TTTE MOKXTXCr -QKEOOXIAy TUESDAY, APRII 30, 1Q12. HOP TRADE REVIVES Improvement in American and Foreign Markets. DEMAND FIRMS UP VALUES Carload Sold by Saloni lecaler at 40 Ont on Hoard Car Ilecent Baying In California Con tract De-ma nd Is Quiet. Improvement In tha h-.p market of th world la In evidence. Th demand la to B!l Ik requirements of such brr aa ba wt aurflcleat atipptl to carry them throng th present erop year. It la not believed the need are xtn!ve. Judging from th seats of haver la th patt tsrea month, but with th world atotkl at ueh a low bb. It eSne not required-much of a demand to levat value.' H-ira advlres from New York and from r:irrnla received yaaterday noted a re- awal of Kr.glleh Inquiry. Tha moat Important transaction In th Oraron mark! wa tha aal of a carload b a aaiem dealer to an Eaatern arm at 40 ant f. a. b. car. Jo Harris bought . bale of Ian' from N. Michel, of Mount ir!, at fi rem, also a email lot of lOtl from th same grower. The California irt market wa oTioted tuni. richardson bought I bale of Lake hope at .IT S rent, and MS cent waa bid freely for medium Gnomes. Two 0-r"r dealer. II. I. Hart and Hal V. B''m. ar atiil In the California market. Vo tmurh Interest Is shown at th mo ment In the ccmirg crp. There wa an order on the market yesterday at I rent fee Orefon contracts, ama'l contracta have Ken wnttrn at -I and I cent for fret planting. In the Sonoma section 27 cent was offered for ore yrar. F.AMF.R FEM INti tI C.R-IN MARKKT9 TraeJIas la Hpa4 heal Oal Melllaa la I ha worry. The du!lnea of th cram market, th tnoeltlercent of price In th Kast and th lateness of tha season kite combined J areata an easier feellna In tha trade here. Thta la shown rather In a lack of disposi tion ta buy than in any lowerin of values. So far aa wheat la concerned tha main trouble ta a scarcity of spar on the fan Franciaca steamer, aa the only demand now ta from th South. This ranees a riraaalns trade la pot wheat, but deferred deihrerle continue firm. June wheal aell at II. I Cata mera moved In tha local market yea. lerday at tha lop price, but In the coun try It waa aomemhal raster ta buy. though In small quantities Tha shlpplnc season la now almoat at an end. Loral recelpta In cara were reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour uata llav Mndr ' ' ' r ago '1 1 It 1 -1 xeason i:..-.7i :n li I ear ago 11.17 :oi Ti :.. Tha weakly wheat atattatlca of the Mcr- chanta Exrhanga follow: Am-rlraa visible supply Hushets. Iecese. Aprtl :. 1IS ll.TU.nrt :.I7. May i. tii :;.. Ull.ia" May I. Il S ;:. .7 Slav J. !"! .Way 4. !. .... s.ltToed ilav IV'lT SI. )' 7 vy ;. i iv4i. .; May . I.1 ;.lt4.a J.loien Slav 1".. ,..J.1'1." !." jv 1. i-'l 3i.iiI.oua ?.l".oo unentitled en rai Week Week ehfllnr ending cpling Apr.::. pr. apt. Ffr- Huehel. Bushe'e. Kuehe!a r k. it j: ' Coatinent .J.l.0 3l.iJ. T-tal e.l.nan lilll.Ht St:i w.rld' shipment. principal exporting countries I flour included Week Week Week emltnr ending enltn Apr.:;. Apr. ;o. Apr. 2."U From Hihet. Bti.hele. l-ihele. U s.-an... 3...lvoee ; n it. e'vo ii,4.eo Argrntira . I 1 .; x I I :'). Aoeira la . I.01." " lanii4 .... l.J3.eil f .-. ;noi 4.3 r.l.a il 1. : 14.l Total 11.747.vO II Jfl0 1 !. W wrl'l's shipment, season to date T )tal sin- sama period July 1. 'II. last season. V s. and Canada 111 : ' H lit A-g'nitna .". 413 " . n-i :.a p.nuir lt. 7.l. R.isia 4.j:.;.a.i 17 i: io India J.:.e 41.::4.i04 Total lll.;it.iM VTIiAUV lKtM ITR I IIOK F. HAY Market far Off OraaV la la Had hape at rre-eat. llwy traile conditions, according to th -ckly market letter of J. II. Kloaterman. ire aa f..t!owa: "For strlctty Vo. I timothy the demand In tha lcal market contlnuee strong: during th last week thera have been Increased ar rival of choir timothy. Th market foe eff-grad timothy, however, la worn than at any lima during toe last month, and boMera of hay are compelled to tak any price they can get for thla grade of hay. Th supply of oat and vetch hay la Just about aqual ta the demand, although In this variety also. trtrt!y No. 1 move freely. Th only daman i for alfalfa la from deal era or feeder who require .mall Block to carrv them over, aod is. market la weak. Choice alfalfa ha Just about been cleaned up In tha country and arrlvale during tha last week bava not been up to prvioua trade. -w quote valuea as follows: Choir ttm. athr. 117; No. 1 timothy. Ill: oat and vetch. SloMt to 111: rkrvwr. IViu. alfalfa. JO ta It" aTRAVTrirRRT ftr.CFirT. INCREASING Reawlae bhlpeaewla af tloeiaa Mill Arrive. wea Maw Oa, Ther wa a large supply of (trawbenrle ea tha treat yaaterday. but th weather - - against tha trad. From aow on Flor Idaa will arrive In steadily Increasing quan tities. Jeealc Bold