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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1912)
THE MOI?XIG OREGONIAX, FRIDAY, APRIL 19. 1912. SYNDICATE NOW GRIPS ENGLAND Like Socialists They Must Come Under the Supremacy of Law, Says Rhodes. CONSPIRACY IS EXISTING S-1-. on Trndr Union PirM Socnrccl Then Organization. Themselves (on I rolled In Plan lo llrln on InduMrll rrnlysls. BT tV. HAMILTON r.HOHES. LONDON. Aprl . (Special.) Tie public hire of late heard a great deal of irhil I railed Syndicalism. Unless the ttrttiih (government shows Itself itrnnf rrtnurh to stamp out the tyran r.y. there Is no doubt that the public will hear a great deal more of it. The Syndicalism and the Socialists must be brought under the supremacy of the law. and In that tank of National e- llrerance any administration which undertakes It will be supported by every lover of liberty and Justice In the kingdom. There seems too much reason to fear that a carefully organized and sinister conspiracy exists acalnst the nation. Th. leaders aim at becoming dictators, r'trst they captured seats on various trades unions: then they obtained con trol of the unions themselves; then thev ueed the unions to bring about raratvsl of business In an Industrial rounlry: finally they rely upon the misery and destitution to cause a gen eral uprising, and mhen this lakes place, that the soldiers will becom traitors by rallying to their cause. The enemv is In our midst. It is the duty of every genuine Britisher to fight and destroy him. An illuminating presentation of the rase of Syndicalism and Socialism Is given by a writer In a recent issue of the Saturday Review: "Some of the leaders in the coal strike are undoubtedly Syndicalists and Socialists, but there Is no necessary connection between their Socialism and their Syndicalism. Socialists have al ways Included a section who have ad v octej violence, and the Socialist leaders In engineering the general strike have, unfortunately, followed that school. Their model has been the French Syndicalists, and they have copied that feature of it which nt once separates It from true Socialism and t.ims it into anarrhlsm. French 9riallasa la 5eem. "An;l-mllltarlsm Is a special form of French Socialism: and so far. as our Socialists here take part In the seduc tion of soldiers from their allteganco and fidelity, or excuse and defend It. they are helping to make the Idea of any kind of society Impossible, and In so doing are false to Socialism. "Trade unionists and Socialists alike have entered upon a disastrous course In being persuaded Into the methods of Syndicalism. Whatever may be thought of Ike objects and alma either of trades unionism or Socialism, it is plain that they have exchanged their previously sane and rational methods for methods whose lssne must be dis ss trou.o. "Trades unionism was steadily achiev ing ita alms by Joint barganing or by I'arllamentary action: Socialism was trusting In educational propaganda and also on the growth of a constitutional party. They have lost most of the power they had acquired, and the di rection of affairs has passe"; Into the hands of the Syndicalists. Trades union ism and Socialism both have acquiesced In taking part In a ghastly experiment with Syndicalism In making war up on society. -Experiment Bona fa Fall." "Their Joint experiment is bound to fall. It lias failed In France when ever It has been tried: and both trade unionism and Socialism have suffered from the reaction of outraged swlety. So It will be here and trade unionism and Socialism will discover that Syn dicalism Is not a valuable ally, but a treacherous friend. "Syndicalism for the time being has raptured, at least In South Wales, the ear of tne younger generation, and lias taken the direction of affairs from the lenders of th older trade unionism and Socialism. The majority have, for the time being, submitted to the direction of the Syndicalists: but no one believes fiat the majority of workmen are So - riallsts. "There has been a certain dissatis faction with the results .of the older trade unionism, and It was fancied that the strike weapon could be refurbished and achieve wonderful success If it were tried on a larger