TOE MORNING OREGOXIAN. SATURDAY,' AFRIL 20, 1913. HEW DATES FIXED Wool Buyers Arrange Sched ule for Sales. FIRST AT ECHO MAY 29 I i-l Conflict In Some l:e-,xtl. Wltla That Aononnrrd by the GrowtrrV Association Price Lim its Lower. Iats fur tho East.-rn Otrson wool sales hava bca fnad br Us stmt 'oolrowm' Association, br the various county aaaocla- tlona and br ths wool buyers. These 4" conflict In miu rasowts. but ths ainersnces will probably bo adjustad In a few days. Th mnowinc Hat or dates, aa nrranrad bv th buyers, waa nnoanm) yesterday: rho. May 2: Pendleton. May S: Pilot Rock. Jons 3: Heppner. June ,: Rsaer. June : Ontario. Juna 10: Yala. Juna 11: .xhanlko. Juna l: Mctollua. Juna 31: Bend. June Jo -ph. Jona 55: Enterprise. Juna -2t. Kbantko. July : Baker. Jnly 1. Recardinc the data of tba Baker aala tba Bakor Democrat aaya: -Secretary John O. Hoka. of the Orearon woolajrowsra' Aaeoclatlan. announced that the date of the aale for Grant County In Baker had been chanced from July 8 to July . The chance la datea la mads for the accommodation of the Orant Counly woolmen. wbo are members of tha Baker Klka lodge and who dealra to make tha trip la the (rand lode; at Portland on tha Elks' special train, which leavea Baker Sunday e-enln. July T. By putUnaj tha aale date ahead two dare, they will be able lo attend the ealea and finish tn time to leare for I'nrtland the next evenlnr. Comln on tha . It will aiaa be possible for many to at tend the celebration on the th and 5th and attend the aala and combine tha two eventa in one trip" Sheaiinc la under way tn Eastern Oron. but there haa been ao sailing thla week. Tha buyers hare had their llralta reduced and this probably ace-rants for tha Inac tivity. Shearing la also under way In Utah and Nevada, according to reports to the Boston Commercial Bulletin. In tha latter state It la said, some falr-alied cllpa hare been taken daring the. week at prices ranging from 15 T1 rents. I'p to lt cents haa been paid for medium rtah cllpa. but more recent sales are aald to haee been on a somewhat lower basis. Shearing la gsttlng nnder way In Southern Wyoming, but little wool will be clipped In Montana for another 0 day. In the fleece aectlnna little haa been ac complished as yet. although some few aalea have been rr.ade aside from tha transactions in fat sheep's wools In Mich I -an a very little wool has been taken according to re port lo the range of 18Q20 cents, although some farmers profess to be unwllllnc to ac cept leas than 20tI2 cents, respectively, for their fine and medium wools. The chasm between buvcr and grower appears to be nearly as wide as ever. NO HMKAT M; I.LIN O BV FABMERel Adraace In Price Ptjte 8lop le Boalaeoa. IMi MeU at l. There was no wheat selling In the coun try yesterdav. according to report received at lo--sl offices. The late advances bare practically tied up the market, from the farmers' point of view. Quotations here were pnehanced. There were sates of oats on the local market at Its. On the Sound. ttt-St was pa.d. Weekly foreign wheat shipments were as follows: This Wk. I-t WIl laat Tr. Arsentlna i.SOVOrtO J.JJ. ;.:. Auvlralia ... . : l.0.ou 912.00 I.736.9oa India l.:ta.0ls ZaO.eOO Local receipts In cars were reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay .wnnriar - ... 7 Tuesday 7 X 7 14 4 1 1 1 7411 24 S3 Weuneeday ... S ... I Thursday ..... 1 j 3 Year aao S 4 x'as'a to date.i;:7J ill Year aro IS.S.I iU 11 :i:i ! 1-tRt.l: STRAH REKRV SHIPMENT TODAY Market la Uoesl shape and Quality la A small shipment of Florin strawberries aa received yesterday and eotd at S3.SS a crate. A large shipment Is due today. It was reported thai a straight car of Loa A rtselee berries la on the way to this mar ket. Seven rare of bananas were unloaded during the day. Aside from the steamer goods there were no vegetable arrivals. Asparagus cleaned up well at steady prices. Peas were plenti ful and sold well at 1 cents. Rhubarb was In ovcrsupply and weak. MKi XARKIT FIRM AND ACTIVE Pewllry Itrcrtpte Urtrr bat Prices Are No4 Reduced. The demand for eggs at the present price Is fully equal to the supply and this keeps the market In a firm position. Poultry receipts yesterday were some what l.trxer than usual, but It waa not necessary to shade prices In order to work them off. Dressed meats