Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 02, 1912, Page 18, Image 18

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tite Mcmxnra oreg onta j. Thursday, mat 2. 1912.
American - Hawaiian 'Steam
ship Company to Use Te
huantepec Route.
Citj Will Now linjoy Two I-lhmus
Lin-, la Transhipments and Can
Rid More Mrongly for I.uni
" br and Shingles Cargoes.
When the steamer Califorulnn nailed
from .New Tork Monday with tar go
for the Pacific Coart that mill be trans
shipped via the Tehuantepec route,
tt.e new plan of the American Hawai
ian steamship Company that include
rort!iuil on a direct schedule went Into
effect, it was learned yesterday when
I. Kennedy. Portland aaent. re
ceived a teleicram sotting forth that
the freight would be loaded on this
side aboard the steamer 1-tlimlan.
The iMhmlan will sail from Saltna
Crux, the western end of the rail line
across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. so
as to reach San Francisco June i and
Is to sail for Portland June S, airiv-
inc here June 11 and leave on the re
turn June 13.
Sl.e wilt be followed by the Nevadan.
Nebraskan and Lyra. The IMhmlan
sailed from San Francisco yesterday,
heading south, and as yet It la not
known what amount of cargo she will
have on the return.
Blsr I acreage Predicted.
The rate on eastbound cargo, that
destined for the Atlantic side. Is the
same from San Dleco and all other
ports as far north as the terminus of ;
the line at Seattle. Portland shippers
enjoy the same tarift as their rom
petitors on the Coast and as the com
Ing of the four large steamers means
that this port will hare much mnri
trace than with only the steamer Kal
con operating. It Is expected that there
will be a big Increase In the movemcn
by watrr. In the past the bulk of the
lumber and shingles handled by the
American-Hawaiian has been from
Puget Sound points and now It In In
tended to encourage the shipment of
thone commodities from Portland. Of
-ourjie no full cargoes will be accepted
for the Atlantic side, but parcels-of It
nil! lie taken.
The steamer Falcon will continue
running between Portland and San
Francisco a a transfer vessel tintl
the isthmian reaches the Oolden (Sate,
hut It has not been decided In what
business she will he used afterward
. her charter continues In force. Her
owners are the Charles Nelson Com
Portland will enjoy two direct lines
from the two Isthmus routes, as the
California A Atlantic plies via the
Isthmus of Panama, but so far h
given only a monthly service and as
there is a scarcity of tonnnge, com
Mned with the shipment of freight on
the Panama Railroad being; limited.
there Is small prospect for an Improve
ment. The American-Hawaiian's ne"
schedule means that there will be I
steamer here every It days.
la addition to the service to domestic
rort of the I'nlted States the Amer!
ran-Hawallan accepts cargo for Eunn
nesn. Mexican and Central American
ports, under through rates and bills of
tin the Atlantic side there Is a steam
er sailing from the Bush Terminal
South Brooklyn, every six days and
correcting with the raH line, so as to
rea.-h vessels of the Taclfic fleet
rut along the Columbia River Is being;
loaded aboard the Herman ship Ketbke,
which is working at l.lnnton. and the
British ship Kirkcudbrightshire, which
was towed yesterday from Prescott to
St. Helens to finish and both will be
dispatched for the United Kingdom
by the Pacific Export Lumber Com
pany. Most of each cargo is made up of
timbers, some being but 12x12 inches
In diameter and there are assorted di
mensions as large aa 14x14 Inchea in
diameter and lengths run to 90 feet.
Millmen aver that 0 per cent of the
heavier sticks undoubtedly will be used
on the other side for spars and while
the purpose for which all Is Intended
has not been ascertained. It Is thought
that some of the larger pieces will be
regawed. There Is also considerable
material In the two cargoes In the way
of boards. The Heinbek will carry
:.350,00 feet and the Kirkcudbright
shire 1.30.O'O feet. The same com
pany will load the schooner M. Turner
for New Zealand. She Is finishing
cargo on Gray, Harbor for Mexico and
is to return to the river in Julv. The
Pnclflc Export interests also will have
space on the Japanese steamer Manda-
Four Foremen for 15 Laborers
Brings Censure to
Dae ta Arrive.
