Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 23, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    ' . tite aronyryo oBEGoymr." Tuesday, afbil 23, 1012. .
County, his parents living at Gaston.
He waa committed three months ago
and gave the offlcera considerable trou
ble. While In the hands of the Sheriff
on the way to Salem he escaped, and
was later recaptured at St. Johns.
Frank AUen. the fifth to escape, waa
committed from Umatilla County alx
weeka ago. He was recently released
from an asylum in Idaho, and before
that had been released from Medical
Lake. Wash. Leaving the Idaho asy
lum he went to Pendleton, where he
received word that he had lost certain
property, and he again became unbal
anced and was sent to the Oregon In
atltutlon. All of the men are young, their ages
of the men recaptured before morning,
ranging from ZS to 10. Every direction
is covered by the posse of attendants,
and asylum authorltiea hope to have all
Just One Minute
Troops Mobilize Facing Each
Other and Attack Is
Expected Hourly.
Mr. Clothes Buyer
."coots Cover Field and Thousand
r n IAtvo Hearllj- Armed.
Se-r clary Knox Denies Cnlted
States Is About to Intrirene.
JIMEXKS. Mes- April II. Should
General Huerta delay the adiance of
Ma army another wk It la probable
he wilj lone tha credit of taking the
Initiative In the contest for the control
of Chlr.uahua state.
General halaxar relnforred the rebel
irair below Rrllano Sunday with 400
under Oencral L.uie Fernandes
and preparation are being made to
continue the mobilization of the Lib
eral forcea In positions facing Huerta-
irmr. General Malazar has be
tween 3J00 and 4000 men south of
Hellano mnA more will be sent tonight.
The advance guards of the arir.lee
are elos together. Scouting partlea
sighted each other yesterday Juat half
way between the lines. Each retired.
The main body of the rebels to at
Kacalon. but attention is being paid
to the flanks extending along the
branch railroad to Sierra Mojada.
southeast' over the mountain trails to
i.Vrrn Oordo. southwest of Escelon.
Reports from scouts covering the
Held as far south as Torreon are that
Huerta la mobolising a force heavier
than that handled by the late General
Balsa and that it Is better equipped.
The rebel expedition to Torreon De
fanna. Purango. intended to effect the
rapture of Tomaa Urblne, was a fail
ure. Vrblne had fled.
WASHINGTON. April " The State
Department endeavored today to pnt a
stop to what It regards aa Inflammatory
talk cf the Oovemmenfe purpose to
Intervene In Mexico, by declaring that
the reports of the American Consular
officers In that country reiterate that
whereas there Is not one reason for
military Intervention thera are count
less strong reasons why thera should
be no Intervention
Secretary Knox said that while the
President had under consideration the
question of dispatching a vessel to the
West Coast of Mexico to look into the
rafety of tlie American resident there
it did not necessarily mean that a war
ship would make the trip.
Tie said the principal object was to
net news about those Americans who
were In a country where great dis
order prevailed, with no communication
with the outside world.
AJlece Ceusr-lreter Answers.
Rranllo Hernandez, a leading Mexi
can and formerly Secretary of State
of Chihuahua, has voluntarily I ur-
rendcred to the Department of Justice
lo answer an Indictment at fc.1 Paso,
Tex, charging him with conspiracy to
violate PresWlent Tarrs proclamation
r-rohlhlttng the expectations of muni
tions of wsr to Mexico.
Aswrkssi 1-rwteet Interests.
l.OK ANGELES. Cal- April J:. The
Kvenlng Express printed a story to
day based on what It claimed was un
impeachable authority, that Major
Krcderlck W. Burnham. the former
South African scout and confident of
nllllonalre mining promoters of the
I "nlted States, wss now encamped with
" fully armed and equipped men
in the banks of the Taqul River In
onora. Mexico, ready for any emer
Kcney. Major Burnham's purpoee. the Ex
press story stated, was primarily that
if guarding the mining and other prop
erty In Mexico, owned by John Hays
Hammond. J. P. Morgan, the Guggen
telma and others. In whose Interests
.n had made many trips Into Mexico.
ae Aanertraas Flee.