at l'ia):S and Dollars at 13 a rrate. a car of I-oe Angele barnea waa received and a car from Louisiana la dua today. Vrgetabl recelpta Included a car each sf cauliflower and cabbage. A car of Florida tomato la dua Thursday. LOCAL EKO XAKKT IS TOrHEAVY Merar rwsto HolaUaar Back far Law rrlcca. Th agg market la again becoming top heavy. Storaga operators want ta buy at lower prlcea and ar holding off. which causa sots accumulation. Candled agg war quoted yaaterday at 21 cent aad caaa count at 2S cent a Poultry and dreaaed meets war alow at Saturday' prtcaa, Th cbeea market waa very active and steady. There waa no Chang la th butter aituatloa, ttoak CWarlaga. Bank eleaiinga of tha Northwstra cltl yeeieraay were aa foaows- t':eirlnft. Balancea Portland II ' 1 "'o 11.'l 1217.SHI SI l-I T.e,ma "l4 CM tipoeane 77. 7 10 PORTLAMO M ARRET' Ceata, FUtar. F. Kta. WHEAT Trac prlea; Blaeatem. 11.01. !. Sl.n. red Rgulia, (1.01; Valley. 1.. O fold. 1.03 MILLSTirrt Bran. 24 per ton; shorts. ;. middlings, til. FLOl'R Patnta 5.1 per barrl: straight. (4. TO; export. HK; Vslly. S10; grshant. f. 10: who! wheat. $3.30. TORN' Who!. 3: cracked. $40 per ton. HAT Timothy. 110917: alfalfa. I11JOW 11: elover. .&: oata and vetch. 14.aOll; grain hay. '.. OATS No. white. ImvIO per ton. waabi and Fralta. TROPirAL FRUITS Orans. naval. California rrapefrult. $S.M: Florida grapetrult, I3 73T; banana. - a l.3o per bunch: lemon. $4.ava)a. par box pineapples. per pound. FRESH FRI'IT St ram berries, 3SJ per crate; crsnr-errles. $lMll.SO per barrel: ap ple. $1 2Mi3 par box. POTATOts JohMns price. Rurbank. am mi ytsl tr hundred: new California. ic per pound: sweet potat.e.$::.::S per crate. ONK'! Mermuoa. - M ,i . -. VEUKTAHl-to r I, .! pe dosen: asparasua. California. 11 75 par crate; bean. ITS': cabl.age. c per pound: cauliflower. 11.73 per crate: celery. $ip per crate: encumbers. aoaea. -plant. l'."c per pound; head letluc. 92 per crate, hothouse lettuce. 75c 11 per boa; peas 1" pound: pepper. -'"c pound: rad tahea. "."e per dmen. rhubarb. 2Se per if . spinach, S1.1SO !. per boa: tomatoes, la SO per boa; sarUc. atflOc par pound. MACK Turnip. Ill per sack: beets. II. to. rutabagas. II 1.1; carrota, 1L Dalrr aad Ceo try Pradwca. PCTTEK Oreaoa creamery Butter, aalld park. 2tc per pound. KOOS Freeh Oreaon ranch, candled. tc per tloten: case count. 2ltjr. CHiiKSE urecon flata. la pr pound. I'. iliK Farcy. l"tllc per pound. VEAlFanry. lHc per pound. I't'lLTBr Hens, lc: bprinjl, lBHe; broilers. Ijg 3'c; ducks. Sue, tea, lie: lurk j a. Uv. oc; drad. asa. luk fit a VLSDS CO I am Die Kirer. - i-pnua wm M per dos-n. -pound tails, -: I pound fiata, ti0i AJaaaa plaM. 1-paaad la! la II. tv. COFUr Roaaiao. la drums. I a Oo per pound. ' StTS Walnut. Itfimo pr pound: nuts. 144) 10c: llibarta. J-t & !;' ntor.dr. ITtf'lc: necana, lbo: coooanuta. II par duaeo; ch-.tnuta. 12S Par pound, l'kory nuta O10c per pound. Hu.NET Choice. per caaa; atraiaad bar.ey. lue par pouno. . ALT tiranulated. 1 Pr t: lf ground. lots. Is-io pr too: oa, par ton. BEANS email white. 44ic. larra wnlta. 4c; Lima, lac; pink. IV. MaaJcaa. Iwi ba ou. fro. RICE No. 1 Japan. Ise: eheapar aradaa ItDlc: Southern bead. 7c t-L'GAR Dry granuiatrd. lo-tlft; fruit and berry, .05, Honolulu plantation, . beat, IMS; citra C. j.4S. powdered, barra.a. !: cubes, b.rre.a, 14.4. . DRIED FltUlTd Apple, lie Pr patroa; apricots. Utilise. paacbaa, lfO;. prunaa. Italians. 10 e .: Uar. Ila; sa white aod black. SrfTc. c urran 1 . 10011: looa. kluacatal. It Hc: bleached Tbompaon. ll,a:."' bleached bultaaaa. I Sao. aeedad, Tswafi dataa. Persian. 1st per sjouad: Fard. 1. per bag. rrwylalooa. HAMS AH sites, ntISc: sklnnd. IT S IV; rlcnl.s. l'Jc: boiled. 2V,C. BACON Fancy, ZOVsOS'sc. choice, 10 0 - i 'i c DRY SALT MEATS Backs, dry salt. ItH IHc: barka. smoked. 14c; balllea. dry aalt. 1:14c: belllea. smoked. l&c LAKU Tlerca basis, choice. I2e; com pound, c; leaf. 3-lb. paila. .J0 per caaa. SIIKCEi.LANEOI M l'lga feet. kits. $1.35: llced beef. InslJeo. M per case; dlld bof. Inside. 2iz par pound; bummer sausage. 3Cc: bologna, canvaa back, luc; minced ham, IJc Bop. Waal and Hide. ltrs 1!U crop. S j :m u c : olde. nomi nal: HM2 contracts, 24ti::tc. MOHAIR Choice. :i:.S'ltic per pound. lluOL Eastern tircgon. Inula toe per pound. according t anrinkag; V alley. Ian lev per pound. PELTS Dry, lie: lamb, aal ted. T0O: short-wool pelts. ftCjac. butcher belta. Jaa. taka-aO. &cO!l-Vd: Fab. taka-oB. I1.104P I. IS. HIDES Salted bide. lOVaOlOS per pound, salted calf, '.'"Wile, salted kip, '111 lie; green blSea. -aB: dry calf. 21: Jry hide. ItjlK; aalted ataa. 7ejli; graaa tags. lvIHc CA9CARA Per pound. SaOe tiKAl.N BAt.3 In car lota, b .'0 ft S.'iiC AN FRANCl!iCO PROUUCB MARKET Mr I Quoted a lha Bay C ity (or Vege table. Fruits. Etc SA.V FRAKCinco. April rw. The follow fng produce prices were current her to day: Fruit Apple, choice. 