IVH I - w . - I i Apartnmti. TH K DEZEVWRF. :ot urn i or., near t.vyi.ob - ELEGANT 4 AM $-Koo: l.ia,! M.-HKll APARTMK.VTS. APPLl O IRK-MES, FOR, RESERVATION. 1 B0.il aparmwil sod .1-er.lng porch, rmniil'lrlr furnished. Including Piano. Trinity place Ayii. No. ii. Mar.nall II"-. ruu. Ton' nKVT Modern five-room flat. "h hall and hnmro.m. a lull ar. furnace., walitrav. a and electric I linn. ri-orrie nicely tinted. f" 'ora t.on. In Holiaday park, at No. -3 ,,:,'fr -ret. at $21 per month. G-t "ft ' Broadway carllne at '-4lh anO Br-adway. or the Rose CI' Park rar at 2th end .-.miy roa.l. Phone davtime. Marsha. I 4o22. or ev-enlngs East 7 -V f-""O0f r.alT7i. Ullaan at.. ' h.u'1'. ln. sup-rb location. very dc.iratfle; naru wood t.oors. Br.-p.ar. gas range. .at-r h-tT. furnace. So Mr. RoaL St. Croix Apartments. 17 St. Cialr at. l.vrSl'ALLy d-sirab. mwlfro furnished flat. J or 4 large, light, airy rooma. nre Pare. .i.-eplnr porch, private bath. "0" in on w-.t miI'. very reasonable, -.us Mnni omf! y. corner 7: h. M-KAM-HEATEO i-room flee "'yd'4': blr: convenient arrangement w!,n,1' range; $ i'J. Summer ate. App-y J"' tor. Wellington Apartmente. lin ana Kvrrett. .N r -V mo.r 4-room fl I . w a: k.n f f111 ll line. eleeplng porch, it Market au Main 4o7. f-.vS-RiH.i3f flat, ga. and electricity, fire place. - bedroom.. T "-4 Gllsan. It N. TCKFOKD. i Mar. 4V1. A 445. 4"7 Spalding Milr iFi.(NT 5-room lower at. basement. jar.l. modern, clean, block to rar: f'.V 2"4 Occident at. near Holnday. Phone, a 4.i. O 1430. 1 . FV K.N'ISHEU fat. 3 large. Ilghu airy room, private bath, very desirable, close In. on Weal Side. 341 S Montgomery, cur per - Wul.LADAY ADDITION 6-room mod aril rp,r f a,t. a eeping porch. 6 block, from iw.Str.-l brid.-e, rt;', E. Jd at. o"h. corner X ultnoniaht. Jhonatjat4. HV ki.at Evrrv cnrnlriif. 3 to S rooma. l.ulH-ln furniture. ra "v' n.d .... ,.--r furn-ira. fireplace, -t car- !ln-a. Tabor IT-"-. KKW upper modem aunny flat. rooma and two awpin porche.: vrry d-.rabl: p j.7ltr near 'lultnomah Club: Inqulra i-.A 34t)iKR.N' 4-room upper flat, porch. baaement. yard. aunny and Pj""'; adulf. TSO Wllllama ira Woodiaaro 4.. yriR REXT Swell 7-room modern Tat. 444 lark at., furnace and Or-pi-cc: 33: n chiidrrn. 1-hono Tabor 7aort-al J4-I. rrHVl-JUKL fl.-t to rent; ftva rooma. flrat flir near Zlat and Ho)t; mauoitany rurnitur.-. AJ KPt. Dregonlan. rt-room uP' r fiat. Weat .-!'. rele-'t nmnuwrii-.. i V , T leenlrr porch, flrcplac-. Marshaa lo- tu MARKET ST 5-room. modem flat. $39 per month; key at 50v,. .ortland Tniat Company. 3d and Oak. i'l-RXlSHED Oat or room to rent. 19th and I w, ,i s,.!e. I hone A-Tlil. Maraliall Tl7 R.fcrencca. 4-ncKM fur. flat, porch. Ir yard, flna view 61 Davenport, cor. Patton road. Taka r. H. car to t-princ at. B-ltiiOM filt fur rent. cor. E. I4lh and Madiaon ata.. 1 blm k north Hawlhorna e. I'hon- Sellwpoil i.'l. VOB Mill fiat J rooma. fina yard, aplandld neighborhood. 7Tiv. Jobnaoa au. bau 214 IM. .-tih. Main 1N Modern 4 -room lower dat. IS Eat Main. I'hooa El f-'T. WKT PinK. cloao in. 1 rsa 3-rooin flat. !.. 1st W'l rrk! Nc'It H I L.L: mo-lrrn 4-room upper flat. leepiuc porch. Main asta. yj , t p K N" S-room flat. 5th. near Jackaon. Weat bi-le. 1 mln. walk. Main or A 12'JS. iTAir'jrT T-rrom lower flat. 4.2 Northrup -i. Mtin I47j. i x-riWm Bat for f-'3 at &.iQ Second at. iumtux rl-ro--m Hat. phone Haat lt.S. Ha aekaeprng Hooaaa. . Ilfc B-AVtK. lltn and afarahall ror aiabad fe- fcouaakeepinc: aaa rang, eles trle llghta. hot water, bath, laundry, fraa: ila per month op: claaa placa. beat Is tba city for the money; ahort cletanca from Union depot, lake "S" or lath-at. cara north, get off at Marahall at No doa. Il.io TO fl.0 par weak Clean I m lifted kcuaakeeplng rooma: free beat. phoaa. bath laundry, yard. 404 Vancouver are. ad 201 tnto; "IT. car. phone S. 4la. T1IK MEI.VIN. 11th at., near Tamhlll Nicely furnuihed houackeeplng rooria and ultea: bath. gaa. heat, pn.-ne and laun dry priviugea. rat. a raaaonabla. 4.-W N 2th al. Completely furnlaued S ruom ap-rtment. Including heat. Ugn'. phone. (15 up. M. Si. Taka S. 2-d or W tar north. URliE comfortably furnlahed houaekeep ing rooma, cheap rent. HI'. Firat near Mark. r'l Kl.-Uill amgie Uou-keeplng rooma. fl.io to - pr week. DeSoto Houae. Jfl 401 EAST MORRISON, cor. Ea.t Rth. com pletely furni.ud houaekeeping auitea, rea wniMf. li-.1 i-lKEKPlN-J. . ingle and In two and three-room .ultra, very reaeon-ble; brick Lull. Urn. !. Kua.ell t. .1 i:N!Sl'i.l and hou-ekceiiiig-room.; t;a onable ratea :"'f, Itith at. North. HOCSEKEEPlNii rooma In new concrete building Phone Wooqlawn I7 or .37. t. LEA.N H. K. room-, ccnlraiiy located, 1.30 u p. Ca IJ4 f' Y m-" 'j "Hoaeeaaeptas Ko'tn la IT-vwie twUr TIIUEK. comforlaMe fumiahed houaekeep lug room-, humelike, healthy location, walking d.atani; ."J Cbupman. Mar .(aii y.-'.v TUB M 1LNER. a4 Morrison, cor. Park, furnisncd or unfarni.lied rousekaeulng at-arttuent.. all convenncea. beat location. uin:ner rate.. LlTiHr. airy room with cke,-t In new mod ern home: every con ve nl."n' ; kitchen privilege; rraaonaule. W Everett- Mar- i all .',? FOl P. fiirnu-hed houekeeiing room, for rent. J112 7Jd at. b. K Taoor iilJTJ. NrlU l.T fiirnt.liei houaekeejung .ulte. free phono, electt.-. a. and l.aih. 413 per morth. t-; N'-rtrt ;l.t. near Washington. 2 r . KN ISH El houaeke.'iung-room.; mod ern, .-eam-healrd. iM4 Eaat lsth. cor. Main. "TuREE large, nr.ly furntahe-l houaekeep lug rooma electricity and gaa connecting bath aud pli'-n-v 40 I'ark at. lltllEK cmpictelv furnl.hevl rotma large var.i. bath, aink! laumlrv. phone: no ob jection, to cnild. flrv. v5 Ka.t Stark. lllO large, pleasant fr--ot houaekoeplng r m; cunvrnkorai; f-v m-nt. Hth f 10 WEI.I.-KC KN ISH V:t houarkeeplng room, not the little, dirty kind; gaa range, p ione, rath, laundry privilege 447 3th. ju TO 1-Tciean. compiotaly furnished houaa ke.plng room., gaa. el-ctrlctty. laundry. 2- Crand ave.. S. E. cor. Angeny. Vt Hl.lcHRM"HEl houaekeeplng rooma. fiO aud f VI per month. .2V Montgomery, between a and 7- h.irSEKiEflN-f r-oma citeap. electric lighia. phone, water included. Cor. Water and Cotutnt-ia. vn-r clean houekeplrg-rooma: alao rooma r-. c-"- i....rrf: h.tn heat. lli:bt V-lin Or -...---- - -. - - - and phone 1, T,vKijvii or unfurnished for bouee- VV.ni, .Vj; - - ,c T"r- IUt EKEEPJN'l room", upper or lower 111 ' ...-..i -.1 home: modern: ,..rt oi -'.r. -r.vlor m. a earn. k- ' - ' I AK,;i.- rou- keeping. third floor room, hln, furn.aaed. aleep.n, flu. -.l.Ti .vera-s. Nl- K "honae"keeplng-r.wma: fr-e phone, gaa and Ketn: H and up. l"th at. Norttv. N it EI.T furnl.ned hou.-keepi ng r.-.ma all convenience., d-alrabla location. 4- Mar ket. Bsar 11th. . jTr.-OM auite.' alnk. pantrv. newjy papered. A JH 1 .T-.-TW- - " - NlCrTiTTfirnlal-ed front housekeeping room. I rht. ba n an.l phone. 