Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 23, 1912, Page 16, Image 16

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!, ' ! . M . nirxT J FOB REM. f FOR RENT.
w - f ..rrirTAvi tr tXTRD-MALK. I FOR RENT. I 1 3R RT. - I Tl "
fir i " " ' " " " I - . 1 I ... : i ..;.h .w.m.. Kom U Ih Board In I'nvnie ri""-
1 I I MhKfUiflgOU. . I
tOn f Mot.)
orf.cs frrtrT Kmpiojmtot Dprtnunt.
T M. . A
Tunr man. stranger, out f WOT,ti.1
h.s ttai rmmh -t If I Pr 'J J"'
11 employment n.emtxrsr.lp. I
nss only 91J left bctea tnm and ir-
P. rflrr-Tf U P fr,. f 2
np;Yni"nt mrnt-rMp. you l
im! T. M- r. A.. Uh resources. d-iw-
ou and starvation. , .
t.r-su.t: Younc man Jotn4 odiHom
In than a , ha had suti-ciory
rmpio mn.
I:cr4 I.t thre months ending Mar. i .
for m-n '7
i-o.Mt.ons n..-i -
tn.Poymnt mmbTMP gunrgni1"
m-mtx-r will Murt rmploxmrnt or rt(un
of mmtr.lilp ,; uvea two Tnof-tns-irifmtKrinlp
pruiX". 1 month acii
rrivii and un-l-ris i p " y
- k.. r,.u trm of mrO-
Nmhip without further rhor. . . H
TV hivr rontnl rteuaand fr -
s-s-i. empir-nt . men. AM ott nuea
for a Kritr position f m
eeretsry emplojmrni nrpinwiUH
T. V C. A
Varied. txir- '
HnJ;e and ptiedrlver foreman, per
ai n t n.
ffer. $3 per day. crosscut
Mao fr logging camp; man to run
drnhfv engine; woman to cook. 10
fts str nnr mm and section work.
.Northern fart re. U.w. II. N. nr.
.Vw loo mmlnc In all th time.
COf'D fT. ste.idv amp'or""1- pi""
work, whs an old rohabi company. Tha
work la :ilo; htcb-rrarto nursery org.
and w hav soma good torTltorjr opon
'r what rrrrtiory would Ilka and
it at nnro fr particulars to Lock Box
400. rortlanO. urcsoo.
2 P.UVTFRS tnr TTntnff. atripin and num
Princ :.: f hour; tdy.
Hrotr a4 r-at rook, o; nlrht ahort
orir fun artd t!o p:t v. fl4 a k.
I!. R. .ator if a.i kind. Frra larr.
H. HXI.V at f'O.
24 V. ?d Kt.
A r I N npportun it - for a ptwt dvr:ia
in a-:anin. Milt pay atraiaht alar.
r aiarv ajn-f rommlwlnn, or atratc;ht
ronniiMlrn. wtll alao award mntcemnt
of tr-i otfUo -hn aMiity ) proven.
Afldr p. u. Box 1173. Loa Aoge.ea.
a 1 1 f.i-ria.
TR VRLIVO wanv taxlnc In tha amall
town. cn make Mjr monrjr with a ido
ttn. notHi1 o tMs la new and
ajy monn . 'al. a- D. B. fcamuei. Ho
tl Mt.'nor.nah. -nln
SAt.KiMfTN ni-4 llaJ a(at. Inuranc
rr tnrk ritnirn prv f-rrd : tin limited
rnaski;tt!c. -V pr cent ommiMlno. Room
f int National Bank. Fori Worth.
H'ANTfcli Viral rie man rr.anacer pro
.no orrhi hrie; muft hv ood r
rord or co vot apply. R- U. Kton. 334
.V. l.'.rh
WE iit Iive-wir faleeTnen for bai
Irr fropoaif Irrr In Portland. Mr.
Fi- adle. to lO A. M. Bronc-atanary Co.,
" ';7? ,f-
UAMO A hond or tck salesman
to ei -apltal atoiJc In a hlh-a;rad Port
tan. 1 corrortton; ran fir a-ood, territory.
V 9 .r'CniBn. .
M Ki Flri-"laa auto jainter. Top
i io.r Motor a'ar Co., I'lit at. at
Vaihlntrt at.
V N'TKI A utainAhiifi nhr at po e)I
rarae. niuat furnlahj refrnc. Kt
"tu and Hawthorne.
V a. TKU Ho:irman In larh mill; muat bo
r-pri. nrr-1. Apply at Eat Stdo Mill, foot
of ?ipokn
RAHHtTr want'U: atcady Job. 1S Mor
mon at.
TWO firt-riaas waitreaaea out of rlty 135.
Chamocrmaid f-'. aad waitr $J.
Second clrl $?S: kttcherv helper. SI day.
'Kk. mall BMardlnc-taouao. far
H v, WahJna;ton t.. Room
wwTku. TOlAT.
5 rook for country hotel. 13 each,
far Hditu--Hl; waltresse. 94 and 1 7 a
w e- k or f . - a month : ch am barmaid. nt
t cur. ajirl for a hoot I r cailery, $10;
SCneral houaework 111 t $34.
1 ad Ivrt. 10 i S Morriaon.
XT A N T F O FowrtI jmun c lad loa botwoaa
1 ha ifti or tS and 3 (or parmaji"nt pol
tton. Apply tha P. T. A T. Cow T4 Aider
at., or 44 Ea Aakear at.
KLL-K T'LVATED. refmod woman, who
tn d.lre . bualnra man atralcht
from the ehotiiOrr; aalary; atato a a, ref.
rtnrm. eprunoo and aaJary wanted. All
Gt"'( gr to 44.ait with housework and In
cre of baby . ajood home, country. For
particulars a.CUra or call mornln. Mr a.
l-ane. im Hioont at.
W A MRl i: lafJra and aentlemn for
Mr ir"dur-t(on J Rakrr Theater. Call at
ace door after 10 o'clock A. M. Ye.
WOMAN for aluminum demonatratlona end
in In halt Lake City; no return fare; !t
, rsperlence. phane. refereacea. AB
a frea;onlan.
..iIAN with experlojiro aa ollcltor or
flmonar utor: a live woman that looke
the part. sMto phono and aalary you want.
I. (rf frnin.
WANTEI lilrl for a;eiieral homework;
mut be an experienced cook; no upstairs
work S4 Mallnda ave.. head of Johnson
an -?tn 9ts-
XK' A N'T ED Experienced nurse to cara for
l.ahr and do upstair work; pe fere new
required. Imna; l.
NKT. refined woman, housekeeper, widow
er a fani'iv. Astoria, 9 20. it. Louts
A ' n . JMUj A'der. Matn goat. A 477 .
T A lT finisher, only emperlenned ; Kod
rtjea; apprenticea wanted. 4m4 Morn
...n. eomer 1 ? h . an nirlP. to 14 year old, for smail
part- and ntrilfi anall solars. 'w York
Theatrical Agney. F.llera Mdjr-. au'to HQ.
AAl"?tV!LLE and draina! peopl rail to
ry; cn secure encasement. New York
-T-. Vl Kl.1v amlA f. 1 0
AN eprlencel arlrl for rook Ink and Ren
era! housework In family of 3: xood waxes.
I'd-n Last lir7. 771 East Salmon.
V' T Kf At once, lady alteration depart
ment experienced on Jack era. The Flor
rnf r.; H Waphlnston. Northwest hide.
t I"K RI KN ' lf nurne for child of ; .o
irt a..r with second work: be Ft wpi;
refer ea: app'y a'ter 11. K-'2 Marsha'l at.
i: V wholeaalo houae. a practical, reliable
emii who la ambltloua; experience not
r.ntial. AH ireonian.
