19 T??: ronXINa-OREGONTAN. FRIDAY. APRIL 19. 1912. REAL EtTTE. t r bale Lola. HAWTH'jH.Xk; AND 5iD. OKNfcaa Thi i the best i-miaii .n Hawthorne fnuc wilnuut a qii'iitn. it ;S less trony than I ak d for ot hn. unfr ts non-rilent U s tne north- corner. Terms cih. nHian. month!? ptvmnta. A E I'ou Isen. 11H alTK KOK ' APAKTAl KNT-liOl'SE oi; 1 hotel ok .-Tr.K ; r:omit.pr rorntr on --t :de; io ' prue JO.iwit Immediate poiiiion .1-1. H.r.TMN -nrovrsoN. llval Kiji liarttn-nl ""haniber t "ommrce bidg HOI.I.ADAY ADD HALF BLOCK 1m&-.iwt fr. on E. 221 M.. b.tif'ti j W o and M nitnomsh. pa d streets. In i n of t!ie bct residential districts of the j t-ttv. p-ar if e nw E. 21t st. bridge, j I'rUt I :;.. trni J II. f. PAI MKIi-JONKS CO.. tut Wii.-n lt;dg. Phones Main A 2H" xtE Uriel L vicar iot on tourbtrn slops wr Council Crest. $-" and up. Includiag cement aids walks, curb, graded street and water; bui.di&g rcs:rlc;iona: sold oa easy terms. Provident Trust Com pa ay. ul. 9f3. 2uS Board of Trad. Alarsr.e.i 4;$. A 102.1. k.7t"" i fVvi ngton. Restricted residence sitrs. fronting on Hanr.K-k. Eai 2Mb and Tillamook st.. eg hi It. bard -surf are pavement ; prices I rum $In up This property will appeal to you on iff. i, 1L P. PALM KR-JfNKt CO.. 4"4 tl ox Bidg. Phons Main ?V1. A --- 3 ACHKS-J"'"". Situated on ridge. aboe Willamette Heights. une--erd view . ample w from perp-tu spring on county roaJ. Price for imurdtatc snl $n.V-o. H. P. t'Al.MEK-JONKS Co.. 44 l.vo Bldg. Phones Vain Mi'-: A 25:1. l S A''RK.S-I:i. Near rowell Va:v Koad and E. "Trh st . el. street on two idef. Bull Hitn lrf. surrounded v hoii.e. Prite e-.,u. VH. P. PAI.Mfc:it-J'NKS 'JO.. 4f4 Wilcox H'dl Ph ones Main ' . A -" 'V POHTLANO H KI'JHTS. travel home.tt of 3 lotn Kith splendid tiw, beinr the on I v remafnlns svallshle ste In neighborhood of fine homes, each s'andin? lu la-s gruunds. Owner mus' -il. Make offer. Marsha I 477 PROKK. A FROADWAY LOT. Wlort feet, on Hroda. near Hit st. fa-es north on pn red street. Pru e fn immediate sale Hhn rah H. P. PAI MKK-J'iNKS t.'O.. 44 Wllr- Hldg. Phones Main a LA I' R K LH T RST SNA Fin ;oi. 140. on nate at., near tr h ; tls lot s wort h $ l. but owner mut e;i and our prlre frr a few days is !; s terms If dr.ired. v (iRISSI r BOLiiS. Board of Trade Hldg.. th and Oik. SI DOWN 110 PER MONTH. Fine view lot. matured fruit treea. r etrletad district, near car. cement weJfe and curb. Bull Run water. Provides! Trwat Company. 2ni. 302. 20S Boaxd l Trade. Marshall 473. A 1023. LOOK 1 HIS I'P. Sight It Laurelburst lot. One brock from Gitsan st. and car. Price 912UO. 1 erais srranrcd. ' BLKLI.XC.AME c ALLISON. M a In l 'rf'3. A 1.M.V EXCELLENT vtew lot on Central Et Side, with improvements all tn and paid for: ill build reai d- nee after your pinna on e.mT rerma. rjr 1 biock from property. . It 14. Oregonlan. S VCRIFICR SALE. It SMIOi; has small pla.tered house; price $.".0; terms. Take M t. Scott ear. set off at Cray's crossing; 1-rent fare. Inqotre at Howe's store for' Heard. V KrIT. rornT 3th. nort n of Sandy Road. I am here for on'v three days and s'iii s It same for leas than cost to wm rash. See this bargain ; $ li re t'iired to handle AJ fl''2. Oregoniaii. LOT Growing district, near rarline. beau tiful view, priie nxht : will h'-lp earnest person, to fine opportunity nd ctve easy terins Addr-ss r phonp Last .7!1. L , F. bnt.'dmg lota on Broday, 2 blorks fr sale. Inquire i C i'l4' tro-n kom t ity a 14 Prradwa. pd Beach Property. HAVE sptftdid lot In best section of trrgon: finest bear a. close to surf and rrean-water Lakes: finest of fishing, bat h lra. botmf. rlc.; free use of near board f nor tent, fully equipped ; will welt for nty pis oown, a monin.y. . r ex Ore- go man. Fer mU kin ROOMS EAST SALMON ST. $ lTs. New and modem, with all kinds of bulit ti. conveniences. UA.h as fireplace, book- 4fi. china and linen closets, clothe and l ut chutes, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement with tubs and wood lift, piped for funt't. gas and electrcitr. house la lixibl const nutetl and extra ell built. owner nei floor. Phone Tabor 11H4. I R V INftTON. -room modern houM on corner E. 24rh and Hraiee st.; white enamel woodwork. e v ery con v en lence. parage; lot ."kI S x ih ret price including street Improvements, $:hjh. iirmx IL P. PAI.MER-Jt)Nry CO.. 44 WiU ox Hulg. Phones Main SOW. A 26.V1 W 1 1. 