Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 25, 1912, Page 18, Image 18

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    THURSDAY, AriSlX 25, 1912.
- i ill-. t. a.-. a a ?
"" " " " 4
" i 1 FOR KEyt 1 ' FOR RENT. I FOB KEST.
nrir WlXnit-nSUIX f SITTATIONS WANTEtt MALK. mvrrn-m ttKNT. FOR BENT. I 1 " AowtmraM. Honsekecplng Rooms in Private Family
MAN or mu understsndlng general ae-i-otinli
tany bookkeeper! can bav ex-r-ptfnnat
opportunity for large or small
Ini.itmnt. all states open, guarantee lire
Inromr. Established 14 rra. with large
revenue. Portland efflr opened. Rest rer
,r.nri. For particular address P. O.
riox 1.
to operate moving picture: operatore
ira t2i to we.kly. Full practical
course rhasp.
-. IViitL, oaar lit
MEN WANTED Age It la 13. to prepare
for flremea ar erekemeo. nearby rail
road te lo 1 14 monthly- Experience
Beceaeary: no trlk; promotion ngtneer
ar conductor. 14 la tise monthly; food
Ufa caraara: stale ee: send lamp. Kali-
way Association. Box Oregon isa.
KK.V ana oaa to Warn the barber trada
la : o I week; apodal laduoemeata; per
ccataaa paid whila learning; loo la fre
expert in tractors. It years m BBSl
Beee; t? acboola; a llfeilia maattanoit
Liaaa to a stndeau Molar Beis-ir C4
ge. IS N. rurh a , PorOd. Or.
WANTED Man at 1-oa Angelee: can learn
trada: fair a agea after second month ; auto
maul! -a. electricity, plumntng. hrickloy
ln(. practical work on actual Job. 12on
indent laat Ave )'tn; only law maltha
required. Lnllad Trade School. Lo Ao-
BARBERS' Stat Board of Eiatnluer of will be In .elon In thla city at
17 , Flrot at. April and May 1. for
tha purpoaa of l.stllna annual renewal
t arda to licensed barbers and ppr-ut tees,
a. I renewal Tarda expire April 4u. HMX.
T. 1. I.tabo. -irtaty.
lllt;i: yoi.ii man ara wantad oy rall
roaua la falrarapa and a'atlou aaraica;
joiltiona paying :'' Pcr ntonth.
For particulars ca.l or addrasa Iciafrapb
lpu. Coniaoaaa.ttl feiaa ota and Aa
kany gta.
RAILWAY mall clarka. propara hi, a-
e-llaat aalarioa and promuttooa; aa lay
of ft. aura pay: fraa book. Call today. Pa
eific Mtataa BchooL Mcalay bldj city.
ft ANTCL' Good business lady or rnilrina
to act aa sacratary in corporation, must
t.aa soma Intareat. cood salary paid. 111J
H i. t borne.
L-VW .S Now la Ilia lima to maka our new
ta a n or resed the old one; rraaonablc
priea. Fre.1 W. Bullock. JIO Yaon bld.
oTKNo'iRAPIIKK.-'. any ajstem, beginners
or advanced, qulcklr speeded and placed
in p.amona. b- Worcester block. Mar
abail I'M.
Vul ara wanted for Government Job. $a
niontn. benJ poatal for Hat positions open,
franklin institute. IxpU ai'i (A Kocbeaiar.
. Y.
t money wriunc sbort atorlaa, ar la
tapers; bis pay; fraa booklet t.lm haw.
oned Press aypdicate. mc Kraociaoa.
PARTIES internted In hnml'ldl may
Jola our crowd: several families. AT
i Orcgonlaa.
HALF soles sewed or palled on whila you
wait. ,vw. Kvatu American irhoa store.
14 Mrri5on st.
i . . - iiffni laikalfluna a a.
i per montli. ; 14lk st. Main
. A1 t;t .'utura play writers; buy
weu Mtcn yvu. awe
tK.a. sa Francisco.
oooaaeepina. a. a runiinqn u.m. a.
acboola and teacBers. 1 Saelland bld.
saakkaepera aad Cleeaa.
M.vr.KIEL man. rears old, S years' -partem-
In lanklna; best of references,
would like postllon as bookkeeper, cashier
or int v crk. Will accept anythlnc
at HUna; wa.rr. where there Is chance for
ail'ane. men'.. Net afraid of hard work,
w 7 (resot lar.
ap Books, prepare baancaa and atata
taeata. install svstama. Ollllnanaa. aa
a:tor. Ill Lewis bld. MarsBaU Til.
WANTKD rosltlon by youn Isayer. six
years' eap'rleace: ran no npewnttns; snd
, r.n.ral oft lea work. Address AL KM. Ort
g.nien. A1.I 1 AN. first-clrfSS. earnest, success
fill worker imarrleli. wlslies par.a; l
sulon: hlshesl rcferencea Address H.. 1J19
n. :inh st.. 'ity.
r IKS l i l.AS bo.'kkejr and office man
wants poaitlon: lumber business preferred.
H 1."-. t'rr.'iniin.
H'A N f E D ;eneral office work bv live
;.ounr man: frocerT Una preferred: will
e..n-1'ler snTthir.r. Phont East 4T'.t.
M lweellaneaoa.
LAl'NtrY man of 1 years' earience da
a re poaltion as manaver or superinten
ded.; practical In every department from
off lea to b-iler-roora; will so anywhere.
It J. Oresfonlan.
A ilKHMAN. married msn. ace 42. bonesu
sooer and wllllnc. would like a steady po
sition la warehouse. Janitor or any kind
of work In wholesale or relati toouaea. Ai
. . urafonlin.
liiKS opened and cloaed, audited and
careful eaamlnatlona mada by expert ac
countant. Addxeaa Bol O Ba'A. Oraso
aian. WHAT have vi. u to offer In exchance for
.". f--T s incriea of kpo1 hustle? Am c.kwI
sal-ernan: also coo.! collector; food refer
rt. K 7 1. lirrtnlan.
J-.NK.K couple wish ieillina In holl
- roiHiilur-liouaa to dn jsnltor or chsm-b.-r
work, lonj experience. K ii. Ort
t"n'in. Mil.KF. ouna maa wishes position at prl
it:. place, tak car of automobile, do all
repairing. lawn and garden, city or coun
tr. P -1. Ciregonlan.
liKIN-ORl'EO ' rOrHKTB engineer and
building s jperlnlendent : references: stran
ter in city; can go anywhere. F 5a. Ore.
WKI.L rweommeeded German for reneral
sarden work: can milk: suburbs or city.
.; Ma'ke. l'4 fmicri St.
I K.-T-etnae baker: can taka rharge of
small shop la or out of city. S a. Orego
n's n. m
rA.TRIKS and bread work wanted by com
pel. nt bib. town or country; highest ref
erences. Ml Kerby at.
v VNTF.D Lawn work. spa.llng. la'elmg.
eeedmc: aatliifactlon guaranteed. Phono
r't VJI.
,'liAl KFKl'R. experienced, do own repalra;
r.ferencea A. Kuaacll. 3J Bixth St. Tele
phone j:T Main.
JAPANESE wanra a position aa bartender
o helper. P. K. lahida. room Id Hotel
Vlnneaota. 1t VH si. North, city.
LANDSCAPE gardener deairea steady poal
ttoa: long experience; recommendations.
W . Qregonlan.