"V a I TRLSSt. country. fare; ruam-
K-.naId cook, family help, ranch and city.
Mowe'a l.adtes' Agency. 3t. 3T0 Wash.
Washincton at., cor. 7tb apatalra
Phoo Main t91.
W NTF3! Eeflned. capable womaa for r
ront ble position. Viavl Co.. ao Rota-M1c.-
4tt and Washington.
F.ft.HRLf- rrl for cooking and ho..e
v orlc. Ferond Kir: kept. Johnson.
At'piv In A- M
Waablngton bid. 4tU ajid Wastt. at.
Main S.T or A
WtTF.U Emperlenced fir, a to make Boas
ef All overalls. 7. laf.
I. xTLRTEVCEP srlrt for general housework.
B KT1. )4A F.aat Main.
F. A T. wi l m irl pf cood disposition fo.
aneei houew ork. iV4 Fast Salmon.
olL to assist with housework In eichanff
fur rouste leoaona AP Orefonian.
urV for light work. daya or week. Call
17 North 6th at.
EXPER1E VCED arlrl ; must be mod cook.
47 K. :it North; take R-oadway car.
tXpE'RIKNCED lad-e sotleitors. salary and
rfmlv1 on- Hi'l-Mtnn Co. . 3'.' Wore t or.
iTlKT. wanted for ltcht liousework. CalPill
7:h sf.. flat R. before 1 .
NT F-D A rood cool.. ernmn preferred.
17 Nrth 17th t. Call raomlnn.
W A TEP Neat. reTlabTo rlrl for general
:t WANTED for eeneraJ housework. Ap
ly ift 11th at., flat C.
NEAT faithful girl for general houae ork,
rey piar-r-. um i i
W NTET lrl for cocking and aora houae -
. W'PCP ;ie! for gen-raJ bout-work.
( None K-ast ZHX. 143 Pacific Laurel hurst.
; ; ;i. for seneral houe rrk. 21
i-nrner Oer:on. Call forenoona
V WTF.I 4 young girls to help
oi Commonwealth Mdg.
1 w o lad '' tal or w an re I. Huffman at
tirunt. rnlted Tailor. 'J7 TI'
NTEr 4ilr!. fp"n-'l cook, city r f-ern'-es
re.jired. 71 E'ertt.
Y- V T A girl to d' .nral ho". .work
an J oolr. Apply ibl JCtn. Kg children.
W ANT .r1 .r 1 or mildi-a;d woman
o .;.r ma with houwworli and er,.fr
child: nropw person will rela friendly
consideration, bat must b. of ood diapo
sition. neat and wiltlns; i help ma aa
suild. A i'W, Oregonlan.
WANTKU .Veat-appe.rine. tti4i
l.dl-s. wbo can present a buslneaa propo
sition In a buslnea..lke manner: liberal
compeneatton. .'all room lt. 11 Alder at..
A. M. to P. M.
WANTEO ilrl for general housework.
mu family; to o to beach, rhone a
rt.w.4. or call apt. 44. Tha W heeldon. 20J
.cor. Perk and Taylor.
W A M KI Educated and refined women to
represent educational and Juvenile Jour
nal special offer: rood money, call at
M.'E home for ood orklna sjlrl. free
room and laundry, steady: obl-rt. com-pan-
for wlfa nd baby. Call SVS Larra
hee si.
V. A N 7 K I X youns; larty of ples.ina P'r
aonality to travel and show samp es for
a Western firm. Ca;i I Chamber of Com
merco from 10 A. M. to U noon.
COOn hand Ironer In amall sfam launJry.
par hour, rhone or addreea - arson
Hteam Iundrr. Carson. Wash.
WANTED r.rty t. run small .psTtm.-nt-,
houa-: room and salary. Call Main
lTANT fMt.r wanted. Ladles Dept.. II.
M. irae. Tf3-S75 Morrlaon:
r iKST-CI.Ar-ri buttonhoiemakers on men's
coa . UK id t.. room in.
j.xI alrl to assist In g.nerl houscaork;
prlvaf boerdlnn-house. 1eit I'JIll St.
WANTKH N'ire. lrl. Apply 2-'T N. Hid.
cor. Northern.
E. PEHIr:N"ED cook. Apply In mornlnf.
Phon. Main JM1. V Klnir at.
IUAN or woman understandlnr enerai ac
counts (any bookkeeper can hav. e
reptionai opportunity for lare or s"-11
Investment ail atatea open, guarantees lira
income. Established 14 ears, with
rerenne. Portland office opened. Bast ref
erences. For particular! address P. - O.
Rot 18.
to operata noln plcur: operalora
make M to weakly. Full practical
courts cheap.
yj Waah aaar l'lb.
MEN WAKTID-att II to 18. t prpara
for fireman or orakemaa. nearby rail
road a, St to lit montbly. EiparlMC u
Beceasary: BO strike; promotion aaglna.r
or conductor, tit to I'seO monthly; good
Ufa carears: atato aa; aend stamp. Rail
way Aaaoclatlon. Box unwosu
MEN and woman to learn to. bau-tMr trad.
In algbt waeka: apaoial tadooamanto; por
cectaaa paid while learning; tools fre.
expert Lns trustors; II year, la taa basl
Btaa l aobeola; a IliaUma mataDOTrulp
g...a to oaca atudaaL Molar barka Cos
.... ss m r mtri h Portiond. Or.
MllBk'R young men ara wanted b rall-
- - i Aiv.nt. .nil .ration aarvlc.I
poaltlons paying (IS to t per month.
For partlculara call or addreoa lalegrapk
Dept.. CeouiMSMitk bidaw KB and An-
M1LL1.NERT ocbool sad floerar maklaa.
iaara all la sis weeks; old hate mads aar
Ilka new. staautlfui trimmed hate. Caul
avd Ooodaoaga m- opp. rowtn-.
RAILWAY mall elerka. prepare now. ag
clleat aalarlea and promotloag; ao lay
offs, sure pay; free book. Call today Pa
.:fie stataa SenooL Mcalay bldg city.
8TF..VCK1RAPHERS. any ovatem, beginners
. . !.: . J .nrf nlli'.H
or so . in r-u, u " " " ' . - v. . r -
In posltlona. 639 Worcosur block. Mar-
i. i
VOL" ara wanted for Job,
month. Bend postal for list posltlona open.
Franklin Institute, Dept. alS U. KocBastar.
N. V.
MAKE money writing ahort atortaa. or far
eapara- big pay; free booklet tails hots.
tilted Press syndicate. Ban Franclaoo.
HALF soles sewed or nailed on while you
alt. ,c Kvans American Shoo Store.
-S4 Morrison st.
ING atandard systems. Positions secured.
5 per month. 3 lth at- Main 38-
V AM rlclure play writers: Big aaj .
we'll teach you. Picture Play A s .-.
tloa. Ban Franclaco.
fbl'XO man. don't turn down thla wonder
ful quickly-learned trade; good salary
getter. Moving ptctura operating. HI Oak.
bookkeeping. 642 Hamilton bldg. Mar. aSSa.
scboola and t.achera. l .wetland bldg.
loepere aad
MARRIED man. il yeare old, years' ea
perleace In lanwing; beet of reterencea.
would Ilk., poeitlon as bookkeeper, cashier
or an. cffice wcrk. Will accept anything
at ll.lng wager, where there Is chance for
..iTaocement. Not afraid of bard work.
W 1 Cfrego.-ian.
