Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 03, 1912, Page 15, Image 15

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50 sites GO
Luxuriously Equipped Train of
Ten Cars Carries Members
of Al Kader Temple.
iicHal Train. P.i Thmush
Portland With Calsary. pokane
T aroma, !-auk- and Vic
toria Delegations.
tvtth ry arrnKemnt fully mm-
lifted fT a rnrI good time. loO
memDers 01 ai iner innpm ui imp
Nobles of the My tic Shrino. of I'ort
Lnd. Iff t last nlKht at 11:45 o'clock li
la apac-lal train for a 10 daya' pilgrim
Lc to Los Antl' to attend the 1m
ferial divan and to participate in i
series of entertainment planned for
tha visitors In Loa Angeles and else
where along the line.
Never haa & train left rortland bet
ter equipped with comforts and con
Tenlencea and peldom has there been I
more lively crowd than that which
cheered loudly for Portland aa the start
on the lone; trip waa made.
I TraJa Flarly be: nipped.
V The train Included seven standard
ervatlon car. It left Portland with
s load of cheering passengers hauled
by one of the largest and f.utet en
tnea of the Southern I'acltlo system.
hort stops will be made In the Wll
lamette Valley and Southern Oregon
to pick up other excursionists. At
Ashland today Use Nobles of 1(111
Temple will Join the Portland delega
tion. The train will reach ban Fran
cisco Saturday afternoon and the party
will have until Sunday morning to par
tie! pate In a sight-seeing trip and other
entertainments planned by the Noble
of ban Francisco. The party will ar
rive at Los Angeles Sunday at P. M,
tn time for vespers.
At the close of the Los Angeles im
perlal council's sessions the party will
break up to return as the members de
sire. There will be no special train
Portland waa the temporary oasis for
Several hundred visiting nobles yester
day. Shrlners began arriving- at noon.
t which time the Calgary and lpo
kane temples reached here on a spe
rial train. These delegations took In
the sights of Portland until mid
TilrhT. when they left on a special
train which ran a short distance be
hind the Al Kader special.
Katertalasseat la Praard.
Still another special train of Nobles
arrived at 10 10 last night. On this
were ihrtner of Seattle, Victoria and
Tacoma temples. Their special followed
the Calgary-Spokane special.
Al aialalkah Temple of L- Angeles
has made arrangements for the enter
timmcnt of the Shrtners who will be
there from all parts of the I'nited
States. Ju-t what the programme is
lias not been made public, except the
assurance that It U' be good. Port
land m til get to see many hundred
Shrlnera from varlona parts of the
Fast within the next few weeks.
Twenty-eight special trains are sched
uled to pass through this city en route
after the Imperial divan.
J.. W. Hill, of -rct Nortliern.
Would Cite Them Publicity.
Communttlea in the Northwest that
hold annual county fairs, grange fairs
or other exhibitions where the local
products are displayed will be given
encouragement this year by L. V. 11111.
president of the (.Sreat Northern Rail
way. Last year Mr. Hill gave a large
number of prises at several fairs held
In Oregon, and the following letter re
cently sent by the Great Northern Im
migration department to secretaries of
fairs In all parts of the state Indicates
that he contemplates similar action
this year:
tVe would like very much to hare a state
ment rerardlng any county, district or
Crane fair hld m your town or locality year, 1111. Would like to know what
the attrndaiice vs.; also the cash receipts,
and any other unusual features.
W de-tr the Information to incorporate
tn noma literature whlcn we are grttlng out
wtth a view to enmurasinr the development
r county f&trs and their participation tn
ev the seneral puhllr. t'reslnut Louts W.
f 111 believe that local fairs do great good,
and he is sincerely 1.irous of encouraging
jrh fairs, particular!) a county (air. In
every county in our territory.
I '
Railway Head Offers Cop In Garden
A large silver cup was offered yes
terday by Louis W. Hill, president of
the Great Northern Railway, aa the
grand sweepstakes prize for the school
having the best exhibit In the garden
contest at the Armory June IS. In a
letter to James J. Payer, secretary of
tha garden contest committee, Fred W.
