15 THE MOKXTNO OTlEfSOXIAX; MONDAY, APRIL 2JN1912. FOR hint. nuk l room ru itz oiiiu t.. so: w fcuiid. Ins. iu?rl to- Atinri. r lirt.. hr. h-ir. furixAr. Mr. Rut. U trou Apir .mo-. St. C l -ir t. M' l'KHV f f. .-. B!rhNirhnwl. i room t mmM r.M.m. lurnm't. firs-pi... . .st n. erjr nm r run . alu.t, referwn.se. Apply Ti Northrup. W cr. ITCAM'HEATCD 6-roorn flat. ery d.r.v oDvnr.t arrcmnt lth nnft; Humnr rt. Api T Jni- t"r. W..aton Artmant. lim ad FT K N.SHKD FI-AT f 4 roome. with prl at por:tt. heet. hoi and e. " tr. pr1-te bath. tnmllnf ,rnr;e n!frr rtc. fir $- r nintxi. 4vl Nr?h jv.'V Ak iTniUdj I t'tnur Apt. ON K -rivr.ru uo-t-dl upr flat. - irr bon h ItrcD ic. hot tr heettnc. l. u K Ukdltoa . lt aad lilt.. I'&yut K. t34 JJOI'KRN 4 room f.-t for rrit. furnlh-n or unfumtshtd. Grd v. N.. 1 b;rit w.i fi'd. Wiil rent to ttfAUy tenant tr fj.v H .tH FvK KENT Swrlj 7-rom m.wWn l arta w fur. an U nr.-place; W-i children. I honTabor .toJrEii-f-O'EiP. cl"-ln 5-room flat, modem. f lr- pa".a 7M Gilwn. ..'bone Mif. e&et.. A T.RNISHFD I-roorn fiat. W-et HMe. n distance, modern ronvrni-n-a. L Tia. Phon A 7111. Marshall 7. 400 haRKT T i-roonu niodera Cat. J par mooch: key at l- i. 'orUod Trust Company. 3d nd Oati. iirT;iV -room flat, furnar. fr-p.acc. ltrM vrantta U-15 E..l Mnrrlvon and r.rh ron r"t lKttf. FINK uppr f '.at. rorn. ftirnac. flre P 4c. - bati. m79m rrch: $. J t.a Phon K or H KOB HiU ft. I rooma. Pn yaid. aaodid atchoorhoo4 77fc S Johuaoa aw bt- 234 aad ltb. Main ironERN naw room uppr flt. Tlt ftd. a!t nlFhtrhd; hHwod flo.in. $1 4M-M-rn lnr -r ft. I llieJ.t room; w.kin dLatanca. Eut lain. 1'bon f ait l '('K-KOAx indrn ftmihd fiai. mun ihtra in rvry room, and a flna yard. ninl. V-ii r,anlnhln iv. VFRT artrrta 5-room f-at, n-ar Frod i-KMM fit $. ."-ro.rn fl rouvrr iv Vool awn 7W Va- 1 ";!. MvC'EHN' 4-roin lowr . i. a!t-pU porch. Nortrirwp. Main r--i- iTrlTTJrH EATKl. -room flat, all modern. a-K M upjr fia'. unf iii"!ii. modern. nK l.wa h'n- Inquire Kft t. a.'tGR' 6-room flat. th. near JacKioo, Wt H1-. 10 mln. walk. Mi.d or A W-X SVVEI.l. mo-irti S room lowr f'- E YamhlU. nnr -3d. rhona K. 5W!. NOB H IU.; modern -room up par Ip!nf porch. Mam MM. Tat. a-HKii t mt. $.. 73 l'ni.n 1 . N. oaar E. it. (.ROOVl mod'arn f.at. Nob UlU. Hi- Mr dtth. 3 : U aaitnmon t. -(-iDK KS and i-room flata. loOft Civland. Wool.aan I' U car a j-1 k larc room a. lower flat. Main MT5. Hooiffctrphig Jftoaaia. THE BKAVtK. lltn and Maranall Fur Biabad for touavavcpinc; gas ranv. ol trie Hcbta. hot water, am tlx. laundry. fra; fl par month up; a aiaau pLaca baat la tba city for tha mooy . abort diataooa from Colon dapot. TaMa '" or lth-L cara eorth. 91 off t tarahail t N doga THE 1' i'r-H L R -6th an d I pahur ata. fur nlahod -'-room apart nienta. J. up. In clu Ice atm hat. hot od cold wtr in ry a part man t. puo'ic bath, alectrte Hcnta. ritt, ia andry-rom. oil fra. Iiii f-, 2l or W cara north. Phono Mam 1. M TO pr tti Claaa furmanad basaitap:ra; rooa&a. frao hat. paa both, laundry, yaid. 4ta Vancouver aa. aod 201 titan too; "IT car. fuone K. tJI. THE MET-VIN. llth at.. nr Tamhlll Nlcely furr.tahfd bottta.apin rovini and auita: bath. U. beat, phone and laua dry prlTtirgaa. ratea reasonable. THE M 1 UN EK.""7 Momaon. cor. ParkC inm.ri4 -r unturviatird houaekptux aprtrnnt. al convanancca, uat iocattwa. ummr raiaa. Hil'fiEKCEPIN'i riHimi. rata raonabi. tfei H ady u. two Minai toru 2ti bride. UOt'S rKEEPIN! room a la new conrrate buildtna phone Wood. awn !T or H7I. FlRNl.HEt atng.o Jioutrh p.ng rooms, $l.A to i wa. Deoio Houm, 01 3d. 4l r.AST MORPl!ns, 2 - room hDuwk ptn c cor. Kth FurntPhrd IfmiM-kepiaa; Kotne la Prlvatet rally LW EH floor. 4 larae rooma and alrove. comrtly fumlvbcd. mahogany. braaa and Icairier furnttur. piano. sa and tMl ranv. yard ard atepina: tcul, chaap to aduita. rt7 Kl"th at. Full HRNT On to four well fjrnlahd housekap!nc rooms, prirce. Id. ftll. 1J. pr month. Walking distance. r S block from larllna. -ii Haisey. East Slda. TV O or 3 rurn'ri4 houaeKepinj rooma with eictrlc IjjM and oatr; !3 and "nr. ib and Hurnaide; M-V car. Fiona Tabor 43 W ANTLP A coupi to shar a inod. rn - room flat wit a a con gonial cou Weal H:d. c in. 1 mtaut to I'oatotrice. chra. 0-i 9d st. li Tivvi. 1 AND 3 clean furnkahad housckplnc rooma with kltcr.enrttc. . el-c'-ru H. beet car service. Orand a vs.. suthavt corner Arkmv, TWo n y furnia;ed housekeeping rooma; gis atnk. walking d:atauce. .11 tohermao 'rat. i e.-:KLtP!NO 2 nice liht front room, walking d!tanee. rt-nt (11 month, no r-Mldren. 7 Msrket st. (j.N E housekeeping room wllh closet, walking- diatance, fJ.M per week, 3S North 11 at street. . NICELY furnished houaekeeplna" rooma, close In. $J to $4 per week, call mornings. PJ North 14t h street. T O unfurnished front tooma for light hoiravkeeping : gaa, phone and bath. AJ I nloa ava. N. li lSOii E l.T f urn 1 sued it. K. room, c hoic) location, all conveniences. l lth at. LUlHT and airy housekeeping rooms, walk ing distance, nic tocaiioa. dl W ashing -Ton. corner Ela. Pv.i'R neatly furntahed housekeeping; rooma e-l'jal to an apartment; rent reaaonable, Ttl Morw. at Phone Woodlawn a4o. k itMhKU and housekeeping en Sule and ": good home for working people. 4. Mam J l.ArtiE. flnejr Xurnlahed connecting front roma flrai f'oor. large yard, close In. Main ttk 13th at. cUS;LE houakaeping rooma ard a -room a-iltee. modern, .-40, close in, $ up. fci-i r ard era, near -m . THREE rom fort able f urniahd buek p tng rooms, all conn.ncea. reasonabie. 23 Chapman St. Maranaij 3 AND -rm a'litea In prlvar. fa F.aat 7th s:. phone Et lit.y. ally. 11 Hol'SEKEEPlN" rooms. single ml en p.llte. W m ; k Ing 'liltHPfr T.j7, Willi, gt. ft; EVERETT -Walking d.aianre. two ciean. cheerful front r'm. f u-n is r. e.i, mt f)o..r. VE ru'niahe.l rooi I- g : 1 lad v on' T iicht houa-keep-hone T.lb-f 4.1 Kl KS f.HEt Porthwlcfc St. hous-kepiiig rooms. nl.-t f'irnihe.l bokeptrg rooma, be). 2ii loth, corner r-a.mon Nii'El.V furnii S 1 'h sr . ?d boua-keeping rooms, mvii arwi Kverett. IVK-RihiM hocae in Irving on; lawn, fruit trees, furnace, gas a tor a. Tillamook st. pHore Ket l'f H'KM callage. Main W-'7. K irtth; $1V Pbone N 1 ' E 7 -room houa. . E, 3d tt.. nej ir w ,y papered. S.d. E. Ash. a; T-ROOM hOi. rew li App rw-rrt X ar;ingt. P a ie red. clean. r bidg. . . : . k h s s . - n bu. a Key I E taaemeat- jOLFKN - n-im waiamg distince Main Z2i. l-j IX rootra. flrep. "tric'ty. gas. cU-e In . lc. furnace. &"rt'VM coinage, reat Jin. Call Sl Thur marl. cr 2"h. OVRtK.M b'-ise. bath Inquire 44 Je?en . wa king distance. t m rERN iA4 Knot an i-rsnm cottage, $1$. Cail X : I ' K ro.m co tafit I .