rt rv r. . Hs-ese-keefMa Rea-a-e la- Prl-nat lamlly l.AR'.K front rooms, buffet kitchen, he t. j.mt bI. ia.-a lan. rer. ticapoinl. W. ear from Union Depot or nT Wa.h li.clnn at care. a.klng di.iene. !.. . $l month or bjr w. .Mi t'"'. or I th FoR RRNT on to four well furnlshe-l housekeeping rooma p-iee. II. ". 12i par month. Walking .lialanc. or S block front carllne. 2-l Ha.eey. teat l-l . TWO nl.i furiil.he.l. ground floor, front houkeping rooms. .nk. I'gat. phone. httlL h'l free. i e" we-it; alao l room l IrtV E. 14.h. IS I"'1'" r Fast Morrieon. Ni.KLY furn.tierl large front room cm flr.t floor, hot and fold water, kitchen, cabinet. arlrob. everything furnlhd r r li.hl hounll. t- .leaping l.rror.r $ . 7J5 Evarett. f AND 2 clean furnlaheJ houa- keeping room, with kitchenette, ga electricity. It car aervl.e. -' - Grand aa.. ou!hael corner Anaenv. tXTHt large, cheerful, elaaiantly furnl.hed front room, with Intislble kitchenette f.n vtr. rloe In modern, reasonable. J.j Mill t . nrr We.t Park Mi'F. rcorn ltn kitchenette, electric light, furnace ht. eaey walk.ng dietanee. J1..V klv. North u. IS block from w in ir g I on. LA RUt: front alcove room with private porr i. kitchenette, motiem. i im "-ian-. excellent neieooorhoo-1 ; ! house- keeolng room. flr.t tloor. ts Ji'" -. WAVT.I' A couple to ahare a n a.Iern . room flat with a congenial couple; Side. tlM lo: 1 minulea to Poatofflce; cheao. i.-S Jd ' . Three eoir room., out of the ordinao. neatly lurme-ied. private. a range link. private por.-h. refined coupi- Ha I llJ-THiTtE furnnhed houake-plng roorna. lit p.i. ateel range. . ith at. Main -" I A H eZ. ftneiv furnlahe.l connecting front roorna. flrat fl'r larga yard, rloee In. Man. XII J J l-'h a CI KAN eU-furnihed houaekeeflng ro.in. l''"iip. Ir- l.ghl and aler; aa.kmg H'atanre. v, K. Morr.aon. Ti ajaw furnKned h-uaekeeplng rooma for rent, at 4-J i- i"th at.. uao per mooia. Tabor .V4i ... . . FOR REST Two or thr furnnhed houao. keeping room., m private family. Marshall ;. Front .trcet. THREE comfortable furnl.hed bouaekep- lig ro.ma. all convenience", reaaonabla. j ..I naiman as- -" y n V rte.l rahle 3-r-.iin furnlhel flat alih hath, '"all mornln-.. I'ettvgrove. Afler 4 o do. k. Ph.me Mtin 317 n1. FI.T furnl.hed r.oin. for ranaa. I.ath. free aater and phone. Phone VXott-liaan 1 ''J- rrNM.Hi:n houaekeeplua r.ma. reaaon afie I l l-.lh at., near Morri.on T'tKE-: front rooma. completely furniahed fo. hoo-keepir r. 714 IJth t ' m . r'.:n . utea In -.rlve'e family. 11 t- "th t. phone F.a.t l.t HOt f-EKFEPINO- rimt alnale and en ,., -. w.k'ng d'a an. e. a: r:v KitETT Walking d.atan.-a. to clean. e-rful front rooma. furnian!. I't. fl-e.r. TWO mortem, well furnl.h-d boua-keeplng roomy Ml 17th. Main "J. N"E furniahed houekplna ro.m. gxa plate. i-ate, I.boce- laur tr. r. a It.'. N. ! h. .Mi E large r-"m for light houaekeeplng; all opvnlncea; cloao In. ll 14th au 1 W. anl cean ficnlahe.! housekeeping .o..-. Ka: 4' month. a'r-j yri'ni. TW no.iaekeep.iig rooma gag range, fur oi.e heat. 37 He-ll. . THE M EI EH FRANK STORK'S FKLS REMAL AM INFORMATION Bt HF.AU la for the convenlvnco of both Portlaea people an4 atrangera tn the city who may be looking for homee. apartmecla. or flata. Via haa aa .tcrll.nl private hat aa well aa the combined 11. ta of ail real aetata dealere. We can a.ao give advice aa to tba new buildlnga la couxae of con.truetl.in. Homa-huntara aajveclally will find relief la thla special er Ice. for we help you ta get quickly, comfortably and dealrably located. Whea you want to rent vteit THE MEIER FRANK RalNTAI BU REAL". 4th floor, main bldg! :o77 EVERETT. Bear lid at., t-roora houe key IS X. at. HARTMAN THOMPSON. Agenta Chamber of Commerce Bldg. a KM-M houae at li:i W llllama ate.. per month. H P. "ALMF.K-JONES CO.. 4i4 i:og Uli'f Ptiooaa: Main SW. A ' BK.-T f)ve-rom. new. modern. arn.tlo bungalow In city: two aleeplng porrhea: are lenanta. large family compela u. to move. Come at once, will show It our- aelvea. aa Eaat !9ih. Tt RENT I3 Oregon St.. I-ro.m hoii.e. modern In every detnll. furnace. e:c : ac- eealble to several carttnea and eloae In. Phone o-aaer. Tabor lauo. or call at houae. Rent FOR RENT Modern 3-room cottage, sleep ing por-h. nice !an. roses etc.; Irv ington district. ISA. uener. 403 E- ith st. N . cor of Tlliamok. FOR RENT Parkroae acre, ready to plaut In potatoes: will make you attractive prop oeitioB. you can live a the acre- P ue. t-'regjnlan. " HOl."!li3 AND FLATS FOR RENT. K- N TIFroRU CO. 4T Spa ding H.ilg. Mar. 4347. A 4il alOnER.V Iroom houae. walking distance. good neighborhood, clean arid perfect con- dlttn- Inoulre St3 E. Alder, corner lltb. Phone fui.t SHI. jfuPFHN 2-atory i-r-om house, nice yard. ,,aved atreet. one blok to car; aduita. .;. 7a. William, ave. Woodi.v. n 4-l TVttt modern 3-room roiiagea. 171 and 173 Fast 4tti and tiregon. pnone Woodlawn Uilt , FOR RKNT Mii-lern 3-room houae. wltb iavai. lot. gxx1 barn, eultable for gar age, phone V.- 3-"--t IF VOI w :ah to rent y inr houe or f at aea WAT-oN TH KHK.EL.tEM CO.. 3-H r-pairling H -tg . Mln 7ol-' FOR RENT A m.tlr-n 3-roorn bungalow, walking diatanre. all 11 Eaat llh at., near Morrison, or Eaat 4ojs. ctta:e. tl. Wa'klng diatance. -ill 4'h at., five room.. n y 1 ..'. Appiy Kdwar.ls Co.. Il First FOIt RENT -trrte-n bungalow, with lep Ing porra. h-eten 1 1 tarliriea. 4l r Irving- I'hone Eaat 34to. Tt3 RENT -Modern It-room houae. on Van couver ave.. near striate.-. $13. Inuuire at ac, Wllllame ate. FOR KENT Huuae of rooms 11 ITtO at. an West Hide 17th between TamhLI and Tavlor. Inquire at lo 14th St. near Taylor. FoK KENT A noxlern ".-room btuae. f.ne n-tghborhood. he b'.g garden. .'e Eaat ;7th at. lit. Phona E .t l'"V MOlEKN l-rr-rm beuae. newiy tinted, large tard. aarelent B'1 a hbor brod . cioae In. rttone WoCMtlaan 2. 7)ti)OII cottage. 3-' E. 3Iih. phon Main 3.7 l-hiHiM houa. ab-e lawn. 114. Inciuire 11 Eaat le'ri North. Phone Woodlawn 1773. git 7-ri'hiM ho-u.. neaily papered, clean. App'v rom 3. WaaMngton bolg. -RiMM. Roe t 'try 1'ark. on carllna; $ a month. Taoor 31. lli''Fk a; a. room houne. attlf- haaement. phone' M. -'fit Key ta El7ih at. fitonx cottage, rent ItO. Call gal Thur- man. cor 2-th. ts-RiMiM biM. hath. gta. walking diatance. Inquire 4le4 Jeferaont aTi'OERN. -lean J-room cottage. 1- Call Jttt K r.ott- tiJ7iE 5-reem cottage la fine shape; cloee In. Ui fan Rafael at. -INi;7 t-riHim m-nlern houae on Marahail st h Vav I. I hort A or Main .'474. y T H i-Oi:.