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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1912)
-ah - ' ' ' - " TllK'.Mlin.VfNCS" OREGOXIAX. FRIDAY, 'APRIL " 10. 1912 MOVABLE-DECK 15 DESIGNERS DREAM Naval Architects Seek Device to Be . Used in Cases - -tike Titanic's. r BOATS FOR 960 CARRIED Expert PKlim Cnlnkable Ship to Be Flctkm In Transatlantic Sall- - ine Failure or lreie t LONDON. . Anrll 18 -'Naval archi tect ara already, busying themselves with the problem of designing a deck which can be slipped from a sinking liner." aald John Harvard Biles, vlce- president of the 'Institute of Naval Architecture, today. ' He continued: -Th problem la chiefly that of the pen of the apparatus, which would be used only one in 50 years. An .un sinkable ahlp It a Action of the. traos At'antic aalior. All things consid ered, eren in case of a collision wIWi an Iceberg, a vessel of the size of the Titanic ought to be infer than a amaller tlner. A head-on collision would leava mora compartments undamaged, while a side swipe would be better resisted. EsMik Baata .' Be tarried". It Is possible to carry " sufficient ; Hosts to save every soul on board- I rannot account for the failure orthe "j wireless "apparatus on" the 'Titanic al j most two hours before her foundering. aa a supplementary dynamo was- car ' ried 14 feet above the water line. "News from the highest . official source shows that 0 lives was the . greatest- number that " possibly could ha saved with the apparatus carried on the Titanic That vessel's facili ties were Just within the Board of Trade regulations, which specify total 'accommodations for : persona. Regalatlma Barely Met. "Each of the Titanic's It lifeboats 'was capable of 'taking S3 passengers. There Is no evidence on. the plans to show that the Titanic carried any col lapsible boats or rafts or' lifeboats, 'putting her barely, within the Board . of Trade regulations. "Comparison with the Oceanic and Campania, which are much smaller, show they carry 10 boats eseh. while the Lusltanla has only-1. The Board i( Trade, rules laid down In 108 took as their basis 10.000-ton ship and ap ply only to ships with watertight com partments, ll does not appear that In the big ships of later date any attempt Is made to increase the life-saving ap paratus beyond that required- by the jegulatlona."- : COMMISSIONPLAN WINS Kverett : Cltlxrns Almost Evenly III- rifted) en FYnn ol CoVernmfnl. j , -. . ' ' . EVERETT."" Wash.. '' April IS. Tha rommlsslnn form of government was adopted at the special election Tues day by a majority of SI. An election to name three Commissioners will be ttcld In June. The solid Socialist rote was cast against the commission plan, the Socialists objecting to the non-partisan feature. The single tax on land values, adopt ed by the voters at a recent election, apparently was reaffirmed. The pro vision for the single tax was submit ted separately and. .with two precincts -missing; the majority for It is It is thought the two precincts will not change the result materially. Everett is the fourth city in Wash ington In population.- and Is said to be The - largest city - in -the United States to declare for single tax. The state -tax on Improvements will retrain." t gardiess of: any action taken by the itv. - . SEATTLE'S PRICE IS FIXED Millers Announce Sharp Advance for Today. - SEATTLE. l'h April IS. (Spe lal. ) The price of patent flour will be advanced 40 cents per barrel tomorrow morning and exports will b lifted SO cents. Flour has been selling all the week from 40 to 5n cents below the cost of- production Tomorrow's advance .In the price of patent flouriwlll be one of the sharp est ever made in this market at one time. - Conditions are such, however, that millers are anxious to get the - market on a sound basis at one stroke. Instead of constantly having to adjust