I lib .UUll.ll.'" " - - - , . 1 FOR KENT. I rOB BE?fT- HTir waxtth-m.i.e. J oil live nl'imo mho fit to ' "5 a big money-maker; quirk returns: y- f live on catch this; 1 "town, m Interest. (1 per week, no tag.. p-opnettlon w ar offprint: I WO I. eld on this ba.is anj ' wl" f quirk one of the flneat uMHHKmi :t market in Portland: only $2 P- M commiiimn if you can deliver tn good". Call l1er between 10 " "... V. F. K Taylor Co.. M-0S Lewi, bldg. WAVTEH 8 vera I iwh and door .aehln men. $A day and up. for largo factory. Man rd wife on farm. We have ealla every day for mlllmen, logger, farm hatvda. milker, etc. PAl-IFIf- EMPLflTMf.ST CO.. Mn' Office 222 and 2.M Couch at. ner -H. M1C.V wanted to ('novel dirt at 24tb nl lis Hec k ere. BTir WANTED DHIAIK. WANTTD TO UNO LADIES FOR TELE PHONB OPCRATINa. WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE. APPLY THE PA CinC TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH CO. EAST T11 AND A.VKENT 8T. C-5-lt. hotel. : 1-lictearn cwk. T to $1; girl for shooting gal. err. I- per rlsr. w.:tre. chiamhermaid. ond and girl for general liouKork. good Ladled Depi. i01S Morrliein Ft. i:f..-tai KA.NT cook. . -ndui1''- i'r.'ri rook. $t: family rook. : bltchrn hep r. -J; 2 waitress- lul of ',' -J' 2 chamber laid tout C"TU. HANSEN' KMPT. FFTl :V4". S Wart. St.. It. ,. ladle patweom tf age of IB axa :iwr pro.. r--tlene Aenlv tbo P. T. T. Co, S74 Alde (t. or 4 111 Et Ankoy - II. Ifnra to Introduce THRMOKA W.AT MTNT. a horn, treatm-ni J"' I.lWal rompenaation. Call room !. A 'dr.- at. , WANTEU A romp-. -fit te'oo-jrmvr"!- " tpl.t on "S-F" roarhlne; n.ut be neat, aicuiaie and edueat-d: Prfrr.nce to a lady of a llteraxr mind. AV isw. irffwUn. ' TKI.KPHuXE ..PKIlATOu. thorouuttiy -orlnrrd woman. m1'nl lu rh.r. of e. liaiK ar.! in larce Ml!"-i-.l.m-nl. An.w-r 1 K trrConlan. VAMtU-A oo4 i V'.h.r.!iC .t'-ro! .,-.1 ov.r 2.V to 'rk In ''rT Kaat Side; ac iJl nontli!y. W (t.nian U A N T EI .n Flr n t trim m.r for ha. lro:hr. whol'ia,. millinery. Morrl- pua and Tin eta enird ,i .1! imr. of .-n (le.dy po e!il..n. an.wera lreat.0 conlildentlal. iv n. Oregon tan. IVAMKIJ-OO..I (tirl to "''"" "'"'"J hoaae.ork. no rookJnc AjTlr bJ r o clock. :T I N Iitli.troer overt on. WANTElC-MIddle-aiteal oman to lak rnarie of iranatent rootnln-hooe. t-ail o"! (liand i'l'lt EaT)T l"r g-neral hou.work. email family. o..J wasca. Broday car. tJ E. I.ta North. . . LilRI." wanted for lilit bou.ork. family of 3 'U Ei F.vrret. lake Montavli:a rar et off oork. Aiply corner E. Vth and Knuii. Irvlngton. W ASTE t Com pe trnt ! r-n t do a-neral la.r.ork in oma.l family. App.y Vonr, a (t.fueaday or VV ednrlay. W A NTED Etierlnced hlrt a:t maker, a partnr- In tahllahe. btlnea: email cap ital reoulre.1 Art.lm. .- freonlan. WANTED Oirl to do grneral houeework .... . . I r n AOtl.V i 1 and cuoaing, w - - loth. HANHEN'I UaDIE- AOSXCt. gS waaMngtoa at. cor. lux, apatauw. fl HU"L girl to ait with houaework tor rooe," boa-d and carfare, nlca borne. I'honi C W ANT E VS1EU Utixnt "" . w..o.-.. . rharg of n preparation for ladie; no mo ire: lit'" 1 ' - " WAXTFD A competent etrong woman tor n"oueeork. good c.k morn ing. 717 Hrae. I none K 3.Jt. WA NT E D M an" and wlf for general house work and yard; colored preferred, at Aa prcgontap. ; ' T H H energetic woman, oyer -- for portion with wholeaale home, experlenc r ouo t ireeonian. s 1 e.u Knn.. oapaoio woaaa tar wan.lblo politic u. iat Co.. td tldg.. th and Waahlngtoa. MLMvAL ladie. for military band bow or e"''u: 'xpcrienc unnece.aary. E 8. i, I It I. wanted for oouework for amall -room boue and asei.t with coo king. Call iti-MMi leTi mornings (Tter 6 A. M. M UP. HOV B. J LAl'its " Washington hide. 270S Washinpton PL. . . . .. vi.e 3ii or A girt. near 4th. vv.vti.-ii sironc airl for general bout w ork. Call 3W1 fitark at.. alter ! o'cloc k. tillll or woman for housework, country ,,.,, near Portland, wage ll-0. l'huoe Milwaukle Red 4rti. sr,;uM )OUtlg girl to aastst Wlin care oi two children; wage. Jli- Call Eaal M JAMTHKfS for apt. house. Hi. with unfur- nihrd api. ' "Ml Oiltl. or woman, general housework. , I'boM W NTHI vi'-rl to assist In light housework. APP'V llavH between and 111 A. At. WA.srEli A chambermaid and a girl for dti r.g-reom ai im i-.o. " - - KM F.KlKNi EI girl for geueral housework. I'hone Kart 471. . ioiL girl to assist In genrral houaework; . . - - . luMnlin, house. 1 K ; - 10th. NEAT appearing maid to splt with house - . tivt coe "Id. Al l'i:rN7ICE!l wanted t the Hair Slot. 1 : rttti et. l.earn the busln.-s. UKt. fl ' for general housework, family three, r.mi fittl. K.tst 4I1W. WANTFD iirl for general houeework. four '.JU.is "1 lan'ii." - - - si.UKol Ml girl for boarding-house. lid KP"tI St. l-villl.Y cook. 14. seron.l girl AjO. it. I.uis Agency. Msln ru.l. rKiK. ranch. -": tierman or pre-fr-k -d. St. Louis Agency. Main So.ttt. . K A r qul.-k girl warned for dinlng-ruotn wjrg M'ln p restaurant, t -. ion sv. WANTED Ld . an srs at 21 ad at- Ask lor sa.e manager. HELP WANTED MALE OR rKMVIX A.. 0r soman snderstandlng general ao eount (any bookkeeper tan have ex ceptional opportunity for large or amall Investment, a.t atates open, guarantee llf Income. Established 14 year, with large revenu. Portland office opened. Bst ref erence For particular addre P. O. Bern (V HgLP WANTED aH.CEIJ.ANEOrA. N I M li KH young taea ar wanted by rala read la tegraph and station service; I-oaiUOB paying T to jv per month, ('or paxticmar ca.l or addre Ilgrapa Xspt. Common we. Lo. b.u(., tv.ti aad Asv keny (ta. SAit'VAl mall clerk, prepare bow. ex clleat salaries and pro motions: aa lay offs, sure par; free book. Call today. Pa cific Hat School. McKay bldg- oltr. aTaCNOGRAriTERS aulferlng with nereoua aes. coid band, cold let. headache, etc to join a private bealta cias. Ad dree AB 17. Oregonlaa. . ,s9 wanted lor Government Job. m'ontn. Send poatal for list position ope, r tanklut ltUlul. Dept. - O. Hoc ester. 1. EM FRIEN,"EU. refined woman, can hav apartment f.