1J. STi lf h t. .iFKEt.l'lN-l u"a of I rooma Bleely f irn.tied. aio .leerilng rooma 14tn. f ; j connecting houackteplng ruoma. il r. M ri .u- . ,iR 5 d-alra'J-e unfurnl.hed h-uekeep-' ln, rooms. a king dn a nee, fu.t, th. US liol''iE-I'IN'- autla modern, yard. r ., walking rl'-.tancc. g.'3 Marahall. it-v h'K'XlVl fiat. n!-el furnl.hed for hoase.e.k.lllgil.l ll-tht. iTivrl.VTELT fjrnl.hed. central. large. onveri-nt. f2 73 and up. 4. "J Mala at - I v-rTXNT front ailte. everyth-eg fum i.ned. Kavt loth street North East 1 -i single h uskeer'eg r-nm aad l-r-sm eutte. bath, light pr..-ne. lauPdrv. ? Illh. i. - " - ".I' I N'l r..s 11 ".Th 1 J...N t iw-t, buacavei,ao. dil IK- at. - ( I . a..,,..- - . - . - . . Housekeeping Hoorna la Prtrala 1 amlly XK'K Iront room with kitchenette, furnace beat, electric Haul, aaay walking (! taiice. a weekl. tf S..1M at.. 1 V Mocka from Waahlngton. Booaoa atK LKASK-A 6-room modern houae In Nob Hill dleirlct: to biliro-m. a.eep ln p..r.-h. hardw.KJd floora. v.ew of all m.-antalna; beautiful roee. ', "5?" planted, never rented before. ,l" at onca by rtup--n.hl tenant. ITJ par month. K f". Oregonlan. TVE.-T SIDE. 5-room houae. on Curry at., altrt gaa. no lath, garden, walla tinted, ro ch'.I.en: nice home for a young couple who want to lave money or for an old couple: rent !-- Marahall Il.'i. TO Rr'NT 4.H Oregon at.. 7-room boaae. modern In every detail, furnace, etc.. ae ceaalbla to aaveral carllnea and cloao In. Poone owner. Tabor l0u. or call at oouaa. Rent tii. SOB HII.U in-rom houae. ono blot-k from car: all Improvement.: high- claea neighborhood. John P. Wet-ton. l0i Hpaidlng bldg.. Mar ehall r'-O". A ll'll. HOLIES AND FLATS FOR RENT. R. N TI FFORD CO.. 40T Kpaldlng Pld(. Mar. aa. jl MODERN" 7 -room houi-e, Weat Side, good furnace, fireplace, lighting fliturea. etc.. carpela on lower floor and god Jcitchen nn:r; r.o children, phone Muln 37.19. 7-KOOM houae. 613 Eaat Pine, walking dla tance. Una yard and fruit; rvaonable to reaponalbl partlea. Owiier. 6i Enat Couch. MODERN -room houae. walking dlatance. good neighborhood, clean and perfect con dition. Inqulra .Mit E. Alder, corner 14th. Phone E.tat 5141 mernlnga W ESI iIE 5-room modern cottane. with large garden trade; cleaned throuRhout: no small children; walking dlatance; rent f l. 144 Curry et. Phone Marahall 34-i. MODERN' 5-room cottage. Went Side walk ing diatanca: flower, and lawn; will rent for alx montha. oo Northrup. Main 4-130. . MODERN ft-room houae, 113 Eaat 24th S., neer Koae Cltv Park car; nice lawn and garden: price till. Phone B IU'W. FOR RENT 10-room houae. West Side, tillable for hou.ekeeplng rooma, B. jt-ietlkofer. 2f.5 Salmon. BARGAIN Artletlc It-room bungalow. Ill" East Tenth North, near Killing. worth. $:m. M.irehall 177-.. NEAT 5-room cottage, ten mlnutea walk from Poatofflre. Weft Side, yard room; rent HO er month. 4tt- JiarKei ev. Nii'E rt-room modern houa large lot. full of fine fruit treea; rent fn. 17 Vancou ver ave. phone Main 2-"7."l. SEVEN rooma, 871 Kelly at., near Galnea; modern convenience.: American neighbor hood : o.Y phone Scllwpod ltl4Q. -,- BKAITIEn. 7-room. atrlctly modern c-Arn-r. bltullthle atreeta; reference. Ii4 V.. l.t K. Marahall 467S; F-'R RENT Modern ill-toom hou.e. fur rl.hed. large yard, fruit, flower.; ---11 Eaat i4that. Phone Main 4-.il. tOr"rf:nt Modern 5-room bungalow, two lota fruit, chicken houae. 3 block, eaat VVoodatock car. Phone Sellwood 17i7. Mi-DFRNT 2-atory A-room houae. nlca yard, paved re-t. one block to car. adulta. $22. "SO WllllamaaTa Wood lawn 4J8. Nlf-E-7-room houae. newly papered, bath, $:. K. Id. near F.. A.h. "TroOM houae for rent, fumltura for aala rn-ap. Inqulra 92 N. th at. 5ROOMW'ct 8ld nice yard, fine view of river, fruit treea Call Main 1S'!9. N 1CK 4-room houae. gaa. bath, 122. 148 E. lith at.. nair E. M-rrl.on. poR kkn'T .-.-room modern cottage. In quire at Eaat 'J2d at. b. 5-ROOM minlern cottage, on two carllnea 124 Ea.l -I'th at. North. Eaat f-7:H. 75 VICTORIA ST. Modern. pleaaant -room hou.a. Phone J 1429. 5-ROOM cottage, clo-c In. walking dlatance: !&. !. K.lmh.B Str43.E S4i FOR KENT K-roorn houae. flna vard. near carllne. iS Schuyler at. Phona E. M". 7-IttiM hour with bath for rent 117 per month. 1J5 K. Salmon. Phona Tabor 4-17. FuroU-hed Hooaaa. FOR RENT from Mar SO. for four montha. 11-room modexn houae. fully furnl-hed; very beat Ei.-t Side residence neighborhood: refer encea given and required from atrangera. I-hone Main 1.124. IRVIStiTON May 1 to Eeptember 1. one tlo--k from Hroadwav car. completely fur-il.hed. 7 rwmi, .leeplng porch and garafie. to .mail family; refcrencea. f hone Fa.t 4301. FOR RENT To dealrable tenant, my home. . riiAmi ruealern. everything ia new and clean, furniture, canveta. ate. la of tha beat and must be aeen to be appreciated, llwl - Ellsworth at., cor. 17th at. i-KOOK cottage, well fuml.hed. modern. best location. Kinga ueignia, pi-s i.-o. Multnomah Club, on Main. 5U3 Mln. Phone M eS-vl TO RENT From June 15 to September 13. dealrable Weat Bxla location. completely furnished housa of cina rooma Reply T P'.i. Oregoninn. BTENOuRAPHERS. any a .tern, beglnnera or advanced, qulcklv speeded and pU-ed In po.itlona 30 Worceater block. Mar ahafl 2731. OX tha river on Oregon City carllne, one mall cottage: also 7 -room house with lath. fe-tt Hoard of Trade. M. 4".. M( UKRV furnished 5-room cottage: also 3 or 4-room flat, bath and gaa 514 Eaat i-'-t. Wfi car. H RN'ISHEO cottage, atrictlv modern, i room., .uburb.. cloae to car. fruit and flowere. Tab-r UHJ or Main SIOJ. 4 RXMrt. partly furnished, fruit, flowers, large yard, reaaonable to right partlea Call 1044 Cleveland ave. NEW, clean, modern. 7-room bouse, furni ture complete. Hawthorne ave. Tabor ;i DESIRABLE furnl.hed 1-ronm flat and bath. 4i Pettvgrove. Main 1174. hw llouae-e for Kent 1 urnlture for hale. fa"0 CAoH hull furnltura and leaae 5-room houae. bn.lnesg dt.trict: rent f 5: 9 rooma rent for ;7: this week only. J. C. Wright, 4M Alder st. iT-ROOM houaa for rent: all or part of furniture for wale; good location for hoarding or rooming; rooms all full. Call H.-y Everett st. Ml ST aell: new furniture, 3 rooms, sleeping porch, facing park, poaltlvely will show Income over all e.pen.-a Park. ROOMIN;-HOi;s . 10 rooma, litis location, aiwavs full; owner gone away, a bargain; ash 'or terma. 1V park at. 5-ROOM Bat. 13. furnltura for .ale. flf0; atrictly llrat-ciaaa: mint aell. 2.17 . Mar guerite ave.. at Hawthorne. WILL, sacrifice furnTshlnga (l-room fiat sep arately or altogether; terma, responsible partl-a A I HO. FOR SALE Furniture of 4) rooma. $400 rash, rent f2U, long leaae. Call A 7617. 7. N". 4th st. ltfOl'SE for rent, reasonable, furniture of 7 room houae for sale, low price, cloae In. come aee. 173 17th at. Fl'RNITl'RB of 11 room, for sale, cheap; terms, long lease. 347 Market St. 4-ROOM houaa for rent: first-class furni ture for aala 1 N. 17th at. I ROOMS, cloae In; bargain this week: cash or terma Houae full. Owner, 1:3 7th. f ROOMS of good furniture. 