Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 27, 1912, Page 13, Image 13

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In the Ribbon Section, main floor West, a sals
of this season Devest effects in. novelty com
binations an.l Prrsdens, plaids, checks, stripes,
etc., in widths to 5 inches and good val- nQ
iks up to 40c a yard. Special, the yard tZC
Olds, WortmaE &h KLiimg
Occupying Entire City DlocK Bounded by Morrison, Alder, Tenth. West ParR
The "Hi Lo Gear" combination Road Carriage,
House Carriage and Baby Crib; cannot tip over;
easy running; easy to adjust; easy on baby; easy
on mother; has foo't box and reclin- QC
ing back, with storm protector, for JJ tJJ
Saturday S3hopperso
Tulleftm of B&pflEsdos
Dresses at
i v . -
Tn the children's store, second floor, a
'-'ale of our entire stock of Tub Dresses,
"jriced at $7.23 and up. The materials
ire linens, reps and foulards, also fancy
. JhitA lawns, for eirls 6 to J4 years of
ge. You can choose any "Wash Dress
'i'-n iht stock at $7.23 or 1. fCC
'yj"nore at retiuction of
:&i$11.50. Coats
ror o.o
J f ! I s m niuiren a .um, -
U" -hecks, with fancy collars and cuffs of
fill ' -dark red and Copenhagen, also fancy
t ' mixtures in plain tailored effects, or
III 'with large collars; regu- (Q AO
-lr values up to $11.50 0O.4lO
: :1V Children's Straw Hats and i- riff
Bonnets $1.50 and up, at WAA
i i M ! "PfM "hild
S6.50 Handbag's at $1.98
S1.50 Auto Veils Only 98c
In the leather poods section, main
floor, a cleanup of odd Bag in
velvets and fabrics. Only one or
two of a kind, and a limited quan
tity, to be closed out. tj" QQ
t Y
In the veiling dept., main floor, a
sale of 500 beautiful hemstitched
Auto Veils in all the latest shades,
worth $1.50 each, special QQr
for this sale only at, each '01'
75c Mesh. Veiling, spcl, yd. 19J
Values up to $0.50, a
Women's Pure SilK Boot Hose
50c and 65c Pair
Women's Hose, with pure thread
silk boot, lisle thread tops, rein
forced heels and toes; all sizes in
black, white and tan; on CHt
special sale for only, pair
Infants' Silk Hose in black, tan,
white, pink and blue, on CQr
sale at low price of, a pair
Women's outsize Hose, pure
thread silk boot, lisle thread tops,
reinforced bezels and toes, in
black, white and tan; spe- CCS
rial for this sale, the pair vlJi
Women 's outsize black silk Hose,
lisle tops, spliced heels ; . on "1
sale on main floor, a palrr
20c Laces, Special at 9c
15c Laces, Special at 5c
In the lace departm't, main floor,
a sale of thousands of yards of
dainty mercerized Maltese, Cluny
and Torchon Laces, in a vast as
sortment of patterns; val- Q
ues to 20c a yard, special at
A sale of 5000 yards of Linen
Laces, insertions and edges to
match ; widths to 3V& inches, and
bur regular stock values to 15c a
yard, specialized for this
sale at the low price of, yd.
Croquet Sets at $1.25 to $12.50
Hammocks at 95c to $?
It's time to string up your ham
mocks. We fit them with hooks,
easy to take in when it rains. "We
6how an extensive assortment, on
Now is the time to got your cro
quet grounds in sbape. We are
ready with complete lines of cro
quet sets of all kinds. Hardwpod
6ets, nicely finished, with long or
short-handle mallets, all in good,
strong boxes, priced J" O ZZ(
at only $1.25 up toSAJU
sale at prices ranging from Q
Doc each all the way up toY"
Camping outfits, cots, tables,
chairs, stools, couch hammocks.
Store Opens 9:30 A. M. Closes 9:30 P.M. Saturdays
Phone ClerKs at 8 A. M.-Phone Nos. Marshall 4800 A 6231
to $7.50 C&QL Q
.Special at O.OV
"Happy Boys' Store," 1st Tloor
Here's the best offering of boy3
Suits we have ever made. It's a
business-building and friend-making
proposition with us. You will
realize tho wisdom of such a sale
only by taking into consideration
that the lines are broken only a
few of a kind and that while
cleaning up the stock wc are mak
ing more boys happy and more
customers for other departments.
