THE MORNING OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY. MAY 1, 1912. 21 G00O CATTLE LAND Ideal Conditions Offered by Coast Counties. GRASS GREEN ALL YEAR SDthrrn Tillamook and Northern Lincoln Could Be Developed Into a Perfect Grazing Section. Hay Feeding Unknown. Mal conditions for ettl-ral.ns art of fr-1 Vj foathrn Tillamook and Northern lain mln counties, with a strong market ftt Portland clo at hand, arcordtnr to O. H. Ym-rr of Otia. Or- Mr. Pterca haa written tha fallowing latter to F. A. Fraetnan. eaah tar of tha Ltxmbarmana National Bank, of Part '.and: 'I hava hao Intereatad In your addraaaaa In regard to tha ahort crop of cattla raJaed 1b Oregon, tha larga amount of cattla and meat ahtppd into ft- atata and tha very Jarrt amount of money which learea tha atata to pay tha bill. "I lira In aa Ideal part of Oregon for cattla-ralsing. aotithwaat part of Tillamook ad tha northweat cornar of Lincoln County. Tha greater part of my ranch Ilea In TUla anonk. right at tha Coast. Tha grasa la a-reen and plentiful all tha year, and tha cattla (rasa all Winter without feeding hay. The citmate ta so mild that they need no protection. My ranch la .1& miles from wuiamlna. tha nearest railroad station, but attle-bu?era come In hero from Portland, fin en dan and other pJarea and bC to buy vr cattla. "I know there are soma cattle-nuaers or durnnta who mould Ilka to know of this country, and I would ba pleased If you could put ma In communication with oma wha would coma In here and Inveatlgata and buv out soma of those old settlers who mQ oat ted on tha land yeara ago. but hava sjvr dona anything to Improve tha country. Moat of this land ta in and near Sllets In duan KeswrratJoo, and there la soma Indian tldeland which grow perpetual hay. This land can be leased by cattle men very cheap ly. and occasionally a pi era la aold by tha Indian agent. In August, when everything la burning up In the valley, graea her la knea high. The calving aeason starts in Janu ary, tha cltmate la so ml'd. Thara Is never anything coldar than a tight frost, and g-asa and white clover grow right up to the hilltops. "White moat of this land la owned by wttlere and a few homeetadera. they hava no rattle and never will hava any. I would like to have someone locate here who would do something, and I think there are lots of cattle-ralaera who are looking- for Just such a country." MHD MIXLA WXMI.P 1,1 T KLOIR lieanand I tare Not Warraat A (trance In lrtc at Present Time. Th-r l talk on the hound of another ad e In patent flour, but notktnr la likely to ro-ne of It Just now. aa tha present quo t-ttton appears to be high enough, consider ing the demand. Tha export trade la dull. Jn the wheat market there was a contin uance of the easy undertone, but with no recession In local values quoted. tata were unchanged In price. LocaJ receipts. In cars, were reported by tha Merchants Exchange aa followe: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hav Monday 1 1 i ID Tuesiav 4 5 1 7 Tar ago 11 .... IV caon to date..l3.ft. 3.--H 24 11 ir.n Tear ago U.IM tt-stf 207.5 "V7 Foreign crop condltlona ara summarised Vr tha Liver poo! Com Trade as follows: t'nlted Kingdom The Winter crops ara ftoortahlng under favorable weather condi tions. Showers ara wantrd for the Spring crapa. France Tha crope are promising well on -ler favorable weather condition t$uiplta of native w heat are very llyht. hut an In trfi- of theee ta expected short) v. ternanr The crm- are considered all right. Supplies of native wheat are Insuffi cient for home requirement a and tha export demand. The weather ta favorable. India The arrivals of new wheat from the I'nlted Provlncee show a good quality. Australia According to mail advices, dry weather haa been unfavorable for the early seeding. Latest cable advices report soma ra;n. Kiieaia -In tha eastern regions the moit art for the Spring crop appears Insufficient. elsewhere me ouiiooa is goor. Roumaoia The crop outlook la favorable. wlr n the weather seasonable. Bulgaria The outlook for tha Winter and spring r rope ta excellent. Kuropean turkey Tha crops ara back aard. Aelattc Tnrkev Orop conditions are good. Italy Crops are favorable, except In the eoatb, where they are rather poor and prices a-e vary high. Rain la anted in some art a. a xm I.ATION OF Bt'TTER M ARKET? rrapa. Iorlla. Ian Na4 Mrrt With iit mt Appraaml. Thar, aaa talk yMtrrday In anma rrram rry .uart.r, .f a probabla daclln. of about S rnts In butt.r prlcea todar. Ela.wh.ra .a tha trad. It waa aaart.t that thcra waa ao JuattfM-atton for any drop at thta tint.. as I hr in no aurplua on tha local mark.l and bart.r I. firm aa th. Pound and al Fan rranrlarn. It waa hinted