Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 01, 1912, Page 18, Image 18

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(On or vur )
O-.ce Secretary Employment Departraan-
r. a, c. a.
Tetirr man. stranger, out of w
run wt If l pay to-
sp--lal mpl.ijm-ot m mbiislp. I ''
ka. only 11- left bet-eea me - tar-
h.rratarr If T'n oar S for apeal-1
'x;lijnnl mirshlp. you will "
ma Y. M. . A- wlih na rsoreea. oe
I . n you ana etarretlon.
P.eeult: loan man Join.- aaoHatlo.
In thaa a weea be baa eailslactory
emptorm at. ,
Fl-ror for thr month en-ln- Jiar.
rai . f.r in. a
roaitlona nil.- .
Kmp-oy mi m e-rhlp euaranTr.
mrtnbar will lorurt .tnpiojtn nt ar rafuna
ef : ajves two montna" full prlvilca. 10 monihr nxial
fr!rin nl nlrla-a to haap party
mp!ii durinc the full term of mem
bership without further ehar-e. . (
We ha conatant demand tnr ''
f e. .i.-n-ncJ raw. Ara you Btte
Lr a batter poaltloa?
e-e secretary employment department.
T. M C. A. ,
W aNT TOt)I.
Ta mlllwricMa. I ft".
Two Loom rn.n. I'l "'i.
l arnacr rtdTe,
lumber iritwl. J .1 BB.I 1
l-.ri tnl dr etrt.- utter. ...
Thr sash an.l iir niarhtne r -rn. .
r-- for ramp. $.".
Tea flunk. ... $ and .-"-
Two an-l
T.n leaser- riSM t- ! "" . ,
Mill and unlm'n. to a-
rur -. -uttera. al -- and frte too..
Man and - l. on, frn:
Ka'rn Uan!a. $." to e.V
J-llkt-ra. -h to 40.
Hundred, of new . .v.ry -a.
Watrn our bulletin bo-r-ls.
Zii and J 'orh at.. t- lt and -i.
3 H 4 l.v. who want to -.1 lit on
a bis mnney-in.-.r: qui.-- return.: If you
ar a liv. on cetrh thia; $1 down. m.
Int. test $1 par rflt, no ll-. la lb
proportion wa ara offTln: ! l"'a t-
h ..ld "n thia baata aoil I'l" will r
omrk- on f tha finat anl-dtvtalona on
;r.a m.rk-t In rortland. wnlr -" T lot:
!! .iinmlninn If " ilriurr tn
to-wl" ' a'l tlay lalw 10 II A.
M r F. Talor i4-".". I.fwla Mdt.
CU TAT. ataadr antoloyman. piaaaant
ark. wi:h aa old fTllaola company. Tha
work la Miiiof hlch-rad auraary atock.
and w av kim oJ tarrltory opaa.
atata what larrtiory yu would Ilka aad
wnta at onra fr partlcnlaxa to Lacs Mol
JO. Portland. Orffuo.
VTAVTHp Man with famllr. familiar with
arm aork. to taka ui rrl lnr on amall
pia-: permananl poiltlon with
to a'art: '.- arqulrra poaalo on hoin
plar? balanr ran b for from part
of aat'a. Al' 1J. Orraonlan.
iiivrtTKx r
ftiparlntandrnl fr prad
II rolora. tnuat unurrin
Mimin coal, apply rltfln aanrirnr to
Vt a Incton Hrli k. Lrfma sSawt-r l'lpa Co..
iM.kara. Waah.
VANTKC IiK.NTlr.T: muat b flrat-claaa
operator and cold worker; muat hava Ora
aon litenae: parmajienl poaitlrtn to rlht
man: a od aalary. Altaolar Dental to,
all Ahmaton ildg.
VA.NTt:il Youiik man. li or l year oid.
Ilvinc at home, hlxh a. hol education. co-d
penman, aa bank m.--ni r; n l'raii--ea
required. V. M. C. A. fcmplo ment Drpart-
tii fit.
V .V T F T Man a-nuatnlt-d w It rt hotel and
rvttauranl trj.le In the elly to ll patent
ed kitchen artole; aeller: will rav
1 i'r car and commisalon. Adtlreaa J
-T. Orrcnulit.
MAN rxreru need in manuta.-tur- of con
denae.l milk, on who und-rrt.nd thr
ouirhlv pro-ea of tondenl:ic and Merlnl
Ina. all correapondenca atrletly cor.lidvn
llal. IV . Ioi I'"", Seattle. Vall.
WA.VTEt Oood ilve boy to carrv Oreaoman
route in Mootavilla: mut be a huMler and
on the Job all of tha time: ood money
to the neht boy. Apply rlty circulator,
room OrecoTttan bllg.
1.ijMFcTKNT enperintenrient for common
brlrk plant. HX" dallv caparltv; field
k-ina. Applv civlut expren.e. Wa.hinp
ton Hn.-k. Utue seaer 1'ipa ... po
kane. Hi'h .
JJaS FrTTF-H. ona l.avlni hd experience
with a ( ronipuny preferred; ern
piomnt for aood man. Apply 43 Bail
w iv F.achanae bll.
BIlltiHT b.y about 17 warned to learn a
trade. ahouM be prepared to aty with
lob . yeara; rood wasea while lejrnlna.
Apply Multnomah Mohair Mllla. eVIIwood.
3 aood lwa itr It aa i-heck
boa. excellent chanoo to learn telearaphy.
Apply chief operator. Wcatern L nlon. th
f..Kr Wori-ea'ey Mda
TAILJb Kirst-r'.aaa roaini.iker hy the
a.ek. Koom 4v Koyal bldg.. iih and
Mwriiin ataJ
At ,-4 Yamhill. Ak for Mr. :a.
WANTtD Ho over l with wheel for !
llvery. Appiy t A. Ji. today. .OS McKay
OFNlS to aell beat aellini artlcio cer In
dented: 3 return for $1 llivaat.d. . M.
ftiower. Harriabura:. r.
EXrKKIK.NCKIl look aitleaman to aeil on
contract, nt propoaitloti. si'S Worc.ater
MM HINF.itV aaleman. city; atata line
ou lad handled. rmployera. aalary.
phone number. AK 87. Oreaonlan.
EXI'KISIENfKD men for aa.aried poaltiou.
;;ii-;:i.i ;-r'incer bldn.
WAMKI-: ood men. Appiy 504 Boatd
of Trade bIJit Call early.
V NTtr O.lrl or mlddla-ad woman In
anail famllv fur renerai houae-work.
Apply to Friedman. "1 T.iurman at., cor.
I t. atote. .
UlUI or aeueral houaework. amail family,
rood waaea. Broadway car. 41 E. 2'ta
Nor til.
CIRL'wantad for llht homawork. family
of i. KiS Eaat EvarcH. Take Montavll.a
car, get off at Slat.
VV ANTED Compatent clrl for "n'r-1
houaework and cooklns In a. nail family.
rood wa.aa 70 Corbett bldg.
SOMAS tor cooking and aome houaework:
will take roiored woman or good J upan-
e.e. li' N. -'-d al.
ft' txi all A lrl for general houaework;
wi.-a. amail family. Thone Mala
I . l.i. .-.-m. in at. i car.
ft ANTED Competent peraon to do central
lvueework In amail famllv. Apply 64
orth 'Jth at.. Tueaday or Wedneaday.
tas vvaaainaioa wr. i-
. . i vi Ik Mill
;ll'l for houaework and cooking: no rhll
unn. Call morntnga. Sit th at- corner
I 'la. . .
tuJICETtM maid for houaework lu fatn
l.v of : pleasant home; wages SGO. Phona
Kt 4:il 4-t" Eaat Hth X.
ftANTFD A eompetant atrona woman for
aenetal housework, good cook, fall morn-
.i.. T47 Praia. Phone K 37Ut.
