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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1912)
THE MORNING OR EG ONI AN, MONDAY, ATRIL 22,. 1012. If TO rrHNC.E. 1 HAVE ') a.r. n.'.es frr,tu .Ai.roatJ. -n Wlllifnil Valley, mriirh I want to seil lTtiiiriJiielv and I will tak rome mood iltv prirrt a par, pM-m"-. 111,9 or.- o tne b-it larntf In IN va.l-v. but Mine. M fenMrl. and ''! bic n,onr-nukfr if "iri in srus'l tract, i: is s .ti rulMr-c and Ikm 'f noil; lf u have fciw gooJ piopmr and OTT in v rtne an-l e me or rail me rt ja-.on- and mikr an apco.-tni-nt. sr. N xtceic. 571 Jackson t. Fbonf, Mala Z2 H. J OWN" ! m.t g-J Un-1. c ; to Port cr undfr cultlMUlon. baUnce trr-s cmls of wo-: hls la clo-e to taii'in .mil n g'ol Lusiucaa provf it inn ; a.rn' n-n; there if a mortgage of 4mwi .itMir-M tt al rt rr cni. payable in 1. -a.M .t vrw; will trade equity fr unln t iiintfrni i-it- prpert : auto, or discount for rjLS'.x. AN W7. Oregonlan. OR improved Portland properl-. 350 acres of choice fruit and walnut land 3 miles nrt, of ShTi.lan. Or.. In the heart of ti, -lhr?i tr1 liichlanda of Yamhill 'oon tv ; value P'r a rr. shj-rt to $10 " mrtrtrac-. Jn iniwi-rinr. g;e ucrcripuun of p."twrtr- l Ortgonian. JWPHOVEfj and unimproved irrigated land near Tlo KaHs. Idaho, with itood water rfht at IfrO an acre aad up; good, tarmi per cent Interest, for gala or trad for Port lard pro(erty. business, residence or Trace. Robert Martyn. 6uT Yeoa bid-, Uarfoa.l HOTEI, - rooma. modern brtck. on prin cipal tret. le me, nte-y furnished, dome a od bunltieim. maklnB ,a net areraica profit of ih pr month: will exchance lease and f;inifhlnjM foa- ity or country rral c?t.iie oi will sell on reasonable terms. I If A VK some fine rHf on tho Ml. Hood Railroad, near H-H-kw.-od; would trud j;on worth and pa v balance in cash for iio-to-date -nm hmi not over $."i0m; Bive location and ! riptlun. U 2. ure rnian. I AM olnc awav and will trade m v farm of 40 a res. house, harn. so-k ard all equipments. Mlu" imh. ninrtKaita at per rent., for hiM and lot or vacant lot. My place is close to stnrion nnd only 11 ml!e frm Portland. ? W'. trgonan. ( ASH euuliy in acrea K-d land rinse to station ml onlv !" mits from Portland: ha.anee t( on Hat mort- KaUf at ter r nt U til trade etjuity for hnp home, rood auto or lots. A W'i orecorlitp. lit.M i UIVKU lift H A K I 44 acres. a-res standard tr- k. nuo rnp this year; free for irrlclon. lCod houw nd barn, Pa pf r acre. lmpro.d r vacant to f ?. ; per o-nt. on balance, fci. J. Man:-. MmIipo. Or. rOKMKU Mhan-'ltt nw IK Ins; in Port land will errhanae to1 Fpokane home for Portland proper t v. Please c e location and price" of Portland property whon n. wer-.rc I-. Oresjonisn i A V K fplendid l' corner l"t. atue SfMHi. $:;oo paid, balance payable menrhiy: will trade euitv fop motorcy. le. Imnrh. piano or horse and bujnty. U UM, res;on:ati. PC K SAUK or t rade. a line new molei n 4-room bunsjalnw; will fir unmi prnvrd lot nejr K II !ln irsw ort h or Kst property. UiMxJUwn l..10 or AT 2. Or -iionun. Will, exchange 3' aer-s. unincumbered, with hu'. barn, orchard and mill ; i l mi If s KstaealA. for My home and -ume some Intlehf -dnss ; pri. $ZH). Jl. .N'. Swank, ."n Abington fildg. K N ' 1 1 A N Tk With us what you have for what J on want O. J. HROOKH A 0. Ptft Chamber of I'omtr.crve Hide. t T lO-rooni modern houses, also T-pass. a uto. ; w ill tril for lots, timber. acr.' age. S. Peterson, 1tC4 ito-irtl of Trade. M i in 1 - W ll,U exchange Inronie Seattle prop.-rty. value for strnk of merchandise or a-T'Sge. IHI yl J''nrtlinf VltA l hnve ou to ex-fiange for Muity to a " h"e In P aunntnt ? Palsnc. ail after rt r. M. ' -HM ftr! A- IF you have f u ml turn. 101 s or acreag t trl on a i-room bungM.uw, ca.t up aJaia Wil. WANTED To eichange a stock of watches and Jewelry for farm lands or equity in farm lands. U 4Q. Orvgonlaa. W ILL take lot or auto as first payment on bungalow. ITU Ha thone. ie A ' it ES Willamet to Valley for good rooniig-house. A F 2. Oregontan. FOR Mes. tehWIe. t'tc. LtG w .trW tam, itum to pull, good workti a. Weicnt .mn; prit- SJOU. l;.ack. work aing. and doubte, weight 1 !." . prlt '". Hi mare, in foa'. 5 years old. works s.ngie and double: weight I pri e x:;oO. li.iy work mare. 111 fim worka any plac -; wriht IJtHi ; price $ 1 Milk wagun. ;o. surrey $3.: farm w.icoti a.ui. i.u!y bike cost ."-0. will sell for 75 3:: I Front st. ' . li W E J. 1 l arrived iroin Koutlit-rn Uniu iti a ca. i( maren and geMmi; weigh ing fr-m IJVv to lii' tMum1.; several well ni;itcd teani. some sm1 mares, suitable to bir-l or u--" on the farm; pi ices from $-" to $' a s;an if In the market for good. t ..' a hi- tx k at t he rry lowest ps s t-le pricr: come and look tbts lot over frv bio inc. Phi'iie Marshall 4;r r -r m e and see me p.rsonaiy at Alder rieer. IlE.l of )ioisS welch. ng fiom 1000 to 1 1o lbs. ; all cOtl. true 01 kers; vrnall mar. h'av with foal, several set of har iirM and three beavy also two farm wagons; come. Iok them ovvr. as ' can buy them at a bargain. -4 T East 1 t b. cor. M ad mon. A BARGAIN, huvs learn of, wrlght 2SHI lbs.. true pullers any place, harn.-.n and farm waoii. Wwlst'M-li. corner Wilh st. and rt.1-1 ae. Take W.MMltock car to tnd of line. phone Seliwood I7H-4. "ioAKDEK want-l; our sta'jV ik fireproof a lid perfectly tent lifted, absolutely s.kilt tary; we charge n m-e than other sia i'is. iu- of ring any time to ride or drive f ee. Kramer Ruling .vttyol, ltth and Jcf f. rnn sts. Ft SALE 3." head of lurs. uciivn). iraft and ran h horses. to gunr- uiecd as 1 pr s ni"i. front 4 years 01 d to lo and 12. Jiiiiirc 3.M I'd st. Phil MI'ttT. o HEAD range horses, uitoroken: geldings ags Jt. 4 and ft years; weight 90 to la founds. K"dy fr dellveiy May 1-i. Far further particulars apply Arthur O. Par sons. Wltaux. Montana " FOR SAUK OK HIKE hea l of horses, v aj t iiimi Ibsr also 4 A-l laundry or d e w agon. l.vona S:a;i.e. 1 Kf I nlon ave. Phone trZ 313. lull &ALE J farm wagons. Z expit-aa wag ons. 1 family tup bugc . 1 set of iluoi 1 arness. Apply Sullivan s Grand Av enue rt a :W, Z1) Grand a e. FoK 4A l.K team, w eig ht I'.'.oO Il., good pulrw. Single or doublr. ntte; har. ft- and fami scou. all for IhU 71 los (. iv, Take .-IIw-h1 cr. Foli ALi; 14 hisea. w.tght lo to l(e- pounds. 'l brS. sittgle or tlouble; s e ine-e if you want to hu. at Farmers' 1 e-d Sab'e. iih and Water. Oregon City. ILVM inares. weigmnc - Mai. h.uneas and aaon. six head of small work, and Sad tl' liors-s. siagle and double harnt-ss. 4u'J East Salmon s:. to Hum ill t tl.l.-s and Inspect a n;ce lot d (fcr-H iin-i-i, ic.'od match inK. hore Ki.arar.teed. otti si. and ItuTtMle. M-nta v-il la. 31 1 .T be od at once. 3l4ft-lb. train, gfVKl l.' watfon and harness. Call for W. lioicr. 