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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1912)
17 Till: MOKMNO OKEGOMAS, FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1913. RE Kit rTAfR tor ?ale -Hi J. AO US ADDITION. .-.wv- tix'mi ito in aitlcl. furnac. fireplace, brdwood f.oora. bullt-ln book cases. Dutch kitchen, face east, street paved. wl;t al.ey in th rear, i loe to carline. schools f hurcbva. A larg ptar for a llctl inonf J. triMMVg rooms, with sleeping porch. Vxll-foot lot. faring east. lth a fiu m and aly In the rear, llonw ha fur. Bar, two flrrpiarrs. one upstairs, hard v. nod floors. Dumcrdus bullt-ln conseal-cni'f-a. and la a bargain al thta pnc. IToOO rooms anU sleeping porch. Jut c-ff from Hawthorn ave. and facing th tunc, Has hot aater healing plant, fire- flc. fin eitra large living-rooiu. well pt lawn with rw and iun ..Bui,t by th owner for hia own home. Street paed. with alley In th rear. A good buy. M THONG t C . IISC.I, "" Concord bldg. Authorized genta for Lad'I's Addition. HOt77)N EAST PAYMENTS. bungalow with all modern con veniences; street Improvements all In; block to car. IB minutes lo city; new. -room houae. modern. T0 feet to car; lot sails- excellent neighborhood. ft -room bungalow, modern. with an baut-ln conveniences, furnace: 2 blocks from car: near fine school; gas. electric ity, street improvements paid; sxcsllent Mew; coimt. $J40 for 14 days. 4 rooms. In excellent auburo; restric tions; all built-in conveniences. Isrgo llv-Ir.g-rooma. with pansia, fixtures and tint lug. PROVIDENT TRUST roMPaXT, Jol-l-S Board of Trade. Phono War. hall 47$. A lvlL H ROOMS MODERN". Lot 75xloo. Broadway, near flat. Not fancy or extensive, yet a good, sub atantial bouse, extra well built and con venient. Tht property will Increase In value more rapidly than nny other Irvlng tnn prooerty on account of location. Call nwn-r at Main 14. SACRIFICE m'NRAUlW ' New fine .Vrnoltl bungalow, furnace, fireplace, buffet. booaiase. Dutch kiu-h-n. polished floors, double constructed very swell and up-to-date. Owner must leave tlty and must sell, on Tibbett St.. between "!t h and :llet. Waverleigh H-lKhta. value ll our price for a few dts :tl3o; ."mhi cash end per mouth; looic at it ttxl.ty before too late. GICUSSI RoLDS. 31 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4h and Ottk. SCHOOL. VOl It CHILDREN. rOIISEIl, CLOSE TO COLI'MBIA COI.I.KGE. -room house, balh. toilets, electricity, house good condition, small barn, bear ing fruit tre.-p. good garden spot, excel lent soil; prne $3oo. part cash and terms. lr. Hcrnard . 11A1 IV IIKIIl.OW MTfi. TRUST CO.. 3-'. 2-3.". Chamber of Commerce. u n lot ovner; HERE Is TOIR CHANCE TO IM PROVE TOl'K FROPERTT WITH A HOME. FLAT OR AI'AHTMENT; WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW HATE OF IN TEREST; PLANS FURNISHED FKEfc; IT WILL PAT YOU TO COilS U ANO TALK IlllS OVER. J S. ATKINS, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HEN'RT BLDO. LFAV1NO city, will sell my beautiful 11 room Irvlnston home. tth WxH" comer. m paved street, est $lo..1io. for $72tKI rash or $7oo time. $2 dnwu. balanco to be arranged; no Incumbrance; ail improve ment there and paid for; tiouse Inaurod for 4&'w. rhons morntnfs, L.ast oo5u. THAT VACANT LOT. WHT NOT TIRN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FVRNISH THE MONEY ANtr BLILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE IF WE BCILD. OUR PEILTATIoN TOI R PROTECTION. IT WILL PAT YOU TO SEE US. I- R. BAILEY CO.. INC.. CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS. S24 ABINGTON BLD. PORTLAND HEIC.HTS HOME. Beautiful new Broom residence, f'rs place. aieeping porch, hara wood floora. cut slaaa fl&tures. leaded windows, beau tiful woodwork and rornlres; built for bom, svery poesiblo moiiern convsnienco; ; is Isvel lots. 10O ft. from car. raarvaious view which can never be obstructed. blarshall 4---T. BHKKE. A 3.T. CASH. I0 MONTH buys my new modrn S-room bungalow, large room. hardwood flors. tile bath, fireplace. buffet. bookcaees. complets Dutch kitchen, artlntlc llichtinr fixtures, laundry, etc.; prettiest bn-ation In Port lana ; htgh-clas aurrounillnsa; mut be s-en to be appreciated; write owner. Y Oreyonlan. 'i.ui v: v x- it t v.-,; a i r w Kast ilh and Broadway: S rooms and PORTLAND HF.Il'.HTS. IHHIO. 7 -room modern houae. fin level lot with plenty of fruit, berries and flowers. J block to car. In vacant property hav an exceptionally good bur; 4 lots with frontsse on .1 ate., for f-'TMi. Fred W. Oorman. a.H Bumstd. M. or A 277. GOOD INVESTMENT HOI LA DA Y PALK. Modem s-room bungalow, lot 5trxU'.. foil basement, furnsce. flreplv. ye- roirplets; hav party ready to pay ?A pe montn rent for aame; will take smsll-pr!r-d lot as part pay; good trrrs; prtco $ l. F-vit -7th at. North PORTLAND HKK1HTS HOME, 8-room cosy, thoroughly modern homo north-ast rorner of 17th anil Elisabeth. lM10O. level. highly .mproved. fruit treea. consorvatory . grand vlw of city, mountains and livers, owner must sell; ery easy terms. M i rshall 41-7. BROOKE. A -R'OM burga'ow. with sleeping p-irrh. la OITistesd Park: rooms are larc-. fireplace, buff-t. hardwood fltwrs. modern conveni ences, furnace. 4 blocka to Broadway car; f.iiH- term. Provident Trust Company. -.''1 I'-. -'"1 Board of Trade. Marshall T3. A I'-:-- Cosy s-room house. Dutch kitchen, two front porches, screened-h. bsck porch, elec tric lights. - ccsenoois. cement walk from f-ont lo gate, fenced; roses and trses. I"t alO0: 2 blo-ks to car: pric S?3U. terms. Phono owner; do agents, ifarsbsll !'H OR RALE. Be owner, ".-room--! buntraloir, strictly mo-lem. with electric light, fixtures, shades and linoleum on kitchen end bath; fruit tree. b-rles and garden planted. 1 block from Richmond carline. Iojh KIN- nr ; h ami 3t'h t. . term. Sellwood 14.V 'it I.OWN $: MONTH. V,- cosy .Vnoin bungalow, fireplace, buf.'et. second floor can be finished Into threes rooms. furnsce. laundry trtvt, ssdes. llnoleam. etc.: a Mg bargain; rlie owner. V tiregonlsn. FINE S-ROOM HOCSE SACPIFICED. Am leaving: eltv: must sell at once; fin location on Monroe street: next to corner cf I'nloi ave; will sll cheap. Ap ru J. J. oeder. Orand av and East An k-ne. MONEY. Mi'NEV MONEY We have simply got to have inone. and that quick. W ofT-r new pinstered houae. lot ,Vr 1 o.,. price on y IViO. r-i,ite it eouitles for almost not lung. See m at once, owner, phone Tebor H30. Ask for Beard. ,-!! iOM bouse, modern, lot looxloo. bcauii f il view ..f Va.ley and mountains. West Mde; minutes from Poelofflce; S1MX; easy t-rms Provident Trust Company, uvl, :'.'. Su3 Board of Trade. Marshall 4.73. A 10 Ji. BRAND new 3-room bunsaloer. beam cell Insv. paneicl dinin tr -room. Dutch kitchen: in. in: cmplcle ho.w in Hawtliorno dis trict: .;'-': l-rmt. HIC,.;NS ft BOTE!!. North vol bl-ig Nlaln 4ton. ImjWN and $1. month take a hnue and 2 lota on llassaio St. and o4th: 2 llrrki f-em cnr. PACIKIC TITLE A Tni ST CO.. Dept. 10, I t "nnr"r i" -romerc-. grounn floor. iiii'M hoif. .