Yt-K NiJ innn wanta house or garden
work, city or auburba: has refercaoc. AM
1. pregonlan.
ttANTKli fosltlon with logeing firm op
erating railroad as construction and track
man. reference. A II. Pre-ronlan.
FI..-ITIO.N on road b salesman familiar
with Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho.
c.i-.; Japaneae wanta work 2 or 4 houra
it. the eeenlnaa. O -I. Oregonlan.
,1 Ty mechanic deslrea position aa driver,
repairman: city reference S. Oregoniart.
i'N man. Ilva wlra. oya for fmt-clasa
p.lre.a propoattlon. S Oreaonlan.
. f'ERIKNi'EO auto repair man w lanes
".raiy employment. I'hona B -TBI.
.. man wanta work, any kind: Ileitis;
n .'gee. Phone Marahsil i:V
, N K.l -llaahlnc or powder work, by ea-fc-'-i'en.-ed
man. P firegonlsn.
V ISImiVA washing. housecleanlng. floors
' , and poll-hed. Vhone violiwood lljvt.
l.AMUH-Br young man. experienced flra
rV.n. oe nlicbt watchman. W 4. oregonlnn.
vSTEIi To contract carpenter work, nn-
'ianlng preferred. Phona A 39.
IfA'-HI VIST, all around, wants work, model
n rvi experimental. . ..ia""-"".
jAI-NF.SK COITI.E wanta poaalon In laru
tir" ' e 2i. t iregonlan.
Uliirk'UtVKH wanta
4. tiregoclnan-
vs to build. If
I ... .. I Houses. I Furnished Rooms ID llvalp ennuiy. I ' 1 '
I i
tl Saeood at-. Corner Salmoa.
Women's Department. Ill Salmoa.
All rll T of unskilled, skilled, profea
atonal and clerical mala Bad female belp
furnished en short notice. No fsa charged.
Phono Main lil. A ..
WASTED Posltlou In established law firm
or in real estate office, by attorney; 30
years' practice In Oregon. Object change
of location. Address C. J. Curtis, Astoria,
( 1 1 N O Japanese wanta position, housework,
take care garden or automobile. i
ad HteawarapBorw.
EXPERIENCED office girl with soma knowl
edge of typewriter desires permanent po
sition: can g-lre references. AD 10. Ore-
LADY stenographer, employed, dealii'i
In private family evenings and !i
In exchange for room and two
l work
Willing worker. F :4. Oregonlan.
WANTED A position as assistant
keeper or general office assistant
operate tvpewrlter; goou retcreocea.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper with knowledge
of stenography and cashiering wants offlos
wora. Address 1 Porter st
Yl'L'.NO woman atenographer and typewrit
er, offleo saaiatanl. or will do work at
home, day or evening. M.irshall Into.
COMPETENT" stenographer, wlih general
office experience desirca poaltion. rhone
.Marshall ab.
Ptr-ITION' wsnied by stenographer, some
experience; salare no QPJecl. iwoor
GOOD bookkeeper capable of taking charge
m . ... . i ...-.a Vne etnniovrd.
LAHV deeires position aa aunographe.'.
Phone Mnrehall Jv... -
FI FIST-t'l.ASS stenographer deaires perma
. . . i 1.1. ..ti.l.l. firm tl 1B41I.
Ik ..nwa..
COMPETENT dres-maker wanta family
work: e- iO per day. Can make ; tub
rtrraars per day; V ery best of rt ferences.
' B
MRS NEAU the dreeemaker. la now located,
Ii; I.onsdale at.: will ho pled to meet
her many friends and customers, tall or
phone Marshall 4-t-
FIRST-CLASS dreasmsker and de-lgner
wishes engagetneats by oa. iiwu n.
and style. Phone Main ioOi.
y KRIENIi!! high-grade ladlesr tailoring,
riding habits. s Central hldg., loth and
Alder. Phone Mar-hal! -InlS.
EXPEHIENCEIJ acamstre.s would like lo
go out br the day with dressmaker. D
i Oregonlan.
EX PEKIENCKD girl desnea re Infant or
ch'ld. K:. Louis Agency, Main riMH. A
DKE-iSMAKER wants -lav- work: Eastern
experience. Mtsa Andrews. Marshall l.r.
MATERNITY nnrse would like a few more
cases; s years' experience. Address H..
room . lit-i !rand ave.. Portland. Or.
Phone East yVvl.
Nl'KSE" JTlahlng mora engagements; Utile
housework: terms reasonable; rcferencea.
Main tetii:.
GRAIM'ATE nur-e wlahea office position;
special experience In aurglcal and X-ray
work. Address S. It.. 1I 14th st
IS Y EARS experience, with Invalids, elder
BY two nnra-ii more cases, or will do day
nc nirht nursing. Main 44!;
EXPERIENCED muse, ineallda, elderly a
specialty: maternity, tcknese. Main liain,
A 47T3.
EXPERIENCED nuraealrl wanta position;
reference. 8ellwood 14.rft.
EXI'KltIEN'El. capable woman would like
position as housekeeper In flret-rlaes ho
tel or managing apartment house; thor
oughly reliable. Phone Main Slelo. Apart
ment 'A AN I V. I ) Poallion as housekeeper by a
youi.g woman with child. Y :0, Ore
gonian. .
REKIXt!) rrlddle-aced woman wants po
sition as housekeeper In wldower'a fara
llv. C I'niri. or A IH. OregotilaiTu
LADY wishes houeekcepiiiir In nice country
home or si-.ill town. C '1. nresonlan.
11 HipI.E-AtlED wo'iisn wants housework.
whlng. Iron, da v. Main ivu"4.
FI ItsT-CLASS woman houaekeepcr or .are
Invalid. .Main aiMP. A 4T7.V
Tli ii:trc,H. taclful foreign woman wnuld
Ilka reej.onslt.le position where keen Inter
est In the business will he appreciated.
Phone Marshall 3144 or write D 24. Ure
ironlan .
TWO experienced girls want situation aa
e.-.ok and waitress out of city; rather In
urn, family. Call 2 Freemont st. Thone
Yo.wl!swn 4.1.
V l. 'T KU Work bT nay; young strong
woman, washing. Ironing and house denn
ing. Thursday and Friday and Saturday.
Phone E. ll4.
LADIES' fine clothea and lace curtaina
hand laundered, called for and delivered.
Marshall 4-t'.7.
Hul'SEKEEPERS. cooks, waitresses, second
clrls. ehambermslds. nurses. st l-oula
Agency. ;.-..'ii-. Alder. Msln M. A 4...V
fTvDTslrfPlTrly wants work by day.. Call
Wood lawn 43 between 12 and 1 o clock
P. M.
ft.MPKTENT colored woman w inta ""rl
for Friday and Saturday. Call Marshall
l.'.l. -
TA'tXTEP Pv widow, place to cook In ainatl
ca'mp or farm, at once. Mrs. Sam Harris,
K. No. . box Hood River. Or.
Si'HUOI.CIRU 1". wishes permanent P'sce
to work for board and room. At. -I. Ore
gon ta
SCHOOL OIRL wanta place as companion;
willing to assist for room and noijrd aud
small wages. Phone Marshall "..lo.
POSITION wanted aa oft!c girl, dentist or
physician preierreu. ...
LACE curtaina lautiderea. up; urai-
claaa. quick service. Tabor SIT.
STRON""- woman wanta work cleaning offices
or otner flay wwrn. .
FI KST-CI.ASS lauudrees w Isli.-s work Thurs
day snd Friday. Vtoodlawn 111.