H AVI N.J had tao yearr experience aa so-ll-ltor
and clerk, I know I can make good;
l-pt references; will accept amall salary
ilrst month with chance for advance. AF
. Ore son I an.
BOuKKKEPER wanla work: experienced;
local references. AB 8. Oregonlan.
111 Second St.. Corner Salmon.
Woman's Department. S4I Salmon.
All clasaea of unskilled, akllled. profaa
aleual and clartoal mala and female help
furnished on short not tea. No fea charged.
Phoo. Mala Its. A tI.
l'Ol'Nfi, relish!, snd honest man wants
permanent position as helper or care
taker on gentleman's country- place or
farm, n good home preferred to high
wag.e; references. AC Oregonlan.
WANTED Poeitlon In established law firm
or In real aetata office, by attorney: ;tt
ears' practice In Oregon. OMect change
of location. Address C. J. Curtis. Astoria,
GARDENER. 8cotchroan. desires situation on
private place. 13 yeere' exp.rlenre: under
etMnde growing of flowers and vegetables:
also first-class greenhouse man. Address
A. F.. r'Aif Tacoma ave.. Teeoma, Waal..
BY young man, recently from the East, mi'.h,
a reliable wholesale house, drygooda pre
ferred; haa had 4 years' experience with
same. AD P. Oregonlan.
EX I'ERlENi'ED Janitor, msn and wife,
have flrst-class references: wishing for a
first-Clara apartment-house. Ad 10, Ore
gonlan. BOOKS opened and cloaed. audited and
careful examinations made by expert ac
countant. Addresa Box O 060. Orego
nlan. CARPF.NTER foreman wants sltuctlon. day
or- contract. Address J. B. Young. Wood
stock. WANTED Work In an orehsrd by a prac.l.
ral orrhardlat. Csll or addresa X. B. !..
care it. Charlee Hotel.
A JAPANESE wants a position aa bartender
or helper. P. K. lahlda. room Id Hotel
Mlnneeota. 0 8th st. North, city.
LANDSCAPE gardener desires steady posi
tion; long experience; recommendations.
W Oregonlan. .
Bv" young man. with experience, aa el.rk
In cigar store or stsnd: csn glvo best ref
er, nces. AT . Oregonlan.
TOl'N'5 man. 24. honest and trustworthy,
wishes position, city or country. AO o.
Ore gonlan.
YOl'N; .lerman - wanta hooaa or garden
I work, city or suburbs : hag reference. AM
1, oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED auto repair man wlehee
steady employment. Phone P 2T11.
WINDOW weening. ing. floora
-asd and polished, rhone gellwood HgH.
VIANTr.l' Bv young man. experlen.-ed fire
man, or nicht watchman. W a, Oregonlan.
t;ARlENER. e.perlcnced. wlah.s to take
c.tre large private piece. AE a. Or-gonlan.
JAPAN ESE experienced boy wants position,
general housework. E L Oregonlan.
POY wants work on form: has had soma
.trlTf.. Phon. W(HK);iwn x.'.l.
AACillNIT. all around, wants work, model
au4 experimental. V . Orccontaa.
lOl'.Nu man wants work by the hour or
. qiv, waen tkj 1 1 ii, iu - f
and l.wri .ork at
!om o auto owner.
D 4. Or.coniao.
p took, prtp.r. balance, ana aiate
ea.nta, install aretema. OHIIniiai. ao
dilor. 11 L.l. bld. Marahall HI- ,
EX r y.K I KXCBD ofTico r""' '"1 Wno I.
! of tvpewrlirr rtlr. pernien-lit po
sition: can ive references. AU 10. Ure
fnl.n. -
I year.-' perlenre: can rto typewriting nnj
! ieneral oftlc. work. Audrey AL 01W. ure-
POSITION by young man experienced In
time, cost and other clerical work; best of
references. Y Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogr-iph-rnpher
d'.lres position; nothing under 5
considered. Main fMQQ.
EXPERIENCED. competent Iookkeer
stenogrspher and office a.Jl.tanl desires
position; references, wain iie...
COMPETENT stenogr.pher. with general
onice experience desires position. Phons
Msrshall 5"
GOOD bookkeeper capable of taking charge
Cf office. Marshall 4lT.. Now employed.
SIKNiKiRAI'HER and bookkeeper with ex
perl encea ndrefere n ce a Jabor24;
TOUNG lady desires position ns bookkeeper;
d years experience. Tabor 3'e.
&1 cood education, desires Min SO-.'l. A -.77...
L.ADY de.lrea po.ition a stenographer.
Phone Marshall !V.
TOI'XO ladv wishes poiillon In din:lor or
dentist's office. Phono .Main 7'8J. room
TOt'NO ladv stenographer wlehes position:
good penman: reference.. Marshall iOi.
y FRIEND:!. hgh-?radc ladles' tailoring,
'riding habits, son Central Mdg.. Huh and
Alder. Phone Mar.nan ..oi-.
EXPERIENCED ilrespiilaUcr end ladles'
tailor. Itrs E. COth North. Will go out by
d..r .
EXPERIENCED seamstress would like to
go out by the day with dressmaker. D
.. Oregonlan. '
iTreSHMA KINO and plain sew ing. Phone
Main 4S47. Ree. 473 Salmon st.
WANTJ3D Day engagentente by competent
. eeammress. rhone Marshall Ml.
DRF-"MAKING done by tho day or at
home. Phone A. 1.WI.
AN Eastern woman wlshea a poslllon as
housekeeper In wldowefs home, cooking
for men and general housework. A ,
Or. gonlsn.
NEA'! e'.tero woman, boy 14." l:ntise-ke-plng.
widower's I'. St. Louis
Agency. :i3Vi Alder. Ref i-clic. Mam
V.. 1
Jv'KAT . cmm gll. f- dee. res Iious.-keei.lng.
widowers family; teferencee. Main
EXPERIENCED nurse wants case: will do
light housework; references; wages 11
week. Woodlawn 27a. Call before 9 At
M. or about r. xi.
YOl"N3 lady with 2' years' hospital ex
perience, wants position In doctor's office;
experienced assisting doctor. AO 9, Orego
ntsn. ;
IS YEARS' experience with Invsllils. elder.
neos. Marshil'l 21T. A 4775. Reasonable.
KVR8R would like anv kind of nursing; ref
erences, woooiawn i.--o.
Domeaf lea.
REFINED lady, dealres nice home with
elderly people. No laundry or heavy house
work. Considered aa one family fealary
according. A 6. Oregonlan.
Hol'HBKF.EPERa. cooks, waitresses, second
girls, charnt.rn.--l.ia. nuraefc t.
A-fprt, ?;lU tiie. - -
" ,.v uw t.awriinneei hair
dresser, etc.. wr.he. position , as lada ma d
and child s nurse. Phone Marshall I19V.1.
Nl-RSE girl wlshe. PosTtlon In 1 home wher.
ahe IS one o. iua ...,..
l..wn 1 - -1
. ..- enrtaina laundered. 20c up;
class, quick sen .c.
rVrH"curtaliia washed and stretched: nine
Hefrs- perenee. Tahor ;44.. Mrs. S. ott.
WORK by the dsy. or chamber work. Call
Main 4m. room nw.
wasninv anu irwu'i.-
" . . ... r .a. ntrU . a ti h 1 n e . Iron
tng. cieno-na. i-i-i-.... -. -
EXPERIENCED woman will do chamher
work by the day or hour. Marshall oP-lo.
POSITION wanted by Fwedtsh experienced
cook. Phon. New Orand Cenlral Hotel-
WOMAN wants day work or housecieanlng.