that tha raa anil for th. propoard drrlln. waa tha fact that certain flrma hava aold butter In tha north on the preaent market and arc aeek irtg to fill tha ordera at a lower cream aa.ia Preaent eheeaa price, will b. maintained throQijhout tha week. ftuppliea ar sood. but thera la an actlra demand. Thee, waa no Improvement In country prnalura. E(K war onrhanscd In prlre. but aalea draaaed. Poultry and drraaed meata war. quoted at laat wack'a flsurca wltk a Kaht demand. TWO MOIIIIR POOIJt ARK MI-D Tkal at Wlll.ber. Brtatra S4A. C'rata. aad He, rwnl SaS, remta. HII.IJTIORO. Or.. Aaril xn. Special. Th. Washington I'ounrv mohair pool waa today aold to Herman Metsger. at 34 cnta per pound ba loweat prlco offered her. for evera! yeara. Thar. wer. but two bidder prevent. Metar.r an4 B.rnhetm A Co. The repre.eraatlva want to l'e. but would bid no higher. He atated to Th, Oregontan repraentatlre that hla r.xmpany already had on hand over 10 0H) pound of th. product, and they wera only here to that tha price paid waa not too much under tha market. Tha pool repreaenta a number of grow.ra. and th w.ighlnga will not go "ts caeca of to.! pound. A LBANT. Or.. April -la ICpeelal.) Tha mohair pool at Sclo waa aold today ta Her man Metager. of Portland. Tha prtca waa a renta. Th pool contained about mm tleecea. Dt.MAND OR TRAv"BERRIEK BETTER f leria Receipt a Ara Larg-rat af Year, but tletl Readily. Receipta of Florin atrawberrlca yeat.rdar aer tha hMTitsl of th. aeaaon. but clean d up well at tn prlcea of tha preceding; day. t part of a car ef Loulalana berrlra I due today. Among tha vegetablea recelpta waa tb ret car af California head lettuce received l Ma aeaaon. It offered at tl.Tl a crate. A ar of tvtnnlngitadt cabbage ato arrived. Afaragua waa plentiful with recetpta from alt cjuartar. but with a good demand price wra analntamed. Bean wcr. lower at 5J tnli a pm:nd. A car af Dcrmudavoalona la dua Thursday. They will sell 25 cents lower than tha car now on hand. The last car of the seaaon of California Newtown apples reached the street. They were of good quality. British Importa af Hope. Imports of hope in Great Britain. lew exports for the month of September to March last, both Inclusive, were 74.7H9 hun dredweights, which compare with 1!8,403 hundredweights for the same period one year ago. and with 78,311 hundredweights two years ago. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yeaurday wcro aa follows: Clearings. .$1.74.1o,' . 2,M0.t15 t;7.34 54o. 4 3 Balances. tlf.0M 21 t. o.i" 47...t.7 7 5, 00 Portland Heattle . , Tacoma Spokane PORTLAND MAKKKT& Grain, Floar. eed. Etav WHEAT Track prlcea: Bluestem. fl.OR; club. Sl.08. red Russian. $1.01; Valley, 11.03; 40-fotd. $1.M M1LLSTI TFS Prtn. $24 per ton; shorts. $2o. middlings. tl. FLOl'K Patents, $5.10 per barrel; ttrslghts. $4.70; exports. $4.20; Valley, $5.10; grahtm. $3 10; whole wheat, $.Y30. CORN Whole. 3: cracked. $40 per ton, HAY Timothy. Slelfr it ; alfalfa. 12 "u IS. clover. $ 50; oats and vetch, IO.OVtJ 1 1 . grain hay. OATS No. 1 white. $194 40 per ton. Tecetabfrev and Frnlta. TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges. nnv-ta 9? 50 01-20: California grapefruit. $$.60 : Florida grapefruit. $5.7507; bananas. $1S O 1 B0 per bunch ; lemons. 14.60 v par box; pineapples, rte per pound. FRESH FRUIT Hira terrles, $23 per crate; cranberrlea, $10ff 11.00 per barrel; ap ples. fl-IfAtrS per box. POTATOES Jobbing prices. Purbtnkt, old. fl.5fjl.fi3 per hundred; new California. $C per pound: sweet potatoes. $.1.25 per crate. O.VIONit Bermuda, $3 9 3.5V pr crala, YOCTaKLKs Arili-hokfs, T3$H"- per dosn: aepanigua. 4allfornla. $1.252 per crt. h-ani, 2- Ve", cabbage, 3 fee per pound ; cauliflower. .'.75 per crate; celery. $'tt6 p-r crate; cucumbers. $2i2.0 doxen; egg plant. 2"m- p.-r pound: head liture. $1.75 ptr rrte; hithiu leituc. 7c i $1 per box; pene. pound; peppers. 2- pound; rnd Ishea. .UV per doxen, rhubarb. 2 fee per lb.: aplnach, $1.15 1 125 per box: tomatoes. 33.50 Per box; garlic. btj lOc per pound. SACK VKGE7ABLE3 Turnips, tl Jl 10 per aack; beeta. $1.50. rutAbagaa. ait) Lie carrots. $1. Dairy and Country Prut nee. HITTER Oregon batter, so park. lc pr puund. Kfl;?: Kr.ih t'rfon ranch. cndl.d. prr 1",n: rnunt. Xtir. CHttSE Urrfon flaia. lo par pound. I'ollh Kn.ry, l',ullo P'r pound. VEAL Pnrv. Ilfil-Jc Dr pound. Pol LIR V 1-: Hnnn. IJflT ! broiler, Uf'X:; durki. 2iK: le,,. lie. lurkoa, Um. 20c; draaaad. Z3C Slaol. U SALMON Columbia River, 1-ponod -alii. 1 1 n.r a.DOund Lalla. 12-IM: 1 pound flata. i40; laaaa puk. 1-poaaJ talla. Jl.lj. COFf'EK Raaatad. la drum. Mi0. p.r pound. KITS Walnuta. llHo par p.aad: Brazil nut.. 14dlSc: fllbarta. KbiSc: al mond. i;.'lc; nKut, lie, cocoanuta. 