1. AW ETTE HKIOHTS MOM E. S-roont modern house on Thurmun st. . S bed rooms furra- e. firepla.-, . lautidrv tra a. eernent basement ; la: a ntttc. Hi h and slstil lj . ' r-et improvements ail 'aid. Prlre $T'a. lrmn H. V. PAI.VKK-Jonks ry., , 4 Wiii-n Illd. Phones Mstn :nfi. a 2V3 THAT VACANT l-OT. WHY NOT TURN A BLPDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IE YOC OWN A LOT WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OK FLATS PLANS FREE IF WE BUILD. UL'H REPUTATION TOUR PROTECTION IT WILL PAY YOf TO f EE US L R BAILEY CO.. 1 N'. CONTRACT ARCHITECTS. 324 AhlNGTON BLD COLONIAL IRVIMiTOX HOME. 12 rooms, modern In everr respect- Ilv injt room. music-rum and hall finished In quarter-sawed oak. dmins nom in ma hogany. bedroms white enamel, hot water heat. carse'. etc H. P. PAI.MER-JONKS CO. 404 ii, ox Hid. Ph ore Mali tVn . A - PORTLAND Hf.IoHTS ItDM K Beautiful new !-ro.m r- idenre. fire, P are. aleeptns? son h. hardwood floora. c it g ss rU lures. 1ealel windows, beau tiful woodwork and cornices, buitt for om, erery possible modern convenience; 2 level lots. liO ft. front car. marvelous w hlch ran never be obstructed Marshall 427, BROOKE. A S39. COTTAGE 20w. 4 room modern centre on lof 4"SxlAo fe? within 1 Moek of WW carllne. Howe station, in fmi-rlass shape and read v or upnct prtee IJojh (tn eas terms H P pai m er -Jones co. 404 Wilcox B:dg. h"nes Mam M, . V,"3 " ,,M'?rt,"'lrB hcauflful country home on Willamette kr, 441 minutea on Ore gon otjr Electric, ft r.wm. new. modern, e.ectrtc iisjhta. running water, about n acre, t-m. wnniij consider trade t-MBDEN-T.iCK A LAr"n. 24 Oak st. $20i CASH $.L-, MONTH" Payment Indudea interest ; beautiful T rm buncalow. hardwood floors. flreDlace Imtch kuchen larse porch: commandtna ,.ew : rerited dim.rirt; bs,ur,fui ,ur. roundlrg. Must selL Write owner x n W7.V Oregonnn w ' a RiKlci; Beautrful Rirhmond bunca tuw . select neicborhod . pved street -freMins? obligation compels sacrtflee; r lnch: par tv invest Irate Immediately nothing reasonable refused . OCcuLld! Owner. H7 Ivon St. IKVINUTO.V HOMB Nw. modern T rooms. wl bultt. rhAicwt lx4UJt, betgata. Osir. Phea Kstt r. M"fiFRS burralow. 5 rooms, cement bsmTi. shades and fixtures, small pay ment down. ey term Of! ba'rr; IU USt ' -.:d at en. e Woeil.tvn 3?'- irOlNtfTOX residence foe sa;-Mot desir able location. complete la a:i detaiig; terms. For particulars phone C 284. $tH BUNGALOW. $riOO lmprovemsnta paid: terms 3"i Marguerite, sear liaw- t home. Wood:awT 2714. f OR SALE Tbe prettiest bungalow in Rose City Park. $(S0. $:, cash; leaving the city and mut sell at once Tel. East r4. I Il'M ho ie .'.IU I 7." lot , f iTlanTi ilfro e ea ter-ns. Higgins 4 Mr, ortbet Mdg. phone Main 4to i.Ni: modern horn, fall lot, facing aouta. East Couch and Hat eta.; flowers. $: a.-t T'-o Mdg. Main 113. A 7454. NN itD& $25"0. l-room cottage; tra- flare; $- Pw month; East Morrison, near "th. Trn bldg. Vain 112 a 74Va. f J' MONTH LT inciud ng interest, nothing down, rue 4-rom bungalow, near ai- r-e r low ir . n-r. Worcester blov k f'.trt cash. East F- HALL b .nca o s jcg Abington bldg, eel. near rental pment w. mv'.era buasalow. iv dad Jose. Xli av 2Jd 2 Woctl.a 2U4. 1 Ki:.L ESTATE, ft or tilt Hpu NO DOWN PAYMENT. We hsn r hi' s In Beaumont. Irvlng ton. Laureihuisi and 1; ingwood. all double constructed. Irojn 7 to 1o room! eat h. some heated b Mesm, others by hot wattr or hot air; all hae oak floors ar.rf moHrn null tin ronvrnicn ves; ail ou ha to iv tlirse tiumc.i 1 1 ntunthiy in advance, nli-na I and in I -rel. own. one of each $100 Includes prin- in other word", a $:Ht bouse l'l cost you monthly In advanre. Thev are ail first -class, t.ifrvuichiy const! ueted throunout. do our own iuiUIinf bv day labor under our own supervision. The prlcts run from H75o up 10 ti-tN and ib houses run from ii lu loom. t'none us tor an appMiiiinni ; -.mi he to take vou out and show our ! pi fp"H v st an v time. PoltTLIND HI'.