-r managing email apartment house, e'.h st. eTFNOGRArHERS. any r,mm. beginner ,.r advanced, qulrkly .peeded and p.aced , usitlona tt-iU Worcester b'ock. ainoOI. of SHORTHAND nd TYPEWRIT ING tndrd arysteroa Positions secured. i per monih.at 14t h st. Mala ua. PrIvATB SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING, boo ak P leg. J Hamilton bldg. Mar. 4atVi, nTiZ TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION for sviocl and tacb.rt. ! bw.tlaad bid. RITP WANTED MISf EI-I.ArKOrS. jlEN STOP READ LEAR-" to operate movlnc picture: operatora nuke (.1 to 0 aeekly. Kull practical ,OU?EWK FIL.M EXCHANGE, art Waeh.. near 17th. KCV WANTED Alt ! ,wpr,Uf for firemen or orakeman. nearby rU roada. to lie monthly. E pe rlen mecaaaarr: no atrlke; promotion Bmeer rnondictor. II. to : monthly; jood Ufa career: at ate ao: eend llama Jtu way Aaeoclatlon. Box Oronlan. iaCS and women to toara U bnrbe trad in taar weeka: apodal lndcnnta; pr eee'aae paid whllT learnln; tool ree laatroetor.; II yr. l -Viav ' achoola: a Uetltn mtmoro! leea to ca amdant. atolee BarOer coe 14. n s. Fourth t, Poruaad. OT. BARHKRi- State Board of Emamlnera of Or-en will be In ...lon In thij " ' 17 4, Flr.t at. April and ilw 1, fur the purpo of leeuln. J'"u1, '"Tff card to llcenaed barber and PP,r'nt'ueV ail renewal card expir April atf, aha. T. M. 1-eebo. aecretary. , paper.; tl pay; fro boo k 1 -l' w" tolled Pre f ndleat. Ban Franelaoa. PARTS Kit wanted In Keanty parlor: will tearh th ouemeea. Tot Kolh- hllil Mda. BTTCATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerka. CAN you ue m? Hav had year.' ex perience tock elerk and general ax: . counting. Age 2s. .Ingle, Give rn a chanc at what you have. V 20. Orego- nlan. HARDWARE ealeamen. thoroughly exirl eneed. married man of good habit dealre petition at one In or around I ortland . would coneider po.ltlon In amaller town. AT U'. Oreyonlen. WILL ALD1T. OPEN. CLOSgi OR WRITS p book, proper balance ad atat neata, lartail (y.tema Ollllnghaaa. au ditor. 411 Lewie bldg. MarhaU71. YOL'NvJ man. SI. year- experience bank bookkeeping, de.lre. .miliar or other cjr Iral work, in or out of city. Addre room Imperial Hotel. Al IliwKKKEI'EB and ofrice man. I... I ref.r.nre. Vain uli. M -1. good ore- gonian. . POSITION hy roceryinn that can do the work. AT VIM, pregnnlan. al teeerlaneoaa. MUMC1PAL FREE EatPLOIatENT Bl'REAC, fit Becond Bt- Corner "almoa. Women' liepartment. HI Hal mo a. All elaeeee of unskilled, akllled. profe eicoa! and clerical mat and femaJ help taraubed oa hort Bottca. No fea chargack Phone Main . A UU Na Now I th time to make your new lawn or meed th old one; reasonable price. Fred V. Bullock. lt Teon bldg. Marha;i I'l .2. CHAITFF.IR want poaltlon with prlv-at family or auto truck firm; hav had two year' experience and can keep car up. Addree Aj 1. Oregon Ian, . WANTED Po.ltlon a Menographer or clerical work; an furnleh beat of refer ence, l'huoe Et -1 or A 1. Ore- gonian Jl.NlnK Unotype operator and all-around printer ready now for poeiilon In w'eet; no boo me. no cigarette; married. F. -Hh-r. i;tg Harbor. Waeh. JAI'ANESK cook. (Ir.t-claM all-around, want poelUon In hotel or board Ing-houa In the cay or out; good rofrncea. a- T.. room 1. 33 N 4th t- CARPENTER and builder wanle .lluatlon. day or contract; reference J. B. loung. W oodtock. . J A PA N ESK drelre poaltlon aa porter or rhamber worker In the cllv. Addrea o. r. Phone Mem Home A .!'-1 TH'HririH. experienced auto driver, age no ba.l hablta. can furnleh ref.rencce. want poaltlon driving oeiivery trui k or private car. A T. Oregonlao. ENOINEER would "like poaltlon either o. c mone or .tatlonary; can glvo beat of referercea Addre Martin Noathery. i Everett t.. clly. bTl'DENT wants poaltlon out of school hour with private family, for board and room. K S'l. Oregunlan. MAKRIED man. siber. induslrlou and reli able, wanla work any aino. yrwier .imoi. to work up. J ". Oregontan. i. iTluN-PICTl lltl operator wania pu.i.... In city, e years experience, mi . w. gonlan . LANDSCAPE gardener deire "i- I"''- tlon: lone .' ' AH 14. orcgonlan. COMPETENT cook and second girl wlsliea work. t all, wooniawu e-i. B"e o Adlrers 74 Missouri ave. FtllTION by stenograplier. lt year ex perience. Mlary uol lea tuau AB li. Oregunlan. . ENERGETH" man want steady employ ment arounu uoua auo garueu. . JIUi, 1st st. EXPERIENCED saloon lunch counter mas. good COO. W IS 11 B uoeitivu. ao eeo. vo- gontan. WANTED Lawn work, spading, leveling. aeedlng: aatlsiaction guaranvecu. s-aou East 3il. tAl.NDRV washer want position; can take car ox maciiinrij. a. w. a vuw. -14. Oregonlun. CHARGE of apartment-hou by young mar ried COUPie. IIO inimiru, mu siv .c-.v.-en.e. R 19. Oregolilal JAPANESE man and wlf want position In family for cook anu nousewura. yaru. aw A.. P. O. box 12X W INDOW WASHING, bouse cleaning, floor waxed and polished. Soil wood 11 Jit CHAIKKKI R AM REPAIR MAN. ALL EAST Itili. aoCNG man. live wire, open for flrst-ciae buslress prop-snlon. S U. Oregonlan. To bakers, competent man In all branches wants work. .4I Kirhy St. MAN and wife, ramp cooks, want situation; best of reference. II li. Oregonlan. CARPENTER wishes position a. foreman. by day or contract. I. ll. Oregonlan. H1TTATION WANTED t EM ALE. VeoaaewDwr swat Steeper amines. STENOGRAPHER. severl years experience, understands bookkeeping and general of fire work. wl"hes permanent position, good reference. F t. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED stenogrnpher with knowl edge of bookkeeping, desire position. J Oregon Ian. BOOKKEEPER - STENl H : R A I'll EU. experi enced real etute. contra, ting and meican tlle line-; references. Main H;'.l. Yt-iCNG la.lv with some knowledge of type writing delres position in an office, p-r week lo start, i-none .viain ' t'OMPKTKNT young lady stenographer. 4 v ears' experience, desires position, Ml i:; i. COMPETENT stenographer, with general office experience, drslres poslllon. Refer ences. Marshall m BTKsZ" I R A ril E R with knowledge of book keeping desire position. Sellwood 1.IO. ' nresasjssera URi .VEAK the dressmaker, la now located 147 Ixinsdale at.; will be pleased to meet her many friends and customera Call or phone Marshall KAN'i'Y gowns, dresses, tailored suit a spe cial! v; by day or at home; best of city r.f.