Tlin MORNIXG OREGONIAX. MONDAY. ArRIL 29, 1913. 10 HNAL SERIES IE Pitcher Klawitter Works for First Time as Beaver. Twirling Is Good. FIELD IS HEAVY WITH MUD New Moundman Baited Hard la Ninth rtm Portland Team Mnd Batting Eye and Land on Bail, Xot Opportunel. rariflr tmmm Ir MaJlnr. xr i p.-. w. t- r - rvikiand.. 1 J Vernon ... l ;'"'!,m!i Yirily' Re"!. - n..-.).. fiak'and . Portland 1 At Sao Francisco Tr ocisco S-T. Ver- "CAtti An ! L" 7-S. Sarra- mOTito 4-11. Vkl.l k April M7 . Vernon t Portland. Oakland t Lo AnfIs. TTcrnmento at Pan rranclac". PX BOJCOS FAWCKTT. . those irresistible Oak for- '. . i.m- two runs In the first in- .omething". radically wrong. 1. .... the third consecutive affrays to tne Tntll the Commuters "h'T'1 . w k..nihln. four nits their f,.nr hits. R-oo.1 for thVe. r.V " b. : ".!. lnin. It la. a desperate and close, Portland .cored one run In the fo.irih rB? . -' "ed'-.h." nre: br whl.h permitted the neet foottl otTn-ld-r to .ev nd nd mtn left field by hook- " J (nrth.r to Both aldea inreaiu- ; Indent the aheet up to Them ood nlRht. th vicioua r Well have to fatten on Vernon. Klawitter Moaad. KUwitter. th. rl.hl-h.nd ..Urh-r wl who "H3armrvnd-rrbl,.bp-xwx. on.' trhre-'rrunV.nhth.1 key. ,hc Buffalo wBo. "aM,1k;; threo lnnln. on J j Klawitter were both toucneo ui "r'nS r WW -ral of them for extra b..e.. but M.lark.y seemed to keep h.a hit. more r,,er:hdL..rTed to w?n. 1-. v:"trbr: Oak hurler none. DmWI. IM.y. l-lve aae. xvnrferful double-play fleldlnn re- ...- .h- n,aver from two deep pn. i"- - ---- Cook first up, In the first inninis . . a Wa A first o three hits. bana-ea - Hoffman Leard aacrlflced him hed safely throuRh walked: Cor II . . rw The Portiana in "r1---Y-from the mud. but nein tuts ""'., wh. Butler let TtlVhTenm;- filled 'f -atter.or.-a grounder V' th rattersor.. - ror,d Ur theT wa!kVd lietun, and ta tMH. with one out. It looked re ballooning but Sh.rpe hit to ,7r who threw home In time to nun v v-i. witter then walRea filled th tike sure K la wltt Asain in Hhi- bv Cook and . .,11 from M" " . j ir .n coy offer- walks to Leara na waias i sh.rpe ;kT.o Kl-wUter knd the Beaver, w-nt .hrotirh the Identical procedure. Co be nSouSled at fir,. then ou, Butler to RPP. 'ter the Tew short.fop had negotiated one of "h'.WTi,?..e.t Piece of ;,s'-n " the Portland around, thl. .eason. Illta Meaa eorfc The final Oakland brace In the ninth deTa. a. follow.: Hetim .Inled past Rapp." Sharpe doubled Into left Both .coreY on a line drlr. o'er the first baa by Catcher Mitxe. Mal.rkey sac rlftced Mita. to the ey.,one and then after Coo. retirement jj',,,;; Mt nter and jittered M.t.e. Rain wnTch had fallen In coplou. ouaotltle. during h. !- ! fl-ld muaay w " C..,it,V arer helped to augment the battlna: Cleanlnir bills, too. should be . hit although . Center- j. lir,. uoon his back d pulled" hm-elf a.onK. -, arm. a. oars, reminding frm wJaon that ha. lost It. hind wheels. I.laaaar atara at Bat. Bill Lindsay. Coo. Howlry and Het-llna- .tarred with the bludeeon. Unl l.v ."ootlna- two inle and . double into ria-ht field. Undsay also banned a liner Into left that would have been safe 10 feet farther south. The Oakland team departed last nlRht for LO. Ana-el., where It " Ancela for their second .erles. besln Blnn Wednesday. Th. .core: Oakland I Portland rook. as h'Vn If o l.arl.ib llrr n.lf "ow.rf . . . Tatt'e rf Hfl' Jo Iit-.c. . Mai ky.p O'l.lndy.lh o o Kr.i -r.rf 0 H.pp. 10 Poana.rf . 