were unchanged. At the lower quotation tba demand for chese Is Increasing. There were no aew developments tn the butter market. hellers of ftps Mope. Thre Is continued Inquiry on the mar ket for sp-jt hoiua. but no sellers. Yester dav offers of hotter than IS cents were made and turned down. The contract mar ket shows no signs of life tn this state. Bank Clearings. Hank Osrtnss of. the Northwestern cities ye.terdav were as Cullowa: Clearinr. Patanree. rrt'and Flection S'et:e fl.lU trt IJll L'O Tiroma r:Hs .". I WW til'okane rta iMia 144.17 J PORTLAND MAUsTt. Oral. Ftowr. reri. Eta. WHStT Track prices: Bluestem. $14) l7. cluh. it. red Russian, Htl: Val- lev l . W fi M. II. MM.LSTl TKH Bran. (24 per ton; shorts, - eihldllnia. $!!. rU.l'l: intent. $.ta rr bsrrel; stiAlshts. $4 7'. exports. 4 W: VaUey, 9.1i; giuha'Ti. f. lo. mh.!e wheat. .l 31. "MK.V Whole. $.-'.; cracked. e per ton. 'IAi No. 1 Eastern Oregon timothy, i la; No. 1 V:.r. IHUU. alfalfa. Ill lJ..o. clover. Jtv9: eala aad velca, 11 :m hay. lu. OKTS No. 1 white. !10 40 per ton. Dairy aod Country Predace. PUTTEKOregoa creamery butter, sell aw' e. i-svc per pftand. EilOti Feeh Oregon ranch, readied. Sla per doren. care rounl. CO I'HEtoE Oregon Cats. 31921ae per POUU'i. f'ORK Fancy. 104 011c Pee pound. VEAL. Fancy. 12c per pound. PorLTRT Hens. IT'iVlftc: Springs, lTtJ 17 Sc. bmtiars. 'tliV; ducks. Oc: geeea, 11c. turkeys, live. Joe. dreaaed. JOc. Teawtablea aad Fralta. TWOPfAL FRflTS Orangea. nave's ;t-13. California grapefruit. Ia.sO4: r'orlda graperrult, t5.7S7: bansnaa. Ltl OltO per bunch: lemons. KUflM per tv . t 'eeapP'-a. e per pound. t RK.-l K'll lTM trawberrtes. 1 IV per rri. f-rttfcrriee. tluu 1 1.."0 per barrel; svptev. 1 -SffJ per bog. I' r A'K. l.u v s prices- rurSs-... H4vfl.Au ner hundred, aew Callforaia. Jobbing price. c per pound: sweet potatoes, 4- ter crute. ..aoaiaei ONIONS Association price. UWfii per sack; Mexican. 3 TS per crate. TOtTAHLr.s Arlchoa-. 7tAe per dosen: asparagua. white. SLtl per crate; green. --j2-J per crate; beans. 154Jl"'o: cabbage, 4c per pound: cauliflower, $2.15 per crate; celery. 14 per crate; euoum eera. 2 4X.& dosen; eggplaat. ISO per pound: head lettuce. SI per crate; hot house lettuce, .cuel per box: peas, loo per pound: peppers, SSc pound: rao Ishea, Si'c per doirn; rhubarb. I4V3C per lb,; spinacii. 1 li 1 per o. '-'"- S3 d 3 Oil per box; gnrllc. 10 per pound. per sack; beets. IL60; mtabagaa. 10L1. carroia, (1. Mapla Oi uteri as. SALMON Columbia P.'"'. rrB.aMt,1 iS per dosen: .-pound tails, pound fiats. i46; Aiasaa ptna. l-peuad tails, 81. SV , , COFFF.r Roasted. IB drama. !4)4e per pound. NCTS Walnuts. leiSH per pomnd: Brasil nuts. 14le: Ultierta. ltOlScial tnonds liollo; pecana, lac; cocoanuta. c $1 per dosen: chestnuts, 12 too per poaad. hickory nuts, tflue per pound. HO.NET Choice. S3.J4 per case; atralaed hooey. 10c per pound. . SALI granulated. $15 per oa: a ground, luus. t.o per ton: 60a. per toa. DEANS BmaU white, 4lc: larre white. 4c: Lima. 14o; pink, to. MaxJoaa. iaj bayou. RICE No. 1 Japan. le: cheaper gradsa, i3c: Southern head. 6Oic , . iilOAR lry granulated, j-kiw; irun berry, ga.00; Uuuoiulu plantation, ; beet. S-Vfci; eitra C. .VJ0. powdered, baxreia. cuovs. Dtrrtii, eo.vow DRIEU FRUITS Applea, 140 "4."2": aprlcota. 14llSo; peaobaa. 13 JI prunes. Italians. 1001"'-. sllvsr. IBs. fits, white and black, CHO-e: ,eurr?2 1 10 Olio: ralsma. loose. Muscatel. Ttoc; bleached Thompson. 11'L beached Sultanas. SSc. eeeded. ',w".fi datea. Persian. xe per Bound: Fard, l-ae per baa. HAMS 10 to 12 pounds, 1H 10 14 pounds. IK-aiDSc; 14 ! 1 Pa" lets l4i(C. picnics, 11 c; cottage MU. lit LARO Kettle rendered. Uercea. 13 He; tub lilio; standard Uercea, lls'i tuba, 11 Vc abortanlng. tlercea, IHl; tubs. UAJO.V Kanuy. ibc, standard. Wlo. cnsi'su. tovio'ito. LKT SALT CC RED Regular short olaara, dry salt. 11c; short c-ear backs, la le pauads. lUsc. uitior axporta. lJc Hope, Wool aad Hides, HOPS IVM1 crop. 3c; olds, nominal; 11I eontiicts. i.':. Mull AIM 'holce. 3.it3.V: per pound. WUOL Eastern Oregon. 