14 Union ave. TWO-SEATED spring bti kboard. with pole snd shirts. s.t duubit light harness; pri-e $. 3.14 Front s4. V E H VI : for sate sev-ral hlgh-rUss draft ard dr.lvrry bore-i. a'so harn-sj for same. Iuutre Mt. Hood Brewing Co.. Svllwood. y t v : mahogany Chrlstman piano; coat must sacrifice f.r cash. 234 Third t. N. Phone E. 1 Ifii. piii SA Li - I rge team, harnesa and dump aCl.n, Phone East '4't THREE rbnt fsrm teams, wis mJ had of hap hT- from g to up. Phune E, 772. FOR SALJC MOKaLS. Trwaiworuty ace ua toro4 e cit Kaat Hh st. .N oria PASTURE for rest near I 'or '.land. Phone is ml41j ,i" lul ND team and a;jur Call Al'Uia ave. I tt o pir f b'r-. soiiixl, aowd workers; w-'C"t Z"- lH E. 'Mh st. Aet lies. T O se.-onl-hand New Era motorcycle. T;k machines have a free engine, two leta large cushion seats, the finest ma- hfne In the line of a mtorcyrle made; ihr are in first -class condition ; win s. 11 rheap. r. A. Nulliraan, 3J Beck bldg. Ma a rTs cTe.MTNK SArp.IFICK. ... CASH buv a Frankim -.-pass,. ZJ h.-p. pes i.rrs on rear. . front ; maebine In rin- nng rendition; top and winlbied; lewv tug elt v . must sell, f woer. Main P'61. V 2 W'H ITE G S. 4 lect rw'-ll ti M dernouut apie r:n. self starter, etc. If you want to Mvi $!". buy now. As far as known in m:9 iuic.jr per f vi 1 condition. J fJ7, Ore g nuf. li;H ba: -in In us-l c j s se us first; ml- . t-r ' .- : e h-iy prd "il. i'lTi 'M Hi USE AUTO CO . 'or. K. 1 Jt h and Ha a 1 htrne ave. uTti" iic" . I? or trade n v e psssen ger auto, mesp Wilcox rlrfg. FOR SAI.ft. Ant o moot e. Al ToM.iHIl.t: MEN. ATTKNTH'N" We hdt- for rent a fine, fully equipped pur.icr. .".OjiJ.o, n K rarr. '-v. at the "mr of 'J.;i si.; tm-tr. new trlrk building. Bw -r pump a .ni tank. wjh urk. -..: sM rtiakt a bully small olrrom and garaxe or prmhv plant for ine nurhanir. Lois" of demand for noias and re pair. A iko -. have four stores In the t ariton llir.. en Kurnnt n" l th- r.irnrr or 14th and 3 others following. One formerlv uscii for hott. "bus rr;ige w-nu'd make jtmh1 sslrs room. etc.. for man handling tru-k or demonstrator. Pri-e only :;- per month All the at ore are very well adapted to n-ressnrv business. We ran make right prlrea on all of them. Webb & 1rrv. f4 Ycon bldg. XV E HAVE THE FOLLOWING KSPECIAL- I.T GOOD Rl'YS IN t'fKD CARS. Jn-1?, p. Packard. 5-pasenger. 1"-H. P- Pa kanl. runabout. Stearns Silent Knight. 5-pasengT. linker Victoria Electric, practically pew. tV-H. P. IMerce. 0-passrngr. PACKARD GARAGE. C5 X. t. PUUHTt.Y CSK!) AlTOMOBa.ES. If you wis!i to buy. we have the car you want at the right price. If you wish to seli, we will pav you spot rash. Call or write for prices. We are ex clusive dalfrs of used automobiles. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. New Location. 43-495 Alder St. 40 II. P. 4-PASSENGER Overland, fully equipped, detachable tonneaii. A-l cond 1 1 1on. very cheap. 32 Lumbermvm bids. Marshall 54. " loca. Birds. Pet Stock. WHITE Leghorn baby chicks: best selected utility sto a; nrMi i m. . ' 1 " guaranteed: S7..V per I no. during Arl!, and .May. The I'lonccr Hatchery. Box 340. fr- Jt I II 111. I. .Ni TRAITS Animal Regulator tor aaJa bjr J- J. Butxer. 1S8 Front sU MAX WELL runabout In good shape for sale cheap L,'rt7 ijmich st. Main 4'i'rt. Mlscella CONTRACTORS EQU IPMENT. Mixers, h-istc. motors, hollers, etc.. RENTED, SOLD. BOl'GHT, EX Ei'HANfiEH. STANDARD MACf. CO., 4tl Second street. Folt SALE Household furniture at one tlitrd vot; owner called East, must make f I ill. -It s-ale; range. iron beds. rug. bed room, st. etc., all In good condition.Cil 170 K. -4th ST. North. Phone East34ni. PA I R Husch Prisma tO-power Terlox field giassea. good as new. cost price. $"."; Just the t hlnx 'r your Summer outing ; will sU or trnde fr go.-wl disc phonograph ami Phone Wooliawn .ti7ft! i A FES Genuine Hall safes, new and aec-ond-hand. low prices, ease terms; aafea epened and repaired. Purcel baf Co. and lortland Safe Co.. 85 5th at. Main tttf IL?7HTLT used cash registers, credit re liters. coraputln scales, etc., bought and sold The Pacifie Stor Servlca Co.. 217 mark it. Mam 771L NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS. -0 and up. We luv. s 11 and repair cah registera. W. J. Mbeaulev. sales agent National Cash TcgiMeis. :i:.4 Hnrnside st.. cor, of Sth. FOK SALE Cash register, scales, coffea mill, cheeae cutter, credit register, meat Ilcer. ate. The Portland Stora bupply C. ?.0 Id st. Marshall 454ft I-' OR SALE A mathematical and mechanical riiaa lug course in the intei national or rspmienee School for sale cheap. Phone I!; F S. Herkey, 11h Williams ave. FREsH mlli ti rows with calves anil two be fresh soon: will sell one or ail. I'rlce from J H to ITU Burn 7'S Insley. take Soil w om ea r. NEW. OAK. .Vft. rolltop desk, typewriter dsk ait'l machine. 4 chalis, new rug. Call 411 or ::" swetiand bldg. ALL makes trewrlter rented. 13 a rnoaii NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER, C, Stark 8t. goo BUSINESS caret, SI: a bargain Ross City printer?. VJ2hk corner Taylor. T V PK W niTLI'S rented 3 months for S3. Remington Typewriter Co.. IMA Stark su O FF ICE fu'rn 1 1 u re. new and second-band; at tract lv prices Phone Main 21. WANTED- MISCgLLANFOCg. A T CLKitK In iK-pt. .f Commerce and l'jitMr wiiu'il like to fxchange with vt. ,Vrk in Portland. Aidres 34 . I.. No. n. The Majestic l-l-'i Euclid Jt., Washington. I, c. ; WE BUY CLOTHING. Fl UNiIUHE, TOOLS. Highest price piid for men's and ladies' rui-clt clotnlng. ahoes. furniture too .a. n.echauir. logging. Call Main auOO. 1st st.. The Globe W 1 buy Junk anu second-hand machinery of every description. Call for our buyer. M. E.inle M fcns. a40-4H rront St.. the houso of a million bargains. Main tWJ. A 1 f;:i. BARGER'H AUCTION HOUSE. 7 fc- Morrison. Phone E. 1022. Pays highest cash price for furnlturw, WE pay the highest cab orlca for sec pod -hand furniture. Sealer St Martin. Phone East 8134. S4S Hawthorne ave, TO FLY, cash register, scales. cofTee milk cheese cutter, credit reglstev and nteat 'leer. pbonit Marshall 4a. 2rP ad. W N TE D -'I -hand opera chairs; must be In good condition. Address Scenic Theater, Forest Grove. Or. WILL pa v sjot csh fr stocks of jnercban-du-e; strictly confidential. 131 ad st f 1 MUKR for cordwK.d; givo Irnation. quail ing description. Al Oiegonian. WANTED Moving -picture out til. folding chairs, etc. A L 0 4-s. Oregonlan. W-LL tint rooms S..30 p; painting at rea son ible prices. East 1- FORD Auction k'o- Pays most cash for any atnl of furniture. Main 8151. A flEIP WANTED MALE. E. PERI ENi'ED advertising' solicitors; spe cial edition or contract work, three pub lications, cash emu mission. Benedictine Press. JiVH 31 ad Ison. SALKSMEN. attention If ou can only de-' L-:e part of your time can put you In a position to make money. Ask for sales manager at 31 3d st. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and office man. wbo.-sale gr-ery; stato age. experience, references; phone number. AM 2. Ore- gonlnn. T11D A first-class Japanese or Chinese cook In private family for cooking and general housework, ta.l at i-- xsi iia si.; Sunnyside car. JAPANESE couple for work on suburban Iia-e. Apple room tCS Multnomah Hotel, morning only. W ANTED Expert mov lug-picture ma. .11 110 repnlr man ; state experience, etc. A K 7, FI';ST-t"LASS cutter; must tc expe rienced. Croft Tailor, inc., Spokane. Wash. . WANTED EMTei'Ced ,lo'k salesman, oil "sell acquainted and good reference; no competition. 1'L Oregonlan. BOOK, salesman, experienced, good preposi tion if ou an qualify. 3-d Worcester bldg. W NTED Young men to solicit for maga zine. Call at Regent Hotel. 7 P. M. Mon day. Room IT. Bl LLING clerk, w hosale grocery; state age. experience, references, phon nurn- b-r. 1. peegonlan. WANTED A live Industrial insurance man: best proposition out. Apply l0 Chamber of Commerce. WANT E D S t o k salesmen at 51 3d sL Ask for saies manager. J P V V ESE or Filipino tv cook and do housework. Telephone Tabor M. LIVcI wanted as city salesman for tail or In establishment. Call 111 UJth st. WANTED HIgh-rlass salesman. Ask fur 1 r Burton. 4-2 Yeon bldg. VTANTtl) One first-class sash and door ,k lultrr. Address AV 17. Oregonlan. TT. O first-class ra Mnet -makers. Pitch less Lumber Co., K. St. Johns. FjBOTO coupon: best ever offered; swap a--s. C utberth Stud'. Dekum Mdf. A YUNG man for delivery; drive single w ax in. Mission Tea Co . SS7WllUams ave. BOY wanted with wheel. $10 week. Apply S 1-th. near Stark. PHOTO coupon acta. bt snap ever offered. Koiton Studie. S4H Washington at. if E w-a n ; cP to s'aovel dirt at r Sth and 'ouch. Fi;s r-c.AS coatinakcrs. Reed Bros., U llrot bldg. W A NTED Boy bui 17 vears of age. Mt. lo-d Faetorv. ?d and Couch sts. WANTED A fl rut -class sasll and door maker. 111? Hawthorne. MAN and wife f.r general housework, light rooking. 4:; MTrtson st. LE "Tl RET. M u-t have S7-" to Invest. Ap-p- lo Mr. Holland. Star Theater. Bo Y to work in the evenings. Call 200 Marquam bldg at noon. p"tiRTK R wanted, must have good refer ence. 4.", I Morrison, corner T?t h Fl P.ST-CI.A.-S p:ning null mn. on t oat ua lak charge of mill. Ull Hawthorne. HKtp H'AXTFO MALE. INCIDENT. One or Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department, y. M. a. Young man. stranger, out of work. C-o his total cash n-t If 1 ray you f 5 r spei-lai employment hi rm her hi p. I w 111 , have oniyli left between inea aud atar- at ion. " Secretary If you pay $ f"r special fmpli)vmnt membership, jou will have the y. M. C- A-, ith its resources, bc tween vou nnd starvation. lienult: Young man Joined !so-iallon. In less than a week he had sutlslactory employment. Record for three montha endlns; Mar. 31: ta i's for men l'oslttons filled Employment membersliti guarantees member will secure eniplovnient or refund of membership fee: riven two months' full mem),cishlp privileges. 10 months' social privll-ges and undrrtakes to keep party employed during the full term of mem bership without further charge. We have constant demand for high grade, experlt-nced men. Are you fitted for a better posltMn? See secretary employment department, T. M C. A. GOOD PA T, steady employment, pleasant work, with an old reliable company. The work Is ae'llnt hlfrh-frade nursery stock, and we have some rood territory open. State what territory you would like and write at once for particulars to laock Box 43". Portland, Oregon. A FINE opportunity for a good advertis ing salesman. Will ray atraight salary, or salary and rommijinn, or straight conunisfiion. Will also award management of to.-ai orflc when ability is proven. Address - P. O. Box 1172, Los. Angeles. nhfornla. BRIGHT n'iNg man with clean rccoid for shipping department ; excellent chance for ad vnni t nicnt ; wages $12 per week. If you ar" afraid of hard work or can't give life time references, don't apply. Apply be- TRAVELING man. taking in the small towns, can make big money with a side line; nothing to sell; this U new and ensy money. Call, see D. B. Samuels. Ho tel Multnomah, evenings. SALESMAN wanted to sell ciose-ln residence lots, acreage and homes, on easy pay ments. In al parts of the city. Ask for sales man.i ger. Provident Trust Co., UUl, 'J'f'J, 203 Board of Trade. WANTED 10 handy men to go to South eastern Alaska to help erect cannery buildings snd do whatever Is required to get plant In running order. 42S Worcester bldg. SA Li:S.M EN wanted Real estate. Insurance men. stock salesmen preferred: unlimited possibilities, -a per cent commission. Room 11 1 First National Hank. Fort Worth, Tex. WANTED First c!s.s nn as manager pro vision branch house ; must have good re cord or io not apply. R. D. Stone, 1M4 N. I Tun WA NT ED Experienced, well recommended bond salesmen to sell securities. Excl 11 siv. territories asslrned. THE REALTY SYNDICATE. Oakland. California. HELP WANTED FEMAIE. WANTED TOLXG LADIES FOR TELE PHONES OPKP.ATINO. WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE. APPLY THK PA CIFIC TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH CO., EAST 6TH AND AN KENT STS. BHIRTMAKERS WANTED: MAITINK BUTTONHOLE OPERATOR. PR ESSE R ON NEGLIGEE SHIRTS; MONDAY MORNING. COLUMBIA NECKWEAR MFG. CO., PHOENIX BLDG.. S3 STH ST. WANTED Several young ladies between the ages of IS and 'S for permanent posi tions. Apply the P. T. at T. Co.. b74 AUtr l, or 41U East An keny su WANT girl over IH or middle-aged woman to assist me with housework and care .of child : proper person will receive friendly consideration, but must be of Rood dispo sition, neat and willing to help me as suugested. A 1M. Oregonlan WANTED An experlencel woman to take charge anu man ave 30-room apartment house; married woman with husband and no children preferred; state experience and Kve phone number. K 1. Oregonlan. WANTED Girl for general housework; must be an experienced cook; no upstairs work sl Mellnda ave.. head of Johnson and .5th sts. WANTED A oung lady to make out-of-town collections; must he intelligent and honest. Call 7-1 Chamber of Commerce, from lO A. M. to 1 noon. WAIST fiuishers. only experienced; good w ages; apprentleea w anted. 431 Morri son, eorper 111th. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, convenient location, work Is not heavy. 