Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 26, 1912, Page 18, Image 18

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    18 ' Tin: 3iok.ju, ntiDAY, ArniL 2f. 1012. ,
(Oo of Mnr)
OITic, Secretary rmplmmcat Dtpartmsn.
r M. C. A.
Tount nan. ,irsn;-r. out o work. ' ' -ha
iota! caiti iwiii If I pay you S tot
i'lal employment romberantp. I
olj S13 left bs.-r-n B B-
1 is rr If yon ,y IS for
r.plfrniFnl membership, you will OB
t:i- Y. M. C. A.. "h Its rsourcs, b
t 'n vn and stanatlon
l:-sult: Your., man Join-a aBB-w-lallon-l.i
than a sr. ha had saiiifsciory
mpto-mrnt. ...
Kiord for thrss months tndtni Mar. ' .
1 i p for men JIt
1 "..Hon. ailed ;,
r.mplo mrnt membership jnaranio"
member will M(TJrt m pior m.n t
uf membenblp f: lva . monlW full
membership privileges, IS months' soriai
orlile and und-rtaksa to kc paxiy
em.iio.ed rturles tha full terra of men.-t.r-hip
without further chars.
have coniunt dtDsnd for nirn
rrnl- .tperl'trnl mto. ATS yOO Bltsd
fot a batlsr position? .
lie, s-.-r.iary mplojmrnt department.
T. M. C. A.
Slot :lt cotter. ash and door factors-. (3 ts
.-sh snd dvir machine man. up.
Three ho for planing mill. l.-fc.
("arriatm rilr. .".
Lumber lil.l and J.oO.
Tirfl roucb carpenters. X.V tt -.
t'horeman on farm. $.:.
F.oorman. country blacksmith shop.
Furntturs repair man. ci:?'. St-.4.
Farmbanda and milkers. .H to I0.
TV a have a larice list of stork for loe
er. mlilbanus. laborers. farmhands,
cooks, flunk-: s. etc.. etc.. comln In every
TiS and 22 riKh. b-t. 1t and 2il.
t or 4 live salesmen on a real estate
camnalcn proposition. This will sjo rast.
and a bis monev-meker. Nothins like It
ever sefore, in Portland. Csll today bs
tween and II A. M.
404-i Lewis Hutl'llnf.
4th and Oak eta.
Clesn-cut youns fellows with smbt
tton snd enerry. who sre willing to de
Tote their entire time to our Interests.
Evpertenee not necessary. Hard, consci
entious work counts. Income steady and
lane. C-ll after oVIo. k this mornlos.
1221 Yeoil Hulldlns
I want an experienced, rspeble married
man. without children preferred, to take
full char of my farm: must have s
th crouch senersl kaowlenie of farming.
dlrrlnc snd stock : must be hlchly recom
mended, none other need spply. .
tt 'i bbe. a tit it st.
WANTED for U. . Army, aoie-oodesd. a
msmed men. between ssas of IS snd S3,
cltiseas of Inlted States, of I cod char
acter snd tempers!, habits. who
speak, read and writs the EnglUS la
uage. For Information apply 0h"',;
ln officer. Worceatar b.ock. Tblr4 ssa
Qsk streets. Portland. Or.
GOOD PAT. stesdy employment, plesssnt
work, with as old reliable company. Tha
work Is selling hlsh-rrade nursery stock,
snd we bate some good territory open.
Mate what territory you would like snd
writs at ones for particulars to Lock Box
asu, Portland. Oregon.
WANTED Man and wlfa for Janitor, no one
need apply eicept one who a I read r Is em
ployed at his trade throughout the day:
will give furnished ;l-rnom apartment, Hunt, water and sas for services, t all
at Harrlman Apt.. 161 2ta at. N. l'hons
Splendid opportunity for high-c.ass
conimtsstoii salesman to make big money
s-l:iti Estcrn manufacturers' lina direct
to drr goods and department stores. Room
113 Kothchr.d bldg.
EXPEniENCKD salesman for wholesale
plumbing supply house. Reply In own
han-lw rttltig. slating ae and experience.
1 nleia thoroughly ex jierlenccd In plumbing
supplies, do not apply. Address AO 14.
t.irrg on i sn.
WANTED Chlnamsn to sit on tables and
mko beds In boarding-house of 2U men;
salary 935 and board, railroad fare pAid
to r.arto; work easy. Address Box
Kugene. Or.
W A N T 1 LJ Thorough bookke.:r snd credit
men: must have had experience In credit
correspondence; give references: good aal-
rr and ateady position to right party.
Address O 1. Orrgonlsn. .
SALESMEN wanted Real estate. Insurance
men. slook salesmen preferred: unlimited
possibilities. 25 per cent commission. Room
a H First National llank. Fori Worth.
Tsx. :
EARN to 114 dally commission, ejliciuni
business firms for advertising b. otters .m.i
novelties: eperlen-e not neceaaary; long
or e.vvrl hours, costs nothing- to iryv Clyde
Printing Co.. 2t Madison.
MAN of good appearance to solicit for large
corporation: must be good talk"r snd am.
hltoua: salary and commission. Apply
after A. M T"1 Selling bldg.
OFfTck man for lumber office; must have
knowledge of bookkeeping and typewrit
ing. ACSl.Oregonln.
WANT ID falesmen to sell townslte lots: a
hustler can make good money; guarautes
to tight man. 2TsS Ptark st.
sTan for nlghtaatcri teat. must be neat
appearing, good weight snd height. 1
portlsnd Trust bldg.
EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors; spe
cial edition or contract work, three pub
lications, cash commission. Benediction
press. 24 Msdlson.
SALESMEN", attention If you can only de
vote part of your time can put you In s
position to make money. Ask for sales
manager at H 3d st-
LIVE salesmen wanted to Introduce an In
vention which purifies gas; It s a wonder.
173 Hawthorne ave.
FIRST-CLASS sauragemaker wanted: no
other need apply- Vancouser Packing Co,
Vancouver. Washington.
YYAN-TKD Two good live youns men to aell
real estate and solicit fire Insurance. CaJl
3 1 H Hon rd of Trade bldg.
MAN WANTED to learn Insurance business:
no. experience necesssry. S. 1. Vincent
Co.. t'hamber of Commerce blug.
IVI'NTHV printer for one-man shop; steady
position to reliable, competent man; wages
IV The Stsndard. Htsnfleld. or.
EXPERIENCED aclomoblle wood worker.
Columbia Carriage at Auto Works. 2v9
Front st.
l.AHl'KE KS for stone qusrry on Siuslsw
Rivar. oaar Florenes, Oregon: 15.25 per
day: long job. Apply at quarry.
W 4NTEr dalesman, c arable of handllrg
whisky tn bond on commission. Merchant.
V 1 0. Oregonlan.
W ANTED Toung man as shipping clerk snd
stock keeper: must hare experience: glvs
references. Address O 1. Orrgonlsn.
WANTED An intelligent Japanese boy for
ret-ond work. Apply Marshall.
WANTED Stock salesmen at 51 3d il Ask
for sales manager.
WANTED Hlgh-elsas salesman. Ask fos
Mr. Burton. 42'J Teon bldg.
GOOD, steady, all-around coos; $1.S per
ec. as si. mtrneioe si.
WANTED An Intelligent Jspsneee boy for
seeond work. Apply b Marshall.
BOY wanted with wheel who can do errands
and solicit on my trsrte. LlSTSsndy road.