quotations. Patents will be quoted -on the basis fxf . tS.lS and .exports, on. the basis f n , AERO DEFENSE IS URGED t ... l nlifd State-. Said to lie Behind t - ) -.Other Nation In Progress. j NKYV TORK. April 1. An urgent demand that Congress take immediate action to. Increase, .more aerial - mili tary forces of the country. Is - on Ms .way. to Washington today, slimed by the board of governors of the Aero I'lub of America. Their official resolution declares that France. Russia, England. Germany, Ita'.y. Austria and Japan bave already realised the value of the aerial arm of the service and 'have taken steps to equip themaelvea suitably. The I'nlted States, however, has shown little dis position to follow suit and the gov ernors declare "that It is of the ut most Importance to the welfare of our country that a suitable measure should ' properly adopted." . . Newspaper Man la Secretary. CHEHALJS. Waslu. April 18. Spe cial.) A. W. .Flues, a well-known newspaper man -of this ctty. has been selected secretary of the Cltiaens" Cluh vf Chehalis to auecead E. R. Merrell who ha been chosen secretary-of the Southwest Washington Settlers' Agen cy. Mr. Pluea will assume his duties May 1. l-abor Importation ' Held Legal. SALEM. Or April 11. (Special,! tabor Commissioner Hoff. who has h n Investigating reports that men have been unlawfully Imported from . .:hlrago to assist in breaking a strike jn the rallroa-d machine shops at Tort Is nd. has decided that the company has 30 DEPUTIES FOR H0LL1NCSW0RTH Practically Whole Force of ' Sheriff for Him. ! Mi(l t.aard at Kelly's Ruffe Is I" . l-aag IJt of Tkow Hki Declare Themselves for -Holly." I la Square. Thirty of the deputies under Sheriff .Robert Stevens in the Sheriff s office are for W. B. Holllngsworth. Not one of these deputies is a guard a Keny's Butte, as were most of those who yes terday announced, themselves for an other candidate for Sheriff. . T'le following Indorsement of Hol iiiutswortn -was aigned yesterday by practically the .whole staff at the Sher iff's office, the names, as below being 'appended: 30 Jndorst? Hollingsworth. . We., the undersigned regular Deputy Sheriffs of the County of Multnomah under Sheriff Stevens, and at present employed,.. -such, do hereby subscribe our names and state for the benefit of rhe- public, triat we are supporters of Wallace K: Holllngsworth for the Re publican .nomination ' for Sheriff of MultnOmah County.. Our ' reason for 'Indorsing Mr. Hol lingsworth' Is- that he will make a sqtmre. honest and ouslness-llk Sheriff and one in which the public can have unquestioned faith. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. S. STF.VENS A" J. SALISBURY HARRY BUUiKi; JACK DOLAX PENUMBRA KELLY V. II. MERCER .S. WAGNER KARL HERRRIM. W. T. DEMARTIXI JACOB PROEBSTEL. Chief, Dep".v TAX DEPARTMENT. V. E. M.'CAXX A. HAROLD E. F. SCOTT EX ' H. E. MITCHELL M. J." ROCHE R. Y. QUIXLAX V. A. CLARK. E. J. CORCORAN H. S. GAYLORD - II. H. MEIER E. S. HUCKABY M. MANCIET V. S. OTT R. V. BENSON LOUIS ALTAIAN LESLIE PHIIXH'S E. V. DO AXE K, E. M'CLURE Y. C. PAGE E. SWEENEY. Chief Deputy. I Paid Advertisement.! compiled with the law and that ho ac tion can be taken. T RELIEF FTL'N'll OF SSO.000 IS QCICKL.Y SUBSCRIBED. ' New York Stock Exchange Members Send S20.000 to Pier for Immediate Needs. XKIV YORK. April IS. The relief fund started by Mayor Oaynor in re sponse to a cable from the Lord Mayor of London and the fund of the women's relief committee hardly had been an nounced before contributions began to pour in today. More than $15,000 was received at the Mayor's oTice and. between $12,000 and $13,000 at the residence of Mrs. Abraham S. Hewitt. Nearly $7000 was collected by n'ewspapers. making about $50,000 in'all. AV I. Morgan & Co. made the largest Individual subscription, a check for $10,000. Andrew Carnegie gave $5000. The