Knickerbocker Suits for boys 6 to
17 years of age. Each coat is lined
with serge or alpaca, faced but
tons, full-lined pants, cut peg
style, with taped seams and rein
forced throughout ; ft O Q
5, $6.50 and $7.50 VDJ.O7
Baseball and Bat free with each
purchase in boys department
amounting' to $a.uu
or more.
ale Mens -Unions Suits
S1.25 "Vassar" Union Suits at vsc
tzn Vanr" union ovxn oj
the men 'store, main floor, an important sale of "Vassar
Union Suits in fine
..... i a.
wiss ribbed lisle thread, silk lisle and cotton; superior numu; .., np
swLvs-rioen 1 1 le i , Specialized at the suit for only
seasons uei iinr,
Vassar" T nion Nuts at Z0,-
'Vassar" L'nion Suits at S1.65 113.50 "assar-'
nirts 69c
Men'i Corner, Main Floor
An extraordinary sale of men's negligee, coat-style Shirts,
with French turn-back cuffs and soft collars to match
the shirt. The patterns are neat colored pencil stripea on
white, also tan. blue and heliotrope, with white stripes;
also plain colors in tan, blue and gray; sizes 14 to 17.
S. e Morrison-street window display of these reg- ?Q
ular $1.00 values. Special at the low price of U7t
1.50 White Shirt 95c
Men's coat-stvle Shirts, with cuffs attached; 'x and 'y
inch plaits in" bosom, with best ocean pearl but- QCr
ell laundered : all sizes; $1.50 values JUL
Union Suita at S2.19
Union Suita at S2.4S
Wash Ties at 25c Each
We have ju?t received a handsome collection
of new Four-in-lland Tie, in fsncy weaves of
washable materials, plain white and white
with eo'.orod stripes and fjinires; &reat25c
variety to choose from. . Priced at only "
"Arrow" Soft Collars at
2 for Z5c
A now line of the very popular Soft Colla
"Arrow" Brand has just reached us. They
come in white, blue and tan, and wencr
1 m-ta snlw twfl for
Balbria'a'an Union Suits 95c
Balbrisgan Shirts and Drawers 50c
in th mpn k siore. mam iiuui, a io vl ui-
britrCTn Union Suits in the Spring weight, with
i the men's underwear section, main floor,
Sprmtr weight Shirts with long or short sleeves
ami drawers with 4-button sateen waist band,
Kreiwh strap back, double seat, ankle or knee
this sale at low price
1 1 1 61 rap UIICK. r.ri, " " ' - v. -
th. Sizes up to 4S; offered during Cf)c
sale at low price of, the garment
long sleeves and ankle length or short sleeves,
knee length, perfect fitting, finished with
ocean pearl buttous; sizes 34 to 46QK
priced during -this sale at, a suit, only
$5 Off on All Suits
Sold at $20 to $40
Men's Corner Main Floor.
Here's an opportunity for substan
tial saving a sure saving of $5.00.