-an Ra'ael al in fine aoape. cllf In. ri e h-Mie ri A or Mali ' SL Tai" vr JI74. M hoi, t'ooch tan A 41 E. AMer. I gi!3 or E. o0. UMta Ji I RN 1 ft rMrn hur. I-a- a!epliig porrh, i inrerton. n.ir N. -1 at. 5 rom co:ta-. 77H Th'irntan st . .".-room cttC". 1 fnlon ave. N.. near ft an ton. $ : !Uroom rt. 73 In too ave. near E, Everett. 9 'IRK 2iO STARK t-T. $307: KVmETT. near St.. I -room houe; ger 3i N - -d at. llAKTii AS TlluMPON. rhnmNr of Commerce Bldg- i:knt 4-2 urron st.. i-rom hou-. raorn In v y tletall. furnare. etc ; ar rfiuMi to im-ril cariines snd c'.e in. Pru-n owner. Ta-or or cail at house. f:e..t tn. ,ou at ."onmerclaJ and i.an , r-nt K P. PA1 Xi KR-Jt NC CO.. dena ai a 4i4 Wllcog II.flK. phon M.tn m" m. A EAST HIDE l!OtSi AM' KLATH FOR REST. J. J. Otl'Kf!. r.rand ave. and K. Ankcr. r UK li fc.NT Modern T.-room coltax'. a.cp Itig pr-h. n' e lawn, rosea, etc. Irv Ir.gton di'trtrt. 3 JV u ner, 4J. E Tlh U V. ror of T!Ilmok. SlcDSilN ft-roorn ham, wal kina: d'atanca. good neighborhood. cMn and prfft con dition. Intjuira ."" E Aldr. corner 14th Phona Et M41 morning. U REST Saw Vroom huncs'ow. rire plee. gae. e!tr1rit v. china closet, tubs. Weat h.d'. wniking ditaiie. 14s Curry. Inquire 1 Hanfrott FOR KENT Park ree area, ready to piaut In poiatoes; wtil make ou attractive prop osition; you can lie on the acr. l' 0, Gr-jonlan. . KOFI P. EST or leaae ."-nom new mitdt-rn bungalow. S a.re fruit. ami chtcken- hou.-e. W-W rr to Plymouth ave.. a hlks. east. No. 40. or key at 4-i HOUSES AND n.ATS FOR Hi. NT. H. S TlTKoKD A CO. 4T Spa'diux P:o- Mar. 4047. A 4 Ml tvlKttN -story tf-room h-usei. nice yard, 1 a vd atrer . one block to car; art ults; " Wtrllarra ave. Woodlaw-n 4 t. TWO modern room cutii'-i. 171 and 17" Eaut 24th and Oregon, phone Wood lawn Vk U I'.K.VT Mmlrrn ft - mom fcouae, w It h lmfcit lot, gooI barn, suitable for tr-a-. Phona E Ft l REST cheap, 5-room .w. wrll arranged, with Add lit n. nort heaat 1.ent new lor burga S arre. HoAvf t'O.W t.MK.M H-room buuae. elertrli lty, g f ut na.-e. ey a atk in d isncc. i' E- Irt'h S'ort!i. or rai B l'-'-l. IF Vol" VAT. 3"H Hp: i r- r.t vour !ioub- A THKRKE1-J-EN inc H:.Ik . Main 1 FOR REST A rnotlern i-room bungalow, walking diatance. t ail ISO Eaat Ivth BU. near ?.lornaon. or E.at OS. $ 1' F i Il a 4-iot'm cottage on Emeraou, 3 MorK from A ibena car. Bianchaxd at ri-nion, "i h at. CTTAi ai.:. Wa'kUig dlatancv. tll 4th gt.. five rooms, only $tU.. Apply Eiwnrds t'o.. 1 IM Kirat FOH KENT House of H rooma. 1 17th at., on Writ Side 17th between Tamhlil and TaeUtr. inquire at C 14th at. "ear Taylor. fuK It LNT A modern 5 -room houaa, fine n-lghtorhoou. naa oijf gri-n. r-asi 27 1 n at.. II-. Phone East S.VtS. 5. 7 ROOMS. mo!rn. cien. rh-ap. lioasert. v ei iv ;i . in a" 'r 11 N KW 7-ri- ni ho"e. l'urt;a:il Pat ton K'ad Ph"n A J . I-KOOM hi'lSa, rent via. Eaut Stark st Inquire sis N It 'E A-room house, ba'.h, Morris'-n. $21. 114 E l i' h. n-s jj.V fteautiful "-r.n corner buticnow; ft-K' hM Weal bid a Dire yard, fin view ot rlvar, rruit treaa. .au u.n tr-vm. M roiiHge. Enat !M tl Fvniltbei) Hoaace. FoR REST From M..y -', for 4 months. roinpietv.y turmaht U riarnr in I'eat dist rlct. Weel Mie. larga house, refer ence given and required. Price 1 125 per month. Call or phoua v h 1 t nier-Kelty Co , 7u 4th St. M. !". A V. -KiOM furniancd luniw . a rt a. all un der cultivation. god ort-hard. gartle n an d rarly potat-vea In ; youna. gent ie cow, 3') White Ignorn bene. Marshall IP I. 5-K'HM furnihed buitgaiow, nar tha Jt-r- t eraun li.tf h z Iiol, h-awt M:. .o iii-iui. itiqutro Ctium't llolci. Mem -RoOM collage, well f urittahcd. modern. be-t location. Ktnga lle'ghta, DiO'-k rmm Multnomah t'lub, uD Main, i33 Ma.n. Ihon M. R32. b-ROOM furrtiahed hotiae ou Williams ae.. W atnut Park. corner. md-rii. nt e grounds, fruit tree a. guod car service. U N E A', uiodt-ru iK'iiiv lu It v ir.Ktuii. central lo atHn. beaut !iu..y rurniatn-i ror rent durtng Hunim'f. phone E-at 4'1. 9 o-i: n 'M collate, 1 4d ave. b' 4i4.V eletrit'iiy. larga ard. t. I'bone Mar. 4547. A 6-RuoM huuae. etecinc Uiiliiml. Uu, ."".! E. Irving. 1 Muik from Lnion ave. call Main V-ol. ft ii ' m M t Utt. 1 lit d. r t re pi are ami .;- Kt!Ml''h. Prntu Mar. 4."4 f urna a. A 4.M.V NEW .Vro.tm inoil-rn. n lv. 'coiiipU ieiy furnKT d f -t . . J Mill Mam 4 4 .. lloue- lor Kut, lurnliure for al. Ft K R EST I n t II Aui:ut 1 .tt. ."-r om cm- p;'teiy rurninhcti lotciK- with piano. Tnia Is not a profesaiunal for rent f ur P'ahed house, but n private home. Reler e ncea re 1 ir d . 1 7 E. V n m h 1 ' I Fl Ft.NISHI.Ndrf of mo.Wn .Vr.tftm flat: .t.m hf.l. fl.t Ttr rnl. rt-..onMbl.: 10 nilnul-V w.lk frtm P. . : on rKm r.ni'tl. flS. I'hono M.:n 1- lo 4 M. C"MPi.KTE furnublnic, of m-!rn 7-rotn flat fr .alt .nil f..t fr rent: crntr.l lK-atltn; .utt.bir fur renting ruti-na wtilctl -.ill t.y our r.nt. Pbon. A uui. b M furnlihlnKS. Wllt"n rue. h.ll car. p-t. f-b.r ixjrrli run. -ft. flower box. f:n. I'l.nts. 1v ft. h-.r. l.i.n muwvr. gmB r.n. linoleum. lhon. Marvhull FL' ivN ITL' vK of tf-rooni htut-. nil or part, nt ,rriftce: r-nt rlrrtrlr lifthted. :tM K IrvinK. 1 l-lo-k from Union ave. Main .r FrKMTl'KK uf 0-rowin -jitrimt-nl at .acrl-flt-, furn.t.h-U Dcw.y A.tl 1. fiiuitt swl at -ice. Forii.-iam. Apt. A. 170 Kord at. Main tig.'.. H linuilH. rent f lu: fumliur. all flr.t.cta.a and .III aell rhrat'ly: lortton iifl ar ranff.ment i-lndid fr roomlnic or houe ktvfmj. r.-7 Klfv.nih n. Fl KMTlhK. newly furnuihea 5-ro-m hnutw. modern. romtra. Ternia. -4 'thae at. I I.KA N. m--uem houe. H room- All or l..ri ot a rooma. furniture, t-rmi. Mar-a:-'i MOttKKS 4-r-Mm ler fiai. $-'. (urnilur. f'r .Ale s.- Kittt Ptne Ka.t Ankeny ear. 6A U1KK INO furniture k-rouin flat. .11 or .-tr-lte!v. A l.HO. irlT rwnt. ea mrg.tln. term. e:nl furnltur. cio.. Owner. 7-h. FiK SAI.K FurnliTir. iit-nm hnu.4 piano Inrtuf1el. $ tm). i'ranri aviL Lr.SllUhl.i-: rorntr 7 rooBia. e-tpen.'P. 314 '1 rt rooma py Mort-a. PToRK In a arowintr --ctlon of the city; n. i-hix-ii fef. auiial;e for Pfflfl! notiona. rtrv a--'l- r plr. tuln-.a. th-e Itnea not I rpre.ente.1 ; liiw mil. lona lease, a tcixd ilpirtuD:l v f.-r an-."one I.H.klrrjt for a ! r.'t,tin. Apply to Milton i; vurta. 17.1-175 Klrat t C1I''I'"E eoltagea. fa-lng beach. & new cot imgrm Just rotiipleteil. furnished throush out. a.s.1 t.rgs and small cottages, good locations, reasonab. A Gilbert 4fc Son. seaside. Ore gon FOR RENT Jatorea. Si 24 and 210 Haw thorne ar... east etd of Vridg.. ApplJ Ha . t h orn. Dock Co. East HuitJ. ST' K XiiooM. .Vvl--. sult.Ll. for manu facturing purposes: good locatioau ch.ap t-n'-ne nam o.-o. N ST.. near lllh. part of store. front. Inquire 4-'s Washington st. Offlo Fc-R KENT f'n. or two furnished office. In Se.llng bid... with us. of phon. and reception room, rent reasonable. Phon. Mi.r.hs'1 4.