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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1912)
8 THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, MAT 1, 1912. ERS SLIP WITH QUARTET OF NEW MEN ON HOGAN'S VERNON TEAM WHO SHOWED HERE YESTERDAY. COLTS WIN AGAIN, THIS Til 9 TOO the decision over F. Davlscourt, of the Multnomah Club in the final aggres Sennitt Straws $3 to $5 Split Straws $3 to $5 slveness. The first two periods of six minutes each were very close with 95 Portland having a shade the better of E ALM it, but In the final bout of three min utes. Walker was behind his man all the time. Davlscourt was strong enough to prevent a fall, but could not take the Initiative. B 1 OST WON . '.aawa-jaaaa-asai I iTfr' B aaawsaM M - , , , 1 li J9 Ninth-Inning Rally by Vernon Makes Portland's Uphill Fight Worthless. KOESTNER POOR RELIEVER Ilarkne Let Three Run fware In FlrM Teftiple Brings Victory In sight and Overcome Lead, but It All Cor for Xaua-ht. PjHrV Mt l,niii atasMtlna. w. u. r rv Oakland.. 1 .T-WLmAm!'! vrnor. 14 11 .." faetn'o. . . . Kn Fran. 12 1. .." Portland. . W. t 11 1 11 14 1-1 P.C. .4I .273 Yesterday's Reoll. x Portland Wniflu 7, Portland 3. Ai San Krnclc n Franctacn 3. ramento I. Ai l-o Ansel No came cheduled. Anle-(klnd today. Sac. Lot BY ROSOOK FAWCKTT. In an exclttnit. but .xreedlna-ly squally and loose-Jointed content feat ured by a run-In Mwwn I'rnplre Casey and hla former teammate Happy Hogan. Vernon cam from behind in the ninth Inning yesterday and batted , In three run a. enough to nail down the lid on the first clash of the third home series. Score T to 5. Southpaw Raleta-h proved an enigma to the local a. The two tallies which put Portland In the lead & to 4 In the eighth lnnlnar. when he weakened, were really the only runs earned by the local. Mis plays In the mud nave them the rest. McCredle. on the other hand, had to rail three pitchers. Harkness being" railroaded In the first Inning after walking- two and allowing two singles pood for three runs. Teaxplr'a Hark Klae. Temple relieved him and flung; for the vindication of North Carollny up . until the ninth Innlne. and then, after all that uphill struggle, and with hla club on the very threshhold of victory, the big Southerner tripped. He walked the first man man. Lltsche. In the ninth, Burrell following with a single to cen ter. McCredle flung Koestner into the breach at this staae. but Kes fared little better. In the first place he threw wild to first on Brown's sacrifice and filled the bafs. Hogan sent Mi-Donald In to bat for Raleigh. How does that old poem no? "There waa ease In Mc Donald's manner: there was grease on McDonald's face" Well, anyway, the pinch hitter produced a single Into left scoring two and after Bayless had singled Infield to Bancroft and filled the bags again, Brashear tore the cover off the sphere on a ilppcr to left, acor ng Brown. Three Rasa t.lve Victory. Those three proved a bitter concoc tion. As the office boy walls: "B'Jorgo Its fierce the way things brake: it coedn't well be wurse. A month ago we looked to win and now we're on the hurse. We may come up and grab the rest, but gee the track looks ruff; when we git five and then Jit bumped doggone It sure Is tuff." It was no fault of Manager Mc Credle' that Portland didn't grab ofT the ooener from the 111 runners-up. for. In addition to switching mouin men at frequent intervals, he Jerked two of his southpaw bat.