11. ?; common, lie: ealraa llmea. !&.!; California lamana choice. $4. common. I1.7S: naval oraagaa. HVl.SO; pineapples. !J.e0S.e. Hutter Fncy rrtimT. :'ISc i-a tftor. ;utc; lancy ranch. 21c Chceae I1H lfc Vegetable Cucumbera. &0c0ll; graaa peaa. 4tti&c; string beans. litil.v- as paragua. lltrlOO; lumatova. nominal, egg plant, nominal. fDtatoes Klver Ilurbanka. ll.CStyl.Ot: weet. :.iS; Oregon Ilurbanka. 1:9 3.31. Hay Wheat. 1S.IIV2I: wheat and oat. 14o 1: alfalfa. i:v 1. Kecelpte Ftur. S3t7 quarter sacks; wheat. 1391 centala: barley. M.7iai centals; oats. 24 centala; potatoea ST sacks: ml'l. dllnga. 1KI sacks; hay. 4S tons. wool. 119 talcs. Metal Markrta. NEW TORK. April in Stan.lard copiwr. dull; apo and April. 1 A.AAtr 1A. 7.c ; May and June. 1S.doej 1 Tic: July and August. I.Yn'JS 4157V.c. London, quiet; spot. 7o l:t4 pd; future. 171 11a 3d. Arrival reported at New Tork todav. 313 ton.. Custom-Hou.e returns show exports of -0. ?3tl ton o far thl month, lk copper. ltniHc; elec irolvtlr. lilt lir: caatina. l ."ili'c Tin Strong. enot atid April. 44.37w Itnv; May. 4 -ow 4 tic: June. 4a i'i. 4?.'k.; Juiv. 4St43 7.c: Auatiet. 4."..H0u n-V hoc. lndnn. easier: apt. 11; futurea. Spelter Quirt. K T rie: .New Tork. tjla.v Fast St. I.-u:s I.onnon. f.l lit. Antimony (Julet. Cookson'a .ovc Iroa Cleveland warranta. Mm lOHd In liomton. Italiv Iron waa ftrm. No. 1 foundry Norlhem. 1A.:3lr I3.7&: No. I. IIaVhiIaUI: No. 1 Southern and No. 1 Southern nft. IIS ?J ' V7J. Iad (Julet. 4. 13 e4 :oc. New Tork: 4 t t.loc. East St. I-outa. ltndon. Ill los. f of fee aad arar. NEW YORK. April I Coffe future closed steady at a net advance of from A to V point a May. 13.-'.He; June.' I.l.rtc; July, 11.7.'c. August. lk.Hr: September. IXRfie; October. 1 A hjc : Noember. 13a2c: Decem ber 13 air; January. 1J oc. February, 13 7V: March. 13 Mr. Srot Quiet; 11 10 No. T. 14tc: Samoa N. 4. Ir; mild, quirt. Cordova. UKHl,t; nominal. Sugar Ptaady; Muacavado. .an teat. S.4lte: eantrifuaal. .ael test. 3UHc; raolasaee. .aa teet. .2Zc; refined, ateady. Drlwd t-rtalt at New Verk. NEW TORK. April 2. Evaporated apples quiet with prices unchanged: spot, fancy, O'stJIOSc: choice. kqVc. prime. 7 4 in Ic. Prunee Quiet, easy In face of crop dam age reports frm tha Coast: quotations ranre from 4tfv.e for California up to 30-4" and 7tKSe for Oregona. Pearhee Firm. with light offerings; choice. l"4tjI0e: extra choice, lltfllHc; fancy. HS I 12c Looduo Waal bale. LONDON. April I. Th offering at th wool auction ealea today amounted to 13.644 bale, nearly all croesbreda. Bidding waa actlv and price wer firm. Th homo trade and tha continent took the bulk ot the offering, while Americana mad veral purcbaaea of desirable lota Naval St SAVANNAH. April 29. Turpentine firm, 4Sttc: aal, -nan; receipt. 2rt: shipmsnt. 3f4. stocks, l.We. Kosta arm; salra 1400; recatpta 17S7; ehiprneata. A32: atocks, 43 la. Qunta: B, Id 10; D. 14.2V E. 18.40a 6V42t: F. (i. II. I. K. t.U: M, 14.07 S. N. 4.0; WO. I0.O0: WW. .7vO-7i- C hicag Fraducv Market. HICAGO. April Butter steady; Creamertee SI d 31c; Datrlea 24tf21c Ka atead: receipt.. li. cases: at mark, caaea Included 17H. ordinary first lT't; Prt 11. Cheeee Steady. Dal.iee. 14l1 Twin lSl"t Tour America lSul'V. Long Horn UatrliS- New York Cattoa Market. NEW TORK. ' April 2. Cotton cloaed steady at a decline of I to 9 point. April and Mar.; June. 11.2V; August. Il.30r: September. 11 31c: -October. 1159c; November. 11 tic; December. 11.47c; Janu ary and February 11 41r. M.rch. II 47c. Spot cloee.1 quiet. 13 point decline. Mid. upland. mid-Ouif. 1113c. .N Q sal. CATTLE PRICES UP Choice Steers Are Lifted An other Nickel. SALES MADE AT $7.20 Oilier Grades Are Kqtially Firm. Hok -Market Steady at Former Ranjce of Prlcen Sale of Sheared Yearlings. There as a large run of cattl at the stock yard yesterday and a good demand continued throughout tha day. Top grade eteer wer strong and sold a nickel higher. Otherwise prices were unchanged. . Two Insda of teer. averaging about 1!00 pound, told at th top flgur. 17.20. Four load brought 17.10 and about eight load went at 17. I4tr grade aold down to other kind of rattle were prac tically unchanged. Th hog market opened steady at th former rang of price. HgUI weight bring ing is.40. Two bunchea of sheared yearlings were disposed of at 14.00 and 3 6. Receipt Sundsy and Monday wr s-V rattle. ;j calves. 47 hog and S14 sheep Shippers were: F. B. Decker. 6llvrton. 1 car of sheep and hogs; A. F. Hunt. Medford. 2 cars of rattle; F. W. Burke. Malad. 