TIT 15 SrOTTNTXO ORFOOXTAN. SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1912. Complimentary Victrola Concert This Afternoon in Fifth Floor Section All New Records Played Your Favorites on Request Today, Last Day Great Sale of House Needs Paints, Brushes, Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose, Etc., Basement Store Free Rental Bureau THE MEIER & FRANK CO., 5th, 6th, Morrison and Alder Sts. WEATHER REPORT: FAIR TODAY. THE MEIER & FRANK CO., 5th, 6th, Morrison and Alder Sts, Meier "(lb Frank's Across-the-Sea Sale Ends Tomi 20 ght! If Our Modern Beauty Parlors MILADY BEAUTIFUL it's the aim of the experts in our Mod ern Beauty Parlors on the balcony, first floor. They'll manicure your nails, f. ham poo and drew your hair in a mode most becoming to your face and individuality." They'll give von facial massage and make the skin clear, smooth and youthful. Electrolysis hair dyeinp and children's hair euttinp aL done. Visit the Beauty rarlors cour teous, interested attention always! t NE of the most unique and interesting Store Events of the season finds its o termination rith the closing of the doors tonight at 9:30! The Meier & Frank Store has demonstrated conclusively to its thousands of loyal friends . and patrons that nowhere in Portland or the Northwest is merchandise imported in. greater quantities that nowhere are selections larger or more varied nowhere are prices lowerl Uf one thing.be sure The Meier & Frank Store, quality considered, is never underpricedl And with our European buying organization, with offices in Paris, Berlin, Chemnitz, London. Belfast, etc.. what better merchandise buying facilities could be established!' Then, too, our buyers spend three months in Europe each year, searching the market for the best of wares at the lowest possible prices. Come today this last day of our Second Annual Across-the-Sea Sale. ASK FOB THE SOUVENIR POST CARDS, showing flags of nations, given out in the various departments. The last day to receive them ! The Man With Enthusiasm Wins ! ji A Delicious Dinner Saturday Night, $ 1 Meet yonr friends in the spacious lobby of" our beautiful 7th Floor Res taurant and enjoy the delicious table d'hote Pinner at $1.00, o:JO to 8 f. ox. Orchestra Music. MENU Oljmpla Oyster Cocktail. Vrrmm ml Fmh Ampmrmram. Hip Olives. V.rrrm Oalvaa. Salted Almamda. RroU4 Calaook Mian, Flaaretta. runtntr araloga. Sprlajc lamb t aopa. Karrlw Malatraam. Irrar ale .Meatae l-aaeh. Raaat Mafta Mtlk-Kra' I kick cm. ma berry Jelly. Prime Rlba.af Beef mm Jum. Maaked Potataea. Fealloaed Tomatoes, .opriaa- Ia4. Apple Pte. Vtalaat Rlo,ao lee Cream. Cakea. Orecaa Cream Ckeeae. J-altlae 'Waera. IVrml Taaae. Sale of Gotham Pajamas gb Ends Tonight! HUNDREDS of men came to the first, floor Men's Furnishing Section yesterday and took advantage of this phenomenal purchase and sale of the famous Gotham-make Pajamas. Splendid, perfectly made garments at half and even more than half their real worth. S3 and $5 Gotham Pajamas. $1.93 Handsomely made of durable mercerized cloths, genuine soi settes, silk striped madrasses, Russion cords. Cut amply full and comfortable. 'White and light shades. Plain and in stripes. All sires in the lot. To day at 31.98 f6 to $10 Gotham Pajamas $2.69 Joat lairtde f orrlaoa-ot. Eatraaea Hats Correct! The man with a prejudice against low-priced Hats should see the Meier & Frank special the Derby or Soft Hat that we guarantee to give satisfac tion for a foil year. Price, $3. Every smart, nobby style in the black Derbies. The soft Hats, rough in tan, brown and grays. Ask for our special at $3. None better at the price 1 THE STETSONS have reached the top notch of su premacy as to correctness of style and wearing qualities. All the new low crown, flat and swing . "brim Derbies in black priced at $-4 and $5 White Suits, $25Clever! WHAT woman doesn t admire them Suits of white for the Spring and Summer time. And these we mention today are fresh and im maculate, for they've only just come from their wrappings. Of rich twilled serges and whip cords smart and attractive in their severely tailored perfection are they. Then, too, scores of handsome styles in all the new Spring fabrics and shades. Clannish tailored models as well as the popular fancy collared styles with deep revers of silk, satin and ratine. Jackets, straight and cut away. Girdle top skirts, plain panel and in two-piece styles. Unequalled choice here for women who've set the price of the new Spring Suits at It m Jp f t unequaaea $25 Oettil Floor, Mala Balldlas. Suits for the Boy at $5 TH-hl 'liE downright good values these Suits for tho , boy at $5. And added to our own splendid line of the famous Sampeck make are some 200 Suits from our $7.50 and $8 Reming ton