-". mixlon. clean, cheap. Ze.la r,.ae;; 7 Weat K 1 1.lng.a ort h ave. NEW 7-room hou.. Portland Heighta 7.'d patton Road phone A 'l'Jt. .F4eaulifil 7-r-vo-n corner bunga.ow; furnace. --4 K. 21st X. Marsha l 4-.7t. A-rlo-uM Wea bide nice yard, tine view of , river, fruit treea Call Mala ltda. 114 7-ROOM boua. B.wly I apercl. cheap. Apply o-irn 3. Wa.hlngton bMg. V- Ri m iu houae. Ka.t r- d. cl"ae In. .ie-plng. porch ami garage; .3. plion E .t--7. rT-P.t-K-M houae. t'ouch St.. near luth. Cal- lan A Ka.er. l eon nng. S-R(( modern K. 1"I3 or E- ntluc. ll K. Alder. Ca.I SIOIrRN A- room oUae. 2m McMillan; walking distance. Main 6o2.V $22 30 SIX rooms, fireplace, furnace, else trlcitv. gaa. close In. C 142. MOI'ERN 3-room eottag. corner T'nion ate., 4 b'o-ka south nf Hawthorne. Tabor HI. M 1 ' I E H N -ro.i t"oo!.awn 24.1 houae for rent. 5t. RC iv ci rtl Fast th at. Furnhtheel f RfiOM houae. electric igltd. 120. "i. E. Irving. 1 Mock from t'nion gaa. Cail Main V24. www r irn n r. . . ---- - ... - . taraUlMd Ho FoR KKNT Frum llir 2u. for 4 month, completely furnished rceidene In beet district. Waat S..I. larg hou: rtfr nr ivn and roulr 1. Prlca ll?S pa' month. Call or phona hltmar-Kalljr Co. 7o 4th at. M. A !'' I.KOHH lrantl fiirnllil lowrr flat with rlano larae roima ami atritly miwlarn. 7 rtth at- T-:phonf durtna bualna houra Slim UTt'i. or llphonc anr tlma A 375; No rMirlrn: live r?f rmi ra FOR RENT I ntil Aniu' I. tlva-room torn P tl- f urnlah"! c.-tiag with piano; tliia la not a profaional ffir-rnl-tumlihrd houM but a prlvaia homa; rafaraocaa ra qulrH. KIT V:. YamhllL i-K-HJ4 furnlahoj houae: i acra. all un dr cultivation; Bood orchard, garden and arlr piliKKi In; round, aantla cow. 30 Whit Leghorn hana. Marahall l&. ATlKtl'TlVELV farnlahd Haw bunKalo. piano awln ma.hlna. baautiful fitura. ate. tiunnM- di'rlct. Tabor ill. or - onr. 1!"' E 4Tth at. -HhM cotiax-. wII furnlhl. clr in. .. electricity, fumaca. phona: raapnn ihla partv only. Call from It to 4 f. M. .7 V'i"-'iivT av Kl.L-FI'KXl."HEU. moo-rn 5-room cot tna. Wat Hide, walklna rllatanca; lawn, flnwara. Nob Hill. Main 4US. fC North- e u.m.u furniahed bunBlin.. near the Jef fereon Hlsh School. Ka.t Side. ;3 per month. Inqutte Calumet Hotel. Main 7J"o. t.urtovf ctTaae well furniahed. modern. belt location. Klnga Heights, block froro Multnomah Club, on Main. at jaaiu. Phone M. Ji. FOR RENT Modern, well-f urnl.hed houae of elaht rooma. moat dea.rable :-.-atl fruit trees and flowers. 7il Hawtho tome -RaM bungaloa. ljth and Alberta. 7J furni.hel. I."' unfurnl.tiecl. 3 -room oun gaio. 70th and Alberta. lt month. How ard UnJ to.. oi weiiana oiug. MuDFKN furniahed 5-room cottage; at.o S ,,, 4-room flal. batla and gaa. 314 Eaat :M.f. WH car. N'H H i Llv -room molern home, furnl.hed throughout altli lurKlia ru.. niwooKaiij fu nil. ire rr.nl piano TAS tillaan t. ..imixi r:t nu-elv furnl.hed all modern, huh. pantry, electric lighle ant! gaa. 333 Market at- NEW, modern home lu Irvington. central loatlon. beaurifuily forniahed for rent during Sumin-r. I'honc F.a.t 4la. a.t'iHiu c'lt.rit. electricity. large aru- :!." 4JU ate. a. E. Phone Mar. 4247. A V H.h.m- furiilsli'd. flrepiac and furnaia. ..ti E'l.vt-e h. Phone star, t ill, a A Nh furniahed 1-room cottage for rent. Phone Tabor Jan. H l.s. Mnae for Kept, romlture for Hale. FI'RMiHlvi;S of mo1em 3 -room flat; ateam heat, flat for rent, re.eonable; HI minutes' walk from P o ; one room r-nled: SI Phone Main 13 to 4 I". M. ' COMPI-ETK furnl. hinge or modern 7 -room fiat for aale and f.at for rent; central location; eultable for renting rooms whlcb will iay your rent. Phona A 3014 liKPROOM furnishings. Wilton rug. ball car. !. f ber porch rug. 4-ft. flower boa, fine plants. 10 ft. hoee. lawn mower, (aa ranxc. linoleum. Phona Marshall lllM. FL' it N IT I" RE of -room house, all or part. .1 aacrtflca. rent il.Y electric lighted. 3l r' Irving. block from L'nlon are. Main JK4. Fl RSITI HE. newly furniahed S-room h.m.e. miedern. roomers. Terma ?4 "oil.ge at. v. ii R.f.1.- i-ioaa In furniture of C rooma. rent $3 ; Inrome Va. alao t rooms fcr family u-e )j; jerteraon. CLEAN, modem houae. R rooma All or part or 3 rooms, furniture, terma. jaar shall 4122. ' f R(H1!3. conre .lent, fine yard, good fur niture, rooma filled. S blcka P. O.. beat bargain In city; terms. 74 tn at. Mi'DERN 4-room lower flat. 12n. furnltura for .ale KJ Ka.t I'lne. Eaat Ankeny car. fcA'.'RIFICtXG furniture 4-room fiat, all or e-parately. A 13o. FoR SALE Furniture of sis-room houae. piano Included, a-loo. i4 tirand ave. Fl'RNITf'RE of e-room flat, four blocks from Portland Hotel. - 7th at -ROOM house, cleara $.". 2 flth. Summer Keaoria. CHICE cottagea. facing hearh. 3 new cot tagra Ju.t eompIet.-tl. furniahed through out; aleo large and small cottages, good loratlona reasonable. A Gl.bert at eon. riea.ide. Oregon. tit area. PTfiHE In a growing aectlon of the city: sixe ito- .o feet, aultahla for email notions, - tfry gooda or .boa buetneee: theee llnaa not reprcaented; low rent, long leaaa; a good opportunity for eomenne IiKtktng for a lo cation. Apply to Milton Oevurta. 173-173 Klrat at. FOR RENT Blorea. Hi 241 and 2 SO Haw thorne ave.. eaat end of bridge. Apply Hawthorne Dock Co. Eaat I'DCi To I.KAr-E Part atore. Third atreet. near Washington. 11-foot front, gi- feet deep. Apply Ooodman'a. at Third at. K i' K K R OM. .miiA aultabla for manu ftcturine uri'iwel. good locatloa. ceap rnl. I'fione Vain "Uto. FoK ItKNT Store for meat market. t40 E.tat Main. L-AI'vOE. lofty roim, aultabla for muate or dramatic atodlo. with u.e of large hall and stage. Apply Royi; Academy Ha'l. f-SS Bth at., between tltark and Oak eta FoR KENT One or two furniahed offlcea In Se.iing blilg.. with ua of phone and reception room, rent reaaonabla. Phone Marahall 4.'71. Home 31X3. 3m.-T centrally located offices; all-algbt elevator aarvlra. Sua gwalland bldg- ata and Washington. UAHi'jGANT desk and chalra. reaaonabla rent, reference eacbanged. a37 Cbamoer of Commerce. PRIVATE furniahed al.o reception rmim. iffwe. both phonea. i!7 Hoard of Trade. FOR RENT Very dealrabl offices. Tllford building. Tenth and Morrison. Main 5et4. WILL ih.tr. our officea. aultable tnglneer. arci.itect. mfra agent. Hi Lewis bldg. PRIVATE offl-e facing Washington St.; both phones. r.-Mt Wtlcoy Mdg Malta. EISOAfT hall and ballroom, reeeptlon rooma. etc. aultabla for afternoon teaa. dancing partlca. muelcalea aad reclta.a Apply Royal Academy Hall. 1 Maa cnr.ter u-ug- 6-a Kltih at. Pboa Mala T37. Vt a rvbouace. WARKHOISE TO LFAPE. Corn-' lflih and I-ove'oy. oomtial; flee- torv ani naaement. practically new brick building, lease ha. aeten yeara to run. O L Jubilg. Assignee. Loewenberg Oolng Co. Mlec. Ilaaxtna I. A R I i f-JTl shop with all conv.nlencea and a lot nf material, free ta lb right tenant, phone Main n. TO I.FA'F. . WILL lea.e apartment ail on Park at., clo In. for long term of years. Owner. Maralall ;717. MI'lVF.c OFroRTIMTIE!. -TAL'KANT. all new furniture. French inge alone coat $12V "W1:! Invoice t'eai. rtco. If etlrt tolat-. IT-'nt Partlcu.ara '3 Lumber Evchang. tioo to I vi -o warned by a manufactur P 3- '. ing and J..bbmg concern in real eaiate ani peraonat Security; no brokers; deal with p-tnr(pa!a onl). AJ 11. t-regonlan. Ultix'KUY. cig,ira etc.: good loca'lon. ftte mHiern llTtn-rooma. rent only I-'.". Would cone:d'r go-d 'ot to to.. Prtcc g.tOO. et3 Rotnchlld bldg. FOrTsAl." OR KENT. Riverside Men1 Hotel. 