14 SHRINERS TO VISIT Portland to Entertain Many Eastern Delegates. CITY BIDS FOR CONCLAVE I.xlse Will He Invilrd to Mwt Herein 19 IS SpecUl Trains Will Carry Hundred to Los Angelrs. Twelve special trainloads of hrtnera. bearlnjr iome of the most prominent mm of Kaatrrn cities and their fam ilies, will come to Portland earlj in Mar on their war from the annual con. dare at Los AnRrles. Portland Shrlnera are preparlujr to entertain these visitors and to show them some of the dellfcbta and ad -ant-srs of this cltr. Members of the Port land lodge who attend the Los An celes meeting will hasten home that they mar plar host to the Kasterners. The first of the special train parties will be that from Cleveland. hlch will arrive at A. M. Sunday. Mar 11. Ther will remain here a part of the dar- RUr Tralaa Dae Frrnm Hmmt. On Tuesdar. Mar 1. tour trail loads will arrive. Two of these will be Irom Philadelphia, one from New York and one from St. Paul. The New York delegation will reach Portland at 7:10 A. M. and leave at 10:30. The others will remain all day. New Kns-land Shrlnera will have a special train of their own. which la scheduled to spend Wednesdar. May 1J. In Portland. Deleftates from Bos ton will be In prominence. The Roch ester. N. Y.. contingent will arrive on the same day. On the following day the Baltimore and PlttaburR crowds will be here. The Washington. D. C. members also are due to pass through Portland but their schedule has not been arranged. Kach train will carry from 100 to 150 passengers, thus giving Portland Shrlnera opportunity to entertain be tween 1000 and 1500 Kastern people within the week. Most of them will be traveling for pleasure, but it is believed many will seek an oppor;jnlty !or future investments. Portland fkrl.fr. Itoay. Portland Shrlnera have completed ar rangements with the Southern Pacific for the movement of their special train to the Los Angeles celebration. It Is probable that IiO members from this cltv will be in the party, which also will Include the famous Arab patrol, of Portland, which will compete In the prise drill competition. ' Members of Portland lodge will make a bid to entertain the Shrine in 1S1. during the Panama-Pacific Exposition. As Portland Is early in the Hold It is probable that the honor will come to this city uncontested. In addition to the Portland train two other specials will move from the Northwest to Los Angeles for the ac commodation of Shrlnera. The one will carry members of Seattle and Jacoma, while the other will care for Bpokane and the Southwestern Canadian dele gates. . ELKS TO FILL 4 T SEW YORK LODGE ISSUES BOOKLET OCTLI.VIXU TLAX. Members Given ClM.Ire of Routes on Return Journej Work to Start on "Welcome Sign. How members of the New York lodgs f Elks will travel in their special trains to the annual convention in Portland next July, is adequately de acribed in a booklet, copiea of which ave been Just received by Harry C. McAllister, general secretary of the convention commianlon. The trip will be made over the New York Central and affiliated lines, tfu-nce via the Canadian Pacific The westward Journey will keep the party Intact, but after they leave Portland the New York Elks will travel in four aeparmte crowds. This Is done to give them a choice of diverse routes on the eastward trip. One party ail! travel via Ycllowatone Park another via California, the third via Salt Lake City and the Rocky Mountains and the fourth through Se attle It is probable that there will be enonrh members in the New York dele catkin to fill four trains. The New Yorkers will arrive in Port land at 7:30 Monday morning. July . Next to the "grand lodge special, which arrives Friday. July 5. this train will attract more attention than any other that comes to the convention. The Ordor of Kiks was born in ttew York hence the lodge in that city Is No 1 and is affectionately referred to bv members In other parts of the country as the -Mother lodge." In addition to the New York lodges pe-tal trains, Brooklyn and The. Bronx lodeea each will have a