TITE MORXIXG OREfiOMAX. FUIDAY, 3FAY 1012. IS ls. Bird., Pee '"" lcK Fr.it'a Roup Cure. For Ml by J. J .inr Co. I Front at. M'arell MENS HIGH-GRADE ' IT I give yo, the bt clofh.ng '"IU'" T'..rTl.nd--h TWau my r.m about ..or ..mh -bat of a "l.'Tr- -'.i ft o -.... .air. for 14?... 27.n. ""'."? ev.ia for Jimmy Dunn, room r-C"l(aw Take ; SEWING machine. fin m.rhin. of th ..test irara. New "J J J and Inmiuc and othere: drophead. lw and up. boa top. W and up. All t .-.1 . re 71fofo'- JIE.SS TRK"5- M-n H.ir your pan. of rn and a a rr,."," M.0O panti. 5... ' fan". I.-. J..." nam.. M. Jimmy Dunn. room 313 fffi-ntn M'lg- raac ' I ...... . . - K:.n.iai new com- ! 'T"-".; to in.!. 11 p rt. w . i n pmir. . , , s-r: cheap, using nor. power. AJa'M 1 Hariri. Island Station. Fbon ililw.uk l:l 4. W r' RF.NT I 'IE Sf!T.I, ovtrmt't.m- MM HINFKV. MOTORS STVNDAP.D K A' HINERV CO.. 4 second w naTt Gouln. Hall aaXaa. saw and ee-aod-baad. low price. aa.T tern. '? Ilf CoJl-i ala -una, iiTcHTl-T uad eaah r.lst.re. credit ret l.tVa! computing rale, ale.. bought .1 ielo. Th Pacific Stora tiarvlc. ta . mark at- Mala "Tit. NATIONAL CAShTeGISTERS M 'and i up. w buy. a. II aad repair cash raiiatara. TV" J Macauley. ealee agent National lean ,:,r.. 04 Em-waid at., cor, of IO- VuiR BALE Cub regleter. cle. c.fre-e IT1 et" cuttar. cradlt re.i.t.r. meat "tar .ioTtm. Portland Htora Xuppl, w. i0 td at. alarabaJI S4, FoR SALE cheap Showcase, ataiidina; d-k. unio , rip... c'uToff .... ay.lt wooden pul 1.. abaft and hanaera. ' ' IO quire Hma Trunk ' " 1'' h Tcna a . i k -1 ana eactloa aad 1 twa- .iloi."! -.-.! French ran..; ate. broliar. Chef.. Artlnton Club. irn7T-OI.Ai,d mntor boat and houa. 20-horipo'-er engine: ...y lrma. P" TTPEWRITRBS robmtt. l. 1 ' r. .k...!..!! Tvtvowr r Co.. . t:rk - ' "" - - .a . I a VH PAI.K A Ham. inK" ' .V-ra or wlreleae. Apply to D. A. Tl I a i sh crochet bar. for aal. 3.. -'' - ood n evanlnaa. rTrlTNF.T and Kdt..n records for ( M T" y. r7risto- wood, cheav. rhone ilarsnail iff. JTb SAL.F. l-lb. platform ar.ea In aood Co" PL. I NEKS earda 1: a 'J"..,'1U rtfi Prtnt.rr. 1I'a d. eoroar Taylar. VI I.-- IMIh. Tt CDOOItt Old plumea iii-ide In wlllowa'; our knot la fua!Tint.ed; -p.r tor 3 carta In. h: fl" iinBf and curling. S3 6tb at Apt. WE BUT CLOTHINU. Ft RNiTt. fc TOOL Higbaat pric. paid for men a and adl.a "Jtoa Ilotbln,. aboaa '-""""r-in.cbaBlc loacina. Call Jtala let t-. Tha Glob. T E bur Junk ana aacond-hand macblnanr of aierr daacrlptlon. Call for our bujrar. M. Barda ton. 7ont : atj. tba i oua of a milUoa barsaioa. ilaJa .43. A 106X TT. ar. m the market for a neir or aecond hand auto tnjrk. -ar.clty about too lbs. r over. Call M. Barda Som- Vain aJ ..e A 1"! . V ANTED 2d-hand paaout and P"PrT" ma.iar. combine. In ood order. Waiter Kai'P.CoiMlon!Or . . TVE car the hlcbeat eaab ncle for aacoad haid furnltura. Beat.r Martin. Fboaa tul 134. 4 Hawthorne " . TO BIT. cash realater. acalea. eolTea mill, ebaeaa eutter. credit "fieier and meat !,.,. Fhona Marshall 4j4S aao ad. BABGFr.8 AUtrrfoV HOCSaS T it.- aforrlaoo. Phone K. ion. Para blKheet cash price for furoltur WAN'TED Moetna-plctur ouiau foidiBd chairs, ate AL. OregonUa. , FORD Auction Co. Para moat eaah for mr lad ef furnltura iiain HS1. A 44S TV'ANTEn Several Rood, fr mt he reeeonubi O ?' sh dairy cows. OriKonlan. WIL.L. tint room.. I- &" up: do painting at - . . . .. - m u HF.IP TAJTKn MAI. INCIDK.VT. Ona of fanr. Office Secretaj-y Employmeiit department. V. M. C. A. Tounr wan. stranger, out of work. !2 hla total run isfti If I pav you S for spect.l employment menihershlp. I will have only fli left between me and star vation. Secretary If you pay " f'Vr .perlal entploynient membership, you will have the T. M. C. A., wlih ll reeourcea. be tween vou and atarvattnn. Kesult- Toung man Joined aesoclation. In lee. than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for four months ending April y'V alls for men T 19 poelilons filled Employment membership guarantees member wi:i secure emploj ment or refund ef membership fee; rlvee two months' f'lll membership privileges. 10 months; social prtvileaea and undertakes to keep party employed durlna; the fu.l term of mem bership without further charge. We have constant demand for high grade, experienced man. Ara yoa fitted for . better position? See secretary employment department. T. M. C. A- - WANTED for D. 8. Array, aoie-oodled. married men. between agaa of 1 and la. cltiaeaa of United States, of good char acter aad temperate bablta, woo caai apeak, rwsd and write the English laa as.ee. For Informatloa apply to Kecratt Ir.g efTlcer. Worceatar block. Third and Uak atreeta. Portlaad. Or. COOD PAT. steady employment, pleasant work, with an old reliable compaay. The work la selling hlgh-grada nursery stock, and wa bar soma good territory open, state what territory you would Ilka and writs at oore for particular, to Loca Box 410. P.w-tland. Oregon. TTAXTEn A "country circulation solicitor for a dally paper: must be aoher and abia to sat the buelnees; good, permanent po sition for the right man. Arply by letter, .tating age. experience and ealary ex pected. Tha Eugene) Dally Guard. Eu gene. Or. . VF4.NTED DENTIST: must ba flrat-cla. operator and gold worker: must have Ora ron license: permanent position to light man: good salary. Alveolar Dental Co.. 114 Ablncton bldg. Tt'ANTErv An optomatrist of age. experl enaa and capability : rouat ba affable ajd hooeat and have oaaaed tha Gtata Board of Oregon- AC vWegonian. T'ANTia Janitor for prtvata hotel Uust I. era flrat-claaa referencea. Address AT 8AI F.SMAN Wa need another xxperleneed sad active real estate and buali esa r nance aaieaman. Apply Tha Oregon lcatora. 510 Hotachlld b;dg. 8AI.E5MES Excellent aide lines for dry good, and general stores ; good commla- .ion. in - WANTF.D a or 4 good l.oya. 1 to 1 sirs. Haradon Candy Ka.-totT. E. Oi and lavls AN TCP Toung man atenographer In real xt.tr office: V month to start. Apply 4'T rpaiding btdg. A'irN'T to sell beat sennc article avr In 'n:ed: 5 reti:-n fcr 1 Inveeted. W. tl. era. Kirr ebnra. vr. cVUMiLO lumbar grader for eortlsg tabia. Apnlr Clarke-Wllaon Loirober Co.. Uon- t 'n. Or. fTxtKRIENCED book aaieaman lo aeil on contracta. new propoettiiwl. 