- Tirr: MOTtyreo rmr.ooyTAy. motat. aprix 29. ism. - 16 GOES FOR 10., WHATGQM FOR TAFT Preferential Primaries Washington Give ex-Presi dent Strong Ballot. in VOTERS SHOW APATHY Wilson DrfMK Clark In Sesttlo Dis trict Clark. Harmon and Taft Supporter I'rgrd to Stay Away rrnm foil-.. SEATTLE. April IS. Complt re turns from the three counties In which preferential primaries were held yes terday sMve Roosevelt Kin? County's lit delegate In the Republican state convention. Taft Whatrom Countr'i JO delegates and leave the ou : crime In I'aciflc County, where 10 delegates were to be chosen. In doubt. The latest returns from King County Rive. Roosevelt 3oiio vote. Lat F'.lleite 171 and Taft 4'. In Whatrom County, with 10 unimportant precincts missing. Tuft hud 123 1. Roosevelt S'i3. t-a Kol lette iSS and Cummins 7. No addi tional returns have been received from Purine Coast counties, and with seven precincts miming the vot stands H-.nsevelt :?. Tuft 111. win to the action of the Taft. Har rron anil Clark leaders In urging their foMom-ers to remain away from the In formal primaries, the vote wan remark ably lla-ht. Tn the absence of a contest between Taft and Koosevelt. and be tween Wilson and the other two Demo cratic randldatrs. little incentive was felt tn go to the poll. Voter Ntiv Apata?. Even Roosevelt and I -a Follette men were apathetic. So far as Kins County Is concerned, there is a minimum of rivalry between Roosevelt and 1-a Fol lette. leaders of both of these factions being in fairly close accord. The Roosevelt victory did not come as a surprise, as It had been conceded that, with Taft out of the running here, the Colonel would carry the county. The Taft. Harmon and Clark refusal to recognize the primaries was based on their informal and unofficial nature, it is asserted. Women played little or no part in the primary, feminine apathy belns. If pos sible, even more marked than that of the. men. The only Prmo.-ralir prim.iry was held in King County, where Wilson de fc;.ted Clark 3 to 1. with barely 1"00 V'.fn caau- Because the Clark and Harmon and Taft men were advised to stay away from the Joint King County primary the scats of King County's delegates to both the Republican and lciiiorratle conventions will be con tested by delegate appointed by the tx.iuitve committee. Devon-rat. . ell Divided. Twenty-four if the 39 rounti-s in the stale have chosen their delegations to the democratic slate convention, which meets at Walla Walla May . divided as follows: Wilson 111. Clark 111. Eryan It. uninstructed 154. con tested 15?. Fifteen counties with a total of 157 delegate were to be hoard from. Only nine counties have selected their delegates to the Republican con vention at Aberdeen May 13. divided as follows: Taft 11. Roosevelt 15. Lai Fol lette 1. uninstructed . contested 1S9. leaving 30 counties, bavins a total of 4. delegatea. to be heard from. WHATCOM COl'NTY FOK TAFT rrcidcnt Carrie- All but One Ward In Ilclliiij-liani. PKLLINGIIAM. Wash.. April Complete returns from the City of Bcl lincham and about 70 per cent of the county precincts Indicate President Taft carried Whatcom County at the Republican preferential primary yes terday. The Taft leaders estimate his final plurality over Rooaevelt at 3i0. A total of 175 votes were cast in the city precincts. President Taft cur ried every ward except one. w hich went to Roosevelt. The vole In the city was: Taft loI4. Roosevelt !. 1-a Follette 21 1. Cummins 4. Fifteen preclncls In th- country have reported, giving Roosevelt :", Taft 2i7. La Follette 14&. Cummins 3. The SO precincts to be heard from are outlying;, and represent only about one-third of the vote. The party delegates to the state con vention probably will be pledged to president Taft. The Roosevelt forces ill hate approximately 20 of the to i' lcCfctes to the county convention next Mtnrday. f.OI.DKNDAI.K GOES FOU TAFT Pclceatc Naiurtl for County Con vention l' nop posed. OOLPEXnALE, Wash- April It. (fcpecUL) Republican primaries were held at the Council rooms In Goidendale yesterday, and a Taft delegation was elected to represent Goidendale pre cinct in the county convention May 4. There waa no opposition to the pro gramme outlined by local Taft leaders. Ielrc;atea elected are: C W. Ramsey. K. D. Sunderland. John McKwen, A. E. Coley, N. L Ward. C F. Kayser. A. J. Ahola. C. T. Camplan. M. M. Warner and W. F. Byars. Klickitat County delegates elected a delegation to represent Klickitat In the state convention at Walla Walla May t. . t a mass meeting held at the .Court hmiv In Goidendale today. l''lecntea rrr: Tal Bratton. William Van Vat-tor. J. S. Kddincs. Ralph Fenton. Walter Norris. W. I- Harris. W. II. Clifford. Matt Mattaon and Green ' Uullotk. The del. gallon was not Instructed. iron Citr bv waiving it and has also waived its right to its yearly Income as provided by past legislative acts in dN-posina- of the locks and ian.il to the Federal Government is the- prarti.al import of nn opinion of Attorney-General Crawford, given today for Secre tary of Stale t'li-ott. Th opinion discusses the moot point as to the. state's flio.otio. as well as to trio Mate's income in the locks, and In part Is as follow.-.: hsrl-r !!.'. !. of loo". i.prnpr;atfi , HH....O.I n .fat-d In rct!n I tif the sot. - for iie purr-one of -'. Ins the I'rl'-d Mat IV a...lir.r. l" jcirrhaee. condemna tion or construction, of l"l can. I Slid loeV. n-r.ml the l-'alls of the Willamette Kitrr st . irez-.n Cltv. and ail itch: of tiy srd ii.t-'ly nrro i-.