special. New York headquarters will be maintained at the Imperial Hotel. Conatructlon of the elaborate "Wel come" arch on Sixth street, facing the union depot, will be started at once, ao that it will be ready for the Rose Fes tival. It will proclaim a welcome to all visitors to the city and make an nooncement of the Klks1 reunion. AUBIN PLEADS GUILTY Mother t'rgr Son to Admit White Slavery Clurrge. IM Aubin. under indictment for white elaverv tn the Federal Court, pleaded KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS AT GEARHART SPECIAL EXCURSION TO GEAEHART PARK FROM NORTH BANK STATION AT 2 P. M. NEXT SATURDAY. Ground-Breakiiiir Ceremonies for Father Thompson's New Church. FARE $3 rt5pd (Tickets Good to Return Sunday or Monday.) The Kniphts cordially invite their friends to jin them on their firvt annual seashore exeurion. for information and tiekets. call at 100' j T0URTH STREET. Phones. Main 1293, A 7268. guilty yesterday. Judge Bean reserved his sentence until this morning. Aubln was arrested four months ago with a man by the name of Vander pooL both being Indicted for white slavery. It -was only through the In fluence of his mother that Aubln con sented to plead guilty and accept a sentence. He has been 111 since his ar rest and declared he preferred death to conviction.- His partner. Vanderpool. was sentenced to serve li mopihe in the Government prison at McNeil's Isl and, and at the recommendation of Deputy United States District Attorney Evans his sentence will be to serve a similar period in the County Jail. COMMISSION S PLANNED Ms Citizens to Have Charge or Places of Amusement. At a Joint meeting yesterday of a committee of the social service council and the City Council special social serv ice committee arrangements were made for the Introduction at the City Council meeting tomorrow of an ordinance to create a public recreation commission to have cnarga 01 pi' baths and all places of amusement un der municipal ownership and control. The ordinance. whlch-wlU be drafted today by City Attorney Grant, will pro vide for a commission of six members, to be appointed by Mayor Rushlight. Tha Mayor will be chairman of the com mittee and a member ex-offlclo. The ordinance also will provide for an ap propriation of t:000 from the general fund for the financing of the prelim inary work of the commission. The social service council represents societies, all of which are working for the betterment of social conditions among all classes and especlallr the families of toe poorer communities. Anient Dam Still Working. GRANTS PASS. Or.. April (Spe v v.tkatanHtnv aeveral years of litigation over the Ament dam and properties connected tnerewnn. will again be furnished patrons of the ayatem this year on each side of Rogue River, north of town. This dlstrlbu ' .. .... h. Vniitiiale district. xion win - The attempt to dynamite the dam a few nights ago reaimvu ... age. Ljl Church Sears Completion. LYLE. Wash.. April 22. (Special.) The new Congregational Church being erected here Is expected to be com pleted the later part of June Much trouble has been experienced In get ting building material and for that reason trustees George A. Snider and L. IL Lawson have takea personal su pervision of the work. 1LY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. April 22. Maximum ature 64 der; minimum. A degreea. Uvar reading at 8 A. M.. 6.7 feet: change In U.t 24 hours. O 4 foot fall. Total ri'nfa 3PM to P- M ' nBne: to"'1 T'nf''1 eincV September 1. lsll. 30.02 Inches: normal rmmfalf since September 1. 39.0W inches: de ficiency of rainfall aince September 1. J911 8 7 Inches. Total aunahlne April ... o hours. 30 minutes; possible sunshine 13 Sour! 55 minutes. Barometer .reduced to sea-level) at 5 P. M.. 30.12 Inches. TUB WEATHER. g D Wind - t2 S. S2. O 3 't 1 3 e 3 J 3 2. S oo 5 2 2 c ? I ? : : State of Weatbe STATIONS .a- Raker Hole- Hoelon ... fMlgmry ........ Chicago Denver ......... Dee Molnea...... 1uluth Kureka ........ Galveston ...... Helena ......... Jacksonville .... Kans.ia Cltr Marehfleld Montreal New Orleana.... New York...... North Head North Yal&lnia..