APRIIj 29, 1912. 13 THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, ITSEKAI. XOTICK. AKFRCTHOH-ll this elty at ""'"7,"T residence 634 Taylor St.. April ST. Ivr Akini rnm aged a year 1" month 14 daya. h,l eon of Mr. and Mr. rl -Artrem. Friend invll.d to attend fu Bral ..rvlre. which will ns ,h,11, ",' J man lun.ral re lor at 1 I". M. (Mondavi. AP'H - Interment re . enl Orov cmtery. Washington county. SMITH At th fml'r reatden.. wT East lV.h - North. April ST. William H r-m.it.. efl vear I" rr.xnh, H day. friend-. lnvi:.d to attend fun-r.l s-rvl.es. which he held at the above '"-nc, " P. M. today l.H". April 2. mni In. rir Cemetery, fr.lcrt at irlt, private. TftftT-ln this rlty April IT. Mh-I. B lov..4 daughter of Mn Saran E. T"uir. asd . year n.1 a month. Tn funrtl ,.rVM n: b h'd l the Portland r mitortun t 3 P. M. today t Monde) . service private. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OttM. City Halt. Mala III, A Ilia a aa officer. Serx.anl K. I Crata. Ke..nc.. 14 K. 41B .. taa 4.JJ. K.rn amtaluea omtr af HO Ml Vataxtnarr la ebarg. Marshall fhori. Bui.. A i-7. J ring. rw TODAY. Bargain if You Act Quick Am leaving th rlty and will arrin- fine tan-re o-n hlm. In good rel.Ienr darrtet. close In. but Side, paved atrt. I prove enl pld. ''Xt car errlce. Thlm wa built for a hom. not to eii. and tn beat of eondltloB. with all mln c-nvenlenrea. Pte glaaa wlB'loa. wax floora. two fir-olac. very mom con nwwl with lm,r. mil hv electric and lights. Large living-room, fireplace, b-i-lt-ln Bookcase, window seals, two com -Mnatlon ehaBde.iers and aiz side llsh.e. full front porch, form hail. dining-room hl Beamed and fr.-a.-oed celling, penele.l wal . window t. cen..py light. AH in principal room hava line a-lertad gramad wood. Pa pantry. .-reened-!n hark porch; ec ond f nor. four lar( Bedroom, ona w th firetvac which ran bo ued a den; ha th roe m. Ilnea tloeet. epeaktnc tuba. Third foor. threa be-Jrooma. aioreroom. lavatory and toliet. bath ran b. added If de,1red; te.ephoBe and rlnlh'l rhute. Kry bedroom baa l.r rloavet. Full cement nani-nt laundry tra. f-ultroon. Prlco only .' worth ITr."-. will aleo aell rua. rarpet. eurtaiB.. ci and !aund-y tnT if p.iy now and m a-nf cemmia-in win "ept monthly rTtiient ' Q.ilra E. Aokeny or U"0 Tion bid. o arert For Sale by OWNER Lanr. mapniricrnt rcsitlt-noe, jut romplftrj. Kverjthine nuxifrn anil up-to-date. Nine large rooms and t-leepinc porfh, nlso larjje attic room, from which tbrre more rooms ran eas ily be mule. This house is lofated in the host rsitlMire district in the city, at 872 Northrup st. Trice $12,500, for quick al. IRVINGTON SNAP New. modorn l-fontn hotie. with at tic 4 hedrooms. : aleepina: porchoa. brkrii!-hin nl den. I"t 'xli. hard-urfaia atraci. A reail Biiat. ;i)0- $lwi dow n and S ' pec month. -1 1 take lot or reaite a firai t.ay menC It. Make an offer. Kat "lh at., near Thompson. 1'lione r.at . . AN INVESTMENT Hava fioo atock In eatabllKhed re! rotate ayndl.ale holdlnir lnl.le prop erty on U'eat ti1o. Have, tarried name on and one-half years, but preaama; need of Imniewl i ch compels ma to crlfl my profit. Will sell at orlf Inal Par traltie. lion. Limited, close syndicate, balance) of tckioMrrs rep reaantatlve buamesa men frf city. U lit urwly pay 1 or 4 f"r I by next hail. Hand cloaest Inve-tlgatlon. W 10. Or. yonlan. FOR SALE Ifouaex seven rooms, and lot. &0.1A1 fe-ec Hath, furnace, fireplace. rlo. t. ,lc. Was built f'-r a home ond la close In and ery desirable. Terms If de sired. THR Or.0 RIM I. rTATE COM- rwi, tiraaal e. aad 'laltaeaaab St. Thonea Kaat .-.' GOOD INCOME Two lots anil biiiMinz, practically new. Income about l" pT ceut. Will ronsiclor lot in pood location. Price $12,000, and term. ZIMMERMAN, 310 IWrd of Trade. Mortgage Loans e.Vr.ew and Over aw ( tMRIL Bl !!. h rKOITKTT. LOWt.91 (IKklXT R.irl. WM. MACMASTER 141 tartwtt Bld. Portland Heights if (tut:. ray Tersaa. a3 W llew llnlldlaa. rnuii, RERRirvr.e at tiionpioy. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. U24 Warn ter- !. Pbawe Mala aialT. MONEY TO LOAN 5 WM. C. B0FXHEES 1Q1 07 Ortgonian Bid;;. JO 5 MORTGAGE LOANS 7 K. K. tlKlf .. SOS f II IMRF.K IF ( IIMHI'.RIF. REAL r.lTtTr PEAtJ.H. HHI BAKr-H B.Nt.UlCT. ivi ill n, ay b..:. M Mft. Bee. tAiliiam n.. SJ5-SI Tal'-lnf b!iK t hapta ilriow. t'iimrer of Cnmmim Cook. R. 4k OX i .'orhett b:d. Mi'l.VKS VtVKHE. S.n Huay Ex- ehana hid. I h.,i V:n R"vlv j,nn:rn m o Main hi 2u Cronlan PAlMi-R-J'NEVS HA, II P. 404-4Oi-u Wllcom bids. The orn Heal Fttate Co.. Grand 14, at Mu.tnmah at. fHolladay Addittcn.) F.r ai. rinra. f ee Pale Lata. IXVESTltJATC Th r-lREiT plan of burlna or aelltr real -pr'tertv. Mtr cmn imIiis. I'ay bottom pricea. lirl quick reaulia DIRECT REALTY CO. t Teon bldf. HMI.I. ACBiriT IT0O equity In thnir reaidenre lot. Hiey at. uiui, Box lw, H.rrr.ln. Or. LADDil Al'I'ITIi N. FTrialty in deairabi lot at bargattu alaln Mar,)uam M-ic. j CAH and i per month iieautiful lot. 1 b A.bcrta car. f'rica $-.", HIGLKT MSIl'-r. 13J THIRD hT. ivl"-FCHT LOT. eloa to carlln. K tUaaa; i-Bprovmaata ara la. be tvotr, ,t Ulirorl at. CaT ML Tbor lota $123 and up 91 lost ana lis w)k- R- W. Wood. 1T Couck at. a t.'TS Brar i.'jtninl on 444; lluuo; caaa f-.Ml 3f AMnclon HU1K. KiTn Al.r'. Ar:imenl stte. .ttl,lL lllh U near Mat. X 1 J. trer,n,n VS ILL. .,ci iflca entil'v In fine l.ur. hu.