm., ss hi
,,r.nt- Kiia-ene. 1 :fi0 P. M.: Cottage Grove, z:47 f. 31.; nose-
burg. 5:30 P. M.; arrive Ashland,
11:55 P. M.
30 Will run dally on return trio rrom bhohsili.i via
LEBA0. arriving Albany. 11:20 A. M.
36 WOODBIBX-SILVKHTOX train, Sunday only, leaves Pilverton
1-35 P. M .: Mount Angel, 1:45 P. M. ; arrives Woodburn, 2:05 P. M.
K 48 LEWES SII.VERTON' daily, e-xcept Sunday, et 1:25 P. M.; Mount
Angel, 1.40 P. arrives Woodburn. 2:00 P. M.
Train service between Coburg and Oak Ridge, on the new Klamath Falls.
Line, as follows:
No. 85 LEAVES COBURfi daily, except Sunday, 7:00 A. M.; Springfield.
7-40 A. M.. connecting with train from Eugene; arrives Oak
nidge. 10:10 A. M.
86 LEAVES OAK RIDGE daily, except Sunday. 1:20 P. M.; Spring
field. 3:50 P. M., connecting with train for Eugene; arrives
Coburg 4:25 P. M.
No. 81 LEAVES EtGENE, 7:00 A. M. ; Springfield, 7:20 A. M.; arrives
Wendling. 8:15 A. M.
No. 82 LEAVES WENDLING, 8:40 A. M.; arrive Springfield. 9:45 A. M.;
arrives Eugene, 10:05 A. M.
No. 83 LEAVES EL'GENE, 2:00 P. M.; Springfield, 2:15 P. M.; arrives
Wendling 3:05 P. M.
No. 84 LEAVES WENDLING, 3:10 P. M.; Springfield, 4:00 P. M.; arrives
Eugene, 4:15 P. M.
Nos. 81 and 84 CONNECT AT SPRINGFIELD with Coburg-Oak Ridge
No. 94 Portland Motor. LEAVES XEWBERG. 6:45 A. M.; Oswego, 7:31
A. M.; arrives Portland. 8:05 A. M.
No. 102 Portland Motor, LEAVES XEWBERG, 1:10 P. M.; Oswego. 2:04
P. M.; arrives Portland, 2:30 P. M.
No. 97 Newberg Motor LEAVES PORTLAND, 9:45 A. M.; Oswego, 10:11
A. M.; arrives Newberg, 11:05 A. M.
Ko. Ill Newberg Motor, LEAVES PORTLAND, 5:50 P. M.; Oswego, 6:10
P. M.; arrives Newberg, 7:10 P. M.
Trains Nos. 9 and 10. now running between Portland and Hillsboro, Sun
days only, will be discontinued.
Trains to Tillamook via Southern Pacific and P. R. & N. will run daily
as follows:
Leave Portland. 8:45 A. M. ; arrive Tillamook 4.35 P. M.
Leave Tillamook, 7:00 A. M.; arrive Portland, 2:45 P. M.
JOHN M. SCOTT, Gen. Passenger Agent