-nicn. Lindsay and Doane. early In the melee, and sent In two right hand youngsters. Bancroft at third and McDowell tn right field. This switching proved a life saver, for whereaa Southpaw Kalelgh had cast a spell over the portslde whiffers he didn't seem to be able to pitch effec tively against the recruits. Bancroft walking once and tallying; the run which brought the Beavers closer. 3 to 4 In the seventh, and McDowell walk ing twice and banging the ball ih against the left field fence tor a double, whit.1! started the two-run out burst in the eighth. Hoa-aat la Beached. It wa on Bancroft's walk that Mana ger Hogan put forth his voclferousness. Hogan you know, played on the Fres no Club with Casey In 1903-01. at Ta coma. in 1904-05 and at Fresno In 10. Not being personally acquainted with Casey. Hogan approached him gingerly and Inquired mildly about that fourth ball. And when Casey removed hla mask and In pleasant tones, like a grlzzlv bear In a peeve, asked him to desist." Hogan looked straight at him. pointing to hi nose, and eye and. oth er features, and Informed him that he couldn't fine a man $5 anyway, because he had only four and three-quarters digits on his right hand. For that Hogan ultimately landed on the Vernon bench, first, however, mur muring something to the umpire which sounded like a query as to whether he had ever tried running a vacuum cleaner over his head. Here endeth the warring chapter. As stated above. Portland's first three tallies came as a result of errors by Vernon. Brashear and Lltsche. the new ahortstopper. having a tacky day. Tem ple scored In the third Inning on Chad bourne's double Into center after go ing safe on Brashear's mlsplay. Ban croft scored the second run In the sixth Inning on a walk, a fielder's choice and Lltsche's bobble on a grounder. Chadbourne tallied the third In the sev enth Inning on Butler's hit after get ting life on a grounder that Patterson and Raleigh spilled up at first. Such was the situation In the eighth, score 4 to 3 In favor of Vernon, when doubles bv McDowell. Rodger and Chadbourne. tallied two and put Portland In the lead. The ninth Inning rout Is al ready history. Score: Vrnoo I Portland 'arVe. If a o "hrn.lf . 3 1 o HVkii ff 4 I'at' 4 Br'fir.jri 4 n e'a? s -2 o Butler. as. O : t O 3 Oil O 1 t : n 4 1 01 3 O 0 O 1 2 KruVr.rf. r. 0 Ita ' 2 Doan.-.rf . 1 0 Ro'r.'Jb 4 0-Hwle.c 4 O Har-aa.p O S-In'on.rf 4 t.eta' 3 Bur-ll.S! 4 Bmwn.r, 4 Ki'sn.p 34cD'ld 1 O o O McD'll.rf. 3 1 X o IBan'ft.Sb 3 Tmp.p. 4 IKorat'r.p O 3 O o o Totals 33 10 2T 8 4: Totals 40 7 IT 13 2 Batted for Raleigh In ninth. SCORE BT INNINGS. 'r:::::::::::::olSvi.3IT SUMMARY. Runs Car'.l:. Bayless. Braehear. Uts rhla. Burrell 2. Brown, t'hadbourne. Rods rsy McDowell. Bancroft. Temple. Struck out PT Rt1 Temple 2. Baaea on fca i( tiff H.rknr.a i oft Raleigh 4. off T.mnit 1. Two-base nita .naouourne McDowell. Rodgera. Thre-lae hit Brown. tol ble p)ay Rodgers to Hap P to Howley. Cbarc d-feat to Tempi, tacrine hit rat- teraon Stolen Oae Buner. n u oj jmrnra w-li Br.1aar. or Tmpl. Inning pitched Harkn.. 2-: Tmp. 7 l-: Koeatner, 1. Raae bit OnT Marsnea J- run . on i -m-P:.. S. runs I: on Koetner. S. run 3. Tim of gam impire, Jaaey and Htldc- brand. ' N'olew of the Game. . Vernon's three runs In the first Inning Mm en walk lu Casual aad Baylsas. a ivy i - n i r: ..vr.-''. .' ? I - I . fjaWa. i si nia i ; ; . V rV- .-. y -P ST " ' v i . . 'i i n 'e V 1 ' 1 "3" i i.1' ia 1. 'al if , I . ' . C7.-T ' 'fe - s 1 l.ltachl, shortstop, .secured From reaarctlcnt State Leaatne. S Dolly 4-ray. Former Waahlaarfsai Atnrrlraa Twlrlrr. S Catcher ' Ar, 1-aat feasors With Omaha la I be U ratrrs Ulnar. 