-7I. Home H I HOT rsntraliy located e'evatnr servl?, luj tt ard Wasr.trgton offices; a:l-Blgbt ssilard b.dg S:a aiAHOlANV desk and cbatra. reasonable rent: reference. .acnang.O, bJT LAanbal of Commerce. j7e-;KROOM. fl. Including us. of recep tlon room. de-k. teleohons and clerk ery lc. Apply 7J Chamber of Commerce. rKIVATK furnished office, both phones. a:so recep.ion room. M7 Hoard of Trade. DE-K room with use of tclephuo.. 43 ,--amb-r of (-onimcr- e. F'R I'.KNT - Verr lt.alrar.la offices. Tllfo-i b-ilM.eg. Tenth aid M'--lsm. Ms'n 5S4. Il.t. shnr. ofTice., suttaWit. ana, neer. arrl.if.. Tf-e' ai.nl. ! I i l.e.ti Mdg. I-Kll AT K ofnc both phones. ; Ws hire' on IMlmi I'Ul. IOK RENT. fftr 1.A KOE. lofty room. iultb: for music or dramatic studio, with uaa of larga hall and ataga. Apply Royal Academy Ha.U PH th st., between frtarb end Oak ata rmu"- ELCGXvT hall snd ballroom, reception room a. etc. sultaula lor afternoon teaa dancins; partlea mutkalrt and racitaa. Apply Royal Academy Hall. 601 Maa cn i;ar hi iftx au Phone Mala 73 7. Varehouaee. WAHHOl'SK ? o LEASE. Corner IMh and I-ovcJoy. ftxlW; five attTv and ba moment; pracilraliy new brick t ulldlng; !e.i haa li-vn years to run. il. L.. Jubitg. Atf.gnee, loewenbera; aV io-ig Co. A K K HoirSt or failory l.ullilln. K-atory. Aoiluat. on It. R. lrrk. S4I Macadam at., low rent. Apply iul Market at. or AU '.'.. (ir'Konlftn Si lar-etlanr-oaa. CAKrS.NYER anop irlth all convenl.nrea and a lot of material. fr. lo tha rlht tenant, rhone Main TO I.F.ASK. W I LI. l-a.o ararttnent all. tn Tark au, rio.e In. for ln-f term of yeara. Uwntr. Marehall H7I7. m ivs orroRTi mtiks. AS-MNKKS SAt.K. THE -ORiTKlt!1 N K KSTAUP.ANT. J SIXTH ST. Offered for .ale to the hirh"""t bidder for ruh. sealed bl ls K ill be received un til U clock A. M. Tueartay. April Ii'lj; bid to be accomianied with a J poal: of lO per rent of the amount b.d. .liirl-i de..tiil ta to be forfaited In raao bidder r-fiie-a to roroplv --th the terms of hix bid alter acceptance. The rluht to n l -t anv and all hida li hereby re-.trved. THIS IS A KU'.ST-i l-SH TLAfK. AM) Kf I.'.Y K"IMPPF".T IV At.l. -1'AHTIi1'-l.AHS l.tASK X PKRV1SBS I AN BR KKi'lREU. LOOK IT OVER AND blB- J. A. IlKNNKTT. ASSIGNEE. ;W"1 Fenton t-ldg. Main iil7d- CORNER f-RCK-KRT. KtASONAHUt Vice, rlean. up-to-date Brocery ,"r': located on buy corner In thickly aettlea community: Uvlr.R-roomn In connection: rent reasonable: invoic about reuaona for a.-llln-c. For further Informa tion phone -iVood.awn or call l.i Rodnt-v. INVESTIG ATFD BUSINESS CIIAKCES. W alwaya have ioo4 a-rocery atorea for aj which y( can recommend. It la to Tour benefit to clve u a call. fUAPIN & HEULOW. 333M t'tiamber of Cummercfc , Ark for A. Keller. Foil SALE flftt. mdae. aiore. Invoicing about Hi with property consisting of ator. bulldln and "-room hoi:e. located In small town S miles from Portland m center of thickly acttled farming com- . munlts: part terms. Inqtilre of WAIlHAMf & KKRR JtROTHERS. Portland. Oregon, r n rs i o pVo'ktu N I T V. We reprs.nl the mnntlfacturars of a ,nn coin-opemted merchanllsln(r machine that ven-ia a neceimUy. This city offers a splendid field to operate on a larae scale. Hir- profMs. No t.onu- for terri tory. Inve.tla.ala. Western Specially Co., 2.1 1 Worcester bid?.. Portland. FOR SALE A general merchandise stor on account of poor health In on. of the best town. In the Wlllamctta Valley: long leas, and cheap rent: iloina a triod huslneaa; wilt Invoic about !ttoO. A V 841. Orego- nlan. Foil SALE Nino-room boarding-house com pletely furnished, doing good business; centrnlly located: beautiful pl-ce: rent. lj:-J per month; prl.-e f:l.V; good rea sons for selling. A snap for right party. A. 1. Ire. a lloa Forest lirove. Or. tlRHAT BARHAIN. t hull 8-roome.l large sleeping poroh. larg. bath and storer-om. electric llghu p..r. h for hammock and ehaira. rooms al wava full: good prices, flna furnltur.: 8 minute, from P. o. N g.'i, Oregonlan. Fit SALE Transportation and storage, paving ."O vr morth: price ;'KH call for quick sale. Inqulr. of Kinney A Htampher. Apply oil-a I.urobr fcgchaiig. I.uig. SHKKT metal and general repair shop, has j..r J"'s worth of contract, on hand now; prl.-e -"V " will handle; bal ance easy; sicknes. cause. :ina Lumber Kxchnnae. FOR SALE Mill and logging onttlt and 5 inmi lam ft. timber on main lino transcon tinental iallros.1. fin chance; commission given; stumpage terms: take Idle machin ery part payment. AV -Jrtl. Oregonian. SALOON Foil SALE OR iK.Mlt. Oo.kI lumber mill town of 1-Jno Inhnb Itnnis only 2 saloons allowed until town doubles, cleared :aaiO last yoar. Call at tKH N. I'.th st. Marshall l"Ki. Foil SALE Hotel and restaurant In center of the largest irrigation project In tha Northwent. best location In town, can prove that this Is a money-maker. Box ol. L'H-nsburg. Waih J.I''E can slock geneial merchantllse; go.!d farming community, good hulldinns: .(.out one acre arounil ; 12 mll'-a from Portland: fin. proposition. AV -. Orc gor.lan. BARBER ahop for sale: 2 chairs; good loca tion transient trade; will sell reasonable If taken by tha 1st. Address T 84. Or. Ionian. FOR SALE Sn ail factory In good lo. allty; long lease, clnap rent; co:n out and in vestigat. at l-'l3 E. Morriaon st. Tclu- ph.ile It ;"0V Foil SALE In thriving Portland suburb, ol'l-estsbilshed general store, well stocked, good living rooma. low rent. Addrraa A3 17. Orcgoliian. BAKERV and confectionery tportable oven) well etl. Ilalied. clearing 8ik month above expenses; cheap rent; prlco 4j0. no; Lumber Eirnani-. .... t i r -c t-o A STliftK 1."mi l.lt'le store doing good business; r.tii be ruslly doubled: tlite location, low rcr.t. riionp l aoor ' ui nnrn shop. !well Ilttia J-chair shop. Doing about $75 a week. Try It for a week and prov. It. Further particulars tils Yeon blilg. MoTICN-PK'TURE tlieal.r for sal. at l.ar ualn price; good location, lease and equip ment; o.nvr leaving city. :U7 Abluston bidg. MOT-ON-Pl'-TURK theater to trade for .od osi'ierce loi:. st.it.- prlc. and loca tion. P 11. Oregonlin No 1 t'HiAll stole for s.ile at 27 Alder t. between 4th and oth. Ask for Wnl. Jennings FOR SALE ilgur stand, best location in lown. 4-vea.r l.aas. For particular, wrll. p o Hog 443. Th. palles. Or. Uk-.TAn; VNT for sale, doing good busluebs: own. r ."-avln to.a. Prlco $lla. l.'