87 East 17th st. East :4t3. BOYS ard girls, lo 14 years old. for small part? nnd snxing; small salary. New York Theatrical Agency. Eilers btdg., suite 5 Hi. VAUDEV ILLE and dramatic people call to dav ; can secure engagement. New York Th-atrieal Agency. Eilers bldg.. suite M". EXPERIENCED nurse for child of ;i; also to assist with second work: beat wages; references; apply alter 11. .narsnaii si. WANTED A girl to work in dairy lunch room at luth and Burnslde. Apply bet. 8 and 10 A. M . BY wholesale house, a practical, reliable woman who is ambitious; experience not essential. All WW. Oregonlan. GOOD hand licner in small steam laundry. 1 ".c per hour. phone wr address Carson Steam La 11 ml r v. Cirnon. Wash. WANTED Expnenced girl tor general housewo.k and cooking; good home, good wages. (Ml Kearney st. - WAX TE1 pTrs I - c 1 a as lady barber, t H guarantee. Apply at once. I. J. Seabrouk, loll Cordova st. West. Vancouver. B. C. BOOK KEEPER and cashier, work Z noun every evening in exchange for board. 7lii I ov t. Ma in 7'. 4 HANriKN'S LA DIES AGENCY. t4$fc Washington St.. cor. 7th, ups'.alis Phone Main 2.92. WANTED Retired, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlsvl Co.. eot Roia cnlid l ite. -th and Washington. RELIABLE girl for cooking and hovise wurk. second Sir, kept. S-2 Johnson. Apply in A- M! - MRS. HOWES LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg.. 4tli and Wash. sts. Slain svtfl or A 3-Htf. WANTED Kxperlencrd girls to make Buss of A!l overalls. 7." 1st. WANTED Woman for cafeteria. Morris, 51 tth st. WANTED Girl to assist w 1th housework. . Applv 7.Ti Kearney. WANTED Girl, light housewoik. plain Co.. king. Call 01. E. Main st. Tabor ti4it. EXPERIENCED second girl, wages $.; X1Z Frd st. Phone Main 7."W. NEAT, w tiling girl of good disposition for gMncrul housework. East Salmon. W A NTED Neat rel table girl for general housework, family A. K. in.7. GIRL to assist with housework in exehsnge for music lessons. AP . Oregonlan. LADY for light work, o dujs or week. Call 1 17 North Uth st YOUNG womsn wanted for light housework. t all 411 7th st. fiat 4. before 1 2. EXPERIENCED girl; must be good cook. '457 E. 1st North, take Broadway car. EXPERIENCED lady solicitors, salary and "conimlsslon. Hill-Mann Co.. 326 Worcester. y-f'NG girl wanted to work lu cigar store at 2i Burpsble St.. city. DIVING-KOOM flrl. hotel, nut of town, call 1i VKay bldg. before 4 P. M- WANTED A good cook. German preferred. ti7 North 17tb- st. Call mornings. WANTED An experienced nurse and second girl. References required. 7VJ Irving st. GIRL WANTED for general housework. Ap ply 30 iltn St.. nat v. WANTED Girl for cooking and some houo work ; references. West Park. A 24rt, WA NTED Girl lor general house work. 777 Irvine st. Apply mornings. WANTED Girl for general housework. Pbone East r.QT.'V. 1 of,2 Paclfie. Itureihurst. EX PE R I ENCED w ailress w ant "d at Hong kong cafe. 107. ftih st. call after IP A. M. EXPERIENCED girl for rcneral housework. B l.7L bo Eait Maln- HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. MAN or woman understanding general ac counts (any bookkeeper) can have 'X cenMonal onnnrtiinttv fr large or small Investment, all slates open, guarantees HO Income. Established 14 years, wit n large revenue. Portland office opened, ft est ref erences For particulars address P. O. H ox HELP WANTED MlSCFfXANEOCS. MEN STOP READ LEA R to operate moving pictures: operalora make to $4u weekly. r ull practical course cheap. NEW YORK FILM EXCHANGE, Wash., near 17th. MKN WANTED Age H to J5. lo prepare for flreineo or urajceroen, nearoy ran roads, s&o to S100 monthly. Experience un necesiary; no strike; promotion engineer or conaucior, aiov to niuuuii, life careers; state age; send stamp. Kail way Association, Box , Qregoplan. MEN" and women to learn the barber trade lc eight weeks; special Inducements.; per cestage paid while learning; tools frees expert Instructors; 27 years In the ul B IT schools; a liietlDis memoern:p tvea to each student. afoLer Baibee Col ge, SI N. Fourth L. Portland. Or. NUMBER ounc men are wanted by rail roads In telegraph and sratlou service; portions paying 475 to paO per month. For particulars call or address Telegraph Ijopu, Commonwealth, bid., 4th and An keny sta, M1LL1NERT school and flower making, learn all in six weeks; old hats mad over like new. Beautiful trimmed hats. Ca:l 106 Goodnou g a bldg.. op p. Poatoffica. HONEST 3'oung man to take charge of of fice, hiindllng established article; small investment required. Apply -tj Ren wick Hotel. RAILWAY mall clerks, prepare now, ex cellent salaries and promotions; no lay offs, sure pay; free book. Call today. Pa cific States School. McKay bldg., city. STENOGRAPHERS, any system, beginners or advanced, quickly speeded and placed in positions. tt30 Worcester biock. Mar yhall 2751. 1 YOU are wanted for Government Job, SSI month. Send postal for list positions open. Franklin Institute. Dept. 33 O. Rochester. N. Y. - MaKB money writing short stories, or lor papers; big pay; free booklet tells bow. United Press yadicate,SanFrancisoo. &VHOOLor SHORTHAND and TYPEWRIT ING, standard svstems. Positions secured. 15 per month. Jtfl 14th t. Main iiSMl. W AN1E1 Picture play writers; big pj . we'll teacb you. Picture Play Associa tion. Ean Francisco, PRIVATE SHORT HAND. TYPEWRITING, bookkeeping. 42 Hamilton bldg. Mar. 4253. HSK TEACHERS ASSOCIATION for schools and teachers. 610 Swetland bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MA LB. .M lacellanrous. MCNlulfAi l-hEel EMPLOl'KU.NT BUREAU. tI5 Second St.. Corner Salmon. Women's Department, X45 Salmon. All classes of unskilled, skilled, profes sional and clerical mate and female help furnished on short notice. No fee charged. Phone Mala S5. A &6S4. TOUNG man with six years' banking ex Xcrienee desires a change, and would like a position as cashier or assistant in wome pood bnnk in Oregon. Aaoresa v-. c. u llsms. Milhank. South IHkota. A GERMAN, married man, age 41 honest, sober and willing, would like, a steady po sition in warehouse. Janitor or any kind of work In whoiesalo or retail houses. AD tlS, Oregonlan. AN Eastern married man with years of ex perience would like management of ranch, dirv preferred; best of reference. Phone K. 14.'10., JS4 E. Taylor st. SITUATION wanted. Engineer able to take charge building or Institution, marine and stationary experience; references. R. F. I. No. 1. Pox 70. Hubbard. Or. TIM EK EE PER ami material clerk desires poFition; go anywhere; ei(jnt years ex perience with mines; have fine recem mcndatt ns. Address A S K'3. oregonlan. WILL AUDIT. OPEN, CLOSE OR WRIT 3 Up books, prepare balances and state snenta install systems. GllHnghara. au ditor. 