-.nxliet lot. 2 blocks Imm -:me ard a good home; .k'0 down and 1 ". n r month. TvclFH" TITLE A IP.CST CO. Dept. lo, r Chamber of I'ommerce, ground floor. :v .-,-ro.m bungalow for sale at less than :-'M if sold tv lliv 1. c. R. SIWCKMAV. 41 Fsllwsy F.i. B'dg. I'hon- Marehail 1'7.. l. SVVP- Ml"ST HAVE MONEY. ".. 4 or 7 - room houe. Sovlio lot each wlih g.-vH 1'M-atlon. sirlftlv modern; make an ,-ff-r. phone owner. Tsbor R z: :t. FH A1.K ti-rn"in bungaiow. Rose I'uy Park, .louhie constrm ti.m. large llvlrig-r-Mm nrep'ace. sleeping porrh. etc. I'hone M.r-l'all : K.W a-room co-tage. lihiH; best modern dcurv convtru'-tlon throucboul; very easy terms. 11H E. lth. N.. - blocks from All-r:a car Op-n. )ei for modern 3-room bung Aloe, lot .vlo. soad-s. fixtures, (as and lc triclty. laundry tras. full cement bass mnt. Thone woodswn 3 - TWO choice, medium-priced houses. Irving ion: don't fail to se them: also horn s-t-e. Fast 173. C 1.V4- W. II. H-rdman. yon ;aLK modern 4-nom bungalow r-strict-d iLvtrtct. IWH. on your own terms. to bldg. x of I .a urri hurst, .".-room buns.ilow, rrio-lern eerv way. heoi of ear service; rter. Htltto K. White. .. H-nrv b'.lg. CA.-ll. nn-nth y. ini? modern 7- rootu hvtusc. "a jaeiland bid(. eement baeemenl. largo attic, iffani ba-.hroorn. two hallwav. oak floors, doubts waKs. stationary waahtuhs. biUt-ln book raaea and buff-t. fireplace, gaa and elec tricity, veneered psnsl dining-room and per rent. Fred Wli.lares. Main l'i&. REAL ESTATE. For bed -Hont TWO beautiful 7-rootn homes In high-class district: oak floors: Brst floor finished In oak. second In whits enamel; Inrgs P'o- lase windows; hot-wster heat; corner lot lta-xloo; lawn graded and seeded; Im provements all In; t-MOi TX Dl" ance very easy. . rooms and sleeping-porch; full lot. everything modern; plastered bsnement. price reduced from 5."J o rtW or i dais only; 7tt) rash; easy tsrms; 3 block from Brosdaay car. 7-room home, in Beaumont, close, to car; lot lunl: lawn made: oak floors. S-lnch cement wall, sewer. 'ry ntodern convenience; shades and tinting; 4.00, cash, balance easy. Fln s-rooin home: hardwood floors, first floor oak finish, second white enamel; steam brat: sha.lea. tlntln. electric fix tures; good garage; hard-surfaco streets, a snsp. s."ika: I luo cash. -room horn in Hose City Park, clos to csr strictly modern: lot Snxmo; street Improvements paid; .0O; ."ov cash, bal ance esv. PROVIDENT TRCST COM PAN Y, 2rtl -21C-2WS Bosrd of Trsrte. Phone Marshall 4771. A lo-i 5-ROOM CALIFORNIA Bl-NOALOV.. AMON"; THE KIR TREES. LOT oOxliMi H0 DOWN. The prettleat location you can Imagine for a bungalow: hla-h and sightly and nno homes surrounding. BLOCK TO HAWTHORNE CAR. PRICE .tt--a. Polished hardwood floors, large fireplace, bookcases built-in seats. clav buffet, paneled dlninreroom, dandv cabinet kitch en with cooler, etc., 2 flue white enamel bedrooms, swell bath and linen closet, extra large attic where two rooms could be finished or used as sloeplng-porch. This Is a beautiful borne In an Ideal loca tion and protected by adequate restric tions; only ft blocks to Mount Tsbor Park, largest and finest In Portland. Think, wrist this means ss Portland grows, ror appointment call Tsbor 2-V'a. JCST COM PLKTED. Beautiful u-rom house in the best sec tion of Laurelhurst. on nxlia corner lot. 1 block from carline; well built and mod ern In every respect, four largo bedrooms, artistic living-room finished In mahogany, dining-room, breakfast-room, sun parlor, big attic, full cement basement, fireplaces, furnac. hardwood floors, fojer hsll and room veranda: reasonable terms, tor particulars write or call H, W. JOY. oOd Henry bltlg. Phone Main 3234. GS.NTLEMA.VS SfBCRBAN HOME. S ACRES. This can be mail one of the prettiest homos one csn Imagine, because of Its location and surroundings; In front lies a good macadam road. In the back Is a beautiful lake nd on one corner Is one of the finest springs you ever saw: w-afr Is piped over Ihe whole place, pumped from he spring: good tl-room house and outbuildings; If you want something nice, close In. see this at once: never offered for salet before: price HJS'M). 1-3 cash. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Exclusive Agents. 31st and Hawthorne Ave. Tsbor Sis. TWO-ROOM M HMMIMI 1-UllAi'Ci A nice large 2-room cottage completely furnished, nearly new. $u3 piano, new sewing machine, new 3fl rug. Lri versnl rsnitc. sanitary couch, folding bed. buffet, bookcase and complete kitchen outfit: lot ."Mivios on Alberta St.. near Denver ave. Ptice tl.wn: :iso cash and - per month. Including Interest at 6 per cent: owner leaving city, hence thU ""aP" tlRJ SSI HOLDS. ,11H Board of Trade Bldg . 4th and OaK. RUf K fill linn 'V' . l;nrl sioiio CASH. HAL 3 YEARS, t'uiv bungalow. ." rooms, modern, brsnd new "concrete basement, tile finish bath and kitchen, bulll-ln buffet. Ironing board and cabinet, wired, beautifully tinted, large porches, sightly, level lot. fine for garden and chickens: one block to car; paving great Sandy Boulevard will make property In this block very valuable. Own er can't wait, must ha money at once. Her It todav. Jan. C. Logan. S13 bpaldlng bblr Marshall 274. A 24. l.AI nr. r.i. Must sell -equity In my beautiful two story and attic home, worth 1 .00 for $i.-a) This house Is close to carline and Is exceptionally well-built and complete in every detail. Including furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, buffet, bookcases, electric fixtures snd sle-plng porch. The balance amounts to 14UO.I. on terms "'; ' the greatest snap In Portland. Owner. A B 2.1. Oregonlan. 1 TERMS 43000 TBRMa. Just completed. e-room bungalow, doubly constructed throughout of th vary best material obtainable: all bullt-ln con-venlenc-s. hsrdwood floors, very handsome fireplace. bookcase. beautiful buffet, dressers, full cement basement, floor and lsundry tras; large attic; house beauti fully decorated: splendid neighborhood, onlv 2 blocks lo car and 15 minutes from I'd Hint Altlfr, l amo I4IMI UOVV S-room cot tag on 2 large lota, only block from carlln: hot and cold water, bath, n.w plumbing, electricity. ''J-i bJ sduiely free from Incumbrance; fiToo, witn only 40 down, bslance on ery easy terms, or will consider lots or close-in acreage In exchange. WATSON A THERKELKEN CO. M St.sldlng Bldg. Main .392. rt r.LlAU r i . -,w five-room bungalow In Tabor Heights for $3750: new. hardwood floors; commands an exceptionally line view for miles: convenient of approach ana at tractive Immediate surroundings; s.-MJ down and balance on terms to suit, o a. . ....... , . I . f L- L- I, iregonlan -room modern house on corner E. M' and Braxee eta.; white enemel orlJ every convenience; gsrage; lot 33i,xlX ft. price. Including street Improvements. '"pTpalver-jones CO.. 4o4 Wilcox bldg. Phones Main eauwt, A S.. COIaDNIAL IRVINOTON HOME, 12 rooms, modern In every reepoct; !!-Ing-room. music-room and hall finished In quarter-used oak. dining-room In ma hogany, b-drooms white enamel, hot water heal garsge. etc. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 4o4 Wilcox bldg. Phones Msln WW. A UW.V3. OWNER gacrlflclng beantlful country horn on Wlllamett Rlvsr. 