1034 Macadam St.; Cd rooms, furniahed; easy terma K. Day- ton.ll4 toJ0 A. M. G!tCEKY and corfectlonert al'ire. cheap: with plv. living-room., rent ll.: leaa'-. 7"2 vViCam. ate. Phone Kn.t Hl71. W A.NTEl Partner to take half Interest In good paying bu.lneaa. tired of btred help, t-ee oanrr. 242 3th at. tJALOON' Fine location. IndcfM-ndent license, low rent, long lea.e. good money-maker; have other business. A? 27. oregonlan. WANTED Steady, aober man able to keep plain accounta. Thla will pav $l.v month sa'arr. Rvrj'jlre small Investment, which will be secured. 31" Lumber Evcliange FoR SALE CU'ar. confectionery and pool room, long lenae, t.o. a burcaln: owner mni leitt- city. fall 217 Vamhill at. eMAI.Li grocery and confectionery atora with llting rooma: rent l:'ii; strictly cash busiiieaa. Particulars 7? Hoard of Trade. tiu-ld HIM downtown apart ment-houa to re sponsible party. 413 Chamber of Com merce. WET wash laundry, doing over tZ' wek Iv. will al at right price. Good business. K To. Oreconlan. IK-I1A1.F interest in real eatat office, elth go.d reliable rtartv. 24ti, stark St. tlAN'PT mood manufacturing plant for sale, dlng good hTi.'neea. Marshall It.tl. CIt ; 4 R and poolrocm. good buy. ln6-l 10 l'hiladelnhla at., tit. Johns. Or. CORNER C.RtK tRY. REASONAULt Nlca. rlaan. up-to-date irroccry atora. located on buiv corner In thickly aettled c.mmunity: llvln-room In connactlon; rent reaonable; Invoi -a about IliOO; rood reaaona for ielllnii. For further Informa tion phona Woodiawn 28 or call luil Rodney. PARTNER for ateam cleaning and dya morka. Thla placa rioea all thMT own dye In, haa all Iat.: machlnary. bealdea new wniron. horae and hurn.'aa, 2 years' leaat-. Will pay vtu-k from ataru bealil. llvlalon of proflta. Owner will teach you the hualnesa uT Int-X pcru-ncerl. Price -0. which la fully aacured. 3o3 Lumber l.ichantv. INVESTIGATED BUoINES CHANCE3. Wa alwaya hare ood grocery atorai for aale which wa can recommend. it la to your bent-fit to rlva m a call. CHAPIN' & JIE1ILOW. 3.1-3 ; S Chamber of Commerce. A.k for A. Keller. FOR SALE Gen. mil atore. Invoicing about Mono with rf"rrty conalstln of atora bulldlna; and fl-room houxe. loatel In amall ton 3K mllei from Portland In center of thlcklv aettled farming com munity: part terma. Inquire of WADHAMS A KERR iinOTHEBS. Tortland. Oregon. tt-1 vtsti ttaiea miniter to lake atat Anee " riome.Ilc VBCUUm Cleaner; muat have ability to organise sale fore ami muat hate acme capital to carry atock ; good openings to right party. Ap ply room IOC! Couch bldg. alter iv Jt. - i.-tE CAf tr a eeneeat morchandlSe Store OD account of poor health In one of the beat town In the Wlllamcita Valley; long leaa and cheap rent: doing a good business; will Invoice about IdiOO. AV 241. Orvgo- FOR SALE Nliie-rootn hoarding-house com pletely furnl.hed. doing good business; centrally located; beautiful pl-ce: rent I2.3o per month; price :l.'.0: good rea aona for relllng. A snap for right party. Aildre.a Hog 31 i. Fureat C.rove. Or. .-u'L-t-r it a it.: a IN. $230 huts ti-roomed largo sleeping porch, large bath and storeroom, electrl- light, pon h. for hammock and chalra. rooma al aats full' good price., fine furniture. 3 m In utesf rom P.jO. N 23. Oregcm la n. A R E you looking for a growing business' ou can purchn.e -.Irvct from owner well estahilshed buslnes In growing city In Rogue Hirer Valley; $H.-ho will handle, buaineea Incorporated. Writ today. AV 2-'i. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 1 ran.portntlon and storage, raying I. 'loo per month; price $2'm cash for quick sale. Inquire of Kinney J Slitmpher. Apply 'I -' Lumber Exchange Mdg. SALOON FOR SALE OR 1KAU . Oood lumber mill town of 12"d Inhab itants!, only 2 saloons allowed until town doubles, cleared .'a-oil last year, call at 1H N. llh at. Marshall li"'- FOR S VLB Hotel and r. ataurant In center of the latgeat irrigation project In the Northweat. best location In town, can prov" that thla Is a money-maker. Hog '. Ellensburg. Wa. h NI'-E. clean stoVk general merchandl.e; g.MKl farmlrg community, good buildings, about one acre ground; 12 miles rrotn Portland, fine propoaltion. AV 2.b. ore gonlan. . WASTEIV-In a good aafe cash hualne.s. a man lo drive delivery wagon aa Partner, a. art- $5 wee and share of profits, doe. n't require much of Investment, which Is fully secured. 32.1 Lumber Ev.ch.inge. MY client hss $K.K to $12.ut)- to lvi a hlgh-claee business lUat will stand In- '"""haKBOLT REAl.TT.fO.. in-17 l.ev.1 unit- .- " ' Fok (SALE One ahoelng ahop. good stock ofinalerlal. all read y for rk. and g ood I'gde. goo I lOCBIM-n. i or -' - c.aaton. Or. Muat aell at once, Hert Mc- f.a.t Klnster. ia..t-urs cloaka and auMa stock for clear real estate. 2.-Ml general merchan dlae good Tlllnmo.ik ltcach town, for clear real estate. Oold.chmldt a Agency, 413 Chamber of Commerce. WANTEn Hlack.mlth. Will aell or rent ow.lllnir houa. shop, one acre around, small country loan. Oood point for blacksmith. Addreaa. Lang & Portland. Co.. HAVE fine opening for steady nun In a good, legitimate bu.lneas. ho can Invent ,I30 work ea.ily learned; will PaT-f"01 iageg. Call 1115 Merchants Trust bldg.. r.S'lS Washln-gton. HAVE $'-Vai: would pu rchaae mortgage. ood note, building contract, real '' or ant Investment that lll ahoiv 1 per cent or belter. Add. ess AT 2-t. Orego- nlan. 1N VEST lO ATE thla: My Partner Is III and unable to attend to business. 1 le v. Ill sa-rlflc. his half Interest n old "'Jh; llshed ground floor real estate office. Cite Phone. AO 0. Oregonlan. MIST sell, up-to-date, well-located good paving, long-established p'0"""8 ,?e"!TI: nrlce r7V: easy terma; alrkneas only rea son for selling. K 24. Oregonlan WOOD and coal. Pay you '-5 month sal ary, also Dig prniua on ""' '.q Invest, which will be secured. Room JIB Ulimli-f Evchrtnge blilg. GROCERY and produce store; one owner retiring wishes to sell his Interest: J12a per day cash sales; I2""0 required. I'ar- tlCUlAl-S 702 iloaru Ol rraoe. FOR PAl.E Grocery, stock, fixtures hora and wagon, an complete. ,,u for about $l"': cheap rent, with or with out living rooms. C 14. oregonlan; CONFECTIONERY, cignrs. stationery, etc.. Iivlng-rooma. near htrgo school; rent -. good place for man and wLe; price $.'. 4-3 Uothchlld biug. r'oR SALE small tactory In good local. jr. long Iaae. cnep - " . -- - - ve.flg.:e at 21-3 E. MorrKon at. Tel.- pnone 14 2'k3. LIOHT gr.M-erlea. confectionery. Ice cream and c;ar pu.ineaa. m.i "v- . - clean place. 1 1 1 Ing-rooma ; $ .no takes It. Jtti, Stark st. REM. ESTATE buslnes partnership; this mill stand full investigation: malJ amount required, larticuiars r..