411 Lewis bldg. Marshall TIT. POSITION bv young man experienced in time, cost and other clerical work; beat of references. Y 173. Oregonlan. CA RPENTER foreman wants situation, day or contract. Address J. B. Young. Wood- stock. EXPERIENCED auto repair man wishes stead y cm ploy men t. Phone B 271. A JAPANESE wants pos-Uion from morning until 1 P. M. Main 1SUL WIN DOW w ashing. housecleaning. floors was m1 nnd polished. phone sellwood 1 1 Ji'-. HOUSE cleaning, day work; Japanese. M. E. Mic8ion. BY experienced cone baker, a position in tha cltj'. Call any lime B 3'-'."i0. WANTED I!v young man. experienced fire man, or night watrhmun. W 4. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and .stcnoSTSpherw, foTU.NOGUA PHER Lady thoroughly com petent, well educated and having had good business experience, wunts first-cla$s permanent position with reliable firm. 5 v ears' experience with Portland firms; Al references. T Oregon ia 11. YOUNG ladv. stenographer, wishes posi tion: experienced; good penman, refer ences. Phone Marshall 707 or A -'4SL Room 12. YOUNG lady, experienced In stenography nnd general office work, desires position. Phone Wood la w n 14 ."7. JN PER I EN'CED bookkeeper and slenograph rnnher desires position; nothing under $60 c o n s : de red. Main ft-'ii". GOOD bookke. cr capable of taking chatge of office. Marshall 42." H. Now employed ireanniisr DRESSMAKING Ladles" tailoring; cut prices during April. ftoS Washington. Ella st. entrance. Phone A 3110. Portland ref erences. ; y KRIENDS. higb-grarie ladies tallorfiiB;. "riding habits. :;' Central bldg.. lth and A Id'-r. Phone Marshall S6L'l. D RES S M A iTTn ( i done by the day or a: home. Phone A DHL Nurses. - EASTERN-practical nurse wishes day or r.t-ht work: coon reiercme-. 1 u.o..: W'oodlawn 0i .1. los. E. 21st N. Ask for nurse, or call TWO nurses, experienced, willing workers, want niore ess. any kind; reasonable lenns". Main 44iii. Housekeeper. WILL arrive In Portland the a stran ger. Will lve $H to the party securing me a position as housekeeper in hotel or apartment. Phone B 1224. A N Ess tern woman wishes a position as housekeeper in widower's home, cooking for men and general housework. A 970, Orr son lan. ' - HOI "SE KEEPERS, cooks, w a I tresses, second girl chambermaids, nurses. st. Louis Atrencr. r.:o.; Alder. Main 2i).'l!. A 4775. Domestic. GERMAN girl. Just come over, understands lit t le English, can cook, desires position gneral housework. T76 Elliott ave. Phone sellwood .b7 after 1 P. M. All see II ansone. NEAT refined young lady wishes to assist in the home of small family at light woi k ; can sew and mend neatly. Seldom out e ven l n gs : best of references. Tabor ttSWS. A COMPETENT colored woman wjnts gen eral housework; no children. Phone A 7712. COMPETENT girl wishes place as cook, gen eral housework, not less than 30. Phone AV ood lawn 44. W NTED By steady, reliable woman, sll-er-wHhtng. pai.try or chamberwork In cltv. 'MH College st. EX PER I ENCED .colored laundress wants work bv dav or will take bundle work at home. Call Marshall PW. WoM EN want lwj'lng and cleaning by hour. Phone A Trt.'uj Lace curtains laundered. 20c up; rlrst class. quick service. Tabor 317. LACE curtalna washed and stretched; nine years' experience. Tabor ?44.r. Mrs. Scott. WoRK bv the day, or chamber work. Call Main 4-Mis. room 2. mornings. COLORED woman wants day work of any kind; good lan 11 d res. Main 3 S 8. LADY wishes to caie for children In her home. Sellwood 4U2. CIREIlTundress, work to take home. MHrshall ;itutx. BY experienced cook, no washing. Phone Mart-nail 114. YOUNG lady wishes position in doctor's of. flee. Mam &1Q7. U4VTFH AGKNTS- WANTED Live agents fvtr vacuum cleaner, just put on ma-kt. Apply It. W. McDon ald, mom 4oS. 227 W.-ishington st. 13 TO $10 day. moiwy every night; this Is no bunko. Call today 10 to 1 or all day Monday. (13 Beck bldg. WANTED TO BENT J Houses. FOUR or five-room furnished house, by people con wlrt Tate of others property. L lt7. Oregonlan. Kooni". GENTLEMAN wauls an unfurnished room ot good size, with privilege of bath.- or room apartment, within walking distance; ciulet. well heated and lighted; references and permanent; give full details, price and phone. W Oregonlan. Rooms With Board WANTED Room and board with, refined Christian family by sinicle man; give a.l p.irtii-ul;g-s. AS 6. Oregon ian. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. Now Open. . 112 Rooms. Now Open. HOTEL BYRON. HOTEL CAPlE Seventh and Taylor Sta, Feeldeotlal and transient; absolutely central; two minutes from Postotaco. stores, theaters and restaurants; Just otr business streets and carllnex: quietest and best location ; handsome brick. ample eteam heat, hot running water and phones in every room, traltes and private baths, elevator. Reputab. and comfortable. From 153 dally. M weekly, my car from depots. THE SARGENT HOTEL, Grand and Hawthorne Avenues. For rent, the finest corner, parlor, bed room and bath suite In the city, large rooms, beautifully furnished, nine wn" cons, fine view of all the mountains. Also some single rooms, elevator service, tel" phone, hot and cold water, electric fint and steam heat; moderate prices for de sirable tenants. Eight streetcar lines pass the building. - Ir you are looking for permanent, home-like quarters; be sure andi inspect the Sargent before locating. Excellent restaurant la. connection witn hotel. Telephone Kast 211. J. H. CLARK. PROPRIETOR. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPENl Those three beautifully furnished hotels HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL Ml NOOK. PARSONS. ROWLANDS. 218 4th St. 4th st. 207 4th st. On Fourth aL, running from Taylor ta Salmon aL; brand-new brick; olegantly furnished, steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up to date In all respectsv and at popular prices. If you want something out of the ordinary, in the hear; of tne city, at rea sonable prices, give us a call, as ws know you will like it. Rooms by the day, woek or month. Tourist trade solicited. A N O E L A HOTEL. " 25 Washington SU ' Under New Manas em enL Large lobby, finished in mahogany, HI and marble; ladles' parlor with elegant fireplace; free telephone service in rooms, all n I gilt and day, electric elevator, steam heat, hot and cold water in ull rooms, many with bath. A residential hotel above reproach, where every effort Is made for the comfort and convenience of its guests; rents the moet reasonable In the city; rooms by the day, wetk or month. Look this over before locating. Take W car at depot, get off al Huh and asiungton. HOTEL SAVON. 