Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 20, 1912, Page 16, Image 16

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A usnota lea.
if tou wish t bu. wr hae the car
wnt at the right n-. If rou was
to !'.. we will pay yoo spot raeh.
ail or writ for prior a. We ara x
t . dealers of need automobiles.
New location.
4i.-4 A.rtar at.
.. tt r". 4 rRSr overland, completely
o.,oped. dciarfcahla loDwlu. A I condi
tion, verv cheap or will trad In on larger
'"-. 3.2 Luiabermen'o b.dg. Marshall
-rv-.-K.V'itii ap.endid condition f.'.sr
"l FIi tar.l.i. ..
n bd-. one ."or.1 camp bo.
"onl ii.ti.l fronts and lope. Auto I op
12.1 All"
-i st.r. An entirely rebuilt and painted
I ' ijnni car. e-pasaenger; investigation
.nl prove an sxcel.enl buy. AS . Ore-
Fl'll Ptnilu In used cars Krai;
tf- for !?: buy un.l eeil.
Cor. E- 13th an- Hawthorne ave.
;TV,sen.;er automobsie. good cordlt.on.
T today, phone A 1412.
INx-. Itlrala. I'rt M-k.
UllITi leghorn bb chinks: best
i.illilT atok. b -d to la : baa.thv cbl. aa.
ciannlwd: 17 .- r I'. during April
.n4 Mar. The pioneer Hatchery. Dot
I OK fcALE 3 fresh milch cowl one Ho,
eteln. giving & ga.lona Pr J. one liur-ca-n.
t gallons per star. Phone Taoor
K44. .
-jiS for hatching no short notice: a..
Jl baby chl-ks; standard-bred P;
tr) ; IneuMt and eupplte The r'
T i..piy ..-ua, -- ,.
PUATTS Aolm Regulator foe eaao by J
i Butirr, ISH Front et. ,
F."rt rAL redlgreed whlla Angora cats
I E. - ' '
i i fit ALE A 4-months-old i-pit lo. 14
aufiD at. m.
.vllNi htDj for aaie,
a 67 K.
bil.l f,ua toll-top SI. fi-
t.-. Irak. ;. ljpwrllrr !-. . nui"H
o'?lr tall", 3i ft.. mailr offt-
fM. J L.V up; No. c ato.
to atl mm. $1 to ;.":
rtnin 4-Lurner, I'iiH' to II". -' Oar
.mi a rtnr. uior ar4 lo -r oen.
ra trr h-t'. rIIol. iarntl.
plota. Tic to 3: ait'l l.tai a
m p'l.loard. ct vo. for "..".". n S""'J
onji'ioo. har1?ft ntwisi.m iM.
up. Knrhn tMr. l. dri-lai llninc
lib'.ca 1 to $I.Ti; dr-p-leaf kltt-iian tr--a.
ur .V. --o aoldn oak hall ra-k.
ir'."-: 'r. a"th t oak b"f?-. l!; ais
la-!l aiheriHl oak dk, 3-pi"
trho.nird parlor aulta, I . upholairrt .1
ivan. . to.-kfr. (1 up; kitch.-n chairf.
-. dinlrc rhalra. 7Vt and up; rrnlfr and
p-lc.r tab. 1 lo i: f .ldiiic b-.. " to
)!. ma-.fl oak dt r. ..1 to lo: .-om-moi
. 43 to i. cnlf'ont-r. .. to !.";
mis r" tiij S. vili luirrain rum :
al- Hruxvln ni(. 1" Wa furmh hoti
oa imitilmrntt, no atra rht for ra
iaymnta. r'rr dllry to any iart of
.h rM: opn Saturday vfnlnga until !
IVKsTlillN bAI.V.vr.B iJ.. o.V."4T
T'aablnicion. bt. ltith and 17:h ata. Uoth
phonx Main IK-. A :;;pa.
W Waahlnittoo to T. R.. handom'y
Niitn4. new. aipo Cntury Dictionary. 10
motuntc. laln T-SO. A ToSl.
FOR HALK Huuaehoid funliurr al on
thlrd r'l. oan" lld riat. mtial maka
ouica pala. ran". - Iron bd. ton. b.d
room. a- . tr.. " In ocl condition. II
i;i E- -mth al. North. l'hona Ujat S4MI.
i 'OITH part frroh and part comtnc In
oon. i rmtrm for family u. on--ourt.r
of a -tila aaal from Uanla. Tabor lli'i
4. Htaa.
iArE3 Jnulna Hall aafaa. aaw and ae-ood-hand.
low prlcaa, aaay tartna; aafaa
asnd and t-palrad. Purcal Sa.'o ca. and
tort land bat a Co.. 43 6th - MaJiu.
L10ItTl.T ad caib ralatara. credit ra
t.t.ra. compatlnt acalaa. at, bouaht aad
ao.d Tha Pacific btora Sarylca -a- i-J
Mark at. Main 7T1L
W bu. and pair can r.latra
m' J. Macaulrv. uIm s--nt National i.'aati
rrg'.trrm 3..4 Iturnatda at., cor, of htb.
rtijt H V I . F.. ch-a tv mimat Df 5 h. p.
cl-tri.- motor, rounter anaft. wood pu.'l.
rtr and -irroiar . - i'f" and dk.
loqiilr- llarrla Trunk 'o.. I H ttt h .
OR SA-E Oaah raalatar. acalaa. corf aa
mill, chaaaa ruttar. ctwdlt raalatar. kaa
a.icar. ate. Tha Portland aloro ouyp.y Ca,
i.V 2d at. Marahall 4Mb
Tr; 1LE rr:ntom;raph circular .ttt'r
-.rblna. narl Bw . will suaranlaa. Ar
T. UffgnnUa
.F.WIN'l mar-hlna motor and amail rl"
trlc fa-u both new Mmk offr. Addrcaa
T t-- O'tonian.
i- FOOI br 4-foot liuTI; avarytbltiaT bat
,ninp, cap If aM at onca. Phona
fi'nltict W ood lawn 1314.
H, rrak-a typawrltara rantad. t3 a maaL .
12 Btark -
1 HEAD dairy ad craatn cowa. aoma tuat
fraii. others m.DV frab In m lew d-ya.
To. Harold ave. Pnona bW-ilwood 111.
ALMuT aaw furoltura of four rooma at a
ffa: aacrinca. ta;i avcunaa or bandana
4.i Itn. Wat aida.
oiTr.TS 3S rolver; wia trado for .22 rlfla.
A d J r i AF w. O toman
fOR fA1. rortabla atta. baa baaa la naa
; m on lh. 2VI Wa.
l knTtCKK for a.l '. Ill taka lot aa part
paymrnt. Main la-'g.
i KM ri H K for a-la;
1TI K- - N-
rnuat aoll at onca
aoa, RL SI.VESJ card a. II. a barcaln
Cm prmtary. lJi d. cornar Taylor.
r'Oll !AL Second-hand 1. -'- Smit up.
r! t e r. ''all M Ileal Itld t
f i K i -c UA S cook atoa for aale at a Dar -
a.n. T'htoia Main oewi. Ill Main.
!OTOK fr aw inc nia.-hin and airuill alec
trl.- fm. Adflreaa At' Oretonian.
T I'fcV KITtFIS rented a tnootba for 4.
Kamlncton Typaariter Co.. Stark au
ROV L typeariter for aa; good aa ttamr.
Addreaa AT 9-2. Oret.nlan.