14tlo par aeund. according to ahrlakags. Valley. IS o lc per pound. PELTS Lry. lie: lam be. salted. MCwi aiiort-wool peita ddsoc. butcher belts. Jaa. take-off, aActKLuA; Feb. take-off. Llv 1 li. HIDES Salted hides. ltt10V per pound; salted calf, 1617o; aalted kip, lid) 12c: green hides. Ho: dry caX Sla: ry hides, IDulKc; salted stags. Tfellas: reaa stags. IgtHa CASCARA Per pound. e44Ve. CHAIN BAOali car lota. STOCK HUH IS SMALL PKICES HOLD STK.ADY AT XOKTIl PORT LAX D YAKDS. Clroice Sire-in Sell at 7 Bes-t Iylghtwelglit Hogs Bring; $8.40. Trade at the stockyards was on a small scale yesterday, as only two cars of hogs and one of cattle were received. Moat or the steers on hand were of choice quality and sold at 37. A few head went at l.30. Light weight hogs brought SO and IS. 40. and heavier stork sold at 17 SO. Receipts yesterday were 27 cattle and 149 hogs. Shippers were A. M. Kruger. wbo drove In 14 hogs: A. L. Bakrr. Caldwell, Idaho. 1 car of hogs; A. H. Oless. Nam pa. 2 cars of cattle, and bevler Weed. bull). 1 car of h"gs- The day's sales were as follows: WelRht. Price. S2 steers I"4 Si.oo S steers !'' ' 7 hog. ll hogs 3-'l 14 hOKS 11' ' The range of prices at ths yards waa as follows: Choice steers I.50e$7l Oood steers . S.40 Medium steers 4.0vty 4.1& Choice cows S 109 tjood cows S-00 it S.&0 Medium cowe 4.C0 i S.Ht Choice calves ft-SO s.7e Oood heavy calves S.OOw 8.5 Bulls ( Stage - -7S -25 Hogs Light 1.0 9 S le U.avy 7.S (iheep Tearllnga 5 00a 50 Wethers S.ooe ft. 3.1 Ewes I.IOni S.A5 l ambs 4.Sy Spring lambs .uOe 7.40 Omaha Llveetock Market. SOI'TH OMAHA. April 19 Cattle Re celt. is. Silt; market, steady. Native steers. SO Utf 23: native cows and heifers, S3 7.11 4 0: Western steers. S.7.1t7.."S: Texss steers. Sl.SOfjo: range coat and heifers :t 2if.Y '.; canners. Si?''! 4--r; atockers and reeders. $i.2C u7.2.1: calves. S4o7.K; bulls sis is. etc. II L'.HUM. Hon itecelots. 12 N; market. :.c lower. Heavv 17 7u'7.M; m.xed. S7.5-14J 7.7: llFht. S7 4ii7 71; pigs, HV7.;0; talk of sales. 7. 7.73. Sheep Receipts. 770O: market. steady. Yearling. . j( r 7..V1. wet her. S30tJ.iO; eata. :t-l- lamb. STWIO. BAN FRASCIJtCO PBODICB MARKET Ptie-a Quetrd at the Ray City (or Vege table, r Tulle. Etc BAN PTtANCISCO. April 1. The follow. Ing produce price were current here to day: Fruit Apples eliolte. 11. iS; common. Sic; Mexican llinea. SiUl.iO: California lemons, choice, fl: cummoa. I1.1S: navel oranges, lr:.S; plneapplea. S-MetrlS". Putter Fam-t creamery. 2.1 tjC. Kcaa tttore. fc; fancy ranch, 21c. Cheese llSC. Vegetables Cucumbers, ineJl: green peas. 4t,ff.1Hc; string beans. .V"ti V)c; as paragus. Ilfist; tomatoes, nominal; egg plant. ISfjliHe, Potatoes River 'Burbanks. $1.75 tj I: sweets, I11il; Oregon Burbanks. S2.SS.40; 6a Unas. l:.0j 1 75. Hay Wheat. Il44) wheat and oats. !lwlS: alfalfa, Ii:vl4 Receipts Klour 4:114 quarter sarks: wheat, (faxl rentals: harlev. 3oP centals; oats, an centals: potatoea f20 sacks: bran. 2& sacks: mld'lttnse. 14 sacks; hav, 27t Ions; wool, la Ihrled Fralt at New Yavs NEW TORK. April It. Kvsporated is pa quiet. l-poi. fency. SStOlUSo; choice. SWiV; prime. 7S7i. Prunes, unsettled. Quotations range from ISVlvito for Csltforulaa up to 3-40s and 7 italic for Oregons, Peaehea heavy. holee. lASf lAf: ex tra, choice. UOlliec: fancy. llW12c. Natal htoree. SAVANNAH. April la. Turpentine firm at 44tc. rValrs. S3 barrels: receipt a 3Cil bar rels; shipments. 483 barrels: stocks. 17.417 Ros'in firm. Sales 54tS lbs.: receipts. JJI Ibe: shlpmenis. MO lbs: stocks. 42.421 lbs, Wuote: B. 145: D. Sd.7.1: K. 6; P. O. H. I. $7.10: K. $7 IJ: V. $7 2i 7.2r.: N. $7.2S; WO. 77 3S WW. $7.3i47.40. rhtrac Prod aea Market. CUl"AtlO. April IB. Butter. steady. Creameries. 2.x31r: dairies. Z402SC Efia, nrm. receipts. :M.3)0 cases; at mark, rases Inriudrd. 17 017 He; ordinary Drsta, 1?S-: nrsts, 14SC a'heese. steady. Daisies. 17elTu.c: Twins. 11 w lSc: Tonne Americas, 14 9 17c: Long Hirns. I4jl7r. New Terk Cottow Marmot. NEW TORK. April 1. The cotton fu tures market closed steady. 7 to o points lower. Hpot closed steady. 5 polnta lower. Mid-uplanda, ll.c: mil-Oulf, ll.voc. Sales. 17 DO balea. W ool at St. Louis. 8T. l.orio. April 1. Wool Hteeriy. Tar rltory and Western mediums. 