-at lot a Gilaaua au 1 aaae AtaxaLail fjrl. TATF. I'ae bale I ate. INVESTIGATE. If nil want to buv real property, buy It IlRrVr from th owner. Ou piao Is the riant plan. DII1ECT REALTT CO. 401 Teoa bldf. MIL OWNER Bv llstlna yr pmper-v with m 5 mk your own deal with th buyer Direct.) Quick rvaulta. No commlMion to pay. Inveetia-atc. IitnECT REALTT CO. 401 Veon Bide. Sell your property ta the buyer DIRECT and save commission. W will tell you how. DIRECT REALTT CO. 141 Veon bldf PI'lt.DKR' OITORTINITT. adjnlnlna Mhtloft ft. lota on FT. Sd S rear linton el., aitntn i io.a - - face east hlsh and sliht.v. In ood lln real-1 nc d.alrlct, will Bell toselher or JP- arat ly. ITIco inr imu. mmtw " - rath. II. P. PAI.MER-JOXE8 CO.. 4(-4 Wi.col I):d Phone. Main ent. A It.M. KiiR PALE. 4 lota on Markuorlt ava., 41x114 ft; on block from bet car service In city: aho luteiv leel. awer and water In: lots ad -Jolninit are aeiilne for Ilia apiece. I nut raise mooey so wtil aacrlrtca these beautiful Iota for J;Art each. -- caah. balan-a S year at I pr cent. Inquire f4 hipldlr bi'lk vi., i t iniv AbD IIAL.P niXlCK. 1.aT.'a ft. on E. I Id at., between Waaco and Multnomah, paved atreeis. In one of the beat reai-lcntlai districts of the city. r.r the new E. :1st at. brldga. Price I ."iVO. terms. H. P. PAI.MER-JONES CO.. 4o4 Wilcox B..l. Phone Main "rtw. A rM'J. 3 ACRES, 3-.l. ftlttiato on rtdxe. uhuva ASIllametta Heialil. tinexcell.-.l Mew. ample water f-oiil perpetual sprlnk. on t ounty road. I'rk, for lmnieli..:e !. fr.-rf. H. P. PAI.M KH-JOXK.S CO.. 44 Wilcox Rld. Phone. Uln aiw'l. A jc.:j. Lot Si. Block 11. fcs et, one of the beat lots In this tract, value II0OO; wl.l cll for 7oO If aold at once; tnut hava l.v casli. balance easy monthly pay n.an t JL IT. O'l'tOKINO CO. INC., LAlHEl.HlRl'f CASH SALE. South front, high and sightly. BOx1"0 lot near new. beautiful homea, and other under construction; you will Ilka inta building site; price lv:i F E CLEMENTS. Offlc Eaat 3-'th and GUaaa. Phon Eaat H9. BEACTirvia vlw lot oa outhni slopa, near Council Crest. SS0 and up. Ineludlag emnt aldawalka, curb, gradad strasts and wtr. buudiag ra-.rlctlona; sold aa aiy tarma. Proldant Truat Company, evil. 02. eu Board a Trad, ataxahael 43a, av 1X TWO IIMH-CLASS r.rsTRlCTED RESIDENCE LuTS. V-blo,k from Broadaav car. ne a fine coruer. leo q. ft.. I--30. Th other a very dclril Inside lot, OW.VER. phone A 2-11 V 4. Oregonlan. BKOADWAV -X)T. ."exl ft. on Kroadway. near Slat St.. facea north on pved street. Price lor Itn m.diale sale $! aali. 11. I". PAI.MER-JoXKS CO.. 4(4 Wilcox B.dx. Phonea Main fdlni. A .3. l0. OUR LAST 1'ORVtR LOT OS E. 4TII ST. N. Will ba sokt within a ak: reildenr pronert ; fine lo. aleeo. It la to your la teret to tnefixate. . BRO.NO M A.VART CO.. Mxin fTtl. :Tlj Oak St. A 1T41. m A''BK- :.vx. N'ear Po--ll Valley road and E. 77th St.. l.-vel. eli.-ei on two atdea. Pull Hun water aurrounded By hou-. 1'rl, l-Oio. 11. 1'. PAl.MKH-Jf.NKS CO.. 404 Wilcox II. rig. Phone Main A SAW iH FALK llooo 4u l-tool corner, n. K- rotner of E. THth (Laurel, and Clack amaa. Hull Rua e.elar. atreeta , radd and hoard aldewa.k and curb all paid for; fine modem hojna IB earn block. I block from Har- road. from Montavllla carllna. owner 3.VI atark. phone Main CUEAP LOTS. Lot Vil'U. on K. ;0'h and K. 2Tth at., one block north of Bandy Road. Una Block from two caritnea; every lot ta a barg.ln. Corner. IWio. Inad liuoo. J. J. 4.aer. cor. lirand ava. and K. Ankeny. II DOWN 110 PER MONTH. Fin vlw lC matured fruit tree, re stricted district. aar car. cnnt walk aed cvyb. Bull Rua water. r" reel eel Iran Campany. toL. 2a aloafa 4 Trad, alaraoa.l 41a. A 102a. ' l:iCASil A.ND 10 PER" MONTH Ru,a a future buaiBess lot zxlos ea I nion av.; this lovatlon mans big; profits; price PKo.NijMA.NAIir CO Main 1"IJ ::- oak St. A 174. 1 11 A E tao tla for sale In I'.oee ( Ity park for .f-in doa-n and $lt monthly. Theae lota face eaet. have cement sidewalk, graded atre.-ta. water mama In and paid f-,r. AR 17. oreonln. A Hr.'".IN riouth t, block 4. Villa llltl. Ivth and East Ituinside; 2 blH-ks from Mt. 11. .ol R. K. W. J. liendcraun, 1 North Kro-.it at. AK eatste to ttle. looxloo. on corner tn g Md liwatlon; clear title guaranteed: iiouee and ham on same; Buv this If -''d at once Inquire , nlumtila I'oKILANO HEI'illTS LEVEL SITE. 4'loa In. goo.1 via, suitable for I or a b'tnHa'nwa: HTM); reduction for cash. Mai.hall :7. UttooKE. A 33B. lu 1W. and Ij per month. Bjx30. 34 minute from lt and Alder; nice and level: aak for Marstra or Hal. Ju Wil cox IMg. IK Vol hae been bunoil In a real estate or ornliard deal, apply I' li Oregonian. lr Halt -Motta lliil.l AUAV KEfll'E.NCE. . A hanlnome'.y appointed home. In a dialrti-t of fine reei'tcncc. clnae In. Bear Hollvday Park, bungalow strle. facea south and east, on turner. IoOxIOO ft., paved reets. garage. For gal at prha of 17 i.i" 1L V. PAI.MER-JoNES CO.. 404 Wilcox Hldg. Phone Main "tin,. A ?'VvI. POItTLANH HEIGHTS HOME. Beautiful new e-room residence. fire place, sleeping porch. hardwood flotr. rnt giaa fixture, leaded wlndoa. bau tlful woodwork and cornlcee; built for home, every poaibe modern convenience; level Iota. l.o ft. from car. tnarvsloua view which can never ba ohatructed. M imhall --'7. BROOK K. A WILLAMETTE hV.KIHTS HOME, a-room midrrn house on Thurman St.: 5 bedrooms furnsce. flreplnaa. laundry travs. cement basement, large attic; hlah and stghtlv; street improvements all paid. Price :0. term. H. P. PAI.MFR-JONF.S CO.. 4o4 Wi.coc Hldg. Phonea Main e-!. A IV1. COLONIAL IRVINGTON HOME. 13 roome. modern In every reapect : llv-Ing-room. mual, -room and ha'l. Ilnlahed In juartrr-aaw, ,1 oak. dlnlng-roora In mahog any, bedrooms white enamel, hot-walcr heat, garage, etc. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 4l Wilcox Bldg. Phone Main QW. A y,.VI. -loo L'lT. S-room houae. 