40 minutes on Ore son City Electric. 8 rooms, new. modem, electrlo lights, running water, about op acre- terms, would consider trad. L" MB DEN STOCK 4k LARSON. 26 Oak Street, THE HOME Of THE NORMAL. For sale 2 seres, with house, barn and orchard: close to schools and In the town or Monmouth. This plsce Is a gjod on for the mon-y: $ takes It. For psr t iculars address AF i oregonlan. s.ft.M)M strictly mtwlern. up-to-date house, situated In th best residence district In the city; VII ell this house for IJf.00 on eav payments. Address ilS Gerllnger bid. Phone al. 2S0L Call for A. O. Ross, owner. FOR SALE By owner. 7-room 2-etory house modern, beautiful home, abundance of choice roes bushes, fruit treea and ber ries hss fine heating plant, close In be. tneen two prominent carimea. AD 24. Ore gonlan. 3i CAs-H and .7. per month. Including In terest. 3-rooin modern bungalow, lot .K xloo. 3 blo ks from csr. -O mlnuteg out; high and alghtly: electric futures. HIOLF.Y A BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. KEW modern eungs.ow. Schuyler sc. near Rose City car; 3750, easy terms; bard wood floors, full basement, gas and elso- trlc fixtures, bullt-ln bufTet, large attlo Owner. 2S Teon bldg .Phone Main 112. nV't;R offers modern Richmond home $.V0 below cash value; select neighborhood, paved district, own terms: see this Immedi ately lor extraordinary sacrifice. 1 ITS Ivon HAVE several choice lot in central Kant Side or Utlll 1 Addition; will build resi dence after your plans on easy terms or finance same snd you build. F. W. Torg ler. l"tt Sherlock bldg. 11 i N D Y bungalow, lrvlngton district. Ave rooms modern. 3i". o0 c.tsh. balance monthly. Don't mis this. Y 22. Orego nlan. HERE IS ONE. Her I x good house, large lot. in the heart of Monmouth, at a bargain: 2O.0. For particulars addrees AD 33. Oregonlsn. 4-ROOM house. .".OxIoO lot. 1 block from car at Ansbel. I173: a snsp: owner must leave city. Phone Main 44im. BARGAIN Fin new house, restricted dis trict, bonse real beauty. Investigate. Terms. Owner. Main 4 144 Foe Sale -Btialne ??D. T1R WASHI.VGTOX. 4-foot frontage $940 For Immediate Sale ONLY. iOLD.- HMIDT"o AOENCV. tie Chamber of Commerce. TO THO.-E seeking a htgh-rlsss invetnicnt: quarter block on corner. West Side, block t- Wsshlngton. walking distsnce; sub stantial revenue now derived from prop erty. No oetrer hotel or BOartmei.t house site. Prospective purchasers tip ply direct to owner, giving fuil particulars, reference, etc.; no ageuts. Ail 21. Ore goals n. REAL ESTATE. -Business Property. 4UX10U APARTMENT site. Market It; all Improvements paid; 'J0o0, part cash. Main 44O0, For Sale Acreage. A TWO-ACRE BARGAIN. Two fine acre tracts, side by side. I1500 each, with water, sldowalk" and all city Improvements paid for: a few feet from the streetcar and a few minutes- ride to business or Job. Will sell both together or separate. Will sell on very m'1 monthly psymcnts If desired. A splendid chance for two families to be neighbors on two of the most rertlle acres In Oregon. Holl a rich black loam, free from rocks and gravel' a beautiful grove of shade trees on each tratt. A family can make a liv ing on one of these acres and still hold down the Job or business In town. Hun dreds of families are fleeing from the high cist of living In town and a high-class acreage on a fast carline Is absolutely the onlv escape. Let me show you how to dodge the rent receipt plan and save $..m a year and live much better and own jour own land. There Is no money In an ugly stack of rent receipts at the end of the year. If Interested, act prompt ly. R 22. Orefcontsn. OWN A FEW ACRES. IN OLD YAMHILL COl'NTY Richest soil In the stnte. Boat roads In the country. Largest prune orchard In the world. Biggest apple orchard In Northwest. - Y AM H ILL AOA INST THE WORLD" Be sn owner of lsnd If only 5 acres lot us plant It to potatoes, berries and frtilt: soon youMl be Independent. Bldg. lots accepted In payment. RUKF KLKINSORC.E. 41S Board Of Trade bldg. 6-ACRE tracts. B-cent carfare snd 2S miles- walk; good soil, nn water, school on adjoining tract, macadamised road all th ' only miles northwest of the Courthouse. t 120O per acre, with monthly payments. Arrsngo to gee this. Office open until P. M. THE BUAW-FT5AR COMPANY". Main as. 102 Fourth bu A How. ONE SNAP BUY'. 3 seres of Oregon's best land, on m"'n countv -road. 14 miles north of Portland: a few roils west of main Portland and St, Helens road. S mile from station on N. P. Ry.; located high and sightly: beau tiful wooded tract, loo cords of fine fir timber on hack acre. If you know values, you will snap this up soon as you see It: price 700. 70 cash: your own terms on balance. See Mr. Morgan. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTO. TRUST CO, 3-.2-33S Chamber of Commerce. i viL-.Tui'vT nR nnur. Twenty Acres at City Line On Barr road: fine highways all about; five acres already cleared: not much ex pense to be Incurred for balance: sur rounding properties In high state of cul tivation: positively a platting proposition any time within Are years; convenient of approach by cars: strictly first-class for speculation, for an Investment or for a home: this property Is owned In the East and the owners desire to sell; a bargain at 1M0 an acre, terms. M 3. Oregonlan. 5 acrcg timber land, $40 cash. S acres cleared land, S10O cash. Rest monthly payments. Call for plat. PAC. X.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. 405 Couch Bldg. YAMHILL COUNTY ACRES. 9V acres, two miles from town and rail road: one-half In cultivation, some oak and fir timber, deep rich soil, not a foot of waste land on the tract; one-half fenced: one-fourth mile to school: corner of a county road: price only IU22. small payment down, then I9.0O per month nt 6 per cent. F. E. Heschrest. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTO. TRUST CO.. 332-1138 Chamber of Commerce. YAMHILL County lnnd. 20-acre farm or larger, between Lafayette and McMlnn vllle. Two lines of Southern Pacific Ry. now being electrified serve this prop erty. Onlv 8ft miles from Portland. Land all cleared snd In crop. Will make you splendid home In choice part of Willum ette Vallev. Will pay you to Investigate, Price only S200 to 1223 per acre. In quire of owners. Forest Bros. A Wlrth. 4O3-406 Lumbermens bldg. BI'NGAIaW and 1.15 acres for sale; land In cultivation, fruit trees, berries, etc.; house hss larg living-room. 26xlS. 4-foot stone fireplace, beamed celling, bullt-ln bookcases, etc; modern rlumblng through out; good water system aud fine water. On Oregon City carline: To fare; 27 min utes from Portland. Price $4760; terms. For further particulars address Postofflc box f"u. city; phone oak Urove. Red 284. SS ACRES. Choicest red shot soil In Washington County. 40 miles from Portland on the new P. R. N. By., partly timbered, easllv cleared, good roads, school In quar ter of a mile, new railroad town In twa tails. $200 cash, balance your own terras. FIRLANDS TRUST COM PANT. . BOO Bpaldlng Building. "a" REAL SACRIFICE. Two seres at Multnomah station, on Oregon Electric. 