Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 01, 1912, Page 22, Image 22

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Enjoy Your Lunch Today Amidst Pleasant Surroundings of
Justin Statuettes of Weber & Fields 'The Jolly Comedians $1
7th Floor Tea Room Orchestra Music, 11:30 to 2 o'CIock
Ask for "Perrins" It Means Highest Quality in Women's Gloves
Weather Report.
Fair today.
THE MEIER & FRANK CO., 5th, 6th, Morrison and Alder S
5 5 tb Anniversary
Voting in Contest
To 5 P. M.
Ravmond Frver. 716 E. Bush..9f)2"
I- T. O'Brien, U. of 0 9o0
William Luerek, Lincoln High
School P.T50
James Bain, Law Fchnol 91."0
Helen Clark, Or. Agr. Coll ee. 8973
Paul Adams, Washington High
School 8175
Alfred GranL-trom, Allen Pre
paratory School 6850
Maxwell Ball, Allen Prepara
tory School. 6700
Elsie Roinhart 4.Tj0
Fred Fritscb, 630 Second st..4275
Joe Hallock, 30 N. 20tb street. 1475
Edith Rogers. 64t White Ave. 1400
Edna Metcalf, 531 E. Conch. .1250
Maude Laser. 40 E. Sumner... 1025
G. Keller. 173 East 6th St 575
Charles Bin 500
Meroyn I'helan, Columbia Uni
versity 425
Genevieve Courtney, 586 East
Oak .T25
IT. W. Parsons 300
II. C Montgomery. 3SI Ross.. 50
Ernest Peterson, 656 E. 3!Hh . . 50
Georgia Ploigstra, 669 Ford
Street Driver 50
ini ii-tt
C IIOULI) my daughter win a scholarship, can it be used
w when she finishes high school in 1913?" " Can the winner
of the first prizw seleet a conservatory of music, if desired f"
We answered yes to these and hundreds of other questions which have arisen
from this great $4000 Educational Contest, commemorating our 55th Anniversary.
Any man or woman in Portland and the Northwest is eligible to this great con
test. It is held under the direction of. and will be judged by President P. I. Camp
hell, Orpgon University; W. J. Kerr, Oregon Agricultural College; lrofessoi- Frank
Rieler. Superintendent Portland City Schools; Professor T. T. Davis. Principal Lin
coln Iligh School; G. F. Johnson, Manager Sherman, Clay & Co., Portland.
The Third IMnf A $500 Scholarship to
nn man or woman. In Oregron UnlverHtty,
OreRon Agricultural College or Willam
ette fnlverelty, which Includes a year's
Votu wlil be Klren with all cah or
credit purchase of 25c and over. Retain
your dupliratA nalcs-rheiks and present
them at the Special Contest booth. 1st floor,
where thev will be redeemed for ballots:
Pnrrhaaea of 2V to 3r rail for 2-1 vote.
Currkim of Ste to -" rail for .VI votea.
Purrnaaea of Mle to H.V rail for TIC votea.
vrebaaea of br to ft rail for IIM i-ntea.
A a d mo on to rof rcaaoadlnar moltlple.
(.ROD lOI HI.K 1IOI. ilt-HII' PRI.K.
A aiooo rbolarsbin. nil expnseM paid
for a year. In any American college
Tale. Harvard. Princeton, etc. to man -curlnir
a-reateot number of vote.
A KMMt Srholarahlp. all expenses paid
for a year. In any American college
Vaasar. Wollealy, Bryn Mr, eta. to
woman securing (rreatest number of votes.
The eeoaa' Prlae A 100 Scholarship to
one man or woman. In I'nlvcrslty of Cali
fornia or Stanford, which Includes a year's
tuitional exnenscs.
Fourth Prlae $100 Tuition Scholarship
to one man or woman In Red College.
Fifth Prlae $120 Tuition Scholarship In
Portland Academv to one man or woman.
Mils Prlae $100 Tuition Scholarship in
Columbia University, Portland, to one
tievrnth Prlae $120 Tuition Scholarship
In St. Helen's Hall, to one (flrl.
Klahth Prlae $120 Tuition Scholarship
In Hill Military Academy, to one boy.
Math Prise $120 Tuition Scholarship
In Allen's Preparatory School, to on boy
or rtrl.
Tenth Prise $f.O Tuition Scholarship In
St. Mary's Academy, to one arirl.