-'I.NKa EXtH AX'iK. T'-J-Ho Kothrhitd Idis. Marshall SHS. LAIDS A DDIT1N. 1 room ttwo in attic), furnace, ftrvpiare. hardwoMl floors. bulit-4n book Uut'h kitchen, faces east, street la rj. with aile iu the rear, close to c-tiiine. svfio!s and churches. A large p';i'e for a little mnne. jtt-. VMt h rooms, w it h sleeping porch. ."h 1 IH fool lot. faring east, with a fine view and alley iu the rear. Hou has fur tr two f lj places, one iiialrs. hard 'hkI flmirs. numerous buUt-tn cnnenl-cnr--. and Is a bargain at this prlre. fJiHMt (4 rooms and sleeping porch. Just off from Hawthorn at, and facing the avenue. Mas hot water ht-attng plant, ftre pfaixi. fine ext ra large living-room, well knpl llun wilb roe and flowers. Built h the owner for hi o n home. Hireet paved, with alley ir the r-n r. A sood buy. aiTlioNi; t. rlXiwr. '." ronford bidg. uiTio'iZe; Agents for l.add . Addition. OX K A S V PAYMENTS. T-r-.om bunsraiow with all modern con veniences; street improvements all In; 1 blo,k to car. 1 minutea to cliy; iiw. room house, modern. oo feet to car ; . lot hvx t0: excellent neighborhood. i-ronni bunguloa . modern, with alt built-in con ven rences. furnace; 2 blocks froro car; near fine school; ins, electric it v. street Improvements paid: excellent view ; corner. 3 4 j' for 10 days. 4 rooms. In excellent suburb: restric tions; all built -In conveniences, large liv . lrc -rooms, w 1th panels, fixtures and tint iiiif. PROVIDENT THl'ST COMPANY. oi-j-.l Board of Trade. Phone Marshall 473. A 10?2. OWN VOI R OWN HOME. PAY $..-. A MONTH. SEE IT TODAY. I have void 2." strictly modern houses the past year and every customer Is more than satisfied: aside from my houses hav ing all i-onveiiiencen, my terms for pay ment are practically r'nt; you own th house yous'-tf. and yet vou are not obliged to pay In any one month over $'.'". I want ou to s-e j.hnuso I have just flnishrd; It is complete An d-'t.ill, includ ing; electric fixtures, shades and tinting : hs mix rooms; beautiful corner lot; served by two carltnes; price $273. A. N. ShiAHLE E. "h and E. Ollsan. I M-V Carat I'OlK'KD Tt SAi'RiriCE HOME. I am 1ealnc the ctv and must sell my fine ri-room iimf In Rose CH y Park AT ONi E: strict) modern and has fine view of rttr and mountains, with or without furniture. If this home suits you. 1 will make a price- on It that you can t refuse ana win give easy - terms. ee tnis. ir. Price, corner 4Mb and A lamed a. . Phon Tabor 2oi-. JIST COMPLETED. Beaut if uf !-room house In best sect ion of Iureihurst, or corner lot one block fiom carltne; well built and modern in every respect. four large bedrooms. artistic ll lit a -room finished In mart ok anv ; din In g -room. break fast -room. sun parlor; big attic, full cement bascm nt. fireplaces, furnace, hardwood floors, fover hall and roomy veranda: reasonable trims. r or -articuisrs w rite or rair K. v . Joy Hemy, Hldg. Main .".2-"4. SWELL RT'Nl.AI.OW $.".0. Vine new -room bunaaiow. doubly coi' Trurted throughout. sa and e'ectrlc, . fine flrepiare. paneled dinlns:-riom. cove ceil- Inc. bookcases. buftct, Dutch kitchen, solid hiava hardware, fine Hxturcs. den oak floor, hardwood larders. enclosed srla breakfast room, nothing missing to make a complete hon.e; on c. t Mill e reet. Just routh of Hawthorne: price j.-.Hio : a snap; $4.n cash aitd $-0 per month. GRUSSI A BOLD?. ' nit Board of Trade Hldg.. 4th and Oak. KEFTRICTEP DISTRICT. Fine hornc. 7 rooms, lot .-o i on, parking in-feet ell paid. lawn, cement block chim ' ne and freee. roof -green. hoirse 'white. f',run hardwood floor, 7-foot buffet, bev eled plate glass door. 4 Krench mirrors, lure work pantrv and sink, fin base ment, furnace, larce rooms, sleeping porch. 2 cr)lnes. 14 minute to business, terms. Phone owner. Main 41 44. for particulars. "will sacrifiFefor quick'sale" My splendid new house. 7 rooms, hardwood floors, modern In every way. ' Hard -surf ace street 1 close in . HltM-k from -ar. Small first payment, balance easy. Might trade for ;od lot. Ask for Mr. Easton No agents.! lit' Spalding Bidg aU BU R H AN HOME. $2") cash, balance easy terms. 