Graham, western Industrial and im
migration agent of the Hill line, said
Mr. Hill will present the most beautiful
cup obtainable. I'trector Hetzel, of the
extension department of the Oregon
Agricultural College, spoke yesterday
to the pupils of the West Side Schools
on "cultivation of soil." An automobile
furnished him by the Keats Auto Com
panv enabled Professor Het-I to visit
a large number of schools. He will con
tinue his work today. The Orego
nlan yesterday received t0 for the
Vcftool garden contest fund from Clos-
sett A Devers.
Portland next July. They will travel
over the Burlington to St. Paul, thence
over the Great Northern to Portland,
arriving here at 7 A. M. Monday. July 8.
The party will disband here after tbe
convention, that the travelers may re
turn homo at will and over divers
Attractive folders, printed In purple
snd white and generally descriptive of
the trip to Portland, have bean Issued
by Fast St. Lou la Elks. It contains
pictures of Portland and scenic attrac
tions alone the route. Like of Cairo.
Alton and other Southern Illinois cities
will Join the Fast 8U Louis party. Karh
city will have separate representation
In the parade. This train will be oper
ated In addition to the special from St.
Loula. Mm. which will carry li mem
bers of the order from that city to
Portland. The Mlssourians will aup
port Faulkner's candidacy for the grand
trusteeship. Mr. Faulkner is city con
trailer of Fast St. Louis.
The three voung men who are walk
Ing from Hrooklleld. M&, to Portland
are moving along nicely, being enter
tained and encouraged In every city
through which they pass. Harry C
McAllister, secretary of the convention
commission, receives dally reports of
their progress. They recently passed
through North Platte. Neb., and were
dav ahead of their schedule.
Hundreds of Portland people have
notified Mr. McAllister of their desire
to accommodate strangers In their
homes during the reunion. The hotels
will not be able to care for all visitors.
&0M0M0 M0M0M0Mto
School Board I Asked to Authorize)
OK-ervanre of "Peace Day,
Which Falls on May 18.
Just to show that the School Board
was not spited nor put "on tha run'
by Socialist and L W. TV. agitators.
Director IL C. Campbell, who was a
member of the board committee attend
ing General Baden-Powell at his re
cent meeting In this city which was
broken up by agitators, moved at the
regular semi-monthly meeting of the
board yesterday that the rules In
case be suspended, and that an
nouncement concerning a boys' military
organization to be known as the First
Regiment of Oregon Reserves be per
mitted in the high schools of the city.
"The Baden-Powell meeting waa dls.
respectful and disgraceful and I under
stand that those responsible for It bave
been boasting of having enectuany
routed the School Board. But we're not
going to be spited or put out of busl
neea. and I'd like to give them an
other chance at us." said Mr. Campbell.
tn w discussion that followed. It
was thought that tha suspension of the
rules that prohibit announcement be
ing made In the schools of the. city,
would leave the way open for requests
of a similar character. The motion of
Mr. Campbell failed to receive
ond. and the) request remain
A petition waa presented to tha board
by Mrs. M. Gusae Slchel. chairman of
the peace committee of the Council ot
Jewish Women, tn wnicn tn Doaru
was asked to authorize an appropriate
ebumnri of "Peare Iay tn in
schools of the city. As this day. May
11. falls on Saturday. It was asked that
the celebration in schools be advanced
to Frldav. The day la the anniversary
of the establishment of the Hague con
ference. The application waa rcrerreo
to tbe Teachers' committee.
Represrntatlvea of the Mawmorne
School district were present ana oo-
Jected to the presence of boners ana
furnaces In the basement ot tne scnooi.
Thy wanted the board to remove inem
nd establish a central neaung piam
In a separate building. i ne applica
tion waa referred to the building oorn
mittee. . . .
The Lincoln High School Alumni as
sociation was granted the
the school's assembly hall.
free use of
Time Allowed IW-caue of Illness Ex.
Jilrrs May 10.
Lee Chee. a Chinaman, was declared
to be Illegally In this country by United
States Commissioner Cannon some time
ago. but the order of deportation was
delsyed because the man waa 11L
He haa now recovered and the order
will take effect May 10.
East St. Loo Is Lodge) Member Want
Faulkner aa Trustee.
Determined to elect John J. Faulkner,
one of their members, a grand trustee
ef tbe order, tbe Flks of Fast St. Louis.