stale titan had ever previously beeu attempted. This had been the temptation and it will prove to be a delusion. I aloes Defease Preaoatrreaa. "In the meantime what have t!ie unions been led into but a preposter ous defense of the right of mobs to set government at defiance and establish anarchy? The twaddle talked by trade unionists and Socialists In the House of Commons about soldiers shoot ing down defenceless strikers will shame them when they recover their senses. Are not some of their fathers and brothers inclined to go hack to work, and might they not be very thankful to have their relatives on the spot, not to shoot at them but to shoot In defense of them? -If Socialists whimper at finding that Syndicalists are not to be allowed to run a general strike with armed hands of rioters, they must have sup posed that present society consists r fools rather than of the knaves they allege us to be. There Is no question of soldiers being ordered to shoot down innocent strikers: nobody will be In terfered with for arguing against the use of the military in strike riots, how. ever absurd a view this may be. "It Is nothing hut obfuscatlon of In tellect, or hypocrisy to contend that In citing soldiers to mutiny is as permis sible as arguing against such hypo thetical propositions ws were started In the debate on the prosecution of the Syndicalists. The whole question of a standing army and the defense of modern ao lety is Involved. CROWDS GREET VESSEL Newspaper Photographers Ciet Snap , shots by Flashlight. From the New York Sun. NEW TORK. April lg. (Special.) Long before dark today, a few people passed the lines that were drawn In tne vicinity of the White Star piers and -sere allowed upon presenting yel low pjiM to go upon the dock, but the published reports that the Carpathian would not be In until midnight held most of the crowd back until much later. By o'clock there was not more than ZOO people en the pier, but during tha next hour the crowd with passes trebled In number. By 9 o'clock the pier held half as many as It could comfortably contain. The early crowd did not contain many women relatives of the survivors. Few nervous people could be seen, but now and then was an hysterical woman, usually held up by two male supporters, the woman usually weeping softly to herself. Among the tlrst to arrive was a. com mittee from the Stock Exchange, headed bv R, H. Thomas, who carried a long black box which contained 15000 In small bills, intended for distribution amonir the needy steerage survivors of the Titanic, as they disembarked, without any conditions attached. With the early arrivals at the pier were the relatives of Frederick White, who is not reported among the sur vivors, but Mrs. White and Mary Mock, who came to look for a brother and sister. L'va Balllngton- Booth, with squad of Salvation Army helpers; Vincent Astor. who arrived in a lim ousine with William A. Dobbyn, Colonel Astor's secretary, and two doctors. The limousine was kept waiting" oat side, to take Mrs. Astor to the Astor horr.'e on Fifth avenue. The Waldorf-Astoria had sent eight llmourlne cars to convey to the hotel these survivors: Mrs. Mark Fortune and three danahters; Mrs. Luclen P. Smith. Mrs. J. Stewart White. Mrs. Thornton I'avldoon. Mrs. (irorite C. Douglass. Mrs. George I'. Wldener and maid. Mrs. George Wick. Mrs. Bonnell. Miss K. Pyerson. Mrs. Susan P. Kyerson. Mrs. Arthur Rverson. Miss Mary Wick, the Misses Newell. Mr.. John P. Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Bishop. Seven ambulances, two from the St. Vincent's and five from volunteer hos pitals, came to the pier, with 1 1 doctors and a siiuad of while-capped nurses. OFFICER 'SHOOTS TWO AND HIMSELF Survivor's -Last Vision Is Archie Butt Erect on Deck of Sinking Ship. . of VESSEL GOES. DOWN EASJLY Disorder Slight Aboard Titanic Al ' thonsh Two Men Arc Shot tor Tr4ng lo iet Into Bonis Ahead of Women. NEW YORK. April 18. (Special.) Among the first of the passengers to lenve the pier were Washington Dodge. Assessor of Pan Francisco, his wife and hia 7-year-old son, whose large eyes shono with excitement from be neath the rolls of white mufflers that PROMINENT RAILROAD OFFICIALS WHO ARE AMONG TITANIC 'S DEAD. I, 