, the MonxTxo onrnoyiAy. Wednesday, may i, wi2. i .----- Pl'RwnVAf. FOR RENT. Howekgrpl Rooiat . MfmU tmmUy l.A K.K front room buffet kitchen, ht, lights. hth. larre la n. rmr TitwjwiiU ; U. car frum Union Djxt or ny W a h-.rin-l rar; aik.n. Uitanc; 12 H. t month or by w. 6. A Couch, cor. i th . TWO nicely f urnuhwi. jcround floor, front hakepin room, .n.. Hunt, phon. bth. ht r-o. ,j pr wk; Uo two -roomi 4. l fc. 1-tb. U block of Kt Morrtxm. . M'E1-Y furnlhod lar front room. on flr-t f.oor. hot and cold wir. kitchen, ttt.inci. wnlrt. vrythtr furnlwhed for !'ht hom k-pm. lr:pln . w formerly t'. T.i j Kvifftl . cTTSEl.V. two front H. K. roma, ..round f .r privnt cntraro. porch, laundry Privtn. b-autlful urrouii.liJca. 21 lth ml.. nrf J-ftoron. Hi h i: E ' I N G u.t of 3 roomi. elrgnt iv iurmihfu. also lirrpin room . 0v m.:v:e' w .k lo I, o. IV 1-th VVTR A Inn, rheerful. rU-cantly furntanvd f-..nr r.wn wuh .nw-ibi kit.h-ntt. fine .;.. cli in. nio!frn. rvaaonaola. JH Mill at.. Dear Weal Park. Ttt'o or tnre unfurnished r-n.tw, or partly lurr.;hel. for hout-kvrplnc : c1op in. -- .rt. im-ati.m. lar mtd. reaaonbl. 4 1 K- i-rrton. coniT lTtti st. I.K IN. n-w.jr furnla4 room, suitatn fi.r ;.!v. with cookinc pr,v.Ir.r. quiet, r H:i.l surrwuutltngA. i. Mta st.. nrr Jcf-f-r.n- T. i-r-Ntm hottsekiii suit, front; run .. Kirr, rrorn, a. so sleepin-rooma lT'h si. North. If I "S KK F F. PIN. I-ari.-. t'aht. cln rwoma, fOti and u. -4'JO Us.-., corner 1 ;h. .( Thre rxr rooms, out of th ordinary. neatly IumiUed. novate. -aa rns;e sink. lrl re porrh. refined eouple. 4h Ha l. . Z l.AK'it. finely furnlsncd coiinectins; front rooms, first floor, tare J ard. closo In. Min hi4X 3.3 l'2tt st. " K a ad t wo clean furnished .iou--k --.. n r'Kjnis. with kltfhenrtte. as s.ertrint. ;rand ave.. southeast. rrner Ankeny rw.) new ftirnisiied house ke pin rtx.ir.s :-r rmt. at 4"3 k' i'Hh st., $1. pr month, Ts U-r Jti-4J. Fl."RN"I-"iHF:nhoiikeepttnt rnis reason a - Vancouver ave. Phone Kwst 11 VB Iare-romed rotta". nealv reno vated. Adama st.. walk ins; dtttanc. $:l oo Seven tre room, nreplace. furnace, interior fir unH la white, enamel. Ml K Tamhill. $;X Inicgton fitrtrt. room. furns-. TTifHiern turounnout. 4-41 K ;"th North. o. Si rooms, ntinaalow. irood district, mod ern throuchout. Wehiler st.. SeTen-riNun mmirrn home. Just painted ard renovated. walktnr dtstanc. West ,. 4J H arrlson st. Te! larc rooms, hard wooJ floors, Tnmnvnt resln-nee f-r Inrnm family. K."j Kvffft St. W-st Sine. Ilent rivf-rnom upper fiat, flrepla.-e. fumae ht. paneled iimr ic-room, new build ins. W - K. iwi N $-'-V Knur large rnotn f 'at. everv modern enrenenee, new bu 111 ins;. near Jth Sandv road l Ftve iare rooms, tmtrh kltfhen. M nilt-tn eon ventrne. ftntahed in whua enamel, new buii'lins:. tln nnghborhooU. 1 jt n and Dtvuiion. .'X."h. is-rNm lower flat, walktnc dtstanc. new. all modern convenient. H Kt Utft. $ tt iar rooms, newly tinted, attract- ie hul.dins;. nre(,iae. furna.e. nicely ar- ranced K- Morrison. e our Unt of flat and houses Hy rentin from us now the advantage ef the Summer rata is given throughout the car. PITT PEPAHTV EXT. THK KKEI A. JAi'OBi Ct.. fn n-;r IH Sth St. A -'K7. KOK KKNT IKVINiiTON MoMKS. 44 f: '.'7th st. North, 7 room and bath; rent .t7.."- 4s k. Tih st. North. 1 room, and bath; rnt t vo K. 27th at. North. 9 rooms and bath; rent 4M N. K. corner of iTTth and Thompson ts . rooms and bath. $ k K)l at 4! K. S7tn n. North H VI. Lombard. 1 1 Ma4lison bld l'hn Main 5.'. A -';.' S-RtO.M cottage. 7T Thurman St.. near N. room cottage. Walnut at., near Nicolal. . j -room flat, 73 Union im. N., near K. Kverett. Jli. Inquire Ktark St.. near 2d. CO ! PLETFZLY furnished, close in. Wept Mde resid'-nre for rent for the Summer. Kep; v stating number In family, us-s of hl.dren. prl wlillni to pay for the sort of accommodations required. A K 3U. rcgrntan. SKVKN-H'oM houe. partly furnished, lo cated W est 81d. close In. good furnace, urepla -e. other convenience . $4.1. THE FKKD A. JAi'UUS CO.. 1 44 Fifth St. KtHI house w.th nlca yrd. on corner Sin and r.iruth-ra st.. nar Inmsn p0u -n mill; Pr month. H. P. I'alm-er-Jones Co.. 4' I Wilcox bldg. Phone Mnr o'Jl. A jO fr K NT 453 Oregon t.. 7-room house. mivUrn In every detail. furna-e. ete; ac t -sibi to several c.irllne and close In. Phona owner, Taor lou. or call at house. Kent $l.V I'.y. A I T I KL 1 i-rxm hunsaiow . itrepla , sleeping pon h. laree II v in -room and tir. ... Ue.le Crest, i hone Marshall apt. li KK RKNT New i-room bungalow, fire place, esa. eleeirtclty. china tloet. tuba. West btde. wa.king distance. IIS Curry. Inquire Bancroft. 'OR RENT Modem 5-roora cottage, aleep ing preh. nice lawn. roe. etc: Irv inton dwtrlrt; ICV Owner. 4M kL 7th at. N . cr. of THIamook. M lKK N H-rMm houie. walking distance. cod neignborhood. clean and perfct con- .' .ii i. Inquire K. Alder, corner 14th. T'hone Flast bl. lit i lr: itN "i-story room house, nice yard. taved street, one block to car; adulta. 7m Wilttsms ave. Waoidawn 4-o- i mKJern 6-ro-m coinage, i;i nd li F"t ;ih nd I'rcgon. 1'hone Woodlaan Uo- Jrtk r.rlNI Modern fr-rom house, with ! I3o lot. good barn, suitable for gar are, phone Y'.. ft'-nx i YOl wih to r-ni your house or flat WAToN A THKKKEI-Sfc-N CO.. Spalding H:a . Main 75H-V t'V R RKNT A modern i-room bungalow. w'k-Tig distance. Call U bast lth U, neur Morrison, or Kast QJa. lt-KN -room house, newly t luteal, large ;ard. eu-elieni nethlMrhod. close In. F'hone WKdia n e-RM eottage. Main '-7. H. 3ttb; phone KM hous. nW-e lawn. $14. Inquire 913 F'ast 10th North, f'hone Woodlawn 1 77 1. -FtHM bouse, gns and bath, iuqulra 327 Hall, or pnone M. 7 4. j 14 7. R(.0I house, new ly papered, clean. A x p 1 v r oo ni .1. W ashlngton bid i i:"Vm. Ro Clv I'axk. on carllne; fJO a ntonth. Tat'or . 4VF' h)M house, rent SIS. Inquire VJA E. tark st. JI'M'KRN st x - room house, alt le. basement. Phone f .'V'V Key srt K. I7h L. TftfrM" cottage, rent 910. Call 1 Thor- man. cor it h. t I N fcT H-room modem house on Marshall at. hv Mar 1. Phone A or Main C474. IJV Beautiful 7-room corner bungaiow; furnace, fr K. Vlst N. Marshall 4l7 fr-hOuM Wat Bid nice yard. An view of river, fruit treea CaH Main lfli $14 7-RO M house. n a lv papered, cheap. A pply room 3. Washington bUlg. 6-KO 'M houe, Kast Side, cloae In. sleeplng- porrh and garage: :i.k Phone R. &4.H7. jHutM moo era cottage, 941 K. Alder. Call K. 13 or K. c-;3. j j4 SIX room, fireplace, furnace, elec trinity, gas, close In. C 14-S. MoUERN 5-room cottage, corner Cnton ave., 4 block south of Hawthorne. Tabor lo4. tirnlhea Ilonaee, VH, ItKNT Two furnished cottace. cheap rent. West -fide. Call li N. Inth or phon Mam 74Li- MOTH FR n.l dau:htr w lsh family of 2 to share buncaiuM ; reference exchanged. I'hone Marsha :i 74. Apt, in. PARTLY lumped. 8-rom house, modem, rh'f vard. fruit. psessIon Immediately, $ month. East Salmon oH HlUl- s-r-M.ro modern home, furnin-d r -iichout with Turkish rugs, mahogany r . i rn'ture. grand piano. 