J1L. have chartered a special train to
coma La tee raiionaz convention la
Woman Who Stood by Husband aa
Titanic Sank Waa Founder of
Portland Section.
That the Portland Council of Jemlsh
Women was founded at the suggestion
of Mrs. Isldor Straus, the woman who
chose death rather than separation
from her husband when the Titanic
nk. became known Wednesday at tne
annual meeting of the council in this
city. A resolution was passed by tne
ouncll expressing sorrow at ine aeam
of Mrs. Straus and the appreciation ot
her splendid character and work lor
The text of the memorial which is
o be sent to the family of Mr. and Mrs.
Straus follows:
"The National calamity wnicn nas
overwhelmed us all In the loss of the
Titanic brings vividly to our minds sn
ndlvldual loss to the Portland section.
for to Mrs. Isldor Straus we owe tne
original Inspiration for the formation
of our council. The subject lay very
rlurre to hereheart and It was she, who
first suggested the formation of a sec
tlon In Portland through a pioneer
In her death, as In her life, she bora
qut the keynote of what we stand for
m Judaism as In council principles
faith and humanity.' Though our
hearts are full of mourning at the los
of this notably representative an
worthy pair, stilt we are uplifted by
the thought that In passing away there
were none nobler than Mr. and Mrs.
Isldor Straus. Peace to their blessed
Officers for the ensuing- year elected
at yesterday's meeting were: President.
Mrs. Rose Selling; vice-president. Mrs.
Henry Ottenhelmer; corresponding, sec
retary. Miss Sadie L. Delovage; record
ing secretary. Mrs. Milton Kahn: treas
urer, Mrs. Frank Hutchtns: auditor,
Mrs. Fred Seller; directors, Mrs. Julius
Llppitt. Mrs. Isaac Swett. Mrs. I. Lesser
Cohen. Mrs. Langerman.
Reports on each division of the Neigh
borhood House were read, showing tha
Inrrease In the scope of the Institution.
Reports also were read from each
standing, committee.
Lafayette to Have New Building to
. Cot 12,000 at Once.
LAFAYETTE, Or, Mar Special.)
Lafayette Is to have a fine new
achoolbouse. costing 1 11.000. Work on
the structure will be begun with as lit
tle delsy as possible, and It Is expected
to be completed In time for opening- for
the Fall term In September.
The district has bonded Itself for the
cost of the new building. The entire
Issue was taken at par by the Lumber
mens National Bank, of Portland. The
bonds bear t per eent Interest, and tha
splendid credit of Lafayette district was
Bring them to us for
accurate filling. Pre
scription eompoundinr
is the most important
work we do and we em
ploy thoroughly experienced, regis
tered pharmacists to do it right.
Physicians and others are cordially
invited to inspect our model pre
scription department.
QUALITY Tht first consideration with
u When we have satisfied ourselve that
the quality is up to the standard, then we
ere sure that we ran conscientiously offer
you drugs, chemicals or other drugstore
merchandise that will make you an ,,0wlM
customer for all time to come.
SERVICE "Owl" service commences
when we buy our pood and ends when the
goods we have sold you have accomplished
the work or service for which they were in
tended. To see and know that you get sat
isfaction, to serve you promptly and ef
ficiently, are no littlo part of what we mean
PRICE "Owl" customers know that
"Owl" prices are right that's why they
remain our customers. Popular prices pre
vail in every department of 'our business.
It's tbe purchasing power of 18 "Owl"
stores that enables us to give you the best
merchandise for less money. We help you
to save.
The 75c Size Special at 49c
Here's your chance, to obtain at quite a
savinp In price and at the prop;r time fur
taking, a preparation of unusual power for
purifyinK the blood. Its effects will soon
be noted in good color, healthy appetite
and Increased enersry, both physical and
mental. Friday and Sutui dar only ran you
buy this resrular 75c Blood Purifier A Q
at the special ii7C
"The Confectioner's Art at Its Best
"The Owl' Sole Distributors in Portland
Your particular kind can always
be found at "The Owl" Store.
A pound box of Crocus Linen Paper, a refined prade
and Saturday, box aiOC Y'
Envelopes to match, package of 25, at the spe- "T
Most convenient for acknowledging receipt of a let
ter, gift, or for writing a brief note. 24 cards and
24 envelopes to the box 25
Five styles and two different finishes good quality stock.