line. Mothers will make no mistake in choosing from this nnequaled selection at $5. Not a garment but what is all-wool. Smart Spring and Summer weight fabrics home spuns, mixtures, tweeds, serges and diagonals. Manly, smart cut in Norfolk and double breasted styles. Bring the boy in today and fit him out with one of thes splendid Suits, regular grades to $8 the Suit, at 2-Pants Suits Practically double the service for the boy who has one of our famous $6.50 two-Pants Suits. All. the style and smartness of cuti that yon admire in the growr. man's clothes. Two-Pants Suits that can't be duplicated -at $6.50 and Up to $15 Third Floor, New Bnlldlnar. $5 $ 1 Long& Short Gloves 79c XLY by taking the entire . sea son's surplus of the largest Glove manufacturer in the land, are we enabled to make this phenomenal offering today! Long and short silk Gloves at 79c is the special that should interest every woman in Portland. All made with the double finger tips in short 2-clasp and 12-button mousquetaire style these with two clasps at wrist. Black, white and a few colors. Choose from 09 these $1 Gloves today, g jf O J at the pair for only Ktrat Floor. Mala BalldlBf. Folding Go-Carts $6.85 MOTHERS can purchase these splendid Folding Go Carts with the feeling that the little tot will be thoroughly comfortable in them, and then, too, they're so convenient. In the one-motion collapsible style with re clining back and" adjustable foot-rest. Seat, -10y2xl4y2 ins.; length of body, 36 ins. Four bow hood and'llVfc-inch wheels. Similar to illustration, but. with fenders on wheels. "We i T&sn O mk price them special for Saturday at $6.85 Fifth Floor, New Bolldlas. NINE times out of ten he is the man particular about his clothes! He knows the energy, the self-confidence which lurks in a well-tailored, well fitting suit. But no longer are these essentials of good Cloth ing open only to the man who pays the old-time ncfvm a-nvrs' nriwa C.lnfh A r A wo ia m. m a,a a. o a. a at $15, $20 and $25 for Any Man in Any Walk of Life Third Floor Ultra-extreme and new English models for you young fellows who follow fashion's whims. And scores of smart patterns and weaves of beautiful grays, browns and tans for the men who desire conservative Clothing witnout tne taas. Every suit we show at $15.00 and upwards is all wool hand tailored! Every suit is the product of America's finest tailor ing institutions and instead of selecting any one line all the way through, we have assembled the "cream" of all lines. Let us show you through our wonderful Clothing stock to morrow, but particularly see the immense selection -at $15, $20 and $25 m w 50c Ribbons, 25c BEAUTIFUL quality plain Taffetas, Moires and Fancy Dresden Ribbons, also, two-toned Satins and All-Silk Mescalines. They're actual 40c and 50c grades, today ty they are placed on sale at, the yard, jC 35c Ribbons Moires, Taffetas, fancy warp print Dresdens and satin striped Novelties, 5 and 6 "1 ' inches wide. Yard, 35c to 50c Bibbons 5 and 6-in. polka dot Taf fetas, Brocades and Ombre colorings. 2 - inch OQ satin back velvet, aaiJC First Floor, Mala Buildtnir. 25c Lisle Vests 1 7c SPLENDID quality' fine ribbed Lisle Vests for women. Plain and with pretty lace yokes. Low neck, sleeveless style. 1 "T Regular sizes only. 2.3c grade today at only X C 50c Vests and Pants For -women find ribbed lisle Vests in low neck, sleeveless style; lace trim ming' and umbrella OO. style Pants. Today JOC $1 Union Suits High gTade, of fine cotton; low neck, sleeveless, with tight and umbrella stylo knees. We special the,7Q Union Suits today. Flrat Floor, Slain Bnildinc The Coffman Candy Spec'ls ITHEY'RE delicious the 1 famous Coffman Candies. Note the spe cials for Saturday. In both First Floor and Basement Shops. ' 50c Society Chocolates the fa mous Coffman make. 1-lb. box, 38 40c Fig Paste special Saturday, 1 pound, 30 25c Molasses Peppermint Chews they're wholesome; pound at 20 30c Opera Kisses you'll like them at, pound, 20 Women's Imp'd Lisle Hose, 35c HERE just in time for the last day of the Across-the-Sea Sale Women's Fine Lisle Hose from Chemnitz. All with y high spliced heeds, double feet and deep garter tops. In black and tan. J f You 11 consider them 50c grades. Our price. 3 Dairs. SI : rmir at 75c and $1 Hose the famous Lord & Taylor make. Fine lisles, with fancy em broidered booU. As ported colors. OQ Pair today at OUC ?1.50 and $2 Hose for women. 3 0 0 pairs of pure thread black silk Hose. Rich, heavy quality. Special for Saturday, QO the pair, only OC Child's 25c Hose for both misses and children. Fine ribbed Summer weight, in black, white and col ors, three pair 1 "T for 50c; pair A C Boys' and Girls' Hose the famous "Missouri Mule brand the kind that are made for wear. All sizes in black. 