76 ;Uan t. - '. V collage, electricity. large yard. ;:; 4-d ave. o. Phon Mar. 4541. A y rttM'V-. furturhed. fireplace and furnare. K:abe'h. Phone Mr. 4M7. A 4.'i43. A vi r furnished 4-roorn cottaga for rent. 1 hone Tubor r?4. B ITS. ' 'T ' K V ioue to rent for board of One. flit" e ie 1 ood M 'I'KKN ti-romi hu-e. In Irvington. nicely r i. !.. i. call K. lU-t-V .KI.V firmsheil ."-rom hou'. choice ii- iahorhooo. Tnor T. 1 1"V Glenn ave. F'R RKNT Part of ottii.'. furnished. In quire on prem -. 'Jfj 17th St. 'crtNTsHED lU-iooin house for rent. 7 ;nd' ra. FOR RKNT. Fnralabjed Booaea. L.AUY. employed, and little daughter wish to share J-room furnished house. 149 Kat Webster. L- car, nr JefTeraon High School; gas. electric light and use of new Ilnno. for 112; evening after 7- &-KOOM furnished house; 3 acre, all un der cuItUatlon; good orchard, garden and eriy potatoe n ; young, gentle cow, SO White Leghorn hen. Mrha! 14. ATTRACTIVELY furnished new bungalow, piano, sewing machine, beautiful future, etc. Sunnyslde district. Tabor 2117 or trr owner. 1US K 47th et a-RMM cottage, well furnished, close In, ss". elet-trlcity. furnace, phone; renpon sihle partv only. Call from lt to 4 P. M. 't'7 "anroiiver ave. t-ianj.M furnished bungalow, near the Jef ferson High School. East Side. ' per month. Inquire Calumet Hotel. Main 7 J'. K-ROOM cottage, well furnished. modem, best location. King Heigh ta, block from Multnomah Dub. on Main. &l Mala Phone M- 83"2. FOR RENT Modern, well-furnished houae of eight rooms, most desirable location, fruit tree and flowers. 71 Hawthorne (ROOM bungalow. lSih and Alberta, r3 furnished: f.'O unrurnisneo:. j-room oun-ga'9-v. 20th and Alberta, ftl month. How ard Land Co.. o- Pwetland bldg. FtK RENT furnished for four month, large house to responsible tenant. Apply morn Inge before 1". 2 Uougias PUif off Park ave. i.-,7 TAVIX)R. cr. isth: -rom finely fur nished flat, new carpets, gas run Ke. ga rath heater. 3 larg bay windows; rent $411 OO. Modern i-rooro hous. Ksst Side, walking distance; 3 bed, go, electricity, nice yard, garden. Wood lawn 1 4 '' NEATLY furnished 5-ruom tottak'e. modem. Uwn and Oower. M3 th t.. Portland Height. MOIiKKN furnished 1-room cottage; also S or 4-room flat, bath and gas. 314 East '.'1st WR car 5-H KM furnished huusn for rent. Call tJrund ave. North or B 7. WILL rent houe. f ai mshe.i or s-.l furni ture itt reasonable. J4 Montgomery. llou-ea for Rent, rnrwlturo for ate. COM t' i.KTK furn !hlng r modern 7-room flat for sale and flat for rent : central oatln; suitable for renting room which will r" your rent. Phone d 3054. i7r:DFiOM furnishing. Wilton rug. halt car pet, f ber jwr. h rug. -f:. flower box. fin pWnts. IvO ft. hose. Uwn mower, fit ran.-, linoleum, l'bone Marshall 1LJ. 4 UuOMS rtrat-clas furniture fr ale eheap at --. house for rent. 3-u Roes (. Phone Flnsl L'4-."7. MKMTl'KK of modern lu-rom houe for s; house full; rent rcaon.iuie; ran clear J-i r. r month; t-rms. 727 Taylor. -liOoM flat, rent HO. Inclmling steam heat, a a t e r. 3 ro mn re n t ei pay e x pc use ; fine furniture. Mam i 7 ! F.I.F;;aNT furniture 1 4-room house for a.e iuap if titken thi week; low rent; good yi R SA I.K Close In furniture of K room. r nt $3J ."k; Income $: also 3 room for famllv u 42'2 Jefferson. CLE A N si -room cottage f "T rent, furni lure for sal or rent. fts between lth and lUth. aahlngton at.. t-EVEN room fine location. West Side; must be sold today; prte. I-'M, i, cash. Call h loth, near Pt.ark a Ro"!d, convenient, fine yard, good fur niture, room filled. S block P. O., beat bargain In city; term. 73 ih t. FOR PALE Furniture of lx-room house, piano included. $3ih. 3e Grand ave. KIRVITCRK of ils-room flat, four blocks from Portland Hotel. 1M 7th t. Kl K.MSiiEl flat, very reasonable If taken at once. 1'3 N. ltfth t. 7 R(X)MS, good furniture, four room pay expense; very reaaonahle. S14 3d. " K mmer Reports. CHOli'E cottage, faring beah. 3 new cot tage Just completed, furnished through out ; also large and small cottage, good locations, reasonable. A Gilbert at Son. Seaside. Oregon. Store. FOR RENT Store. Nx 248 and 230 Haw thorne ave., east end of bridra. Apply Hawthorne Dock Co. East 2iX Eolt RENT Part of etore on Yamhill, near .:!. Apply at Golden Eigle fjtore, 3d and Vamhtll. ST H E ROOM. 3" 10O. auttabl for manu facturing purposes; good location, cheap rent. phone Main 6 1 SO. OfrVroe, LARGS, lofty room, suitable for muelo er dramatic studio, with use of large hall and stage. Apply Royal Academy Hall. rS4j Blh between btarh and Oak sta FOFt RENT On or two furnished office In Selling; bldg., with use of phone and reception room, rent reasonable. Phone Marshall 4-71. Home 8 1 Hi. Mob T centrally located office; all-aiaht elevator servl.-e. Sue S wetland bid, eta and W aahlngton. MAHOGANY desk and chair, reasonable rent; reference exchanged. b37 Chamber of Commerce. WILL hr our office, suitable tnglneer, architect. mfr agent. 112 Lewi bldg. WANTEP Desk "xm ln Veon or C. of C. btiig. AD Oregonlan. Warehooaee. WAKEHOl'SK TO LEASE. Comer 15th and Lovejoy. .VixlK; flve storv and pasement; practically new brick building; leaae baa seven years to run. ; L. Jubltg, Aaaignee, Loewenberg A Oolng Co. Mia el la CARPENTER ahop. with all convenience and a lot of material, free to the right tenant. Phone Main 4Mk TO I.F-ASE. 7,".s.loo WAREHOUSE. East Water and Mad ison to lease on low terms HIGC,S at BUYER &A6 Northwest Hldg. Main 440O. WILL lease apartment ait on Park at.. cNse in. for long term of years. Owner. Marshall 1'717. fUMNF.SH OPPORTlMTIKJt. I.'.mhi AND services gives right party 50 weekly: half interest, half profit; manu facturing onlv machines of kind on mar pet ; can net $. eiri. For particulars and demonstration address T Sii. orego ti an. $;ftn AN D servi, es give right partv $.1S aeekle; half interest, half profits, atrtrtly legitimate. stablined. good paying busi nea: money inveied fully secured: ex perience unnecesaary. particular, address P 2.t. Oreg oman. DOCTOR want to add hath and w-ishe a lady partner. Will t-srh yon the business. Fine -hanc for someore with a few hun dred d tilers. Call 4t Northwest bid:., or. : h and Whlnon. "WATF.r Strictly sber. industrious man with cash to buy interest In good -oavlng business: open for investigation; now doing business. Call I Hoard of Trade. CHANCE S-KLPOM OFFKRF.D. Will exchange one of beet paying manu facturing patent machine proposition in Oregon for frro property; Invest igatlou Invited. T 28, Oregonlan. 5c. 703 AND 1-V1 store, fine location, cheap rent; price $I0hi. but will Invoice and give 10 per cent discount off stock, which is new, ale knee cause. 3o3 Lumber Hz change. ; FOR a live, active business man. used to making good money, ww have a proposition that will interest you and stand investi gation; 9 1 2:) required. 