Nam Prom. Data.
P.ese City Sun Pedro I port
Falcon ran Francises In port
Braver Psn Ped ro. . . . May 2
Alliance Eureka Hay
Hmi(itr..,.rDniBar Mar 5
Pue 11. K'mors. Tillamook. .. . May 5
Clo. W. Elder. .Pan PIt;o. . . . May
1 . ... . iin PMro . ...Mil t
Itoanoke. ..... Kan Dla o. ... Mv 11
Health Officer Whoeler Ordered to
Buy Supplies In Wholesale Lots
Instead of Dribs, as Under
Present Scheme.
Isthmian . . .
saltna Oua. .. June 11
Scheduled to Depart.
Name. For. Dati
T!o City fan Pedro. . . May
Falcon San Francisco May
Yale. e. F. for U A.May
Harvard . F ! A-. . May
A'.Manr, Eureka May
B'lvr. ....... 6a n Pdro. . . .May
Ga. w. Eldr..!sn Dl-iro May
Hrvakwater. .. .Coos Bay M ay
Sue li. L'ltnore. Ti:lamfk. .. . May . . .
Itoannka. .
. f an I'edro. . . .May 1.
san ligo. . . . May
!a!!na Crus. .. Juna li
ssn Maru. due about June 1. She also
lll take flour to the Orient for Mlt
sul Co.
Marine Notes.
Government to Alter Aid on Lower
Harbor ThU Month.
Following' are rhangea In aids to
navigation that will be carried out May
according to a notice Issued yes
terday from the office of Henry
Peck. Inspector of the 17th Lighthouse
Columbia River Main channel to Astoria
'hani to be male In aula to navigation
atut May 2.
Middi Oround Iorer End Buoy Flrt--?aa
ran. to b moved about lonO yards
?..". d-rr--s lru W. ll-ltf H. mas'.) from
tt rharfd poelilnn and placed In four
fathoms ef watrr and rnumbred 1.
'?aiop Spit Hui. 12 Ftrst-clasa nun. to
b movd about 40 Harris 17! derrees true
SSli ' VI. macT.k from Its charted posi
tion anil piaceif In fr fathoms ef nt.f
and hanc'n to Clatsop Spit Inner Buoy. 2.
Mlil'tle i;ronl bouth btle Hun). First,
i laws rsn. to be renumbered T
Smith point ehoal Hunt. II Plrst-class
l-e r. to be mvd about ." is r I a Ci J li
rt'n true b- w. mag from Its chart
ed position and placed tn three fathoms of
water and renumbered 4.
Middle i;round South Side Buoy. Flret
i . spar, to be renumbered
Middle Ground South Side Bnoy. 11
First -class can. to be renumbered 7.
Middle Ground outh fide Buoy. 114
First-class spar, to be renumbered .
Middle Ground Sooth Side Huoy. 13
Flrsi-class can. la be renumbered ll.
Crlqrnbia lllver Olnr Island l.tcht es
tablishes April 1- A ftv.ed red llcht. about
II candlesosrer. about SO feel above wat-r.
etiosra from an arm on a white post- The
lisht is located on the northeast potnt of
t.ary Island, about one and one-half miles
ei9 degrees true ww. 4. W mas.) from
the former locallon of Corbcrt IJght. which
siaa permanently discontinued on the aama
late. (No. IT. 1I2.
To load mippliea the tug R. Miller, of
(rays Harbor, which tows for the
Knapplon Mills Ac Lumbeir Company,
was In the harbor yesterday on one of
her infrequent trips.
