1912. 7000 SEE RETURNS SELLING LEADING BDURNE;T. R.AHEAO Bulletins Flashed by Orego nian Draw Throng. a WAT V K DAT, w -. ! i - - r i i EXPERT OPINION ON SHIPWRECKS. ' : i . vote! tTjohm'. -r 1 t ? 4 gooo LAC -ro f Jrfoova -? J3; TJL I Portland Merchant Believed to Have Defeated Senator for Toga. SINNOTT LEADING ELLIS AitrhiMn Apparently Nominated for Railroad rmmlsloiMr Cottcl Carrlr.- Multnomah County, Mickle IVrlngT Second. (Owitinn-I from Fir! Par lira, including Multnomah, on other ofrtcera. follow; Rpreentative In Ccneroi. Second rintrtct Cochrane. : Kllia. 15J: Sln nott. 144: Ruik. 5; C K. Roosevelt. X. Hairy and Pure Food CommliMonfr Cottel. 90: Edwards. J37; Ia. ; Mickle. 7S. Railroad Commissioner Altchison, S; frhul1rrnun. 65i: Fta ton. 33- T. R. IS LEAPING IN MARION' Selling Has Slight Advantage Over Bourne In Karly Count. SALEM. Or April !. (Special.) With only about one-fourth of the voica counted and reported In eight out of SI precincts in Marion County at 9 o'clock tonlcht. Roosevelt has a Ha;ht lead over Taft. with La Follette fp- In the rear, KooaeveU'a lead over Taft heirs' about el-ht to seren o far. tfclllna; and Pourne are practically neck and neck, with Selling having a might iead of practically a ratio of 2i to IS. Olcott and Fields art splitting even, although In one or two precincts Fields leads by a comparatively fen rotes. Lea Is leadlnr the field for Palry tnd Kod Commissioner by a few votes. ItOlCLiS RF.PI DIATKS BOIRXK Roorlt and I.a Follrfje in Close Uarr Clark leading. r.OSL'Bl'Ra Or, April IS. tSpecial.i - 0vinT to the heavy vote cast throughout Douglas County today, re turns are coming in slowly and final results will not be known until early tomorrow. At o'clock tonight partial returns had been received from nine precincts .if a "total of 101 votes cast. La Follette received 4S. Roosevelt 17. Taft Zt. Sell ing 5. Pourne 13. Lowell 10. Morton !. Fields 51. Olcott SO. Cottrell 39. Ed wards 7. Lea IS. Mickle i". Campbell !. Clark SJ. Harmon :. Wilson 33. i"ohow . I-ane 15. Miller 7 and Pierce 13. It la almost certain that Selling will -.arry lHMiglaa County by a substsntlal majority. OH1CIALS TARDY AT KUMATH Ballots Carried In Pockets or Jud-cs Dclajins Count or Votes. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., April IS. (Special. Owing to failure of night election boards to take up count of ballots at the close of the polls at 7 'clock, when the day boards retired, not one city precinct had been counted jp to 9 o'clock and nothing bad been beard from any of the rural precincts. Some of the night boards failed to -how up to relieve the day boards, which led to the officers carrying the ballots with them to deliberate at sup per and take up the count afterward. In some cases counting did not com mence until after o'clock. There is little likelihood that any outlying dis tricts will be heard from tonight, and there Is no organisation here trying to get figures. JOSEPHINE fOR LA KOLLKTTE flour ne and Selling Arc Kunnln; Cloc at Grant Pass. GRANTS FAt-S Or.. April 19. ISpe-i-luLr The county probably will go heavy for La Follette. Out of six lance l-recmcta in the county early returns incomplete show La Follette, 103; Koosevelt, 91: Taft. 2. r.uurne and Hellina are running a neck -and -neck race, having 93 and 91 reflectively. other returns: Fields. 113: Olcott. 17. ottel. 7:: Kdwarxls. 2: Lea. 2: Mickle, Campbell and liawley bave no op pottin, lemocrats: Clark. 11: Harmon. 