- Phoenlx pocafjlo Portland ....... Koeeburar Sacramento . Ht. Inula St. I'aul Salt Lake San Diego Sa n Francisco . . . Spokane Tacoma TAtoosh Island.. W.llla Walla.... Washington .... Winnipeg- 62 0. 64 n 62 0. o r.2 o OOI 4 8 IPt. cloudy K'laar .121 v lit 14 H OH 12 SB Rain Pt. cloudy .Oil W Clear Cloudy 5J 0 .02'20 fi) 0 SO (. o . 7 O 5rt o. 72 1 Ho O IiX (I. 6 It MO .OO. S.NW ear - .txrio SW .4M1I SW .00:1'N .Oi 20 SW .P2I4 SW .00lo!NW .00' 4'N .Srt lS W .OO 12 N 04 4 SW .lio lit S .on! 4 SK .ool 4 NW .On 10 SW on A Cloudy Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy lear Clear Cloudy Rain Cloudy N Cloudr f 5 0. loudy fi4 It 7rt O 4". il. 64 n cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy cloudy Cloudy ,ol SB , MO . OOI 4 S 04 ll'N"W Cloudy Clear Clear Clear .1F II r.oo 4K o 4 0 tut o o4 0 SO O. .lt O. M II .54! 10 N .3HI 4'NW .on! 12 NW IHII S W Clear Pt. cloudy .on) S SE .oni S.N Ol f S .01 1 SW n! A Cloudy U" loudy cloudy Clear Clear Clear .ViO .0O W WEATHER CONDITIONS. A weak high pressure area extends from tha North Pacific States southeastward to the middle Mississippi vsner. " of marked energy Is pssslng to sea down . . ... t . V.n.v T mrin. tha Inat 24 hours ahowera hase occurred at only a few placea In the North Pacific States, but the weather keepa cloudy and threaten ing. Rain haa ln gsneral In the Atlantic Statoa from Mains south to tha Carollnaa. It la much cooler In the Ohio Valley and tha lower Iskes region and generally slightly warmer In Orsgon and Waanlngton. Else where the changes In temperaturs hare bea unimportant. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity showers; southerly W'oregon and Waahlngtoa Showsra; south erly winda. Idaho Showers north, probably fair south portion. . tDWARD A. BEAU". District Forecaster. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Hlrtbs. CALL To ttis wife of George A. Call. 43 East Twenty-seventh street. April H. a son. PIIALLKNBCRCEB To the wlfs of Thomas M. Slisllenberger. April f. a son. ADAMS To the wife of Jesse F. Adams. 104 Kast Thirty-second street North. April :0. a son.' tlll.MAN To the wife of Carl Gllraan. Caruthera street. April Zl. a son. BERGENDOHL To the wife of Wllbus Bergendnhl. Lents. April IS. a sun. HMiil.NS To tbs wlfs of K. 8. lllgglna. IIS Kail Forty-first street. April 17. a son. SI! ICRRT To the wtfe of Fred Sherry, I2i Market street. April 1 7, a son. WILLIAMS To tha wife of Joseph Wil liams. 141 Fourteenth street North. April s. a son. Marriage Ureases. WILLIAMS-REED Joseph E. Williams, Pendleton. 31. and l.ltha Read. rlty. 30. SCOTT-OLSEN Wren Scott. Hoqulam, !J. and C.lsdys Olsen. city. 31. IXM AN-HAYES William E. Inman. Ore gon City. 4&. and Harriett Havea, eity. 35. WISK-8ANBCRN William Wise, city, 44. and Mary Sanhurn. city. 39. FAIR BANK-PR ICE B. W. Falrbank. city. IrgaL and Harriett Price, city. legal. HOWARD-GRINDSTAFF John D. Hon- THE MORXIXG O It HOTEL CORNELIUS House of Welcome Portland, Or. Our 14-passenper electric Tns meets all trains. A high-class, modern hotel in the heart of the theater and hopping district. One block from any carline. tl per day and up. European plan. E. P. MORRIS, Prop. . The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel 850 Rooms', 104 Suites, With Private Baths. NEW FIREPROOF BUILDING Moderate Rates. Phil Metschan & Sons, Props. The Portland NEWLY rlecorated throuirh out: comfortable and homelike, with hlfrh-class courteous service. Arljacent to the theaters, the retail shops, and urban cars. Passenger motors meet every Incoming train. European, $1.50 upwards. G. J. KAIFMAXX, Manager. HOTEL GARLTON Rates $ l.OO a Day and Up Special Monthly Rates Entirely New Absolutely Fireproof All Light, Outside Rooms Auto Bus Meets All Trains 14th and Washington Sts. Ross Finnegan, Mgr. HOTEL MULTNOMAH MS HOTEL OREGON, Portland, Or., Wright-Dickinson Hotel Co., Props. HOTEL SEATTLE, Seattle, Wash. WrightDickinson Hotel Co., Props. ard. Prattle. 