I.EST of care for children In private home.
Viellwood 4"-.
WANTED Housecleanlng by day or hour.
Call K "M7. r""i- "
I'lAMt and violin lessons given, use of In-
stru-nents: .W: referencea. Marshall nfild
EXPERIEVCED woman desires situation,
dav work, wa-hlng East ad St. t-outh.
STEADY PLACES for washing. -cleaning ;
cents hour. Write Mrs. C. tl East 3d su
li.MiI woman to work by day. Phone Main
744. -
WOMAN wanta work by the hour. Marshall
POSITION wanted ly Swedish experienced
cook. Phone New Grand Central Hotel.
YoMAN wanta day work; no half dava. A
afiENTf Ocean's greateat tragedy; gigan
tic steamship Titanic goes to the bottom
on bar maiden trip; multl-mllllonalres.
authora. atatesmen and immigrants share
the same waterv grave: our great book,
profneely Illustrated, will tell all the
thrilling storv with personal accounts of
heroic self-sacrifice. marvelous escapee
and terrible sufferings: ba first In the
field and reap a golden harvest: liberal
commission: prospectus now ready: outfit
free; send 1 tec to cover cost of mailing.
The Thompson run. - o. . r-i. ijouii. ato.
WANTED -A few more good agents, men
and women. In every city and town In
th-egon. waablngton and Idaho, to sell our
new accident and health poltciea Annual
cost ti and tl": pays 1S a week while
disabled. Our ageuta ar making ." to
IU a day. why not you? Highest com
missions and renewala Write or call for
Information. Abbott A- Co.. Wilco bldg..
Portland. Or.
'dlNKlN'. of the Titanic and rest Sea
Ills later" Authoritative book on the
greatest marine disaster In history, thrill
ing storv: profusely lllwetrated; splendid
opportunity for money-making: nnce only
tl. Mg terms: complete outfit free. Write
todxr. l'nlversal House. ll10 Arch St.,
tl GUARANTEED, commission besides,
for davs' work. C. W. Wells. Stewart
Station. Mt. Scott line. Tabor -
WANTED-Mve agenta for Tacuum cleaner.
Just put on market. Apply R. W, McDon
ald, room 4'a. 2.7 H Washington St.
3 TO f.". a day money every night; some
thing new. 613 Reel- bldg.
WANTED To rent for the summer, fur
nished house, wl'h garage if poaalble;
qule. location. I'ortland Heights preferred,
n In family: referencea AJ .". Oregonran.
WANTr.D to rent a six or seven-rooni mod
ern bungalow on Porllsnd Heights; hard
wood fi-vors and all conveniences neces
ea ev. phone A T"--" or Msln 1714.
WANTED to rent. ll lo '.'"-r.iom reeldence
suitable lor roomer. P 1, teregonian.
W ANTED !n either Irvlngton. Piedmont or
Willamette Heights, an unfurnished .1 or
ll-rooin modern luu-e or bungalow of mod
erate rent. In reply state particulars. AL
-.l. Oregonlan.
Apartment a.
AT ONCE, by two adults, 2 parlly-furnl-hed
- hestctl liousckecjilng rooms; must be lltfht
and clean and reasonable: must alute
price; I furnish rank's, bedding, linen and
silver: referencea exchanged: ocrmar.ent It
satlafaetory. H II. Oregonlan.
REFINED buslners couple want well-furnished
room and kitchenette in private
fnmllv. walking distance. West Side, and
reasonable. F 21. oregonlan.
Booms With Hoard.
WANTED Bv oung business man. com
fortable room and board In private home
In d.slrable part of .city: West Side pre
ferred 1 -J. orcitonian
I'l.ACc, for board and care tw'O-montha-otd
baby. Cull or write Mrx M. Picric. SU
Vincent! Hospital, th floor
BOAHU and room wanted, by gentleman
and wife. In private family; East Side
preferr d. AT 2.1. Oregonlan.
Room and board in vicinity of Laurelhuist;
must have phone. A F 21. Oregonlan.
Furnished Rooms.
Hoar Open.
Ill Rooms.
Now Opea.
Seventh and Taylor 81a.
Residential and tranalent: aboolntely
central; two tnlnutea from Poatofnce,
stores, theaters and restaurants; Just off
bualnee etreela and carllnea: quietest and
best location; handsome brick, ampie
steam heat, hot running water and P-0"
ta every room, eultee and private bat lie.
elevator. Reputable and comfortable.
From J6o daJiy. te stsaaJ. Any car froas
Orard and Hawthorne Avenues.
For rent, the finest earner, parlor, bed
room and bath rulte In the city, large
rooms, beautifully fumlahed. nine w n
dows. fine lew of all the mountains. Also
some single rooms, elevator service, tela-
. L . . ia . aleetrle light
pnuiw, nut ana tui 7.
and stesm heat; moderate prices for de
sirable tenants. Eia-ht streetcar lines pass
tbe building. If you ar looking for
permanent, home-like quarter, be sur
and Inspect the Sargent before locating.
Excellent restaurant in connection un
hotel. Telephone East 21.
Those three beautifully furnished hote.a
S1SH 4th St. J11 th st, 207 Vj 4th sc
On Fourth at., running; from Taylor ta
Salmon il: brand-new brick: elegantly
furnished, steam beat, private baths, hot
and cold water In all rooms: atrlct.y up
to data In all respects, and at popular
price. If yon want sorasthlug out of tbe
ordinary. In tbe ban of tbe city, at rea
sonable prices. ive ua a call, aa we know
you will like It. Rooms by tbe day. week
or month. Tourist trade solicited.
. Washington St.
1. nder New Management.
Large lobby, fluiahed In mahogany, ttle
and marble; ladles' parlor with olt-ant
fireplace; free telephone service In rooms,
all night and day, electric elevator, steam
beat, hot and cold water In all rooms,
many with bath. A residential hotel above
reproach, where, every effort la made for
the comfort and convenience of Its guests;
rents the most reasonable In the city;
rooms by the day, week or month. Look
this over before locating. Take W car
at depot, gel off at lth and Washington.
Week 12 and up; tranalent 50c and up.
Are you getting rooms like ours? If
not. change; all outside rooms: hoi and
cold water in each room, steam heat
and buth: also housekeeping rooms.
HEX. .1481 Washington SU
Ill Eleventh Street.
New, mods re brick building; ateara
beated. private hatha bot and cold water
la rooms; beautifully furnished, cosy, com
fortable, renr reasonable. Call snd aes
us. Regular and transient trad epilation,
HOTEL LA SALLE. 10th and Bornsld sta
Absolutely fireproof; new and elegantly
furnished rooms; private batba, stsaxa
bat, hot and cold water, private phona
in each room; special rates by the month:
phone service free. Phone Marshall 4uk
HOTEL REN WICK An Ideal borne tor ksai.
nssa peofde; centrally located; elgaat
rooms; all modern conveniences; Tib aad
Taylor sta.. 1 block from Portland Hole
eppasite Helllg TEatr. Phone Mala win
One block from Union Depot; 140
rooms, with bot and cold wator and stsam
bsat; off era apeclal rates for permaaaat
guests; rates too to S2 a day: 1M aava
up per week. Phone Main
1 1 in a 1 1 u tiiu'.
Pprclal rates on rooms, with or without
ba:h: all modern conveniences; no extra
chnrgo fur phone or service
ocv i cv tti,ni.:i
31101, Morrison -St.. Cor. loth.
Central location, moderate prices, 50c.