3-8 TVorceatar hldg J-ATTFRNM AKTR wanxad. Call 223 Cora- m-rcil Club bldg. w"ANTEI HIgh-claea aalesman. Aak P A OTO nupiia: beet ever affered; sua aaeaia Coibertn Stadia. Pekana ald WANTCIi I good men. Call (HM Board of Trade bldg. Vi4,VTKl Slock eaieemen at 51 ed at.: veara Job. Sea as lea manager. ;.V. over 1 x miet ba good reader. Room .1 Second. I1VKHER wanted for Saturday. Ida First e reel. fl'IMINti e.'lt-:ltor wanted, commission ba eis. - 1 1 Buchanan bldg. A -I 5 SH and door machine man. Acme rTetn M'.l. F.est unh end Water. l-r HlENi'F.l1 men in mercantile line; le"'-: ymnn'it. 1-tl llerlmger Mn. , foe out of town pron-'wl' ion. saiei y c.l! t1. I'3 loth et. iT.-i.ivKIlT Me wanted: i':T St Washing- ton el. rtoom ". B RKtR wanted. Itta N. itth st. BAR LEU wanted. H ifoxrlson at. HKI.P WAXTTO MAIK. WANTED TODAY. Three sash and door machine jncn. $7 to S.OA Gens trlmmermsn. f.jO. lira !ir on finished lumber. lli:;!,.nle. J--'" UP. V srnnicn. 9- up. Four nin to lo.id pll ns. i Three pesvy men. -' IliHim :nin, g-.i' l imp Tlunkce. $-' snd Man and wife on small farm. r .irmiiends. f.'V to e-- Ten loggers. - to ki". New Joba coming In every hour. Watch our bulletin boards. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. S-'2 and 32 Couth St.. bet. 1st and SAI.K.-MAN wanted to scB ci.TSeln residence lot. and home. In all part, of the rity also acre.ae on r. p.yments. A.k i"r sales manaser. ., ... - -ort r I'w- -iuin ..... TIIRKK or four machinist, for brand! rall-rua-l. long Job. suite eJl-rlence. refer ences and phono number. A :. Oregonian. WANTED II.W a day usranlee.l : can make ;:: smallest I'oy c.csre.1 M m f-al-urclay. Hova with wheela v.ntcd at baae roent. 17" lth st. o'clock. WANTED Toung"" man "to h"r!'J trade: fine chance; three-chair ahop. b-i FlKT-''UAt"S autoiuoblla machinist. ap- pie nuiyii - ij IVSIDK wlremen. Sll Stark street. HEIP WANTED ITMAI.fc WANTED TOUNG LADIB3 FOR TEL: PHON3 OPERATING. WITH OR WTTH CIT EXPERIENCE. APPLT THB PA CIFIC TEI-EFHONB TSLBORAPU CO.. EAST TH AND AN KENT 8TB. WANTED Competent stenographer as a ,tnt to E.n-rl hook keeper . for a wholesale h.u.e. Need not be "'.P',. lent bookkeeper. bul must have Son." LowledK. oflhe genera. P"''' i'.'l l.e quirk and accurate at H' jra. lr.M in own haiKlwrltlng. giving refer enc" nd state salary wanted. E i0. i.rrtoniain Ocrmsn cook, for In.lit.'lon $3r.: ranch cook. ;U: ltre..e. out "f.,.c"-.,;ai girl for shooting galler. .. general riouaework. at good g,', b--t PACIFIC KMPI..TMENT. l.1c- le,.i- 'v Morris n at. WANTED Sever.! yoang l.die. between ,L, or 410 Eaurt Ankeny au HOl'.-EKEEIKR by rellned r'nl'',JJJi-0pi. .hiMr.n- F-istern Oregon cli. gHi i nllrttinny for liVat. kind, motherly woman. So X. to i'l permanent home; moil- rat. wgea Call Mul.nomah Hotel, room 4 : ; . Detween i - W.ntad: mld.lle-ag.d ,",''11 J'ood f erred, who would care moro for a fcood home than -aKe,. out ouse for a a l.lower. t all at Hotel cone . cor. nth ana t-tsre of Johnson anil l'.th sls. vt vxi.li A steliogrsphcr In law office 1 cTTy nrr Portland: give exp.rl.nce. .h.I. girl or nildUle-aged woman 'or ge. eral hoosevioik In small " w7iea and permanent horn, to right parlj. - .".er , -Vh .. North. Irvington. ei!:rflu'ir' Iri n'.-.d A." pen-nce' and aaje. wanted. II. Kox i"-.. . -nouns girls. Ilehearaal today Iteport YOHrrI.CAI. AOKNCY S'Jlte r.iir rrvwpv-TBXT experlencxl girl or woman for CCcoVk'nV ind aume housework -ha, ; P kept. Apply befora 12. Maranaiu vrt".'.t tr. KIH.-.-I-CLAHS meal and v-lt'1 V'ni near em. j1" VANTEt Ceood girl for general h""""''0';; good wagea but must ba competent. Ap near tin. Sor"oarrVaa"r3o'm & -es. K Oregonian. WVT a competent wultre.e and Cham her- ply .41 " ria out a. WOMAN to care tor 5-year-old child ai.d d i , houaawork In country. S In family, li ,th at. Main SIW-. good wages v - 4f.74 WANTEl-ilrl r gvnetal plain cooking: good wagca. I-ovajoy. near Siitii. WnMAN for cooking and soma housework, wai Mke colored woman or good Japan ese. Call It" N. iM at. r rrn f..r g-neral houaework. gVciaErg-ea..rkall family. Phon. Main 1340. 5N1 J.t ei. WAITRESS, countrv. tl f-.re: famllv r.k, " Hawfl I-adW Agncy. 3. W Wash. hans.-- - unit . rnB saasi WANTED A "woman or girl to do ganerm) hmJcVoTkr family of 3. In small town. fro paid. M. 4-- A115U-A1, ladle, for mUltary na ww r g.nl.lng; eiperlec.ee imnaca.aary. a. uror lan. -rehned. oapaoia aponalbla poalttcu-. J enlid hlds.. 4ih and Washing Co- aoa aavsw WANTriD a girl wsJwa-a. 81 2 Buroalda. y . rcatriurniiv V, vNi EI A girl for sexond worn; musi . experienced. Call Tabor 4". BOY to deliver groceries) on bicycle. Apply WANTED lilrl for f"""' l"u.TIfrki lly ot a; p-". :- iinl. warned for small tamiiT. Vf " North -,i'jlajrJAat- BXPKTtlENCED aalesl.dy. wl'h reference. KHe.'-nan-s dry go.v1 store. 711 Thurman. FINISHES wanted on maoa c-ats. bb1 3d St.. room 'I. ex-ANTED Experienced aiiort hour walueea at oncehmpaonreataurant. 144 4Uu TV ANTED A lrl for general housework. at ltVT IJlh atreet. Wt'MAN to cook In ariiaii country hotel. 2 tnoDt h. Main 517. Vll.UNE RY Wanted, good malter. and I m proeera Apply IW 7;h St. WANTED A girl for second work, private family: referencea. Applv IH N Bth. WANTED Olrl to do general housework. 1 a.lults. Inquire I5 Alder. WANTED Operators on pants; steady work. IMS 2d at., room WANTED Experienced girl for general housework t all 4efc Market st. WANTED Competent girl for general housework, yi E. ad t. GIRL, for general housework; two adults In feinl'i Appl 7V. Ho'l. EXFEKIENCED girl for general houaework. 7.1S tjllsan st COMPETENT second glre. f.iih st. Apply 11 East FAM II Y cook. lf: second girl. SO. f x.ii I . Acen. v. Me in 2'Ul. - St. SAl.tlSIAJiT vnted. Appiv 2 1 A.der nrt.r TVANTrTt male or wkmai.e. -VV a N T at on-e. man and wife lo do pi. In l'std wo-, ivf lee-h. ree.r: board and Wising furnished. W. H. Ross, J14 Spald ing bids. HFl.P WANTFD MAI ORJKEKAl.K. VOCALIST or plania; lo ahare studto in centra location; reasonable. Main 3.:t-. KELP WANTEIa al-HCEIX-VMyOP . - MET STOP RSAD LEARN to oi-era-.e movirg plcturea; operators inako to H weekly. Full pracl.cal "".NKVV'VK FILM KNCITANOE. Wash., near 17th. HEN WAN TED Age IK to 33. lo P"l' f.cr fireman and brskem-n. on J"r',.r railroad.. H to li monthly. ! bJn " enc. .mn.ce.aar: no st n'. I W moUoa enili.ee or conductor. 1M to .o" monihly. Good life careers. sta'a age. .