1 -TFSfes. ft 2 :. r I g ' . J ill f ... VrTl. ., Je. - iJH ladnl ee& J.LmmJ, II ! . if 1 v The ambulances also were loaded Snwp with blankets, warm clothing and not foods, which the nurses keit warm with electric stoves In one corner of the steel and concrete pier. The Pennslvvania Kaifroad sent rep resentatives to tne pier, who stated that the railroad had a special train of nine cars In which to carry free any pas sent'rr who wanted fo go Immediately to Philadelphia or points west. The Pennsylvania also had eight laxlcabs at tho pier for the conveyance of tho rescued to tho Pennsylvania building on Thirty-third street. - ' Among those who later atfTvcd at the pier before the Carpathia divked were P. A. B. Wldener. of Philadelphia. two women relatives of J. H. Thayer, William Harris. Jr.. the theatrical man. who accompanied Dr. Plnkelspiei. nen ry Arthur Jones, the playwright, also came to the pier to write Ills Impres sions for an English paper. Commander Eva Booth, of the Salva tion Army, was on the pier with several other officers of the army to nieet Mrs. Elixaheth Nye and Mrs. KORer addoii. both Titanic survivors. Ml? Mootn naq received a cablegram from London say- ng that other Salvation Army people were on the Titanic. She was eaer to get news of them. Also on the pier was Major man- ton. I . S. A., stationed at waaninuion. who was waiting for tidings of Major Butt, supposedly at the Instance of president Taft. S.-n.itor William A. Clark and Mrs. Clark were also In the company: IT. John R. MaeKenty was waiting for Mr. and .Mrs. Henry It. Harper, Ti tanic survivors. Ferdinand Roehllng and Carl Roehllng. cousin of Washing ton A. Roebllng. Jr.. whose name is among the list of dead, went to the pier to see what they could learn of Mr. P.oebllng's end from the survivors. J. p. Morgan. Jr.. arrived at tne v --A i : . "A fy ' I ' ' . ; f' ... sr- fM,.fc W 11 A. ma. UaWtoaVsi Major Archibald Batt. Iat 'es Staad. lag Kreet Maklag Illaalc. pier about half an hour before the Carpathia docked. He said he had many friends on the Titanic and was eagerly waiting news of all of them. 2 JEWEL TRUNKS STOLEN 'Thleien Drive Away With Dray, Making S25.00O Haul. ATLANTA. Ga.. April 18. Two trunks aid to have contained 125.000 worth of Jewelry, ami the property of 8. I. IL Gllsey. of Cincinnati, were stolen from a dray standing In front of an office butkling here early today. When the lrlver of the dray was in w nearby building the thieves. believed to be negroes, mounted his seat and drove away. ' Later the police discovered the dray and five trunks several Mocks distant, but CUsey's trunks were missing. bound him from head to foot. A cam era man set off a llushlight directly In front of the arty. but It only seemed to please the Jlttle boy. He shouted with Joy. Mr. Dodge said that lie 'estimated that the time the ship sank was 12:15 A. M. ' He said that the last man he saw was Archibald Butt. who was standing stiff and erect on the deck. Mr. Dodgewss then questioned aa to the reported suicide of various per sons on the Titanic He was asked If he heard any shots. Ho replied: "Yes." "Suicide'.'" said a reporter. ' . "J am afraid so." atd Mr. Podge.' . No Disorder io Tllaalc. "The night was clear when we struck the- Iceberg." said Mr. podge. "There was no disorder when tho Titanic hit the big berg. Her lower plates were ripped off and three of her water tight compartments flooded. There was no thought of danger among the pas sengers at first. Small boats were got ten ready, however, and the men stood back and allowed the women enter, these. Mrs. Dodge got Into the sec ond boat and the boats were rowed some distance out from the Titanic. "When I climbed Into a boat this also was rowed away from the crippled liner. We lay there then In the dark, ness waiting for help and watching the ship gradually sink. Her lights re mained lit and we could see tho water gradualy creep up to her portholes. That was the end." Mr. podge said that there was no dancing aboard when the boat struck, aa most of the passengers were pre parlngto turn In for the night's rest. Ofricer Shoots Two Men. "I saw one ofricer." Mr. Podge said, "shoot two men. The men were try ing to get into one of