Tic and tl per day; by the week, 3, tll.iu
up. Including baths, phones, steam heat.
-4db Twelfth SU Marshall 7M
Is heart of business district; steam hsat,
hot and cold- watar, free phone In every
room: tl day and up; t week and up.
THE ALEXANDER. Ul'.i Tenth, corner
Alder au. convenient to the business dis
trict and all theaters; well furnished
rooms for transleut or permanent. t-o0
a week up: unuer new managemcitu
i,ai.t,afi.i atol alL. it Park au. ftaa
ream, bot and cold water, ateaoa beat,
elevator and all modern conveniences: ilh
pr month and up; quiet and cuxuiorie.
THE LAN DORK 2S8 inth, near Jefferson.
Large, llgiit. airy rooms, hut and cold
wat.-r. clean, respeclanle. lor business
women. Best In city for price.
Large pleasant front looms, easy walk
ing diatatce. ail home conveniences, i.
X ' :U l U jar v. -miu e.a,n U.U1.
SEVERAL choice housekeeping rooms, nice
ly furnished, at lt7 stout atreeu one
block south of Washington, only ft min
ul.' walk from downtown.
HOTEL NORRIn. modrn convenience,
tii-o-j to a week. baa s Aider, curaer
17 til.
LLW1STO.V Hotel. 271 Vi Morrison, cor. 4lh;
large, airy rooms. slule and suites. Iran
stent and permanent. ..oc day up.
iTo" Vol; want a good room in a good loca
tion at a low lale? Try Hotel l-arrauee,
;4 l.arrauee si., walking distance.
--BTBlali Room In Private Family.
LOVELY well-furnished parlor, closet, m.
place and every couvenlence, in new, mod
ern home. I with or without kitchen priv
ilege. tw2!i Everett st.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in pleas
snt aparunetiu suitable for married couple,
or one or two ladles, with or without
piano. Phone Main fvalH).
TKA VEI.EK S wlfo has two elegantly fur
nished rooms, modern. Nob Hill, apart
ment for ladies, reasonable, walking dis
tance. Marshall- 114.
BE ACT 1 FULLY furnished room In pleasant
apurtmenu suitsble for married couple or
1 or Z ladles, with or without piano. Mala
SWELL furnlahed room In steam-heated
apartment, walking distance, reasonable.
;i Mill. apt. ri.
LAHlil. alcove front room, with kitchenette;
clean and light: bath, phone, near park;
walking distance, isi Mill su
ELEO.VNTI.Y furnished room, running wa
ter, suitable for two; spacluug grounds. To
sec in to rent. -a th.
W Ei.L-Kl'RNlrHED room, private family;
lei. renccs. Phone Marshall Wo, ;4i M.
23d. ,
'lean room. bath, phone; walking dls
ice. 81a East ittb. two blocks south of
Hawthorne ave.
HANDSOMELY furnished room with kitch
enette: every modern convenience; central.
irj. inth St. Marshall 4U7S.
BHIOHT. airy rooma In new modern flat,
electric lights, furnace heat and bath s
up. 40V Jackson st. Phone Main 4.81.
NICe"lY furnished rooms, from t'J week,
easy walking distance. Phone. oOo Wash
ington. PLEASAKT. light, clean room for 1 or 2:
closet, every convenience. In new, modern
home; reasonable. H'.'2'i Everett St.
tio BEA17TI KC LI.Y furnished, large room.
In mo-lem home, every convenience, walk
ing distance. 11 E. fth. Phone East H:t.
NICELY furnished front room, also attlo
roo-ru t7 Trinity Place, bet. 19th and 8Dth.
TWO nicely furnished rooms, single or en
suite: close in. 320 7th.
AI.liEK-u It AND Nice, clean rooms. t2 up.
1214 Grand sve.
RihiM for a gentleman In a strlctlv private
Jewish fsmtly. Phone Marshall 17"!.
CLEAN, well-f urnlahed room, quleu modern
house. u; e. s:h. 7.
N ICELY furnished rtMim. close In. private
family. Phone Mxin 1 1 "4.
Kl RNISIIED rooms. I..10 to to mo. No.
Nor'h Itth. Free phone anil bath.
LAIlijE front room, nicely furnished. $12.
7.itt Irving. Marshall 4oaa.
ROOM In modern private home. 410 Park
Kooms With Board.
Corner West Park and Montgomery sts.
Family boarding-house, richly furnished
and runnlns: water In all rooma, private
baths, private park, and faces a large pub
lic park; a hotueiike place with a view
that is ur.surpansed In any city: rates
ranging from '!" to $1H a month. Call
and we are at your service. Phune Main
&2. 3M1 Montgomery t.
DOES a borne appeal to you 7 THE WHITE
HALL, cor. tih and Madison; large rcoma
bath, broad veranda, quleu close In. near
car. 4 blocks from P. Q- American plan.
Attractive, clean rooms. stesm heat,
good board, close in. reasonable.
THE I.AMBERSON. 5S4 Couch St.. very de
sirable ouialdo rooms, steam heat, run
ninic water, bood board, close In.
Kooms with board, use of sewing-room. II-
b : ary. C10 Flanders. Mrs. K. N. Wilson, supt
ROOM and board for young women. $3 per
week, new hous.;. with all conveniences.
No. 12 E. 7th at. Smth.
ELEOANT room, fa-lng the park. A-l board,
reasonable. 871 Park-
TUB HAZEL Furnished rooms with board,
running water, steam hrat. 3S0 Sd su
ROOMS with board. 712 Flanders. M. 1647.
Rooms With Board In Private Families.
VERY desirable rooms, with hot and cold
running water, bath and shower adjoin
ing, with sleeping porch, home cooking. 2
minutes' w.ilk to car snd 10 minute
walk to Washington st. T25 Prospect drive,
Portland Heights. Main 1007.
LA KG E. fiont room, also cosv. airy
smaller room, each suitable, double or sin
gle: homo comfort, board If desired: rea
sonable; 10 minutes walk from oregonlan.
417 iS'h st.
GENTLEMEN desiring breakfast and din
ner in pleasantly located private home,
phone Mar. oiilltl. Would also consider a
few dinner guests.
WANTED 1'iiur ladies or (-entleinen to
board and room, 2 in a room. ?2o a month,
each in private liimily: good homo cook
ing. 21MI 12! h, near .leffer-on.
FIKST-CLASS BOARD and room, new bun
galow, everything modern. Will hoard 1
or 2 ladies: no other boaiders; referencea
Phone SVIIwood K..2. Good location.
FriiNTPHEIi niom.i. with or without board;
flrst-clats home cooking; everything new;
larpe. alrv rooms; terms very low. ool
Kver-tt ft.
ROOMS with hreakfuat in a beautiful Sum
mer home, lo minutes out on Oregon City
line. Sellwood 11M12.
Roii.m with board in private family, home
privileges: re-ldence district; walking- dia
tance. 220 East I'd North. East 444".
FIRST-CLASS board and room, home priv
ileges, everything modern. o"3 East Couch
WANTED 2 men boarders to room together
In private family. 20 Stout, near Jeffer
son st.
LARGE, welt furnished front room, modern
conveniences: close In, We-t Side; best
home cooking; vciy reasonable. Main R2M.
$20 PLEASANT front rooms for two- 40.
clenn. new. modern house, single beds. 84
17ih. near Everett. '
FRONT room witli board in modern flat;
suitable for 2 gentlemen, phone A 6632.
W Mill. .