24'-j Slark at. BARBER SHOP. Swell little .-chair shup; doing about $73 a week; try It for a week and prove It. Further particular 618 Yeon bldg. $40,004) to S30.tfM wanted by a manufactur ing and Jobbing concern In real estate and personal security; no broker; deal with principal only. AJ 11. Oregonlan. r-OK 6 A LB OR KENT. Riverside Men' Hotel, 1054 Macadam St.; GO room, furnished: easy terms. P. Day ton. Is First su. B to 10 A. M. HAVE buyer for Interest In relilable real estate office: let us know what you have, OREGON LAND CO.. 702 Hoard of Trade. $o DO you want a well-paying cigar stand 7 Small rent for; for Invoice of stock and your price for fixtures. P2 6th st. wTv NT ET G ood. steady man who can make small investment, wait on customers, cash business Call '113 Merchanta Trust bldg. CIGAR store on West Side, doing nice tran sient business: price 3oo. but will Invoice. Itent SU. M9 L-umoer e.itnin. OLD-ESTABLISHED employment office. In corporated, will make good proposition to r i ght party ; $'' required. 243 S Stark st. SALOON Fin location, independent license, low rent, long leaae. good money-maker; have other buslneea. AP 77. Oregonlan. JOB printing plant, pi es-: a bargain fvllndr and platen W 3'. Oregonlan. $.000 FATING business, one-baif cash; de talls D 0. Oregonlan. A SNAP 2 barber chairs and hot water beater. SS4 Hawthorne ivt. DANDT wood msnufacturmg plant for sale, doing good buainesa. Marshall 431. INVESTIGATED BUSINESS CHANCES. We always have food grooerT gtore tor sale which wre can recommend. It Is to your benefit to give us a calL CHAPIN e HERLOW. SSS-338 Chamber of Commerce. Ak for A. Keller. LA D Y or gentlemsn with 340 or more to Invest In good safe, legitimate proposition with pleasant work and large proms and service of an honest, experienced and ac tlve partner equally Interested. Address for personal Interview AO 20. Orego- nlan. GREAT BARGAIN. $230 buys 8-roomed large sleeping porch, large bath and toreroom. electric light, porch for hammock and chair, room al ways full: good prices, fine furniture; 9 minute from p. Q. N 23. Oregonlan. W A NT E D A partv with 2300 to become associated with me In a fruitgrowing prop osition that will furnish him a lucrative position and his Investment will return Sio.tNN additional eaxly. AL 2d, Ore gonian. ARE you looking for a growing buslnesa? You cn purchase direct from owner well eatabltvhed business in growing -"r n " Hogu River Valley; .t.Vi will handle: buslncr Incorporated. Writ today. AV urf iunisn SALOON r OK BALL vn. 1 '-.m. Good lumber mill town of Inhab Itnnta. only 2 saloon allowed unt 1 town doubles, cleared 'on last year, call at 1 ;n N. lth st. Marshall 17B3. FOR SALE Hotel and reataurant In center of the largest irrigation project in tne Northwest, et location in town, can prv tiai thl Is money-maker. Box 01. F.llensburg. Wash NI'E. clean alock general mercliandlse; good farming community, good buildings, ahout one acre ground; f( Tortland; fine proposition. AV 2. Ore gonlan. CI EXNIVG and" pressing business wants partner to drive delivery wagon; n"r week and otir share of profits, which ouner ill unranfee ; very little mono r quire,! A-2H Lumber F.xchange. FOR SALE One shoeinr shop good stock of material, a.l ready lor work and jood trad-. g.H.l location, for 2..o. located mi c.aston. or.. Must sell at once. Bert Mc- K Inster. KTvrfsTliiATE this: My psrtner Is III and un.hle to attend to hum news. I " sacrifice hi half Interest In estab lished ground floor real eatate office. Oive - . . t rc phone. AO '. wr-E""'-": L,i KtV A I 1 n 1.7. Grocery and confectionery, with ulrnri shop in .de room; can easily he made one ...nes; for sale by owner. Phone Tabor i7. FOR SALE Ieltcatesen. doing nice busl nVs. and located at 313 Case -tree t R: burg Or.; good busine. splendid op Ponun.ty; either write or apply In per non. - fTXNTFP Touni tnn ho r.n lnv-t ll(WK) ,.nn.r In lh -nufartur. of innwl- "m V. M. C. A. bldu.. Port land. Or. , OPPORTUNITY for cfflc. mn bl. o Jn?' .om. mow wllh -j-r-ic-. : will - '" monlh .lr bl-. VrotitM momr will ,-curcd. Room 319 Lumber Kn.rir. Dm FOR PALK On. of brtt paying roorning in Portl.nd: central : good o. a tlon;an excellent buy. Portland, th pm.il.. C.y." n.Tr. nn. rh.n. for m- WANTED-Partner In good .olid burt nni. aalary ir.O month and all "P"" and .hare of profit, guaranteed. 3l Um ner r.KcnwiiK-. MEAT MARKET In good lo. atlon. "; a good rh bulne: owner mu.t go "ait a bargain If taken at once. Home HI kT .ell. up-to-date, well-located good paVlng "logP-,.t.bh.h.d ,P''riV","; price r75: term.; .Irkne.a only rea son for .einng! iv -t.' FOR 8AI.E Klrt-cl. movlng-plcture the ater .eating over R'ki. opera chalra. nliih grade piano and ma. hlnry. good location and long le. AH 3Q. Oregonlan. V, w AI.K Orocerv. .tuck, fixture., honta and agon, all complote. with good r1 f.r about IHK; cheap rent, with or with out living room.. C M. Oregonlan. nXkERT confectionery. tc. (portable rnr. one of beat In city, clear, above I eipen.e. 17 dn : no delivery: price $4.V). 3o:i Lumber Kxchange. INTEREST In well-known real etate ofticj Thl. I bargain, chance to make g--H) monthlv: no asenla. Particular. 7oJ Board of Trade. WOODYAKD want, a reliable man to check wood, tend office, etc.; profit, are large. u.. miu Lumber Exchange bldg. THIS la no joke. If you want a aide line In the cltv worth hundred a month. i ,n'e m.nager. Ji .m IK you have money to lnvet In a growing and wcll-e.tabll.hed bu.lnew.. phone Main M3 for appointment. for HALE Cigar .tana. oi nv.i.ii FVown. 4-yW l.a.e. For particular, writ. P. O. tlog 43- The I'""0'- r- DEl.lfATKSE.V. We.t Side, long lea.e. clear. t'.'"' per month. HIGLEY BISHOP. LH Third St. HUT water by electricity. 3 .eoond.; Krel- e.t invention of the age; .tate and county right.. Addreaa AM Oregonlan. MEAT market want, partner; owner will guarantee you 135 week. 33 Lumber Ex-, change. MEAT MARKET averaging 4rt per day; over two-third, ca.li; will .ell for what It I. worth. F 10. Oregonlan. v-iiK SALK f'.loon In one of the be.t lowM near I'ortlnnd: exceptional bargain. Call phone Sellwooq w4 or n i.ne. HVTAL'RAXT Would easily Invoice 1400. but owing to .Ickne.. will -ll for tW. good trade. 3"3 Lumber Exchange. PARTNEU wanted, will be mo.tly outnlrte ork and pay ISO week; require, very little money. 31M Lumber Lxchange. BOOKKEEPER to lake charge of book, and tnve.t .mall amount of cash In pay ing bimn.M, .alary. AB 0;Oregunian. FCiR SALE- Cigiir. confectionery and pool room; long lean; 400; bargain, itil Yam hill at. 11 vl- Hitereet In good paying reeiaiiraiu ; open dsv and night; mu.t be all-around cook: I'-'K). AL -'W. Oregonlan. hT'7taIKANT. In good location, cheap l" eli0 ArC TO. Ore gonian . IF-"vol : have a good .mall grocery, write me giving amount ale. rent, etc.; no .sent. A O 2. Oregonian. .TXtuv MFG. CO.