.t Grand itve. MoVTs-pl. TI RE theater, snap, by owner. I p lo date, fine location, clears $40 week; InvcMiitat- at once. N 21. Oregonian. pTrtS t -t'l.ASS small hotel, strictly mdern, lo god town; ch.ap. with terms. AV Zl. Ore gonlan. Ti7vr market, good country town, will aell at Invoic. Must sell at once account other business. A V 2-". Oregonian. Foil SVI.E Saloon In one of th. beat town. near Portland, exceptional bargain. Call phone se.lwood W'4 or B lrilw. Fl KST-t'L ASS barber can find good location for barber shop and cigar storo. Sc. fcjel-g-rt. loa N. Jersey at.. St. Johna. Or. til..-l ACI'.ANT lease. b. c iti;ri-ide. for sale; good business; wncr for Information. lli MNVC;ER of road show deaires partner: email amount of capital required. Call room 47 Oxford Hotel. WoRKINtl partner for city creamery paa good wages besolea sharn of profits; bias-old business. :to.1 Lumber Exchange. MINLNli AND INDl-STRIAL STOCK. Telsphou. and other bonds bought aaa sold Flstchor Jn. Co.. ItJi Ablngtoa. idbviNdPlCTrRE THEATER for aalw ulus. an. downtown district. Inquire r. C. Mever.a. 7th st. SALOON and grill, lndep.nd.nt liceoae lea... . money-maker; ressua for .elung. X . Oregonian. FOR KALE Two-chair barber shop; have to quit .hop on account of health, o 80, oregonian. OL1 eatat liahed confectionery and grocery near large echool. modern living-rooms. cnesp rent. AJ 9. oregonian. NEVconfectlonery. cigars, fight grocerlea, f'n. aod. fountain. Se. owner. Palm. lath und Wash. llAl HEK shop for sale. 4 chairs. Apply North ltd at. Swo BalNES CARDS. SI; bring .bla ad. Roae city Primary. l2v, d. oor. Taylor. SALOON In retail district, bargain for quirk cash sal.. H 81. Oregon!. n. LUNCH COUNTER for sale, good buainesa. long lease. Call 2.H V Alder St. Jl.a Ill'.Klt shop In loan of aM. Addreas B. I.ooier. I'hoenlx. Or. RMT.U RANT . heap, leaoae. big frsda, v. leg rooms, cheap r-nt. 2"4 4th St. FC'l. SALE or rent. 3-rhalr bootb.ack atuno. 173 N. r.'h. n-ar depot. Jroao PAT I NO bustneaa one-bait oaah; de taila. l . Uregonlaa. BUS1NFS-4 OrrOCTI NITIF.S. FOR SALE As 1 am Interested In two slores. 1 must dispose of one. therefore I have started to ciose out my l"-i'0' stock of grocerlea and crockerv at Hillsporo. Or ; ativone wthlng a good location for a first-class gr rv and crockery store, here Is your chance; this is the only stock of crockery In the city. Will sell al right pro. It taken before I get It closed out; must be a spot cash deal. Address N. 11. ieer. I l IFI'Or". WILL Vol' LET Hio STANK BETWEKN YOIT AND SI l-CESS? If you will invest from 1.'0 to $.VfX you can make froan loo to ." per cent on your Investment; If you have a rea aonable amount of Intelligence and a fair amount of energy, we can-prove to you that this statement Is true. If you .ne In-teiest.-d. call at 1arquam bldg Bu.N L lssu-s. Jl'ai or upivards r egollated; rslltAov. lrrK-nllon. mining, realty, bank Inar. trust anil general corporations organ lied: franchlrea drawn. L. N". Iloaenbaum. lamer and tluancl.il agent. 814-218 Height hide,, Senltl-. Wash. 7. AND -services gives right party 3S i.eeklv; half Interest, half profits, strictly legitimate, estalillrhrd. good paying busi-nc-s; muncv Invested fully secured: ex 1 enence unne.-ej.sary. Particulars, address P 2:1. Oregonian. WANTED. Pactner to take half Interest In a Ilgst mai.grerturlng plant; a man who ca tike charge of an office and manage men; salary. tii per month. Kinney Btam pher. nSl-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. 6xLTT"i246 wili"aecur a aubitantlal Oeor gla possession which can earn very large profits without requiring the attention of the owner. Write for photcgraphs and free trip offer. Geo. W. Deen. box 4oo. Waycross. Ga. a2.Miit AND Hcrvlcea gives right party $50 weekly: half interest, half profits; manu facturing onlv machine, of kind on mar get: ran net g.looo yearly. For particulars an. I demonstration address T 28. Orego nian. ARE you looking tor a growing business? Vou can purt has oirect from owner well estahllaho.l business In growing city In Roguo River Valley; $n.Vin will handle: buainesa Incorporated. Write today. AV 21'l. Oregonian. MONEY FOR SOMEONE. Own ltioo acres land, loot) acres ready plant: put it Into the market and sell 1t; I help you and I give you half. AS 2, Oregonian. MUST aell, up-to-date, well-located good paving, long-established picture theater: price $750: easy terms; sickness only rea son for selling. K 24. Oregonian. ESTABLISHED" real estate office wants liv. energetic snd experienced salesman for general real estale. commission basis, give particulars. J 15, Oregonian. FOR SALE OE KENT. Riverside Men's Hotel, 1054 Macadam St.; 60 rooms, furnished; easy terms. F. Day ton. 1M4 First St.. 9 to 10 A. M. ROOMING-HOUSES. DANDY LOCATION. 72 rooms, worklngmen's house. 5 years' lease, fine transient trade. Will sell at sacrifUe on good re&aon Inquire 13 Vs N. .'Id si. B6 ROOMS, cleara $:ir.OO per year. Will ex change for property worth $3000. Write owner. It 20, Oregonian. ' S2 ROOMS. OWNERS SACRIFICE. Right down lown; well furnished, good Irssc; this la a first-class transient house and a money-maker; best reasons for sell ing: If you want a money-maker at a sai-rin, e. s.-e owner. ud Swetland bldg. MARY E. LENT CO.. PORTLANDS LEADING HOTEL AQKN01. HOTELS ROOMING APARTMENT HOUSE3. All glxea and prices. 822-4 Falling bldg.. ad and Waahlngtoav FOR SALE A slxteen-roora boarding and rooming-houeo; have run this place for 17 yeara and must' sell on account of fall ing health; a anap for the right parly. Phone Marshal! J4J3 or call 8Jtt 4th st. HOTEL FOR SALE.' ! ! The lease, furniture and good will of the Calumet Hotel. 150 Park St.. for sals. For terms and further particulars app. at hotot 68 ROOMS. highly furnished, rent $2.0 montn; 4 yeaia" lease; profits $.1."-0 montli: b-rootn contruct p.ya half rent. Muse leave city al once, see agent. J. E. si.ii, :;os Alilngton bldg. 21-floOM modern dwelling, elegantly fur nished, new and clean; best location; biff income and alwava full: long lease, terma; cheap. By owner, tloj Flanders. WANTEI Furnished or partly furnished rooming-house, li or 16 rooms. West Side, good location. particular, c li, Orcgo lilan. 22 ROOMS FOR SALE 23. Best location. 4th and Stark;' well furnished, always full; this month $o00 takes all. Call see ttie proprietor. IU ROOMS, for sale or trade, brick building, lease, lent $4a; alwaya lull. Owner, pliou. Ka al Mltl. lo OUTSIDE rooms, good clean carpets and furniture, rent $:0: cleara $5o month; tra.ic or terms. 2o:t Fifth. COUNTRY hotel furnished, for sale. In thriving country town, near Portland. .Mar shell 13;3. ROOMING-HOUSE for sa'e. Ill rooms in best location; easy terms. L'9 4 N. 2d. BUARUI.VO ana rooming-house for sale Owner. 202 12th at. Phone Main 31A3. "LOST ZKO FOOD. LOST AND FOCND. FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair matlressee retail at wholesale prices; we renovai-a matlresaoa and return same day; we a. so renovate leathers. Port.au d Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. 