4 rooms eipenaes l'holie Main rjltrtl. pay t-RooM coin flat complete, rent Mill district. Main 7i. ITOKES In new story brick; good location for flrat-claaa grocer, meat market, rea tauraat. deil.'atcaaea. milliner, barber shsp: Eaat Flrat at. and Holiaday aval tba principal transfer point for tha Bear bteel bridge, bul-dlnga ready April 1. For leeava apply O A. Lyman, tip U.nry bldg liriLDINt 5"xl0. cor. Lnloti v. and Pins at.; good for light maoufactunng. plumb ing. Ice-l .tore or any business n--t re quiring highly finished building. Inqulra J N Brown. 25 Atjington bldg. Ti MI'uUAKY or long leare. store-room 2'i 33 ft., with baiiiient. Washington near Sixth. Also storeroom Flr.t and Alder. Call off.ee Peop:e'a Tbeatre building. Weal l'.rk and Alder. CORNER !th and Washington. bo33; a-.o 4 itur-s. l-s.4.: new-t.rlrk buiiiing; m-u- ern front.; rea.onabra rent. J. uaiy, 2J-" Failing H..lg illtt B oore. 3xlou. part or wbola: aeer brick bulldlnw. la.h and Marahall. suit able retail, w boleaaia or 11 n I maaufaa luring. A. O. Lane BASEMENT for rent In hu.inen district: nr.e ruaca for email buelneaa: tailor ahop. or will furol.h for houaekeeping. 104 llth. near W ash- i STilt RENT b tores. No. 14.. and 230 Haw thorne sit., eaat end of br(-!r:e. Apply Hawthorne Dock Co. Eaat oi. bT' 'K V. Hi HJM.. 5-ll-nA .ultabie for manu facturing purpo.e.. go--d location, cbeap rent. 1'fions Main Wv-t silvtiiE with aleeplng room opi-osite. large ivchi.l. $12 per month. Phone Kittli'i "" Offices. " " MAIloiiAMT desk and chair., reasonable r-nl. rf-rencra eachangeo, 7 tliismber of Comnier-e. Or SK KooM or larger epa.. Mala 58.4 Yin: MQTtxfyo QBT;noyTAv SAimtDAT, afril so, 1912. r ... .... t BACUI. I BCMWI WKCTOEt. LA HUE. lofty room, .unable for mualo or dramatic studio, with use of large hall and atage. Apply rtoyal Academy Hall, v. 5th St.. betaeen Stark and Qek ata MOST c.ntrallT located offlcee; all-algbt levator .ervle, u Swetland bid, 3ta and waahlngton. DHSK room in large, nlceiy lurnianei ouv- si-le orrice. !o,n pnones. ou.y ,.- llorchcrs. 2"i7 orrgonlaa bldg. WILL share our offices, .ultable engineer. architect, intra. ag--nt. ei. .e-is -.-.s. Balla. ELBgTaNT hall "and ballroom, reception rooms ' ate. suitable for afternoon teaa dancing partlea mualcalea and reclta.a Apply Royal Academy Hall. 801 Man c heats' blag-, e3 F.fth a- Phono Main 77. arebooa-ea. Foil RENT Lower dock, foot of Morii.on md Yamhill at., can ie. aumsm M iacclianeona. CARPENTER hoi. with sll convenience. and a lot of material, tree to tn ngns tenant, phone Main tV4V. Bl SINKS OPPORTJLN"rriES A UANKINU orPUKTL.MII. Owing to presa of other bualnesa. 1 want to dispose of my banking business; this bank is located In a small growing town near portiutMl: here Is an opportunity to get Into the bsuklng bgalneas on a very reasonable basis. If you are at mil !ner e.ted In banking. Inveallgata thla C u0. Oregonlan, INVESTIGATED BD8ESES8 CHANCE Ws always bae good grocery atorts tor sale which we csn recommend. It Is ta your benefit to give as a call. CHAPLV 4b H1CRLOW. M2-33s Chamber of Commerce. Aak for A. Keiler. DON'T FORGET , Mohair pool at Eddyvillc. will aell to the highest bidder (open bid.) on Mon day, April 22. Immediately after the ar rival of the We.t-bound train. Thla pool la composed of S3IIO tteecee. all la-month, growth. For further information adore W. F. Wakefield. Eddyvllle. Ol NOTION SIOKE. I p-to-date tto. k and flxlurea for sale, ftu.lne.s eatabliahed 3 yeare In thickly s-lllfd. live, growing community. Dry goods- an-l notion slock, strictly high grade. Owner must aell on account of poor health. 72' Alberta St.. at 21st. Telephone Woodlrtwn tlltf. FOR SALE or trade by owner, country store. 2 homes, large feed barn, store and ware, houses and outbuildings; acres of tine garden or fruit land, all In crop. Is mllea from Eugene; price flw.OOO; would take i or 2-3 in trado. A. T. Brewer, Fallcreek, Oregon. MAN with ffoOO or more cash -capital ran securo trom preaent owner, retiring on ac count alcknes., a hlgh-claa. phonograph buslnts. in thriving city that will earn better than $300 monthly. Closeat Inveati-gatl.-n invited. Apply Mr. Qrahara. w holcaalo matiager. Eilera Music Houaa. FOR HALE General mdae. stock, doublo store 60w. building and stock about 1S. OuO; will Invoice: will accept farm prop erty to $4000: cs.h $3000. balance can be arranged: cleared $10,000 ill 1H months: going Into other buslncaa; no agents. A -U1. Oregonlan. . BOXrTi Issues. $ll.0i0 upward, negotiated; railway. Irrigation, mining, realty, bank ing, tru.t and general corporation, tirgan-l-ed: franchises drawn. L. N. Rosenl-aum. lawyer and financial agent. 214-218 Halght bldg.. SMltle, Wash. WANTED. Partner o take half Interest In a Hglt manufactuiing plant; a man who ca take charge oi an offlca and manage men: aalary. $123 per month. Kinney & Stam pher. 351-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. ONLY-$240 wlir"sccure a substantial Geor gia possesion which can earn very large proflta without requiring tha attention of the owner. Write for photographa .nil free trip offer. Geo. W. Deen. boa 4tit. Waycro... oa I; 1-HT A l KANT and lunch counter; ow ner haa i.j placea and want, partner to look after one; will pay you good wugea, be.ida board aud proflta $.0. 32:1 Lumber Ex change. BfSIXESS OPPORTUNITY. Wanted party to take half Interest In my family hotel paying net profit of $On0 year; reason too much to handle alone; price and terms, phona Mar. 233. A RrslNESH corner on Foster rond and 6-"d .t. s. E.. very cheap. 5112 72x1 L S. E. Tabor ;39. SOLID business wauta partner to check . - . , . . - luiii.r than RiSHll, c-'liecv. ci-., fc. . " - ' wage; $20 required. Particulars room oio. Lunmtr r.acnisnae j-.qc. tive. rename iiiuii t-sn-r. , ....... amount monev re-iulred; mu.t atand In ve.tlgatlon. partlculara. 702 Board Trade. WANTED A cashier In a aolld office bust as nirtni-r: thla will UBV you 12. el a HI pi and month; r-ference given and required. S2t Lumber Exchange. Cai.Ml'LETE restaurant outfit for sale cheap, talvlea chairs, table linen, dlaliea, etc Room 217 Lewis bldg. Phona Marahall bANATORH'M. furnishings complete, good town, a money-maker for trained mine; $::."-0 cash, terms on balance. Owner, A J M4. Oregonlan. HO you want -a first -class picture show that is paving a good salary to two part ners. In addition to profit, and will hear full Inve.tlgatlon? Call 24S Stark au S330 WILL put you In a good little aafe ca.h bualnesa as partner that owner will guarantee you $30 week. 3i Lumber Ei- ennnge. Foil SALE My half Interest in a thor oughly equipped good paying cleaning and dye work.. For partlculura call at 1812 Belmont. Tabor 1722. g.:i-i a Pl'-SINESS paying $140 per month can be bought for $ liO. Call at 471 East Hurnslde. BALOOX.-country town; rent $1."-; license 4'i0 per y.