20 minutes out, S-cent fare, located high and sightly; abundance or fin water: land nil In cultivation; remember, this Is a geunlne bargain at B221HI 14 cash. See Mr. Morgan. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTO. TRUST CO.. 332-S3S Chamber of Commerce. TUALATIN STATION. OWNER MUST SELL. 1S acrea, ail under high state of culti vation 4-room house, bsrn. good well, fruit and strawberries and only 3 blocks from high school. With the new electrlo cutoff this will be as close In aa Tlgard. Beautiful place. Owger wants offer. Jo seph S. Hall. ST23 Henry bldg. UNIMPROVED FIVE AC RES Located on Jefferson st road: a beautiful building site for an Ideal country home, sdjolnlng Kings Heights: fine soil; you will have U see this to appreciate It. Price $1200 sn acre: IUXJO down, terms. CRUSSI se HOLDS. 31 Board of Trsde Bldg.. 4th ond Oak. CHICKEN AND FRUIT RANCH nr Portland: a NEW SUBDIVISION. prices; best soli; fins vlsw; wo a. watar and rosds; ere. 1400 per tract; lu-A, X500 - 20 A . $H00 : 40 A.. I12O0: M A-. IliOOO: 10 A.. $3000: liberal terms. FRANK M FARLAND REALTY CO.. BOv Teon Bldg.. Portlsnd. Or. THE best sere tracts on the msrket today for th pric: West Side. 15 minutes out oy car. ftc fare; nlc location for a borne; easy terms. See us about this. M. C REED CO.. 617 Bosrd of Trads. Msln 467.). FOR PALE. PRUNE ORCHARD. tract. IV, miles from railroad. It acres in bearing prunes; price 000. will require 10ue cash, balanco on easy terms. Interest A per cent. House, barn, prun drrer snd other buildings. N Oregonlan. la ACRES. Suitable for platting or country home; at station of O. W. P. and ML Hood Kys.; II50 to 2uO per acre under the msrket; faces Baas Line road. Scs Mr. Mounce. CHAPIN-HERI.OW MTU. TRUST CO., e32-3H Chamber of Commerce, BUILD A Greenhouse, 1 acre at sta. Ore, city car. Ideal soil and location. 111O0 easy terms, lo acres with good bulldinrs. mU to elec line, nearly all cult. 2o THE SUBURBAN HOME SPECIALISTS. CLODFELTER BROS.. 414 Couch. Bid. SACRIFICE. Ten acres near section line and Rock wood roads: 100 an arr. This is a sac rifice price for a quick sale, as I mean business. O 4, Oregon Ian, A GOOD COUNTRY HOME, of 1. acres, well Improved, directly on Oregon Electric at Quatama Station; stock snd Implements. Call at house or writ owner. AL Oregonlan. 32 ACREel. mile Newberg. Improved, house barn, creek, family orchard, small fruiL Owner here from East, Will remain In city few days to close deal. tlOO acre cash. SfW Ahlngton bldg. A REAL 2 ACRE SNAP. Al Courtney. Ore. City car. fine grove, best soli, near sta. e'J.VH) some terms. Finest bomeslte. Will double In value. Owner Main t'!4. eve- Sell. 1244. COLUMBIA RIVER bargain, near Rose City Perk. 110 seres black sandy loam, some cultivated: price $12,000; take some trade, owner. AO S. Oregonlan. J7 ACRES, IS cleared, running watar. S blocks from car station and S miles from rmirthouM- only 4300 Dor acr: terms : owner. James Wilson. Boring. Or., rout 1 X. S AND S-aore tracts, close t PoruaaA, 1 to blocks from ictrlc carlln. -lo l 4400 per acre, easy tsrms. J. w. Msi- l.rlln Realty Co.. 16 Corbtt bldg. FOR SALE or trad for Portland property, S27.V) equity In choice 13-acre tract at West Woodbum. on Salem Electric- Owner, Box 424. Forest Grove. QTegon ONE ACRE. .l7..".o cssh, balance 1 per month. Sc csrfnre. city wster. all cleared. W II 11 MER-KELLY CO.. 70 Fourth st. STEAMER FARE TO FRISCO PAID. Saci amenta Valley Electrlo Farms. ISO per acre. 1100 cash down. (3s Hamilton bltlg. i REAGK snd farms, larg and sssaJ tracts Call Kinney btampXsr, Ul-1 Lumber Exchange bids- REAL ESTATB. For Bale Acreage. ACREAGE. Abutting on new Fourth-street electric The actual work of elec trifying Is now going on. With th new cars only 30 minutes from Fourth and Washington streets. Carfare to commuters. 13 snts. Besutlfully laying land, deep rich soil, no rock, gravel or hills; limit less supply of good wster at 24 feet; every community convenience, manv homes now established. This is located In the beautiful va'iey Just west of Council Crest and sells in any-sized tract you may desire at tl'.vO to tda) per acre, upon monthly payment plan; proper discount for Arrange, to see this at once. Office open until i) P. M. THE SHAW-FKAR COMPANY. . Mala 33. 102 Fourth st. A, 350O, 80 ACRES, all Improved. 10 acres full-bearing, prune orchard, 3 acres full bearing apple orchard. 0 acres beaver dam onion land, all fencod and cross-fenced; creek across one end. good well, six-room housa. good barn, chlcken-houss, other outbuild ings: on electric line. 12 miles from Port land. Price 3"K per acre, on your terms; might take house and lot as part. ROOM 10. 1431, FIRST ST. Homesteads. RELINQUISH ME NT. 7.000,000 timber claim, on wagon road. 5 miles, to city, main line is. P.. adjoining large bodv best timber In Oregon: J7 if taken next throe days. 313 Marouara bldg. Marshall (U4. IF you are looking for a homestead, see whst Is offered here. Can locate you In Oregon or Washington. Call S04 Spalding bltlg. WANTED Homestead relinquishment: must be good soil with some improvements: not too far from school or neighbors. AD 22. Oregonlan. A 120-acre relinquishment, well Improved, in Josephine County; also choice claims In Malheur County. Wm, Mast, room 222 - Ablngton bldg. . DEM R ABLE families located fr en best land In Central Oregon. Writ Hsmptos Valley Development Assn.. Hampton. Or. FOUR homestead locations, must be taken at once, 8.000,000 feet of timber, fee 330. IO10 Chamber of Commerce. For Male Fruit Lands. ROSEBI'RO. OREGON. Chance of a lifetime, grub quick; ten and a half acres, live acres In two-year-old commercial apple trees; abundance spring water, good fence, small furnished house, splendid soli, nearly all level. $500 stsndlng timber; one mile from City of Koseburj; 41000, SS00 cash, balance S' month. 3 per cent Interest. Owner going to Australia, O. Lyndon, care J. W. Dil ler. 47 Mill St.. Roacburg. Or. HOOD RIVER applo land In 5 and 10-acre tracts, from J40 per acre: this Is the same land that sells for I20OO per acre when planted to trees: no better land for ap ples In United states; no surer Investment; want Portland city property. e my agent, 2011 Lumber Exchange. 10-ACRE bearing fruit rancn, on I mpqua River In suburb of Roseburg. county seat of Douglas County. Or.; river bottom, free soil; trees young and healthy. D. b Pearre, owner. Roseburg. For (sale Farms. A GOOD HOME. 108 acres; 8 in cultivation. 20 more easily put in; good house. 2H feet square, and plastered; fair barn; running water year "round; peaches, strawberries and apple trees on the farm- 1 nice colt, 1 mare. 3 cows, separator. 30 goats go with It. all for S32O0; 170 cash, balance on good time. Write or come at once. M. IS. BL'JUJESS, Amity, Or. ' A REAL SNAP. ' S64-acre farm in Mission Bottom, near ft, Louis, and 2 miles from Oregon Electric In Marlon County. 220 acres bot tom land. 3u acres beaver dam; 12.