1; Wilson, if. Coshow, 4: Lane. 19; ITU, 19. TAIT TAKES SHERMAN COCXTr selling Has 35 Vote to but 4 tor Bourne. MORO. Or, April 1. (Special.) Kleetlon boards very slow. Telephone service discontinued over county. Fig ures not available. Taft has Sherman County, five to three, over Roosevelt and five to one iter La Follette. At Moro Bourne has four votes to Selling's I. Slnnott has Sherman County lor Representative. V irk te will also haare the county, as veil as Altchlaon. i:i:tcrns are slow at Toledo l.im-nln County Early. Reports Flavor Taft and Bourne. T'.'LEPO. Or- April 19. (Special.) i.-.,ults at 9 P. M. were: Taft. 3: Roosevelt, I: La Follette. I: Bourne, 3: Selling. I: V. C Hawlry. i: Fields. J: I'lcott. Cottel, 4: Edwards. 1; Lea. 3: .Mickle. Campbell, s. Total number cf votes cast. US. F emorrat Wilson. 1: Harry Lane. 3. Secretary of Mate J. B. Kyan. 3. KEEN INTEREST DISPLAYED show Taft III. Roosevelt 103. La Fol lette 75. Selling Is leading Bourne over ! to I. with Selling 314. Bourne 78. Lowell 45. Morton 5. Olcott leads Fields 18a to 13. For Dairy and Food Commis sioner the partial count shows Lea 13S, Edwards 78. Cottrell C9. Mickle 9. Taft and Selling Lead in Clatsop. ASTORIA. Or, April 19. (Special.) Election results thus far obtainable are as follows: President La Follette. IS; Roosevelt. 30: Taft. It. Senator Bourne. 44: Lowell, IS: Morton. 3: Selling. 67. Secretary of State Fields. 2S; Ol cott. IS. Food Commissioner Cottel, 32; Ed wards. 7: Lea. 34: Mickle. 30. Railroad Commissioner Altchison. 57: Schuldcrman. 35: Stayton, t. No temocratic ballots counted. Ing Is heading for Senator, with Bourne second. The first 30 ballots counted In West Albany precinct Klve: Roosevelt IS. Taft 13, La Follette 6, Selling 14, Bourne 7, Lowell 3. Morton 3. Olcott 1, Fields 11. Lea 10, Mickle 8. Cottel 6, Edwards 3. Grant County Is Strong ror Selling. CANYON C1TT. Or., April 19. (Spe cial Snow fell in Grant County to day. Count and returns are slow, vote heavy, due to many local candidates. Canyon City gives La Follette S. Roose velt 35. Taft II. Bourne 9. Lowell 13, Selling 15. Cockran 11. Ellis 12, Rusk 11. Slnnott 5. Fields . Olcott n, Cot trell S. Edwards 6. Lea 4, Mickle 11, Atohison 13. Schulderman 3. Clark 11, Wilson 3. Coshow 3. Lane S, Pierce 2, Miller 6- clal.) Incomplete returns' from four city precincts here give the following: I .a Follette. 124; Roosevelt. 120; Taft, 124; Bourne, 60: Lowell, 64: Selling. 203; Cochran, 48; Kills. 48: Rusk, 74; Stnnott, 83; Fields, 14; Olcott, 168; Cottell, 92; Edwards, 18: Lee. 49; Mickle. 100:. Altchlson. 101; Schulder man, 81; Staton, 34. - Baker Casts Light Vote. BAKER. Or., April 19. (Special. 1 With lowering skies and lack of vital Interest here the vote will run about two-tliirds of the registration in the city aid less in the other parts of the count. Returns are coming slowly and will be late in securing. The light vote has put all the politicians at sea. Taft Is leading In Waco County. THE DALLES. Or, April 19. (Spe cial.) Complete returns from three out of 18 precincts In Wasco County outside of The Dalles: La Follette 15. Roose velt 32. Taft 68, Clark 4. Harmon 1. Wilson S. Bourne 1;. Lowell 15. Morton 1. Selling 83. Coshow E. Lane 2. Miller 1. Cochran 8. Ellis 27, Roosevelt 1. Rusk 4. Slnnott 7. Covey . Graham 2. Fields 73. ulcott 43. Cottel 31. Edwards 16. Lea 3C. Mickle 32. Altchison 67, Schulderman 25. Stayton 13. T. R. Banner Violates Law. SALEM, Or, April 20. (Special.) In response to a telegram received by Sec retary Olcott today from C. E. Roose velt, of Pendleton, Assistant Attorney General Van Winkle notified him tnat he believed the flying of a banner, put up on .election day, and carrying the words,. "Vote for Roosevelt," la in vio lation of the corrupt practices act. Field and Olcott Run Close. . LA GRANDE. Or, April 19. (Spe clal.) Seven Incomplete precincts in I nlon County glve- La Follette, 14$: Roosevelt. 