2 block from rvr. graded street, good neighborhood, fruit and mea. 3.1547-0. on terms. Owner. Woodiewn I'-'i- Bfc-.AI TIVI I. T-room new houae. on Port land Heights, with grand view of city, for sale at leaa than coat. E 7. Oregonian. IKVINiTtON. forced to aell. will take 42.".1l for my new modern tt-room bouse at 33 E. k:h N. Phoae E. 172. $ 4ASH buva Sll-' equity In two lota and bunealow. near carhna. close In. wner. a-io Worcester block. IKVINGTOX resldenc for gal-Mot deatr sb.a location. romp'ete la all detail; terms. For psrtlcuiars phone C 33ft4- FOR SALE, modem t-fem bungalow restrict- 1 dutr.rt. fidoo. oa your own term. &! Abihgt-n bldg. i17vTnC,TON New. up-to-date k rooQa aVO use. bait ala. terms. I boaa Alar. ZiiJ, 1 REAL F-T4TK. 1 REAL K8TAT. . ! REAL ESTATE. nAKTED-KEAL REAL EBTATB . I REAL ESTATE. . e-Acree. For Salo-I arma. Fie rieHomw J lor Sale Honaes. lor bale Acreage. TWO beautiful T-room homes In hlgh-cla dletrlct: unit floors: Aral floor finished In oak. second In whit enamel: large plato g:aa wmdowe: hot-water heat: corner lot Knloii; lawn graded and aeeded: Im provements sll In; t'ilioO. T0U cash.' bal ancs very esv. a rooms sml sleeping-porch: full lot; everything modern; tilaatered hasoment; price reduced from r..-.oO to I800O for a daa only: J7"-" caah; easy terms: blocka from Broad, ay car. ".room home. In Beaumont, close to car: lot IIX'XIOO; lawn made; oak floora. K-lnrh cement wall, sewer, every modern convenience; shades and tinting; $4i00; 30 ri.h, balance easy. Kin 8-room home, hardwood floors; fleet floor oak rlnteh, second white enamel; ateam heat; shade, tinting, electric fix ture; good grne; hrd-urfac atreeta; a np. Ifitaaj; .lik cah. -room home In Roe Cltv Tark. elo to car: atrlctly modern: lot nnxlnO; street Improvements paid; JI-&0; ioO cash, bal ance eaey. PKHVinKVT TRT'ST COMPANY, S'H-802 20.1 Board of Trade. Phone Marshall 473. A 1021. SIR, OWNER Rr Hating vour property with u ou make your own deal with the buyer, i Direct.) Quick reaulta. No commission to pay. Investigate. DIRECT REALTT CO.. 401 Toon Bldg. HOMES ON EAbT PAYMENTS. t-room bungalow with all modern eon venlencea: street Improvements all In; 1 block to car. IS minntes to city; new. -room house, modern. 200 feet to oar; lot 11x100; excellent neighborhood. l-roon bungalow. modern. with all built-in conveniences, furnace: 3 blocks from car; near fine school; fa, electric ity, street improvements paid; excellent view; corner. I34SO for 10 days. 4 room. In excellent auburb; restric tions: all bullt-ln conveniences, large Ilr Icg -rooms, with pansla, future and tlnt- lD4f. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. I01-J-3 Board of Trade. Phone Marshall 471. A 1011. INVESTIGATE. If you want lo buy real property, buy It TIRE'-T from the owner. Our plan is the right plan. DIRECT REALTY CO. 401 Tcon bide. FINS HOME AT SACRIFICE. RECEPTION HALL, LIVINO-RoOM WITH FIREPLACE. MNI.VD-RUOM. BUILT-IN BUFFET, KITCHEN. MODERN DUTCH. BED CHAMBERS 3, I.ARCE CLOSETS. SLEKPIXO PORCH. DREstrlNii-ROOM, HATH. COMPLETE. HAIl'WUOU FLOORS. CLOSE-IN. 3 t'AKLIXES. HARD BI RFACE STREET. PRICE. 31i'0. TERMS KAMY. ASK FOR M It. K ASTON", 1110 SPALDINM BLDO. NO AGENTS. ReH your property to the buyer DIRECT and save commission. We will tell you how. DIRECT REALTY CO. 401 Yeon bldf. MR. LOT OWNER! HERB IS TOUR CHANCE TO IM PROVE YOUR PROPERTY WITH A. HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATS OP IN TEREST; PLANS FURNISHED FREE: IT WILL PAY YOU TO COMB U- AND TALK XBIS OVER. J 8. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HENRY BLDO. LPTAVINrj city, will aell my beaullfttl 11 room Irvlngton home, with Rnxloo comer, on paved street, coat tlO.SoO, for 37200 rash or f 7nO time. fl'Vid doa-n. balance to be arranged, no Incumbrance; all Improve ments there and paid for; house lnurd for t6WO. Phone mornings. East Sabo. THAT VACANT LOT. WHT NOT TURN A BURDEM INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWM A LOT WE WILL FURNISH THS MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE IF WE BUILD. OUK REPUTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US. L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC. CONTRACT. 1NO ARCHITECTS. 824 ABINOTON BLD. IRVINC.TON. T-room modern house, facing east on K. 11th St.. between Thompaon and Bra gee bis : full cement tisacment. furnace, hardwood floor, bullt-ln buffet, ehedea and fixtures, garage: price for Immediate sale .',"o. terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 4I4 Wilcox Hldg. Phones Main MMM. A 2o3. COTTAGE. IJOoO. 4 -room modern cottage on lot 47t4x10d ft., within 1 block of W-W rarllnc. Howe atatlon. In crst-elnss shape and ready for occupancv. Prlre g-ono, on easy term. 11. P. PAI 1 EK-JO.NES CO.. ,4 Wilcox BIdg. Phones Main siM'l. A I.".',3. C-RtOM bungalow, with Bleeping porch. In 4iln-teari Park: rooms are large, fireplace, buffet, hardwood floors, modern conveni ences, furnace. 4 blocka to Broadway car; I'.iHMl: lornia. Provident Trust Company, .'"1. I-';. ?i3 Board of Trade, alarsaall 473. A 1"S2. IRVINC.TON. 7 -room modern house, on E. 24th et near Itraxre: on carlinu. Price for Imnieilr ate sle. gi.'.oo. H. P. PALM ER-JONES CO.. 4"4 Wilcox Bide. Phones Main H!. A 2-ir.S. KENT RECF.IIT CURE. Nice (rmim bungalow. atl Improve ments; fine hometle. at a bargain, prac. ticaiiv on our own terms; Jual like rent: It coats you nothing to Invent igate. Drop a card to r 11. ftregonlan. FINE, modern, ft-room house with flreplsu. furnnce. large room and closots. fuM sised lot nxl00; Improvements all paid. Price $27&0. terms 1100 down. $23 par month, including Interest. AF 8 Us. Ora gor.lan. - jTrOOM houae. modern, lot lnxloO. beauti ful view of Valley and mountains. West bide; 2 minute from Poetnfflce; flxoo; easy term. Provident Trurt Company. 