121 Eleventh Street. New, modern brick building; stea heated, private baths, hot and cold watet In rooms; beautifully furnished, cosy, com fortable, rent reasonable. Call and ss Begular and transient trade solicited. HOTEL LA 6ALLK. 10th and Burnslde sta Absolutely fireproof; new and elegantly furnished rooms; private baths. steam heat, hot and cold water, private phone In each room; special rates by the month: pbone aervlcs free. Phone Marshall 4U4w. HOTEL REN WICK An ldeafhome for busi ness people; centrally located; elegsat rooms; all modern conveniences; Tth and Taylor sta. 1 biock from Portland Hotel, cppwslts Hetllg Theater. Phone Mala el RAINIER HOTEL On block from Union Depot; 140 outside rooms, with hot and cold wster and steam beat; offers special rates for perinaasai guests; rates Uc to $2 a day; $3.60 aad up per week. Phone Main 8413. HOTEL GARLAND. 25 Trinity Place, cor. . Washington; now brick, steam-heated building, private telephones; stricGy mod ern; rates. $3.50 week up; permanent sad transient solicited. THE COLONIAL, pleasant outside rooms, first and second floor,- facing 10th - and Morrteon. large closets, steam heat, f iue bathrooms, very reasonable rent to per manent people. 16a 10th. BLACKS i ON E HOTEL, 11 Hi and Stark. Special rates on rooms, with or without bat h : ull modern conveniences; no extra charge for phone or service. OC K LE Y HOTEL, 3ft0 Morrison St., Cor. 10th. Centra 1 location, moderate prices, 50c. 7.c and $1 per day: by the week, to, $3..o up, including baths, plumes, steam heat. VAN QOHD-K HOTEL, 1054 Twelfth St. Marshall 79tX la htsxt of business district.: steam a bot and cold water, free phon in evarj room; 1 day and up; 14 week and upk, CALUMET HOTEL 160 Park st-, aaa rooms, hot and cold water, steam beai. eievaLor and all modern conveniences, 41i per month and up; quiet and cumtortaola, " THB lindellT Large pleasant front looms, easy walk ing distance, all home oonvenlences, $3. - 60 t" per week. 32S 4th at. Aiatn 506L HOTEL NORRIS. modern conveniences, .i.5J to d week. 63A Alder, corner 17th. LEWLSTON Hotel. 271 13 Morrison, cor. 4th; large, airy rooms, single and suites, tran sient and permanent. 00c day up. DO YOU want a good room in a good loca tion at a low rate? Try Hotel Larraoee, 227 S Larrabeo rt., walking distance. THE MELVIN 11th St.. near Yamhill; nice ly furnished rooms for one or two per sons, close In : ratos very reasonable. CLEAN rooms, centrally located, by week or month; H 50 up. 482'. Wash, st. ft- arnitheii huuma In Pri rail Fa mile. ELDERLY and infirm people will find a pleasant homo wit h every care at 207 KillingHWort hi ave. Phone Wood lawn 1414. P. R. Conriff. TWO gentlemen, front room, and porch ; s: rlctly modern, 3 adulta in family ; no other roomers. Phono A 4,"M A. M., and after 5 P. M.. or call 025 Montgomery. NICELY furnished front room with sleopin; porch, suitable for one or two. Light, heat, bath, phone. WHO Savier. I'liulie Marshall 452. LIGHT, airy room with closet in new mod ern home; every con v enlence ; kitchen privilege; reasonable. 612 b Everett. Mar shall 4 V. 7. AT TRACTIVE room; walking distance; everv convenience. 4ti East Ash. Phone B 1153. FOR RENT Io wer part of house to man and w ifc ; references. Phone mornilifcs, Maui 5574. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms m good home; references; Nob Hill district. 7oS Johnson. Nit' ELY furnished room, quiet home, live minutes' walk from P. O.; heal, bath, phone, 272 Parkat. 16T. NORTH 17TII, a nicely furnished front room, modern conveniences, reasonable rent. FRONT room for 'gent leman ; best location; bath, phone. 2 week. 2t'2 1-llh St. TWO nicely furnished cuoins, $2.."0 per week. 374 Grand ave. NICELY furnished rooms at fl.75 per week up; also transients. 122 12th at. nTcELY furnished front room, also attic rouoi. 37 Trinity Place, bet. 19th and 20th. TWO large front rooms, nicely furnished, single or en suite. Washington st 2 FURNISHED front rooms, lower and up per, close In. 2-1! 12th. NTcELY furnulshed rooms, suitable for 2 or J. bath, phone 20 12th st. TWO nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite; close in. 323 7t h. ROOM for a gentleman In a strictly pri vate Jewish family. Marshall 1782. Booms With Board. NOW OP N! NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! THE PARK VIEW. Corner West Park and Montgomery sts. Family boarding-house, richly furnished and running water in all rooms, private baths, private para, and faces a large pub lic park; a homelike place with a view that is unsurpassed in any city; rates ranging from 35 to $100 a month. Call sn-1 wo are at your service. Phono Main 373. 380 Montgomery st. DOES a hom appeal to you? THE WHITS HALL, cor. 6th and Madison; large rooma bth. broad veranda, quiet, close in. nasi car. 4 blocks from P. O- American plan, MANiTOU. 261 STH ST. Attractive, clean rooma steam heat. goo a ooaru, PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION, 23d year. . . . 1 . w Knuri4 nf orlnir-mnm II- briry. 610 Flander'g. Mr. E. N. W:l.on. mot THE LAMBbJKSON. &M Couch mu. v.ry tl .trace -- . - r.irn water, goon board, close In. ROOM and board lor young women, $3 per week, now liouse. with alt convenience,. No. J 2 E. Tth ht. S-ulli. ELEGANT room, fai-lnir Mi. park. A-l board. reasonable. 374 Park. THK HAZEL Furnished rooms with board, running witter. ieam heat. 3S5 od t. ROOMS with board. T12. Flandora, M. 1547. FOR RENT. Rooms With Board in Private Families. VERY desirable rooms, with hot and cold running water, bath and shower adjoin ing, with sleeping porch, home cooking. 2 minutes' walk to car and 10 minutes walk to Washington st. 7i Prospect drive. Portland Heights. Main 1057. VERY desirable rooms, with hot and cold running water, bath and shower adjoin ing, with deeping porch, home cooking. 3 minutes' walk lo car and 10 minutes walk to Washington st. 725 Prospect drive, Portland Heights. Mam 1057. TWO nicely furnished rooms, one front room and one adjoining bath, suitable for one or two; good board; two in family. Call at 622 Clay st. ONE lurnlshcd room, with or without board; Nob Hill district. tiS4 Glisan. near tlst; take W car. Phone Marshall 2956. DESIRABLE room, walking distance, home cooking, near Multnomah Club. Marshall 4112. 3U2 SALMON ST. Nicely furnished rooms with good board, price reasonable. Main 2135. PLEASANT, well furnished room, with or without board. modern conveniences. Phone Mar. 47S8. 452ii PLEASANT front rooms for two: 54. clean, n?w modern house, single beds. iS J Tth. near Everett. ROOM and board tor 2 in private family; use of parlor, piano, bath and phone. Phone Sellwood 172V. PLEASANT rooms, single or en suite; excel- lent board. 656 Gllsan. FIRST-CLASS room and board, home priv ileges: everything modern. 653 E. Couch. ROOM with connecting bedroom, excellent board, porches and grounds. Main 20T1. FIRST-CLASS room and board in private family. 