THE MORMSO 0KECS05TIAN. SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1912. BEAVERS FINALLY ST Portland Wins From Seals With Gilligan Pitching, Score 7 to 4. ? LADIES' DAY ACTS AS TONIC Ciame Keplote With intllne nd Mipla an Francisco Ve Three Pitchers Tolnjr to Mop Ruh of Runs. Pacific f aat Lemco. ttaadln. w. i. r t .w. I- Pet. Oakland.. M S .:c-ir,nt . V.-non ...I .Tln Fran.. Lo. AnTs. .USlortlsnd It -' Tnlmbfn Remits. t r.rtland Portland 7. Kan rranclaeo 4. At fan Kranciaco Oakland S. ls An Sls 1. At Las Anla Sacramento I, erno a. Br noscou fawcett. V. ". McCredle would do well to have a ladiea' day six time a week. for. atfter losing- aeven strals-ht im". the Beavers came back yesterday the flr.t ladiea" matinee of the season lambasted "Bed Toner-for 13 hlta In all Innings, and avon all tho way In an old-time slutcs-lns; feat. 7 to 4. Al'lkle finished for tan Francisco. Jack Gtlllfcan. who look ao much like Hrldearoom-.Manager McCredle that the ;lrla waate not a amile In hla direc tion, was In the conning tower for Portland, and while he waa punched hard and often 11 hlta he kept the blnslea scattered around like holes In fcsvlsa cheeae. Toner, on the other hand, mis bumped consistently from the mart, but he ran lay all hla trouble to a bunt by Lindsay In the fourth frame, over which he performed a contortion known a "hlttlna- the banana peel." and allowed the haa-e to cloa- up. Pan llowley thn unraveled the second of hla- three hlta. this one being a two-baaser Into right field, and Rapps and Lindsay scored. Uowley following; a moment later on a neatly executed double steal with flote;ers. Beaver Hit raalatealy. Te Heavers evidently were out to make up for lost time In hitting-, for they continued the fuflllade until In the sixth Inning-, with the bases again crammed on hits by Gilllgan. Chad ' bourne and Itodgers. Manager Long hung up the "Ice-Wanted" nlgn from the' bench and Noyes ambled out. Noyes did well, for bis total was- a sacrifice fly by Doane. which tallied one. Ho gave way in the next Inning to Mrlkle. who had warmed up In the meantime. Melkle came through with two hits and one run In the final two frames, llowley again causing the damage by singling In the eiglflh. going to second on MrArdles Juggling of Gllllgan's rounder, to third when Johnson tried a trick plav on him at second, only to muff the throw, and scoring on Kodg ers' beautiful suecse. Mlaplaya Are Kreqaeat. All sorts of baseball waa scrambled Into the cljiht and one-half Innings yesterday. There mas plenty of hit ting, several sensational plays Indulged In by Pancroft. Chadbourne and Rodjt era. and. sad to relate, quite an assort ment of the concrete-bclf rled atuff that fails to hypnotise the boy at the knot hole. And then there were Just plain errors, which, after all, are the things which rsuse the major league ground hots to pull back In their holes. Hill Ijndsay overlooked one bet by banging two barrels In the second In ning and failing to touch first. John son was caught off first In the fourth Inning after singling, and probably cheated the visitors out of a tally. Wal ter Doane tried to go from first 4 third on pop foul caught by First Haseman Jackson, who doubled him out before he knew what was going on. These were onlv a few of the somber detaila which added nourishment to the performance, hot aa I'ortland won amidst a deluge of base hits, every body filed dlnnerwards In a happy, aftrr-electlon mood. rttaa4 Unrra first. Portland scored first In the opening Inning on hits by Doane and Krueger. but tne tieals tied the score In the next stama on a double by Hartley and a alngle by rhan through