- One-half Intere.t for g'loo ami aervlcea. Room 2. Acorn bldg.. N. V. cor. Miu and oak. VAMI1Y Honor .tore want, reliable part- ncV; .how. very large profit.: will In voice. Room Sin Lumber Exchange bldg. flinl TAKES mock, fxturea and location on W t-. near Morrlren. Addrea. AL as I iregonl.n. FIRST-CLASS barber can find good location for barber .hop and clg:ir .tore. he. bel-s-rt. 103 N. Jersey t.. St. John.. Or. OVFKi'TIONERY. Ice cream and groceriea. ii Inc-rooma. desirable location; will be ,..,l cheap. 24S Wt.rk .t. I WANT nico. live grocery; will trade good, well" located 7-rooin hnuae, rented steady t.Tsnt Phone Main PL'vM. HkAI. ESTATE bu.lnea.; owner want, in terested help to .how land, etc.; profit. large. Room ai l.umoer criiniine mK. AN opportunity to Inve.t flOOO and draw your money out every year; Investigate. I'hona Main 6.V43 for appointment. IF YOt' want to .ell your business or need a partner, call on lit, we have buyer. 7U2 Board of Trade. RKSTAURANT for sale; good business; ,'eas. see owner for Information. 313 Hurnslde. GROCERY doing fine business; price (MAO. or will Invoice, rent only 1S: well estab lished. 803 Lumber Exchange. mTnino and industrial BT OC KS. Telephone and other bond, bought aaa old. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 22i Ablngtoa. CLEARINO and pressing, will teach and sell you Interest In the business for ll)0. vtsu stark st. GROCERY, doing to loo day .alea, rent xi B Lumber Exchange bldg. WANTED Partner with 1700 In good pay- ma DU.IHVW, .VU. " - . -' ... . vu. or gentleman. AF 87, Oregonlan. atOVl.NO-PlCTLRB THEATER for sale, close In. downtown district. Inquire, . C. Stevens t 7th St. FOR SALE Two-chair barber .hop; have to quit ahop on account of health- O 23. Oregonlan. UEsTAL'RANT Must be .old at once; price will do It; only lot; 3 living-rooms. i4S u, stark "t. B.411HEK .hop for .ale. 4 chalra. Apply 31 North 3d st. 6u0 BUSINESS CARDS. II; bring .hla ad. Rose City Printer. lS2s 3d. cor. Taylor. SATXKN In retail district, bargain tor quick cash sale. S 21, Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY, elgain. elr. ; clears day; will Invoice. Sin Lumber Exchange. CLr-.X N I NG ami tie works, doing good busine".. B. H. Dye Works. 4W Ftark. C1JAR .tore paving $ daily over all ex pense.; $-VW. 323 Lumber Exchange. WILL Irade flrat-elass paying nool room bu.lnea. for city property. S48 Va Stark L BrW TVEPS OPPOKTTNITJE9. FOR SALE As I am Interested In two stores. I must dispose of one. "therefore l have started to close out my $5000 .toe of groceries and crockery at Hlll.poro. Or.; anvone wishing a good location for a nrst-clau grocery and crockery .tore, nere Is your chance; thl. 1. the only .tock i crockery in the city. Will .U at right price If taken before I get It closed out. must be a spot cash deal. Addresa JN. m. Greer. Hlllsboro. Or. . GOOD BUSINESS OPENINGS. In Wallace-Schuele buildings. 87th nd Belmont, Sunnyslde: splendid corner store for dry goods; other store, for millinery. Jewelrv. barber, shoes or any .mall busi ness; 20 apartments upstairs; at earn heat. rente very reaaonanie. inveg ni.nr. FOR SALE Stock of general merchandise and building, stock with Invoice about 400O. building J200C. annual .ale :7.0O0; this 1. a big money-maker: can be han dled for $3000 and at)00 term, or trade. 571 Pine st. BOND le.ues. glOO.OOO upward, negotiated: railway. Irrigation, mining, realty, bank ing, tru.t and .neral corporation, organ ised; franchises drawn. L. -N. Rosenbaum. lawyer and financial agent. 214-218 Halgb' b dg., Seattle. Wash. GROCERY for .ale. stock and furniture at Invoice. $S0 to $:rjil: best location on East Ride, average business $30 per day; investigate this, we can come to terras. No agent, wanted. AH 2. Oregonlan. WANTED. Fagtner to take half Interest In a llglt manTactorIng plant; a man who caa lake charge of an office and manage mea: salary. $123 per month. Kinney 4 Slant - pher, 031-2 Lumber Exchange bldg ONLY J2-10 will aecura a substantial Geor gia possession which can earn very large profit, without requiring tbe attention of the owner. Write for photograph, and free trip offer. Geo. W. Deen. box 40. W a y cross. G a. . HALF interest In one of the best paying restaurants In city, lung valuable lease, duties to attend to front end and cash: price $1000; litoo will hnntlte: money fully secured. :wn Lumber fc.xchange. Ori'ijItTI'.S'lTY offered to first-class dress maker to get into established business; A-l location; small capital required. AG -ll. Oregonlan. ni'MNKKS OPPORTIMTIKS WANTED A grocery .tore .tock. from $'otm to snoo cash. Must show a good paying business; would consider Portland or Wlllainettf Valley store; give full par llculars In letter. 1, 6. Oregonlan. W'LL buy Interest in good-paying restiiu rant; must be right price, not too large; no agents. At" 3. Oregonlan. WANTED A hotel ln country town, lease or rent: will buy good cigar .tore. AJ So, oregonlan. ROOMIXG-HOCKKS. 19 ROOMS, 3-YEAR LEASE. ALL NEW FIRNITCRE. $1000.. Owner must sell quick, clears $100 month: price $1ooo; terms $."7." cash. bal. $42.". payable -'." month; rent $00; enough said, .ce tt quick. 30 ROOMS. STRICTLY MODERN. 4-YEAR LEASE. ." A ROOM. Co.t frtooo to furnish, will take I37SO; only $l.uo cash required, fine West Side location, clears $-" a month, all new furniture. MCST SEI.J. BY MAY 0TH. Strictly modern apartment-house. 70 rooms. Noh Hill district, new and elegant ly furnished, no cash required; owner will take .I'tioo in property In trade for equity. R. H C.OOOKIND CO.. INC., 1005-6 Wilcox Bldg., Cor. tith and Washington Sts. WEST SIDE APARTMENT. Ixicated In Nob Hill district. 2o apart ments. 10 nicelv furnished, the 0 unfur nished are all rented. This place 1. .howlng a nice Income and located within easy walking distance. We want to exchange for good farm, acreage or city property. 5-year lease and very reasonable rent. Price $.Soio; $1000 payable monthly, bal ance of $7000 to exchange for gilt-edged property. GRrsSI A BOLDS. ::1S Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. MCST SELL QIICK. Rooming-house. 40 room.. West Side, brick, .team heat, best part of Washing ton st. am clearing $2."0 month, will prove It. I will take $2S00 for it: I1800 cash; have 4 years' lease; rent $225 a month; don't answer unless you have $1800 cash; agent, will waste their time. Address box T IWfl, Oregonlan. APARTM ENT-HOl'SK TO TRADE. One of the BEST-PAYING houses In the city, thoroughly modern and always full: will trade for house and lot or closw-lu acreage. Small amount of cash required. Particular. tSIS Yeon bids. A REAL bargain, o-room houae. rent reaa onahle. room, filled; furniture new. ex cellent location for boardlng-hou.e. de lightful place; owner leaving city. Phone A 7M4. 7!6 Corbetl. 32 ROOMS. OWNER'S SACRIFICE. Right down town; well furnished, good lease; this la a first-class transient house and a money-maker; best reasons for sell ing: If you want a money-maker at a sacrifice, .ee owner. 