- or c.n en len I thete fr.r. sen to he en nr. I. mainta ill'.! and o.er Hte4 to- the l'nlif.1 plates. provtlel. that ,1. I n'lr.l Sinl-s seal! mtthla three yeses from the lia.e of t ha pa:is- of ihls set. aprrnpriate th svirr. or uo.'s). or a sum Sut'l'-lelit to sroulr- hv purrhase, rnndelll rs'lon. or cor-trucMon. a host rsnsl and lock sr."iro :he fall of the Willamette rtivi-r at Orr;ir ilt. aul nil rights of s av and pi open v necesar am! t-ontenient ,-reff.r. to I i nerl. opcratetl and iaal:i lslne.1 by the I rlten Slte tree to trsns ,o.sr'oi - n .vt il!s-o-l'e t:l.er." yrr-'.c of ail rhspler authoriirs the Keeretarv f c'nle It a ra :r TisrrMnrls -n the Mure Trrts.rrr to favr of t.ie t'nlle.l S'atrs w''H'r the l'n:"--t Stat--l has ;:p pr.,;,r.lert the stitn of -...IO.m or a FU'1 nf'lc irl to sciu.re the canal. The l ulled fates not hivlne por-pr'.H ted snv motiev up lo the time of the Stare !.ec Is'at lir" held In Junuarv sr.d Ke.rtisrv. ivv.l. the l.esls Istiire eii-nd-d the time for the Pnited F-.ates to rnie its ,:;oo . to March 1. I12. When the rnnl anil lo. ks nt irecon "''' were rnnsirurt-d the S'n'e of i irecon dorst , .1 a j.oition of the monev ne,.earv to ll;e constrociion of said canal and l l . tir"n WOULD-BE SUICIDE IS UNABLE 10 OIE Unidentified Man Leaps Into Columbia. Can't Sink, So Swims Ashore. POLICE THEN ARREST HIM j PrNniMT. of Friuratr-d Apiica-tanct. antl .- Vrnrn Old. Pr-clarca Ho Iiitl .Vol nenllxc It Took So I.ons lo Drown. VANCtifVKU. Wash.. A;ir!! 21 i'-;pec'al With t!ie nvore.l Irteition of rommllllrz suicide, a mnr. who re- KtmFVKI.T WINS AT CAMAS Kcpiihliran I'rlmnrlei Cltoo-c Prlc- tale for Former rresldrnl. CAMAS. WasK. April It. (Special.) .l the Republican primary held to- d.iv Camaa East precinct elected the following delegates to the county con tention: Rufus Blair. J. J. lUrnnicton. Geo.ce Ritchhartt and F. Mickelsen: t'amas West precinct. 11. MacMaster. C. T. Asher. John Glttlna and U L, Laad better. Tha Issue waa Taft or Rooaevrlt. and the Roosevelt delegation was elected. STATE LOSES ITS INCOME Aitornr -fienerl t.ivrs pinlon on Orr-ton City Lock-. P LKM. Or April ; .Special.) That tne state has lost Its .!.. cm in terest In tha canal and locks at we- NEW CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH AT HOOD RIVEH, NEAR- I IN tr tUivirj-wcjiAUii. ! " 4 je-"-f-, ;. t ' ' ' , -. . I j. r- --t - rv- . I ----- " - c ' I .. . - ... - -...-c-i-...-;-'-'; - . -.- v.-.c. - ' .,.. . . X VI'tlM: STIll I'l l Itl MI UIVKI1. Or . April Si-cial. I-Masons and carpenters have con net,! the exterior work of Uf new Kiversi, ! t .nB reBa , imia, Church, which Is b.UU of stone quarried from the Hill but a sl.oi t .dis tance. w-t of the edifice. I'histcrers and painters nre now busily en taKe.i fir.lshini; tlie exterior of the handsome new atructure. k Tl e l.Hll.lisi. which was begun last l'all. will cost approximately l-.nlldcrs are, now bust- Installing the, handsome, stainc.l-e.-ass windows. As soon as the edifice Is completed. Rev. I- -V, Harris, pastor, will hold a special dedication service. the con.'.itlon that IO per cent of the net prix-ec.ts of op.-rni:rs toe ...r.e should year b' be pi.l'l to tne stale of Oregon for the lcellt of the t-orr.nv.n -chool fund, and In .,.., , he Si'ttrrtRe Court of ihls Slate held that the rr'land i;eneral Klertrlc Com pany must .eoi.nt to Ihe stale for such HI Ir cetn. Ti.-re'ur the stale at thai lime had an lnte;-e"l In the canal and locks, or at !"aM in Ihe operailon of the csnsl and 1-x-i.s. t th" extent of l per cent of the net cr.c--.ts r.-ultli.c from tluir oj.eratl.n. tiuit-r ..'. of the Unte of l-H'T as ani.-n.l.-d t.y chapt. r of the Laws of 1! . ton ill noll.-e. prol.lcs that the sum of is '.: oo I. approrrintei t'V the s:ate of Ore gon, to 1 . t"h' lo lh.- I'citeJ f.a.rs for tne ,,i:r'.t-- ..f a.--!.!-t':e I nlttd Sii.tus In at nulrlns by purchase, t-ond-mnation or con ,'ru. tlon. a host canal and locks around t.ie of th" Willamette Itiver at tiregon I'm- o,a.n the term before mentioned. ;f the I'm-.! State wc-iutreo this l.y pur- hie or cor.. I. innal.on. or if Ihe t'nlted Slates i or.trui lnl a t. boat canal and In. ks around li e f .Iis si that r'-'ec. either eent would etitireh d"troy any revenue th.- ,!te n,l:ht be re.-e:vli,s fr.-n the oper ation of tlie ald canal and locks. 1 a-n of the opinion that the laws were Intemleo to .r.ut free ,raiirprta tlon around the f.uls In the WHlSTelte lllvrr at oeuu and that in-l.-r the intention of tha la tl5'al'.r.-. they necrssnnly waive all r.uht of th .-.te to an revenue from the operation of the tir.il n.l oek. or anv romp-n.-attnn for anv interest It mleht have In Ihe ram.-, and would be estopped now f.om rlalir.lin any Interest therein. I tf t to a 1 air. of the opinion von hsve th- aothorov and. r the law to .traw vo.ir w.irrant and ner-..! lite same is rt'quelej. ERiDGE"REt.fAL PROBED HKADS CIVIC OIU.AM7.ATIONS win. ixvkstu; ti: demand. County Is Akcd to l'ny Two-Thirds r Mental of I ier Het-U; Slre't Uuiluny One.Thlrd. Heeds of the various civic orcanlza ttons who have i-cen asked by the County Court to express opinions as to the nature of the contract which should be entered Int.. bv the county with the O-W. II. & X. Company fnr the use for street traffic of tl.o upper deck of the nw Sicel brUIce. will invej,tt gato the ion-.ar.ds made by the com panv and report back to the court. I'rnxi.i- of tins action were made yes terdav by practically all of ihose who have been a.ktd ly the court to sive an oidnlon cn the subject. None of lhoc who have been queried were mlllinK to av anything yesterday to the merits 'of either the contentions of the County Court or the railway compa ny. F. W. Mulkey, president of the Tax payers' I-aitne. expressed an opinion which arpsrently is in conformity with the Ideas of most of the other orsr.vnliaiion lead.