4 Jimmy V4 hales, Laid Out I.aat Sea son, by lajarlrs Received During Spring Training With Taraua rtb. neatera 4. lab. snrrtfic bv Patterson and singles by Brash ear and I4tachl. Vernon's run in the fourth Inning fol lowed a single by Burrell and a triple by Brown In center that Art Krueser tried to scoop up with ona hand. McDowell, subbing for Doane In right, made a great arm In. In addition to hla baiting. MclKwll starred with a wonderful rat--h of Sllnson'a long drive that looked ond for a double in- the eighth frame. Pitcher Temple reached flrat baae three time, in four on errors by tha opposition. McDonald waa caught at the plate In the ninth inning trvlng to make It two tallies on Braahear's single. Chadbourne pegged perfectly lo the plate. Koine negotiated a nest catch In pulling a liner bv Haylees off the right wall in the fifth tansr llosp waa out of the game at abort vrs terdav because of an Injured leg. I,ltarhl hit Ih rtral tlma up. fanned twice and walked once. His field work waa helow par but he looks like a Hrat-clana recruit. The turf around second base is exceed ingly uneven. Itodgers let one get sway from him and Brashear two. Lout week I.eard had a terrible tlm trying lo Judge hops. i-arson pitched the last Inning after Ba telffh'a retirement In favor of the plnch hllter. McDonald, who clinched the game for the visitor. IIEXKEVS PITCHING EFFKCTIVE San FranoljTO Defeats Saoramenlo, 3 to 1 Cack Gives Three lilts. SAN FRANCISCO. April 30. Henley'a pitching won for San Francisco from Sacramento this afternoon by 3 to 1. One run got past him In the first but after that he settled down and held the visitors to three hits for the game. Score: R. H. E I R. H. E. Sacramento 1 3 llSan Fran.. 3 10 I Batteries Byram and Price; Henley and Berry. AMERICAN LEAGl'K, Won. ...1 111 h Ist. 1 Pet. .714 .?2 ..".! .SIM .Sli .4"S .1.-.7 .147 rhlrago Boston Washington . Philadelphia. Cleeland ... Ietrolt St. Uouls ... New York . . Cleveland 8, St. I-ouls 3. ST. 1Dl'IS. April 30. The visitors hit E. Brown hard and he gave way to C. Brown In the fifth and Cleveland won. Score: R. H. E. R." H. E. St. Louis.. 3 11 4!Cleveland. 8 11 0 Batteries E. Brown. C. Brown and Klrchell; Gregg and Easterly. Detroit 4, Chicago S. DETROIT. April 30. Detroit won a 10-lnnlng game from Chicago. Cobb singled In the tenth with one out and went to third on Crawford's hit to center. ' As Cobb slid Into third he kicked the ball which was flying In front of Tannehill and It rolled to the grandstand, allowing him to make the winning run. Score: R H. E l R. II. E. Chicago... 3 t 4 Detroit.... 4 4 4 Batteries Mogrldge. Lange, Walsl, and Block; Wlllett and Stanage. Boston . Philadelphia 1. BOSTON. April 30. Boston won from Philadelphia, making It three out of the four-game series. Bedlent. who succeeded UaU when, the latter waa r t . .? .:v- "A- v !. p i r- "i -J' & ' ': ' t,. f - ;v f f -4.- - . :. ' w II i i 1 .. .J '.. . . 4 moved by Umpire O'Loughlln, held the vtsitora hltless for more than five In nings. Score: R. H. E. R. H. E. Boston 6 11 ;-Phils. Ill Batteries Hall. Bedlent and Carrl gan; Krause, Danforth and Thomas. ' e At Washington New York-Washington game postponed; wet grounds. X ATI ON ALi LEAGUE. r ... Won. Lost. Pet. Cincinnati 10 3 New York S 3 .7:7 Boston 4 4 .5" rhlrago & T .417 Pittsburg T .417 Philadelphia 4 4 .400 St. Loula 6 S ..ICS Brooklyn 4 7 .3C4 Cincinnati 7, Chicago 5. CHICAGO. April 30. Cincinnati start ed a batting rally In the sixth, after two men were out, driving Lavender from the mound after tying the score and then hitting Brown sefely for a run, which put them In the lead. Score: R. H.E.I R.H. E. Chicago... 5 11 SICInclnnatl. 