90on mi p.r iien; caramuLa, i.c im ir" . nlrkorv nut rinliM n.r nduua. HO.NBY Choice. IS.74 Bar caa.; atraua hoD,. luc p.r pound. P a LT r.r.Dultkl sis Mr fan: aalf- (round. liKm. ,9.M par ton: ooav ( par in BKA.N9 fmU wblta. .Sac: larra wnua 4c; Lima, Is; pink. I1c. Maalcaa. mQ saou. ao. RICE No. 1 Janaa. I.e: eropr aia. RAuthaTB h..j4 ihdIl M. u A K urr aranuiatod. Itkuo: imii . Drrjr, uoooiuiu pianiaiion. ,o, vw, tV8j: fiifi c .v Dowdarii. barrta d.3': cutx-.. barra.a. URIEU H1.1TS Apui.a. 14e par poan. apricota. laOlaVte. pMonaa. 1JI prunaa. ItaUana. 10S4luVc: la. n t- .klla . .4 Hk .Tt! CUfrUlU 10 Olio: ralalna. looaa. MuacataL 9 llac: klMi bMl T hnm ruuin LI AO: a.Aca.d buiijuu. awei nacL i.aiioi uml faralaa. ataa par pound; Fard. ai-M par n. S.OJ rRANClsCO rRODlCB MARKJBI rrte a Quoted .1 th Bay City far Vege table, rrulta. Etc. FAN FRAXriSCO. April So. Tha fnllow- In produca prlcea wera currant Para to- day: rultAPDlae. choloa. II. fa: common, gte Xwexicaxi I lines. g ifm.m; California lemons, choice, , 4 . common. fl.sS: naval orsagta lioi : pineappiea U'.1 liutter Fancy creamery. 4Stc. Eg Store. l';c; fancy ranch. 21 !c. Cheea IsS 14c vegetaoiea aucumo.ra. kocosi: rn peas. 4 4ti; atrlng heana. IJtllTlsc. as paragus, nni.jj; tomatoes, nominal; egg plant, noiiiinal. rotator Klver Burbanka. illSeim sweets, :.Tut; fjiegon iiurbaaka, tltj z.7ft. Hay Wheat. 115 6010; wuat and oats. Ill v It: allalfa. !2tj 14. Receipts Ktour. doaS quarter sacks; wneat, jlil rentals; barlf.v. W..1H centals oats. l:iio centals: potatoes. l;1.1 sacks bran, ao ck,; mtddiitig. ot sacks; hay. a. j tons; wool. Ml bales. Change In Available Happlle. NEW YORK. April 30. Special cable and telegraphic rommunlcutloit, rcelvwd by Brailstreet a show tha following change In with pre- available aupplle as compured vlous account: Bushel. l'ctjreMSc. Wheat. I". . cast linrkif, I'nlted Flairs est KkiWI.-s t'anaila , .U.1I-II.1HHI L'SU.IHIO . . . 1.-K1 .IMhl Total, t'nlted states anil Canada. .4 47. mm Afloi.1. for and In Kurope Ihmj.oK Totnl American and i-uroiean auD riy 3.R.7.oo Com. t nlted ritatc, .nl aniada. . . ..71 i.itoo tlata Lnited Stale, and Canada .. -.";. lu Increaae. I hrraga l.lvetrk Markela. nill'AlKi. April ;. Cattla Reeeipla, market. lr"t. Beeves. 3. 75 If !).!; Tes.a .i.crm, .". 2.. w T.n. : Western steers. ,.. wv t i . : etoa-kers and feeders, al.uiaaai .7S: coa and hclfcrs. gJ.iVt.3t: calvea. :..?... II. g Receipts. ?iiiii; market. slow. Light. I".4."v ; nuxcl. $7.oiu; heavy. e7..'Mig.. r:irh. M'.'n ': pigs. Il.b.'itr 7. lo. bulk of sales, 17. 7.P5. riheep Reelpts. It.iHHi; market, str-ady to lOc hlKher than Hominy s close. Nutlve. H. U wlfrn. l.-.'rH; earhtigs. $ih.i PM, tamr.a. naliie. 10.1 H u.tao. Western. itl I" f'affe. mad forsr. NEW YORK. April 3i. Coffee futures closed ateady. last prices being off from the best at a net advance of frnm 3 to 7 polnta. Mn. lH.ftuc; June. 1:i.o:k:; July. 13 7c; August. 13 "osc; September.; trctober. ljVlarc: November. 13MH"; Pecein ber. Uae; January. 137c; February. 13.3c; Msrrh and Aptif. 13.)c. Spot. easy. Rio No. 7. lllc; Santos. No. 4. laSe. Mild, quiet. Cordova. ItttvlHSc, nominal. Raw sugar, sttadv. Mustovadn. ao teat. 3 4Sc; eenlrtrugal. ntl test. 3.1c; molaaaea augar. hm test. 3.J3c. Kettned. quiet. Irrtrd Fruit af New '.ark. NEW YORK. April 30. Evaporated ap ples quiet, steady with light foek on tha pot. fancy Stflc: choice. faffSe; prime. I'runaa steady at the recent declines. Moderate demand, quotation ranging from InlSe for California up to 3i-4va and 7S4KIHC for Oregons. Peaches dull and fair. Choice, louu HSc; aura cholc. Utilise: fancy, llhu 1 ;c. New Vavk (01 tea Market. NEW TORK. April 30. Cotton closed very teady at a net advance of from V to 12 polnta May. Jl.'J4c; June. 11.29c; July. ll.SSc: August. II 4oc: Feptember. 11.41c; October. 11.4UC; November. ll.Stflc; Iecem- r. Il.ftnc: January and February. II. .Mc; March. It .'Ho. Spot closed quiet. 10 point higher. Middling uplands, 11.70c; do. gulf. 11. t.'c. Sales. 3uo bale. f hlrmc Pradnc Market. CBICAOO. April 3d. Butter Steady. Cre.merle. 2U3lc; dalrlea Egg Steady. Receipts. au.fiMU caseir at mark, case tnciudid. li Sc. ordinary nrata. 17Se; firsts. lsc. Cheese Steady. Oalsles. ISHOIAVc: twin. ',c: Young Americas, loSsa 13c; long noma igaiatc Regular Meet IMvlrirad Declared. NEW YORK. April SO. The directors of th. t'nlted States Steel Corporation tnday declared th. regular quarterly dividend of IV per ent on the common and 1 per cent on the preferred slock. YYaol al St. Uils. ST. I-OCIS. April .TA Wool Steady. Ter- rltorv and vv.ii.