000 Swetland bldg. SACRIFICE. 27 rooms, ciose In; West Side, clears $1."H mo.: see this today; a big snap: easy terms; some cash, con.ider mortgage or lot a. paru Call cS 10th. near Stark t- MARY E. LENT CO. PORTLAND ri LEADING HOTEL AOHNC. HOTELS ROOMING APART K NT HOUSES. All aixe. and prlcea. 2J-4 Palling oldg.. 3d and Wahlng:, 8 ROOMS, close in. a nice, clean place, all new; rent $40; Income 0o; leaving two room, for owner; thl. must be sold thi. week, 0O cash, baL as you like. Call loth, near Stark. 10 ROOMS. .4.10. Rent $.10; furniture worth three time, price a.ked: If you are looking for a .nap see this this morning; $150 cash required. 018 Yeon bldg. 18-ROOM We.t Side. rl;ht down town on Washington, clear. M per month; lease nC.LEY St BISHOP. 133 T H I R D S T; SI-ROOM modern dwelling, elegantly fur nished, new and clean; best location; big Income and always full; long lease, term.; cheap. By owner. WT5 Flanders. 13 ROOMS. West Side. 3 years' lease, cieai Ing $IOO mo.; worth $loO. owner forced to leave city: our price $1000. on terms. Call 1.1 10th. near Stark. WANTED Lady partner with $600 caah to buy half Interest In rooming-house and manage same; first-clasa house. AF 1'9, Oregonlan 15 ROOMS, nicely furnished $.".oo cash. 5th st. N. Rent $00 per month. AC 28, Orego nlan. 68 ROOMS, clear. $r,00 per year. Will ex change for property worth $3000. Write owner. G 20. Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSE for aale. 19 room, ln be.t location; easy terms. 2IHs N. 2d. BOARDING and rooming-house for sal Owner. 262 12th at. Phone Main 3163. 1AX5T A7n FOCND. FOUND Where you can buy genuine aau m.ttresse. retail at wholesale prices; wf renovate mattreaaes and return aame day; we alio renovate feather. Portiaa Curled Hair Factory. H. Met.ger. 226-32$ Front. Phone Main 474. A 18J4. LOST Sunday night, black handbag, con taining money and gold watch, on road between Oregon City and Portland, on White House road. Reward. Call Main M6!. OST On Sunday evening, pearl and perl dot earring, in th vicinity of Tremont or on Mount Scott car to Eaat 37th su Call Main UO. LOST Large coral cameo breastpin, be tween i4 Morrison to PostofTlcc. then to 6tn and Madison. Reward. 34 Morrison. LOST Black cocker spaniel, 2 year, old, tail bobbed, no collar. Reward. Max.hall iftlii . PARTY who took purse In Llpman. Wolfe A Co.". millinery department return be fore action Is taken. Call Sellwood 17ll.i. OST Knight. Templar and keystone watch charm.' Return to 264 E. 30th or phone Tabor 3177. Kewarq. IXiST The partv who borrowed lady', coat from auto on Alder t.. return to 102 North 4th t.: reward, no que.tlons asked. IosT 6-monlh-old Bo.ton bulldog, female, white and brlndle spot.; finder call E. 44HI. Good reward. LOST Pair long white kid gloves; reward. Call Marshall 3474. LOST String Inde.tructlble pearls. Re ward. Telephone Home A JS250. LOST Sllvertne watch and B. B. fob. Re ward. Phono East jrml. OST Bunch of keyi Return to 13u8 Yeon bldg. lor rewara. LOST Small bay mare; whit feel a4 . , t i A-iaT Spot on iurru.au. uiu vwi. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. 6EALED bids will be received by the un dersigned until 10 A. M. on Wedne.day. May 15. ll12. for changing locker, and other Interior repsir. at Multnomah Coun ty Armory, at Portland, Oregon. Specification, can be lean at the Ar mory. Th right to reject any or all bid. ta hereby rcerved. F. B. FIELDS. Cw.ur Clerk. SPECIAL HOTICKS. Proposal. Invited. OFFICE Constructing Quartermaster. 48 Arcade Annex, Seattle, Wash.. April -i. 1012. Sealed proposals, ln triplicate, for the construction of an electric lighting ivstem. furnishing and installing fixtures and wire for buildings: also a pump with direct-connected motor complete at Fort Ward. Washington, will be received In thi. ofTlce until 11 A M., May SI. 1911. and then publicly opened. A deposit of ?." will be required for return of plans, nformatlon. plana, specification, and pro posal blanks will be furnished upon appli cation to Captain J. R, Pourle, Con.truct- lng Quartermaster. , OFFICE Constructing Quartermaster. 4K2 Arcade Annex. Seattle. Wash.. April 24. 1112 . Sealed proposal.. In triplicate, for the construction of a sub-station and transmission line and furnishing a rotary converter. transformers, wattmeter and other electrical apparatus, all at Fort Flagler, Wash., will be received In this office until 11 A. M.. May 81. 1K12. and then publicly opened. A deposit of $ will be required for return of plans. In formation, plans, specilicatlons and pro posal blanks will be furnished upon ap plication to Captain J. R. Pourle. Con structing Quartermaster. . OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER MASTER. 42 Arcade Annex. Seattle. Wash.. April 2fl. 1012. Sealed proposals in triplicate for the construction of an electrlct lighting system and pumphouse with motor-driven pump, installing fix tures In buildings and for the delivery of certain electrical apparatus, all at Fort Casey. Washington, will be received In this office until 11 A. M.. May 31. 112 and then publicly opened. A deposit of . OO will be required for return of plans. Information, plans. specifications and proposal blanks will be furnished upon application to Captain J. R. Pourle, l on atructlng Quartermaster. OFFICE Constructing Quartermaster. 4S2 Arcade Annex. Seattle. Wash.. April 2i, 1012. Sealed proposala. ln triplicate, for the construction of a sub-station and transmission line and furnishing a rotary converter, transformers, wattmeters and other eleetncal apparatus, all at Fort Woiden. Washington, will be received In this office until 11 A. M.. May .'II. 101J. and then puhliely opened. A deposit or $5 will be required for return of plan.. Infmmatlon. plans, specification, and pro posal blanks w-.ll be furnished upon appli cation to Captain J. R. Pourle, Construct ing Quartermaster. fj s. ENGINEER OFFICE, Seattle. Wash.. May 1. 1012. Sealed proposala for fur nishing and erecting two steel traveling cranes will be received here until 12 M.. May SI. 1012. and then publicly opened. Information on application here or to I". S. Engineer Office. Pittsburg. Pa. J. B. lavanauKn. .i.i.i. cum? Master's Notice. JAPANESE S. S. YOROPI'A MARU NO. 2." Captain Tannka. from Otaru. Japan. Neither the captain nor undersigned con signees of above-named vessel will be re sponsible for any debt, that may be con tracted by crew. TAYLOR. TOl'NG & CO- Agent.. Mleeellaneoo. THE service, of Wilson Benfleld are not wanted at the Chinese Cemetery any more. SiBncd ON H1NG ic CO. CONTRACTORS Bids wanted to clear 100 acres oak grub land at Mosier, Or. William Neilson. 302 Henry Mdg. BARGES for rent, capacity 400 tons. Pal tullo. 