B'TIOI'8. anargetlc woman, over 23. for
poeitlon with holeaale hon-a. axparlenc
not reoulred. O I"), v-retonlan.
e. AN 1 a-Le KeBaad. capaaio wouaaa far .'-
pjnalbla soaitloc. Vlaat Co.. 0 Bata
aaii Mac- 4t!l and Waahltigtoa.
MTiK" VL ladlaa for military band now or
xaniiicg: axparlanca unnaccaaary. E a.
Lire eon ian. '
itns. HOWE'S 1A 1 1 1 AGENCY.
Waahlngton bldg.. 2TOS ft aahlnaton at,
near 4th. Main aa or A axM.
i-.IIll. or woman for houaework. country
home near Portland, wage. U0. rhona
MMwatikie Red 4HJ.
jtMl'llFSS for apt. honae. ei;. with unfur-
' . . i-..i ski Thurman.
pirn rn 1 ' - -
w . v t l-i , chambermaid and a girl for
Aminc-room at LVl r.'th. near Momon.
ft .NTEI) iirl for general liouaeworic 3i0
Marguerleta are ; H aw t home car.
GIRI. for llghiH houaework. :J4 Lincoln at.
.l.w.d wagea.
ft' ANTED A girl for general houaework. 6d
APrRENTlCES wanted at the Hair Store.
ICO th at. Learn tha bualneaa.
WANTED rl for general houaework. four
adu'.ta in famllr. .IM Eaat Main.
I'XPtRIESVED cook. Applv In morning'.
King at. Phone Mam Mil
WANTED Kxperienced abort hour waitr
at one. Thompson's restaurant. 14t 4tlu
WANTED At 7 Weat'rark St.. a good girl
for the kitchen.
WANTEl Teachers for miaalon school. Ap
. -..a l Keennd at.. T O'clock P. M.
I 7 - " ' J
l 1 1. LINK KY Wanted, jood mokers and
noproera App'y ll-" ith at
W tVTEC-t girl for aecind work. prlat
f-mHv: r-fcrencea. App' H X. IMli
"KMII.Y cook. ll. aecond air.. ..'.
l.o"l Acny- Main I'QH'.
;IKI. for gn-ral housework, in family of
tinee. 1'hona Main li:;4.
,7Tir. or woman for general houa-wo.-k.
.all at I.? 3d at.
W ANTED Operators on pru. steady wotk.
Id St.. room a
EXrFltlF.Nt'En T.-.!TRF.Si! tVANTTP work bv liw Meier frarK
Store's reataurant. liood pay to thoae ua
der.tan.llng the detail" of -d s rvlce.
Apply at restaurant dcek. tlila morning.
IIOTF.L rw.k. and K.4.
: rirat-claas waiircssrg out of city) !,
fara paid.
- femll. rooks. Itft.
I ft'anr-.a and chambermaid ani piscrj
J-, weak.
H2 Waahlngton ft.. F'."Om i.
WANTED FTerat yonnc ladlaa balwaatj
tha ages of 1 and 2i for barman i vit poat
lona Apply tha P. T. T. C. AUar
at-, or lie East Ankeny au .
WANTED Neat appearing young J''7 fj-llcfo-s
to tntroduc FtKMOHA TIlKAT
MKNT. a horn treatment for women. compensation. Call room lu, a"ll
Aide- st .
WANTKD Kxperlcnred telephone operator
at tha H'll. ia-l and Waahlngton. for day
work: wages '. p-r moulh; rrferencca
W WTKll i:irl f' general houaework. alltall
family; .age. . all hte;. and
I aT.i llaiuo. k. cor. l.l". fake llroad-
.11 car.
. ANTED- I'oini-tenl glr. fr -n'r"'
houaework: m aat I..- au experienced cook.
No upataira werk : Mi-llnda av.. head
of Jonnaon anil J'.th eta.
WANTKD lady catnaaacra al 01 -d aU
Aak f'-r aalea rr.aii.-g'r.
MAN or woman tindera'sndlng naral ac
counts tana bo.kke.r. can -;
eeptlonal opportunity for largo or amail a:i atatea open. It"'
In.-oma. Eatahlt.hed 14 eara. .lib. large
revenue. I'ortland orrica openeo. e r.
arenrea. For partlcuiara auur... r.
Xox IH.
MAN and wife ran hava furniahed apt. In
richang for janitor eervli. In email apt.
hoiiae: good Place for the right panics.
A II I. ..iregontan.
fTw conaemal p.njl.- to loin ua In a hoii.e- propoaltion. Excellent location. Must
be prepared to net at oif. l'hone B 'Ji Li
ft ANTED Hiah grad grocery salesmen.
Iloeral commlion guaranteed. Sn Mr.
Horat.t. 24". .'.rand ave.
to operate moving plctnrea: oparalors
mnkn -i to l weekly. t ull practical
ai'.i ftaah.. near 17th,
MEN WAXTSS Asa 11 to 5. ta prnpara
for firemen or brakeman. nearby rail
roads. Ill to I110 monthly. Exparlanea oa
Beceaaary; no strlko; promotion nglner
ar conductor. to monthly; goad
Ufa careers: stato age: aend stamp, stau-
way Association, lioa . Oragonlaa.
VVANTF.D M-n at I.'os Angelea; rati learn
trad-: fair .! altar second m"1,."t
..moblla. electricity, plumbing brl.klay
li.g niartlcal work on actual Jobs. 1 -"'
atudenla la-t five eara. onlv few months
re.,nl.-t:d. United Trade School. Los Au-
geh t
aa.. aaa woman to taaro tha naroar trade
In sight weeks; special lnoucamenta; par
entage paid while learning; loo -a fre.
expert Inatrootors; II yeara la tne oai-eue-
J" scboexls: a lifetime main o renin
ri.en to aacn sfident. atolor bat bar caM
kg. t( N. Kt-urth at- Portland, Or.
mV:N and"boa to learn automobile repair
ing, driving on up-to-date car.; elcrlcal
.U. 1 engineering, atrvevlng; methoda most,
nractlcal- room and hoard while learning,
poeitlolia eccund: aatiafactton guaranteed;
rjtah.gue free. Xatlobal School of Engineering-
-110 AV. Tt h, Loa Angelea.
NL kiDKK young men aru wanted by rall
roeoa in talegrapb and station senrloa;
positions paying 7J to $K per tnon-b-ior
particu.ars call or addreaa lal.grapb
DepU CoiaiuooacaiUt b;u- ttth ana Ab-
aeny aia.
MOVINU-Hv-'TLHE oncratitiK. full practical
rour.o taught in tiieater only to learn It
right' price reasonable. t. cure position.
4o ttotncniiii -..o - -
KA1LVVA? mall oler'as. prepare now, e-c-llent
salaries and promotions; n lay
offs sure pay : free book- v. all today, rm:
c.flc ta bchool. McKay bldg- city.
YUU are wanted for Government Job.
montii. Send poatal tor lie: poaitluua open,
r raiHiUn In.titule. Dept. aia O. itocbeatar.
N. Y.
STENOGRAPHERS, any g) slem. beg.nrers
or advanced, quickly apeeded and placed
In poaillona lk!t Worveater biock.
tan aura i !-. vwiuw... v
is: oe? ".nib. 2 14th su Main -auJ.
k-AKr. atonay wrltlnc nort stories, or lar
papers; b,g pay; free booklet te..e bis.
Lnaed Pr-sa oj-d.caiasac Frxuclaco.
boQKkecplng. Q4j Hamilton bldg. Mar. 4aa-
echoed, and lJta il Swetland bldg.