-nt mediums. Itt lsc; qu, medium. Uul7c, On, lutflic OCK TONE HEAVY ui Bay State Primaries Are One of the Factors. STEEL REPORT GLOOMY Prices Show a Tendency to Head. Railway Favorites Not Promi nent in the Trading. Itonds Are Irregular. NEW YORK. April 3d. The hesitation and reaction alilch dominated operation to dav on the stock exchange were generally attributed to a variety of cause or rea aona Ainonf them were the Massachusetts primaries, the possibility of another hitch beta-een th. railway and engineer, the I'nlted Ftatea teel Corporation quarterly aratement and tha Government' -weekly weather report, which confirmed discourag ing advices concerning crop conditions In cereal producing atata. The tiled statement publlahed after tha close of business was unfavorable. Earn ings and net earnings wera below even the mot pessimistic esttmalea and In order to pay the regular quarterly dividends of 1 per cert on th. preferred and 14, on the common sharea a deficit of almost $t.8OAP)0 was created. Thia waa taken from tha un divided surplus remaining- at tha cod of laat year'a final quarter. steel shares were moderately atrong. Bal timore a Ohio was tha strongsst of tha standard railway shares. Smart galna wera made by i'aclfic Telephone. International Harvester waa among tha atrongesi stocks In its especial department. Such erstwhile favorites aa the llarrlman and Hill issuea were uot prominent. Final quntallona were generally under yesterday's cl ,-lth a heavy undertone. The bond market was Irregular with a sharp break In Allls Chalmers five. Total alee, par value. ll.Atft.ono. United Ftatea laoierniiient honda wera heavy, th. 3a cou pon dcilning . the 3a registered t and the I'anama ns on call. Cl.OSINO STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Low. Bld- : ;iv High. S4.. 3eS til J4U J.-.H "is" 130 4, 146', Allia Cnal pf . . A ma .'opper . . Am Agrlcult . . Am Sugar. American Cjii .. Am Car A Fdy. 3.JH 4.7o !-.. 1.7. HJ ;;oi l.a 3. 1 'X l.Si.l) ! 3IH 60 14 . "is'',' 1AT. 44 8.1 'i W Kit 1461s : S.4 60 i, 3;i 2i'j 2:1-, 14 V 43, el. 1"7 4 38 12 146S 14 '4 2" -4 42'3 IO., lo3 141 UV Km S3i" 2'ii. ! ', 5 ' 'i 244 HI , 364, Am Cotton oil.. Am lid A l.t pf . Am Ice Securl.. Am .... Am locomotive. Am b'mel a: Rcf 00 preferred. . . Am Steel Fiy. . Am Siiar K'-f., Am T"l or Tel.. Am Tobacco pf. . Am Woolen . . . . eoO Annconcla M Co 43, Jt'lH. lOo1 i i i am, e:i, 2H 1' 7 ! 42S ll7, lUo'.s iirr KIV. 2o3 26', 114 V 3!H 7KH An do preferred.. Atl Coast Line. H .11 4 Ohio . . . Hlhkhern S(t Urook R Trail.. Canadian 1'ac .. Cenlral leather. do preferred. . Central of N J. Che. A Ohio . .. Chicago A Alton Chi lit West . .. do preferred. . Chicago A X W C. M A Ht IV.ul. C. C C Ic St U. C.l Fuel A Iron Col A Southern Consol f ;as .... Corn Product.. IVI A liu.lson.. (I II ;ian.t.. do preferred. . Distillers' Kecur Erie do 1st pf .... do -J. f 0- n Kiectrlc ... C.t North pf . .. il North Ore . . Illinoia Central. Interbor Met . .. do preferred.. Inter Harvester. Inter Marina pf. Int Paper lilt Pump Iowa Central . . . K C Southern . . do preferred.. 1- asclede tin ... Lout A Nash. . Minn A Si 1. . . M. P A S S M Mo. Kan A Tlx. do preferred.. Mo Pacini- Nat Biscuit ... National Lead . N Ky Mc. V! pf. N V Central . . . X Y. out Wes Norfolk A West Nirth American Northern Pac .. Tactile Mail Pennsylvania ... People's Gas .. P. C C A St I-. Pittsburg CoaL. Pressed S car.. Pull Pal Car . . atUO ' Vino 2. Hi Hi 2. -'Ml i.t'V "i JlMI H1 400 79 i SOO 7.3U0 14 t 111 142-4 110', 344" ' 1614 173 a v 32',, :tS J.'.1, 16' ' 132 40 S 12KS 1'. '7 , 113 'iiV, 3i, 1421, 1HM 61 201, 44 144 a. 700 1 4'HI L'lM) 14.1', 173 'ii""' Sr " 3" 1 0! i, 132a H 4 12!S 1'a 1171 'ir.'s 3l" 61 17 lilu -'31. 141 2UH 'i-i' ' 161 :.sH H I-'"'. o: 113S 12l i'ifl'ii 2'.' 3d , lto 37', 17S4 M bl 2HU. 57 -H 4S 161, 1 - 3 tiii ."iO0 ' 3 1. KOO 4'M llH 1.1 m. faO 2. " It.OOe) 'Ji M "40O l'IS loO t'aio 5i Ml Hon IH a.tjiai i.lll'll 1MMI 4' 3. MHI 4i 1M 400 4.1 oo 3UO "ino ion 300 1N :ih4 ', 44', IC.IH4 1 .12 ' 4 '"a 121 i?3 1 1H 1S 3'H, 12'4 1T.S Ol, 1(161, -. K'7 1611 23 1411 2UI, '4V ' 10 .-.7 Hill, 1 Ml., 3'1 113'. h.T, 121 i. 32 152 ifwt'i 21 4 .16 I, 1HO .16 14 17M, SO', Sal U 2- ri6s 4UH J..l '1 22 . HO'. 2;i tn i-li 1 S7 S 30 li!". :;i 113S 831, 12H, 3;t 12..H 1 1 1 J 0,1 21 ::il 16" Ity Steel Spring I.Odi 3.-.1, 17.1S Reading . ..12?.'I,M Republic Stee . 2.10" do preferred.. 2. I'm Rock Island Co 3. 4'W do preferred.. 2.l St I. A S K 2 f . 1X ho. Slia. 2 40 32 T34 41) St I. Southwest do preferred.. Sloes Sheffield .. 100 7JH 75 Southern I'ac .. 2.1w Southern Ry . . ein 1I3U 2 112H 2'. 112H 2l '. do preferred.. Tcnn 'opper T.-xiis A I'aclfic. Tol. St I. A W. a 1I0 preferred.. 