Loul Allen, baron of the Willamette
fish dealers, caught a IS-pound carp
yesterdsy. which hei exhibited at the
harbor patrol station as the largest
cati.'h of the season.
As It was decided to postpone the
docking of the barkentine Aurora she
will not be brought from St, Helena
until next week.
Jt has been reported at the Ainsworth
dock office of the San Francisco A
Portland Steamship-Company, that J. T,
Van Cleve. traveling steward of the
fleet, who was appointed to the position
August &. 1910. died at San Francisco
With a full cargo of wheat the steam
er Mackinaw sailed last evening; for
San Francisco. The steamer Carlos has
cleared for the same destination with
700 tons of wheat and 400.000 feat of
lumber. The steamer Yellowstone
cleared for San Diego with 800,000 foot.
On a change of ordera the schooner
F:dward R. West entered the Columbia
River yesterday Instead of Grays Har
bor and mill load at Knappton for San
Francisco. The vessel came from
Santa Rosalia and was 40 days on the
way. As she Is returning to San Fran
cisco she will not be drydocked here
aa contemplated.
Charters reported yesterday Included
that of the British steamer Inverlc,
to load on the Puget Sound, for Aus
tralia, In the Intereat of the American
Trading Company.
Aboard tha steamer Rose, City, sail
Ing today for California ports, are SO
tierces of casinKs. which are uaed at
Marseilles. France, as coverings for
satigages, and 200 tierces of tallow that
are billed to Hamburg. They will be
transshipped at san Francisco to the
Pacific Mall and he routed to Europe
via the Panama Railroad.
On the steamer Beaver, due this af
ternoon from San Pedro and San Fran
cisco. Is 950 tons of cerrmnt, which s
about the largest load of tha building
material ever rarrted on a veaael of
that fleet. Arrangementa have been
made to carry cement as was done last
season, so on each trip of the Beaver
and Bear here they will average about
0 tons and the Rosa City will bring
suo tons.
Notification was given United States
Inspectors Edwards and Fuller yea
terday. that tha new steamer to be
built by Joseph Supple, for tha Ore
gon City Transportation Company, will
be christened the Grahamona. Instead
of Uraemona. aa was first selected.
Captain 8. W. Cunningham haa been
enrolled aa master of the steamer Gray
Kaglx. which plies the upper N lllam-
ette flylnaT the flag of the Spauldlng
Logging Company, the former skipper
having been Captain T. P. Jones.
To resume operations on the bar at
the mouth of the Columbia the big
dredge Chinook, will leave down today.
Plain Mathewson, of the tug Arago,
acting aa pilot. She will be con-
Inucd at the entrance until Fall and
when the June survey Is completed If
a hoped that the Increased depth will
be considerable.
Heavy rains during tha past few
days are expected to affect th stage
of the Willamette, says Forecaster
Beats, who looks for a stag of 10 feet
today and may climb to 11.7 fee Satur
day. The flood stage is IS feet.
Vlan .Maclter Soon to Sail; May Kr
turn In Summer.
Two grain carriers will leave port
early this month, the French ship
I'uquesne. which Is about loaded, and
the French bark l.'I termite, which be
gan working cargo yesterday at Mont
gomery dock No. 2. In May. 1911. one
ship cleared with a full wheat cargo
and there were three steamers to get
away for the Far Kast with consign
ments of the grain. The total ship
ments were 222.SM bushels of wheat
and 105.000 barrels of flour.
In flour Portland will be credited
a-lth the full cargo of the British
steamer Clan Maclver. which should
get away tomorrow for Hongkong di
rect, and by the time she leaves the
river the liner Hercules will report to
load for the other side, to call at all
ports but Hongkong. It is planned to
make arrangements for direct sailings
ater and It Is reported that the Clan
Maclver may be chartered for two or
;..ree additional voyages, as she Is
under time charter to carry ties from
Muroran to Southern California to be
used by the Santa Fe. and having
.arco from the North will make her
-eturn trip profitable.