-rs. "It is a ouesiion which needs Inves ticatlon." laid Mr. Mulkey. "1 would not consider it eliher prudent or rea sonable to clve the court or the pub- . ......... el. t..nl.1no- llc a statement .."" ...j.. trto the contertlons of both sides. As soon as I can do that I shall report Jack to the court with my views as to the contract which should he entered Into ami tho cost to be borne by the city sr.l the cost to o oui lie ojr toe street railway company." The Count v Court has based Its ob jection to the contract ro.iuostoo by the rallA-ay company on the crund that the city Is required to pay more for the "so of the upper deck of the br.dce than th" street ralwav company and Is required to lay a price which Is cpne.dere,'. unreasonable. confitlcrlnB the Investment of money placed in the bri'lse by tlie owners. County Judae Cleeton maintains that the county should pay one-third of the entire rer.tal of the l.ridce and the street ra'lway company two-thirds. I n steal of this the arransemcnt of the present perdlPK contract calls for a two-thirds payment bv the county and one-third 1 v tlie railway company. A-lorla Man KalN. Skull KrnfUired. ASTORIA. r April 25. (Special.) Walter Jackson, a yoiine riian about 17 years of ace. was probably fatally Injured this evenlnu by fallinn off the street in l"nlnton onto the rocky .acli and fracturins tne base of his skulU waa leanlnc acalnst the street railing, which gave away. fuses to elve his name, leaped tonlfrlit from the draw span of the Columbia River bridge Into tho river 30 feet be low. After stnkinpr twice, with tlie bridso tender looking on. unable to aid him. the ma.n chansed his mind about eudiiiB his life and swam a mile down stream, renchiner shore exhausted, but not ..ufferir.'r otherwise. Chief of Police Secrlat -".aitcd for tho man on the river's bach and arrest ed him when he roached shore. The would-be suicido refused to answer the officer's questions as to his iueutity and waa placed In Jail. "I am not insane." he said, "but I have been despondent lately and .'eter mlned I mlcht as well end it all in the river. When I Jumped I had do idea It would take po lon- to die and con cluded to swim ashore. Someway I Just couldn't sink. However. I will choose another method the next time I try." "Hon ! you know that we can charge you with attempting to. commit sui cide." suBerested Chief Secrist. "I don't see how you can do that af ter ou saw me swim a mile to pet out of the river." replied tho prisoner. The would-be suicide la a man of re fined and educated manner. 55 years old. with pray hair and mustache, lie told Ci.ief Set-rlst that he came to Van couver today from I'ortland, but said that it was not where he lived. Ha said he -ha.I planned to commit sulci. lo for a lonpr time. Every article which mlpht clve a clew to his identity had been removed from his clothlnii. Seen by the bridge tender shortly before 8 o'clock standing on thtv draw span, ho was asked what he was doing on the brldKe. "I'm toln to Jump off." the man re plied, imd before the bridge tender could Interfere he leaped. Word of w!-.at had happened waa telephoned to Chief Secrlst. who hastened in an au tomobile to the Sisters of Charity farm, where he awaited the nwlmmer's arrival. HARNEY COUNT COMPLETE Kim-evrll firts III to 131) for Tnft mid 63 for I M ' l'ollclto. ni'flXS. Or., April "S. (Special.) Following Is the official vote In Harney Countv: relocates to the National conven tion Arkcrsnn 6:1. Aplegate 12. lioyd 2.". Ry.-ion f., Campbell 4. Carey 11. Cole Is. Fry 2. Hail 1J. Harris 2. Houston 1, Jones 3. McCusker 14. Metfchnn 19. rat ten 0. Smith 3:".. Swift la. President La Follette 63. Roosevelt 141. Taft 139. Solictors Bourne 1"1. Lajwell SI. Mor ton 1 1. Veiling 132. Congressman Kills Si. Roosevelt 22. Rusk 7S. Sinnott TJ. Cochran B3. Secretary of State Field 166, Olcott 1S1. Food Commissioner Cottel 9. Ed wards :). Laa 49, Micklo 91. Railroad Commissioner Aitehlson 167. S. l-.til.lerman 6. ftayton 67. Dls.rlct Attorney Hronke 115, Dun fan 7.'-. Hays SS. Marks 60. Stat- Senators Miller 199. Stewart 132. Kenresentative Hurley 16.. Kinsman 121. ' ' Cour.lv officials: - KepuL-'Ican Austin (Soodman. Sher iff: J. J. ponoiran. Assessor: K. B. Wntern. Clerk; R. A. Miller. Treasurer: Frank Oow.in. Surveyor; Thomas Rain, Conimitai.mor; U M. Hamilton. Superin-ter.de:-.t: li. W. Clevenger. Coroner. Democrat!. National d"l.-2ates. A. S. Benn'tt .r-2. Hrooke Co!e 10, Shcahan 10. '.veek 9. the balance receiving smaller numbers. Tr--sident Clarlc 191. Wilson 140, Harmon 10. Soators Coshow ;9, Lane 124, Fierce 1 - '- Concressman Covey 175, Graham 13T. Secretary of State Ryan 281. Railroad Commissioners Anderson 25 f. Pls'rict Attorney Akr of Malheur, 1J0; Cciad of Grant. 146. State Senators James F. Mahon 316. For county officers the Democrats named Sidney Cocienys for Sheriff. IM war.i J (.'at low. Assessor: K.l va rd C. Kirirle. .on. Clerk: Simon la-tvls. Treas-t-rer; Chnrles rl. Decry. Surveyor: J. K. S'xemoie. Commissioner: W I New ton S-hocI Superintendent. The bitter est contest was on Slierif:, the present Revised Ordinance Electric Line on Fourth Street to Be Considered by Street Committee, luesslay, Apru ou " ..... i.ai itcli-ir-.cn OilDINAMK Ay ltni lU'K cranllnar to the Oreston anil (slilornla Kailroail Company, a corporation. Its successors, lessees and asslsns, the rlKbt tn lay, construct and nialnts.ln railway tracks Mud operate cars thereover, and to trana poit pasHrnuera. mall, bsiresse and express thereon, and to ereel, construe, maintain and operate neceasary potter, telephone and tel-csr.