PARTXE.'t wanted In beauty parlor; will
teach the buJineaa. 7ol Kuthchlld bldg.
Bookkejra and v lerka.
MARRIED man with years' banking e
perlence. t 5ears vaahler In Middle VAest.
wanta poaltmn In or out of the city where
a Bo.m1 responsible man la needed. AC
t ircKoiitnn.
A-l iftkikKKKMSR and atriiogiaph.r wants
poaitlon: ten y. ara' experience; age :!;
a:. is.c. can take chargo of office or will
in ana. e small bualneis. Alt 2l, Orego
nlan. ,
Ati.JKE.-lVE ietialty aaleaman and or
ganla.r dcalrea to uiako runnectlon with
live aalea organization, city or road. Ad
dreaa W. N. Alley, care Y. M. C A.
Vv ni. i,dii. ofaN. Cl-osk UA Wane
up booka. prepare balances aad sta:e
raaata, install syetema Oilllngtiam. ao-
dllar. 411 UH Ptog. ataxanai.
Al BiXlKKEBPER and office man. good
local reference. Main 7i4.. M -U. Ore
goman. EXPERIEN"ED oltlce man. bookkeeper and
atenogrnpher. ago 3.". married, good hab
its: r'rercll( ea. IT.ono eafr oi...
POSITION by groceryman that can do tbe
work. AT fl4. Oregonlan.
M lac flan eons.
FIKST-CLASS moving picture operator wish
es position tn city or country. Call J.
Allxia. 3d X. 4th sr!
LANDrtCAl'E gnrd'tier desires steady posi
tion; long experience: recommendation.
AH 15. Oregonlan.
ENERGETIC man wants stesdy employ
ment around houae and garden. 1. 1 yren.
I 1 0 4 1 st st.
CAKTENTER and builder wants situation.
da or cntracl; reference J. B. Young,
CAKI'ENTKK and bulid. r wants situation,
risy or contract, new or alteration. J.
Jitsnkera. l. O. Hox 6f. Lenta. Or.
JAPAN F.SE deelres position aa porter or
rhamb-r work-r In the city. Addreaa G. F.
phone Main 6o21. Home A Sli-l.
LVCnDHV warto-r wants position; can take
cxre of machinery. A No. 1 reference. A
14. OreffinUn.
yoV.NG man, 2. honest and trustworthy,
wants i.ty work of any kind. AM 1.
ir 3' minn.
bTl'DENT wants wotk out of school hours
frr board and room, private famiiy. Mar
shall 1231. AM -0. Oregonlan-
YOt'NO man would like jiositloti wlht bual-n-aa
house; references AN 16. Oregonlan.
CHAl'KFEl'R would like position: do own
re-patrlng: reference. Ail 14. oregonlan.
W1XD")W WASHINU. houae cleaning, floors
wsxed and pohahed. s 11 wood 11-tl.
YOl'MI man wanta position In wholesale
houae. phone Marshall 4IJ.
. -, r r, w.oie pwioii o n-'in.
or any other kind, rh-ri ?laln h.',
. A 1.1 I1.1ST o!..
To bakers, corrpetegt man in all branches
wan'a work. 4I K"i rhy at.
y v and wife, camp cooks, want situation;
best of reference. H17. Oregonlan.
CARPENTER wishes position as foreman,
by day or contract. X. lie. Orc;oruau.
lit Second tit. Corner Salmon.
H'jDtneB'i Department. 141 Halmoa,
All classes of unskilled, skilled, nrc-fee-slcral
and clerical male and female bele
furbished on abort notice. No fae caarged,
Phnna Main tiii. A K14.
YOl'MI Hol.ander. sober and r-'liabie. some
experience with automobile engines, will
he.p In private garage. Saturday evenings
and Sundays for privlleg.. of Irsrnlng to
irlve. excellent references. AK -i. Ore
gonlan. JAPANESE cook. first-class nll-around.
wants position In hotel or boarding-house
In the city or out: good references. K.
T-. room 16 o2 X. 4th St.
WANTED Ry a refined man and wife with
long experience, a rooming or apartment
liousa to manaii or care lor; no children.
AM Ortgontan.
THORol '.III. experienced auto driver, age
2". no bad haldts. ran furnish references,
w.xnta position driving delivery truck or
private car. A T. uregonlan.
LXOIM'ER Vould' llke position either lo
comotive or st-ttlonsrv; can give best of
tcfer.-nces Addreaa Martin feathery.. 50
Kier-Ml sr.. city.
M' iTIeiN-l'I.'Tl UK operator wants position
In rltv. 3 ycais' experience. AB llf. Ors
gontait. .
MARRIED man. . Industrious, educated,
wanta poaltlun at anything. Y Ore
gonlan. V, N 1 t. rosition dining or repairing hy
firar-rlaaa aulo mechanic. Call Marshall
LA PElllEN.'ED gardener wishes position
to take chars' of private place, good ref
erences. AH -7. oregonlan.
TlnskS rrl r- .ad r-telio-raakrw.
Cti.VFKTKNT sicnngrapher Willi IH months'
experl-nee w-tahca poaillon Immediately;
r-f'Tenc-s. Main ovs
Yin'Nt; lady with some knnwledje of type
writing desires poaitlon In an ff". "'
p-r week to start. rii"n- ai.m
POSITION bv atenographer with alx years
l. gal experience; mod. rat aalary If posi
tion permanent, reler.inces MashaJI ilAoH,
Ylil'Ntl lady living at home will .io clerical
work or answer phonea tn doctor's office,
tall A 2:'.'.4.
it'MPKTEN'T voung ladv stenocrspher. 4
years" experience, desires -position. MalP
COMPETENT stenographer, with general
orflee experience, desires position. Refer
ences. Marshall . ,
COMPETENT stenographer wants poallion:
willing worker. Tabor 'JSIO.
POSITION aa honaek-eper In hotel or apart
ment. Main '11.1. Room 215.
MH? NEAI- the dreMmaker. la now locat'd
147 I.onsda!. St.: will be pleased to meet
her manv frlnds and customers. Cad or
phone Marshall 4-hd.
Ml.LE DE"b1LLAI T. B3S Washington I Ella
st. entrance). French fashions. Thotic
A SS'tO.
PRIVATE millinery and dressmaking at
home or by day. 003 Williams ave. l'hone
East t67.
YOl'NG lady deslrea sewing by the day.
l'hone ft'oodlawtt 1714.
wTnTEI" First-class dressmaking; ra.l
Fast 41IS9. -M Holladay av.
DREHSM VKINO and ladles' tailoring by the
day. Phono Tabor 43. per day.
PiTTvATK home for old people. Just opened.
ivj Klinngrworin "-.,.","--,"
petent nurse. Phona ftoodlaan HM.
CAPABLE and experienced nursos open for
enaagemcnt, day. v.eek or month. Main
EXI' EN'i'KD girl dcaires care of baby.
Sellnocd Hi. per.
KI1IS r-C'l.ASS housekeeper and cook do
slreb H)sitlon In widowers home, city or
country. AH 11. Oregonlan.
A YOl'Ntl LADY of 30 wants position as
housekeeper In wtdoners home. Main
NEAT young woman with girl d'",r?
housekeeping imoittr. ib.h .
Agency. ;j.i s aiu-!. ..i'q
YOl'Nti Christian woman as housekeeper
e.,e ladv doing day work. A 4014.
YOl-NG woman with good experience as
buyer and manager of ladles' suit and
roal dept.. can furnish good ffme",d.'V
tlons Address room 2l. Hotel Ldwards,
cor. Morrison and Grand ave.
SITt-ATIOX wanted as hoinema'd or
maid by Swedish young lady. Artdre.a
Rev. John Ovalls. residence olS Mill t.