OFr ICfci furTtltarm. Bw and aacond-aaad; at
tractiva prlcaa Pboaa Main t'il.
W AXT ma-JarrLJ-NrOC.
WASTE l fl'ltNITlKt.
Want g-od farniture in rmcnanga for
4A acrra. biack loam aoll. good farming
omruutilty . hava flno reald.-nca lota In
1 ai tma for good furniture; all atrert Im
proycmaala lu and jaltU AS Orrgo-
H'gbaat prloa paid for man's and ladaaa'
eaat-off ciotblrig. ahoea. furniture, loo. a.
anacbanir. logstr.B. tail iau -uaO, JIM
lat at . Tba oloba.
F. buy Junk ana second-hand machluary of
K.anr daaoxlptton. Call tor our buar. 3a
Harda aV bona. 240.2401, yyont at., tba
kouaa at a million lain 4o3. A
919 Morriaoa. I'nona 1C toiO.
Pays high t caab pnea for furniture..
ur. pay tba hlgheat caab orica for aacosd
bana furniture. aVatar 4artia. fboaa
aat 14. 4 Mawtborna ara
TO FI.T. rash raglater. acalaa. coftaw mill,
cnaaaa cutter, cradi: raglata.- and maal
a.icar. rbona Marshall ixt ad.
WIH. pay spot cash for stocks of mercban
dlaa; atrlttly confldantlal. 1J1 .! al
iXD Second-band autographic ragla
tar; atala make and prlca. P aa. Orago-
nan. .
IVASTtB JJovlbg-plrtura outOt. fe.ding
cbalrs. etc. A 1. gl. orcgonlan.
Wll.l. mt rooma :.: up; paiutlng al rea-
snn-bla prlcea aa t i-a.
sol D Auction Ca. Paya moat casb for aay
kind at furniture. aia s3L. A -4a.
WAVTKr A good pharmacist to nvanaga
raw suburban drug store; kivo full Inforra
stloo In first latter. Al 1. Q gonlan.
VV' .Ml l Kaliabla agent lo handla good
aerurittra. AK T". Oregonlan
I'Al.VTLR and g.air wanted. 111; Haw.
tborna ara.
japaNTPK or Filipino to cook and do
h ourcwork. fall at S 10 Cerbn ltlrtg.
JVK man wanted aa city aaieernan for taii-
orlrg aatab' lahment. C'sli 111 Uth at.
li. 'V wanted with bh rcla: can a aiia i0 pac
month. -4 YambllL
t knTED. at onca. a porter. Apply St.
barlea Hotel, between -l" A. l
vTTntKD Hlgh-clasa sales mas. Ask lot
Mr Burton. 4-1 Ya bldg.
V. NTt nrat-class coatmsjter. Apply
lana. Johnson at Tarlay. 14A Tilt at.
v 4 TETVtock salesmen at il 3d at. Aak
f . r ss manager.
.v . s I :L MlrcIMT. P. Hlahop. Salarn.
C rKD I'oatmaker and panta ard vest
raker O-o J. iilrdaa. Kims. Wash.
w is ir.
tor k
ina flral-c ai and door
-r Address AV 1'7. Otf.finlin.
fiH:l;lw a afl'M. - V M at
I.vI.Bii waatad. S4i touctt at.
One of lan
Offna Secrmn arv Kmploj meat Ucpartmtnt.
Voung man. stranger, out of work. (K
h's totai cash asa-ii If I par you IS tor
l-clal rnplom ent emharahlp. I win
hav- only elo left between ma and tar-
s-crea r If you pay for special
emuiovinent membership, you will bava
the r. M. O. A., with Ita resourcea. be
laeen toii and starvation.
Kcault: Young man Jolnad aiwoclatlon.
In than a week ba had satisfactory
cmplo mcni.
Itccord for rh rea months ending Mar. -
falls for men !i
l'o-itlons filled -
1 . .. . .-ik.hln auaranteea
mcmlr will seentra employment or refund ,
of mcmher.blp fe; gives two monins iuo
membersnip prlvllesca. 10 monthr aocisi
privileges and undertakes to keep part
emploved during tho full term of mem
bership without further charge.
t e bave constant demand Tor "ign
grade, experienced men. Ate you fitted
for a better position?
so secr-tary employment department,
T. M. f. A. .
W A TKI lleaf estate firms and salesmen
sell lore In foqultlam pnti-h Oolurnbla 1.
Industrial aub-cHy of Vancouver. History
of ( hicagn. Seattle. Ia liver. St. Ijula etc-,
repeatlnr Itself here. Kmall iortunes be
ing mads by Investors. Oreat demand 10
lots. To be Taclflc operating termlnua ot
Canadian raclflc Railway, tha Tr''
rallaav corporation in
which ha started to spend tT.0no.00O l
terrolnala abopa. whai-r ea. ear faclorlea.
olc. IKsena of factorlea coming to t-O-aulllam.
Two electric power companies am
work. Hundred thousand dollar roiinfl
houae now building. Wa own f.naj
close-In subdivision. Kmclualva territory
and llbersl commission to right man. tw
prices, easy terms. Attractive literature.
Write al on- for Mil particular and gem
emdualve sale In your dl.-unct. t'harl a.
I-.odl- 7o.. Umlled, 614 Pender at. aU
tsncouver. p. l
Conn PAT. steady employment, plea-ant
work, with an old reliable company. The
work IS selling high-grade nursere stock,
and hare aome good territory open.
Hat what territory you would like and
write at once for particulars to Lock Bog
4-iA Portland. Oregon.
44 Ankeny bt.. Cor. of 3d.
We w.tnl the folioem. men for large
r.ew sawmill which will start up shortly
after ilay 1; must ba able lu furnish good
oast reference. Sea uosa at this office V
a f i.-l.i'
luUm will set wages after talking wlth-1
... 1
1 millwright, keep op running ml.l; 1
'.umber grader, green lumber: 1 edgermsn.
1 air trlmmcrman. Iion'l overlook this.
Conie eai Ir. 244 Ankeny.
AXTEO for V. . Array, aoie-nodlad. ul
marrled men. between agea of 1 and
cituens of Cnlted btates. of good char-a-ler
and temperate neblta, who caa
apeak, read and write tha English lss
guage. For Information apply lo Recruit
ing officer. Worceeter block. Third aad
Oak streets. Portlsnd. Or.
A K1NC Oiortutilly for a good advertis
ing salesman. Will pay straight ealary.
or salary and commission, or straight
commission. Will also award management
of local office, when al. titty la proven.
Address F. O. Ho li;:, -a Angelea.
T went an experienced capable married
man. without children preferred. 10 take
full charge or my farm: must have a
thorough general knowledge of farming,
tlaliylns and stock; must ba highly recom
mended, none other need apply. O. 13.
Muhbs. 61 4th at.
TV A .VI" K L -o lice brake man. Will pay
ti ansportauon and highest wagea to
thoroughly competent and experienced
man. Correa pond with Rosen Cornioe
Works. Ui:-14 East lit- sl. Los Angel-.
C M 1'KTir.N'T estimator on plumbing and
ateam work; ena thoroughly familiar with
anik on large buildings, must be sober
and bara satisfactory references; steady
poaltioti at good eaiarv for right partv.
Addre.s C. A. 1 . U7 Jackson at.. Seattle.
WANTED A gentleman, strictly sober and
Industrious, with -oO capital to buy one
half Interest In good paying business;
must tasa full chjige of office, salesman,
collect all bills: this Is no graft. Call iii
board of Trade.
