15 rOR HINT. rut. OR RBVT Modern five-room flat, with hall an.i bathroom, a full cemented cel lar, furnace, -sashtray. and eleetr.o f xturrs. rooms mr;r tinted, tion. la Ho'la.ley park, at No. "s Hale.-1 sir.et. ai $-1 per month. Get off tna lltuJair carllne at Htb and rdiy. .i in Rom citv Perk car at 2th ana Mnoy road. Phone davtitna. Carina. I 4.-22. ar ev.nlngs East 72. i P' K 14 f:at.TI Ollaan at.. $lu: new build in., supero location. very desirable; hard wood fours, flrep.ace. ran'. water h'al'r. furnace. .- - Mr. Boat. SL Croix A prt mem s 170 St. Clair at. Nt "c ALL V d--tr.b:. modern furnished f t. a or 4 lira, light, airy rooms. Ilr. p ar. sleeping porch, prlvare bath. rl""" in in W,.t Side, reasonable. -Mi's Montgomery, corner 7th. Mol-EltN "flat. select neigh borhmsd. 4 rooms and maid's room, furnace, fireplace. gas imtf. slia.les. hardwood fl.sr.ra. 254 N. 25th. corner Northrup: adulta. reference. Ar-P'y 75 Northrup. W car. Fl RxTsHED i-roorn flat, attra.tlv. local ! fr.plac. ba!ron. sleeping porrh. storerooms. $42 From May to Scptem Mr. 2:03 North 14th SL Tel Marshall NEW 4-room upr flat, 3"th and Haw thomt; s.eeping porch, fmni porrh. hrd- rxwri floor. lo. Sa hrnler. fur- r firpice; no thlldreu. Pbn T m tvr I .'v'l fr f . A M - J 1 K MED 5-rrtom flat. ry deatra convn:ri)t arraniiwmnt. vlth rmr: :2 Mummrr rata. Apply Jani tor, iveliinsion Airtmnt. lih n4 Kvr-l tlr;iH;Ii Fl-AT of 4 rom. mh prl tai p.r-h. tam ht. hoi nd cold -tr. private bat ti, ir rinding phon and Janitor r-rvicw. fnr $li. jt month. "2 Nrtrtri h. Ak landlady t'pahur Apt. aV-auM fiAi. saa and le:tr icily. (ir p lc. bHrottT)i. 74 GHpio. K. N. TCKKORD. Mar. 4VIT. A 44S. 47 tSpalding- bids- VNKL nNlSIIKI f a;. 2 la.-, llpht. airy room. priat bath. cry deairauU. cloa In. 011 West bide- 341 S MontfonKry. cor-n-r 7th. NEW upper modern aunny f:at. room a and two steepinc por.-he; er d--rable: op ponlt new Multnomah Club; 4 Inquire Salmon t ilOrKfl. ne. li-rot'tn uipr flat. Weat jawj. a;ct nif Ko r h rcx . h rd ood f 'or. .aAipc rorrh ftre.lar Mar-hull I I OR KKNT Sweil 7 -room ni-drn ftnt. 444 rat- t., furnaw-o and Brwplace. fj."; no r hi id ren. I'h on Ta bor7 Uorta a tM I trio M ARK FT HT. S-rrrm. modern flat. jo pr month, key at WS- Porilaod Tniat I'ompany. 34 nnd Oak. JtOB Hill Hat. 7 rooroa. fma yard, aploadid aeiCbborhood. 7TJS Johnaoa at., bwu 2.4 and :th. Main Cw 1. r F.KN" Srtom flat, walklns distance. VSOl r. K N ro.m fiat, ft replace, v ry rea MuDbKN i-rreom upp-r tli. Hoy: ai., yftuoM new mod-rn f.ai on .Ml Tabor eariine. ) 2 ' 4'hon Tabor 0:17. NEW mM. m S -room flat. K Wtb and F.. TamhlM. iiOPHRN Cyroom fiu E, ISth and Aah, B MhlefJ. MO!ERN 4 rwm lowep fii. aleeping porch. S2 Northrup. Main EW i-"vm modern flat. BKd locat Ion. rni 22J. intludina; water. Eaat . y W low er mmlern flat. fiv larse room a. Main fciT.V Northrup. VROt-M for. Ept 14th and Matliaon; w aiKtn d lata nee. Phone Sell wood fOR KENT 4 -room furnished flat. 4M J effenw.n at. NOB filLI-. modern t-roorn upper flat. leeplna; porch, -lain 5. FOR KENT May lat. modern 4 -room flat, rent 41 V Phone Kurt i. H 1 4Q4. $ Modern 4 -room lower Hat. oJh fc.aat Main. Phone Eaat v7. WEST cloao in. lar 3-room flat. $ I . 4 t W'-at Park. Hotxoekeepma; Room. JHE BKAVtH. litn and MarahaU Pur alahed for tousekeepinc: ranca. elae trie Uffbts, bot waiar. batb. laundry, free; 1 per month up; a ciaa place, beat la the city for the money; short distance from Unloa depot. Take S" or Kib-at. cars aortb. set off at MarahaU st No dot; a, 11. so TO fL0 per areelt Clean, furnished beosekoepinc rooms; free heat. pboae. baia. laundry, yard. 4w Vancouver ave. and 20 J etanto&i "XT car. Phone 10)1. I KE ME1-VIV." 11th st.. near Tamhlll N Icely t umiahed houaekeepins; rooms and suites; bat h. a; as. heat, phone and laun dry prl iKsjea; rales reasonable. i.eu N. 24lh St. Completely furmahed 2 room apartment. including heat, light, phone. th up. M. ftOv. Take S. -d or W car aort h. THE" MIl.NER. Morrison, cor. Park, f .rnieh'd r unf urmahed houae keeping spjrtmenta. all coiueuifiicti. best location, s-iitnmer rates. .Ti KAST MOKRIS.. corner East Mh. completely f uruiahed housekeeping suites. r rt a M '-.A Kiifea i-mfribly furnished housekeep ing rooms, cheap rent. Ul First nv-ar stark. s i KMSIihD alnjale houaekeping rooms. H.oV to 5i per week. Poo to liouac. I'd. I ItMPHKI and hnusekee;.ng-rooms; rea sonable rates. ' WO. at. North. IIOI'F.KEEPINO room a In new conrrie building. Phone TVoodlawn ;7 or 23T. CL.fc.AN H- K. rooma. -enlral.y located; $1 CVO up. Call 4h-' s Wash. St. TWO nicely fumtahed housekeeping rooroa. 4V14 Washington. f'ioe hi. HeaarkteplDf Rvotn in lo f aaaiiy Hot EK EEPINiS rooms. al-o one larae front room, for Hsht housekeeping : nic for working lady, lovely neighborhood, on c a rime, lv minutes' wa Ik :o Poeiolfice. A i isth st. 40 P A KK .e ei-g.nt T.-rovin suite. pri .te bath, furnished for h"ia-kepin. If you want clean corn fori hi rooms come qutr k. Eiectrl'-lt y and phone f re. i-R f uit. neat ly f nrniahd. ele- rl il v. fit, bath, also 3 houaeke pins; rooms: el. etse in on East Side. 4M fc-iat Mill, near Hawthorne. ItiKEE eompletlr furnnthed r-K-nia. laige ard. batb. sink. Uuml n. phone, no ot "(riona to chl'd. $is, ';' East Stark. llol'SF.KEKPIN. rtom. ith kitrhenei ie. rirU f urnlah-'d. m d: n eon ei.i.-a ea. ma'klng dltan-i. phone Mar. 4t. WII.U give a suite of hoo-k ptng noma in exchange for tktna rt of sleeping rooms, no children '-'1 N. I' h. l' TO 1 clean, compil-ly firnieh-d house. keeping room a . gs. electricity, laundry. Cr.ind ave.. H. K. cor. Ank'ny. i.O' X K. rl E P I N f r.ms rheap. eleetrte lis rit. phone, w ater included. Cor. Water jnd Coiumhui. 3 NI'TLV furnished housekeeping rooms. sretind floor, gas. bath, reasonable. F'OM. MCLLY furhiahd hooaeke-ping rooms. sing' or en suite, rent cheap, E. aib st. sou'h. H'RMSHED or unf urmshd. for houae keeptng. a nice flat. 43 Halsey at. East KOfSEKEEPINtr rooms. modern coo'-n(-n-e. des'rshle location; close In. 429 Iarkft St.. ntr tlth. NEWlY furnished houei(pins; suite, free phone. e'rtrl-. U attd hat'i f 1 5 per month. 2 Nrth 21"t. nr Waahlngton. T It RE ri litre I y f urnish.l housekeeping r wii. l p-r month. in E. Ilth su N. Tak Albert rar. N JoTH Newly furnlsua-d ronis In 2 and H-room suite, complete for housekeeping; a sir t te rom MIST ai; at erne f'trntti,rr of 1 1 rvom. cxd ima; no rensonoibie terms refused. ."!7 Market St. .i Kl KNIS1! EI houktf,inf rooms in ottsse. gae ranse. amk. bath, aepamts m : n-e iow. n . I O lat. alU 141 fi. cor. iM. Isis I and room fur- iirtet houaeeepmgulte i 7l Fa EE t ui ntahetl ni"iern light bouaekcep- r.y tllll. inih at. TWO front housekeeping rooms, bath, phoue, heat . monh. -HJ 14'h i4 7 EVEKtlTT Walking distance, 2 clean. rherrtl front rooin r . ii.Tmjt.