Eleventh Prlae $S0 Tuition Scholarship
for commercial course in Christian Broth
ers Cnlleae. to one boy.
Today Is Straw Hat Day!
A IUj von ready with a
Oar Household Club Plan
FURXITCRE, Willamette Sew
ing Machines, Aeorn Stoves
and Ranges. Hastings Kitchen Cab
inets Victor and Columbia Talking
Machines all sold on club plan of
easy pnyments.
Hat for the official opening of
the se:ison today! Only store offering Straw
Hats at prices such as you pay right in mid
summer. New $3 Straw Hats, $2.49
All the smart t-hapes in Sailors, Sennit and
plain braids. Medium and low-crowned and
New $5 Straw Hats, $4.55
IIigh.grade, hand-made Sailors, soft roll and
Milan Straw Hats. All latest shapos.
$5 and $6 Panamas, $4.35
High-grade genuine Ecuador Panama Hats.
Telescope, Fedora and Alpine shapes.
200 Pretty, New Pon;
Foulard Presses at
OR women who want an inexpensive little Frock hern's an excep-
tional offer. Surely no one would trouble to make them when they
can be purchased at so low a price as this.
Prettify made of natural colored pongee with piping and small square
collar of lace and blue or brown silk. Then plain, dotted and figured
foulards, high and collarless styles.
Two of the models are illustrated one of dot
ted bine foulard, the other of natural color pon
gee, lou li line tnem tor tneir neat simplicity.
A specially purchased lot
that's why we can offer them
today at this exceptional price
To $8 Princess Slips, $2.98
They're so pretty for year with the lingerie dresses
of Summer as well as under the evening gowns. Broken
lines, taken from our own stock of India silk, messa
linc, mull and fine batiste. Daintily trimmed with laces
and insertions. Plain ruffled and pleated styles, pink,
light blue, green, lavender, dresdens, etc. tJJO QQ
Priced formerly from $4 to $8. Today at P-I'0
To $2.25 Petticoats, $ 1 .08
You'll find (hem neat, practical and comfortable for
Summer wear these splendid wash Petticoats of ging
hams and chambrays.
Flounces of net, finished with rows of plain bins
bands, with border and pin tucks. Others with linch
tailored bands. Plain blue, pink, gray, tan, large and
small checks. Regular $1.60 to .f2.2o grades. I1 AO
Special for today's at only, the garment pX.0
1 00 Tailored and Dress
Hats, Today at lh Price
TU O Summer I lats at the price ot
one that's the opportunity for
Wednesday's shoppers. And scores of
women who've planned hut one Hat at
the present time will choose two today
from this special group of tailored and
dressy models.
Smart narrow, medium and broad
brimmed styles dressy shapes in various
favored modes, prettily trimmed in rib
bons, velvets, flowers and fancy feathers.
Come earlv for first choice today of these
$6 to $12.50 Hats at just
1-2 Price
$2 to $3.50 Shapes, 95c
Every popular shape of Un
t rimmed Hats included in ibis im
mense lot at P5e. Hats that sold
formerly t from $2 to $3.50. Mi
lans, chips, aznre and fancy braids
and hemps. Black, white and as
sorted colors. These are good
grades at regular prices, QC.
Victor Flour $1.30
mITII the advance in the
price of Flour, this spe
cial today at the high-grade Victor
brand is an offering of interest to
every housewife.
Made only for ns, of the best se
lected wheat. Always give satis
faction. Special, a bar
rel at $-5; the sack
Eoyal Banquet Butter. 2 lbs, 57
Macaroni. S packages for only JC
Sliced Beef, in can. S cans for
Fancy Rice, 3 pounds at only 25
Jap Style Bice,5 pounds at only 25
Bed Beans.5 pounds, special at Zo
Quaker Corn Flakes. 3 pkg3 25
Pott's Irons, $1.14
Constructed, as they are. all in one
piece, they hold the beat longer than
the ordinary iron. Heavily nickel
plated. Set of 3. with stand and han
dle. Regularly $1.50, for 1 f A
Wednesday and Thursdav pX. XT
$2.25 Ironing Board $1.69
1IETE 200 of the famous Springer
Folding Ironing Hoards to sell
today at $1.69. Regular size, just as
illustrated. Well made, durable and
properlv braced. Complete with sleeve
board. Regularly $-2.2T. 1 CQ
Wednesday and Thursday PX.Vli7
Trimmings V Off
All Fancy Feathers, Fancy Os
trich and all American and import
ed Flowers, specialcd today at sav
ings of a full I4. Absolutely noth
ing restricted. An' nowhere is the
selection more varied. Feathers
from "0c to $0. Flowers from 2'm
to $4.50. Purchase them 1n fit
today while you may at
$6 German Hair
Switches at $2.98
SO helpful to the attrac
tive arrangement of the
coiffure is a good Switch. These of
German wavy hair are 26 inches
long and our regular .fo" CJO QQ
grades. Special today, Ct.Z3Q
$12 Switches Of fine German
wavy hair, 34 inches long. Spe
cial today at $6.9S.