T Fl K i.I N .J man. taking In the email
towna. can make big money with a aide
line: nothing 10 sell: this la new snd
easy money. Call, see D. H. Ramuels. Ho
tel Multnomah, evenings.
WANTED Young man between 1 and -I
'ears of age as messenger In bank: must
be of good appearance, write a good band
and hava good referencea. V 1W-. Ore
gonlan. S'AI.KSMAN' wanted to aell cloee-ln realdence
lots, acreage and homes, on easy pay
ments. In all psrta of the city. Ask for
sales manager. I ron. lent Trust Co.. 3ll.
o; 30a Hoard af Trade.
WANT El An emperlenced man to manatre
logging railroad: good referencea required:
no other need reply; large company. AV
Ve n-eg'.nian.
WANTE1 A first-cla 1 Japanese or Chinese
cook la prtvate family for cooking and
general bouaework. Call
at.; tfunnyside car.
at 111 East lta
EAIJIfM I'N. attention If you can only de
vote part of your time can put you In a
position to make moaey. Ask for sales
manager at 61 Sd St.
2 COAT. 1 pants and 1 east maker. T'nton.
bill, coat ill and ip. panta S-j.lru and op.
vet -S and up. Anderson at Neltel Aberdeen. Wsh.
WANTED PVr-t -class salesman for eatab
llahed proposition for retailers, commie
alon basis: age limit 40, men of Ciosa
record on.y considered. 1. av3. Clregonlsn.
WANT Ei AJan to do a special Una of so
licit. ng In Portland for a big firm, perma
nent position to right man. Apply aXtar 0
A. M-. 70S Selling bldg.
WANTED Young man. experienced book
keeper; must be able to furnish first-class
ref.rencea. Apply to Mr. Peterson. Morris
it Co.
WANTEI Three, good salesmen to repre
sent!!e's Weekly and the Judge; 514
a week to stsrt. Call b to A. M.. 31
Worcester hMg.
Jbil'TCllER wants young man. competent
slaughterer and shop ssslstant for coun
try. Commercial Abstract Co., 4ag Com
mercial Club bldg.
WANTED Firet-claaa bushelman; no other
peed apply but me ana business and knows
bis buaineas. loji feanuy Road, noao City
WANTED In whol-eale house; experienced
stenographer: slate salary empet .l and
furnish references. Address p. o. bog
WANTED Clean-cut. neat young man to
work as demonstrator: permanent posi
tion for satisfactory party. Call 9ta E.
Morrison. Jo to 12 Saturday or bundsy.
CARPF.NTER contractor wanted to figure
labor and material on dwelling.
;rsha'.l 4S s. y4 Lumber Em.
fiuOaK EEPEK wanted; prefer man who bas
haa local experience In the transfer and
storage business. AT fst. Oregonian.
CORN ET and clarinet plsrers for Wild West
show. Wra. Macl-aughlln, ears Cooper
Bros Wild West. alem. Or.
MARKER, aorting table.
Taiiymnn. -. .0.
Pioneer Employment Co., 1 Vorth 3d.
KlUST-CLASS cabinetmakers wanted by tha
Oregon Furniture Mtg. Co.. .44 Macadam
WANTED Hollcltor for dee worka: horse,
wagon and good route. Call at Berlin ys
Works, ct. Johua. Or.
PHOTIX1KAPHER. caller: eteadv position:
sober business-getter. Ayrca, osborn lio-t-1.
K. Ash and Orand.
21 1 ;H-aR A LE men wantiug salaried J.oel
tlons. ppiy Mercantile Advisory Asao
clstlon. P to Ti, Ifnl and 1f trerllnger bldg.
jOl'Nii man. 1 7 ycara of age. wants teacher
to teach him the American language. In
quire at 244 a Burnalde at.
WANTED Cily ealeaman. emperlenced. no
other need apply. Portland Post Card
'o. 2-3 l.umterman'a bldg.
FIRST-CLAHS cutler: must be expe
rienced. Orotf Tailor, inc., Spokane.
WAN'YEli Emperlenced stock sale tan, one
well acquainted and good references: no
competition. A Soil, Oregon I an.
SALESMAN wanted, experience unnecessary,
easiest real estate proposition In Portiand
Call at 41 Corbett bidg.
BOOK salesman, experienced, good proposi
tion if you can qualify. S.6 Worcester
WANTED A flret-elaee raMnetmakar on
furniture. Tha French Manufacturing Co..
44 Hovt St.
WASTKD A bright. Intelligent boy. 1 to
1. as office boy: excellent ofejtortunlty for
sdvancement. H anil, Oregonlan.
TWO" first-class rsMr-et-m skere. Fltcbless
Lumber Co.. E. bt. -Johns.
PHOTO coupon: beat ever effered: ansa fag
asente. Cu'berrh St-.dts Dekura bldg.
riloTt coupon agta., beat snap ever offerrd.
lloston btudto. e4U Washington at.
FIR.T-Cl.A.',Sp:ar!ng mill man! one that
can lake charge of mill, til? Hawthorne.
WAN "El- .wa:cutter
.VS aa-iLngton.
for ciaturdajr.
SAI- i-MA.V wanted to sell real estate In
the city or out. on liberal commlsaion;
fnrnl.h live tiroanecta to atart you
vltb; have tha finest proposition In tha
country, which makea it easy 10 minr.i
0.1. .mem: emperietice not necessary to this property, but wa want people
that are willing to liuatle. either sex.
rgll li'l Oak St.. room 1.
TOl'.VG nian stenographer, small pay at
flrat. clianca tor aavancemen. '
eight Sriiie Co.. 5 1st at.
PARBFR wanted. 4- N. Slth s:
Cook, waitresses, housekeeper-.
Ironers. girl for shooting gallery, clerk
In citar store, ac.-orel girl and general
housework; other good poaltlona.
T.aldes' Dept. !dSH MorTison.
WANTEO Several yotjng ladles between
tha agea of 1 and 2' for perm an t posi
tiona. Apple the P. T. T. Co-, i.4 Aider
St.. or 416 East Ankeny at.
WR need two wide-awake lady aollcltors
Who are willing to work 8 hours a dsy
for liberal compensation: work steady and
pleasant. Call 10 to 12. 41 Mohawk bldg..
3d and Morrlaca. .
WANTED A girl for general house-work
who csn go home nights, living In vicin
ity of Wodlawn or Piedmont. Call at 4!o
Alnaworth ave.. Mrs. C. H. llarrla.
WANTED A woman for general houseaork:
must be good philn cook. Apply to Mrs.
William Young. Mount Adama Drive, city,
or phona Marahall 11.
WOMAN to do-light housework In country,
nice homo, no children; wages Hi a
month. Call 303 Yamhill s.. forenoons.
WANTED Olrl for kitchen work: experi
enced cook: M month. Apply 14 Jack
son St.. cor. 'J 1st. Portland Heights.
BOOKKEEPER and cashier, work 2 nonrl
every evening In e-cbauge for board. iH
lloyt. Main 7-01.
TOI Xfi girl wahted for general housework,
two In ramllv. Call Miss Davidson. Main
4l. or csll at U 7lli St.. flat B.
EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work, s In ramllv : $20 per month. 7-0
Weldler. phone E. fjili.
NEAT, refined woman, housekeeper, widow
ers family. Aatorla, Ht. lunula Agency.