741, 4.40 45 S 44, 441, 24 14 33 3'M. 151, 34 , nc, 73l 113', 3-, .12 l, "l 21 62, 7T. S4V, i7s 29'. 1MI 34', 1724, "is" ' MM, Tl 4 Il-Ts 6.1 la M . 20 s 62', 77 h:i4 iiss 20 in I'nlon Pacific . . 173',, do preferred.. 41 74 I S Realty ... Soil I S Rubber ... a.N" U S Steel 181, H do preferred.. 1.2ni I'lah Copper ... 6.2o Ve-Caro C'hem . ti'MI Wabash K-MI d. pref.-rri-d.. I'ml Wt-stern Md . .. 2i Westing Kiec . . Western I'nlon - 3ial 72 1 1 l ', 63 ', SI W ' 2l-, 61 7.1 '4 S3. 7V4 2tn 19 Wheel A I. E Lehigh Valley .. I.VMkl Chlno Coppi-r'a. 2.1n0 Kay Consol ... 4'" Am Tobai co ... KK 256 2.-.. 253 Total lrs for the day, C-i7.Soo sharom. BONDS. Fiirnfffhed by Orerbeck fc Cook Coommnv Portland. Bid. AKkM. Amrr TV. A 11 ronv 4a American Tobacco 49 American Tobacco 4a .... Aiciilion rone rat 4a . .... ...l-JOa, . .. yv . . .lt V - ..K? ... 9., . .. W4W . . . ... 17 . .. S7 . .ln . . . 1. t ... ! . , . le U. . .. ia, liuv, iu.1', 1I'. n n.-.S JV, aJ-a lni i, H3-, iw HS ! M S!l, T-' W IXi uH S.N , nas, htl in J lxiv 8S-J 7S H7V. el's I4', 107 V, 1MW Wit rMIV, 4 a.'t4 lo.'.v, u, ass lo:i"4 l5 tm 77H 74 1"1 KKl . S 1"Ss mi lni 03 li-i'H 1U A t h l una con v Am Atrtiiaon alj 4u at am pod ... a t c h i n conv Atlantic Coast cona 4a Allan ' LJna I.aNcoIl" 4a Hultimorw A Ohio 3S Hjilumorr Ohio 4a ... I.rooklyn Raild Transit 4n , Canadian Southern first C U 4a H O rfn mtc 4a .... f B V U Jn.nt 4a B O Ifnvtr 4s , Central partftc first 4s . . . T I . 7 . Taj a 1M1 . , a '., . 12 -S, . KV, . : ?i 4k Kaatrrn Illinois 4s. K I P ref 4s C K I a P Col trust 4s Colo St outhani first 4s penver Hto ;rand 4s Itawar A trfudvun conr 4s .. Krl first cona L L. 4s Inter Met 4 us Japane 4s Jrtsanee first 4 Si Japanese second 4Vi ........ x uni 4 Mo Kan Tew 4Sl M'ssourl Pacific 4a New York Central 31 . .... gv, si. 8V, n New York Central 3 Ha M" yorit t'lty 4S Naw York City 4Hs of 195T Norfolk Western 4s P4' ..17 .. I . . 1 1 J '4 . . IKI VJ . . tn) . . , .., . . PS . .10514 h" ..IOC! a. 1MH a. 1 a. 7TH . . T ..101. . .1I7! ' . . !l . .lOi'i . . looi . .ln ..n;i, . .1"-'S ..111 ..111, Norfolk at Western conr 4a X Y Ont A W 4s Nor Pac P I- 4s Northern Pacific 3a Orejron Short I.lne 4s ... ivton Ry tft Nav 4s Henna Ry 4a of 1H4 ... Philtnplne Railway 4s Read Inn reneral 4 s I.rpunlic of I uhl OS ...... Sou Pac first ref 4a Hoy pac col 4s Southern Rail war 4s Ht 1, A f F ref 4s nlon Pacific first 4a ... "nion I'actftc conv 4s ... "nlon Pacific rf 4s nltel Sfnteeg St -el H F 5 s "nited StnfM 'Jn rerlstered' 'nited .States 1's conpon nited States reRlHterd nire1 State .!, cotmon . . "nlted htatea 4a rertetered lnited Stataa 4s coupon .. C.T United Railway S P 4s 6S 6i "i United Rallwsy St L 4a . .. 75, 7s Wabash first 4s 65 65 Weatern Union 4 "4s OH 8 Westinghouse conv 6s ........ 10 15 Wisconsin Central 4s 2 r4 02H West Shore 4s loo "4 100 Slocks at Boston. BOSTON, April 30. Sloslng quotations: Allouaz -48 IMohawk 63 H Amal Cop 83H,Nev Con 21 'i Am Zinc Ic L 3("4 Nlp Mines 7'A Arix Com 6i.North Butte ... 30 B A C C A S M 7 North Lake 7'4 Cal A Arli 73 Old Dom 5414 Cal A Hec 4 lljsceola 117 Centennial .... 25 Qulncy SSVi Cop R Con Co 6:t6!Shannon 13 E Butte C M . . 13,Superlor 37 Franklin 13 jS-ju A Boa Mln.. 2 Olroux Con .... 3 .Tamarack 43 Oranby Con ... 50 VU 8 s R Mln 36V4 Oreene Can .. S do pfd 4$H .! Roy Cop.. 27 Utah Con 74 Kerr Lake 2!Utah Cop Co . . 3 Lake Cop 44H1Wlnona la. Salle Cop .. 7 H ; Wolverine HO Miami Cop ... 25 I 'Money, xchana;ev Etc. NEW YORK. April 3U Money on call, steady. 2ei3 per cent; ruling rate. 3 per cent; closing bid. 2 per cent; offered at 3 per cent. Time loans, steady; 60 days. 33 per cent: 110 days, a&S1, per cent; six months. 31a:er3 per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 41r4Va percent Sterling exchange easy, with actual busi ness in bankers' bills at 4..425 for 60-day bills and at S4.Hr,7 for demand, commercial bills, 4.8ViU. Mexican dollars. 4Nc. Oovernment bonds, steady; railroad bonds. Irregular. Bar llver 61 c SAN FRANCISCO. April SO. Sterling on laonrlon Sixty days, $4.84: do. sight. 4.86',. Silver bars 14C. Mexican dollars, nominal. Drafts Sight, par; do. telegraph, 2c Condltion of the Treasury. WAHHINOTOX. April 30. At the begin ning of business today the condition' of tba I'nlted Elates Treasury was: Working balanca In Treasury of fices BS.nsS.m In banks and Philippine Treasury 81.030.824 Total balance In general fund 123.1I67.3SS Ordinary receipts yesterday.... 1,056,410 Ordinary disbursements 1.2S7.04S Deficit to date this fiscal year. $13,777. 