$4 Switches Of German wavy
hair, 24 inches long. Todav. 1.98
$2 Switches Of German wavy
hair. 22 inches long. Priced at OSc
$2.50 to 3 Puffs Clusters of
German wavy hair. Extra special
at 98?-.
A Big 25c Notion
Sale Wednesday!
OTE the articles and
Strand Floor, Mala Building:.
quantities of each that
25c, will purchase today in the no
tion section, first floor.
1 spools Carlson-Currier's Silk, reg
ular 35c.
2 pairs of Silk Shiilds, reg. 50c.
50c Ideal Skirt Gauge.
Cream Seam Binding. 3 belts, regu
larly 45c.
8 cards of Hooks and Eyes, reg. 40c.
2 boxes of Bone Hair Pins, reg. 40c.
8 extra large Hair Nets, reg. 40c.
Special 1 spool 10c silk. 1 pair
25c Silk Shields, one 5c pool of
C. 0. Thread, one 5c card Hooks and
Eyes and 2 spools of Darnfng Cot
ton, all at 2
'choice at 25c
25c Filmy Mulls and Silk-Stripe Voiles, 1 5c
TWO dainty Summer dress patterns
today for the price of one!
Over 1400 yards of filmy mercerized Mulls
and silk-striped Voiles, which have been sell
ing at 2"c a yard. Pretty blues,
tans, pink, helio, lavender and other I JC
Summer shades. Anniversary Sale
To 35c Wash Goods, 19c
A big table of wanted silk
striped Madrases and Pongee
Shirtings. Also silk - striped
Ginghams,- Flaxons and Dimi
ties; 25c, 30c and 35c.
grades, at only, yard
$1 Lunch Cloths, 69c
For Wednesday, 500 of these
pretty 30x30-inch Square Lunch
Cloths. Cluny lace edging and
insertion. Regular $1 Cloths.
In Anniversary Sale
today are priced only
Flral Floor w Rullriinit Mall Orders Filled.
$1.00 Long Silk Gloves for 79c
Gloves in
r u r c c:n,
uic must liimoua mait; ui oniv
America an identical crrade
sold from Maine to California at $1 a pair. We se
cured mis run-oi-tne-tactory purchase with a ro
striction that we should not advertise, the name.
Women's double finger-tipped, 16-button Silk Gloves
in black, white and a few colors. Also 03
2-clasn Short Silk Gloves in a trood ranee if
of sizes. $1 Gloves in today's sale at only
To 50c NecKwear 25c
A new lot cf dairty hand
crochet Rinjrs with pretty
velvet Ribbon, in various
shades. One of the latest
neckwear conceits. Regulai
ly 3fe to 50c-. We spe- HCtn
cial them today at JC
20c H'dKerchiefs, 12d
Women's quarter-inch hem
stitched linen lawn Handker
chiefs with dainty embroid
ered corners in a large va
riety of designs. Regular
20c grade. We spo- 1 O
them Jodav at
r'lm Floor. Main Rullil
itr Mall Ordra Filled.
25c New Plain and
Fancy Ribbons 1 5c
Over 1250 yards of beautiful all
silk Plain and Fancy Ribbons, 3 and
4 inches wide. Rich Taffetas, Moires,
Dresdeiis, print warps, stripes,
checks and plaids. Just the Rib
bons for children's hair bows, fancy
work and millinery
trimmings. Splen d i d
2oc grades, priced spe
cial today, the yard at
Women's 25c Vests at 14c
The cool, sleeveless Vests that no
woman can have toa many of dur
ing the Summer months! Fine
ribbed cotton, with plain and fancy
yokes. Regular sir.05 4, o "1 1
and 6. Usual 25c Vests, today
Flrat Floor. Main Bulldlner
$3.50 to $5 Silk and
Chiffon Waists Today
at $1.98!