BAP.BER-wlnted for Saturday. 205 Mad-
Iso St.
PHOTO coupon; best ersr offer: snap tea
' - . w atiuiiii nOM kiss.
BARBER wantsd for Saturdsy. lt5 N. th
. street.
1'MOTO coupon agta. best anap eeer offered.
Ronton Ktudlo. 42 Washington St.
HRHEK wanted. 2.".l Russell at.
F.AItHKH wanted for Satnrda. Seiei. First St.
Washington bldg.. 4th and Wash. SUA.
Main P'Ji or a uos
W ANTED Oirl to assist In housework snd
.sre of children. i.l- r.. win.
WANTED Woman for genersl housework.
Call Marshall 1S7 or A 1o7.
i;lP.L wanted for general housework In
sma'l family. Apply Urand sve.
WANTED Olrl for housework. Phono bell
s o.d 17i.
APPRENTICES wsnted at the Hair Store,
r.-w Sth st. l-arn the business.
Gl'U. or woman, general housework. Phono
v 2nsrt.
UIRL for general housework, on Council
. rsf: no cMldren. Phone A i!t.
:t ANTEIl iaiiy canvassers at 51 3d at.
sh for sales manager.
I V i r.KIKNi'KD second srtrl i wages 5iA. T15
Vo.-rt st. Phone Main ii0.
i.'AXTEli ciperstor on custom pants. 12S S
2d" s.. room 9.
Olltl.- wante.1 to help on taper work. SOI
Commonwealth bldg.
iTlTr.TM AKKKS anted. Columbia N'e.-k-
var M:. Co.. I'heonix bid . - otlx U WANTED FEMAI.K.
S cooks out of city. and : cbam
brniuld. out of rlty. : hous-km per.
S.'il; oaUreeec. second slrl. solicitor ana
clrl for crn.-ral houfework st good wages.
jJ l -H C I ' -
li." j SI orrlMOW.
lAlirfl I pi.
WANTFD i-ersrs! yon-ia- Isdlea batsreen
the ases of 18 and H for psrman-nt posi
tions. Apr'y tha P. T. T. Co Aider
St.. or 410 Last Ankany SL
EN'KRiiKTIi: oman wanted for sari'ial eilu
cttonal work in preparation for the 1lla
F.Tpoaitlon: teacher or club woman pre-f.-rrrd:
a-lary. Mrs. TV. It. Trusty.
.Monadnock bid.. San Francisco. CaJ.
TOl'NO ladv of refinement as bookkeeper
and ateuosrapher for local corpuration:
must be able to Invest In business; ood
salary: stale experience sod age. It HI.
WANTED A competent slenosrspher snd
ivplst on a s-p" machine: must be neat,
accurate, and educated: preference lven
to a lady of a literary mind. A 22".
GIRI. for general housework; must know
how to rook; two In family. 2ln Vista ave..
cor. Market at. drive. Portland Heights
WANTED tilrl for genersl housework:
must be sn experienced cook: no upstslrs
work. 14 Melinda ve.. head of Johnson
snd iSth sts.
W AN TFD Sm s 1 1 choms girls for rcf.ned
muslcsl comedv company: no objection to
imiuiira. Call liager's Theater. Vancou
ver. Wash.
YOI NO liidv. nest sppesrance and business
tact, to handle a sperlsl work; must be
able to meet public: good salary. Apply
7m Selling h'ria.
A girl for genersl housework: must o
willing to work snd a good cook. 22
WANTED Neat, refined woman for general
house w-ork In country home; reference.
.partm-nl 21. -J,- th st
FIRST-CLASS aecond girl: must bs good
waitress: slrl preferred. Apply
at 147 North 17th st. '
WANTED A competent cook to do general
housework, willing to go to the beach.
Mn Pettlgmve. near 21th St.
WANTED An elderly lady to work for room
snd board: small wsges. Call 111 N. iih
st rest.
COMPETENT slrl for scncrsl housework:
must be good cook. East 3J96. 341 East
th N.
4iUi wsshlngton St.. wr. Tib. upsisarv
Phone Msln 2691.
WILL pav $10 per month snd give use of
tvpewrlter to girl to snswer telephone.
I'hon Msrshsll 4. -
TWO wsltresee. country. fsre; cooks,
cam hotel I0; chstnbermalils.
liiocs Indies' Agency, Zt. 270 4 Wash.
WWTED Ladv to lake charge of rooming-house,
iocii Philadelphia, st.. .-t.
Johns. Or.
OPFRVTOR wanted on bnltoniiolc machine
Columbia Neckwear Mf. Co.. Phoenix
bWI g . ha ! h st.
KA.vUb . toned, csparie woman for . e
sponsible position. Vise! Co.. 0 Us:)
cntld bldg- 4th snd Washington.
K T refined woman housekeeper, widow
er's fsmllv. Astoria. S2U. St. Louis Agen
cy. ;.".S , Alder. Main 2IV.K. A 47T".
W A NTED Woman for general housework:
mu-t be experienced: aagca. $:i&. l'hons
Marshall 11.
WANTED Uirl for general housework. Irv
incton; references required. Csll East
OlnL for second work; references required.
Apply S I North 2-'iU. Mrs. Wllllstn Osd
slry. Csll morning.
WANTED A girl for dining-room at 193
12th and vorlson sis.
51 AN or woman understanding general ac
counts (any bookkeeper) can have ex
reptional opportunity for large or small
Investment, ail atates open, guarantees llfs
Income. Estsbllshed 14 yesra. with Urge
revenue. Porllsnd office opened. Best ref
erences. For particulars address P. O.
Itox 3.
HEX WANTED Acs II to IS, to prspars
for firemen or orskemsn. nearby rail
road a to lis monthly. Kxperlsoco un
a eaaary; no atrtks; promotion engineer
o conductor. 15e to $Jt munihly; good
l:f careers: stato ags; sand stamp, stsjl
ay Association. Boa . OrsyoBlaa.
M tK aa-t women to Wars the barbae trade
m sight weeka; apecia: Indaoaiaenta; por
res lass paid while learning; tools f reel
expert Instructors; IT yaars la tha boal
aasa: ( schools; a lUetiroo meaoorsn! to oaca student. Molar baisor Col
lets, li N. Fourth st- Portland. Or.
BARBERS Ststa Board of Examiners of
Oregon w'll be In sesssion In this city at
ltlT Va First St. April 2H-3t and May 1. for
the purpose of Issuing annual renewal
cards to licensed barbers snd apprentices;
ail renewal cards expire April 30. 191:4.
T. M. Lea bo. secretary.
NUMBER young roe a sirs wanted by rail
roads In telegraph anil station, service;
positions paying 75 to lau per month.
For particulars csil or address Iclegrapk
Dept., Commonwealth bloats Oth and
keuy sts.
RAiLWAI mall elerka, prepare bow. ea
oellent aalarlas and promotions; no lay
offs, sure psy; free book. Call today, i'a-
clflc btates bclaool. McKay bids-. city.
WANTED Oood buetness Isdy or gentleman
to act aa secretary In corporation; must
take some interest, good salary paid. 1112
fcTKNOGR APHEItH. any sstem. beginners
or advanced, quickly speeded and placed
In positions. 03U Worcester block. Mar
shall 2T61.
TOU arc wanted for Government Job, J
month. Bend postal for list positions open.
Franklin Institute. Dept. US Ow Rosaastsr.