-end stamp. Railway Association. Ore- ;ari. ala.N ana women to ar. tha oaraer traaa in eight weeks; sosciaU Inducement.: par eeti'aaa paid whlla learning. to.la fraei iipei? Instructors: II year. In tb. kosi a.T : achooU: a llfeiltoa maMr.l rivaa to aacn aiudaat. Molar Baraar Col LJe. 14 NTrourtii aL. Portland. OT. XrilBKR young men are wanted by rall reaur in talegraoh and station r'ca; rwusu pay.ng .7 to l per nionth. ior paxtlcuiare call or .ddroas lalegraph Depc. coiniuonwea.Ul bliui, 6ih and An keny ate. INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Cm houls. room 4o McKay bldK.. cor. rhird and suirk ata Open VV-e.in.sday and balurduy nights rhoua Main lu-ii. bend lor our new catalogue. Mi'V ING-I'ICtLkE operating, full practical e ... ......... ....).' a ..in It coursM taugii 10 .'.ee.- -... right; l.rl.e reesoral.l". Secure position. 4l Uftliirniui u.uii-. -. --- KA1LWAX mail clerka. prepare now. ax cellant aalarlea and promotions; no lay offs sure pay; frea book. Call today. P Sffte.' School. McKay bldg.. city. YOU ara wanted for Government Jon, S month. Scud poatal for list posiiloDs opea. Franklin Intuitu. lcyt- - O. Kucheam. v v. bTENOGRAPHERS. any system, beginners or atlVHIiceu. -' ' . , in poaltlons. tl.)0 vorce.i.cr w.ov. to. HOOL of SHOHTHAND and TYPEW UIT- V- o.e month. 2US 14th st. Main oi. HaKE mone writing short 'i tapers; big pay; frea booklet tells ho. tnitcd PressbyndJcetaJac; fmVATE SHORTHAND. TTPEWRITINO. bookkeeping. 642 Hamilton bldg. Mar. 4-taa. HK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION tor achoola and teachera. l Bwetlaad bid. PARTNER wanted In beauty parior. w. teach the business. ItH Itothcnlld bldg. SITIATIOSS TTAXTEls MALE. Mookkeepers and Clecka. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and office man wants poaltlon: have con.idernlile experi ence; also underatand stenography, lum ber buainesa preferred; rfcrcnccst X 21, Oregonian . A-I BOOKKEEPER and stenographer wants poaltlon; ten yeara' experience; .1 j alngle; can take charge of office or will manage email buaine... AB 2!. Oreuo niini. , WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE Oil VVHlId up books, prepare balances and sia'-a-ments. install systems. Giillnghajw. aa dltor. 411 Lewi, bldg. Marshall TlT- Al BOOKKEEPER and orTca man, good local reference. Main 734. M ore- WVNTEO. by experlence.1 young man, gen eral office work; am not afraid of work. hone Ea.t 4.ti:t, K PE KIKNfED office man. bookkeeper and st-noxrupli. r, sg 3.".. m.irrled. good hab . . t.i...,,.. i'ul.i,c :tA, 113. V nn-ll .mt.'i " "' " POSITION ly groceryman lhal can do the work. AT l4.Ort.gonlan. POSITION Stove salesman; experienced; reference.. I. 2., Oregonian. il Iscellaneoua, MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, tlf Second St.. Corner Salman. Women's Department. S4S Salmon. All classes ot unskilled, skilled, profes sional sad clerical mala and female help furnished o. short notice. No fee charged. Pnona Main Jils. A S824. TOI'NG ma.i with broad, liberal education, thorotiglilv competent, duairva lo become associated with a aubstalitlal glowing ln stlttilloii where advancement is limited onlv bv abllilv; real estate, loans ami in surance preferred A V 24. oregonian. WANTED Position by f.tl man, well edu cated, neat dresser, g-vod appearance, fluent talker: refeiences. H 27. Ore gonlen. ' JAPANE.-K iaumlryman who has experience of It! yeara wanta Joi (fancy work and suits pressing i by dy or hour In private house. Telephone Main 2M. A HlH". WANTED Poaltlon drive automot.l.c. tuke care of garden, wiilt on table In prlv.ile family, by good exiierlenced Japantse. Ad dresa V2fl. First St. SALESMAN. 13 years' experience, wants position, not only an order-laker, but a good deal-closer and contractor. Auilresa ft V7. iregontnii EXPERIENCED Janitor. married. wanta Job In an apartment-house; beat ot ref erences. Phone East 1113. A JAPANESE desires a position to do t.oy work on the farm; no ohjecta U 2a, Ore gonluu. CARrEN'TKR and builder wauls situation, liay or contract, new or alteration. J. Manku. p. O. Hox We, I.ents. or. WANTED Work on chicken ranch or farm: Lest of references. J. L. Kregelo. General Mail Delivery. CH4.rrFEril. experienced, nut afraid of work, wants steady position. Tabor 4CO.I. I ring. . FCERIENCED g-irdener wishes position to txke chvia of private place; good ref erence. AIIJ27. Oregonian. CH AlFFEfR. mechanic, wants position; 4 veara' driving and garage experience; best of references, age 26. T 28. Oregonian. TOL" NO Japanese wanla poaltlon for short hours' work In morning or night. O :s. oregonian. NI'iHT watchman. 20 years' experience, want. yo.Ulou; besl of referencea Tabor 4.K.3. 1 ring. - cioF.ER and reliable man desires position aa night clerk In hotel or rooming-house; give bond. If required. F Oregonian. ENERGETIC man wants steady employ ment around houae and garden. I. Tyren. 210V 1 atat. cXRPENTr.R and builder wanla situation, day or contract; relet encea J. H. Young. Woodstock. JAPANF.SE desires position ss porter or chamber worker In tha city. Address U. K. Phone Main Oo.'l. Home M. o. LALNDRV want. po.Iili.n; can tak. cara of machinery. A No. 1 reference, P v s. y re. p. ..op. STEADY man wishes position aa night watchman: references K 2,C'resnlan. WiNrOw"TYASHINo7 house cleaning, floors waxed and polished. Sellwood 112H. UHAlKFKrn AND REPAIR MAN. V V1.1. " ' ..... - JAPANF.SK bov wanta any kind of work n to a r. at. r nrsiumj. IF you ara In need of and a No. 1 laundry man. answer tnia add. .V 2. Oregonian. JAPANESE pharmacy student wants to work In qrug store. j r. n... v.ra.j...... yol'NO man wanta position to fix up lawns and roses. I 25. Oregonian. WANTED Position by experienced dairy man. Address u 21. iiregoriian. E1TC ATIO-J WANTED TTKMAJJS. sxeegkeepere ana sleaiegewaaeew. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants to males a i h.inge: wotlia not care io oegui nu less than 70 or 7i: city referencea. Phon East 1?2. . v-.vi-v:.; le.lT bookkeeper, srx years' ex perience, good recommendations, best of rererences. jn. r . c ., im r.so. - - ' " Phone labor 21. i. COV t'ETKNT stenographer, with gsneral office experience, uono i... . ...... enccs. ilarsliall on 6TENK.KAfr.n, 2 s yew rirri. . , ... .... .1 - , !.... ...Ir. rermui.Bt gOOU I BV..II..M-..M.. . position. K 2T. Oregonian, POSITION by stenograoner with six years legal experience; moderate salary If posi tion permanent; referenda. Marshall 24.1li. PfiSlTlON wanted hy stenographer, soma ex- perencT, wii.i. e.