Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 03, 1912, Page 13, Image 13

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Manicuring and Hairdressing Parlors, 2d Floor We Do Expert Jewelry Repairing on Main Floor Women's Shoe Shining Parlors in the Basement
Standard and O. W. & K. Sewing Machines Sold on the $l,00-a-Week Club Plan, Second Floor Bakery and Delicatessen Depts., on the Fourth Floor
Original Portland Agents
Home Journal Patterns
We were the first to introduce the Ladies' Homo
Journal Pattern in Portland. We carry the larg
est stock of Ladies' Home Journal Patterns of
any firm in the West. Department, First Floor.
Olds, Woritnan Sc King
Fashion Center of the Northwest Occupying Entire City Block
t Order By
Beautiful Dresses
$18.50 Value $9.98
Garment Department Second Floor Southwest.
Another special purchase of Dresses has just reached us a manu
facturer's overplust which our buyer succeeded in picking up at a
very advantageous price. The materials employed are silk taf
fetas of rich, lustrous finish, high-grade foulards, silk serges,
messalines and a number of wool serges. The color range com
prises blues, browns, greens, tans, lavender, rose, black, etc., in
plain colors and plea-sing patterns. Many are trimmed with
macrame laces, lace yokes and sleeves and braided effects; more
have the Quaker fichu effect, edged with narrow plaitings, fash
ioned with normal or raised waist lines in postillion QQ
or Russian blouse effects; excellent values to $18.50 j)0
Women's Sweater Coats
$4.79 to $35.00
, Garment Department Second Floor.
New arrivals in Women's Sweater Coats and Blazer Coats in
striped flannel materials in all the popular colorings. The
Sweater Coats are made of double-faced materials in light mix
tures, the latest New York fad. Ideal Summer jackets for motor
ing, outing and beach wear; sizes from 14 years JQJ ff
up to 38 bust. Are priced very low at $4.79 to tD J5vJU
Bargains which cannot help but attract great
crowds to every section of the store. Hundreds
of unadvertised bargains will be displayed in the
various depts. Come prepared to lay in supplies.
$2.50Anti-TipSulkies$l .95
Crowd-Bringer to the Fourth Floor
Thrifty mothers will take advantage of this timely sale of. anti-tip
Sulkies. This is the season of the year when baby should be out in the
fresh air. These handy, safe Sulkies will make the task a pleasure.
They are built on strong, substantial lines, selected stock handles, up
holstered seat and back, adjustable back, shaped seat with high side
railings, with arm rest, guards over , wheels to protect the df qj?
baby's clothes. Our regular $2.50 grades, priced for this sale v
Women's $4 Shoes $2M
In our shoe section,' first floor, a sale of women's Shoes in
the patent kid, patent calf, gunmetal and velour calf Shoes
in all this season's latest style lasts. Button or blucher
styles, suitable for all occasions; a broad range of patterns
to hoose from and all sizes; worth to $4.)0 tt"J JQ
a pair, special during this sale for low price of 0da-.0
Women's Velvet Pumps made with medium-weight soles,
Goodyear welts and Cuban heels, with flat tail- c QQ
ored bow. Ask for No. 152 ; good $4 values j)aa0
Imported Riding Bool
$20 Grades $10
With . that correct new riding habit add a pair of our im
ported Riding Boots, made by Mansfield & Co., of North
ampton, England. The stock is genuine tan Russian t-al f
leather. Made on the most stylish and comfortable lasts.
Boots which sell the world over at $20 and fj -l f ff
$25 a pair. We specialize them at only X vlVL?
Gowns 98c
In the bijj white store, second floor, a
pale of women' "Slipover" Uowns
with round neck and short sleeves,
trimmed in embroidery and insertion,
lares and beading and ribbons. QQ
Priced special for this t-aie at OC
Another lot of women's Slipover
Gowns, made of fine lonircloth with
low neck and short sleeves, trimmed in
dainty embroidery and fine laces, in
sertion, beadin? and rib- (JJ1 OA
bon; extra special, only P
"Leona" Garments
"Leona" perfect-fitting' three-piere
erarments, cornet cover, skirts and
'isncjs t uiuitmt u. lunut ui line i 1 1 -
erepe and lingerie CO Ckf
enals, for $1.40 up to
Corset Department Specials That Are Crowd Bringers
$5.50 Bon Tons for $2.49
In the corset salon, second floor, today only, a sale of Bon Ton Corsets, made
Dt tllgrn-gracie COUlll auu weu ut'Iieu, uiuicicu mm wcumui vi uigjii uuai, iilku i
with six hose supporters and with elasti gussets; silk flossed front steels, new i!
styles, giving the up-to-date, long, lithe lines. Our best regular $4.00 Ol CQ
and S5.00 values, special in the corset salon for this sale at only, pair P
LOT 2 Bon Ton Corsets, made of eontil and batiste, low or medium bust, for the full or aver
age figure; some have brassiere top effects, trimmed in satin and lace, with hose tfJO AQ
supporters attached; all sizes in the lot; regular $0.00 and $5.50 grades, at only pfcix
$6 to $8 Corsets for $3.49
Extra special reductions prevail on all Ilowd Corsets,
Marquise and Rengo Belt Corsets; complete assortment
of models, in all sizes. We have expert fitters to fit
you. Every corset is fully guaranteed. Take advantage.