the lifeboats ahead of the women. Then the officer lowered his revolver for a moment. A 0 MoMoMoMoMoMo3MOMoM 0 0M0M0Mt0l saewssasas a aV I r M -T7 -m 1 ' If ; J T - w-aas-" c v 2r One oualitv the best-nothing less nothing else. One service-as efficient as we can make it experienced and economical. One price uniform and reasonable. To do things the right way is "The Owl's" constant endeavor for your convenience and comfort and profit. . - ., . - For Promptness, Safety 'and Economy, Send Your MAIL ORDERS to "THE OWL." ISK DRir. Hl'YKK TAKK ADVA.1T.tliE OP "OWL" CUT RATE SPECIALS THKSB FOR FRIDAY AND JATtHDAV. Borax One-pound pack- r age for OC Birmingham Nasal Q Douche V w Collapsible Drinking Q Cups, aluminum . . . ij C Celery King Tea spe- 1Q rial at IOC Castor Oil. pare 8 ox. f A for 14C Ayer's Pill s special 4 A at 14C Plof c e's Pellets at - A the special IHC Sal Hepatlra, R h e u- matlc Remedy IOC Spiro Powder, for ex- p cessive perspiration... XOC Sloan's Liniment tho r 25c sixe, for IOC Resinol Soap at the 4 special X C Croam Tartar one- r)Q pound package a7C Antiphlogistlne the QQ 50c size, for e7C Baker's Sarsaparllla A Q special at -4JC Panderlne the 1 Q sizei for UtC Piver's Face Powder, "7Q any odor 17 C For the Hair Here Are Facts We Want You to Prove at Our Risk Marvelous as It mjy seem Rexall "S3" Hair Tonic has grown hair on heads that were once bald. Of course It Is understood that In none of these cases were the hair roots dead nor had the scalp taken on a glazed, shiny ap pearance. When the roots of the hair are en tirely dead and the pores of the scalp are glazed over, we lo not bcllev that anything can restore their growth. When Rexall "9.V Hair Tonic will do as above stated, it Is not strange that we nave such faith In It and that we claim It will prevent baldness when used In time. It acts scientifically, des troying the germs which are usually responsible for baldness. It penetrates to the roots of the hair, stimulating and nourishing them. It Is a most pleasant toilet necetsltj'. is delicately perfumed, snd will not gum nor per manently stain the hair. We want you to get a bottle of Rexall "93" Hair Tonrc and use It as directed. If It does not relieve scalp Irritation, remove dandruff. prevent the hair from falling out and promote an Increased growth of hair and in every wiy give entire satisfaction, simply come back and tell us, and with out question or formality we will hand back to you every penny you paid us for It. We lend our indorsement to Rexall "93" Hair Tonic and sell It on this guarantee, because we believe It is the best hair tonic ever discovered. It comes in two sizes, price 60 cents and $1.00. Sold only by The Owl Prug Co. Stores In Portland, Seattle, Spokane, San Francisco. Oakland, bos Angeles and Sacramento. v ' A E BURTON BLOOD SYRUP 73c XfRUBJIT U IKDlt'IB Three for S2.00 A good, vigorous, hard w or king blood clener. Throws off all blood Im purities through the liver and bowols, elim- inates all harmful secre tions from the system and acts as a tonic and mild laxative. Now Is the beet time to take It everybody's system needs "lining up" at this season of the vear Burton Blood Syrup will do It. , Economy for You in This LIST OF SPECIALS and Cut - Rate Prices IN THE RUBBER GOODS DEPT. Eye Cup. blue or (- opal special .' OC Rubber Finger Cots, light or heavy three for Ton gue Scrap- ! Jj ters. celluloid at IOC 25c Leather Wrist Bands or straps at Quassia Drinking-C u p s 1Q special at - 1C Nose Cups special at Cotton, Maple wood pound, special at Best N u r s e r.'comple special at. 35c Ice Bags, spinal.' pure gum at' Indies'' Sanitary Belts sizes at... . Rubber Diapers, any size at Eye Shades priced from 10c 15c 19c 10c 25c Cupping Cupso C with bulbs. tiOC 3lck Feeders, ftp. onri 19c m9c t - r UC 25c "25c 25c yard porcelain Rubber Sheeting, wide at. yard Rectal Tubes, all n u m- bers at . Glass Urinals, male or female special $1.15 Hercules Water Bottles special fl "Owl" At omizers, for Q oil or water.. . O C Packard 2 - quart Red Rubber Foun Syringe. 