American Red Cross was allowed by the floor committee of the stock exchange to start a fund there and raised several thousand dollars. The promptest emergency work was that of a special committee from the New York Stock Exchange, which brought to the pier tonight a box con taining $20,000 in cash for immediate distribution. This money was raised yesterday and today. TAFT MAJORITY FORESEEN Vamliill County Expected to fin for President. .SHERIDAN'. Or.. April 1 S. ( Special.) Sheridan probably will give a small majority to Taft In the comlhk, pri mary election. Although party feeling never reaches high tide in hneriflan. except In local elections, the reeling this year Is strong on both sides. Yamhtll County will without doubt give the majority to" Taft. However, the large Taft tott will come from the precincts around McMlnnvllle, where the conservative wing of the Repub lican party Is exceptionally strong. A recent speech here by Claflln. the Prohibition candidate for President, has tended to rather spilt the vote, and a great many have expressed their In tention of voting the dry ticket. In regard to state matters, although the county has been flooded with1 Bourne literature, the sentiment is without doubt against him and in fa vor of an Oregon man tor the office of United states Senator. Ben Selling will probably carry Sheridan with a comfortable majority. The idea of Sen ator Bourne's non-residence, as well as his position on the tariff question, does not appeal to the sturdy rural district of Yamhill. Sltermah Relief Rill Advanced. OREGOXI A.v NEWS BUR EAl Wash ington. April 18. Representative Haw ley has secured a report on the bill for relief of Sherman County settlers who were compelled to-abandon valu able Improvements on account of lands being Included In a military road grant. This is the measure originally Intro duced by Ellis, but now a Senate bill. IVitnk Looters Sentenced. . DETROIT, April 1. Henry M. bear ing. TJ yesrs old. cashier of the de funct Albion National Bank, and his son. Palmer M, learing. were each sen tenced today to five years in the Fed eral prison at Leavenworth. Kan., for misappropriation of the bank's funds. The's discrepancies totaled more than-$100,009. Tn rnturtes heiore OnrtM. flrs hart bn lighted on s tower nar Alexandria. EsVPU as a warning to mariners. These Pleasant Days-Get a Wheel Chair for. the Invalid--We Rent or Sell Them at $5 per Month Our Cut Glass, Pottery and Art Brass Is Different Styles and patterns you'll find in no other store. Just one of the many rea sons why our Art Section has become a leader in exclusive ware. Handsome Cut Glass Salt and Pepper Shakers, silver tops, regular 75c, at only 42$ Cut Glass Fern Dishes in richly -cut, star pattern, with silver filler: regu lar $8.00, now $4.47 Fern Dish., regular $7.00, now. .$3.74 Pretty Jardinieres . of the celebrated Oskosh'ware; just a few left. Your choice while they last, each...27 Book Racks, in ornamental patterns, solid brass and white metal, with copper figures. Get one for your li brary table.' Reg. $2, special, $1.29 Pictures Reduced Spring cleaning finds many a corner needing a new picture of some sort. With our large and varied assortment 1 you can select the correct picture and at a considerable saving. . . N Three Specials at 98c 16x20 Hand-painted Pastels, framed in 3-inch deep gold moulding, with cor ner ornaments. Values to $5.00.. Special 98 14x28 Imported Color Prints in 2 1-2-. inch gold frames, corner ornaments; formerly $3.50. .Your choice. . .98 Large Combination Fruit .and Game Pictures in solid mission oak frames ; $3.50 values at 9S A few more of those pretty Florentine Metal, cabinet-size Photo Frames to close out; made in fine gold-plate fin ish, guaranteed not to tarnish ; values . to $1.50. . Special at 35c, 3 for. . .1 Helpful Suggestions of Household Necessities