22a-8j Front. Phone Main 474. A 14 '4. LOST Fox terrier puppy; left eye black and tan. eara epotted. Reward if returned lo K. Beebe, 2-J4 Stout si. Lo.ST At Multnomah Club. Friday evening, pin set in brilliants, spider design. Fhone E. IM.V Reward. LOST A coral pin. fancy .edce. 5 pearls. Return " Front St., between b and 0. Mum 722. Reward. LOST Nickel-plated hub cap for automo bile wheel with O on IL Finder please return. o31 Aider st. FOUND Fountain pen in Union Depot April 27. Owner call for same at Occidental Hotel LOST 1 gold, pearl crescent pin; reward, KH2 Hancock st. or phone East 1874. LooT 6turd.iy. April 2. string of gold bcada. Telephone' Main SOU. R-ward. LoSi smnli bay mar.; white feel aod spot oti forelicad. Matu 4267. SPECIAL NOTICES. l'ropoaala Invited. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of th. United titatea for the District of Oregon in ine niatter of Hale & Co.. bankrupts: The undersigned will receive sealed blda at bla office. No. 7 Firsl street, up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday. April 2w. 112. for tne following property belonging lo said es tate, name.y: A stock of merchandise consisting of ladies' cloaks, suits, furnish ing goods, shoes and dry goods, located at Newuerg. Oregon, ot the total Inventory value of $ll.u:.70. together with a lol ot store fixtures inventoried at $4oS.70. Cash or a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid, and said sale la subject, to con firmation ty the court. An Inventory ta on tile at the office of the undersigned and property may be inspected upon ap plication to O. S. Crocker, w ho Is In charge of store at Newberg. Dated April IS, 1U18. R. L. Rubin, trustee. IN THE DIETRICT COURT OF THE I'SIEU STATES FOR THE DIESR1CT OK OUEuUM In the matter of T. W. Wvatt at Co.. bankrupt; I will receive sealed bids for tne stock of nierchandls. of the Invoice value of 16427.04, together with flxturea of the Inventory value of Jt.-T.Oj, pertaining to the above-named 'estate located at Hillsboro, Washingt.n County, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock, noon, of Wednesday. May 1. 112. A deposit of 10 per cent cash or a certified check must accompany each offer made. Sale la aub Ject to confirmation by the court. An In ventory of the properly herern offered for sale may be saen at my office. No. T First street, and the property la open tor Inspocalon at lltllrocro. Oregon. R. L. SARIN. Trustee. Dated at Portland. Oregon. April 20, 1912. OFFICE C Q. M.. Chronicle bldg., San Fran cisco. Cal., April 1. 1912. Sealed pro posals will be received here until 11 A. M. May 1. 1912. for furnishing forage and atraw required at post. In Western Division during fiscal year commencing July 1. 1912. Information furnished on application her. or to Post Quartermasters and Quartermasters at Seattle, Wash.. Portland. Or., and Honolulu. H. T.. and bids mav be received by Post Quarter masters and Quartermaster, Honolulu. 11. T . until 11 A. M . Pacific time. May 1. 19 1 8. F. Von Schrader. C. Q. M. SEALED bids will be rec.lved by th. un dersigned until 19 A. M. Friday. May 10, 112. for two. four or t Iv.-paaaengsr auto mobile for Multnomah County, when bldg will b. publicly opened. Th. right Is ex pressly reserved to reject any and all blda Blcls must stat. ..rllest date of delivery. F. H. Flelde. County Clerk. Court Hauls. C-tLl-MBI A bldg 7 Portland. Or.. April 1. V12 Sesb-d proposals In triplicate will he receded he until 11 A. M. May 1. 1912. for furnishing wood and coal re Quired here during the fiscal year com mercing Julv 1. 1912 Information fur nished on application. A- W. Tales. Quartermaster JiPECIA L NOTICES. Proposals Invitea! POSTOFFICB DEPARTMENT. Washington. Feb. 8. 1912. Proposals will be received at the office of the Postoffice Department In the cliv of Washington, until 4:30 P. M . May 27. 1912. for- ocean mall service pursuant lo the act of March 3. 1891. In vessels of the second class, on the rout, liereinafter described, service to commence not later than July 31. 1912. The right is reserved to reject all bids. SCHEDULE OF ROUTE: No. SO. "O. M. S.." from Pan Francisco to Sydney. Australia, call ing at Honolulu and Pago Pago once every 28 days. 13 trips a year. Time to Sydney. 2a days. Contract for 10 years. Bond required with bid. $100,000. Circulars con taining a description of the route. Instruc tions to bidders and blank forma of pro posals, with accompanying bonds, can be tMained of the Second Assistant Postmas ter General. Postoffice Department, on and after March 1. 1912 FRANK U. H1TCH t'Of'K. Postmaster General. PORTLAND, Or.. March 1. 1912 Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received hero until 11 A. M.. Pacific time. April 30. 1912. for 80O0 tons hay and HO00 tons oats, for delivery at Portland, Or.. Seat tle. Wash.. Tacoma, Wash.. or other ?romlnent railroad points; Information urnlshed on application. United States re serves right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof; envelope, containing proposals should be Indorsed "Proposals for Oats and Hay." and ad dressed to Quartermaster, V. S. A. SEALED bids will be received by the un dersigned until 10 A. M. on Wednesday, May 15. 11112. for changing lockera and other interior repairs at Multnomah Coun ty Armory, at Portland, Oregon. Specifications can bo aeon at the Ar- mThi right, to reject any or all bids la hereby reserved. F. S. FIELDS, County Clerk. Mlseellaneoa.. BARGES for rent, capacity 400 tons. Pat tul'o. S89 Sherlock bldg. Main 1410. FINANCIAL. MONET IN ANY AMOUNT. Contracts. Mortgages. Equities, Chattel. Diamonds and Beal Security. Special serv ice rendered. LAWSON-BROWN INVESTMENT rO 1309 Yeon Bldg. TeL M. 894T CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or Beliefs equity In contract of sal. real eatate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. Loans. MORTGAGES (first and second), contracts and sellers' equities bought. E. L. Dever esux, 1009 Spalding blag.. 3a and Wash ington. Main oil. WE pay highest can a price lor bullMers" con tracts, first and second mortgagee and other securities. Home Installment Co, ani-ano itcKav hide-. Maeahsll 8969. MONET to loan on Improved real estai. of for building purposes: no commissions. COLUMBIA LIFE & TBUST COMPACT. 816 Spalding bldg. . WB buy notes, contracts, mortgages first and second), equities. F. H. Lewis Cow 8 Lewis bldg. FIRST snd second mortgages, contracts snd commission accounts bought, real ,ata loan. E. B. Miiler. 