2S. and Mildred Orlndstaff. city. lesl. t THORSAN-DORVAIjK A. F. Thorssn. city. 41. and Florllla Iorvale. Portsmouth. "'rOBERTS-CAMPBELI. Chsrlrs 1. Rob erts, city. 21. and Anna J. Campbell, city. It. GEnOLO-CARMIXI Slro Gerolo. The Dall.s. J1.', and Ancrla Csrmlnl. city. 1 . BEVAX-FI.IXT It. C. Bevan. city. 2. and Beatrice K. Flint, city. 27. Tl'RNST-BROWX "arl Turner, city, 2 and V.ra Brown, city. l. KEMINOTON-JiARiJENT Clinton Reming ton. Ore. n City. 32. and Margaret Bargenl. city, legal. ItOV U-M'PLTTER Harry Boyd. City. J2. and Myrtle MarSlyter. city. Is. BENVETT-'RETWEM Haul W. Ben nett, rlty, :. and Mary A. G. Fretwsll, cltr. 20. FOWLKR-KERTI.ET Hugh Fowler. City, 24. and Alice Kertley. city. Is. WKIS-SCHMriI.A John Wels. city. 30. ami .lull. Hi hmiiclla. cltv. 11. AUCTION I.KJS TODAY. At R-ker'a Auction Houae. IM Park St., furnlturs, rUKS. lc. 8al. at 10 A. M. UEETLNO NOTICES. . t a .m. hers of Al Kader temple snd sojourning Nobles of the Mvstlc Hhrine can procure tli'kets to th Shrine ball at th Multnomah Hotel. on Thursday evening. either from the Recorder at tha Masonic Temple. or tha casliler of the Walls Fargo Company Expreas. Sixth and UIK 'rrrii. (Stephens. Psrlflc Cost ?oal Compsny 4i Wsahlngtnn street, or from Alex t. Biauell, at fcsst rnira nnn -".71 - ... n. a. rt I 1 r.n ui A. AND A. 8. RITE, Multno mah Council of Ksdosh, No1. 1 Regular meeting In Memor'al Hall, Scottish Rite Cathedral, this (Monday) evening at t o'clorlt. By order EMINENT COMMANDER. MT. TABOR I.OrOB. No. 42. A. F. AND- A. M. Stated com munication will be held Tuesday evening. April it. 7:45. We.t Side Temple. V. C degree. Ma lting brethren Invited to attend. By order of the W. M. M. R. SPAULDIXO, Secretary. PORTLAND LODGE NO. 5S. A. r . a.is ... ...... . . . j , quested to meet at tha lodge room. west rir aim streets. A. M. Wednesday. . . . r -m funeral services of rnr late brother. C . Blytne. By order of W. M. .CM. 8TEADMAN. Sec- CORINTHIAN CHAPTER, No. M. O E. S. Regulsr communication this (Tuesdsyl evening. Mssonlc Temple. 8 o'clock alisrp. Sorts I. Members O B. S. cordially Invited. Order W. M. HENRIETTA Hcl'ABb, fcec. EI.T.IBON ENCAMPMKNT. NO. 1. t. O. O. f.t.(rular meeting tills (Tuesday) even, ing at o-cloi k. a large class for Patriarch slde,,.. Visum, --oLriuT'- aV EG O NT AN, TUESDAY. AFRIL . - 23, 1913. The Hotel Bowers Eleventh and Stark Sta. Under New Management offers all the convenience of a hlg-h-claag hotel, with an the comforts of a home. European plan $1.00 per day up. Americas plan, too. Famous for Its grill, a la carte and table d'hote service at reasonable prlcea Epeclal rates to permanent sruests. F. P. WILLIAMS, MANAGER I flat tiirhf 3 ' A. CROUSE. Mgr Hotel rrsTS PORTLAND OREGON Tn sine, annoln tmen t s. service and fireproof quality of the building: the leading hotel In Portland, the Multnomah, offers to the discriminating traveler evcrv comfort and convenience found only In the best hotels of the East. Nine stories of steol and concrete, with 725 rooms and suites, palatially furnished, with rates from $1.60 to $5 per day. Euro pe a n plan. Motor 'busses meet all train 3 and steamers. H. C. BOWFRS, Manaarer. J. M. UHUWNLIjL, Ain't Mgr. Both hotels centrally located. . modern in every respect, and conducted on the European plan. Kir a a a If ffl ilW. New Perkins Fifth and Washington Sts. A Hotel in the Very Heart ol Portland's Business Activity MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT Electric Ante Bus. Cars to and front UoJoa Depot every few minutea. L. Q. Swetlaad, Mfr. ' CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily er Baaday. Per 1A. ixa Its Oae time came ad two consecutive times. came aa tores ei"" ...... . bams ad atx or sevea consecutive times.. Ma Kemlttanccs auust accompany ul-vt-oa "vfbes one advertisement la not ran in cse seriitlvs iHan the ene-tlms rate applies. elx words roam as se line on caaa aaV verttaementa sail M ad cuunted lor taaa tauaa 'UiiUc5rfe er book advertisements the . .. k. k . I. .Hn.1 nnkM tosrit Will w - - - it Hues appearing In Uie paper. regarUMN