0 per cent, six -room house, two blocks from electric carlir.e: family orchard, berries, best soil: splendid for CHICKENS; ood a'liomohtle road; house and six .Vxlo lots. l-NHifl; house and 12 lots. J7'. A good country home close to Portland th? will .,av for Itaelf J. W. Heff.-rlin. owner, t-irl Co-iiett buildinc. HOLLA DA Y RESIDENCE. A bandomeir appointed home. In a df trirt of fine residency close in. near Hol laday Park, bunaalow st le. faces south and east, on corner. imxl'H feet, paved streets; garage. For al at price of I1T. II. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 4'4 Wtlcor Hldg. Phones Msi SiP9. A fVT MOD ERN - room bungalow with laige commodious. fully limshert and seep)ng porch and neat, well-constructed fireplace. This I not an ordinary build ing. It was constructed by competent me chanic, and will bear your closest Inspec- tion. Lot ."aixlia. fine, sight 'v location. near East 2th at. Price $T..iO on gofd terms.- call at 414 Spald ing bidg. for parr Iculars. 7-ROOM WESTMORELAND HOME. N'-ar last double-track carllne and Reed Institute, close to public school : ail Im provements. Including ga: Improved lan. flowers, trees, berries, fireplace, furnace, large basement, built-in bookcases, buffet. Dutch, kitchen; two-story cottage; $42o. Ow ner. N ih Cregonian. 5 ROOMS, lot 4.tsxPI. on East st.. near Davis; this is au ideal little home and is wttbin walking distance of the business district: this property can be had direct from owner with a very small payment down and balance like rent. Also have an a -re at Lents which I will sell at a sacrifice No agents. AJ WO, Oregonian. LOOK at my attractive home at 5PA E. 4'.th North, close to The Alameda; it's al most new. roomy and up to the minute: I will e It 7." below cost because I can't take it with me to California, t'all at the house Itf to 12, noon, before the 2Vh. T t me on pa rt. WET SIDE HOME AMV A beautiful view lot and 4 -room shack, habitable; can be made into a good-looking ho us at small expense: remember this is on the West Side: hi'f cash will handle. Fred W. German. 829 Burn side. M. or A 277 WEST SIDE BARGAIN. Good 6-rom, 2-atory house, gas. hafti. etc.. street la pa v el . walking distance. Arthur street, near Water; price oi.ly $.'0; $ll cash. ORI'SSI A HOLDS. 31 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. MY home In Lents. Or, at a big sacrifice: house is new. modern ana wen built: large, atrv rooms, on two large level lots near carllne: planted to berriea. garden tru.-j and frwrt tree. Accept almost any offer. Phone Tabor I4.'. Mr. Cam. BY o-ner. strictly modern houe. Just com pleted; . o feet rrom pose itt car. on r. Mh ; reeemlon. hall, ft vtng-room. dlnlng rwm and Dutch kitchen downstairs, hard woM floor. 3 bedrooms, bath, sleeping Mrrh u-'airs- term. Sell woch P1 1. FINE, modern. 5 -room house, with fireplace, furnace. )rg rooms and closets, full stsed ot riQgiftA; Improvement all paid. Priee $27.v terms $loo down. $23 per month. Including Interest. AF 99$. Ore gonisn. BUY from owner, brand new d-room bun galow, one block to Hawthorne av.. fui! cement basement, laundry trays, large at t.c, ireet 'mprovements all paid, absotute iv the best bu in Hawthorne district; terms, phme Tabor AM. PI EDMONT"hOIE7 "rooms andic7ping porch : very modern; beautiful location; axa: or 3 lots Will accept good lots or acreage aa first payment. W ood lawn DESIRABLE 5-room cottage in subarb: elec tric lights, new ba,t hrnom flttiees: 'xHjo corner lot; east front; fine lawn; large fruit trees, roses, gsrdrn; cash or essr rersrs vtootiawn lOi.- MOVE rig t in and J a beauitf-tl lit: e r'-tr-.-r 1 1 lot ; ft o't :r"r. . 1 MT-a:i . ler month; It's A NTti tlistrlrt: I" ' n M ni t-otn. IRV im;T' N . Stru- If ihn'oujjhlj modern, a bargain. Marshall -51 RKAL ESTATE. ftor Sale -House. $VK HACPIFICE New. 7-roOm.- ls-iory ho-jse, double constructed, large living -room, nna n replace, all built-in conveni ence, oak floors, 3 large sleeping cham bers, second floor, full cement basement ; actual cost of house and lot. $4-00. Client must sell. Price $3760; $0ut cash, bal ance easy. Bl'XOALOW a, cost: 5 rooms first floor, cm finish 2 rooms on second floor; double constructed. In fine location : bun galow. 