-t enre. H l'3"iv i-Mi,-a..i dreaamaker. hlgh-cisa Work at horn or day engagement. AG 18. Orsgo- n'sn. ALL kind of fa.hlon.ble dressmaking nd ladlear tsllorlngs. J47 Moniorory. Mala I'Ml PRIVATE millinery and dressmaking at home or by day. 503 William ave. Phon Eaat POT. Fl UST-CI.AS-" dreseniaker would like work br the dav : guftxanteo to Bt; price reason able. Marshall oTl.i. WANTED ITrst-clasa dressmaking; vail East 4U29. I'M Holladay ave. DP ESS 3d A K ING: children' clothe a spe clll). Et 4'.J. OO to 374 Yamhill c for plain and fancy dressmaking. HREfSMAKlNG and Isdles lallorlng by tha dav. I'liono Tabor 4J 11 per day. TRAINED nurse will give Invalid, aged lady. room, care, home comfort. Tabor I '. CAPABLE and experienced nurse open for enragement. day, week or month. Mala 44to. Nl'RsEGIRL would like position In good home; references. Woodlawn S4S be- tween A. M. and S P xi. Nl'RSE wishes more engagements: t-rml reasonable: some houaewurk; ref. Main MATERNITY nure wanta ran Imnaedlatc I). will do work. Msln 14'.. MIDDLE AG ED widow, good cook, would like housekeeping for widower on ranch. Address Mrs Juilen. Cor-rnllts. Or. NI'RSE would like private nursing: Institu tions! work or will travel. East .tl7'i. EXi'E HENCE D girl desire cavr of baby. I fccllaotd 1144. I SITfATION WANTED EMALK. UKAPl'ATE nure wiane offlc position: pelal eiperlenr In aurglcal and A-ray work. Addree S. B-. 11 lth t- Boaeekee perm. FIHST-lI.ASS houeekeeper and cook d- Iret, podllon In widower- home, city or country. AS 11. On-k'tnlan. A VOI XC. I.ADY of 3l want po.ltlon housekeeper In widower home. -Main Hill I . NEAT, competent woman aa cook or ou" teeper for .mall family. C 12. Oreo nlan. EXrBHIEXi'En dremaker and tullore-a will make castfOinCDli; good fitter. ooa lnn ;t.130. NKAT voung woman with girl. 4. dosirea housekeeping widower", f.mllv. flu LouK Agency. S."..iVi Alder. Main REFINED young wlilow with a lrl of a. wishes nice housekeeping place, J tn st.. room 'J. Portland. Or. Ilomeetle. A cook and young second girl wishes position In (mall family, 3-. x. J f iregonlan. flare Han eon. WANTED A po.ltlon by girl experienced In hskerv. lee cream or candy .tore. Last S Me preferred. Omaha ave. R. M. B. A FOREIGN woman wants day w"1!l' I'g. ironing and cleaning. Main .M t all T A. M.-7 P. M. Room 8 . DAT work or washing taJven home: fine rlo'.he. laundered mI work rushed for traveling people. Mamnnn liorSEKKEPERS. cook., wnltreasea. econd girls, chambermaid., nurses. M. .Louis A-ncy. ;mi, Alder. Maln2"gn. A 4i io- SECOND cook, regular hours wan'" Pn''" ilon. rieuse call A i",3. 6u0 Jefferson an.l Stout te. LACE curtains laundered. ZT.r "PI ilul''k service: rlrst-class work. TaborJl. RELIABLE-woman wanta few hours' work dally. 4!Vancouverave.. room 8. IlKESSMAKER would Ilk up.mlr. work and sewing In prlvat houso.J 10. Oregonlan. GERMAN" lady want dyork. Phono Ea.t not-.-2 DAY or morning work, any hind. A 4"b0. room 7. l.A. K curtain, washed an.l (tretched. U y ears' experience. Tsbor -J4I... Mrs. icott. iTeST of car for children in prlvat homa r'llSDOd 40?. JAPANKSB woman wants a position of gen eral houeework. AR I'M. oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS laundress wania work Wed., Ihura: reference. Woodlawn Hill. CAPABLE woman, day work, washing. Iron ing, cleaning, cooking. Main Mill'. A 47 a. GERMAN ladycook. want position In pri vate family; 40. AC IX Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS Ocean- A,;realet Tragedy. Gi gantic (teainehlp Tltunlc goe( to the bot tom on her maiden trip, Multl-mllllon-alrea. author, autcamrn and immlgrania (liar th am watery grave. Our great book, profuaely Illustrated, will tell all the thrilling atory with personal account of heroic self-sacrifice, marvelous escapra and terrible aufferlnga. Be flrat In th field and reap a golden harveet. Proapec tu now ready. Outfit free. Send Kc to cover coat of mailing. The Thompson pub. Co.. St. Louis. Mo. i-IMKlNii of the Titanic and Great Sea Dlststars" Authoritative book OB th greates. marine disaster In history; thrlll ,n( story; profusely Illustrated: .plend d opportunity for money-making; price only SI- big term.: complete outfit free, writ today. 1 nlversal Houa. 1010 Arch St.. Philadelphia. AGENTS Faatest (elling book of th cen tury: destruction of the steamship Ti tanic, the ocean' greatest tragedy; over lieMi souls to watery graves; don t de pend on new(paper reports: get '.: best book: best term.; outfit fr. J. . v Zlccler Co., fhlcago. WANT two or three agents lo sell iota in close-in Improved sul.llvUlon ; good -l'cr and good commission. Call between 10 and li morning 11'iS-IIM Spsulding bldg. EIVE uaw proposition. 13 to ii a day; money eiery nlgliC Call 411 Beck bldg. RESPONSIBLE first-class salesman want to make big money, call 12"-i YQ" "'g. W ANT F. D TO BENT. Houses. WANTED TO RENT I or -room house, modern convenience, good yard, (om fruit or garden. If possible; good neighbor hood; must be cliwo to &-cent c.rllne If plaoa aults. will leas. Stat full particu lar. oil Concord bldg. phone Main ln.a. WAN! ED In" either Irvlngtnn. piedmont or Willamette Height, an unfurnished 5 or 0-room modern house or bung.low of mod erate rent. In reply tte particular. AL o.t. On-gonlan. KtTk RENTALS SEE: WATSON THEHKELSEN CO., y Spalding BMg.. Msln 75H-'. WA N TED To rent 4 or 0-room houfe. fur nished on c.rlltu?: must be reasonable. Ad- d ress Alt 11. Oregonlun. FAMILY of two wanl amall cotlatfo or bungalow; must be modern, bath and elec tric light. AS -. Oregonlan. Rooms. ROOM wanted for services; janitor, familiar boilers, engines, auto, bookkeeping. AD ill), Oregonlan. YOr.N'l man desires room In private fam- lly. Efist side. Ar - . vregomwii. Room With Board. WANTED About May !. board and resi dence with a rclinea private luniiu'iuv lug no other boarders, by a gentleman of middle age. West Side preferred. Please :alo whut member comprise family and whether musical. A 1 irregoni.nn GENTLEMAN wlnhea good room and board In private home wnere merr ar. oo boardcrsi no objection to East Side pro vided close In; am willing to pay well for good accommodations. In answering please be expllrlt; reference furnished. AP at, Oregonlan. GENTLEMAN wishes homelike placo to room and board; give ratea. AP "i'J. Ore gonlan. YOl'NO gentleman wants room with good board. West side, c 8. Oregonlan. FOR RENT. s"uroiibed Rooms. THE REX. Week 12 and up; transient 50c and up. Ar you getting room lik our? If not. chsng; all outald rooms: hot and cold water In each room, ataam heat and bath, alao housekeeping rooiri. REX. USH Wsshlngton St. HOTEL SAVON. 181 Elsventh Street, ji.w, modern brick building; twj-' heated, prlvat batba, hot and cold water la room; beautifully furnished, cosy. ooia. fonabl. reor reaaonabla call aad s aa. Bagular and transient trad solldtea, HOTEL LA BALL'S, iota and Buraatd ta Absolutely fireproof; new and lgaatiy far ala bed room; prlvat bath. tja hat, bet and cold water, prlvat phone In each room; special rat by th meat: paao asrvlc f.