- ni kivi.ua ni'ifiKTIMTIES i M'KC IAI- r- " , I ifz ' r ?'t- -TopT Li n v-rnorn t n f a o a . i READ' mooeti.. $ d"U. . w 5-rooni bunya ow. tuiuac. modern: .:-'.. i.mi.b. , N-w B room butvalnar; furnace, mtvlwn, tt-foui bungtlow. furnace. mod. rn. cl In ."...o. -'V trrn.l i 8-rO"m ri!.rr. furnace. inod- e-n. B-y. t.: -. . t-rnis. Near -r.w.:n r.. e..r. l-aui' :u"l: very modern. $:.... $-.. down, ba.jn momh- 'a'! for ". G. P-ag-if i'H-ii,ix hi:i:i..i M Pi kV-l-.t.'.s chuit...r of Tltl .T CO.. ninier- e WK MK1K.K FRANK SToRr.S FRE RE.MAL AM INFORMATION II RKlt la for the convenience of both IMrtlt"l leep,e and atrangera In tha city wh mv be Icking for hoir-i. iurimn:i .T flata. We h.v all ex. rllr.il "' iiat. well B Hi Climb.rl I"' ' real iitiK d'sers. W rn idib'C aa to ilia new buildings la of i-onatrurti .n. -Home-hunter especially will find rellar !n tins special scru-. fur help vou t. get qui' kly. romfonsbly and desirably lorst.d. When you want In rent visit TUB MEIER at FRANK RENTAL Bee RE A I'. 4th flnor. main bldg. fl-KuflM h"ii-. W.l ! bint for oiiir. rr:-i lM-lrnmi. aillh larc U rH-n; A-1 furna. i.K.it-'l: l.i .l Ollli" loll . rlothea t l-'t In e, aoo'l lit .-!;i'-e. kiuii-i min- T.el raiiE n.l Lir" f-"r. l-on-ni. r:ine ncl r.3.r.l.. I 1 . h-al. linl aii:e-l. r.f.ren-. r..,,.i... Tl,. I. -'', ' ' a'.lerlnB: prefer (.unily n' no util.rtren i;kt i;ok! i-t n w an-1 tititeii. HI'-' l-le icortd 1r.l. rent '-" Kir''-e Mil. -hell. -I'-", K-.l. M-in 1. Ii..ue. in-l' n. 'mi.! ar., 1 fir a monih. Al'olr !-!rk i. rftoi. HIST .--llirl. i-r"i"n l'oue. on I'uriy a... with ii no halh u-l-n. H lln:"t: n. rln;.ien; ni.e lu'in- for a oi.n . i.u".e wha. want to r-ne nonivv or f -r an i. 1 e.oiple; rent $li. Maranll2 ' V'H TKNTHiua-. K Till anil flay. I bi.iea, f-om iuli"in a . "-"I ,n- filtre VcKlnl. ) M licbell '-i A ?' :'. Minn ;i"r l'R KKNT -iuburl. f-tut anil berri.-. M.H-ka from ar. III li-.il'-e. l.irE a-irilen. 1.1.-... for . no k-n; 3 (..wner. Mk lirov. I'hoii K- -1 i' '! Hul'SKf AND F!.TS FOB KENT. K. s TrKKolttl '-. aOT lipa'il.na H.UB. Mar 4-47. A 4iti V FrTrf:TrV': l-room mo.lern C"i's:. wl'h Urae i.r.len irIe; ei.-ie.1 lhr.uulio.it; no arr.all rhil.lren. w-.lk.r s o" ,'r.e. r. nl t III 1 lirrr -V I II oe M.i-t'11'l II ... S II. m M . .1' Ji.-. 1.. I I Til .....I :ti: uaoie. 1 per nion'li. !; K Til ATI Hi:!! ". Matan.Ml 711 M 'TiKIIN room l.ou.e. aiikin; .l at.mee. ,. nenhborhoo.. rir.n i. p.ife.t cyn .Miion. In.iuire K. AM.r. rner II'. Ik I'lione r:.a. ".Ill nlor in :i K I.ih iii t ortaice. "JJi tialn- a. s rooot ho.i-. To t. ilorna .n. '..t l'!.inl.?U o'I. Ank-fAj. ' W 1.l!;l .-"l'.':''k r-i'IK. u...ii inn K. 4 - a'rmeiilo at.; balh. lan-i fa-a. Jll.e. Ka.t Ith at. Xortti. RJI. bee-otil I niuire ow nr. KtS i - ilel'i ii x-r.N.m hi.use wa.k Ina alatAnr. Iili-- neiah..rnoo-L ill I.U- . rHU at. l-hone M .ran ill o. . TTTr" RKNT -T-ro..iu bouae. a. a. elertrirli -n) balh. la K-rnilortH in. -W r.r. U. !!. K 4-rooni ..rrneen I anJ r.o lane. 4 IV M. rrcl 14 lil l..ut 07th M 'I'KUN r..ni liu laid anil flowera. cl-a tenl l.'iM. In. 4-J fan r-iel at. rhone r.-iat HR RKT A atrl.-llv aerythlr.B up to tlat i.'lrrn buniilow, If you want a mil bom. rlnB A -. . - it. it KKNT lo-r.-.m hoTi. Weal SU. -mat.l for houeke.i..nB rovma. it. Huet'kofer. 2;3 talm-en. n;u;v rix.ma. Keli t . n. ar l.a.i.ea. modern ronvnienera. Ame-I. in bcIkIiIkt- Kn.; f'V I'hotie .--ell.. ..-. U.I". ;... hKAl TIKI I. 7-ro..m. rornar. bitullthle B-.r-atn; alrirtly modern rat-iirnr. V4 K. '.Mat N Marahall 4A;i VI'IiKI'.N liooae of a r.-r- a 1'J'i I Tib at., rent -..V Call Market at. I'hona Mala H.I"K of 7 ro-.n:a. 1:.. I .til at. '.ill net d v.r. rent $:ii. t-KoOM Wet Si.! river, fruit treea r.l. Main flne vtaar l f.iR KKNT ."room moOern (.oitaca. J qutrw at ilj F.aat 'Jj.l at. ITl'viL'TOKIA ST. M.eJ'rn. p.raaant ryom hnuia. f'hon C 14-'-. I AND 9-room h-iua-a. ! ana -iu. Bain, bwank. 31. 11 am lit on. lumUura Ilouaa-a. frRR E NTFrom about May 15 to Keplein ber 1.".. ntre:y r.irmi.e.l. lu-room imuir. 1.1 beat Weal S-l.lr i. nation, at lil per montti. AJ.Ira aim referen.ra anil aixa of family, l 1"7. OreKonlan. V-l:ioM house, furnlahed. 5 arrea. all un der rultiviiii .n. aar.len and .ir!y pota toes In. faml.y or. har.l. 2 .uiib wa and :'.' h'ta l.eirhorn hena. - k. miu-a Imm rity 11m. ta: t.n monlh. Alarafall ltl. -:iol e jttaae. w e. I f.irniatird. mod-rn. be-.t lo.-a-.ion. riiiiB" fieieiita. bloek from Multnoman I'luo. on ilaiu. i.'S ilain. Thone I '-1 FOR KKNT Nic.y furniahed -rooiu r..t taae. rloae In; owner K'.n away, wanta aoo.l. reapouail.le party. Oil I at Hi K. lltli atreet North. b.K'M complete furr.iahe.l honae lo rent. h.Kli altitude. e ell. it neuiibortiood; rei, a.lu!-a r y For parll.u.ara ad- drea I: O. I'o t'3 Fl ItMSlIF!) iott r.M.ma. auburba. foiwera Tl-'T Z' iB". atiktJy modern. 5 .-lon to car. fruit and ;J or Main 10. MmIiKKN tl-r.M.m o rh'ap to reap n.' .:;4 I'im'un a. l'!"' I' irtly furn.ahe.l. .ooie; on carllne. wood -'s;'. A ; ll'!. KuoilS. partly f Lirn.ai."l. la. ice yard, re-is inao e lo I all I'll! t'levelatlu a.e. fruit. Htm flowers, partiua. Fi'lt k K.N T Modern aix-rnom fioueB fur n.rhe.t. Ir.rcr aid. frvii'. flowers; f'i. li-l Kaat 'JHh al. I'hone Main 41. MIERN 3-rc-om coilaK. West M.le. walk-:n- ilioanrr; fiow.ra anil lawn; wl.l Tint or 0 m.-nths. vi Northrup. M.iln 4il.i."i. i-'i KKTI.V m-Mlrrn home, au.r liM-aflon. airulber or more. Fjar .'mil st It 7 rooms, dea;r etr.; 3 months 2 7 1 1. .KihiM iiie:y f.irn alied .-ottace. Cheap. I i, pr. U'.il lleimont. rornrr 4ola at reet. MiiLr-K.N lurnlah'! or 4-room fl.il. ba tst. W It cur. i-room li and i-ott-.ee. aino & Baa. J14 Kaal M.W &-room m.H'.ern. uraly. complaiely ru-n ah-d f.al. i-i Mill. Xlain t447. ! Kl.Y furr.s;:e.l i-ro.in ioaer flat, all modern. lal Market. NliT.LV furniahed modem 7-roora l-iano. H.'.i Kaat G!tuii. alat. i l;ouH. and ba;h. I.'tl. f irniahed. S e 4. .r, j....'ln 0 Ft".". HFTNT I'ottaae. fu::- fiiriiiahed, piano. 4.'t Maaon; phone Maui III. e RiXiJiS. niostlv furniahed. cloa In. fin rosea. 1 K- Aab 11 l'V.D. SJ7.Su. 1 7-ROOM furn-.ahed nw. Barden. Sall wood car. .'. Zinita ave. a.' -noJil. e'ean. modern, completely furnished houae. T4 Mill, ilaln 47. llamara for Kent Furniture for hale. I. .' CAIl luva Inn uure and lease &-room iiouae. oualnaaa dlatrl. t; r-mt 1J."; 2 rooms lent f"r iJ . mis area only. J. O. WrigUt. 'J Alder St. ALL ar part of .-ompiete furr.Shink.-a of 7-r.-ora mo.lern fkt in heart of city; rooms can be rented lo pay laore Ihaa rant. I'Uuna A oil J 4. A SNAP llla buys tine run and furniture of ill-mom fiat, two tMms pay reu: ; brother si. k. want to bo to hlin; act qul.-k. a-, lai'laira at. Kaat end Kteet brolne. Ft f.NlTl'RK of -ro.im houae, flrat-claaa stuff, cheap; rent e"o. e.-.-.l.-nt arrar,x--m. nt and Iwi-auua for ri:tiliic-houe. Call 7 llt;i s:. all ST aril; new furnlluie. rooraa. iliitif porch. faiit.E park, poa.tlielir will show Income oyer a!l espcnies. 