1 KoJ r.Ib 0 llM'T.f. . 0 KiiVrp. I'MclK.r. a I 1 2 I 1 0 1J 1 o 1 3 : i o I u Totals 0 -10 li Totals 3 9 27 17 1 Ba.trd for Klaa-ltler In ninth. STORE BY IN.VINOS. Oakland llm .. port land Kit. . ..loooonoo a s . . i n i i u a 4 , .o n o 1 o o o o I ..211:1001 I RUM MART. Rane Cook. Hoffman. Il.fUnc. Pharpe. Mas. Iioan. etrurk ou. K Malarker a. hr Klawitter X. Himi on ball. Off Kla- wlfi.r 2. Two-baa hita lfowlr. Ilrtllnc. RooTra. Cook. I.lndaa. Sharpe. Iard. Imubi plare Klwittr to Hlfr to Itappa 2. . Smcrtflre hlta UlM, Malarkry. Stoln baa Hoffman. Coy. Butler. Wild pn.-h Malark'T. Tune of same I hour and SO minutes. traplre Hitdebrand and Cii'y. ' Notes of the Game. Nearly OOOO poraooa braed tha thraatan Inc weather to ao the Beaver trounced lh final am of th. Oak sarira. The Oak. do not return to Portland un til Jane 11. th week of th Roe rVatlral. Butier pulled off two great fleWln ef nrt that mad the fan. for.ct about his f,rt Innlnc lap. In addition to hla an.a t'onal oo-hand atop of Foncraon'a itrotind ra h pulled down a liner off Malarker ' bat that reminded on of Prcklnpuh 00 a buT day. Hoffman and Coy tranea-td a neat dou bt ate.l of third and --ond In the npen- Ium muu. Uotfmaa eludac ladsajr'. tac OAKS I11KE AND time Sharp. men scoreo .a"".r'-"' off the run on hit. by Cook and U), aed by a walk, and cllncn.d the "ru.1 SJS of the ."lea. Th. official -cor. I fielder Patterson of the oaainna civ. an Insight into how to "ck the laundry trust aftr Into a mud puddle at second base The nto a muo clown ambled out ? fT Y TkTMU MTTfTrt T TBTA TTTTTTITT PORTLAND PARK FOR WEEK COMMENCING TOMORROW. f j. 1 . """ mr" . .LlMsssisjsjsjsMsnsjsasBsjsJ)J KaBHBBWaaMaTaTaaTaBTaWMBVM'MaWMB 5 : ; ; -c -V?: : y iY: I "'aa-ya-a mit mim. Left. Carllalet Klht, Hayleaa, e.-Aoathera ! Brlair, Mla- at third th ball beat him to tb baa. A .arrlflr by Butlrr In .he elahth In ning with L.lnday on aecond aa a rrault of hla doubl would hav tied tha score. fr Kruerr drove out a Ion. fly to left a mo ment later which would hero bren trana fomitd Into a nrriflre. Butler trlrd to bunt law. hi) wond effort rolling foul by l than on Inch, and then elrurk out. point, Roil.ers and Klawitter were re tired In quirk urrelon In th fourth In nin. all. ruriooaly enou.h, on .rounders to pttcher Malarkr. Lindas cheated Iear of another hit by a remarkable stop of a lln drlv In the arventb Innlnf. Two men wer out at th time. Ikkik. Buddy Ryan's surcesaor In rleht f.ld for I'ort'.and. runa rrylhln. out at firat. No matter whera th ball ora tha former Clevelander lilts th path at a 10 wcond pare. HAPPY DROrs TWO TO SEAL McCorry. Ijtle of Detroit. Make Sat isfactory showing. SAN' FRANCISCO. April IS. Vernon lost both (came, to San Francisco to day. In tiie mornlns panie Altman'a Ingle In the eighth, followed by Jack son's home run. took the lead from Vernon and a-av the home team the a-ame by 3 to 2. In the alteroon frame Castleton was Ineffective and Vernon played loose ball. McCorry. purchased from Detroit, made a satisfactory If not brilliant showing on hi. first ap pearance. Score: Morning same: R. H. E l R. H. K. Vernon S I San Fran... 3 7 4 Batteries Whalen and A(rnew. Baker and Schmidt. . Afternoon frame: R. H. E. R- H- E. Vernon I San Fran... 74 Batteries