-pU lilies on l-'onrth street. In the City of I'orfland, and Multnomah County, Orejron. end it Ion ir and over tne riant of ttay of Ihe Ore-con nnd Callfornlr. Kallronil Compuny now tl rrc, ttlrhin the corporate llinlla of the 4 ity of l-ortland. Vnllnomah County. reaon, anil the rlaht erosa any and all streets to the so. tl.rrn limits of said City of I'ortlr.'nn. or nn extension thereof, InleraertlnK ld rlaht f )'. Tim city ok ronmsD nous nnoAix YS KI.I.OY Sl ecllon 1. Thai there he and Is nereny grani- e.: subject to the terms, restrictions and pro i .klim- in this ordinance contained, to tne ure ton ami California Kailroad Company l.orsti. li, dnly a cor- orKaniaed and eMtinst under and by virtue of tlie laws of tne t-tate or urr lpsuppa and assisrna. tn rl nl A Tl il 1 1 rlvilepe in lav down, re-lay. struct, re-construct, repair, maintain, equip. e:aic have. hold, use and enjoy lines wav .1 standard cause, either single basis switches. con- op. of rail- track or teeW with I hp rhr it to .-lianae iron, a slnclo Hack to a double track (but not from a liiml if- to a sircle track without tlie consent of the Council first expressed by ordinance, but tn. rh:mK. shall bo made lurln the pendency of a street improvement proceeding on a street or IKirltoi: ti r a street where such chanpe Is to be nin.ie without the consent of the Council first cpie.-sed l.v ordinance, and unless said Oregon and faltforrila Railroad Company, its successors. !,.ve, . and assmns stmll first pay Its full por t'.i.i i f the assessment for such improvement as coon loned to it bv the Council upon tne ..f' i.hia ten.-ui ultli convenient turn-outs cross-overs, curves mm coiii.c. t.-.i.e. n.d to run and operate cars thereon for pas-reiv-ers. mail. ba.;ai;ft and express only. In. over, alone and upon Fourtli street from where tl.t- north end of Fourth street Intersects the (.-rounds of tlie Northern Pacific Terminal I'oni tanv, a corporation: thence southerly along; uaid FouVt!. street to the property and private riKht cf wav of the Oregon and California P-Rilroad or.rnnt- thence over, alone, across and upon all highways, streets and alleys lyliisr between the bio.-ks r parts thereof, or other parcels of land privatelv owned by said OreRnn and Calilcrpia liailroad Company and used as n ii-t of wav for its line of railroad as now cnptructe.l and in operation between Fourth sf-e.-t nnd the westerly boundary of the cor poral" limits of tlie Citv of Portland, or any evtinsi:in thereof, toRetlier with the rljiht to cross anv streets that may Intersect said richt of wav between sai.l Fourth street and said v.esf r'lv houndarv of said :itv of Portland, or art- extension thereof. PKOVIDKl). however, that said railway iracks on said Fourth street i!a:i not he used or operated for the transpor tation of ireittht. excepting; for the transpf.rta- -tl.,i. f.r material for the construction or repair of snid tracks and appurtenances, and for the construction and maintenance of the pavinK re quired l.v this ordinance, but tlie same shall bis used for' the transportation of passengers, mail, hnwctise and express thereon under tlie limita tions hereinafter specified. PROVIDKD, how ever, that where a single trnck shall be con structed, maintained and operated under this ordinance, tlie same shall be constructed, raain ta.nc.; and operated in tho center line of said strut as near as practicable, and where a double track is constructed, maintained and op.Ti.ted under this ordinance, tlie same shall ho constructed, maintained and operated so that the Inside rail of said track shall be equally distent from tile center line of said street as tifar as tho same may be practicable. exceptinK u.'ieie necessarv curves are required to be made. And it is further hereby Rrar.ted to the Ore con and California ltailroad Company, its suc cessors, lessees and assigns, the riRht to erect, onstruct and maintain poles, wires, under-K-ot.ni slots and conduits, and all other neces sary and convenient equipment and appliances for the purpose of conveying power and elec-t-ical current for the purpose of operating and tnaii'tainint; said railway tracks hereinbefore described, extending; from the north end of Fourth street to the westerly boundary of the corporate limits of the City of Portland, or any extension thereof, and said railway cars there over and over and alons said route here inbefore sperificd.- tog-ether wifTi the right to construct, maintain and operate a necessary feed line for power purposes In Nevada, street, topether witli the right nnd privilege of con slructins; and maintaining all necessary and convenient feed and service lines in connection with the construction, operation and main tenance of said railway tracks and railways hereinbefore described. Section 2. Said Oregon and California Railroad Comriinv. its successors, lessees and asalfrns, tnav operate and propel cars over and upon tlie taliwavs mentioned In section 1 of this ordinance hv rr.rans of overhead or underground electrical pi. net storage batteries, compressed air. or other mechanical power (excepting only steam motors or locomotives), and for tlie purpose of nitrating rallwavs and conveying power and electrical currents for Its own use. may put up. .ret. maintain and use iron poles and overhead trolley wires and supports therefor, and lny f.own construct, maintain and use underground slots 'and conduits and underground wires and . nut-tor. PUOVTDKP. however, that iron pole shall not be required excepting on I-ourth street, and not then where said trolley wires -e.