645 Yamhill st. 5 WASHINGTON ST., room and board S3.T.0 per week. fcpLFNDID light rooms, with board, strictly modern: splendid view. 340 Hassaio Eat. SINGLE nnd double rooms with board, $6. Marshall 2 C03. 201 11th St. ROOM and board for two gemienmn; Scan dinavians preferred. 11 luth st. X. ROOM and board for 1 or 2 gentlemen, close In. East 4ol'3. Apartments. THE AMERICAN. Most up-to-date apartment l tha Northwest; every convenience; 41 and 5 rooms, all outside sunny rooms; "new; walking distance. 21st and Johnson sta; choice residence district; attendant on n remises. Marshall 33 60. THE HOUSMAN, 730 HOYT ST. Elegantly furnished 3-room corner apart merit. with cleeping porch ; sur rounded by lawn and flowers, all bright outside rooms; also very desirable, targe. Mght. 2-room apartment with bay winder. Daintily served meals can be arranged for just across the streeL References, THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts.: this new 4-story brick now open; fur- - nfshed and unfurnished in 2, 3 anfl 4-room suites; reception hall, electric automatic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range, ice box, plenty of closet rooms, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons, lf you want something nice, .come to the Barker; 1 3-room basement apartment. 815. Phones A 1744. Marshall 2861. THE VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. J t completed, most magnificently fur nished apartments In the Northwest; loca tion perfect; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience. Including banquet hall and roof garden: both phones la all apartments; high-class service: referenires required- Main 2276 and A 7057. BE1NZ APARTMENTS 14th and Colum bia, 4 biocka south from Morrison at : new brick building, completely first-class furnished In 2. 8 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, steam heat, hot wa ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum clean sr. Jsnltor service; rent per month. $26, $39. $40 snd up; must b seen to ba appre ciated. NEWLY furnished The Upshur. 26th snd Upshur sts., furnished 2-roorn apartments, $15. $18. 20 and up. This includes steam heat, hot and cold water in every apart ment, private phonea. public bath, electric lights, gas range, laundry-room, all free; also 3-room unfurnished apartments, with private bath, $18; 4 rooms. $-0. Take S, 23d or W cars north. phone Main 8a. TRINITY PLACE-APARTMENTS, brick and atone pp. lace of luxurious homes. Trinity Place, between 19th and 20th streets. Just off Washington; magnificent exclusive apartments, m heart of apartment-nous district; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience; Bleeping porchea, hign-c-ssa service; refined clientele; references r Qulrd In at casea Mrs. A. N. Wright. supt. phon Msrshall 1101. THE EVERETT, 644 Everett sL New and olegantly furnished apart ments; 8 rooms, reception hall and sleeping-porch; automatic electric elevator and private Pacifio telephone; located la one of the choicest residence districts, sur rounded by elegant homes; wslkiag dts tance. THE DEZENDORF. 2(1 S 16TU ST., NEAR TAYLOR ST. K LEG AN T 4 AND 5- ROO M U N FUR NISHED APARTMENTS. APPLY O.N PREMISES FOR RESERVATION. HANOVER FIREPROOF APARTMENT King and Washington sts., now ready. New 6-story reinforced concrete build ing, only fireproof apartment-hous la Portland; every possible convenience, elec tee elevatoi, -est of service, private bal conies, easy walking distance; 2, 3, and 4-room apartments, $22.5t up. IN SMALL, well-kept apartment-house, 6 minutes' walk from Morrison st. One very large, well furnished 4-room apaitrncnt. on first floor. one small, airy furnished apartment of 4 rooms, first floor. One :-room apartment, light and commo dious, on third floor. S4S 4th st. FORDHAM APARTMENTS, 170 Ford st., just south of Washington; roost complete, highest class apartments ever built In Portland; finished through out la hardwood; tiled baths, superb fix tures: elegant wall coverings; each with private balcony; highest class ssrylcs; ery reasonable rents; 4 and 6 -room apartments; most conveniently arranged. HARRLMAN APTS, 164 24th ST. N. Two 4-room auts.. lurnished and un furnished, with two disappearing beds in -ach. One 5-rooni apt, furnished, with 2 bed rooms; also two disappearing beds in each findtwo large porches, etc IONIAN COURT. 670 Couch. J block from Washington st., on JSih st.; tel. Main 111)2; 3 and 4-room modern apartments, steam heat, electric elevator, hot and cold water, telephone and janitor service. Apply of manager, reference required. 4-ROOM apartment with private bath $35; all outside rooms, splendid view; modern; convenient arrangement; superb location; close to Postoffice; also 3-room apartment; best of service. The Sheffield, 7th and Jef ferson sts. LUCRET1A COURT. Lucretia St., Near 23d and Wash. Lniurnished apartments, from two to five rooms, all large, light and outside; large closets, hardwood boors; under new management. Marshall 1513. Janitor, Mar shall 15m. BUENA VISTA. CORNER 12TH AND HARRISON, ' NEW BRICK. 2. a and 5-room apartments, furnished J or unfurnished; good service. Apply on " - ii ,i t Nil Unih nhfini't KING HILL. APARTMENTS. 171 KINO ST. 4. 0. 6-room apartments; aelec: tanaDcy. Appiy on, GRANDEST A furr.lned apart enta. Grans' ... .ad East tilark; new brick building, t room, splendidly furnlsned. with prt ate bath. 127.30; electric elevator; mod ern conveniences; closo-ln location; aa7 walking distance; best ot service. 6T. CROIX Apartments. SL Clair s: near Wasaington; 2 and 8-room apartments, with private oath, furnlwhed and unfur nished; superb location, easy walking dis tance, brick building; convenient srra&s ment. best of servlc. and very low rent. 6T F HAN CIS APARTMENTS, 21st and Hoyt; 4 rooms and bath, private balcony, sew brick building, electrlo elevator, su perb location. In walking distance; most convenient arrangement, low rus and imii ct service. " THE SUNLIGHT APTS. Nicely furnished, 3 rooms, -o; ail out side, luifc'e. light, airy ruomtj. private jinono und batn. gas range, refrigerator, water heater, laundry traps, large closets, on carllne. East Side. Tabor 2siJ. B K-EELEK APAKIMtNTU, 14ln and Clay streets, eplendld location, solid brick building, electric elevator; we have unfurnished 1 and 4-room suites, with private vestibiusst nnones. bath, etc CUMBERWSD APTS., West Park and Co lumbia st. ; 1 choice ."