2Sx42. All built-in conveniences: 4 blocks to W-R. car. $3J50; $-H cash, balance to suit. 6-ROOM bungalow; larg livirfg-room and dining-room, very larff buffet and ft replace, large airy bedrooms and sleep ing porch on scoud floor; all floors down stairs are ,oak ; the finish Is exceptions I ly . rlne : eAtit electric fixtures; east front ; t ffi, shrubbery. flowers. full cement basement, good furnace: $.U0; $700 cash. 4 block a to Broadway car. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. . 201. 102. 2" Board of Trade Bidg. Marshall 473. A 1022. NEW' 2-STORY. 4-ROOM HOME. $JS.. $l.-0 ( ASH. Large front porch: reception hall with ha;i seat; large Ih'lnf-room with fire place and built-in bookcases; dining-room w i:n buffet, paneled walls (oak) and beamed ceilings; all have hardwood floors; abinet kitchen: back 'porch- with toilet; liiree fine bedrooms with largo closets ea'h having a window : sleeping porch : bathroom, full cement basement with fur nace, wood lift and laundry trays: extra fine light fixtures: duplex window shades; house tinted: ready to move in: lot Is iux I'JO; Improvements paid. This Is a snap; Just completed; tf you are looking for a home this will suit you. all Main $37 or A 2Z. Ask for Mr. tJuthrie. MR. LOT OWNER! HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO IM PROVE YOI'K PROPERTY WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL FINANCE; IT AT A LOW RATE OF IX 'TEREST; PLANS FURNISHED FREE; IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME U AND TALK T.HIS OVER. J S. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND HITILDER. ' HENRV BLDG. USE YOUR "p.KNT MONEY TO BUY A , HOME. If yott can pay $'M cash and $40 to $30 per month, w hich will Include interest : we alii finance the building of your home on a very desirable Laurelhurst lot. If you want to buy or bulid a house on these easy terms, come in and talk it ver. BURLlNiiAME A ALLISON. 522-4 Corbett bidg. . Main ?o03, ; A 1515, PORT LAND HEIGHTS lialnty new 9-room i'oiouiMl house, built for home, ivory and solid mahogany finish, artistic fireplace. annr'Him. two sleeping porches, large, welt improved grounds, view cannot he hi at en though vou travel the w orld over $1L.VM: terms. Marshall 4s7. BROOKE. A 3?Sft TWO-THIRD3 acre and new 3-room house. West Fide. 20 minutea from Postoffice running water piped to tract, good malka to station; beautiful view oi xuaiatin v ai ley: loo: iioo down. $20 per month. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. 201 Hoard of Trade Bidg.. Marshall 4t. A 10J2. PIEDMONT DISTRICT. S25 MONTHLY. 7 rooms, reception hall. den. elegan fireplace, solid oak "floors, built-in buf fet, bookcaeea and wardrobes, furnace. laundry and dust chutes. Particulars ap ply National Realty A Trust Co., 723 Chamber of Commerce, Main 61291 $-.100 BL'NOALOW-Ii'lOO. Killlngsworth avenue. near - 2flth, 5 rooms, modern, excellent neighborhood. one block to carllne: here is a rare chance to get a nice home at a low price: s.M0 sh will do. balance to suit. Owner, Oo? Yeon bidg. Ask for Mr. Lucas. HEADQUARTERS FOR . . Grain, stock, fruit- ranches,. UK) to 40.0OO acres; $10 to $30 per acre; Wasco County, Oregon ; 2" years' experience a I your aer ice. JOHNSTON-BOTH FUR A CO.. ik Chamber of Commerce. BARGAIN New d-room home, fireplace, I urn ace. 000 k cases, veneer paneling, bur fet. large rooms, numerous large closets. 'fine bath, large sleeping porch, double construction, finely finished; stust be seen to be app reciateo. owner. T fflor 3921. I WANT to sell the finest suburban grounds and 1 -room house at Riverside.-. These grounds are SDsoiuieiy Deautirul, with 1 perfect view of the city, mountains, got links, etc. On acre of ground. AJ Oregonian. OUR S70 home for sal, tae prettieat 73a 100-Tt. spot on in, morning alone of Port land Heights; Ideal apartment aite. with eltv and mountain view. Owners, 4A 13h.- corner Jackson. ; , " .'"FINE "piEDMONTW0Mr? T-i 00m modern house, with 100- lot. inr lji), woen jis-'i"; nous cost a4T0i also a fine corner. 1041x113. at bargain. NEW moaern tungaiow, Schuyler st,. near Roe City car; $;t7.K. easy terms; hard m ood floors, full basement, gaa and eiec- trlc nxtures, ouiit-in Durret. large attic Owner, S2. Yeon bidg .Phone Alain 112. 