9 car of ottle: E. J. Drake. Wlnlork. I car of cattle; T. N. I'rofflt. Ontario, 4 cara of cattle; David rhllllp. American Falls, 2 car of cattle; Phillip Tolman, Baker, 4 cara of cattle; David Daniel. American Falls. 2 cara of cattle; Kiddle Brother. Union and Imhler. 2 cara of hogs: Stewart Burkhart. Tayette. 1 car of cattle; A Page. Twin Falls. 3 t srs of cattle; K. T Bennett. Buhl. 1 car of sheep; I. D. Bodlne. St. Anthon. 2 cars of cattle and calve: F. A. Phillips. Baker. 1 car of cattle, and L. II. U.on. K.cho, 4 caia of cattle. The dua" salts were as follow: Weight, rrlce. 2S steers 1-11 "' 1 cow 77 -'"i 1 cow l'4 calve 1H1 ' 24 ete-ra ":! 1 "' I hull 11-'- IV. atcert H's II row, 14.11 H.KI 7 .tax. l.iti- .S.v 7 .tevrs 1177 Ui I eteer H:1" T ste. r. ,.iai- 7.10 1 steer "'" 2.1 steers " I-"' 21 steers H!,; 7 2l 2 steer J UK) 7.10 3 steer Kl4tl .. " steers 1 I 13 II 7: .I'.l bull H"u 3 ;" 2 roaa I'""' 4 r0 1 COW ........................ ItP'l 2 steers rj::.". 0 "J5 1 steer tl'Mt a ' 2" eteera ......U.,- i-t 2.1 si. ers i:inil 7.1 3 sleerx I . J 27 steers 1 -"" 7. HI 2.1 steers '. 1 1 l-"2 .-. steer l"t"-' 6 .'.! I.i steers H'1' 'M 21 steer. 1221 7."" :i ste-r. 11 3d C- 23 st.-era 1 2.M 7.U I .leer 1M" 7 2' steers 12.1"! ?." 2'l steer 123H 7 'i 4 c... 12 n.i 17 coms 1'.i4 H J. 1 cow ll'-'o 5-7S 1 cow l"s" ' '- 2 cows 1 4--' 1 stng 112 -1 3 st h its ....................... l.'.'ld H.3.1 2 bulls 4 A" 1 hull "-' r..Hl 2 bull I'"" H "" 1 bull I-"'" 4 ..-ill 1 hull I 'I 4 1 bull "... I .'I-"" 4. .VI 1 bull I-'7H 4.73 4 bull 147 .3 2.1 la hulls 13.IS 4tl ?'-2 .heured earl1nE 0 3 eliered vcarllnies ........... 71 4.0(1 ltl hot. 1711 41 3 tin. 323 7.IMI 2 hos !- 7 l III ho. 2"' .4 1 hug 420 7.2.1 The range of prlcea at the yarua was as Toiiow: i h.H. e ateera l.S0j $7. Iil steers 2". II' n.411 Medium steers 4 ihi4i a. 23 Choice cows Ti .".11 ir 6.2." i:o.Hl eows Ji'il .V'mi Me.1lum cow .................. 4..VH R.OO Choice clve M 8." Hood heavy calves .Xil 8.."' Bulla 3 " Slaga 4 W B.3J H"g I.ichl SOOW U.40 llry HoVil 7.UV Sheepj Tearllng 4 l 6. ail Wethers ftn 6.5'J Kwes 4 mh .V'Ml l.atnr.a 4 .viv 6.0 Spring lamba I.we 7.50 Omaha Liveatork Markets. OM411A. April S. Cattle receipt I7 mark-t ites'tv. .Native steers l.:"tl.40; cows heifers, 3.7.. rt 7.4n ; Western staera ll.anti 7.40; Tern .terra. H r.n.i lu: rang ruws ant h-ifer. ijgvt.u; cannera, li.7t4.10: atocker and feeders. I4.3&4I 7 l: calves, 14.00 0 7.7 i; bulla, stags. tu., .1 h .. Hon Itecelpt lino, market tady to lo lower. I!rltt. li.I"XT i. b."; mixed. 7.o.iV T 711; llglil. I7.HMi7.7u, pig. Mi(T . bulk of sales. 17. "i.".'u 7.73 Sheep Receipts l&OO. market 33 to DO p.gher. Trariin.s. tiOtluUZe: wetners le.7:i; ewes i.SOtI.IO; lamba, tj 10.00. Chicago IJveatork Market. CHICAGO. Aoril SI. Cattl Receipt I'l.ftiw. market ateady to lAc lower, beeves. lo.iOUteO; Trill steers. I.7347.S&: West ern steers. ..tV47.1u: stocker and feed ers. !i.30tf93; cow and heifer. I2.70IJ1 7.50; calvea I3.00j Hogs Receipts ii.ooi; market slow 5c lower, I'tht. i;.43u7.$0: mixed. I7.0tl0; heavv. IT. iOerv. 0. rouiih, IX.0Ovf7.7O; pigs. 4.Sf)7.1: bulk of sal. 7."37.IS. Sheep Receipts 1H.0V0; market, II to 310 higher: native i4ISi7.3S; we.tern v:iv 7..;; vrarlings. 4.40 v 1 0 : lambs, native, l.:0t:i. we.tern 14.104 1.00. READING'S NEW RECORD A I.I, ANTHRACITE ROAD SHARES A It K HIGHKR. Spcx-lalllos Snbjrcled to ManlpulH tlon In AVall Strv-rl Ainalfra niated Copper Under Pressure. NEW TQRK. April 29. Aside from an other sharp advance In tha anthracite shares and manipulation at higher price In pe ctaltlea. th general tone of today's market was hesitating. Last week's sensational trading In Reading waa reeumed. putting that atock above It previous high record, whll Lehigh Valley alao figured at a higher prlr. International Harvester .hares, following tha new that dissolution proceeding against It would start aon. declined two point and made alight recovery. United statea steal, 1'nlon Pacific and Amalgamated Copper wer heavy, but th two first-named later showed greater strength. Traders seemed Indisposed to buy or sell Stael. pending the publication of It quarterly atatament tomorrow. Th back wardnea of Amalgamated Copper was th mora striking In view of activity oulalde tha copper specialties. Including National Iliaculu American Writing Paper preferred. American Sugar. Virginia-Carolina Chemical and Pullman car. In the la.t hour the entire market gave a battel account of lt.elf. Reading roee to ita beat of the day. and acllpeed all prevlou high price by mm than thr point. Th closing waa dull, but strong with a 13-polnt jump In Central of New Jereey. controlled In large part bv the Reading Company. There were sympathetic advances In the general li.t The loial bond inaiket wa irregular with ( 1 a lower tendency. Total aalea. par value I3O4.00O. I'nited States bosd. wre unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Open. High. Low. Bid. AMI. chal nfd.. 3..V10 3?s 2. 