4-s l, I'ark. 11 KNiTi KK of uaiidj new 4-r.n.m flat for ra.e eventhui r to aiart bouaekreplng ; !.. T-1; Mi.wauale at. Ft ltNIIlKr; of a 7-foin houae for Bale, cheap, house lor rent, c.ose In. fall t.a -i .Norm 11; ii at. FoK SAkt; Furniture of H-roo:n house, clearing '.- uirr expense. J.'Ta; elv cash if sold at one. I'hon l-aal aijll. ! Mi m M flat, rent 1141. Including steam heat. ..ater .". roo.T.a rented pay expenses; Itn futn'o'e Minn .,7-' r-.irt rAI.K cheap H-r.n.m furnished houae. r -nt J.U. ". In- ome Jio; aia,- 4 r,ome lor family use. Inquire I Jefferson at. yiC-T aell at once furniture of 11 rooma, a.id lease, no reasoQali.a term rt fused. -.17 Market at. I.!-: VI 'i CITV. must sacrifice furniture i r-'.i:n. linen. -a il'K m.n i Inc. alxin U01. Ii. l -r.l' i I l f ii a. i ii. e. in,'. ..ell at once. i; .p. Iloae I'M car 171 K 'Ith Noith. KIOHT Tw.lir.1 e tvarxalii. tereea. fu-nr ure, - ."J.I 7'h Fl PNiri'FtK -r....oi ('.it . f-., block from Portland Hotel. sale; four :od 7th, m i Krr. - -.- e . - - - -. . - - . - , ST' 1 1. V. IN fiCX'm BUSINESS CENTER FoK RENT. A splendid opportunity tot m small dry goods, notion or shoe man Stir, hs mod'rn show windows, la -nX feet In sise. w.th bas-ilient. ll'B ,"ro"'''" In rear. In hlo.-k mil rrtrrtrnl- J M h other line., a sd biialnesa poini. l.e,shb..rl..--d: I.t.i aiven. I"" rn lo ttrlr.r line.. Apply to Milton : TTt r utr.-if GT IO KtNI ' Mil'" " ,v ' ' To f n.. al.irra at T7:l an.l . .1 Mllwau kle. at., on on prominent nnrlhl cor ner, th. other tiMl do..r. Bom i'Sl''p Ji..le . .ove and '.! tilled: new; aultaMe f..r a-r.x-er ami lom-hrr, ilryu""-. furni ture un.l r-"-ral a-.or. b:y ami Brain or t uil.lera' -VtmierUi. nr.; turner only IA I lie "iH-r s ;.. ' WKH n A- TFRt'.T, Wl Teon Hl-lg. l.tliK- AT THESE:! Three excellent stores In llie Carlton Motel, on LliirncMe St.; will make" on Jear'e !ea-;e on any of the three at $aa i.er month. Al-o corner store-at 14th St.; will make one vear a lea- al f '.O. Fine for auto i.i. .1. He or acces-"iri x. All to be rented tills week. WKlin A TKHRT. !"! Veon Ulrlg. ONLY CK ST' 'I t rteninlns to .e rented I" the Hotel Millt-li-iina.i. and that one la the beat. On T.ilrd ST.. next to toe corner of IMne. 2Jx.l. wilb lull laaement; ureal lliuh celiinK rutiiilni; to sktliirhta. would make a B"at clolhli.it aid t'liti' furiiishliic store nouo now in liln.li, rent la very low; Ions '""vKllll TFRRY. !o Yeon BldB. bluHEH In new 3-etore- brick; yood location for first-class rroeer. meat market, r taurant. dellrateasen, nllllner. barber shop; Eat Urat at. anu Holladay aee.: th principal transfer point for th near Rtee brlda: bui.dlnas ready April 1. at leas app.y O A. L) man. MO Henry bld. " hah iji-:. Will rent SOx.'ai aaraiie. on Kearney at ;-td at.; pew brick Lulo Una. equipped with Tiowace tank at.d pump; will mak a apl. mlid pliint tor wide -a im ke mechanic or f'-r salesroom and puriiRP. WKHIt a. TKIIKY. li't Yeon Hldit. TFMroKAKY or lone lase. slore-room :ut ft., with baelll. nt. a.-hlnirlon near Vtxfh" Alao sorero..in Fust and Alder, fall office l'r oi.es Thcalre Uulldilii;. West 1 ark and Alder. L'HilM'K iroh and Wa-hlnxlon. fex.".o; aiao 4 ator. a. lMx4.".; new brl. k butldlnc; mod- rn fronts; res-onab:c rent. y..J. lialy. Fnline Vl.ltr Flik HKNT titorea. No Its and -oO Haw thorne ave.. eaal end of brlde. Apply Hathorn n-.-k f o. Eaat -Poll. bTill: r.ll " iM ixlN, aullal.le for nianu-f-i.'urliie .ui"l"''a. r'd location, cheap rent. I'lione Vxlll lllsil. l:oM. :ii'7i. .-.-ond flor. rood IlKht. rent i-eaaonal'le. aintaMe. for ltcht manufactur Ina. Apple l.;o Front St. 5P w?'7 t rent 40x100. 3i5 Ollsan st. Phon f ra U A.-llliiTi IN m.ol.,-n front. lear Jit la. part of alore. lo, lreHoiian. Hi; for irnl. 2'ki 4th a'.. ,11 a month. OffVeoai LA ltd r'.. lofty rortm. suitable for inline or dramatic alU'lto. with use of. larae ball and stexc. APP'T Koyal Academy Hall. biH Mil St.. between Mark an.l Oak ata. F'IKiiiil'i.ic ne.m w-lth uae of ri-c. pllon room at elevator. In llrat -class bulldlna: also ilenk r.w.oi. private ofti'-e. has phon and ru,-a. faU M. Morton. II tiff centrally located office; all-nlaM elevator service SvS Swetlai.tt bld(.. Ila and WaaMnaton MAHOGANY Iak and clalrs. reasonabl rent, reference exchansed, bji Chamber of Commerce. iKSKl: H iM. ill.. Inclu.linB use of recep tion room. dek. t"leih.one and clerk serv ice. Apply 7'J.J Chamoer of f ommerc. WILL, share our orflccs. suitable snalneer. ar.hit-.r mf:i' n-r,l. I'TJ Lewis hi. IB- IiKSk Ki it.M or laiaer space. Main a.".a4 or A .VI70 ' loj t'oroett tlldB- Halle. ELEOANT hall" and ballroom, reception rooms, etc.. sultabl for afternoon teas, dani-inc psrtles. musicales and rct!a:a Apply Royal Academy Hall. 0I Man cneater blaf, fcS fifth au Phona Maia TiJ7. V a rrbjowra. W A Ki'HOL'SE or fartory builf'IfiB. S-alory. inlim. on It. It. tra.-k. 41 Macadam St.: l..-a- r.nt. Anply Jil7 Markeaaai. or AH 'yi. tirexonian V-KK KKNT Lower dock, foot of Morrison and Yamhill ata. tall IM: Morrison at. Iltscellaaeooa CAR PKNTKlt shop, with all conveniences and a lot of n'.utertirl. free to th rlgHt tenant. I'hone Main iimi. Hl-iINK 4 OlTORTrMTIFJ. A Ollix-'KIIY fXAl". Sell at Invoice and rent la only $3U ana Include all th fixtures, showcase, coun ters and tine new cajih register and ev. rv.lunif A-l. fuMKIt at HALL, 311 LombermenadB Fl ItNITl'KK and hardware first and second-hand sto k. In leased building, beat location- In !;- burs:, orefon. Ill Jack son street; J.eMi M':l lui- It. lniu!r P. '. : 277. L. II. Illioa lcs. Hoael urB. Or. YOl" make no mlai.'ke If you buy this Bro cery and eonfect lonery with furniture and Ii ilnB-rvM.ma for x'aei; rent for all rooma 4-'" per month; let us tell you about It at .loj Lumber Exchange. Full i l.t: f ot lite Hotel. Jefferaoip, Or.. 17 rooms furnished, three lots. tarn, near .'spot- price) filtxai. $10"l cssh. riantiam H.-al Estate Co. C. O. Merrill. Jelferaon. M'AITINO-KOOM Excellent location, no x-lei-nse. sale averaB over per day; barrrmn If taken at one. Kor sal by own er. Apply Jul VYasuinloa it, VaDcou ver. Wash. iKT u aeil your bualncsa for you; w can do It. Let us try; honest, courteous treat ment only. .Main H-'nti. SHEftWlxiD IMMIUKATIOK COM PANT, 4.;H-440-441 fhamber of fommerce. PlioL P.OOM buado-as that will stand any invest la.itlon you want lo Kivo It; clear ing Ui.k to e.e"n month; will take cltr property In payment. Call IM" 'x lajjtst. IVANTtP tiieady. aooer man to keep plain accounts; money required secured; pay B.md salary, besides snare In the profit. Room al'.l Luml.er Kxchanae bldB- ' BARBKR SHOP. New hotel. Mil" ankle, will rent an up-to-date modern shop. ; or 3 chairs. J.jSKP H M K N L K I M 1 1 a u k le. Or. BAkKRY for aale In arowing town, fully equipid shop. Btoreroom. Ilvlng-roiim. up stairs, bulalinB and lot ; only baker la town. AVlUd.OreBonlan. TEN-ROOM bunaalow aultabl for rooming or boardinB-hoa.'e. Wrli for particular. o. G. L-alalia. Klk City. Or. FOR SALE caloon; half Interest la weli paylns buslnea In mall town Mar Port land. Pnun Hellwood 904. CLF.ANLNO and preaslnc bustiicsa; partner wanted, one wiiunB to huat.e; good prop osiuua. fall a l. 4 Stark at- RESTAURANT for ale; everything torn piet; good tocatlcn. 