Marshall i:n-
WAHIIIN4I taken home: ladles' fine clothes
and lace curtains, saranan ...i.
WANTED Day work by experienced laun
dress, r'none v. oouiae 11 .--w .-
LAE curtains laundered, suit dried and
bleached; wtrK guarantees, .n.
LADY alrhea soma day work, rhone Mar
shall ln.
wnman and special
wants position. Phone Marshall 471.
EXPERIENCED woman, day work. Call this
morning, every day aveplnga. East 8.8.
WOMAN wishes work by day. A 1447.
WANTED IJva agenta for vacuum cleaner.
Just put on market. Apply R. W. M. Don
ald, room 40S. 227 1, Washington st.
I3 TOl5 a dav money every night; some
thing new. a'13 Heck biilg.
I WANT to rent a house with 4 sleepluc-
. i..i.n .ith . 1 1 . . 1 ir room
rwilli, " m -
to bull.l one; will psy high rent for fltst
claaa place. John I". Weston. SOi Ppald-
1 V. 1 1 - -. It . .011
IHH OlUK- ... e . f .
WANTED An 8 or Ift-room fiirnlelied house
on tha West Side; must be close In and a
good location. H 1. Oregonlan.
WANTED Modern, amall. completely fur
nished cottage, by rosponsinio iari. -.
j'tjl'll or five-room furnished house, by
people considerate 01 oiners ir.oii.j. c.
IH.7, Oregonlan. '
WANTED To rent small furnished cotteg-.
yrd. neat and clean, low rent. AJ . ore
gonlan. .
A pnrt ments.
APARTMENT, downtown; kitchenette, both
and bedroom; state price and accommo
dations. AE . Oregortian.
REFINED young man wants unfurnished
room In modern residence; glvo price and
loestton. AC 1. Oregonlan.
Room. With Board
WANTED Room and board In private home
close In by two gentlemen. E 2. Ore
gonlan. FTI R RENT.
jeurulaliod Rooms.
Grand and Hawthorne Avenues.
For rent, tha finest corner, par.or, bed
room and bath suite In tha city, largo
rooms, beautifully furnished, nine w n
dows. fine view of all tho mountalna. Also
soma single rooms, elevator service, tele
phone, hot and cold water, electric ngtit
and steam heat; moderate prices for de
sirable tenants. Eight streetcar lines pa.a
tba building. If you are looking for
permanent, home-like quarters, be sura
and Inspect tho Sargent before locating.
Excellent restaurant In connection witn
hotel. Telephone Eaat 2vl.
a. n. t-i.Ar.iv. r ... . w-
Those tbroo beautifully f urnUbed hoteia
HIM 4ih at. 2U 4th at. 80TV. 4th at.
On Fourth gt running from Taylor to
Salmon su: brand-n.w brick: elegantly
furnished, ateam beat, prlvata hatha, hot
aad cold water In ail rooms; atrlctly ap
to data In all respects, and at popular
prices. If you want something out of tha
ordinary. In tho heart of tho city, at rea
sonable prlcaa. glv. ua a call, as wa know
yon will ilk. It. Room, by tha day., weak
or month. Tourtet trade aollcltod.
tie Washington St.
L'nder New Management.
Largo lobby, fln.sbed In mahogany, tils
and marble; ladles' parlor with elegant
flraplaca; freo telephone aerrlce In rooms,
all night and day, electric elevator, steam
heat, hot and cold water In all rooma.
many with bath. A residential hotei above
reproach, woe re every effort Is msd. for
tli. comfort and convenience of Ita guests,
rents the moat reasonable In the city;
rooma by the day, week or month. Look
this over before locating. Take W car
at depot, get off at lnth and Washington.
THE LANDORE 28 10th, near Jefferson.
Large, light, airy rooms, hot and cold
v-ater. clean, respectable, for business
ea omen. But la clur Xur orlca.
112 Rooma
Now Open.
Seventh and Taylor Bta.
Residential and transient; nbsolntoiy
central; two minutes from Postoraea.
atorea. theaters and restauranta: lust oB
business street and carllnaa; quietest aad
beat location; baiitleooie brick. ampio
steam heat, hot running water and phorjea
In star? room, suites and prlvata batua,
levator. Reputabl. and camloruol
From ISc dally. 14 weekly. Any car from
Ill Eleventh Street.
New. modem brick building: steam
beated. private baths, hot and cold water
In rooms; besutlfully furnlshsd. cosy. 00m.
fortabie. renr reasonable. CaJ and aeo
ua- Regular and transient trads solicited.
t7oTELLA. BALLS, iota, and Hurnalde eta
Absolutely fireproof; new and elegantly
furnlabed looms; prlvata baths. steam
nest, hot and cold water, prlvata phones
In each room; special rates by tha moath:
phone aervico free- Phone Marshall 4Q4Q.
iTotelTTren WlckT An Ideal bom. for busi
ness pauple: centrally located; alegaal
rocms; ail modern conveniences; Ttn and
Taylor sta. 1 block from Portland Hotel,
OK.lta Helllg-Theater. Phone Mala lit
One block from Union Depot: 140 outstdo
rooms, with hot and cold water and ateam
beat- offers special rates for permaasal
guests: rates &Uc to 12 a day: la-M aad
KD Per week. Phone Mala 11418.
HOTEL "3AKLAND. Si Trinity Place, cor.
Washington; new brick, ateam-heated
tuiidlnz. private telepUones; strictly mad
em; ra'.rs, .;.0 week up: permanent and
tr.l.rlent solicited.
Til E COLONIAL, pleasant outside rooms,
first and second floor.' facing 10th and
M-'.rrlson. large closet, steam heat, fine
bathrooms. ery reasonablo rent to per
manent people, lsi 10th.
11 tli and Stark.
Sf.ecial rales on rooms, with or without
lain; all niouern conveniences; no extra
chnrce. for phone or service.
XMIV, Morrison St.. Cor. 10th,
Central location, moderate prices, SOc.
7.".c iind 1 per day; by the week. o,
up. Including baths, phones. Mieam heat.
103 "4 Twelltb SU Marahall 2 7 SO.
In of businesa district; steam heat,
hot and cold water, free phono an everJ
room: II day and up: 14 week and up.
CALUMET HOTEL, lit Park at, fU.
rooms, hot and cold water, steam haab
levator and all modarn conveniencM; 41a
per montn and up;jau1et and comXortabla.
Large pleasant front looms, easy walk
ing distance, all home convenlencea, 2.
e250 to f4 per week. HI'S 4th St. Main a5tii.
SEVERAL choice housekeeping rooms, nice
ly furnished, at lo7 stout street, one
block south of Washington, only 5 lnin
' ,itca' walk from downtowu.
lluTEL NOKItlS. modern conveniences,
f:t5f to 4o week. bus Alder, corner
Lf:WISTON Hotel. 271 1 Morrison, cor. 4th;
large, airy rooms, single and suites, tran
sient and permanent, 60c day up.
IX) YOU want a good room In a suod loca
tion at a low rale. Try Hotel Ijsrrabee,
227 1 Larrabee st.. walking distance.
HOTEI-TjOYCEr cor. 4lh and Jefferson, new
ly turuist'.ed rooms, hot und cold water;
steam heat; free l.ath.
CLEAN rooms, centrally located, by week or
month: 11. oO up- 4S2'a Wash, st.
rarnl.he.1 Room, lo Prlvata ramUy.
ELDERLY and Infirm peoplo will find a
pleasant home with every car. at 207
Killlngswortli ave. Phono Woodlawn 1414.