'J."oo -TERM S. 4 -room bungalow on 10irx15 foot cor ner lot. In Firland Addition. WAT.-iON A THEHKELSEN CO.. !to Spalding Bldg. Main T.M2. 1-RoOM modern house, 72x100 lot. 2 blocks zrom nigmana ecnooi. x oiock from St. Andrews School; good place for large ininy; wiwv; verms u aesirea. owner, 43 Wygant st. FOR HALE Fifteen dollars a month for a nice lit tie home, nandy to carllne. large hn. aox:;h). small payment down. Phone TftbOr 74-V -ROOM modern house, partly furnished, on nign. sig n;iy 101 niu!o; excellent vie en car line. 412 4Mh ave. 8. E- Take WW ar. rric ii'oihi, terms. Owner. FOR SALE. One house cheap; Alberta; several In Irvington; also lots. Phone East 27H, C j 'no. . . 11 em man. OR FINE HOMEA. Se Deiabuat. lor Sette Acreage. 12'K). $1 down. $1 wek win put you In bos session of one acre of good, rich, black loam garden land, no stumps or rocks, ready for planting, about &O minutea from city limits on lem Electric; also some A-l soil with good timber at $150 per acre, same terms. inquire or owner. 211 212 Falling. d and Washington. SEE ME BEFORE BUY I NO. Five or ten acres of my land points the w a v to independence. It la near Portland, rinse to railroad and boat landing and two gitoj tesvns; some of the finest beavetdam land in Oregon; best of onions and garden truck, also some fine fruit land. I wilt sll on eaav terms; l-OO per acre. Rice, owner, room U, '320 Washington st. FOR SALE 144 acres, half mile from Sea side depot. 40 acres' will cut Into good town lots, 100 acres Doe. cranberry bog. jdenty of fresh wateg- for flooding, etc.. 70 acre cleared, balance light clearing, $140 per mere, one-fourth cash balance easy terms. Write or call on J. E. Oatea, Seaside. Or. I HAVE an acre of land all cleared, with water under pressure, within a few blocks of streetcar and 143 feet of railroad trackage that I will s-11 for $lOi if taken this week. $10o and $13 monthly take it. AP Oregonian. SUBURBAN ACRES at the price of suburban lot; these acres all In cultivation, set in fruit, fine loca tion, good roads, ft-cent carfare; price $h.V per acre, terms 10 per cent cash, balance 2 per cent per month. Owner 07 Yeon bloc. Ask for Mr. Lues a. " :.0- TUALATIN VALLEY ACREAGE. 5 acres. -ll cultivated. 12 miles from Portland, fine havy 'oam ; $300 per acre. $."0 cash, balance monthly payments, -42 Chamber of Commerce. A GOOD COUNTRY HOME . of lb acres, well improved, directly on Oregon Electric at vuatama Htatlon; stork and implements. Call at house or write owner. AL PSS, Oregonian. L l AND 1-acre traota, doe t Port lea a. J to blocks from electric carllne. $2 t $40U per acre, easy terma. J. W. atai tsrun Realty Co.. lt Corbett bidg. 17 ACRES, 1$ cleared, running water. ( blocks from car station and $ mi lea from Courihou; only 1300 per acre; terma; owner, James Wilson. Boring. Or., route 1. GENUINE BEAVERDAM. 10 acres, on county road, near electric , line. $40 per acre; terms. See Felt on. STRONG A CO.. 00 Concord Bldg. 3 ACRES highly Improved; house, barn; Vancouver citv limits; on carltae; orch ard ; Income $100o; IHOoo; terma. J. E. Hall, a" Abington bldg. 13 '"RES. near Portland, at $73 per arret $luO cash. 2 per cnt. monthly without In terest or taxes. Call or wrltu 40I Behnke-Waikr Bldg. owners. . 10 ACRES, partly cleared, on Oregon CUy emriine. close In wKI sell on e,sy terms 11 East 5217 after 6 P. m. or will trsde. Ca ACREAGE and farma. large and smaU tract a Call Kinney A sJtampfar. Ml-J Lumbar txenange oag FIVE a-reg on main road, 1 miles from car: fin view; ideal for country place. PtLpne Marshall 12iil. FINE platting traci flatting tract. rnp 10 t'ortiana and ectric line: will sell at sacrifice or An elec trade. Fran Lucas. 131 Second st. ft tCKEri close to city; best buy on marHtt. 4:17 Chamber of Commerce. , - V. IN a rcage. sale or trad Wuxsier biUg. Fiu suii. s. Owner. REAL ESTATE. Fwr Bale A crests:. A PROFITABLE -COUNTRY PLACE. O.ood 6-room house and . barn, on Base Line road, near the Twelve-Mil House; just the kind of a place that you have been thinking shout. 2 acres in strawberries. 1 lt acres home orchard, bearing. . xr acr rhubarb. 