N. Y.
IIaKI money writing sheet atones, or to
tapers; big pay; troo booklet tolls bow.
nlled Press byndlcata. flan rrsncisso.
HALF soles seeed or nailed on while you
wait. 3uc. Evans American Shoo Store.
224 Morrison st.
INU. stsndard systema Positions scoured.
ti per month. 3tM 14th at. Main Usui.
W AN 1 ED Piature play writers, big pa,
we'll teach you- Flcturo Flay A saooia
lion, San Francisco.
bookkeeping. 2 Hamilton bldg. Mar. 42SS.
schools and teachers. 41 Bwetlaad bids.
Bsok keepers and Cleraa.
e bp books, prepare bslances and state
msata, lnstsll systema OliUnghara. aa
dltor. 411 Lewie bldg. Marshall T17.
lOl'XG msn 4211. thorough business ex
perience, eeeks Position as ssleeman. col
lector, stenographer or clerk: best of rec
ommendatlons. a 23. Oregonlan.
WATC HM AK Kit. who also la thoroughly ex
pertneed Je-eler and salesman, desires po
sition. Address E. J. F-. 2M Msln St.
FIRST-CLASS bookkeper and office msn
wsnts position; lumber business preferred.
E 22. Oregonia-K
M hvrella neons.
A M 1 DDLK-A'lED msn of atead habits
wsnts csre of suburban place, expert gar
dner: references Y 2ft, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED auto repair man wishes
steady employment. Phono B 3781.
J PANFE student, evening, housework.
5:3' to 7. Shlndo. 12T North 12th st.
JAPANESE, experienced cook, wishes po
sition In fsmlly. S 22. Oregonlsn.
TiAVfEll Slsshlug or powder work, by CI
perlenced man. P a. Oregonlan.
WINLH-iW washing. houeccleanlng. floora
waxd and ,ished. phone Sellwood 1 121.
1VANTEI-J young msn. experienced fire
man, or night wat.-bnisn. W 4. Oregonlan.
WANTED To contract carpenter work, fin
ishing preferred, phone A 204.
MACHINIST, all around, wsnts work, modsl
snd f.iperlniental. V 8. Oregonlan.
JATANEME COl'PLE wants position tn fsm
llv. K Oregonlan.
UHl' KI-Cl'KK wsnts cliimneis to build. S
4, Ureoninsn.
Up-to-dste tool deeUner. with 12 years
XP'Tlence as machinist and fHe years as
tool d,-signer. desires posilll'n as assist
ant superlntendciaj or general foiemn in
manufacturing erfneern In or near Port
land: have bad experience handling men:
sn increase in production at a minimum
cost Is guaranteed. Address AF 2H. Ore
SOI'NG nin. :la. 12 years' New 1 rk bnei
ns exp-rlence In Incandescent lempa,
elw-trlcal. mining snd railwav supplies,
seeks responsible position on Psdnc Coast
ss office msnagcr or secretary with repu
tablo firm wliere reliability and Integrity
are reqult'les: spenks French snd
man. A.s-e Frank Norbert. 7 Maiden
l.ane. New Y"rk. N. Y.
til Second St.. Corner Salmon.
Women's Dennrtmsnt. 14S Salmon.
All classes of unskilled, skilled, profes
sional snd clerical male and female help
furnished on short notice. No fee charged,
Pbooe Main 4. A e,I4.
BY prufe.slonsl gardener and foreman, hon
est and reliable, open for permanent posi
tion, where full charge is given; would
take place on neiv establishment to la
out new gnrden: experience In an
branches, tinier glass and out of doors, r
2". Oref-oniSII. .
WANTED Position In estsbllshed lew firm
or In real estate office, by attorney: .T
years' practice in Oregon. Object clianKC
of location. Address C. J. Curtis. Astoria.
LAUNDRY msn of 14 yesra' experience de
sires position as manager or superinten
den:.; prsctlcsl In every depsrtment from
office to boiler-room: will go snywheis.
R 2. Oregonlan.
LAWNS Now- is the time to make your new
lawn or -.seed the old one; reasonable
l.rloee. Fred W. Bullock. 310 Teon bldg.
Marshsll 21 .1.
WHAT have you lo offer In exchange for
S feet h ln hi-a of good hustle? Am good
salesman: also good collector; good refer
enoes. E Oregonlnn.
JAPANESE couple wish positions In hotel
or rooming-house to do Janitor or cham
ber work; long experience. E 21. Ore
itElNWORCKD CONCRETE engineer snd
building superintendent: references; stran
ger In city; csn go snywhere. V 21. Ore
gonian. W ANTED Position In a grocery or provi
sion business with chance for an Interest
If satisfactory. V 24. Oregonlan.
PASTRIES and bread work wanted by com
petent mnn. town or country; highest ref-
- . , L'.ph. s
EXPERIENCED wood-cutters want to take
contrsct to cut cordwood. Address AF 24,
Oregonlan. -
WANTED U.n work, spsdlng. leveling,
seeding; satisfaction guaranteed. Phons
East 1'".1.
WANTED Tosltlon with logging Ural op
erating railroad as construction nnd track
man, reference. A 21. Oregonlan.
LANDSCAPE gardener, desires steady posi
tion, long experience recommendations.
"W . Oregonlan.
POSITION on road by salesmsn fsmlllar
with Esstern Oregon and Southern Idaho.
O tiregonlan.
yOl'NO man, no bad habits, wants to learn
baker's trade. !n or sround Portland. Ad
dress psrtlculars to box V3- Sllverton. Or.
YOUXJ msn. live wire, openetor rirst-cisss
business proposition. S . Oregonlan.
AI'TO mechanic desires position as driver,
repairman: city reference, s 5. Oregonlan.
BOY of 111 would like work of any kind.
W". Garner. ;I32 Gllsan st.
Beekkeeoere and ritenographera.
LADY aienographer. employed, desires work
In private family evenings and Sundays.
In v exchange for room snd two meals.
Willing worker. F 24. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper or assistant
bookkeeper wishes position with reliable
Arm: references given and required, l'lions
Marshall I'iM.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper with knowledge
of stenography snd eaahiering wanta office
sunt. Address 14? Porter at,
EXPEK1ENCKD office girl with some knowl
edge of typewriter d-sires permanent po
sition; references. AD 10, Oregonlan.
COMPETENT stenographer, with general
office experience, desire position. Phono
Marshall 33.
POSITION wanted by stenographer, some
experience; salsry no objecu Tsbor 2S10.
COMPETENT dressmaker -wanta family
work' $2.50 per day. Can make 2 tub
dresses per day; vory best of references.
Phone B ii3.
MRS. NEAL. the dressmaker. Is now located
147 Lonsdale at.; will be pleased to meet
her many friends snd customers. Csll or
F. FRIENDS. hlsh-Brads ladles' tailoring,
riding habits. 36 Central bldg.. loth and
A I.-- Uh... Xa-ball SnlS.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker would like sew
ing bv day; reference. Address "Sewing.
7i'4 Mlsslss I p pi ave.. city.
DRKSSMA K 1.NIT. tailor-mada skirts, by day
or at home. Marshall ISM).
MATERNITY nurse would Ilka a few mors
cases; 9 vesrs' experience. Address 8..
room 6, ASVs Grand sve., Portlsnd. Or.,
Phone East 2i-M.
ORADUATE nurse wishes office position;
seciul experience In surgicsl snd X-ray
work. Address S. B.. 11 14th St.