P. It. Conrlff.
NICE, clean rooma. with all modern con
veniences, use of piano If desired, walk
ing distance, reasonable. 04 North ltllh.
Phone A ;;i43.
TWO geutlemen. frj.nt room and porch:
strictly modern. 3 adults In family; 110
other roomers. Phone A 4Sl A. il.. and
after S P. M., or call 623 Montgomery.
WANTED A r.-fined voting man lo share
bachelor apartments with two others- Call
Marshall l:i7. ask for Mr. Paul, between
7 and a V. M.
19 MONTH, pleasant, neatly furnished room,
suitable for one or two gentlemen; all
conveniences. 1-3 North 20d. closo to
Wnshlnston st.
NICELY furnished front room with sleeping
poreh. eultablo for one or two. LiRht,
heat. hath, phone. ii Savler. l'hone
Marshall .4.".12.
LIUHT. aliv room with closet In new mod
ern home: every convenience; kitchen
prlvilrce. reasonable. t:.2 b Everett. Mar
shall 4:.7.
OA hi furniture, brass b.d. .1 large windows
In room, fine lawn and veranda, private
home. bath, phone; ten minutes' walk lo
l'oatofflce. 414 Market, cor. lllh.
NICELY furnished front room with alcove
and sleeping porch; suitable 1 or 2; walk
ing distance, '.'i. West Park.
SS-lean room. lath, phone; walking dis
tance. :;l.. East Mb. tao blocks south of
Hawthorne uve.
COZY attic room, furnace heat, electric
light, phone and hath; private entrance,
'J.59 per week. ;7I Park.
NICELY furnished rooms, from $2 week.
eas walking distance, l'hone. tK.1 Wash
ington. ATTRACTIVE room; walking distance;
everv convenience. 4t;9 East Ash. l'hone
B Ji.18.
BFAl'TIFI'l.T.Y furnished rooms In good
home: references: Nob Hill district. 7H8
.in l:l-;.l'TI KL'Ll.Y furnished, ia-rge roont.
In n-.orlcrn home, every convenience, walk
ing distance. Il K. lth. rhone Kasl 1 1:1.
1'WO nleely furnished rooms, $2.50 per
week. 374 Orand svc.
NICELY furnished rooms at $1.7." per week
up; also transients. 122 12th St.
nTcFLY" furnished front room, also attic
rooVn. 57 Trinity, bet. 19th and 20th.
TWO largo front rooms, nicely furnished,
single or en suite. 51 ' Waaiilngton at.
TWO nicoly"furn!phed rooms, single or en
suite; close In. 325 7th.
El K-ivTLV f nrr.isiie.l rooms, strictly mod-
ein." Nol. .4iii.Marxhall 22:;tf.
aTTdkK ' R A N I Nice, clean rooms, 2 up.
1217 .Iraltu ave.
LA1;-1E furnished front room, bath, phone;
best location; 11.70 week. 2t2 14lli.
kTn.JLK room "for gentleman, with good
board. $2'-.-"'U P'r month. 77 Olisan.
NICELY furnlshed room for one or two
gentlemen $12 month; closo In. '.'1.'. 1Stli.
Bouins Wltii I Ward.
rsov or rARll VIIJVV
c-ornrr West I'ark and .Montgomery sta.
Kainl'v boarding-house, richly furnished
and running water In all rooms, private
baths private park, and faces a large puo
llo park' a homelike place wilh a view
that Is unsurpassed lii any city; rales
ranging from $35 to $100 a month. Call
and wo are at your service. Phono Main
37 S3. ;iSf1 ..lOnigOl'iei jr 1 .
DOES a home appeal 10 youT THE WHITE
HALL, cor. th and Madison; large rooma
bath broad veranda, quiet, close In. neat
car. 't blocks from P. O. American plaa.
" MANiTOU. 31 UTH 8T.
Attractive, clean rooms. steam beat,
good board. cJseln.reasonabI.
TiiE l.AMBERSON. .r." I Conch St.. very de
sirable outsldo rooms, steam heat, run
ning watr. good board, close In.
Rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li
brary. 610 Flanders. Mrs. K. N. Wilson, supt
ROO.viand board for young women. $3 per
week, new house, with all conveniences.
No. 12 E. 7th st. Smth.
ELEGANT room, fa-lng the park. A-l board.
' reasonable. 74 Park.
tT-IF IIA7.EL l-'urnlshed rooms with board,
running water, steam heat. 3SS 3d st.
ROOMS with board. 713 Flanders. M. 1S47.
Rooms WHh Board In Private Family.
FRONT room with board in modern flat;
suitable for 2 gentlemen. Phone A bt.32.
LAItOVC. we'l-furnished front room, modern
convenience., close in. West Side, best
home co"klng. very reasonable. Muln 320.
jAy-'l' front room, modern, with all con
veniences and good board; 10 mlnuteg
from P. O- 391 l'h St.
KOOM and board for 3 In private family;
use of parlor, piano, bath and phone.
Phone Sellwood 172U.
PHEASANT rooms, stngl. or en sulto; excel
lent bosrdL650 f?llsan.
FIRST-CLASS room and board, homo priv
ileges; everything modern. K. Couch.
ROOM with connecting bedroom, excellent
boa rd. porchea and grounds. M al n 2Q71.
SPLENDID light rooms, with board, strictly
modern; splendid view. Two Hassaio East.
1 NiVl.E and double rooms w!:h board. $tj.
Marshall 2rt3. 21H llh St.
ROOM and board for two gentlemen: Scau
dlnavians preferred. 11 l"th st. N.
xToOM-and board for 1 or 2 gentlemen, close
In. East 43: .
PKKTTY front den. electric lights, kitchen,
... rui'M bathroom. 67 N. 20th at.
Now Open.
Vl-riV H.,ir,hl. r..,.rrm m-tl. hot SOd COld
running water, bath' and shower adjoin-I
Ing. with sleeping porcll. home cooking. 3 .
minutes walk to car ana iw ",1,'ul"
walk to Washlngtoh st. 725 Prospect drive.
Portland Heights. Main 1057.
GENTLEMEN" desiring breakfast and din
ner 111 pleasantly located privat.. home,
phone Mar.- 3Si;to. Would also consider a
Ter dinner guests.
WANTED Four ladies or gentlemen to
board and room, 2 in a room. $25 a month.
1 7 . - . 1. . ... Vi .1 -.1 a eook-
Int 2W 12-th, near .le'f fereon.
FIRST-CLASS board and room, home priv
ileges, everything modern. 553 East couch
st. - .
ONE furnished room, with or without
board: Nob Hill distriet. $84 Gllean. near
list: take W car. Phono Marshall ;i.
DESIRABLE room, walking distance, home
cooking, near Multnomah Club. Marshall
lloAKD and rooms for man and wife, or .
ladies; pood location; terms per
month. A 4:tti".
PLEASANT, well furnished room, with or
without board. modern conveniences.
Phone Msr. VI7SS.
S20 PLEASANT front rooms for two: I4.
clean, neiv modern house, single beds. S3
17th, near Everett.
A GOOD room, homo cooking, floe loca
tion. HI 7 Kearney.
A pa rt ments.
Most up-to-date apartment In tho
Northwest; every convenience; 4 ana 6
rooms, all outside sunny rooms; "new;
walking distance. 21at and Johnson sts.:
choice residence district; attendant on
premises. Marshall IS60.
Elegantly furnished ll-room corner
apartment. with sleeping porch; sur
rounded hy lawn and flowers, all bright
outside, rooms; also very desirable, large,
ight, 2-room apartment with bay wlndcw.
Daintily served meals can be arranged for
Just across the street. References.