-ar; 15 years In bualnesa B, 9ft3, Oregonlan. FOR SALE llot.-l in a live town; cleara $130 per month; $430. Addreaa box I'.'tl, N. ravine. Wash. PARTNERSHIP In a cleaning and pressing business with a desirable man and a pay Ing hulnessfor$j23. Csli 24S'. Mtsrk .t. PARTNER wanted- to help In store; will pay energetic man $J2R month. -Room J19 l.nmher Exchange Hldg. TEN-ROOM bungulow suitable for rooming or boarding-house. Write for partlculara O. O. Dulttba. Elk City. Or. NEW grocery store for sale by owner; .. rooma upstairs; will lease. Call 1191 E. Sherman st. FOR SALE Saloon; hslf Intere.t in well paving business In small town near Port land. Phone Sell wood OQ4. GUSTS' furnishing and shoe store. In good country town: rent 113: will invoice about flrtoo. Call 24S-. Stark t. SALOON for sale: big trade; good location: Independent license; $C0oo; no agents, V n7. oregonlan w iVTFD Partner w ith oo tjusineas permanent and will clear $400 yearly, for Inve.tlgatlon. AK U"l- Oregonlan. MINING AND INDlBllllAl, liutaa Telephone and other bonds bought ana sold. jr2etcherInTo223Abgtoa PARTNER wanted to go Into saloon busi ness: havs a good buy. AF 91L Ors gonlan. MOvTNO-Fli'TrRE theater for sale: mod ern East Side, guaranteed $30 week; bar gain. AD !M. Oregonlan. tTesTAiTraNT and lunch room, well located- muking money: will be sacrificed for $-T.o. ' all 2tai. ptark St. volt EASE Summer Theater. In Boise's White 'ty Park. Address G. W. Hull. White City Park. Boise. Idaho. MOVINGPICTL-RE THEATBR for ssle, clo.e In. downtown district. Inquire li. C. Stsvena 4a 7th st. saTI- Gro---rv slock and fixtures; about $16i0: mu.t be sold by May 1. Owner. O K'7. Otegottlan'. B4RRERS One chair outfit, all complete, "for sale. i:3. i4 Front st. 5uo BUSINESS CARDS. $1; bring .hla ad. Rose City Prlntery. 192V. d. cor. Taylor. SILilOX for sale for caah : will sacrifice; leaving city. AR M. Oregonlan. BAKERY for .ale. Seaaid. Or. H. E. Boyle, 475 salmon at. rhone Main 44o4. f-OOj paTINO bu.iness. one-half caah; da talla. D Oregonlsn. Cl-iAK stand. aola fountain, poolroom, two t.l.l-e. cheap, at 103 6'h .t. North. WANTED Butcher to open new markeu ItMO E. Division st. Tsbor 2'41. MEAT market, with good trade, in fine dls- tnct on Weat S I -I e. Ca II 24H Ftark at. -l:INTER PARTNER wanted; $1(X to $230 rush ncceary. signal. Mtltca. Idaho. 75 IICVS half Interest One buelneaa; raa- sona for selling. 242 5th St. RESTAURANT, center city; rent $50; I -a s: to"". 243 Hi 'Ysmhill st. BILLIARD parlor for aale; good position and good trade. Inquire at 824 Oil. an at. POOLROOM and cigar atand for aale. 4 Grand ave. MILK route for .ale. with or without cowa Al'i. Oregonlan. Fv'R SAL! 3-chalr barber shop, 8. W. COT. ot Sal sd Sumalda sls WANT man for secretary and treasurer of old-e.tabllahed ctirnoration ; aalary fl2. per month and ahare of profits; must In- - vest $3'-0; will give lime on purt: thla glvea you a fourth Intere.t; your money well .cured: rigid Invest i(SaMon Invited: business egperlcnco preferred, but not necessary. Address Sherwood Immlgrstlon Co., t.it-411 chamber of Commerce. FINEPT opening for a HOTEL in CEN TRAL OREGON. Will be a money-maker from the atari; no competition: exclusive bar privilege. See u. Immediately. 413 Kullwuy Exchange building. ON account of alckne.a will aaerlflce a part of my business to capable person, aale.- ' man preferred, who can take aotlva In tereat and manage the bualness during mv- ab.enre; buatness wall known and will bear closest investigation. For par tfculsr. addreaa. giving phone numbes. AO 013 Cref onlttn. WILL sell to party with 1-ton truck con tract for hauling averaging $400 per month; work from 7 A. M. to 11 A. M. every day; niuit .ell thla part of our bu.i ne.a quick or toae entirely; have not equipment enough to do all our work. Phone Main 141. AO ;. Oregonlan. SALOON BARGAIN, $830o". Downtown bar In center of retail busi ness district; good lease: owner owns license: will consider good trade; will recognize only bona flue offers. Owner, R Oregon Ian. LET us sell your business for you: we can do It. Let us try; honest, courteous treat ment onlv. Main li'.MO. SH ER WOOD IMMIGRATION COMPANY, 4.;u-44u-441 chamber of Commerce. -' FURNITURE and hardware, flrat and second-hand stork. In leased building, best location In Roseburg. Oregon, 111 Jack son street: $to00 will buy It. Inqnlra P. O. Box 277. 1- H. R.hoaJes. Roseburg. Or. FOR SALE Cottage Hotel, Jefferson, Or.. 17 rooms furnished, three lot., barn, near depot; price $3000. $131)0 cash. Santiam Real Estate Co. C. O. Merrill. Jefferson. Or. WANTED A party that can invest $500 and services to take a half Interest In a good manufacturing business; this will pay a good salary; experience unnecessary. Call st 17 Vancouver ave. POOL-and billiard room clearing $200 to $:inO month; rent $40; 5-year lease; In vestigation aoliclted; will take good lot or residence as part payment. Call 24S1. Stark st. . FOR PALE Machine and blacksmith shop doing good bu.iness. best location in city: cheap rent: 5-year lease; fully equipped to do any kind of work. Address C U0-. Oi-egonian. " ' WANTED. House, unfurnished, 25 or 85 rooms, for a good board Ing-house, In right location. Call Main 2POO. BA K ER V for sale In growing town, fully equipped shop, storeroom, living-room, up . talis; building and lot; only baker in town. AV 1H Oregonlan. GROCERY: strictly caah bu.iness $125 per day; best East Side location; long lease; rent $'J'; "Ice. clean stock: will invoice. Call 431 Chan ber of Commerce. FOR SALE OR RENT. Riverside Men's Hotel. 1054 Macadam St.; 6o rooms, furnished; easy terma F. Day ton, 1114 First St., 8 to 10 A. M. INVESTM EXT. i Inlcre.t In Wireless Tvews FubMshlnB Co. for $2300. It will pay to communicate with E. W. Horsman. Hotel g-ward. HALF Interest in automobile buslne... $3000; answer at once; parly must raise money. AB !4. Oregonlan. WANTED A partner In a well-paying bus iness. One who can rustle preferred. Ap ply 204 S 7th. A SNAP; to secure a good business chance and location write Sully's 5-10-15c Store. Ontario. Or. SOUTHWEST corner of First and Morrison, to leaae for term of five yeare. Call A I'tinO. Main 26l0. REST AIR ANT." In good location: cheap rent 3 vc.ru' lease; receipts. $03 per day; vil'.'iicl. AT (o. oregonlan. RESTAURANT fot sale or rent at Seaside. Or.. Including building 27x30 and all fix tures. rs!l at o!l Wash. St.. portlatid.Or. JOB plnnl. one evllnder, two platens. $120 per month; part ca.h. AL Ul'-S. Oregonlan. RESTAURANT for sale; well equipped, good location. Inquire 313 Oregonlan. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. TO get start-d In legltiatate business en terprise In Portland or live Coast town, by young man of bualness ability and col lege training; Can invest to limited extent; must stand strict Investigation; bank ref erences. A l00, Oregoninn. ROOMING-HOUSES, FOR SALE Rooming-house, fl rooms, doing good buslne... walking dl.tance, on We.t Side, table board In connection; this is a money-maker, and a anap at the price. For further ' partlculara call' on Nlmmo, Runey & Co., 424 Hamilton Bldg. MART E. LENT CO. PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL AOKNCT. HOTKL6 ROO M I NG APAKTME.NT HOUSES. All slies and prtcea 22-4 Palling bldg.. sd and Washington. " HOTEL FOR SALE! I I The lease, furniture and good will of the Calumet Hotel, 150 Park at., for aala For terma and further partlculara apply at hotel. 74-ROOM hotel. Weat Side, modern. Price $12.30O; will trade for other bu.inese or take part caah and mortgage. J U&4. Ore gonlan. il-ROOM modern dwelling, elegantly fur nlahcd, new and clean; best location; big income and alwaya full; long lease, terms; cneap. Li y owner, isia xiauuuis. 14-ROOM house for sale, cheap: Nob Hill . district: furnace heat, electric llghta; fliiO". term.; clearing $S0 mo.; good res son for selling. Owner, R l5, Oregonlan. ROOMING-HOUSE in the best location. ..clearing $2oo per month; price $630. - T oyi, Oregonlam ELEGANT new furniture of 14 rooms for sale; low rent: house for rent, tin N. 14th street. ROOMING-HOUSE for sale. 16 rooms, good location, cheap price. 2!)Vt N. 2d at. 10 ROOMS, fine furniture, centrally located,. $230 w ill handle Call 343 , Morrison. BOARDING and rooming-house for sale. Owner, 202 12th st. Phone Main 8163. SPECIAL 'OTICF.S. Proposals Invited. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States for the District of Oregon In the matter of Hula sV Co., bankrupts: The undersigned will receive sealed bi-ts at his office. No. 7 First street, up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday, April 211. 11)13. for th following property belonging to said es tate, namely: A stock of merchandise consisting of ladles' cloaks, suits, furnish ing goods, shoes and dr goods, located at Newberg. Oregon, of the total Inventory value of $11. 619.70. together with a lot of store fixtures Inventoried at $458.70. Caah or a certlrted check for lo per cent of the amount offered must arcompauy each bid. and said sale la subjoct to con firmation by the court. An inventory ia on file at the office of the undersigned - and property may be inspected upon ap plication to O. S. Crocker, who is in charge of store at Newberg. Dated April IS. ip.12. R. I- Sabln, trustee. gEALED BIDS will be received st the of fice of tho undersigned, 40'.' Tllford bldg.. until 5 P. M.. May 1. 1SI12. for firs hose, nozzles, couplings, etc.. for Schuol Dis trict No. 1. Copy of speclflcatloue may be obtained at the office of the under signed. Certified check for 10 per cent of the smount of the bid. payable to R. H Thomas. School Clerk, must accom pany eau proposal. Board of Dlrectora . reserves the right to reject any and all b'd"" TL H. THOMAS. School Cleric. listed. April 15, 112. Miscellaneous. NOTICE I will not ba responsible for any debts contracted by my wife. Phoebe Annlta Huckhee. C. H. Bll'KBE- BARGES for rent, capacity 400 tons. Pal tullo. 8 Sherlock bldg. Main 1410. LOST AND FOUND. losT English bulldog, brown spot over otic eye; has name-plate on collar. Will .Sech tefa dog. whose dog are you? Notify ?13 Cherry si. Reward. m LOST Between downtown and Ravens view Drive, pearl cross stick pin about threo Inches long: marked on back "B. E. A." Reward. 1424 Yeon bldg. FoUNDFrirlav afternoon, lady's sl'ver watch with fob attached. Owner call at Oregonlan office, prove property and Day for ad. , LOST Lady's gold watch with old-fashioned fob. valued as keepsake. Reward. Leave at office or phone Sellwood 4-12. LOST Elk' a tooth. Finder return to o) Alder at. and receive liberal reward. Mar shall 151 H ST Lady's watch and fob. engraved H. F. O. Phone B 137; reward. LOST Small bay mare: white (Ml and .pot on forehead. Main 426i. Lost a mink muff on or near E. 26th and Clinton ata.; reward. Thone Sellw-ood 42i. LOST- Library took. " Rebeersh of Sunny brook Farm." .W.oodUwa baa. FOUND Where you can buy genuine aaJJ mattresses retail at whosale prlcea; we r-novste mattresses and return same day, we also renovate feathers Po"fr?,l Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. --- Front. Phone Main 474. A 13-4.. LOST An Airedale female dog, near Jef ferson and llth St.: has collar with pad lock, but no marking on collar. Reward. A 722S or Marshall JUS. LOST April lo. dark brlndle English bull dog, white breast, white line between eves, $15 reward return to 413 Broadway. Phone Ea.t 1430. . LOST A mink muff, last Thursday night on Base Line Koad or near 2tth and, Clinton. Reward. Pgfone Sellwood 4-. STRAYED Tall, rangy horae. white face. two white feet. Phone Main 7293. LOST A cameo earring; finder call up Marshall ir.l before 2 P. 31.: reward. FINANCIAL SACRIFICE STOCK. SALE. Offer at lowest prices, immediate sale: Northwest Whviel & Wagon Co., 000 shares. Portland Concrete Pile & Equipment Co.. 375 akarea. V. S. Cu.hler Co.. 450 shares. Beaumont Land Co., 5000 sharea. Also oth-jr stoczs. , WHITHEUU COA.. 3'S Fenton Bldg. Main 617C. A 4.161. I WILL sacrifice 10 per cent on a flr.v real estate mortgage of $4000 bearing t per cent, due in 2 1-3 years. Is on 4 acres of fine orchard land: no gravel or hills, and within 12 miles of Portland Courthouse. AM 9!I4. Oregonlan Jl U i 1. 1 1 .1 A..- - ' " " Contracts. Mortgages. Equities. Chattels. Diamonds and -Real Security. Special serv ice rendered. . . LAWSON-BROWK INVESTMENT CO.. 1 1309 Yeon Bldg. Tel. M. 3947 WE havs plenty of private funds in amounts of .100 to $10,000 available for immediate loans on Improved city property. Our terms reasonable. Henry C. prudhomme Co.. 606 Wilcox bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved and unimproved property. CALLAN 4 KASER. 722-72S Yeon bldg. . . i . - . w I i T " X." T1 CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity in contract of sala oo real estate In Waahlngton or Oregon. H. E. Noble. Lumbermeps bldg. Loana . MORTGAGES (first and second), contracts and sellers' equities bought. E. L. Dcver eaux, 1009 Spalding bldg., 3d and Vvash Ington. Main 63. FOR SALE aT a sacrifice, second mort gage $1200, 8 per cent. Zy, years, pay able $120 a quarter. Well secured. AB 9S3. Oregonlan. WE pay highest cash price tor buillders con tracts, first and second mortgages and other securities. Home Installment Co 401-402 McKay bldg. Marshall 3969. MONEY to loan on Improved real estate or for building purposes; no commls.lona COLUMBIA LIKE St TRUST COMPANY. 916 Spalding bldg. WE buy notea, contracts; mortgagee (flrat and aeeondl. equltlea F. H. Lewla & Co 3 Lewis bldg. m MONEY to loan on first-class Portland real estate security at lowest rates. Morgan, Flledner Boyce. 503 Ablngton bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, contracts and commission accounts bought, real estate loans. E. B. Miller. 