Aider. Main 2".H. A 477.V
o WAITRESSES together, country. 2r.;
chambermaid. Hoe a a Agency. 89. 27"1.
W ash.
tillti. for general housework and assist with
cooking, family of three. No. T14 E. Davis
at. Phono B -ofl.
CIR1. for general housework In four-room
fiat; hours 8 A. M. and go home nights.
"3 Multnomah at.
CLEVER ladr solicitor, experienced In call
ing on business men. .Csll C03 oregonlan
Mdg. .
Mli Washington at., oor. Tta. upstairs.
Phone Main -SB.
C rXFLP;" healthy woman for general
housework: must be good cook; best
wagea S'jn ltth st.
NEAT, faithful girl for general housework
In famllv of two. easy place. Telephone
Tabor 117.1 ;
WANTED A girl to assist with general
housework. 1-4(1 Division street. - Taka
W R car.
W ANT Lelined. capable woman for .
sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. aot Reffe
child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
COOK f'r small hoarding-house; must be
first-class. References required: one used
to gas preferred. X. l"1h St.
GIRL WANTED for general housework. Ap
ply SO. 11th et.. fiat C.
HOMELESS young woman with young baby.
good home. AF T. oregonlan.
WANTED Young girl for cigar a lore. She)
llurnalds st.
TOL'NO g'r as nurse girl; must assist with
work. 6 Everett.
UIRL or woman,
C "32.
general housework. Csll
WANTED A girl for general housework.
T'hone v.'oodlawn 1M.1. Minnesota ave.
WANTED Irlrl at cookie bakery, 393 East
' ' lay al.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework.
lllell. 6i0 East Main.
ClI AMBERMATT) wanted at Calumet An-
nev 14:. i. th at.
taIRL to assist with houeework In exchange
for muatc lessons AP 096. Oregonlsn.
Q1KL for general houeework.
Eaat 27th st. North.
Apply at 49l
WANTED 2 lady barbers with Oregon li
censee. A 7. Oregonlan.
VERY' capable family second girl, wages eoO.
St. Louis Agency. Main -U3'.l.
WANTED A first-class sash and door
maker in planing mill. 1113 Hawthorne.
WOMEN for general housework; no wash
ing, rhone Eaat P27.
GIRL for general housework; no children.
Apply 4-a West Yamhill St.
EXPERIENCE! ladv solicitors, salary and
commission. Hl'.l-Mann Co.. 3.8 Worcester.
WANTED Olrl for pool parlor. 2 Everett
street, city.
GIRL, wanted for general housework. 410
E. 19th North.
TEACHERS for I-atln. English and German.
to 10 Swetland bldg.
W ANT ED 3 w aitresses on every bunday.
Council Croat Tavern.
12b Si 2d. Room 10.
VTANTEU Jnpaiie" Janitor. Hotel
wards, tirand ave. and Rolmont.
lELEI'HONE exchange operator.
Wadhsms at Kerr Uros.
NEAT girl to assist with general house
work. Call 475 Uolllday ave.
BARKER wsnted; steady Job. 2(Kt First at.
to operata moving pictures: operatora
make i to I0 weekly. s"ull practical
course chesik
zSs Wash., near 17tn.
MEN WANTED Afg It to 13. to prepare
for firemen or brake ten. nearby rail
roads f0 to 1104 montbly. Experlenca un
necessary; no strike; promotion engineer
or conductor. (14 to f-0 monthly; good
life careers: stats age; send stamp. Rall
way Association. Box ; Oregonla
MEN sad womsa to leara tha barber trade
In els at weeks; special lnduoeuientg; per
ceetaga paid whlla learning; tools f reel
expert Instructors; 17 years Lb Ca e busi
ness: t" sob 00 is: a lifetime mats ibarsnip
a-ivea ta each student. Molar asaiaer Col
Us e. 8i N. Fourth at- PorUaad. Or.
NUMBER young man are wanted by rail
roads la telegraph and station service;
positions psylng $75 to lwu per month.
sor partlculara call or address Telegraph
aepu. Commonwealth bid., ttih and Aa
keny S'.a. t
WANTKJJ Cspsble young women to enter
training school for nurses. Kor psrtlcu
lsrs writs Miss Rogers. Hupu of Nurses.
Houulam General Uoapaal. Uoqulam.
kllLLlNERT school and flower making,
learn all ta ais weeka; aid bats made aver
like new. Beautiful trimmed hate. Call
I goo tVoodnouga bidg-, opp. Poatofflca,
RAILWAY mall clerks, prepare bow, ex
cellent salaries and promotions; bo lay
offs, sure pay; free book. Call today. Fs
ciflo btates School. McKay bldg-, city.
TOU are wanted for Government Job, S
month, send postal for list positions open.
Franklin InsUluts, Dept. 115 a Rochester.
N. V.
Make money wriung chort stories, or ler
papers; big pay; free booklet tells how.
Lulled Press byndicete. an Francisco.
ING, standard systems, positions sscurcd.
IK per month. 2B 14th St. Msln 8"3.
WANT ED Picture play writers; big pay.
- we'll teach you. picture P.ay Associa
tion. 6an Francisco.
p rTtat e-f h ort hand, t t p e wti i tin o.
bookkeeping. A42 Hamilton bldg. Mar. 4-S.
c-ooia and ttaohora. 611 SwaUana. bids.
Bookkeepers and 471 ka.
VCL'.VO man wants position as bookkeeper
or genersl office man; hsve had consid
erable experience and am a nret-clas man
in lumber yard office; can also operate
typewriter and take some diclatlon. Ad
dress AM Wl, Oregonlan.
CLOTHING salesman. 18 years' experience,
age .-.4. bachelor, best of Portland ana
Eastern references, open for position; no
objections to smaller towna. J "2. Oro
gonlan TOUNG rnarriea man, 8 years experience
In banking and insurance business, boat,
of references, will arccpt an thing at
living wages, where there la chance for
advancement, o SS4, Oregonian.
POSITION by office man In loan or Insur
anol office: thoroughly experienced: also
stenographer and bookkeeper. AN !ua.
Al BANKER and bookkeeper wants posi
tion In or out of city; flrst-cliisa refer
ence. Phone East ilO-14 or Marshall SH.
Realdence. 3rxi Stanton at. Bruce Wheeler.
up hooka, prepare balances and state
meata. install system a Ollllnghara.
dltor. 411 Learla bldg. Marshall 711.
MAN 120) desires position In office w hrr
honeety and hard work count; have liad
R years general office experience. R Ihi
Oregonla n. '
ACCOUNTANT ta open to engagement; rea
aonable terms. AS 73. Oregonlsn.
Mlaoe luxDeoua
til Second St.. Corner gslmoa.
Women's Dspartment. S43 Setmon.
AII claases of unskilled, skilled, profes
sional and clerical mala and female help
garnished on short notice. No fee charged.
Phono Mala . A ..
IIAVK you an opening for an experienced
machinery or Implement man. well Ac
quainted with the trade in Oregon or
Wsshlngton. sa sslesmsn. credits. sd
vertislng or capable of taking full oliarge
of a business? Have my home In Port
land. J Itbl, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as salesman tor air
pressure systems, pumps snd wind mills:
can give the best of references as I have
lied experience In Middle West ss well
ss Cos-t. Would assist on other lines.
Y P13. Oregonlan.