Drus, Toilet Preparations and Merchandise Priced Low for Economical Men and Women Traveling Bags and Suitcases Our line of new leathers is beginning to arrive. Just the wanted styles and shapes for the early traveler. Our line now showing consists of many sizes, shapes and color leathers. Every piece new and up to the minute.. Guaranteed as represented. ' Good Cowhide Suitcase, strongly riveted frame, double-action lock and bolts, shirt fold inside and straps all around. Regular $8.50, at only $6.97 New Shipment, Cross Spring Gloves, Just Arrived Price $1.50 and Up Rubber Goods All our Rubber Goods are warranted. Any article showing slightest defect we replace without quibble or your money back. $1.50 Fountain Syringe, red .. 89? $1.50 Water Bottle; choco late ..: 96 $1.25 Fountain Syringe, chocolate, 89t $1.25 Ladies' Douche, white. '. . . .''.'. 87 Rubber Gloves An indispensable house hold requisite, unequaled value, at, the pair : -33 $1.00 Floor Mop at only t79 -Lrav Artifical Eyes Over 5000 in stock to select from. We can match yours. Have You Paid a Visit to Our Superb Jewelry Section? You'll be amazed at the very pretty, yet inexpensive, novelties we're show ing. Special offerings for this week. Black velvet Bows, with, rhinestone ornament, for shirtwaist wear, at ".only .98 Large assortment ' of new Bar Pins, regular $1.50. at only. v. .-.98 Very dainty Necklaces, regular $3.00, special . . . . ': . . 98 $1 long Coral Chains now! . . . . ; . 59 25c Brooches selling at. ,', ...9 75c Belt Pins, big assortment 49i Just arrived, direct from Paris, ship-; ment of handsome Necklaces and Bar Pins. No duplicates. ' See our Fourth street window. .. ' - ' The Store of Many Bargains Unexcelled Week-End Saving Opportunities in Our .Drug Section 10c Camphor Gum, ounce 5 25c Crude Carbolic, Acid, bottle.. 19 JOc Moth Balls, package.". '. .... 6 15c. Para wax, paraffine, pound 9t? 10c Sassafras Bark, package 6? 50c Ripe Olives, quart . -40 25c Castor Oil, Crystal White, bottle 16C 10c Soap Bark, package .6 10c Camphorated Chalk, package. . .60 10c Flake White, package. . . . J ... !6 10c Compound Licorice Powder pack age :6C $2.25 each, French Liquid Soap, only four bottles, each. ...! .9S 25c Spirits Camphor, bottle ; s. V; .19 20c Wood Alcohol, bottle . . : .. 14 10c Cocoanut Oil, bottle 7? 15c Boric Acid, package .......... 9 With, each purchase of 50c or more of these, "drug specials" we will give one small bottle of "Woodlark" Peroxide of Hydrogen. Be sure to. ask . for the PEROXIDE." ....'. "-:.,? " ' Aseptic and Collapsible Drinking Cups E3 "Hot Point Quality" Electric Household Appliances USED IN THOUSANDS OF HOMES, WHY NOT IN YOURS? $4.50 Hot Point Irons, new satin finish, 5 and 6-pound Irons, guaranteed five years $4.00 $5.00 Hot Point Irons, nickel finish, 3, 5 and 6-pound Irons . ..$4.50 $5 El Stovo Electric Hot Plate. .$4.50 $4 El Tosto Electric Toaster $3.50 $5.00 El Chafo Electric Chafing Dish .-. $4.50 El Perco Electric Percolator, five-cup size $7.50 El Perco Electric Percolator, seven - cup size $8.00 El Comfo Electric Heating Pad. .$5.00 Aluminum Clothes Sprinkler; fits almost every pint .or half-pint bottle ; may also be used as a plant sprinkler; a house hold necessity. . Price .. .10 Cotton Garden Hose Cheaper in price; very light in weight. $6.00 single stripe, -inch. $4.80 $7.00 double stripe, -inch $5.60 $8.00. triple stripe, -inch .$6.40 $9.00 quadruple stripe, -inch. .$7.20 V-inch hose at comparative reductions. ave Money --Buy Your Patents Here 25c Carter's Liver" Pills . . . .. . . . . . 15j 85c Mercolized Wax . . 69 $1 Mary Goldman Hair Restorer. .72 75c Mayatone ..... .,--, . ; . .. . 59 75c Saxolite . . . ;s. .' . ., . ... ' 59 50c Hay's Hair Health. -. ; 31 $1.50 Fellow's Syrup Hypo' Phos phates :..t...:$i.o7 50c Pond's Extract 29t Cooper's Sarsaparilla The best Spring Tonic and Blood Puri fier at only. . i , , .