Phone Marshall 1 1 4.
SECOND cook, regular .l.c... t",ep;.,01rl"
Hon. Tleasa call A o5ia. 60U Jellerson
at.l Stout sts.
WANT m poelllon In a wholesale coffee tea.
spice house; am experienced. Call Wood-
lawn 71'1 Or Wri.e. n.ein..o
STIiONU. experienced German girl wj''"
washings, ironing, full das only. Main
HOfsEKEKl'EllS. cooks, waitresses, second
girls, chambermaids, iiura.s. St. Louis
Agency. '--I's Alder. Main -"". A 4
RFPK."T.lll.E voting woman with child -years
old wants position la private fam
ily. AN 'JW. Oragonlan.
t:uMI'i:TEM woman v. ante day ork. Ta
bor 7.1 1.
LACE curtains laundered.
:."c ip; quick
Tsbor 317.
service; r.mi-riw .o-.
r.l'RMAN lady cook .rants position in prl
v.i".' famllv: t4. AC l'J. Oregonlan.
WANTED Position as waitress, call aunt
l.eschefake. Main sb, room 'J4-
HALF day and day's work " bund le w ash-
luff to tae-o ioq.--
WOMAN wants day work aw e.jiiiig clean
ing or nasning a.o !
jrnT-CLASS laundress wants work Wed
-e...r. - re.erences. Wood lawn Dill. C 1-
RELIABLE woman wanta few hours' worst
daily. 406 Vancouver ave., room .
AGENTS 35 a week for t hours' work a
day aelling wonderful new household ne
cessity; new selling plan, with free ad
vertising does il Coiletta Mfg. Co- bog
43. Atnsterdsm. X. Y.
WANTED l.Tve hustler to take the state
agency for household proposition; on.y
those who ran Invest need apply. Room
20.1 Couch bldg.
ft" A NT two or three agents to sell lols In
close-In Improved subdivision; good seller
and good commission. Call between IO
and 1 mornings. 110.-1110 Spanning bldg.
DANDY new proposition; she is a winner.
t all 13 Beck bldg- .
KKSPOVSlBLE first-claaa salesman want to
make big money, call 1'iua Teon bldg.
WANTED In either lrvington. piedmont or
Willamette Heights, an unfumlshsd 8 or
t-room modern housa or bungslow of mod
erate rent. In reply state particulars. AL
23. Oregonlan. ,
WANTED To rent or 7-room modern
houae. dealrablo locality, small family; re
ply, stating until. AK ii. Oregonlan.
3y Spalding Bldg.. Main tilt.
Rooms With Hoard-
YOUNG man aeeka room and board with
private famPv: bath and heat: F.aat Side,
walking distance to Hawthorne bridge.
Y t. Oregonlan.
Furnished Boon m.
THE ALEXANDER. 131H Tenth, cornsr
Alder sL. convenient to the business dis
trict and ail theaters; well furnished
rooms for transient or permanent, S2.aH
w ..n- nn.i.r new manaaamant.
IluTEL BCCKIXGHAM, under new man
agement; 1 . . . . . "j
week: special attention given to tran
sients. t$!--to ft'sshington st. Pbone
Main a .
-ALU MET HOT EI I Park st f
roema hot and cold watsr. stasia haab
aasvaior and all modern convenlencee: 111
per month and up; quiet and comfort aala.
Urn pleasa-t front looms, assy wa.k-
N in, distance, all home conveniences, tX
-2 ; to 4 P-r week, alts 4th st- Main task
eloTKL NOHRia. modern convanlencaa,
to l week.. -1 Alder, corner
17 th.
THE KINO. 3i Jefferson, nicely furnished
rooms, electricity, heat, bath, cloae to
business center, ralea IJ.BO per week up.
LEVUT6NHotel. 271 A. Morrlaon. cor. 4th;
large, a.ry rooma. Single and aultea. tran
elent ad permanent, ode day up.
I0 YOl" want a good room In a good loca
tion at a low rateT 1 ry Hotel Larrabee.
'JJ7S Larrabee at- Eaat Fide. Eaat 84H.
NEWLY furnished all outside rooma. very
' convenient to car, modern. -In'. X. 21st.
HOT F.I. JOYCE. 4th and Jefferson, nl-ely
furnished room by day. week or month.
IIS Rooma.
Now Open.
Seventh and Taylor 8ta.
Residential and transient; bsolnte.17
central; two in. rules from Postofflce.
stores, theaters and restaurants; Just off
bualneaa str-eeta a:.d earilnaa: eiuieteat and
best location; handsome brick. ample
eteam beat, hot running water and phonee
i-i every room, suites and private baths,
.levator. Keputaul- and comfortab.a
From 16c dlj. A4 weekiy. Aar car troa
dfleata. .
Orar.d and Hawthorne Avenues.
For rent, the lineat corner, parlor, bed
room and bath tuite In the city, large
rooms, beautlf till)- lun.isned. nine win
dows, fine view of all the mountains. Also
same single moms, clovator service, tele
phone, hoi and cold water, electric light
ana steam heat; moderate prices for de
sirable tenants. Eight streetcar lines pass
tns building... If you are looking for
permanent, bome-llko quarters, be sure
and Inspect the Sarger.t before locating.
Excellent restaurant la connection with
hotel. Telephone Enat 281.
Thca. three beautlfnlle furnished hotels
-ISA. 4th at. Sim 4th et. S07V 4th st.
On Fourth at,, runalnj from Taylor ta
Palmon sL; brand-new brick: elegantly
furnished, steam boat, private hatha, hot
and cold water In all rooma; strictly ofe
to data In all rarpecta. and at popular
prices- If you want something out of tba
erdtnary. In tbe beirt of the city, at rea
sonable prices, give ua a call, aa we know
ynu win like It. Rooms by tbe day, .se
ar month. Touriat trade aollclted.
jTx a elTa hotb i
tii Washington St.
Lnder New aiansgement.
Large lolity, finished in mahogany, tlla
led marble: ladles' parlor wlUt ele-ant
fnplace; free telc.ihone service In rooms,
all night ai.d day, electric elevator, steam
heat, bot and cold water in all rooms,
many with bath. A res.dential hotel above
reproach, where every effort Is made for
the comfort and convenience of Its gues's.
rents tits most reasonable In the city;
rooms by the day. week or month. Look
this over before locating. Take W car
at depot, get off at l:h and ftaahlngton.
Week 2 and up, transient SOc and up.
Ar you getting rooms like ours? If
not. rhsnge; all outside rooms; hot and
cold water In each room, steam beat
and lath, also housekeeping rooma.
HEX. MS-, Washington st.
Ill Elsven'.b Street.
Kew, modern brick building: at ears
r-eatod. private bathx. hot and cold water
In rooma; beautifully furnlxbed. coay. eon i
tonalNa. rent reasonable. Call and aea
"a Hegular and transient trade soli ttA.
BOTEL LA SALLE. 101b and Burnstde t'.s
Absolutely fireproof: new and elegantly
furnished rooms: private baths. steai
heat, hot and cold water, private phones
In each room: special ratee by tbe mon'-k:
pboc. service f.-e. PLace Marsnall 404-
LARGE, cheerful, well furnlahed rooma
reasonable rates, desirable locality, elec
tric lights, heat, telephone, walking dis
tance or one-tiaif biock from carllnc.
phone Marshall 11& 7711 Johnson gL
kUlcL rlbNWICK An Ideal home lor Boa.
cess people; eentraily located; elegaal
reoms; all modern conveniences; 7ta a 4
Taylor sts.. 1 biock from Portland Ualsl,
eppasite Hell'g Theater. Pbone Main kid
One block from Lnion Depot; 140 oats c.e
rooms, with hot and cold water and ataat
teat: offers special ratas for per .aaeal
guests; ratsa su; ta X- a day: S4 M j
ap per week. Phone Main .41-.