1H0 ISc; fine mediums, U17c. fine. lOwlSc I Hal at h Llaared Market. DCLl'TH. Minn.. April 1. Close: Lin seed. In store, on track and to arrive. $2.17; May. 12-17 bid: July. $7 14. Hop at New York. .NEW TOKlv. April X9. Uopi nuicvu HALF OF GROP LOST Serious Condition in Missouri .Wheat Counties. OTHER NEWS ALSO BAD Total of Seven Million Acres Re ported to Be Abandoned In the Central Wesl lllKheKt Prices of Year at Chicago. ClIlCAliU. April 1 fnexpeclrdly ad verse crop estimates for Missouri and a revision upward In the total abandoned acreage of Ohio. Indiana and Illinois helped raise the price of wheat todsy to a new high point for the year. In provisions, the outcome varied from 7'xc decline to 2 He ad vance. A big bull market In wheat followed re ports that Missouri would raise only half a crop. One leading expert sent dispatches that the river counties north of it. Louis had given up hope for 10 to 60 per cent, of the fields, and that In the big central counties north of the Mlsaourl River. M per cent, of the urreage had been put Into oats. South of that section he figured the condition as not above 73. Another author ity calculated the number of lost acres te In Mlsaourl; 1.000.000 In Kansas: 4.000.000 in Illinois Indiana and Ohio to gether, and in all other states Spirited fighting took place In tha corn trade, an attempt being made to break the "Vat price hy an attack on the September delivery. The bull leader, nowever. nra continuously for lOO.OOO bushel lots and. aided by wheat strength, maintained the upper hand, althouch the market proved a nervous and Irregular affair all day. reloading of oats had a bearish effect an oats prices. Inveatment purchases took all the sur plus offerings of provisions snd nullfled. In the main, an early break due to larger receipts of hogs. The Incentive for buying was chiefly the strength of grain. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close ...$1.11 $1.1I4 $113 '.x $1.11 .... 1.07H l.OeS 1.07a - let's ... 1.034, -1.041, 1.03S 1.0444 CORN. ... .7744 .7SVi t .7w 7'i .78 4, .75 ' .7i ... .74 S .74 5. .74 .74 OATS. ... .67t .r.KV. .67S .""H S3. .54 A. .MS .34 . .. .43 W .43fe -43 .43 Mai July Sept. May July Sept. May July Sept MESS PORK. May July Sept. May Juiy Sept. May . ..1S.05 18.10 ...18.4" 1S.47V, ..18.t7V 18.77. LARD. ...10.10 10.2O ...10.32 V, 1U.42V. ... 10.52 . 10.B2L. 18. 05 1S.37H 18.63 18.10 18.47H 18.73 10. 10 10.$2H 10.50 10.17 10 40 10.00 SHORT RIBS, . .. 9.82?. S.87S 9.82S . ..10.fi2S 10.07 S 10.02V. ...10.20 10.35 30.2.1 J.87H 10.10 10.32 V. July Sept. Cash quotations were as follows: Klour Firm. Rye No. 2. Se- Bsrley Feed or mixing. fi5cfj$l-0b; fair to choice malting. II . Timothy seed 4)49? 13. Clover Seed IIS V 10.50. Pork Mesa. $11,124 it 18.2s. Lard In tierces. 110 11. .xhort ribs Loose, $$.$0. tiraln statistics: Total clearance, of wheat and flour were equal to 134. vug bushels Exports for the aeek. as shown by Bradstreet's, were equal to 2.844.ono bushels Primary receipts were S.17.00O bushels compared with 312.000 bush els the corresponding day a year ago. Esti mated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 13 care; corn, 44 cars; oata. $1 cars; hogs, 13. fuu head. taraia at Han Kraaciscio. SAN FRANCISCO, April 1. Spot quota tions Waila Walla. l"4 fa LOO; red Rus sian. $l.K6i 1.87 4 : Turkey red. $1.87 Hi l.UO: bluestem. $1.8."rtj 1.IH; feed bark-v. SI 12 V, U 1.U5: brewing barley. ll.VA0j2.OA; white oath 2 ti 2."2 ; bran, $2H.5ta? 27.00: middlings. S::2.ior 33.50; short.. titfir-Hl; Api 11 oats. bid. $2.t4 asked; May oa. (.MIV4 bid. IMUVi asked. Callboard sales Wheat December. $1 64 bid. 1100 asked: May. Si. 824 bid. 11.87V, asked. Barley May, $1 80 bid. December. $13". Kurujteaa Grata Markete. ' l.ONEKJN. April IH. Cargoes, strong and advancing. Wnlla Walla for shipment. 3ts to :ius 3d. English and French country markets, firm. LIVERPOOL. April i. Close- Wheat May. 8s 8v.d: Jul. 7s 10d; October. 7s 7 d. Weather, clear. Minneapolis W beat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April 1. Wheat May. $l4wlo4: July, I1.I0S 1 10 ; Sep tember. $1.04 4 91.0414. Cash: No. 1 hard. $1,014; No. 1 Northern. Il.l 1 4 ii 1. 