211. 203 Board of Trad. Marshall 473, A 1022. fine" rooii house sacriviced. Am leaving city; muat eell at once; fine location on Monroe street: next to comer of Union ave; will sell cheap. Ap ply J. J. Oeder, Grand ave. and Eaat Ankeny. NEW ft-room bungalow for sale at aa than cost If sold by May 1. C. R. SPACKMAN, 41k Railway Ex. Bide, phone Marshall 27., 1. NEW modern Bungalow, 8chuyler at, ner uoae citv car: la'tjO. easy terma: hard. I wood floora full basement, gas and elec tric fixtures, bullt-ln buffet, large attlo. Owner. Yeon bldg .Phone Main 112. FIXE pTeDMO.NT HOME. 7-room niotlern house, with ooxloo lot. for $V'04. worth 3i.,iH; houae cost 34700; aso a fine corner. IoOiM.?. at a bargain. 4wner. Phone Woodlawn 2157. OUR 17500 home for sale, the prettiest 72 100-fL spot on ths morning slope of Port Isnd Heights: Ideal apartment sits, with city and mountain view. Owners, 4oa 13th. corner Jackson. frtOOM modern bungalow, with large sleep ing porch and large- attic; sightly lot. x :i-iii- I want to sell and am offering my place st a bargain, bee owner. 414 Spald ing piug. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern new houae. corner lot. eaat front all improvemenie in. muat sen; t.rma. Call at V23 Gantenbein or phone Woodlawn 2,4, L- . C V T V It l 4 j;aw 3 and 6-room bunralows. modem and tin to oate. I none ..-- a'.jt-lT Y in new ' 4-room collage; . partly furnished. fMO down. fl month. N X Oreguniao . kl HALL. 308 Ablngton bldg, aella nsw "'.-. . rental saymanta nu." - w CASH $2' monthly, buya modern 1- 'w , hons.. eo swetland bldg. " FOR ri.NE HOMEA, Fee Delabunu vrcv 3-room houee and lot. T.nilno, very .heap M Stewart St.. St. John. Or imVdvoNT Fancy new 6-room home at a ' sacrifice. 1!.3 llalght. 13400, NEW 5-room cottage, $1"0 down, balance aa iaU tywner 611 'Waga. ai INVESTIGATE The PI Ft ECT plan of buying or selling real property. Pavo commissions. ray bottom prices. Get quick results. DIRECT REALTY CO. 401 Yeon bldg-. JUST COMPLETED. Reatltful ll-room lioure in the beat sec tion of Laurelhurst. on 0xl0l comer lot. 1 block from carllne: well built and mod ern tn every respect, four larno bettroomr. artlatlc living-room finished In mahogany, dinlng-rwim. breakfast-room, sun parmr. big attic, full cement basement, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floora. foyer hall and roomv veranda; reasonable terms. or particulars write or call IL W. JOY. 5n Henry Bldg. Phone Main yi7.ood 10 BOOMS. every on a big one. new houae. built on quarter block by oaner for a home; it will appeal to one looking for a big houae. well built: two hatha, four toilets, four lavatories. Dig sleeping porch, big front and lde Pprcn. lawn in ornamental trees and ahrunnery. mualc-room. conservatory and conven ience not found In many hounes: In hoi laday Addition: street Improved and paid. E 1. Oregonian. l-ROOM HOUSE. For rale In one of Portland's prettiest suburb, a new 8-room house, built for a home, modem throughout, tinted, bullt-ln buffet, tile finish bath and kitchen, ce ment basement, laundry trays, sleeping porch, nice lawn with rosea; only 20l fu from carltna. Phone Columbia 365. IRVINGTON. S-room modern house on corner E. 4th and Braiee eta.; white enamel woodwork, every convenience; garage; lot floWxlOO ft. Prlco including street Improvements. 3J0O4, terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox BldB. Phonea Muln edoii. A 2r-r..1. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Dainty, new l-room colontnl house, built for homo. Ivory and solid mnhocany fin ish, artistic fireplace, sun room, two sleep ing porches, largo. well-Improved grounds, view cannot be beaten, though you travel the world over; f 11. .: terms. Marshall 427. BROOKE. A Spq". PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Cory. homelike. thorouchly modern house. lOOxloo corner. 17th and Ellra-betn. level, highly Improved, fruit trees, con servatory; grand view of city, mounta.ns and rivers: owner must aell; very easy terms. Marshall 4!27. BROOKE. A oS3!. LADD ADD. RESIDENCE, -room modern house, hardwood f,r,or" sleeping porch and large attic, on Ladd Add. Price 172.10: term. K. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wllcov Bide. Phonea Main rt!)l. A 2fiMI. LADD ADD. HOME. T-room modem house. Liclng east, near Hawthorne ave.. paved stroet and alloy In rear. Price 372.10. easy terme. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main MiH. A g53. MODERN 5-room cottage. South Portland; particulars Marsh a 11 31 00; For Sale Acreage. ACREAGE Abutting on new 4th-st. electric; only 3u minutes from 4th and Wash ington with new cars; carfare to commuters now only 13c. 4000 acres of beautiful prairie land, cut Into lots of 1 to I acres each, some clcsr. some timber, and some with running water. GRADED ROADS along each tract- On West Side, and cloae In: fine water at 21 feet; in homes already established. Any slxrd tract, from acre up at 2.l to l"iO0 per acre, on monthly Instal ments: proper discount for caah. Of fice open until 9 P. M. THE B HAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main JS. 1' Fourth st. A 3oOO. MR. OWNER By listing your property with us you make your own deal with the buyer, t Direct.) Quick re.ults. No commission to pay. Investigate. DIRECT REALTT CO.. 401 Yeon Bldg. . SEVERAL email tract of to Id acres each, with buildings, these are located 40 minutes west of the cltv. with two carlinea, com-mutere-" rate $7.30 per month. These properties range from 1 to $lo.uuO each, some of them may be rented. THE CHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 3J. 102 Fourth St.. A 3'-00. Sell your property to the buyer DIRECT and save commission. We will tell you how. ' DIRECT REALTY CO. 101 Teon bldg. CHICKEN AND FRUIT RANCH Bear Portland- a NEW BUB DIVISION. Low.t prices; best toll; One view: wood, water and roada: a acres. $100 par tract; 10-A-$500: 20 A.. $u: 40 A.. i2oo: - 4-'oo6- 160 A.. $3U00; liberal terma FRANK af FA BLAND REALTY CO. SUV Yon Bldg.. Portland. Or. FOR ' SALE Prune orchard, 15 acres. 