247 Uurnaud at. Apply at room Id. 7. 2 North 4lh st. Ml-NiNU AND INULSTKIAl. STOCK. Tlphon and other bond bousbt aaA , old. Fletcher In v. Co.. i Ablngtoa. FOK LEASE Simmr Theater, In Boise's S hlte l-lty Park. Address G. W. Hull. Whll City Park. Hotse.Idaho. Gl:OfEn. doing Bond business; stock and fixtures; about SlUou; East Sid; good llv-InaT-rooens. AO 1. Oregonlan. MOVI.N'J-PiCTL'KE THEATER for aale. close in. downtown ti.atrK.-t. lnqulr K. C. Steven. 6 7th it. HliiH-t-'i-ASS p.. lure show making good money w l.l be sold cheap. Call -'4oS black ' street. bAUioN and grill. Independent license. lease;' a money-maker; reuaon lor aelllng. a, Oregonian. I'.ii)DAT business; rent J4f month; must irav city: ho fake, be agent, J. U. Hall, :i" Aoiiiston b.dg. ' fHTNhlK wanle.l for real estate business; piof'te larvte; references exchanged, rar tuulars am l.umoer Exrlianxe bl.lg. Sol THV E6T corner of First and Morrison, to lease for term of liv yeaia Ca.l A J'AH). Main Ftifl SALE Meat market, small town, lr.ut). rheao for caah; good business. E 4. Ore Roman. Ill.MAlRANT, In good location: cheap rent; a yeara' lease, recelpta eoo per day; M-'co. AT lKu. Oregonlan. i. o BLMNKSS CAI-.DS. $1; bring til ad. Kuse City trlnlery. l.Cx 3d. cor. lay lor. BAK1.RT for aale. Seaaid- Or. H. E. Boy I. IT". Salmon at. phone Main 44o. ;.0 PATINO business, one-half caah; d- taila l S'J. Oregonlan. ruuLKUoll and cigar aland for !. 4 Orand lit rii.Kl'P for quick aale. paying restaurant for sJ.'o. fail ai-ix stark st. Mil. hi rout for sale, with or without cows. A ' vj. Oregonlan. i-v MAUI I'l'l-r ili"ii for sale. 671 Alberta treet. WANTED Half Interest in saloon: no asents. C. ;t. Oregonlan. MKAT market, good location, cheap. 1 Alblna. L car. rUYl MORNING OT EG -Trr: - ANCliL I BUSINESS jURKCTOKV. ;. . m ui-:ix.-ft-wa npi'HKTi i l i tv c ...... v- .. , . a IMliie-ITAHl K INVESTMENT. . We have for sale -a contraclltlM business. Including a t--i '" equipment, horses, mu ea, ste:i:n siiovel and nil tmi.s, in c;udiiiB J-o.inai vcortli of contract and the K,Mid will of the owner; this Is a good Investment and ou should Invest IKulo Its msrlis. r.nrssi & iioi.i.s. aid Hoard of Trade illdK.. 4lll and Oske A HA.NKINO OPPORTI N1TY. Owing to press of other business. I wint ti dispose of mv bankinir business; this bank is loaned In a small growing town near Portland: here Is an opportunity to gel Into th banking business on a vory reasonable bnals. If you ai-e at all Inter . eated in banking. Invcatigate this. C PlIO. Oregonlan. A M ON F. Y - M AKTR. General merchu ml ii-e business In good live town with good monthly payroll. A.I live goo.la. dolnc slilMai per- month bual neaa; stock Invoices over $ 1 1 nisi; bulldlncs worth XtlMIO. For next oil duys will sell for $15.:hi; no Incumbrance on buildings or stock: business Investments in another state demanding attention reason for sell- Ing. Address AV -'14. Oregonlan. ; PAHT.NER WANTED. I hnv s client who tllahes to sell a half Interest in a retail market business, centralis' local. -d. tukinK in nlout el..O per day: prlc I7.'.'; fullest Investigation so licited.' ROl'.KRT H. M'GRAXH. Counsel I or-at-Law. 2" l.umbermcns lllds A PROFITABLE and growing buslneaa in :aatern Orciron with exceptional field for expansion, offers an opportunity for th Investment of $30110 to I10.OOO for part Interest. Money to ' remain In buslneaa. Growlnit town In center of ncer railroad and irrigation activity. AV 20'J, Orego nlan. SALOON UAIlf.AIN. eo' Howntown bar In center of retail busi ness district; good lease; owner owns license; will consider BO"d uaoe: will re.-onnlxe only bona fid offer, owner. It P11!. Orcgoninn. SAWMILL on deep-walcr wharf, planing mill, timber land. 2 houses. HI lots, towing an.l gasoline boats. Iocs aaid lumber; alto gether or separately: for sale or to trade for city or farm property. For particulars seo Oregon Locators. .'.10 Itothohlld bids. Ilo.NO leaiics. xitni.i'Mi upwards neatotlated: rnilwav. Irrlcniion. mining, realty, bank lni:. truat and general corporations organ ised: franchise drawn. L. N. Konenl.aum. lawyer and financial agent, 214-21S Ualght I'lilir.. Healtle, sail. .WANTED. Partner In fake half Interest tn a llsht rr.ar.:acturlna; plant; a man who can lake charg of an offlc and minXfi ma; alary. $12.1 per month. Kinney Stam plier. BS1-2 Lumber Exchang bldg. ONLY l24fT will'secur-a-sul'Stanllal Geor gia possession which can earn very large, profits without requiring til attention of the owner. Write for photographs and free trip offer. Geo. W. Jjeen. box 4ti. Wayrrosa. G. W A NT ED Bookkeeper with $7"0 cash to hoy Intorest In paying garage and electric, loudness: position pays $loo per month: auto for biisincioi and pleasure, must alio huv note for small sum ou monthly pay ments. AK 7. Orrgonian. POOL RoiUI ItAR'IAl.N". 4 good tailes. good stork and fixtures: rent $.:o and a good leaae; traiio now utioiit $12 to $1&; can be increased: price $H'S. QiVKR 11AI.U Ml Lumbermen Blrtc. AVANTKIi Party-that can Invest .Vk and services to take a half interest In a good manufacturing business: this will pay a good salary; experience unnecessary, fall nl :a:7 Vancouver ave. WKI.U say. th timber cruiser who wanted $:t7."i for his confectionery nnd cigar busi ness a few nays ago just cam In nd said. let It go for I22.V It' your move So:! Lumber Exchange. CONFECTIONERY" BARGAIN'. FTverythlnic new and clean and two fur n'ahe.l living rooma In with the rent al $-2 ..o p.-r month; Invoice about $d.1o. fn.MEItft HALL. HI Lumbermen B'dK. PAKTNKIi wanted In cleaning and- preae ing shop: owner sgreeg to teach you the work and guaruntee better than wages: lequires veiy little money. mu Lumber Ei hang.' WANTED PARTY WITH $2Jimi. Merchandise proposition; operated suc cessfully In 15 other states: unlimited possibilities in Oregon; if Interested, answer. AL V, Oregonlan. A BAKERY BARGAIN'. Ail In fine shape and doing from $13 to $2.' per day and a good lease at $25 p-r mo.; price for quick sale $4.v. fuMKIt HAI.U 511 I.umliermf ns Bldg. MoVIMe I'lfTl'KE theater. owner enn't handle buaineaa alone, wants partner to s.-il tickets end help look after custumers, $."H). 1123 Lumber Exchange. MEAT MARKET doing S00 week business"; rent paid to Sept. 1; 2-yenr lease; will stand Investigation; prlc $.VHJ. Call 24hlg Si ark at. OLD eatabilshed busin-ss for sule or trade; owner cannot attend to same. Investigate this: little money required. W. Michel fel'l.T. fool of frampton st. WANTED Good reliable man to drive de livery wagon for a meat market ns part ner: will pay Mill $.10 week; $400, 823 Lumber Exchange. LIVERY R AR.N for saleGood location, good business. f.!l miles from Portland. Terms $'in'n. Call at 4i Montgomery St., or phone Main 7344. A 4C17. ."a'oO AND lots of experience buys an in terest iu a good-paying building materia) buslliesK. assuming profits from start and position. AH 10, Oregoniun. WANTED A party, either lady or gentle man, with a small capital to Invest In a perfectly safe business: large profit. Ad dres AM 997. Oregunian. UALK of old-established real estate ofrice will be sold to reliable man; owner will share $4ini mouth, y net prollts. Particu lars 702 Hoard Trade. NO better located restaurant than this; prlre If sold before May 1 $375. rent J52 with water, lease can be had. 3o3 Lumber Exchunge. WANTED In mercantile agency a man able to keep plain accounts; this Is open to fullest Investigation and will pay you $2.".0 month. 