TITE MOTISTXO OREGOMAN. TUESDAY, APRIL . 30, 1912. Credit Purchases Today Go on May Accounts, Payable June 1 Our Household Club Plan Furniture, Acorn Stoves and Ranges, Hear "Pink Lady" Phonograph Records on Our Fifth Floor Talking Machines, Willamette Sewing Machines Easy Terms TIIE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 1837. WEATHER REPORT: RAIN TODAY. THE MEIER & FRANK CO., 5th, 6th, Morrison and Alder Sts. 20 4000 Educational Contest 2d Day 55th Anniversary Sale and g- N D ORTLAND had hardly awakened Sunday- before this great $4000 Educational Con- T W w -. S 1 JT l oipju 5HK iPresses, cpivi.ov Including Styles for the Street, Afternoon and Evening Wear ft 4 fe li j-ris1 I! W3MEN" enthused over this phenomenal New York purchase! Yes and well they might, for it's one of the greatest garment captures of the season. Scores of women were waiting for the opening of the doors yesterday morninp they had read the Sunday advertisement seen in the windows the beantiful afternoon and evening Dresses that are offered again today at $13.fi0. There's no telling the variety of charming styles. Street and afternoon models of modish plain and changeable taffetas, rich messalines, silk serges, striped radiums, etc. Evening gowns in decollete styles of silk marquisette, chif fons, nets over messahnes and mulls, .hv ery conceivable shade. You'd pay $20, $23.00 to $.10 and even more ordinarily. Still good choice for the. early comers, at ?ic. evening gowns in $13.69 raaa I'lMr-Mala Raiiaia ularly. Special today High-Grade , Wool Suits Now At i4 Off Think of realising a saving of fall fourth on the most handsome and stanninsr of wool Suits in our re stork. Model discernibly lioned from abroad, showing ery late fashion featnre. Of the handsomest of new Spring fabrics, including the elefrant and nltra-fashionable Suits of white. M3.00 to $8.-.00, res:- 1 A, "ff Silk Petticoats Special Today At $3.85 Sea them and you'll know they are worth far more than tho price asked. One of the specially pur chased lots that's the reason for the saving. Of splendid quality mescaline and taffeta in black, plain and changeable colors. Fash ioned to conform with the present close-fitting ttylra. These'' Petti coats are specialized fiJQ for Anniversary Sale, t'',wy test the feature of our 06th Anniversary hale was uDon thousands or hps' And the first day's voting, shown in column at the right, undoubtedly brings forth candidates whom you will want to see win. The contest began at 8 o'clock yesterday morning and closes at 9:30 Saturday night, June 15. Any man, woman, boy or girl in Portland or the states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana are eligible. How Votes Will Be Cast Votes will be given with all cash or credit purchases of 2"c and over. Retain your duplicate sales checks and present them at the special contest booth, first floor, where they will be redeemed for ballots: Purchases of 25c to 35c call for 25 Totes. Purchases of 36c to 65c call for 60 votes. Purchases of 66c to 85c call for 75 votes. Purchases of 86c to $1.00 call for 100 votes. And so on in coresponding multiples. Grand Doable Scholarship Prize A $1000 Scholarship, all expenses paid for a year, in any American college, to man securing greatest number of votes. A $1000 Scholarship, all expenses paid for a year, in any American college, to woman securing greatest num ber of votes, THE SECOND PRIZE A $600 scholarship to one man or woman, in University of California or Stanford, which includes a year's expenses. THIRD PRIZE A -f-300 scholarship to one man or woman, in Oregon University, Oregon Agricultural Col lege or Willamette University, which includes a year's expenses. s FOURTH PRIZE $100 Tuition Scholarship to one man or woman in Reed College. FIFTH PRIZE $120 Tuition Scholarship in Port land Academy to one man or woman. SIXTH PRIZE $100 Tuition Scholarship in Colum bia University, Portland, to one man. SEVENTH PRIZE $120 Tuition Scholarship in