13 acrea prunes, good house, barn and prune dryer, close to It- R. and school; will take property- In Portland to value of liooo; cash tlnno. balance on easy terms at per cent. O 14. Orcgonmn. FIVE acrea on Base Line road near Rock wood, all cleared and fenced. This acre age can be bought cheap and on easy '"'""'WATSON THF.RKEI.SEX. Srt Spalding B'dg. Phone Main T-lflg. ORCHARDS, WASHINGTON. 1S acrea half mile from electric line, 4 acrea In strawberries. 4 In other fruit, balance ground being planted to potatoes Price $2-10 per acre, lerm $12.10 cash, balance easy term. S in. Oreponian. SOME GOOD AND CHEAP BUYS. 40 Ho or 100 acres or more, on Mt. . Hood Railway, at attractive prices. Take advantage of th" low price before rail road ta completed. Vanduyn dc Walton. Hi Chamber of Commerce. ll ACRES TIMBER LAND. Running water, black loam soli, on county road, near Portland. on electric line, near evhool. etc. $125 rash $2.1 per month. 4Q5 Couch Bldg. NEAR-IN Al'KiiAGE. Just a few acres at your own term: ran ahow you where they will pay off from their own products; on trolley aerv Ice. and better soli don't exist. B T. Ore- gonlan. CHOICE ACRE HOME. On electric carllne. close In. all under cultivation, cheap and very easy terms. Vanduvn Walton. 515 Chamber of Commerce. a AND lO-acre home tracta In good local ity near Vancouver; aomo cleared: good aoll no travel; Close to carllne: $2's to $-M per acre. Owner. Chaa. W. Buell, k" a, Vancouver. Wash. " A GOOD COUNTRY HOME. of 18 acrea. well Improved, directly on Oregon Electric at Quatama Station; stock and implements. Call at house or write owner. AL Oregonian. 1 2 and 3-acre tracta. close to Portland, 1 to tf Mocks from electric cerllne. 1200 to $400 "r acre, easy terms. .1. W. Hefferlin Realty Co.. HOT Railway Exchange. yt a.CRES. 15 cleared, running- water, I blocks from car station and miles from Courthous-. only $100 per acre; terms; owner. James Wilson. Boring. Or., route 1. FOR SALE k acres on mile west of Fair view on Troul-lale electric line; terme. $l-,o0 cash. bianca easy terms, price $S00 oer acre. S 20. oregonian. ,.1-tAOS and farma. large and sraa:l IlKli Cll Kinney btamufe.-. Ml-i Lumber Exchange bldg- i DOWN BBd $.1 a month. S5x2.10. 30 mlnutee from 1st and Alder: nice and level. Ak, for Alargtea or Halo, 203 Wilcox bldg. INVESTIGATE The DIRECT plan of buying or selling real property. Save commiealoue. Pay bottom prices. Get quick results. DIRECT REALTY CO. 401 Yeon bldg. INVESTIGATE. If you want to buy real property, buy It DIRECT from the owner. Our plan la the right plan. DIRECT REALTT CO. 401 Yeon bldg. 5-ACRE tracts, only 2Vi miles from 6-cent car fare, down the river on Weat Side; fine macadam road all the way to city, at $200 per acre. Enough cordwood on same to pay out. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35. 102 Fourth St., A 3500. 157 ACRES with Oregon Electric across center. one-half cleared. Tualatin River acrosa comer; this Is a forced sale to cloe bank ruptcy matter; make me an offer. W. A. SHAW. TRUSTEE. Main 35. 102 Fourth St., A 3500. RUNNING WATER ALL THE YEAR. S 10 and 20-arro tracts in the Tualatin Valley. Fine rich soil, gradual southwest alone; earr terms. FAC. N.-W. DEVEIX)PMENT CO., INC., 40i Couch bids. BUNGALOW and 1.15 acrea for sale; land In cultivation, fruit treea, berrlea. etc.; house has large living-room. 20x15, 4-foot stone fireplace, beamed celling, bullt-la bookcases, etc: modern rlumblng through out; good water system and fine water. On Oregon City carllne; To fare: 27 min utes from Portland. Prlco $4750; terma Kor further particulars address Postofflc box .15'J. city; phone Oak Grove. Red ol. 85 ACRES. Choicest red shot soil In Washington County. 40 miles from Portland on tha new P. R. A N. Ry.. partly timbered, eaal'v cleared, good roads, school In quar ter of a mile, new railroad town In two tullea. $200 cash, balance your own terma. FIRLANDS TRUST COMPANY. BOS Spalding Building. ONE of the nicest homos near Newberg. Or., Just outside city limits; 10 acres, all clear level land; good house and outbuildings: 2tj acres in various kinds of berries; balance In hay and garden; irood home orchard; all kinds of fruits: nldewalk into town: price $5300; on line or S P. Railroad. Owner. C. E. Baker. B. F D No. 1. Newberg. Or. Terms. 2 ACRES, near golf links. 5-cent fare, school, church, store, car. Zella Gossett, 7 West Killir.gsworth ave. f-or sale Hualnea Property. INVESTIGATE. If vou want to buy real property, buy It DIRECT from the owner. Our plan Is the right plan. DIRECT REALTY CO. 401 'Icon bldg. MR. OWNER By listing your properly with us you make your own deal with the buyer, i Direct.) Quick results. No commission to pay. Investigate. DIRECT REALTY CO., 401 Yeon Bldg. INVESTIGATE The DIRECT plan of buying or selling real property. Save commissions. Pay bottom price. Get quick results. DIRECT REALTY CO. 401 Yeon bldg. Sell your property to the buyer DIRECT and save commission. We will tell you how. DIRECT REALTY CO. 401 Yeon bldg. TO THOSE aeeklng a hlgh-claaa Investment: quarter block on corner. Wast Side, block to Washington, walking dlatance; aub alantial revenue now derived from prop erty. No better hotel or apartment house site. Prospective purchasers ap ply direct to owner, giving full particulars, reference, etc; no agenta. AB 24. Ore gonian. Homestead. I J- YOU wish to know about homestead relinquishment In Klickitat County. Wash., write or come and ee me. 1 have five dandle to show you. W. H. Leon ard. Cleveland. Wash.