GlUlgan. This Hartley po ire fellow, by the way Is some club-swtnger. He came Westward with a pedigree of .30. lambasting through a stretch of some 18 or II years, and Just when Frisco fans were ready to fall upon his neck In a regular -Alysterlous Mitchell" fashion opening meek. - Hartley fluctuated. Fluctuated Is a little longer than the right defini tion of what he dIJ. but. anyway, he bit about .9. Yesterday the big fel low poked out a double and three sin gles In four trips to the plate, so Is ap parently of the purple clique after all. The one-to-one score remained until the calamitous fourth, when Toner did his squatting turn and allowed four hits and three runs. After that there was no heading the voracious Heayers. and ;ii:igan took things mighty easy. The s-ore: San F-airraro I Portland ADM 1'n.A.E ! A.r- Pnwell.rf "h'd'ne.lf e R.1s'.'."f I 3 : s : o 3 I I Vi o o a o 0 John n rf 4 Harfv.lf I Jsrsn.l V Af 3 I I 1 9 i ; 5 - I nmr.rt . 0 ' Kr'ser.rf 0 Kpps. I h. I I. in 1 v.:lH 3 Oitaaft.. 1 1 Mnlrv.r. 4 "oiilissn.p o o J " ' O n' O, 1 0 lint -rrh'fi.:lb 4 -K h'ldt.c 4 I p. - O 3 1 3 & n 3 4 1 1 o Nit. p. a o O JM.iki.IV O X. lor I Gideon f. 1 O 1 ToisSs ;T;i:4t 4, Total. 3J II 27 13 1 v,-lv-r battrrl for Moves In 7th. l.lll for !: la t. tfCOKK BY INNINGS, flan Francisco ft 1 0 0 1 0 n 2 4 H:t. S 1 1 1 3 3 11 Portland 1 03 1 1 0 1 t II. . "1 141311 14 ttl'MMAKY. Itutis slh:r. Hartlev. Mr-Arris. Cnrhsn. Tvoane. Krurfrr 2. KapD llasrlry 2. Ollll n struck "ut By tii lltan. 4: Toner. I; M 1. Heii on hall. Of Tortr. I: liilhfan. J. Two-bMr bum. Hartley. liaw!v. fi.-hmidi. Jhnon. . Oouble plnya Jrkt.ia t., T"ner: lln-r.'t to ltolXfrs to kpia; Ro.fc-ra te Tancrot to Happs: Jhntn to .mi-r to M.-Ard a. ea'lfl-e hits Ja-k-eon. Panrroft, l.lrtav. Kooser. Doane. f,.I.n baa nnn. l orhio, Rodsr. Chu!. e.Mjrne. Hawlev. Krn.-ccr. till bv pitched ha. I Ratw tor Mlhle. v tlt ptlrn Toner jnnlnc puthert Hy Toner, ft 1-3: bv Nove.. too-lhlrd. Sv M Alkie, i Mm Htt T-'tfr. 1J. off M-ik'-. 2. Time of same 1 o. VnipLrrs UUd-brarvd and Caaey. Notr- of the Gante. f-.asla Purch. the Teaaa younsater who mmm dreftcd by stct'rMlla two years aao. drtfteU In yeaterd.y froa Houston and wilt a-t aa third catcher for the Beavers. He la a rather tall and angu'ar Jad and baia left- hanOvd. - Iloth eluts necotiated a couple of dotihle pljvs that mm thrillers. For Portland Bjn rroft and Rosers worked la the mid section Ilka rhala llabtnlng. Oit'On. tlia sen.atlonal Sacramento yonth who Is with the ea.s as utility man. de livered f'-,T In the pin. h In the ninth In nuis. wii'O the S-als lwkl like a rail. Hi. ain!i to cenlvr Iton-il att.Vrd it: and Cerh .a. "CUUbourne and Kracjcr are piaytng BREAK REAK wonderful ball for me and Doane begins to look like a atar." commented Manager !c-Cl-dto yealerday. Thomaa, the pitcher left behind by Nick Wlliiami. dtri not show up on the bench yesterday and Inquiry d.velopd that he had bcn cai:ed north upon Hlrsth's ra lcwaa. Fortlaad today has one club on top snd one tn the cellar. "V. have been playing In poor form, bnt I think Portland has a 'better team to1ay than on yar ago." aajra Captain Bill .who predict, that the Hea vera will b la the first division Inside of two weeks. Oark H-n'ey will llkr-U- be saved by Long ssr Sunday's game, wlih Ben Henderson bark after him for revenue. luftery was out of tho game with a strained ligament and Johnson, who held down center Held for tho haale. had a ver aatlie day. Johnson secured three .hits snd t-o errors. Powell. In rlsht for Mtlvor. did not connect safely In five trips.' SENATORS FALL OX HOOLIGANS Swain's Homer Ties Score in Fifth; Game I Won in Eighth. L03 ANGELES. April 19. A triple by hinn and a home run by Swain In the fifth enabled Sacramento to tie a two-run lead acquired early by Vernon. The game was clinched with singles in the eighth and ninth. Score: Vernon ....3 6 l.Sacramento S 11 3 Batteries Brackenrldge and Brown, Agnew; Baum and Cheek, Hart. OAKS RESUME WINNING HABIT Outhit and Outplayed, Commuters Beat Angels, 3 to 1. SAN FRANCISCO, April 19. Oakland resumed Its winning habit and defeated Los Angeles. 