St. Helen's Hall, to one girl. EIGHTH PRIZE $120 Tuition Scholarship in Hill Militarv Academv, to one bov. NINTH PRIZE $100 Tuition Scholarship in Allen's Preparatory School, to one boy or girl. TENTH PRIZE $50 Tuition Scholarship in St. Mary's Academy, to one eirl. ELEVENTH PRIZE $50 Tuition Scholarship for com mercial course in Christian Brothers' College to one boy. Judges of Contest Our great-Educational Contest will be held under the direction of these well-known Oregonians : President W. J. Kerr, of Oregon Agricultural College. President P. L. Campbell, of Oregon University. Professor Frank Rigler, Superintendent Portland Schools. Professor T. T. Davis, Principal Lincoln High School. G. F. Johnson, Gen. Mgr. Sherman, Clay & Co., Portland. rn 5 9c for 85 c Foulards b $ 1 Fancy Silks HERE'S the opportunity to purchase at a saving the- Silks you've been wanting for the new waist and dress! And not a yard in the immense group but is new and fresh all this season's patterns and colorings. Regular 85c Foulards in pretty designs of small fig ures and geometrical patterns. Full 24 inches wide. And the $1 Fancy Suitings in many J k attractive striped, checked and Dresden patterns. Browns, tan, navy, gray, lavender and white. They are all specially priced today in the 55th Anniversary Sale at, the yard Flint Floor Main Buildlnff. How Are Such Lovely WaistsPpssible at $ 4. 9 8 IT'S the question the scores of women asked yester day when they visited the second floor section to share in the phenomenal Anniversary Offerings! A wonderful New York purchase is what brings the splendid saving to you. Of rich messalines, taffetas, chiffons, nets and marquisettes. All in charming, this season's styles. Round and high necks. Every possible shade to choose from. Again ft- A k f today for the 5th Anniversary Sale tj)?4 y IJ $6.50 to sflj and even higher priced Waists f a Floor Mala BaHaUa. Mall flrdrra Filled. 35c to 75c Exquisite Shadow Laces at 25c ONE of the most favored of Laces for the season the new Shadow weaves. And varied are the uses for these dainty Edges and Insertions. Both creen and wh.te, 4 to 9 inches vide. For dress trimmings, millinery and neckwear. Regular 35c to 75c Shadow Laces today at 25c 30c to 60c Cluny Laces decidedly popular are these manhine-made cluny bands and edges, 3Vs to 5 inches wide. Pretty . for waists, gowns, mil- OC lincry, etc. Yard, J 45c to 85c Embroideries 18ineh Flouncings of fine Swiss, nainsook and cambric. Scores of dainty patterns for corset covers, under garments, OC etc. Yard today at SJC lrat Floor w nulldina. Fine Handbags Now V4 Less WHAT woman doesn't feel a deal of satisfaction in knowiner that she carries a smart Handbag - KJ ot real leather ! And what wo man who's been wanting one, won't appreciate the importance of this offering of one-fourth off on every high-grade real leather Handbag in our immense stock f Bags priced now from $7.50 to $35. Every domestic U ff and imported model J Vll $4 Handbag'sToday $2.98 Of genuine morocco, hair seal, calf and other real leathers. Hand some new styles in black, blues, brown, tan, etc Posi- CJO QQ tive $4 grade at only Pwi70 1 :." "''.T''Vt Voting in Contest To 5 P. M. Monday Contestant and address. Vote. William Luerek, Lincoln High School 8S50 L. T. O'Brien. U. of O S750 James Bain, Law School U. of Oregon .' ;.82"0 Helen Clark, Grants Pass. Or..797o Paul Adams, Washington High School 7675 Maxwell Ball, Allen Prepara tory School 64-50 Alfred Grantstrom, Allen Preparatory School 5825 Elsie Reinhart 4200 Raymond Fryer, 716 East Bush 925 Edith Rogers, 646 White ave. 300 Edna Metcalf, 531 East Conch 300 Georgia Ploigstra, 669 Ford- su crL Ulivc ............... OV M -TT-ii-ii ,nr-i $1 to $1.75 Gloves at 87c ONLY 87c and they're splendid $1 to $1.75 grades, every one of them. A special group taken right from our own new stock. Glace kid and cape styles with one and two-clasps. Pique and overseam sewn. Light and me dium weights. Black, white and all new shades. Sizes 512 to 714. Best $1 to $1.7o grades, pair at $1 NecKwear, Today at 45c Not the ordinary sort but Unus ually pretty and attractive. Practi cally every new and popular style in cluded. Lovely jabots, rabats, cascades, gabby bows, Dutch collars, fichus, stocks, Croats and Quaker Collars. Chemisettes, yokes, coat collars and Plauen lace collars also in the group. 