- EASTERNOREGON. 10 000 acrea along Duchutes River. $15 per acre; Improved. Call 11 Sit Ch. of Com. bldg. iiriw ..c... 1 1 A KIM A - or 1 iivei ov... IF yon are looking for a homeatead. see what Is offered here. Can locale you In Oregon or Washington. Call "04 Spalding bldg. HOMESTEAD relinquishment, good houae, furnished, level land, very desirable; this year crop; mut sell: nap for caah. Covey. 367 Oak. Room HI. DttlKABLE tamllles located rr en Bl .landln C.ntral Oregon. Writ Hamptoa Vai.ay Development Aaao.. ""n"--- FOUR homestead locations, must be taken at once. 8.000,000 feet of timber, tea too. 1016 Chamber of Commerce. tor bale fruit Lands. KM A.STA COUNTY. CAU REAL ESTATE. For sale, 5n acres of the best apple land In the W e.t, with a good 0-room house. & good barne. all fenced and cross fonc.d. with some farming Implements, an for $-10 per acre. The World's Fair tirlre apple wa raised near thla place Addresa the Cottonwood Realty Company. t'olionwoou. V i. 1-.-t a i' a r, A Send for Illustrated booklet of the Fstacada fruit section. Thl Is where the Vheexre'nta, ' orcSS .rmlfew EdTAJADA "coTmECIAL CLUB. b-siacaua, Mog.il. hood RIVER apple land In 6 and 10-acre H?ra?t.r iron T $4 per acre; this Is th. same lsnd that sells for 20oO per acre when Dlanted to trees: no better land for ap ples In United Suites: no surer Investment: want Portland city property. Bee my agent, -op a.u,o. . roit SALE, with terms. 2o-acre fruit ranch, near Newberg. Or. AH In cultivation. For Hartlculara, address box 4. route No. 3. t- v. n- Or. v VOL' have ben buncoed In a real estate or orchard deal, apply P 12, Oregonian. For Bole Farms. FOR SALE 10 acres A-l land, under eulu vatlon level, rich, bordera county road. 1 mile trolley. miles Hllljboro; best bargala Washington County. L. p. HEWITT. 415 Oregonian Bldg. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings. IS mll.a from Portland, near eiesino '". wi- I tot all cmmK tX owner, 18 Atorrtsoa at, J, INVESTIGATE. If vnti want to buy real property, buy It DIRECT from the owner. Our plan is the right plan. DIRECT REALTT CO. 401 Yeon bldg. MR. OWNER By listing vour property with ns you make your own deal with the buyer. (Direct.) Quick results. No commission to pay. Investigate. DIRECT REALTY CO.. 401 Yeon Bldg. WELL IMPROVED. 58 ACRES. All In high state of cultivation and seeded. Good six-room bouse, barn, gran ary and chicken house. 12 acres commer cial orchard Just beginning to bear, and an abundance of small fruit. All livestock and personal property too numerous 10 mention, no rocks or waste land, the very best of soli. 1V miles from Dllley and 2", miles from Forest Grove. 28 miles from Portland, on county ro.id. This Is absolutely the cheapest and best barcaln in the Willamette Valley. Price $ll).nie). small cash payment and your own time on the balance. Can Rive possession lin medlatelv. Owner. 64P. ITnion ave. N. INVESTIGATE Ths DIRECT plan of buying or gelling real property. Save commissions. Pay bottom prices. Get quick results. DIRECT REALTY CO. 101 Yeon bldg. THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. FOR SALE OR TRADE. SO acres of tine land, about 12 free of stumps 40 slashed, burned and seeded, cood well, creek, good house, and barn, family orchard. 6 years old. 6 miles pf town near school, church and store: will t ike some good vacant lots, or house and lot. about $800 caah. balance 5 yesrs at ft per cent: might assume on improved property. If you mean business see my agent'D. S. CAMERON REALTT. Cor. 6th and Washington Sta. Vancouver. Wash. Sell your property to the buyer DIRECT and save commission. We will tell you how. . DIRECT REALTY CO. 401 Yeon bldg. BUT A FARM FROM OWNER. A BARGAIN. Situated In Washington County, f i miles from United Railway car line, 14 acrea. about 50 In cultiva tion, good rich soil, adapted to dairying or fruit, rural route and telephone, alao milk route, good creek running through place. Ad dress Cornelius. Or.. P. O. box 32, route No. 1. Telephone, Glencoe 97. great"baroaix. 40 acres of Irrigated land. S'4 miles from Umatilla and 4 miles from Hermlston: the land is all cleared and seeded; about la acres In alfalfa, balance In rye; irrigation plant, constructed by the Government fin ished and one of the best in the West; this land would be a good buy at $Lo0 per acre, but owing to circumstances which compel the sale I am offering It at $160 per acre; 2-3 cash down. Phone or call between 1 and 1:30 P. M. Main 549. Adrirtas Qua Jicrvay oiuk.. jtq, TOO-ACRE ranch, fairly well Improved and atocked with cattle, goats, hogs, poultry, horses and all necessary machinery, new. grain and garden, household goods, 5 mile from railroad; anyone wanting a ranch will buy this one If he will come and see It: price including everything on place except one mare. $25 an acre, w th 6 or 8 thousand down, balance 10 suit buyer at 6 per cent. No agenta need reply. Address 610 East 4th street. Albany. Or. Owner. A RARE BARGAIN. A beautiful 34-acre farm, i mile from Clackamas, 10 miles from pnstofflce of Portland; fine automobile road, level land, rich soil, 28 acres In cultivation, good it room house, family orchard: can be di vided Into 3 to B fine homesites; price only $1100 per acre; terms; land sur rounding selling for $400 to $500 per acre. See F. W. Lonegren. 