11 ; No. 2 Northern. Sl.lll4tjl.0ti.; No. 3 wheat. tl.074 I.07S. MARCONI STOCK SOARS ADVANCES OVER 100 POI.NTS AT NEW YOUR. International Mercantile Marine Is sues Deollnc- Steadily Standard Issued 1rin at Close. NEW TORK. April 19. Business on the stock exchange for the greater part of to day's seeslon was the dullest In weeks Ear ly transactions barely totalled 100. Ooo shares and the trend of prlcea waa downward. The heavlaeaa probably resulted from the apathy In the speculative Interest due to the Ti tanic disaster. The market continued" dull and Irregular until the last hour, when a demand for standard lseuea. especially Union Pacific, United Stales Steel and Reading, brought a revival of activity. Other isauea participated In the 'advance. Including Western Union, which rose 3 points on rumors of a working agreement with the Marconi Company. On tba curb tha old Marconi stock continued It. spec tacular aa vance of tne previous day, open ing at 240. a 0 point overnight gain, sell ing aa high as 350 and cioalng at 325. All transactions In this stock were said to have been for cash. International Marine Issues were heavy, with a decline of 14 per cent In the bonda snd a substantial fraction In the preferred stock, .ending that Issue to It. lowest prtva in many weeks Money waa abundant here, but In moder ate demand. Another shipment of gold to South America was reported. Honda were generally tower. Rt. Ixnila Southwestern consolidated 4a were an ex ception, rlalng 3 point., some of which was later lost. Total sales, par value, I3.71HI, 000. United States Government bonds un changed oa call. CLOSING! STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales High. Low. Bid. AMI. Chal pf .. 70O 3 34 3 4 AmaJ Copper .. 13.800 83 4. 82 4 S3 Am Agrlcult 4 Am Beet Sugar. 4.f0 664 ' 654 American Can.. 8.40 .1 H 324 33 4 Am Car ft Fdy. 1.2"0 604 5 59 Am Cotton Oil.. 400 72 72 724 Am Hd ft Lt pX 24 4 Am Ire Serurl 23 V, Am Linseed ... .50 16H 154 16 Am Locomotive 3-0 43a,' 431, 4.H4 Am Srael ft Ref 4.4UO 85 4 84 V, 854 do preferred 107 Am Steel Fdy.. 200 3S4 85 35 Am Sugar Ref 12 Am Tel ft Tel.. 4.1--0 146 145 nn Am Tobacco pf. 60 104 4 104 4 104 4 Am Woolen 284 Anaconda M Co. I.hoO 424 42 44 Atchison '. . 3.8O0 x. 108 losv. do preferred.. lis lo3 4 103. t3 4 At) Coast Lin. 1404 Bait ft Ohio ... 1.6O0 107 4 107 107 4 Bethlehem Steel 30..VM, 42 38 41 S H'ook R Tran 82 ;, Canadian Pc. . 2 hi 252, 251 4 2.VJ4 Central leather 2.10 27 2S '.'l-.'x do preferred.. 300 W3 4 03 934 IIC, 7SX 2.1 79 Vi "Suit 1" IS 1 :;u ',x an ix Chicago X W . . 141' C, M at St Paul. 1.300 1104, llo'4 ll' l. I, U Bl U Cnl fcti,.! JL frnn 2UO SOW 30 V. I, II I Col A Southern .- ,ia. consoi t4s .... i' ' i..iii ' . -Corn Prouucta . 3ihi l":vi "ll Del Ik Hudson.. 100 170 170 1.0 D at R Urande 2.' do preferred 4ii . Distiller.' Secur loo 32. 32 32 El le 4.7l" 37 IWi Oil 's do 1st pf 1D0 .Vi 50 ''- do 2d pf .i'.' Orn EK-clrlc - . J'V Ut North pf ... l.tHK 131 131 v 131 Ja Gt North Ore.. 4oO 3T K!"A 3 Illinois central. 40 12? 12! Interbor -Mot .. .7 If 18-4 19 do preferred.. 2.40O 5v, :"x '8 Inter Harvester TOO 117 117 110l Inter Msrine pf l.Soo 20V 19. V Int Paper 7oo 14 13;. 1-1 lnt Pump lOO 30V4 3U1 3o. la-a Central Hi C Southern do preferred.. ...... - Laclede Gil job Louis ft Nash.. 200 134 154a l.." illnn & St L ,? Jl. 8 P ex 3 a M 300 H2 Mo. Kan Tex 11 do preferred.. 100 il3 3Tx 02;.. Mo Pacinc 701) 43 S 43 i. J's Nut lliacult i- 1 National Lead . 20I 37 .'i N Ry -Wei 2 pf. 4'0 31i 2 M N Y Central ... 10.1ot lll 118S 1 ' N T. Ont a: Wes 2'H 3!i 311. ..Oj Norfolk at West 5.7i l!3i 1124 North American loo 83H 83 84V, Northsrn r-ac .. 3H 121V. 1204 121 Paclllc Mall '-J Pennsylmnla ... 700 125 124 4 124 People'. Uaa .. 200 10ti 10 KS4 P. C C aV St L. 10 Pittsburg Coal.. . 700 2t?i 2114 21J Pressed nr.. JW Pull Pal Car ". 4 1 n . . .ma 14X1 !tltt 33 Reading 39.00O 165H 14 1'' Republic Steel . J.lOO 24 23 4 23- do preferred.. 2"0 78s 8H 1 8 V, Rock Island Co 2.200 20 4 28 S 2- do prefirred.. 200 56T. 3' 4 ' St L at S F 2 pf 400 41 404 40H St L Southwest a0 34 -34 JJ do preferred.. 100 76V i0V4 Slosa Sheffield 7f.,7 Southern Pac .. 1.100 112T, 112J 112V Southern Ry .. 40 20. 2aH 20 do prefrrred.. ' 30O 78 73 .3 Tenn Copper ..... "' Texa. Pac . . 10 24 . 24 -'f 14 Tol. St L Wea do preferred. . . Union Pacific .. 17.700 172H 171H 1 .1 ' do preferred J; V S Realty .... 1"0 76VA 76Va J U S Rubber ... 100 B3 55S j';x U 8 Steel 8.700 714s 70-4. ' 0;i do preferred.. o0. 1121 112. 1124 rtah Copper .. 4.SOO b4 K3 4 b-' V.-Saro Chem l."0 9 404 4i Wabash 200 8" 8. 8V do preferred.. Weit.rn Md ... 1 2 62 214 Wc.Mng Elee .. 100 75 .3 i5 Western Union. 13.400 86 .. S2V4 Wheel L E.. 200 8.4, 8 Lehlxh Valley .. l.flno lf 164 1644 Chlno Copper . . 