410 Ablngton bldg. SOME .ood securities to trado for acreage or farm property. John P. Weston. Dtu Spalding blUg. Marshall 23iiO. A 4S11. FOR SALE S shares of Am. Life and Acc. Insurance Co. stock cheap. Write A. E. I'-'lersen, Astoria, or. MONEY to loan on city or farm property. Wm. C. Borchcrs. 207 Oregonlan bldg. ktanry to Loan Real E scat a HAVE TIIE FOLLOWING MONEY TO LOAN UN GILT-EDGE SECURITY AT o:i r.: $ 2.000 3 years $ 8,'HiO 3. years , $ 5.01MI 3 to 5 years $ 7,nK) 3 years g lO.iHio 3 years .... $ 12.oo 3 to 3 years ..... $ 20.000 5 years 2."-."io 3 to 10 years ... $ .'iii.oou..-'? to lo years ... $1oo.ihk 10 yours . .C per cent . .8 per cent . . 7 per cent . .8 per cent . .7 per cent . .0 per cent . .6 per cent . .6 per cent . . per cent r. i. n.T ceut .5 'a Per cont Still 31 it. n.inuui.1, Mar. 42S0. A. J. DETSCII CO. A 15.i9. 840 Chamber of Commorce. TO LOAN AT ONCE. 6 TO S PER CENT. $1300 for 3 years. $2imo for 3 years. I25O0 for 3 years. $2300 for 5 veara. J4o00 for 3 years. $13,000 for 5 years. , , J. II. TIPTON CO.. HQS Spalding Bldg mi iv-cry TO LOAN. $10.0oo Bt 7 per cent. $4on at 7 per cent, f 12oo at 8 per cent. Call snd talk over your requirements. It. N. TUFFORD, 4o7 Hpaldlng Bldg. TO 1AS AT 7 PER CENT. $3000. $4000. $3000, $7000. $13,000. For threu yearn on Portland Improved property, close-in acreage, or highly im proved farms. Apply to i IQU'EI.1. BROS.. -133 Worcester bldg. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes, 8 to 8 years' time; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresaea. The Equitable Sav Ings A Loan Association. 24Q Stark St. LARGE supply of money to loan in sums of $3O0 and upward, on real eatata secur ity, at and 7 per cent. MALL VAN BORSTEL, 104 Second St.. Near Stark. MONEY TO LOAN. $20,000 to loan In blocka of $2000, 4000 and $10,000. R. F. BRYAN. oOr-7 Chamber of Commerce. $500,000 ON improved city or farm property: building or small loana at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. McKenzla Co-, 514-515-516 Gerllcger bldg. . 8TRICTLY private money on real estata farms, ranchea. etc.; mortgagee and con tracta bought and sold. Straw. 711 Selling . bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS on city ami farm prop erty; mortgages purchased. Henry C. prudhomme Co., 800 Wilcox bldg. TO LOAN $5000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON. COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDQ. 500 AND upwards on Improved real estate; notes and mortgages -bought- W. A. Hath away, room 10 Washington oiog. IMPROVED or unimproved property; amall building loans, contracts and mortgages bought. W. H. Nunn. 448 Sherlock bldg. MONEY TU LOAN on good real estate se curity, 8 per tent, 1, 2 or 3 years. A. R. Cumpston. telephone Sellwood 1422. $1000 TO $5000 to loan at lowest rates, also larger amounts. Trowbridge t'tepbsBa Sul Wilcox bldg. SEVERAL sums. 13O0 to $2000, to loan for 1 year or less on real estate or good mort gage collateral. Call 806 Wilcox bldg. $200 000 TO LOAN, larga loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates W. U. Bsck. 15-316 Falling bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Blrrsll Co., 202 McKay bldg.. gd and Stark. MONTHLY PAYMENT LOANS on Portland hemes, for building purposes. 206 Stars. PROVIDENT SAVINGS at LOAN A3J N. 100 TO $300 TO LOAN FOR SHORT TIMH ON AN Y GOOD SECURITY. BY PRI VATE PARTY. 207 OREGONIAN BLDQ, U3RTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CSNl LOUIS SALOMON. 229 bT ARK ST. PRIVATE money, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. Georgia A. Haaa. 4QO Macleay blag. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONAJJLK RATES. FjLLEWlS. 8 LEWIS BLDvii. MORTGAGE LOANS Henkle A Harrison, Sll Gerlingar bldg. WA;X central Oregon farm loans. 400 -ortn west i''JVi "- "'-- " -."--awo.- i CANS on real, personal, chattel or co.lat eral security. C- W. Pallett. iua-U Fenton. -uflK.I TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATJ4. . 1. u.kulNG. 303 Ch. oi Com. J. O. GUL1RA. FAILING BLDQ. ri va"T ""money loaned on Veal estata mort gages. H- Mlley. room 204 Gerllnger bldg. STATE funds, 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, agent Multnomah County. 4O0 Ch. of Com. iluNlal'. any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W, " u " sat, Co Slo Spalding iag. imn UP on dwellings; owners only; tlu expense only.. Atty. 21o All.ky bldg. 32.000 OR any part to loan on real estata 1 OUlMe '500 ON city property. 6078; A 2027. Ambrose, Mala Money to Loan, that tela and, Salaries. MONEY LOANED, watches, diamonds. Jewelry, etc ELBV COMPANI. Boom 82u Lumber Exchange Bldg. wb LOAN money on diamonua and .eweiry at half the rates charged by bio art, ff.ri Bloch. 74 3d su MONEY loaned on diamonds aad .ewelry; strictly conyiaatlal. 141 bt 3d. near Alder. LoaNS on diamonds and other securiuaa Wm. Ho'l. room 9. Washington blag. I LOAN far 'he asking, salary or chatt.la The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. MONEY sold on Installment: coafldential; alarled people. F. A. Newton. Henry blag. TTTwEST rates on furniture, ate Goo. Har g.x, tt. Jwiat -vla lo Loan Chattels and Balartee. CHATTEL ?A-RT LOANS. LOANS. 1.00 to $1000 on DIAMONDS. 3 per oant and up. WE MEET AND BEAT The rates of other LOAN CO 8. regardless of what they advertise. OUR NEW RATES. Borrow 10 pay back $12.60 In 6 pay ts. Borrow .'5 pay back J29.95 in 4 Pay.i Borrow $30 pay back $36.43 In S pay ta CAN YOU BEAT THEM. ON LOANS UP TO $1007 If the HEAD of the family dies before the account is paid in full and the payments are maae li agreed WE GIVE THE WIDOW A RE CEIPT IX FULL OF ACCOUNT. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebates given if paid before due. PORTLAND LOAN 'COMPANY, 206-7 MACLEAY BLDG. BOTH FOS Between 4th and 5th at... on Wash St. Open Monday and Saturday till V P. M, $ $ $ STATE SECUP.ITY CO. $ 1 ) . - - W.-R-R. 6ALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. 1 V 1 O i w. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND. $10. repaid in Installments of. $20. repaid In Installments of 30. repaid in Installments of. -u Larger amounts in proportion. We do not advertise misleading terms or rates, but give you our charges In piaia figures. , . , , Business strictly conf identlal. STATE SECURITY CO., $ $ $ $ 0S Failing Bldg. 31$ $ $ $ '$ $ $ $ $ DO TOU NEED MONEY T Wa will furnish you. strictly ccnflflen tlal. and without delay, a loan In any amount on your auto, piano, furniture, liveatock. storage receipt and all otner klnda of securities, on terms to suit, also a weekly or- monthly payments. WE BUY AND LOAN On first snd second real estate mort gages contracts and ghattel mortgages. U. 8. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO., 12 Hamilton Bldg.. 181 3d. . am 20s; ...... : V- . 1J CAI.ARIKD PEOPLE. Women keeping house snd others fur nished without security; cheapest ratea easiest payment-- Come and get money when you want It. and pay as you can. Offices in all principal cities. D. M. Talma-. 