428 Lumber Exchange Bldg. SPECIAL OFFER. A fine farm, over 2O0 acres, crop in cluded: good country road on three sides, two railroad cross place, near Portland, B F D telephone and milk route: plenty of water for all purposes, soil very best; there are many features that make It very desirable: can be sold In 10-acre tracts at a big profit. For a few days only can elve vou a special price. Full particulars at office. Zimmerman, 310 Trade bldg. Board of rthll Y 1240 splendid Georglr. farm hornet earns more each year than the total cost; cultivation without attention of owner If preferred, or convertible at your option: .haoiute aafety guaranteed; bank refer Jnc. andrusfeeihip. Write for photographs- quick action necessary; answer fmmlataly. Geo. W. Dean. Box 466, Waycross. Ga. T.uhilL COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE, ' lire and mall tract. auttable for general farming, eraln. bay fruit, hop, dairying etc: about 40 miles southwest if Portland. 6r. Call or write for price list. W. E. Kidder. Carlton. Or. GUARDIAN SALE. 100-acre fnrm. 50 acres under cultiva tion nsonro land, valuable timber, 3 miles fmrii Woodburn. on Southern Pacific. Elizabeth Caple. guardian. 500 Willam ette boulevard. St. Johns. 10 ACRES . acres in imc oeonn i,aoo nrunes and 5 in 4-year-old apples, with other small fruit, well fenced, good 6 room house, cow shed, chicken-house, etc : "lose to electric .car. Price $5000, half cusli. T gNAP for someone; 160 acres of good dairy land, near Nestucca Bay. will be sold cheap for cash, if taken soon; will carry 10 cows now. Address W. A. Maklnster, ho451.Tlllamook. Or. TxTPaCRES black loam and heaverdam. all in cultivation, one mile Oregon Electrlo station $c5 acre. Ownsr 111 health. I mean It- See agent. J. E. Hall. 3U8 Ah- lngton bldg. oo-AORB farm, near Portland, 2 houses. 1 Bam, OO RU ea 111 -,,, ' , .o.. aoon Phone, write or call J. D. Shaifo, Main 11. 34 X. Third at, SO ACRES, house, barn, orchard. stock, im plements: i mites Lurruiiu v oeoiug mil , $ 3 200. Old wl dower. Agent. 308 Ablngton. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Best vacant residence lot oa East Hide, tine homes surroundings, 50s 100. close In, near carllne, near schools, worth Investigation. $4000. Addresa 3 B28. Oregonian. FARMS WASTED. FARMS WANTED. I have several clients who want to exchange city residence and Income prop erty for farms from 5 to 40 acres, within 20 miles of Portland. What have you to exchange. Owners only. W. W. Green, 713 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WASTED lk acres or less. Don't want Junk. State price and forms. T. T. Ryan, Temple, Tex., 707 S. 11th su WASTED TO RENT FARMS WANTED To rent on shares, a small ranch and forming tool. D 17, Oregonian. fob gAi.E TiMnr.Pt 1 -an Pa. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C 3 M'CRACKEN. 804 McKay Bldg WASTED REAL ESTATE. EQUITIES bought. 12 acres for equity. In house, lots, mortgage or contract. United Realty Co.. room 2UO i.erunger oioa. 2 TO 10 acres wanted In city for platting, only at right price and easy terms, how ever. E 13, Oregonlsn. WANTED 5-room bungalow: will trade X0C1" Qa.Ull ui-rouia njUiillUA-uuusc, j- lOISs INVESTIGATE. If vou want to buy real property, buy It DIRECT from the owner. Our plan Is the right plan. DIRECT REALTY CO. 401 Yeon bldg. ACREAGE DEVELOPMENT. Have you an acreairo development that you want sold? I can sell good acreage to Easterners and want to connect with the right parties with the right stuff. Have a colonization plan that Is a winner. X 21, Oregonian. PRUNE ORCHARD WANTED. We want bearing prune orchard up to $12,000, In vicinity of Fisher's Landinc Trune Hill or Fclida District. Clark Countv. Wash., or will consider location in Marlon or Yamhill counties, Orcson. Don't want gravel land; must be lir3t class bearing prune orchard. GODDARD K- WIEDR1CK. 243 Stark Street. WANTED TO BUY contracts made by builders for residences built In Portland. In writing specify ihe discount for cash, give location, size of lot and number of house, alao amount unpaid on contract. AT 18, Oregonian. AM looking for a tract of land not too far from Portland or railroad, must be good soil and low price, give particulars o. what you have. S. Johnson, box 60., Portland. Or. . $200 OOO TO-LOAN on Income property in dlf fereut amounts from $100 to $10,000. at lowest rates of interest. Wm, C. fcorchers, 07 Oregonian bldg. wTliTTuTv good business lot on Alberta st. If price and location are right; give full par tlculars. P 13. Oregonian. WANT to buv modem bungalow, nice yard, acre tract for small cash payment, balance monthly. M P". Oregonian TO EXCHANGE. I H WE K00 acres 5 miles from railroad, in Willamette Valley, which I want to sei Immediately, and I will take some good city property as part payment: this Is one of the best farms in the valley; Rood buildings, well fenced and would be a big money-maker If sold In small tracts, il is sltchtlv rolling and best of soil; It you have some good property and omn money, como and aeo mo or call mc by phone and make an appointment. s N Steele. 571 Jackson st. Phone liain 352,1. S, . 11-ROOM HOUSE, lot 45x125. In Minneapolis, Minn.. 5th ave. South, near 22d st. ; house cost $12,000 to hulld. and is good as new: bv spending $2oO It could be rented to pay li) per cent on price I ask, which is Jhoon. Wait city property, vacant or improved. 