Every man's suit in the store
marKed to sell at $20.00, $22.50,
$25.00 up to $40.00, will be includ
ed. You can choose unrestrictedly
from the stocK of suits at $20.00 and
up. Subtract $5.00 from the price
and put it in the banK. Our stocK
of Clothing' is strictly new and is
made by the best and most reputa
ble firms in the country. We don't
c mfine our stocK to one "advertised
line," but pick the best from all the
g'ood lines, marK them at the lowest
prices consistent with legitimate
merchandising and today we will
let you picK and save (JC aa
on any of these suits, puJJ
Sale Cafidies SrfVSi;
Nut and Plain Cream Caramels, 50c goods, special, 30c
Cocoatine Chocolates, 40c grades, special, pound, at 25c
Chocolate Chews, our 40c grade, special, pound, at 25c
Sponge Chocolates, our 40c grade, price, per pound, 27c
Delicious Marshmallows, 40c grade, per pound, at 25c
Jelly Beans, regular 25c grade, price, per pound, 15c
Chocolate Drops, our regular 25c grade, per pound, 20c
Taffy Chews, our regular 25c grade, per pound, at 18c
Choice French Mixed Candies, 25c grade, per pound, 20c
New Chocolate Matinee Wafers, 40c grade, pound, 27c
Toasted Cocoanut Caramels, 40c grade, per pound, 25c
MilK Chocolate Cakes, special, each 5c
Clear Hard Candy, our 25c grade, price, per pound, 20c
Sale Dress Mat Siiapes
$6.50 Values for $3.95
$17.50 Values for $9.95
In the Millinery Store, second floor, a sale of high-grade Press Hat
Shapes Untrimmed Milans, Hemps, Tagals, Leghorns, etc., in black,
white and a good assortment of colors. Just as advertised. Prices:
Values to $6.50, special at only S3.95
$7.50 and $8.00 values for only S5.95
Regular $9.00 values for only S5.95
$10.00 to $13.50 values for only S7.95
$15.00 to $16.50 values for only S9.95
Regular $17.50 values for only S9.95
Children's Hats
65c Mats at 45c
$10 Hats $5.95
Millinery Department, Second Floor
A sale of our entire stock of children's Hats; plain and
dressy styles ; the most beautiful trimmed patterns and
rich Milans; the stock varies in price from 65o up to
$10.00. The prices for today s selling range as follows
65c Hats for only 45
$1.25 Hats for only 95
$1.75 Hats only S1.00
Hats only S1.25
Hats only S1.45
Hats only SI. 45
Hats only S1.95
Hats only S1.95
1 T- XP- A'S. fik, it; i-
only 81.95 : '
only 81.95 ... $gT
only 82.95 W:
only 82.95
only 82.95 if -JflivV
only 83.95 V
only 83.95 fv fR'lt)
Our regular $10.00 children's Hats for only 85.95
Women's Initial Gowns Only 79c
Combinations 98c and $1.19
In the Undermuslin store, second floor, a sale of women's Initial Gowns; slip-over
Women's Combination Corset Cover and
drawers or corset cover and skirt of cross
bar dimity, inlaid with fine lace; some
corset covers of all-over em- ! 1 1 Q
broidery. Priced special at 0 X A 7
stvles. with short sleeves, round necks, yokes embroidered in white ini
tial, trimmed in linen insertion and edge. Today at the low price of
Combination Corset Cover and Drawers,
made of good quality longcloth and cross
bar dimity, trimmed in lace insertion and
edge to match. Priced extra f Q
special for today's selling at only "OC
Grocery S
Phone Order ClerKs at 8 A. M.
Call Marshall 4500 orAoaoi
40c Roasted Coffee at 28c
Todav in our Pure Food Store, fourth floor, we offer, regard
less o"f the advance in the coffee market, our famoxis OO
Imperial Roast Coffee, which sells regular at 40c. lb.
String Beans, Pala brand, at the low price of only, can, 10
String Beans, Golden Wax, at the low price of 2 cans for 25C
Butter O, W. K. brand Special, two pounds for only 5C
Lemons, large nice, juicy ones, special, the dozen, at only Oc
Canned Shrimps, regularly 25c the can; special at only 17c
Queen Olives, regularly 50c a quart; today at only 3o?
Swiss Cheese, regular 40c grade; today at only, pound, o3c
Boiled Ham, regular 40c grade; today at only, pound, 33c
New Potatoes, special today at three pounds for only 25C
Sale of SilK arid Messaline Waists
Very Special, $2.49 lcgffgRrSra
All aisles on the main floor lead to this sale of Silk "Waists. This is a new lot which
our Miss Bernard picked up in New York at a very low price. Messalines, pon
gees, taffetas, wash silks and chiffons comprise the assortment They are styled
with high or Dutch necks. Some are striped and trimmed with plain silk. Some
have lace collars and cuffs. The changeable taffetas have lace collars and but
ton trimmed. The Tub Silks come in plain colors or stripes and are made in
the tailored shirt styles. Chiffons have la ee yokes and are hand em- (jJO yQ
broidercd. They are placed on 6ale today only, very special, at &t,TTj
Women's House Dresses, Special at $1.29
On the center aisle, main floor, a sale of Women House Dresses, made of good quality percales and
ginghams, in stripes, checks and figured designs with Dutch necks with long or short tfkl OQ
sleeves, well made and perfect fitting. Priced on the center circle for today at Ol'tMt
i m
Girls' $3 Low Shoes $1.49
500 pairs of Oxfords for growing girls; all are made with medium low
heels; the leathers are patent calf, patent kid, vici kid, etc., with medium
heavy soles; our regular $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 values, of- Q1 AQk
fered special for this sale at the low price of only, the pair V rT
S3 WHite Button Shoes at 32.39
Young ladies' White Button Boots, made of the finest grade sea island
duck, medium weight, walking soles, with leather Cuban heels. tfJO OQ
Best regular $3.00 values, offered special during this sale, pair frtJif
Women's $4 Shoes Only $2.69
Women's Button and Blucher Shoes in fine, select stock, patent colt or
gunmetal calf leathers; every pair Goodyear welt, hand- dJO ?Q
sewed; our best regular $4.00 values, specialized at, the pair V,"',
Mens 54 Oxfords Special $3.29
Just to remind the "head of the house" that we are head- CQ OQ
quarters for shoes, we will price a lot of $4.00 low-cuts at, pr.