- Phone alarsnaJl 40. LARGE cheerful. wli furnished room, reasonable rate, desirable locality, elec tric: light, heat, telephone, walking dis tance or oue-half block from carllue. 1-lione Marshall 13H. 77X Jolinson St. HOTEL HEN WICK Aa Ideal Bom tor eaak, Bs pu-pli icntra.ly located; lgaal reoma; an modern convsnieucas; T OA aad Taylor si. 1 block fruta Portland tisiei, eppwelt Belli Theafr. Phon Mala 1 " RAINIER HOTEL, On block from Union Depot: 140 oat) rooms, with hot and cold watsr and stasia bsat offer special ratea for permaaeal guests: ratea boo to 82 a day; 8A80 aad up per week. Phon Mala 1418. VAN GORDKR HOTEL, toe l Twelfth St- Marshall UMl la heart of business district; taox has'-, hot and cold watsr. fre pbon la averj room: 1 day aad up: week and up, THE A1JJXANDER. 111V Tenth, corner Alder eu, oonvement to the business dis trict and all theaters; well furnished room for transient or permanent, 8A.et) a week up; under new management. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement; rate very reasonable by th w-ek. special atteMlon given to tran sient. Washington at. Pliou Mam 31. 4VALI.A4KT HOTEL, law Park au. tua rooms, bot aad cold water. staoa beat, Uavaior and ail modern conveniences; 4is par moBib and uptuiet and couiurtaaia " HOTELi TOVRAINE. Cor. E. 1st and Holladay ave,; hot and cold water. leam heat, room io per wek up. Phone East &irE8. a - - - - niaaaant front loom, aaar walk an distance, all horn conveniences, A y?$0 to 84 per week. e2a 4th at. Alain &al. ..tel NOUKIS. modera convenience. AX 61 to 80 week. Alder, eoraei LEW1STON Hotel. -71 Vs Morrison, cur. 4th; large, airy room. Ingle and aulte. trn sletit'and permanent, Que day up. trfi VOL' wnt a good room In a good loca tion at a low ratT Try Hotel Larrabee, i -;is Lriabe Eaal Side, Eaat b-tu. HOTEL JOYCE. 4tb and Jefferson, nicely furnUbed loom by day. wek or month. . ,s .-, . -.- i v TITirun A V A TT? TT . lift it www a..,-.- .- vi-saraa-! ...'.a. ha -"m. l jm. - -v Furnished Room. Tffow Open. IIS Room a How Op HOTEL BTRON. HOTEL CAPLE9. Seventh and Taylor St. ResldeaLlal and tranalent; abaolotaly central; two minute from Poatofnr. torea. theater and reataurant; Just off bualnaaa street and carlln: aultet and beat location; handsome brick, ampi team beat, hot running water and phone In every room, pultea and prlvat bath, larator. Reputabl and comfortable. From Io dally. M wkiy. Any car Xrom depot. THE SARGENT HOTEL. Grand and Hawthorn Avenue. For rent, th Bnest corner, parlor, bed room and bath suit In th city, larg room, beautifully furnished, nine win dow, fine ylew of all the mountains. Alo gome single rooms, elevator ervlee. tele phone, hoi and cold water, electric US'" and steam heat; moderate price for de sirable tenant. Eight tretcar line pa, th building. If you ar looking for permanent, home-Ilk quarters, be sure and Inspect th 8argnt before locating. Excellent restaurant In connectloa with hotel. Telephone East 201. J. H. CLARK, PROPRIETOR. NOW OPENI NOW OPENI NOW OPENI Those three beautifulle furnished hotels HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK. FARSONs. 30WLAND1. tlihi 4th t. 2U 4th t S07Vi 4th t. On Fourth st-. running; from Taylor t fslmon sL: brand-new brick: elegantly furnished, (team heat, prlvat bath, hot and cold water In all rooms; Mrlctly up to data In all respects, and at popular prices. If yon want (Omathlng out of th ordinary. In th heart of th city, at rea sonable price, give us a call, a we know ou will Ilk It- Room by th day, w cr month. Tourist trad ollcltd. A N O E LA HOTEL CI Wr-shlngton St, Under New Management. Large lobby, finished In mahogany, til nd marble: ladle' parlor with elc-ant fireplace; fre telephone erelce In rooms, all night and day. electric elorator. stesm beat, hot and cold water In all room, many with bath. A residential hotel abov reproach, where every effort Is mad for the comfort and convenience of It guests; rents the most reaaonabl In th city; room by the day, week or month. Look this over before locating. Take W car at depot, get off at lth and Washington. THE KING. Hot Jefferson, nicely furnished rooms, electricity, heat, bath, close to business center, rates il'-oO per week up. I'nrnUhed Rooms In Private Family. T-vRill.- lawn, fine veranda. 10 minutes' wall- to rw.irfof fire, three large windows In room, brass bed. oak furniture. bath. Phone., private home. 414 Marshall, corner 11th. . ELEGANT furnished room with running hot and cold water, shower bath, all con venience, fill Trinity Place, between ID-land 1'oth at., off Washington t. TWO latge rooms, nicely furnished lava tory, suitable for two or more ladles: phone, bath, laundry tray. 3i E, i'nd St. Nor-h. BEAl'Tl FTTL front room, nicely furnished, 4 windows, large closet, mudern home, reasonable. East Sldo near 14th. walking distance. 570 East Madison. B S71. TRAVELER'S wife has two elegantly fur nished rooms, modern. Nob Hill, apart ment for ladle, reasonable, walking dis tance. Murshal! 11-3. To gentleman, front room and porch, (trict ly modorn. In a home of 3 adults: no other roomer. 1'hon A 4is9 or call JlMiVr Mont gomery. CONGENIAL couple, with some furniture, to share new six-room, modern flats In Portland Height. Call S3J1 Main after 7 1. M. ; SEE this: Newly furnished front room, exceptionally sunny, airy, clean; modem, choice neighborhood. walking distance. 4oo4 park. BEAl'Tl FULLY furnished rooms In good home; reference. Nob Hill district, 733 Johnson, sTli-WEST PARK Nicely furnished front room with alcove and sleeping porch; suitable for one or two; walking distance. 2 I AKGE well furnished room, in private family, aultnblo for 2 or 3. SliSVj 10th (L M. SJU7. 601 E. MORRISON Large front room, suitable for two. Bath .electric light and LARGE furnished housekeeping room; also sleeping rooms, nice ir iwo i-o.c. gentlemen: walking distance Main -510. BRIGHT, clean room with closet, for 1 or 2. m new modern home: every convenience; reo nMe. GH'-Va Everett, Marshall 4oii. NK'EiTy furnished connecting front rooms: w ill rent separately; reasonable. 194 13tli st- SHI ATTRACTIVE largo room In modern home, every convenience, walking dis tance. 11 E. Oth South. Phone East 143. W E L L-FU RN I S H ED room, with couch, new and modern, for lady or gentleman. Cai'.i Everett. SI PER week each. Front room for two ladles In private family, home privileges. 