--Tg. N1CEL.T furnished front housekeeping room. 1 ht. hh and rhone, (12. .t7 12h at. a ,4 a ronneeting bousekeeptng rooms, o-i E. M"rriaon. ( LI twNT front aulte. everything furr.sned. ii East loth street North. Fast HH yJ R-KChM flat. nicel furnished for h"UkeTing , "in ar THKKsk huh-cUse housekeeping rooms, two beda. .117 Hall. Jioi eE K E E PI NO rooms. 14ft 13th. UObtRN house of rooms. 1 17lh St., rent 15. Call 434 Market st. Phone Main Ul,it;RV (.room houae. 2t McMiitfu; walking distance. Mum -'2 f"; 7 XI E four-room r.nij. ' ; V.l Ash rnont r.. a'T nM HOi rem $lk. luuuas .s East otaxK at- - . i I OR KENT. lima FOR KENT, room house, modern, food yard, one .'- from carllne. i5i East isth at . ' month. . (room hnuae. morl'rn, new. gal ana electric, corner house. $21 month. ROSE CITY INVESTMENT fO. S-M llenre Bids Main .m"I MuK.llX lk-i.H.m houae. large sleeping porch. !" Overton at. -4 room house. lo9 14th N.. near GMsan. 27 .v.. ... J.room co'mr'. TTrt Thurman. near id t. North, $22-5o. . . Vroom -oua' 6IK Union ave. North near S'anton. $15. INQIIRK 2X9 STARK ST. FOR RENT ar sale, strictly ne modern 7 room houae. corners at elation on Oregon l llv lino. SI minutes out. 11 -cent fare. -a. re. high ground, all In terries and oun . . J (u Uh t Irk hOl t - rnro i on mo iu , rt.Mi.n: -c-it lot to ii.vk pert t.tV-" H. AtwitT. H-nry hlrtg. Marshall 3Hi. fc L MUt. o-rooru ---- wiih cmi. no bath, (tarda n. walls tinid. I no children; ni- home lor a oun cu.m I who want to mve money or for an old louri': rem !. .wt r . a. TO HKNT i-' Oreaon at.. 7-room houa. mo lrm In vry dlail. furnace. tc . ac- ceaaibla to av-rml crlinaa and clow ln- I'Non nauer. Tabor JfcW. or call at bcuaa. Rent TVK1 "slPK 5-io.im inoilern cottaiie. with larire arc.en trade; i leaned Ihroiiahout; no amail rhtldnn; wiilkHia; distance; rent 4 rry !t. .'hone Mrhail ..4... FOR KENT Suburban house. iars? garden, full and berries; ideal for chickens; 3 bi.K ks from car. uaner. Oak Orova. Phone Red 6!. . MODERN room houae. walking dtatance. s od nelshborhood. clean and perfect con tlltton. Inquire .'.s.. E Alder, earner 14th. Phone East 5141 mornings. fTvk rooms" and sleeping pt-rch : modern ; East hide. W ygant. leiwren Hth and 2ith at a.; S22.oi month. Phone Vood :swn P.7. HOLES AND FLAT. FOR RENT. R. S TITFORO CO. 4o7 Spalding -Flag. Mar. 4047. A 4i 1P.OOM "liOt SE. 4:9 Sacramento st : bath, gas. hssemeiit. nice law n. roses. $17. 0. Inquire oat ner. 43S Ksat 7th St. North. FOR RENT Modem -room house wsik- ng distance: fine neighborhood. 0 L.U- cretta st. Phone Marshall 5JS7. FOR RENT A 4-room house, gas. electricity and hath. $14. 7f Kenilworth ave. "W - W" car. MOEKN' -rT.'m house, rent $J2.5d: nh e yard and f lowere. cio in. 4-2 Ra feel st. Phone East 22t. FOR RENT A strictly modern bungalow. eerthing up to date. If ou ,ant a rov home, ring A 7 222. FOR KENT 10-room houae. Weat jflde. au4taMe for housekeeping rooms. R- Hnetisofer. 2i3 Salmon. SEVEN rooms. s71 Kelly St.. near liamcs; hoo ; S2V Phone Sella ood litQ. $ '." R KAl'Tl Kl' I. 7 -room, strictly modern "comer, bltultthle street a : reference. 4A4 K. l-lst N". Marshall 4079. M lE HN 7-rooni hottte for rent. Nob Hill . . i . . V lUrK n is' rit. iiiiiMr . - - NI'E 7-room house, newiy papered, bath. 9 E. li near E, Ash. svTrvkjM West Side nice yard, fine view of river, fruit treea. Call Main lP6t. N lE 4-room houae, gas, bath. t22. 14 E. lth st . near E. Morrison. FOR RENT .'room modern collage. In quire at 02 East 22d at. S. tlftVlCTORIA ST. Modem. pleasant 6- room nuuit. r A-ROOM cottage, close in. walking distance; IIS. tfl E,lmh.B 2b45. E 342. FOR RENT s-room house, fine yard, near car line, oj Schuyler st. Phone K. S530. llol'SE of 7 rooms, Jsi N. 15ih su, rent 3i. rail next door. & AND y-room houses. $1. and $10. br r galn. Swank. 317 Hamilton. 5- ROOM cottas. Eaat Side, good location ; n.. Frank T.ucaa. lot 2d at. e-KOOM Uiue. Ia n. f run trees. $1 V Kaat 10th N. P!one Wooulan 177. Fan. la bed Houe FOR RENT from May 2. for four months. 1 1 -room modern house, fully furnished ; very best Eaat Side residence neighborhood ; refer euees given and required from strangers. Phone Main 1-U4. FOR RENT From about May 15 to Septem ber I. ". nicely (uruiahed. 10-room houae. In beat West Side location, at $1m per month. Addres wit h references and else of family, ii 7. Oregonian. 3-ROoM house, furnished. 3 acres, all un der cultivation, garden and early pota toes In. good family orchard. 2 young cows and ad White leghorn hena, 2 miles from citv limits; $ i month. MarahaU ll4. &-KOOM e-tiuage. well furnished, modern. bat location. Kings HetKhia. block from Multnomah Club, on Main. 0i3 Main. Phone M P-3V2 8RiOM completely furnished hous to rent, high altitude. ex. -client neighborhood; rent $0: adults only. For particulars ad drea P. O. Hoi IT3. ON May 1, O- room completely, well-fur-niahed Cfrner bungalow ; modern in every way : reasons hie to right party ; refer ences required. Phone ."i I STRICTLY modern home. 7 rooms, desir able location, shrubbery, etc.; j months or more. Eaat 2"th at. R 270. Fl R N ISH El cottage, strictly modem, i rooms, suburbs, close to car. fruit and flowers. Tabor Sttftt or Main $10?. ROOMS, parti furnished, fruit, flowers, larce ard. reasonable to right parties. 's"l 1044 Cleveland ave. JJ K W ."-room tno,ern. new ly. com p lately furnished flat. 07j Mill. Main K447. M'KIY fuyilahed 5-room lower flat, all mod rn. -"iail Market. NICE LY furnished modern 7-room nouse. piano. u'.M East Glirau. 31 at. FOR RENT Coitge, fully furnished, piano. 4Jl Mason: phone Matn2416- A ROOM. mostlv furnished, clo-ie In, fine rosea. 1 E- Ash B 1."V0; $27. 3o. SRiTmM furmshetl flat. 3 blocks from Heilig Thester: Summer rates. 24i(- 7th st. Houses for Rent lurnltnra for tale. $:phi CAM! bus furniture and ( 6-room houae. business district; rent $Jd: 2 rooms rent for $27; this week only. J. C. Wright. 4: Alder st. A I.I. .r part of complete famish inns of 7 room modern fist in heart of cit; rooms can be rented to pay more than, rem. Phone A 0v3. FfRNITl'RE of 5-room bungalow. iompl-i for houekeeping: Sunnyalde. must be sold ihts week; ieaWns; city; sacrilice. lOa E. J.'.th st. MI ST sell: new furniture. R rooms, sleeping porch, facing pai k. positively will show income oer all expenses. 40S Park. Fl'RNITi'RE of dandy new 4-room flat for sal: eerthtlnc to start bousekeeplng ; ll.'-O. 72s -Mtlwaukle st. tjlX-KiOM modern flat for rent; wilt sell furniture or part of It. Apply Sunday or week da. 2 N. lrh. near Wahlngton. FOR HALE Furniture of ft rooms; must gn at once; no agents; cottaga for rent. V0 North ITth st. WILL, sacrifice furnishings 6-room flat sep arately or altogether; terms, responsible parties. A 1.4Q. Ft HMIVRE of a 7-room house for sale, cheap, houae for rent, close tn. Call o 2 S .North th st. . FOR" PAl.r cheap. 