ROOM and "board, with mother's care, in
private homu. for small boy or girl. AM
9. Oregonlan.
EAST front roomi modern, with all con-
i . . .. . . . ,l kn.r.l' ill ntinutea
from P. O. :'1 l"th St.
47J SALMON Good room, good board, mod
ern conveniences; close; reasonable. Mar
shall 4273.
ROOM and board for Jl In prlvalo family;
uso of parlor, piano, bath and phone.
Phone Sellwood 1729.
DESIRABLE room, walking distance, home
'rooking, near Multnomah Club. Marshall
ROOM and board for 1 or 2 gentlemen, close
lp. phone East 4.".'-'3.
PLEASANT rooms, single or en suite; excel
lent board. GSG Ollsan.
ROOM with connecting bedroom, excellent
board, porches snd giounda. Main 2uil.
SINGLE room for gentleman, with good
board: S22..'i lT month. 7S7 Glisan.
Two and .".-room apartments, well-fur-nishtd.
cheerful and thorouRhly clean at
most REASONABLE RATES consistent
with thehlr many advanlases. Comfort
able beds (no wall I7edl; unusually fine
eio-et room:' HOT and cold water: re
frigerators. Beautiful view from many
apartments. , ,
Wide halls; elevator service: laundry
with steam dryer and best modern
NEWLY furnished The Upshur. 2C.h and
Upshur sts. furnished 2-room apartments,
fll 20 and up. This Includes steam
private bath, tlb; tooiu. -o. -
23d or W cara north. Phono Main
stone palsce of luxurious homes. Trinity
Place, between lth and 20th streets. Just
' off Washington; magnificent exclusive
epartmenta. In heart of apartment-house
district; rentals reasonable; every modera
convenience; sleeping porches blgh-c.aas
service; refined c.lauteie; references re
eulrd In al, cases. Mrs. A. Is. Wrlgat,
supu Phone Marshall 1101.
t!44 Everett -t
New and elegantly lurnlshed ao-vrt-rrents;
I rooms, reception hall and sleep-Irg-porcb;
automatic electaic elevator and
private Pacific telephone: f located In one
of the choicest residence districts, sur
rounded by elegsnt homes; walking -tanc.
IN SMALL, well-kept apsrtmenl-house. 6
minute' walk from Morrison st.
On very large, well furnished 4 -room
apartment, on lirst floor.
One small, airy furnished apartment of
4 rooms, first floor. .
One a-room apartment, light and comrno-...I-.,
i. oh -r
nious. on iniru J
r UtlUIlAa Arao . .
170 Ford eU. Just aoutb of AaahlngtOBi
most complete, highest clasa apartmsats
aver built In Portland;' finished through
out In hardwood; tiled baths, superb fixtures-
elegant wall coverings; each wlla
private balcony; hlgheat class service:
iery reaaonaola rents; 4 and o-room
apartments; most conveoKntly arrange
Cor. ISth and Couch, 1 block from
Washington su. elegant 3 and 4-room
modern sparttnents, steam heat, electric
elevator hot and cold water, telephone
and Janitor service; reference required.
Phone Main 1 1 12.
171 KINO ST.
4. a, a. room spartments; select tenancy.
Apply on premlsea.
4JRANDESTA furnished apartments Oraad
ave and East Stark; new brick building,
S room, splendidly furnished, with pri
vate bath. 127.60; electric elevator; mod
ern conveniences; closu-ln location; eaaj
walking distance; best of service.
ST CROIX Apartments. SU Clair su, near
Wasatngton; e and 3-room apartments,
with privets bath, furnished and unfur
nished superb location, easy walking dis
tance brick building; convenient arrange
ment.' best of ser v i a n J very low r-a:a.
Hoyt; 4 rooms and bath, private baloony.
new brick building, electrlo elevator, su
- Derb looatlon. In walking distance: most
convenient arrsngemeul, low rent and oast
of service.
Nicely furnished, 3 rooms, $25; all out
side large, light, airy rooms, private
uuoue and bath, gas lange. refrigerator,
water healer, laundry traps, large closets,
on carlino. East Side. Tabor 22413. B 3t4L
ma and Clay streta.a
Snlendld location, solid brica building,
electric elevator: we have unfurnished I
d 4-room suites, with prlval. vaU0aue
t. hone'- bath, etc.
410 oth st. Five minutes' walk, brick
building, nicely furnished 3-room apart
ments, private bath, phone. elevator;
j7.iu and up. main 207l. A 203S.
THb' til TOl'A, ISth and Flanders. 2. i
and w-room niodern apartments, furnished
and unfurnished: t2" up; new furniture
, new; buildlni.-. Apply to the Janitor.
vi.v' MAWR. I5 Ktt llvth. near Yamhill,
i outside rooms, over fine lawn, porch.
St. Clair and Washington Sta
Large, airy, beautifully furnished: all
woodwork white enamel, mirror doors,
tiled baths, plenty of closet space, private
halls and phones, all outside rooms; a few
single rooms for gentlemen. Hauroom for
use of tenants; reference required.
12th and Harrison.
Now ready for tenants, 2 sno S
room apartments, living rooms lux
20, high and sightly; well furnished
with everything that goes to make
l.lgh-class apts.; 11th or lS.h-st.
Marshall and 18th.
Large, airy 2. 3 and 4-room apart
ments; quiot and exclusive neijabor
hood. NOKOMIS.
Marshall, near 17th SU
NEW. Attractively furnished, 2
room apartmcnta. Service for
Cor. Park and Taylor sts.
Cor. Tenth and Salmon sta.
Walking Dlstanra.
rtnnlshed complete. 2, 8 a 4-reom
spartments; buildings new and strictly
modern; service first-class.
lflth and Everett Sts.
New management: 2, 4 or 5-room tra
furnished spartments. The best apart
mcnta In the city for the money; they
have all modern conveniences, are close
In. neat and homelike. Don't fall to
Inspect them before locating. If furnished
apartment is desired, can arrange this on
smai: monthly payment with rent tenant
eventually owning furniture at earns
monthly cost as furnished apartments
T04 Lovejoy St.
Under new management; new, modern
brick. 2. 3 and 4-room apartments, fur
nished or unfurnished; we will rent you
apartments 25 per cent cheaper than any
place in the city: good Janitor service.
Give ua a call and be convinced. Mar. 2914.
King and Washington sts.. now ready.
New d-story reinforced concrete build
ing, only, fireproof apartment-bouse la
Portland; every possible convenience, elec
tric elevator, best of service, private bal
conlea, easy walking distance; 2, 2, and
4-room apartments. $22.5t up.
Two 4-room apts.. furnished and un
furnished, with two disappearing beds
In each.
One 5-room spt. furnished, with 2 bed
rooms: also two disappearing beds in each
and two large porches, etc.
CUMBERLAND APTS., West Park and Co
lumbia sts.; choice 3-room unfurnished
and 1 completely furnished 2-room apart
ment; all modern conveniences: choice lo
cation, fronting tbe park and only 5 min
utes' walk from business center.
4-ROOM apartment with private bath $35;
all outside rooms, splendid view; modern;
convenient arrangement; superb location;
close to Postofflce; also 2-room apartment;
best of service. The Sheffield, 7th and Jef
ferson sts.
Lucretia SU. Near 23d and Wash.
Unfurnished apartments, from two to
five rooms, all large, light and outside;
large closets, hardwood Doors; under new
mauagemenu Marshall 1518. Janitor, Mar
shall J5O0.