711S E. Main (t. CHEERFUL outside sleeping rooms, clean, comfortublc. close In. reasonable. Sb'S1,. Mill rt.. near West I'ark. Fl kNlSHEU room, modern private home. 7tiu Davis, bet. lilst tul -led, 1 block north of Washington. NICELY furnished rooms, from 8- weekly; eay walking distance, phone. o55 Wash ington WELL furnished front room, suitable for two. ruiinlntr water, homelike place, spa clous grounds. 4 blocks from P. O. 2t5 bth. THREE unfurnished rooms, pleasantly liKhteil. to rent, lo minutes from postof-fu-e. Price. 4 to $s month. 4- Market t, TWO nicely furnished or unfurnished, 73tJ Irving. Phono Marshall 45.14. ROOM for a gentleman lu a strictly prlvat Jewish family, phone Marshall 17S1. NICELY fuinished room. wa.King dlstaincs, urlvate family. 207 McMlllen. C liS. NICELY furtiNhed front room, also attic room. Marshall 3W77. 57 Trinity Place. XXCb. cK-an room with closet, bath and kitchenette If desired, cheap. 3'1 Knott. YOUNG woman wishes lady roommate to share apartment, av'i MonKomery. apt. B. rl RNlSHED room In refined Jewish home. inquire 415 Chamber of Commerce. FKON T rooms, ono up and one downatalrs. central, fre- phone. a I'(rk St. 165 N. 17TH Large, nicely furuished front ro.m. x-o'l a wtt-k . V'nfurrjlsned Rooms. PARTLY furnished. 8-room house, modern, nice yard, fruit, possession Immediately, SH", monin. i ,?i r-ast .-aimuu. Fl'RN'ISHED. also unfurnished rooms, very suitable for gentlemen. Kamm bldg.. 1st and Fine. getiDia Wltra tsoard NOW OPEN 1 NOW OPEN! NOW OPENI THE PARK VIEW. Corner West Park and Montgomery st. Family boarding-house, richly furnished and running water In all rooms, private baths, private park, and faces a large pub lic park; a homelike place with a view that la unsurpassed In any city; rates ranging from 835 to 10e) a month. Call and we are at your aervlce. Phone Main ,HS. 3S0 Montgomery el. THE HILL. 2.1 d and Wasll. sts. Residential lloteL American I'ian. All modern Improvements. Main 7.'4. A 4447. DOES a horn appeal to you? THE WHITE HALL, cor. 4th and Jgadlaon; larg room bath, broad veranda. tluleC close In. oaaj ar. 4 block from P. O. American plan. " MANaTOU. 1 1ITU ST. Attractive, clean rooms. steam baa. good board, close In. reasonable THE LAMBERSOiV 654 Couch at,, very de sirable outaide rooms, steam beat, run ning water. guodboard. close In. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION, iSd year. Room with board, use of sewing-room, li brary. 510 Ftandera. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sppt ROOMS and bosrd. best location, strictly modern, walking dlstanoe. 840 Uasaalo, East. . , THE HAZEL Furnished rooms with bord, running water, steam heau HK5 ad st. eiN'GI.E and double room, excellent tabl; price mwiiiwM - " - - -- BOARD and room. $5.50 woek up; tne .. ...... c, r.o 'M Vluln at. tieaeia. T--. - ELEGANT room, facing th park. A-l board. reasonable. a7tPark. Rooms With Board In Private FamlUes. GENTLEMAN wanting tent, sleeping room with good board. ad'lressAl(. oregonlan. tl03 WASH.BT Room anil board for two gentlemen, 15.50 per week. GOOD homo for girl 12. near Eliot School: will pay ! board. G 8, Oregonlan. FURNISHED rooms with board, suitable for two. 17 lUh (t. wTvTED K.lderlv or lnvlld lady to care fo'r; r-HSorable. C 7. tn-egonlan. g"oOD room ' and board tor lady; close in. '.ns 11th (t. ROOM and board In private family. 107 N. luth. M. 55'3. 47J SALMON, good rooms, good board, mod ern, close In, reasonable. Marshall 427.1. 1 AEGE front rooms, all conveniences and " table bosrd for gentlemen. 84lti th at ROOMS with board. 713 Flandota. M. 1547. 1913. Rooms With Board la Frlrato Fantlly. VERY desirable ro.sms. with hot and cold i . . ahc-ecr adloln- Ing. with sleeping porch, home cooking, . minutes' walk to car and 10 mlnutea "ai to Washington St. "li". Prospect drive, l-omanq li.jgnt. aiaui iw ROOM and board for two or three gen-J'-men. home privileges, electric llght(, bV-n-Dtinn.: easv walkinir distance. NO otner lioarders. :"! Montgomery (t. FOR business man. congenial , home, beau- tuui surroundings, eitrunu clusivn neighborhood. very reasonable, I wanting uiBiauce. si w-r-J ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen. Sran- dlnavlana preferred. Addrea u -ono loth st. . ROOMS with board, modern flat, walking distance; very reasonable, ioj Mill (t. phone A 5fi.l"I. ' ONE verv large room, suitable for 3 or 4 young men, rates reasonable. 6" Kearney st. Phone Marshall 1I7S. NICE, clean, comfortable rooms, reason able: hot baths, steam heat, freo phone. 887 Taylor St. ATTRACTIVE rooms, with breakfast and dinner In private family, half block to car, walking distance. Phone Mar. 3tl.'. ROOM and board In private family, not far out. use of parlor, piano, phone and bath. 1 none r-enwooq n.g FIKST-CLASS board and room, home priv ileges, everything modern. 55a East Couch 1:0 EACH Front room for two; "-h1 beds; all new, modern convenience. Ideal home. S8 17th. near Everett. LARGE room, with hoard, running water, modern conveniences. clo(e In, gentleman only. -J1 West ram. LARGE, well-furnlshed front room, modern convenience, close In. West Side: heat home cooking, very reasonable. Main 3JbU. TWO front rooms for 2 or 4 gentlemen: Bood board; bath, phone; 5.M week. 420 E. Couch, cor. lith. NICE clean room with breakfast and dinner, for 2, reference. 410 Park. at. -Marshall 31S. FOR RENT Two front housekeeping rooms with board, llli North. 23d t. Phono Main ari'.ix 1ST-CLAPS board and room. 4J7 Clay, near 11th. Reference required. rLEASAXT rooms, slngi or en suite; exeai lent board. 6-d Gllsan. ROOM with connecting bedroom, excellent board, porchea and grounds. Main 2071. ROOM for rent, nice board, home comforts. r.."i Morrison. NEATLY furnished room veary reasonable. Suitable for one or two. 20tl 12th st. ROOMS with "board. Call 388 Taylor. Private boarding-house. A partment. HEINZ APARTMENTS 14th nd Colom bia. 4 block south from Morrison su: new brack building, completely fu-st-eJas furnished In 2. 8 and 4-room family apartment- prlvat bath, steam heat, hot wa ter elevator, fre phon. vacuum cleaner, lanltor aervlce; rent par month, tao. 8a0. $40 and up; must b sssn to b apiw elated. THE EVERETT. C44 Everett t. Kew and elegantly furnUhed apart ment; 8 room, reception hall and sleeping-porch; automatic elsctrlc levator and private Pacific telephone; located la on of the choicest residence district. ur rounued by elegant home; walking ai tance. THE DEZENDORF, 10S 1STH ST., NEAR TAYLOR ST. ELEGANT 4 AND 6-ROOM LNFCR NISHED APARTMENTS. APPLY O.N PREMISES FOR RESERVATION. IN SMALL, well-kept apartment-hou. 8 minute' walk from Morrlaon at. on ery large, well furnished 4-room apartment, on nrst floor. One small, airy furnished apartment of 4 rooms, nrst floor. one 2-room apartment. light ana commo dious. on third floor. 