A sale of pertect-fitting Bon Ton Corsets, made or the
finest coutil and batiste, trimmed in lace and ribbons, with
elastic gores, nonrustable steels, cut on long, CO ACk
graceful lines; regular $6.00 to $8.00 values, at P
Great Millinery Specials That Are Crowd Bringers
Women's $13.50 Hats $5.95
$127.50 Trimmed Hats $63.75
Millinery Salon, Second Floor.
The most extraordinary sale of Trimmed Hats ever held in Portland, as it com
prises our entire stock, with exception of "Knox Hats." The ran;e of styles, col
ors and prices will satisfy every taste, as well as pocketbook. Note reductions:
Values to $13.50, special, only $5.95 Values to $16.50, special at only $7.95
Values to $25,1 for this sale, $12.95 Values to $35.00, for this sale, 15.95
Hats From $40 Up at Half Price
All $40.00 Hats, with exception of Knox Hats, special during tins sale at ftU.UU
All $42.50 Hate, with exception of Knox Hats, special during this sale at S21.25
All $50.00 Hats, with exception of Knox Hats, special during this sale at S25.00
$57.50 Hats, special low price at only S28.75 $ 60.00 1Iats special price this sale at
$(i7.50 Hats, special during this sale at S33.75 $ 87.50 Hats, special price this sale at
$72.50 Hats, special low price this sale 36.251-7.50 Hats, special price this sale
...... '
5000 Yards of 10c Linen Lace at 3c
50c Silk Ribbons, Yard 29c
fn the lare department, main floor, today, a
sale of 5000 yards of all-linen laces, in edges and
insertions, in a vmt selection of widths to 3V
inches; excellent values at 10c a yard, spe- "2f
cialized just to bring the crowd, at, the yard
In the main aisle, tenth-street way, a sale of thou
sand) of yards of dainty Ribbons for millinery
purposes, for belts, sashes, etc., in all the newest
ombre stripes, Dresden combination f-OQ
fects, etc. Solid colors, etc. Values to 50o'
Evening Scarfs, Marabou Sets, Etc.,
Priced Today at Half
.For today, only we offer our entire selection of fine Evening Scarfs and Marabout Sets,
i . i . . j a i c . : : .onoini, in rifirA f mm
$1 to $3.5 each at 50c up to $17.50, which is a saving on these attractive goods of just
Crowd Brtnger Sale of
New Bordered Batiste, 12V2C
In the a,is!e of cotton, main floor, a sale of the new Bordered
Batiste Materials in perfect weave and pleasing patterns,
full 42 inches wide ; for dainty bummer dresses, -m ry fo -specially
priced for this sale, the yard, only. X L
85c Hand Embroidered
Collars for Women Each 48c
This crowd will be made up of the most thrifty and stylish women, as
all in Portland know just what to expect when we offer our entire stock
of women's Embroidered Collars in all sizes and heights, com- a Q
prising a splendid selection of 65c and 85c values, special at rOC
$2.25 Dresses at $1.19
Children Store, Second Floor
In the Children's Store, second floor, a sale of
new Tub Dresses designed for misses 6 to 14
years of age. The materials are chambray, per
cale, ginghams and galateas in plain checks,
stripes and plaids, all colors in the f-i i q
lot, and splendid values to $2.25, sp'l v 1 1 i
85c Rompers at 59c
Children's Rompers in plain chambray and
gingham, styled with Dutch necks and short
sleeves or high necks and long sleeves; CjQ
regular 65c to 85c values priced at only OS7C
Kauser's" Venetian Silk Vests at $1.48
Women's 65c "Melba" Union Suits 48c
Knit Underwear Department, 1st Floor.