7 9 4 Batteries I-avender. Brown and Archer; Suggs and McLean. At New York: New York Boston game postponed: rain. At Brooklyn: game postponed: Brooklyn-Philadelphia wet grounds. Western League Resnlts. At Topeka Topeka 3, Denver 2. At Lincoln Lincoln 2, Wichita 1. At Des Moinea Dea Moines 3. Slouz City 1. At St. Joseph St. Joseph S. Omaha 5. I am a power for great good if you do not abuse my use. In cases of need I do my work well. I am a builder up of health and strength in the hospital or in the home. For the invalid or the convalescentfor the tired or overworked I offer a great help. A little of me goes a long way. I have, been among you for three generations. I'm known as Cyrus Noble throughout the worlU. W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents,. Portland. Bloomfield Doesn't Give Van couver Lookin While, Port land Hits Hard. TRIPLE PLAY IS FEATURE Harris Expellett for- Disputing De cision Canuck Use Two Pitch era, Both of Whom Are Un able to Stop Slaughter. Xorthwestera Ueagne Mending. I W. L. P.C1 W. V. P.C i Victoria. . . K .MiVVanrotirer. . 7 T .SCO Portland... 8 .."i"l Taroma . . . . ft T .412 Spokane... A 6 .3G0)attl 5 ! ,:o7 Yesterday's Results. i At Vancouver Portland P. Vkncouver o. J At Spokane Tacoma 3. Ppnkane 1. I At Seattle Victoria 10. Seattle s. VANCOUVER, B. C, April 30. (Spe cial.) With Bloomfield pitching air tight ball and being accorded sensa tional support In the pinches, Portland had no trouble taking today's game from Vancouver on a heavy field, 9 to 0. The Colts got hits when they count ed. They batted Stanfield out of the box In the sixth and were In a fair way to get Gervaia who replaced him when a triple play In the ninth cut Bhort a rally. With runners on first and second, Moore put up an infield fly whith Brashear dropped but recovered In I time to assist In getting all the run- ners on bases. Bloomfield ' had everything on the ball and the Beavers could not do any I thing with him. Portland counted one ! in the first and kept Increasing their 1 lead right along. Harris was fired out ' of the grounds In the aecond for dls ; putlng a close decision by Umpire i Moran. Rain threatened to stop the ! game but it held off and the teams i were able to finish on a heavy field. The score: , Vancouver J Portland Ab.H.PO.A K ' AD.M.fO.A.C r-atea.lf. 1 0'Mensor.2b B'nett.2b H' Frlak.rf . 1 2 2 14 1 1 0 0 3 1 4 0 3 O 1 0' .. OlFrles.rf . . 0 Strait, ir. . 0' 1 iMoore.c . .. lKlbble.3b. ail'oltrln.a ejBI'fitld.p. 1 3 3 12 I K'pert.ef. ; James.3b. 1 Brown. as 1 (, w t. c. . 1 1 t 3 0 0 'fleld.p. B'furd.p. Total. 31 4 27 14 4 Total. IS 13 27 IS 2 SCORE-BT INNINGS. Vancouver 0 0 0 O ft ft ft' 0 ft 0 Portland 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 4 0 BUM MART. Run Monsor. Spea. Tries. Strait, Wil liams. Moore. Coltrln 1. Bloomfield. Stolen bases Bennett. Men nor. Speas. Fries. Ssc riflca hits Speas. Moore. Bloomfield. Two ba hit Moore. Mensor, Strait, Speas. Three-baae hit Coltrln. - Innings pitched Stanfield 5 1-3 hits. 5 runa: Balford. 3 2-3 4 hits. 4 runs. Base oo balls Off Stan field 1. off Belford 3. off Bloomfield 3. Struck out By Staofiftid 4. by Belford 1. by Bloomfield 1. Triple play Brashear to Jamea to Brown. Doubie play Bloomfield to Coltrln to William: Kibble to Williams; Kibble to Mensor to Williams: Jsmes to Biaahear Time 2:05. Umpire Moran. REE RALLY AND WIN GAME Seattle Ioes to Victoria, 10 to 8, on Meld Heavy With Mud. SEATTLE, Wash.. April 30. Seattle obtained a good lead in the early part of the game, but Victoria rallied tn the seventh inning, tying the score and won In the nlath. The grounds were In poor condition. Score: R. H. E. R. H. E. Victoria ..10 11 0 'Seat tie S 11 3 Batteries Concannon. Narveson and Meek; Ingeraoll and Shea. TIGERS FIND KRAFT'S CURVES Spokane Beaten, S to 1, Through Batting: Bee In First. SPOKANE. April 30. Tacoma got to Kraft tn the first Inning today when a home-run by Nfll followed by Ab bott's triple and a single by Neighbor, gave them two scores and the game After that It was a pitcher's buttle. Devogt's throwing to bases was a feat ure. Score: R. H. E. R. H. E. Tacoma... S 10 2Spokane 14 3 Batteries Schmlts: and Ludwlg; Kraft. Schmenk and Devogt. PORTLAND MAT MEN WIN McCarty and Iavis-court Awarded Medals at Vancouver, B. C. VANCOUVER, R C April 30. (Spe cial.) Portland wrestlers secured two silver medals In the Canadian National Amateur - wrestling championships, which were decided at the Vancouver Athletic Club last night- McCarty of the Multnomah Club beat Al Hatch, British Columbia welter-weight champion on aggressiveness, after an extra period In th semi-final of the middleweight class, and then succumbed to George Walker of Vancouver in the final In same manner. Walker was on top of McCarty most of the time and although he did not secure a fall had all the better of the bout. In the heavy weight class. Walker, after winning from Max Martin, of Vic toria. In the seml-nnal, was awarded CLARK SCHOOLS TO CONTEST Fine Trophies Offered for Field Meet and Declamatory Trials. VANCOUVER. Wash.. April 30. (Special.) The third annual declama tory contest and field meet will be held at the Vancouver High School Fri day and Saturday. May 3 and 4, at which time 26 schools will be repre sented by athletes and declalmers. There will be a tennis tournament for girls, and a baseball series to select the best team In the county, which will be hotly contested. Gold, sliver and bronge medals will be awarded the winners, besides a large pennant to the high school winning the great est number of -points, and a large one to the grammar school scoring highest. Red, white and blue ribbons, printed in gold, will also he awarded for the winners of each event. The declamatory contest will be held Friday night In the high school audi torium, and there will be five con testants for the medals. Preparations are being made to en tertain the guests of the schools for the two days they are to remain In the city, and present Indications are that the meeting will be better at tended than ever before. M'FAR LAND'S PROFITS $110,000 Lightweight's King Purses Only Part of His Inoomei. NEW YORK. April 30. According to a statement by Packey McFarland here, his S10.000 reward for defeating Matt Wells, the English lightweight cham pion, brings his total winnings In the ring up to an even $110,000. His fig ures show that an additional $90, 000 represents his earnings In thea trical side lines, making a grand total of $200,000 since he knocked out his first opponent. Tete West, in two rounds eight years ago. He received only $25 for that bout. When McFarland left the garden af ter whipping Wells, he hurried back to his quarters in the Bronx and sent out for a quart of Ice cream. As he slowly got away with It he remarked: "This Is my weakness, boys. It makes me feel fine." CHEHALIS GETS TRACK MEET Southwestern Washington Schools Will Hold Contest May II. CHEHALIS, Wash., April 30. (Spe cial.) The various high schools of Southwest Washington, including Aber deen. Hoqulam. Olympian Centralla. Castle Rock, Kelso and Chehalis. will hold a track meet in Chehalis at Millett Field, May 11. Chehalis was chosen on account of Its central location and the splendid field here. A large attendance Is