3s Amal .Copper.. 39.200 SJS S3 Vt &4 Am Agrlcul oi Am Beet Sug.. 6..'KX) 70t ', 70 Am Can 12.oo 3!' 37 '4 Si Ant C F vi " " " Am Cotton OH. 9V0 . 63(4 54 Am H 4k L pfd 2i Am Ice Sccur. 2K 23 H 23 23' Am Linseed .. S.3iM l.'i'i 14 13 Am Locomo .. 1.7'S 44W 43 44 Am Sm ac Ref. 0.tx0 S"T SiH do pfd 2UO 1"S ion 108 Am Steel Foun ' 1!X 37 37 , 37 Am Sug Ref .. I.IX'O 12li 129 12HS Am Tel at Tel. 14 HtlS 14S Am Tob pfd'.. 0OO 104'. HHV 1 Am Woolen 2 Ana Km Co... 1.3hi 4.H, 43 43 Atchlaon lo.r.oo liH lu" U'H do pfd 1im l";n, 103i l"3l Atlan Coast L. 3t 141 141 14tl Bal at Ohio 3..VHI 1"' l'mS Beth Steel 7"tl 3H 37 V 37 V Brook R Tran.. l.:i( 4, MS 3S Can Pao l.MMl S.vst, 2."V4 2."4 Cent Leather.. 1,40I 27 S 27 27 do pfd 200 114 V 4 V 94t4 Cent of N. J... 3"1 I'l.". 3."' 3H0 Chea A Ohio.. 9O0 bvV s" Chicago A Alton 24V Chi lit Weat... 2'M) 1V lU'i 11' 1I0 pfd 1mi 37 37 37 Chi N W .. Sort 1431, n:l 143 C M St P . . dim 1104 llt ll' C C C I SI I, ' Col Fuel A Iron IKK 30 2SS 2t Col Southern. 1"0 44 44 44 Con 2f 143 V 113 4 143H Con F'ro1octs .. 2.2"i lot. "lv 1 Del V Hudson. 3x 174', 178 174 Denver ez R O loo 22V 22V 22V do pfd 41V DIs Sccur 82 Erie 11,3"" 37V S'i'v "OV do 1st Pfd... too &SV r3S nd do 2.1 pfd 44 Gen Electric .. 1.7'W) ltllV 1 1014 Ot Nor ifd 2,2l 132's 13 J 132V do Ore Ctfs.. 3k 41 4V Illinois Cent n"0 13n', 1284 i-M Interbor Met... sol) 1!V 1!" 19?s do pfd l.ffH ,-,sv 5SV R8 Inter Mary .... f.1HH lliV 113V 114 Inter Marine pfd 1 Intemat Paper. 2.000 1V 14V 14 Internat Pump. 1.4"0 814 30V - ""va Iowa Central 122 Kan Cltv So 4 'ft 2-"V 23 S do pfd .Kki 61 "V Laclede .. 4'MI 1"7V K'7 17 I.oula Nash.. 4M) 190 13K4 139 '4 II inn at St L '-"-" M St P ar S S M 100 141 141 14" Jio K Tex ... s'lO 211V 2V 2!V do pfd HI Mo Iaclfle 1O.30.I 43V 42. 43 National Bl... S..VK1 1 1S4 15R National Lead 7"0 SV .".7 i 7 '4 N Rv of M 2 pf Sf-l 3"V Srt4 " N' V Central .. 5." 120'. 119 119T N V Ont ft West V Norfolk i, Wet 1.7'Ml 114 113 1 13. No Amer o0 SIV M4 S4 4 raclflc Mall Penna 3.40 1234 12 12 People's OSS .. 4"" 112 1114 1HS P. C C St L. . 2iX lo7 lfT 104 Pittsburg Coal . 3.20O 23 224 224 P.d Steel Car .. I'm ."."4 sn 4 3 Pullman P Car l.liw M3 11 1H2 Rv Steel Spring M0 37 17 37 R.mrtlng lftonoo 17.11, itsv, 177V K.-pub Steel ... 12.xl 24 23S 2S do pfd h" bo 4 7'.V S"-s Rock Island C. .'.."' 20 V 2' 2IV do pfd 2.3'KI .38 .'7 4 "7 4 St I. S F 2 pf .VM) 40V 40 40V St L Southweet "2 do pfd 73 SI... S 8 Iron 3x SO 4 K "" , S" raclflc I S"" 113' 113 1134 So Hallway 1.2i 29 4 29 V 2fV do pfd M 74', 714 744 Tenn I'opper .. IJ.tfiO 43V 444 444 Texaa ar F'ac 24 V Tol St I. & Weat 1 do pfd IN Union Pacific. 24.0oO 1744 172V 17.1V do pfd 10O 91 V 11 1,1 II s Realty 73 4 IT 8 Rubber ... 5.2"0 "V R9, 30 4 U H Steel 90..'i0 72'. 71 71V do pftl 1134 US 113 Utah Copper ... 2.00.I 1.34 ;3 34 Vlr Car Clicm.. 2,l' 324 Si's 5' Wabii.-b Sihi RS- S4 K do pfd 214 24 21 West Maryland. 7" 01 V 1 4 West Electric .. 700 77 7!4 74 West Union ... S 84V 4 R4 Wheeling I. Krle 2"0 74 7 4 4 Lehlah Valley . 23.2" 17V rH4 t'hlno Cop .Vhi 3" 2'.iV 2V Bay Cone l.Stm 1V 19'a 111 At" Tob 2.H 233 2-15 5 Total sale for the day. 0O0.400. BONDS. NEW TORK. April 29. Closing quota- U K ref 2s reg lo4; NYC gen 34 074; do coupon 1"0V Nor Pae ;is ... 89 4 B t: a. 3m rea 1024 Nor I'bc 4a "1 do coupon ...102V Union Pac 4a...-101tfc, U H new 4a reg 114 Wis Cent 4a... !j!VB no coupon ... 1 1 'a j.iiiig va ... tjv 7m D at R u 48 Hit): Mock at Boston. BOSTON. April 2n. Following were cloelne atock quotations today: Alloucx 4.1 illohnk Amnl Copper... 84 Nv Con A . L.A Sm .. 3" ,Nlp Mlnea the A44 14 7V 30 V 74 34 17V4 n Ar. K, k ex o a. " .n ru..v ... Cal at Arixuna.. 72VjN"rth Lake .... 1 m t ttecia ... ."rSi'iu iniiunuuu C R Con Co ii:IVrJulncy 8H 14 4 30 V 2V 44 34 4!4 144 .I4 6V K nuiif t. M . . .ci.a.i.i.... Franklin 13- Superior . . , . -.1. Tin- U urcena cananea " ctrii jv or .n 1. ivoyare ivw.i 1 T . wJl' '''"'' Kerr iaks .... --v.. inn . "' lke Copper .. 43 4. Utah Copper Co. Ltm Dane .is7fc ?m 1 .. ........ y Money, Kxchaaga. Etc, vffor vnnw Anrll SO. fnnev on call IVtjH per rent; ruling rate, 2 V : closing 01a. .s; imip.wj . - n . 1 -,A.,iv 1:1.1.. .!. lotll- B0 day. 3 4 b 34: al month.. 3 4'&3V. l-rimc mrrr.nnw pnirei. 'T u ... 1 1. ewHenee ,1.D with artual hll.1- ne.a In banker' bill at !4.44o for 80-day bills and at I4.S7 for demand. Commercial bin, sv.o.n. Mealcan dollars, 4c. c;overnment bonda aiaady: railroad bonds. Irrepulur. Bar silver, H1. LONDON. April 29. Bar silver, steady. 