I06H Twelfth Ut. Maranall aiieX
In heart of business district; stsam beat,
bet and cold water, tree phona In ever
room:tl day andup; 14 week and up.
New: cot. East 1st and Holladay ave.:
hot and cold vv.Ter. steam lleat; rooms el
Tier week til-. l'hone Kanl f.MS.
rnrnlhed KouRu In l'rlvate i-'aulily.
WITHIN easy walking distance, 1 hloek
iron, carllno, 4 nicely furnishod sleeping
rooms for rent in irlvatc residence, phone
and hatli. Price and $11 per week. Call
2't E. loth Soutn. corner Ash st. Phone
Kasl 4tol.
LAiiiJB lawn, fine veranda. IO minutes'
walk to postofflce. three large windows in
room, brass bed. oak furniture, bath,
photic., private home. 414 Marshall, corner
ELEGANT furnished room with running
hot and cold water, shower bath. Mil con
veniences. .". Trinity Place, between lutb
and J'th sts., oft ft"aalilngtonat.
TVe iaige rooms, nicely furnished lava
tory, suitable for two or more ladies;
phone, bath, laundry trays, lia E 1. lllld st.
Tr.AVELElt'K wife has two elegantly fur
nished rooms, modern. Nob Hill, apart
ment for ladles, reasonable, walking dls
lance. Marshal! 11.
TO gentlemen, front room and porch, strict
ly modern. In a home of 3 adults: no other
roomers. Phone A 4oh or call oJA Mont
gomery. bEK this: Newly furnished front room.
exceptional ly sunny, airy, clean; modern,
e iioleo neighborhood, walking distance.
4(i. i Park.
BEA CTIFL'LLY furnished rooms In s.ood
home; lefereiiccs. Noli Hill district. 73H
Johnbon. .
NICELY furnished room. warm, cumfni l-
abie. private family. 71K) Lovcjoy at., $1-
u montii.
NICE, clean, comfortable rooms, reason
able.; hot baths, steam heal, free phone.
:it7 Taylor st.
A GOOD, comfortable furnished room, walk
ing distance; bath, phone, furnace heat.
etc. only per week, fan Johnson.
T(lATTl; ACTIVE lar.;e room in modern
home, everv convenience, walking dis
tance. 11 E. Sth South. l'hone East 143.
NICELY" furnished rooms from 3 weekly;
easy walking distance. l'hone. tio5 Wash
ington. WELL-FL'RNISHED room, with couch, new
and modern, for lady or gentleman. 6t4 Vs
GEN T LE M A N. wnh reference, can have
elegantly furnished room in St. Francis
apt.. -1st and Hoyl. Telephone Main 71Q.
Fl'KNISHED room In ri.ate home, for
gentlemen of relinemenl. close In. on East
Side. I'll. i.l B 27 vi.
ft" ANTED Congenial younit lady to share
furnished upailment; walking distance. Y
au. oregonian!
Nl.'Ei.Y lurnlshed room with home com
forts cheap. 4'J N. 14tn si.. 2 blocks north
of ft'njhlneton. Main ll.iOa.
SI PER week each. Front room for two
ladies In private family, home privileges.
73S E Main at-
FI'RNISHED room, modern private home.
TOO Davis, bet. 21st and 2-'d, 1 block north
of Wsshington.
I'LEASANT outside . rooms, hot and cold
running water, all modern con. eniences,
walking distance. t 17th St. M. 7li-
MOIKK.V furnlsned front rnoni, ull .-ouve-
nlelices; 13 and Sli per month. Marshall
1 "ill. 4ft l.ucretla St.
SMALL bedroom for gentleman; 'i per
month. Call 414 Salmon.
SsT.-iU. ONE or two gentlemen onl ; no car-
faio. 2S lOith at.
LARGE room for two young men, closs to
three, earllncs. 2Q7 KilllliKSWorth ave.
TWO nicely furnlMied or unfurnished. 73d
1 r vl n g. Phono Marshall 4.".."4.
NICELY' furnished room, quiet home; heat,
phone, bat It. 27- Park St.
nTcELY furnished front room, also attic
' room. Marshall 377. j7 Trinity Place.
YOI .Ni; woman .wishes roommate to
s h ri re npartment. 2.'. Montgomery, apt. B.
FRONT room, aullabjlo for 2, reasonable.
r.i4 GMsnn.
NEWLY fuiuished tiwni in new Hat. Nob
Hill; references. Tel. Main r.inw.
lCi N. 17T11 Large, nicely furnished front
room. k.
NEATLY furnished bedroom; gas. phone;
m.fe per week. 420 0th at.
a;. 5.1 NICK single room, homelike place, 4
blocks from P. O. 2t;. nth at.
Unfurnished Booms.
THREE uufurnished rooms, pleasantly
lighted, to rent. HI minutes from postof
flce. Price. 14 to f month. 4H2 Market st.
koomi With Boar
Rooms with board, use of sewing-room. 11.
brary. 610 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, supt
SINGLE and double rooms, excellent table;
prices mooera... oj aurui
BOARD and room, $.V50 week up; meal
tickets. 4.S0. 204 Main at.
ELEGANT room, facing tha park, A-l board,
reasonable. 874 Park.
ROOM and board for young women. 3 per
w eek Phone E. 47:12.
' Roon.a With Board In 1'rivata Families.
6,"j3 WASH. ST Room and board fur two
gentlemen, fr. M per week
GOOD home for girl 12. near Eliot School;
will pay HO board, ri . Oregonlan.
Fl'HNiSHED rooms with board, suitable
for twi'. 187 llth st-
BOOM and board In private fanuly. 107 N.
10th. M. 5513-
Now Open.
Corner West Park and Montgomery sts.
Family boarding-house, richly furnished
and running water in all rooms, private
baths, private para, and faces a large pub
lic park: a homelike place with a view
that la unsurpassed In any city; rates
ranging from 35 to 1100 a month. Call
and wo are at your service. Phone Main
SIb3. 3S Montgomery St.
2"d and Wash. sts.
Residential Hotel.
American Plan.
All modern Improvements.
Main 7.1S4. A 4447.
DOES a borne appeal io youT THE WHITE
HALL, cor. (ih and Madison; large rooma
bath broad veranda, quiet, close In. nsaJ
sar. 4 blocks from P. O. American plan.
Attractive, clean rooma eteam baa
good board, close In. reasonable.
THE LAMBERSON. BM Couch St., very de
s.rable outside rooms, steam beat, run
ning water, good board, close in.
THE HAZEL Furnished rooms with board.
running water, steam heat. 3nS Sd St.
ROOMS with board. 712 Flanders. M. 1547.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
FOR business man. congenial home, beau
tiful surroundings, excellent board, ex
clusive neighborhood, vory reasonable;
walking distance. -64 Lovejoy t
INVESTIGATE! J---'1 month, room and
board In private family, wttii uso i ma';"
and tvoewrtler: $40 for two. Address o-
Grant St., flat, cor. 2.1.
ONE very large room, suitable for 3 or 4
young: men, rates reasonable, Co3 Kearney
ATTRACTIVE rooms, with breakfast and
Oluiier In private family, half block to
car. walking distanre. Phone Maro-lt
ROOM and board In private family, not far
out. use of parlor, piano, phone and bath.
phone Sellwood I72l.
FIHST-CLASS board and room, home priv
ileges, everything modern. M East Couch
$20 EACH Front room for two; InK1
beds- all new- modern conveniences. Ideal
home. SS 17th, near Everett.