2. 3 and 5-room apartments, furnished
or unfurnished; good service. Apply on
premises to Janitor. Both phones.
CRACE APTS.. 787 Northrup St., corner
4th. 5 large rooms, hardwood floors, front
veranda. large sleeping porch, private
telephone, water, heat and bot water; new
and strictly modern.
near Main; close in location; elegant 2
roo apartment with batb and private
balcony. 13a. Every convenience, good
East 7lb and Morrison, most centrally lo
cated; 2 aud 3-room apartments, fur
nished Ui to dale; private baths; modcr-
ate rates.
6-room apartment, choice residence dis
trict, walking distance, every convenience.
21st aud Flanders sts. Main 7518.
WINSTON Apartmenta. 141 14th su, at
Market; new corner brick; all bright, out-
' side rooms; 2 and 2-room suites com
pletely furnished tor housekeeping; 2 ta
-i 7.l,u. For Information call Main 17JJ.
All outside, 2-room apartments; Holme
beds, built-in writing desks, vacuum clean
er, ianiior aervlce; 22.5u to 20. Including
'lghta. private phones. A 3472. Main 1377.
FoK RENT May 1 ll-room sunny apart
ment, all outside rooms, 3 bedrooms, ver
anda and sleeping porch, fine neighbor
hood, Clifton apartments. 7M Irving su
p hone Main 53H.1. A 27 7 3.
New and elegantly furnished modern
apartmenta of two and three rooms, lo
cated over new Postofiice building; rent
reasonable. Take any Union ave. car. Call
personally or phone E. 2743.
Just completed, coiner 3d and Hall; all
2-room furnished apts., largo outside
kitchens, best arranged apts. in Portland.
225 and up. Easy walking dlstatice.
11th snd Clay; 2-roo.n apartmenta, fur
nished, with private bath; all conve
niences: good service; easy wa.king dis
tance; very reasonable rents.
l'nrd st.. near Washington ; select resi
dence district; a 4-room apartment, with
balconv; all conveniences oi mo oeai-claje
apartments. Main 8a3, A 744S.
CECILIA APARTMENTS. 22d and oiisaa
sts.- best of service; desirable location,
with unexcelled car service; also easy
malklng distance; s-roora apu, with beta,
modern convenience, very resonablrat,
tiful bummer home; furnished and unfur
nisned apartments, tld to 225. Take Mis
sissippi or L car, get off at Kllllngsworth
ave. phone C 1170
NEWLY furnished 2, 3, 4 rooms, 222.50
to 240; single rooms 23 up; free light,
phones, beat, hot and cold water, electrlo
Marshall 3.1(17.
New, modern building; new furniture;
g-rooin apartments; wal&lng dlatance, or
best car aervlce.
the FLORENCE New and absolutely
first-claaa 3 and 4-room furnished apart
ments. 22-.60 up. 328 ilth su Marshall
154. :
THE MEREDITH. 712 Washington su, 2,
a and 4-rooin apta, hardwood floors, wlta
very convenience, newly furnished; cheap.
lt rent In the city.
NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall st. Main 429.
Birmingham. 0 1-th su Marshall 4S4.
2 rooms, nicely furnished, up; walk
ing .stance;
Park and Madison Sts.
For rent. 3 and 4-room furnished and
unfurnished apartmenta. strictly modern.
SAN MARCO APTS.. E. bth and Couch
jitw brick, private baths and phone, 3
rooms, corner, 25. Phone K. 2751.
Trlli DAVENPORT Newly furnished 8
room apt., private baili and phone; reas
onable. Main 5435.505 J-Mferson.
BJLLAND. 16th Lovejoy Unfurnished
ilronw; modern, new brick; must be seen
to be appreciated. Main 1S07. A 1867.
THE dXv'ENPORT Newly furnished rooms,
bath and phone, 12 to J10. Alain 0435. 6uo
THE ORMONDE, modern apartment, 4 nice.
Until rooms, gas range, refrigerator, tele
uliotic. 'i."1 Flanders. Nob Hill. Main 8251.
Furnished aud unlurnisned apartments.
CS2 Lovejoy st. 'aa w car.
THB GUILD APTS Between 23d and 24th,
Thurman ahd Vaughn. 1 2-room apt,
ns.50: one 3-room, 2-2.50.
4 and t rooms; modern.
LOVEJOY APTS., 17th and Lovejoy Two
anfl three-room furnlahed apartments.
JrrLlAETTE Furnished and unfurnished 2
rooms Corner 2d snd Montgomery.
inn, r
' s,39 arrtsonSLPhone Marshall 3070.
-The ELM 2 and 2-room apts.. furnished
heat, phone and bath. 11 14th au
.. T.TI" . tj 1 I) T II tX T-1-
715 Wayne bu (near Klngl,
Six large rooms (3 bedrooms), apart'
men-.; all built-in conveniences, magnifi
cent view, walking distance; rent uu.
1C.4 24th st. North.
N.r. modern 4-room apartments. all
liirht rooms and built-in conveniences,
free light, heat, etc.: rent 245 and up..
Rent from us now and get the alvan
tage of the Summer rates throughout the
Citv Department.
Main BS69. 4tf oth St. A l.-tn .
Most op-to-date apartment In the
Northwest; every convenience: 4 and s
rooms, all outside sunny rooms; "new:
walking distance. 21st and Johnson sts..
choice residence district: attendant on
premises. Marshall 2260. .
Elegantly furnished 8-room comer
apartment, with deeping porch: sur
rounded by lawn and flowers, all bright
outside rooms; also very desirable, large.
Il-rht. 2-room apartment with bay window.
Daintily served meals can be arranged tor
3 Just across Hie street, references.
Jefferson and 13th ats.
3. 4 and 5-Room Apartments.
Exceptionally Low Summer Rates.
Janitor Service Unexcelled.
New, Strictly Modern.
Phone Main 0O6S.
THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sta;
this new 4-story brick now open; lur
nlshed and unfurnished In 2. 2 and 4-room
sultcs; reception hall, electric automatlo
elevator. Holmes disappearing bods, built
in buffet and writing desk, gas range, ice
box. plenty of closet rooms, both phones,
vscuum cleaner free to patrons. If you
want something nice. Coma to the Barker.
1 2-room basement apartment 21a- Phones
A 1744. Marshall -61.
12th and Taylor.
Jnt completed, most magnificently fee.
Dished apartments In the Northwest; loca
tion perfect; rentala reasonable: every
modern convenience. Including banquet
hall and roof garden; both phones In al
apartments; high-class service: references
required Mam 2276 and A 7057.
bia. 4 blocks south from Morrison su:
new brick building, completely ftrst-elasa
furnished In 2. 8 and 4-room family apart
ments; private batb. steam heau hot wa
ter elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner.
Janitor service: rent per month. 228. 3.
240 snd up; must ba seen to be appre
ciated GARDNER APARTMENTS, cor. 13th and E.
Ash: furnished 3-room. with largo porch,
tine view: also 5-room. fireplace. gas
range, heat and water; speciul price oy
the year. .
AT the Cumberland. West Park and Colum
bia sts.. a 3-room. well furnished apt.,
for 3 months, choice location, reasonable
rent to right parties. References required.
BUCK HARTFORD APTS. 21st and Flanders.
Under new management, 3-room apts.; all
modern; walking distance. Main 27S2.
' Flats.