2 to 1. today. The visitors made 11 hits to on the part of Oak land, but could not convert any of them Into runs. Score: L. Ang-eles 1 11 2 Oakland . ..2 6 0 Batteries Leverens and Smith. Boles; Christian and Mine. COLTS SHOW PROMISE rREMDENT OF NORTHWESTERN .YS rOR-JLANI IS STRONG. Protot at Seattle Not to Col Will lams Boys Game, He Declares. I'rnnant Race Will Be Clone. ' Klelder A. oncs. president of the Northwestern' Baseball League, re turned yesterday from the north, where he witnessed the first two games of the season. He saw the Portland Colts wallop the Seattle Giants In the opener, and says that the Nicks are sure to be contenders for the Northwestern flag. Jones reports that all indications In Seattle and Vancouver, the towns vis ited, frCTnt ta the most successful sea son In history. The opening turnout was splendid at Seattle, and. while bad weather ruled at Vancouver the fol lowing da, the fans refused to stay at home. "You can tell from the way tha games have gone thus far that the Northwestern race is to be no runaway affair." says President Jones. "Last season Spokane beat Victoria seven straight games In the first clash, while this season the Victorians already have the edge on Spokane. Seattle has a number of promising youngsters, but If thev don't make good Dugdale is not tha kind of a man to stand pat. Vic toria bas uncovered two new pitchers whose work has been surprisingly sat isfactory, while I'ortland has a team the town will be proud off." Jones saw the Monday play at Seat tle on which a protest of the game was based, lie has not made a ruling in the matter, but from his talk it is probable that i'ortland Is to lose no game on the alleged mistake of Umpire Moran. A special ground rule waa made allowing two bases when a batted ball went Into the crowd. A batted ball hit the fence in back of the crowd and the runner was caught at second. Umpire Moran calling him out and holding that the play did not come within the crowd ground rule. Jones argues that in the absence of an understanding; on a spe cial rule, the matter waa entirely in the hands of the arbitrator. President Jones took in the Coaster set-to yesterday, bla first peep at the Heavers Impressing him with their ability. He figures that Portland has a good Coast team, which will soon be In Its stride. lie is not so favorably Impressed with the Seals, saying that be could not see championship material In the squad which played bad ball yes terday. WASHINGTON HIGH IS VICTOR Jefferson I'nahle to Hit Ball Score I 1 to 5. Inability of Jefferson High School to bit the balk, gave Washington High School a T-to-5 victory oo Multnomah Field yesterday. Jefferson started the scoring, making two runs In the first, but Washington overtook and passed the leaders In the fourth Innnlg. when Whltten and Toeves each brought In a run. One of the features of the game was the pitching of Powers' the one-armed southpaw. Jefferson made only three hits while Washington slammed out nine. The line-up: Waahinrton High. Jefferson High. Beeket. I'owcrs. Haker p Anderson Nelson ............. c . I'ulvln Manary lb............ Campion s-hnil ,. -h Brady Grebe ...Ab Heelr Whlttaa a Wnirer Tlllford if-.... Robertson Treves cf .............. . Irvine MI'ler rf Llnd L uiplrs d Kankln. STANFORD DOWNS WASHINGTON Seattle Collegians Make Itally at I'jid bat Fall to Score Enough. STANFORD UNIVERSITY. Cel.. April I. Stanford took the second game of the aeries from the University of Washington today by to 4. Right Klelder Bee;er got four hits out of four times up. The visitors scored three runs In the eighth Inning and almost tied the score, but Stanford Immedi ately obtained a commanding lead. Washington's star today was Second Baseman Arney. Score: K. II. E. R. H. E. Stanford ..a . 3 Washington 4 6 3 ' Batteries Knderle and Scofield; Boatman and Kerry. Western League Ilcult.. At Ienver Denver. 6: Uncoln. Z. At Topcka Wichita, 4; Topeks, 1 At St. Joseph St. Joseph. ; Moines. 4. At Omaha Omaha. : Sioux City Dea S. American Association Results. At Columbus Columbus, i: St. Paul. X. At Toledo Toledo, S: Minneapolis, S. At Louisville Louisville, Milwau kee. At Indianapolis Indianapolis, 7; Kansas City. 1. The Dalles Defeats, Hood River. THE DALLES. Or, April 19. (Spe cial.) The Dalles High School baseball tem defeated Hoed Illver here this afternoon In a contest which went 10 innlnva, final score being 3 to 2. SKITTISH COLTS ARE LEADING LEAGUE Strait's Drive Clinches Game for Portland Against Seattle Giants. PITCHERS WILD AS HARES Clas R Men Score Without Hits. Result to 3 Coltrln's Great One-Hand Catch Nips Hopes of North-westerns In Eighth. orth western League Standings. W. L. Pet. W. L.. Pet. Portland -.1 I .750 Tacoma . . . J S -SOI Victoria ..1 1 .7pokano 2 .333 Vancouver .3 3 .00!Seaule ...vl .:o0 Yesterday's Results. At festtle Portland . Seattle 3. At Vancouver Tacoma 10. Vancouver o. . At 6pokane Spokane-Victoria, rain. SEATTLE. WashT April 19. (Spe cial.) Strait's terrific drive to the cen ter field fence In the eighth Inning with the score a tie at 3 all and the bases full gave Portland a victory today in the best played game of the season. The f.nal score was 6 to 3. Thomas started to pitch for Portland but was taken out after he had filled bases In the first Inning with one out. Bloomfield replaced him and held Seat tle to one run In that period. Thl tied the score, as Portland had made one In the first half on two pas ses. Spea's steal, a bad throw by De vogt and a high throw to the plate. Bvrrea teams) fttrong at Start. Fro-T. the first Inning to tha seventh Barrenkamp held Portland to no runs, and two hits, a clean double by Kibble and a doubtful single by Bloomfield. In the meantime Seattle had annexed two one in the third on Weed's drive, which went through Speaa. and the other on Weed's double, a sacrifice and Raymond's single. Portland tied the score In the seventh when Barrenkamp made a bad throw to first ou Mensors easy grounder. He walked the next two, filling the bases. Strait struck out. Speaa scored on Williams' Infield hit. Harris" grounder retired Mathes at th plate and Kibble fanned. In the eighth with one gone, Barren kamp walked Bloomfield and Mensor. The umpiring was doybtful. Fullerton then went in. Speas hit a sharp grounder but Fullerton fielded It per fectly, retiring Bloomtleld at third, making two out and leaving two on. The umpire said Mathes was entitled to a pass. This filled the bases. Strait hit for two sacks and two runs came over, winning the game. Portland got another in tha ninth on two passes and Mensors drive over third. t'oltrla's Mop effective. A sensational one-hand stop by Col trln back dT second In the eighth pre vented Seattle from scoring. Bloom field wiped the Giants off the map In the ninth. The terics stands 3 to 1 in favor of Portland. The score: ' Seattle Portland Ab.H.Po.A.rc.' Mann.ef. .1 O Mennr.Sb 1 3 tillne'o.rf 4 3 rulln..1b. 3 Weed. lb. 4 rhii-k.'jb.. 1 frul'kk 1 M'M'n.Sb O ftny' 4 Devogt.c. 2 Barmp.p 3 Full on. p 1 n Speas. rf. . 