City Engineer Hurlhurt was attacked
for employing four foremen for IS men i
and City Health Officer Wheeler was
peremptorily ordered to cease purchas- I
Ing supplies In dribbles for the city
peat house and to buy wholesale where
ever possible, at the meeting of. the
ways and means committee of the City I
Council yesterday afternoon.
Councilman Magulre called Into ques
tion the wisdom of paying four fore
men for 15 men In the sewer depart
ment, which Is under the supervision of
the City Engineer, and Councilman
Burgard moved that Health Officer
Wheeler he ordered to purchase sup
plies for his department In wholesale
Councilman Mrnetee remarked that
he believed "such statements aa the one
made by Mr. Magulre, that on & certain
sera-er job, the men had not seen the
foreman for six weeks, should be verified."
Maaralre Frosalaea Proof,
Ton't rou think for a minute that
can't verify what I have said," heat
elly retorted Mr. Magulre. "I told the
City Engineer about this."
In making his motion to eliminate
from the payroll two of the four fore
men who have been supervising 15
men. Councilman Magulre used unprlnt
ablo language, emphasizing his views
with oaths.
Members of the committee called In
Chief Assistant Hanson. Mr. Ilurlburt
being absent from his office, hut Mr.
Hanson knew little or nothing as to
hy so many foremen are employed
for so fern- men. He said, however, that
they probably are supervising small
crews and that one foreman probably
haa a small number of men under bin
charge, but that a foreman Is needed
for any number of men, no matter how
'How about a crew where the men
had not seen their foreman for six
weeks?"- Queried Mr. Me.nefee.
Mr. Hanson said he could not tell
about that: perhaps the foreman was
sick, he suggested.
Mr. Mencfee moved that the City En
gineer be Instructed to report on this
specified case.
Pee Hoist Cornea High.
Councilman Burgard said he felt as
Mr. Magulre: that too many foremen
are employed and that "one of these
men always attends Council sessions
throughout." He said It might be a
good Idea for this individual to do
some work outside occasionally, ne
mentioned no name.
Mr. Burgard then moved to order
City Health Officer Wheeler to pur
chase pest house supplies at wholesale.
Instead of In small lota, as nas neen
the custom. The motion carried, i ne
Items In the June estimate for the pest
house supplies called for 1300. a sum
believed by the managers of the com
mittee to be altogether too large.
The committee ordered that l.hier or
Police Slover. members of the police
committee of the Executive Board and
a committee of three men In the depart
ment be Instructed to appear before
the committee at Its next meeting to
discuss the proposed two days-a-montli
off ordinance now pending.
RlrhxaOBd Geta Kaarlae Hanaae.
Councilman Joy won a victory for
Richmond when the committee recom
mended that an appropriation of 110.
000 be made for a site and engine
house for that district.
Oeorae L. Ilutchln and Kalpn v.
Hovt. officers of the Rose Festival
Association, asked that the Council
order the Installation at an early date
of the city's wiring for special Illum
ination this year. The committee will
trv to have It Installed this time by
the City Electric Inspector's force. In
stead of paying a large sum for the
No recommendation to the (council
waa made on the proposed approprla
tlon of 12000 for the recreation conv
mission. The ordinance will go to the
main body for decision.
$5.00 High -Class Un
trimmed Dress Shapes
See Our Windows
Milans Chips Peanuts
Hair Hats
All New Styles and Fresh Clean
Merchandise No Job Lots
or Sample Lines
In Black, Burnt, White
An Immense Assortment to Select From
They Won't
Last Long at
Come Early for
Best Selections
the Denartment of Public Instruction,
and C. H. Lane. First Asitlstant in Agri
cultural Kducatlon in the Department
of Agriculture. Washington, D. C, are
to visit Portland nexi weea.
IMstrlet Cliulrmen Moot.
cial.) The chairman of the several
school districts of which Union High
School District No. 8 Is composed, met
today with County Superintendent
Hanirlnnun at the High School building
In Junction City and organized. T. J.