-room unfurnished and 1 completely furnished 2-room apart ment; all modern conxeniences; cliotce lo cation, fronting the park and only J min utes walk from business center. BHVN MAWR. 1S5 East 15th, near Tamhlll i outside rooms, over fine lawn, porch. FOR RENT. Apartment THE ORLANDO. NEW MANAGEMENT. FP.OM ALL VIEWPOINTS THE MO?l DESI K ABLE APA RTM ENT-HOUSE I N PORTLAND. HANDSOME EXTERIOR. PLEASING ENTRANCE UNSURPASSED LOCATION. Two and 3-room apartments, well-furnished, cheerful and thoroughly clean al most REASONABLE RATES consistent with their many advantages. Comfort able beds (no wall beds) ; unusually finf closet room; HOT and cold water; re frigerators. Beautiful view from many apartments. Wide halls; elevator service; laundry wit h steam dryer and beat modern equipment. 20TH AND WASHINGTON STREETS. CAR M ELI T A Jefferson and 13th sts. 3, 4 and 5 -Room Apartments. Unfurnlshed. Exceptlonally Low Summer Kates. Janitor Service Unexcelled. New, Strictly Modern. References. Phone Main 3063. ARDMAY TERRACE. 12th and Harrison. JCow ready for tenants, 2 and 8 room apartments, living rooms 1 20. high and sightly; well furnished with everything that goes to make high-class apts. ; 11th or ISth-sf. car. ALTONIA APARTMENTS. Marshall and 19th. Large, airy 2, 3 and 4-room apart-' ments; quiet and exclusive neighbor hood. ( NOKOMIS. Marshall, near 17th st NEW. Attractively furnished. 2 room apartments. Service tor bachelors. THB WHEElDON, Cor. Park and Taylor eta THE -HEBLDON ANNEX. Cor. Tenth and Salmon sta. Walking Distance. Furnished complete, 2. 8 and 4-room apartments; buildings new and strict- modern; servlc first-class. WELLINGTON COURT, ISth and Everett Sta New management; 2, 4 or 5-room furnished apartments. Tha best apart ments In the city for the money; tby have all modern conveniencea. are does In, neat and homelike. Don't fall to Inspect them before locating. If furnished apartment Is desired, can arrange this on smal! monthly payment with rent, tenant eventually owning furniture at saxn monthly cost as furnished apart men ta THE CAMAR. 701 Lovejoy St. Under new management ; new, moderr. brick. 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, fur nished or unfurnished; we will rent you apartments 2.j per cent cheaper than any place in the city; good janitor service. Give us a c'-ll and be convinced. Mar. 2016. DRICKSTON APARTMENTS. 44$ 11th st. Modern, furnished 2-ronrr. apartments, light, airy and large rooms, phones, laundry, dryer and elevator, walk ing distance, very reasonable. CRACI2 APTS., 797 North rup St.. cornel 24th. 5 large rooms, hardwood floors, front veranda. large sleeping porch, private telephone, water, heat and hot water; nes and nrlctly modern. WOLFE APTS.. 10 MARKET ST. NEWLY furnished 2. 3, 4 rooms, $?.5t to $10; single rooms Z up; free light, phones, heat, hot and cold water, dec trie elevator. Marshall 3o97. BANT HORN APARTMENTS. 251 12th at., near Main ; close In location ; elegant 3 roora apartment with bath and private bslcony. 136. Every cocvenlsnc. good servlc. " THE M'KINLEY APARTMENTS. Kast 7th and Morrison, most centrally lo cated; 2 and 3-rooin apartments, fur nibbed up to date; private baths; moder- ate rates. THE MARLBOROUGH. 6-room apartment, choice residence dis trict, walking distance, every convenience. 2ist and Flanders sts. Main 7516. WINSTON Apartments. 841 14 tn su, at Market; new corner brick; all bright, out side rooms; 3 and 3-room suites com pletely furnished for housekeeping; $2 is J 3 7.50. For Information call Main 17. LINCOLN APTS., COR 4TH AND LINCOLN. AH outside, 2-room apartments; Holmef beds, built-in writing dcks, vacuum clean er, lanltor service; 22,.50 to $30, including Mghts, private phones. A 3172. Main 137i. CLAYPOOLE FURNISHED APARTMENTS. 11th and Clay; 2-room spartments, fur nished, with prlvat bath; all conve niences; good service; easy waikin dis tance; very reasonable rents. " KINGSBURY APARTM ENTS. Ford st.. near Washington; select resi dence district; a 4-room apartment, wltfc balcony all conveniences ot th- beat-class apartments. Main A 7449. CECILIA APARTMENTS, Z2d and Glisaa ta,' best of servlc; dsirabl location, with unexcelled car service; also easy walking instance; 8 -room apt., with bats modern .o"ie"ceit vory reasonable rni NINSULA. APARTMENTS Modern beau tiful Summer home; furnished and unfur nished apartments, $16 to 125. Take Mis sissippi or L car. gel off at Killingsworih ave. phone C 117". THE LUZERNE. Just completed, corner 3d and Hall; all C-rootn lurnished apts,, large outside kitchens, best arranged apt, in Portland, $25 and up. Easy walking distance. HLSLOP HALL, H VWTHOftNE AVE. AND 6TH ST. New modern building; new furnltura; -Voom apartments; walking distance, or best car scrvice. THE WESTFAL APARTMENTS. 410 5th St. -5 minutes walk. brick bui'ding. nicely furnished 3 -room apait-in.-nt private bath, phone, elevator; low est rat in Portland. Main 2Q79. L2038. " THE ARCADIA. 7iW EVERETT ST. ijclv furnished 2-room apts., $22.50 and $25; also 3-room, $jO to $Jo; modern. Main 62U3, A 75Ml. JIADISON PARK APARTKI&NIdk For rent, 4 and 4-room furnished sad unfurnished apartments, strictly mod.rn. ,TTe FLORENCE New and absolutely first-class i and 4-room furnished apart ments, 432.60 up. 3 11th st, Marshall 4114. x THE MEUEOITH. J12 Washington St., 2. 3 and 4-room apts.. hardwood floors, with every convenience, newly furnished; cheap est utltitJecUy. ' MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. Park and Madison ts. For rent, 3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartments, strictly modern. liADDON HALL. Cor. Hall and 11th Sts. 3 anuV 4-rm. suites. up; beautifully furn. hardwood floors, private porcbes. pbones. bath. Mt. Tabor car. Mar. Ull THB C11ETOPA, ISth and Klanders, 2. 3 and 4-room modern apartments, furnished and unfurnished; fx) up; new furniture and new building. Apply to the Janitor. SAN MARCO APTS., E. 8th and Couch New brick, private baths and phone, 3 rooms, corner, Phono E. 2751. BJELLAND. lth Lovejoy Unfurnished ifruntj; modern, new brick; must be seen to be appreciated. Main 1867. A 1B7. THF ORMONDE, modern apartment. 4 nice, liithl rooms, gas range, refrigerator, tele v hone. u.'m; Flanders. Nob Hill. Main M'.M. ' ' BERTL APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apartments, (,, Lovejoy st. Tak. "W" car. THE GUILD APTS Betweejp 23d and 24th. Thurman ami Vaughn. 1 3-room apt, 1S.5; one 3-room. 122.50. BUCK HARTFORD APTS. 21s"t and Flande7. Under new management, 3, 4-room apts. -all modern, walking distance. Main 2 7Si IRIS. COR. JD AND MILL. 4 and & rooms; modern. JUL1AETTE Furnished and unfurnished J rooms. Corner 2d and Montgomery. f 1 1 :7" D.I) 1." IP.RTttrk-r? 853 Harrison St, Phon. Marshall ' 3070. THE ELM 2 and 3-room apts.. furnished heat, phone and bath. 191 14th at. Flats. MODERN 6-room flaU fith, near Jackson. West Sid..-. 10 niin. walk. Main or A 1213. TEN rooms, brick building. W3-wilianTs ave., 140. Phono Tabor 223G 1