4 0 Mat hen. rf 3 OS'ralt.lf.. 3 0 Wll' O 3 0 1 1 1 Oil 0 4 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 o -1 0 1 1 Hsrrls.c. O 0 O O Kibble. 3b. 0 0 0 t' 2 4 4 0 1 hoinas.p 0 6 11 Bio m'd.p 0 12 1 0 0 10. totals 31 T27 1S 31 Totals. 33 4 27 1 3 Batted for Chick In eighth. SCORE BT INNINGS. , Seattle 10100 10O 0 3 Portland . I 0 0 0 O 3 3 3 0 Ft'MMARY. Runs Pttdello.Veed 2, Mensor i. Speas 2. Kibble. Two-base hits Weed. Ptralt. Klb bl . Sacrifice hit Chick. Three runs 2 hUs off Barrenksmp In 7 I-H Innlnss: 3 runs 2 hits otf Fullerton In 1 2-3 Innings: no run no hit off Thomaa In l-:t Innlna: 3 runs 7 hits off Bloomfield In 8 2-S inninsa. Stolen bases M-nor. Speas. Strurk ut Barren kamp 4. Fullerton 1. Bloomtleld 2. Hsk-i on balie Hai renkamp 0. Fullerton 3. Thomas 3. Bloomfield 4. Hit by pIK-hed ball Hloom fleld. by Barrenkamp. Passed ball Uevost 2. Doubla plava Coltrln to Mensor to Will lams; MaChea to Williams. Umpire Moran. TACOMA BLANKS VANCOUVER Scaton Hammered Out of Box by Tigers Score 10 to 0. VANCOUVER. B. C. April 19. Ta coma outplayed Vancouver today and won 10 to 0.' O. Crlger pitched gilt edged ball, holding the locals to three singles and never was In trouble. Seaton was wild and was hit freely. He was replaced by Belford in tho seventh. Score: R. H. E l R. H. E. Vancouver 0 3 1 Tacoma.. 10 10 2 Batteries Seaton, Belford and Lewis, Sepulvada; Crlger and Crittenden. Um pire Van Haltren. Teams to Play Titanic Benefit. NEW YORK. April 1. President John T. Brush, of the New York Na tional League Club, announced today that his team would play an exhibition gam with the New York Americana next Sunday afternoon at the Polo Urounds for the benefit of the destitute survivors of the Titanic. AMERICAN" LEAGUE. w. u ret. Boston 4 1 .00 Cleelard 3 .7 Philadelphia 3 t .AO Washington 3 3 .0 Chl,ao 4 3 .571 Detroit .3 3 .600 fit. Louis 3 n .: New York ... i .SOO Washington 6, Philadelphia 0. WASHINGTON. April 1. Walter Johnson was in exceptionally brilliant form and Washington had an easy time today defeating Philadelphia. Score: R. H.E.I It H. E. Philadrl ...0 J SjWash'ngton 10 1 Batteries Brown and Egan; Johnson and Alnsmlth. NATIONAL LEAGUE. W. U Pet. Cincinnati 4 1 -804 St. Ixula 4 3 .7 Philadelphia 4 3 .647 New York 4 3 .671 Boston 3 4 .: Brooklyn 3 4 .S3 Pittsburg 3 4 .333 Chicago 1 4 .204 New York 6, Brooklyn 2. NEW YORK, April 19. The New York Nationals opened their season at home by defeating the Brooklyn In a hard hitting srame. The locals knocked Kucker out of the box. Mathewson was bit by aa aupsobile before the. fcHio4 on natural lines without being conspicuous That's spirit and letter of the the Smart Clothes for $20 to $35 !!!! The fabrics this season are unusually attractive English, Scotch and Irish Mixtures and domestic worsteds with grays, browns and blues in popular favor. i u "Wlie you get the" best." WE SPECIALIZE and. although he yielded 13 hits, he pitched a steady game. Score: R. H. E. R. H. E. Brooklyn ..2 IS 3New York.. 6 11 1 Batteries Rucker, Schardt and Er win: Mathewson and Myers. Philadelphia 8, Boston 2. PHILADELPHIA, April ' 19. Phila delphia defeated Boston In tho opening; game of the National season here. Score: R. H. E. R. H. E. Boston . . ..2 10 4;Philadel ...9 11 3 Batteries Donnelly, Dickson and Klingr: Alexander and Graham. Um pires Klem and Bush. BAUM BOOSTS BASEBALL Pit ESI DENT OF PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE OPTIMISTIC. "Gamo Occupies Place by Itself" He Says So Danger of Fans Becoming Tired of It. Allan T. Baum. president of the Pa cific Coast League, departed for San Franclaco Thursday night after wit nessing the 1912 inauguration of base ball in Portland. President Baum doesn't expect to return on his second swing around the circuit until next Fall, unless called here earlier by im portant business. "Baseball is arrowing and expanding with every passing year," declared the popular executive-newspaper man. 