-. - . ..... YOI'NG womsn desires position- as book keeper or cashier. AE 20. Oregonian. aViTRATS. xperlenced bookkecj.er desires office work. K 2S. Oregonian. I-IRST-CL-VS3 lalloress and dressmaker wishes engagements by day or at home. AU work guaranteed. X3.SO per day. A 17. irrz'.ni.n, Ml.I.E. DB B1LLACT. ".. Washington Ella St. entrance). French fashions. r-none A Il- rRTVATs"mtl!inry and dresamaklng at . k. .i.v B03 Williams .. phona nooi1 Eat-t home cj- by day. onj w iiuaina ave. i-nons PfT. -ANCY" sewing by dsy or homa. Thorn Mali -o7 1. Dress makers. v.--.r ..oeisn. l.ov dslr-s housekeeping. widower a family. Alain Ml SITUATION W A N T ED FEM ALE. licnsekeeper. LADY wishes to caie lor-an apartment house for a ;:-room unfmiilshed apart menl and wages according to service re quired ; reference. W 27. Oregonian. WOMAN wllil .luuglil.r wants position as hous.-ke. p. r for wl. lower or bachelor. B 3o. Oregoniari; Tft.VNTKD hv lady posl:ion a. housekeeper f-,r widower, in or .nit of city. Call 2S .lerTsrso-i .t.. hasemenf door. Yol'.M; Christian woman a. housekeeper for la-ly doing day woik. A 4Q14. POSITION as housekeeper in hotel or apart ment. Main 7.11. Kom 21S. lit H'SEK FEPEll. Kood cook, cilv or coun try, references. O 3D. Orcgontnti. PP.t .KFlssl N Al. nurse noiild care for a chronic patient and wilting to assnmo o'her r 'i-orslhillries. L 2.'.. ereito:iian. PRIVATE home for old people. Just opene-i, 2U7 Kilii.ig.worili ave. In charse of com petent nurse. Phon- Wowlla.n 1411. PRACTICAL nurse wnnts caso immediately; will work out of town. M.iln 147. Domestlra. Yt.ii'Nt couple want positions in prival.! family; wife, hrst-rla.s cook; man. gen eral work. K 27. Oreponlan. Miscrlhmrone. SITCA1ION wanted as housemaid or second maid by Swedlftli young lady. Address Rev. John Oval!.. rea.Uence 048 Mill St. ' riionn Marshall 114. MASONS widow and niemhet Eastern Star wnnls poMition as housekeeper or denion stv.itor: cupal.le; i-oih! tnlker. Address lt3 Salmon t. Phono MaishaH T(:. COMPETENT millinery trimmer wishes In or out of town poi.tion lor r.niainoer ui season, best references. S '.". Or.-gontan. KIIiST-CLASS laundress wishes work Thuia- ilny and Frioay; referencea. nouii 1i:U or C. 2.1:2. HOI'SEK EE 1'KKS. cw.ks. w aitresses, second Kirls. clutmhrrnialris. nurses. SU Louis Agency. .,:;4 Alder. Main 2"(1'. A 47.... LACE eilit.ilns hand laundered, menf'.ed If n-cessi'iv. 21 cents ..p. Called for and delivered. Tabor 4Hn::. 1 rir LACE curtains laundered. 2.'.c up,n qulclw service; nrst-class work. Tabor oli. GERMAN iTldy cook wants poellion In pri vate family: 4". AC 12. Oreitonian. LADY" would like to take rharae of roomins- hotise. Main Ilea., room . HALF luv and day's work; bundle wash ing to take home. Phone KbeI ll'.MI. GIRL wants light housework or wor a- hoard I ti g-h ou.e. E 2 J. Oregon 1a 11. k In EArSlllr-.M r.l) te;epnoiie opeiaiwt position. Call H 2ls1. yOVNIi woman wants day work. Inquire at r.o Failing St. COMPETENT woman wishes .lay work or take washing homo. Marshall .lti7. EXPERIENCED girl, f.imily cook. ?,ir. up. St. Louis Agency. References. Main2u-'I9. WANTED AGF.T. WANT two or three agents to sell lots in dose-In Improved snhdivislon; good seller . . .1 .mtnimn Call between 10 and 13 mornings. imS-1110 Spaulrilng bldg. SALESMAN or aaleBladv for very attractive and needful goods. 120.1 Y'eon bldg. DANDY m w proposition; she Is a winner. Call 013 Heck bldg. WANTFP TO RENT. House. 6-ROOM furnished bungalow, with yard and sieeolng por.-h. Irvington or vicinity; r--nt about X4i: c in give best of references. Phone Main r.lcl. Full RENTALS SEE: WATSON A THERKEI.SEN CO.. 8"1 Spalding Bldg- Ma In 7 .'.9 2. WANTED Immediately, furnished cottage near carline. family of four adults. AT 4V Oreeonian. WANTi-lD at once, completely furnished cot l.ice or apartments; Jfive location, accom modation, and price. A 2d. Oregonian. YOI'NO man. 24. desires furnished room by June 1. Willi stricllv private and cul tured people. Must be f irsl-rlas. place. W.st Side preferred. M 28. Oregonian. Kooine TV ith Board MAN ami wife, giving best reference for Christian character, desire housekeeping. 1001:1s with old couple, or elderly lady who desire somone In house with them. Ad dress AT 4'.. orc-onium MECHANIC wishes l oard and room In Dan ish or Norwegian family, close 10 Morrison bridge. H 2, Orceonla.l. GOOD home for girl 12. near Kliot Sthool. will pay $li board. G li. Oregonian i UB. BJ-M. Fnrnlaliril Koorna. THJ SAKGEN-1- HOTEL, Orand and Hawthorn Avenue. For rent, the lineal corner, parlor, bed room and bath sull In tha city, lai-g room, beautifully turnlahed, nlna wln dowa, fine view of ail the mountains. Aiao tome aiugla room, elovator aervlce. teia phon. hul aud cold water, electric lis" and steam heat; moderate prices for de airabla tenanta. Eight streetcar lines past tn bulldlajj. If you are looking for permanent, home-like quarters, be sure and Inspect th Sargent before locating. Excellent restaurant la connection with hotel. Telephone East 201. J. H. CLARK. PROPRIETOR- NOW OPiiNI NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! Those thre beautifully furnished hota,t HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL illNOOK. FAH6ON0. ilOWLAND. Ziavi 4th at. 211S 4th at. 207 S 4th at. On Fourth sL, running from Taylor t Salmon au; brand-new brick: elegantly fumlehed. steam heu prlvat batna. hot and cold water In .11 rooma; strldily n to data In all reapects. and at popular prices. If you want something oat of th ordinary. In th heart of tae city, at rea sonable price, glv. u . call, aa wa know you will Ilk It. Rooma by th day, wg or month. Tourial trade solicited. ANGELA H O TE L. 2 Washington St. i.'nder New Management. Large lobby, tnu.hed In mahogany, til and marble; ladles' parlor with alc.ant fireplace; free telephone service In rooms, all night giid day, electric elevator, el earn heat, hot and cold water In all rooms, many with bath. A residential hotel abov reproach, wiiere every effort is made or tne comfort and convenience of It guea's, rents th most reasonable in the city; rooms by the day, week or month. Look this over before locating. Take W car al depot, get otf at IWth and Washington. NOTICE The Virginia 11111 Hotel (former ly the Hobart-Curtls 1. 