SALESMAN, eight years experience In re
tall, crockery and house furnishing de
partment, formerly assistant manager. 3
years, for large Eastern department store;
can furnish best references. AF 8S4. Ore
gonlan. WANTED Work aa carpet layer In hotel or
store: have had experience, 3 yeara. In
lr hotel, aa carpet layer, ahade and cur
tain man and little upholstering. Address
AM R05. Oregonlan.
SITUATION wanted be first-class chef Just
from the Eavt; European or American
plan; I can deliver tho goods Give me a
chance. Room 23. Lincoln Hotel.
YV ANTED Situation by experienced truck
driver and repairman. Arnold Peterson,
care Columbia Hotel. 1st and Clay ets..
EN1 INFER wants situation; sober, steady
and industrious; good repair man on ma
chinery; atuilonary, portubio or hoist In
or out of city. AD UieJ. Oregonian.
A GOOD, all-around engineer wants posi
tion; can do all repairs; also good stoam
fltter. 1 have my own tools. Good refer
ences. O M5, Oregonlsn.
TIMEKEEPER and msterlsl clerk desires
position; r anywhere: eight years' ex
perience with mines; hsve fine recom
mendations. Address AtS 0D3. oregonian.
CH Al FFFXR wanta truck or touring car to
drive: will take tare of own car. Phone
Marshall 448s.
CYLINDER and Job pressman wanta posi
tion. Steady, sober. reliable. City or
country. AB PS::. Oregonlan.
YV ANTED Work hv a good carpenter: No. 1
In framlnr and finishing, also cement
work. J usS. oregonlsn.
EXPERIENCED janitor with references
would like 10 get apartment-house. AD
po. oregonlan.
W'lNIiOW-W'ASHlNG. hotiseeieanlng. floors
waxed and polished. Phono boxwood
1126. '
CARFB'TKit foreman wanta situation, day
or contract- Addresa J. B. Toung. Wood
stock. -STEADY, practical man, baker and con
fectioner, wanta wwk; references. &4L
Kerny street.
MAN and wife with baby want work on
farm; homelike place considered above
wac-s: permanent. Box 77. M. Angel. Or.
YOl'NG man wants place as cashier in res
taurant; steady. B 8. Oregonlan.
GOOD Japanese man wanta any kind piece
work. Main PRol.
JAPANESE elevator bor wanta a position
after 4-1 1 P. M. J S91. Oregotilan.
JAPANESE couple wants a situation any
place, B (' Oregonlan.
GOOD young baker wishes work on bread
and cakes. Main .757, room 14.
TOUNG man t2S wants position on farm
with milking. F S3. Oregonian.
FIRST-CI.ASd meat cutter snd sausage
maker In orjout of cltyP 8. Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR. Japanese, wants position: will
nelp Inside house. c. p., a-v .-iionipon
WANTED By young man, any kind of
work. :n"iia j. -j.
EXPERIENCED auto repair man wishes
steady employment. phono B li31.
TOUNG married man wants work In city;
tlsy or night. K P3. Oregonmn.
A JAPANESE wants position, any kind,
every rooming. R Pumukl. "4 N. 8th at.
BrrrATtoN wanted raMAi
BeakSaepeta and stenogrspnere.
TOUNG lndy desires permanent position aa
stenographer; four yeara' experience. Mar
shall 2703.
POSITION wanted by alenographer; soms
experlenca; small salary to start. Tabor
UooD bookkoeper capable of taking charge
of office. Marshall 426", Now employed.
TOUNG lady typewriter desirea general of
fice or cashier work. Marshall 4771.
DRESSMAKING Ladles tailoring: cut
prices during April. 60 H Washington. Ella
St. entrance. Phona A 8040. Portland ref
erences FIRST-CLAriS DRESSMAKER would like
sewing bv day: beet references furnished.
Add reas 704 Mississippi sve.. Portlsnd. Or.
WANTED Children's sowing by tha dsy;
neat and rapid. Main 177.
WANTED A widow, eduesled and capable,
stranger In the city, wants a position as
housekeeper In widower's home or com
panion and housekeeper with lady living
alone. AK Oregonlan.
WILL arrive In Portland the 23d. a stran
ger. Will give 810 to the party, securing
jne a position as housekeeper In hotel or
apartments. Phone B 1224.
WIDOW would keep house for widower
without children, for small compensation;
city or country. AR Oregonlan.
El.IiERLY lady wants housekeeping with
elderly couple; neat, capable. T 0W2. Om
KonlniK NEAT woman, girl 6. desires housekeeping,
widower's family: references. Main 20.'.'.
EASTERN practical nurse wishes dsy or
night work: good references. Phono
Woodlswn 75. Ask for nurse, or call
1H85 E. 21st N.
UNDERGRADUATE will tske any kind of
rases, maaaags; references; reasonable.
Marshall .60.
YOUNG woman of experience wants to act
as companion to soms lsdy or take cars
of, children; best of referencea. M. 2431.
A 21'fttt Catholic Womvn'a League.
TWO waitresses want work In private board
ing house. Call between 11 and IX, room
.'", Main 7PM.
GERMAN band laundry of fancy and plain
clothes: called for and delivered. Tela
phone Sellwood 1728. K. By ring.
TWO experienced women want cleaning va
cant house, apartments. Phone Main
WAITRESSES. chambermaids, housekeep
ers nurse girls, washerwoman. 8L Louis
Agency. 2oSS Alder. Main 20l;B. A 4775.
1 AM experienced cone baker: wish posi
tion In the city. Call up alter 8 o'clock.
B S2.-.8.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wants day work; 25c
hour. 2SS 3d Cadillac, Room L or phona
A 2788.
RELIABLE woman wants chamber work or
taking caro of bachelor's apartments. R
B4. oregonlan.
WOMAN with experlenca would llks two
days' steady work. Phono Cnloibia 7.
GERMAN lady wishes lo csre for children
In her home. 707 Pettygrove st.
LACE curtains laundered. 25c up; first
class, quick service Jabor817.
GERMAN woman wishes to go oot. washing
and Ironing. AC Oregonian
STRON. woman warns housecleanlng. 25c
p, r hour. Telephone Main 7ilfr.
X, DY' wishes to csre foe children In hsr
hams, bellwood 4U2.
AOKSl s 011 salary or commission. Tho
greatest agent's seller ever produced,
every user of pen snd Ink buys it on
slcht: 2 to Wo per cent profit: one
agenfa sties amounted to 4120 m aim
days; another 32 In two hours. Monroe
Mtg. CO., A. 44, l.a t rosae, v is.
WANTED email up-to-date furnished flat
In good residential rllslrlrt; West i""
preferred and not too nenr city center,
two in family; reference given r'""
V PP0. Oregonlan. Hlalo exact location
and telephone number.
fclXI'ONS! BIT. couple will care for fur
nished hnuta or flat for rent of same or
will pay ainall amount. AO 03C Orego
nian. Rooms.
WANTED By married couple. 3 furnished
housekeeping rooms in private family,
please, state price. A 2. Oregonlsn.
Hnelneae riaveea.
OFFICE room wanted, collection business.
Send radicular, lo T 4. Oregonlan.
Furnished Booms.
Now Open. 112 Rooma
Kow 0e
Seventh and Taylor Bts.
Resldsntlsi and transient;
central: two mlnutea from
stores theaters and restaurants: Just J
business streets snd csrllnes: 0"'rt"J
Ii location: b an .1 aome brick. ample
steam heat, hot
running watsr snd phonaa
suites and private hatha,
itabla and comfortabla
In every room.