27 15-lod per nunc. Money. 2 4 ft 3 V Pr cent. Th rat of discount In th open market for hon bllX I 34 per cent; do. three- months' bills, 9 -lo per cent. PAN" FRANCISCO. April 20. Sterling on London, 0 days. 14.844: do, sight, 14 674. Silver bars. BOVC. Mexican dollara. nominal. Lratta, alght, par; do. telegraph, ,02c. tonditioa of the Trraanry. WASHINGTON. April 29. At the begin ning of business today tha condition of the United atatea Treasury was: Working balance in Treaaury ...I 83.544.23S In banka and Philippines 1.3iit).!li0 Total balance in aeneral fund... 124.200.!tt4 Ordinary receipts (Saturday)... , 8.137.37" Ordinary diebureemente 1.7H2.KIS rieflclt to dale tnis fiscal year., ji.nvo.v... Deficit thl time last year l.t"2.4ti Theae rigurea eac'iuoe tanHmi vanai anu public debt tranaactlona Good Price for Wyoming Wool. CHEYENNE, Wro., April 20. Th first big wool crop of th aeaaon, aggregating 1 .OOXXOIRI pounaa. waa ania ioaay near Una at an average of 19 centa a pound. 4 Wool at SU lunula. ST. LOUIS. April 21. Wool steady. Territory and We.tern medtuma llw33c; fine medluma 14(0 1.0; nne loiuloc. Llgln Butter Market. - I ELGIN. IH-. April 21. Th quotation com ittea of the Klgln Butter Board this af- tornoo.t declared butter firm at 31. Dultith I-lax Market. DU'.l'TH, April 21. Linaeed closed steady. In store, on track and to arrive, 11.17; Id ay. 12.17 B. July. I2.1IV B. nop at Mew Tork. NEW YORK. April 29. Hops Firm; ate. common to choice, lull. 26 u 50c: Pa cific Coast. 1911. 4uw44c FRUIT FACTORY PLANNED G res ham Business Men and Farmers lo Co-operate. GRESHAM. Or.. April 29. (Special.) A local fruit-preserving; plant, owned and controlled by the business men of Greaham and the farmers of this vicin ity, will be built here during' the com ing Summer. This step waa decided at a meeting; of about 60 representative men at the Commercial Club Saturday evening;, at which time a proposition from' an outside corporation to build cannery here was rejected. A committee has been appointed to determine whether the plant shall be a canners'.or a dayer. It is estimated that about 15000 will be needed to start the plant and ahotit SI son has been subscribed. The company will be incorporated. DROPS WITH A THUD Fortv-Eiaht Hours' Rain Breaks Wheat Price. KANSAS CROP IS SAVED Grrat Quantities of Grain on Sale at the Opening; of the Chicago Ses sion Reaction Later Hoes Not Save Sharp Loss. CHICAGO. Anrll 2TV Kortv-eight hours' rain. especially In Kan. at, forced wheat owner, today Into a aelllng atmpde. De spite a violent resetlon th market closed weak, 1VC to lVe under Saturday night clo.e. Huge quantities of wheat went on aal the moment trading began. No one could be found to dispute that tha rain and loanr temperature were of great benefit to the wheat plant all over tha wet. ini: naturally dfaturbed speculators. It waa the new from Kansas, however, that cr.used th biggest commotion. A large part of the acreage In that state waa In a doubtful poaltlon, which rain could make good or more high wind and dry weather might ruin. Notwlhtetandlng th evidence that a hand some crop In Kansas could now be taken for granted, the summartea of two leading experts. Indicating that loaae tnero ana in other states were arrester than popularly supposed, proved so In tune with the hopes or the bulls tnat vaiuea veerea anovo c.e.. the record-brcakina figures of last week. More conservative longs, though, sold on the bulges and gave little heed to a notable de crease In the United States visible supply. Corn developed flrmnes for a while, owing to belief that wet weather would delay farm work. In consequence of primary arrivals being In xcesa of a year ago, realising et In and the market closed eajy. i.tnuidatinn waa the order In May oats. Selling waa onlv of a scattered sort by long in other month. The course of the corn market formed tne crnei. innurncc and helped sustain prlcea Urgent htiylng. apparently for some im portant speculator, carried proriaton rap idly upward, but sale declined almoat as fast In the last half hour. At nne time all pork futures were aa high aa 20 or above. When th session ended, the average level was aubstantially the same aa Saturday nlghL- The lending futurea ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. ,.I1.15t,4 .. 1.11 .. 1.03 '4 High. 1.1V 1.139. 1.11 Low. 11.14V 1.11 1.08 14 .7P .77 4 .734 Close May July Sept. 11.14 1.11V 1.09 V .79 7 .(7 .78 V CORN. May July Sept. .80 .774 .75 .81 4 .784 .764 OATS. May Julv Sept. B74 -57V -K7 54 4 .I-.4V .o1 444 -44 V -44 4 MESS PORK. . ... 10 40 20.00 10.87 4 11.50 " II 18 . ...19.7S 20.35 10.35 7 .S4V .444 May July Sept. 19.43 11.7.". 