389 Sherlock bldg. Main 1410. FTNAfffTr U, MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT. Contract.. Mortgage., Equltle.. Chattel Diamonds and Real Security. Special .err- Ice rendered. LAWSON-I1ROWN INVESTMENT . 1309 Yeon P.ldg. Tel. M. 3947 CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or .elter". equity in contract of sal real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg. Loan MORTGAGES (first and second), contract and .eller' equities bought. E. L. Dever e.ux. 1009 Spalding bldg.. d and Waso- Ington. Main 63. WE pay highest caah price lor bulltderr ooo trarts, first and second mortgage, and ether securities. Home Installment Co. 401-402 McKay bldg. Marshall S989. MONEY to loan on Improved real estate or for building purpose.; no commlssloaa COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST COMPANY. 916 Spalding bldg. WE buy note., contract., mortgage. ( first and .econd). equities. F. H. Lewla Ca. 3 Lewi, bldg. FIRST and econd mortgage., contract, and commission accounts bought, real ' loan E. B. Miller. 410 Ablngton JWg. MONEY to loan on first-class Portland '! estate aecurtty at lowest rates. Morgan. Flledner Boyce. 503 Ablngton bldg. FARM and city mortg. loans without delay. H. M. Friendly. 7o6 Spalding bldg. leaner to tnuii fwewl gstaiav TO LOAN AT 6 TO 8 PER CENT. $ 700 FOR S YEARS. $1300 FOR 3 YEARS. $1500 FOR 3 YEARS. J25U0 FOR 3 YEARS $.-000 FOR i YEARS. 00O FOR 5 YEARS. $15,000 FOR S YEARS. J. H. TIPTON CO.. 110 SPALDING BLDG. TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT. $2000. $.:ooO. 40M, $50. oooo. $11000. $12,00. $14.0(H. On business and residence property or nearby Improved farms. Thi. money on hand for Immediate delivery. GOODSELL BROS.. 433 Worcester bldg. ' MORTGAGE LOANS. Plenty of money to loan at 5 to 8 per cent on city residence and business prop erly and Multnomah County farma. EDW. P. MALL, 300 to 304 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN. RANGING $500 to $150,000, 5 to S per cent. LARGE LOANS A SPECIALTY. UAKBULT KE.A1.1I lo.. Main 8400. 913-17 Lewis bldg. A 715S ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purpose.. 3 to 8 years" time; liberal repayment privileges; monev advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav in gsLoanAssoclslon24jt LARGE supply of money to loan lo .urns of $5O0 and upward, on real estate secur ity, at 6 and 7 per cent. MALL VAN BOR8TEU 104 Second St.. Near Stark. 1300 000 ON Improved city or farm property; building or .mall loan, at lowe.t rate.: large loan, a .peclalty. McKensi 4 Co, 614-515-516 Gerllnger bldg. MONTHLY PAYMENT LOANS on Portland home, or for building purpo.e. 286 Stark. PROVIDENT SAVINGS &. LOAN ASS'N. MORTGAGE LOAN'S on city and farm prop erty; mortgage purchased. Henry C, Pruahomme Co.. 806 Wilcox bldg. HONEY on h.in-I fir bui'ding purpose.. . 7 and e per cent; -give your telephone n umber and address. A 1 L'S. Oregonlan. TO LOAN $5000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON, COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDQ. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building loans, contracts and mortgage, bought. W. H. Nunn, 448 Sherlock bldg. jToxEY lo loan from private party; no agent peca ajiv. rn"nc v oou. no lore noon. C'nll 1131 E. 31st St. N. $1000 TO $5000 to loan at lowest ratea al. larger amounts. 'Irowbrldg Ctspa.s 601 Wilcox bldg. MONEY to losn st reasonable rates in suras from $500 up. The Lawrence Co.. 248 Ai der st. 1200 000 TO LOAN, larg loans a specially. building loans, lowest ratea W. O. Beck. 816-816 Tailing bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowMt rates. A. H. Blrrll Co., 303 McKay bid. 3d and stark. teOO AND upward, on Improved real e.tai.; note and mortgage, bought. W. A. Hal. asay. room lo Washington bldg. sto UP. on dwellings; owners only; tltia .VV i , .., Oil. A IIbIiv kMd expense wiiij. a.hi " ' - " ' " . $32,000 OR any part to loan on rea taia Tbor 771. MORTGAGE LOANS, AND T PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 229 STARK ST. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F- H. LEWIS. 8 LEWIS BLDG. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Fallen. 808-9 Feniop. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTAT& A. H. HARDING. 308 Ch. of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS. J. Q QOLfRA. FAILING BLDQ. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate moru gages. H. M$iey. room 204 Gerllng.r bid. STATE funds. 6 per cant. W. E. Thomas, agent Multnomah County. 400 Ch. of Cni . MuNEY, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Salts 4 Co, 810 Spalding Bids. WILL loan $5000 or less, real estate. Hitch cock, 600 Hothchild bldg. ""Money to Loan, Chattel and Salaries. " (5 to D. D. D1UK $100. FOR SALARIED PEOPLB TODAY arltbout aecurlty, mortgag or Indorse ment ; cheape.t rates, best and most pri vet term ln Portland. 807 Spalding bid stuccassora to Hutton Credit Cay MONEY TO LOAN On pianos, sutoa, furniture, livestock or anything of value. Adolphus Lane, 414 Ab lngton bldg. Marshall 814. LOANS on aiamonda and other securities. Win. Hull, rouis 9. Washington bldg. MONEY losned on diamonds and Jewelry; strictly confidential, ltltt so. near Alder. A LOAN for th asking, salary or chattel . Cn 111 Ikdlfiim Y.Am Money to Loan. Chattels and Salaries. QUICK LOANS. ANY AMOUNT. SALARY LOANS. CHATTLE LOANS. TODAY W will LOAN YOU $10 to J1OO0. Loans made on DIAMONDS. AUTOS. PTORAGE RECEIPTS. PIANOS. FUR NITURE. LIVESTOCK or REAL ESTATE. LOWEST RATES. ' QUICK SERVICE. SQUARE DEAL GUARANTEED. Loans made anvwhere ln MULTNOMAH COUNTY reached by INTERURBAN SEE US FIRST OR LAST. BUT SF.E US. WE DO MORE THAN WE ADVERTISE. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebate given if paid before due. PORTLAND LOAN CO.. ;06-2O7 Macleay Bldg. Both Phones. Bet. 4th and 5th sts.. on Washington. Open Monday and Saturday till 8 P. M. wii HAVE MONEY" TO LOAN On salaries only, in amounts of from SS to $100. at the lowest possible rates. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. We want -vour business and as our capi tal is unlimited we are in a position to defy all competition and offer you the best contracts In the city. All we require is that you have a steady position and that you are honest. STATE SECURITY CO.. 30S Falling Bldg. $ i I $ $ i i DO YOU NEED MONEY T W will furnish you. strictly confldea t!al. and without delay, a loan ln any amount on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock, storage receipt and all other kinds of securities, on term, to suit; . a weekly or monthly payments. WE BUY AKD LOAM On first and second real eatat mort gages, contracts and chattel mortgigo. C. S. REAL ESTATE & BROICERAGS CO. 812 Hamilton Bldg.. 131 3d. Ma.n 20M. $$$$$$ ' tl TO sToo Advanced on furniture, pianos, watches. rilnmnmltc ievelrv. WUKOnS. du tomobi le, warehouse receipts, salaries and plain notes. OUR MOTTO: Quick, reasonable and confidential. ELBY COMPANY (Main 4B17. 