140: Taft. 132; Bourne, 110; Ivowell. 117: Morton. 21; Selling. 234: Cochrane. 174: Ellis. 85: Roosevelt, 11 Rusk. 99; Slnnott. 66; Fields. 304: Ol cott, 204; Cottell, 111; Edwards. 70; Lea, t3: Mickle. 123: Altchison. 221; Schulderman. 75: Stayto-. 65: Clark, 174: Harmon. 14: Wilson. 145; Coshow. 29: Lane. 85: "Miller. 7: Pierce, 228. Democrats or Union Want Clark. LA GRANDE. Or.. April 19. Two in complete precincts In Wallowa are as follows: Clark 4t. Harmon 2. Wilson 16, Coshow IS. iJine 15. Pierce 30. Covey 16. Graham 2. I -a Follette 11. Roose velt 37. Taft 20. Bourne 17. Lom-ell 16. Selling 29. Cochrane 28. Ellis 27, Rusk S. Slnnott 4. Flagg 8. Kiddle 7. Sellins Keep Lead at Ilillsboro. H1LLSBORO. Or, April 19. (Spe claL) The votea for Hlllsboro and Fores'. Grove, representing four pre cincts as far counted, give Roosevelt 69. Taft 59. La Follette 39. Fields -3. Olcott 40. Mickle 126. Lea 19. For I nitel States Senator Selling 121. Bourne 33. RETrR-NS IX MARION" FOR, T. lU sellins I-eads Bourne S to 1 and Olcott Beats Fields. SALEM. Or, April 19. (Special.) Further partial returns at 9:40 tonight from over 11 preempts show a hx Jump for Roosevelt both in Saletn and outside of Mm. with Kooievr-lt now running nearly 2 to J. The Usurcs Taft Carries Morrow County. HEPPNER, Or, April 19. ( Special.) The vote here was the lightest ever east, apparently no interest. ' Out of total vote counted so far of (84 votes shows following result: La Follette 8, Roosevelt 1. Taft 49. Bourne 4. Lowell 35. S-l'Ing 33. Cochrane 20. Kills .3. Roosevelt 2. Rusk . Slnnot 21, Fields 46, Olcott 1- Taft Leads In Race at Hood River. HOOD RIVER, Or, April 19. In four precincts heard from Tall leans. , Roosevelt 4 and l" roiiena ... vei ling has 97. Bourne 11. Slnnott &. tills 3X Democratic ballots counted In but one precinct. Wilson 13. Harmon 1, Clark 9. Taft Has Margin In Gilliam. CONDON. Or, April 19. Complete re turns from two precincts In Gilliam County give Taft 23, Roosevelt 22. La Follette 10. Bourne 10. Lowell 7. Sel ling 27. Ellis 11. Slnnott 31. Fields 32. Olcott IS. Moro Polls Heavy Vole. MORO. Or, April 19. (Special.) Extreme cold. Icy wind all today. Re publicans at the county seat voted full registration and swore In others. Fann ers would vote and turn around for home. Not much argument. Election hoarc's slow in count. Hooscielt Has Margin at Albany. ALBANY. Or, April 19. (Special.) Not a single precinct In Linn County has yet reported complete returns. Scll- I niatilla Honors Stephen Lowell. PENDLETON, Or, April 19. (Spe claL) Taft leads In Ave Pendleton precincts. Lowell leading by big ma jority, with Selling second. Ellis leads, with Slnnott second. Fields and Olcott running close, Olcott slightly In lead. Mickle In lead. Altchlson slightly in lead, runninu close. Democrat Wilson and Tierce lead. Result Scattering In Tillamook. TILLAMOOK, Or.T April 19. (Spe claL) 'Early 'returns from scattering precincts in Tillamook County: Roose velt. 28; Taft, 25; La Follette. 21: Sell ing. 35; Bourne. 33; Lowell. 2: Haley. Mickle. 1; Cottel, : Edwards, C Campbell. 40. Selling Has Strong lad In Lane. EUGENE. Or., April 19. (Special.) Three precincts complete and six In complete, give I Follette, 47: Roose velt. 108: Taft. 73. Bourne. 48: Lowell, 39; Morton. 13; Selling. 121. Fields. 152; Olcott. 64. Polk Count Also Favors Selling. DALLAS. Or, April 19. (Special.) Incomplete returns are: Taft. 33; Roosevelt. 38: La Follette. 20: Selling. 68; Bourne. 16: Lowell. 9: Olcott, 44; Fielda. 38; Cottrell. 