Castle and Brown; McCor ry and Berry. SACRAMENTO TAKES SERIES Senators and Angel Break Eten on Sunday's Contents. , I.OS ANGELES. April 18. Los Anite le. and Sacramento broke even on the Say", and by taking; the after oon ptame Sacramento won the series. The Sentaor. found Chech without dif ficulty after Los Anjreles had made a pood .tart in the early lnnlnns. Ber arer'a battlnit won the morning: a-ame for Los Angeles, hi. home run and dou ble being; good for four runs. Score: Morning game R. H.E.' R K. E. L. Angeles..' 10 3 Sacramento .4 ( 1 Batteries Toxer nd Boles: Maho ney. Fitxerald and Hart. Afternoon gam R. U. E.' R- H. E. L. Angeles..5 II I Sac'to 11 14 6 Batteries Chech and Boles; Baum. Arrellane. and Cheek. BEES BAT SCHNEIDER HARD Seattle. Vnnblc to Hit Victoria Pitcher, to I. SEA fTLE. April 2S. Seattle could not hit Wilson, whl'e the visitor, found little !ifficulty .coring off Schneider, and Victoria won th game ( to 1. Two home run. and an error by Dulln that let In two more runs accounted for most of Victoria's s.-ore. Seattle', lone tally wa. made by Schneider on a homo run. Score; R. It. E. R. H. E. Seattle 1 4 3Vlctoria C 10 0 Batteries Schneider and Shea; Wil son and Meek. JOHNSON DECLINES TO FIGHT Champion Is Offered $30,000 to Meet Lantrford In Australia. MILWAUKEE. Wla April 2g (Spe cial.) Jack Johnson tonight declined an offer of S.'.A.floo to fight Sam Unr ford In Australia within six months. Johnson said he Intended to retire In September and could not make the trip to Australia after his fight with Flynn. The offer was rnado through T. S. Andrews, from Hugh D. Mcintosh, of Sydney. ITTT T "O T CTPM TW A PTTOV AT HOGAN'S CREW HEX! Hapless Happy Will Tackle Beavers Here Tomorrow. "SPECK" MAY OPEN SERIES Portland Twlrler Predicts lie Will Soon Be Back In His Old! line lVirm and Win HI. Share of Coming Contests. With only one change In the regular battle front. Vernon will open a week', engagement here with Portland tomor row afternoon at 3 o'clock. Bayless, a diminutive outfielder, will be the one new regular, taking Johnny Kane', place in left. Bayless la from the Southern League, and Doane and other ex-Southerners, say the little .peed merchant 1. a hummer. Other new men on Hap Hogan's pay roll this season are: Litschl. a utility lnflelder from the Connecticut League; Agnew and Sullivan, catchers, the for mer a Union Leaguer and the man with the pugilistic cognomen, from Kansas City, and "Dollle" Gray, the old Los Angeles pitcher. Iloaaa Has Sorry Series. Hogan closed a very disastrous series yesterday with San Francisco, losing five out of seven games to the Seals, who rubbed It In with a double victory over Castleton and Whalen. the latter losing his second contest of the week. The Vernon menagerie lamer will hus tle Into Portland tomorrow morning de termined to take vengeance upon the Beavers. Manager McCredle probably will send "Speck" Ifarkness In to twirl the open ing game, while either Carson or Ilitt probably will be In the points for Ver non. Carson lost to the Seals Thursday, 1-0. and Hltt won from Long's men Friday. 