8-room furnished houae. r-nt $;:2--"'f; Income $to; a! 4 rooms for family use. Inquire 422 Jefferson st. JaEAVING CITY, must sacrifice furntlure $ rooms, linen, sewing machine. Main hS. ROOMS, close In; bargain this week; caab or terms. House full Owner. i& 7th. " Stores. bToRES tn new g-story brick; good ocetiwaj for t!rst-clae grocer, meat market, ree taursuit, tfcltcateasea. milliner. barber hop; Cast First su and Hoi lad ay aa. the principal transfer point for tbe aesr rte bridge; buLdingg ready April 1. For lease apply O A- L y man, 610 Hsnry bldg. GARAGE. Will rent SO.' sarare. on Kearney at 2ld at.; new brick building, equipped with iowee tank and pump: will make a splendid plant for wide-awake mechanic or for salesroom and garage. WEPB sV TERRY. fn4 Yeon Bldg. TEMPORARY or long lease, store-room 20x f.A ft., with basement. Washington - near Sixth. A lo storeroom First and Alder. Call office people's Theatre Building. West Park and Alder. CORNER JI'h and Washington. tosij; also 4 stores. 18x4.'. new brick building; mod ern fronts; reasonable rent. E- j. Daly, 22 ranllng Bldg. BASEM KNT for rent In busineaa diatrlct; fine place for small buatneea: tailor shop, or wilt furnish for housekeeping. 10$ 11th. near Wash. FOR RENT e tores, Ko. 24 and 200 Haw thorne ave.. east end of bridge. Apply Hawthorne rock Co. East 2Q&L STOREROOM. AOxloo. suitable for manu facturing purpoep; good location, cheap rent. phone Main Vl wo I ..'-'. " "i m'"" i'it. int I reitionat.le tab!' 'or li.tt m n ti . a ct nr - ' Irk. Apply gpvr'-: f rent 4xlw. Jw. Gil?uu au Pbona M. C69. MORNING OREGOXIAX. MONDAY. APRIL 22. l'.U3. Tim FOR RE N'T. STORE IN GOOD PT'SINF.PS CENTER FOll RENT. A splendid opportunity for-, a small dry goods, notion or shoe man. Store has modern show w'ndows. Is 20g M feet In sise. aith basement. livlng-roomB In rear. In block well represented with other lines: a good business point, good neighborhood; long lesae given, low rent, on two streetcar lines. Apply to Milton Qevurti, I7-I7." First st. TO RENT ON Mir.WATKIE iT. Two fine stores at 773 and 775 MHwau kie at., one on prominent northwest cor per the othr next door. Roth ar.xlfMt. Hotl m)Vf and well filled: new; suitable for grocer and butcher, drygoods. furni ture and genoral store. -ha and grain or builders- material, etc.; corner only $00, the other $'t.V , WRHB A- TERRY, YH Yeon Rltlg. look .t these:: Three excellent stores In the Carlton Hotel, on Buniside st. ; will make one ear's lesae on any of the three at $:,5 per month. Also corner store at 14th St.; will make one vur'R lease at $V). Fine for auto mobile or .accessories. All to be reined this week. WEBB A TERRY. !$ i eon Pldg. ONLY ONE STORE Remains to be rented In the Hotel Mult nomah, and thst one la the best. On Third st next to the comer of Pine. 22x7. with full basement ; great high ceil it; g running to kliffhtn: would mnke a great clothing and gents furnishing store none now in block; tent Is very low; long- WKRB TERRY, ffOI Yeon Pldg. LARUK. lofty room, suliablo for music or dramatic studio, with use of large hall and stage. Apply rtoyai Academy Itail. " 5 6 th st.. bet w t .rn Star k and Oak ets- MOST centrallT located offices. 1i-0,ftn' levator service SOS Weetland bidg.. -tb and Waa Mngton. MAHOGANY desk and chairs reasonable rent: reference exchanged. b37 chamber of Commerce. WILL share our offices, sul'sble engineer, srchltect. infra.' ugnt. 112 Lewis bids?. DESK I'.ooM or larger ipt. Main 0034 or A .'ro7Q. 4"2 t'orbetl Pldg. ELEGANT hall and ballroom". reVeptlon rooma. etc.. auitable for afternooa teas, dancing parties. must-eg and recita.a. Apply Royal Academy Hall. 01 Man cheater bldg.. eOS Fifth at. Phone Main 7HS7. . Warehouses. FOR KENT bower dock, foot of Morrison and Yamhill sts. Call I Morrison si. " Mliaeellaneous. CA R PEN VEH shoo with all conveniences and a lot of material, free to the riaht tenant. Phone Main 4"-. B1MNKS8 OPi'ORTtNITIES INVESTIGATED BLINESS CHANCES. We always have good itrocery stores for sale which we can recommend. It is to tour benefit to give us a call. CHAPIN HEREOW. 3r.J-3..i chamber of Commerce. Aak for A. Keller. OPPORTUNITY A splendid opening for a small dealer In dry goods, notions, etc.. or a shoe repair shop. Other lines repre sented In the block. Store is 2Ux0 feet, with basement: also livlnx-rooms in rear; low rent and 'ong leiise. Apply to Milton Gevurtx. 173-170 First st. FOR SALE or trade by owner, country store, 2 houses, large feed barn, store and ware houses and outbuildings; V acres of fins garden or fruit land, all in crop. IS miles from Eugene; price $l".o0f would take H or 2-3 in trade- A- T. Brewer. Fallcreek. Oregon. FOR"" HA LK iinrafmde. stock, double store 0'ixS". building and stock about Sl.i. (mmi will Invoice: will accept farm prop erty to $4ooo; cash $000u. balance can be arranged ; cleared . $l0.OMi in lh months; going into other business; no agents. A 201. oreKfinsn. Sv. NTrET A good, reliable man to take Interest and ope rata merry-go-round. For .'urthcr Information call at building quar ters. Arnold Amusement Co., California building. I-eewls and Clark Fair grounds. E. .1. A mold, manager. BOND lisuea. $1mi.0uO upwards negotiated; railwav. irrUa.lon. mining, realty, bank ing, trust and general corporations organ ized; franchise drawn. I. N. Roaenbaum. lawyer and financial agent. 214-218 Halght l-idg.. Sealtl W aah. WANTED. Pa.Tnr to take half interest ra a Ilgbl mr rsclurint plant; a man who can take chsrge of an office and manage men; tu:ary. 125 pvr month. Kinney A Btam pher. &&1-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. ON rTV V-4 0 w 1 1 1 "secure a substantial Geor gia possession which can earn very large profits without requiring the attention of the owner. Write for photographs and free trip offer. Geo. W. leeu. box 4oti. Wayrroas. Ga. Ft'KNITl HE and hardware, first and second-hand stock, in leaned building. b-at location In Roaeburg. Oregon. 1 1 1 Jack son street; sum will buy it. Inquire P. O. Box 277. L. H. Rhoades. Roseburg. Or. FtK SALE Cottage Hotel, Jefferson, Or.. 17 rooms furnished, three lots. barn, near depot- price :.m. $15'o cash. Santiam Real Estate Co. c. O. Merrill. Jeffcraon. or. WAITING-ROOM Excellent location, no ex pense, sales avernge over $J.i per day: bargain if taken st once. For sale by own er. Apply 101 Washington St., Vancou ver, W a ah. WANTED A party that ran Invest $600 and services to take a half Interest In a good manufacturing business; this will pay a good salai y ; experience unnecessary. Call a l 37 Vancouver ave. LET us sll your busineas for you; e can do It. Let ji try; honest, courteous treat ment onlv. Main i2i'.. SHERWOOD IMMIGRATION COMPANY, 4.l-4-lO-441 Chamber of Commerce. BAKERY for sale In growing town, fully equipped shop, storeroom, living-room, up stairs; building and lot; only baker in low n. A V llhi.Oregonian. WANT reliable partner In good restaurant and dairy lunch; $3O0 required. AN 1, Oregonian. 