111 Portland, acreage near the city, or farm land In Western Oregon up to $.I50U: oai ance cash or mortcHge back on place. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO. .109-510 Wilcox bldg. WHEAT RANCH TO TRADE FOR Portland property or ucreage; 1400 " with 104X1 acres under the plow, plenty of water, good 5-room house, the place la 1 all fenced and cross-fenced. Price $0,00O, will trade or sell part on time. HAWTHORNE STABLL&, 4:0 Hawthorne Ave. HOTEL 82 rooms, modem brick, on prin cipal street, lease, nicely furnished, doing a good business, making a net average profit of $400 per month; will exchange lease and furnishings for city or country real estate or will sell on reasonable terms. AD 5, Oregonian. IMPROVED and unimproved irrigated land near Twin Falls. Idaho, with good water right at 50 an acre and up; good term I per cent Interest, for .ale or trad, for Portland property, buslnes residence or icreage. Robert Martyn. 607 Yeon bldg., Marshall165. . $2000 CASH Interest tn 20 acres close to sta tion and good town. 15 miles from center of Portland, 8 acres in cultivation. ;"B cords wood, good creek, balance $2(0 at 6 per cent. 1. 2 and 3 years, to exchango for good auto, clear lot or will discount TOT Casn. -S t'.'-. ebo-Q'"- ia ACRES 27 In cultivation. 3-room house barn, sheds, stock and QU'P"'"'- Bond creek, value S8000. mortgage 400. 6 per cent lone time: am leaving state, will take part trade, prefer clear lots, or auto balance cash; this Is closo to station and to Portland. At- '""j""" SHERMAN County stock and wheat ranch, III acres. 5 miles from Deschutes River, good roads, near Government Pasture. Abundance of running water a" the time Will exchange for Portland property. Box l-l, urrMiiuiii. ,.1 $HiO EQUITY in 10 acres, in miles from center of cltv. close to railway and elec tric line half In cultivation, balance In Umber fine spring water, balance $1000. p'vable $.10 quarterly, to trade for auto niohllo. or clear lot. AJ Bf7. Oregonian. t-nT, TR4DE Will trnda stock in one uf h btisinessT. in Portland earning better than 10 per cent for a country homo of JS 3 to 10 acres. Call East 72 or B 1 3n. . tiLM voiTITY In two beautiful view coiner ""lotsOxTri and 50x11,0. graded I streets, cltv water 4 blocks from car. bal. $1000. payable $i per month: trade for Hup moblle or clean lot. C rfl. Oregoman. FOR SALE New house. R rooms, modern improvements, corner lot between Sunny-side and Hawthorne carlines. Will ex change for acreage or sell on easy terms. Phone Main 8733. Owner or D 8. Ore gonlan. ttor SALE or trade for Portland property; $-710 eouity in 15 acres of choice, level, cultivated land Ton Salem Electric at West WoodDurn. Owner. Box 424. Forest Grove. Or. TWO choice lots at Tillamook beach, ad joining railroad. $175 each, value now J-oO each? have equity of $110 In the two lots which I will sell or trade for $.0. Teh-phone B 31.17. or AC 9. Oregonian. OR WILL SELL 9 lots, best addition on Garlbal.il Beach, value $1:100; certain Jo increase this Summer. What have you to exchange? All or part: real estate pre ferr?d. AN 19, Oreyornan. "80 ACRES fruit and ln Rogue River Valley, " HJM. vtedford for Portland real estate. Address e01?v-er B Brown. Hotel Medford. Portland. . i" OFFER o shares cement trust and 3 1-3 shares wholesale grocery stock, value Xllii'l with Aorll dividends, for a good . len"er automobile. AC 006. Oregonian. EXCHANGE with us what you hav. for what you want. O. J- BROOKS & CO, 916 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WiVr several small tracta in thla part ot Oregon and lots in Eastern Oregon cities. fo exchango for residence here. D 21. Oregonian. . VOU ALE or trade at once. 14-room rootn rotl - all. v . acrHaCA ing-hOUSC, Clone I". ; or lningalow 11 2. (U ACRES In Norton Co., Kan., for real es tate near Portland or Vancouver. Wash. AT IHI5. yjresoni.io. Th- vou have furniture. 101a o. trade on a 5-room bungalow, ca.l up Mam B441. : INCOME property, no Incumbrance. Glen dive Montana. Want Portland property. phone East 2170. mornings. wanted To exchange a atock of watches and Jewelry for farm lands or equity la - fl.r lands. G 840. Oregonian. BY OWNER 0 acres timber for Portland lot. 1811 riB" w... GOOD real estate mor.oB w """" late model runabout auto. Phon Tabor 1828. FOR SALS. Horses, Vehicles. Etc OWNEIi leaving city and must sell at once, team ot horses weighing 2700 lbs.; new harness and new Studebaker 3-lnch wag on: alo five head of mares and horses, weighing 1000 to 13O0 lbs., which are all good workers, single and double; no rea sonable offer will be refused. East 12th st., one block nonh of Hawthorne ave. WANTED IO BLACK. HORSES, TO WEIGH BETWEEN 11.10 AND 1300 LBS.. BETWEEN 5 AND b YEARS OLD. SOUND AND BROKE . SINGLE. CI.OSS COUPLED CHUNKS. S. E. KRAMER, 16TH AND JEFFERSON STS. A GOOD BARGAIN. $225 buys team of horses, weighs 26.10. good true pullers any place, harness and farm wagon, Woodstock, corner 57th st. and 63d ave. Take Woodstock car to end of line or pnone r-enw.iuu jir-o. GOOD team, mare and horse, weighs 2Hm. g-jod puller nnv place, harness and farm wagon, all $165. 7 Insley ave., take Sellwood car. j-QH SALE Delivery horse, harness and wagon. The Holgate Meat Market, 41st and Holgate. FOR BALE HORSES. Trustworthy aorse accustomed to city. 81 Ease 7th at. Norti PASTURE for rent near Portland. Phone Main 1410. FOR SALE One nearly new single express wagon. 226 Russell. 6TALL FOR rent. $3 p"r month, with bed dlng and care. 334 Front. FOR SALE Largo, strong team and dump iva0a, 5315. fixoaa Eaat ills 4