4.5 2tt 20 i 204 Ray Consul. ... l.OOO 19T, -14 Am Tobacco .. 10O 258 258 257 Total sales for the day, 33S.0OO shares. BONDS. Furnished by Over beck Cooke Co., of Portland. . Bid. Asked. Amer Tel A Tel eonv 4s .l'', IJfjI American Tobacco 4s Wi .o4 American Tobacco 6s 1204 12J) Atchison general 4a . Atchison conv 4. 10.14 lot J Atchison adj 4s stamped W0 l Atchison conv Bs '? 1JJ?,i Atlantic Coast Line cons 4S.... 05 0514 At Coast Line "L A N coll" 4s. 4 4Ji I'.altlmore at Ohio 3 4s W. Baltimore & Ohio 4s JV - Ja Brooklyn Rapid 4s 87 8; 4 tan Southern first 5 101 loUx Chesapeake Ohio 4 4s W V C H r U gen mm 4s 6 C B ac Q Joint 4s W1 6 CBAQllls. ;i C B 4 Q Denver 4a vo Central Pacific first 4e 5H M hlcago East-Ills 4. .S CMcsgo R I at P ref 4s 8SH gV Chicago R I ft P Col trust 4s. . i-'la - Colorado ft Southern first 4a... 96 B6 Denver ft Rio Grande 4s.. .... 8 ' Delaware ft Hudson conv 4s 7 ' 1J Erie first cons i L 4e S J . Int Met 44 J-J JtjJ Japsnere 4s ' ' Japanese first 44 r,, Japsnere second ;4s..... . vilx Jj- -t.ouisvilfe ft Nashvllka unl 4.... v '4 Mo. Kan Tex. 44 S. 88J4 Missouri Pacific 4s 73 4 New York Central 34- J-'W . M New York Central Li S 34 ... 82, UH New York City 4....-.-.;A New York Clly 44s of lr,T....10, 1074 Norfolk ft western 4. w "" Norfolk ft Western conv 4s 11- N Y Ont ft W ."Jlii. Northern Pacific P L 4a . 10 Northern Pacific 3s 604 .O Oregon Short Line 4s . . . . Oregon lly ft Nav 4s 5 4 5H Penna Ry 4s of 104S 103 4 103 4 Philippine Railway 4s 88 Reading eeneral 4s , Republic of Cuba 5s.... lO-l 1034 southern Pnclflc first ref 4. Southern Pacific col 4s Jl 01 a Southern Uallwav 4s a St L ft S F ref 4s ' Union Pacific first 4. 101 S lO'Jj Union Pacific conv 4 1WV. 103 4 Union Pacific r-f - .United Stntes Steel S F 5j lop-J 12H United State. 2a registered 10"4 101 United States 2. coupon lonji IOI Unlte.1 States 3 coupon... 10. , 102J United Staets 4s registered 114 114 United States 4s coupon 11V 1'-' T-nll.t Rallwsy S F 4s bl United Railway St L 4. .84 8" first 4s. '' 11'..larn T' 4V-S.... lis Westlnphouso conv 5. . . Wisconsin Central 4s.... West Shore 4s 05 4 05 4 ', fl.1 '4 1004 10014 " Money. BxchiarisTe. Etc. NF.W YORK, April 10. Close: Prime mer cantile paper. 4-.W4per cent. . Sterling exchange ttsdy with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at $4.8425 for 60-day bill, and at $4.8730 for demand. Commercial bills. $4,83 4. Bur .liver. .MaC Mrxli-an dollars. 43c. Government bonda .teady. Railroad bonds "!uonay on call easier. 24wS P" cent: ruling rate. 214: clceing bid. 2H: offered at 2 x'lme loan, weaker. Sfxty days. 3 4 934: 00 days. 34": l month.. 3. Bar .liver. 5c LONDON. April 1. Bar silver steady at 27ecd per ounce Money. IStJS per cent. Tho rste of discount In the open market for short Mils Is 3 fl-l per cent; for three months' bills, t 9 34 per cent. SAN TRANCISCO. April 19. Sterling on London. 60 days, $4.84S: do. sight. $4,87 4. Bar .liver. B'.lwc Mexican dol'ars. 464c. Drafts Sight, lc; telegraph. 3c. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. April 10. At the begin ning of bus'.neaa today the condition of the United States Treasury was: Working balance In Treasury of- flees In banks and Philippine treasury 21.644.320 Total oaiance in !.... ........ -----.'- Ordinary necelpia yetaerday . . . . 1.83.B . . 1 r. 1 .1 o.ft Ordinary aisoursenmnta .. . - Deficit to date thla fiscal year. $14,377.08. as agslnsti a deficit of $1,648,085 at this time last year. ' These figures exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. WOOL TRICK HOLDS AT BOSTON. New Clip Fltrcbaara In the West at Steady Rates. BOSTON. April IS. Tho Commercial Bul letin will say: Scattering lots of original and clothing territories have been sold in the Boston wool market during the week on the basis of recent quotation., while a few lots of clothing fleece woof have also been sold on the lower level of valuea recently estab lished. Pulled wools are unchanged with demand fair for the better combing lots of medium to AA'S. Rome further purchsses in Utah and Ne vada are reported this week. In a few In stances the gressies cost has been .lightly advanced, but clean value, have been prob ably but little If any higher. The shipments of wool from Boston from January 1 to April 17 Inclusive were 7S.608, 1 pounds, against 44. 