er me u uiu m , . " all advertisement axe charged oy uieaaura only. 14 Hues te tbs The above rales apply te advertlsemeats ender -New loday" and all esaar ls.ini-a-Uaua except the followlngt nltuatlons Wanted, Male. Mtuattona Wan tod. iamale, OregonlaA will acept daasuied aovf rtlae gBcnfa Tover the telepbone. providing tbs ad vertiser la a sobacrioer te either uhoaa. Me orices will be quoted over the phoos. bat bill will be rendered the following day. Whether saiiaeuuent advert IsemrnU will be rrepted over tba librae deueoda upoa) tbs prompt nes. at tha payment of telephone nd lertbcaients Mluatlooa Wanted and Per sonal advertisements .will not be accepted ever tbe telephone. Ordera tor one laaar lioaT only will be accepted for "Houses lot Kent." -Furniture for bale." "Business Op portunlties." "Boomliig-Uousea" and Want ed to Kent." DIED. THOMPSON" In this city. April 22, at the famllv residence, 4VJ North Ninth East. Norman Rut ledge Thompson, aged 6 years fi months, beloved son of Edwin R. and Helen Thompaon. Funeral notice later. San Francisco and Oakland papers please copy. THOMPSON At the family realdence, 462 East Ninth North, Norman Rutledga Thompson, sged a years 6 months 1 day, beloved son of Mr. and Mra. K. K. Thomp aon. Announcement of funeral later. ATI.EE Harry Atlee. at Baltimore.' Md., April 20. 1H1 2. FUNERAL NOTICK. SPEBR In this city. April 21. at the family residence, .ion Market-st. Drive, Nettia Black Speer. aged r.9 years, 10 montha. 12 davs, beloved wife of Rev. J. A. Speer. Friends Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at the First Vnlted Presbyterian Church, corner of rtlxth and Montgomery ats.. today (Tues davl. at 2 P. M. Interment at Ilivervlewt Cemetery. Please omit flowers. BI.YTH The funeral eervlcee of Charlea F. Blyth, sged 6. who died near Gray"a Crossing, Sunday, April 21, will be held In tba chapel of Holman's Undertaking Companv. tomorrow, (Wednesday), April 24. at 10 o'clock A. M. Friends Invited. Burial at Providence, R. I. Please omit flowers. SPRING The funeral services of the late Geo. Spring. Sr.. will be held Wednesday, April 24, from the Evangelical Church, of lnts. at 2:30 P. M. Friends Invited. In terment Mt. Scott Park Cemetery. HAYI.ETT Tha funeral services-of Robert, beloved son of . Mr. snd Mrs. George Hay litt. will be Ifeld today iTueFday). April 2.1. at 2:.".0 P. M., from tVlllelmrg Church. Interment at ililnauklo Cemetery. AMTSEMENTS. HEILIG Tib and Taylor Phones Main 1 and A 1122. AI.L THIS WEEK The Favorite Comedienne MayRobson Tonight Thuradsy Saturday Nights Special Price Matinee Saturday The New Comedy Hit, "A NIGHT OCT Special Price Matinee Tomorrow, Tomorrow and Friday Nights THE REJUVENATION OF AtXT MARY" EVeningj -1.50. $1.00, c. TiOc, 35c, 25C Tomorrow Mat. fl. 00. 75c. 50c, 35c. 2oc. BAKER THEATER Main 2. A 63 0 f T . Ttakar. Hrr. BAKER STOCK COMPANT. Tonight, all week, matinee Saturday. . A Play With a Punch." "THE SPOILERS" Bv Rex Beach. Thrilling n action. Alaska durlnir tha first aold rushes. Evening prices. ki.'ic. noc. no higher. Matlrreea a.'c. MAIN B, A 1010 DAT MAT. 3s WEEK APRIL 2- Aida Overton Walker, lister. 4 Hollotvays 1. "Fear," Rosa Roma. Bognrt and Nelson. Wentworth, A es ta and Teddy. Orchestra Pictures Matinee Every Day. WEEK APRIL 22 "A IVlcht In an Ettg liah Dlusle Hall," the Royal y. anetto Troupe, Waltera and Frank. Wilson and P e a r a o n, Mr. and 31 rn. Sydney Rey nolds, Kne Eleanor Ball, Oreheatra. PRICES 15c and 2Rc W:EK APRIL 22 Direct from ;J:orIk' The 8onl Kiss." Augmented orcbeatndi rection of t. R. Roberts. Flirrro. jl and Harris. Carros Brothers Murray Ben nett, rantagescope. Orchestra. PP'"r nrlces Box office open 10 A. M. to 1U 1 . 6. H25f A 223o.PMalo 463. tortaln. 2:30, 7:15 and 0. Boxes and first tow bai ropy reserved. LYRIC THEATER FOURTH AND STARK WEEK APRIL 2-F- . ?.pT',Bea engagement Kdw. 8. Allen In - The Belle of i hVnntown." direction Allen Curtis. Per formance, daily. 2:30, 7:30 and : J"fht prices. 15c nnd 25c. Matinees. y. 'l' except Sundnys and Holidays, iriday nignt, ( horns Girls' Contest. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK. Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth St. OAKLAND PORTLAND APRIL S3, S4, 25, SO, 2T, 8. Gamca Begin Weekday! at 3iO0 P. M. Sundays 2:30 P. M. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. HAVE vor RESKRVEO VOIR TABLE FOR THIS KVENlNti AT TllK ARCADIAN GARDEN HOTEL MULTNOMAH "The Restaurant Beautiful"? The entertainment features will surprise you hy their excellence. Complete programme twice every evening from 6:30 to 8:30 and from 10:50 to 12:30. I I.I NR. ROSE AND RAYMOND In the latest Popular Songa. I.A AIGICITA Spanish Iancer. ROXSKY Violin Virtuoso. FRANCO NEAPOLITAN DCO Serenaders. PHTT.IP PF.LZ CONCERT OR CIIESTRA OF rOL01ST9. MULTNOMAH HOTEL COMPANY H. C. Bower. Manager. FUNERAL NOXICKS. OVERSTREET At St. Johns. April 21. at her late residence. 10B Burr St., Melllssa G. Overstreet. aged U5 years 2 months & daya. beloved mother of Mra. W. A. Rogera. of Portland; G. W. and Alda Overstreet, of St. Johns; C. A. and J. W. Overstreet. of Clay Center. Neb., and Mrs. Harry Williams, of Floris, Okla. Funeral services will be held st tho Christian Church, St. Johns, today (Tuesday), at 2 P. M. Interment Newtown, Mo. GOODMAM The remains of the late Mrs. J V. Goodman were sent to Huntington, Or., totlav (April 22) for interment by tha A. R. Zeller Co. FLOWERS, floral design.. Nob Hill Flo.-. tt, 120 23d and Gllsaa. Alain 502. A Sl MONUMENTS Otto Schumann Marbls Works. Fait 3d and Pine Sta. Eaat 743. MR- EDWAJtD HOLM AN. tbe leading re. aral director and undertaker. gzO XUlrw av, sar. eaunon. Lady assistant. Unnnlna Jt aJcEntee, Funeral Directors, 7tb and line. Phone Main 43u. Lady at tendant. Office of County Coroner. A. K. rtLI.EB CO.. 532-4 Williams ava. Phone East lUBg. C 108a. Lady att.qdmnl. J. P. FIN LEY SOX. 3d and afadlaea. lady attendant, phone Mala 8. A lit. EAJBT AIDE Funeral Directors, .access. rs e f. 8. Denning. Inc. E. ftx. B lit. LEBCU. Undertaker, cor. Bast Alder naa) HxUu test 7m. B lg. lady attandnaa. HKEWES COMPANY, ad and Clay, alata IU1. a XSZI. Ladr nttsodaat. THE CEMETERY Beantifiil Mt Scott Park LARGE, PERMANENT, MODERN. PORT. LAND'S ONLY MODERN CEMETERY WITH PERPETUAL CARS of all burial plot without extra charge. Provided with a perma nent Irreducible Maintenance Fund. Location ideal; just out aide the city limits on north and west alopea of Mount Scott. containing1 34 acres, equipped with every modern convenience. PRICKS TO SUIT ALU SERVICE! THE BUST. ONE MILE SOUTH OK LENT!). K K O U L A tt automobile: sehv icis fkj3 betwlun LKNTS AND Tat! CliMaCTaCKY. at ti CITT OFFICE, 20-21 YEON BUIt-DINQ. MAIN 225. A 708. CEMETERY OFFICE. TABOR 1468: HOME PHONE RING B till. THEN CALL. LOCAA, 4201. .sav A W VKraWW.vv. V NIGHTS: lSe. 25c. 60 -' Formerly Grand:' . Sullivsn at Consldlne. Beflned Vaudeville. 9f;J -' ' OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office. City Hall. Main lit. A 76S. Bumans officer. Sergeant E. L. Crata. Residence. 14 E. I4th N.. Kast 4771. Horsa ambulance, corner of 6th and Taylor. Veterinary In charge- Marshall 400. Anl mala Reacua Home, Northrup Acrea Thomas A. Short. Sunt.. A 5S47. a rings NEW TODAY. SI ETON TOWNSITE A SPLENDID OPPORTU NITY OFFERED FOR INVESTMENT Located 8 miles out of Van couver, Wash., on the electric line, in the center of a thickly settled farming and fruit growing section. Lots Can Now Be Bought From $75.00 to $85.00 on Easy Terms. A good opening here for an up-to-date mercantile store. See us for particulars. Sifton Garden Tracts Rich, black soil, adapted for garden truck, potatoes and all kinds of berries. AH cleared and ready to cultivate. Well located. . On macadam road to Vancouver and close to elec tric line. 1 to 10-Acre Tracts, "$325 to $350 an Acre Easy Terms. Brand new 4-room bungalows, with water piped into houses on 1 and 4-acre tracts, $1250 to $2350 Easy Terms. Poultry and a garden will pay for your place. A cow will furnish all your milk, cream and butter. Pasture the year round. You should