1-0. Thursday Dolly Gray wilt hurl. Hogan's batting order will be as fol- MULTNOMAH ANGLERS' CLUB WILL HEAR ILLUSTRATED TALK ON "PROPAGATION OF TROUT." ,YaV' A.V AFTERNOON'S CATCH OP CHINOOK SALMON AT OREGON CITY, nit. K. C. MTARIAD, SECRETARY OK ANGLERS' CXIB, AT I.KFTi HENRY J AGGER AT RIGHT. Henry O'Malley, Governmont expert on game fish, who has jurisdic tion over the hatcheries In this section, has been secured by the Mult nomah Anglers- Club for an Illustrated lecture on the "Propagation of Trout." It will be an open meeting, and between 150 and 200 fishermen are expected to pack the convention hall at the Commercial Club Friday night at 8o'clock. Mr. O'Malley has appeared before fish and game assemblies many times before, and the local fishermen know that a treat is In store for them, stereopticon views will portray vividly the progress of the finny tribe from spawn to full-grown citizenship. Local officials of the Anglers' Club received word yesterday that the Montana game warden had refused to permit the shipping of some 2.000.000 trout fry from Montana into Oregon. The fry emanated from private hatcheries, but the spawn originally came from state streams, henct the official Interruption. Just what stops the Oregon commission will take lias not been de termined, but the members will likely seek elsewhere for the precious minnows. lows: Carllnle. richt field: Bayless. renter field; Patterson. flrat base: Krashear. second base: Stinson. right neld: Hosp. aliortstop: Burrell, third ase; Hrown, uuivan. flnnc. ers; Carson. Ilitt, uray. Lnwin, Whalen. pitchers. 'W'e will be one-two all season." pens Hoiran from San Francisco. "Ifa a arood club I have this year, and you can dope it Just the way you do a horse race." Harkneaa la Hopeful. Hap wrote this before the Seals took 1 their running Jump at his favorites, j Still. Hojran ts an optimistic frenjus. I and lie probably Is as cocky as ever. When "rlRht." "Speck nsrKnrss. Portland's pitching possibility for the opening same. Is one of the hardest men in the country to beat. "Speck" finished last season like a whirlwind, and was one of the chief factors In sendins the locals down the last stretch at a ragtime pace. "Speck started out the year of 1312 by twirllnj a two-hit game, but apparently over exerted liimself In the endeavor, for be lias not been able to put the snap and in-itt nn tiio leather since then with ' any decree of success. "My arm feels better now. and I sin cerely hope so." said he yesterday. "I never do Ret started early, but watch me this year when I do aret groins'." AMERICAN" liFAGUK. Won. Lost. P.C. I hk-nsn 10 -I -T I Hfloti -t .7-- Waahlrctnn " .'" Philadelphia R ' rlevelanrt .500 Kt. Iula S S . Petrolt - I New Vork 3 -12 Chicago 9, Detroit 5. DETROIT. April 28. Chicago took the second straight game from Dctrol In an Icy drizzle. I-ange fanned eigh Detroit players in the first five In nines. Score: R. H. E.I R. H. E. Chicago 9 12 2!retroit 5 8 Batteries: Lange. Mogridge and Block Burns. Duhoc and Stanage. At St. Louis Cleveland-St. postponed; rain. Louis NATIONAL I.EAGIE Won, Iist. P. Clnrlnnstl Nw York .. p-ton fhlrnso .... Pllt.biir Philadelphia St. Iiuia ... Brooklyn . . . .1 .7 ..MM) .4 .417 .4"n .Its .:;) Cincinnati 3, Pittsburg 2. CINCINNATI. April 28. After Cin cinnati tied the score in the seventh on three hit. and a base on balls, Clark withdrew Hendricks In the ninth to let Donlln bat, and thereby lost the game. O'Toole. who followed Hen drlrks was hit for a double by Bescber. A single by Bates and a wild throw to first allowed Bescher to make the win ning run. Gibson was ordered out of the game for criticising the decision Score: R. II. E. R.H. E. Pittsburg.. 