1123 Lumber Exchange. GROCERIES, confectionery, cigar. Ice cream and soft drinks; two living-rooms'; rent for all $2u per month. Price $Io.',0. 3o3 Lumber Exchange. v KtR SALE OR KENT. Riverside Men's Hotel. 1054 Macadam St.; tut rooms, furnished; easy terms. P. Day ton. 1114 First St., 0 to 10 A. M. MOVING-PIOTTRE operating taught fn theater only way of learning it right; se cure position. 404 Koihchlld bldg., 4th and Washington ats. HOME bakery and lunchroom; will Invoice ."o o; 4 loo. term, on account of sickness. f 21U". DYE1.NO and cleaning business, half Inter, est; can make $lo0 per month net: prlc $2.".0. Call 72 Board of Trade. OAK fixture of cigar slor for sate; new; also cash reKlater. Deller's cigar store. nth and Hnyt st. LIGHT groceries. confectionery and ic cream biisincas 'U-ith living rooms, for $4o'. Call 24M, Stark si. RESTAURANT, clearing good money, for sale at once: sacrifice at $tk'0; long lease; low rent. Malu 7723. y SALOON. Independent license, big trade, large stock, good location, long lease, fin fixtures. $0oo. E $. Oregonlan. Xj INTEREST In real estate business: prlc $.'.'.o; good owning for lady or gentleman. Call I4S", Stark t. GROCERY $-''0. mostly cah business; do ing $so0 per month; living rooms: a bar gain. Particulars 702 Board of Trade. Fair SALE 5 shares in I". 8. Register stock for sale at $15- a share. C ft. Ore gonlan. x PARTNER to assist In doing work: estab lished: $2..i tcqulrfd: must be sober and honest. I'hone Tat or 2i;:..V WILL give S interest in two patent Inven tions for money to mantif acture them; big j possibility. i: H. oregonlan. WOOD YARD wanta partner to check wood, tend offu-e. etc.: pay large profita. Room 1UH Lumber Exchange bldg. MOVlNij-PTi'TURE theater for sale cheap; few hundred down, balanc as you make. 4Q4 Rolh.hlM bldg. PRiiIll'fE Butter and i-gg alore. very cen tral; $12." day business, strictly cash. Par ticulars 702 Hoard Trade. OLD established confectionery and grocery near lata school, modern living-rooms, cheap rent. AJ o. oregonlan. ' fVR SALE Grocery stock and. fixtures; about fldoo; must be sold by May L Owner, o sl7, Oregonlan. DELICATESSEN" West Fide; long lease; clears $imi per month. . HIGI.EV at BIsHoP, 1"2 Third St.- STRICTLY caaa store for sale; euergatlc person ran clear $1So month: requires I.'mhi cash. 319 Lumber Exchange bldg. COLLECTION business for sale: other busi ness; deal with owner. X 7. Oregonlan. GROCERY stor for sale. Invoic. Call 11th nd E. Marlon ta. Sellwood. FOR PALE Beauty parlor, doing nice busl ness: owner lesvlng city. Y 7. Oregonlan. yol mn have one more chanc on this restaurant for I2."i0 Jin 1 Lumber Kx. FOR S iThVTwo-chalr barber shop: terms. 212 M idtsom . KLEfTFUC shoe-repairing shop for sale cheap: low rent. A P 7, Oregonlan. j. CHAIR bootblack stand for sale or will rent furnished. 173 N. till, near depot, i ONIA N; TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1912 Al't I'll I I-"U inc. . ARE YOU LOOKING fOR A LOCATION? can Insure work to heads of f '"''; lies who desire to locate In tho Irood illv er-Moaier apple district, which will enabl .you to develop an orchard at a mintmifm cost and keep you prof lahly employed constantly until your orchard " coipes In bearing. Cnll and find out how people from Ohio. Mlrhigan and many oilier states are rinltig this. DEVLIN FIREIUL'UH, 007 Yeon bldg. INVESTIGATED BUSINESS CHANCES. We always have good grocery stores for sale which w can recommend. It Is to your benefit to give us a call. f HAPIN at HEKI.oW. 322-33S Chamber of fommerc. Ask for A. Keller. OPPORTUNITY A splendid opening for a small dealer In dry goods, notions, etc.. or a shoe repair shop. Olhor lines retire sent ad In the block. Store is 20xt.0 feet, with basement: also living-rooms In rear low rant and long lease. Apply to Millon Uevurfe. 173-175 First St. PARTNER WANTED Either man or woman with $-.. or $.-.ouo. to take half Interest In the beet paving proposition in the country; party must bo ready to go East at once: jour money will be protected by yourself, can easily make $.u,0m in one year II ou will work. Don't answer unless you mean business. O I, urcgpnieii. FOR SALE or trade by owner, country store. 2 houses, large feed barn, store and ware houses and outbuildings; 1 acres of line garden or fruit land, all in crop. IS miles from Eugene; price $10,000: would take -a or 2-3 In trade. A. T. Urcwor, F allcreek, O'regon. Va"nTET A good, reliable man to take Interest and operate) merry-go-round. For further Informal ion call at Thuildini; quar ters. Arnold Amusement Co.. California building. Lewis and Clark Fair grounds. E. J. Arnold, manager. SOLID coal and wood business; will e'ear J.uwi a month; for sale cheap. Room Jl Lumber Exchange bldg. I J t S IN ESS OPPORTIMTIES TVAXTF HAVE $.V"il cash to buy drug store. Ore gon. Washington or California, not In Portland. R PUT. Oregonlan. WE have a customer for a Hour mill; inn invest lrom $1.K to $25,000. X 6, Ore- room i sc-uor ses. IS ROOMS. PRICK ::7.-.. Steam heal, reaaonable rent, located near Postoffice, Iron beds, hardwood fur niture, good carpets; there is nolhim; wrong with this, but owner absolutely has lo raise money today; total price $n.a; 'J see is lo buy: come early. RALPH ACK.LEY LAND CO.. 170 .'th SU MARY E. LENT CO. PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL AOENCT. HOTELS ROOM I NO AfAKTMEM , HOUSES. Ail sixes and price. (22-4 Falling bldg., 3d and Washington. FOR SALE A slxteen-room boarding and rooming-house: have run this place for 17 years and must sell on account of fail ing health: a snap for the right parly. Phone Marshall U423 or call o2ii 4th st. HOTEL FOR SAI.SI ! I The lease, furniture and -good will of the Calumet Hole!. 150 Park St.. for sa.e. For-terms and further particulars apply Bl IIUICI. 74-RoOM hotel. West Side, modern. Price $12,500; will trade for other business or take part cash and mortgage. J U64. Ore gonlan. al-ROOM modern duelling, elegantly fur nished, new and clean; best ocatlon; big inc. .in and always full; long lease, terms; chearp. By owner. tw,l rianuwis. 82 ROOMS, highlv furnished, rent $'-5. profit $15 monlh. reasonable; leaving city terms. J. E. Hall. 3os Ablngton hid. ....-e . .1 . t.- I VI- t I.- V C IIIII-m-L 72 roima. ft years' l.-aae, 3d and Uurn- s.d. . Apply itl't n. WE HAVE a customer for a f.o-i'.o-room ho tel w ith Lir, In Willamette or Rogue River Valley. Apply Al, . tiremooinii ROOMING-HOUSE for sale. 10 rooms, in best location; easy terms. 21) 'x N. -'d. NEW'erooin- house, splendidly furnished; rooms all filled. Phono A 7t"4. FOK SALE Flno little rooming-house, close 1n:lese. rjJ414lhst. BOARDING snn roomlng-hous for sala Owner. 