see this property. We Have Just What Vou Want Call at office for particulars. WARD & YOUNGER Vancouver, Wash., Office, Suite 11, Blurock Bldg. Portland, Or., Office, Suite 426, Yeon Bldg. $20,000 SQ. FEET LARGE WAREHOUSE Over 260 Feet RAILWAY FRONTAGE Splendid Location Price $30,000 Call for C. G. Reagan. CHAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE & TRUST CO., 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. Everett Street CORNER $14,000 We can guarantee purchaser 12 per pent net if you will improve this site with apartment - bouse or private hotel. GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY, 415 Chamber of Commerce. West of 39th Street Lot 45x138 HAWTHORNE AVENUE Price $2800 v Very Easy Terms. Call for C. G. Reagan. CHAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE 5s TRUST CO., 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. SOUTH PORTLAND COR. FRONT AND MEADE STS. 100x10612 Ft. Well Located for Flats or Apartments. Price $11,000 H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Building. MONEY TO LOAN "CITY MORTGAGE". PAKM MOKTGAGKJ, I.OWTT.V1 HAXK.S .tlK.M TO SUIT. A. H. BIRRELL CO., h: m-ivav liLii.ui.M Ttalr utf fetmrlfc. MORTGAGE LOANS C JOHN L cbonah, 7 J JO B03 fcoaldluK Bid. V II rtof MORTGAGE LOANS jof y O K. F. BRIAN, f JO 605 CHAMBER OF C'OMMKRCE. COLLIS. BERRIDGE THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. S24 Worcester Block. Phone Slain 0567. MONEY TO LOAN rQi WM. C. BORCHERS O JO 207 Orcgonian Bldg. JO XE1V TOIAY. At PUBLIC AUCTION THIS !HORMN(i AT lO O'CJLOCK O.V PRKJ11SKS SO. 23 OIITII TWKI.KTH, I'ORXEII OF BI BXSIDH, Household furniture, l''ine Gabler upright piano. Collection of curios, Kine cut glass, and Haviland china. No reserve. GII,MA Al'CTlOX t COMMISSIOV CO. LAURELHURST The Cream of the East Side residence section. Streets all paved, sewer, water, gas mains all in. Graded building restrictions, good car service; prices from $1000 to $3000 per lot. Get particulars. Phone Main 1501?, Main 4020, or A 1315. Be sure to ask for Mr. Urdahl. 522 Corbett Building. AN INVESTMENT Have $300 stock In established rcal estate syndicate holding inside prop erty on West Side. Have carried same one and one-half years, but pressing need of immediate cash compels me to sacrifice my profits. 'Will sell at ord inal par value. J500. Limited, close syndicate, balance of stockholders rep resentative business men of city. V111 surely pay 3 oc 4 for 1 by next Fall. Stand closest Investigation. W 10, Ore gonian. LADD ADDITION SNAP Nice, modern nine-room house, 'syl'Ji six bedrooms and sleeping-porch, fur nace, fireplace, buffet, hardwood floor: in fact nothing missing. Street work all in and paid, and walking distance. Price a sacrifice, only J5600; $2400 cash and $-5 per month. GIU'SSI HOLDS. 3IS Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Onk. REAL KSTATK DEAI.KKS. BRl'BAKER &. BENEDICT, 502 McKay bine- M. 549. Beck. William G.. 313-316 Failing blas. fhapln & Herlow. 3:12 Chambor of Commerce. Cook. B. S. & CO. .'X'S Crbett b!dR. JenninB, & Co. Main 1S8. 206 Oregnntan PALMER-JONES CO.. Jl. P. 404-405-408 Wilcox bldg. The Ori-Ron Real Estate Co.. Grand ave., at Multnomah st. Ololladav Addition.) REAL KSTATB For 8al Lots. HOLLADAY ADD. HALF BLOCK. 100x200 feet on E. 22d El., between Wasco and Multnomah, paved street, In one of the best residential districts of the city, near the new E. 21st at. bridge. Price tStiiOO. terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 WIlco Bide. Phones Main Htifl: A 2653. BUILDERS- OPPORTUNITY. S adjoining OUxino-foot lots on B. 83d. near Clinton St., within 1 block of carline, face east, hich and sightly, in good resi dence district; will sell together or separ ately; prlc for immediate sale. t'i75 each. 11. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox bldg. Phono Main A 2G53. I-AURBLUURST CASH SALE. South front, high and sightly. uOxinr. lot near new, beautiful homes, and others under construction you will like tnla building site; price (:m. F. E. CLEMENTS. Office East 3th and Ollsan. Phono East USD. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Level iTomesite- of 3 lots with splendid view beinn the only remaining available site in neighborhood of fine homes, each standing in large grounds. Owner must sell. Make otter. Marshall 4S27. BROOKE. A 3S39, BEAUTIFUL view lot on southern slop, near Council Crest. $5o and up. lncludln cement sidewalks, curbs, graded streeta and water; building restrictions; sold on easy terms. Provident Trust Company 201, 202, 203 Board of Trade. Marshall 473. A 1022. LOOK at that fine. sightly QUARTER BLOCK, J. W. corner 47th and Al.A aiEDA; 1 will sell 11 for LESS than you can buy AN V OTHER quarter on the Ala meda. Make REASONABLE offer and It! yours. K. F. Ferns, 50 K. 4mh .North. PORTLAND Hi-KIHTS. Level homesite of 3 lots with splendid view, being the only remaining available site in neighborhood of fino homes, each standing in large grounds. Owner must sell. Make offer. Marshall 4S27. BROOKE. A 3S39. $10 DOWN 10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot. matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car. cement waUB and curb. Bull Run water. ProvWaa Trust Company, 2ul. 202. 203 Board J Trade. Marshall 473. A 1022. LAURELHURST LOT. 50x100. price 750. Cheaper by $C"1 than anything around. Hard-surface and all other improvements are in. A genuine bargain. Must be sold at once. Tabor 3US1). CASH BUY IW LAURELHURST. $950. Like finding money; lot ouxldO, high and sightly", one block to car. Phone me today East US, evenings C 2535. Mr. Del- ahunty. IKVINUTON lot. 75x100, on 21st, bet. Braze and Knott; improvements all In; fine loca tion, one block to car. Phone Woodlawu. 32211 or c 1028. Owner. PORTLAND HEIGHTS LEVEL SITE. Close In. suitable for 1 or 2 bungalows! 1T50; reduction for cash Marshall 427. BROOKE. A 3S.I0. ioR SALE Lots l and 10, block 10. Fox chaso Add.; lots 1 and 2. block 2. Colum bia Heights: lot S, block 8. Center Add.; term" AddrwaJOBo J, Oregon City. vTtr- 5XlE 3 choice residence lots, each v.r'iio; feet. In one block. 3 blocks from high school. Tillamook City. Apply Sr, P. Q. Box 342. Tillamook. Or. vi VK lot on Stanton St.. half block east ', w'lllams ave.. flat or apartment site; $1S50. easy terms. Owner, 301 E. 11th su Phone Eaat 5023. riwvKR needs the money and will sacrlflc heautiful lot in Ina Park; this lot can be bought for at least $L'S0 below present ,nrket value, ai- v. uit-Buiuau. IHVIVIITON lot ouxiu", n iOL:i, near cis-klvou- In same block with SJD.uuO resi dence: $125i) caah. Marshall 4442. 1RVINGTON LOT CHEAP On East 3!th, near Stanton. A beautiful building slta. .iied(lemannitBurke, J21 Electric bldg. LOT $300; ?5 monthly; $30 cash; no re strictions; near I. car. Johuson & Dod- son. 520-522 Board of Trade bldg. " APARTMENT SITE. Full lot on West Park st., cheap and desirable. Main 1955. uWXIVO lJ r. 2 blocks- from Irvingion car, - facing east, fruit trees; $30; easy terms. At. 14. Oregonlan. A SNAP by owner Lot 50x100. on Vernon ave., $650. Berner. Main 6142. EAST ML Tabor Iota $125 and up. $1 down arid tl a week. R. W. Wood. 2B7 Couch st. 3 LOTS near Beaumont on oju: iv.'vu. ui $.-,(!. i. :i(8 Abington Bldg. BARGAIN S""'0 f"r Rood Hawthorne dis- ... w i orp?nnian. irict ioi. . - LAURELHURST equity In four view lots. Tel. Main 0. WIi i" "Jacriflce equity in fino Laurelhui-st V lt on Gllsan St. PhoneIa rshall 22 81. l.ROOM houseboat, soli today at $35. W. fnnt t'ramnton st. Micnei i' ' IRVING-TON lot, well located; reasonable; ,..v terms. A 2. Orcgonian. i-or Sale Uoums rTooo 10-ROOM house. Portland Heights, fine Summer home. Swank. 317 llamii tou bldg. 1RV1NGTON: new S-room house, best con struction, thoroughly modern; a bargain. M arsball 2852. J E. HALL. 308 Abington bldg.. sells new 'hungalows. rental payments. 7-RM. modern bungalow; $600 dead los- 1135 E. 23d N Woodlawp 2714. MODERN" 6-room house, good term, walk ing distance. Call at ZZ6 Eugene st. TOR FINB HOMES. Sea Delabunu 200 CASH will by new tt-monl bungalow, balance easy terms. 1112 Hawthorne ave.