348 4th t. FORD HA af APARTMENTS. 170 Ford t-. Just south of Washlngtoa; most complete, highest class apartments ever built In Portland; finished through at 1b hardwood; tiled bath. uperb fix-tare- elegant wall covering; each with private fcalcony; highest claaa aarvlca. ry reasonable rents; 4 and b-roo&t apartment; moat convnlohtly arrangeo. "" THE CAMAR. 704 Lovejoy SU Under new management; new. modern brick 2 3 and 4-room apartment, fur nished or unfurnished; we will rent you apartment 25 per cent cheaper than any piece in the city: good Janitor service. Give us a call and be convinced. Mar. 2U10. HANOVER FIREPROOF APARTMENTS. King and Washington sts.. now ready. New 8-story reinforced concrete build ing, only fireproof apartment-noua la Portland- every possible convenience, leo Ulc elevator, best of ervlce. prlvat bal conies, easy walking distance; 2. 3, and 4-room apartments, $22.50 up. ' "WELLINGTON COURT. loth and Everett Sts. New mauageiaent ; 2, 3, 4 or 5-roora un furiished apartments. The best apart ment In the city for the money; they have all modern convenience, are close lu neat and homelike. Don't fall to Inspect tnem peroie mean, o OR 4-rooiu apartment, private baths, $32. 50, J1S5. $3i.ii0: all outside rooms, splendid view; convenient arrangement: superb location, close to Postoflice, best of service. The Sheffield, 7th and Jef ferson. FURNISHED AFTS. Nicelv furnished. 3 rooms. $22. 50: all outside, large, light, airy rooms, private phone and bath, gas range, refrigerator, wal-r heater, laundry tray., large closets, on carline. East Side. Tabor 2 Jtfli. B 3U41. IONIAN COURT. 570 Couch. 1 block from Washington, wnlklnc distance, 3 and 4-room modern unfurnished apartments: all modern con Yeutcnucs, best of service; under new man agemeir.; reference required. Main 11W2. ST. FRANCIS APARTMENTS. 21st and Ilovt: 3 rooms and bath, private balcony. new brick building, electric elevator, f perb location. In walking distance; most convenient. srrauBciucui, low uub ttou umi of service. LUCRET1A COURT, i neretia st,. Near 23d and Wash. Unfurnished apartments, from two to five rooms, all large, light and outside; iarXe closet., hardwood Uoura; under new Xliauagemeua. aaiiuaii ivia, eauievi. aar (ball 1500. HANTHORN APARTMENTS. $51 12th It, .. . . , Main: clos In location: elegant 2 - xoom apartment with bath and prlvat balcony. .h,,iioii.-s gooia service- THE M'KINLEY APARTMENTS, Bst 7th and Morrison, most centrally lo cated 1 a anu e-w. bih ,u.um, aw nlahed up to data; private bates; moder ate ratea. NORTHAMPTON, 407 Hall t. Main 4299. Birmingnam. " -111 - aiaiauau ata. 2 rooms, nicely furnished, fii up; walk. Ing cutanea. " MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. Park and Madison Sta For rent, 3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnlsneq apai nocm-a. ainctiy moflerp. EXCELXENT large S-room apartment, front, back and sleeping porches, maid's room; hot water i.wei. ,e... eieaiiiiia (ydem. bleveu( Apartinenis, Wl N'orthrup. u lllllOS HALL, corner of Hall and Hih. 3 n.l 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartment. hardwood floor. private T.orcheS. batn. pnone. waning distance A IT 41, the Cumberland, for J months; 3 rooms, well furnished, facing Park; rea- 1r;,l,le rent to ns"i panics. ....... V , ' H r I ... MI ... . room modern uufurnlshed apartment. Main JIISIA' THE LEONCE. 1S6 N. 22d. near Johnson, beiL'tlfully furnished 3-room apartmeni W'ltn ail mooem w...o...Mea wuij eo hj.-uaMi. 10Ul Lovejoy Lnlurnisneo ,rjnlj; modern, new brick; must be seta . be appreciated. Main 184.7. A 107. twf ORMONDE, modern apartment. 4 nice, iialit rooms, gas range, refrigerator, teio u.lone. oio Fiauder. Nob Hut. Main 5i. TH K DA.VENPORT Newly furnished 2 and a-room e-pi"-. l" . . . reasonable. Main 541a. 505 Jefferon. THE MAHR Apartment. 228 North 20th Mlcely furnished and unfurnished threw- THE JEFFERSON I AN. 614 Jefferson at! Nicely furnished 2 and 3-room apt., no room Bjiniiii..-" ennui ' U " ' " "BUCK HARTFORD APIS. 21st a,.d FlanderA oner new management, 3-room apta; all modern; walking distance. Main 2782. - BERYL APARTMENTS aTnrnlslied and unfurnlsned apartment. 1 lovejoy t- Take "W" ear. So-iFKRIEND. 7TH AND JEFFERSON Modern unfurnished apartmenta, all ouuid. e..oma. i . 1 n . nu- lDlBTUrVTC" THM x-ac -.- J53 Harrison St.Phono Marshall 807a jr ELM 2 and 8-room apt., furnished T hL Phoni.ndb.tb, ll14th t. SuinIiAWR. 185 Et 15th. near Yamhill. 6 outaide room, over fin lawn, porch. LOVEJOY APTS., 17th and Lovejoy Two .nd three-room furnished apartmenta TTiTftTE Furnlahed and unfurnished $ rooml Corner 2d and Mantgomery. TJIE WASSEI.L APTS. 555 YamhllL vry convenient and rcaaonable. Apartments. THE ORLANDO. 20TH AND WASHINGTON- STS. LARGEST APARTMENT -HOUSE IN CITY. Two and three-room apartments, w-11-furnlshetl. cheerful and thoroughly clean, at most REASONABLE RATES consistent with their many advantages Comfortable beds (no wall bedsi. unusually fine closet room, HOT and cold water, refrigerator Beautiful view from many apartment. Wide halls, elevator service. In addition. THE ORLANDO possesses the following point of superiority: INDISPUTABLY FINEST LOCATION. HANDSOMEST ENTRANCE. BEST EQUIPPED LAUNDRY. NOKOMIP Marshall. Near 17th St. New building; Summer rate; must do seen to be appreciated. ARDMAY TERRACE. 12th and Harrison Sts. Largest 2-room apartments In the cltj. ALTON I A, Marshall and lth sts. Tjarge airy 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; quiet and exclusive neighborhood. THE WHEELDOlf, Cor. Park and Taylor ta THE WHEELDOTT ANNEX. Or. Tenth and Salmon t. Walklne Distance. . Furnl.hed complete. 2. 8 and 4-roem oartment; building new and strlour modern; aervlc tlr.l-claaa. C ARM EC LIT A Jeffersoa and Thirteenth Sts. 3. 4. 5-room apartments, exceptionally well arranged. Unfurnished. No wall or disappearing beds. Exclusive. Modern. New. Every effort Is made for the comlorl and convenience of tenant. References. Phone Main 3968. PAGE APARTMENTS. 8th and East Burnslde sts. 3-room apartments, thoroughly modern In every respect, renovated and retlntea throughout, rates, furnished $2j and up. unfurnished $U2.50 and up. Apply on premises MRS. MINNIE E. SMITH, Proprietor. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, brick and stone palace oi iuunoua Place, tietween Hath and 2th streets. Just off Washington: magnificent exclusive apartments in heart of apartment-house district; rentals reasonable: every modern convenience; sleeping porches, high-class service: refined clientele; reference re quired in all cases; two beautifully fur nished apartments available May 1. Mrs. A. N. Wright, superintendent, phono Mar nan uvi. NEWLY furnished The Upshur. 26th and .. . . i-v, ...i o-mnm annrtments. 815, $18. 20 and up. Thl include. team heat hot and cold water In every apart ment, private phone., public bath, electric lights, gas range, laundry-room, all free, also 8-room unfurnished apartments, with private bath. $18; 4 rooms. $20. Take s. 23d or W cars north. Phone Main 8. i-ui.- 11 TllllA'T Cor. 5th and College. 7 minutes' walk from Morrison St., one 8-room elegantly furnished apartment now vacant; every convenience and com fort. Including refrigerator, wall "afe. pri vate phone and nrat-class service; $Jo per month. BUENA VISTA. 12th and Harrison, new brlrk 2. 3 and 5 rooms, furnished or uuturnlshed. all modern conveniences; best service. Apply on preminco KINO HILL APARTMENTS. 171 KINO ST. 4. 6, -room apartments; select tenancy. Apply on premise. GRANDEST A furnished apartment Oj av. and East Stark; new brick building, a rooms, splendidly furnished, with pri vate bath, $27.50; lectrlo elevator; m 1 "n convenience; close-in location; easy walking distance; pw oa ET CROIX Apartment. St, Clair SU. near Washington; 2 and 3-room apartmenta with private oath. furnUhed and unfur nl4heT superb location, easy walking dls Lance. "brick building; convenient arranga menu best of service and very low renta Pormomah Apts., 5bd E. Taylor, cor. 13th J 3 4 ami o-room uufurnlshed apis., walking ' distance; every modern conve nience, homelike, quiut, porches and yard, moderately priced. "THE W1CKERSHAM," jsth and Flanders sts. Beautiful apartment. 5 and li rooms. Call and see them. K.EELER APARTMENTS. 14in nd Clay atreeta. Bnlendld location, .olid bricat building, alMirlo elevator: we have unfurnished $ and 4-room .ulte. with prlvat. vesubuis POUIIM, x THE VVbSirALi Arnni..ii.'- . , 410 5th l. Five minutes' waJk. brick T. -w.iu fnrni.hr.il l.-ruum aDart- ment. private bath, phono. elevator anl up.Main 20IU, A WiS. THE MAKLBOROUGH a-rtjora apartment, choice residence 3l- , I.4.. niQianna HVprV f.O fl V f! II 1 611 C a. lutaad Flanders sts. Main 7518. . HISLOP HALL, HAWTHOP.NE AVE. AND OTH ST. New modern building; uew lurnltur; S-room apartmeni; walking distance, or best car o . i WtVSTOh APartioeuva, w - . - Market: new corner brick; all bright, out aide rooms; I ana s-room Jiitely furnished for housekeeping ; J, to AI7.DU. ror imwia.' t INCOLN All-, ' -' ' All outside, 2-room apartments; Holme, beds built-in writing desks, vacuum clcan r lanilor Bervlce; 42ii0 to i0, .ncludlng f.r' J1.. V.rivate nhoues. A B472. Main 1377. m , . 'c it ivn I tvenr M -WAi'E APTs" T!7 Nortlirup .L, corner ORAL- hardwood floors, front ini'w . - , ..;!'. !, larite sleeping porch, private telephone, water, heat and hot water new anu an ....mulcted, corner 3d and Hall; alt e furnished apt... large outside C lichens, best arranged apts. in Portland. 7... on Easy walking distance. f. Iv'pOOLK FURNISHED AP-RTMENTS. ,7.1, .n.i Clay: 2-rooj apartmenu, fur nished, with private bath; all conve nience.; good service; easy waiting dis ' -' - . .-.'."TT APARTMENTS, 2ad and GUsaa CECILIA a-rj .urv4ce). desirabl locauoa. tance: vers wiin unexcelled car service; also easy walking aistance: 3-room apu, with bau. modern eonveoighg; v'? reasonable root. Pi."oi summer borne; furnished and unfur n..n.d apartments. $lo to Zi. Take Mis JlMippl o?L car., get oft at KUlmgsworta ave. rnvw x -- NiiWl-Y iurnihea 3, rooms, 22..'50 . i40. single rooms $3 up. tree liKbt, phones.' heat, hot and cold water, electric , f fTt? v APiTf TM P. VT t-a-(4 Rtreot. near Waahinpton; 8el-ct t-.meiire district : :t or 4-room apartment, with balcony; all conveniences or tho btst r.LJl Sn-rtments. Main tit::, A 744-S. vcry d-airable. o rooms with heat, cas y J iinl1iaiiiin. also furnished rooms. rvasonable. walking distance, corner ljih ana r. -.p"- TH-S FLrOR JSNC Jai w i- aosomtsiir f ll-t-ClM aaVAJl ' - mVnt $S2.6 UP- 5 11111 tanali 4174. 1 and 4-roem apta. hardwood floors, with every convenience, newly furnished; cop- . . In the CltV. eat iui - jTg CHETOPA, ISth and Flanders sta Modem a, o anu -iooi, bii.i rushed and unfurnished.' Apply to the , Dnih nhonea. janiioi. . -av. mrATIIA. 706 EVERETT 8T. v-icelv furnished two-room apt., $112. 50 and Sv&; also 8-room, tZO to 35; modern, Cos X 7S01. 3 ROOMt. oasenienv iivnitmcui, e-i.o. light and gas furnished, also desirable, 2 returnable- Tha Ijrickjirori. room t ' , . - 44M lllH SAN MARCO APTS., E. Sth and Couch K-ii, private baths and nhone. 3 room, corner, $25. Phone E. 27.11. cWi-j-iv-TA APTS.. 1S7 17th st. Modern, nicely furnished apartments; only 42U to gyT, per monin. &-ROOM apartment, .team heat, rent only $30. 633 Xorthruia .L A 4bot. Apartments. THE AMERICAN. Mo.t up-to-date apartment tn th North wet; every convenience; 4 ana rooms, all outside sunny rooms; new, walking distance. 21st and Johnson ta. choice residence district; attendant on premises. Marshall 83CO. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts.. this new 4-story brick now open: fur nished and unfurnished in 2. 8 and 4-room suites; reception hall, electrlo automatic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range. 1c box, plenty of closet room, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. It you want something nice, como to the Barker. 1 8-roora basement apartment. $16. Phones A 1744. Marshall 2961. THE VILLA ST. CLARA. 12 th and Taylor. Jrort completed, most magnificently fw Blshed apartment. In the Northweit: loca tion perfect; rental reasonable; every modern convenience. Including banquet ball and roof garden: both phone In -A apartment: high-class service: reference required Main 2278 and A 7057. NICE one and two-room housekeeping tiiu, very reasonable rent. modern. 60-il Grand ave. . Flats. FOR RENT. S-ROOM FLAT and bath. This flat 1 on E. Salmon at., line location and close in. Furnished throufhout and pleasant room.. Soe Mr. Davie.-. Phone Main lt4s. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CU.. 82-o3S Chamber of Commerce. 