LARGE tooi.i, with board, running water,
modern conveniences, close In. gentleman
onlv. 291 West I'arle
TWO front rooms for 2 or 4 gentlemen:
good board; bath, phone; Jo.oO week. 4-0
K. Couch, cor. e'th.
NJ.-B c!can room with breakfast and dinner,
for 2. reference. 446 Park st. Marshall
ELEGANT furnished front parlor, use. of
kitchen: modern conveniences; .IS.i.ei per
month. 4l I.urretia et. Marshall H'St.
GOOD-board, clean rooms, reasonable l-aleSj
private place. i75 Main. Phone
FOR KENT Two front housekeeping rooms
with board. ln5 North 23d st. Phone Main
1ST-CLASS hoard and room. 427 t lay. near
llth. Reference required
h-KAANT ro.'.Tii, single r e" suite: excel
lent OO.rO. OOO OII.OI1.
ROOM with connecting bedroom, excellent
board, porchea and grounds. Main 20i
SiNGlj: room-irmeals. U a week. Marshall
2i"3 2IM llth ft.
ROOM with or without board. Seandina. ian
famllv. si r... n week. 07." Mississippi ave.
KOOM tor rent, nice board, home comforts.
oo2 niorrisoo.
NEA.TLY furnished rooms vcary reasonable.
KultaDle for one or two. 200 12thst.
ROOMS w-tth board. Call 3S9 Taylor. Private
BOARD and rooms In private family; every
thing modern. 474 Market St.
vent forniaheri rooms, reasonable, exi-el-
lent board near, 7ol Hoyt. Marshall 22L.
HEINZ APARTMENT- 14tb and Colum
bia. 4 blocks south from Morrison st-;
new brick building, completely llrst-claas
furnished In 2. 3 and 4-room famllv apar.
msnts; private bath, steam beat, hot wa
ter elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner.
Janitor eervlce; rent per month, IJB. -
(40 and up; must ba seen la b. appra
14th and Clav btreets.
On of the finest In the city; steam
heat, hot and- cold water, private vesti
bul.s phones and baths, electric eleva
tor and lifts; unfurnished suites J32 to
644 Everett st,
New and elegantly furnished apart
ments: 3 rooms, reception hall and sleep-Icg-porch;
automatic electric elevator and
private Paciflo telephone; locate- In one
of the choicest residence -latncta , aur
' rounded by elegant homos; walking -tancw.
170 Ford at-. Just south of Washington;
most complete, highest class apartments
ever built In Portland: finished through
out In hardwood; tiled baths, superb f ig
nites: elegant wall coverings; each wlta
pri.ate balcony; highest class same;
vary re-sonaule rents; 4 and 4-rooai
apart ..ate; most conveniently arranged
704 Lovejoy St.
Under new management; new, modern
brick. 2. 3 and 4-room apartmenta. fur
nished or unfurnished; we will rent you
apartments 25 per cent cheaper than any
place In the city; good Janitor service.
Give us a call and be convinced. Mar. 2J1.
King and Washington sts.. now ready,
jits 6-story reinlorced eoncreto build
ing, only nieproof apartment-house la
I'ortland; every possible convenience, elec
tric elevator, best of service, private bal
conies, easy wailtini; distance; 2. AV , and
4-room apartments, $22.00 up.
loth and Everett Sla.
New management; 2. o. 4 or 5-room un
furnished apartments. The best apart
ments In the city for the money; tney
hava all modern conveniences, are close
in. neat aud homelike. Don't fail to
Inspect them berofe locating.
Nicely furnished. 11 rooms. S22.50; all
outside, large, light, airy rooms, private
phone and bath, g s range, refrigerator,
wn'.'ir heater, laundry tras, large closets,
on carlille. East Side. Tabor B 3041.
570 Couch. 1 block from Washington,
walking distance, 3 and 4-room modern
unfurnished apartments; all modern con
veniences, best of service; under new man.
l-unient; references required. Main 11U2.
Lncretla SL, Wear 23d and Wnh.v
Unfurnished apartments, from two ta
five rooms, all large, light and outaide;
large closets, hardwood noors; under new
management, hi rsha il lol . Janitor, aiar-
ahall lixXJ.
ar Main; cloae In location; elegant 3
room apartment with batb and private
balcony, ilia. Every convenience, good
East 7tn and Morrison, most centra y lo
cated; 2 and 8-room apartmenta, fur
nished up to date; private baths; moder-
ate rates.
Park and Madison Sta
For rent. S and 4-room furnished and
unfurniBhed apartments, strictly modern.
H iUDON HALL, corner of Hall and llth, 3
and 4-room furnished and unfurnished
L,rlnieiitM. hardwood floor. privats bath, phone, walking distance
Fine 3-room furnished apartments. Sum.
mcr rates; best West Slue location, Mar
shall 2003.
APT 41 the Cumberland, for 3 months; 3
rooms.' well furnished, facing Park; rea
.onablo rent to right parties.
THE LEONCE. loO N. 22d. near Johnson. 1
beactifully furnished 3-room apartment I
with an ii. w-." " - o.jf ov.
BJ, -LAND. loth Lovejuy Lnturnisa 4
. tronlj; modern, new brick; must be seea
l. be appreciated. Main lgt.7. A leaf-
THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished 2 and
3-roon. apis., private Lath and phone;
reasonable. Main 54o, 300 Jefferson.
THE MAHK Apartments. 228 North 20th
Nicely furnished and unfurnished three-
room "ial ' '"
;... J E K F E KSON I A N . ol4 Jefferson St.
vieelv furnished 2 and :;-ruoiu apts., no
xlt- .- .1 -v. S11'
chUdfen or dogs. M 5432.
BUCK HARTFORD APTS. 21at ..d Flaadeia.
I'nder new management, --room apts.; ail
modern; walking dlsec Main 27a2.
Turnlsh ed and unfurnished apart aanta.
Ms Lovejoy at. Take "W" car.
1 n r, cc i v r-
Nlcely furnished 2-room apts., H5,
-,,' 4:ir.. Sunnyside cars.
Modern unfurnished apartments, all outside I
rooms. References. .
(38 Harrison St.Phon Marshall 807a
THE-ELM 2 and a-room apts.. furnished
hU P"on and bat. 101 Hih it.
002 East Ash.
Five large rooma. free heat, paneled
dining-room, fireplace, all large. light
room- modern built-in conveniences; nrst
class bulllding. o7.50.
71S Wavn St. (Near Kingl.
Sit laree rooms 13 bedrooms), artis
tically arranged and newly tinted, unob
structed view of tho city; walking dis
tance. $ro.
104 24th st. North.
Four large, light room apartment, two
wall beds, gas stove, refrigerator, all
built-in conveniences characterizing tho
modern, up-to-date apartment building,
rents, $45.
Rrr.t now and the Summer rate will
apply throughout the year.
Main IIMIO. 146 5th St. A 62b i.
Marshall, Near 17th Pt.
New building: Summer rate; must be
seen to be appreciated.
nth and Harrison Sis.
Largest 2-room apartments In the city.
Marshall and 19th Sts.
Large airy 2. 3 and 4-room apartments;
quiet and exclusive neighborhood.
Cel. Park and Taylor sta.
Car. Tenth and Salmon sta.
Walking Dlstanc
Furnished complete, i. 8 nnj 4-r .
apartments; buildings new and stnouy
modern; service first-claaa
Jefferson and Thirteenth Sta
S. 4. 5-ronm apartments, exceptionally
well arranged.
No wall or disappearing beds.
Exclusive. " Modern. New.
Every effort Is made for the comfort
and convenience, of tenant.