- of frade. OOOD corner cash grocery . """""i on account of poor health for $iKl. 0 Lumber f.gcnange. NO 1 CI",AR atore for sal at 2s7 Aider St.. between tin ano " ' - - Jennings. . FOR BALE Cigar stand, beat location In town. 4-year l-aa. For particular, write o. Hog 4411, 1 n t'auc. vr. v. f d k X--T and lunrh count anil partner; win pay ...... ides board: $.-hi. .1 23 Lumber Exchange. PARTNER wanted. Will b most.y ou'el. a WOT. CUV Ol weea. - rvn.-y. M:0 Lumber F.chiing' RESTAURANT for ealv. doing goou ouauie. owner leaving ' " - "- ..... llrand ave. , LF lntret In pro'lte of 27-room. well furnished house. clo. in: price $t!"0. Par ticular 3,v3 Lumber Exchange. FIR"T-CLAS-t amall hotel, atrictly modern. In good lown; cheap, with terma. AV 111. oregonlan FoH SALE Saloon in on of th best towns near Portland, exceptional bargain. fail phone rilm-ooq i' or p laiir- AHSTHACT. otle examination, law ana col lection nusineee I'li'i"' wit. we - right pat . 4" required. 2JS Staak .at. CICARS, confectionery, stationery, etc This etorw cleara a.-.a monin. etui pin ... Room 3'w Lumber Exchange. FIHST-CI.AS-4 barber can find good location for oaroer 11107 an. v.a. -' v" -gert. l'3 N. Jvraey st.. Hu Johns. Or. RESTAURANT for sale; good business; Jrase sice owner iu. ii.iwii.i.uuu. Hurn.lde. WAlDYAKr wants a reliable man to check W00U. len.l o.nce, etc. 1 rutin miir. jtooiii 31 l.umltr Exchange. Al T0M0HII-K garage and repair ahop wente t-artner; will pav you -ot month; 11130. 323 Lumber Egchaaigc. OKOt'EHY, confectionery, e.c. llvlng-rooma. near b'g echool, cheap rent; price $475. 303 Lumber Kxchnnge. " mTnINO AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonda bought aa sold. Flftcher In.. Co.. 223 Ablngloa MOVINO-PICTURE THEATER for sa.a. clua In. downtown district Inquire K. C. Steven 48 7th at. pAltTNER wauled In a aulld real eatate bualuvaa to show land, etc. particulars 31H Lumber Exchange. Foil SALE Two-chair barber shop; hat to quit shop on account of health.. O 24. oregonlan. PARTNER in meat market; have the lo cation, business, and making money. 24s1 smrk st. POOLROOM Well located, milking money; mill sell or exchange for good residence property. 24SS Stark St. BARKER shop for sale. 4 chalra Apply SI North fid st. 6uo BUSINESS CARDS, fl: bring .bla ad. Ros City Prlnlery. 192 4j d. cor. Taylor. 8ALOOV In retail district, bargain for quick cash sale. S 21, Oregonlan. FOR PALE or rent, 8-chair bootblack stand. 173 N. 1th, near depoL M VI Ni I-PK TIRE " clearing better than $?'to month. 24ti, ptark at. a-ooo PAYINO business, one-balf cash; da ta!'. D $.0. Oregonlan. A SNAP 2 barber chalra and hot watur Tteater. 3S4 Hawthorn at. Tur: srorcxTvo orcEcoxiAy. Tuesday, Arnix so. 1012. ' t , financial. I rgiisoNAL. ' FoR SALE As 1 am Interested In tw stores. I must dispose of one. therefore I have started lo close out tnv $0000 stock of groceries and crockery at lllllsporo. Or.; anyone wishing a good location for a flrst-claas grocery and crockery store, here Is your chance; this Is the only stock m crockery In th pity. Will sell at right prle If taken before I get It closed out; muat be a apot cash daaL Address N. K. Greer. Hlllaboro. Or. m WILL. VOL' LET $1.V STANO BETWEEN YOU A NO SUCCESS? If you will Inveat from $1.10 to $3000 you can make from IOO to 50O per cent on your Investment: If you have a rea sonable amount of Intelligence and a fair amount of energy, m can prove, to you that thla statement la true. If you are In tersted. call at 202 Msrquam bldg. LIVE real eatate office, ground floor, large list of property, center of city, mill show for Itself. Am not asking a bonus for established trade. Have a patent that must be looked after, only reason for selling. Might consider auto or lots In city. G 7. oregonlan. . FOR SALE Stock of general merchandise and building, stock with Invoice about H000, building $2000. annual sale $27,000; this Is a big money-maker; can be han dled for $3000 and $3000 terms or trade. 271 Pipe st. BOND Issu-s. $100,000 upwards negotiated; rall-rav. Irrigation, mining, realty, bank-. Ing. truat and general corporations organ lied; franchises drawn. L. N. Rosenbaura. lawyer and financial agent. 214-218 Halgbt bldg.. Seattle. Wash. $73K AND services gives right party $33 meekly; half Interest, half profits; strlcii;' legitimate, established, good paying busi ness: money Invested fully secured: ex perience unnecessary. Particulars, address P 23, Oregonian. WANTED. Pagtner to take half Interest In a llgsl fnsnatacturing plant- m man who caaj take charge of an. offlc and manage man: salary. $12J ptr month. Kinney 4 Btajn pher. 331-2 Lumber Exchange Mdg. pTEAvrLATxDR Y -Two waa hers, m angle, bosom, band and collar machines, extractor.- steam dry room, boiler, motor, etc., 2. m-sgona: fully equlpr-d: rent $23. Snap. Price $Mk. Terms. Owner. AS 2, Orego nlan. ONLY $240 will secure substantial Geor gia possession which can earn very larg profits without requiring th attention of the owner. Write for photographs and free trip offer. Geo. W. Deen. box 400. Waycro... Ga. $23oo AND services gives right party $30 meekly; half Interest, half profits; manu facturing only machines of kind on mar get ; can net $imio yearly. For partlcuiara and demonstration address T 22, Orego nlan. cTi;AR stand, busy apot. Weat Sitie, rent $13. clearing $5 day over expenses. Price $".". but m ill Invoice If desired. 3i3 Lum Lumbur Exchange. BIRINFM-t OPPORTl'NITIF.S "V ANTED. WANTED A grocery store atock, from $2in to IHOon cash. Must show a good paying business; would consider Portland or Willamette Valley store; give full par ticulars in letter. L . Orrgnnlitr FOK SALE Northern Hotel, Aatona. Or. 32 rooms, nicely - furnished, good location; price reaaonabla; owner leaving on ac count of 111 healthy WANTED A roomlng-houae. about 2. to 40 rooms, has to be centrally located and good transient; 1 hav some caah and city lots; state price, etc. AO 2t. Oregonlan. ROOMIN'O-HOrsES. UAMIV LOCATION. 72 rooms, worklngmen'a house, fi years lraae. fine tranaient trade. Will sell at sacrifice on g.iod reason Inquire 13 Vx N. 3d st. 36 ROOMS, cleara 3.".oo per year. Will ex change for property worm louuu. ttnia owner. 20. oregonlan. 32 BOOMS. OWNER'S SACRIFICE. Right down town; well furnished, good lesse; this la a nrst-clasa transient house and a money-maker; best reasons for sell ing: If you want a money-maker at a sacrlflre. - see om ner, HP0 Swetlantl bldg. MAR 1 E. LENT CO.. PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL AGKNCT. HOTELS ROOMING APAKTMK.VT HOUSK3. All sixes and price. $22-4 Falling bldg.. ad and Washlnc'-im 2 ROOMS. highly furnished, rent 1230 month. 4 years' lease; profits $330 month; 6-room contract pay half rent. Must leave city at once. sa agent. J. E. Hall, lot Abington bldg. 21-ROOM modern dwelling, elegantly fur nished, near and clean; best location; Dig Income and aim aye full; long lease, terms; cheap. By owner. tt33 Flanders. 