'Never lias a season been ushered in with more favorable conditions. You know, receipts from the opening day's game are pooled, so I have an absolute line on the comparisons and attendance on April 2. which practically doubled the figures of a year ago. , "The game occupies a place by itself In tho world of sports, and it is doubt ful if it will ever be Jolted from its lofty height. It is truly the frreat Na tional frame. Every indication points to this season being the best in the history of the same all over the coun try. The clubs In the Coast League are evenly matched In caliber and the fact that last year's leader is now in the second division shows that the for mer weak clubs will be fighting for the pennant all the time." President Baum was the guest of the Portland sporting writers at a luncheon yesterday at the Oregon Grill, and as the day was the sixth anniversary of tho San Francisco earthquake, Baum regaled the party with stories and hu morous anecdotes of the cataclysm. The baseball chief, then a newspaper man, was in the thick of the rescue work and waa one .of those responsible for the publication of a combination paper by the three San Francisco morning papers. Those present at the luncheon were: President A. T. Baum. President F. M. Ish. of tho San Francisco club; Robert Cronln, James Richardson, Lou Ken nedy, James Caseell and Roscoe.Faw cctt. a a Buddy Ryan apparently Is doing very well with the willow for the Cleveland Naps, despite his mediocre showing the opening day. when the opposing; pitcher passed Lajoie twice to get at Ryan. Buddy didn't connect safely at all that day, but has had one or two hits every day since. Last Saturday, h annexed two hits, but should have had four. De troit, with Burns In the box. won 12 to 4. Ivan Olson startled everybody by whacking out five hits in five times up. Concerning "Ryan, the Cleveland Leader says: "Just mere example of the pleasant features. Buddy Ryan hit the ball with terrific power. In the first Inning Can't Beat It because yon can't equal it The bottles bear the triangular label. "Tho Finest Boer Evof Browod" ROTHSCHILD BROS. Dimtribatorm 2022-24-26 N. First St- PortUnLO. ftothrhlld Bros.. IMstrlhntors. Main 1SJ, A 4KB I'ortland. Or. S i i i if ifPh' You Handsome Comfortable Clothes for Men sf Taste tein-Bloch On Near Fifth. SHIRTS when the bases were choked. Buddy sent a liner to left field that had all the earmarks of a double. Sam Craw ford made a sterling catch. Later Buddy made two line singles. Clever fielding by Gainer deprived him of an other single In the seventh." Vltt is still leading off for Detroit and playing in left field. According to the Leader, Gregg has a slight cold in his arm and will not be used until warmer weather sets in. His brother Dave, in Portland. - has heard nothing from Vean since he went East. Arthur Bues. last season third base man on the Seattle club, has been sent by New York to tha Buffalo club, of the International League, for further seasoning, but McGraw retains a string on him. Boston refused to waive on Bues and two other recruits and Ar thur Devlin