Kirk, of nistrlct No. 38, was chairman.
and F. M. Moorhead. of District No. 69,
secretary. The Board, after organiz
ing, adjourned to meet the first Satur
day in June. ,
April Sres 544 Xew Accounts Opened
and $82,455 Deposited.
At the close of business on April SO
the Portland postal savings bank had a
net cash deposit of $436,165. Deposits
are Increasing at an average of more
than $1000 a day. This money is de
posited In the banks of Portland that
are designated as Government deposi
tories and . there Is no Individual or
corporation In the city with so large
a balance In the banks.
Since the opening of this postal de
pository on September 9, 1911, there
have been 6681 accounts entered with
a total aggregate deposit of $727, 5S3.
During April, 54 new accounts were
opened and the total deposits In thP
last month were $82,455, with with
drawals of $53,837.
George II. Carr, clerk in charge,
says that April l8 recognized as the
quietest month in hanking, especially
in savings institutions, as savings are
drawn on to tldo over the coming of
Spring activities. He expects that May
and June will show a large increase in
A sum of .OOil.OOO francs will be distrib
uted this year and every succeeding y-ni
until lOl'l among the French olive srowerF.
This will bo a bounty averaging $1.17 an
Th sr
" .-al
induce mWP
XT T sTilTa. f TT I m
Xs''X Can C com'ortaWy and without the over expenditure Vjjifc&H h&T
Vwi&& of nervous energy which accompanies violent exercise of any kind. eV''""2r
Exercise CoroforfaJifn
F.ducators Will Inftrurt Children in
School Planting Content.
Movements of Vessels.
!owtrton. from
Hi; stick Boln ff Loaded In Two
United Kingdom Cargoes,
fume of the choicest timber to be
L Arrl vxi mr
an rri n-lco. m I led
tmr Mackinaw, for Fan rrnrco;
ifmfr Hu H. Elmorv for Tillamook;
tfnmr KnBnk. rar bad ii(ro ana way
Dorts: ittAinr HraK watr. for t.ooa Hay.
Astoria. Mar 1. concition at tna mown
of 1 h rtr at 3 P. M rao4rat: wind.
north wt. 34 ml lea. wtatbar. cloudr. Ar-
rlv4 tfurlnr tha nlsht. itfimtr Asuncion.
from Fort Anit'lea. Arrived at 9:10 A. M..
aclioonr Edward R. Wt. from flanta Ro-
antla. Sailed at 10 A. M.. tamr Aunclon.
Pan Franclat-o. ftafUd at 10:40 A. M..
t earner Hvaihar. Hailed at 3 P. M.. schoon
er Reaolut. for Gutymu, Called at P. M..
tramer Breakwater, for Com Par.
ban Mar 1. Hailed at 11 A.
M.. itamr Hear, for Kan Pedro. Arrived
ai 7 A. tfruiah ateamr ocean Monarch.
from Portland. Arrived Norwegian ataa-roer
Admintitn. In tow of steamer Catania. Ad-
mtralen bad rudder carried a war during
southeast araie sunaar.
Honopul. April 2A. Arrived Schooner
tionopui. from Portland.
Raymond. April Arrtvad Jtaainar
Saginaw, from Portland.
Seattle. Mar 1- Arrived Steamers Aikt.
from bltka: i.'oU E. I. Drake. Watson, from
Taroma, BMIed tit earners Delhi, for South
eMitern Alaska, via Bel ling nam ; Taroba
Mara, Montana, for Tacoma; Aberdeen, for
Aberdeen ; eorg Loomii, for San Kran
rteco; revenue cutter Manning, from Alas
Santos, April JO. Sailed Director, for
8an Fratncleco.