2-CH AIR BARBER SHOP for sale at 757 Williams ave. For Information call phone E. ncll, between $ and K' A. M. GROCERY doing good business: stock and fixturoa; about $1A"; East Side; good liv. lug -rooms. AO L oregonian. FOR SALE Hotil in a live town; clears $1.V per month; $400. Address box JiMI. Napavine, Wash. CIGAR, confectionery and ice-cream parlor for sale. rhetrV rent; may consider part In tred. AJ 1". Oregonian. TEN-ROOM bungalow suitable for room It. g or board ing-hoif.. Write for particulars. O. O. DaUba. Elk City. Or. C1GR and confectionery store, doing a good buaines. Must sell on account of sick- neaa. t all on ow nT. -ow .viorriaon a' rOR 8 ALE Saloon; half Interest In well paying business in small town near Port Isnd. Phone pel I wood u"4. RESTAURANT for sale; everything com plete; good loc-atlon. 27 Hum a ids st. Applv at room f3 North 4th st. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL. STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought aaa aold. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 225 Ablngtoa. FOR FALE Bicycle repair shop, on account of sickness: good location; doing good business; $200. 274 Taylor St. owOVlNO-PH'Tl'RE theater for sale: mod ern " East Side, guaranteed $0O wsek; bar gain. AD !!, Oregonian. f FOR IE A SE Summer Theater. In Boise's White Citv Psrk. Address G. W. Hull. White City Park. BoigeIdaho. MO V I N tV PI CtT" RE THEATER for aale, close In. downtown district- Inquire K. C. Stevens, $8 7th it FOR SALE 3.-room hotel, rent very low, for $10o0; $7J rash. Central Hotel, St. Johns. Or. tioo DAY busln-ss; rent $40 month; must leave city: no fake. See agent. J. E. Hall. ...... Ak.i.nn hltl BOCTHWEriT corner of First and Morrison, to lease for term of five years. Call A 26PO, Main 2&0. REST AV BANT. In good location: cheap rsnt- $ years lease; receipts. $6 per day; gl2'. AT PrH. Oregonian. BEST AI RANT, vary cheap. lease, cheap rent, good trade.bigproflisu4 4th st. CUn confectthnerr. will sell at a bargain. Se owner, cor, lth. Washington st. aTHppTlJSINEPS CARDS. $1; bring ahls ad Rose CRy Prlntery, J92V 3d. cor. Taylor. BAKERY for sale, seaside. Or. H. E. Boyle. 475 f almon st. prions Main 4404. -sfr PAYING busineas, one-haif cash; de tails D MO. Oregonian. POOLROOM and cigar atand for sale. 4 Grand ave. . MILK route for ssle. with or without cows. AP Oreg-onlan. 2-CH AIR barber shop for sale. 603 Alberta street. i JOB piant. one cylinder, two platens. $12o per month; part ch. A L PI-8. Oregonian. RESTAI'I.ANT for sale; well equipped, good location, iuiiuu ww v. tivuiou. Rl'lEK4 OPPOKTIMTIKS. SA LAON BARGAIN. 6r.d0. Downtown bar In center ol retail bu.l nrm di.tnrt; good ica."e; owner own licence; will ronaliicr good trade; will recognise only bona fide offer. Ownt-r. R 9u. Oresonlan. A BANKING OI'HORTrNITV. Owing to preaa of other bu.lne... I want to diepoae of mv banking bueineae: thlfl bank Is tocated In a amall growing town near Portland: here li an opportunity to get Into the hanking buslnem on a very reaaonable haals. If you r. re at all Inter ested In banking, investigate thti. C !H'. Oregonian. k MI1VEV.MAKKR. General merchandise bu.inepa In good live town with good monthly payroll. All live goods, doing $;irKM per month busi ness: stork Invoice, over Jll.Oiai; buildings worth fr.-.oo. For next :: days will .ell for Il.'i.i T.w: no Incumbrance on bulldlnca oi- stock; busineaa Investments In another state demanding attention reason, for ael!- Ing. Addres. AV in. Oregonian. WaNT man for secretary and treasurer of old-established corporation: salary ll.-i per month and share of profits; must In vest g:;iNH: will give, time on pari; this give, von a fourth Interest: your money well secured; rigid Investigation Invited: business experience preferred, but not liCcrerHr? . Address Sherwood Immigration o.. 4 .Ti-Ol Chamber of Commerce. NOTION ftTOTtT:. I'p-to-date, stock and futures for sale, business established :! vetcs in thickly settled, live, growing community. I'ry roj,1s anrl notion stock, strictly hlgti iale. owner must sell on account of poor health.- 7-'o Alberta St.. at Hist. Telephone Woodlawn fil'-l. . A COMPLETE COlRHE and formulas for silvering mlrrora and making flexible mir rors, and how to copy photographa on silk or other rabrlca. and over 20 other - formulas. hII for SO rents; no stamps. J. T. Miller. P. O. box 14. Kiipowsin. ash. LIVERY BAR.V "for "sale Good location, iik.i1 business. 5? milea from Portland. Terms gtiMin. Call at 'K Montgomery at.. or phone Main 7344. A 41J. $.7.". ON "account of "illness will sacrifice mv half interest In old established ground floor real estate business: investigate; gle phone. A hi &. Oregonian. WANTEl' A partv. either lady or gentle man, with a small capital to Invest In a perfectly safe business; large profit. Ad dress AM 37. Oiegonlan. XEIV special" police lcat for sale for 2."'l cash. Can have this month', collections t $7.i. t Room 3o llarrlsun Hotel, between 1 P. T and a i'. ..t LAlY. ihnroughlv competent, manage reniai or huslners chance ofnee. desin-s position. Moderate salar. references. AK 6, Ore g,,ntnn. . FOR SALE OK KENT. FlerglJa Men's Hotel. 1054 Macadam at.: t rooms, furnished: easy tcrius. F. Day ton. 1U4 First st.. to ll-A- M. MOVINO-PICTinB operating taught In theater onlv wsv of !.arnlns It right: se cure position. 404 Kothrhild bldg, 4th and Washington sis. ' FOIt SALIC Cigar, confectionery and pooi roont. cheap. Must leave city. -7 Yam hill st. RKSTACR ANT. cKaring good money, for sale at once; sacrin.-e at IU.-.0; long lease: low rent. Main IVli. GOOD confectionery, ice cream and cigar store: cheap rent; good location. AM ". Oregonian, MOVINli-PICTl'RE theater for sale cheap: few hundred down, balance aa you make. 44 Rothchlld bldg LOST A'l FOUND. FOi:"SI Where you care buy genuine aalr mattres.e. retail at wbolesal. prices; we renovat-t mattresses and return same day; . also renovate feathora Portlajiil Curled Hair Factory. H. Metager. Front. Phone slain 7. A 13i4. LOST April 10." dark brlndle F.ngllsh hull dog, white breast, white line between eves. I5 rewaid return to 41.1 Broadway Phone r.ast M.to. FOI'.VD A brlndle bulldog. Sunday, ide leather collar and 181 2 license; owner may have same by calling at fire station. CO 1 1 h st. . L.U.-T small elk s tooth, Kold-l ipped. valued as keep-ake. Itcward. Phone Main Oiol or Home A 17-. LOST Saturday forenoon, a string of gold beads; return to Merchants Savings & Trust Company and receive rce-nm. LOST I-a.iles- gold nalrh with fob en graved 11. F. O. Phone B 1:197. Tabor Ji::rt. 12S La5t lth. Reward. LO.-T Fur nt Peoj.le s Theater. Kcturn to I rturnsioe pi. ii.bmmi. LOST Small bay mare; white fiat and spot on forehead. Main 4267. BUSINKSS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. HAVE Jt.Vioo cash to buy drug store. Ore gon. Washington or California, not In Portland. it "l7. Oregonian. llOOMIN'O-IIOUSKS. 