16-ROOM. Weat Side, right down town on Washington, clear. $so per montn; leas $o0l. HIGLEY BISHOP. 13J 3d St. A SNAP from owner. 6."" Northup: Ill-room house, nice location. line lurnnure, guuu lease; must sell; $7.. 10 KoOMS. for aale or trade, brick building. leaa. rent 40; aim-aya mil. usimi. piiuii. East 3140. lo OUTSIDE rooma. good clean carpeta and furniture, rent 4.1.11 cieara aju muu.u, trade or terma. 2Ut Fifth. ROOM 1NU -HOUSE foraule, 10 rooma In beat location; easy terms. L'w .n. u. BOARDING anu roomlng-housa for sal Owner. 202 Atn at. rnom jaain aioa. LOST AND FOOID. FOUND Wher yoo can buy genuine hair roaureeaee - ... renovat-t mattreaaee and return same day: ws also renovat feathers. Portlang Curled Hair Factory. 11. M. tiger. 22-22 Front. FbuLf Main 474. A 1374. LOST Yesterday, brown purse, containing a . . . -. Kill. k..,-L'Uun lrt la Pur',' C in pseei - j - - and Morrison st. Please return to Low- engart ee Co., Seventh and Bumaide. Ke-m-ard- I.OST A gold enamel brooch with Hawaiian coat 01 arrna, sri.aia.r-. " . .- . - I ncie vt imam anu Aunt dn-;.je, .1....... return 307 Railmay Exchangu bldg. He ward. , LOST laiy'l gold and silver watch fob, Saturday night. on Waverly-KPhmond carllne: valued aa keepsake. Howard. Phone Scllwood 402J LO.--T liluck cocker spaniel. 12 years old. tall bobbed, do collar. Reward, Marshall 273. . LOST Knights Templar and keystone match rharm. Return to 204 E. 3oth or phone Tabf 8177. Reward. Cost Fox terrier puppy ; left o black and tan. ears epotted. Reward If returned to K. Beebe, 214 Stout it. Lost The parte who borrowed ladv's coat f.om aulo on Alder st.. return to K'2 North 4th st.. reward, no queatlona asked. LOST Nickel-plated hub cap for automo bile wheel with O on It. Finder j'leas return. 531 Aider st. LOST Ladv's gold match, between Hoyt st. and Willamette Heights; $3 rmard; leave wlthiegonlan ' LOST Small bay mare; white fct and spot on forehead. Main 4267. SPECIAL NOTICES. 1 ro po.l. Invited. TO ALL HOLDERS OF FIRST MORT GAGE TW L.NTY-YEAR GOLD BONDS OF THE PORTLAND CITY AND OREGON RAILWAY COMPANY Notice la hereby given to all holder! of th flrat-mortgage 20-year gold bonds of th Portland City and Oregon Railway Company, issued under and pursuant lo and secured by th mortgage made by the aald Portland City and Oregon Rail way Company to th North American Trust Company as trust, dated February 13 11101. that ail of th bond Issued un der and secured by said mortgage hav been called In for payment and redemp tion pursuant lo the power and authority so to do contained theruln; that the date fixed for aald pament and redemption la May 1. 112, upon or prior to which date a sum sufficient to pay th prin cipal of all of said bonds and th Inter eat accrued thereon to aald date will be deposited with th Equitable Trust Com pany of New York tsucceaaor to the North American Trust Company-; that aald th Euultabi Trust Company, of New York, on aaul date and thereafter aa preaented will pay tiio principal of aald bunds and th accrued Intareal to aald data to the holders ot aa.d bonds reapcUvly at Its office. No. it 7 Wall atreet. In th City of New York. That said iionOs wlil ceas to bear Interrat after May L 112. PORTLAND CITY AND OREGON RAIL- , WAY COMPAN1. per PORTLAND RAILWAT. LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY, succeaaor. By B. S. Josselyn. PresldenL OFFICE C. Q. M.. Chronicle bldg., San Fran cisco. Cal.. April 1. 1K12. Sealed pro posa's mill be received here until 11 A. M. May 1. 1012, for furnlahlng forage arid straw required at poste In Western Division during fiscal year commencing July 1. 112. Information furnished on application here or to Post Quartermasters and viuartermaster at Seattle. Wash.. Portland. Or., and Honolulu, H. T-, and blda may ba received by Poat Quarter masters and Quartermaster, Honolulu, H. T until 11 A. M . Pacific time, May 1, 112. F. Von Schrader, C. Q. M. COLUMBIA bldg.. Portland. Or.. April 1. 1U12 Sealed proposals In triplicate will b- "received her until 11 A. M. May 1. 1H12 for furnlahlng wood and coal re quired hr during th fiscal year com mencing July 1, 1912. Information fur nished on application. A. W. Yates, Quartermaster. SEALED bids will be received by the un dersigned until 10 A. M. on Wednesday, May 13. 1012. for changing lockers and other Interior repairs at Multnomah Coun ty Armory, at Portland. Oregon. Specifications can be seen at the Ar- mThe right to reject any or all bldg la hereby reserved. . F. S. FIELDS. County Clerk. Master's Notice. JAPANESE S. S. "VOKOPPA MARL NO. 2." Captain Tar.nka. from Otaru. Japan. Neither the captain nor underaigncd con algneea of above-named vessel will be re aponslble for" any debts that may be con tracted by crew. TAYLOR. YOUNG CO.. Agents. Mlecellaneon. Mt-TTVOMAH MOHAIR MILLS 1 AMENDED ARTICLES OK INCORPORA , TIO.N. Nollce IS nereDy given inai me jijil noma.! Mohair Mills has filed with the Secretary of State and with the County Clerk of ilultnomah County. Oregon, amended and supplementary articles of Incorporation, lncrea.sins the cnpital stock from $150,000 to $323,000, of which S200. (100 la common and $125,000 preferred stock, and providing the terms and con ditions upon which such stock may be is sued, held and released. MULTNOMAH MOHAIR MILLS. JOHN" E. YOUXO. Pres. By THOMAS ROBERTSON, Sec. THE services of Wilson Benfleld are not wanted at the Chinese Cemetery any more. (Signed.) ON H1NG CO. CONTRACTORS Bids wanted to clear 10 acre oak grub land at Mosier, Or. William Nellaon. S"2 Henry blrtg. BARGES for rent, eapaclty 400 tone. Pat tullo. aStf Sherlock bldg Main 1410. riSAXClAL MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT. Contracts. Mortgages, Equities. Chattel Diamonds and Real security. Special ar lce rendered. LAWSON-BROWN INVESTMENT '""J. 1309 Yeon Bldg. TcL M. 894T CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity In contract of sale real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. Lumbermena bldg. Loan MORTGAGES flrst and second), contrac'g and sellera' equities bought. E. L. Dever eaux. loot Epa'dlDg bldg.. 3a and Wash lngton. Main 63. WE pay highest caah price tor bull!rlers eon tracts, first and second mortgages and other securities. Home Installment Co.. 401-402 McKay bldg. Marshall HBOl). MONEY to loan on Improved real estate or for building purposes; no commission COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST COMPANY. 1 Spalding bldg. WE fcuy notea. contracts, mortgagee first and second), equities. F. H. Lea. Is AY Co. 3 Lewis bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, contracts and commission accounts bought, real estate loans. E. B. Miller, 410 Abington bldg. MONEY to loan on first-class Portland real estate security at lowest rates. Morgan, Flledner A Boyce. 