From 7c dally. 4 weakly. Aay car rroxa
Grand and awthorne Avenues.
For rent, the finest corner, parlor, oeo
room and bath aulte In the cl y. large
rooms, beautifully furnished, nine wm
dows, fine view of all the mountains. A so
some single rooms, elevator aervice. tele
phone, hot and cold water, electric
and steam heat; moderate prices for de
sirable tenants. Eight streetcar lines pass
the building. If you sre looking for
permanent, home-like quarters, be sure
and. Inspect the Sargent before locating.
Excellent restaurant In connection wun
hotel. Telephone East 21-
Those three beautifully furnished hotels
1W 4th st 21H4 6th gt. 307H 4th
On Fourth gL. running from Taylor to
Salmon at-: brand-new brick: elegantly
furnished, ateam beat, private hatha, hot
--a ....... in ail rooma: strictlv US
to data In all respects, snd at popular
ite In all respects, sna at popular
. It yon want something out of tho
ary. In the hears of tho city, at rea
ie price a give us a call, aa wa know
n-hU 1
you wiil llks It. Rooms by the day,
or month. Tourist trsae solicits
6 25 Washington St.
L'nder New Management.
Large lobby, finished in mahogany, tile
and marble; ladies' parlor with olr-ant
fireplace; free telephone service In rooms,
all night and day, dectric elevator, steam
heat, hot and cold water In ail rooma.
many with bath. A residential hotel above
reproach, where every effort Is made for
the com fort and convenience of lta guests;
rents the most reasonable iu the city:
'rooms by the day, week or month. Look
this over before locating. Take W car
at depot, get off st 19th and Washington.
181 Eleventh Street.
New. modern brick building: steam
heated, private hatha hot and cold watsr
In rooms; beautifully furnished, cosy. com.
fortable. rsnt reasonable. Call and sea
us Hegular and transient trade so d itsd.
HOTEL LA BALL1C 10th and Bu aside sta
Absolutely fireproof; new and elegantly
furnished rooms; private baths, steam
heat, hot and cold water, prlvato phooas
In each room; special rates by tha month:
phone service free. Phone Marshalj 4044V
HOTEL RENWICK An Ideal home for bnsU
aeaa peoeUe; centrally located; elegaat
rooma; all modern -onvenlencee; 7th a-,0
Taylor gts., 1 block from Portland Hotat
sppaslts Helilg Theater. Phona Mala ate.
One block from Union Depot; 140 ootslds
rooms, with hot and cold water and steam
heat; offers special rates for permanent
guests; rates 60 c to t a day; J.M aad
up per week. Phone Main 8418.
HOTEL GARLAND, 23 Trinity Place, oor.
Wasnlngton; new brick, ateani-hea-ed
building, private telephones: atrictly mod
ern; rates. 3.50 week up; permaneat sad
transisnt solicited.
106 Twelfth bt. Marshall 2780.
In heart of business district; stean 1 heat,
hot and cold water, free phono ta every
room: 1 day and up; 14 week and up.
CALUMET HOTEL. 1( Park st, fins
rooms, hot and ooid water, a team haau
elevator and ail modern conveniences; a
per month snd up; qulst and comXurtabl
Large pless 1 it front 100ms. easy walk
ing olstance. all home conveniences, 2.
2.50 to 4 P'f week. 328 4th at. slain S3bL
HOTEL NORRIS, modern conveniences.
ts.CrJ to 8 week. 62 Alder, corner
17 th.
DO YOU want a good room in a good loca
tion at a low rate. Try Hotel Larrabee.
227 1 Larrabee st.
LARGE, elegant front rooms, J3, 4, &
Alder-Grand. 121V. Grand ave.
CLEAN rooms, centrally located, by week or
month: $1.50 up. 4o2V Wash. at.
TWO rooma and alcove, modern, suitable
for four men. M. 2428.
famished Rooms In Private Family.'
OAK furniture, brass bed, three largo win
dows In room, 10 minutes' walk to Post
office: prlvato home; phone, bath, large
front veranda and fine Lawn. 414 Market.
ONE single and one double room, running
water, bath, phone: within 2 blocka
Multnomah Club; very deairablo in every
way. 183 17th.
NICELY" furnished front room with alcove
and sleeping porch, eultable one or two;
walking distance. 321 West Park.
DEillAF.LE room In modern steam-heated
apt.. 2d floor, flat D, 469 Jefferson st
Phone Main 7.".P4.
NICELT furnished front room: also
room. 67 Trinity Place, between lUth
NICELY furnished room; modern conven
iences: centially located; reasonable. 404
Clay, near loth.
FOR RENT Lower part of house to man
and wife: references. Phone mornings,
Main 3674.
LARGE well-furnished room In refined Jew
ish family. Inquire 413 Chamber of
NICELY furniaued rooms, at 1.73 per
week up; also transients. 122 12th St.
PLEASANT front room, use of piano, walk
ing distance. SBl 101 h at.
ROOM for a gentleman in a strictly pri
vate Jewish family. Marshall 17S2.
BEAUTIFUL large front room; 3 weekly:
smaller one. 62. phone. 003 Washington.
Fl HNISHED room, light, heat, bath; gen-
iieiiiwn, e"."o oioiiiii. .oi, rai.o at., u car.
LARGE front room for gentlemen, hath and
phone; 62 week. 282 14th.
Bosnia Wltb Jsoard
Corner West Park and Montgomery sta.
Family boardlng-houaa, richiy furnished
and running water In all rooms, private
baths, private park, and faces a large pub
lic parv a homelike place with a view
that is unsurpassed In any. city; rates
ranging from M5 to 100 a month. Call
and we are at your service. Phone Main
3763. 383 Montgomery st.
HAORIMAN APTS. 164 24th ST. N.
Two 4-room apts., furnished and un
furnished, with two disappearing beds
in each.
One 5-room apt. furnished, with 2 bed
rooms; also two disappearing beds in each
and two large porches, etc.
DOtCa a homo appeal to youT THE WHITE
HALL, cor. 6th and Madison; large rooma
bath, broad veranda, quiet, close In. nea
ear. 4 blocka from P. O. American plan.
Attractive, cleaa rooma steam
good hoard, close In. reasonable.
Rooma with board, use of sewlcg-room. 11.
brary. 510 Flanders. Mrs E. N. W.lson. supt
ROOM and board for young; women. 3 per
week, new house, with all oonveuiencea.
No. 12 E. Tth St. South.
THE LAMB ER SON, 334 Couch su. vary de
sirable outside rooms, steam heat, ru
ling water, good board, close in.
LARGE, sunny front room tor 2 or 8 gen
tlemen, excellent table, reasonable. 88
N. 17th st.
ELEGANT room, fa-ing the park. A-l board,
reasonable. 874 Park.
4i4 MADISON t-T.. cor. loth, one largo doa
ble room with bosra. Main 20vo-
THE HAZKL Fnmlshed rooms with board,
running water, steam heat. 3ft 3d st.
ROOMS with fcoardV III -'landers.- J.. 47.
Koonis YVith Board In Trivate Families.
VERY desirable rooms, wltb hot and cold
running water, bath, and shower adjoin
ing, with sleeping porctt, homo cooking. -minutes'
walk to car and 10 minutes'
walk to Washington st. 725 Prospect drive.
Portlnnd Heights. Main iooi,
TWO nicely furnished rooms, one iront room
and ons adjoining bath, suitable for one
or two; good board; two in family. Call
at 322 Clay st.