2'!." Fourteenth si.. Portland's well-known, high-grade family hotel. The location, rooms, appointments and service are unexcelled, and there are a few single rooms and one or two com modious suites available Jor parties fur nishing satisfactory reference. Telephones: Main U2K.1, Home A MM. HOTEL bAVON, 111 Eleventh Street. New, modern brick building: taa eeated. private batha, hot and cold water tn rooma; beautifully furnished, co.v, oone lortb!e. renf reasonable. Call and a a. Regpiar and transient trad aoUclta. HOTEL LA BALLS. 101b and Uurnalde at Absolutely fireproof; new and elegantly furnished rooms; prival batha. atsaxa h.at. hot and aold water, prival phonM In each room; special rates by tha moata; pnone aervlce frea Peon MtnnUi 4a. HOTEL RaTNwicK" An ideal bom lor baai. seaa tcsufl.: centrally located; el.gaal rooma; ail modern convenlencea; Tin aa layior ta.. 1 block lrom Portland Htfc eppaait. Helllg Theater. Phon Mala Kit RAINIER HOTEL. On block from Union Depot; 140 ontaK4 rooms, with hoi and cold water and staact fc.at; offers aoeclal rata for permaaeal guesia; rata too to 2 a day; I.M 4 up per Week. Phon Main 84 13. " VAN OORDER HOTEL, Twallth bt. Marshall i)7MV In bearl of bu.lneaa district: steam heat. l and cold water, frea phona in ver room ; XI day ana up; 4 week aad na, CALCMKT hUTaL, i Par it. fin rootxia hot and cold water, .team haau taiainf and all modern convcnlanoaa; li par month and up; u.ulet and oiuiiorua.fc " THE LINDELlI Large pleaaaiit front looms, eaay .Talk ing distance, all home conveniences, 4.2, yjTSO to (4 per week. J121 4th S-- Main 6iai. HOTEL KLICKITAT. Xew; cor. Eust 1st and iioiladay ave.; hot and cold water, steam heat; rooms ga. per week up. Phono East 5:'VS. eiOTFL NOlvivlS. mouern convenlencea 4J !J to o week. . oos Aider, comer THE KINv. -I'1 Joflerson, nicely furnished rooma, electricity, heat, bath, closo lo buainesa centet.rates .2.S0 per week up. LEWISTON Hotel, 271S Morrison, cor. 4th; large, airy rooms, single und suites, tran sient and permanent, oou pay ujk DO YOU want a good room In a good loca tion at a low- rate? Try Hotel Larrabee, ' 7 1, larrabee St.. East Side. East iHK. KVVI.Y furnished all outside rooms. " convenient to car, modern. 2M'- N. very 2 1st. HOl'El JUYCK, 4tti anu jciierson, nicely fui nisbed room by day, w e.-k or month. md TilK LANl'i'llU loiii si-, lo-aittilully f ui'il'li-d laige.. light r-.oms reasonable. KO'MS. nicely fuiuishcd, at thu Crac 3ida, 4: Alder au FOR RENT. FnrnJshed Kooms- Now Open. Ill Rocrma Now Opera. HOTEL BTRON. HOTE1 CAPLSS. Seventh and Taylor Sta. Residential and t.-anaient: absolote.y central; two minute from Poetornce. tores, tbeatera and rostauranU; Just on business street, and carllnea: quietest and best location; handsome trick. ampia ...-. heei v..,. riinnin. water and ountrt Li avery room, smite and prlvat. hatha. e evator. itpu'-aoie ana .i"' From 7&c daily, 1-4 weakly- aoj car fro a deiest. THE ALEXANDER, 131V Tenth, corner Aider si., convenient to iho business dis trict and all theaters; well furnished rooms ior transient or permanent, a week up: under new management. Fnrnl.hcd Rooms In Private Family. WITHIN ...; walking distance. 1 block front carline, 4 -nicety furnished sleeping ro.ims for rent in private residence, phone and bath, price $- und f-l per week. Cail jti E. irah Soutn. corner Ash st. Phono East 4.131 . TWO or three furnished or unfurnished rooms in quiet, shady old home, Karden privileges an. I pleasant doory-iird: cars lo minutes' walk from house; very reason able tent. Mrs. Jane Jones, Tel. Black 72. Milwau kie. Or. A P.lRTIcfLAR home for particular people. If you are tired of boarding-house fare and rooms and desire the uaintiness 01 a real home and reasonable pric-'s. call Mis. Anna Smith. W. 17117 or C .11 OS. LA R ! 11. lighl outside sleeping rooms, well furnished, furnace heat, electric lights. Lath, pnone. fine location, close In, X2..".!! and Jf3 per week. Sfi?-, Mill St., near West lark. STRICTLY modern furnished room for one 01- three adults; $12 mid 15 per nionth. 4if Lucretle. St., near 23d and Washington s:s. - TO gentlemen, front room and porch, strict ly modern, in a home of 3 adults: no other roomers. Phone A 45'J or call 020 Vs Mont goniery. ELEGANT furnished room with running hot and cold water, shower bath, all con veniences. .VJ Trinity Place, between lth and 2ith sts.. off Washington St. NICELY furnished room, warm, comfort able, private family. 790 Lovejoy St., 13 a montn. 2 NEW furnished rooms In modern home; can do light housekeeping If desired; one block from car. K3H K. Taggart, near 17th. ST KP.ANCIS. 21st and Hoyt. Elezantly furnished room adjoining bath, in modern honu?. Phone Al. S71U. Apt-67. BEAl'TIKl'LLY furnished room In good home: references. Nob Hill district. 7HS .lulinson. NEATLY furnished room, one or two. If desired. $2. ."in a week; bath, phone and h-at. 2211 12th. near Salmon. LADY' or gentleman can have nice furnished room In small prelate family very rea sonable. Phone A 3.S07. NEWLY furnished front room; all modern conveniences; walking distance. 715 John son, flat 4. If) ATTRACTIVE large room in modern home, every convenience, walking dis tance. 11 E. Sth South, phone East 143. SUl MONTH, pleasant, neatly furnished room, all conveniences, suitable for one or two gentlemen. 121 N. 21id. NICELY furnished rooms .from $2 weekly: eaay wal-tlng distance. Phone. t05 Waah Ington. PLEASANT outside rooms, hot and cold running water, all modern conveniences, walking distance. -1S 17lh St. M. 71'2.1. FURNISHED room suitable for 2, modem; private home. Too Davis, bet. 21st and 22d, 1 1, lock north of Washington. lloo.M for a gentleman in a strictly private Jewish family. Phone Marshall 17S2. ELEGANT furnished room in a swell pri vate home, close in. 71 Trinity Place. TWO nicely furnished or unfurnished. 738 Irvine. phone Marshall 4054. NICELY furnished front room, also attic room. Marshall 377. r.7 Trinity Place. 100 N. 17TH Large, ulcely furnished front room. X2.0u a week. NICELY furnished connecting rooms, close lo l.atii. phone, close in. 102 Lltii st. VERY neat, clean room, reasonable. 26S 12th St. ; COZY, modern room. wllh or without hoard. 4lo I'aiK a. TWO nicely furnished rooms, bath, heat. ight. phone. 