-iv be supported y; contact with buildings or her structures by permission, of the owners t he cof section 3. The said tracks shall he laid as i.ailc as practicable in tlie center of the streets il ish'wlth the grades of said streets, so as to otfer as little obstruction as possiole to the passage of vehicles or other public use of said ' "l'hc'rails used upon said Fourth street shall lot be less than six K Inches in depth and shall welch not less than seventy (.01 pounds t., tin- yard, and shall be of a pattern to be approved by the Council of tho City of Portland. T'-e construction and re-construction of the lines of railway, underground conduits, overhead trol 1, v wires and supports therefor, type of Iron poles and the location and manner of placing Iron poles, or connection with said buildings or ..thcr rtructures. authorized by this ordinance, n-a'l be upon plans approved by the City ,n gin.ee of the City of Portland. Section 4. The passenger cars used by the (iictci. and California Kailroad Company. Its si'c.fvsors. lessees and assigns, upon the lines of rallwav authorized by this ordinance, shall be cf modern construction for the comfort, con v. n'en. e and safety of passengers . The rnte of speed of cars shall not exceed twelve (12 mi'.i per hour upon the said Fourth street, hut such rate of speed shall be subject to -hangp aisJ regulation bv the Council of said cit. The Oregon and California Railroad Company. It. successors. lesscs and assigns, shall stop its pn-setiger rars to receive and discharge pas seniers at nt least four places between '" street nnd Hurnsido street, and shall not opera o ii .rc than five cars in any one train on snld Fourth street, excepting at irregular Intervals. . . i... mhor snecial occasions. ' V failure to comply substantially after .1.1.... .mi Hai-' notice thereof. TIO.I l i tin.... 7 .j;.l. nf iM. nrrtl. :.t,v or the provisions ur ... """ -- - nee- shall authorize the City of Portl.nrt lo ,'...-larc an Immediate forfeiture of the rights gri-rted herebv. and said railway, road or tracks co, ""Ycted thereunder on said Fourth street Lhri: likewise be fo-feited. and in case of such f---.ur. or neglect or refusal of snld Oregon and ( aM ornla Kailroad Company. Its successors, 1Fee and asrigns. after thirty (30) days no i.i riven hv the Council or Executive Board, or .7 i.n. restituted authority. I-.., .rove or maintain those portions pe- wlth to repair. of streets required by tills ordinance to o- repo... eu. ... -n- .teii and maintained bv the Oregon and Cal r.'. rn' Railroad Company? its successors, lessees and assigns, the City of Portland may. at I s oPtiof do such work and the cost of same, as . rta ned and. declared by the Council, ahall be ei.tV.eC in the docket of city liens and enforced riVk runner and like effect as a genera, tax unon real or peiooua. and California Railroad Company, its successors, ...(.e and assigns, alter delinquency. Tlie Oregon and California Railroad Company, its successors, lessees and assigns, shall not abandon anv portion of its railway lines con structed under the authority granted by tuis ordinance, without tlie consent of the Council. expressed bv ordinance, and anv such abandonment without such consent shall constitute an immediate for feiture of tne rights hereunder, hut tlie Council, at its option, mtv declare any such railway lines, or part thereof, abandoned if the sain company, its successors, lessees and assigns, shall fall, through its or their own fault or neglect, to operate regnlarlv its cars thereon for a period of thlrtv (ofli consecutive days, unless prevented bv strikes, litigation or other causes not within the control of said company, its successors, les sees and assigns. Section n. For the purpose of laying down, re pairing and re-constructing the railway tracks authorized by this ordinance, said Oregon and California Rallwav Company, Its successors, les sees and assigns, shall not obstruct any street for a greater continuous distance, nor for a longer period of time, than is reasonably nec- eSs'riion 0. Nothing in this ordinance, nor any rights or privileges granted by tins ordinance shall be oorfstrued to prevent the "municipal authorities of the City of Portland from sewer ing, grading, paving, planking, macadamizing iniprovflig, altering or repairing any of the streets over which the railways authorized by ,i.i- ...a n,.ne ore constructed or operate.!; but all such work shall he done so as to cause w. ......I ... Iiln.lrnnc. a S OOSSlhlC nine oiiTsi.uii.-ii v- .......... ., . . the cars and the operation or sai.i i "-). the said Oregon and California Railroad ( oni panv its successors, lessees and assigns, snail have tlie privilege of raising or shifting the tracks so as to avoid as much as possible obstruc tion to the operation of cars during the progress of the street Improvement, sewering, grading, paving. planking, macadamizing, improving, altering or repairing. . ,,, section 7. Said Oregon and California Railroad Company, its successors, lessees and Vf'lt' shall fill in or grade to the established grades, and plar.k. pave, re-pave, re-construct or other wise Improve or repair and keep in good condi tion from time to time, whenever ''re'ed the Council or Executive Hoard and in suoi manner as tlie municipal authorities may d ire t. those portions of the street or streets and other public places alonar and over which the sai-i aiiwav's are or shall hereafter be constructed the whole width of said railways between the rails and between the tracks and for 'the width of one toot on Hie ouisi'ie o. no- --- nd said Oregon and California Railroad panv. its successors, lessees and assigns, i. o lmnrovemeiHs within tne fixc.i bv tiie Kxocutive Hoard. Hectlon K. It shall he unlawful for any person or' persons to obstruct the laying down, con struction, maintenance or operation of thy rall wavs poles, wires, underground conduits or as to Corn- shall time Section -a.i Company. conductors meiiiiun.