KENTON ENVELOPES fabric finish, light cream, wallet flap
Special, package of 25 7J 3 packages for ....20
A Necessity
for Every
Growing Child
They deserve a chance to make of
themselves perfectly formed men and
women. Correct that tendency to
round or stooping shoulders.
E7?e Rexall Brace
will prove your (treatoit aid. Sold J
at The Owl." Tlie price 1 1
At the Top Stands
The Owl" Kodak Finishing; Service.
Bring- us your f lima.
Qulrkeet time best results lowest
Not one cent from you unless you
are satisfied.
For the Right Kind of
Service Send Your
Mail Orders
To 'The Owl"
By the "rlB;ht kind" of service
we mean promptness, satisfaction
and lowest prices. Tour orders
will be given the same attention
as if you had purchased in person.
"The Owl" pays delivery charges
to railroad or steamboat points
within a radius of 100 miles of
Portland, on orders of $5 or more.
Munyon Soap,
at only
ForFriday and Saturday
Dandcrine, small size, 1 fi
at only IUC
Mum, for excessive per- 1 C
spiration XJC
White Almond Soap, 1 Q
box of 3 cakes for....
Castile Soap, the 1 Q
French, large bar C
Cotton, absorbent, one 1 Q.
pound xJC
Sassafras Bark, a fullOC
pound for aSaOC
Diapepsin, for indiges-OQ
tion aCi7C
Lavoris, Mouth "Sc
Pivers Perfumes, any CQ
odor, ounce OJC
Pinkham's Vegetable CO
Compound OOC
Pierce's Favorite Pra'CQ
scription OOC
Hood's Sarsaparilla, at Q
only OOC
Powell's Stomach Rem- a
edy D5C
D. D. D Eczema Rom- cft
edy OVC
G I yco Thymoline, mouth 7 Q
Wash I3C
large size
Eskay's Food, hos
7 IS YOUR PICTURE in our Washington-street window!
Every day a new picture will appear, and to the first person
identifying themselves at. our KODAK DEPARTMENT wo will
give absolutely FREE the sum of $1. Perhaps yours is ex
hibited today. No obligations to purchase.
A "Todco"
Hand Scrub at
is tha best aid to hand
cleaning-. Mere soap and
water will not completely
cleanse the skin of the
hands and open the pores.
Todco Handscrubs are of
pure brictles set in hard
rubber. They're the Cfl
kind that last OUC
Other good Hnndscruba
priced here at 25S 1
KOt. 75S 85 an 5 . . Q 1
8 j
All Popular Brands' of
Chewing Gum
at "The Owl."
3 packages for 10
Box of 20 packages.. 60
Tooth Brush
and Dentifice
A 25c Celluloid Tooth Brash
with any of the following Tooth
Powders or Pastes, at the fol
lowing prices Friday and Sat
urday only:
Lyons' Tooth Powder.... 29
Lesley Tooth Paste 29
Saponal Tooth Powder 33
Colgate's Tooth Powder... 33
Kolynos Tooth Paste 37
1912 Souvenir Elk Pin or Ash Tray 25c
Get them for your friends who will attend the Convention in
July. They're cleverly designed.
Perfume Specials
Two Popular Odors
50c Owl Bouquet Perfume, 00
special, os aCaSC
$1 Nile Blossom Perfume, on
special, os OifC
The Public Drinking Cup
Is being- banished everywhere througrh the
tion of state and city laws, the result of
public sentiment against it. The foremost
authorities advocate the use ot
Carry your own and pet them for the children.
We have them the collapnible kind that can be
conveniently carried In the pocket. Some
are made of aluminum. Priced up from...
enat:- ri M : 1
strons rf a ' I
health rfj
Seventh and Washington Streets
br tha selling ot the bonds at
Council, After Argument. Permits
Selling on Streets.
Several permits to sell pencils and
shoestrings were granted to blind men
by tbe license committee of the City
Council yesterday. Councilman Clyde
took tbe lead In Insisting upon sucb
action. Daly, the chairman, also fa
vored it. Bchmeer. Monks and Dunning
were opposed to it.
Tney declared the streets should not
be lined with unfortunates.