1-3 acre gooseberries. T acre horseradish. . acres 2-year-old cherries. applet, pears, loganberries, currant i. etc. Horse, and buggy, chickens and fine Jerst-y cow. . Price only $;,oo. terms. DORR E. KEASKY & CO.. Second Floor Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE. " Abuts on both sides" of Fourth street electric and very close in. Four stations on our platting, rapid community development now in evi dence. Commuters' fares now 13i cents. Any sued tract you may de sire at $.'.0 to $500 per acre upon monthly payments, pffice open until tt P. M. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth St. Main 3.V A 3500. 10 ACRES BEST SOIL IN OREGON. In famous Tualatin Valley. n;ar Reed vj lie and only 12 miles from the center of Portland; good road .ill the way: nesr carllne. church and school. R. F. D. and phone; IU-b nearly level, black sandy loam soli : this tract was surface cleared -o yeara go except shout acre, which la good first-growth timber: could be gotten ready for the plow very quickly and at amall expense: land on every aide of this is priced at $200 an acre; for quick sale we wlil so 1 1 t h Is line t ract for $ 1 . per acre: smail. payment down and o years to pay -the balance. ALVORD-CARR-HUNTER CO.. Board of Trade. .TEE, THIS SNAP. If you ant to go to the country and devote all your efforts to a good amall farm with the finest of aoll. where vou can make more money than you ran in tite city, see me and I " will prove it to you. Thie property is near Portland, best w service. and on any terms that suit uu. ,Thv ppsaibi tity of enhancement jo alues ulone makes this an attractive pt opus It Ion to say nothing of lis pro ducing qualities and the easy terms on which It can be sold. AT Oregonian. ROSEBURO ORCHARD SNAP. y 2."i-acr orchard. 1 u miles from Rdge bjrg at Si1 011 bower. 12 acre In full hear ing trees as foltows: ;t acres- -peaches. 8 acres apples, 2 acrts walnute, 12 acres garden; " 1 1 is place is located on the Unip aa River and adjoins other orchard" which have sold from $Too to $1000 per acre; . price of this orchard. $4$MM; $3000 cash, balance terms, or will take in a 1300 Uninnimbered bungalow. GRl'SSI A FOLDS, SIS Board of Trade Bldft.. 4th and Oak." -HERE IS A RARE BARGAIN. Two and a. half acres, within four min utes' walk of Sandy Boulevard nnd the carllne, with water and electricity, aide walks, etc., which I can xaeli at a bar gain, either as a whole or separately, at astoundtrigly low prices and on your own l.rm. TkU la 4i,.t K. s r A Ua ftliv limit and the products from' this place will pay I for It on the easy terms I sell ft. The soli Is sandy black loam and absolutely with out gravel. E 9fo. Orepjonlan. 3-ACRE tract. 2i cent car fare, down Wat Side; $200 per miles from ii-. the river- on acr upon mommy payments. THE 8HAW-FEAR COMPANY. 302 Fourth St. Main 35. A 3500. LIKE FINDING AN ACRI2. ONLY-ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS. Fuli acre, all city Improvements pro vided; fine aoil and free of gravtl. close to ranid carllne and onlv minutes from business district; easy terms, and $100 'will start vou a home on our Dfan: you can reduce your living expenses one-half and do business down town just tne aame. P io. oregonian. BUNGALOW and 1.15 acres for sale; land In cultivation, fruit trees, berries, etc. house has lurre living-room. 26x15, 4-foot . stone fireplace, beamed celling, built-in bookcases, etc.: modern plumbing through out ; good water system and I tne water. On Oregon city carllne: 7c fare: 27 min utes from Portland. -Price $1730; term For further particulars address Postoffice bog . ity: phone oak Grove, riea .'Of SUBURBAN HOME. 200 cash, balance cay terms. 6 per cent, six-room house, two blocks from electric carllne; famllv orchard, berries. best soil: SL'lendfd for CHICKENS: good automobile road; hotise and six 50x100 lots. 204Mi: house and 12 lots. $2700. A good countrv home close to Portland that will pay for Itself. J. W. Hefferiin. ownfr, ni3 Corbett building. 85 ACRES. Choicest red shot aoll In Washington rountv. 