San Kranctevn. May 1. Arrived 8 1 earners
San Jacinto, from Grays Harbor; Raymond,
from Wli la pa: prhoon-r Oregon, f rum Co
qutlle River. Sailed Steamers Isthmian, for
Saline Crus: Mauka. for Sydney: Lurllne.
for Honolulu; (ieorg F. Hailer. for Bristol
Hay: Santa Monica, for Grays .Harbor;
schooner Roy Soraers. for Grays Harbor.
Yokohama, May 1. Arrived previously, In
aha Maru. from Seattle; Mongolian, from
San Francisco.
Hongkong. Mar 1. Arrived previously.
Nile, from San Francisco.
los Angeles. May 1. Arrived Rainier,
from WlUapa Harbor; Daisy Freeman, from
Columbia River: William P. Smith, from
He) i Ingham. Salted Corona do. for Grays
Harbor; George W. Elder, for Portland.
Professor Ralph. D. Hetxel. of the Ore
ron Agricultural Col U fro will visit i
number of Wet Fide School" today and
tomorrow to outline the plan of the
school rarden contest.
A 10-mlDute talk will rm riven to
arh of the followtna: Fulton Park,
Terwllltg-or. Hoi man. Falling-, Shattuck
Larid, Atkinson. Couch, Paris. Chaj-
Tomorrow rrofewsor Htsel will visit
Columbia University Jefferson, Wash
ington and Lincoln Hiffh Schools, Port
land Academy and Hill Military Ac a
emy. While these are not eligible to
contest, it Is desired that they should
have some knowledge of the move
Professor N. C Maris, or corvaiiis.
will today visit the school gardens
at Lent and Arleta.
Ftate Surer!ntndent Alderman, of
Tide at Astoria Ttiareday.
High. T.ow.
A. M 9.3 feet 7:47 A. M 0.5 foot
l:3ti P. M 7.4 fcet,7.U P. feet
Ecxcma or anr skin affection treated
with Poslam Immediately become ro
ponslre, the skin Is soothed and cooled,
ltchlns stops and the trouble grows
lss annoying:, less extensive until It
finally disappears and the skin regains
Its normal color and texture.
All skin diseases. Including- acne, tet
ter, psoriasis, piles, skin scale, salt
rheum, barbers' and all other forms of
Itch are quickly eradicated by Poslam.
Minor troubles, such as pimples, red
and Inflamed noses, rasrras, dandruff.
complexion blemishes, etc., respond so
readily that overnight treatment Is
often sufficient.
Th Owl Drug Co. and all druggists
sell Poslam (SO cents) and POmLAM
SOAP, the beautifying skin soap Hi
For free sample of Poslam, write to
the Kmergency Laboratories, 22 West
2th Street. Stw York City.
z or restine
ne main good ot physical culture is to
more Oxygen into the system.
Thi. can be done comfortably and . without the over exoenditure
of nervous energy which accompanies violent exercise of anv kind
The OXYPATHOR enables you to take vour exercise while
you sleep. The principle and purpose of the OXYPATHOR is to
saturate the blood with Oxygen pure life-giving, strengthening, disease
destroying Uxygen.
What exercise does for the blood and circulation the OXYPATHOR
does without exercise.
The methods empjoyed by the OXYPATHOR are identical to
those used by Nature in the growth of plant life.
The OXYPATHOR reanimates and invigorates the organism, causes
youthful feelings in the old, lengthening their period of enjoyment of life.
rou owe it to yourself, your family, your friends to investigate this
neaitn-eivinjr UATfAI HUK satisfv vourse f without incurring
any obligations. Write for our FREE Book of Infor
mation on "Oxypathy" and the Drug Evil.
' 710-731 Spaltflnar Bnlldliur, Portland, Or.
Honrs, S to 6 Monday and Saturday Evenings till 0.
Caaeral Offiea aad AaMrfean Factory. Baffafe. N.w Yarlc Brand... la all part, of America and th. War!,
Littraiurf uJ CtrrtsptmJeutt in Spanish, Pirtugunt, French, German and Italian.