1 HAVE something in the exlraorduiai ; a great bargain; the best-located ami rlnet up-to-date apartment-house ill Portland; beautifully furnished, long lease; purt ments alwava rented, little cash will swing It: the earnings will pay balance and good Incoltse; aalisfactory terms for balance: na agents: hurry If you want this snap: wlUTako city property. AF 10. Ore gonian. POKTLANU'S LEADING HOTEL AOENCT. HOTtLS KOOMINB APAKTMBNT HOUSES. All sixes and prices. 82J-4 Failing oluc- lid amt Washington. HOTEL FOR SAliE! ! ! The lease, furniture and 'good will of the Calumet Hotel. ISO Park St.. for sale. Mr terms and further particulars apply at hotel. 74-ROOM hotel. West Side, modern. Price 12..0O: will trade for other business or take part cash and mortgage. J Uh4, Ore gonian. Il-ROOM modern dwt-'Hing. elegantly fur nished, new and clean; heat oration: big income and always full; long lease, terms; rheap. By owner. 6 .Vj Flanders. STATE HOUSE, 51 rooms. 4th and Stark; best location; !', 4th at. Worth $10uo: for quick sale will take 3."0. Call see the .roprletor. No agents. SACRIFICE IS rooms on Washington st.. a money-maker, lease, satisfactory reason for selling: price t'-'O. $100 cash. See own er, "es Lumber Exchange. 62 ROOMS, highly furnished, rent ..'."iO. profit :lil."i month, reasonable; having clt: terms. J. K. Hall. SV1 Ablngton bldg. BEST W . 1 1 1 K 1 N 1 1 M E N ' S M o I S E. 72 ro ms. .1 years' lease, d and Bum side. Apply l:ii4 N". 'Id. . ELEtlAN'T new furniture of 14 rooms for aa; low rent; houae for rent. 68 N. 14th street. RtXjMLVO-HOl'PK ftv sale. 1B rooms, in best location: eusv terms. 211' N. "d. BOARDING and roorrTtng-house for sale. Otvner. 22 12th St. Phone Main 3163. SrHIAL NOTICES. Proposals In vi ted. I'HOPOSALS for beef and mutton Office ot Chief Commissary. Western Division. San Fraii'-tsco. California. March 2:1. 112. Pealed proposals for furnishing and de llverlna fresh beef and mutton for period July 1. l!12. to June 30 IMS. at posts in this division, will be received at this of fice, or at office of Commissaries at fol 1 wing posts: Alcauas Island. Forla Baker, Itarr. Mason. McDowell. Kose crans. Benicia Arsenal, Prei-idlos of Mon terey and San Francisco. Camrs Sccjuoia and Yosemlte. California. Forts Apache, tiuachurs. and Whipple Bai racks. Ari cona; Boise Barracks. Idaho; Fort Doug las. Ctiih; Furl Steven.-. Oregon; For:s Harrison. Kecgh and Missoula. Montana: Forts l.iscum and Seward. Alaska; Depot Cummiasary. Honolulu: Forts Casey. Co lumbia. Flagler. Wright. Lawton. Ward. Word-n and Vancouver Barracks; Waeh Inittbn; and Fort Yellojasionc. Wyominc. until -1 o'clock P. M.. April 2l. 11H2. and then opened. proposals submitted to De pot Cininilssary, Honolulu, will be opened at 10::i7 A. M. Information furnished ou application. Envelopes containing pro posals should be endorsed "proposals for beef and niuttcn." ami addressed abive slated. C. R. Krauthoff. Major. Commis sary. I. S. Army, chief i Tiniiuissary. LS THE DISTRICT COURT of the Cnlted States for the District of Oregon In th. matter of Hale a- Co.. bankrupts: The undersigned will receive sealed bids at his office. No. 7 First street, up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday. April in, iD12t for the following property belonging to said es tate, namely: A stock of merchandise consisting of ladles' cloaks, suits, furnish ing goods, shoes and drygoods. located at Newberr. Oregon, of the total Inventory value of 1 l.tlln.70. together with a lot of store nxture. inventoried at $453.70. Cash or a certlhed check for lo per cent of the amount offered must accompany each Md, and said sale Is subject to con firmation by the court. An inventory is on file at the office of the undersigned and property mav b inspected upon ap plication to O. S. Crocker, who la in charge of storo at Newberg. Dated April la. 191. R. L. Sahln, trustee. QKARTERM ASTER'S Office. R22 Arcade Annex, Seattle. Wash.. March 1. 1112. S'-aled proposals. In triplicate, will be re i eivcl Were u it II it o'clock A. M-. April .".o, 1:12. for furnishing at Seattle or Ta coma. Wash., or other jtromin, nt railroad points. Moi tons ir and hio ton. ois. For furtli-r it-formation and hlanks ad dress w. JUlUr. viuaxtermaate. SPKCIAL. SOTICK.S. rruposals Invited. iv THE D1ETR1CT COURT OF THE UNIED STATES FOP. THE D1ESR1CT OF OREGON:" In the mutter of T. w. Wvatt & Co.. bankrupt; 1 will receive sealed bids for the stock of merchandise of the Invoice value of n42.i4. tosetlier wltn natures oi ui -,, j . S3ST oo, pertaining to the -.above-named I estate located at Hlllsboio. Washuigten Countv. Oregon, up to 12 oclock. noon of Wednesday. May 1. 1V12. A depoait of 10 per cent cash or a certified check must arcompaiiv each offer made. Sale la sub ject to confirmation by the court. An tn vnlorv of the properly herein offered foj sale mnv be seen at my office. No. i First street, and the property is open lor in.pecaion at Ilill.-boio. Oregon. R. L. SARIN. Trustee. Data-d at Portland. Oregon. April 20. 1U12. POSTOFFICE DEPARTMENT. Washington, Feb. 8 11'12. Proposals will be received at the oftue of the Postoffice Department in the citv of Washington, until 4:30 P. M May 27. 11112. for ocean mail service pursuant to the act of March 3. 1891, in vessels of the second class, on the route hereinafter described, service to commence not later than July 31. 1!12 The right Is reserved to reiect all bids. SCiIe.Dl.Lb OF ROUTE: No. 80. "O. M. S.." from San Francisco to Sydney. Australia, call ing at Honolulu and Pago Pago once every 28 days. 13 trips a year. Time to Sydney. 20 dais. Contract for 10 yeara Bond required with bid. $100,000. Circulars con taining a description of the route, instruc tions to bidders and blank forma of pro posals, with accompanying bonds, can be cblalned of the second Assistant Postmas ter General. Postoffice Department, on and after March I. WIS FRANK. H. H1TCH t OCK. Postmaster General. Miscellaneous. . To whom It mav concern: I will not be responsible for any bills my wife. Frances L. Brown, mnv contract. W. E. Brown. BARGES for rent, capacity 400 tons. Paf tul!o. SHU Sherlock bldg. Main 1410 FINANCIAL MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT. Contracts. Mortgages. Equities. Chattels. Diamonds and Leal Security. Special serv ice rend'-red. LAWS..N-BROWN INVESTMENT '" iSno Yeon Bldg. Tel. M. 394T MOt'-TV. AGE LOANS On improved and unimproved CALL AN & KASER. property. i2.H t eon bldg. SEVERAL first mortgages for sale; )'.. SlNiHi. $2WNI. $2.",04. $:;;,1M1; security Im proved citv property. Call sue Wilcox bldg. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity In contract of sal. aa real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. Loans. MORTGAGES (first and second), contracts and sellers' equities bought. E. L. Dt-ver-eaux. luon Spalding bldg.. 3o and W ash lngton. Main 63. WE pay higbes: cash priee tor null'ders' con tracts, flist and second mortgages and other securities. Home Installment Co.. 4P1-402 McKay bldg. Marshall 3!9. MONEY lo-loau on Improved real estate o: for building purposes: no commissions. COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST COMPANY Bin Spalding bldg. WE buy notes, contracts, mortgages (first and second), equities. F. H. Lewis & C 3 Lewis bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, contracts and commission accounts bousht, real estate loans. E. B. Miller. 