LAREDO. Tex.. April ti North
bound traina today and yesterday
trought 100 Americans from Mexico.
'jut hundred of them were railroad
men and members of their families,
other railroad men are reported leav
ing by steamer from Vera Crux.
MixKs rnoTi:crrn nv torce
t'ormrr South African Scoot Heads
ADO Armed Men In Mexico.
lOS ANGELES. Cel.. April i The
Efening Express printed a story today
based n what It claimed was unim
peachable authority, that Major Fred
erick V. Burnham. the former South
African scout and confidant of million
sire mlntna- promoters of the United
States, was now encamped with 0
liiliy armed and equlpr-ed men. on the
lanka of the Yaqul River. In Sonora.
Mexico, ready for any emergency.
Major Burnham's purpose, the Ex
press story stated, was primarily that
of guarding the mining and other prop
erty tn Mexico owned by John Hays
lUmmnnd. J- P. Morgan, the Guggea
l.elms and others. In whose Interests he
had made many trips Into Mexico. The
article adds:
"Burnham and his force are ready
for any emergency that may arise. Ills
men are fully equipped In accordance
with Vnlted statea Array regulations,
and bet Ides have several machine guns.
Nearly all the members of his command
are former memhere of the Rough Rid
ers or marine corps."
The S00 men. the story recited, had
ben collected at the Taqul River in
croups of twos snd threes, so as not
t- excite the suspicions of the Mexi
cans federala or rebels. Their am
munition, guns and machine guns. It
was stated, had been smuggled across
the boundary tn the vicinity of El Paso.
Centlnael rrn First Pa
l.y boat, landing In Seattle unable to
talk the English language. He left a
long string of Incendiary Area behind
hlrn In Seattle. Tacoma. Walla Walla
and California, and started several Area
in Klamath County, waa finally In
dicted, but waa committed to the asy
lum. He gave aa his reason for this
mania a desire to be Incarcerated in
aome prison or asylum so that he could
be taught the English language.
Trank Tompklna. another escape, wss
committed from Clackamaa County.
Several weeks ago he escaped from the
asylum and waa recaptured recently In
Temhtll County. He is a pronounoed
Sjcesa Reeved Grewlig.
W. H. Janet came from Washington
Roosevelt BraTes Storm at Enrly
Hour In Morning.
ASH EVILLE. N. C. April II. In a
driving rain. Colonel Roosevelt spoke
here todsy to a crowd which came
out to meet him when he arrived at
:n A. -M.
He made his speech from a platform
at the station, leaving for Greensboro,
after a ahort stay here. On the way
he waa to make a speech in Salisbury.
His chief speech of the dsy was to
be In Greensboro, where he waa to
visit the Normal College.
Campbell Question Mot I tcs in Deal
ing With Tmts.
WASHINGTON. April 22. Represen
tative Campbell (Rep.), of Kansas,
made a bitter attack In the House
today on Colonel Roosevelt. The
speech was In reply to an attack on
Mr. Campbell by Colonel Roosevelt
during the latter's tour through Kan
sas. Hla denunciation or me loio
nel waa vigorously applauded on the
Democratic side of the House.
"He brands as an Infamous scoundrel
every man whom he cannot force Into
agreeing with him." said Mr. Camp
bell. "I want to ask these two questions
of Mr. Roosevelt." continued the Rep
resentative: "Did you. or did you not send a
note to the Department of Justice
asking that further steps for the pro
secution of the Harvester Trust be
suspended? -
"Did you. or did you not flay the
malefactors of great wealth' and then.
In the night time. In private confer
ence with the heada of the Steel Trust
and the Tennessee Coal & Iron Com
pany agree that they should be united
for their own benefit?"
Colonel Longing for Electoral Vote
From Dixie.
SALISBURY. N. C, April 22. "If I
am nominated. I'm going to fight to
break the solid South." said Colonel
Roosevelt, when he came to North
Carolina today. He told the crowds that
met him he hoped to get aome electoral
votea In the South.