-u m .'" "., , ,,,, anv person or persons who shall violate the pro visions of tliia section shall,, upon ''onvlct ton U.lreof before the Municipal Court of the t it of Portland, he punished by a fine of not loss lhan live (.5.00) dojlars or more, than tent five (2r..0.) dollars, for each and evert offense .crtlon !. Any conductor, motornian or other emplove of or upon the railways of the sa d Ore gon and California ltailroad Company, its suc cessor" lessees and assigns, or any passenger thereon or other person on or about the ".une. or tlie cars belonging thereto or operated theie on who shall be indecent, profane, offensive, abusive, opprobrious, or use obscene language, or otherwise-Jnsult. abuse or maltreat any pas senger on said cars, or any motorman or other emplove of said Oregon and California Rail road Company, its successors, lessees signs, thereon or about the same .shall. ' P" conviction thereof before the Municipal Court o- the Citv of Portland, be punished by a .line of not less5 than live t $3.(10 and not more than ..... " . ,.'ri,. iic.mi for each and every offense. lo,.... , ' oa Califnrnia Rall- III. &aifl ureri"" 1 7"- 113 successors, ieaecB signs, snail commence tne - - -- railwavs herein mentioned within ninett (Ji ) lavs from and after the final approval of this o c nance and shall complete the construction thcrcot and commence the operation of fars iheTeon. c" or before one (1) year trom the aate of the tira1 approval of this ordinance, pko ViDKD ' otvever. that the Oregon and California Rail.oa'd Company, its sucessors. lessees and a' higns n.av. in the construction of said rail ways authorized hereunder, take up and Kmo e the railway now operated over and along said route us n.av be necessary to enable the c in struction of the railways hereunder. PROV 1U FIi FURTUKK, that Uuiing such construction on r.i.i rallwavs authorized hereby and tne re- .oot-ai of said tracks now there, the Oregon anu rei.fo.-o:-. Railroad Company, its successors. .. , 1 ... ...o ..n-,te its steam tno-:ive "airs,fof' the transportation of pas sengers, mail, baggage and express and for the delivery of materials necessary io. -" striicik.ii of said railways and appurtenances and the improvement of said streets. "ection 11. The said Oregon and California ltaslroad Company, its successors, lessees or as s gns f hall within thirty 30) "ays alter the filial approval of this ordinance. tifiu'e of tlie Auditor of the City . ot Portland a written acceptance of this ordinance and the Privileges therein granted. The failure on the part of the Oregon and California Railroad Company, its successors, lessees or assigns to ml stfc'li written acceptance within the time herein specified, shall be deemed an abandon ment and rejection of the privileges herein con ier?ol and this ordinance shall therealter be nuli a id void, and such acceptance by the Ore gon and California Railroad Company, ila suc ceiS.ora.. lessees or assigns, slia 1 be u-jual- and snan oe an we fi''"- " Vhi ana ipsinriiuiia v..i...w ... " , cVn " ice shall be without prejudice to the rights -' .-.; ?-i,.. of Portland now asserted by said lie --;,.-..... x-,. ...... uro.rove.l revoKe unuiminr. c,i. km ..niitlc.l "An ordinance an- Ihorlz.ng the Oregon Central Kailroad Company 1 rtianu to ia t 'v""f , ,; . . r. .. r y a s-ITTie U II 1111 .lie .. n ' and provineu tnai mo "V 1 i .1 ; be without prejudice to the rights of the and California rv.i.u -. -- lessees anu assigns, woo-.. ... California Kai.roau oui.an. e..." Southern I'acnic c.onipao... o.y which matters are now 111 111.- Intended nereny tniu me soo the eontroversv between tne les- loco- .inill ; ciLy lattiury and run of Port ia 1 land.' shall Oregon iicct st ors. 1 ir am and its lessee, the now havt. and gation. H bcinj i.;... ir.e,ii.nd and the Oregon and California Railroad company of the Railroad Company. and Southern Pacific Company in Rail- as- and its lessee, the southern .....tel.. Cmr.oov Or C 1 1 OC T OL IIICUI. 3 - " ; .i iv of said city, and as to the rights . . e. . I I i f riln 1 1 saia ..-regoo a - . , sai.l r.lClIlC V.OM.o, ... - - - - , . .1. .....no, si.uil not he lmnairtMi or vtaivco L.. .h Wrfnti'nir or accepting of this ordinance. - ... -T-ha fireeon and California :.j i'.,mn..nr its su ccessor s. lessees and signs, whenever or wherever electric currents are used or employed in or about the use of the privileges granted by this ordinance, or the plant connected therewith shall provide and nut in use such means and appliances as will control and effectually contain such currents In their proper channels, and on its or their own wires, tracks and other structures, so as to prevent Injury to the property, pipes and other Structure Belonging to the City of Portland or to any person, firm or corporation ttithin the Laid citv, and to- repair, and shall repair and renew said means and appliances and from time to time change anu improve ...o " ; o.eooiniish said nurnose. at ? ' ;:..., ..i:r or exDense. and at its .uV eloU selecting and adopting .such means and appliances as shall prevent injury to tlie property, pipes and other structures belong ing to the Citv of Portland or to any person, "?;?iPThUEiVcUtlv. Board of the City of Portland, or other legally constituted authority thereof, shall have the power and authority to regulate the manner of constructing and main taining said tracks and the carrying out of the prnvisTona of this ordinance relative hereto Section 14. After the construction of the rail ways provided by this ordinance, the said Ore gon and California Railroad Company, its suc cessors, lessees and assigns, shall and is hereby required to file in the oifice of the Auditor of the City of Portland a map and plat showing be its or neuter traveling upon . trip o' such passenger wholly within the city ways of the said Oregon road Company. signs, constructed on ot tlie the lu- quued I il'fcgoll sun essoi s. of . 