2 6 2',Clncinnatl. . 3 0 Batteries Hendricks, O'Toole and Gibson. Simon; Gasper. Humphries and McLean. Clark. Umpires Owens and Hrennan. At Chicago Chlcago-St. Louis post poned; rain. American Association Results. At Kansas City Kansas City, 11 Columbus, 9. At St. Paul Louisville. 5: St. Paul. 4. At Minneapolis Minneapolis. 11; In diananolis, 1. At Milwaukee Milwaukee - Toledo game postponed; rain. Union Association At Ogden Ogden 8-7, Results Great Falls 2-14. At Salt Lake Salt Lake 1-22. Helen 0-3. At Missoula Missoula 7-10 6-5 (10 Innings). Butte Western League Results. At Ft. Joseph St. Joseph 8. Omaha 7, At Des Molne. Des Molnes-Sloux City, rain. At Topeka Topeka 8. Denver 2. At Lincoln Lincoln-Wichita, rain. Trendall Takes On Saylor. ST. LOUIS, April 28. Harry Tren dall. a St. Louis lightweight, will meet Milburn Saylor, of ' Indianapolis. in eight rounds here May 13. Trendall will fleht Joe Mandot. of New Orleans, here Julv 23. instead of May 13, as previously announced. 11 1 TIGERS RALLY TOO LATE: LOSE 8 TO 6 Colts Carry Lead of 7 Runs to Ninth When Doty Endan gers Situation. FIVE RUNS THEN MADE Easily Goes In for Last Frame and Stops Onslaught Tacoma Fans Show Feeling at Um pire's Decisions. Northwealem League Standings. W. I- P.P. I av. i.. P. P. Tortlsnd... 7 . Vancouver.. 6 B ..wo Victoria 7 S .5s.: Tacoma 5 7 .417 Spokaue... 6 5 ..145 Seattle 5 8 .3S5 Yesterday's Reanlta. At Tacoma Portland S. Tacoma 6. At Seattle Victoria o. Seattle 1. At Spokane Vancouver s, Spokane 2. Schedule Week April ZO-May 4. Portland at Vancouver. Victoria at Seattle. Tacoma at Spokane, TACOMA. Wash., April 28. (Special.) Tacoma made a strong bid in the ninth inning today to capture a game from, the Portland Colts, but fell short after one of the most exciting innings ever seen on the local grounds. Final score, 8 to 6. The opening of the ninth inning found the Colts enjoying a comfortable lead of seven runs. Then there was a sudden batting rally and the Tigers shot five runners across the plate. Three were on bases. Pete Morse was at the bat and the count stood three balls and one strike. Pat Eastly, who had been rushed in in the middle of the inning to replace Doty, threw a wide one which every one In the grandstand thought was a ball, but Umpire Van Haltrcn said "strike." The next strike was as good as could be asked, and the game was over. The noise during the last inning was deafening. It is seldom that a team receives the support that was afforded the Tigers in the last stand. So intense was the feeling that for the moment it was feared by some that there would be a demonstration against Umpire Van Haltren. but the crowd dispersed quiet ly, talking In hoarse, throaty tones about the game stand the Tigers had mado and the nearness of victory. From a purely technical point of view, the game was commonplace and devoid of high-class work, but to the fan who enjoy, thrilling moments when the fast beating heart almost smother ing the nervous rooter, leaps with the crack at the bat and then suddenly stop. a. the fielder reaches it. the game was all that could be desired. Like the greater part of the games thus far this season, the poor grade of pitching was a noticeable feature. Criger, who started the game for the Tigers, wa. wild and -was hit with comparative ease by left-handed bats men. Starkel was far from a puzzle, but dumb work behind him resulted in two runs. Doty, the Portland selection, worked well for eightThnlngs. and then went all to pieces. Eastley's relief work was not of a class which would have done any good had ne Deen cauea to lust longer than one out.' The score: Portland Tacoma AD n I O A r. AO n I'U n c Mon'r,2b 2 0 4 0 Yohe.Sb . i Ppeas.rf. 4 2 10 OiNlll.'