5-ROOM flats, all large and light, fireplace,
heat, hot and cold water, near Washington
Hish School; special prico to tenants
wishing to locate in a good neighborhood
by the year. Cor. Ulth and E. Ash sts.
5-ROOM flat. 7S2 Glisan su, $30: new build
ing, superb location, very desirable; hard
wood floors, fireplace, gas range, water
heater, furnace. See Mr. Roat. St. Croix
Apartments. 170 St. Clair St.
4-HooM modern flat at E. 2Sth and ctark
sts. ; rent $2.1.
4U Wilcox bldg.
Phones Main Mill!, a 26." q.
NEW 4-room upper flat, 30th and Haw
thorne; sleeping porch, from porch, hard
wood floors, gas stovo. gas heater, fur
nace, fireplace; no children. 227.50. phone
Tabor 2230.
STEAM-HEATED 5-room flat, very desira
ble; convenient arrangement, with gas
range; fc:t2.50 Summer rate. Apply Jani
tor. Wellington Apartments, loth and
FURNISHED FLAT of 4 rooms, with pri
vate porch, steam beat, not and coia wa
ter, private bath, including phone and
Janitor service, for s::2.5u per month. 402
North 20tli. Ask landlady Upshur Apts.
HOLLADAY ADDITION Very desirable 5
and U-room flats, modern in every detail:
w alking distance. 262 V E. 2d St. N. corner
Multnomah. Phone East 2;MH.
TWO modern 5-room flats. 77.T4 Milwaukee
st. $li. Inquire on premises or phone
East ISO,-,. '
MODERN, now, fl-room upper flat. West
Side, select neighborhood, hardwood floors,
sleeping porch, fireplace. Marshall 2ti24.
UPPER ond lower flats, 5 rooms, walking
distance, steam heat, hot and cold water,
gas range, clean and sunny. 587 E. Main.
MODERN 5-rootn flat, with nice porch and
walking distance, clean, light rooms and
cheap rent. Call 441 11th st.
FOIL RENT Furnished, new- upper flat at
24th and East MorriBon. t30. I'hona Mar
shall 12111.
FOR RENT Swell 7-room modern flat, 444
Park su, furnace and fireplace: $35: no
children. Phone Tabor 783orEast 1-31.
CHEAP, close-in 5-room flat, modern, fire
place. 784 Glisan. Phone Mar. 4547, A
FURNISHED 5-room flat. West Side, walk
ing distance, modern conveniences. 593 Da
vis. Phone A 7131, Marshall 7S7.
500 MARKET ST. 5-room. modern flat, 230
per month; key at Su. ft. Portland Trust
Company, 3d and Oak.
NOB Hill flat 7 rooma fine yard, splendid
neighborhood. 775 1, Johnson su, beU 23d
and 21th. Main 55S1.
MODERN 5-room flat, fireplace, very rea
sonable. 765 Marshall. Phone E 4707.
MODERN 5-room upper fiat, 683 Hoyt St.,
near 21st. Inquire at 1S1.
TEN rooms, brick building. 5U5 Williams
ave.. $40. Phone Tabor 2230.
5-KOOM unfurnished flat, gas-stove and 7 14th St., corner of Jefferson.
1KVINGTON lower corner flat. 5 roomj,
nice yard, adults only. 500 Tillamaok st.
NEW lower modern flat, five large rooma
Main 8475. 22 Northrup.
6-ROOM flat, cor. East 14th and Madison;
walking distance. Phone Sellwood tlUl.
MODERN 5-room flat. E. 18th and Ash. B
2006. .
MODERN 4-room lower flat, sleeping porch,
i5 Northrup. Main 3225.
4SJ1 WEST PARK, largo 3-room flaU unfur
nished tiejwatergartmgefree.
MODERN 5-room flat. 5th. near Jackson.
We st Side. 10 mln. walk. Main or A 12 23.
NOB HILL: modern 4-room upper flat,
sleeping porch. Main 8898.
5-ROOM modern flat. Nob Hill, $25. Mere
dith. 229 Washington SU
2-ROOM flat, 19; also 3-room flat, reason
able. 7uo Vancouver ave. Woodlawn lli.l'l.
A MODERN six-room upper flat, $18 a
month. Phone Sellwood 034.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12tn and Marshall Fur
nished for housekeeping: gas range, elec
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free;
$15 per month up; a clean place, best In
tbe city for the money; short distance
from Union depoU Take "S" or lCth-st
cars north, get off at Marshall su No dogs.
2Lt0 TO $2.50 per week Clean furnished
housekeeping rooms; free heau phona
bath, laundry, yard. 406 Vancouver in
and 203 Stanton; "V" car. Phone E. 403s.
THE MELVIN, 11th-St.. near .Yamhill
Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms and
suites; bath, gas, heat, phono and laun
dry privileges; rates reasonable.
400 N". 26th sU- Completely furnished 2
room apartment. Including heat, light,
phone. $15 up. M. bill. Take S. 23d or W
car north.
FOR RENT A nicely furnished front room,
modern conveniences, may .have use of a
nice kitchen: man and wife or 2 women.
332 Harrison. Phone Mar. 2552.
THE MILNEK. H50H Morrison, cor. Park,
furnished or unfurnished housekeeping
apartments, all conveniences, best location.
Summer rates.
HOUSEKEEPING suite of 2 and 3 rooms;
brick building, first floor. lOSi Union
ave., cor. East Alder at.
LARGE comfortably furnished housekeep
ing rooms; cheap rent. Ml hi First near
Stark. ;
HOUSEKEEPING rooms in new concrete
building. Phone Woodlawn .997 or 2379.
FURNISHED single housekeeping- rooms,
$1.50 to $2 week. DeSoto House. 201 2d.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooma
4Roi4 wasningiou. v,ioee in.
401 EAST MORRISON, cor. 8th, furnished
-room housekeeping suites, reasonable.
NEWLY furnished in modern dwelling, for
housekeeping, one and two-room - suites:
every convenience; prices reasonable; no
objection to children, rloo Flanders.
CLEAN, modern and neatly l'uinishe.-d rooms. very rrasonat'tv ;
lights, phone, bath and furnished heat
free. 5il5 Lovejoy. Phone Main 5SS2.
450 PARK Elegant 3-rooni vulles. privnte
bath, furnished for housekeeping. If yru
want clean, comfortable rooms, electricity
and phone free.
CLEAN. newly furnished housekeepiii-j
rooms. $12. $1.1 and $15: per month;
single or doublio; electric light, gas, elc.
354 Clay, corner of Park.
FIRST floor of my home for rent furnished;
also 3 furnished housekeeping rooms ? I s.
phone, electricity, gas, close in. 4t8 East
Mill, cor. 9lli.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, free
light, phone, batii, heat, laundry priv
leges. $4 per week. 1611 E. 14th, 1 blocks
off E. Morrison.
NICELY -furnished 2-room housekeeplii-j
suites. free electric lights and phone; J
week snd up. 372 East Clay, corner Union
off Hawthorne.
TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooms;
gas. bath, lights, etc.; furnished. 212. u;
stationary tuba. 678 Gantenbein. U or ll-S
NK'E room with kitchenette, electric light,
furnished heat, easy walking distance.
S3..i(i weekly. 66 North 21st., 1 '3 blocks
from Wash.
ONE two and two three-room suites; $16
"and $22 find $:?S: heat, phone and ligliL
Ion N. ISth st. Main 81:t-
TWO clean, front, furnished houseko-pl-.ig
rooms, reasonable. IWS E. Taylor. Tabor
NICELY furnished housekeeping r.on,T"!
single or en suite, rent cheap. 5s2 L. btn
st. South.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping suite free
phore. gas. electricity and bath, el- a
month. ,13 it 21st st. N- near Washin gion.