508 Abington bldg- FARM and city mortg. loans without delay. H. M. Friendly, 7ml Spalding bldg. axeney to tan -Faat Karate. TO LOAN AT 6 TO 8 PER CENT. I 7l)o FOR 3 YEARS. $1300 FOR 3 YEARS. $1500 FOK I YEARS. 25oO FOR 3 YEARS. 4 $S0'.0 FOR 3 YEARS. 11000 FOR 5 YEARS. $15,000 FOR 6 YEARS. J. H. TIPTON CO., 1108 SPALDI-VO BLDG. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. Muney to Loan on Real Estate. Capital Stock $100. imo. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., Commercial Club Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Plenty of money to loan at 5 to S par cent on city residence and business prop erty and Multnomah County farms. ED W. I. MALL, 300 to 304 Chamber of Commerce MONEY TO LOAN. RANGING $.M10 to $1.10. inni, .- to H per cent. LARGE LOANS A SPECIALTY. HAKBOLT REALTY CO., Jlain Bl'io. 1H3-17 Lewis bldg. A il.-a ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes. 3 to 8 years time; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Say ings & Loan Association. 240 Stark St. large iiiDDlr of money to loan of $300 and upward, on real eatat e. It, at 8 and 7 Jjer cent. MALL VAN BORSTEL. I04 Second St.. Near Stark. $fx)0 0OO ON improved city or farm property; building or small loans at- lowest rates: large loans a specialty. McKensie 4b -o 014-613-316 Gerllnger bldg. S200 000 TO LOAN on income property In different amounts from $100O to $10,000. at lowest rates of interest. Wm. C Bor chers. 207 Oregonlan bltig. MONEY on hand for building purposes; no delay; 6. 7 and 8 per cent. Give mo your phone number and address. R . Orego- nian. m MONEY EASY TERMS, THREE TO FIVE HUNDRED. T-x.-rTI--.lt HHII.TV CO.. 2tl GE It LINGER BLDG. MONTHLY PAYMENT LOANS on Portland homes or for building purposes. 260 Stark. PROVIDENT SAVINGS at LOAN ASS'N. MORTGAGE LOANS on city and farm prop erty; mortgagea purchased. Henry C Prudhommo Co.. 806 Wilcox bldg. TO LOAN $0000 OR LESS. FARR1NGTON. COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG, IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building loans, contracts and mortgage bought. W. H. Nunn. 448 Sherlock b'dg. MONEY to loan from private party; no agunt need apply- Phono Wood. 1117 fore nooh. Call 1131 E. 3l3t at. N. $1000 TO $5000 to loan at lowest rate, also larger amounts. Trowbridge at LlsyHau $01 Wilcox bldg. 1200 0 00 TO LOAN, larg loana a specialty, building loans, lowest rate. W. O. Back. g;0-aiG Fal ling bid g. TO loan, estate moneys In any sum from $500 up at current rate. Rooms 10-11 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison gts. kFAUY money on improved real estate In ' "- .. . e.:..o -,,( n VI 1.- n'i.nmn amounts ot eov" , -e- son, 420 Henry Dlcig. pee Air, ttiuge. lauRTGAGE loana on city property: low.al lates. A. H. Blrrell Co.. Z02 ileiiay mug. 3U and Stark aioti lo ..0"' TO LOAN FOR SHORT TIME ON ANY GOOD SECURITY BY PRIVATE PARTY. 207 OREGONIAN BLDG. $300 AND upwards on Improved real eatat. notea and mortgage bought. W. A AxatAv amay, room lo Waanington bldg. c .uo Jp on dmelllnga; owners only; tltl expense only. Atty. 310 Alisky bldg. $42,000 OR any part to loan on real eatai Tabor 77X. MORTGAGE LOANS. AND T PER LOUIS SALOMON. 229 STARK ST. CENT. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE F H. LEW IS. 8 LEWIS BLDG- 7ooO TO I12.00O loan at 7 -per c herty Connolly. 022 Yeon bldg. cent. Fla- LOANS on real, peraonal. chattel or ooUat aral security. C. W. Pallett. 308-1- Fentoa. JaONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. li- HARDING. aQ3 Ch. of Cuax. MORTGAGE LOANS. J. O GOLfRA. FAILING BLDG. PRIVATE money loaned on real eatate morl gagee. H. Mlley. room 204 Gerilpger D.dg. eVTATE funds. 8 per cent. W. E. Itumw agent Multnomah County. 400 Ch- of coitt. MONEY, any amount, d to 8 par cent. H. Belts A Co.. 310 bpaldfug Bid-. vTlL loan $."tK)0 or less, real estate. Hitch cock. 600 Rothchlld bldg. "Moncy to Loan. Chattel and balarie. $8 to D. D. DRAKE. $10tA, FOR SALARIED PEOPLE TODAY without security, mortgage or Indorse ment; cheapeat ratea, beat and moat srl vat terma In Portland. a07 Spalding b-d ftucceaaors to Hutton Credit Co. PRIVATE PARTY LOANS tit to $100. On furniture, good In storaga. eta. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. 820 Lumber Excbang Bldg. Open Monday and Saturday till a P. M. Call, writ or phone Main 441 T. MONEY TO LOAN On piano, auto, furniture, livestock or anything of value. Adolplius Lane, 414 Ab ington bldg. Marshall 814. PRIVATE PARTY LOANS. Salaried peopie and women keeping houa. $10 to $100. Strictly Confidential. 820 Lumber Exchange Bldg. WE LOAN money on diamond and Jewelry at baif th rates charged by broker Marx A Blocn. 74 3d su LOANS on diamonds and other securities. Wm. Hull, room 0. Washington bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and jewelry; strictly conrtoentiai. 11 ta go. near Aider. A LOAN for th asking, salary or cnattei. rr . ro All biknm hide STATE SECURITY CO. B-R-O-K-E-K-S. 6ALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO $100. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND. 110. repaid In Installments of .-. 20. repaid It installments of fv!!0. $r.Q. repaid In Installments of $2.00 Larger amounts In proportion. W do not advertise misleading terms or rates, but give you our charge In plain tlgurea. Business atrictlv confidential. STATE SECURITY CO.. I I $ t '.m Falling Bldg. S I CHATTEL SALART LOANS. LOANS. $1.00 to $1000 on DIAMONDS. 3 per cent and up. WE MEET AND BEAT The ratea of other LOAN CO'S regardleaa of what they advertla. OUR NEW RATES. Borrow $10 pay back $12.00 In 6 tay"ta. Borrow $23 pay ' back I28.K3 In pay'ts. Borrow $30 pay back $56 43 tn 6 pay ta CAN YOU BEAT THEM. ON LOANS UP TO. $1007 If th HEAD of the family dies before the account Is paid In full and the payment ar made as agreed WE GIVE THE WIDOW A RE CEIPT IN FULL OF ACCOUNT. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebates given If paid before due. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. 208-T MACLEAY BLDG BOTH PHONES. Between 4th and Sth sts., on Wash St. Open Monday and Saturday till P. M i i i Y DO YOU NEED MONET T W will furnish you, strictly confiden tial, and without 'delay, a loan In any amount on your auto, piano, furnltura. livestock, storage receipt and all other klnda of securltlea. on terma to auit; a.ao n weekly or monthly payment. WE BUY --ND LOAN On first and second real estate mort gage, contract and chattel mortgagea C. S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO. 812 Hamilton Bldg.. 131 3d. Main 20S4. - MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping houso and othera fur nished wltnout security: cheapest ratea easiest payments. Come and get money when you want it. and pay aa you can. Olticea In ail principal cities. D. Ax. a. man. 317 Lumber Exchange. MONEY LOANED. Watches, diamonds. Jewelry, ate. ELBY COMPANY. Room 320 Lumber Exchange Bldg. LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry and valuablea at almost bankers rate of Interest. 