.'b. . . 4 2 0 P 0 0 l 2 1 0 O t 0 1 U 1 0 :i o u o rrles.rf. . - t' Ktralt.lf. 3 1 3 0 0'Ne'hors.rf 4 Wlms.ll 4 1 11 u 4 HarrlP.c. 3 13 0 mi.ynch. rf 3 Klhhle.llh 3 10 2 l'im'tl,lb 4 Coltrin.H 4 2 2 l'Crllfen.c I'otv.p.. 3 10 0 Oirrlger.p. 1 Jart y.p v V u v ViarK n.p . Ludwlg. 1 Total, 28 1127 13 1 Totals 30 1124 14 1 Batted for Starkell In ninth. SCORE BY INNINGS. Portland 2 0 0 S 1 0 0 8 311 Tacoma 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SUMMARY. Runs Menaor, Ppeas 2. Williams, Harris, Morse. Coltrln. Doty, Yohe, Neighbors, Lynch. Crittenden 1. Double plays i.rlt- tenden to Nlll. Morse to N'lll, Mensor to Coltrln to Williams. Two-base hits Neigh bor. Coltrln. Harris. Kibble. Three-base hits Morse, Speas. Sacrifice hits Mensor, Frlea. Strait. Kibble. Coltrln. Pitchers' rec ord Three runs 6 hits off Criger in .HI -3 Innlnrs. 5 runs 5 hits ofT Ptarkell In 4 2-3 Innlnjrs. no runs no hltt. off Kastlcy in 1-3 Inning: runs 11 hits off Doty In 8 2-3 In ning. Struck out Hy Eactlfv 1. by Doty 1. by Crler 1. Bases on balls OfT East ley 2. olf Doty 2, off CrlRer 4. Time 1 hour and 00 minutes. Umpire Van Halt ren. TIGERS, DEFEAT XOKTII B.VXK McMinnvllle Team Wins Seven-In ning Game, 10 to 1. " M'MINXVILLB. Or.. April 28. (Spe cial.) The McMinnvllle Tigers defeated the Spokane, Portland & Seattle team of Portland today, 10 to I, in a fast game played on a wet diamond. The Portland team had not been defeated thl year until today. The game was called In the seventh inning on account of rain. This was the speediest team the Tigers have met this season. Anderson, the Tigers' center fielder. made several fancy catches, and Krause pitched a good game. He also dam aged the center field fence with a long fly. The Tigers will play bt. Paul next Sunday. Score: R. H. E.t R. H. E. & P. & S 1 B 4irigers .10 10 2 Batteries Prentice and Herr; Krause Rigers, Courtney. INDIANS LOSE GAME IX MUD Vancouver Gathers Ei"ht Huns as Spokane Secures Two. SPOKANE. April 28. Vancouver proved the better In the mud today, and in a series of showers won 8 to 2. Score: R. H. E.I R. H. E. Vancouver .8 10 ljpokane ...2 5 S Batteries Gervais and Sepulveda: Cadreau, Leonard and Ostdiek. SUXMEYER . HAS COMEDOWN' Former Portland Heaver Loses Game, Allowing 10 Hits. Southpaw Maxmeyer, the emerald heaver released by Nick Williams, of he Portland Northwesterners, because his time was constantly occupied an swering: spurious queries from Connie Mack, Mug-fray McGraw and other great baseball generals, suffered a terrible comedown yesterday, when the Lents earn, of the Arther-Wiggins League, defeated the Lenta Independents, Max meyer up. 3 to 2. Maxmeyer allowed In the neighbor hood of 10 hits, but poor work in the field and the slippery ball seriously handicapped the big fellow, who really is a pretty good. Dinger, FOR THE WISE MAN and who dresses Special -afafxiit STEIN-BLOCH smart clothes for $20 to $35! "Where you get the best." WE SPECIALIZE BUTLER B11IS BEST Beaver Shortstop at Top Series With Oaks. in BEAVERS' AVERAGE IS .271 Oakland Team Hits at .260 Clip in Games Last Week Lindsay and ICajips and Hoffman Have Fercentage of .400. Willis Butler. the- new Portland Coast League shortstop, was the bat ting sensation of the Portland-Oakland series- which closed yesterday, the pe culiar throwing infielder leading the individuals on both teams with an avcraare of .428. ' Lindsay, Rapps, of Portland, and Hcffman, of the Oaks, had great weeks with the willow, each batting around .400. Doane and Chadbourne, of the Bea vers, and Patterson. Leard and Wil kinson." of the Oaks, didn't get a look in with the pjtchers. As a team the Beavers ouiDaticu mc visitors, .271 to .2o'J The tabulation follows: Portland Ab. If. I Oakland Prt. .4 H'fman . .40it('ov .400 Hetllng. . .2iCtirook ... .Ji',;t putt' rson .JiMltze ... .UiOIard ... .T.'fljW'klnson .t;i;r. Ti'deman IK Ab. H. Pet. . . 8 .4"0 ..IS 0 .-i.ii .. rt ."'It . . 2-1 S .'J72 ..IS 3 .1 , . 1.1 -2 .!:'.:! . . ti '2 .125 ... IB 2 .I--"' s : .w 4 - .'Hl i i i.iiih) ... 1 1 l.l"" . . 31 ..31 .:'!: . 1 0 .ooo 3 0 .0110 , . 3 0 ."00 ..103 43 .260 Butler ... Lindsay. . Rapps . . . Rodners. . Kruepcr. . Howley .. Ch'b'rne.. Doane . . . Temple .. Steicer . . K'stner .. Bncft .. G'llRfln .. LaLonfte... K'lw'ter... H'ders'n.. 14 1H 1H 1 Jl IS 1 4 T 5 1 3 1 ..'MKl Parkins. . .5IOM'rtinoni. .0O0;flrea;ory. .000 Durbln .. .oou,harpc .. .tutorh'stian .0O0..Vlalaikey !.bles ... .27l Total .. Total ..173 47 RIHGEFIELD TEAM IS IX LEAD Championship of Sct-ond Division in St-liool Leaitue Secured. HIDGEFIELD. Wash., . April 28. (Special.) The Ridgefield High School baseball team defeated the Hockinson High School team hero yesterday, 11 to 1. This was the last and decisive game of the second division of the County School League. Ridgefield has won every game in this division and stands a good chance of winning the cup at the county field meet at Van couver Saturday. May 4. Following is the standing of tha teams in the secQnti division: Won. Lost. r. - Ri-luefield Battleground Mill Plain 1IMI0 .7."i0 .7.-0 .400 .000 .000 Hockinson Yacolt Union ..... ::x:: Dallas High 11, Sheridan 1. Losers Are Able lo Connect With Ball But Three Times. PHERIDAX. Or.. April 28. (Special.) The Dallas High School nine defeated Sheridan High School team here today lu a ragged exhibition. 11 to 1. Dallas scored four runs In tiie first, two in the second and one In each of the following Innings except the third and seventh. Sheridan scored in the fifth Rarhan. the Dallas pitcher. showed unusual form for a high school boy and held the local tram to three scattered hits. For Sheridan Leonard pitched an excellent game, getting eight assists and two strikeouts. Score: R. H. E.I R- E- Dallas 11 10 25heridan ..1 3 12 Batteries Barhan and Hersog; Leon ard and Atwood. Umpire Baker. Artillerymen 4, Colts 8. VANCOUVER BARRACKS. W?-; April 28. (Special.) The Second Field rtillerv baseball team was defeated today by the Portland Colts. 