A crowd-brinfnng sale of the famous "Kayser" Vene
tian silk Vests in the plain white, pink and blue, fin
ished with crochet and ribbon, trimmed top ; fl? 1 LR
sizes 34 to 42; best garment on the market M AtO
"Melba" Union Suits of white lisle thread, low neck,
no sleeves, lace-trimmed knee; walking:, standing sitting
or reclining at every pose taken the straps are al
ways on the shoulders. A complete line of sizes A O
in this lot. Specialized for this sale at, the suit
Misses9 White Cotton Hose, Special at the Pair 11c
Women's Silk Boot Hose, Special Pair 22c
In the . Hosiery section, main floor, a sale of misses'
white cotton Hose in fine ribbed seamless cot- 1 1
ton, sizes 6 to ; very good grades, pair, only A C
Women's splendid quality, fast black, seamless silk boot
hose, with li-sle thread tops; reinforced lisle OO
thread heels and toes; all sizes in the lot; pair'''
Great Crowd Bringers to the Men's Sock Shop
50c Fancy "Accordion" Knit Sox OA r
1000 Pairs on Special Sale at, Pair tt
In the men's corner,' main floor, a sale of 1000 pairs of men's "accordion"
knit Silk Socks in combinations of black and white, black and red, black and
gold, black and purple; blue and gold and blue and white; all sizes; OQ.
50c a pair. Specialized to bring a crowd, for this sale at only, a pair'''
1800 Pairs of Men's Thread Silk ox 43c
1200 Pairs of Men's Silk Hose, Special 23c
Men's fine gauge pure thread Silk Hose with
fall fashioned' lisle soles ; high spliced heels,
in black, tan, navy, light or dark gray, helio
and purple, dark green and burgundy; also a
big line of two-toned and striped effects, in
all 6izes. We specialize them for this A O
sale at the low price of only, a pair"
1200 pairs of men's pure thread silk Hose
with reinforced lisle thread heels and toes;
colors are black, tan, gray, navy, helio and
burgundy, in all sizes; the very hose OO
for the particular fellow. Special, pr.
Largest stocks and the most different kinds
of guaranteed Socks in Portland. See them.
4. w nil
60c Pillow Tops for 37c
$1.25 Pillow Tops at 67c
In the Art Needlework Store, Second Floor.
A sale of Pillow Tops with plain backs. Tops are
stamped in floral and conventional designs, oblon? or
square shapes. Good 50c and 60c values, of- O
fered special during this sale at low price of"''
Our regular 75c A A II Our rejmlar $1.00 27
and 85c values, for C and $1.25 values at " ' c
In Needle Work From 1 to 5 P. M.
All women are invited to join our classes in embroid-'
ery and needlework. An expert teacher of broad ex
perience in attendance, 1 to 5 P. M. daily. 2d floor.
Crowd Bringers for
The Dress Goods Department
$2.50 Suitings $1.79
Piece Goods Section, Main Floor.
A rousing sale of Suitings in tweeds, homespuns and
double-faced materials, full 54 inches wide. Strictly
up-to-the-minute fabrics for street wear and all-around
service. The double-faced material is ideal for auto
coats. They all come in the pretty mixtures of gray,
tan and brown; our best regular $2.50 val- ti! 7Ck
ues, special for this sale at only, a yard Nr
Tennis Racquet for $1
A small size, lightweight Tennis Racquet, with well
made frame, nicely finished, good quality ff
stringing; made specially for children P VJl
Women's Waists at $1.29
On the center circle, main floor, women's "Waists of marquisette and Ba
tiste with Dutch or high necks and short sleeves; many in QQ
the peplum effect, neatly trimmed, sizes 34 to 46, special at D
Women's House Dresses $1.29
Sateen Petticoats for 98c
Sateen an'd Heatherbloom Petticoats
with wide accordion plaited flounces
ruffles trimmed with pin tucks,
Women's House Dresses of good ma
terials in striped, checked and fig
ured patterns, styled with Dutch
necks, long or short sleeves and are
priced very special for
this sale at low price
with or without underdrops. They
come in black and colors q q
and priced for this sale at
Reduction on Cut Glass
Very good quality cut glass, in neat designs, spe
cialized on the third floor today at these prices:
$2.50 Sugar and Cream, the pair, at only SI .80
$2.25 Cut Glass 6-inch Vases, special, only $1.75
$4.00 Cut Glass lO.ineh Vases, on sale for S3.15
$4.25 Cut Glass 8-inch Bowls, special at only $3.19
$1.00 Handled Nappies, 5-inch, special,, only 75
$1.35 Handled Nappies,' 6-inch, special, only 98
Silverware Low Priced
Bread Tray, new shape and finish; our tfjl
regular $2.25 values, special price, only P"i
Tea Set, four pieces, regular $7.50 value, for $5.13
$7.55 Dinner Set $5.20
In the china store, on the third floor, Semi-Porcelain
Dinner Set, . pink decoration, full dC OA
gold line; 60-piece set, $7.55 value, for PJ' J
Butter Only 55c
"Glenwood," made in Oregon, o
pure pasteurized cream, from the milk:
of cows that feed on the green CC
coast pastures; 2-lb. square at JC
Dried Fruits
Fancy Dried Apples, veryOC
choice stock, two pounds, onIyC
Fancy Dried Apricots, select-OC
ed stock, special, two pounds
Dried Peaches, two pounds for 2o
Dried Pears, two pounds, only 2o
Dried Prunes, large size, es-OC
tra choice, two pounds, only""C
Dried Prunes, medium, 3 lbs. at 25
Cal. Black Figs, dried, 3 lbs. at 25c
Cal. White Figs, dried, 3 lbs., 25
Dried Cherries, special, 2 lbs., 3o
Portland Tmnnportatkn OrKn I ra
tion Shows Strady Growth.