42 Falling bldg- 8d and Washington streeta ANY amount 10 loan on furniture, autus, livestock, pianos or anything of value. Block Realty Co.. 206 Alder. MONEY sold on Installment: . confidential; salaried paople. F. A. Newton. Henry uldg. "Loans YVanlew $7000 SECURITY FOR LOAN $1.00. I own J70OO worth of property in Ore gon city of 600O population: I will give first mortgage on this for $1300, 'one year, at 10 per cent, private parties, with re lease clnuae and with provision that I can by pavina the principal at any time before due property will be released. This prop erty becoming more valuable riKht along and within year will be worth elO.Ooo to ( I2 0'io. I muat have immediate action. Interest for full year may be taken at time loan Is made. Address owner, -J 6, Oregonian. $'l.V0. 22 YEARS. 8 per cent, 7-room house. East 2th, value $50110. 2AMI 3 years, 8 per cent, 7-room mod ern house. 2Mh ave., value $ol)00. $2."IH 3 years. S per cunt; 6-room house; Belmont, value 1HH00. HARBOLT REALTY "CO.. Main s 1 no. I'l 3 -1 7Le wis bldg. A il.iS a Kin SNAP. jo non a.storv brick aot. house, close in, .-t no i-i " j - " guaranteed, lease lor five years; terms ""' HARBOLT REALTY CO.. 1)13-17 Lewis Uldt;. 1 . .nnm ants S4 HI TllO $700 TO $2500 cMO.iT MORTGAGE LOANS WANTED FROM PRIVATE PARTIES ov Vu :m'F.ll PORTLAND PROPERTY. E" C.' EASTON. 1110 SPALDING BLDG. $ol.oo TO $10,000 at 7 per cent on Methodist Church property valued at $;)IMKJ0. lull particulars on application. Address box I7't. Aberdeen. ... . .-t .. t f ctooik nn nee.- nuntraio fin lot and high-class locality: will pay 8 per cent for 3 years. Call 414 bpalding bldg. , WANTED $10,000. at 7 per cent, for twi or three tears, on highly Improved farm near Portland, worth $24,000. B 18. Ore gonian. $'500 WANTED on close-in East Side rest dence property. S40 Chamber of Cora merce. . . IS0O WAMHU oil -tit. ."oi ner; will pay 10 per cent for quick loan. K40 pnainoer 01 imii.-j. $"."HH LOAN wanted on farm, actual !"' $7500. o J- Brooks. H16 Chamber of Com merce. W ill pay n per rem. MO.M:x v A.t 1 .y Aii.iitsi.i." - for desirable loans, mortgages for sale. 7- ji. l n sue tVllenv hid. Henry rruunuiiimc '000 $wK. PRIVATE parties; good secur ity. Zella Gossett, 7 West Kllltngsworth ave. rEBSONlL FOUR WEEKS TO LEARN. gANITARY BEAITY PARLORS. 400-414 DEK.UM BLDG. nr-tt SCHOOL IS PRACTICAL. Which means that If yu come her you will be taugnt everymiug mat . ow- gary and nomine teat la iiuhi;wwiij. oith SCHOOL 18 ECONOMICAL. In other words. If you Invest your money In instruction here it will get you th greatest possible Increase in earning alterwaru- mivj SCHOOL IS ENJOYABLE. Because we know how to mak your work interesting, and have the teachers and the equipment, tur uumi t. OUR SCHOOL IS THE SCHOOL FOR YOU. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. TTA I II HAIR. -HAIR HAIR. 600 PURE CUT HAIR SWITCHES. . 'u.inph switches .84.43 $8 26-inch swltche 3.4J Hair dressing 25 Shampoo ......... -23 Manicuring. 25c. 5 for 100 12 acalp treatraenta 8.00 Superfluous hair removed by electricity, guaranteed not to return. $4 $5 and $6 PUFFS only $1.45. Cut hair In any shade; switches any length Prices half. Sanitary parlors. 400-412 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washington. RADICAL cure by tne latest natural heal ing methods, including radium, all electri cal currents, lights, heat, vibration, radia tion baths. massage. adjustment and manipulation Most expensive, finest eoulpped private office in Oregon; no medicine or operations. Over 6000 treated patlenta and not a death while under our car. We will b glad to consult with you tree of charge. Dr. W. E. Mallory. 12 Rothchlld bldg. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsingforg graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician- directions- baths, massage. No. 7 Eaat 11th at. second door south from East Ankeny carllne Phone Eaat 200, B 1808. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse, long experience, beat reference; treatment for rheumatism, lumbago, etc, massages and baths' trained uursea in attcnuauce. oOO Holladay ave,. corner Occidental. U car. East 8OO0, C 2613. a ' TJr CATHER1NE C. GA1K6 1 hav had 11 yeara' practical experlenc treating ntrvoui and chronic disease. a. Consultation free. 807 Abington bldg. Maranaii 814J. Hours: 10 A- M- to 8 P. M. . FOUND A plac wher special attention 1 given to remodeling o bats, by up-to-uata trimmer. English correct inUllaery. 41 Morrison st-. uarquam bldg. v"R-i sTe"vENS, 18 years Portland's lead ing palmist and clairvoyant, ha her late book -Palmistry Made Easy," on saie at 212 Alisky blug., 3d and Morrison sta. DRESS SUITS lor rent. $1.5o month; k your clotnes cleaned, presed. buttons sewed on rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 8ua Stark. ZlitRoL Th great nerve tonlo and sya tein builder, $J per box. 6 boxes i. Sup laylor DrugJ0..2Morriaon mu - MRS. POTTER, acaip and facial treatment, boo Northweat bliig- sth and Washington. Ladies only. UAUSl OF YOUR COMBINGS. switches, fc-uc; curia and pulls, 7oc. San itary Beauty Parlors. 40Q Dekum C.dg. JTTTCj g ci MORRISON, steam bath and niasneurlng for rheumatism, lumbago, etc. g4ji, jerterson. A 4470. Open Sundays. JTTlp treatment, facial massage Kouin. ii. Hotel Bresiln. top floor. 422! WaUil-g- tOn St. l-UOOO " ew. rrjJS soPHI.V B. SEIP, mental and spirit ual science. t02 Alisky bliig.; question meeting Wed, and FrL 8 P. AL Main 6024. HOLES superfluoua hair removed. Mrs. AA. D HilL 42tf Fliedner bldg. Mam 8478. SCOTCH woman, menial scientist treatment, rheumatism. 665',, Morrison at. A 5606- BALK OE1 FIGS, Compound. Ruyal Tonlo Tablet "32 Davis St. Mam U215. MANICURING PARLOR, facial and scalp treatment, shampooing. 314 Swetland bldg. jiL. W. FIELD CO. moved to 133 1 Second street. LADY BARBER SHOP. 292 First St., near Columbia at. BOSTON graduate, massAg and medical gymnastics. 312 Jefferson, up one flight. BUSINESS DIRECTORS. Analytical Chemlata. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. analytical chemists, examiners of chemical, drugs. foods, etc. Attorneys. A. E. COOPER, attorney-at-law. General practice, abstracts examlued. Removed to 1424 to 142S Yeon bldg. M. 873. A 2071. MOSESSOHN & MOSfc'SSOHN. lawyers. Ab stracts examined. Steak German, French, Russian. 714-715-716 Cham, of Commerca M. FITZMAURIC", M. A., L.L.B., attorney-at-law, Reno, Nevada, reference: Nixon National Bank. Reno. Assayer and Analyst. Wells & proebstel, mining engineers, chenx- 1MS and assayers. 