THE BARKER. corTFlst and Irving sta;
this new 4-story brick now open; -furnished
and nnf timl.hed in 2. t and 4-rOOm
suites: reception hall, electric automatlo
elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built
in buffet and writing desk, gas range, les
box, plenpy of closet rooms, botn pnones,
vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you
want .omethtns- nice, come to tha Barker;
1 3-roora basement apartment, $16. Phones
A 1744. Marshall zsbl.
12th and Taylor.
Jn.t completed, most magnificently for.
ntsbed apartments In the Northweat; loca
tion perfect; rentals reasonable: ovary
modern convenience. Including banquet
hall and roof garden: both phonea In aU
apartments; high-class service: reference
required- Mliii 3276 and A 705T.
bia. 4 blocka south from Morrison St.;
new brick building, completely flrst-clasg
furnished In 2. S and 4-room family apart,
ments; private bath, steam heat, not wa
ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleansr.
Janitor service; rent per month.. J-d. 3u
$40 and up; must be gees, to bo appro
elated; .
NEWLY' furnished The Upshur. 2Bth and
Upshur sts., furnished 2-room apartments,
$15. 1S. 20 and up. Thla lncludea steam
heat, hot and cold water In every apart
ment, private phones, public bath, electrlo
lights, gas range, laundry-room, all free;
also a-roora unfurnished apartments, with
private bath, $18: 4 rooms, $20. Take S.
23d or W cars north. Phona Main 8.
tone palace of luxurloua homes. Trinity
Place, between 18th and 20th streets. Just
off Washington; magnificent exclusive
apartments. In heart of apartment-house
district; rentals reasonable; every modera
convenience; sleeping porches, hlgh-cass
service; refined clientele; references ro
qulrd In all cases. Mrs. A. N. Wright,
supt. phona Marahall 110L
644 Everett st.
New and elegantly furnished apart
ments; 8 rooms, reception hall and aleep-Ir.g-porcb;
automatlo electric elevator and
privat. Pacific telephone; located la on.
of the choicest residence districts, sur
rounded by decant homes; walking dis
IN SMALL, well-kept apartment-house, a
minutes' walk from Morrison St.
one very largo, well furnished 4-room
apartment, on first floor.
one small, airy furnished apartment of
4 rooms, first floor.
One 2-room apartment, light and commo-dio-is.
on third floor. 348 4th St.
170 Ford st.. Just south of Washington;
most complete, highest class apartments
ever built In Portland; finished through
out In hardwood; tiled baths, superb fix
tures; elegant wall coverings; each with
private balcony; highest visas servtcs;
very ressonable rents; 4 and 6-rooax
apartments; most conveniently arranged.
II ARRIM AN APTS. 164 24th ST. N.
Two 4-room apts,. furnished and un
furnished, with to disappearing bUs
- In each.
One 5-room apt, furnished, with 2 bed
rooms; also two disappearing beds In each
and two large porrhes. etc.
4-ROOM apartment with private bath $3S;
all outside rooms, splendid view; modern;
convenient arrangement; superb location;
close to Fostofflce; also S-room apartment;
best of service. The Sheffield, 7th and Jef
ferson sts.
Lucretla St.. Near 23d and Wash.
Un.turni.hed apartments, from two to
five rooms, all largo, light ana outside;
large closets, hardwood lloors; under new
management. Marshall 151tt. Janitor, Mar
ahall loOO.
2. 3 and 5-roonl apartments, furnished
or unfurnished; good service. Apply on
premises to janitor. notn pnones.
171 KING ST.
4. 0. 6-room apartments; select tenancy.
Apply on premlsea
FOR RENT May 1 8-room sunny apart
ment, ail outside rooms, 3 bedrooms, ver
nmliih and sleeping porch, lino neighbor
hood' Clifton apartments. 7MI lrvmgton
st. Phono Marshall 1I5S. A 17t4.
GRANDESTA furiilsned apartmenta Grand
ave, and East Stark; new brick building.
S rooms, splendidly furnished, with pri
vat. bath, 127. 50; electric elevator; mod
ern conveniences; ciosa-ln location; easy
walking distance: best of service.
6t! CROIX Apartments. St. Clair St.. nesr
Wssnlngton; 2 and 8-room apartments,
with private Dath. furnished and unfur
nished; superb location, easy walking dis
tance, brick building; convenient arrangs
menu best of service and very low rents.
Hoyt; 4 rooma and bath, private balcony,
new brick building, electric elevator, au
perb location. In walking distance;, most
convsnlent arrangement, low tm and o.t
of service.
Nicely furnished. 3 rooms, $25; all out
side, large, light, airy rooms, private
phone and batn. gas lange. refrigerator,
water heater, launary traps, large closets,
on carllno. East Side. Tatior 224.3. B 3r41.
14m and Clay streets.
Splendid location, solid brick building,
electric elevator: wa hav. unfurnished J
and 4-room suites, with privat vesUDius.
phones, bath, etc - j
-The westfal apartments.
4ln 5th st. Five minutes' walk, brick
building, nicely furnished 3-rooni apart
ments, private bath, phone, elevator;
I27.5U ami up. Main 207L. A 2038.
GARDNER APT., cor. J3th and E. Ash;
beautiful S-room. with fireplace, heat and
water: also furnished 3-room, with porch;
vacant May 1. Phone East 2S71.
Bl'CK HARTFORD APTS. 21st and Flanders.
Under new management, 3-room apts.; all
modorn; walking distance. Main 27s; .
THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished 3
room apt., private bath and phone; reas
onable. Main 5435. 303 Jefferson.
THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished rooms,
buth and phone. 12 to $15. Main 0435. 505
THF ORMONDE, modern apartment, 4 nice,
neht rooms, gas range, refrigerator, tele
phone, tfoo Flanders. Nob Hill. Main 8261.
Furnished and unfurnished apartmenta.
en l-oveioy st. Take "W" ear.
THE GUILD riJ-oti..i -ou ...u m,
Thurroan and Vaughn. 1 J-ruom apt,
SIM. 50; one 3-room, $22-50.
W.'TFD 2 men ooar. .ere iv iuvhi logeincr
il. private family. 2id Stout, near Jcffer-
4 and $ rooma; modern.
iaeTTE Furnished and unfurnished t
room! Corner Id and Montgomery.
,gs Harrison Su Phono Marshall 3070.
Two and 3-room apartments, well-furnished,
cheerful and thoroughly clean at
most REASONABLE RATES consistent
with their many advantages. Coi:itort
ahlo beds (no wall beds; unusually fine
closet room: HOT and cold water: re
frigerators. Beautiful view from many
Wide halls; elevator service; laundry
with steam doer and best modern
12th and Harrison.
Now ready for tenants, 2, and 3
rooin apartments, living rooms 16x
2d, high and sightly; well furnished
with everything that goes to make
high-class apis.; 11th or 13lh-sr.
Marshall and 19th.
Largo, airy 2, 3 and 4-room apart
ments; quiet and exclusive neighbor
hood, NOKOMIS.
Marsh? 11, near 17th St.
NEW. Attractively
room apartments,
St Clair and Washington Sts.
Large, airy, beautifully furnished: all
woodwork whlto enamel, mirror doors,
tiled baths, plenty of closet space, private
balls and phones, nit outside rooms; a few
single rooms for gentlemen. Ballroom for
use of tenants; references required.
Cor. Park and Taylor eta.
Cor. Tenth and Salmon sts.
Walking Distance.
Furnished complete. 2, 8 and 4-room
apartments; bulldinga new and strictly
modern; service flrst-claaa.
13th and Everett Sta.