was then forked over to Boston as appeasement. Bues led the Northwestern League batsman last season and the Giants did well to keep him within reach. MCLTXO.MAII DEFEATS O. A. C. Collegians Fail lo Solve Keek's De livery Score 6 to 4. CORVALL1S. Or., April 19. (Spe cial.) The ex-collegian pill pounders of the Multnomah Club this afternoon treated the O. A. C. baseball club team to their first defeat of the season In a 6 to 4 game. Cold weather was re sponsible for several ragged plays, which uffected the score more than they marred the game. Keck, the former O. A. C. star, was in the box for the Portland players and let. his former teammates down with Ave hits and six strikeouts. Captain Rlehen wad effective and kept the hits scattered. Dowarte's home run hit over the. left-field fence was the fea ture of the game. R. H. E l R. H. E. O. A. C. ... 4 5 ajMultnomah 686 Batteries Rieben and Phillips: Keck and Shcares. IXDIAX BALL TEAM TO TOtTt Chemawa Braves to Make Debut in Portland Xext Week. The "Chinook Indians" Is the name of a baseball team composed largely of Chemawa braves which will attempt a tour of the United States. A. Miller has organized the team with Tebeau, PTITmj!jp?PJTIl!Iil IN FINE MADE - TO - OBDB TPRY the Londres shape Owl, if you want a - big, mild, fragrant, blunt-end, free-burning cigar. Remember the price after you've smoked. All dealers sell I I 'I t,:'! '3. 1 iitimimiMMtftti f. 'lifMiimvnw v.i ; ;t. .--s&C5s.7ju( j 1 1: .i . il Made in I two styles PAD 1 1 1 . r nil as mown nere, i ;. ill Terr popular t I toJ.v and I 1 CORD il 1 8 mm 'li, , l I Mr.- hi , Lr The standard ( jU W garter tor I I thirty years I Holds your sock as smooth as your skin Sold Everywhere Sample pair by mail on receipt of pries GEORGE FROST CO Makers, BOSTON Also makers of the famous fu5sc4' Hose Supporters for women and children an old Chemawa football and baseball star, as captain. The Indians will make their Portland debut a week from Sat urday against the Multnomah Club nine. Miller has his Indians at Willamina, where they are rounding into form. He is confident that he will experience no difficulty in routing the nine for a trip to the Atlantic Coast. COLLEGIAXS TO PLAY TODAY Winged "M" Has Strong Team to Meet Willamette Invaders. The college baseball season will open in Portland this afternoon, when the Willamette University nine meets the Multnomah Club squad on Multnomah Field at 3:30 o'clock. Manager Norris. of the Winprcd "M" squad, is confident of "slipping one over" on the invading collegians, as his lineup will bo the strongest of the early season. He announces tho following men for the frame: Shearer, catcher; DeNeffe, pitcher: .Nelson, first base; Hathaway (captain). second base: Campbell, shortstop:- Myers, third base; Welch, left field; Clarke, center field; Williams, right field. DeNeffe is bet ter this year than ever before. Nel son is a former Seattle Athletic Club star, while Campbell is rated tho best man on the team. Americus Throws Boiler. BALTIMORE. April 19. '"Americus" Gus Schoenlein, of this city, champion light heavyweight wrestler, last night defeated Dr. Roller, of Seattle. In two Owl Londres. -V-K-Sl ill ' J. . j- Buy by name Insist on your choice either PAD Boston Carter or CORD Boston Carter Silk 50c Lisle 25c fS'i' if straight falls. The first fall was gained in 40 minutes and UO seconds, and the second in 15 minutes 10 seconds. Frank Gotch had agreed to meet the winner of the match, according to the manager of Amfrictis. WhenaMcKibbip hal you're wearing Words of praise you're always hearing 1 M. A. GUNST 4 CO., Inc. fiiiii'ir r,- .- "0 A MAT J " ? 1 " few- A