17; Edwards, 8; Lea. 28; Mickle, 31. - . Gilliam Wants Taft and Selling. CONDON. Or, April 19. Returns from four eoniple and two incom plete preclncta In Gilliam County give, Taft 113. Roosevelt 108. La Follette 39; Bourne 75. Lowell 43. Selling 160. Ellis 87, Slnnott 120: Fields 13S, Olcott 76. Roosevelt Leads in Coos. MARSH FIELD. Or, April 19. (Spe- caL) Only Coos County returns avail able: La Follette. 19; Roosevelt, 29; Taft. 19; Bourne. 22: Lowell, 6: Morton. 4: Selling. 20: Hawley. 42; Fields, 23; Olcott, 25. Selling Leads, Four to One. M'MINNVILLE. Or, Arril ! 'Spe cial.) The result so far aa counted is: Taft. 24: Roosevelt. 35; La Follette. 18; Selling. 75; Bourne, 14; Lowell. 3; Olcott. 29: Fields. 23. Boume Far In Rea- at Springfield. SPRINGFIELD. Or, April 19. (Spe cial.) Incomplete returns in this city give La Follette 30. Roosevelt 21, Taft 30. Bourne S, Selling 69. Enterprise Is Strong ror Selling. ENTERPRISE. Or, April 19. (Spe claL) With only a small part oi me vote counted. Roosevelt nas n. ua roi lette 11, Taft 20. Bourne 17. Selling 29. Woodburn Goes ror Selling. TVOODBURN. April. 19. (Special.) Early returns give La roiiette Roosevtlt 34. Taft 22, Bourne 21, Sell. Ing 42. Fields 42. Olcott 87. Selling I Winning In Cnion. LA GRANDE. Or, April (Spe- La Follette Leads In Clackamas. ' OREGON CITT, April 19. (SpeciaL) partial returns from four precincts: Taft 18. Roosevelt 30, La Follette 32. Bourn 24. Selling 22, Lowell 14. Mor ton 7. Fields 25, Olcott 41, Cottell 23, Edwards 7, Lea 7, Mickle 23. Taft and T. R. Close In Malheur. BAKER, Or., April 19. Ontario wires Malheur County vote is small and com. ing slowly. Those in are: Taft 38, Roosevelt 42. La Follette 8. Bourne 8. Lowell 6, Morton 1. Selling 33. Coch rane 12. Ellis 20. Rusk 12. Slnnott 6. Block Between Alder and Washing ton Streets Packed Solidly Many Interests represented Crowd Stays Until Midnight, Sixth street, between Alder and Washington, for several weeks past the center of the maelstrom of political activity, where "spellbinders" for can didates of all parties had heTd forth nightly, was the gathering place of be tween 6000 and 7000 people last night, while the bulletins flashed from the Oregonlan building told tho rpsults of the: primary campaigners' activities. Early In the evening the crowds be gsn to assemble, and by 8 o'clock, when the first scattering and Incomplete re turns began to come in. the throng filled half the street between the Sell ing and Oregonlan buildings and stretched down Sixth street a far as there could be found a place from which one might view the bulletins. Men predominated in the gathering. It .was a widely representative crowd ana so widely divided were the sentiments of the various factions that only at rare intervals would the bulletins bring forth more than scattering demonstra tions of applause. Political prophets were legion. watching the returns and revising their dope sheets as flash after flash sent their hopes soaring or gave them a temporary drop. The I-told-you-so" Individual could be heard at any place. invariably fitting his remark to what ever phase the contest appeared to assume. Before 9 o'clock Sixth street was solidly blocked and automobiles honked in vain for a pathway through the mass of humanity. Between 10 and 11 the theater crowds began to pour in and long before the count was complete in any precinct standing room wherever there was a chance to get a glimpse of the bulletin board was taken and those who wished to get from one place to another had to shoulder their way to the outskirts of the throng and go around the block. T. R. GETS LEAD IX CVRRV Bourne Will "Tarry County by 100. Olcott Beats Field. MARSH FIELD. Or., April 19. It is estimated that Curry County will give Roosevelt a majority of 65. Bourne, for State Senator, will prob ably have a majority of 100 over Sell ing. Only figures from Curry County available give La Folletto 16. Roose velt 21, Taft 7. Bourne 30, Lowell 5. Selling 7. Olcott 32. Fields 9. Indications are that I. S. Smith will carry Curry County over F. K. Gettlns for State Senator from the Eighth Sen atorial district. S. P. Pierce is prob ably nominated for Joint representa tive from Coos and Curry counties. Cnion Maintains Early Leads. LA. GRANDE, Or., April 19. (Spe cial.) One-third of "the ballots in Union County gave the -following re sults: La Follette 118, Roosevelt loO, Taft 118, Bourne 87, Lowell 90, Selling 173. T. R. Gets Good Start at Klamath. KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. April 19. (Special.) Bonanza Precinct and a start on two city precincts give La Fol lette 20, Roosevelt 42, Taft 29. Bourne 22, Lowell 12, Morton 3, Selling 67. Lowell Complimented at Home. PENDLETON. Or., April 'l9. (Spe- I' . ABSOIUIEILY PUKE Q The only Baking Powder II mL made from yM fj Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Ew Saves Buffer, Flour, S3 Eggs, and makes w S borne baking easy W fc3 No Alum No Lima Phosphate fe? cial.) Further returns tonight give Roosevelt 94. Taft 54, La Follette 34, Lowell 108. Morton 1, Selling 48. SELLIXG TAKES MARION' BY 400 Bourne Strong in Rural Districts. Roosevelt Wins by 500. SALEM, Or, April 19. At 11 o'clock tonight with only partial returns from the city precincts and partial returns from a few country precincts, it is In dicated that Roosevelt will carry Mar lon County by possibly 600 votes and that Selling will defeat Bourne in. this county by from 300 to 400 votes. On the face of early returns indica tions would point to larger pluralities but meager returns from country pre cincts Indicate that Taft is gradually drawing upon Roosevelt and that Bourne Is running strong outside of Salem. Present- returns would give Sellina: for the county at least 1000 plurality, but this is being cut down with each new report. Some of the larger towns have not been heard from. Olcott will probably carry Marion County by 250 or 300 on the face of present returns. Partial returns so far in are as fol lows: Taft 210. Roosevelt 260. La Fol lette 130: Selling 305, Bourne 162, Low ell 70, Morton 82; Fields 212, Olcott 301; Cottell 112, Edwards 119. Lea 165; Mickle 132; District Attorney, third judicial district, Hill 235. Winslow 315. Senator eighth district F. K. Get tins. 44; I. S. Smith. 69. Representative, sixth district A. J. March. 21; S. P. Pierce. 63. Demo cratic Clark, 7; Wilson, 11. Wallowa Goes for T. K. and Selling. LA GRANDE, Or., April 19. (Spe cial.) Reports from Wallowa Cwunty Indicate that Roosevelt and Selling car ried tho county. SELLING WILL C.VRRY COOS Roosevelt's Plurality Will Be 500. Wilson Leading for Democrats. MASHFIELD, Or.. April 19. (Spe cial.) Scant returns indicate that 1 Roosevelt will have a plurality of 600 In Coos County. Selling will likely carry the county. Wilson appears to lead for President on the Democratic ticket. Only actual figures so far are as follows: La Follette, 38; Roose velt, 82: Taft. 27: Bourne, 44; Lowell, 15: Morton, 5; Selling 44; Hawley, 88; Fields, 48; Olcott. 50: Cottel. 22: Ed wards. 