HOl'SKK EEP1NG rooms, walking distance,
nice location, t',61 Wash, el., cor. Ella, or
phono Me In 4H0".
TWO nicely furnished front housekeeping
suites, all modern conveniences; lent rea
sonable. 4'.'S Hall.
OUTS1 DE suite and single housek' eplmr
rooms, running water. electric lism".
phones, bath. 313 u. 1st St.. cor. - lay.
TWO large, clean, well-furnished front
rooms: porch, alcove, phone, bath, walking
distance. 'Ml Eat Sth; SIS.
i 1 ,j .( F L'HXISHE D housekeeping rooms In
-cottage, gas range, sink, bath, sepurat
entrance, close in. 610 1st.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms. $10
anil $12 per month. 3119 Montgomery, be
tween itn and 7th.
HOUSEKEEPING Large, light, clean rooms.
$:'.59. 13. $3. .10. 4P5 Davis, corner llth.
FOUR nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
two beils. 215 10th. coiner Salmon.
MODERN H. S. and sic .lie looms. $2 up.
near Washington. 2i; N. 1 7 1 It-
TWO front rooms, nicely furnished, very
reasonable, close In. HIS Main st.
2 ND 3-rootn suites In privato family. 11
East 7th st. Phone East 112. ,
37314TH, cor. Clay, large 1 and 2-room fur
nished housekeeping suites.
$2 WEE"k! housekeeping rooms. 412 10th
St.. near Hall. .
567 EVERETT Walking distance, 2 cl"an.
cheerful front rooms; furnished, 1st floor.
NICELY furnished house keeping rooma 67
N. 14th st.. Davis-Everett.
r'ol'lt latge housekeeping rj nts, two rjoms
vvitn or without heat:421 7th.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, all
conveniences. 42!) Market, near llth st.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 149 13th St., but.
"lul l JIIU ,.,oi i i.-vj...
NICE housekeeping rooms at Haw
thorne ave.. .l.2o per ween.
FINE room, with kitchen, heat, light, bath
and phono. 474 Market St.
TWO iurge furnished housekeeping rooms,
$18. Main riM.1. 348 Montgomery.
Is for tbe convenience of both Portland
people and strangers In the city who
may be looking for homes, apartments,
or flats. We have an excellent private
list, as well as the combined lists of all
real estate dealers. We can also give
advico as to the new buildings in course
of construction. .
Home-hunters especially will find relief
In this special service, for we help you
to get Quickly, comfortably and desirably
located. When you want to rent vls.t
P.EAU, 4 th floor, main bldg.
VISTA avenue. Portland Heights $Se 00
Mount Tabor, large house, fine view '
Marshall and lth. 10 rooms 60.00
Kmnilwuv. 10 rooms. large lot 50.00
Twenty-third near Thompson, fur
Brazee St.. S rooms. $i0. rurnlsnea.. n"
East Market, Hi rooms, garage "- to
Monteomerv. $ rooms Sn.'i. lurnlshed i.uo
Last Taylor, S rooms, best neighbor
9U6 Spalding Bldg
FOR RENT 4-room house and barn, about
3 acres of tine soil, 30 large fruit trees,
part or land plowed and planled: bum
rented for $." per month; $2im to Jan. 1.
1SI13: $100 in advance; a big snap. Iri
quiru on premises. East 42d and Sandy
road. Must be seen to be appreciated.
WANTED TO RENT 8 or 9-rooni house,
modern conveniences, good yard, some
fruit or garden. If possible; good noiglibor--hood;
must be close to o-cent carlino. it
plao suits, will lease. State full particu
lars. E. B. MacNaughtou, UOti Concord
HOUSES, flats aud apartments for rent; see
our UsU
City Department.
Main . 146 5th St. A h-li.
FOR RENT Good ti-room house, modern,
new and tinted. U12 Cleveland ave.. 2 car
lines, good vard. rent $20 a month. Apply
McKinley Mitchell. 2U2V, Stark st. Phone
A 2131, Main 2131.
FOR RENT House. East 7th and l lay. i
block from Hawthorne ave., rent -0. In
quire McKinley Mitchell. 202U. stark St.
Phone A" 21.11. Main 2131.
TO RENT Oregon St.. 7-room house,
modern in every detail, furnace, etc.; ac
cessible to several carllnes and close in.
Phone owner, Tabor 1800. or call at house.
Rent .
WEST SIDE. S-roora house, on Curry St..
with gas. no bath, garden, wall tinted;
no children; nice home for a young coupie
who want to save money or for an o.u
... . . , u...i.aii iii;7
couple; rent fiu. oo, " - -
6-ROOM house at Commercial and Blandci
sts.; rent $18.
lO I ll'Mnv hlrt;.
Phones Main ;, A 2i53
407 Spalding BJiig.
Mar. 4041. wtu.
WEST SIDE; 5-room modern cottage, with
large garden trade; cleaned throughout;
no small children; walking distance; renl
21S. 141 Curry st. Phono Marshall 34oi.
..oriL-uv ,-eooro house, walking d'stancs
good neighborhood, clean and perfect con
dition, inquire 5S5 E. Alder, corner 14th.
Phone East 5141 mornings.
MODERN 2-story" 6-room house, nice yard,
osved street; one block to car; adults;
7RO Williams ave. Woodlawn 426.
..j NEW BUNGALOW, modern, sleepin
pori-h- walking distance; fine view; near
carsheps, Albina. Marshall 4116.
FOR RENT Modern "i-room house, with
liXlxloii lot, good barn, suitable for gar
age, i'hone E. 5.133.
FOR RENT A modern 5-room bungalow,
walking distance. Call 130 East ISth SU,
near Morrison, or East 6038.
FOR RENT A 6-room strictly modern
house, only 20 minutes from business cen
ter. 9iiivVil!lamsave.
7-ROOM HOUSE, 429 Sacramento St.; bath,
gas, basement, nice lawn, roses. $17.30.
Inquire owner. 435 East 7th st. North.
FOR RENT House of S rooms, 1S1I 17th St.
on West Side 17th between Yamhill and
Taylor. Inquire at 209 16th st. near Taylor.
FOR RENT A modern 5-room house, line
neighborhood; has big garden. 2.10 East
27th at.. 218. Phone East 85Q5.
MODERN 6-room house, rent $22.50: nice
yard and flowers, close--in. 422 San ita
fael st. Phone East 2829.
$23' BEAUTIFUL 7-room, strictly modern'
corner, bltulithic streets: reference. 954
E. 21flt N. Marshall 4678.
FOR RENT Modern 2-room house, with
100x150 lot, good barn, suitable for gar
age. Phone E. 5.133.
6-ROOM cottage, newly tinted, gas, bath
and yard. S61 Grand ave. North. WooJ
lawn 1093. ;
5- ROOM HOUSE, rent $18. inquire 9.5
East Stark st.
6- ROOM cottage, close in, fine view; $12 pel
month. Inquire 428 Washington.
(TrOOM house, lawn, fruit trees. $ls. p.
East 10th N. Phone Woodlawn 1 7 73.
6-ROOM West Side nice yard, fine view of
river, fruit trees. Call Main 18e3.
MODERN" bungalow, 4 rooms: built-in bed;
one block "L" car; $2ir. 1601 Albina ave.