BY tno nsrscs, more esses, or will do dsy
sir night nursing. Msln 4461
KXPEKI KNCEU nursegirl w ants position;
reference. Sellwood 14M1.
HOSPITAL. NURSE would llko any kind of
nursing. Phone East .1172.
EXPERIENCED girl desires care Infant or
child. S:. Louis Agency. Main 2ii"!. A 47."i.
Hoosestee Mils
EXPERI ENCI7D. capable woman would like
position as housekeeper In flrst-olass ho
tel or managing apartment house; thor
oughly reliable. Phons Main 23:10. Apart
ment fi.
COMPETENT woman wanta position as
housekeeper. H. VI I Sirnmiin ave.
GIRL wishes light housework. 3W2 N. 20th
KIKST-CLASS wontan housekeeper or cars
Invalid. Main 30.1H. A 477V
COMPETENT middle-aged women wants
geiieisl housework. T 23. Oregonlan.
ENERGETIC young Isdy wishes a position
In a wholesale house; good penmnn: want
a chance to work up to a responsible posi
tion. Lulu Erlckaon. 4S6S 03th st. S. E..
THOROUGH, tactful business woman would
i;ks yeeponslble position where keen Inter
est In the business will be appreciated.
Phone Marshall 3144 or writs D 24, Ore
gon Ian.
TWO experienced glrla want situation as
cook snd waitress out of city; rather In
same family. Csll 2 Freemont sL Phons
Woodlawn 4.
GERMAN woman wants work by the day,
washing and cleaning, 2..C Call Main
i77 1. room 6.
COMPETENT colored woman wxnts work
for Friday and Saturday. Call Marshall
4564. ,
HOUSHSKEEPF.RS. cooks, "waitresses, second
girls chambermaids, nurses. St. Ixiils
A gencr. g.VI Alder. Main 203". A 4i 73.
I WOULD like place to do work by the
dv or by the week. Sarah Mallory. Main
1 I T In N' wanted as office girl, dentist or
physician preferred. AJ 7. Oregonlan.
LACE curtains lsundered. 25c up; tlrst
class. quick service. Tsbor 317.
EXPERIENCED girl wsnts work by hour
Tuesdnys and Frldsy. Phone Main 72i".
CVPAbl-12 woman, flay work, washing, iron
' n g. cleaning, cooking. Main 2i-'l". A 477V
LADY wishes sweeping, clesnlng. ironing,
etc. Call all week. Main 7S2. room 2Q.
WOMAN wanta work for Saturday; refer-
ences. Woodlawn 1611.
BEST of care for children In private home.
Sellwood 4H.
COMPETENT woman wsnts day work. Ta-
b'or i1.
WASTED Houeecleanlng by day or hour.
Call B T4S7. room 14
AGENTS Ocean's greatest tragedy; gigan
tic ateaxnshlp Titanic goes to the bottom
en her maiden trip: multl-mtlllonalree,
authors, statesmen and immigrants shsrs
the same watery grave: our great book,
profusely Illustrated, will tell sll ths
thrilling storv with personal accounts of
heroic self-sacrlfiee. mervelous escapes
snd terrible sufferings: be first In the
field snd resp a golden harvest: liberal
commlss-on: prospectus now resdy: outfit
free; send Inc to cover cost of mailing.
The Thompson Pub. Co.. St. Louis. ,Mo.
il-o GUARANTEED, commission besides,
for O devs' work. C W. Wells. Stewart
Station. Mt. Scott line. Tabor .
WANTEI--1.h" agents for vacuum reanr.
Just put on mrst. XpPly K- W. McDon
ald, room 40s. 22 T H Washington sb
ffA-tTBiwcww. , : a7..-,.; a.
3 TO $5 s dav money every night; some
thing new. 613 Beck blilg.
WANTED TO RENT S or S-rooin house,
modem conveniences. cood yard, some
fruit or garden, if possible; good neighbor
hood: must be close to .".-cent carllne. It
pUe suits, will lease. State full particu
lars. E. B. MacNaughton, Concord
bH ;. .
WiMEU In either lrvlngton. Piedmont or
Willamette Helciits. n unfurnished B or
li-ruom modern hmio or bunnalnw of moil
crate rent. In reply state particulars. AL
2:1. Oreuonlnn.
WANTED Bungalow on Oregon City 'l"e.
furnished or unfurnished. S 24. Orc
goiii;in. t
IF you wl-h to rent your houpe or flat see:
3iu SpaMIng Bldg. Main i ,'.i-
WANTED to rent. ll to 2-room residence
siilt.tble for roomers. P IP. Oregoniap.
Booms WD h I spam.
WANTED Board and lodelm lor need lady
ri-quinnc some care; iocation south Havi
thorne and west of lth St. preferred, Ad
nrpi. X 2'. Oregonlan. .
ROOM and board In vicinity of Laurelhurst;
must have phone. AF 21. Oregonian.
Fnrnlahed Rooma
Now Open.
113 Rooms
Now Open.
Seventh anil Taylor Sts.
Residential and transient: absolutely
central; two minutes from Postofnce.
stores, thestrrs and restaurants: Just off
business streets and rarllnea: quietest and
best location; tandsoms brick. ample
stesm hes:. hot running water and phone
la every room, suites and prlvats hatha
elevator. Repuutblo and comfortaoia
From 76c dally. 54 weekly. Any car roa
Grand and Ha thorns Avenues.
For rent, the finest corner, psrlor, bea
room and bath suite In ths city, lares
rooms, beautifully furnished, nine win
dows, fine view of all the mountains. Also
some single rooms, elevator service, tele
phone, hoi and cold water, electrlo light
and steam heat; moderate prices for de
sirable tenanta Eight streetcar Unci pass
the building. If you are looking for
permanent, home-like quarters, be suro
snd Inspect the Bsrgent before locating.
Excellent restaurant In connection wltn
hotel. Telephone Enst 28L
Those three beautifully furnished hote.s
. 211V 4th st 211H 4th St. 307H 4th sL
On Fourth St., running from Taylor to
Salmon at.: brand-new brick: elegsntly
furnished, stesm heat, private baths, hot
and cold water In all rooms; strictly np
to dsts In all respects, and at popular
prices. If you want something oat of ths
ordinary, in tbs heart of the city, at rea
sonable price, give us a call, as ws know
you will like It. Rooms by ths day, wss
or month. Tourist trsds solicited.
425 Washington St.
Under New Management
Large lobby, finished in mshngany. tils
snd marble; ladies' parlor with olc-ant
fireplace; free telephone service In rooms,
all nigiit and day, electric elevator, stesm
best, hot and oold water In sll rooms,
niany with bath. A residential hotei above
reproach, where every effort Is made for
the comfort and convenience of Its gues'-s;
rents ths most reasonable In the city;
rooms by the day, week or month. Look
this over before locating. Take W car
at depot, get off at ltfth and Washington.
Week $2 and up; transient 50c and up.
Are vou getting rooms like ours' If
not. change: sll outside rooms; hot and
cold water in each room, steam heat
and bath; also housekeeping rooms.
HEX, 54KC, Washington st
Ill Eleventh Street.
New, modern brick building: st-ara-seated,
prlvats baths, bot and cold water
In rooma; beautifully furnished, cosy, com
Sortabls. renc reasonabls. call and ses
vs. Regular and transient trsds solicited,
HOTEL LA SALLE.- 10th and Bumside sta
Absolutely fireproof: new and elegantly
furnished rooms; prlvats baths, stsara
beat, hot and cold water, private phones
In each room; special rates by ths month:
phone sarvlcs tree. Phons Marshall 404.