262 12lh st. Phono Main 316$. LOST A-P FOCND. FOUND Whera yon can buy ganuln ba-r mattresse Tetall at wholeaale prices; ) renovate mattresses and return sam day: ar also renovate feathers. Portland " Curled Hair Factory, li. Aletxer. 2i-32 Front. Phone Ilaln 474. A 18i4. LtjsT April 10. dark brlndle. English bull dog white breast. white line between -a yes. $15 reward return lo 415 Broadway Phone East 1 150. t FoUND Wednesday, April 17. on E. Buin side St., butt of tobacco; owner can get same by caUltig al 400 E. Burnsi'ie St.. ilescrlbli:4r goods and paying for thla ad. LOST E n K I "i s h b"u I Ido K. brow n spot over one eve; on nam plate "Will Secliler nog. Return to 3.4 E. 7th N. Phone- East 4"42 or C 1121. Reward. LOST A gold watch. Wallbam. and pin. on April 22. with Initial B. W. Phone Red M2. Reward. LOaT Small elk's tooth, gold-llpped. valued as keepsake. Reward. Phona Main .3i or Home A 1 LOST Small open-faced watch and fob. 1. M. engraved on back. Main lulu. Re ward. LOST Ladies- gold watch with fob .en graved H. F. G. Phone K 1307, Tabor 2tl:i6. 12s East 18th. Reward. LOST small bay mare; whit foot and spot on toreneaq. aiain a- LOST Cameo pin. pearla In border. call phona A 105S. Sl'FAiAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. TO ALL HOLDERS OF FIRST MORT GAGE TWENTY-YEAR GOLD BONDS OF THE PORTLAND CITY A.ND OREGON RAILWAY COMPANY Notice, is hereby given to all holders of tha first-mortgage 20-year gold bonds of the Portland City and Oregon Railway Company, issued unuer and pursuant to and secured by the mortgag" made by the said Portland City and Oregon Rail way Company to llie Norlh American Trust Company as trustee, duted February 15. 1001. that all of the bonus issued un der and 'secured by sold mortgage have been, a ailed in for payment and redemp tion Pursuant to the power and authority ao to do contained therein; tliat the date Itxed for said payment and redemption Is May 1. 1012. upon or prior to which date a sum sufficient to . pay the prin cipal of all of aald bonda and the Inter est accrued thereon lo said date will be deposited with th Equitable Trust Com pany of New Y'ork (successor to the North American Trust Company: that said the t:qulla01o Trust Cuii.paiiy. of New York, on said date and th. iaarier as presented will pay tho principal of said bonds and th accrued interest to said dato to the holders of saad bouds respectively at its office. No. 37 Wail street, in the City of Mew York. Thar said bonds will cease to bear interest after May 1, 1912. PORTLAND CITY AND OREGON RAIL WAY COMPANY, per PORTLAND RAILWAY. LIGHT AND POWER COM PAN i. Successor. By li. S. Josseiyn. President. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United Stales for the District of Oregon In th matter of Hale at Co.. bankrupts: Th undersigned will receive sealed bids at his oilice. No. 7 First street, up to 12 o'clock noon ot Monday. April 2. 1U1A for the following properly beloiifcii.g to said es tate, namelv: A slock ot merchandise consisting of ladles' cloaks, suits, furnish ing rooda. shoes and dry-goods, located at Newberg, Oregon. of the total Inventory value of $11,010.70. together with a lot of store flxtuiea Inventoried at $45li.7o. Cash or a cerillled check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid, and said sale Is subject to con firmation by the court. An Inyentory is on hie at the office of the undersigned and property may be Inspected upon ap plication to O- S. Crocker, who is iu charg of slor-5 at Newberg. Dated April 111, 1M12. R. I Stibln. trustee. ' IS THE DIETR1CT COI'Ri OK THE UNIED STATES FOR THE DlESRlfT OF OREGON : In the mailer of T. W. Wyatt At Co., bankrupt; 1 will receive sealed bids for the Block of merchan.1 la of the Invoice value of $6427.04. together with fixtures of the Inventory value of $:ls7.55, pertaining to the above-named estate located at Hillsboro, Washington l.'ountv. Orson. up to 12 o'cluik. noon, of Wednesday. May 1. 1012. A deposit of 10 per cent cash or a certified check must accompany each off-tr made. Snla la sub ject to confirmation by th court. An in ventory of th property herein offered fog sale may be seen at my office. No. T First street, and th property is open for Inspecalon at HlllKboro, Oregon. R. L. SARIN. Trustee. Dated at ' Portland, Oregon, April 20, 1P12. OU ART EU MASTER'S Office. S22 Arrada Annex. Seattle, Wash.. March 1. 1012. S-aled proposals. In triplicate, will be rc crlvetl here until 11 o'clock A. M.. April 30 1012. for furnishing at Seattle or Ta coma. Wash., or other prominent railroad points, 30"0 tons hay and 6000 tons oats. For further Information snd blanks ad dress W. 1L Mtll-r. Quartermaster. . - - .17 . . ' Tro ubJsI n y U etL PI'OI'O I.S for beef and mutton Office of Chief 'i'iuhbiIW, Wist-rn Division san Francisco. California. March '. J'"-, . Sealed proposals for furnishing and de livering frch beef and mutton for period iu.v 1 11.12 to June oO lain, at posis in this division, will be received al this ot- fice or at ofine of ComniirarioH ai iu.- i "owing ports: Alcairjx IslttmU Forts' Baker. Harry, siai-o... .... i - -- nans. BeiiiciK Arsenal. Presidios of Mon terey and San Francisco. Camps r.eiuma nnd" Yosemlt-. California; Forts, Apacne. Fiuachtica. and Whipple Barracks Ari zona; Boise Barracks. Idaho. Fort Doug la" Utah. Fort Stevens. Oregon: Forts Harrison. Kergh and Missoula. Montana. I-Vrts I icuri and Seward. Alaska; Depot Commissary. Honolulu: Porta K'asey. -Columbia. Flagler. Wright. Lawton, Wald. Woiden nnd Vancouver Barracks; W a.-,h-lllitton; and Fort Yellowstone. Wyoming, until 1 o'clock P. V.. April -.. H12. and th. u opened. proposa.s -submitted to De pot Cam.nlasary. ll .r.clulu. will be opened 'it 10 '17 M. lnformalion furnished nt. application'.' F.n elopes containlnK pro posals should Le endorsed "proposals for beer and multtn." and addressed a above slated. C R. KratithorT. Major, i.oiumis- sary. C s. Army, v. uiei v ........ . SEALED bids will be received by the un dersigned until 10 A. M. Friday. May -10. IHI2. for two, four or five-passenger auto mobile for Multnomah County, when bids will be publicly opened. The right is ex pressly reserved to reject any and all bids. Bids must state earliest date of delivery. K. S. Fields. County Clerk. Courl House. Miscellaneous. To whom it may concern: I will not be - responsible for any bills my wife. Frances Brown, may contract. W. K. Brown. BARGES for rent, capacity 400 tons. Pal tullo. 339 Sherlock bldg. Main 1411X FINANCIAL. MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT. ' Contracts. Mortgages, Equities. Chattel Diamonds and Real Security, special serv ice rendered. A l.AWSON-BROWN INVESTMENT cry. Lino Yeon Bldg. Tel. M. 394T JIORTi.AGB LOANS On improved and unimproved property. CALL AX & KASER. 722-7'JS Yeon bidg. SEVERAL first mortgages for pale; $fis, $lMHi. $20oo. I25INI. $.1IMI; security Im proved city properly. Call SOi Wilcox bldg. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's eci'illy in contract of sal ea real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, Lutnbermens bldg. Loan MORTGAGES (first and second), contracts and selieis' equities bought. E. L. Dever eaux, 1000 Spalding bldg.. 3d and Wash ington. Main OJj t WE pav highest cash price ror bulllders" con tracts, first aiid second mortgages and other securities. Home Installment Co. 4Q1-402 McKay bldg. Marshall 3'.C9. MONEY to loan on improved real estate or for building purposes; no commissions. COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST COMPANY. I'll! Spalding bldg. WE buy notes, contracts, mortgages (first and second l. equities. F. H. Lewis Ss Co 3 Lewis bidg. " . FIRST and second mortgages, contracts and commission accounta bought, real estate loans. E. B. Miller, 410 Ablngton bldg. MONEY to loan on first-class Portland real estate security at lowest rates, Morgan, Fliedncr & Boyce. 503 Ablngton bldg. Money to Taian tVeal F, stall. " MONEY TO LOAN. 1.'0O at 8 per cent. $2000 at 8 per cent: $2.".oo at 7 per cent. $lo.ooo at 7 per cent, $25il0 at per cent. S.'o.ooo at per cent. Call at our office and talk over your re quirements. R. X. TUFFORD & CO. 4"7 Spalding Bldg. Marshall 4547, A 4545. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. Money to Loan ou Real Estate. Capital Mock $100,000. WESTE1.N BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. Commercial Club Bids. TO I.OAN AT ONCE. 6 TO ( PER CENT. $1500 for 3 years. $2000 for 3 years. xj.'.OO for 3 years.. $2500 for 5 years. J4O00 for 3 years. , $lo.oOO for 5 years. J. H. TIPTON CO.. HQS Spalding Bldg O.N IMPROVED city property or for bulid Ir.g purposes. 3 to 8 years' time; liberal repavment privileges; money advanced as buiidlt.g progresses. The Equitable Sav ings Ac Loan Association. 24Q Stark St. LAROcl supply of money to loan In sums of $500 and upward, on real estata secar ity. at 6 and 7 per cent. .MALL A VAN BORSTEL. T04 Second St.. Near Stark. $'500,000 ON improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. McKenxi & Co.. 614-515-510 Gerlinger bldg. x 6TRICTLY private money on rea; estate, farms, ranches, etc; mortgages and con tracts bought and sold. Siraw, 711 Sailing bldg. HAVE Just $'',000 to Ioun; must be Income bcuriug propertv; would prefer Willamette Valley farm. Call or write Wm. C. Bor chers. 2o7 Oregunian bldg. FIRST mortgage loans, amounts $000 and up. M. E. TlH'MI'S'iN, 42'.. Henry bldg. See Mr. Rtdge. MORTGAGE LOANS on city and farm prop erty: mortgages purchased. Henry C Prudhomme Co., S06 Wilcox bldg. TO LOAN $5000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON, - COMMERCIAL CLUB BLPQ. $500 AND upwards on Improved real estat; notes and mortgages bought. W. A. Hath, away, room lo Washington bldg. MONEY' on good rea! estate security, con tracts and mortgages boughL F W. Torg- ler. 100 niieii.Mti UIU.. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building loans, contracts and mortgages bought. W. Ii. Nuon. 448 Sherlock bldg. (1000 TO $5000 to-loan at lowest rates, aia larger amounts. Trowbridge & L leiaaua 801 Wilcox bldg. MONEY to loan; $looo to $.".00,0o0 at 5 to 8 per cent. J. Frank Porter, 004 Cham- ber 01 c oinii.e. 1 - 200 000 TO LOAN, large loan a pclalt7. building loans, lowest ratea W. G. Back. 815-316 Failing bldg. MONTHLY" PAYMENT LOANS on Portland homes or for buiiiiinir purposes. 20o Stalk. PROVIDENT SAVINGS ei LOAN ASS'N. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. 1L Blrrell Co.. 202 McKay bidg.. 3d and Stark. " ON ANY GOOD SECURITY. BY PRl V ATE PARTY. 207 OREGON1AN BLDG. PRIVATE money loaned on real estat mort gages. H. MUey. room 204 Gerlinger bldg. JTIB funds. 6 per cent. W. E- Thomas, agent MuUnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com. liuNEY any amount. 6 to 8 pr cent. W, a. jjeila & Co.. 310 Spalding Bidg. S "no Cl'7 on dwellings; owners only; tltli expense only. Ally. Itl0 Alisky bldg. $32,000 OR any part to loan on real estate. Tabor 771. $2500 ON city property. Ambrose. -Main UV 1 a, a - ' ' MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND T PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 229 STARK ST. PRIVATE money, any amount., 6 to 8 per ceuL Georgia A. Haas. 400 Macleay bldg. MORTUAGhj LOANS AT REASONABLH RATES. F. H. LEvVIS. 8 LEWIS BLDG. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or co.lat eral security. C- W. Pallet'. 308-tf Fenloa. ""MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL KSTATii. A. H. HARDING. 303 Ch. of Coax. 00 1 9 ; A ao-i MORTGAGE LOANS. O- GOLi'RA. FAILING BLPQ. i-RiV ATE party has $50O to $2Ka to loan; describe security. AT 4. Oregonlan. limev to Loan. Chattels and Salaries. ' $b to D. D. DRAKE. tlou. FOR SALARIED PEOPLE TODAY without ecurity, mortgage or Indorse ment; cheapeat rates, beat and most pri vet trm In Portland. 807 Spalding bld$ Successors to Button Credit Co. PRIVATE PARTY LOANS. Salaried people and w omen keepiug' house, , $10 to $100. Strictly Coniidential. 320 Lumber Exchange Bldg; " MONEY TO LOAN " On pianos, autos, furniture, livestock or anythln; o value. Adolphu. Lane, 414 aIT- lngttia ui"- MONLY LOANED. watches, .uiamouus. Jewelry, eto, ELBY COMPANY. Room 3-Q Lumber Excnange Bldg. iv K LOAN money on diamonds and jewa.ry . half th rate charged by broker "ark at Blocb. 74 8d t. Ta-ANS on diamonds. Jewelry and valuables .- almost bankers' rate of Interest. 32J r.nine bldg.. 8d and Washington street iioNEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry; ' .,'rictiy confidential. 141 is 3d. nea- Alder! I 1 ." 1 nn diamonds and other securities. Ho'l, room 9. Washington bidg. 1 I OAS for the asking, salary or chattel An-h. Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. MONEY sold on Installment; conbdential; salaried people, F. A. Newton, Henry uldg. Monev to Loan. Chattels and Salaries. CHATTEL f;Lv5 LOANS. LOA-N-, $1.00 to $1000 on DIAMONDS. 2 per cent and up. WE MEliT A.ND BEAT The rates of other LOAN COS. regardless of what they advertise. OUR NEW RATES. Borrow $10 pay back S12.60 in pay ts. Borrow 525 paj back J-ls.ai in j pay ts. Borrow $50 pay back $50 45 in 6 pay ts. CAN YOU. BEAT THEM. ON LOANS LP TO $1007 If the RE'' of the family dies before the account is paid in full and the payments are made as agreed WE GIVE THE WIDOW A RE CEIPT Tn full of account. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebates given if paid before due. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY 206-7 MACLEAY BLDG. BOTH PHONES. Between 4th and 5ih sis.. on,.Vas "., ... xxon.lav and Saturday till U P- M. $ $ $ $ x ktate SECURITY CO. 1 B-tv-U-Cv-E--iv-J. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN MOTES. $10 TO $M0. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND. $10. repaid In installments of ? 120. repaid In installments of !,;. $50. repaid lo installments of. Larger amounts In proportion. We do not advertise misleading "fms or rates, but glvo you our charges In plain figures. . JjTTsiness strictly confidential. STATE SECURITY CO. $ $ $. $ SOS FalUngBlgg. $ $ i i $ $ DO YOU NEED MONEY T s We will furnish you. stricuy confiden tial, and without delay, a loan In, n amount on your auto, piano furniture, livestock, storage receipt and all oiner kinds of securities, cn terms to suit; a.so n weekly or monthly payments. WE BUY SD LOAN On flrBt and second real estate mort gages contracts and chattel mortgages. U. S. REAL ESTATE 4 BROKERAGE CO. 812 Hamilton Bldg.. 1S1 3d. Mam 20S4. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and others fur nished witnout security ; cheapest rales, easiest payments. Coma and gel money when you want it, and pay as you can. Offices In ail principal cit.es. D. a. ao--xnan. 817 Lumber Exchange. PRIVATE PARTY LOANS $10 to $100. On furniture, goods in storage. tn. STRICTLY CONFIDENT IAL. t:o Lumber xlxchange Blag. Open Monday and Saturday till a P. M, Caik write Of jmono - - - TO loan, estate moneys In any sum frm $500 up at current rales. Rooms 10-11 Mulkey bidg., 2d and Mornsou sis. Loans W ante WANT SEVERAL LOANS. $050 to $2500. FIRST MORTGAGE ON IMPROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY. WILL PAY ft PER -'i3N'r,.,, AND ALL KXl'ENSES TO PRIVATF7 PARTY. E. C. EASTON. ll'lft SPALDING BLDG. 1 $2f00LOAN W ANTED. On my new home, modern in every way. WILL PAY ALL erXl'ENSKS AND 8 PER CENT TO I'HUATI'. BAKU. P OU. oretJoiiiMii. WNT TO BORROW. 2 to 3 years, from pn.ate puny, S25O0; first mortgage on JOOO residence and business corner. Phone Woodlavvn -jn. WANTED To borrow $10,000 from private party for 3 years; will pay interest giitir terlv at 8 per cent; ample security. 1 4. Oregonlan. MONEY WANTED 1 want to borrow inoo on new b-rooin dwellinn and 2 nits, from lender; no agenls.Phono .Main ".o2.. WANT to borrow from private party $'J'J0. 1 to 2 years, on residence properly. Phone .M. 131 1 WANTED 6 loans; will pay 8 per cent; all per cent valuation; ideal location. Puoue 'labor 1952. U 2T20- vy a NT E D -To borrow 1ihhi; will give first mortgage on home worth $50U0. AC 8. Ore- got, inn. . MONEY WANTED Applications on liana for desirable loans, mortgages for. sale. Henry- C. Prudhomme Co., 8t' ilcox bid. WANT SaOOO at 8 per cent on small farm near ciiy; valued it 10,OOO. W ao8. Ore goniau. . : ' FEKSONAX. FOUR WEEKS TO LEARN. SANITARY BEAUTY PARLORS, 400-414 DEK.UM BLDG. OUR SCHOOL IS PRACTICAL. Which means that If yi come hers you wlU b taught everything ' that is neces sary ami nothing thai Is unnecessary. OUR SCHOOL IS ECONOMICAL. In other words, if you invest your money In Instruction here it will get you th greatest possible increase In earnings atlerward- OUR SCHOOL IS EN JOY A BLR. . Because we know how to make your work intexestlng. and have the teachers and the eu.uipinetit lor doing it. OCR SCHOOL IS THE SCHOOL WrR ITB FOR CATALO'GTJB. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. 600 PURE CUT HAIR SWITCHES. $12 31-inch switches $4.4B $6 20-llich switches -4a Hair dressing J Face massage a Shampoo ... Manicuring. 2.,c, 5 for l oo 12 scalp treatments 0.00 Superfluous hair removed by e. ecu icily, guaranteed not to return. $4 $5 and $0 PUFFS only $1.45. Cut hair in any shade; switches any length- Prices half. Sanitary parlors. 40M-412 oeKUiii U'u6.i 00 RADICAL cure by the latent natural hea -ma meinods. including radium, ail electri cal currents, lights, heal, vibration, radia tion "baths. massage, adjustment and manipulations. Most expensive. finest equipped private office In Oregon; no medicin or operations. Over tJOOO treated patients and not a death while under our care. We will be glad to consult with you free of charge. Dr. W. K. Mallor,. 812 RothcblUibldg1 SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsingt'ors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's direc tions; baihs. :nass.m'e. -No. 7 East 11 th St., seco.nl door south from East Ankeuy carllne. mono r.wii -qv. .uvu jJr CATHERINE C. GA1E0 I have had 11 years' practical experience treating nervous aud enronic diseases. Consultailoo free 307 Ablngton tfldg. Marshall alia. Hours: 10 A. 51. to 6 P. M. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse, long experience, best reierences; treatments for rheunialisin. lumbago, etc.; massage and bath; ii-uined nurses in attendance; :;oo -Hoiladay ave., -cor. Occident, U carj. East ;o;o, C 25.VI, open Sunuays. "uf,s SOPHIA B. SE1P, mental and spirit ual scientist, 302 Alisky bldg; question meeting Wednesday and Friday $ p, M. Main 6824. - DRESS SUITS for rent, $1.00 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 3oo stark. MRS. STEVENS, 18 years Porl.and's lead, ing palmiai and clairvoyant, has her ial book, "Palmislry Made Easy," on sale al 212 Alisky bidg.. 3d and Morrison sis. FOUND A place wnere special attention Is given to remodeling 01 hats, by up-to-aate trimmers. English correct millinery. 331 Morrison su. aiarquam bldg. ZNEROL The great nerve tonic and sys , ro builder. $1 per box. 0 boxes $i. Sup Taylor Drug Co., 289 Morrison St. MRS PCJTTER. scalp and facial treatments. 505 Northwest bldg, tith and Washington. Ladlcsonly. ; MRS S. C. MORRISON, steam baths and ma'sseuring for rneumatism. lumbago, elc 34 i is J efterson. A 44 1 u. open Sundays. HCOTCliwoman, menial scientist treatments.' rheumatism, lumbago. 555 Morrison su phoneA 5000. " MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches. 95c; curia and pulls, 7oc. San itary Beauly Parlors. 40O Dekum b,dg. FACIAL and scalp treatments, manicuring, hair dressing, shampooing. 515 Swetland bldg. ti-jdji treatment, facial maasago. Room 05, Hotel Breslin, lop Iloor. 422 ix Wuhing tun st. Phone A 3051). MARION I forgive you; come back or write tome. Arthur xaej. ca euperfiuoua nair removed, alra. M. D. Hill. 429 Fiiedner bldg. Main a473. b, 1 u OjT FIGS. Compound. Koya. Touia Tatileta. 582 Davis su Main H2I5. AL. W. FIELD CO. moved to 133 ix Second street. MARION I forgive you; come back or write "lo me. Arthur. ' ilANlCLKINO PARLOR, facial and sca.p treatment, shampooing. 314 swetland oiug BUSINESS CIBtCTOKY. Analytical Chemist. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO., analytical chemists, examiners of chemicals, urugs, foods, etc- Attorneys. A. E COOPER, aitorney-at-law. General practice, abstracts examined. Removed to 1424 to 142S Yeon bidg. M. 8V3. A 2071. MOSESSOHN i MOShSSoHN, lawyersTAb stracts examined. Speak German. French, Russian. 714-715-710 Cham, of Commerce, M. FITZMAURIcn, M. A.. L.L.B., attorney-at-iaw, Reno, Nevad.L, references: MxeB - National liank. i'.eno. Assay er and Analyst. Wells & I'ro'bslel. mining cnitineers. chem ists 'and aavcrs. 2041- Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing nork. 70 Morrison st. Brtiss and iachl:ie Worl-s. HARPER'S KttAri WORKS aim machine null;, ll'ti N. -l'.rass casting 5tll. Alain 270 Chiropractic PI13 siciun DR. TICK NEK. Theater. A 52 Coliimiita Milg.. next Slai .Ma, 11 P. ,s..; res. t. -." WILLIAM. Est'llc nnd Flossie Deveny, tha onlv sei.'liliiic ciin opodists In "he city, l'arlors Ji'2 Gerlinger biug.. S. W. cor. 2( and Alder. Peine ;,:.-ini 1301. t-'hiropotlists. DR OLIVER o FLETCHER, lady experl assistant, 305 Alisky bldg.. 30 and 5K-r-ris-:i Main ".o. treats nil His of tha foot, uuiioul danger of infection; corns, bunions. tiiKrowing and atrophied nails, flat foot and bunions a specialty. J CH i HUI'oIlY end pedicuring. 