35c 39c 50c 60c 79c tain AT THE TOP STANDS kIZX'. Ing Service. Bring us your films. Quickest time best results lowest prices. Not one cent from you un less you are satisfied. THE OWL, rRL"G CO. LIGGETT'S CHOCOLATES THE SWKKTEST DDIIsJn RflP STOKV KVKK TOLD" lUUHU GUI 89c Irrigators, enamel, three sizes, specially priced two - quart size Three-quart size Four-quart size 89 c $1.05 $1.23 'TODCa WATCHES SPECIAL 89c The T o d c Watch Is not i a cheap watch, 'but a good watch at a low pr i c e. H u n d r eds of people are carrying them ami finding them satisfac tory. The guarantee of The Owl Drug Co. goes with every one of them. Buy ' one at the spe'l price, S9 The Owl's STRAW HAT CLEANER Enough for 3 hats for 10V Enough for 10 hats SOC You'll soon be looking up last year's straw hat -for this season's wear. "Owl" Straw Hat Cleaner will re store it almost to Its orig inal condition. Nothing else will do It half as well. In 10c and 20c packages. Drops OA - UC 20c FRIDAY AND SATURDAY CANDY BARGAINS - Crvstalized Ginger f . half-pound boxes X 7 C Florodora " pound . -C h o c o 1 a te Non pareils pound.. . . Chocolate M 1 n ts Jf pound rivFC Butterscotch QA Wafers pound... . .. awv C Almond Beauties on pound uUC C h o colate Dipped O C Peanuts pound. . . . aW O C ' ALL POPULAR BRAIN DS OF CHEWING GUM Three Packages for 10 Twenty Packages for...60 39c STATIONERY "OWL" NEWS OF CUT - KATE PRICES AND FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS ARCADI A TABLETS A white wove writing paper of excellent quality. Note slse. SO sheets ") 1 Packet sfse, B sheet J- XxiC Letter sire, 3 sheets j EACH I.MJI'STRIAL BOXO TABLETS A white bond stock of fine medium finish and weight. Ruled or plain. Note slxe. 00 sheets 1 f Packet alse, 3 sheets...... 1C Letter slxe, 40 sheets J EACH CASCADE OfT A 50c value and LIE s-O C a good quality fabric finish stock, clarlne size, assorted Ormond and Windsor en velopes, 48 sheets and 48 envelopes. TODCO LINEN SPECIAL Pound box of fine writing paper and one. box of 50 Tod co linen envel opes. A- P.exall Pocket Pencil, with three ex tra leads. Free with this spe cial. J u s t the pencil for a lady's purse or handbag. BOX STATIONERY, PECIAI Your choice of any of the follow ing brands of pan-er and envelopes, each box containing 24 sheets of paper and -4 envelopes. Oakdale. Anemonie, Spring Blossoms, Had don Tall, Pansy Dell and 1 Q Brookslde. Box XI7C STEEL DIE Bll. BOSSED IMTUL 1 1 1 PAPETEKIE" AT Each sheet s t e e I - d I e stamped In gold in upper left - hand corner, with beautiful long, narrow initial on good white fabric stock. An unusual value this at low ng price, box JLjC I 1 19c :25c 0 No sary 35 BUYS A DURHAM DUPLEX SAFETY RAZOR These are demonstra tion r a 7. o rs: 'that's whv we are a u t h or- lzed to sell them at this very low price. Secure one. coupon neces- Q? Price.. . . --- "A A SALE OF ODDS AND ENDS IN STATIONERY 5VLvVA"'B" AT 10c EACH FREE A oAN LESLEY TALCUM WITH EACH CAN HARMONY VIOLET AMMONIA BATH OC POWDER AT a-OO i j. .. . ESTABLISHED 180J QS J Seventh and Washington Streets EIGHTEEN OWL STORE ON THE PACIFIC COAST M0M0M0M0M0M0M0MCOM 0 M0M0MoM0M0M0 I. m i minute later he raised the revolver again and blew his brains out. "There was no cheering, Mr. Dodge added, when the Carpathia arrived on the scene. "Captain Smith behaved as a brave man should wonderfully," said Mr. Dodge. Edward Beabe, of Glasgow, who, with his wife, was a second cabin pas senger, said at the pier tonight that he, too, remembered that 16 minutes before the vessel struck he heard a terrific explosion. The next explosion, accordlnsr to Mr. Beahe, came a few seconds later. It was then that the lifeboats were ordered to be gotten ready to be lowered. ' Two Perjurers Sentenced. William M. White was found guilty In L'nlted States District Court yesterday of having committed perjury In con nection with an Indian liquor case. Judge Bean sentenced him to serve IS months In the McNeil Island peniten tiary. Foster Lane, who was under Indictment on a similar charsre and in connection with the same case, pleaded I received and also was sentenced to guilty after the atiove verdict had been serve 13 months. as JLow as i v BUYS 10 ACRES if rich farm and orchard land dowa the river ct COLUMBIA The termsi 44 DOWN and tO MONTHLY, bal. 6 per cent. -v.v Every inducement here to the homeseeker and in vestor Ideal location, good roads, finest water, best of soil.