ROOMS with board in private, family, use of
piano, phone and bath. 374 Ladd ave.. 1
block from 12lh and Hawthorne East
20 PLEASANT' front rooms .or two, $40;
clean. nc-. modern house; single beds,
el I7tli. rear Everett.
I. A L r r. well furnished front room, mod
ern conveniences, close In West Side, best
homo cooking", very reasonable. Main a.SQ.
ROOM and board, East Side; threo meals,
early breakfast, state price. Address H
Y ANTED To board two men, willing to
ocupv same room; private family; no
children. M E. 7th st. N.
NEATLY furnished eaat room, with good
board. 10 minutes from l'ostoft'ice. 391
lOlh st.
"WANTED Two boarders in prlvato family
with use of iarse modern house, lawn and
library. Main '-i22.
LARGE suite of rooms; private bath: also
other rooms: excellent board. 204 N. 22d,
between Kearney and Lovcjoy. A 7'-30.
BEAI'TIFI.'l.I.'i furnished rooms In good
home; references; Nob Hill district. 7:S
ROOM and board for 2 in private family;
uso of parlor, pinno, bath and phone.
Phone Sellwood 172:.
PLEASANT rooms, single or en aulte: excel-
lcnt board. C .6 Oliaan.
F1KST-CLAS3 room and board, home priv
ileges; everything modern. .3 E. Couch.
ROOM with connecting bedroom, excellent
board, porches and giounds. Main 2071
EXCELLENT board and rooms: wish throe
ladles employed. 708 Flanders.
FIRST-CLASS room and board in private
family. ulS Yamhill st.
TWO nicoly furnished rooms, single or ea
suite; close in. 325 7th.
SINGLE and double rooms, with board, ."..u0
up. Marshall - -i 3. .91 11th st.
SINGLE rooru. private home, for young
man; 22.&0 per month. 7S7 Glisan.
6.13 WASHINGTON ST. room " and Board
S5...0 per week.
ItOOM and board for two gentlemen, ccn
trnl. home cooking. 12 2th gt.
SrLKNDIU iighl rooms, with hoard. strleUy
modern: splendid view. 340 Hasaalo East.
Steam-heated. CLEAN". light, well-furnished
2 and ;:-room apartments at abso
lutely lowest prices consistent with first
class" service and equipment.
Ever.- convenience, including elevator
service, private telephones. Hoi" water at
all hours, excellent closet room, laundry
wlth steam dryer.
Handsome entrance and wide halls;
ticautifully carpeted and well lighted.
12th and Harrison.
Now ready for tenants, 2 and 3
room apartments, living rooms 18x
20. high and aightly: well furneshed
with everything that goes to make
high-class apts.; 11th or 13;h-s..
Marshall and 19th.
Large, airy 2. 3 and 4-room apart
ments; quiet and exclusive nel3libor
hood. NOKOMIS.
Marshall, near 17th St.
NEW. Attractively
room apartmcnta.
furnished, 2
Servlce for
llith and Everett Sta.
New management: 2, 4 or 5-room on
furnished apartments. Tha best apart
ments In the city for the money; they
have all modern conveniences, sre olose
In. neat and homelike. Don't fall to
Inspect them before locating. If furnished
apartment Is desired, can arrange this on
man monthly payment with rent, tenant
eventually owning furniture at same
monthly cost sa furnished apartments.
1T0 Ford st-. Just south of Washington:
most complete, highest clase apartments
over built in Portland; finished through
out In hardwood; tiled baths, superb fix
tures; elegant wall coverings; each with
private balcony; highest class service;
very reasonable rents; 4 and 6-room
apartments; most conveniently arranged-
844 Everett st.
New and elegantly furnished apart
ments; 8 rooms, reception hall and sleeping-porch
; automatic electric elevator and
private Pacific telephone; located la one
of the choicest residence dlstrlota. sur
rounded by elegant homes; walking dis
tance. 4-ROOM apartment with private bath 35;
all outside rooms, splendid view; modern;
convenient arrangement; superb location;
close to Postofflce; also 3-room apartment;
best of service. The Sheffield. 7th and Jef
ferson sts.
CUMBERLAND APTS., West Park and Co
lumbia sts.; I choice K-roorn unfurnished
and 1 completely furnished 2-room apart
ment: all modorn conveniences; choice lo
cation, fronting the park and only 5 min
utes' walk from business center.
NEWLY furnished 2. 3, 4 rooms. 22.50
to 40; single rooms 13 up; free light,
phones, beat, hot and cold water, electric
elevator. Marshall 2.97
Ford at., near YVaahington: select resi
dence district; a 3-room apartment, with
balcony; all conveniences of the best-class
apartments. Main 3833. A 74-4S.
GRACE APT-., 797 NortArun St.. corner
24th. 5 large rooms, hardwood floors, iront
veranda, large sleeping porch, private
telephone, water, heat and hot water;
new and strictly modern.
. . ..-t - c O V A O A I?TT V MTJ
.lllji" A uu,ia ' v 1 - - ...-. ......
New brick, corner 3d and Montgomery,
furnished 2-room apartments. private
bath, phone and elevator, close in; no
children; 125 up. Main 4ti8.
near Main; close In location: elegant 3
room apartment with bath and private
balcony. 3o Every convenience, go-d
East 7th and Morrison, most centrally lo
cated' 2 and 8-roora apartments, fur
nished up to date; privata baths; moder
ate rates.
6-room apartment, choice residence dis
trict, walking distance, every convenience,
21st and Flanders its. Main 7518.
WINSTON Apartments. 141 14tn st, st
Msrket; new corner brick; all bright, out
side rooms; 2 and 3-room suites com
pletely furnished for housekeeping; 12S to
$67.60. For Information call Main 17ira.
All outside, 2-room apartments; Holmes
beds, built-in writing desks, vacuum clean
er, lanitor service; $2-5ii too0. Including
Mghts, private phones. A 3472, Main 1377.
iTth and Clay; 2-roo.n apartments, fur
nished, with privata bath; all conve
niences; good service: easy walking dia-
tance ; vary reasonable rents.
, 407 Hall SU
Walkin; distance: 2 rooms, elegantly
furnished." Phone Main 421tf.
THE FLORENCE New and absolutely
rlrst-class 3 and 4-room furnished apart
ments. 132.60 up. SiS 11th st. Marshall
THE CHETOPA, 18th and Flanders, 2, 3
and 4-room modern apartments, furnished
and unfurnished. 2U up; new furniture
snd new building. Apply to the Janitor.
THE MEREDITH. 712 Washington St.. 2,
s and 4-room apts.. hardwood floors, wltn
every convenience, newly furnished; cheap.
est rent In the city.
HADDON HALL. Cor. Hall and 11th Sta
8 and 4-rm. suites. & up; beautifully
furn. hardwood floors, private porches,
Phones, bath. Mt. Tabor car. Mar. 117L
EVELY'N APARTMENTS. 207 N. 21at st.
3-rOOm IIUU13UB- o. co. nill-
ment. all modern, low rent. Main lg'.
BJELLAND, 16th LoveJoy-c-Unfurnlshed
(front); modem, uvw dui... iu- ue aa-
to be appreciated. Main 1867. A 1887.
Furnished and unfurnished apartments,
(ft Lovejoy st. Take "W" ear.
3-room furnished apts.. private bath and
phone. walklngdistance. Marshal 137.
jTVy" 1 Well-furnished four-room apart
tuent. Apply Janitor. 171 King st.