8 to 4. Vancouver-Cub Game Delayed. VANCOUVER BARRACKS. Wash.. April 28. (Special.) On account of rain the Vancouver Independents did not play the Portland Cubs in this city. TRAP SHOOT CONTEST IS KEEN' Abrahams and Wagner Tie With Knight for DupQnt Trophy. By missing only one clay bird In 23, Abrahams and Wagner caught up with Knight in the scatter-gun competition for the Dupont trophy at the Kenton traps vesterday. and all three are now tied with 120 birds In 125 shot at for the final series next Sunday. in the free-for-all shoot Abrahams and Ellis were high men with 97 birds In 100. Scores in this section follow: Abrahams 37, t,iiis m. rianer la iseattie man) 95, Holohan 95, Wagner 94. Carlon 94. Cullison 93, Howe '93, Knight 93. Metzger 89. Thornton 88, Holcomb SS, Voung 87, Van Schuyver 83, Llpman 83, Champion 80. Dupont trophy scores i4ice zo. Abra hams 24. Cullison 24. WTagner 24. Car lon 24. Thornton 23, Young 23, Metzger 1. Knight 20. Selby trophy Metzger 24, Cullison 23. WHO SAVES well!!! showing of new On Wash ington, Near Fifth. SHIRTS FINE MADE - TO - OKDER Abrahams 22. Carlon 22. Wagner 22, Howe 21, Rice 19, Thornton 17, Knight 16. Inman trophy Howe 47 in 50. Abra hams 4G. Wagner 44, Metzger 44. Rice 43. Thornton 43. Voung 41, Carlon 40, Lipman 40, Cullison 40. WILLAMETTE HAS ST AH MAX Mcliae Is in Demand by Northwest ern Baseball Teams. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY, Salem. Or.. April 2K. (Special.) Raymond McRae. Willamette University's star baseball player, is being much sought after by the managers oseveral base ball teams in the Northwest. McRae shine3 in football, basketball anil baseball. AYhile this Spring he lnt.i been playing shortstop for Willamette, he is strong in any other position ex cept as catcher. This is Mcliav sec ond year at "Willamette and practically his second in baseball, as he came to the university inexperienced In the Na tional game. DevoRt Goes to Spokane. SEATTLE. April 28. (Special.) Catcher Rex Devogt, recently released by Seattle because Cleveland turned buck Bert Whaling, left tonight to join the Spokane club. General Manager Wattelet, of Victoria. tonight an nounced the release of Infielder Saiiof. sky. He is now carrying 21 players. Minor Baseball. Brooklyn defeated the Marshall-Wells team in the Archer-Wiggins Baseball League yesterday JO to 4. Batteries: Taggerfal and Retheil; Duke and Ste vens. Owing to the muddy condition of the field nc games were played in the Mult nomah club Sunday Morning League yesterday. The Portland Eagles won from the South Portland squad yesterday 9 to 7. The Shaver ball team defeated the Irvington School nine 9 to 3. Herbig striking out 12 men and allowing but one hit. Th Brooklyn Grays journeyed to Oren.?o yesterday and trimmed the Orencos 4 to 3. Brooklyn desires an out-of-town game for May 5. Address H. J. Sherrltt. 2"4 East Sixteenth street: . PUFF SAM SLOAN. If you can afford 5c for a good cigar no need to do without. "Sam Sloan" sells for-5c. although worth more. Ba convince! by a trial. r4 v s- C ,"(. -t m How Long Could You stand walking up to the top of a twenty story building once a day? Not many days. Rich, heavy, black Havana cigars have the same depressing effect on your heart as that exertion. Be, sensible when you smoke. A light, domestic cigar will give you the pleasure of the Havana without its dangers. Geni Arthur mm Cigar 10c and 3 for 25c M. A. Gunst C8, Co.. Inc. 1 SKATES WIAiSLOW BALL-BKARIX; SELFrCO.VtAI.MXC ROLLS. $2.00 NOTHING TO GET J OUT OF REPAIR NEW LOT NOW IN "Better Skates For Less Money." 110 Third, rth of Wnnhlncton WHOLESALE . est.ict . RETAIL HiiDsoTasCft