410 Ablngton jilog. MONEY to loan on first-class Portland real estate security at lowest rates. Morgan, Flledner a- Boyce. C03 Ablngton bldg. FARM and cltv mortg. loans without delay. H. M. Friendly. 7o3 Spalding bldg. Money t. T-oan laeal Kstassi WE can place your money for you DIRECT. See us about this. DIRECT REALTY CO.. 401 Yeon Bgig. TO LOAN AT TO 8 PER CENT. $ 700 FOR S YEARS. $13(10 FOR 3 YEARS. $1..00 FOR S YEARS. flhOO FOR 1 YEARS. $.1000 FOR $ Y'EARS. FOR 6 YEARS. $15.0U0 FOR i YEARS. J. H. TIPTON CO., 1105 bPALDINQ BLDCa. MORTGAGE LOANS. Plenty of niney to loan at 5 to 8 per cent on city resilience and buslneaas prop erty and Multnomah County farms. EDW. P. MALL. 300 to 304 Chamber of Commerce. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes. S to 8 years- time: liberal repayment prlvllegea; monev advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings at Loan Association. 24Q Stark at. LARGE supply of money to loan la sums cf $400 and upward, on real eaiau secur ity, at A snd 7 per cent, MALL at VAN BORSTEU 104 Second St.. Near Stark, $500,000 ON improved city or farm property: building or small loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. McJienxl. 4s Co. tl-a-515-516 Oerllnger bldg. $2t oo TO LOAN on Income property In cillTi-rent amounts from $l0ta) to $10,000, at lowest rates of Interest. Wm. C Bor chers. 207 Oregonian bldg. MONEY on hand for building purposes: no delay; 6, 7 and 8 per cent. Give me your phon. number and address. R 9, Orego nian. MONEY EASY TERMS. THREE TO FIVE HUNDRED. UNITED REALTY' CO.. 2a GER LINGER BLDG MONTHLY PAYMENT LOANS on Portland homes or for building purposes. 206 Stark. PROVIDENT SAVINGS A LOAN ASS'N. MORTGAGE LOANS on city and farm prop erty: mortgagee purchased. Henry C Prudhomme Co.. S08 Wilcox bldg. TO LOAN .5000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON. COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDO. gjjMS $1000 to $00 0 on real estate se curl'."; contracts, mortgages boughL F. W, Torgler. 106 Sherlock bldg. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building loans, contracts and mortgages bought. W. H. Nunn. 448 Sherlock bldg. $1000 TO $5000 to loan at lowest rates, also larger nmounta 'irowbrldg. at tlepa.aa 801 Wilcox bldg. 1.00 000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest ralea W. U. Beoli, 815-316 Falling bldg. egADV money on lmprored real estate In amounts of $oo and up. M. E. Thomp .on, 429 Henry bldg. Sep .Mr. Ridge. MORTGAGE loans on city properly; lowest raies. A H. Blrrell Co., 202 McKay oiig. 8d and Stark. i'loo l O Uvo TO LOAN FOR SHORT TIME ON ANY GOOD SECURITY BY PRIVATE PAlllx. 2o7 OREGONIAN BLDG. 8500 AND upwards on Improved real estate notes and mortgage, bought W. A. Haia. away, room IP Wa.nlt.gion bids. '-p on dwellings; owners only; till. expense only. Atty. 21Q Allsky bldg. $32,000 OK any part to loan on real esiaia Tabor 771. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 1 PER CENT. LOUIS 6ALOMON. 220 STARK bT. WILL loan $1000 on land, S per cent. A, E. Hooker. Atty.. 2o3 Hothchllo. bldg. UOKlUAliL LOANS AT REASON AB La) LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collal eVal security. C. W. Fallen. au8-9 Feotoa. "MOKJ TO LOAN ON REAL KSTATaV A. H. HARDING. 803 Cn. ot Com. ..r.tJTC. 4 rt W LOANS. O. OOL1-RA FAILING BLDO. private money loaned on real estai. mart. gages. H- Mlley. room 804 Oerllnger bldg. STATE funds. 0 per cenL W. E. Thomas, aaent Multnomah County. 4P0 Ch. ot Com. UL.Nh.1'. any amount, to a per caul. W, mT Sells A co,810 Spalding, ii.Ug. wil L loan $5000 or less, real estate: Hltcn- coVk. 009 Rothchlld bldg. ""Money to Loan. ChalteU and, salariea. 6 to li. D. CkA&IL $lvtt. f OR SALARIED PEOPLE TODAT without security, mortgage or Indorse-xoeol- cbeapeal rates, best and most pri .t. terms In Portland. 807 Spalding Ti.tfg. BnuaMora to Hulton Credit Co. PRIVATE PARTY LOANS SIS to Slav. Ob furniture, goods in storage, .la. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. 124 Lumber Exchange Bldg. Open Monday and Saturday till a P. St. Call, wrlis or phon. Mala 4MT. MONEY TO LOAN On pianos, auloa, furniture, livestock or anything of value. Adolphus Lane, 414 Ab Inglin bids. Marshall 814. PRIVATE PARTY LOANS, fialariavd peop.e aad women keeping house. $10 to $100. s Strictly ?ConlldentlaL 820 Lumber Exchange Bldg-. LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry and valuables almost bankers' rata of Interest. 82$ Falling bldg.. 8d and Washington street. WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jewe.ry al half the rates charged by broker. U a rx aV B'och. 74 3d St. ' DANS on diamonds snd other securities. Wm. HoU. room 9. Washington bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry! strictly couf Identiai. 141 S 3d. near Aloe.-. i LOAN for th. auklng. salary or chattels. The A-oan Co.. 414 Dekum bids. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan, Chattels and balaries. $ $ $ STATE SECURITY CO. BR-O-K-E-R-S. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN' NOTES. $10 TO $100. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND. $10. repaid In lneiallments of $ - $20. repaid in installments of $ -90 $50. repaid In installments of ....... .$00 Larger amouiils in proportion. . We do not advertise misleading terms or rates, but give you our cnargea in plain tlgurea Business strictly confidential. STATE SECURITY CO.. . $ $ $ $ 108 Falling Bldg. t $ $ CHATTEL SALARY LOANS. LOANS. $1.00 to $1000 on DIAMONDS. 2 per cent and up. WE MEET AND BEAT The rates of other LOAN CO'3L regardless of what they advertise. OITW filTKlt Borrow $10 pay back $18.60 In 6 pay'ta. Borrow t-i pay back $S.S5 In pay'ts. Borrow J50 pay back .i.-ta m o p. C A V VOTT RFTAT THEM. ON LOANS UP TO $1007 If the HEAD of h fnmllv din. befora thfl SCCOUnt Is paid In full and the payments ar. mado as agreed WE GIVE this wiuow CEIPT IN FULL OF ACCOUNT. ' YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebates given If paid before due. PfiHTt ivn I ru V COMPANY. 206-7 MACLEAY BLDG. BOTH PHONES. Between 4th and 5lh ats.. on Wash St. Open Monday and Saturday till 9 P. M. $$$$$$ DO TOU NEED MONEY? W. will furnish vou. strictly conflden Hal, and without delay, a loan In any amount on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock ilnrnn recelDt and all other kinds of securities, on terms to suit; also .n weekly or monthly payments. WE BUY ,-JiD LOAN On first and second real estate mort gages contracts and chattei mortgages. TJ. S. HEAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO.. aia u,.ninn vtlriir. 1111 3d- Main 20&4. $$$$$$$!$ MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and othera fur nished without security; cheapest ratea easiest payments. Come and get money when jeu want I, and pay as you can. Offices in all principal cities. D. XL lo. xuan. 817 Lumber Exchange. MONEY LOANED. Watches, diamonds. Jewelry, etc ELBY COMPANY. Room 32l Lumber Exchauge Bldg. MONEY sold on Installment; contidentlal; salaried people. F. A. Newlon. Henry olos. Loans Wsnte V WANT LOAN OF $2000 ON 50x100 LOT AND 6-KOO-M HOUSE ON BELMONT STREET. WILL PAY S PEU CENT TO PRIVATE PARTY. AB 23, OREGONIAN. $23. M LOAN WANTED, FIRST MORTGAGE. ON MY S-ROOM HOME AND f.NxlOO CORNER LOT. WILL PAY S PER CENT; NO AGENTS. AC 23. OREGONIAN. $700 TO $2500 rr-ii?KT MORTGAGE LOAN'S WANTED FROM PRIVATE PARTIES ON IMPROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY. E C. ESTON. 111(1 SPALDING HLDG. LOAN OF $2200 WANTED ON MY MODERN DWELLING AND LARGE CORNER LOT. No AGENTS. WILL PAY 8 PKR CENT. Y !)97, OREGONIAN. $aoo TO Slu.uoo at 7 Jier cent on riethodlst Churcli property valued at $.iO.(K'. Jjull particulars on application. Address box 471 Abeniei n, IVash. I WANT a loan of s:tuoo on new buncalow. line 'lot and higll-olass locality; will pay S per cent for 3 years. Call 414 Spalding bids. T va.-a.vr to borrow $4.v for ,1 years at S per cent, good first rial estate mortgage. Call 414 Spalding dhik. MONEY WANTED Applications on naiiu for desirable loans, nwrtgiista io. .a.e. Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. SOti Wilcox bid. MONEY WANTED I want to borrow $2000 on new N-room dwelling und 2 lots. liom lender; no agents, i none .o.iin - . ei-t- n .oit niv or tu'elie months, ap. proved security, b per cent. Address liox :ao. i oi upi:". I-iimi SvllO. PRIVATE parties: kooI secur ity.' Zella Gossett. 7 West KliUngsworth ave M Loans Wanted. WE have applications for $3.".oo and i000 on Laurelliursi first-class 30 per cent, security. DIRECT REALTY' CO., 401 Yeon Bids. PERSONAL. FOUR WEEKS TO LEARN. 6AN1TARY BEAUTY PARLORS. 400-414 DEKUM BLDG. OUR SCHOOL IS PRACTICAL. Which means that if yu come here you will be taught everything that is neces sary and nothing that Is unnecessary. OUR SCHOOL IS ECONOMICAL. In other words. If you invest your money In instruction here it will get you the greatest possible Increase in earnings afterward. OUR SCHOOL IS ENJOYABLE. Because we know how to make your work Interesting, and have the teachers and the equipment for doing lt- OUR SCHOOL IS THE SCHOOL FOR YOU. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. 800 PURE CUT HAIR SWllCHES. $12 34-lnch twitches $4.4S $6 20-lnch switches 2.43 Vfnlr dressing .85 Face msiaasa Shampoo ,'" Manicuring. 25c. 5 for 1.00 12 scalp treatments 6.0i Superfluous hair removed by electricity, guaraateed not to return. $4 $5 and $6 PUFFS only $1.45. Cut hair in any shade; switches any length. Pricas half. Sanitary parlors. 400-4)2 Dekum bidg.. 8d and Washington. RADICAL curs by the latest natural heal ing nidnods. Including radium, all electri cal currents, lights, heat, vioration. radia tion baths. massage. adjustment and manipulations Most expensive. finest eoulpped private office lu Oregon; no medicine or operations. Over 6000 treated patients and not a death while under our care We .-ill be glad to consult with you free" of charge. Dr. W. E. Mallory. .12 KothchIM bldg. EVERY Sunday, open from ! A. M. to 10 P. M. Treatments for rheumatism, lumba go etc " massage and baths from first class Swedish mid Norwegian nurses. lluO Holiaday ave.. cor. Occident. U car. East HOI'S. C 2.-o3. . SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslligfors graduate; rheumatism, uervous and stom ach ailments, uncic-r physician's direc tions; baths, massaKu. No. 7 East llth St., second door souln from East Ankeny carline. Phono East 200,Bltu3. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse, long experience, best references; treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc.. massages and baths, trained nurses in attendance. 3o0 Holiaday ave.. corner occidental. U car. East 3iiuS. C 2.'i5a. DR. CATHERINE C. GATES 1 have nail 11 yeara' practical experience treating tiervous and chronlo diseases. Consultation free. 3o7 Abiugton blag. Marsiiau oi43. Hours: 10 A- M. to 6 P. M. MRS. STEVENS. 18 years Portlands lead ing palmist and clairvoyant, has hur late book, --Palmistry .Made Eaay," on sale at 812 Alisky bid;., 3d and Morriaon ats. DRESS SUITS lor rent, $1.5o monin; k.as your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaired. I'ruiiipi calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 3u9 stark. 2NEKOL The great nerve tonic and sys tem builder. $1 per box. tf boxes j. Sups laylor Drug Co.. 289 Morriaon au idka. POTTER, scalp and facial treatment, buia Northwest bitig., tith and Washington. Ladies only MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. SwlLClies. Uoc; curls and puns, "ioc. San itary Beauty Parlors. 4oo i-iekum fcidg. jrjclAL and scalp treatments, manicuring, hair dressing, shampooing. 610 bwetlana bldg. MRS S. C. MORRISON, steam baths and xiiasseurlng for rheumatism, lumbago, etc 347 Jeit'-rson. A 44.0. open Sundays. SCALP treatment, facial massage. Room i. Hotel Brtaiiu, lop I. oor. 488-,. Washing lon st, i'bone A 300'J. jl HS SOPHIA li. SLIP, mental and spirit ual science. -.02 Allsky blug.; question meeting Wed. and Fri. b P. -M. Main 6184. AloiES superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. . mil. 489 Flledner blug. Alain 3473. SCOTCH woman, mental scientist treatment, rheumatism. oOo H Morrison st. A ooou, jXLia OF FIGS. Compound. Roya. Xoaio TaDlc'.a o32 Davis st- Main 9815. MANICURING PARLOR, facial and scalp treatment, shampooing. 314 Swetland bldg. XL. W. FIELD CO. moved to 1113 V4 Second street. LADY HAP.BER SHOP. 292 Firsl St.. near Columbia st. ytTO".' fc-raduatc, massage and .nedlcal gymnastics. 392 Jctloi-son, up one IU. at, PERSONAL. FOUND A place where special attention Is given to remodeling of hats, by up-to-date trimmers. English correct millinery. i,l Morrison St., Marquam bldg. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ' Analytical Chemists. WOOD ARD, CLARKE ea CO.. analytical chemists, examiners of chemicals, drugs. foods, etc. Attorneys. A. E. COOPER, attorney-at-law. General practice, abstracts examined. Removed to 1424 to 1428 Yeon bldg. M. 873. A 20il. MOSESSOHN" MOSESSOHN, lawyers. Ao- stracts examined. Steak German. French. Russian. 714-715-716 Cham, of Commerce. M. FITZMAURICE. M. A., L.L.B.. attorney- at-law. Reno. Nevada, references: Nixon National Bank. Reno. Assayer and Analyst. Wells & Proebstel. mining engineers, chem ist s indassayer3:-04-;-fWjsh MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. IfaH Morrison st. Brass and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 106 N. 5th. Main 2i02. Chiropractic Physician. DR. TICKNER. Columbia bldg.. next Star Theater. A 0255, Main 9587.; res. B 29 1 6. Chiropodists. DR. OLIVER O. FLETCHER, lady expert assistant. 