1 0 Our price, pr. aWC Sale Kraemer Lighters Monogram Engraved Free! N offering that the men of Portland will appreciate! The famous guaranteed Kraemer Lighters in beautiful mother-of-pearl, bought be fore the increase in price of this popular precious shell. Now offered at prices that ran't be duplicated in the future. A two-initial monogram will be engraved free on every Lighter purchased. At ?3.60 Mother-of-Pearl Lighters, with emblems of Masons, Shriner, Odd Fellows and K. of P. At $2.25 Silver plated Lighters, with embossed emblem of B. P. O. E. At 89c Full nickel $1.00 Kraemer Lighters. Flrat Floor, New Building. Books 50c Book lovers don't fail to visit tho Big Book Store in the Basement Annex and see the hundreds of splendid titles at 50c ! A few chosen at random : "The Lonesome Trail," Bow ers. "The Happy Family," Bow ers. "Her Prairie Knight, " Bow ers. "The Long Shadow," Bowers. "The Easiest Way," Walter & Harblow. "The Double Cross," Gilson WiUets. "Chip of the Flying V," Bowers. "The Country Boy," Daven port. "Bucky O'Connor," Raine. "Katherine's Sheaves," Shel don. "Step by Step," Sheldon. "The Range Dwellers," Bow ers. "Real Boys," Shute. Hats for the Miss, at V4 Off MOTHERS think of choos ing from this splendid group of Hats for the daughter at savings of a full fourth. The very offering that many of you have been waiting for! Prettiest of girlish styles of fine and rough straws and braids with dainty trim mings of ribbons, flowers, velvet and drapes. Becoming little styles as sketched, of ecru leghorn with wide band of ribbon frilled with lace. Caught at side with flowers. Priced regularly at $5.50. Today for $4.13. Others range from $1.25 to $7.50, OFF Smart Coats for the Girl and Miss! P ALL the garments that are practical and attractive for the girl and miss the smart, though simple Coat holds first place ! And nowhere in Portland can styles to please both mother and daughter be found to better advantage than here in our special section on the second floor! Such modish, becoming models such splendid, durable materials such perfect, careful finish in them all ! , Typical of the modols on the new mixtures, tweeds and homespuns is the $12.50 model as sketched. Then, too, hand some dressier Coats of pongees arid black silks. , Prices in the entire showing range for the girl of 2 to 8 years at 3.50 to 12; for the miss of 8 to 14 years, 6 to S16.50. $ 1 .50 and $2 Wash Dresses, 98c They're remarkably neat and pretty. Of good quality per- 98c eales and trine-hams plain and in stripes, cheeks and plaids. High, Dutch neck and sailor, collar styles. Ideal for school and play wear. Ages 6 to 14 years. Positive $1.50 and $2 Wash Dresses, today at only 45c Cakes Baker's Chocolate 33c SCARCELY a woman but doesn't ask for the famous Walter Baker's Chocolate. Unusual today in this offering no of regular 45c cakes in our Pure Food Grocery at only OOC Pare Home-Made Amber Marmalade, special at 25 Royal Banquet Batter, 2 lbs. for GTJ N. B. C. Graham Crackers, 3 pk(s. '2C 25c Salad Dressing, the bottle at 17 Black Figs, four pounds, special at 25 Red "M" Scourin Soap. 10 bari 25 Edward's Chili Powder, special at 10 Shrimp, 3 cans, special at only 25 Crabs. 25c cans, special today for 20 1 . 1 - I I- 'I'M A -fc IT Drug Specials CUT prices, lowest prkes they're here always, whether advertised or not! But a few of the specials you'll find in the Drug Section today: 25c Outicnra Soap, the cake only 13 25c Pears' Scented Soap, the cake, 13 25c Pears Unscented Soap, cake, 10 25c Mennen's Talcum Powder only 9 25c Lyon's Tooth Powder for only 9 60c Hind 'a Honey and Almond Cream for 27 $1.50 Oriental Cream, bottle at 89 25c Rubifoam, the bottle for only 15 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste, special at 29 $2 Solid Back Hair Brushes only 98 35c Tooth Brushes, all styles, only 19 $1.25 Eubber Fountain Syringe, 2-quart, only 69 $1.60 Chocolate "Water Bottles at 79 $2.50 to $3 Hair Brushes Solid backs of rosewood and offf QQ ebony. Long, stiff bristles V 'fO TELEPHONES PACIFIC, PRIVATE EXCHANGE 4; HOME, A 6101 Flrnt Floor, Brew Roilrilnic This Eastman Box Brownie Camera at $3.0 OS THEY'RE sim p 1 e anyone can operate them and they take such splendid pictures. 212x4I4 size. Pro vided with the automatic shutter and Nemiscus lenses. Ask about them today. Our price, $3. t $7.50 Eastman Weno Hawkeye 3V4x4i, $5.69 $2.16 Seed's Plates, 8x10 size, special at $1.79 Engel's 10c Art Corners, pkge. of 100, 3 for 25 $1.25 Loose-Leaf Album, 10x12, special at 89 25c Paper Back Kodak Albums, 25 leaves. 19 $1.50 Trimming Boards, 6-inch, special, $1.27 25c Film Clips, 3y2-inch, special at only 21! 15c Boyal Velox Paper, Si2x3V2, special at 9y 4