1 he City said its ad signs. t lie .-.Htn.; sha t.tiy road C'oiii'.u ny, ami shall have date f ran- tvrf. ...eiiulice oe aecepteu. ' ;'.,... its su.- lesSees or assigns, or 111 .d Of ell uer party invv.i... ... Or tllUt I11UV llfiraori locomotives ssengers. and tor tlie dcliv- the const ruction an. 1 in.' PKoVIlJKi, how- of decision of said lini- Charter as to or a 1 ' saiu inn s. .1" the ontion or tue Railroad Company. '";...'' ... n-v, us. i 01.-1 1 ed scci.oii ... ,,is r.r- CUUSLl u. Lri. . . .. , . dinanceis Glims of thereon "is the sum of its total cost of the works provided to be of Hie Citv of poruanu. nnmev to be expended Section ed. this .all the terms ta inert in ap1.11.aoo- " - - . , siitoe fnanner "Vnno thsame oxVent as if each and every of id terms, visions and conditions were ex pressly set out and embodied herein. P e-tiou "3 The said Oregon anil California PaiTroad Company, its successors, lessees or as-iie-nI shall -between the hours of six o clock ASM and six o'clock P. M. of each riav unless A' .r,! hv accident act of God or other un kyoTdahle casualt v . or 'by strikes or other causes S..vonri their reasonable control, furnish recson- Vir r-Tssen'-er - service on said Fourth street in able rj-er . er re;lsonably directed or required by The Cnntmnn Council or other legal ly Constituted public authority having jurisdic tion over .i.e. r........ of Section 24. .For tt e pr t.o.. ... , ,,PaemVrrenfv ihereby declared, and this or.H-nanr?hi'"b- f'e and effect from and after 'pailComon 'council of the City ,f Portland on the ......?...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.....".' Auditor. the Mayor Of tlie City 01 n ri- Submitted to land on the Approved the. . "day of day of. Hill'. 191:;. Mayor. a-.... .j -; ; noo nn nT ITS lilies. Uu 1 1 the definite location of its lines, t sha 1 be i ll lawful for it to change the route thus est. U hshc.i withouftho peimission ot the kxecum I.'oard of said city and the approval of tue Cit. " ertlra 15. The Oregon and California Rail roud Company, its successors, lessees and as , signs, may cnarge and collect Horn each pas US lain.uj.. - one general tiirecnoi of Portland on tue .on- and California i.m. its successors. iessc o.oo tne route autuori.co o. section 1 ot tins ordinance, aim on...... of the City or Portland as nun e.v..-.L...t-. - -of five cents and no more, excepting that mi passengers traveling in ooservation cars tin said Oregon and California Railroad Company its successors, lessees and assigns, may ciiaitt and collect from eai-n paissenger a fare not ex ceeding lifty cents. . T .. Section Ui. The Oregon and California Rail road Company, its successors lessees and as signs, shau be .Itemed to comply with the pro visions of section ;i'J of the Charter ot tlie. Cuy of I'crilai.d ir u shall file with the Auditor o: ihe Citv of I'ortland its annual report required. io li.. made to the Railroad Commission, .o, iirr.irnn or its report made to terstata Commerce Commission. Section 17. Kxprcss authorized to be carried cm ev t he "crms of this ordinance shall be such matter as i-; now ordinarily moved by express, aul the same sliall be transported only in trains the cars of which shall not include moro than two express cars. Baggage, express and maii niav be carried in any train in combination c .rs or "in a car devoted exclusively to express matter, baggage or mail, as the service may require. Cars in whirn express hi ffgage and Fluted States mail are carried shall us neatiy tainted cars similar in exterior design to bag gage or t. J.ibination cars used in modem rail way scrvn-.- in passenger trains. section IS. The Kxeeutive Board of the Cltj of ion'and. nt the request of the Council hav ing suoiiiitted lo tlie Council an estimate of the -ash value of said franchise, it is ordained mat "the saiu Oregon and California ltailroad Coin.-i'tny. its t,ui cVssors, lessees and assigns, rhall nv to tl.t- City of Portland for the rights and lianchi:-.ts hereby granted, as compensation :or the t-anif. the following sums, to-wit: Ihe sum of ...". Pr annum, aggregating --.'"". 1 ,' . . . o .,f m one v- fp- t-Ja.-J. ot tne annual ,.... no-i.io .-. ...".--v - r tri-" section snail oe iliaiir ... ,Vv. ud California Railroad Company, its lcrsees and assigns, to tne neaauiui Portland on or oeioro mc lecntli day ot January, lor tue ic..ii8 jv.. n.wt snirl Treasurer shall issue ins receipt iiic.e.- .... i i : . 1 1 shal. lie a full acquittance to ,.,'.,.,'., ,i iniifornia ltailroad Company, sucf.-ssors, iesseea and assigns, for sucti pay v.i,,:i,i said Oregon and Calliortna liall- Cc.ui any. its successors. iw .: StZt- tail or tiogiect tor inn lj ii btcoic.es due anu paaoie, lu th said ruuai payments .. v" '.' r i.. e.fnH tided for in tuis .section, tlie City of Portland il have the rignt to con.-, t so,,. inent iron; snid Oregon and Calilornia Rail- its successors, lessees ui ..-.-. f,.... a lien upon the railways, tracks and franchises for tne pat ii.