- etc.. Just 2Vz miles from the railroad and steam boat landing at Goble. You can easily make the trip In :' a dav An Ideal proposition for YOU. Investigate it now. r.!) Other- 10-acre tracts at COLUMBIA ACRES at $500 and 600 the tract, and on liberal installments. Write today :;;V for tract map and literature. Free for the asking. r. F. B. H0LBR00K CO. ; 214 Lumber Exchange Building, Second and Stark Streets HOW I ENLARGED MY BUST SIX INCHES IN THIRTY DAYS After I Had Tried Pills, Massage, Wooden Cups and Various Advertised Preparations Without the Slightest Results. A SIMPLE, EASY METHOD WHICH ANY LADY CAN USB AT HOME AND QUICKLY" OBTAIN A LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL BUST. BY MARGARETTE MERLAIN. Well do I know the horrors and In tense humiliation of being flat-chested, of having the face of a woman set on the form of a man; and I cannot find words to tell vou how good I felt, and what a terrible load was lifted oft my mind -when I first saw my bust had renllv grown six Inches in size. I felt like a new being, for with no bust I realized I was neither a man nor a wo man, but Just a sort of creature half way between. With what pity must every man look at every 'woman who presents to him a flat cheat a chest like his own! Can such a woman inspire in a man those feelings and emotions which only can be inspired by a real and true woman, a woman with a beautiful, well-rounded bust? Most certainly not. The very men who shunned me. and even the very women who passed nie carelesslv bv when I was so horribly flat-chested and had no bust, became mv most ardent admirers shortly after I obtained such a wonderful enlarge ment of my bust. I therefore deter mined that all women who were, flat chested should profit by my accidental discovery, and have a bust like my 17. oil r4 41 V - V- A SAVES TIME and ENERGY Lightens All Housework SAPOLIO Cleans, Scours, Polishes from cellar to garret WORKS WITHOUT WASTE THE DESIRE to take a chance ii "in-born" but the get-rich-quick 'scheme exposures al most daily emphasizs the old-fashioned truth that the largest measure of safety for your monry is in some strong bank under Government super-' vision which pays the return that safety indicates Hmlmnte ftntitinnl i&mk Founded 188S Washington at Second SL Keep thla picture and see yonr own Bust undergoing the same transformation. own. I had been imposed upon by charlatans and frauds, who sold me all sorts of pills and appliances for en larging my bust, but which did me no good whatever. I therefore determined mv unfortunate sisters should no fonger be robbed by those "fakers" and frauds, and I wish to warn all women against them. The discovery of the simple process with which I enlarged my bust six inches in thirty days was due solely to a luckv accident which believe was brought about bv Divine Providence; and as Providence was so good to give me the means to obtain a beautiful bust, I feel I should give my secret to all mv sisters who need it. Merely, en close two 2-cent stamps for reply, and I will send you particulars free by return post. I will positively guarantee that every lady can obtain a wonderful enlarge ment in her bust in thirty days' time, and that she can easily use this process In the prlvac;of her own house with out the" knowledge of anyone. Address Margarette Mcrlain (Dept. lOfifiBI. S.1 Great Portland street, London, W., Eng. FREE COUPON. entitling the sender to full information regarding this marvellous discov ery for enlarging and beautifying the bust. Cut out this coupon and send today, with your name and address. to Margarette Merlain (Dept. 1066 B), 85 Great Portland Street, London, W., England. Name Address XOTE All ladlea who wish to obtalu a large and beautiful bust abonld rrrlte Madame Merlain at once, as the above Ix an honest, straightforward offer on her part, marie for the good of her sisters, and she in no way profits by the transaction, but generously offer her help absolutely free to all who use the free coupon above. Ladles lio fear that their hunts may become too Inrge are cautioned to (op the trentuient as soon as thry have obtained all the development desired, - 5