Phone Main 3968.
stone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity
Place, between )9th and 20th streets. Just
off ft'sshington; magnificent exclusive
apartments in heart of apartment-house
district: rentals reasonable: every modern
convenience: sleeping porchea. high-class
service: refined clientele; references re
quired In all cases; two beautifully fur
nished apartments available May 1. Mrs.
A. N ft' right, superintendent, phone Mar-
shall 1101. .
THE BARKER, cor. list and Irving sta:
this new 4-story brick now open; fur
nished and unfurnished In a. t and 4-room
suites; reception hall, electrlo automatlo
elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built
in buffet and writing desk, gas range, lea
box, plenty of closet rooms, both phones,
vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you
want something nice, como to the Barker;
1 S-room basement apartment, 15. Phones
A 1744. Marshall 2861.
NEWLY furnished The Upshur. 26th and
Upshur sts.. furnished 2-room apartments.
tl5. .18, 20 and up. This Includes steam
heat, hot and cold water In every apart
ment, private phonea. public bath, electrlo
lights, gas range, laundry-room, all free;
also 3-room unfurnished apartments, with
private bath. 1S; rooms, 20. Take 3,
2 2d or W cars north. Phone Main 869.
12th and Taylor,
j 0t completed, roost magnificently ftrr--shed
apartments in the Northwest; loca.
tlon perfect; rental reasonable; avert
modern convenience. Including banqnst
ball and roof garden; both phones In all
apartments; high-class service: references,
required. Maiu 2276 and A 706T.
Cor. 5th and College.
7 minutes' walk from Morrison St.. one
3-room elegantly furnished apartment
now vacant; every convenience and com
fort, including rclrlgerator, wall safe, pri
vate phone and first-class service; .35 per
12th and Harrison, new brick. 2, 3 and
5 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, all
modern conveniences; best service. Apply
on premises
171 KINO ST..
c, 8, 6-room apartments; select tenancy.
Apply on premises.
GRANDEST A furnished apartmenta Oread
ave, and East stark; new brick building,
S rooms, splendidly furnished, with pri
vate bath, (27.60; electrlo elevator; mod
ern conveniences; closu-ln location; a
walking distance: best ot service.
6T. CROIX Apartments, SL Clair sc. near
Waanlngton; - and 8-room apartments,
with private bath, furnished and unfur
nished; superb location, easy walking dis
tance, brick building; convenient arrange
ment. beat of service and very low rents.
Portnomah Apts.. SOU E. Taylor, cor. 13th.
2 3, 4. and 5-room unfurnished apts..
walking distance; every modern conve
nience, homelik. quiet, porchea and yard.
moderately priced.
lbih and Flanders sis.
Beautiful apartments,
5 and 6 rooms.
Call and aeu them.
a OR 4-room apartment. private baths.
S;2 50 $35, S37.50; all outside rooms;
splendid view; convenient arrangement;
superb location, close to postoftice, best of
service. The Sheflleld. 7th and Jefferson.
41U oth su Five minutes' walk, brick
building, nicely furnished 3-room apart
ments, private bath, phone, elevator;
127.50 and up. Main 2070. A 2038.
6-room apartment, choice residence dis
trict, walking distance, every convenience.
21at and Flandera sta Main 7B1
New, modern building; new turn.tura;
3-room apartments; walking distance, or
best car service.
WIXSTOX Apartments. 141 14th at, at
Xarket; new corner brick; all bright, out
side rooms; 1 and 8-room aultea com
pletely furnished for housekeeping; Hi u
887.1)1). For Information call Main 17.
All outside, 2-room apartments; Holmes
beds, bulit-in writing desks, vacuum clean
er lanltor service; 32 .60 to 30. Including
11 httf. private phones. A 3472. Main 1377.
GRACE APTS., 707 Northrup St.. corner
24th 5 large rooms, hardwood floors, front
veranda, large sleeping porch, private
telephone, water, heat and hot water;
new and strictly modern.
Just completed, corner 3d and Hall; all
2-room furnished apts.. large outside
kitchens, best arranged apts. In Portland.
I"5 and up. Easy walking distance.
ifth and Clay; 2-roo apartmenta, fur
nlahed, with private bath; all conve
niences; good service; easy walking dis
tance : very reasonable rents.
rFClLIA APARTMENTS, il.d and Qllsaa
ti- best of aervica; desirable location,
with unexcelled car service; also easy
walking is lanes ; 8-room ap . with bat- ,
modern conveniences, jrery reasonable reat.
.irui gummer borne; furnished and unfur
nished apartments, Jld to 25. Take Mis
sissippi or L car, get off at KUllngsworti i
ave. Phone C 1170.
Ford street, near Washington; select
.u-ii district: 3 or 4-rooui apartment.
with balcony: all uonvonlences of the best
class apartments. Main 38H;i, A 7448.
NEWLY furnished 2,' 3, 4 rooms, 822.50
to 840; single rooms 83 up; free light,
phones, heat, hot and cold water, electric
elevator. Marshall 3517.
TH-- MEKED1TH. 712 Waanlngton at.. A,
3and 4-room apts., hardwood floors, wlta
every convenience, newly furnished; cheap,
est rent In the city.
T7- CHETOPA, 18th end Flanders sta
Modern 2. 3 and 4-room apartmenta, fur
nlahed and unfurnished. Appiy to the
Janitor. Both phones.
Nicely furnished two-room apts.. 822.50
and 825: also 3-room. 830 to tii; modern.
Main 623. A 7501.
BAN MARCO APTS., E. Sth and Couch
New brick, private baths and phone, a
rooms, corner. 825. Phone E. 2751.
ONEONTA APTS., 1S7 17th st. Modern,
"nicely furnished apartments; only 20 to
$25 per month.
LoVEJOY' APTS., 17th and Lovejoy Two
and three-room furnished apartmenta.
-UL1AETTK Furnished and unfurnished 8
rooma. Corner 2d and Montgomery.
THE WASSELL APTS. SS5 Yamhill, very
convenient and reasonable.
Molt up-to-date apartment in tb
Northwest ; every convenience ; 4 and
roomi, all outaide sunny rooms; new ;'
walking distance. 21st and Johnson sta;
choice residence district; attendant on
premises. Marshall 3 3 CO.
THK AVALOiS One unfurnishe.i 4-room
apt., tine closets and sleeping pori-h, si-in
heat, janitor servioe. Phone Ii. il
Clackamas and lloss.
New 3 and 6-ruom flats, modern. K
!th and Hancock sts.. - blocks rom
Broadwav car. eaay walking distance;
hardwood floors, tiled bath, Dutch kitchen,
hot water heater, lare attic and base
ment, separate stairway ; owner cares fr
la wn ; lino residence district ; rent
Phone East SjTO. Keys on premises
EXCHANGE .".-room Hat. with maid's room,
thoroughly modern: tireplact-, furnace, gas
range, built-in features, )ars- private bal
cony; $:;2..V. Hawthorne and 2lst. Apply
UiUlg E. gist. Main Mt.r.
6-ROOM flat. 782 GMsan st., Z0; new build
ing, superb location, very desirable; hard
wood floors, flrep.ace, gas rango, watttr
heater, furnace. Se Mr. Koat, st. Croix
Apartments, 170 tit. Clair st.
FOR KENT .Vfoom modern lrvington flat,
tile bat h, sleeping-porch and all latest
convenience?. Two blocks from Broadway
and Irvlntrton carlines. Apply al 415
East I7ih st. North. Telephone Eat
STEAM-HEATED 5-roum flat, very deslra
bie; convenient arrangement, with ga
range; $;t;.ro Summer rate. Apply jani
tor, Wellington Apartments, 15th and
FI'RNISHED FLAT of 4 rooms, with prl
vate porch, steam heat, hot and cold wa
ter, private bath, including- phone and
Janitor pervlce, for $:.2.50 per month. 40
North iMth. Ask landlady Upshur Apts.