817 Lumber Exchange. J' i'. I V A T PARTY LOANS 10 to 100. On furniture, gooda in atorage. eta STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL $20 Lumber Exchange Bldtf. Open Monday and Saturday till . P. U call, write or puoue a-u -,. INVta'l'ORo. investigate this growing prop osition; will guarantee not less than 5 per cent; any amount from $100 up; to be uBed to increase equipment, output to meet a popular demand that is becoming universal. Write or see "Secretary," 4011 Commonwealth bldg. $5 to D. D. DrtAKit, 100. FOR 8ALARIED PEOPLE TOOAY without security, mortgage or Indorae meot: cheapest ratea best and most pri vate terma In Portland. 3u7 Spaldlug bldg. Cuccca aora to Hutton Credit Co. ' PRIVATE PARTY LOA N S. Salaried people and women keeping house, $10 to $10U. ut-i,.tlv. Confidential. 320 Lumber Exchange Bldg. LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry and valuables at almost bankers' rate of Interest. J-4 Falling bldg.; 3d and Washington streeta Loans W anted. WANTED $1000 tor note dated December, 1311. due December, 1912, with privilege of one years extension; 8 per cent Interest- secured by West side property at iJ7 Wilson value $3300; no commission. Geo. Engleharl, 2 Lumbermen bids. WANT to borrow $3300 to construct 3 stores and 3 flat buildings, ftrateglc. point, Ken ton carline. Security if O0'O clear "property and :!3u building, or t-jO0. nono evenmag. .. - WANTED IIH.OOO at 7 per cent and ex penses from private party, on 40 per cent value of Improved real eBtate in Portland. Telephone r,ai isot. 0:-0 EACH WANTED ON 2 NEW HOMES. 8 PER CENT. AND AL L LAP h. Na hb IO PRIVAIE PAtttl. c fi'-. --ive.""--- ilONEY WANTED Applications on hand for desirable loans, mortsages for sale. Henry C. Frudhotumo Co.. Sott Wilcox bid. WAll IAIA.1 v ' ' . On my moucrn 8-room home, from pri . . - . . . , , . -r nt- C---.00 vate pan. ..-. 1 o GILT eige 7 per cent, net real estate loan $1.1.000 wanted. No menu. K 900. Ore goninn. t WA'TSlloOO on 20 acres of bearing orch ard and garden truck, value $12,000. close 111. to city on carline. 2u7 orci;unian bldg. PERSONAL. FOUR WEEKS TO LEARN. SANITARY 4EAUTY PARLORS. 400-414 DEKUM BLDG. OUR SCHOOL IS PRACTICAL. Which means that If you come hers yon will be. taught everything that la neces sary atid nothing that la unnecessary. OUR SCHOOL IS ECONOMICAL In other words, if you Invest your money In Instruction here It will get you the greatest possible Increase In earnings afterward. OUR SCHOOL 18 ENJOYABLE. Because we know how to make your Work Interesting, and have tha teachers and the equipment for doing IL OUR SCHOOL 13 THE SCHOOL FOR YOU. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. 600 PURE CUT HAIR SWITCHES 12 8-inch switches 4.45 6 26-Inch switches 2-43 Hair dressing 25 Face massage ...................... ..a Shampoo - Manicuring. 25c, 6 for J-0O 12 acalp treatments o.uv Suparfluoua hair removed by electricity, guaranteed not to return. 4 $5 and $6 PUFFS only $1.45. Cut hair in any shade; switches any length. Prices half- Sanitary parlors, 400-412 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washington. RADICAL, cure by tne latest natural heal lng .methods. Including radium, all electri cal currents, lighten heat, vibration, radia tion baths. massage, adjustment and manlpuiationa Most expensive, finest eauluped private office in Oregon; no medicine or operations. Over 6000 treated patients and not a death while under our care We will be glad to consult with you free of charge. Dr. W. E. Mallory. alii Rothchild bldg. 6W ED1SH TRAINED NURSE1 Helslngfors graduate: rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physicians directions- baths, massage. No. 7 East llth st. second door south from East Ankeny carline. Phone East 260. B lo3. HAVE you superfluous hair? I positively guarantee to remove your hair from the face neck or arms; painless and perma nent; one treatment given free to con vince you what can be done by experts. iin4 Swetland Bldg. Electrolysis Co. DP. CATHERINE C GAlEo I have nail li years' practical experience treating nervous and chronlo diseases. Consultation free. 307 Ablngton bldg. Marshall 3143. Hours: 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse, long experience, best references; treatments tor ' iheumutism, lumbago, etc.; massage and bath: trained nuraes in attendance; :lou Holladay ave., cor. Occident, U car; East :nK. C 2353, open Sundays. "DKS SUITS lor rent, $1.50 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveriea Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark. MRS. STEVENS. 18 yeaa Portianu'a lead ing palmist and clairvoyant, has her lata book "palmistry Made Easy," on sale at 212 Alisky bldg.. 8d and Murrlson sis. volAIJ A place where special attention Is aiveu to remodeling 01 hats, by up-to-Jate trimmers. English correct millinery, oil Morrison at.. Marqoam Uldg. ZNEROL The great nerve tonic and sys tem builder, $1 per box. 6 boxea $3. Supa Taylor Drug Co.. 289Morrlson su MRS POTTER, scalp and facial treatments. 605 Northwest bids, 6lh and Washington. Ladles only. MRS S. C. MORRISON', steam baths and ma'sseurlng for rheumatism, lumbago, etc 84 7 Vs Jefferson. A 4470. Open Sundays. SCOTCH woman, mental scientist treatments, rheumatism, lumbago. 05 bk Morrison su phone A 5006. . MADE OF YOUR" COMBINGS. Switches. 95c; curls and pulla, 75c. San itary Beauty parlors, tw cauin o.qg. SCALP treatment, facial massage. Room mi. Hotel Bresiiu. top floor. 422 vs Washing ton ilWi - SCIENTIFIC facial and scalp treatments, manicuring, etc The Marinello Shop, 402 Central bldg.cor 10th and Alder. HCIENTIFIC facial, scalp treatments, mani curing. Violet Parlors. 010 tiwetlaud J)kig. moLes. euperfluoua hair removed, Mrs. ki. t HllU 429 Flledner bldg. Main 3473. r.i OF FIGS. Compound. Royal Toaia Tablets. 532 Davis su Main 9215. LADIES' batha are now open at 190 llth au B. L. Turney, mgr. Marahall 2558. MANICURING PARLOR, facial and scalp treatmenu ahampooing. 314 Swetland bidg. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Analytical Theniste. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO- analytical chemists, exam 1 vis vi cucunciu drugs, fucxis. A0. A. E. COOPER, attorney-at-law. General practice, abstracta examined. Removed to 1424 to 142S Yeon bldg. M. T3. A 20il. MOSESSOHN A MOSESSOHN. lawyers. Ab stracts examined. Speak German. Frenc'i. Russian. 714-713-716 Cham, of Commerce. M. FITZM AURICIj. M. A.. L.L.B., attorney-at-law. Reno, Nevada, refcrencea: Nixon National Bank. Reno. Assayer and Analyst. Wells & Proebstel. mining engineers, chem Ists and assayers. 204 bt Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 7S6 Morrison at. Brass and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Erase casting and machine work. 106 N. 5th. Main 27U2. Chiropractic Physician. DR. TICKNER. Columbia -Ids., next Star Theater. A 5233. Main 0387; res. B 2ai6. Chiropodists. DR. OLIVER O. FLETCHER, lady expert assistant. 