"We have won In Oklahoma. Illinois,
Pennsylvania. Oregon and Nebraska."
he said. "It Is no understatement to
ray that three times out of four we'll
beat 'em to a frazzle." and I am pretty
generous to allow them even that one
Si ' few
a mamm
Bourne Lars 22 Behind Selling In
Final Count.
HOOD RIVER. Or, April 12. (Spe
cial.) The official count of Hood Rive
Co-untv vote waa made thle afternoon.
The figures are changed but slightly
from those of the unofficial count,
which are as follows:
President Roosevelt 2J5. Tsft 17.
La Kollette I3S. Wilson 8:. Harmon
and Clark SI.
United States Senator Selling 423,
Bourne 1. Lowell 109. Morton 6;
1-ane 92, Coshow 19, Pierce 18 and Mil
ler .
Congressional. Second District
Slnnott 2"S. Cochran 118. Ellis 192. P.usk
111 and Roosevelt 34: Covey 74 and
Graham 47.
Delegates to National Convention:
Republican Ackeraon 1(2. Applegate
12. Hol 42, Itrnon 7S. Campbell 23,
Carey 11. Coe 74. Fry 2. Hall 82. Harris
2. Huston 10, Jones 7. McCtifker ".
Metschan II. Mlnto 3. Smith 79. Swift
is. Democrat Bennett 78, Carrick 2,
let us have a few words with you be
fore you select that new Spring Suit.
If you haven't seen our assortment
of Spring Suits at the above price you
have overlooked the best clothes buy
of the day. There is a multitude of
styles, in all the new patterns and
colors. There is a suit for every occa
sion and a suit for every taste for men
from every walk of life.
IF YOU KNEW, and everyone else knew that
Brownsville clothing was the best in the world
at the price we wouldn't have to buy news
paper space to tell you ot it. I We wouldn't need
to. 9 Neither can we, as a successful establish
ment, afford to make claims for merchandise
superiority we can't back up. 9 It would be business suicide.
JWe make the best clothing it is possible to make at $15, $20 and $25. JVe
select our wool from Oregon's choicest output it's woven right here in
the state and hand tailored into suits to meet the standards of forty years'
successful manufacturing experience. tf Thro' the . elimination of the
middleman's profit we sell you a suit at a price the average retailer pays his jobber.
J Our faith in Brownsville clothing is backed by our ironc'ad guarantee to refund
your money at any time you feel dissatisfied with your purchase.
The guarantee of any reliable firm is good but isn't the guar
antee of a dependable firm manufacturing in your own state
and doing business in your own city, the best assurance on
earth of a speedy adjustment in case of dissatisfaction?
Buy your clothing from the
manufacturer and save a third
"Made-in-Oregon" Clothes for Oregon Men
I3ro wosville Woolen
Mill S
Third and Stark, Portland
Eugene, Oregon
Third and Morrison, Portland
Marshfield, Oregon
118? tsii 1 Wm2m fSitfrii
fcaaasa assasaa BsBBaaaaaaBaa aaaaassaaaaaaaaaj aaaaj assa as aa saaaaa sss aaaaa a " ' - '
ax i ftj
Cola 4. Edmunson 0, Godfrey 3. Goss 0.
Holman Z, Holmes J. Jewell 1. Kadder
ly S. Klnr 2. Maloney 1. Mo 3. Rey
nolds I. Sheehan . Sherman 2, Stephen
son S, Ss-sck t, WUhelm 6. Wise 7.
Altoll anil Carroll lo Meet.
SACRAMENTO. CaU April 22. Abo
Attcll will meet Jimmy Carroll In a
20-rour.d bout tomorrow night in this
city. .
' ' ' if ','.' .'?" , ;
!ri y.i " u ? iV- O
Man Held for Killing Suddenly
Regains Faculties.
ETcnts Prrx-exllns .rrol Blank, and
Presence in Jail Regarded as
Ira"tlral Joke Innocence
Stoutly Protested.
STOCKTON', Cal.. April 23. (Spacial.)