HINK of purchas
ing rjrettv. new
Silk and Chiffon Waists at
$1.98! Both tailored and
fancy styles included in
splendid variety.
The mannish Shirts that
are so popular for Summer
wear are of p:ain and striped
messalines. Finished with
turu-back co'.lars and cuffs.
Attractive Waists of fancy
taffetas, with nigh necks and
short sleeves.
Pretty modeis of chiffon,
with plain and fancy linings
of net, silkoline. Some wilh
lace collars and cuff.-, others
embroidery - trimmed. Choose
from these $3 50 to $3 Waists
today at enly
Second Floor, Main Hulldlnsr.
300 "Axminster" Room
Rugs Today at An
niversary Savings!
Wn 1 r
Dropped Patterns of High
Grade Wilton Rugs
The mills are constantly bringing out
new patterns in. Rugs, and necessarily
discontinuing others. These designs we
cannot replace, and they are priced for
final clearance. Handsome two-toned
greens, browns, blue and small figures:
$8.50 Wilton Rugs, 36x63 ins, S6.85
$18 Wilton Rugs, 4.6x7.6 ft. S13.95
$30 Wilton Rugs, 6x9 feet, atS24.75
$40 Wilton Rugs, 9x12 ft. at S31.85
$45 Wilton Rugs, 8.3x10.6 ft. S36.85
THIS big Mill Purchase of
sturdy,, long-wearing Ax
minster Rugs is a great feature for
the Anniversary Sale today.
A wide range of cheerful, home
like designs, in neat, small figures,
medallion and floral patterns of all
colors. Here arc the savings :
$18 Axminsters, 9x12 feet, S14.65
$20 Axminster, 9x12 feet, S16.20
$27 Axminsters, 9x12 feet, S19.80
$2.25 Small Axminster Rugs S1.59
$4 to $5 Axm. Rugs, 36x72, S2.85
To S1.60 Carpets, 98c
A clearing out of odd rolls of splen
did Axminster Carpets of regular .$1.33
to $1.60 grades. Sewed, laid Q Q
and lined. Priced at, the yard IOC
S2.50 Wilton Carpets, $1.75
12 patterns of high-grade Wilton
Carpets, for dining-rooms, parlors and
oficcs. Neat, small figure designs.
Sewed, laid and lined. rTf?
Priced at only, the yard 3 X . O
Third Floor, Mala Bulletin:.
Mall Orders Filled.
All Couches Are Reduced for Two Days!
$5 Sanitary Steel Couches, S3.49
Strongly built all-steel sanitary Couches,
just as illustrated above, with center sup
ported by two rows of coil springs. J o A q
I?egular $5 Couches, for two days
Hinged or unhinged pads for Sanitary
Couches, S3.98.
S9 Denim Couches at $5.98
Custom-made, soft edge, denim-covered
Couches, as pictured above, built with best
electric steel spring. Regularly !C QQ
$9 priced for two "days only at PJvO
To S22 Head Couches, $12.49
An extraordinary Special on these custom-made Head
Couches, as illustrated above, covered in tapestries or
imitation black or brown Spanish leather. di n A Ck
Regularly $lti to $22.50 Couches, at only 0 1 df-tJ
lit v.-oiuL
$40 Unifold Sofa Beds, $25
This handsome golden finished Unifold Sofa Bed, just
as illustrated above, upholstered in Bos- mftg On
ton leather. Regularly $40 two days DaaiOvU
Sale Toilet Paper
A CARLOAD lot of the "Toka
lon" brand Toilet Paper en
ables the low prices quoted for this 3-day sale.
I-eader Toilet Paper, b ox. roll 3: dox. 33.
Par Kaeelleare Toilet Paaer, -oi., roll 4": doz.
( klaook Rraad. 1A00 sheets, roll : doz. (53f.
Par l-:rellear lira ad. 1000 nheeta, roll 8C dox.
Manat Klnc Brand, 2000 ahets. roll 12?; dox.
If 1 .23.
Vlerllac Rraad. r000 ahet.i, roll 16: dox. SI. -19
4600. HOME A 6101.
This $42.50 Unifold Sofa Bed, $31.25
An elegant solid oak Unifold
Sofa Bed, as illustrated. AVax
golden finish, with brown imita
tion Spanish leather upholstery.
Opens out into a full-size bed.
Regularly $42.50,
two days only at
Mattress to fit all Sofa Beds,
special S6.49.