045. as against a surplus of (1.531. $25 at thia time last year. These figures exclude Panama Canal and public debt tranractlons. HOGS BRING TOP PRICES SALES .ARE MADE AT $8.50 AT NORTH PORTLAND. All the Stoers Offered Arc Taken at S7.10 Sheep Market Is Firm. Hogs again sold at I.u0 at the Portland atock yards yesterday, four loads of choice, lightweights bringing that figure. Heavy hogs sold at IT.... to 17.70. Th. cattle market waa active. All the ateera offered, aix load, brought $7.10. A car of medium cow aold at $4.7f. Thar, waa a firm ton. to the slieep mar ket, aheared wethers selling at $r.."o. Receipt yesterday were ISO cattle, 12 calves. 319 hoga and 94'J sheep. Hhlppers were Thomas Olover. Hsnsen. 2 cars of cattle; E.- t. Brown. Hansen. 1! cars of cattle and hogs; E. clayborn. Hanson, 4 cars of cattle; K. Q. Cloydt. Pomeroy. 1 car of cattla. calves and hogs; Ham Carter, Pomeroy. 1 car of hogs; a. D. Walter, Day ton, 1 car of hogs: I.. E. West. Oakland. 2 rara of shet-p. and Hugh Cummtngs, Halacy, 2 cars of sheep. The day s sales were as follows: Weight. Price. 27 steers U4 7.M 22 steers 114-' 7.10 steers 1 147 7.10 J2 cows lull 4.7.1 1 calf ....a .1"" B-50 1 calf -'0 r."i0 S calves '"' h-"'0 7" sheared wethers 110 5. .Ill 17:1 sheared wethers 10 ." W) hl.KS 101 ") 2 hogs " . 7.50 1 hog .'!:to 7 7.'. 1 hog -4'-'o 7 7.1 70 hugs 14 S.:,i) 13 hogs 124 H.r.O 2 hops "-'i 7..-.H 77 hogs . 102 8...K 42 hogs T-2 S...O 21" hoga 140 M.r.O The range of prlcea at the yards was as follows: Choice steers Good steers Medium steers Choice cows Grtod cows Medium cows ...... Choice calvea Good beavy calvea Hulls Slags Hogs Unlit Heavy Sheep Yearlings Wethers Ewes Lambs Spring lambs ...... . .18.50 4? $7.20 . . a.2.-i if 6.4l . . 4.IKIW 2.1 . . S .SOW 6.2.-1 . . u.ooft) ,i..-o . . 4..-.l'j 8.00 . . g.:U'P R.s.-. . . rl.OO-9 S.'iO . . 3.50 r o.Jil . . 4. 75 (i H.35 . . 8.00181 8.50 . . 7.O0'9 7.75 . . 4. BOW 5 BO . . &.O0O' &.30 . . 4.00r ft 00 . . 4. 50W 6.00 . . 6.UO0 7.00 Omaha Livestock Markets. SOUTH OMAHA. April :t0. Pattle Re ceipts. 52HO: market, steady. Native steers, H.'i( H.4i; native cows and heifers. $8. BO 7.4o: Western steer. $4.W'! 7.:lo; T-,as liers. 4.54it0.5O: range cows and heifer. I t 2.-tl 0.2: canners. $2.7'S 'a ! 4.2.1 : lockers and feeders. 4W7.2.1: calves. $4.50f 7.75; bulls, stags, etc.. 4.44 .o. Hogs Kecelpis. 1.s): market, steady to Sc. loaer. Heav. 7.'i5 H 7 ; mixed. 7.5(t T.6o; light. 7 :).ii 7.7; pigs. wal.oO; bu.k of sales. 7..-.i1i 7.70. x heep Receipts. H4O0: market, strong to 10c higher. Yearlings. 7 iVO' 50: wethers. tl..Vjj 7.00; ewes, $5.8.137; lambs. $S.7&al 10.10. BOfTOX WOOL .1LJIKKT IS IiVL.1. fries Hold Mead) on I-1na lirarW, but Low Qualltle. Are Wesvk. POSTON". April rvo. The domestic wool market continue dull, with prices holding stead, on fine grade, but waak In low qual ity of stock. Shearing: contlnu.s in th. Far West. In Michigan Ji lo 23c Is offered for wool on the sheep's back, and.eome old lines pf territory slock have changed nana, ai Lie for -three-eighths blood. Scoured wool is In light demand and buyers appear to be waiting ror stoca. Texaa fin mix to atght months. 46 0Oc; fine. 12 months, 58c; fin. Fall. 4344. California Northern. 6oj 52c: middle coun ty. 4h2 50c; Southern. 4tlkt47o; Fall free, i'2 a 44c. Oregon Eastern No. 1 ataple. 58c: Eastern clothing, auc: valley No. 1, 4ii4sc. Territory fine staple, til 6 02c; flna mi nium stat) a. 07 a 61lc: flna clothing. oJHP 55c; fin. medium clothing, 606530; half blood romhinr. .iitj-RHc-. thrr-i;nins oiooa combing. uOai&zc; quarter plooa comDing, AAA 4KC. fulled fine "A,' S3V55c; supers, 9147530. Puget Bound Wheat Market. tacoma. Aorll 30. Wheat. bluetem $1.0N: forty-fold. $1.04: club. $1.03 1.04; red iiussian. $1.01. Receipt, wheat car; barley, on car; oata, three cara; nay. it cars. SEATTLE. April 30. Wheat, bluestem. 11.0: fortyfold. $1.02 V, : club. $1.03; fife. $1 02; red rusalan. 11.01. Yesterday' car recelpta wheat, 23: oats. Hi; hay. 27; flour. 10; corn, one; barlc-y. one. European Grain Market. LONDON. April SO. Cargo,, firm. Walla Walls, for shipment. 3us d. Engllsn and rranota country maraeis. flpm. I.IVF.RPDOL April S0l 4?los: Wheat- May. 8a ,d: July. 7s October, 7s bd. Weather, cloudy. Grains at Man Francisco. flan Franclaco. April 30. Spot auotatlona Walla Walla, $1.K7 M j 1.80; red Russian. fl.8THaTl.av; Turkey red.' bluedem. $1.01.2H: 'red barley. tl.09 l.!H: Brewing l ?itja.oo wnita oats. $2.07 v 2.10: bran. $2.50: middlings. $4: shorts. $309 91. Call board sales Wheat December, $1.86fe bid. $1.68 asked Barley Deoembr. $100 Did, xi.OT asxea; May. $1.88. .Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April JO. Wheat May. $ ttl.ll'i; July. $1.12H 61l: l Sep tember. $1.04 t7 1.06 . Cash : No. 1 bard. 11.14 1,: No. 1 Northern, 11.13 S: No. I Northern. $111: No. 3 wheat, $1.0,- Flax $3 16V, 2.16. Barley 70c($1.30. Corn No. 3 yellow, 77Vsj7c. Oata No. 2 whita, 54 61 be. Hve No. t. oc Bras la 10O-lb. aacka. $:4i 21.50. ITAKE TO BEAR SIOE Wheat Traders Pay Attention to Crop Reports. GOOD OKLAHOMA OUTLOOK Prices Recede, but Are Rallied by Unfavorable Advices From Other Sections Large Cash Sales Help Steady the Market. CHICAGO, April 30. Improved crop con ditions throughout the Weil, but especially In Oklahoma, sent wheat trader today to the bear lde. The close was nervous, vary ing from v-,c lower to Vc advance as compared with last night. Belief that th. price of wheat had not descended as much ss beneficial rains would Imply leal to selling pressure at the outset. Ha-ksets wre not great, however, until the anliouncemlait of the Oklahoma atata report showing a crop condition of 87 aa against 74 a month ago and Indicating a probable yield of 2r.5t".000 bushels compared with 9.0no.0i0 bushels last year. Delayed seeding northa-est served to re strain the downward tendency and to some extent did official acknowledgment that the Ohio crop was almost a failure. A still better rally near the end of the session came as a result of th big cash sales here and the chartering of lake tonnaae. Talk of a good demand southwest had a stimulating effect on corn prices. Another bullish Influence was th. fsct that deliveries tomorrow, although espeoted to be large, were thought to be destined for strong hand. In oats, tha great discount of values under corn brought about a rally except for May. which waa suffering because of liqui dating sales duo to the proximity of de livery day. Pusg-estlons that abnormally high prices for packing house products would causa se rious curtailment of consumption led to . a lower quotation today. A large run of hoga here and west had considerable influ ence In the same direction. Pork reacted the most. 10 to 27 Vic. Tha leading; futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. .fl.l34 $1.1514 Low. $1-12 i 1.10-4 1.07 T, Close. $114-, l.llv, 10S May Julv rjepU Mav Julv Sept. May Julv Sept. .. 1.11 1.12 . 1.0S 1.09 V, CORN. . .7!S -82S .. .77S .78 ' . .70:, -76H OATS. a .Bfl7, .31 .. .041, .54 4, . .44 5, .45 MESS PORK. 12 .75 . .76 .5i .84 .44 -n .Kl'i .58 .441, Mar Julv S'pt. . . 1 9. 2.1 ..1H..10 . .1U.63 19.3714 1D.70 19.8.1 in to m. 4o m.oo mi7',i 1H.47 V, 41. IV Mav July Sept- .10.80 .11.0" .1L20 10.S2V, 11.121, 11.32 V, 10.80 ll.OO 11.17V4 10.8.1 11.02 4 11. i SHORT RIBS. May .Itllv Sept. ..10.10 10.20 1 10 ..10.1:5 10.411 lo .."0 . .10..17V4 1O.024 10.0214 10.1.1 10.S7'i 10.47 V Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Firm. Spring patenta. best hard, $.3u. Rye No. 2. SS'fiSSVjC. Barley Feed or mixing. S0cf?$l; fair to choice malting. $1.30 af 1. ..4. Timothy seed $7 & 12. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 26U, 000 bushels. Primary receipts were 3-4. 000 bushels, compared with 33SV 000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. The world's visible supply, as shown by Bradstreet's. decreased 3, .187.000 bushels. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 37 cars: com, 150 cars; oats. 108 cars; hogs, 29.0O0 head. Duluth Flax Market. DULI'TH. Minn., April 30. Linseed, in store, on track, to arrive and May, 92.17-'!, July. I-MIH asked. uiiiirtsT if mi tm..Tr a i Tlxe real worth of an article can be established only by proven merit. Bitu lithic paving has been proven by the hardest of time and traffic tests. J. C. WILSON & CO. BlOtJBva. mUJAUB. CHAIN AJ'1 XTXO-a ,1 K M II h. tOa KEW TORK Blue I.. XCHA1UB M.VV VOKli COTTON LilrlANOJ CUICAOO BOARD Ok' TKAJJB ItDX bl'OLK AND BOND LltlUlidl. BAN iBA CISCO. Main Office Mills llld.. Sao rraoarlses. BrsaDeh Offices Vssramef, baallla, Portland. Loa Angelaa. baa Ulage. Cu atuaaiv Beach. PORTLAND OITirKl Mala Floor Lumbermens Bank Bolldl,, &th and Stark, Phones Marshall 4120, A 1(T. jU.-i.iif m 1 1 iii '"" t The Street Pav- ifi j?'"'! I nf Question is fej BARBER Ml mil ASPHALT Ipl t- 1 i n g satisfaction J 1 everywhere. il j.1 v 'xX proof! THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital $1,000,000 Surplus and Profits $ 1 ,000,000 OFFICERS J. C. AIXSTTORTH, President. H. W. SCIIMEEH, Cahler. R. LEA BARAKS, Vice-President. A. M, WRIGHT, Assistant Casliler. W. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier. LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES L ADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital Stock Surplus and Undivided Profits....,..., Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail able in all parts of the world. OFFICERS . VT. M. I.aclrl. President. Robert S. Howard, Asst. Cashier. Kdirard Cooklnsbam, Vlce-Pres al. V. I.add, Asst. Cashier. W. H DuncsUey, Cashier. Walter M. Cook, Ast. Cashier. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 850,000 Oldest National Bank Vest of tho Rocky Mountains The Canadian INCORPORATED 1867 Head Office -Toronto, Canada. London Over two hundred other branches In the United States and Canada. Every care taken of collections. Drafts on all foreign countries and principal cities In United States and Canada bought and sold, and a general banking? business transacted. Interest allowed on Time and Special Deposits. PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS F. O. MAIPAS, Manaser. American Old American New United Canadian Marconi Stocks Wanted. Name Price and Quantity. E. H. ANDERSON 660 St. Nicholas Ave., NEW YORK CITY TRAVEIaEKS' GCIDE. HONOLULU $UO --ra. wi- ft l.vl KIlFKn TRIP. The most delightful pot on entire world tour for your vacation. Delightful ea bath Ina at tha famous beach of WalklkL Tha sulendld S S. Sierra (10.000 tons displace ment) makes the round trip In 17 days. On caa visit on a side trip the living volcano of Kllauea. which Is tremendously active, and see for himself th process of world creation. No othar trip comparts with this a .. snii wanoeriu, in ublui w- Vlsit the islands now. while you can do it so easily and quickly, and while the volcano Is active. Prompt attention to telegrams for berths. f-alHnfrs May 11 and Juna 1. 673 Market Street. San I ran Cisco. NEW YORK-PORTLAND REGU1.AR WKOUiH'C SKKVIC155. Low Bates. bcfledula 'j. una, . AMERICA?.-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. BIB KallOTar Eicsssc Bids, Portland. Or. Main S37. A ivxx COOS BAY IilNS STEAMSHIP BREAKWATER sails from Alnsworth Dock. Portland, 9 A. M. May 1. B. Jo. IB. id ana i June a., .. ii it 'j'l sjiri 27. Preisrht received at xTnsworth Dock dally up to 5 P. M. Pas senger fare, first-class, tlO.00; second-class. $7 00. Including berth and meals. Ticket ofnre Alnsworth Dock. Phones Main 3b00. A 2332. EUROPE Caaanl KniHrtar snrl Summer tours, com Tn,tr, H a T .11 1 rt and AdotOr-Car Tour. and also Vcatlon Toura at Popular Price. Frequent sailings. All routes, .nciutuns Medlt4.rran ean. Programme of Toura da lauxa Around taa World now ready. THOB. COOK SON. Mil Slarket bt San iranclsc. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego Direct S. S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder Sail Every Wednesday Alternately at 6 V. M. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. - 132 Third St. Phones Main 1314, A 1315 EXPRESS STEAMERS FOB San at'raneisco and Loa Angela, WITHOUT CUANOE. 8. S. ROSE CITY Sails at A. M. May I. THE SAN FRAN. PORTLAND S. 8. CO. Ticket Office 142 Third h treat. Phone: Main iWS, A 1402. .$1,000,000.00 800,000.00 Bank of Commerce New York 10 Exchange Place. Lombard Street. TRAVEIaEKS' GUIDE. llliLlliUrlll Largest S.S. Co. in the World 1.210.000 Atlantic Service invnflV. rARIS. IIAALBCRO lr. U, May 7, 10 A. M. t-IiaU. May 11, 1 V.-t. Amer.. Jlay lo, -P. Grant May 1. 10A.M. Second cabin only. .Hamburg direct. SPECIAL SAILINCS S. S. VICTORIA LUISE MAY 7, JUNE 6 MEDITERRANEAN niBKALTAR. NAPLES. OEJiOA 6. S. HAMIil'RU. .May 15. a A. 11. c t: a.l..HUa, Mav 2!). 10 A. M. s! s'. Moltke July 6. 10 A. M. CRUISES (The Hamburg-American Lin orig inated Ocean Cruising 23 years ago TWO IDEAL fRnSIM AROUND THE WORLD OPTIONAL I 14 DAYS IN JAPAN TOURS 11 DAYS IN I"pIA KoVTlS. 101 I Feb. tt. IBIS From New York I From Ban Fr-lsco F VICTORIA LUISE t8on DURATION EACH CRUIfiEjCOST Including all necessary aboara ana niiiiim ti shore excursions, carriages, guides. LA t-es. etc. N SUMMER CRUISES To the Land of the Midnight Sun Elffht delightful cruises during June, j ..I, and Augoist. from Hamburg o Norwav. North Cape, bpitzber- J gen. Iceland, etc Duration II OS to 2o nay,, uca. "' " "v- cnlendld service, large steamships Victoria luise.- -kbonprix- EESSIK CECILE" and "METEOR Write for booklet of any crulsa. Hamburg-American Line I0 Powell Bt.. 6an Francisco. CaL; O -W B- N. Co.. Nor. Pacific. D. R G.. Burlington Route. Mil- wa'ukee A Puget Sound R. R.. H. Dickson. C. P. T. A.. Great Iortnern rty io. Dorsey B. Smith, 69 8th St-, Portland, Or. Copyright, 1912. Canadian Pacific -EMPRESS OF THE ATLANTIC" AND OTHER STEAMSHIPS , fctONTBEAL. QUEBEC AND LIVERPOOL VIA THE SCENIC ROUTE TO ECBOPB 1000 MILES! ON THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER AND LESS THAN FOUR DATS AT SEA 2633 MILES PORT TO PORT THE SHORTEST OCEAN PASSAGE First Cabin S92.S0 and a v. Second Cabin ....53.75 and up One-Class Cabin 3d-clasa) S50.00 and up Third-Class Lowest rates on request. Canadan Pacific Office, corner Third an4 Fine Multnomah Hotel bldg), Portland, ud all local agents.