4i4 Jtaraet. NEATLY furnished bedroom, ga and phone. .0 Ijer ee. ..... Unfurnished Rooms. THREE unfurnished rooms. pleasantly lighted, to rent. lj minutes from postof f 1. e. Price. $4 to ifi nionth. 492 Market at. booaia Wills isoard. THB HILL. 2 Id and Wash. sts. Residential Hotel. . American Plan. All modern improvements. Main 7..4. A 4447. IUESa horn appeal 10 youT THE WHITS HALL, cor. (.th and Madison: large rooma bath, broad veranda, quiet, close In. nat car. 4 bl.ickt from P. O American plan. MANITOU. 161 13TH ST. Attractive, clean rooma. ateam baa-, good board, cloae In. reaaonabla, THK LAMiTEKSON. 654 Couch St., very de sirable outside rooms, steam heat, run ning water, good board, close In. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION, 23d yeas, Rooma with board, us of sewing-room, li brary. 51" Flanders. Mra. E. N. Wll.on. aupi BOARD arid room, "jS.SO weak up; meal tlcketa. 14..-.0. 2S4 Main at. ELEGANT room, facing the park. A-l board. v reasonable. 874 Park- ROOM and board for young women, $3 per week pnone n,. .. THE HAZEL Furnished rooma with board, running water, steam heat. 3S5 3d it. Room. With Board In Private Family. TWO nicely furnished rooms, one front room and one adjoining: bath, suitable for one or two: good board, two In family. Call 522 Clay st. Main ?i4Qi. VKHV pleasant room with hoard; walking distance; pleasant surroundings, modern, beat home cooking; term very reasonable. Main 320. MODERN east front room for one or two, with good board, reasonable, lu min utes from Poptpfl'ice. HU1 loth st. 0N1; verv laige room, suitable for 3 or 4 vuiuiz men, rate, reasonable. 05 Kearney st. I'hcne Marshall 11'iS ATTRACTIVE rooms, with breakfast and dinner in private family, half block to car, walking distance. Phone Mar. 3n:l6. j jo EACH Front room for two; single beds- all new, modern conveniences. Ideal home, S8 17th. near Everett. TWO front rooms for 2. or 4 gentlemen; good board: bath, phone: J-LOO week. 420 E. Conch, cor. ilth. LARGE room, with board, running water, modern conveniences, closo in. gentleman only 211 West Park. GOOD board, clean rooms, reasonable rates, private plac. 375 Main. Phone Marshall 2070. 1ST-CLASS board and .00m. 427 Clay, near 11th. Reference requireu. rui.AsAXT rooms, single or en suit; xs- lent board. 6?Sd GUsan. ROOM with connecting bedroom, xcel'.nx board, porche. and grounda. Mala 2071. SINGLE room. 3 meala, S3 a week. Marshall 2t.iHl. 2IH Ilth st. ROOM, with or without board. Scandinavian family, xi.r.o a wt-eit. B1.1 Aiipsis.'i.pi ave. ROOM for rent, nice board, home comforts. 002 Morrison. . ROOMS with board. Call 889 Taylor. Private boarding-hou; . WEIL furnished rooms, reasonable, excel lent board near. 704 Hoyt. Marshall 282i. RboMand board In private family. 107 N. Jtith. M. iblS. Fl UST-CLASS board and room lu modern home, n week, phone A 4.1H7. ROOMS with board. 712 Flanders- M. 1047. Apartment. SAN MARCO APTS.. E. Sth and Couch New brick, private baths and phone, 3 rooms, coiner, 20. Phone E. 2701. ROSEFRIEN'd" 7TH AND JEFFERSON Modern unfurnished apartment, all outsld rooms. References. THE LEONARD Apartments. 3 rooms, part J ly furnished; modern, new building, (ilia East Main- S7 0O rER week, beautiful two-room apart ment. 4 blocks from P. O. Spacious K rounds, porch. 260 tith. oil TWO furnished apartments, clean. 'walking distance. 44 Hall st. THE LANDOKE, 2SS l"lh St., 3-room fur nlshed apt- with sleeping porch. LOVEJOY APTS.. 17th and Lovejoy; three rvom furnished apt. Main 2I.1. THE PARK APARTMENTS. 803 Harrison Su Phone Marshall 3070. HKYN MAWR. IM F.a.t 10th. near Yamhill, ii o-it.-ilde rooms, over fine lawn, porch. vNIY outside room, reasonable, best con venienres. :',20 Montgomery, cor. i;th su .J lt PAYTON Modern ?-room apts., porches, etc., reasonable. 608 Flanders. FOR RENT. LP nimfTiti. NOKOMIS. Marshall, Near 17th SL -New builriinK; Summer rate: must De seen to bo appreciated. ARDMA7 TERRACK. Irth and Harrison Sts. Largest :-room apartments in the city. ALTONIA. Marshall and 19th Sts. Large airy 2. 3 and (-room apartments, quiet and exclusive neighborhood. THE WHEELDOK. Cor. Park and Taylor tta, THB WHEELDOK ANNEX. Cor. Tenth and Salmon ata. Walking Distant. Furnished complete. 2. I ant, a-"0 apartments; buildings new .nd strictly modern: service Ilrst-claaa CARMSLITA. Jefferson and Thirteenth Sts. 3. 4. 0-room apartments, exceptionally well arranged. I'nfurnlshed. Vo wall or dlsai. peering beds. Exclusive. Modern. New. Every effort is made for the comfort and convenience of tenant References. Phone Main 398. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, brick and stone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity .Place, between 19th and 20th streets. Just off Washington; magnificent exclusive apartments In heart of apartment-house district: rentals reasonable: every modern convenience; sleeping porches, high-class service; refined clientele; references re quired in all cases; two beautifully fur nished apartments available May 1. Mrs. A. N Wright, superintendent, phone Mar- shall' 1101. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts.: this new 4-story brick now open: fur nished and unfurnished in 2. 3 and 4-room suites: reception hall, electric automatlo elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range. Ic box, plenty of closet rooms, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you ' want something nice, como to th Barker: 1 1-room basement apartment, S15. Phones A 14-:. Marshall 261. NEWLY furnished The Upshur. 26th and Upshur sts.. furnished 2-room apartments. tlO $1S. 20 and up. This Includes steam heat, hot and cold water In every apart ment, private phones, public bath, electrio lights, gas range, laundry-room, all frea; aiso 3-room unfurnished apartments, with private bath. $18: 4 rooms, J2U. Take 3. 23d or W cars north, phono Main Sot THK VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Jot completed, moat magnificently fur nished apartments In the Ncrthwest; loca tion perfect; rental, reasonable; Tr-y modern convenience. Including banquet ball and roof garden: both phonea In all apartments; high-class service; reference required. Mail. 227a and A 7057. FOKDHAM APARTMENTS. 