(1 acres adjoining sold for SloO per aero recently. If sold at once t!Us noes for 473 per acre. Must be sold quick It sold at this price, PACIFIC TITLE 4 TRUST CO., Dept. 10, 7 Chamber of Commerce, ground floor. WE have tho largest list of farms for sale In Portland; over louo farms to choose from- one acre to 10,00 acres In Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Timber lands in trac-s from I'M acres to SO.OOO acres and all tcccaslble. Newberg Orchard Tracts in tit celebratde Chehalem Valley fruit belt. Clatsop Cranberry Bogs In Clatsop County near Astoria. PACIFIC TITLE & TRUST CO., Dept. 10. 7 Chamber of Commerce, ground floor. " BEST FARM IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. 570 acres. Linn County. two small streams on place. 300 acres In cultivation, 4O0 acres In grain with fine growth, good buildings. 8. P. crosses place and Oregon Electric building one mile away. Will sell all or part or trade for Portland property. . For further psrtlculars see Hall & Koark, 431 Chamber of Commerce. A SPECIAL OFFER. FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY A FINE FARM NEAR PORTLAND AT A VERY REASONABLE PRICE: THERE ARB .SPECIAL FEATURES THAT MARK IT VERY DESIRABLE: IT'S A MONEY MAKER' C ROP INCLUDED; NO TRADE, NO PHONE CALLS. FULL INFORMA TION AT 3i0 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. prunes, 4 acres In apples, the remainder In strawberries and raspberries; new six room furnished house and other outbuild ings' 2 large chicken yards, all fenced. This farm Is all fenced and only 14 mile ftom electric carline. WATSON THERKEUSEN CO.. oh Spalding bldg. Main i52. 237 ACRES in Polk County, near Rlckreall. 2K acres cleared, 17S acres cultivated. red ihot soil, spring, creeks, house and barn. Price $23,?0O, on good terms. PACIFIC TITLE & TRUST CO., Dept. 10. 7 chamber of Commerce, ground floor. " WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. WHEAT. STOCK, FRUIT RANCHES: 40 to 35.000 acres; SS 30 to $100 per acre, BOm JOHNe-TON-BOTHFUR CO.. 008 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SPECIAL sacrifice SO acres. SfiOOO, 19 miles Portland; Improvements, buildings, orchard; also 80 acres. Willamette Val ley SbWOO: buildings, stream; would divide- exchange Portland unincumbered: Immediate possession. Owner. 1179 lvon st. T am HILL COUNTT FARMS FOR SALS. Large and small tracts. suitable for general farming, grain, hay. fruit, hops, dairying etc: about 40 miles southwest of Portland. Or. Call or writ for prlo list. W. E. Kidder, Carlton. Or. WASHINGTON CO BO acres, 39 cultivated, aUKKii- comfortable 7-room house, good tarn four cows, new cream separator; on milk' and matl routes; S miles from good town and railroad.- Tabor 2317 or 6703 71st S. B. . SACRIFICE The best all-purpose farm, containing boo acre, In Linn County; all In cultivation; an a. o. ."" vu.tu.ose good; water. lies well to subdivide; running For information can uu j. sun J. V. Pipe. Albsny, Or. GUARDIAN SALE. lOA-acre farm. 60 acres under cultiva tion pasture land, valuable timber, 8 miles from Woodburn, on Southern Paclfic Ellxa beth Caples. gusrdlan. Sua Willam ette boulevard. SL Johns. BARGAIN! 1K0 acres, all tillable, 1ft acres under plow fine fruit land, 8 miles from elec tric car; can be bought at S25 per acre If bought before May 1: easy terms. 084 ancouver a - ' . . - . i;j(Ap for someone; 100 acres of good dairy land, near Nestucca Bay. will be sold cheao for cash, if taken soon; will carry 10 cows now. Address W. A. Maklnster, box 461. Tillamook. Or. FOR BALE 89 acres at S110 per acre; 2T CTt,m cultivated, good house and barn, 14 miles south of Portland, on and on haif mile from Malloy Station on Oregon Electric. Inquire at 563 Jefferson St. Till ACRES black loam and "jesverdam, all in cultivation, one mile Oregon Eleotrto Jt.tion 46 acre. Owner 111 health. I rnJan It, bT. agant, J. E. Hall. 30a Ab Ington bldg. TWE NTY acres, all high state of cultivation. & acres in prune., -eii. 4 room house, old; can be had very cheap if taken right away. J. J. Attrldge Or- charns, v ."" - Tor SALE 10 acre A-l land, under culu vitlon. level, rich, borders county road. 1 mil trolley. miles Hlllsboro; best bargain waahlngton County. Jp. h gWITT. 415 Oregonlan Bldg. EASTERN OREGON. 10O00 acres along Deschutes River. $15 per 'acre: Improved. Call at , Ch. of Com. bHdRTMAN THOMPSON. J so ACRES. miles from North Plains. IS -rr-a cleared, srnsll house and good barn; nlc orchard: pric S00; 700 cash, AV 222. Oregonlan. 1 ARE YOU LOOKING " For a well-Improved little farm for small cash payment, rest like rent? If so, call up Inln 144. rtllisooio. w.:eo" O. U BAMBERGER. 70S Spalding Bldg. 80 ACRES, house. J.arn. orchard, stock. Im plementS. a omen v a, unui,. v,iii(Ki,,ii. g:i2Mi. Old widower. Agent. ."Ins Ablngton. RANCH 0 acres, with buildings. 18 mile from Portland, near elsctrlc line: bargain fur all cash, by owner. 182 Morrison, at REAL ESTATE. For 8a I Farms. DO YOU TV-UffT A FARM. DAIRY RANCH OR HOPYARD? Located in one of the most progressive sections of the Willamette Valley, near a town on the railroad that has electric Me-r.fs. paved ttreets. commercial and uni versity clubs, ngrlculiural. stock and fruit growers' associations, etc., etc.: about four hours' ride from Portland. The soil is deep and verv fertile. There are four complete sets of buildlnrs on each of three of these ranches and two sets of buildings on one ranch. Phones in houses and rural free delivery. On these ranches you can get view, running water, bottom land, bench land, orchards, pasture. Improvements, oak and fir wood, good roads, etc.. and everything you could wish for. We can give you Just what you want in any quantity. 3 acres Two sets of buildings com plete; ample barns, wells, springs and creek; a beautiful piece of property that description will not do Justice to; prac tically all plow land; lies gently sloping except 40 acres bottom land; income .0 acres grain $1260; -price $1300. 1.14.47, acres (U acres bottom land. 104.43 acres bench and rolling. 43 acres bottom land, and 10 acres bench land plowed. 20 acres slashed. ISVi acres bear ing hops, another acre being set out: owner states 130 acres can be plowed If cleared; fenced and cross-fenced; bearing apple, plum. pear, cherry and quince trees lahout SO trees) for family use; good well at house: large all-Summer stream, also branch creek: several large springs: b room 2-story house: on county road: large barn, hophouse. extra boxhouee. hop-press FORTUNE IN POTATO '-AN11. WE HAVE IT. v Good potato land is so scarce In Cali fornia that the state must Import thou sands of dollars" worth of potatoes every fMore money made) growing potatoes than any other quirk crop. We have real potato land. Kind that yields 300 sacks per acre. Rich silt loam, full of leaf mold. Potatoes now worth $3.50 a sack. Two crops a year. Second crop planted In July. Plenty of time yet to secure a tract ana get your land ready. Y'ou cannot grow two crops a year witn out Irrigation. All cur land is irrigated gravity system more water than you can use. Only $100 to $150 an acre. One-tenth cash. No second payment for two years. Eight years to pay out. One crop will pay for the land Best alfalfa soli in IT. S. If you want good dirt and plenty or water get some of this land while you can. It's going fast. Write today. .... ,, Those living In Portland or vicinity can todav on H. G. Terry, 904 Ycon bldg. Others write to LOS M0L4NO3 LAND COMPANY. LOS MOl.lNOES CAL.irLr.M.i. and baler; price $12,000: terms, half cash, balance 1, 2 and 3 years at 6 per cent. The hop yard alone should yield over $.1300 net tlfls year at the most conserva tive estimate: stock. Implements, etc, may be bought extra If desired. ISO acrea. adjoining the above; SO acres cleared and under plow. 20 acres in slash and 40 acres In timber, lo acres fine oak grubs. 