New management; 2. ,, 4 or B-room nn
f am shed apartmenta Tho best apart
ments In the city for tho rnouey: they
have all modern conveniences, are close
In. neat and homelike. Don't fall to
Inspect them before locating. If furnished
apartment Is desired, can arrange this on
amal: monthly payment with rent tenant
eventually owning furniture at same
monthly cost as furnished apartmenta
704 Lovejoy St.
Under new management: new, modern
brick. 2. 3 and 4-room apartments, fur
nished or unfurnished ; we will rent you
apartments 25 per cent cheaper than any
place in the city: good janitor service.
Give us a call and be convinced. Mar. 2'.ld.
King and Washington sts., now ready.
New 6-story reinforced concrete build
ing, only fireproof apartment-house III
Portland; every possible convenience, elec
tric elevator, best of service, private bal
conies, easy walking distance; 2. 8. and
4-room apartments. $22.50 up.
44S 11th st. Modern, furnished 2-rooin
apartment, light, airy and large rooms,
phones, laundry, dryer and elevator, walk
ing distance, very reasonable.
CI'MBERLAND APTS., West l'ark and Co
lumbia sts.; 1 choice .';-room unfurnished
and 1 completely furnished 2-room apart-
" ment; all modern conveniences; choice lo
cation, fronting tho park and only 5 min
utes' walk from business center.
CRACE APTS.. 797 Nortlirup St.. corner
24th. 5 large rooms, hardwood floors, front
veranda. largo sleeping porch, private
telephone, water, heat and hot water; new
and btrictly modern.
New and elegantly furnished modern
apartmenta of two and three rooms, lo
cated over new Postofllce building; rent
reasonable. Take any Union ave. car. Call
personally or phone E. 2743.
NEWLY' furnished 2, 3, 4 rooms, $22.i0
to $40; single rooms $3 up; free liyht.
phones, heat, hot and cold water, electric
elevator. Marshall .3597.
near Main: close In location; elegant 3
room apartment with bath and private
balcony, $20. Every convenience, good
East 7tli and Morrison, most centrally lo
cated; 2 and 8-ro3m apartments, fur
nished up to date; private baths; moder
ate rales.
6-room apartment, choice residence dis
trict, walking distance, every convenience.
2lst and Flanders' sts. Main 7510.
WINSTON Apartmenta, 311 14ta at., at
Market; new corner brick; all bright, out
aide rooms; 2 and 8-room luiiM com
pletely furnished for housekeeping; 123 to
$27.&0. For information call Main 17.
All outside, 2-room apartments: ijolmea
beds, built-in writing desks, vacuum clean
er, lanltor service; .22:50 to J:;u. .ncludlcg
lights, private phones. A 8172, Alain 1377.
11th and Clay; 2-ruo.n apartments, fur
nished, with private bath; all couve
Bleucea: good Bervlce; easy wa.klng dia-
tance; very reasonable rents-
Ford St.. near Washington; select resi
dence district; a 4-room apartment, with
tiatconv; all convenien.-es ot the nesl-claaa
apartments. Main 33. A 7I4S.
ais.' best of service; desirable location,
with unexcelled car service; also eaay
walking oiatance; 8-room apt., with bata.
modern ccnvnlencea. very reasonable rani
tlful Summer home; furnished and unfur
nished apartments, $10 to $25. Take Mis
sissippi or L car, get off at KUllngsworlh
ave. phono C 1170.
Just completed, corner 3d and Hall; all
2-room furnished apts., large outside
kitchens, best arranged apts. In Portland,
f2Z and up. Easy walking distance.
Xew. modern building; new furniture;
S-rourA apartments; wainlug distance, or
best carseryiee.
;icelv furnished 2-room apts., $22.50
and $25; also 3-room. $30 to J5; modera.
Main 02'.'?. Ajiioi-
THE FLORENCE New and absolutely
first-class and 4-room furnished apart
ments. S2.50 up, 368 11th SL Marsnall
THF MEREDITH. .12 Washington St.. 2.
t and 4-room apts.. hardwood floors, wltn
every convenience, newly furnished; cheap.
est rent in the city.
Park and Madison Sts.
Wor rent. 3 and 4-room furnished and
unfurnished apartments, strictly modern.
.-HETUPA, loth and rlanuprs. 2. 3
2nA 4-room modern apartments, furnished
!rt unfurnished; 2o up; now furniture
ana .,,: InnlV to the t.nllAP
and new dumw..,. - -
can MARCO APTS.. E. Sth and Couch
SAN .wAfv -" ,,,., hath ati.1 nhnn.
corner, $23. Phono E. 2.51.
Brf. i and. H"h Lovejoy Unfurnished
JIfL1':V ,.,u new hrlck: must r.e ...n
he appreciated. Main 1SG7. A 1S07.
.the ELM 2 and 3-room apts., furnished
beau Phono and bath. 101 14th si.
BRYN MAWR. 1S3 East loth, near Yamhill,
. outside rooms, over fine lawn, porch.
' ilatai
TEN rooms, brick building. 3H5 Williams
ave.. $40. Phcne Tabor 2230.
NKW lower modern flat, five kxrg rooms.
Main rV475. 22 North nip.
B-ROO.M flal, cor. East 14th and Madison;
walking oiBinni-e. i-iiuiic cenwooQ bin.
FOR REM .-room
-lefferson st
furnished flat. 434
KOK KENT May 1st. modern 4-rooni flat,
rent US. Phone East 5. B 3404.
tig Modern 4-room lower flat, 62S East
Main. Phone Eaec P37.
MODERN 5-room flat, walking distance,
cheap rent. Call 411 11th st.
5-ROOM flat. 7S: Gllsan St.. $30: new build
inf, superb location, very desirable; hard
wood lloors. ftrep.ace. gas range, water
heater, furnace. See Mr. Roat, St. Croix
Apartments. 170 St. Clulr st.
UNUSUALLY desirable modern furnished
flat. 3 or 4 large, light, airy rooms, fire
place, sleeping porch, private bath, close
in on West Side. Very reasonable, 341 '.s
Montgomery, corner 7th.
MODERN flat, select neighborhood. 3 rooms
and maid's room, furnace, fireplace gus
range, shades, hardwood floors. 254 N.
25th. corner Nortlirup: adults; reference.
Apply 875 Nortlirup. W car.
FURNISHED 5-roorn flat, attractive local
ity," fireplace, balcony, sleeping porch,
storerooms. 42. From May to Septem
ber. 2-0 North lSth st. Tel. Marshal:
4 jt.9. ,
NEW 4-room upper flat, .'I'lt'.i and Hfltv
thorno; sleeping porch, front porch, hard-w-ood
floors, gas stove, gas heater, fur
nace, fireplace; no children. $27.50. Phone
Tabor 2230.
STEAM-HEATED 3-room flal. very desira
ble; convenient arrangement, with gas
ranye: S'2.50 Summer rate. Apply Jani
tor. Wellington Apartments. 15th and
Evcret t.
FURNISHED FLAT of 4 rooms, with pri
vnie porch, steam heat, hot and cold wa
ter, private bath. Including phone and
janitor -ervice. for $::2.50 per month. 402
North 2Sth. Ask landlady Upshur Apts.
$25 5-ROOM flat, gas and electricity, fire
place. 2 bedrooms. 7S4 Gllsan.
Mar. 4.147. A 454.1. 407 Spalding bid'.
UNFURNISHED flat. 3 large, light, airy
rooms, private, bath, very desirable, close
In. on West Side. 341 Montgomery, cor
ner 7 1 It.