4 10Abington bldg. MONEY to loan on first-class Portland real estate security at lowest rates. Morgan, Filed ner & Boyce. 503 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE 8 shares of Am. Life and Arc. Insurance Co. stock cheap. Write A. E. Petersen. Astoria, ot MONEY to loan on city or farm property. Win. C. Borchers. 207 Oregonian bldg. ABBOTT CO. buys, sells stocks, bonds. 145 Montgomery St.. San Francisco. M.ney to man Ureal Kstaxa. MONET TO LOAN. $1500 nt 8 per cent. 2oo at 8 per cent; 52.VMI at 7 per cent, glo.ooo at 7 per cent. J2500 at 6 per cent. 50.imm at per cent. Call at our office and talk over your re quirements. II. N. TUFFORD & CO. 407 Spalding Bldg. Marshall 4547. A 454."! TO LOAN AT ONCE, 6 TO S PER CENT. $15o0 for 3 years. 2uno for 3 years. 250O for 3 years. $2500 for 3 years. SoOO for 3 years. $15, 0O0 for o years T. H. TIPTON CO.. HQS Spalding Bldg ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes, 3 to 8 years' time: liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav tr.gs & Loan Association. 240 Stark St. LARGE supply of money to loan in sums of $5O0 and upward, on real eatato secur ity, at 6 and 7 per cent. MALL A VAN BORSTEf. 104 Second St.. Near Stark. 5ou.0lo ON Improved city or farm property: building or small loans at lowest rates; large loans a specially. McKenxla 4b Co.. 614-611-61 Oerllnger bldg. STRICTLY private money on real estate, farms, ranches, etc.; mortgages and con tracts bought and aold. Straw. Ill SeLicg bldg. HAVE just $MS lo loan; must be Income-bcat-ing fifoperiv: would prefer Willamette Valley farm. Call or write Wm. C. Bor ehers. 207 oregonian bldg. FIRST moitcase loans, amounts 000 and up. M. E. THOMPSON, 4211 Henry bldg. See Mr. P.ldgo: MORTG AGe"LO A NS on city and farm prop ertv; mortgages purchased. Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. S06 Wilcox bldg. TO LOAN $5000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON, COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDQ. $500 AND upwarda on Improved real estar.; notes and mortgages bought. W. A. Hatb away. room lo Washington bldg. IMPROVED or unimproved property; email building loans, contracts and mortgages bought. W H. Nunn. 44S Sherlock bldg. $"l000 TO $5000 to loan at lowest rates, also larger amounts. Trowurldtf. Sl '.'tepheaa. 801 Wilcox bldg. MONEY to loan: llooo to $500,000 at 3 to 8 per cent. J. Frank Porter, v0 Cham ber of Commerce. $250 TO $1"00 to loan for 1 year. 8 per cent. real estate security. Bloch Realty Co.. 200 Alder. $200 000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty. building loans, lowest rates. W. O. Beck. gio-alb Fai ling bid g. MORTGAGE loana on city property; lowest rates. A. 11. Blrrell Co.. 202 McKay bldg. 3d and Stark. MONTHLY PAYMENT LOANS on Portland hemes, for building purposes. 266 Stark. PROVIDENT SAVINGS A LOAN ASd'N. $100 TO $300 TO LOAN FOR SHORT TIMS ON ANY GOOD SECURITY. BI PRI VATE PARTY. 207 OREGONIAN BLDG. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gages. H. Mlley. room 204 Gerllnger bidg. STATE funds. 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, agent Multnomah County. 40O Ch. of Com. MONEY any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Selta ACo- -flu Spalding Bldg. ,.,, . p on-dwellings; owners only; till expense only. Any, 21Q Alisky bldg. $32,000 OK ally part to loan on real estata Tabor 771- a-'.-.OO ON city property. Ambrose. Mam 6Q78; A 2027. MORTGAOB LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON, 29 STARK BT. phiv'ATE money, any amount, 6 to 8 per cine Georgia A. Ha.s. 400 Macleay bldg. VIORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATE S. F. H. LEWIS. 3 LEWIS BLDQ. liiANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pallett. 3U8-B Fentoa. ' MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATB. A. H. HARDING. 3u3ch. of Com. " M ORTGAG E LOANSL j 0 GOURA. FAILING BLDQ. PRIVATE party has $50i 10 $2imn to loan; describe security. A 1' 4. oifKonian. "Monty to Loan. ChatleU and, salaries. ! PRIVATE PARTY LOANS. Salaried people and women keeping house, $10 to $100. , Stlietlv Confidential. 320 Lumber xchanKe BIdg MONEY TO LOAN On pianos, autos, furniture, livestock or anything of value. Adolphus Lane. 414 Ab-ink-ton bldg. Marshall 814. MONEY LOANED. Watches, diamonds, jewelry, eta. ELBY COMPANY. Room 320 Lumber Exchange Bldg. WE LOAN money on diamonds and J.w.iry at half the rates charged by brokers. Msrx A Bloch. 74 8d St. loans on diamonds. Jewelry and valuables at almost bankers rate of Interest. 32$ Falling bid... 3d and Washington streets. MONEY loaned on diamonds and J.irelry; atrlctly confldentlaL 1414 8d. near Alder. ANY amount to loan on chattels. Bloch Realty Co.. 206 Alder. OANS ou diamonds and other aecurtllaa WnL Ho'l. room W. Washington bldg. 7 I oan for the asking, salary or chattels Th. Loan Co.. ! Pekum bldg. rrrrvs-v .old on Installment; confidential: salaried people. A A. New Ion, Henry bldg. J IINANCIAL. Money to Lrtan. Chattels aad. Salaries. CHATTEL SALARY LOANS. .LOAN:';, 1.00 to J1000 on DIAMONDS. 2. per cent and up. WE MELT AND BEAT The rates of other LOAN CO S. regardless of what they advertise. OUR NEW KATES. Borrow 10 pay back J12.GU In 6 pay ts. Borrow pay back t2S.i In 6 uay., '' Borrow ju pay back 06.45 In 0 pay ts. CAN YOU BEAT THEM. Ar. ON LOANS UP TO ilo0? If the HbAU of the family dies before the account is paid in full and the payments are maae as agreed WE GIVE THE WIDOW A Kn. CE1PT IN FULL OF ACCOUNT. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebates Biven If paid before due. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. 206-7 MACLEAY BLDG. BOTH PJ4?' ijetween 4in ana oin --- open Monday and Saturday till a P- j : K tit STATE SECURITY Co. t B-R-O-K-K-R-S. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. 110 TO S100- LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND. SIO. repaid In Irstallments of. '; $20. repaid ii. installments of , " 00. repaid in Installments of -.vv Larger amounts in proportion. We do not advertise misleading terms or rates, but give you our charges In plain figures. ' , . Business strictly confidential. STATE SECURITY CO.. ISIS ".OS Falling Bldg. i " DO YOU NEED. MONEY-? We will turnlsh you. strictly confiden tial, and without delay, a loa? In any amount on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock, storage receipt and all other kinds of securities, on turms to suit, a so on weekly or monthly payments. WE BUY --ND LOAN On first and seconu real estate mort gagee contracts and chattel mortgages. U. S. REAL ESVATE 4 BROKERAGE CO 12 Hamilton Bldg.. 131 3d. Ma.n 20S4. t S S $ $ S Kunr.i r jn .jil........ Women keeping bouae and otheis fur nished without security: cheapest rales, easiest piymenta. Coma and get money wbeu you want It. and pay as you can. Offices in ail principal cit.es. D. si. lo - man. an i-umoer i-j.-o.".. PRIVATE PARTY LOANS sau to aiuw.' On furniture, goods in storage, etc STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. $30 Lumber Exchange Blag. Open Monday and Saturday till I P. H. Call. writ, or puone ji.i. ..... , 10 D. D. DKAKL. itM. FOR SALARIED PEOPL3 TODAY without -security. mortgage or '.Ddorst ment: cheapest rates, ocsi and most pri vate terms in Portland. 807 Spalding bids, fcucceaaors to Huttou Credit Co. Loans -pianieo WANT SEVERAL LOANS.., .. to $2500. FIRST MORTGAGE ON IMPROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY. WILL PAY -S PER CENT AND ALL EXPENSES TO PRIVATE PARTV. E. C. EASTON. 110S SPALDINGBLDG " $2,100 LOAN "WANTED. On mv new home, modern In every way. WILL PAY ALL EXPENSES AND 8 PER CENT TO PRIVATE PARI I. P yoi. OregoniaiK WANTED U,000 at7 per cent and ex penses from i rlvate party, on 0 per cent value of improved real cslato in Portland. Telephone. East Jb4 WANT TO BORROW. 2 lo 3 years, from pii.ate pally. J2jU"; Iirst moriBBe siiOOO resilience and busineas corner, phone Woodlawn 25o3. W VNT to borrow from private party $10U0. i to 2 years, on residence property. Phone M. 1-73. ViVED B loans; will pay S per cent; 50 per cent valuation; ideal location. Phone. Tabor l-.'.2, B 27-'Q. , MONEY WANTED; I want to borrow $2000 on new s-iooin dwelling and 2 lots. Irom lender; no agents. J'hune Maln3o25. 5.l E"irH "WANTED ON 2 NEW HOMES. 8 PER CENT. :.D ALL EXPENSES TO P R IV ATE PARTY. 1 lei'i, Oregu ni an. MONEY WANTED Applications 011 hand for desirable loans, mortgages fur sale. Henrv C. Prildhoinme Co.. Soti Wileox bid. . k't t f i vr OL' s-'-.oO On my modern 8-room home, from prt- vatc party. C mi4. Oregoiilau. WANT $:;isu at s per cent on smell farm near city; valued at $10,0(Kl. W WIS. ore gonian. ' PERSON AL. FOUR WEEKS TO LEARN. SANITARY BEAUTY PARLORS. 4UU-414 DEKUM BLDG. OUR SCHOOL IS PRACTICAL Which means that if y-u come here you will be taught everything that la neces sary anu nothing that is unnecessary. OUR SCHOOL IS ECONOMICAL. In other words, if you invest your money in Instruction here It will get you the greatest possible increase in earnings afterward. OUR SCHOOL IS ENJOYABLE. Because we know how to make your work interesting, and have the teacnera and the equipment for doing it. OUR SCHOOL IS THE SCHOOL FOR YOU. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. HMR HAIR HAIR HAIR. r.oo pure cur hair switches. $12 el-inch switches $4.4fi $6 2b-lfich switches 2.4. Hair dressing Face massage .0 Shampoo '' Manicuring. 25c. 6 for 1.00 12 seaip treatments 6.00 Superfluous hair removed by electricity, guaranteed not to return. $1. $5 and $0 PUFFS only $1.43 Cut hair in any shade; switches any length. Prices half. Sanitary parlors. 400-412 Dekum. bldg., 3d and Wishihgton. HIDlCAu cure by tne latest natural heal ing methods, including radium, all electri cal currents, lights, heat, vibration, radia tion baths, massage, adjustment and manipuiationa Most expensive. finest eouipped private office in Oregon; no medicine or operations. Over 6000 treated patientB and not a death while under our care. We will be glad to consult with you free of charge. ..Dr. W. E Mallory. 812 Hothchild bldg. DP. CATHERINE C. -CAliis i have had 31 years' practical experience treating nervous and chronic diseases. Consultation free 301 Ablngton bids. Marshall llii Hours: 10 AM .to U P. M. GERMAN trained nuise and masseuse, long experience, best references; I rea I m ell ts for rheumatism, lumbago, etc.; ma:sai; and bath: trained nurses in attendance; :iuo liolladav ave., cor. Occident. L car; East :a:u-. c 2.10.;, open .uoo.jg. MRS SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental and spirit ual scientist. S02 Alisky bldg; question meeting Wednesday and Friday a p. M. .Main s - ; DKESS SUITS lor rent, $1.50 month; keep your clothes cleaned. pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaired. Piompt calls ana deliveries. Lnique Tailoring Co.. 30a stark. Mi S. bTEVENa. 18 yeara Port.aud's lead ing palmist and clairvoyant, has her ia:e book, -'Palmistry Made Easy.' on saia al 212 Alisky Pldg., Ed and Morrison sts. FOUND A place where spoclal attention is given to remodeling 01 hats, by up-to-date trimmers. English correct millinery, ool Munisou st... uarquam bldg. ZNEROL The great nerve tonic and sya 'tem builder. $1 per box. 6 boxes $i. Sup. Taylor Drug Co., 28!) Morrison su MRS POTTER, scalp and facial treatments. 5o5 Northwest L...g, Olii and V asnliigton. Ladles .only. ... ' MPS S. C. MORRISON, steam balhs and masseurins for rheumatism, lumbago, etc. 347V Jeflerson. A 447U. open Sundays. 'OTCH ivomjn. niciual scientist treatments. rheumatism. lumbago. 555 'x Morrison at. Phone A 5000. MADE OF YOUR "COMBINGS. 6wttcb.es, 05c: curls and puils. 5e. San itary Beauty i'ariois. 400 Dekum Uiug. SCALP treatment, facial massage. U00111 50, Hotel Bi eslin, top Hour. 422 ;s Wasliing 1011 St. Phono A 305U. Hi-1 ENT1F1C Jfaeial and sralp treatments, manicuring, etc The Marlnello Shop. 4u2 Central bldg cor, loth and Alder. MOi-ES superfluous hair removed. Mrs M. D Hill. 420 Fliedner bldg. Main 3473. u.i u OF FIGS. Compound. Royal Tonio Tablets. 632 Davis su Main 9215. ALfc -yv. FIELD CO. moved to 133 "rj Second street. MANICURING PARLOR, facial and scalp treatment, shampooing. 314 Swetland bidg BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Analytical Chemists. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO., analytical chemists, examiners of chemicals, drugs, foods, etc Attorneys. X. COOPER, attorney-at-law. General practice, abstracts examined. Removed to 1424 to 1428 Yeon bldg M. 73. A 2071. MOSESSOHN &. M OS'ESSOH N"7lawyers. " A b strarts exaiiiin'-ii. MenK tlerniHii. French, Russian. 714-71-716 Cham, of Commerce. mTFITZMTuRICE. M. A L.L.B.. attorney-at-law, Iteno. Nevada, references: Nixon National Bank, Reno, BUSINESS IUHKCTOKV. Assnyer aud AualyaU Welis & Proebstel. imnilij engineers, chem ists nna assujeio. -o. .- MONTANA ASSAY oFl'KL Laboratory and ore-testing work. TStt Morrinon st. Bras, and Machine Wort-a. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass castlni and machine work, luti N. 5th. Main '-il2. Orpet Cleaning. BUXTON, elecli ir vacuum raipet cleaner rales by houror yard. Main 1US1. ' f hiropraellr Physician; Dli. TIi-TTNElir Columbia hklg.. next Sia Theater. A ."i-S.". Main l5Bi.; res. B 2H.B Chiropodists. WILLIAM. Estellu and Flossie Deveny. tn. onlv scientific c'nirupodists in -lie city Parlors :H'2 Gorlinuer bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d .inn Aiuer. rnuiip .ov.. Chiropodists. DR. OLIVER O. FLETCHER. lady exper assistant. 