FINE modern ti-room upper flat, 'choice lo
cation. 1m 2-id. near Johnson st. ; rrr.t
:ih. c. H. KoreM. first floor Lumbrrmens
bldg.. 5th and Stark.
ONE ti-room up-to-date upper flat, sleep
ing porch, fireplace, hot water heHtiiiK.
tijy E. Madison, bet. lilth and 17th. l'lioii
E. 1!34.
NEW, modern upper flat, f urn islied or un
furnished; IMih and East Morrison; very
reasonable to right party, l'hone .Marshall
MODERN 4-room flat for rent, furnished
or unfurnished. 860. Gra.nd ave. N., 1 block
from car.
FOR RENT Swell 7-rooro modern flat. 444
I'ark st., furnace and fireplace; $35; no
children. PhoneTabor763 orEast
MODERN, steam heated, walking distance.
West -side, fine neighborhood. Marshall
CH EAP, closfe-tn 6-room flat, modern, fire
place. 7S4 Glisan. l'hone Mar. 4047. A
LOWER five-room modern flat. Lovejoy St.,
only St:..".. Vandujn & Walton, ulo Cham
ber oi" I'ommeree.
MODERN C-ioom flat, gris range, linoleum,
disappearing bed; $'0. Corner E. 10th and
H a 1 sey. W. T. Swank. Main HrQ8. East 14S.
&00 MARKET ST. 5-room, modern flat. $30
per month; key at 502. Portland Trust
Company. 3d and Oak.
VPPER. lower flat, furnished unfurnished;
all modern conveniences, walking distance.
IUV Chapman.
MODERN 6-iooin flats, furnace, fireplace,
large veranda, tk-rto.-; East Morrisou and Phone East lfilO.
FINE upper flat, & rooms, furnace, fire
place. 2 baths, large porch; $43. 62 Ella
st. Phone E. 340S or B 201.5.
Small furnished flat with uleeping
porch; choice location; walking distance;
adults. E. 433.1.
NOB Hill flaL 7 rooms, fine yard, splendid
neighborhood. 775 ' Johnson st,, bet. -id
and 24th. Main 6591
MODERN new 6-room upper flat, Wept
Side, select neighborhood; hardwood floors,
aleping-porch, fireplace. Marshall 2?24.
SIS M.-wlern lower flat, 4 light rooma;
walking distance. 6-'S East Main. Phono
East It'.'
MODERN G-rooni flat, E. ISth and Ash. B
VERY attractive 5-rooro flat, near Broad
way priQfsc. Huong, tvf jvaiwii .-
MODERN 4-room flat. :i blocks east end
new Steel bridge. Woodlawn 1
2-ROOM flat $V, 3-room flat $14. 7uti Van
couver ave. Woodlawn
MODERN 4-room lower fiat, sleeping porch.
825 Northrup. Main 3-2.
feTEAM-HEATED, 5-room flat, all modern-
Phone Main :44S.
5-ROOM flat, modern, gas stove and water
heater; good porch. Rent flS. East 6-"l.
tt-KuOM upper flat, unfurnished, modera.
nice location. Inquire Everett st.
MODERN 6-room flat, Sth, near Jackson.
West Side, 10 mln. walk. Main or A 12-3.
2 OR 4-room flat, light, clean, convehient,
central, reasonable. 2:131. Hall.
MODERN 5-room flat; has nice porch; rent
$27..0. Call 441 llth st.
SWELL modern 6-room lower flat, 7t E.
y am hill, near 23d. Phone E. 5848.
B-ROOM flat, 426 E. Market at. Call Hell
wood rttlrt. .
UNFURNISHED flat, about 2( rooms; state
location anu price. jj ti ct-mni.
FIVE large rooms, lower flat. Main S470.
G22 Northrup.
NICE-roon" flat, close In. rent $17. App'.y
lio" nan k.
Ilousekeeplnjc Rooma.
THE UPSHUR 26th and Upahur sts, fur
nished 2-roora apartments, $15 up. In
cludes steam heat, hot and cold water
in every apartment, pubiic bath, electric
lights, gaa range, laundry-room, all free.
Take S, 23d or W cara north. Phone
Main 809. .
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall, fur
nished for housekeeping; gas range, elec
tric li-hts, hot water, bath, laundry free;
$12 per month up; a clean place, best fn
the city for the money; short distance
from Union Depot. Take "S or
cars north, get off at Marshall st. No dog a.
91.60 TO $2.60 per week Clean furnished
housekeeping rooms; free heat, phona.
bath laundry, yai d. 406 Vancourer ava.
and 203 Stanton; car. Phona E. $03-.
THEMILNER, SQhi Momaon, cor. Park,
furnished or unfurnished housekeeping
apartments, all conveniences, best location.
Summer rates.
COMFORTABLE 3-room housekeeping front
rooms. $3 50 per week; furnished. iMV lt
st., near Stark. -
HOUSEKEEPING) rooms; rates reasonable.
24fcH Holladay ave., two blocks from
Steel bridge.
HOUSEKEEPING rooma In new concreta
hniidintr. Phone Woodlawn 2997 or 2379.
461 EAST MORRISON, cor. Mh Furnishod
2-room nouseKeepmg suma .c-l--mi-u.-.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping room.
489 Washlngton.
H ooaekeepinc Kooma m rrivate Family
TWO etB of furnished housekeeping rooms
two rooms each. $12 and $14. Cor. SuUi
at and Burnslde. "MV" car. 5019.
TiREE lovely housekeeping rooms witli
beautiful Vara, joveiy uiiiuoi uwu. ii'j
ob.Jenion to child: close In. 333 13th. st.
TWO front room apartments, modern, suit
able for 2 or 8 adults. Call after 2 P.
M. 561 Everett, corner 17tb.
NICE room, with kitchenett. electric light,
furnaco heat, caav walking- distance, $12
monthly. N- gist.
THREE comfortable furnished housekeep
ing rooms, all conveniences, reasonable.
233 Chapman st. Marshall 3038.
Z NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms:
g&s. bath, sink; walking distance. 211
Sherman st.
VERY desirable 3-rooin furnished flat with
nam. in ui hmi.. v- -
4 o'clock. Phone Main vl .6.
FURNISHED housekf epirtrr rooms, reason
able. 1 .sir. gi.. in 1 -
d7 EVERETT Walking dintance, two clean.
cneernu irom i -vnia.
jS ice large room for light housekeeping;
ell coi:ven.nces: close In. 181 14th st.
TWO and 4 clean furnished housekeeping
rooms; gas: $10 month. 692 Front.
2 ROOMS, light housekeeping, closo in. ."i87
M ad Ison st
NEW, fin.-ly furnished 3-room suite, nri-t
floor; $2". 17- E. 23d.
TWO well-furnihhed front rooms with
porch. Call U5 N- 23d or phone M. 9
CLEAN, cosy, housekeeping room, suitabio
for one or t wo people. 3;-4 Par-
NEWLY furnished rooms, suitable for a
family. $1S a month. 4S 10th st.
TWO housekeeping suites, $1. $1 1; als.
four rooms very reasonable. 423 7th.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. Ap
ply 142 Ciraham ve.
TWO connecting rooms for housekeeping,
light and airy. 5"4 Taylor st.
3-ROOM housekeeping suite, all coin en
tentes, reasonable. 6U9 Everett.
TWO room, gas range, bath, lighte. water,
phone, furnac heat. $'J0. 347 Hall.
FURNISHED housekeeping apt?.. 2-room,
$17.r.O: S-room. IIS-oO. 1 25 N. 1 6tl
NIE clean single housekeeping room, phon
and balh. 163 North 16th