William A. Dorr, charned with the
murder of Geors V.. Marsh, the East
ern millionaire, and whose persistent
refusal to talk since his arrest last
Wednesday nlsrht has greatly per
plexed the police, became very talka
tive tonlK-ht. following a fall in his
cell, which for a few moments ren
dered tyim unconscious.
Porr collapsed and In fallins; struck
his head violently on the floor. A few
minutes later, after regaining; con
sciousness, tn called for the Jatler and
asked If he was in jail as the result
of a practical joke. Ha was In a
cheerful mood and declared that he
had no recollection of his arrest or any
of the events preceding: It. except the
day that he left Stockton for the East.
He wanted to know where he was and
how much time had intervened since
he left the home of Miss Msrsh to go
Kast. He seemed mystified when in
formed that he had been In jail for
nearly a week. He was not apprised
of the charge. ,
The conduct of Dorr for the past five
days hss been singular. When arrested
he was rational and told the police
that he had been drugged and robbed
In Chicago. He stoutly protested his
Chief Briare announced tonight that
he would not press Porr for a state
ment, believing that if he haa one to
make It will be obtained by leaving the
prisoner alone.
Circumstantial Evidence Points to
Iorr aa Slayer.
NEWBCRYrORT. Mass.. April !J.
William E. Dorr, of Stockton, Cal., was
Indicted today for the murder of
George K. Marsh, a wealthy sosp man
ufacturer of Lynn. Porr Is under ar
rest In California. Marsh's body, con
taining Ave bullets, wsa found beside
the state highway in Lynn, about two
weeks ago.
Tbe authorities learned that a man
said to be Dorr had been seen in the
vicinity of the Marsh residence prior
to the tragedy. Search disclosed that
he disappeared the night of the murder.
Cornell Undergraduates Would Ks
tablish Latest Religion.
ITHACA. N. T., April 22. A number
of Cornell students have taken up the
task of formlna- a new religion.
Twelve of them met in the "Dutch
Kitchen" and organized th Robert In
arersoll Club, "to study, investigate and
criticise the existing religious creeds
of today, with a view of reconstructing
religious thought and nettling it upon a
basis of fact and truth Instead or neea
!es facts and traditional superstitions."
Have Your Ticket Read 'Burlington''
Low Round Trip Rates East
at. Lonla
ft. Paul and Minneapolis.
Omaha and Kansas City..
Raltimore. .-
fCt .50
Montreal lor.,00
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Philadelphia 108.;
Portland, Me. .
Bnf rnlo .,
W as hlnaton . . .
Denver, Colorada Springs.,
1 1 o.oo
And occasional light dressings
of Cuticura Ointment will pre
vent it when all else fails.
. ui i4 01aBat ml thraackoat ti
Ltkaral mwla at mm !!! nva. i
B-a. koek. kMrmm "Ortleam." Da, zn. oua.
, 9ms Saas tick.. Literal ! tras.
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June 1, 6, 1, 8. 13, 14. 15. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28
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August 1, 2, 3, 6. 7, 12, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30, 31.
September 4, 5. 6. .7. 8, 11, 12, 30.
To St. Paul and Minneapolis. Minn., April 25, 26, 27.
IMaal rvtsra limit, October Slat. TJbfrj I atop-over and dtverne ronte amiiaft.
Great Northern-Burlington Trains, Northern Pacific-Burlington
Trains are available whether you go
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From the Northwest to Denver and Omaha.
From the Northwest to Kansas City or St. Louis.
Four high-class electrtc-llgMed Rurllnartoa trains dally from Minneapolis-.
Panl to Chicago via tbe .Miaalaalppl JUver Scenic L.Ine, irhere Mature smile,
three hundred raUea.
It us tell you about these special and attractive excur
sion fares and th different routes available to you over
Burlington main lines; ask for the Burlington red foldr.
A. C SHELDON, General Agent C B. . Q. R. R
100 Third Street, Portland, Or.
Best of AH,
Sola at al I 8ntkHB cafo m
. LJAHiN at SOIt. Sal
rm 108.2