Gold valuod at ITS. 000 waa carried by
th lari number of Chlneae who, Conaul
Oeneral Bray statea. tailed recently from
Sydney. Australia, on a Japaneae mall
Home Company's Non-Payment ot
Occupation Tax to Be Tented In
Courts Is Purpose.
Warrant for tbe arrest of Samuel
Hill, as president of the Home Tel
ephone Company, was Issued from the
Municipal Court yesterday on a com
plaint that his company has failed
since January, 1911. to pay its occupa
tion tax as required by city ordinance.
The amount required Is $50 a quarter.
Back of the Impending: arrest Is a
contention that has been going on
for more than a year. The company
asserted that Its franchise exempts It
from payment of additional levies,
while the license department of the
City Auditor's office contends that
such Is not the case. Attorney R. W.
Montague, for the company, says the
arrest is a complete surprise to him,
as he believed that the company's
view had been accepted.
While a city ordinance assesses an
occupation tax of $50 a quarter on all
telephone companies, the franchise of
the Home Company, having the foTce
of an ordinance, assesses It In other
manners. It Is required to pay 1 per
cent of its gross income to the city.
and In addition must furnish free serv
ice to the police and fire departments,
A clause tn the franchise which seems
to settle the point 13 that these exac
tions shall be In addition to all other
taxes levied by the city on similar
companies. The action at this time is
with a view to a settlement of the
question In the higher courts.
KM h W
K7 T?
Call and Examine This Magnificent
China Cabinet for $47.25
There is no China Cahinet in' the city that can sur
pass this one, either for material of which it is made
or the design upon which it is planned. It is made
of quarter-sawed oak, with heavy claw feet. There
are five shelves, four of which are adjustable. The
top shelf is backed by a French plate glass. The fin
ish is either polished or dull. Uent
glass ends and front. It would
be a tiresome task to try to dupli
cate this $65.00 Cabinet at our
Going Out of Business Price . . .
iipi li
fnl fJ-Z; .Xr7i?Vi
Have Your Ticket Read "Burlington"
When You Go East
In Tourist Sleepers
la planning your Eastern journey at the special excursion fares in effect eaoK
month during1 the Summer, inquire about these comfortable through tourist
sleepers. They are operated ou all through trains. The
price fo"- berths is just half that for standard sleepers.
Your nearest agent or the undersigned will explain these
excursion fares over the Burlington, reserve your berth
and help you plan an attractive tour at the least cost.
Every Day to Chicago
Through tourist sleepers via Minneapolis-St. Paul and the famous Mis
sissippi River Scenic Line Where Nature Smiles, Three Hundred Miles
operated over either Great Northern or Northern Pacific Railways.
Every Day to St louis, St. Joseph, Omaha, Kansas City, Denver, Etc.
Through tourist sleepers daily on all Great Northern and Northern
Pacific trains via Billings for Southeastern cities.
A. C. SHELDON, General Agent
CX, B. & Q. R. R
lOO Third Street, Portland, Oregon
Remedy Made From Garden Sage
and Sulphur Restores Color
to Gray Hair.
A feellnc of sadness accompanies the
discovery of the first gray hairs which
unfortunately are looked upon as
heralds of advancing ago. Gray hair.
however handsome It may be, makes a
person look old. We all know the ad
vantages of being young. Aside from
the good Impression a youthful appear
ance makes on others, simply knowing
that you are "looking fit gives one
courage to undertake and accomplish
things. So why suffer the handicap of
looking old on account of gray hairs.
when a simple remedy win give your
hair youthful color and. beauty In a
few days' time?
Host people know that common gar
den sage acts as a color restorer and
scalp tonic as well. Our grandmothers
used a "Sage Tea" for keeping their
uttir dark, soft and luxuriant. In
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy
we have an ideal preparation of Sage,
combined with Sulphur and other
valuable remedies for dandruff, itch
ing scalp and thin, weak hair that is
8p. .t at the ends or constantly coming
out. . A few applications of this valu-a-e
remedy will bring back the color,
anj. in a short time it will remove
every trace of dandruff and greatly im
prove the growth and appearance of the
Oet a SO-cent bottle from your drug
gist today, and notice the difference in
your bair after a few days' treatment.
A., druggists sell It, under guarantee
that the money will be refunded if the
remedy Is not exactly as represented.
Special agent. Owl Drug Company.