10 Ford St.. Just south of Washington; most complete, highest class apartment, ever built In Portland; finished through out In hardwood: tiled baths, superb fix tures; elegant wall coverings; each wit private balcony; highest elasa service! very reaaonabla rents; 4 and 0-roora apartments; most conveniently arrangd- " THE CAMAR. 704 Lovejoy St. Under new management; new. modern brick. 2. 8 and- 4-room apartments, fur nished or unfurnished; we will rent you apartments 20 per cent cheaper than any &lace In the city; good Janitor service, ive us a call ana be convinced. Mar. 2ald. HANOVER FIREPROOF APARTMENT:. King and Washington sts., now ready. New 6-story reinforced concrete build ing, only fireproof apartmenl-nouae In Portland; every possible convenience, elec tric elevator, beBt of service, private bal conies, easy walking distance; 3, 3, and 4-room apartments $22.50 up. WELLINGTON COCRI. 10th and Everett Sts. New management ; 2, 3, 4 or 5-room un furnished apartments. Tne best apart ments in tue city for the money; they have all modern conveniences, are close In. neat and homelike. Don't tail to inspect them berole locating. KEELSIt APARTMENTS. J4th and Clay Streets. One of the finest in the city; steam heat, hot and cold water, private vesti bules, phones and batlts. eiectrlc eleva tor ana lifts; unfurnished suites 32 to f-lS. BfENA V1STA. l'lh and Harrison, new brick, 2. 3 and S rooms, furnished or unfurnished, ail modern conveniences; best service. Apply on premises. KINO HILL APARTMENTS. 171 KINO ST. 4, C d-roorn apartments; aeieci tenancy. Apply on premises. GRANDEST A furnished apartment.. Oraa. ate. and East stark; new brick building. I room, splendidly furnished, with pri vate batli. 127.00; electric elevator; mod ern conveniences; cloae-ln location; May walking dlatance; beat of aervloa. jT. CROIX Apartmente, St. Clair at., near Waauington; 2 and 3-room apartment, with pnvate Dath, furnished and unfur nlshea; euperb location, easy walking dis tance, brick building; convenient arrange menu best of aervie and very low rent, JUST COMPLETED. Portnomah Apts., Odo E. Taylor, cor. 13th. 2. 3, 4, and 5-room pnturnlshed apts., walking distance; every modern conve - nience, homelike, quiet, porches and yard, moderately priced. 'THE W1CKERSHAM." lsth and Flanders sts. 1 Heautifu' apartments. 0 and 0 rooms. Call and see them. FURNISHED APTS. Nicely furnished, 3 rooms. 322.50; all outside, large, light, airy rooms, private phone and bath, gas range, refrigerator, wat-T heater, laundry trays, large closets, on carline. East Side. Tabor 22ia, a tug. e OR 4-room apartment, private baths, $a-.0o. too, J.17.0O; all outside rooms; splendid view; convenient arrangement; superb location, close to poatoflice. best of atrvlce. The Sheflield, 7Ui and Jefferson. " THE- WESTl'AL APA KTM ENTa. 410 Oth St. Five minutes' wala. brick Ouiluing. nicely furnished 3-rou.u apart ments, private bath, phone, elevator; IJ7.0O and up. Maln207',A 2038. THE MAJvLBOROUGH. e-roora apartment, choice residence dis trict, walking distance, every convenience. 2 let and Flanderg sts. Mam 7016. WINSTON Apartments, 341 14tn sr.. at Market; new corner brick; all bright, out side rooms ; 2 and X-room suite, com pletely furnished for housekeepiug; Sji t l7.t,y. For Information call Main 17Jrf. LINCOLN APTS,, COR 4TH AND LINCOLN. All outside, 2-room apartments; Holme huti huitt-111 writing desks, vacuum clean er, lanltor service; .2c.0o to S-io, .nciuuing .'lghts. private phones. A 8472. Main 1377. GRACE APTs., 797 Northrup St., corner 24th 5 large rooms, hardwood floors, front veranda, large sleeping porch, ,prlvate telephone, water, heat and hot water; new and strictly modern. inc. i,ui.rjr..o. Just completed, corner 3d and Hall; all 2-room furnished apts., large outside kitchens, best arranged apts. In Portland. 20 ana up. Easy vvalking distance CLAYPOOLE FURNISHED APARTMENTS. und Clay; 2-rooj. apartment, fur nished, with private bath; all conve niences: good service; easy wadtlng dla tance ; very reasonable rent. CECILIA APARTMENTS, zad and Gllxaa is - best of service; desirable location, with unexcelled car service: also eaar walking olstance: 3-room apu, with baix modern conveniences, very reasonable reaj. PENINSULA APARTMENTS Modern beau tiful Summer home; furnished and unrur uisned apartments, 18 to 325. Take Mi aissippl or L car. gel oft at K.llllugawortJ aVe. phone C 1170. " KINGSBURY APAP.TMENTS. Ford street, near Washington; select residence district; 3 or 4-room apartment, with balcony; all conveniences 01 tlio best class apartments. Main 3SS0. A 7448. WOLFE APTS., 210 MARKET ST. NEWLY furnished 2, 3, 4 rooms. X22.00 to 40; single looms ?3 up; free lljihu phones, heat, hot aud cold water, electric eievaiv.. THB- MEREDITH. 712 Washington tu, 2. n and 4-room apts., hardwood iloort. trim 3 a"u ie newly furnished: ehaan. every ' - - est rent In the city. THE CHKTOPA, lSlh and I landers st. Modern 2. 3 and 4-room apartment., fur nished and unfurnished. Apply to tha u.,lh nholies. j a 11 1 1 w . Nlcelv furnished 2-room apts., J16, 18 "sbor 21110. Sunny aide cars. THE MAHK Apartments, 22S North 20th Nicely furnished and unfurnished three room apartments. JTJLIAETTE Furnished and unfurnished 2 room Corner 2d and Montgomery. THE ELM 2 and 3-room apta, furnished beat, phone and bath. 191 14th st, FOR RENT. Apartments. THE ORLANDO. 20TH AND WASHINGTON STS. LARGEST APARTMENT-HOUSE IN CITY. Two and three-room apartments, wen furnished, cheerful and thoroughly clean, at most REASONABLE RATES consistent with their many tulvantases. Comfortable beds in., wall I.edsL unusually line closet room. HOT and cold water, refrigerators: beautiful view from many apartments; wide halls, elevator service. Ill addition. THE ORLANDO possessss the following points of superiority: . indisputably: finest location, handsomest entrance, best equipped laundry. THB AMERICAN. Most up-to-date apartment In th Northwest; every convenience: 4 and a rooms all outside sunny rooms; "new; walking distance. 21st and Johnson st.; choice residence district; attendant o premises. Marshall 3360. HEINZ APARTMENTS 14th and Colum bia. 4 blocks south from Morrison st-i new brick building, completely flrst-clase turnlshed in 2, 8 and 4-room family apartments- private bath, ateam beau hot wa ter elevator, free phone, vacuum clea-ar. Janitor aervice; rent per month, 28. JJi .40 and up: muei be saem to be appre ciated. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett st. New and elegantly turnlshed apart meuts; 3 rooms, reception hall and sleep-Icg-porch; automatic electric elevator aud private Pacific telephone: located In ooe if the choicest residence districts, sur rounded by elegant homes; walking ais- tance, - "HARRINGTON APTS.. 14 14TH ST. N. Two 4-room apts., furnished and unfur nished. Willi two disappearing; beds m each; one 5-room apt., furnished with two real bedrooms; also two disappearing bens an.l two large porches, suitable lor tour or l'i e people 1 THE DEZENDORF, :0S 16TH ST., -NEAR TAYLOR ST. ELEGANT 4 AND 5-ROOM U.VFUR: N1SHED APARTMENTS. APPLY ON PREMISES FOR RESERVATION. IONIAN COL'RT. 570 Couch. 1 block from Washington, walking distance, ;; and 4-rootn modern unfurnished apartments; ail modern con veniences, best of service; under new man agement; references required. Main 11112. . LUCKET1A COURT. Lucretla Su, Near 23d and Wash. Unfurnished apartments, from, two t five rooms, all large, light and outside; large closets, hardwood Iloort; under new management. Marrhall 1513. Janitor. Mar- shall 1500. ST FRANCIS Apartments. 21st and Hoyt :i rooms and oath, private balcony, new brick building, electric elevator, superb location, in walking distance; most con venient arrangement, low rent and best of service. Fl I'.NISH ED 3-room apt., with large porch, heat ami water, everything first-class; also beautiful 5-room, walking distance, reasonable, corner of 13th and East Ash. Phone East 2S71. FURNISHED and unfurnished apartments. a and 4 rooms, with private baths; desirable location, very reasonable reins. Appiy Angela Hotel, U25 Washington St., near Ifith. THE ALTAMONT Cor. Otll and College. Six minutes' walk, elegantly furnished. 11 and 4-room sonable rates; now available. apartments. beuulitui corner 0-rooiu. KNICKERBOCKER Apartments, lltil and Harrison sts. New brick building. 110 w leidy superb arrangement ami location; S rooms with private bath; every conveni ence, best of service; reasonable rents. MONTGOMERY -APARTMENTS, Corner ad and -Montgomery, new. mod ern furnished, two-room apartments; cloi levator; private l.alh and phone children: 25 up. -Main mw. EAMOUll.V APAKTM1CNTS. 201 12ttt . near Main; close In location: elegant 1 roota apartment with bath and private balcony. 3i. Every convenience, gjod service " " HISLOP HALL. Hawthorne Ave. and tith St. Modem buildlnq. best furnishings: 1. 2, 3 'rooms; walking distance, or oest cat service. THE M'KINLEY APARTMENTS. vast 7lh and Morrison, most centrally lo cated' ' and 3-room apartments, fur nished ul to date; private baths; moder ate rates. TllZ ARCADIA, 708 EVERETT ST. Nicely furnished two-room apts., ami s-'i: also 3-100111, to aj; mouern. Main 6295. A 70U1. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. 1'ark and Madison Sta. yor rent. 3 and 4-rooni furnished and unturnlshed apartments, strictly modern. y y y desirable nicely furnished apart ments, also single rooms; reasonable rales; let us show .vou. The Luxor. l::th and Clay sis. H iDDON HALL, corner of Hall and lit!-.. 3 and 1-room furnished and unfurnished apartments, hardwood l'loor, private pore I bath, phone, walking distance 1 inu :-moni houseKeepmg suite, , eiy reasonable rent, modern, nu-71 Grand ave. North. . THE LEONCE. ISO N. 22d. near Johnson. I beattifully furnished 3-room apartment with all modern conveniences only Sou. THE UIVENPOKT Newly furnished 2 anu i room apts.. private Dath and phone, T easonable. Maln5430, 500 J eft erson. BUCK HAR7FORD APTS. 21st a..d Flandera. I'nder new management, o-room apts.; .11 modern; walklngsiai2eMaiu 27S2. BERYL APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apartments. C,1 Loveluy au Take "W" car. THE AVALON One unfurnished 4-room apt fine closets and sleeping porch, steam hat. Janitor service. Phone B. 31.2, cor. Flats. FOR RENT 6well 7-roora modern flat. 444 Park st., furnace and fireplace; S3o: no children. Phone TaborT63 orEast143L COMPLETELY furnished, cosy o-room flat ' to responsible couple. Oth and Montgoiii etc rent S-J7. Phone, A 7'0. I OWER nve-ro..in modem flat. Lpvejoy sr.. only li20. Vanduyti & Walton. 510 Cham ber of Commerce. 500 MARKET ST. 5-room. modern flat. $.10 per month; key at 602 S- Portland Trust Company. 3a and Oak. . UPPER lower flat, furnisher! unfurnished: all modern conveniences, walking distance. 310 Chapman. FOR RENT O-room flat, beautifully fur nished, Nob Hill location. Inquire 19a North 23d. Phone Main 3aS3. MODKRN'iJ-rooni- flat., furnace, fireplace, large veranda. M-'1 E-st Morrison and 15th. Phone East Hi Iff. e pnnu flaa. with larce basement, in heart of Sty I t. b ocks from Washington rent 840 9 North 10th. Phone Main 32KS. Vih Hill flau 7 room, fine yard, splendid V neighborhood. 776 s Johna .... beu 23d and 24th. Maln55l. MODERN new (Troom upper flau '''t Side select neighborhood; hardwood floor, 'nleplng-porch. fireplace. Marshall 2H24. ..,fl umaLL furnished flat, with sleeping porch; choice location; walking distance; adults'. E. 403:-i. . . , 7TH streei. furnuslied five-room flat, " reasonable rent. t""j5eKN 5-room fiat. E. ISth and Ash. B . . V-77Tv attractive 5-rooni flat near Broad wav bridge; adults. -t"P Bcnlon St. MODERN 4-room flat. 3 blocks east end new steel nrmge. ......- - l-ROOM flat X'J, 3-room flat 706 Van- MODERN 4-room lower fiat, sleeping porch. S20 Northrup. Main 3225. STEAM-HEATEU, 3-room flat, all modern. p h o lie Main lUl". . MfVDER.N 5-room lower fiat. 7G5 Marshall st Key at 71. L Phone East 4767. NOB HILL Modern 6-room upper flau sleeping porch. Main Sv.tS. MtlDERN 0-room fiat., oth. m-i( Jackson. West Side, lo min. waltuMaln or AJ22.i. MTiDERN. steam heated. West Side. r In" distance. Janitor service. Marshall ...,h. LOWER 5-room flat, modern. f73 West park. inquue ,o-. , -. . rr,oOi upper flat, unfurnished, modern. nice location. Inquire f.21 Everett st. 2 OR 4-room flat, light, clean, convenient. central, reasonable. --J:!"-: Hall. SWELL modern 5-room lower flat. 789 E. amhlll. near 23d.Phoneg.5i48. MODERN 5-room fiat: wood and gas ran;. i.111 Halsey. near Steel bridge. NICELY furnished 5-room lower flau ail mod-. 313 Market. MODERN 0-room flat, large attic, gas stole, water heater, close in. A I'.lfo. jt-jve Targe rooms, lower flat. Main 8470. 622 Northrup. SflJ" rARK ST 5-room furnished flat for rent.