20 acres in large body, saw fir and 50 acres in second-growth fir; the slash ,1s flne grass land: fenced and cross-fenced, il-room house and barn; property water ed bv large all-Summer creek and branch creek' good spring and trough at barn, good well at house; all outbuildings- fam ily orchard; 40 acres lie on the creek bot tom. 35 of which are cultivated, this be ing the best of hop land; price SBSOO. 20-acre hop yard: hop bouse. Picker cabin, etc.: price $11.00S,: the hops from this yard sold at 43 cents last year. WHITMER-KELLY CO.. 70 Fourth St. BUY A FARM FROM" OWNER. A BARGAIN. Situated rtn Washington County, 4H T miles from United Railway car line, 149 acres, about B0 In cultiva tion, good rich soil, adapted to dairying or fruit, rural route and telephone, also milk route, good creek running through place. Ad dress Cornelius. Or.. P. O- box 32, route NO. 1. leiepiwur. 700-ACRE ranch, fairly well WJ stocked with cattle, goats, hogs Pur-J' . horses and all necessary machinery, new grain and garden, household ?S I""?! from railroad; anyone wanting a ranch will buy this one if he will come and se It; price including everything on Place except one mare. $25 an acre. w th 6 or 8 thoussnd down, balance to suit buyer at 6 per cent. No agents Of? "P'?. Addresi 610 East 4th street, Albany. Or. Owner. , ONLY $240 Splendid Georgia farm bom: earns rnor each year than the total cost: cuitlvaTion without attention of owner ff preferred, or convertible at your option; absolute safety guaranteed; bans: refer ee and "ro.te.shlp. Writ, for Photo BraDha' quick action necessary: answer fmmlatSly. Geo, W. Dn. Box . Waycross. Ga. Miscellaneous. FOR BALE Best vacant residence lot on East Side, fine homes surroundings BOX 100 close in near carline. near schools, wrth Investigation. S000. Addr-aW 9 928. Oregonlan. , WANTED REAL ESTATK. ACREAGE DEVELOPMENT. Have yon an acreage development that you want sold? I can sell good acreage to Easterners and want to connect with the right parties with the right stuff. Have a colonisation plan that Is a winner. X 21, Oregonian. WANTED. .. Lota In Rose City Park for my S1300 equfty in five acres near McMlnnville; all set out to apple and peach trees four years STd: price $2000. balance to b. paid easy monthly payments. Land fenced. M 1, Oregonlan. t. (XT residence or suburban tract, close to Portland; will trade for stock In a ssv Ings and trust company In Idaho; no In flated values considered. The Enebo Co., 010 Henry bldg. , X 00 000 TO LOAN on Income property In dif- fereM amounts from 100 to $10,000. at lowest rate of Interest Wm. C. Borcherm, 207 Oregonlan bldg. WANT unincumbered $3000 realdence; glv 80 acres. Willamette Valley. even ex change; Improvements, buildings, stream. Owner. 11 1 i' "- I WANT a ft or 6-room bungalow near the piedmont car barns: can pay $100 down; about $3"in. AB 22. Oregonlan. WE HAVE a cash buyer for a lot in Rose City Park or Belle Crest. De Touni Johnson, 614 Chambor of Commerce bldg. WANT house and good soil, fto carline, rea sonable for spot cash. 209 Lumber Ex change. WANTED 5-room bungalow; will trade S300 equity 22-roora rooming-house. C 1075- . FOR HALF TIMBBW LAVrssV. Tl.lDITl THICT In Klickitat Co.. Washington. 3 million feet yellow fir. 1 million feet pine and cedar: sawmill less than a mile; this must be sold Immediately, as mort gage of $10O0 now due; terms on balance to suit purchaser. Call 804 Spalding bldg. TIMBER LANDS e f i -i j 'T- i i , cm.n C. J. M'CRACKEN. 804 McKay Bldg BY" OWNER 10 acres timber for Portland lot. Call East 6103. FOB RENT FARMS. FOR RENT 100-acre farm. all seeded: plenty of fruit snd good buildings: stock and machinery for sale; owner poor health and will give Immediate possession; cash rent, A V 227, Oregonian. FOR RENT ACRE AT PARK ROSE; plowed and ready for planting potatoes; you take this and make $200 and give me portion of crop. R 1. Oregonlan. FARMS WANTED. I WANT 20 acres, part in cultivation, fair buildings, good water, not above $3000. Have clear Portland lot as first payment, 437 Chamber of Commerce, WANTED TIMBER. LANDS- "n-xN'T to buy or contract for S to 10 mil lion ft, of timber, within reasonable dis tance of transportation, either river or rail; full particulars. AV 208. Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. o-PASSSENGER auto, good condition, to exchange for Portland property. 515 Chamber of Commerce. WILL take lot or auto as first payment on bungalow. 1112 Hawthorn. . 40 ACRES good fruit land, to tr.iiTo or moving-Picture gb.0. 4. Oregonian, - TO EXCHANGE. WANT a $2000 lot: will give a $3300 Union - ave. house In payment; mortgage $3000, o years. $20,000 Portland new. modern hises to exchange for limber or lots, mortgaged S11.30O, at 7 per cent, 3 years. S7000 A-l contrscts on high-class houses to exchange for lots In Irvington, Sunnyilde or Hawthorne district, 148 acres oak timber, mining and farm lnnd. in Josephine County, at $35 an acre. Will exchange for real or personal prop erty. Mar. 42S0. A. J. DETSCH CO. A 1530. MO Chamber of Commerce. 160 ACRES, near Waltlport. Lincoln County, one-halt in cultivation, fair house. $SjOO, for Portland or Vancouver property. $2500 merchandise stock for unincum bered lota or house. . Choice East Side lots, unincumbered, for good-sized farm on or near Wil lamette River. Apartment-house for suburban acreage, some good sub-dlvlslon propositions from $60,000 to $100,000. GOLD.SCHMIDT'S AGENCY, 413 Chamber of Commerce. I HAVE 800 acres 5 miles from railroad. In. Willamette Valley, which I want to soli Immediately, and I will take some good city property us part payment: this is one of the beat farms In the valley; good buildings, well fenced and would be a big money-maker If sold In small tracts: It Is slightly rolling and best of soli; If you have some good property and low money , come and see me or call me by phone and make an appointment. s. Jr. Steele, 671 Jackson St. Phono Main S. . TO EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY. We have 20 acres In alfalfa, this being the fourth year's crop: 6 acres In you"1 commercial orchard four years old: halt aero of grapes; good five-room house, modern: good barn and outbuildings; all fenced and in good condition; to exchange for desirable city property. CROWLEY. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., 82 4lh St. EXTRA GOOD. 20 acres in the famous White Salmon Valley, 20 acres commercial variety of apples; 2 miles from It- R. and boat land ing: good road; will trade for Income property that will pay interest on the investment or unimproved acreage that Is desirable. What have you got? We are open for business. No telephone calls. SMITH CASEY. 432 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. TO EXCHANGE. APARTMENT-HOUSE. Have an apartment-house paying over 9 per cent NET on $30,000 to exchange for smaller proposition. Would consider flats well located or a desirable farm. Secured lease. Building Is new. CROWLEY. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. 82 4th St. A RARE OPPORTUNITY Have 2.1 acres of clear land adjoining the city limits of Olvmpla. Wash., which I will trade for Minneapolis or St. Paul city property. Olympia is the state capital and has a great future before it. This 25 acres will make a fine fruit ranch, or can be platted into city lots. W. H. Egan. 3S2 Wabasha St.. St. Paul, Minnesota. HOTEL , , Furniture and furnishings and lease, first-class hotel, 82 rooms, in heart of Port land, for sale or trade: will tako city or countrv real estate; gross Income $1300 per month; will make price for few days $12,000. S, B. Hermann, 411 Kothchlld bldg. $10,000 , , Have 800 acres good mountain ranch In Coos Bav country; about four million ft. fine timber; will make good stock ranch or fruit farm; no Winter feeding neces sary ; about 12 miles from town; easy terms: will consider trade. S. B. Hermann, 411 Rothchild bldg. TO EXCHANGE. Improved 20-acre tract, well located, with buildings and personal property to exchange for Montavllla house and lot. or would take business of some kind. Price 50OO. mortgage $1S(K). running 3 years, mv equity $3200. Call on S. B. Hermann, 411 Rothchild bldg.. for description. 1 WANT A COUNTRY HOME. A small place, accessible by car and auto; have choice lots, close to Reed Col lege, to trade: might trade my sightly homeslte if suited; to save time, give location and particulars of place. AD 21. Oregonian. A FIVE home in Walnut Park; $000 cash will handle. , Apartment site, $15,000. clear; want farm in valley. 27 rooms, $3500; want 1 to 10 acres. Improved. 510 Rothchild Bldg. Main 12:2. IMPROVED and unimproved irrigated land near Twin Falls. Idaho, with good water right at $50 an acre and up; good terms 6 per cent Interest, for sale or trade for Portland property, business, residence or acreage. Robert Martyn. 607 Yeon bldg. Marshall 165. . HOTEL 82 rooms, modern brick, on prin cipal street, lease, nicely furnished, doing a good business, making a net average profit of $400 per month; will exchange lease and furnishings for city or country real estate or will sell on reasonable terms. AD 5. Oregonlan. HOTEL run rAn.l A good brick hotel in a good live town In Eastern Oregon to trade for a farm. This hotel Is leased and is a good invest ment; price $22.000. GRUSSI & BOLDS. R18 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. Ib4 ACRES with best of soil, no rock; com pletely furnished and in crop; will con sider close-in lot on West Side or house and lot up to 20.(kn: must be cash val uation. F. E. Miller. 25 Yeon bldg. Marshall 630. RESIDENCE LOT FOR FARM. Clear lot. value $10OO. and $700 equity In bunch of lots, value $150O; one block to car fine property: want farm near car line, within 80 miles of Portland. Jas. C. Logan, bio wpaiqing dius- I HAVE some fine acreage on the Mt, Hood Railroad, near Rockwood: would trade SiiOOO worth and pay balance In cash for up-to-date S-room house not over $3500; give location and description. L 2, Ore gonlan. t t . TWO choice lots at Tillamook beach, ad joining railroad. $175 each, value now $200 each: have equity of $110 In the two lots which I will sell or trade for $75. Telephone B 31B7, or AC 9, Oregonian. OWNER wishes to trade 28 acres of choice land In Douglas County In a thriv ing tt-wn on the Southern Pacific, at SHOO per acre, for property In or near Port land. Clarence E. Vest, Enterprise. Or. TO EXCHANGE. I have several Improved tracts from five to twenty acres, near city, to exchange for Portland property. S. B. Hermann, 411 Rothrlilia oiu. PORTLAND lot not over $1M); will give Puget Sound lot and assume mortgage for difference or pay cash. Hlltln R. White, 308 Henry bldg. ' EXCHANGE with us what you have for what you want. O. J. BROOKS CO.. 916 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. H ve several small tracts In this part of Oregon and lots In Eastern Oregon cities, to exchange for residence here. D 21. Oregonlan. iroRTY acres and a llttlo money for an up-to-date 4 or ft-passenger car; no has becn s. Call at No- 4 North 6th st. IB you have furnltur. lot or acreage, to trade on a 5-room bungalow, call up Mala 944L . WANTED To xchanga a atoclc of watches and Jewelry for farm lands or equity la farm lands. Q 40. Oregonlan. COOr real estate mortgage to trade for late model runabout auto. Phone Tabor 1828. WANTED To trade Portland real estate for Fresno. California, real estate. 1112 Haw. t home ave. WILL take auto, lot or acreage near city for new bungalow. 1112 Hawthorne. FOR trades of all kinds see Garland Co.. 11 4th st. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles. Eta, BOARDER wanted; our stable Is fireproof and perfectly ventilated; absolutely sani tary; we charge no more than other sta bles; use of ring any time to ride or drive free. Kramer Riding School, 16th and Jef ferson sts. GO to Howltt's Stables and Inspect a nice lot different size horses, good match teams; horses guaranteed. Oth at. and Burnslde, Montavllla. FOR SALS HORSES. Trustworthy borsaa, accustomed to city 8$ East 7th St. Noi FOR SALE Bay mare, 6 years old, weight about lO'tO. at 6"-2 Weidler st. PASTURE for rent near Portland. Phon Main 1410. STALL FOR Tent, $3 per month, with bed ding snd care. 334 Front, FOR SALE A good' rubber-tire buggy cheap. 125 E- 4ijth st. Automobile. 1111 BUICK runabout for sale cheap. In quire H. W. Sharp. 54 1st St.. city. T-PASS. Wlnton, A-l shape, $1500; snap. M a rshall 42H3. lBlo 3-passenger Ford for rash today. Call S22 Capital eve. HI'PJIOBII.E runabout. Call Main 191.1 be fore 8 morniiik'3, at iiuou or cvtiuuiss. FOR SALE. Automobile THIS WEEK'S BARGAINS IN SLIGHTLY USED AUTO.IOBILKS. Regal 4-pass., detachablo tonneau, $o.u. Reo. 3-pass., newly painted, $073. , Pope-Hartford. 5-pass., $S50. Buick. 2-pass.. 13.10. Studebaker-Garford, -pass., removable rear seat, $f25. Autocar, 5-pass., $450. Oldsmobile, 5-par.s., $1100. White steamer, 7-pass., $730. And many others. Call and look them over. The largest stock in tho city to select from. See us for second-hand equip ment. Automobiles bought and sold. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. NEW LOCATION. 43-4y; Alder Street. Main 1161. A SLIGHTLY USED AUTOMOBILES. If you wish to buy, we have tho car you want at the rlsht price. If you wish to sell, we will pay you spot cash. Call or write for prices. We are ex clusive dealers of used automobiles. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. New Location. 4S3-495 Alder St- TWO second-hand New Era motorcycles. These machines have a free engine, two speeds, large cushion seats; the finest ma chine In the line of a motorcycle made; - they are in flrst-clasa condition; will sell cheap. C. A. Nulliman. 302 Beck bldg. Main 5786. , 1811 E. M. F. 30. 5-pass., $783. Chalmers 30, pony tonneau. $1100. 11110 Cadillac, 4-pass., $730. We have over 20 cars in stock. Call and see them. CUSTOMS HOUSE AUTO CO., Corner E. 13th and Hawthorne ave, "want" idiTauto. X2O0O 5-room modern bungalow, block How City car, brand new: will accept brand new auto, standard make, for bal. cash, or might arrange mortgage. Address V 21, Oresonian. FOR bargains in used cars eoe us first; writ-a for list; we buy and sell. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO.. Cor. E. 13lh and Hawthorne ave, TWO nice 1910 5-passenger Cadillacs, new tires, newly painted, nickel trimmings. $800 each. Also Stoddard-Dayton road ster. Call 4?1 Hamilton bldg. 1910 REGAL in first-class condition, at a bargain, and many other good buys. Port land Auto School Garage Co., 313 Haw thorne ave. WANTED A cheap 2d-hand mninrcycl; give description and price in letter. H. W. Peterpon, general delivery. Oregon City. SACRIFICE. 1111 1 5-passenger Carttrccr, A-l condi tion; forced to sell for $70O. Tabor 3001. 6-CY L. " 7-pass. Thomas, good shape; $1200; a bargain. Owner. 402 Couch bldg. 6-CYLINDER Stevens Duryea, nearly new. Main 2S20. 3-PASSENGER automobile, good condition, $:i."tO today. Phono A 14113. 5-PASSENGER automobile cheap for cash. 603 Swetland bldg. Main 7770 Dogs. Birds. Pet Stock. WHITE Leghorn baby chicks; best selected utility stock; bred to lay; healthy chlcka. guaranteed: $7.50 per 1"0, during April and May. The Pioneer Hatchery, Box 340. Petaluma. Cal. . PAIR of thoroughbred French poodles. very fine, cheap. 7S7 Oregon or phono East 1SQ5. PRATT'S Animal Regulator for sal by J J. Butzer. 1S8 Front st, Miscellaneous. MEN'S HIGH-GRADE suits When you buy a suit of rne you save the extra profit that goes in the landlord's pocket. My $14.75 suits would cost you $22.30 to $-3 in a high-rent store ou the street. Jimmy Dunn, room 315, Oregonian bldg. lak elevator. CONTRACTOR'S EQUIPMENT. Mixers, holata, motors, boilers, etc., RENTED, SOLD. BOUGHT. EX EC HANG ED. STANDARD MACK. CO., 4(1 Second street. SEWING machines. 30 fine machines; some of the latest Singers. New Home White and Domestic and others; dropheads $10 and up; box tops $3 and up. All guaran teed; are sold for storage 2112 3d at. HIGH-GRADE mahogany furniture. Includ ing fine colonial hall clock, for sale at much less than cost on account of removal from city. Call 10 to 12:30 mornings, tlua Everett St. FOR SALE, CACTI. A fine assortment of cacti, collected by the late Robert Collier. The finest prlvat collection on the Coast. Address Mrs. Rob ert Collier, care the Hill, Portland, Or. " " men's'trousbrs. Men. save the high-rent profit on your pants. $4 pants for $2.00, $3 pants $3.."u, $6 trousers $4.50. Jimmy Dunn, room 313, Oregortian bldg. " SAFES AND DESK. One first-class flat-top desk, four second-hand safes, cheap for cash. PURCELL SAFE COMPANY, t5 Fifth street. 6AFES Genuine Hall safes, new and second-hand, low prices, easy terms; safe opened and repaired. Purcel Safe Co. and, Portland Safa Co..8S Bth st. Main 610ft. FOR SALE Electric light cabinet and of fice furniture, good opening for druglesa doctor; central location. X 21, Orego Tiian. SOME articles furniture: oak office table, bookcase, filing cabinet, leather rockers, chairs. Ingrain carpet, lot of other goods. 112 Union, next to Postofflce. SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit reg isters, computing scales, etc.. bought and old. The Pacific Stor bervlc Co ill Starkst. Main 771L FOR SALE 1 roller top desk and chair, I hardwood typewriter. 1 leveling Instru ment. 1 cutoff saw. good ax new: other contractor's equipment. Wr 2j. Oregonian. NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS. $20 and up. We buy, sell and repair cash registers. W. J. Macauley, sales agent National Cash registers. 354 Burnslde St.. cor, of 8th. FOR SALE Cash register, scales, offe mill, cheese cutter, credit register, .neat sllcer. etc The Portland Store buppl C. 250 2d St. Marshall 4548. D HOP-HE AD cabinet sewing machine, in excellent condition, standard make, --'.5'i. Call after 6 P. M. No. 1033 Garfield av'tt. LL makes typewriters rented. $3 a moux, NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER C8V, 262 Stark St KEW OAK. 6-ft. rolltop desk, typewriter desk and machine, 4 chairs, new xug. Call 411 or 303 Swetland bldg. 1 ELECTRIC National cash register; 1 pool table, very reasonable. Restaurant, 220 Morrison. . FOR BALE 1 one section and 1 two section, all-steel French range: also larg broiler. Chef.. Arlington Club. GOOD steam boiler for sale, 12 H. P., ma rine; bargain. W. F. Col lard, Camas, Wash. (00 BUSINESS cards. $1: a bargain. Rom City Prlntery. 192 is 8d. corner Taylor. TYPEWRITERS rented 3 months for $5t. Remington Typewriter Co.. 243 Stark su OFFICE furniture, new and second-hand; at tractlve prices. Phone Main 21. TWO good, fresh cows, with calves, for sale. 13.S3 East Irving and 4i'th. M-V car. TWO pool tables for sale cheap. 113 u. 3d st. Apply OFFICE furniture, desk, chairs, rug, etc. 308 Henry bldg. , $300 SAFE at sacrifice price, cash or part payments. 108 N. 6th st. W AN TED MISCELLANEOUS. A f 1200 CLERK in Dept. of Commerce and 1-abor would like to exchange with Govt, clerk In Portland. Address M. C., No. i. The Majestic, 132U Euclid St., Washington, 1). C. WE BUY CLOTHING. FURNITURE, TOOLS. Highest pries paid for men's and ladles cl-off clothing, shoes, furniture, too.a, mechanic, logging. Call Main 200. xM 1st St.. The Globe WE buy Junk ana second-hand machinery of every description. Call for our buyer. M. Barde Sons. 240-240 Vi Front St., th house of a million bat-gains. Main 663; A, 10o3. WANTED Kitchen and dining-room furni ture for country hotel, including range, refrigerator, tables, chairs, etc.; will pay cash. Call at once. 170 5th st. . BARGER'S AUCTION HOUSE. $70 hi. Morrison. Phone B. 1022. Pays highest cash price for furnltur. WE buy furniture, clothing, tools or any thing you have. Call 'or buyer. Phon Main 4773. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Seater 4 Martin. Phon East 8134. 848 Hawthorne ave. TO BUY, cash register, scales, coffee mill, chees cutter, credit register and meat sllcer. Phone Marshall 4348. 250 2d. WILL pay spot cash for stocks of merchan dise; strictly confidential. 131 2d at.. Portland. WILL tint rooms $2.50 up; do painting at ' reasonable prifes. East 6124. WANTED Auto top for small runabout, A 1321 or call 11 4th. WANTED Movlng-plcture outfit, folding chairs, etc AL 94b. Oregonlan WANTED 311 or 40-inch office desk or table. Jensen. Marshall 2021 STORAGE BATTERY wanted at once. Ad dregs F, 22, Oregonlan. FORD Auction Co. Pays most cash for any; Kind ol xunutura. Main SiiOl. A 244. 6