6; Lea, 14; Mickle, 53; Camp bell. 85. District Attorney George W. Brown, 50: C. S. Jackson, 55. A Sermon by Telegraph. Popular Magazine On one occasion Archbishep Ireland was scheduled to preach a sermon in Philadelphia. The correspondent of a Baltimore newspaper called on him in the afternoon and explained that he would like to have an outline of the sermon so that he might mail it to his paper instead of telegraphing it as he would have to do if he waited until the sermon had been delivered. "That would be Impossible" declared the archbishop. "Well it will be a great hardship to me and an unnecessary expense for my paper In disseminating what you have to say," argued the reporter. The eminent divine looked very thoughtful for a few momenta, and then reached his decision. "Very well," he agreed. T will give you some jdea of what I am going to say." Thereupon he closed the door and preached the reporter a sermon lastins one hour and a quarter. Then the reporter, judging the value of the talk from a news standpoint, went to his office and wrote It all down in 150 words. La Follette Decides to Rest. SAN FRANCISCO, April 19. Senator La Follette will arrive here tomorrow from Oregon, having decided to test a few days here Instead of, as was an nounced, at Shasta Springs, before be ginning his California campaign for the Presidential nomination. . ;iock Made of Straw. " - London Tit-Bits. A cobbler of Strassburg, Germany, has recently finished a clock made en tirely of straws. Even the works are made of straw. It has taken him near ly 15 years to complete this odd clock. Though the last dm & failed,! 5c? ves. WHY g But why risk r y mr v r Why risk the little life entrusted to you in the hands of a faulty commercialized medical system ? Why defile the struggling babe with useless doses of nauseous and dangerously re-acting drugs why try to kill one poison with another? Why throw your little one to the mercy of strong drugs, which though intended to fan the dying spark of life into its vigorous glow of health, more often exhaust the little life that remains harshly fanning the life-spark into a flame that just as quickly flickers down again and often, yes, too often, finally dies out into the cold grey ash of death? Why futily place your hope in such a system when OXYPATHY is at your command ? Get Our FREE Book of Inside Facts About the Drug System It alto contains interesting facts about OXYPATHY. You will find in it the way to complete freedom from sickness; liberation from drug and doctor bills. You will find in it the way to safeguard the health of the whole family from the babe in its mother's arms to the old folks at home. You will leirn about this great science of OXYPATHY a real angel of good health to the growing child which eliminates danger aa suffering from diseases of children, eases the coueh or cold or auic conquers croup. Tear yurstlf frtm tht drug Mobil ftrget tradition think far fturstlf Uvt tn tht prritnt Ita-ve tht tuna trail tht Civt OX YPA THT a thanct. That't all it aki I Ta know the vala of OxrKea yos knew sow it ! Bte4 even hr tbe tfoctsn wkcB Im failt. Get ar book n4 leara sow toiScieat Osrgea is tko tody will orercon the iksm tccati that iateii tae blow Usta low k aniMi iki suCcicncr ol Oxrgca vkick krloif real, r4-bloo4 health. loat aar "mbo voar book" aaJ la the Best Bail too will receiT tcrrarr-rwo oaaea f startling Intioe Information on the drag erll, bealth'hono to the aiek aae healtb- aaioxaacB to too wall, n ma for U mom, Aaatmmm Mr iocal off tern THE PACIFIC COAST OXYPATHOR CO., 719-721 Spalding Bldg. Portland, Oregon. Honrs: 8 to 5 Monday and Saturday Evenings to 9. THE OXYPATHOR COMPANY Conors! OfBto asjd Amoric Factory Branch in All Parti oC Am Burr ALU, N. Y. and tho World Llfrmtur mmd Ctmrfmmdtmtt im Saeafrh, farroraafa, Fmck, Gcnaoo md Itmlism .MM ' i&mwvh . iaV f Mtmuimww w.i'w.jffl wmu f l r