305 Ahsky bldg.. 3d and Mor rison. Main 8702. treats all ill. of the foot, without danger of infection; corns, bunions, ingrowing and atrophied naiis, flat foot and bunions a specialty. WILLIAM. Estelle and Flossie Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors St-2 Gerlinger bldg.. S, W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, offices 429 Flledner bldg. Main 3473. DR. U. S. G. and Mrs. Fletcher. Painless chiropodists. Over Hazlewood. Main 3713. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 3HD SI.-WOQ1. Coal and Wood. NATIONAL FUEL CO. Coal and wood. Marshall 960. A 3545. 387 Water St. 1 lancing. MR AND MRS. HEATH'S SCHOOLS. 10$ 24 St.. bet. Wash, and Stark, and Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison Fancy stage and social dancing taught daily; waits and two-step guaranteed in four lessons; clasl Monday and Friday eve, S to 10. at 101 2d at.; lessons 25c. RINGLER S SCHOOL Private and class In struction; lady assistants; social, stage, fancy dances. 231'. Morrison. Marsh 1 Detective Asencies. INTERNATIONAL Detective Agency, con servative, reliable, confidential; rates J3 per day. Office 510 Dekum bldg. M. Wt-4. Kducatlonal. m 6TMMER? Method for cure explained free. M. y Hatfleld,J018Gruve. Jlakland, Cal. Engines Gas and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agents. Sea bury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en gines. 281-2S-3 E. Morrison St. Phone E- 615, Feed Store. ZIGLER 4 M1SNER. hay. grain, feed, oe ment. shingles. 24 Gran d ave. E. 4! Kodak Plnlshlng. QUICK service, cut rates; send for pries list. The Kodakery. Ctli and ash. Landscape Gardeners. ritci vv. -c.y' : ,, no, 810 Yeon Bldg. Marshall . Artistic landscape gardening, carpet beds, planting of all description Bra din and construction of new lawns to prl?"1" residences' and public grounds Thor oti.hly experienced men employed. Rea sonable charges. De3lgnBand eats. I-RUr. IF you have residential grounds to beautify, consult our landscape expert. Mr C. P. McDougall. 12 years' experience 'n Scot land and Eastern cities. Now is the time to DlanL Advice free. Phone Main 891. or write the Oregon Nursery Company, orenco. Oregon. ..r. ,- -rji-T t nrc Lenther ana rtnnlugs. ,. . q , MAtTlCli & CO.. 74 I'ronL Leather C"rta.JeV7 description, tabs, mfs. findings. J A STROWBR1DGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 183S. ISO Front sU Medical. BOSTON kraduato. ma-sago and m-djea. fvmnasiics. ... Musical. RAGTIME piano taught, lo lessons players always wanted at good salary. Room 17. .;8!;i E. Sl'rriuu Em.. Thlelhorn. violin teacher Pupil Sevclk. 900 Marqunu-. n. .v.. Ostcoputblc Physicians. tvr LERO Y SMITH, graduate Klrkvllla. DMo class of lsus; post-graduate 19U7. un der" Dt- A. T. Still, founder of the science. ?" selling blug. M 19. A 10S5. ir R. B Northrup. 413-10-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chronlo Diseases. Phone. Qfflc3l4j3SEast or B 102$-.' - Paints. Oils and Glass. rViAST-M 4.dTs paint and varnish Is best adapted to the Coast tlimate. MKCTER PAINT CO.. 191 Second st. r. . v. , isKN & CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, " gfK sash aWraJJur. 2d and Taylor. Patent Attorneya. ,T,-vTs urocured by J. K. Mock, attorney-P"al-Uw lati 1 o" U. S- Patent Office. "- fet free. 719 the Board of Trade bldg. i i i.-NTs obtained, trademarks, copyrights eJred? all counlrlea Booklet free. HABERL1.N. 326 Worcester bldg. U S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by -- 0 0 Martin. 409 Chamber of Commerce bldg. - - WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat cg,'n ,tentcase.. 004 Dekum bid,. "" ' Patent Engineers. inVentIons developed. And naVeiiTs secured. Coop Schmltt, con futing engineers. SOI Henry bldg. hona 'vjsjConsultaUon free, Pawnbrokers. r-cr-t v.- MYERS' Collateral Bank; 40 years bo VorUand. 71 6th st. Phone Main 91- pavlng. S ni.- 1 irber Asphail Paving Company, 603 1 o-cTric bTdlt. Oscar Huber, Portland. 1'ipe. ,,.., AisD WOOD PIPE CO. -actory aad tUo"tlco near 4tu and iork sts. Main 348s. aaiies. " ,.i i.-ii SAt' CO.. lob 2d SU SaX as Jlt lco-d-nand -tea " HeconU Aluud OouUa. buy ciolhing. fuimtuie anu tools. Uiga Wi". , ric uai- Xor seconu-naiiU cioui.ug. -gS-l- Marshall 2334. 7". ,,, hikiliest uric, lor etoncl-nan4 wf-y,a' dhsnuea; Main 7o08. 630 5th. , p:-.-. ase. HU-. a"d " . 1 1, h: utcl. CO., orancn Grand Rap t: Bhowt-. Co.. 6th and uyu R. Lutk manager. : . . , 1 ,-ALL. 208 Hamiltou bldg. Snow- H- d m aiock; prompt deliver.. a- r.J5jtyr--bar Co. , . . , mkg CO., 4th aud couch; new o-.-and. a?n 2703. Caolnet work. u sHOWCAoii 4t FIXTURE CO.. .POli ALAND toiio ulJ taM118l , fateamshipa. .,. LAN LINE Royal Mail steamers; T.Soeal Liverpool, Glasgow. Montreal, ir ri "lyiuouth, London; tne picturesque V 1 keuc route; 1 four, days on tne ocean" three days in river and gulf; spien " Turbine steamers; saloon, second i.io and third class; superior one-class cb service; cuisine unexcelled; courteous atieuuon; send tor circulars, rate plans, eil Allan Co.. 127 N. Dearbora su. Chicago. Storage and Transfer. f- PICK Transter & Storage Co., offices nd commodious 4-story brick warehouse. -Tuarate iron rooms aud fireproof vaults ?r valuables; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sua., i.ianos and lurniture moved and pacaed 10? shipping; special rates maae 01 .win m ur llituWI cars 10 all domestlo aua ioreiKn points. Main 596, A 996. OLSON -ROE TRANSFER ta Oeneral transferrin, and storage, tafea, vnd furniture moved and. packed lor sliipmenL 8;9 Front au ielepauuM Main oil or A 2247. iikhliluN 1UANS1-EK CO., established 187t Mranster and forwarding agents, office, ind storage 474 Glisan su, cor. 13th aad ". pnonea 31ain 69. A 1169. " Tpewrtters. ii. TO $65 wlil buy a REBUILT TYPE tfPiIkii; rebuilt as good as new; all mikes to choose from at Gill's, 3d and Alder' terms to suit; every machine guar anteed. Call or phone lor representative, Main 850O or A CO08. Z-. . vT- buy a poony constructed machine when you can buy hign-prioed standard makes direct from tho nianutacturer at 135 on the basis of $3 per mouth, or $39 cash' rentals 8 months tor 3. Investigaie, - K. T. Co., 243 Slark sL Te handle standard makes of genuine Eastern factory rebuilt typewriters (no lunk). Prices righu Buy a reliable ma chine from a reliable house. Pacifia S y A Pig. Co.. 107 2d su Yv'H are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; Investigate; all makea, all prices. The Typewriter i.x change. 331 Washington au vEw""rebuilU aecond-hand rentals, at cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. Typewriters. REMINGTON No. 10; new; not a rebuilt. 6o cash; pra-Ucally W 987. Oregonian. Well Drilling. DRILLING wells. Phona Main 1'HH en aril A, west. 1U Uorrlsoa A