Constitution and by-law wr
adopted br th rortland Tranporta
tlon Club at Ha rtg-ular wr kly lunch
eon at the Imperial Hotel yesterday
afternoon. The articles prorkle that
all men employed by a recnlarly oper
ated transportation company, either
rati or water, are ell rl hie to member
ship. The present set of officers will
continue until June 30. when those,
elected under the new constitution will
be Installed.
Altrioueh It has been In existence
only three months, the club has 420
members, and t (rwlnit like the pro
yerbial weed. W. A. Robblns. attorney
for the O.-W. R. A Company, was
chairman of the committee that draft
ed the new by-laws.
Henry L. Westbrooke. a Portland at
torney who was formerly engaged In
railroad and ateajnshlp business in. this
city, waa the principal speaker at yes
terday's luncheon. He urced every
member of the club to work for bet
ter relations between the transpor
tation companies and shippers. W. R.
Mackenzie, of the Vancouver Transpor
tation Company, waa the chairman of
the day.
Rarbcrtoa Pioneer Woman Tlra.
VANCOUVER. Wash May J (Spe
cial.) Mrs. Mary Euaan Johnson, wife
at August Johnson, who has lived In
Barberton for the past 35 years, died
Wednesday- of a nervous complaint,
havlna been 111 for two years. ' She Is
survived by five daughters. Mrs. John
son was a member of the Lutheran
Il-v. Mr. Morrlssey Paint Glowing
Plot a re for Northwest.
Rev. Andrew Morrlsey, C. 8. C, pro
vincial of the Congregation of the Holy
Cross, now visiting Columbia Univer
sity. Is enthusiastic over the future
of Portland. He declares that the peo
ple of Portland and the Northwest have
no conception of the vast opportuni
ties of this city and country. He has
been coming to Portland once a year
for several years, and every year In
creases his admiration for the city. Dr.
Morrlsey is a close observer and sees
the progress the city is making; and
will make. In his talks at Columbia
1'nlvemtty he told the young men that
they are specially fortunate In being
born In the Northwest, which he de
clared Is the land of opportunities us-
dreamed of In the older parts of the
United States.
Dr. Morrlsey has devoted his life to
the campanlonship snd upbuilding of
young men. His annual visits to Co
lumbia University are looked forward
to by tne students with great Interest
and his leaving with regret. He ex
pressed pleasure at the progress made
by the university and says the time is
not far when this institution will be
the Notre Dame of the Northwest. Dr.
Morrlsey leaves today to visit other In
stitutions under the direction of the
Congregation of the Holy Cross.
Cattle Scarcity Apparent.
OOLDEN'DALE. Wash- May 2. (Spe
cial.) Beef cattle are shipped from
the Portland Union Stock Yards for
the Goldendale market. Robert Mc
Crow, a butcher who has been in bus
Iness at Goldendale for 10 years, says
that he never saw such a scarcity of
beef cattle in tha Klickitat Valley.
Carnival Committee Considers Plan
j. for Grand Avenue Night.
At a meeting of the carnival com
mittee of the Kast Side Business Men's
Club yesterday at the Sargent Hotel.
Grand avenue, composed of A. L. Du
Pur. A. L. Keenan, J. O. Wilson, George
E. Welter and C. C. Hall, the ques
tion of holding a special carnival night
on Grand avenue, was considered. The
suggestion came from General Managpr
L.-Hutchln, of the Rose Festival, that
Grand avenue would be a good place
to hold ft night of merry making and
burlesque. The committee favored the
project, provided fraternities and high
schools can be interested. It was de
cided to Invite the students of Wash
ington High School to take an Im
portant part in the carnival, leaving the
stunts they might, give to the stu
dents themselves. . The subject will
be considered further before final
action Is taken.
A general meeting of- the school
principals lias been called for tomorrow
morning at 11 o'clock by Superintend
ent Rieler, at the request of the com
mittee on the "Human Rosebud"
parade, to talk over the arrangements
for the parade. Robert Krohn, director
of the' parade, and members of the
committee will be present. Mr. Krohn
desires to start drilling the children
as soon as possible.
h 1 $t GTrust Company
)t I of $ortlantv Oregon
Organising Capital S5O0.0OO.
Charter No. 17,110, Oregon Laws,
April 15. 1912.
All subscriptions same basis.
No Sales Agents. No Fees Paid.
JO per rent spoken for this week.
No funds asked until directors are
For Information or booklet.
Marshall 2440.
OS Yeon Bldg.