Jefferson and 13th Sta.
1, 4 and 5-Ttoom Apartments.
Exceptionally Low Summer Rates.
Janitor Service Unexcelled
Neir, Strictly Modern.
Thone Main 3D6S.
Cor. Park and Taylor eta
Cor. Tenth and Salmon sts.
Walking Distance.
Furnished complete. 2. 8 and 4-reem
apartments: buildings new and strictly
modern, service first-class.
Most up-to-date apartment In tho
Northwest; every convenience; 4 and 6
rooms. all outside sunny rooms: "new:"
walking distance. 21st and Johnson IU.1
choice r-sidonce district; attendant oa
Promises. Marshall 1340.
Eiecantly furnished S-room comer
apartment. with sleeping porch: sur
rounded by lawn and flowers, all bright
outside rooms; also very desirable, large.
?ight, 2-room apartment with bay wind w.
Daintily served meals can he arranged for
Just across the street. References.
THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Trvlng sta:
this new 4-story brick now open; fur
nished and unfurnished In 2. 3 and 4-room
suites: reception hall, electric automatic
elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built
in buffet and writing desk, gas range. Ice
box. plenty of closet rooms, both phones,
vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you
want something nice, come to the Parker;
1 3-room basement apartment, 115. Phones
A 1744. Marshall .961.
12th and Taylor.
J"t completed, most magnificently ftrf
filthed apartments In the Northwest; loca
tion perfect; rentals reasonable; every
modern convenience. Including bsnqast
hsll snd roof garden: both phonee In ail
apartments: high-class service: references
required. Maiu 2276 and A 7087.
bia, 4 blocks south from Morrison St.:
new brick building, completely flrat-claas
furnished In 2, 3 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath, steam heat, hot wa
ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner,
janitor service; rent per month, 28, 3k
140 and up; must be seen to ba apnre
clated. KEWI.r furnished The Upshur. 26th and
Upshur sts.. furnished 2-room apartments.
1... 18. 20 and up. This Includes steam
heat, hot and cold water In every apart
ment, private phones, public bath, electric
lights, gas range, laundry-room, all free:
also 3-room unfurnished apartments, with
private bath, 1S; 4 rooms. 20. Take S,
-'3d or W cars north. Phone Main 89.
stone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity
Place, between 18th and 20th streets. Just
off Washington; magnificent exclusive
apartments, in heart of apartment-bouse
district; rentals reasonable; every modern
convenience; sleeping porches, higb-ciaas
aervice; refined clientele; references r
qulrd In all caaea Mrs. A. N. Wright,
aupt. Phone Marshall 110L
King and Washington sts., now ready.
New 6-story reinforced concrete build
ing, only fireproof apartment-house in
Portland; every possible convenience, elec
tric elevator, best of service, private bal
conies, ea-y walking distance; 2. 8. and
4-rooni apartments. 22.60. up.
IX SMALL, well-kept apartment-house. 8
minutes' walk from Morrison st.
One very large, well furnished 4-room
apartment, on lirst floor.
One small, airy furnished apartment of
4 rooms, first floor.
Ono a-room apartment, light and commo
dious, on third floor. 348 4th st.
704 Loa ejoy St.
Under new management ; new. modern
brick. 2. 3 and 4-roora apartments, fur
nished or unfurnished; we will rent you
apartments 23 per cent cheaper than any
place in the city; good janitor service.
Give us a call and be convinced. Mar. 2110.
Lucretia St., Near 23d and Wash.
Unfurnished ' apartments, from two to
five rooms, all largo, light and outside;
lar;e closets, hardwood floors: under new
management- Marshall 131X Janitor, Mar
shall 1SOO.
2. S and 5-room apartments, furnished
or unfurnished: good service. Apply oa
premises to janitor. Both phones.
171 KING ST.
4, 0, 6-room apartments; select tenancy.
Apply on premises.
GRANDEST A furnished apartments Orsod
ave and East Stark; new brick building.
S rooms, splendidly furnished, with pri
mate bath, 127.60; electrlo elevator: mod
ern conveniences; closu-ln location; aaay
walking distance; best of service.
BT. CROIX Apartments, St. Clair st.. near
Wasnlngton; 2 and 8-room apartments,
with private bath, furnished and unfur
nished; superb location, easy walking dis
tance, brick building; convenient arrange
ment, best of service and very low renta
Hoyt; 4 rooms and bath, private balcoay.
new brick building, electrlo elevator, su
perb location. In walking distance; most
convenient arrangement, low rent aad oaac
of service.
Nicely furnished, 3 rooms, 23; all out
side, largo, light, airy rooms, private
phone and bath, gas range, refrigerator. '
w"atei- heater, laundry traps, large closets.
on carllne, iast blue, moor -.. n .-io-ti.
14th ana ciay streets.
Splendid location, solid brick bulldlag,
electrlo elevator: we have unfurnished J
and 4-room suites, with private vestibules.
phones, bath, etc.
unfurnished apartment for rent to desir
able tenants. Apply at manager's office,
in the building.
Just completed, corner 3d and Hall: all
2-room furnished apts.. large outside
..,. .. .eeanireil aDta in Portland.
ximucua .- - . . -
$25 and up. Easy walking distance.
cretin APARTMENTS. 22d and Gils
sts - best of service; deslrsble location,
with unexcelled car service; alao eaay
walking distance; 8-room apt., with bato,
tiful Summer home; furnishea and unfur
nished apartments, 18 to !2o. Take Mis
sissippi or L car, get oft at KlUlngsworta phone C 11 iQ.
New, modern building: new furniture:
3-room apartments; walking distance, or
best carservice.
410 iith at. 5. minutes' walk, brick
building, nicely furnished 3-room apart
ments, private bath, phone, elevator; 10
eBt rates in Portland. Main 2070. A 2Q3-.
Nicelv furnished 2-ronm apts., 22.30
snd 25; also 3-room, -0 to 115; moderu.
Main &2y:. A 7501.
farX SHU n-iavu a. a.
For rent, 8 and 4-room furnished aad
unfurnished apartments, strictly modern.
Tar nt.IVR.
16tW Belmont, cor. 3Uth st., completely
furnished 2-room apts.. 18 and S2). Mt.
Tabor nnn 1-00. ..' -
i v riNCE lb8 N. 22d. near Johnson, dim
beau-it Uly furnished 2-room suite; prl
wt" bath and phone; 22.3u: 3 rooms ..
UVCK. HARTFORD APTS. 21st and Flanders
Under new mgBment 4, 4-room apts;
all .odern. waian.a . w...--. main ,n;.
oqt TtraKhlns-trin Yti -
HIT MOrtlc " eni -
roomT basement apartment; very reasona
ble; both pnoue.
4 ana o ipin, uiwun.
r.n THREE large, light rooms, alcove.
baTh. porch.walklnatatance, 233 viiai
-jJluTi Apartment. 1S7 17th -t.; sleeu
0tlua Poms.l0Vite lOto 30.' "
TtTTiaETTE Furnished and unfurnished 1
rooms! Corner 2d and Montgomery. 1
853 Harrison St. Phono Marshall 3070.
THE ELM 2 and 3-room apts., furnished
T,.i. nhone aud bath. 181 14th st.
vsrtYN" maWII. 1S5 East 15th, near Tam hill.
. '....iHn rooms, over fine lawn. nnh
a ouw .-..