5Irs. M. D. HIM. offices 429 Fliedncr bldg. Main 3473. DK, . S c 1. and M rs. Fletcher. Palniess chiropodists. 1 n er I inzli-.M'od. .Main 3. 13. Coal. COAL Al.Hl.VA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD .BRANCH E. 33 D ST. W OQT. Coal aud Wood. NATIONAL FUEL CO. Coil and wood. Marshall rjtiO. A 3545. 3S7 Vatersl; Dancing. MR AND MRS. HEATH'S SCHOOLS, 103 2j si. bet. wash, and Slaik. and Ailsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison Fancy stage anil social uaiii.ii. if taught daily: wait and two-step guarantee 1 iu four lessons; ciasl Monday and Friday eve. S to lu. at lul 2d st. ; lessons Hie KlXGLKIi'S SCHOOL Private nnd class In struction; lady assistants; social, stae. fancy dances. 231 I, Morrison. Marsh'! fi U- 1 let eclive A gene ies. INTERNATIONAL Dctc.tive Agency, con servative., reliable, coiifi'lcnlnil : rales .i per da v. Office 51Q p.'Uuin j.lilg. M. 04-4. l-.dui'U-tioniil. STM.MEit? Method for cure explained fre M. L. riatficl.l. iHlS Glove. laKlnnd. La- FRENCH and t Call E ast .'i:;.l(j. icmi'-n taught evening r:30 to V :' evenings. Engines Gas and Steam. HOUER Siauhincry Co.. Coast agents. Sex tury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en gincs. 2iSl-2b3 E. 51 orrjson su phone E. 515.. Iced Store. Z1GLLR & .MlSNEk. hay. grain, feed, c ment, shmgles. 2!4tirandaj14M. ' Kodak Finishing. QUICK servlceT cut rates; send for price list. Th'V Kodnkery, Olh and 'ash. Luiiiliiipfl tiardeners. I FRED"W. BULLOCK 310 Yeon Bldg. Marshall e4.ii. Artistic landscape gardening, carpel beds, planting of all description, grading and construction of new laAvns to private, residences and public grounds. ihor ouithly experienced men employed. L.a soiiable chai-ge.lie3ignjiiid csls. FREE. IF you liaie residef.ual gtuuuds to beautify, ccnsult our landscape expert. Mr. c. I. McDuugali. 12 years' experience in bcnl land aiid Eastern cities. Now is the Urn lo pliuiu Auvice free. Phone Main 8UI0. ir write the Oregon Nursery company. Orcnco, Oregon. . Leather and i indings. rw K 1 5' At'i'lCK & CO.. 74 Front. Leathsr C A e .Ttefeiii-mtion. tabs, nils, finding J A fc'l hUWliiilOOE Lb-ATHER CO. Es ' iHt'.l.sh.'d L.b. ISO Front st- M.cdical. BOSioN graduate, massage and nodical .imnastici. 302 Jeflersun. Ul. on. tllghU AIusicuL : P-AYE n7 DL KF1.1M.EH. -Teaclnr ol piano, beginnors a specialty, roil' st of 12 lessons for $10. studio at Re cent Hotel parlors. 131 U 7th si. Main ;;co2: . RAvlTlME piano" taught. 10 lessons, playe:s always wanted at good salary. Room li. 38.ii. e. isortison SI. miill Th eliioru. violin teacher, pupil Sevoia. 900 Marq mini. A 410O. .Marshall 1029. Osieoitulliic Physicians. iTk LERo"y SMITH, graduate Klrkvlll. vio class of loos; post-giauuato loo., un- dcr'Dr A. T. nlt. louuuer of the science. 1122 selling bldg. 51 R'ai. A 108a. lit V- B. Norlhrup. 415-10-17 Dekum bidg. Nervous aim iiiio..... Phona, OIL ce. MJi 49J re a, Lasl or B 10-8. Paiuls , Oils und Glass. eoi sT-llAOE "pain I and varnish Is best C da, Tied to llie Coast climate.- BASS- B EUTc.it PAINT CO 191 tiecoild St. r-a-iill Sol N & CO., joubers. paints, oils. ik a?a sasli and dou'rs.J Cor. 2d and Taylor. Painting and I'auerhaiiguis V,,K lirst-ciass pu.er.iail8.UI5, pauiling, imtii.g! reasonable prices. Cail Main 708a, A 47-4. llUbiui-iiw, a.-... pal ent Attorneys. PATENTS prTured by J- K. ilock. attornej at laiv late of U. s. Paieut otfice. Looa fet tree. 719 toe Board of Trade bldg. - r.'.i'i'M'. obtained, iradeuiurks. copyrigntt resieired. ail counmes. Booklet Irea. J-ETEU BABERLIN. Wolcesler blUK- V b-AND foreign i'Ai'E.Nio procured by u' o. O. Mart.u. 409 Chamber of Commerce bldg. - -r. ii RiGlxT. donieslic and foreign pat nyX.alJia.a 0U4 Dekum b.dg. Patent Engineers. Indentions developed. ae.,1 oatenta secured. Coop at Schlnltt. con ultitck engineers. 501 Henry bldg. Phon. Mam 12t5. Consul Ration free. p awnbrukers. 1 v 1 -1 v MVniio Coi.aletal Bank; 40 yean i-orwand. 71 Of. St. Pnoue Mala SIO. Paving. .7 u. u- 1 .ir.,er Aspiiail i-aving "Vjoinpany. 605 1J; te i. oacar nuoer. Portlaqd. pipe. P'u.clv.ni; TvTTJIi iifli CO. 1-aclory aud ,,t, uar 2.1" ai.d xoik ais. aiaiu 3aa. " .1 li Ae lvj.. 10a 2d St. bate '11-iE aloaLg.lv aai '. saiea. al taciory prices, accoiiu-uanu sales. scciaiu-uauil 1. oous. W i' bUl cioll.li'g. tuiuuuie aoo. 100.S. Hlga mi urita V-v'u lor eco.lu-..a..a C.O.U.ag. "itiMuc, wo.s. Mars null 2oo4. vTa; pay in- n"i for s-coiiu-naod oniis and siiue aiain .vo3. o-u a.a. "loIulTcasea. lai.k -ua u A Lxturea. . 1 ib-i. ail' G. CO., uiuucil Grand Raa- ltt auot.cas- co.. bin and Hoyu v but. manager. h lilr.iJSAi.L. 208 Httllllllon blug. Show eSs'cf fii atock.; prompt deiiv-ry. ....I ugtul. aL vv HUT l.ullluerCO. TTT. L al t G CO., 4lh aud Couch: naw oCsecond-oanu. Main 2;oo. Caumet work. ZTTZTZZO SiiOiVCASE oi il.Ni'-ltii CO.. v W at- Main .uli cauiuet ik Bteaiusuips, Tin-" ALLAN LINE Koyal Mail steamers; 1 ntieaL Liverpool, Glasgow. Alouireal. J", ijvmuulli, London, me plcluresu.ua i. Law r-uc- rouie; lour uays on in ocean" lhr days in river ana gulf; spi.u 0,0 new Turuiue sieamers. sa.oon. s.eocd ?abln and thud Class; superior una-cas. Hum service; cuisine uneao.ei.ed; courtaous itt-uuou; send lor circulars, rales, plan., tic Allan Co.. 121 N. Uearuoru su. Chicago. Btorage aud Transfer. c u PiCiv- xlausier at cloiage Co., offices aiil couiuiouiuua 4-story uucli warenouaa, . ' aralo n oli rooms and lirepl out vauiu ZZl- va.uauies; N. VV.Aior. 2d and I'm- su.. tiianos and luruilure liiomu and pucked lor snipping; special rales man. ou goods to our vuiouga cai 10 ail domestic .114 ioreigu uoims. Main 090, A 900. yLoON-lvOE TRA.NOtJiR to. Geuaiai iraMierruin anu aiurage, safes, manos aud luruiluie niovea una packed for buipii.ei'L bi.-o Front ai. aolepnouoa J.lalli 54i or' A 224l. ur-iiGO.N 'lllANe.Ft.il CO., estauiished 187a. 'irausxer ana lorv.urding agents. Ofxicvs and storage 474 Gliaaii s... cor. 131U aaa Tiilnn. Pnones Main 09. A llttj. ' ' 'Ay pew riiaTS. r.. ,e0 will ouy a RLBU1LT TYPL VVRITE11; rebuilt as good as now, all makes 10 choose from al Gills, ou. aau iiuer; terms 10 suit; every machine guar anteed, call or phono lor represeulau.-, Aiain B.-.0O or -A O0O8. TTTTvT buy a puor.y coiisirucied mach.as w'nen you cau buy h.gli-priccd sLauuard nakes direct from tue u.anulaclurer at on the basis ot $a per mouin. or $3J casn- 1-entu.t 3 iuoiltlls lor $0. iu.estlgaie, R. T. Co.. 245 Stark St. ccm naudle standard makes of genulns lvisleiu factory rebuilt typewriters mo lunkl Prices right. Buy a reliable uia ciiine from a reliable house. Pact, a S'.a'y At Ptg.Co.. BI7 2d st. WE aie the exchange for Ihe largest tyi.a wrner concern on this Coast; investigate; ail makes, all prices. The Typewriter u "cuange. 3oH Washington st. NEW rebuilt, second-hand rentals, al cat rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. . "wcU'lJrUUnfc. " DRILLING weila. Phone Main 134d er writ A. ".Vest. lt2 Morrison st- k o