TT& nr;i MoFIay Ball !-l Bitf' Basement Specials for Today
JliL J2jfr JiJL.U -li. XJwwiThe Reach make "'25c IWomen's SilK Dresses $7.95
JSr . -AY TT 1 League Ball, horsehide cover, at Extra gpecial in the bascment underprice store, a sale of
It rays to bay these goods at such special price-saving opportunities as the following offer. Tor today only.
vnrv Soar., recular 5e value, special sale price, at 3
Jap Ro?e Soap, regular 10c value, special for only 5
Pears I'nscentcd Soap, regular loc value, only 10
4711 Verclura Glycerine Soap, special price, box, 18?
Jergen's Old-Fashioned. Oat Meal, Glycerine and Elder
Flower, all offered spcrial during this sale at only 8J
Jertren's Oat Meal, Witoh Hazel and Buttermilk, at 3
D. & R. Cream, regular 50c value, special for only 42f
Pompeiian Cream, regular 73c value, special for 48?
Theatrical Cold Cream, regular 50e value at only 32
Talcum, violet or borated. regular 15c value, only It
Sercpre Giovine. regular 50c value, special price, 33
Sanitol Preparations regular c vaiue, special at 1 wc
Frostilla. Holmes', regular 25c value, special, only 15
Hinds' Honev and Almond Cream, 50o value for 29c
Hinds' Honev and Almond Cream, large, $1 val, J
Kolvnos Tooth Paste, regular 25e value, at only 17f
F.uthvmol Tooth Paste, regular 25c value, special, 15
Williams' Talcum, all odors, regular 15c value at 10c
Colox Tooth Powder, retnilar 25c value, special at 15
Ijsterine, regular 50e value, special for this sale at 37c
Peroxide, 1 pound, regular 35c value, special for 21c
Odor-Shun, recular 25e value, special price, only 22c
Absorbent Cotton, regular 35c value, special for 21c
Sapolio. Hand, regular 10c value, on sale at only 6c
Little Liver Pills, regular 25c value, special, only 15c
Digestive Tablets, regular 25c value, special, only 19c
Olive Oil, McXally's, specially priced at 25c and 50
Hair Brushes, rubber cushion, regular $1.50 at $1.25
Dressing Combs, regular 25c value, special price, 10
hisk Brooms, regular loc values, special at only lOf
Sanitary Napkins, 12 in box, regular 5c val., doz., 45
Sanitary Drinking Cups, nest of four, special at 50
Sanitary Drinking Cups, nest of six, special, only 75
Gem, Jr., Safety Razor, with seven blades, for $1.00
Nail Files, regular 15c value, special price, only 10
Witch Hazel, 16 ounces, regular 35c value, only 21
Buffers, assorted woods, regular 50c and 35c, for 25
Face Chamois, recular 8c, value, offered special at 5
Hand Scrub Brushes, regular 25c value, special at 15
Swamp Root, large size, regular $1.00 value for 79
Pinkham's Remedies, regular $1.00 value at only 79
Peruna, regular $1.00 value, offered special for 83
Sal Hepatica, regular $1.00 value, for this sale at 79
Wine of Cardui, regular $1.00 value, special, only 79
Hunyadi Water, regular 35c value, special price, 27J
S. S. S., regular $1.00 value, offered special for 79
Malt Nutrine. regular 25c value, special for only 19
White Rock Water, regular 25c value, special at 18
Pluto Water, regular 35c value, special price, only 2o
Tooth Brushes, assorted, regular 35e value, onlv 19
Rubber Sheeting, 3-4, 35c; 4-4. 65c; 5-4, $1.25, 6-4, $1.50
Hospital size, regular $3.75 value, special for $2.75
Largj size, regular $1.00 value, offered special at 80?