704. 481 pound, for the same period last year. The receipts from January 1 to April IT Inclusive were 7S.6S1.130 pounds, against 70,101.1:0 pounds for the same period last year. High Prlcea of Hops Predicted. SALEM. Or.. April 19. (Special.) With offer, being made freely here today of 884 cents for tha remaining 1911 Oregon hope, hop dealer, bare state they expect price, will .oar probably as high aa 60 or 75 cents by Msy. All Information which is received here Indicate, a strong tendency for Ore gon, and local dealer, are of the opinion that there will be a panlo to buy before the Oregon hop. of last season are closed out. Coffee and Sugar. NEW TORK. April 10. Coffee future, rlo.ed steady. 15 point, higher. April, 13.82c: May. 14c: June. 13.92c; July, 13.c; August, 14 c; September. 14.05c; October, 14.t3c; November. 13.00c: December, Jan uarv. February and March. 13.05c. Spot quiet. Rto, No. 7, llSc; Santos, No. Central of N J Chts iOhlo . . 3.3W Cmrsgo Alton Oil Ut West .. aw cio preferred. . ouo Experts give the Barber Asphalt Pavement the highest rating; of efficiency. The severest traffic tests uphold it in every instance. J. C: WILSON & CO. alOCKS. BON 1)8. GRAIN A?'l COTTU24 maa.-viKk.ltM NEW TORK. MOta. EXC'HANUS 3a.W lOKa tXlTTON i-Xl HANOa IHKAliO BOARD OF TIIAUB THE bXOCH AND BONO EUUAMii SAN I HAN CISCO. Main Officer MUla Bldg.. San Branch offices Vancouver, Oesutle, Portland, Los Angeles, baa Uicvgu. Caar- enado Beach. PORTLAND OFTTCKt ataln Floor Lumbermen Bank Bull dl as. 6th and Stark, Phones Marshall 41x0. A 4167. 4. 16 c. Mild coffee quiet. Cordova, 16 18 4c nominal. ' . Raw augar firm. Muscovado. 69 teat. 3.61c; centrifugal, 96 test. 4.11c; molasses. 0 test, 3.3oe. Refined, .tcody. Metal Marketa, NEW YORK. April IS. Standard copper easv. Spot. 15.5015.80c; April, 15.50 13.75c: May, 16.55 13.70c; June. 15.60 15.73c: July. 1 5,60 & 15.80c. London steady. Spot. 70 3s 9d: future. 71 Is 3d, Arrivals reported at New York today, 43 tons. Custom-house returns show exports of 15.2H6 ton. .0 far this month. Lake copper, 14 irl64c; electrolytic. 16164c; casting. 15S. r!3 4c Local sales. 25 tons June at 15.55c, 25 tons June at 15.67 4c. Tin firm. Spot. 43.70044c; April. 43..V'3 44c; May. 43.50J44c; June. 43.25943.75c; July. 48.206 43.50c: August, 434J43.60C. Lon don flrtn. Spot, 109 lOs; future.. 1H 10s. Lead easy at 4.124 J4.224 New York and 4.104H.15O East SL Louis. London, 18 be 3d. Spelter Arm at 6.806.0c New York snd 6.65lii6.75c East St. Louis. London, 25 Ijs. Antimony quiet. Cook.on's, 8c. Iron Cleveland warrants, 03. 7 4d in London. Locally Iron was steady. No. 1 foun dry Northern, $15.25J 15.76; No. 2. $151 15 50; No. 1 Southern and No. 1 Southern .oft. $15.255 15.75. Bltullthlo pavement is especially designed for - use in localities having a rainy sea son, as Its use as sures safety both to animals and automo biles. Insist on bltu lithlc, he common sense paving-. TRAVELERS" GUIDE. Canadian Pacific "EMPRESS OF THE ATLANTIC" AND OTHER STEAMSHIPS MONTREAL. QLKBLC AND LIVERPOOL VIA THE SCENIC ROUTE TO EUROPE 1000 MILES ON THE ST. LAWRJiNCE RIVER AND LESS THAN FOUR DATS AT SEA 2633 MILES PORT TO PORT THE SHORTEST OCEAN PASSAGE Flrat Cabin $92.50 aod up Second Cabin $53.75 and up One-Class Cabin (2d-claas) $50.00 and up Thlrd-Claae Lowest rates oa request. Canadan Pacific Office, corner Third and Pine (Multnomah Hotel bldg.). Portland, snd all local agents. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA (Union Lino of N. Z.) VIA TAHITI AND WELLINGTON. Dlreot through steamers, sailing from Saa Francisco May 1. May 2, and every 2S day. to Tahiti. Rarotonga, Wellington and Sydney. The line to I.lea of the South Seaas. n-or reservation, .ee Coupon Railroad Agent, or address Hind. Rolph A Co.. San Francisco. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego Direct S. S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder Sail Every Vtetloettday Alternately at P. M. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. 132 Third St. Phones Mala 1314, A 1315 NORTH GERMAN LLOYD EXPRESS SAILINGS TfESDATS FAST MAIL SAILINGS THURSDAYS for LONDON-PARIS-BREMEN SAILINGS ON SATI.'RriATS FOR THE MEDITERRANEAN. . Oelrichs 'o.. Can. Aris. 5 Broadway. N. Y. ROBERT CAPELLE. G. A. P. t'.. ISO fowrll Street, Opposite St. I rands H otel. H. r.. or aaeaw ' - EXPRESS STEAMERS FOB San Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE. 8. 