1-ROOM flat. 7S2 GllMn (t.. fit); new build ing, superb location, very aestraoie. naru wood floor, fireplace, gas range, water heater, furnace. See Mr. Roat, St. Croix Apartments. 170 St. Clair st. MODERN flat, select neighborhood. 5 rooms and maid s room, iurna.ee, niepiaeo. range, shades, hardwood floors. 2.14 N. 25th, corner Northrup: adults; reference. Apply 87S Northrup. W car. FOR RENT 5-room modern Irvington flat, tile bath, sleeping-porch ana an iaiei conveniences. Two block from Broadway and Irvington carlinea. Apply at 41 East 17th st. North. Telephone East 17til. STEAM-HEATED 6-room flat, very desira ble; convenient arrangement, wmi s range- J32.50 Summer rate. Apply Jani tor. Wellington Apartment. 15th and Everett. KniNISH 'fl 1) FLAT of 4 rooms, with pri vate porch, steam neat, not uuu oo.u -ter private bath. Including phone and janitor service, for .'I2.60 per month. 402 North 2ltn. ask lanoiaii mnnu' "F13- ONE 6-room up-to-date upper flat, sleep- . , i .,.. o-n.Av hullna ing porcn, iirepia-e, no. " " - ""'' tiy E. Madison bet. 16th and lith. Phon E. 234. . MODERN 4-room flat for rent, furnished or unrurnlsnea. ona urauu ave x from car. 4-ROOM furnished flat, walking distance. West Side. Will rent to steady tenant iur J 2.1. B -1048. S-ROOM flat, nicely furnished. J25. Call at 4S3H Davis St. alter 3 f. M. or at on Flanders st. after a P. M. FOR RENT Swell 7-rooro modern flat, 444 i'ark Hi., lu.nace uiiu ... .. .hlMn THnna Tfthnf Iti'A Or ESt 1431. MODERN 5-room flat, with nice porch. n.ht mnmm ant e.-n!lttnir distance. . 'lfl-e-..i TT,nt Pall 441 lltll St. MODERN, steam heated, walking distance. clrla fine nelehhorhood. Marshall n.-.o. ' 6-ROOM furnished flat, beautiful location. modern, walking distance, ou. aso aim. 271. FURNISHED upper o-room modern flat. 24th and r-ast Morrison, e-o. ruuuo ai- shall 1231. CHE VP, close-in 5-room flat, modern, fire place. 7S1 Oilcan. Phone Mar. 4517. A 4545. FURNISHED 5-room flat. West Side, walk ing distance, modern conveniences. o aa vls. Phong A 7131. Marshall 797. LOWER five-room modem flat. Lovejoy st.. only $25. vanduyn & wanon. oi -.iiaui- r or omineice. BOO MARKET ST. 5-room. modern flat. S.10 per month; key at uu.-i. a-urnauw om Company, 3d and Oak. UPPER, lower flat, furnished unfurnished: all modern conveniences, waiaiui, ui.ui,. 3tl0 Chapman. MODERN 6-room flats, furnace, fireplace. larse veranda. "Vo-wo .ast aiornoou anu 15th. Phone East unit. FINE upper flat, 9 rooms, furnace. fire Ella place. 2 bams, large punu, o. .st. Phone E. iU'.'s or II 201 .V NOB Hill flat. 7 rooms, fine yard, splendid neighborhood. 776 V- Johnson sL, bet. 23d and 24t"h. Main B5l. MOT'EHN new 0-room upper flat, West Side, select neighborhood; hardwood floors, sleeping-porch, rireplace. Marshall 2il24. em Modern lower flat, 4 light rooms; walking distance. 62S East Main. Phone East W". . FOUR-ROOM modern furnished flat, suit shines In every room, and a fine yard, jO month. 650 Gantenbein ave. UPPER and lower flats. 5 rooms, walking distance, (team ue..i, not "- - ga3 range, clean and sunny. 587 E. Main. MODERN B-room Hat, E. ISth, and Ash. B 2000. FOR RENT 4-room furnished flat. 404 Jefferson st. VEHTatl ractlve 5-room flat, near Broad way bridge; adults. 405 Benton St. 2-ROOM flat 0. 3-room flat $14. 706 Van couver ave. Woodiawn 1H53. UODEHN 4-room lower Hat, sleeping porch. .vonnrui. j,, b'l'rlAM-H ATKD. 5-room flat, all modern, l'hoco Main o4-l?t. 5-ROOM flat, modern, gas stove and water heater: good porch. Rent IIS. East 6117. tl-KuOM upper flat, unfurnished, modern, nice location. Inquire 52H Everett st. MODERN B-room fiat, 5th, near Jackson. West Side, 10 mln. walk. Main or A 1223. SWELL modern 5-room lower flat. 78 E. Yamhill, near 23d. Phone E. 5048. 0-ROOM flat, 426 E. Market St. Call Sell wood I'.tltl. Noll HILL; modern 6-room upper flat. sleeping porch. Main 8S98. B-ROO.M modern flat. Nob Hill. $25. Mere- dlth. 329 Washington st. FIVE luree rooms. lower flat. Main 8475. 622 Nortlirup. . Kit'E-4ro"om" flat, close In. rent 117. Apply 230 Hall St. Housekeeping Room. jay UPSilUK 26th and Upshur ets, fur nished 2-room apartments. $16 up. In cludes steam heat, hot and cold water In every apartment, public bath, electric liehta. eas range, laundry-room, all free. Take S. 23d or W car north. Phon Main 850. . THE BEAVER. 1-tli and Marshall, fur nished for housekeeping; sa range, elec tric lis-hts. hot water, bath, laundry flee; $lu per month up; a clean place, best in the city for the money; short distance from Union Depot. Take "S" or 16th-st. cars north, get off at Marshall su No dogs. II 60 TO 2.60 per week Clean furnished housekeeping rooms; fre heat, phon. bath laundry, yard. 406 Vancouver av. and 203 Stanton; "U" car. Phone E. 0. THE MELVTN. 11th st., near Yamhill Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms and suites' bath, gas. heat, phone and laun dry privileges: rates reasonable. THE MILNER. Morrison, cor. Park, furnished or unfurnished housekeeping apartments, all convenience, best location. Summer rate. COMFORTABLE S-room housekeeping front rooms. $5.50 per week; furnished, BIVs 1st t., near starK. HOl'-EKEEPINO rooms; rate reasonable, 24SHs Holladay ave.. two block from Steel bridge. wnUEKEEPING room. In new concrete building. Phone Woodlawn 2997 or 2379. FURNISHED single housekeeping rooms, $1,50 to $2 week. DeSoto House. 291 2d. 461 FAST MORRISON, cor. Sth Furnlf lied J - room housckee P in g suites reasonable. T yyO nicely f urnished housekeeping room.. 4S9Va Washington. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family TWO sets of furnished housekeeping rooms two rooms each. 12 and $14. Cor. SOtll st. -no Burnslde. "MV" car. 2019. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. Ap ply 14'J uranam ave. NICELY furnished parlor suite for light nouseKeepiiie,. t-'- iio 66 N. 14TH ST. Ono suite housekeeping room. groundfloor; priceriKht. TWO connecting rooms for housekeeping; light and airy. 554 Taylor St. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 7 N. 14th St.. Davis and Everett. $2 5". $11. HOUSEKEEPING, also slceplPX- room. for gentleman. 135 I4th. LAIK'IE front suites, modern, finefit locatio.i. "walltin distance. t7N. 20th st 3-ROOM liousekeepinc; suite, all conven iences, reasonable. 6o Everett. S12.30 Housekeeplnc suite, gas, bath, heat, lleht. roses. 62.1 Marshall. XJCE clean eincle housekeeping room, phone and bath.163 North18th. VERT-desirable outside housekeeping room, large, shady yard. B2 N. 11th, i