Small size regular 50c value, on special sale, only 40J
The Reach Scholastic League Ball, with
borsehide cover and rubber cen- C"f,
ter; priced special for only, ea.
Bats, best selected stock, well bal- Crj
anced, assorted models, each for
Gloves, made of brown tan C"1 CiCi
leather, welted seam, full size
Gloves, good tan drab leath- & CA
er, very flexible and easy, ea. p
Catcher's Mitt, well padded, tan 'JZlp
leather, reinforced, priced, each
Boys' Mitt, full size, brown, tan, with
buckle back and patent laced CjQp
thumb, deep pocket, on sale for'''
Tennis Goods in a complete stock the
"Surprise," Racquet, each, only $1.50
The Deuce Ball, each, for only 35
The Championship Ball, ea., only 50
$5.25 Garden
Hose for $3.95
50 feet of good grade Garden Hose, com
plete' with nozzle; our regu- tQ QC
lar $5.25 seller, special, only pJ.iJ
$1.00 Hose Reels, special at only 75c
$3.00 Lawn Mowers, special for $2.39
75c Long-Handle Shovels, at only 59c
25c Strong Garden Trowel only 15
25c 'Grass Hooks, special at only 15
25c Grass Shears, special at only 15
pretty Silk Dresses, all new, attractive styles, made of
foulards and chiffon taffetas, in stripes, spots ana
small floral patterns; all new, Spring colorings. They
are prettily trimmed with lace and buttons. C?7 QC
100 of these stylish Dresses for today, only
Women's Serge Suits $12.48
In the basement underprice store, a sale of smart new
Tailored Suits, nobby plain tailored styles, made of fine
English serge, in dark navy, black or cream ; seasonable
styles; faultlessly tailored, well lined and perfect fit
ting garments. We offer 100 of these j1 p A O
splendid Suits, specialized for today at
fiat Shapes Worth to $5, Special at 5)1.95
A sensational sale is this. We offer 329 of these excellent Hat Shapes for today's big sale. All the new, sea
sonable styles, in hemps, azures, milans, chips, etc., in black, white and colors. You ean choose d 1 QC
wi ctvW Small, medium or lartre shaoes: recular $3 to $o; special for today at S
Children's 75c to $1
Dresses, Special, Only
On the basement bargain circle, a sale of children's
Dresses. There are several new, attractive styles in the
lot.- Hundreds to choose from. Made of good, staunch
gingham in plain, stripes, checks and plaids; nicely
made and trimmed ; all good, dependable colors. Sizes
to fit girls from 2 to 6 years of age. Regular CQ-
75o and $1.00 values, special during tnis sale at
Evening Specials From 6 to 9-.30 P. M.
Women's S3.00 Hats Only $1
This evening. 6 to 9:30. Here is a sale that hundreds
Children's $1.25 to
S2 Dresses, Special at
On the basement bargain circle, a sale of children's
Dresses. . Hundreds will take advantage of this splendid
sale for today only. We offer a great variety of
new attractive styles in this lot. Made of excellent
ginghams and chambray, neatly trimmed; patterns and
colors are all first-class. Sizes to fit girls 6 to 14 QO
years of age, and worth regularly $1.25 to $2,''OC
have been waiting for. 150 splendid Tailored Hats of
fered for this rousing evening sale. They are all sea
sonable styles. Nobby tailored street Hats, in a great
variety of new, smart styles, all good col- dM ff
ors. Begular $2.50 to $3 values, special for P v v
Men's 50c Shirts, Special, 35c
We want every man in Portland that wears the popular
blue chambray (shirt to be here this evening. We
offer COO of these excellent Shirts at this special price.
They are made o nice, fine ehambi:ay, cut extra full
in bodies and sleeves have pocket, well made. OC
Sizes 1412 to 17. Limit, 6 to a customer. Each JC