320 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. MONEY FOH SALAKIiiD PEOPLK. Women keeping bouse and othera fur nished without aecurlty; cheapest ratea, easle.t payments. Come and get money when you want it. and pay as you can. Offices ln all principal cities. D. U- To,. man. 817 Lumber Exchange. LOANS on dlainonda. Jewelry and valuables at almost banker." rate of Interest. Hi Faiilng bldg.. 3d and Washington street.. ANY amount to loan on furniture, autos, livestock, pianos or anything of value. Block Realty Co.. 206 Alder. WE LOA.N money on diamonds and Jew..ry at half the ratea charged by broker. Marx at Blocb, 74 3d t. . MONEY aoid on Installment; confidential; salaried people. F. A. Newton. Henry oldg. tan. Wsolee $7000 SECURITY FOR LOAN $1500. i own sTOOO worth of property ln Ore gon cltv of 60OO population; I wlil give first mo'rtgage on this for $1500, one year, at 10 per cent, private parties, with re lease clause and with provision that I can by paying the principal at any time before OUt property Will DC Itira.iu. ... v ertv becoming more valuable riht along and within year will be worth Jlo.Ooo to $12 000. I must nave lmmeumio aL-iiv". Interest for full year may be taken at time loan is made. Adures. owner, J 6, Oregonian. B. LEE PAGET. Uie-h-e-rnrle second montage $4000. On valuable West Side property, for sale at 10 per cent discount; wltnin oo per ceni. valuation. 414 Failing bldg. Phone Main 763. . WANT to borrow t'JOOO from private parly, no agents, on partly improved business property, money to he used for further improvements. AM 21, Oregonlan. FOR SALE A good, safe second mortgage of $1410 at 7 per cent interest at 2oo dis count. Inquire F. FUCilS, 4o tnaniDPr ui vtmiiurn t. A LOAN of $25tiO on good security, three years, at S per cent. Mr. Perkins. 204 Stark at., or phone Marshall 3J32 or A 015. $3000 ON SO acres, well Improved farm. 7 per cent, S ear., private money. V Ore gonian. 8250O LOAN wanted on farm, actual value S75O0. O J. Brooke. 010 Chamber of Com- in. rce. Will pay per cem MONEY WANTED Applications on hand for desirable loan., mortgages for sale. Kenry C. Prudhomme Co.. HOC Wilcox bid. PERSONAL. "FOUR WEEKS TO LEARN. 6ANITARY BEAUTY PARLORS. 400-414 SE-UM BLDG. OUR SCHOOL IS PRACTICAL. Which means that If yen come her you will be taught everything that 1. neces sary and nothing that Is unnecessary. OUR SCHOOL IS ECONOMICAL. In other words, if you invest your money in In.truotion here it will get you th greatest possible Increase in earnings afterward. OUR SCHOOL IS ENJOYABLE. Because we know how to make your work interesting, and have th teacher and th equipment for doing It. OUR SCHOOL IS THE SCHOOL FOR YOU. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. 600 PURE CUT HAIR SWITCHES. 12 34-Inch switches $4.46 $6 26-inch switche 2.45 Hair dressing 25 Face massage -.. .25 Shampoo ."J Manicuring, 25c, 6 for 1.00 12 scalp treatments 6.00 Superfluous hair removed by electricity, guaranteed not to return. $4. $5 and $6 PUFFS only $1.45. Cut balr in any ahade; switches any length. Prices half. Sanitary, parlors. 400-412 Dekum bldg.. 8d and WHShHigtoa. RADICAL, cure by th latest natural heal ing methods. Including radium, all electri cal current., lights, heat, vibration, radia tion baths, massage. adjustment and manipulation Most expensive, finest equipped private offic ln Oregon; no medlcino or operations. Over 6000 treated patient, and not a death while under our care. We will b glad to consult with you free of charge. Dr. W. E. Mallory, 313 i RothchUd blug. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsingfor. graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, undur physician's direc tions: baths, massage. No. 7 East 11th st. second door south from East Ankcny carllne Phone Eaat 200, it 1803. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse, long experience, best references; treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc., mabsagea and baths, traiucu nuisca ln attendance. 300 Holladay ave., corner Occidental. U car. East 3006, C 2563. Ij t'. CAiMditiNE C GATES i hav had 11 years' practical experience creating nervous and chromo diseases. Consultation free. 307 Ablngton bldg. Marsiiau 314i. Hour: 10 A. M. to tt P. M. FOUND A place wher special attention is given to remodeling or. hat, by up-to-date trimmeis. English correct inlliluery. dl Morrison t.. Jusrausm bidg. MRS. STEVENS. 18 year Portland's lead ing palmist and clairvoyant, has her lat book. "Palmistry Made Easy." on sale at 212 Alisky bldg.. 3d and .Morrison sta lHEa SUITS for rent. (1.50 month; kee your olothes cleaned, pressed, buttons ewd on. rips repaired, prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 809 star iNEROL Th great nerv tonic and sys tem builder, ti per box. 6 boxes go. Sup Taylor Drug Co.. 2btf Morrison su jjits. POTTER, scalp and facial treatments. - 505 Northwest bldg-, 6th and Washington. Ladies only. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches, 95c; curls and puus, 75o. San itary lieauty Parlors, 4 00 Dekum oidg. S. C. MORRISON, steam baths and masseuring for rheumatism, lumbago, etc 347 h Jefieraun. A 4470. Open Sundays. HAIR dressing, facials, scalp, hair dyeing and bleaching-; will call by appointment. phone Eaat 2b23. SCALP treatment, facial massage. Room o5. Hotel Brealln. top floor. 422 Vs Wasmng ton su Phon. A 3059. MR H. LAWE A friend from Cranbrook would like your address. AE 13, Ore gon 1 a n BOSTON graduate, massage and medical gymnastics. 3U2 Jefleisou. up one fiignu MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mra. M. P. Hill. 429 Fliedner bldg. Main H 73. BOSTON graduate, massage and medical gymnastics 8oa Jefferson, up one flight. BODY massage. $1. 4o6 Northwest 1 Idg., cor. 6th and Washington ats. SCOTCH woman, mental scientist treatment, rheumatism. u05& Morrison st. A 66u6. BaLM OF FIGS. Compound. Koya.. 'i'waia Tablet, i.32 Davis su Main 9215. Mrs. Potter, scalp and facial treatments. oOS Northwest blug.. 6th. Wash. Ladies only. MANICURING PARLOR, facial and scalp treatment, shampooing. 314 Swetland bldg. AL W. FIELD CO. moved to 133 V. Second street. l.A L1 V BARBER SHOP, 292 First St., near Columbia su i . . - MRS. SOPHIA H. SKIP, mental and spirit ual science. o02 Alisky bldg.; question meeting Wed. and Fri. 8 P. M. Main 6-'4. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Analytical Chemist.. WOODAKD, CLARKE - CO., analytical chemists, eaamiuera of chemicals, drugs. foods, etc. Attorney.. a! E. COOPER, attorney-at-law. General practice, abstracts examined. . Removed ta 1424 to 142S Yeon bidg. M. 873. A 2071. MOSESSOHN & MOSESSOHN. lawyers. Ab. stracts examined. Speak German. French. Kusslan. 714-715-716 Cham, of Commerce. M. FlTZHAURICn. M. A.. L.L.B.. attorney-at-law, Reno, Nevada, references: Nixon National Hank. Reno. Assayer and 'Analyt. Welis & Proebstel, mining engineers, chem Ists and assayers. 