HOTEL REN WICK An Ideal boms for busi
ness people; centrally located; elsgaal
rooma; all modern conveniences; Tin ass
Taylor sts., 1 block from Portlsnd Hotel,
opposite Belllg Theater. Phons Mala ma
Ons block from Union Depot: 140 ontsflda
rooms, with bot and cold water and steam
beat; off era soeclal rates for permanent
guests; rates 0c to 12 a day; $3.69 asd
up per week. Phone Main 5413.
11th and Stark.
Hpeclal rates on rooms, with or without
batn; all modern conveniences; no extra
charge for phone or service.
lOStt Twelfth St. Marshall H7M.
In heart of business district; steam beat,
bot and cold water, free phono la sverjj
room; (1 day and up; 14 week and up.
THE ALEXANDER. 131H Tenth, corner
Alder St., convenient to the business dis
trict and all theaters; well furnished
rooms for transient or pormanont, 52.50
a week up: under new management.
CALUMET MOTEL. HI) Pari iui tins
rooms, hot and cold water, steam boat,
elevator and all modern conveniences; Hi
per month and up. quiet and curaXorabla
THE LANDORE 2S& 10th. near Jefferson,
lrge. light, airy rooms, hot and cold
water, clean, rospcctable. for business
women. Best In cily tor price.
Large pleasant front looms, eaay walk
ing distance, all home conveniences, li,
ia.jO to 54 per week. 32s 4th St. Main 65Hi.
siOTEL NORR1S, modern conveniences.
$3 oj to fd week. OiiJ ft Alder, corner
nth. ;
LEWISTON Hotel. 271 H Morrison, cor. 4th;
large, airy rooma. single and suites, tran
sient and permanent. 50c day up.
DO-YOU want a good room in a good loca
tion at a low rate? Try Hotel Larrabve,
"7, Larrabeu St., walking distance.
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
NICELY furnished room in private home,
suitable for couple or two young ludies
employed; use of rangu if desired.
Beech st. Woodlawn car.
LOVE LY well-furnished parlor, closet, lire
place and every convenience, in new, mod
ern home, with or without kitchen priv
ilege. BH214, Everett at.
BEAUTIFULLY' furnished room In pleas
ant apartment, auitable for married couple,
or one or two ladles, with or without
piano. Phone Main ,"i3:ai.
TRAVELER'S wife has two elegantly fur
nished rooms, modern. Nob Hill, apart
ment for ladles, reasonable, walking dis
tance. Marshall 1123.
1SOB HILL. ! month, neatly furnished
room for one or two gentlemen ; phune.
bath, electric lights. 121 N. 23d st.
WELL- FU RN 1SH ED room, prltate family:
references. Phone Marshall 1010. 245 N.
23d. .
PLEASANT, light, clean room for 1 or 2;
closet every convenience, in new. modern
home reasonable. 6112 H Everett at.
g.y BEAUTIFULLY furnished, large room.
In moderwhome, every convenience, walk
ing dletanre. Il E. ftth. phone East 143.
NICELY furnished front room, also attio
rooni. 67 Trinity Place, bet. lth and 20th.
TWO nicely furnished rooms, single or ea
suite: close in. 325 7th.
ALDER-GRAND Nice, clean rooms. 52 up.
121 '.s Grand ave.
ROOM for a gentleman in a strictly private
.lowlsh fnmily. Phone Marshall I7S2.
NICELY' furnished room, close In, private
family. Phone Main 1104.
FURNISHED rooms, 11.50 to $5 rao. No. 2
North 14th. Free phone and bath.
1 kg NTLY furr.iehed rooma. strictly mod
ern. Nob AM. MarshallB236.
LARGE-front room, nicely furnished, 112.
73 Irving. Marshall 4554.
ROOMS, cloae In, at a low rata 513 Johnson
ROOM in modern private home. 41( Park
TWO large furnished rooms for rent; reason
able. :l."0 Chapman st.-
ONE nice room, walking distance. 449 6lh
SEVERAL verv nice furnished rooms, two
connected, hot and cold water. 211 12lh.
ill-rNORTH 17TH Nlctlv furnished room,
modern- conveniences, reasonable rent.
iTicELY furnished rooms at 51.75 per week
up: also transients. 122 12th st.
Cufurnished Rooms.
TWO unfurnished rooms for business or
eeping purposes. 421 Broadway.
' Rooms With Board
ELEGANT room, la. lng the park. A-l board.
Tl-ira HA7. EL FumUhed rooms with board,
. k. . . . ICS 1A mt
running Waier. rieoo, -w
ROOMS with boatd, 713 Flanders. 41. 1S47. j
I HIMJ HIS 1 iiu Dun I
Corner West Park and Montgomery sis.
Family boardlnu-housc, richly furnished
and running water In all rooms, private
baths, private purK. and faces a large pub
lic park; a homeliko place with a view
that Is unsurpassed in any city; rates
ranging from S3.", to S100 a mo.-itlu Call
snd we are at your service. Phone Main
37t3. 3S0 Montgomery st.
DOES a boms appeal to ooT THE WHITS
HALL, cor. (lb and Madison; large rooma
bath, broad veranda, quiet, close In. near
car. 4 blocks from P. O. American plan.
Attractive, clean rooma steam bos:,
good board, close In, reaaonabla
THE LAiTBERSON. 5.'e Couch St., very de
sirable outsido rooms, steam n-eat. ruu-
nlng water. Kood board, close in.
Booms with board, use of sewing-room, II-
brary. 810 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, snpt
ROOM and. board for young women. 3 per
week, new house, with all conveniences.
No. 12 K. 7th bt. Smith.
" Booms With Board In Private Families.
VERY desirable rooms. With hot and cold
Vunning water, bath and shower adjoin
ing, with slecpins porch, home cooking, z
minutes' walk to csr and 10 minutes
walk to Washington st. 725 Prospect drive.
Portland Heights. Main 1057.
FURNISHED rooms, with or without board;
f1rit-cla homo cooking: everything new ;
iarsc airy rooms; terms very Ion.
Everett st.
ROOM and board in priva;e family, for
Kintleman and wife; privilcco of btilh.
yard, excellent table board. l-isi i.arllelil
ave. ' .
ROOMS with breakfast In a beautiful Sum
mer home. 12 minutes out on Oregon City
line. Sellwood 10H2.
LARUE, weil furnished front room, modern
conveniences; close In. West Side; "est
home cooking: very reasonable. Main .l-1"'.
COMFORTABLE room, good board, walk
I11K distance, home comforts; ," week.
East 4240.
ATTRACTIVE - rooms, with breakfast and
dinner In private family, half block to
car. walking distance. Phono Mar,
rtiuiu uhh board tn nrivate family, home
La privileges; residence district; walking dis-
tnnoe. jti r.sL jm j-.q--.
FlKST-i'LASS board and room, home priv
ileges, everything modern. 55:: East Couch
10 PLEASANT front rooms for two: $4
clean, new. modern house, single beds. 8
17th. near Everett
DESIRABLE room, walking distance. Iion'e
cooking, near Multnomah Club. Marshall
ROOM and board for 1 or 2 gentlemen, close
in. phone East 4:123.
SINGLE and double rooms, excellent table;
prices moderate. 33 North 17th.