expected.. The track meet will last from 1 P. M. to 4 P. M. and will be followed by the regular baseball game in the State League. FIGHT NOT TO BE STOPPED Morris and McCarthy to Battle Be fore Clubmen Only. JEFFERSON CITY. Mo.. April 30. Governor Hadley was given assurances tonight by J. H. Mason. Prosecuting Attorney of Green County, that tha boxing exhibition between Carl Morris and Luther McCarty, scheduled to be held at Springfield Friday night, is in strict compliance with the law. Only members of the Springfield Ath letic Club will attend, according to the Governor's Information. Answers to Queries. A Fan, McMinnvllle. Or. A player can reach first base on- an error or ' 'v'" I K ftj' ' ' " - 1 5 .1 THE biggest thing a nickel does is to buy a big Owl Londres. Give your "smoke" nickels a chance to make good for you. OWL Londres 5c is found at every tobacconist. Look for this Owl box. A big, blunt-end, perfectly-made, free-burning cigar. Every time you say "Owl" to your dealer you're wise. M. A. GUNST & CO., Inc. Today's the day! be a good sport. join the movement to "boost" for "May 1, the official opening day" for STRAW HATS ! "boost" for "May 1, the MW OyjtVy official opening day" for l$f'' STRAW HATS ! " Where Yon Get the Best 'Vl n Washington. ear Fifth HilliassBawal Panama Straws 6 to 910 fielder's choice and still be credited with - a sacrifice hit. Titus, Jefferson, Or. Base runners advance a base on a balk. A. H. Fulton, Cascade Locks. Or. The umpire was right. The catcher !:as no right to interfere with the bat ter's efforts to hit at a pitched ball. Senators Buy Schwcnk. SPOKANE. April .10. Rudy Srhwcnk. a right handed pitcher, formally with Louisville, was sold outright ,today by the spoKane iNonnwcsiern Leasiif Club to Sacramento, of the Coast League. Schwenk won 17 games and lost seven for Spokane last season. Bedel Flies Like Dart. BORDEAUX.' France. April 30. Avia tor Bedel arrived here from Villa- coublay today, near Paris after mak ng intermediate stops at Tours ana An- gouleme. His average rate of speed was nearly 81 miles an hour. Bedel Intends to continue his flight to Ma drid. He Is competing, like edrines, for the Pommery cup. American Association Results. At Minneapolis Minneapolis 7, Louis ville 7, 10 Innings; darkness. At St. Paul St. Paul 1, Indianapo lis 0. At Kansas City Kansas City 6. To ledo i. At Milwaukee Milwaukee 2, Colum bus 7. Ante-Beilum Ballplayer Dead. SAN FRANCISCO, April 30. Joseph Alexander Becsey, who was catcher for the New York baseball team Just be fore the Civil War, died here today as the result of a Btroke of apoplexy. Bec Fey served in the war and was attached CUTICUM SOAP SMWG STICK For Tender Faces Indispensable for those subject to red ness, roughness, and other irritations of the skin. A shaving luxury. No mug, no soggy soap, no germs, no waste of timeor money. In nickeled box, 25c, at stores or by mail. Liberal sample free. Address "Cuticura," Dept. 2S, Boston. LI1 W.IU irvin flno mnrpmptif i IB AfSSl Bangkok Straws S6 to $10 to General Sherman's staff. For a number of years he has been official court Interpreter In this city. Oklahoma's oil and gas fields are epeted to i productive for at least a century. Fishing IsGood Salmon fishing at Oregon City is in full swing. Anglers are catching the limit every day. The most successful fishermen are the ones that use our salmon tackle. Sackus&Morris 223 Morrison Street. Betlst &2nd Sta, Arrow shirts Will prove as good in every way as the COLLARS that bear the same name. $1.50 and $2.00 CLUETT, PEABODY & CO. MAKERS TROY. N. Y. mii'i .tun u i u. f li 'K ; - ' i