-.y . . ... . ... .-. . .-. 75 Crystal CorrtRemedy For corns, bunions and callouses, a sure arid speedy remedy. .'25 35c . Effervescing Sodium Phos phate 25 $1. Pierce's Favorite Prescription .. 69 25c Mentholatum 15c 75c Boschee's German Cough Syrup at only ' 1 ;59 50c Watkins' Liniment 39? $1 Sanford's Liver Invigorator 72 , $1 Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, . . . 69c Strawine Get out the old straw hat. clean it with Strawine ; result, a bright, clean, new hat at a cost of only. .......... .25 Peroxide Foot Powder For tirerj, aching, sweaty feet..,.15 -For the traveler, sportsman or camper. We have them in many styles and in all prices. 10 Antiseptic Cups in paraffine en velope ' 5t 25 Antiseptic Cups in paraffine box at only ................ 10 A nest of six servicable cups, just the thing for picnic parties, only....l0 Collapsible Drinking Cups in nickel and aluminum. Price 10c to 75 C Others at $1.00 to $2.25 Cigar Lighters for the smoker or for the outing party. You should have one of these Lighters. Priced at 29c, 35c, ..50c and ...; 7 :.$1.00 One quire of good quality, linen-finish Writing- Paper, envelopes . to match ; regular 35c, at only. . . . . . .17 When you leave on your vacation be sure you take along a fountain pen. Our "Woodlark" at 98 : a Waterman's "Ideal" or Conklin's Self-Filling Pen. No matter what your style of writing ; we have a pen to fit your hand. i Bristle Goods How annoying to have the bristles come out of your tooth brush while using. We guarantee each brush we sell as perfect and bristles securely fastened. Your choice of about 25 styles. 35c to 50c Tooth 'Brushes at only 29 50c Nail Brushes, assorted stiff bristles, set in wood or bone backs. Now.37 $1.00 Hair Brushes, excellent bristles, in ebony and rosewood backs. Now 79 C $1.50 Hair Brush, whalebone bristle, set in rubber; a dandy, at only 89 ; Should you desire Wines of medic inal purity for use at the table or for the convalescent,, then buy them here at our low prices. A superior grade of medicinal Cali fornia .Port, Sherry and Claret at, per gallon ....... . . .$1.00 Extra fine medicinal California Wine Port, Sherry, Angelica, Muscatel, Tokay, Sauterne, Reisling and Bur gundy; quarts, 50t ; one-half gallon, 85 ; gallons $1.50 Highest - grade California Port and Sherry; quarts, 75; one-half gal lons, $1.35 ; gallon .$2.50 The above Wines in sanitary glass containers. . i Liquors of Known Reputation $1.25 Old Taylor, bond bottled. . .9S $1.00 Chicken Cock Bourbon, 8 years old 89c 65c Peach and Apricot Cordial. . .44 "Woodlark" Gum Syrup; a pure and healthful sweeting agent for use in ' mixed beverages; full quart. . . .50 Needed Toilet Articles Reduced in Price $1.00 Pinaud's Eau de Quinine. .69 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste 29 50c Canthrox at only . . . . . . .39 $1.50 Oriental Cream ' .. . .98 25c Packer's Tar Soap . '. 14t 75c Pinaud's Lilas Vegetal .. ..53 50c Pompeian Cream 29t 50c Parisian Sage 39t Of course you want to preserve t'Hat old picture Let uslrame it for you, quickly, neatly and at a minimum of expense. Open a Monthly Account WOOD AMP. CIL-AMKE GO, TAFT f R ACCUSES MKIXI.KY SAYS '.MONEY IS RE INfi I'SED COKRITTIA. Question rle Whether Ilooevclt Vlelorle Sliow. "Demand for ln or Campaign "Kimd. : WASHINGTON. April 18 Director Mi Ktnley. of the National" Taft Bureau, today Issued a utatement calllnR at tention to the alleged use of money In the Roosevelt campaign. The lavish expenditure of. money In thta campaign by the backers of former President Roosevelt." aays the state ment. "laa led to the question being raised: Were the victories 'Of Roose velt In Pennsylvania Hnd Oklahoma due to 'a reat popular demand' for his re nomlnatlon. or to the use of money?" Further along McKlnley says: "In no pre-cnvention