19.80 LARD. , a or. 11 .o in no in n: Mav July Sept. ',.", II lil 11 10 11 121. "ll.'aS 1LB24 11-324 11.024 SHORT RIBS. Mav 10.20 10 JO Julv .; 10.424 10.60 ' 10.40 10.40 Sept 10.674 10.HO 10.80 10.80 Caah quotations were aa follows: FIoul Firm. 11)H .VO. A, Barley Feed or mixing, 80c 1; fair to cnolce malting, ai..'2ini iiau. Timothy eed S7 rq3 12. Clover aeed U3tr 20.50. Pork Meas, 111.50 & 11.12 4. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 418,000 bushels. Primary receipts Were tlot.UUU UUSIlVie, vuihinticu r.i . v. 1 1 . Y. .. .nnHIi ii- Amv a vear igo. The visible supply of wheat in the United atatea aecreaaea ..dii.irifu uuHncre for the week. The amount of breadstuff on ocean passage aecreaeou a, iwo.vw uu Wheat. 34 cara: corn. 254 can; oats, 141 cara; hogs, sti.otio neaa. Visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK, April 2f. The visible supply of arain In the United State Saturday. April 27, aa compiled by the New York Produce Exchange waa aa follow: Bushel.. Decrease, Wheat 43.700,000 2,417,000 TV-he.. l honrt 7.433.0O0 84.000 Corn 8.012.OOO 2.874.0OO Oat 11. "1. 000 -ioou Oata, In bond 4,lD7,ooo 277.CXX1 Ry, 713,000 3H.OOO Barley, 'in bond 471.000 "31.000 The vl.lble (upply of wheat In Canada last Saturday waa 31.4vU.000 bushel, an Increase of 310,000 bushel "Increase. Grains la San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, April 21. Spot quota tions: w alla walla, i.v 4 km jvus il.n. Sl.S7U4Sl.ll): Turkey Red. S1.I041 1.114: Blucatem. 11.90 tj 1.124 ; Feed Bar ley. bl.0UL24: Brewing, 1.I5:.00: White Oats. 12.074 1 210; Bran, 120.50 Middlings. 3ICI2I4: Shorts. ZOcfell. Call Board Sale Wheat. December. 1 1.44 cf 1-48. Barley, December, 11.6.4; May, ll.Siei.ll Mlnneapoll Wlieat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. AJrll 29. Cloae; Wheat. Mav. 1.12; July. 11.134: Esptember. fl.OlV 11IATL riih: No. 1 hard. 81.154: No. 1 Northern. 11.14 4: No. 2 Northern, 11.124; No. 3 wlieat. 1.1"4 Flax 12.144 f 2.16. Barley 70c V 8 1.30. ' Corn No. 8, yellow, 774 S7flc. Oata No. 8, white, S5tf55 4c Rv No. 2. Wc. Bran In 100-pound sack. 24& 24.50 pr ton. Pugrt Sound Grain Market. KF.ATTLE. AdcII 2. Wheat. bluestem, St.01; fortyfold. 11.024: club. 11.02; fife. SI. 02: red Russian. 11.01. Yesterday's car receipts: Wheat 28, hay 15. flour 1. TACOMA. April 2. Wheat. blueatem. Sl.OTti 1.0S: fortyfold. 11.04; club. 11.03 1.04: red Russian. 11.01. Car receipU. wheat, 22; corn, two; oats, two; hay, 21 cara K tiro peart Grain Market. . LIVERPOOL. April 29. Close:' Wheat. Mav. 8 O'id: July. 7a lOd; October. 7s SVd. "Weather cloudy. English country markets Firm. French country markets Firm. BURDOIN WIRELESS QUITS Owner Disgustetl ith Amateur Work During Titanic Disaster. WHITE! SALMON, Wash.. April 29. The Burdoln Heights wireless telegraph plant Is to be dismantled, the owner having; become disgusted with the work: of amateurs who played sad havoc in the East recently Bince the disaster to the Titanic A great deal of trouble has been experienced on the Atlantic Coast for the past three years owing to the breaking in of amateurs with high-power sending- apparatus, mostly boys ranging from 14 to 20 years of age who have picked up "wireless" at trades schools. It Is estimated that there are at least 400,000 wireless ama teurs in the United States. If Congress had acted on a bill regulating "wave lengths," which was Introduced some time ago, less confusion would have resulted since the disaster to the Ti tanic. The Pacific Coast has been for tunate in this respect. Although there are 100 wireless amateurs between Southern California and Victoria, B. C, the majority realize the importance of refraining from sending during an emergency. The plant here consists of a receiv ing set only, and It was the Intention of the owner to "try out" his long dlstanceAanse at night on .Mount Adams f i UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SAN FRAPfCISCO POC.VDGU 184M. Capital Paid in ... Surplus and Undivided Profits BRANCHES Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and We buy and ee.ll Foreign Exchange: issue Drafta and Cablo Transfers, Commercial Credits and Travelers' Letters of Credit available In all parts of the world; malt collections on all points and conduct a general foreign and domestic banking business. IXTEREsT PAID OUT TIME AJfU SAVIJTGS DEPOSITS. PORTLAND OFFICE Northwest Corner Third and Stark Streets fHAMREI OF OOMMERCE BUII-DIWO. WM. A. MAC RAF, Maaifer. J. T. BIHTCHiELL, Asst. Maaaarev. LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1869. Capital Stock. f 1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits.... 800,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail able in all parts of the world. OFFICER TV. M. Lartd, Pre I dent. Ronert . Wawara, Asa. Cashier. Edward Cooklngbam, Vlee-Pres. W. Ladd, Asac. Cashier. V. H. Dunckley, Caahier. Walter SI. Ceak, Ast. Caahler. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 850.000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains All steamers of the undermentioned lines will follow the NEW SOUTHERLY COURSE eastbound and westbound, thus avoiding all possibility of meeting ice, and each steamer will have BOAT AND LIFE RAFT capacity for every person on board, including both passengers and crew. New 45,000 Ton OLYMPIC AMERICAN UNE Prrnanrta CaerWarf Swithaaastas Atlantic Transport Line Hew Terh tpa Blred RED STAR LINE Mrw Tars Pvrj Aalrrtj Parte WHITE STAR LINE Rew Trh-rywrtherti,-Saiampli Boston -ueeostovm IJverpcot. jloaton Jieaiiernurcsii. Company's Office, Boom "H" Bailey Balldln f. Second and Cherry Sts., Seattle Or Local Railway aod Steamship Agent. next July. The idea has been aban doned, not on account of th action of the amateurs In the East but on ac count of the mineral deposits in tha mountain which would doubtless ab sorb the sound waves in a great degree. Tested and found sat isfactory The general verdict in regard to bitu lithic paving, in thriving cities throughout the country. Insist on bitulithic. J. C. WILSON & CO. XOCKS. BONUS, UKA1N AT1 OOTIOX f i.'.M HkHjl NEW YORK MUCK XCHANUB kKW OHat. COTTON JEXCMAUal CillCACO BUAKU Of THAliai CHB BTOCK A0 llO.NU EttaAQaX bAN IBAKCUCa Mala Office aUll Bids.. ao ararvlsea Branch Office Vancouver, beattia, fortland, Iaw Anselaa. baa ula. .'f nauo Beach. i-OKrl.A.NI OFFlCBl Main Floor T-umberrnens Bank Ballala, 6tb and Stark. Phone UarabaU 411i0. A 411. TRAVELERS' CriDB. AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND (Union line of N. Z.) VIA TAHITI AND WELU.NGTON. Dlraoi turougll itwaurs, saUlns from San Francisco May 29, June 2o, and every is day to Tanltl. Karotonia, Walllngton and r- , irr.. 1 1 , a i.Im, af the Mouth nr aa v,r reservations sea Coupon Railroad Agent or address mno. rrorim m qh COOS BAY LINE STEAMSHIP BREAKWATER I from Alnorth Pock, Portland. 9 A. May 1. 8. 13, 18. 23 anil 2; June 2, 7, . . -a '7 irreiffht received at nawortii Dock dally up to S P. M. Pae naer fare, nrst-clajs. 10.00: second-class, .... inrliirllni? berth and meals. Ti'Ket 7 vv, ..... - ni i. . ; lajwi ofn -e Ainsaortn x h..oj ww. $8,600,000 $7,905,912 Virginia City SaJIsfrom MAY 25 NFW ' jUIlo 1 S-July 6 YORK , July 27 Aug. IT WHITE STAR-DOMEra. lEGANTir & "LUJREHTItr aa art. I Only Four Days at Sea to Boson hi oosrrou as aoumn KATES Tina Screw SS. "Caa" ana TtrntmitT one exuas ar cam sxktiob THUD CLJ8 dJOBMD ROOM Bscs- raerke tesoaia ta neassar la Seej. Caster alfkt baton aalUaf. Se-beset ar tncaaar TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Canadian Pacific "EMPBESS OF THE ATXAJfTIO AtiD OTHER STEAMSHIPS MONTREAL QUEBEC AND UTEBPOOIi VIA THB5 SCENIC ROUTE TO EUROFK 1000 MIL.S8 ON THE ST. LAWKHNCH RrVBB AND tEPS THAN FOUR DATS AT SHA 2633 MILES PORT TO PORT THIS SHORTEST OCEAN PASSAOB First Cabin f9S.50 and np Beeond Cabin S3,75 and na One-Clae Cabin (Sd-elas) fse.vo and an Thlrd-Claa Ixiivest rates oa request, Canadan Pacific Office, corner Third an Pin Multnomah Hotel bids.). Portland, and all local acents. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD EXPRESS SAILINGS TUESDATS FAST MAIL. SAILINGS THURSDAYS for " LONDON-PARIS-BREMEN SAILINGS ON SATURDAYS FOR THE MEDITERRANEAN. Oelrichs Co., Gen. Agts. 6 Broadway. N. T. ROBERT CAPELIB, O. A. P. C tiO Powell Street, Opposite St. Francis Hotel, 8- F., or local Agent. EUROPE Seventy Spring and Summer tour, com prising Tours do Lux and Motorcar Toura, and alao Vacation Tour at Popular Prtcaa. Frequent sailings. All rout. Including Mediterranean. Programme of Tou-s da Lux Around th World now ready. THOU. COOK SON, 689 Market St., ban Franciaeo. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego Direct S. S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder Sail Every Wednesday Alternately at a P. M. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. 133 Third St. Phones Mala 1814, A ISIS EXPRESS STEAMERS FOR San Franrlace and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE.. S. 8. ROSE t ITV sail at 9 A. M. May t. THE 6AN FRAN. PORTLAND 8. S. CO. Ticket Office 142 Third Streak Puon! Main 8905, A 140. LOS ANGELES AND SAN DIEGO STEAMSHIPS VALE AND HARVARD. Railroad or any steamer to San Fran cisco, the Expo City. Largest, fastest, and the ONLY strictly first-class pas senger ship on the Coast. Average speed 28 miles per hour; cost $2,000,000 each. BAN FRANCISCO. PORTLAND L i. S. S. CO. Main 628. Frank Bollam, Agent. A 461. - US Third Street.