305 Alisky bldg.. 3d and Mor rison. Main S702. treats all ills of th foot, without danger of Infection; corns, bunions, ingrowing and atrophied nails flat foot mid bullions a specialty. CH I KUPOD " and ped icui ini;. Mrs. M. D. Hiil. offices 420 Fliedner bldg. Main 3473. DR. U. li.G.aiid Mrs. Fletcher. Talnlesi r h i ro pod ists. over llazlewood Main 3il.l Coal. COAL U.8INA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E.35D ST. WOO. Coal and Wood. NATIONAL FUEL CO Colli and wood Marshal 1 tlf.0. A 354 5.S S7 Water st. Dancing. MR IM) MRS. HEATH'S SCHOOLS. 10 2c st.. bet. Wash, and stark, and Ahsky bldg.. oil- and Morrison Fancy stage and serial dancing taught daily; waltz and two-step guaranteed in lour lessons; clast Monday and Friday eve. 10 10. at lul 2d St.: lessons 25o i RINGLEIt'S SCHOOL Private and class In struction, lady assitanls: .oclal. stage, fanej dances. 2 ".1 '-j .Morrison. Marsh 1 olJ. liclertive Agencies. INTEI NATION A I. Detective. Agency, con S'.TMithe. :-eiiaM-. confidential: rates ii per .iav. office 510 Dekum bldg. M. 6124 Educational. BTillME!'.? Method lor cure explained fre.1. M. L. Uatlield. 1U1S Grove. 'lakland. Ca.. Kngines Gas and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agents. Sea b'lrv ste.im engines and "jollera. gasoline en gines 2Si-2b3 :. Morrison St. Phone E. 51S Feed Store. ZIGLLR it MISNEI:. hay. grain, feed. a ment. shili&h-s. 24 Grand ave. E. 4Sf. Kodak 1 Inlsliing. QUICK service, cut rates; send for prict lit The Kod.iKery. 0th and arh. Landscape Gardener.. FRED W. BULLOCK. Sin Yeon Bldg. Marshall 24.12 Artistic landscape gardening, carpe hrds. planting of all description, gradln, and construction of new lawns to P',"8" residences and public grounds. Ahor oukIiIv experienced men i-niiiloycd. K'J soimble charges. DeBigiisand ests. FRLL. IF you have residential grounds to beautify, consult our landscape expert. Mr. c. P. McDoLfcall. 12 years' experience in Scot land and Eastern cities. Now Is the time to nUi i" Advice free. Phone Main Salii. or write the Oregon Nutseiy Company. Orenco. Oregon . 1. Leather and i-iniiings. J-MA L MAtTlCK CO.. Ti Front. Leather ol "ev-'ry description, tabs, mfs. findings. J A TROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es- tahiiahifl 1S5.S. ISO Front st. . Medical. BOSTON graduate, massage anil nic d ..-a. 3-vmnastics. .,i'j jeu' uqii. .ij Musical. FA YE N. DI RI- LINGER. Teacher of piano; beflnners a speclalti , course of 12 lessons for $10; studio at Re gent Hotel parlors, loll- 7th st. Mam :mo2. HlilTIMIi piano taught. 16 lessons, players always wanted at good salary. Room 1.. :;m'- E- Morrison si. .mil Thieiiiorn. violin teacher, pupil Savcik. WO Marquam. A 41 HO. Marshall 162a. Osteopalhie, 1'hy.lclans. LEROY SMITH, graduate KlrkvlII. Mo class of 1-i.ib; post-giaduate 100.. un rfer nr . T. Still, founder of the science. f,'J2 Selling bldg. M 1!S7. A 11)85. Er R B. Northrup. 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Phone, office. M. 34i); res. East or B 1028. " Paints. Oils and Glass. rriAST-MADE paint and varnish Is best C adapted to the Coast climate BASS- ECTER PAINT CO.. 101 Second St. 5 . iw-;FN & C0.. jobbers, paints, oils. K gfai sash adooVs.-1 cor. 2d and JTaylor. l'alnlinat and I'oirhans-i-ic FOR first-class laperhanslng. painting, t ilting reasonable prices. Cull Mam tUbJ. 47"4 Residence. Main 01'. i. patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured b J- K. Mock, attorney- pVt-u-. i.-.-c.H: s-,.. ,rk .idHr k- let tree. uo i'"- z Z S,.ri,-vm obtained, trademarks, copyrigh's Pegle.cd. all countries. Booklet free. PETER HABEI1L1N. 520 Worcester bldg. Ts AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by u. . u u Martin. 40H Chamber ot Commerce bldg. . 7; , WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat-Rcn-TT V.f,r"eineiacaes. UU4 Dekum bldg. Paten tEnglueers. Ts EN TToN S D E V E LO P E D. And pateuis secured. Coop Scllinitt, con suUlng enaineers. 001 Henry bid. Phoa, Maiu i2b.-Consultation free. l'uv. nbrokers. F MY Ell's' Coaaietal Dank; 40 years "-"raiiu: 71 0th si. Fhuna Main til a. i-avuig. thf liaroer Asouaii laving Company. 60 "s ectric bio., o-"--" Portland. ' iipe. puk ALAND WOOD 1'ii'ii CO. factory and "iltc. near 21tn and lork sts- -aln 34X. Safes. TME iOsLiili SAFJS CO.. 108 2d St. bales Tf.M,ov or.ee.; scco.id-I.an- sates. ' M-toUU-HMIlU poods. we- uuy ciounutT iuiuiiuio auu looia. Ulga Sl unco pam aaona-i-auu cuum-. . .... . iijijIi. Maisuiili 2o4. nicSl urilCS lUi JrUUUllU-UsVUV -T'rses. MUH "" Alxture.. : vie G. CO., brancn Grand Rap- u1. snotvuase oth ind JtAoyu s. Luti.-. mauager. u h""Bii:DSALL. 20S Hamilton bldg. Show e.se'T in stock; prompt delivery. aa.es aent. M. Witter LumrCo. rX,viTALL iieG. CO.. 4th and couch; new " stcood-nanu. Main 2.0X Cabinet work CTr.TeelANJ-l iillOvC.E 4c fJJli.Ts.K CO t'X v iin st. Main .OIL Caom.l. work. SleaiusUitfs. thw ALLAN LINE Royal Mall steamers; Montreal. Liverpool. Glasgow. Montreai. tTavra flj-moutu, London; ihe picturesque ?. U. route; four days on the cean; three days in river and gulf; splen " niw Turbine steamers; saioon, second eabin uud third c.aa; superior une-cia 1 Halu service; cuisine unexcelled; courteous .iieulion; send tor circulars, rates, plana, tic- Allan Co.. 127 N. Deaiooiu st, Chicago- Storage and Transfer. rt TT pjces xianster Ac alula. Co.. offices ud coinmouioua 4-story brick warenoun. seoarale iron rooms and fireproof vaults 101 vaiuaoies; N. Vv'. cor. 2d ana Pin. 11s, tiianus and turiiilure moved aud pacaed lor snipping: special rates maoe on goods in our iniougli ca.s to all uomesuu aaa lureia" points; Maui iVH. A VUli. ' oLitJN-JtoE TRANSFER AO. Geneiai ti ausierring and storage, safes, pianos and lurnituro moved ana packed for shipment. S'-o 'oiil su Aelepnun.s Mam Jii or A 2247. OrlEGoN U.A.VnttK Co.. established lelo 1 ransier and 101 warding agunta. ufllcM auu sluias ... "-",". . ,rV G:-i:u- pnones Main Ou. A 116a. Tj pewriters. 115 TO $ will buy a REBUILT TYPJt--WHITErt; rebuilt as good as new; ail makes to choose from at GUI's, 3d and Aider; terms to suit; every machine guar anteed. Call or phone for representative. ilain t500 or A 6QtiS. Do N'T buy a pooi .y constructed machine ' when you can buy high-priced standard makes direct from the manufacturer at $35 on the basis f $5 per month, or $3U cash; rentals 3 months lor $5. investigate. R. T. Co.. 24S Stark SU 5f handle standard makes of genuine E tslern factory rebuilt typewriters (no lunk). Pricos rlghL Buy a reliable ma chine from a . reliable house. PacUls B?ay A Pt- Co.. 107 2d SU W'K are the exchange for the largeat type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change. JolsWaitUigoit. t:wr rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. "wii"n"rmi$. DRILLING wells. Phon. Main 1.46 r writ A. Vesl, l! Morrison sW i