65-cent to $1.00 grades in the lot. Special today at choice, "3C HandKerchiefs at 6 for 20c Dainty new cross-barred and soft, checked dimity Handkerchiefs with '4-inch hemstitched hems. Embroid ered initials of all letters. Are OfS, worth 10c each. Package 6 for 87c The Wash Goods 25c Flaxons, at 19c TlIIAT woman hasn't read VV in the magazines of the fine, soft woven fabric Flaxon ? Ideal for women's and children's Summer frocks, waists, etc. Moth ers find it perfect for infant's wear! Plain and fancy white and in charming prints and col- ored tissues. 2-V grade I O special today, a yard at 18c Ginghams the frrade and fine, firm weave that always gives long and satisfactory wear. Splendid for women's and children's wash dres.-es, aprons, etc. S'J inches wide. All new patterns and color combinations. Special for 1 C Anniversary Sale at only, yard, $1 White Wai stings handsome qual ity that launders beautifully with that snow whiteness that every woman ad mires. Attractive in pretty woven-in pat terns of white; .TJ inches wide. 7Q The yard tdav. special at only 'C 1raf Floor rw Balldlaa;. r A Different Muslinwear Sale D . rrid Kloor -m Bnllatas. IFFERENT from the usual run of Mus linwear Sales for the garments are dif ferent a difference of quality, of styles, of trimmings. Above all, a difference of prices they're the lowest obtainable. Every garment . that comprises this great event is fresh, new and immaculate. All cut to conform with the present close-fitting styles.' But a few of the offerings here. COMBINATIONS. $1.60 Combinations $1.29 $2.00 Combinations S 1 .4 7 $2.50 Combinations $1.95 $3.00 Combinations 2.47 $3.50 Combinations $2.89 $4.00 Combinations $3.18 $5.00 Combinations $3.95 THE DRAWERS. 75c Drawers at only 47 $1.00 Drawers at only 73 $1.50 Drawers at only 98 $1.75 to $3.00 Drws. $1.22 $3.50 to $5 Diawers $1.95 $1.50 White Undersk'ta98 $2.00 W. Underskirts 1.47 $2.50 W. Underskirts $1.83 $3.50 W. Underskirts $2.47 THE GOWNS. 75c Gowns, special at 53 $1.25 Gowns, special 93 $1.50 Gowns, at only $1.22 $1.75 Gowns at only $1.43 $2.00 Gowns at only $1.57 $2.50 Gowns at only $1.98 $3.00 Gowns at only $2.67 $3.50 Gowns at only $2.87 $4.00 Gowns at only $3.08 $6.00 Gowns at only $3.95 CORSET COVERS. 50c Corset Covers at 35 75c Corset Covers at 47 $1.00 Corset Covers at 67 $1.25 Corse Covers at 98 r 'I rrom Frmat iaM"BW Ptlf at " "la The Orraje- . - rn?SVtfKil... V V it 111 . " u "' C"fc rt7,', ' I T"t Sri' See the Morrison Street Straw Hat Window Willamette Rotary A Marvel, $32.50 N tim ipialed 2l50 Wil lamette Kotarv, made arrurdincr to our own specifications, by the jrreatest Sewing Machine Fac tory in the worlj made to tL-fy the demand of those who have wanted a rotary style machine, though who did not wi.-h to pay the higher prices of the usual rotary. And here in thi splendid, high graJe model are all the important im proved features that have made our own highrr-prioed rotaries famous. Freedom from Minrliiiir and flocking of thread; Felf-adjusttntr to any size thread an J kind of muterial; simple bobbin winder; improved presier foot; ews raueh faster and with lefs noise than the vibrating ma-hine. And you may purrhase yours on our rlub plan of cn.y payments if tou like f"2 on purchase and $1 . a week. rr4 Flor nr Ballalaa A Sale of Rogers' Silverware f ROBABLY no pattern in Sil- verware so popular at the present time as this new Isabella Vintage design. And it's been intro duced only some four or five weeks. Teaspoons, set of 6, special price 49 Dessert Spoons, set of 6, special 89d Tablespoons, set of six, special at 99 & Five o'clock