campaign In the history of the country has money been used In luch large sums amount ing, in view of the general verdict of the country with respect to certain ex penditures by Senators of the United Statrs, to plain bribery and corruption as haa been expended by the backers of Colonfl Theodore Roosevelt. . McKinley declares the Roosevelt forces spent large sums In Oklahoma: that they distributed J100.000 In Alle gheny County. I'ennsvlvania. including 1'lttsburg. by issuing 20,000 pieces of "scrip" In 15 denomination to ""mes sengers." and that the total Roosevelt expenditures In Pennsylvania were be tween $260,000 and fSOO.000. California Pioneer Woman Die. UVERMORE. tal.. April 18. (Spe cial.) Mrs. Emily J. Martin, who died near here on April 4. after suffering three years from paralysis, wag born in, Michigan SS rears ago, and crossed the plains In 1861, settling in Oregon. Her father. Aaron Rose, founded Roseburg. In 186. Mrs. Martin married E. S. Hear ney, and 12 years later she moved to Contra Costa County, California, with a daughter. In 186 she married 11 R. Martin, who died In 18S5. when ' she moved to her late residence. Mrs. "Martin Is survived by two daughters. Miss Blanche Kearney, of Llvermore, and Mrs. X. W. Nelnjes. of Santa Crux. Land Exchange BUI Reported. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. April 18. The House publlo lands committee has favorably r.eported the Ranker bill, authorizing the Secre tary of the Interior to exchange va cant public lands for state school lands' which He within any Indian, military. National forest or other" reservation upon application of any state. ' Army Officers Transferred. OREOOXIAX NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, April 18. First Lieutenant Ira C Brown, Medical Reserve Corps, now at Fort Lawton. Is ordered to relieve First Lieutenant Edward bailey, on the trsnsport Burnslde. Lieutenant Bailey, will take station at Fort Lawton. HERHIGK REACHES PARIS NEW AMBASSADOK TO "'FRANCE HAS COLD VOYAGE. Many Bergs Eneonntered by Prov ence. Which Heard Titan Ic'a Dis . tant Call for- Help. PARIS. April 18. Myron T. Herrick, the newly appointed American Am bassador, who arrived here today, said the Provence, on which he crossed the ocean, encountered Icebergs and that at 1 o'clock Monday morning received the distress signals of the Titanic. As the Provence, however, was 600 miles away and the Baltic was report ed to be' hurrying up, the Provence continued because It seemed hopeless to try to help. The Provence had been advised by the Niagara of the presence of the ice bergs and these were sighted at 6 o'clock on Saturday evening. They had evidently moved swiftly. The ice bergs numbered 12 and they were about 15 miles away from, the Prov ence. Some of them were 900 feet long and 300 feet bjgh. According to othel passengers, tha Titanic was warned by the Provence, the Niagara and other ships that ice bergs were in her path. . Escaped Lunatic Recaptured.. ' SALEM. Or., April 18. (Special.) Escaping from the State Asylum for the Insane several days ago. Frank Tompkins, who was committed to the institution from Clackamas County, was recaptured yesterday at McMinn ville and will be returned. as JLow as BUYS 10 ACRES of rich farm and orchard land dons the river mt COLUMBIA The termat $40 DOWN' and BIO MONTHLY, bal. per cent. Every' inducement here to the homeseeker and In vestor -ideal location, good roads, finest water, best of soil. etc.. Just 2H miles from the railroad and steam boat landing at Goble. Tou can easily make the trip In a day. An Ideal proposition for YOU. Investigate It now. Other 10-acre tracts at COLUMBIA ACRES at $500 and $600 the tract, and on liberal installments. Write today for tract map arid literature. Free for the asking. F. B. H0LBR00K,C0. 214 Lumber Exchange Building, Second and Stark Streets