-ui. ot ,lMC ti c. Council n.ay. at its option, revoke this fran- "'' Section 1!. The rights, privileges and fran chises hereby granted shall, as to the east tra. k tion of twenty-five (25) years from t ie i: i....,..r.us ff.-tive. and this IIUS or.i.iiu.ie oc. - r.- chise shall commence to run on me - linance becomes of force. The rights I-r'Vilegea nnd franchises hereby granted as t " the tia, k now on said Fourth street, and vC hicli sha I he denominated the west track, author zed to bo removed and re-c.nstructed hereunde s ha terminate at the expiration of twenty-tit e (....) years from the date this ordinance becomes er fective, if it shall be determined by the final decision of tlie courts in any litigation now oendin-' or that may be hereaiter brought that SeU ler-tne Oregon and Calirornia 11a, lr.,a C Com pany nor the Southern Pad tic Companj, its lessee, has any right under said ordinance .No. 5ysee,lon The Oregon and V'ilIif'n!,,R'as" ro-t.l Company, its successors, lessees and as signs nav in the construction of said railways a uhorlzed' hereunder, take up and remove tin, Railway now operated over and along said r o. . -jc mnv h necessarv to enable the const rut now a "ll!?f. 1,7.,1. iri..r null until such con- .mpriitt its steam nA '..np for the transportation of pas huo-.rorrp nm exnress. .-if mutprials netessury for ii.ipioteii.e. i i.. --e-rnnt..d and to ... ... - n, tlit. r I' IS IT IIIIT UVIH c i.i .-r-.-- the City of Portland, cessors. fwt " the. ritrhta litigation now pending 1,. ..frtitcrht it mere snv.uiu roSnr) hv wludrV.etr"hany be "de ertnined that the' Oregon an "a ffornU Railroad Company. its lessee. The Southern Pacific Company, has under ord nance No Sun. a perpetual and irrevocable rint ,"oa' 'maintain an operate a railway track on saia t ourth street, then and in that lasp sin ii west track so re-located and electrified, and The right to maintain and operate the same, s all be ami the same is hereby con : firmed, s h- ".".''r- ie, . hut free from the il..inno ana restrictions of the A '.':.. .,e frum-liise and common user exy.iaio... . - - ,.,.. . excenting tracK witii """i, V." ..' -.,.! i- .lifiVrnin Said oieswn anu - SUCceSSOlS, lessees tiii.. kxcepting as hereinbefore provid ..i.H the franchise herein -ranted is upon the condition that said Oregon Snd California Railroad Company, its successors, filsees and assigns, sliall allow any other ra. 1-ro-.d couipanv to use in common with it trie same tracks herein mentioned upon said I-our h stiet and upon obtaining the consent of the Council Expressed bv ordinance, each paying an eou"able and proper ,,ortic.n for the construc tion and repair' of the tracks and anm.r enaiK used oy said railroad companies jointb. Hie ru es and regulations for the. common use of sa d mrt r si all be prepared by the grantee herein but in case disfrute arises as to the same the matter in controversy shall be. determined l.v the Council bv ordinances. Excepting a-t ! '..i-l-r this -ordinance and fran- nereiu iei". , ni.,l suhiect to oniaiiie.i. ,o f. . .... .-- provisions and conditions con- the Charter of tne Liiy ui r... ami rue i.tws oi ...v de- Incumbent. A. T. Richardson, bein fcated by 44 votes. LIVKl.Y CVMPAUiX Cantlidatcs or Oregon City Meet for War Conferent-e. ORi:OOM CITV. Or.. April .8. (Spe cial (The Republican nominees for county offices met In the office of Llvy StiPP. chairman of the aounty central committee. Saturday morning and de cided on an agreessive campaign. The candidate have no fear of the outcome out they do not intend to overlook any opportunities to obtain votes for them W and the other Republican candi dates. Chairman StiPP has called a meeting of the county central commit tee for 10 o'clock next Saturday, when candidates will bo present and discuss with the committee plans for the cam- PaMrtlPP will be re-elected chairman of the committee, unless he should urge the election or another. A sec retary also wlil be elected. Major Kotxrrt, Hollard Dead. I SANTA MONICA. Cal.. April 28. Major Robert Dollard. prominent in Grand Army circles, died here today at the age of 70 years. He was an officer under Ceneral Grant during the Civil War, and later was appointed Attorney-General of Dakota Territory. He leaves a widow. Cannery Stoek Subscribed. FOREST GROVE, Or., April 2S, (Special.) At a meeting of the farm ers and fruitgrowers of this section, held In the Knights of Pythias Hall to day, the committee raising: 53000 for a co-operative fruit and vegetable can nery as capital stock, reported that 4120 of this amount had been sub scribed. It was decided at the meet ing to jrive the committee one week longer. There are at present 65 stock holders. Chinook, to Have Water System. ASTORIA, Or.. April 2S. (Special.) Lair Rergsvik. who has secured a fran chise from the town of Chinook. Wash., for the Installation of a water ej stem thre has commenced work on the con struction of the plant and expects to have it in operation about the first of July. The water is to be secured i.i Prest Creek and the pipeline will be about three miles in length. A reser voir with a capacity of 400.000 gallons is to be constructed at an elevation that i,. r.-. nnim.ls nressure in in main section of the town. In addition to supplying the residences and busi ness houses, about 15 fire hydrants arc to be located in various parts of tho town. , . . The Constant Increase o regular deposits in the Cili.ens Bank is an incentive to save more money. Citizens of Portland, make this obliging bank your depository. F' : a"ja.Tf-i J"W' .'- ""' On the Right Side of the River.