PI.KASANT rooms, single or en suite; exce,
lent board. 656 Gllsan.
ROOM with connecting bedroom, excellent
board, porches snd grounds. Main 2071.
4, S, -room apartments; select tenancy.
Appiy on premises.
GRANDEST A furnished apartments. Oranl
ave and East Stark: new brick building.
t rooma splendidly furnished, with pri
vsts bsth. 127.60; electrlo elevator; mod
ern conveniences; close-in location; easy
walking distance; best of service.
6TT CROIX Apartments, St. Clair sL. near
Wsanlngton; 2 and 3-room apartmenta
with private bath, furnished and unfur
nished; superb location, eaay walking dis
tance brick building; convenient arrange
ment. best of service and very low renta
Hoyt; 4 rooms and bath, private balcony,
new brick building, electrlo elevator, su
perb location. In walking distance; moat
convenient arrangement, low rent aud bait
of service.
Nicely furnished. 3 rooms, 125; all out
side large, light, airy rooms, private
plio'tie and bath, gas range, refrigerator,
va,ter boater, laundry trapi. lare closets,
on carllne, East blue. Tahor 22'.i:. B .'Q41.
14th and Clay streets.
Splendid locstlon, solid brick balldlna,
electric elevator; ws have unfurnished 1
and 4-room suites, with private vestibules.
pnones. pp..,.
1 til'. T .3 I " " ' ' -
410 5th st. Five minutes walk, brick
building, nicely furnished 3-room apart
ments, private bath. phone. elevator;
127.50 and up. Main 207K. A 203S.
a. room apartment, choice residence dis
trict, wslklng distance, every convenience.
2ist and Flanders sta Main 7516.
WINSTON Apartments. S41 14th st.. at
erkst; new corner brick; all bright, out
side rooms; S and S-room suites com
pletely furnished for housekeeping; ;3 to
27.60. For information call Main 1723.
All outside, 2-room apurtmcnts; Holmes
beds, built-in writinjr desks, vacuum clean
er lanltor service; 2250 to $30. including
Mghts, private phones. A 3i72, Main 137i.
RENT May 1 6-room sunny apart
ment, all outside rooms, 3 bedrooms, ver
anda and sleeping porch, fine neighbor
hood, Clifton apartments. 7u Irving st.
Phone Main 53S3. A 2778.
r- n-PJ'PL'AI A O A T7 T VI V VT C
Just completed, corner lid and Hall; all
"-room furnished apts., large outside
kitchens, best arranged apts. in Portlaud.
!'5 and up. Easy walking distance.
11th and Clay; 2-room, apartments, fur
nlshsd. with private bath; all conve
niences; good service: easy walking dis
tance; very reasonable rents.
Fora st.. near Washington; select resi
dence district; a 4-room apartment, with
balconj ; au V- u--.--..
a:,HI tmeiiis. -'"" .
JUKT completed, Portnomah Apts.. Soti Tay
lor cor. ISth. 2. :!. 4 and 6-room unfur
nished apts., walking distance, every mod
ern convenience, homelike, quiet, porches
and yard, moderately priced.
,lB Dest of service; desirable location,
wlthw unexcelled car service; also easy
walking olstance; 5-room apu, with bath,
modern conveniences, very reasonable rent.
tiful Summer home; furnished and unfur
nlslied apartments, $16 to 125. Take M!a
aisslpyl or L car. get off at Killiugsworth
ave. x-u"" -
NVLY furnished 2, :t. 4 rooms, 122.50
a 40; single rooms 13 up; free llcht.
hones, heat, hot and cold water, electric
levator. Marshall -.VJ7.
New. modern building; new furniture;
3-room apartments; walking distance, or
best car service.
East 7th and Morrison, most centrally lo
cated; 2 and S-room apartments, fur
lushed up to date; private baths; moder
ate rates.
AT the Cumberland, West Park and Colum
bia sta, a 3-room. well furnished apt.,
for 3 months, choice location, reasonable
rent to rignt parties, rteierencea required.
THE FLORENCE New and absolutely
first-class S and 4-room furnished apart
ments. 12.60 "P. 5i 11th st. Marshall
THE MEREDITH. 712 Washlngtca at.. 2,
3 and 4-room apts., hardwood lloora, with
every convenience, newly iurnixiied; cheap,
est rent in the city.
NORTHAMPTON, 407 Hall at. Main 4299.
Birmingnam. 390 12tli st. Marshall 484
a rooms, nicely furnished. 525 up; wlk
lng distance
Park and Madison sta
For rent. 3 and 4-roo:n furnished and
uniurnislied apartments, strictly modern.
BAN MARCO APTS., E. oth and CouclTH
New brick, private baths and phone a
rooms, corner, i-'o- Phone E. 2751.
the DAVENPORT Newly furnished"- 3
. room apt., private bath and phone; reas
onable. Main 6435. 505 Jefferson.
BJcUIlAND. 16th Lovejoy Unfurnished.,
itrontj; modern, new brick; must be seen
ta b appreciated. Mam 1SB7. A 17.
THE DAVENPORT Newly f urnlshedrooiiis
bath and phone, 12 to 115. Main S4;;5. 505
THE ORMONDE, modern apartment, 4 nice'
llaht rooma gas range, refrigerator, tele
phone. iM Flanders. Nob Hill. Main S251.
Furnished and unfurnlsiied apartments.
(It Lovejoy st. Take "W" car.
THE GUILD APTS Between 23d and 24th.
- Thurman and Vaughn. 1 3-room apt,
els.50; one 3-room. $22.50.
4 and a rooms; modern.
LOVEJOY APTS.. 17th and Lovejoy Two
and t hree-roomf urn ished apartments.
juOaETTB Furnished and unfurnished 1
rooma Corner 3d and Montgomery.
J53 Harrison Su Phone Marshall 3070.
'POOH alignment, partly furnished, new,
rriod-rn. 2:'4 East lsih. cor. Main.
the ELM 2 and 3-room apts.. furnished
beat, phone and bath. 191 14th st,
Two and 3-rnom apartments, well-fur-liiihod
eheerful ard thoronirlily clean at
mo.; REASONABLE RATES consistent
with thehir many advantages. Comfort
able beds 1 no wnll beds I ; unusually fine
closet room: HOT and cold water: re-,
.'riseralors. Beautiful view from many
Wide balls; elevator service; laundry
with steam dryer and. best modern
715 Wiivjii- sL. n-ar Kln?,
Six large rooms (.1 b.'drooms). aDi"l'"
men'.; all built-in conveniences, magnifi
cent v?ev. walklns distance; rent $50.
livl 24lll St. North.
NJ.v modern 4-roorn apartments. nil
liElit rooitis and. built-in conveniences ;
free Hsbt. heat, etc.: rent 145 and up..
Rent from us now and get the alvan
tniie of the Summer rates throughout the
yea r.
Citv Departmcn'.
rxi.. L-cvn A .lAI'tlftS CO..
Main iin
1-18 '5th St. A 2flT.
12th and Harrison.
Now ready for tenants, 2 and 3
room apartments, living rooms 1BX
20 high and sightly; well furnished
with everything that goes to inar-o
high-class apts.; 11th or lS:n-s .
Marshall and 19th.
T-arge. airy . 3 and 4-room spart
mcnts; quiet and exclusive neljUoor
hood. NOKOMIS.
Marshall, near 17th St.
NEW. Attractively
room apartments
bachelors. furnished.