204 Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory - and ore-testing work. 1S6 Morrison St. "Brass and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 108 N. Bth. Main 2702. Builders. HARRY E. STANFORD, designer and builder of modern homes. -.i0Uj Morrison gt. Chiropractic Physician. DR. TICKNER. Columbia bldg.. next Star Theater. A 5255. Main 8587.; res. B 2078 Chiropodists. DR. OLIVER O. FLETCHER, lady expert assistant. 305 Alisky bldg.. 3d and Mor rison, Main S762. treats all Ills of th foot, without danger of Infection; corns, bunions, ingrowing and atrophied nails, flat foot and bunions a specialty. WILLIAM. Estelle and Flossie Deveny, th onlv scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors 302 Gerllner bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone 3Jaln 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, offices 420 Flledner bldg. Main 8473. DR. U. 8. G. and Mrs! Fletcher. Painless chiropodists. Over Haxletvuod. Main 8713. Coal. COAL ALBIN'A FUEL CO. WOOD BRANCH E.j:3D ST. Coal and Wood. -BLOCK WOOL NATIONAL FUEL CO. Coal and wood. M arshall 360. J 3545. 387 Water at. Dancing. PROF. WAL WILSON'S Dancing School Lessons. 25c; waltz, two-step or three-step guaranteed in one lesson; trial lesson given free. The best is always the cheapest. Staice dancing and all vaudeville acts tanjrht quickly. Royal Academy Hall. K5'.i alh. bet. Stark and Oak. Phone Main 70117. MR AND MRsTTlEATH'S SCHOOLS. 101 7d St.. bet. Wash, and Stark, and Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison Fancy stage and social dancing taught daily; wait and two-step guaranteed In four lessons; class Monday and Friday eve. to 10. at 101 2d St.; lessons 25c. RINGLER'S SCHOOL Private and class In struction; lady assistants; social, stage. fancy dances. 23114, Morrison. Marsh'l 313. Detective Agencies. INTERNATIONAL Detective Agency, con servative, reliable, confidential: rates $5 per day. Office 510 Dekum bldg. M. 6424. KducatlonaL STAMMER ? Method for cure explained free. M. L. Hatfield. 1018 Grove. Oakland. Cal. Engine Gaa and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agents. Sea bury steam engines and boilers, gasolln en glnes. 2S1-233 E. Morrison st. Phone E. 815. Feed Store. ZIGLER & M1SNER. hay. grain, feed, -i- me nt. aijin Kit. -ll Gia n d ave. E. -I S2. " Kodak Finishing. QUICK service, cut rates; send for prlc list. Tne Kodakery, tith and ash- Land-cape Gardeners. FRED W. BULLOCK, 810 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 24.12. Artistic landacaD gardening, carpet beds, planting of all description, grading and construction ot new lawns to private residences and public grounds. Thor oughly experienced men employed. sonable ciiarges. urwuua T"" " , ... , ii r,,tinHs to baatitlfV. AU you nate . uo.uc. a-- , , consult our landscape expert. Mr. C. P. McDougall. 12 years' experience in Scot land and Eastern cities. Now Is th tlm to plant. Advice free. Phone Main 8311. or write the Oregon Nursery Company. orenco, Oregon. Leather aim Irlndlngs. CHAS. U MAtTiCK. i CO.. 74 Front. Leather of every description, tabs, mfs. findings. J A. ST HOW BRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es- 'tabllshcd 1858. ISO Front st. Musical. Emll Thlelhorn. violin teaciicr. pupil Sevcik. 900 Marquam. A 41UO. Marshall 102A " Onteoputhic Physicians. no LEROY SMITH, graduate KlrkTllla. Mo class of lb:8; post-graduate 107. un der Dr A. T. Still, founder of the science. lia-2 gelling bldg- M 17. A 1US5. Dr R B. Northrup. 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Phone. Office, M. 341); res. Eaat or B 1028. Pain ta. Oil and eilaaa. CO AS r-MADB paint and yarnlah H b.it adapted to the Coast climate BJLM- EUTER PAINT CO.. 191 Second SU HASMCSSEN Z CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils. sasjV aldoraJ Cor. 2d and Taylor. pa tent Attorneys. PATENTS procured by J- H llock. attorney-at-law. late of U. S. patent oltioe. Book- let tree. n i" on. PATENTS obtamod. liadomarks. copyrights registered, all couutrlea. Booklet free. PETER HABERL1N, o2tt Worcester bldg. ii S. AND FOREIGN PATEN XS procured by " o. O. Martin. 40D Chamber of Cummerc bldg. to vvRiGiiT, domestic aud foreign pat nts. lblrliiKcmwit cases. 0Q4 Dekum bldg. pawnbrokers. in-ci K ill'EKS' Collateral Bank; 40 years Hj-iruiiiil 11 tith st. Phone Main .la laving. Tu,o l.arber Aspuail paving Comptny. 00 i- llpe. rurl l uA-tl- WOOJ 1'irtl CO. Ji actory and otlicTllear 21ta anu lurk sta. Alain waa. bafea. THE luOSLKK SAFAS V.O., 108 2d SU SJ-J 1 if tuctoiy prices; .ecoua-naud aale. bcconu-AAanq QouUa. Vw'E buy ciomiiiS, luiuiiuro iaiiu toola. Hlga ric. paid lor aecoua-uauu clouu luiuiture. tool-i- Marshall 23o4. vik: ua nil u.ka-l pi.cua lor second-naaj .T...oiu ana .noes. Main ToOS. OdO Ota. hiiostiiH., Aauk ml auutv Aixtiuea. !" ixiB. aiu. v.o.. oiaucu uitua aa. iu. suowca. Co.. ttln. ana Axoyu aw A-utaa, maiiago. Z H h.jsalu 2 Hamilton biug. ahow cSae. I" stock, prompt uelivexy. ageuu M. tVimar A-umuer Co. MAitaiiAi-L iiiG. CO., 4ln and, couch; new -,t.i scoiid-uauu. Main 2V0d. Caoinet work. pLJAvAA-AN" SHOWCOJl. 4t AlAA.At.AI.ai V.-"-. bteamaliipa- T1I1 ALLA-N LINE Royal Mall tanr; llonueal. Llvaipool. Glasgow, iloutroaA. Havre, Plymouth, Londou; th plutuxo.Ma z, Lswiauc. route; four daya on Ui ocean: tnr.e day in river and auif; apiea ti d Aiaw Turbiue sleaouers; sa.oou, aeoond cabin aad thira ciass; superior on-o tabm service; cuislu unexcelled; courtaau aiLeiillou; seuA tor clrcuiaia, ratea, plana, eto. Allan Lo.. lii . D.aiuoru u. Chicago. Btoiage and Tranafer. 0 pACit. Al'aaaler as oloiae Co., ofXlo.S anil comuiuuioua -s-siury brick warenoua. aeuaxate Irou rooma and Iirepruuf vault lor vaiuao.ea; N- W. cor. io and Pin sts.; pianos and AUiuitur tuoveu ana pack-ei lor snipping; special rates mau ca gooo in our tniuugu cara to ail uuraaatiu sua lorelgn points. Main 5uu, A e.0. OLBO.N-ROE ARANsaER to. (jeneial tranalerriug and atorage, safaa. planus ana Auriiltuio luuvtu Ainu packed lor amp-newt- fti-bu A-'rout au AeiepawAee Main 541 " i-? nnauoJi A AtAt on Jlift aaiaoiianea loiu. AA'anaier . . -- -.-- u... ... aud atorage 47 Uliaau cor. 13 Uu avud (alA-aan- Pnonws Main O'J. A 13.0a. XcyewrUers. ua to tJ5 wlil buy a rebuilt type- tVKATErt; reuutlt aa good aa nw; ail make to cnoose trotn at Gul'a. ttd ana A-tler; terms lo suit; every niachln gua.-. auttsed- Cl or phon lur l'epiea.ulat. . Aalll 65UO OT A ti0ti8. WE handle atanuara maaee or genuine Eastern i.tiwj .....Lu id. lunk. Prices right. Buy a reliable m cnlne from a reliable houa. Paumo sta'y Ptg. Co.. 107 2d WE ar th exchange for the largeat type writer concern on tins toaat; inveatigata; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter ttx cnang. 35141 Washington su NEW, rebuilt, eecond-hand rentals, at cut rate P. J-. c. u., i.i a tar a. ai. 1407. Weil Driilln. DRILLING wells. Fbone Main 1348 at wrR a. .Vest 1H2 Morrison au Wood. FREE SHAVINGS, DRY WOOD, CHEAP. TABOR 2t'b-.