NEW tipper modern sunny flat, 6 rooms and
two sleeping porches: very desirable; op
posite new Multnomah Club; $40. Inquire
5S0 Salmon st.
MODEKN. new. ll-ronm upper flat. West
Side, select neighborhood, hardwood floors,
slee-tlnp porrh. f Ireplare. Marshall 2rl24.
FOR RENT Furnished, new upper flat at
24th and East Morrison, $:ie. l'hone Mar
rhall 12S1.
FOR RENT Swell 7-room modern flat. 414
Park st., furnace ami fireplace; $35: no
' children; FhoneTabor7u3prEast J431
MODERN" hot water. Janitor
eervKC, walking distance, rhone Marshall
500 MARKET ST. -3-room. modern flat, $30
per month: key at 502 vi- Portland Trust
Company, 3d and Oak.
NOB Hill flat, 7 rooms, fine yard, splendid
neighborhood. 775 '4 Johnson st.. bet. 23d
and 24th. Main 5591.
MODERN S-room flat, walking distance.
-'"O'i McMillan. C 2le3.
MODERN 5-room flat, fireplace, very rea
sonable. 705 .Marshall. Phone K 4767.
MODERN" 5-room upper flat. CS3 Hoyt St.,
near 'Ist. Inquire lit 011.
5-ROOM new modorn flat on ML Tabor
carline. $12.50. Phone Tabor 237.
NKW modern 5-room flat, $2l. K 0th and
E. Yamhill.
MODERN 5-room flat. E. ISth and Ash. B
MODERN" 4-room lower flat, sleeping porch.
825 Nortlirup. Main 3225.
MODERN 5-room flat, 5th, near Jackson,
West Side, 10 mln. walk. Main or A 1223.
Housekeeplng Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12tn and Marshall Fur
nished for housekeeping; gaa range, elee
trie lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free;
$16 per month up; a clean place, best la
the city for the money; short distance
from Union depot. Take "S" or 16th-st.
cars north, get off at Marshall St. No dogs.
$1.50 TO $2.60 per week Clean furnished
housekeeping rooms; freo heat, phona,
bath, laundry, yaid. 406 Vancouver ave.
and 203 Stanton; "U" car. Phone E. 6039-
THE "mELVIN". 11th St.. near Yamhill
Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms and
suites; bath, gas, heat, phone and laun
dry privileges; rates reasonable.
40.; V- N. 20th st. Completely furnished 2
room apartmout. Including heat, light,
phone, jl5 up. M. S60. Take S. 23d or W
car north
THE MILNEii, 350'j Morrison, cor. Park,
furnished or unfurnished housekeeping
apartments, all conveniences, best location.
Summer rates.
HOUSEKEEPING sulto of 2 and 3 rooms;
brick building, first floor. JOSU Union
ave.. cor. East Alder St.
401 EAST MoitRISON, comer East Sth.
completely furnished housekeeping suites,
res so n a b I f ,
LARGE comfortably furnished housekeep
ing rooms; cheap rent. 'JIVi First near
Stark. ,
l-'L KNISliED and housekeeping-rooms, ica
nonahlo rates. 2'.'0': ltilll St. North.
jjO US K Iv E E P I N G rooms in new concrete
building. Phono Woodlawn 2997 or 2379.
CLEAN H. K. rooms, centrally located; Sl-30
up. Call 4S2',
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms.
4St. Washington. Closo In.
Housekeeping In Private Family
451. I'ARK. rleitant 3-room suite, private
bath, furnished for housekeeping. If vou
want clean, comfortahlc rooms, come
o,tiii'k. Electricity and phone free.
TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooms;
gas. hath, lights, etc.: furnished. $I2...o;
stationary tubs. ;7S Gaiitcubcln. U or l.-b
NICK room, with kitchenette, furnace heat,
.-lectrlc light, easy walking distance. $.J...O
Meeklv: also one for $3. 00 N. 21st, l's
blocks from Washington.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, free
ll-ht phone, bath, heat, laundry priv
ileges. J4 per week. 169 E. 14lh. IVi blocks
off E. Morrison.
HOUSEKEEPING room. with kitchenette,
finely furnished. modern conveniences,
walking distance. Phone Mar. 47SV
10 TO In' clean, completely furnished house
keeping rooms; gas. electricity, laundry.
"14 Grand av"., S. E. cor. Ank"ny.
ground floor, gas, bath, reasonable.
r rent.
ESPECIAI.LLY desirable suite rooms, large,
'airy, high ceilings, fronting on St. 634
Morrison. ,
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
single or cn sulto. rent cheap, fit.3 E. 6th
st. South.
LI'.HT convenient housekeeping rooms, sln
xr or sui'e. central. 1S.7 Chapman, near
3 comfortable furnished housekeeping rooms,
homelike, healthy location, walklnr dis-
tHnce. '-.j napmaii. .tioi......
OUTSIDE suite and single housekeeping
rooms, running water, electric lights.
Phones. 'ath. 313 1st St.. cor. Clay.
FURNISHED or unfurnished, for house-W-Plng.
a nice flat. 840 Halsey St. Last
2322. . .
HOUSEKEEPING rooms: modern conve
niences: desirable location; close in. 429
Mark-t St.. near inn.
NEWLY furnished "housekeeping .suite, free electric gas and bath. $15 rer
U!e."".h North 21t. near Washington.
TI,srt- ,liciy furnished housekeeping
T rooms. S15 per month. S E. 11th St. N.
Take Alberta car.
r- v "0TH Newly furnished rooms In 2 and
S-room suites, complete for housekeeping;
also single """-
ilr't FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in
cotinge gas range, sink, bath, separate
entrance, close In. .'10 1st.
THl'EB high-rlnss housekeeping rooms, two
hear. 347 Hall.
751 WILLIAMS ave., 3 furnished home-
keeping rooms, yam auo .m...
313 14TH, cor. clay, largo 1 and 2-room fur-
njFhed nouseKveping eui.e.
THREE furnished modern light housekeep
i tTftii 10th st.
NICELY' furnished parlor suite for light
. ihllrfron AOS Main st.
nouscaeepuis . i'v ,
FOUR nicely furnished housekeeping rooms.
, .1- x irt.i. .-..,-ne- Sulmen.
two U':u. -i.. .--ie, . -- "
?2 WEEK, housekeeping rooms. 412 loth
St., near Man.
DES1RAUI.K two and three-room "il' v"
cant. SUP iayior. .eive--.. .....
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms $10
and 15 per month. 323 Montgomery.
567 EVERETT Walking distance, 3 clean.
cheerful front rooms. ...
$142 connecting housekeeping rooms. Oil
r;. JlorriByn-
p-t Fes ANT front suite, everything furnlsncd,
E sn EaVt 10th street North. East 1818.
suite, modern;
fl2r Marshall at.
K-.Hi.nom: .V Nob Hill.
(iivr ni-atlv furnished housekeeping 'room.
VKKY nice huaekeping room, close in.
close in. iiiiniv' .
rpasonabte. iaa j-ii-ii.
MODERN 6-room house. 246
walking distance. Main g.j''5.
8 -BOOM l.OUKS, rent $18. Inquire
Lat MHTH. su cottaee. iuast Side; pood location:
l"r;.r.i- KranVt l.uca.. "14 I'd it.
6 KOOM house, lawn, fruit trees. $18.
ir,ct' loth N. Phone Woodlawn 1773.
FOR HGNT or lease. 5-room new modern bun-
KntOW. - w t ar. rr-iiv.g.iii .r-r
6ROM cottaKP. close in. line viw; fl2 per
month. Inquire 48 AVashlngLon.