Tea Spoons, special 49 Coffee Spoons, set of six, special 4 9 Soap Spoons, set of six, special, 99c Berry Spoons, as illustrated, at 49 Cold Meat Forks, as illustrated, 36c Medium Knives in the new "Isabella" Tintape design. Set of siv, Cjl "f A special for today at only P A a X x Medium Forks in the new "Isabella" Vintape desipn. Set of six. Spe- Q Q cial for the Anniversary Sale at Wednesday, May First, Is STRAW HAT DAY ALL Portland has fol lowed the Portland Ad Club in decreeing "Wednesday, May 1st, as the opening of the Straw Hat season! Our buyer secured these special lots of new Straw Hats and Panamas, but instead of holding them we will give men the advantage now, right on the opening of the Straw Hat season. The sale begins at 8 o'clock Tues day have a new Straw Hat for May 1st. $2.49 Men's New $3.00 Straw Hats, for Opening, at Only All the smart shapes in Sailors, Sen nets and plain braids. Medium and low brows and broad brims. New $3.00 Straws, special $2.49. $4.55 Men's New $5.00 Straw Hats, for Opening, at Only High-grade hand-made Sailors, soft roll and Milan Stray Hats. All the lat est blocks low, medium and high crown; narrow and wide brims, $4.55. $4.35 Men's $5 and $6 Panama Hats for Opening, at Only An importer's surplus of fine genuine Ecquador Panama Hats, in telescope, fe dora, and Alpine shapes. Flat and roll brims, $5 and $6 Panamas, $5.35. Cream Ladles, as illustrated, spl. 28d Sugar Shells, as illustrated, spl. 16 Oyster Forks in new "Isabella" Vint age design. Set of sis. Special for the Anniversary Sale today at 0jC Child's Silver Set in the "Isabella" Vintage patterns. Knife. Fork and 10 SjKKHi in lined box. Special at only Flrat Floor New Bulldiaa;. This Is California Raisin Day! ALL over the United States, Tuesday is be- rJun!s ing celebrated as California Raisin Day. r'alifn-rrno T?-jicin nro fho wnrlrl's finpsr.. T)fi- n , , licious, -wholesome they add to the enjoyment of many foods. These specials for Raisin Day: California Raisins Mecca, Raisins, 4 pkgs. 25 Monopole Raisins, 2 for 15 Red Ribbon Raisins, 2, 15 Loose Muscatels, 5 lbs. 25 Layer Raisins, 2 pounds 25 Pure Food Grocery, Baaemeat RAISIN BREAD, ETC. Raisin Bread, the loaf, 10 Raisin Buns, the dozen 15 Raisin Loaf Cake, each 25 AT THE FOUNTAIN. Raisin lea Cream, only 10 Raisin Pie, per cut, only 5 New Fiction Maa la Uwlr Laaa" Kate L&nalay T-lly af the llaaaltal Staff" Emma C. 91. Uoavah la Jraaartfr" Frank Panby. S1.3S. -Jmmry- ur fJ11mnore.prlrl at St. 25. TN aalrr4 t aar" Can Mold. 1.35. aTr1-k" William Mrtod. 91.25. Pollrlly- Jepaon. at 91.25. Kn- John ftrknrlil- t.V.tr. 91.25. "Tk. Itaaa H" -VJir. prlrd 91.2S. yr Ptrrr Boak raokvrr" at tiOc. .-v.-; -Saaaaaai aaaaaaai n.i , , ,l Other Specials for Tuesday In Big Basement Grocery PHONES PACIFIC, PRIVATE EX. MARSHALL 4600; HOME A 6101 Royal Baking Powder pound can, only 39 Fancy Dry Apricots, two pounds for only 33 Fancy Prnnes, two pounds for only 25. Butternut Butter, 2 lbs., for only 55. Wadco Baking Powder pound can, only 17 Fancy Dry Peaches two pounds for only 25 Yellow Corn Meal, the sack, at only 25. 25c Package Gold Dust on sale at only 20. English Style Bacon, the pound, at only 17. Citron Peel, the pound, at the low price of 15 Jellycon, four packages at the low price of 25 Lace Curtains Greatly Reduced! ! AN immense purchase of thousands of pairs brings these remarkable reductions on Lace Cur tains for the Anniversary Sale today. More than 300 different pat- terns to choose from, from 2 to 10 pairs of a desiorn. Notting hams, Cable . Nets, Saxonys, Madras weaves, Filet weaves, Scrims, etc. Full size. Both white and ecru. Note the gener ous reductions: $1.75 Lace Curtains, the pair 98J $2.00 Lace Curtains, pair at $1.35 $2.50 Lace Curtains, pair at $1.65 $3.00 Lace Curtains, pair at $1.98 $3.25 Lace Curtains, pair at $2.15 $3.50 Lace Curtains, pair at $2.45 $4.00 Lace Curtains, pair at $2,85 $7.50 Scrim Curtains, pair at $ 1.85 $3.50 Scrim Curtains, pair at $2.35