303 Alis'.y bldg.. 3d and Mor rison. Main S762. treats all Ills of ths foot, without danger of Infection; corns, bunions, ingrowing and atrophied nails, fat foot and bunions a specialty. WILLIAM. Estelle and Flossie Deveny, ths only scientific chiropodists In ".h city. Parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Vain 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Kill, offices 429 Flledner bldg. Main 3473. DR. U. S. G. chiropodists. and Mrs. Fletcher. Painless Over Hazlewood. Main 3713. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. S3D ST. WOO"". Coal and Wood. NATIONAL FUEL CO. Coal and wood. Marshall 560. A 3645. 387 W'ater it. Dancing. PR OK. WAL WILSON'S Dancing School Lesson. 25c; waltz, two-step or three-stop jriiaranteett in one lesson: trial lesson given fro". The best is always the cheapest. Stace dancing and all vaudeville acls taught quickly. Royal Academy Hall. S.i'j .'.th. bet. Stark and Oak. Phone Main 70.... MR AND MRsTilEATirS SCHOOLS. 101 !d St.. bet. Wash, and Stark, and Allskr bldg.. 3d and Morrison Fancy stage and social dancing taught daily; waita and two-step guaranteed in four lessons; class Monday and Friday eve, 8 to 10. at 101 2d st. : lessons 25c. KINGLER'S SCHOOL Private and class In struction: lady assistants; social, stage, fancy dances. 211 'i Morrison. Marsh'l 313. Detective A gencles. INTERNATIONAL Detective Agency, con servative, reliable, confidential; rates JJ per day. Office 510 Dekum bldg. M. 6421. KducationaL STAMMER? Method for cure explained free M. L. Hatfield. 1018 Grove. Oakland. C... Engines Gas and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agents. Sea bury steam eiiKlnes and boilers, gasoline en glnes. 2S1-2S3 E. Morrison st. phone K. 513. Feed Store. ZIGLER & MISNER. hay, grain, feed, es ment. shingles. 294 Grand ave. E. 4S2. Kodak Finishing. QUICK service, cut rates; send for prlc. liht. Tne Kodakery. 6th and . ash. Landscape Gardeners. FRED W. BULLOCK. 310 Teon Bldg. Marshall --- Artistic landscape gardening, carpel beds, planting of all description, grading and construction of new lawns to private residences anil public grounds. Thor oughly experienced men employed. Rea sonabie charges. Designs and ests. FRLH.. IF you have residential grounds to beautify, consult our landscape expert. Mr. C. P. McDougall. 12 years' experience- in Scot land und Eastern cities. Now is ths time to plant. Advice free. Phone Main 8916, or write the Oregon Nursery company. Orenco. Oregon. Leather ana rinding.. CHAS. L. MAiTiLK ot CO.. 74 Front. Leather of every description, tabs, mfs. findings. A STKOWB1UDGE LEATHEK CO. Es ' taillshcd 1S58. lbu Front St. . vmil Thlelliorn. violin leachcr. pupil Sevcik. W0 Marquam. A 4100. Marshall 1629. ' OstcolHitiiic I'iiyaiciaiu). 577 LEKOY SMITH, graduate Klrkvlile, io class ot lOJt,; post-graduate 190i. ua der'Dr A. T. StUL founder of the . science. 1122 Selling piuk. m jeji. rr k. B. Northrup. 415-16-17 Dekum o.og. Nervous and Chronic Diseasea Phone. Office. M. 349; res. East or B 1028. Paiuts, Oils and falass. rn AST-MADE paint and varnish Is best Cadajted To tne Coast climate BAbb- 1K1 TER PAINT CO.. 191 becond St. KoTaiJi.N CO.. Jobbers, paluls. oils: glass, sashndjioors. jCor8d and laylor. "painting and l'aaerbanclng:. i,-iiii mst-class paperhangliig. painting. tUitli.B. reasonable prices. Call Main 7059. A 4724. Residence. Main 6174. " patent Attorneys. p ATI- NTS procured by J. Mock, attorney P at-VaV. late of U. S. palent Ottlce. Book let tree. 719 the Board of Trade bldg. A-ieNTS oblaiued. trademarks, copyngnis itired. all countries. Booklet frsaa. , I I LK HAiiERLl-S. 386 Worcester blag. U S AND F01:L1GN PATENT procured by O. O. Martin. 409 Chamber of Commerce bldg. r p WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ThtrewacaseA 604 Lekum bldg. Pawnbrokers LNCLbMiil - wooao Main Ula In foreiaim. . ..... . paving:. tYo- iiarber Asinaii Paving Cumpuiy. aaJjiaecrrio biuai. uscar H.iar, PorUaaa. Pii. wihiuaJvD WOOD l-it-E CO. Jiactory ana y"utcucor 24.U anu .ors. sis, aitun 34... bates. Z,hl iiOSLEit SAl-E CO.. 1U 2d SU oal X 1? facto, y prices; second-nand satea oecoud-xiauu Caoods. wt. uuy ciIumg. lurmtuie ana luuis. alas , rie. paid lor aecona-oaud ciouiuig. e.t pnea Jiaiaa . .., u0a. turniiure. ? :,av me niguesi prices lor econd-tiaa4 ana snous. Main 7Q68. 630 Sea. ........awta. ttauk "U Slaow jlxtura. -, CO.. oranca Grand Alap- faS siXwte CO.. m and AioyL . Luuaa. manager. r, j. tjittiwA LL, 208 Humilton bldg. ohow-K-Catf m 'Wck; prompt aellvi. M.M M. Winicr i-umuer Co. r-,..Mil, n.o. CO., 4iu and Coucn; n.w liAMnAU. Jio . ,-aoiut work. and aecoim "" "ii rrotli st. Mam itilL Caoiu.t work. bteaxuatups. tui.- ALLAN LINE Royal Mall steamers; Monirtal. Liverpool, Glasgow, Montreal. avr , Plyiuouiu. London; the plclur.squ. Lawrence rouie, four days on tne SceanT tnr.e day. In river and gulf; spi.u Sm aiw Turuino .learners; saiouu. aeconU fibln and mird ciass; superior une-uaass caoin r.lc eoiaiue unexcelled; couxteous ElaEuou. Itui " or "ucuiar rle plana, AllLa Sa Co.. lil N. Dearoora su. Chicago. Htoratge and Transfer. 1 . i- 1-lClv iraiisior ec Blorag. Co.. ofXlsaas .ol commoulous 4-siory brick warabousa, ,rt iron rooms and rireprool vaults r".ua".es. N. VV. cor. 8d and -in. sia.; .oauos and luruitur. moved amd pauasd f'; Biiippiugi .pecial raies auaue on goous ui - ..mtt LO ail uuuleauu m.uU .111 Ll.l-O- - loreigu pom" Main 596. A .996. hi SON-ROE XKANSiiEll CO. reneiai uauslerriag aud siurage. safeaa. ." .no. luriiiluro moved atnu packed f.lr .niumenL B7-B9 Front au loiepavae. lor aii.j OV4T. Main o-ai " .".e-eaoS lliAtaMtK CO., establlsned 1S7U. Tajiaier and lorwarcung agents. Ofilcea iiosiorage 474 Glisan su, cor. 13ta aui4 yt.n. Puones Mam 09. A 1169. 1) pe writers. . jo siii will buy a REBUILT TYPJ: w-aitfci.; reoullt as- good as new; oil makes io choose from al GUIs, 3d aud xiuer terms lo sun; every macnina guar aiiteea. Call or pl.oaa lor repraaaeniauiNa. Alain - , r' nauuie . v. .vuu.ua V i ii. ,-,rtrw rebui t tvnawriler. . fT.u- Prices right- Buy . reliable ma- chine from a reliable house. Paclfio bia"y & r'g. Co.. 107 2d SL WB are th. exchange tor th. largest typt wriler concern on this Coast; Investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Jut ciiaiigajiiys Washington St. v"; W""" rebuilt, second-hand rentals, st cut ratos. P. D- C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. WeirDrlllina. " DRILLING wella Phone Main 1346 aw wrtus , .vest. li Morrison st.