204 Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. ISO Morrison- t. Brass and Mnchlne Work.. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Bras, casting and machine work. 106 N. Cth. Main 2702. HAKRY E. STANFORD, designer and builder of modern homes. ::5QiT Morrison st. Chiropractic Physician. DR. TICKNER, Columbia bldg.. next Star Theater. A 5255. Main 95S7.; res. B 29i6. Chiropodista. DR. OLIVER O. FLETCHER, lady expert assistant. 305 Aliskv bldg.. 3d and Mor rison. Main S762. treats all ills of th foot, without danger of Infection; corns, bunions. innrovinK and atrophied nails, fiat foot and buntonB a specialty. WILLIAM. Estelle and I lossle Deveny, th only scientific chiropodists in -he city. Parlors 302 Gerllnger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Vain 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, offices 42a Flledner bldg. Main S473. DR. V. S G chiropodists and Mrs. Fletcher. Painless Over Haxlewooa. Main aiia. Coal. COAL ALB1NA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 3D ST. WOO"). Coal and Wood. NATIONAL FUEL CO. Coal and wool M arshall 360. A 354 5. S87 Water U Dancing. PROF. WAT. WILSON'S Dancing School Lessons. 25c; waltz, two-step or three-step guaranteed in one lesson; trial lesson given free. The best is always tile cheapest. Stage dancing and all vaudeville acts taught quickly. Royal Academy Hall. S5 5th. bet. Stark and Oak. Phone Main 7o;:7. MR AND MRS.-HEATH'S SCHOOLS. 101 2d St.. beU Wash, and Stark, and Allskr bldg.. 3d and Morrison Fancy stage and social dancing taught dally: waits, and two-step guaranteed ln four lessons; class Monday and Friday eve. 8 to 10. at 101 2d St.; lessons 25c. Rl.NGLER S SCHOOL Private and class In struction: lady assistants; Social, stage. fancy dances. 2-l Morrison. Marsh' I 313. Detective Agencies. INTERNATIONAL Detective Agency, con servatlve. reliable, confidential; rates $5 per day. Office 510 Dekum bldg. 51. 6424. Educational. ETAMMER? Method for cure explained fre M. L. Hatfield. 1M18 Grove Oakland. Ca . Euginee Gas and fcteutn. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agents. Sea bury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en gines. 2S1-2S3 E. Morrison u phone E. 515. Feed Store. ZIGLER & MISNER. bay. gra:n. feed, o- ment. sningles. 204 Grand ave. E. 4 S3. " Kodak Finishing. Stcreoptlcons. sli.ics of all kinds, banners, cards, etc. Enterprise Art Co.. 7.i : 6th ;t. QUICK service, cut rates; send for prlc llsL The Kodakery. 6th and ash. Landscape Gardener. FRED W. BULLOCK. 810 Yeon Blug. Marshall 2432. Artistic landscape gardening, carpet beds, planting of all description, grading and construction of new lawns to private residences and public grounds. Thor oughly experienced men employed. Rea sonable charges. Desigiijtnd est FREk. leather ana findings. .HAS. L. HAtXiCK & CO.. 74 Fronu Leather of every description, tabs, mfs. findings. i v sTROWBRiDtJE LEATHER CO. Es ' ti.blished 185S. ISO Front su Musical. i.-mil Thielliorn. violin teacher, pupil Sevelk. 900 Maiquam. A 410O. Marshall 1029. " ' Osteopathic l-'hy slclans. Tr" LEKOY SMITH, sraduate Klrkvllle. MO class of lS'.'S; post-graduate 190l un der'Dr A. T. Still. lounder of the science. 1122 Selling pmg. aa ipji. n 5r R. B. Northrup, 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Phone. Office. M. S49; res. East or B 1028. ' paints. Pile and tjlasa. criA;T-MADK paint and varnish Is best adapted to the Coast climate. BAd- H ELTER PAINT CO.. 191 Second SU itA-SMUSSEN CO.. jobbeis, paints, oils. alas, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured by J- Alock, attorney-at-law. lite of U. S. paient Ollice. Book let free. 719 tne nuaiu m ums. PATENTS obtained, trademarks, copyrights re-istered all countries. Booklet fre. PETER HABERLLS, 320 Wurcester bidg. ii AND FOKEiGN PATENTS procured by ' O. O. Martin. 409 Chamber of commerce bldg. K c; WiiiGii'T, domestic and foreign pat ents, infringement cases. 004 DeKUin bldg. ' " Pawnbrokers. c .cle Mk'EilS' Collateral Uatlk; 4U years in Portland. 71 otn st. Pnoa. Main 91- Ic'avLut. THE Barber Aspball i-aviug Company 605 aus tlecirio biug. Oscar tluber. Portland. 1-lpe. PORTLAND WOOD CO. ttotory aad attic, near ajtuana lets tJ. --a J4s. bales. iriE MOSLEK tAU CO.. lob 2d SU oaiwl "riactoiy prices; .ecoiid-iiand satea. becoud-Aiaiid Owius. VH,: buy cioLliius. fuiniiuro miu tool, lliga t prico paid tor secouu-uana ciotu;, liirniture, loots. Maisliail 2jj4. viii pay " "'B"ci price lor btcuudniU .TT... ..in., and Slices. Jianl itws. lioU to. u ca.ca, 1-U. a"" anov rutlures. i.e i,uiiui uo uiam.a uiaaa t.- iu. mu CO.. DIU a lioyu xu manager. ' it H AilitOiiALL, iiUb Uauullou blug. onow caaos J" fctoca; piumpt deilvery. sa.es agent. Al- V i'1'' muiber Co. SAXiaxiAi.L G. CO.. 4tu and couch; new -.Trf .-cuiid-uana. Alain Z70u. Caomel wora. PoniJUA-NU aiiovn-AOE at FiAlwlvnl CO.. lis ii. 6tU su m .Oil, cauiuet ut htcawsuiys. ,Hi- ALLAN LINE Royal Mall steamer.; iionueai. Liverpool. Glasgow, Montreal. i'iyiuuulh, London; uue piciuresqu .awieuce route; lour aaii on tne wcean- tuite days ln river and uif; splea aid new Tui'biue sieameis, aa.oou, second cabin and third c.ass; superior one-ciaas cabiu selice; culslue unexcelled; courteous MLieuuou; scutt lor cucuiais, rates, plans, .ic. Allan Co.. 121 . Dearuarn su, Cuicaau. Storage and Transfer. : 1 1 plctv 'irniisxer at &nirdu Co., office, and commouious -atoiy lines: warehoow. leuml noli luoiu aiid Iiieprowf vsuiLl lot valuables; N. V cor. 2a ui.d .Pine am.; pianos ana luiuiiure woven una packed tor snipping: special rales Uiaue ca gwous u our iiil'uu8n cais to ail uomesuu aa4 toreigu points. Main uuo, A 990. oLcUN-ltOE IHAWtil to. Geneiai trausierriug auu stura;, satsa, Biauo ud lumituio movea una packed Aur sliipiueiiu bi-MJ Front su Aeiepnoue. Main ol O'' A 2247. Ui.n.uu. UiAJiMtK CO., established lei. Trausler ana loivsaruing agerila. OInc.j and sLurase 4i4 Giisan .:., cur. 13tn lu4 Giau- puoues Main 09. A 1109. X S pewriters. 815 TJ $115 will buy a REBUILT TYPE w m-i i-1'i..rf.: rebuilt as -good as new: ail es to cuoose uuui uiu s, .a anil r; terms to suit; every machine guar- Aiuer; terms to suit; every machine aiiieea. Call or pnone lor it C.1UKUUU,. VE uanule stanuaia inaacs ot genuins Eastern . ' J . tui juuk. l'l'lces right. Buy a reliable ni. clime fioiu a reliable house. Pacuic bu y ai Ptg. Co., 107 2d su WE are the exchange for tbe largest type writer concern on this Coast; lnvestlga..; all mukes. all prices. The Typewriter a-a cnang.3olfr Washington u 7eV, rebuilt, second-hand rentais, at cut rates. P. D. C. Co., 231 stark. M.' 1407. Vacuum Cleaning. VACl'UM cleainns . lone; machine fo mi 117. '.! Joth. rent It- sale. I'h'Olc .1 Well DrUliu. DRILLING wells. Phone Main 1346 cs writ a. .vest 1S2 Morrison su Wood. FREH SHAVINGS. DRY WOOD. CHEAP. TABOR -002.