Cor. Park and Taylor sts.
Cor. Tenth and Salmon sta.
Walking Distance.
Forntshed complete. 2. 8 and -tx
apartments; buildings new and strlotiy
modern; servlcs Xlrst-clasa
stone palav of luxurious iiome.
T'lace 1,'ween Tilth and 2Hh streets. Just
off Washington; magnificent exclusive
apartments in heart of apartment-house
district; rentals reasonable: every modern
convenience: sleeping porches. nicn-c,
service: refined clientele; references re
ouired in all cases; two beautifully fur
J,...i .,-uIHhlH Mac 1. Mrs.
X " riRIll, superirueiiueai.. ...
ill 1101. ,
Most up-to-date apartment tn ths
Northwest; every convenience; 4 and 0
rooms, all outside sunny rooms; new:
walking distance. 21st and Johnson sts.,
choice residence district; attendant on
premises. Marshall 3360. m
Jefferson and 13th sts.
3. 4 and 5-Rooni Apartments.
1 "nf uruished.
Excentlnnally Low Summer Rates.
Janilor Service Unexcelled.
New. Strictly Modern.
Phone Main ;16S.
THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sta.
this new 4-story brick now open; tur
nished and unfurnished In 2. and -ro
suites; reception hall, electric automatlo
elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built
in buffet and writing desk, gas range. ICS
box, plentr of closet rooms, both phones,
vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you
want something nice, como to the. Barker.
1 3-room basement apartment, llo. Phones
A 1741, Marshall 2961.
12th and Taylor.
Just completed, most magnificently foe
Btshed apartments In the Northwest; loca
tion perfect; rentals reasonable: every
modern convenience. Including banQuel
hall and roof garden; both phones In a).
. apartments; high-class service: reforencea
required Ma.u 2276 and A 7057.
bia, 4 blocks south from Morrison St.:
it brick building, completely first-class
furnished In 2. S and 4-room family apart
ments- private bath, steam heat, hot wa
ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner,
lanltor service; rent per month. 12a. J
$40 snd up; must bs seen to be appre
ciated t
644 Everett at.
New and elegantly furnished apart
ments; 3 rooms, reception hall and sleep
' leg-porch; automatic electric elevator and
private pacific telephone; located In one
of the choicest residence district sur
rounded by elegant homes; walking dis
tance. .
IN SMALL, well-kept apartment-house, 6
minutes' walk from Morrison st.
Ono very large, well furnished 4-room
apartment, on first floor.
One email, airy furnished apartment of
4 rooms, first floor.
Ono 2-room apartment, light anl commo
dious. on third floor. 848 4th St.
IT0 Ford at.. Just south of Washington;
most complete, highest class apartments
ever built In Portland: finished through
out In bardwood; tiled baths, superb fixtures-
elegant wall coverings; each with
private balcony: highest clasa servlca;
very reasonable renta; 4 and 5-room
apartments: most conveniently arranged.
704 Lovejoy St.
Under new management : new, modern
brick. 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, fur
nished or unfurnished: we will rent you
apartments 25 per cent cheaper than any
place In the city; good Janitor service.
Give UB a call and be convinced. Mar. 2016.
King and Washington sts., now ready.
New 6-story reinforced concrete build
ing, only fireproof apartment-house la
Portland; every possible convenience, elec
tric elevator, best of service, private bal
conies, easy walking distance; 2. 3. and
4-room apartmenta, $22.5t up.
15th and Everett Sts.
New management; 2. 3. 4 or 5-room un
furnished apartmenls. Tiie best apart
ments in the city for the money; they
have all modern conveniences, are close
In. neat and homelike. Don't fail lo
'inspect theni berofe locating.
HARRIMAN APTS, 164 24th ST. N.
Two 4-room apts.. furnished and un
furnished, with two disappearing beds
in each.
One 5-robm apt, furnished, with 2 bed
rooms; also two disappearing beds in each
nnd two large porches, etc.
4-ROOM apartment with private bath S35;
all outside rooms, splendid view; modern;
convenient arrangement; superb location;
close to Posloflice; also S-room apartment;
best of service. Tiie Sheffield, 7th and Jef
' e r s o n sts.
Lucretla St., Near 23d and Wash.
Unturnishod apartments, from two to
five rooms, all large, light and outside;
large closets, hardwood lloors; under new
management. Mar-hall 1513. Janitor, Mar
ahall 15J0.
570 Couch. 1 block lrom Washington,
walking distance, 3 and 4-room modern
apartments, ste'um heat, electric elevator,
hot and cold water, telephone, janitor
service: references required. Main 1102.
2, 3 and 5-room apartments, furnished
or unfurnished; good service. Apply on
premises to janitor. Both phones.
GRACE APTS., 797 Northrup sU corner
24th. 5 large rooms, hardwood flocrs. front
veranua. large Bleeping porch." private
telephone, water, heat and hot water; new
and strictly modern.
near Main; close in location: elegant 3
roora apartment with bath and private
balcony, tlo. Every convenience, goad
BUCK HARTFORD APTS. 21st and Flanders.
Under new management. 3-rnom apts.; ail
modern; walking distance. Main 27b2.
NEWLY furnished Th Upshur. 26th and
Upshur sts.. furnished 2-room apartmenta,
$15. $18, Hi) and up. Thl includea team
heat, hot and cold, waier in' every apart
ment, private phones, public bath, elcctrto
. lights, as ran Re. laundry-room, all free;
also 3-room unfurnished apartments, wltn
private bath, $18; 4 room.. $0.' Take S,
23d or W cars north. Phone Main 859
BRYN MAWK, East 15th. near Yamhill,
3 outside rooms, over fine lawn, porch.
" Ffatft. "
5-UOOM flat. 7S2 Gllsan St.. $So; new build
ins, superb location, very desirable; hard
wood floors, fireplace, gas range, watr
heater, furnace. See Mr. I. oat, St. Croix
Apartments, 170 St. Clair st.
4-KouM modern flat at E. 2&th and Stark;
sts.; rent
404 Wilcox bldg.
Phones Main &ti01, 2. 5".
NEW Vroom upper flat, 30th and Haw- ,
thorne; sleeping porch, front porch, hard
wood floors, gas stove. t?as heater, fur
naee, (.replace; no children. $-7.o0. Ihon
tSTEAAI -HEATED 5-room flat, very desira
ble; convenient arrangement, with ga"
range ; .S-fJ.oO Summer rate. Apply Jani
tor. AVellintjton Apartments, loth and
FURNISHED FLAT of 4 rooms, with prl
vato portrh, steam heat, hot and coid wa
ter, private bat h, including' phone and
janitor service, for .'i.r.o ppr month. 4oi
North Jt;ih. landlady Upshur Apts.
ONE of the best flats in tin citv. walking
distance, gas and elect ric lights. g;is
stove, hot water, heater, lino view of city.
West Side. phone Main .v. 11; rent $7.
NEW. modern. 3-room upper flat. larr
porch s. furnaee. fireplace. Hutch kitchen,
walking d 1st a nee; reasonable. 4 '.
1-Uli North. t
HK.H-Cl.ASS .".-room Hat. Colonial Heights,
overlooking I.add Addition. lo.-atcd -1st
nnd Hawthorne. Apply -,ti. East -si sU
Main ij.
HOl". Ta" 1 AV ADDITION Very desirau 1 ft
and ti-room flats, modern in every detail:
walking distance. -- E. d Bt. N. corner
Multnomah. Phone Knst :4S.