8. Kansas City Sail at A. M. April tt. 6 AN 1'RANCI.St'O at PORTLAND 8. S. CO. Ticket Office 142 Third Street. Phone: Main 3803. A 10. EUROPE Seventy Spring and Summer tours, com prising Tour, do Luxe and Motor-car Toura, and also Vacation Tours at Popular Prices. Frequent sailings. All routes. Including Mediterranean. .... Programme of Tours de Luxe Arouua ths World now ready. THOS. COOK BON, SSS Market St.. San Francisco. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER. Sails from Amsworth Dock. Portland. A. M. every Wednesday. Freight received at Alnssrorth Dock dally up to S P. M. Pas ar.ger fare, first-class. $10; second-class. $7.00 Including meal, and berth. Ticket of fice Aln.worth" Dock. Phones Main 8000. A 32. S?5 m Ml THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus w Profits $900,000.00 OFFICERS: i. C AJN. WORTH, fsnataarat. K. W. BCHMEBIU Cashless R. LEA BARXES, Ttee-President. A. K. WRIGHT Aeslataa. Caahtaur. W. A. HOLT. AaaUtaat Caaklsas. LFTTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES We Maintain a Savings Department and Pay 4- PER CENT Interest on Savings Deposits lumbermens National Bank Capital $1,000,000 First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 850,000 Oldest National Bank West of tho Rocky Mountains L ADD & TILTON BANK Established 1359. Capital Stock sr. $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 800,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail able in all parts of the world. OFFICERS W. M. I.add. President. Robert 9. ITownrd. Aat. Cashier. Edward t ooklnaham, Vlce-Prra. W. H. Dutacklry, Cashier. The Canadian Bank of Commerce INCORPORATED 1867. Bead Office -Toronto, Canada. London Ovor two hundred other branches In the United States and Canada Kvery care- taken of collections. Drafts on all foreign countries and principal cities in United States and Canada bought and sold, and a general banking business transacted. Interest allowed on Time and Special Deposits. PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS F. C. MALPAS, Manaarer. The Largest Steamer in the World -co OLYMPIC MAY 4 Ton YORK June 1 S-July S FRENCH A LA CARTE RESTAURANT, TURKISH & ELECTRIC BATHS, SWIMMING POOL. FOUR ELEVATORS, GYMNASIUM, VERANDAH CAFE. PALM COURT SQUASH RACQUET COURT MURICAN LINE Atlantic Transport Line Near Tsr isadsi Dlrrd RED STAR LINE Krw Tr Osvtl 4ulau 9 VuM WHITE STAR LINE New Tuall tstasrs IJatrssal Rcw Tart Ptvaaaartli Clati baaji y-Saotli iiaHsn Bostnsi Qneamstovm Uverpcol. Boston Ateaiterraneaua. Company's Office. Boom "B" Ballry Building, Second and Cherry Sta., Seattle Or Local Railway and Steamship Agants. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY (Mountain Division) Trains leave Prince Rupert, B. O. Wednesdays and Saturdays at 1:09 P. 1L for Vanarsdol (one 1-undred miles). GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM (Double-Track Route.) FOUR THROUGH TRAINS DAILY NO EXCESS FARE BETWEEN CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST. THROUGH pirt.T.MAN STANDARD AND TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. J. H. Bnrcla. General Afrcnt. Passearer Department. Seattle. Washington. First Avenoe and Yealer Way. Corner of Fifth and Stark W. Ladd, Asst. I ashler. Walter M. Cook, A at. Cashier. Nvr York 16 Exchange Placr. Lombard Street. YVEITE STAR-DORIINfOiV Man-esl-rtraee-trpsa "MEGANTIC" & " LAURENT! C Lirpait nsf pImM ItMiMH oa Si. liwrtwo ot Only Four Days at Sea TO SDmOPS III OOBTFORT AT KOOElUri RATES Twin Screw S. "Canada" ukJ "TtBlonic OKB CLASS (ID CiBUt SERVICE THIRD CLASS CLOSBD ROOMS Baccara cbaefettd ttaroara to Stoamer ta Bond. Rmliark nlcbt ttators aalllof. Jlo aoaal or traasXor EFFECTIVE APRIL 1st, 1913. STEAMSHIP PRINCE GEORGE Leaves Seattle, Washington Every Sunday at 12 o'clock Midnicht for VICTORIA. VANCOUVER AXD PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Connecting; at Prince Rupert, B. C, with "S. S. PRINCE JOHN," 11 A. M. Wednesday for Port Simpaon, Port Nelson, Goose Bay and Stewart, B. C; Thursday, 11 P. M., for Naden Harbor and Masaett, B. C. Saturday, 1 p. JJ., for Refuge Bay, Skidegate and other Queen Charlotte Island points. A