Js'EW. modern 4-rooni unfurnished flat. c:ts
ran.-se. disappearing bed. convenient. l"MoU
Aibina ave, corner Alberta, on Mississippi
TWO modern 5-room flats. 77.'i' MHwaukio
st. $ it,. Inquire on premises or phone
East ISO-"..
MOOKUN. new. f.-room upper flat. West
Pide. select neighborhood, hnrdwood floors,
sleeping porch fireplace. Marshall 2-.4.
UITEII and lower flats, T rooms, walking
distance, steam heat, hot and cold wn i it,
gas rHtige, clean and sunny. qK7 E. Mnn.
FOR RENT Swell 7 -room modern flat, -t I
Park st., furnace and fireplace: $33: no
children. PhoncTabor 7rt3or East 14:11.
CHEAP, c!nse-in r-room flat, modern, f ire
plaee. "S4 O'.lAn. l'hone Mar- 4347, A
4 '.jr..
FURNISHED 5-room flat. West Side, walk
ing distance, modern conveniences. 39:1 Da
vis. Phone A TUt, Marshall 797.
500 MARKET ST. 5-room. modern flat. $.i0
per month; key at 50'. Portland Trust
Company. 3d and Oak.
NOB Hill flat. 7 rooms, fine yard, splendid
neighborhood. 775 Johnson st,, bet, 2id
and 24th. Main 5591.
MODERN 5-room flat with porch, clepn,
light rooms and walking distance; will
rent cheap. Call -141 11th.
$1S M.tdern h-wer flat, 4 light rooms ;
walking distance. ti-S Kaat Main. Phone
East W. -
MODERN 3-room flat, fireplace, very rea
sonable. 7 tJ3 M arshall. Phone B 47ti7.
MODERN 5-room upper flat, 6S Hoyt St.,
near -1st. Inquire at M.
TEN rooms, brick building, 305 Williams
ave., $40. Phono Tabor
NEW lower modern flat, five large rooms.
M a i n- S473. .-3 Northrup.
NEW 4-nnm near Russell and Wilinms, ga
range, heater, water, $y. East 47i'.
3-ROOM flat, cor. East 14th and Madison;
walking: distance. Phone Sellwood 611.
MODERN 5-room flat. E. 18lh and Ash. B
2oo6. ,
MODKRN 4-room lower flat, slcrplns porch.
N-5 Northrup. Main S--3.
T-u7WEST I'ARK, large S-room flat, unfur
nished $16: water, garbage free.
MODERN 5-room flat. 5th, near Jackson,
West tfide. 10 min. walk. Main or A 1223.
"i('EIY furnished 3-room lower flat, all
modern. Market st.
NOB HI1L.; modern 6-room upper flat,
sleeping porch. Main S8S8.
0-ROOM furnished flat. $:.3; walklns dis
tance, good location. Phone Main J.tT,
5-JtOOM modern flat. Nob Hill, $25. Mere
dith, 329 Washington st.
it-ROOM Hat. $.); also 3-room flat, reason
able. 70(5 Vancouver ave. Woodlawn l.-'.
A MODERN six-room upper flat, $tS a
month. Phone Sellwood f:4.
Housekeeping; Rooms.
THE BEAVER, 12tn and Marshall Fur
ri ished for housekeeping; gas range, elec
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free;
J15 per month up; a cleau place, best In
the city for the money; short distanc
- from Union depot. Take "S" or 16th -st.
cars north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs,
THE UPSHUR and Upshur sts, fur
nished -roora apartmenta, $13 up, in
cludes steam heat, hot and cold water
in every apartment, public bath, electric
lights, gas range, laundry-room, all fro-;.
Tiike S, ;td or W cars north. Phone
Main 85t.
1.60 TO $2.50 per week Clean rurnishe-l
housekeeping rooms; free heat, phon.
bath, laundry, yard, 406 Vancouver ave.
and 203 Stanton; 'U" car. Phone E.
T1IE-MElTviN, 11th st.. near Yamhill
Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms and
suites: bath, gas. heat, phone and laun
dry privileges; rates reasonable.
FOR RENT A r.ieely furnished front room,
modern conveniences, may have use of a
nice kitchen ; man and wife or - women.
;.:; Harrison, l'hone Mar. 1.3 32'.
ONE and two-room housekeeping monit-. al
so single sleeping rooms, newly furnished,
walking distance. 333 Montgomery, cor.
THE MILNE It. -3) Morrison, cor. Park,
furni.shed or unfurnished housekeepin
apartments, all conveniences, best location.
Summer rates.
LARGE comfortably furnished housekeep
ing rooms; cheap rent. yi First near
Hl'U.S E KEEPING- ruomu In new conM-t
M-rwvisHKl) sinclo housfkeeping ro'-ni
$1.30 to $2 week. DeSoto House. 2'-'I I'd.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping roujo..
4tU EAST MORRISON, cor. Sth. furnished
2-room housekeeping suites reasunabte.
NH'ELY furnished housekeeping room. AT
N. 14th st-. between Davis and Exerett.
Hoasek-eplnc Rooms m rriww Family
V I'R V iTe-irable housekcepimr room, with
kitchenette attached. running "t.T
choice location, all convemcnce.-i. l'hone
Marshall 4:'7. .
Tl'0 clean, front. MrnisheU housekt--pi:.
looms, reasonable. E. Taylor. 1br
NICELY furnished housekeeping I"-oom;
single or en suite, rent cheap. f2 E. bJi
st. South. . ,
14" l-.TH ST between Alder and Morrison,
basement rooms, $R a month, Including
gas ir copMnw .--m
vl'WI V furnished housekeeping suite rre-
uhore. gas. electricity ami bath .
month. ",. 21st st. N.. near Washington.
TWO nicely furnished front housekeeping
suite, all modern conveniences; rent rea-
sunable. 428 Hall.
ONE furnished housekeeping room, funning
water, private bath, laundry, gab pU.
it!3 N- HUh. , .
TWO furnished hnj.sokeepinp m1'
. rn. -clean, desirable. -14 East (.
7 vonTH "U'l'H : hu ge, beautiful,
"room newfy furnished, with or without
iionsfk-i'nlns: ciiisf '"
F,,UK neatly furnish-d housi-keeping rooms.
14t)i St.
77 i fi-RMBHEB lions.-kcppm-; rooms la
UcTuw e "angc. sink bath. .ep.r.t.
entrance, close m. -j-
hWIY furnished housekeeping room, h
per month. 320 Montgomery st.( between
AVI) i-room suites in private family. 11
- KjVst 7thn.PhjueEa.-t 12!.
rJi'xORTH 14TH ST., clean housekeeping
i .uanlmr VAftiw rrfn- ritrtit.
room a:i" .
ni3 14TH. cor. i.iay. large? i aim -iwoi
nished houshP'ng suites.
5"67"eVERETT Walking distance. 2 clean,
cheerful front rooms; furnished, 1st floor.
v icri v furnished housekeeping rooms, all
HOUSE K EEPI NO rooms. 14! 1 ih St., bet.
Alder and Morrison.
NH "K housekwping rooms at 3S2 ! Haw
t home htp- $3.2 per week.
THREE nicelv furnished hmjsekeejHiig
rooms, two beds. 213 Mth. corner Stln)Q!i.
FINE room with kitchen, h.-at, light, b-th
tud plioiie. 474 Market at.