40 miles rrom t'orwana on tn new P. R. AV N. Br., partly timbered. easily cleared, good roads, school In quar ter of a m lie. new railroad town la two miles, $200 rash, balance your own terma. FIRLAND? TRUST COMPANY. y 606 Spalding Building. lo. 2 OR 30 acres, cleared land, high around rood soli. 23 acres, not cleared, hich and sightly; on rountv road. These tracts are convenient to Oregon City electric line and at bargain prices easy terms. f. G- DAVIDSON. M9 Chamber of Commerce. ."SUBURBAN ACRES. $230 to $40o per acre. Splendid, tracts, one acre and up. on electric line, close to station; unsurpassed soil: good county road, good water, fine school and store, and close to Portland. Call or w rite .. W. HEFFFRL1N. Marshall 2h. 13 Corbett bldg. CHICKEN AND FRUIT RANCH BT Portland; a NEW SUBDlvibio. lowest price; best soil; fine view; wood, water and roads; acres. $4O0 per tract; lO-A $300; 20 A.. $300: 40 A.. $l'JO0; SO A 1000: 100 A.. $3000; liberal terma. FRANK M FAR LAND REALTY CO.. 80V Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Or. $0 PER ACRE. 4 -acre tract on electric carllne. close to Portland: splendid soil: no rock or gravel, running stream. Ideal location for country home: nil cleared: no stumps; Investigate this genuine property. OWNER. Marshall 2MM. 413 Corbett bldg. 6 ACRES of finest land on Base Line Road near 12-Mile House; Price sltfio; terms. Phone Tabor S3. 32 ACRES highly improved, at Newberg: $175 acre Owner, 808 Abington. iag. CHICKEN ranch. 5 miles from city limit easy payments. Phone Tahor T4a Homesteads. IF YOU are looking for a homestead or timber claim, see what ia offered here before going elsewhere. Can locate ym In any county in Oregon or Washington. Have relinquishment of several timber claims that have been cruised by responsi ble partv ; also fertile homestead claims. Location guaranteed. Call 84 Spalding Mdg. FOR ft ALE Homeatead relinquishment, SO acres, river bottom lana. nne tor prcn ard; Pacific Highway: 2U miles from towp of 1000 In S. W- Washington; cheap. AJ 93. Oregonian. WANTED A sawmill man to locate on a timber claim with a good mill site. Also two on ot her timber claims. Address W illiam Harrison Smith. 2104 First St.. orcall after 7 P. M. A 120-ACRE relinquishment; well Improved: In Josephine county ; also cnoice location In Malheur County. Inquire Wm. Maat. room 22: Abington bldg. DESIRABLE families located fr en beat lacd In Central Oregon, write namptos Valley Development Assn.. Hampton. Or. For bale Fruit Land. BEARING orchard. 3S acres: took sweep stake prise; oniy iij.ouu. rnone atarsnaii 62. For Sale Farms. SPECIAL BAROAINS: go acres. 0OO; 18 miles from roniuio. impru vmenis. DUiia- Ings. timber; also 80 acres. Polk County, $:tooO; buildings, stream, excellent aoll; exchange Portland unincumbered; Investi gate irnrneaiate 'YAM HILL COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. l.erg m man -. . v unvi 1 general farm In, grain, hay. fruit, hops, dairying etc; about 40 miles southwest of Portland. Or. Call or write tot price list. W. E. Kidder. Carlton. Or. 130 ACRES black loam and beaverdam, all in cuiuvanwMf wvu bifoirio Station. $95 acre. Owner ill health. I mean it. See agent. J. E. Hall, 306 Ab- jngton Ping. FOR SALE 3 acre A-l land, undar culti vation, -". ..- wuut,r romo. mile trolley, t mllea Hillsboro; best berg a la Washington County. L. p. HEWITT. 415 Oregonian Bldg. RANCH 0 acrea. with buildings. 19 -nlles from lTruwiu, Mr '- fiim. DBrgi'.i for all gash. b owner. 182 Morrison st. ""CENTRAL ALBERTA FARM LANDi $13 per acre. Write for literature. CRAFTd. LEE A G A I. LINGER, ftdmoa ton. Alberta. REAL ESTATE. lor hale -Farms. THE FINEST SOIL IN STATE City limits of Newberg, tW acres all fcn high state of cultivation. 4" acres bottom InnH. mHI-hi nvfrHowa wilh backwater Svom fhe Willamette, and as there is no f current it adds additional rich soil yearly and the aoll is a rich black sandy loam and will grow onions, potatoes, etc. This bottom land produced 110 sacks of potatoes to the acre last year and 30 acrs are planted in potatoes this year. The other 0 acres ia bench land and Joins the city limits of New berg, and streets are sur veyed right through the place. Thi9 place Is well stocked with personal property and has good house, barn nnd outbuilding, fine well, bearing orchard, fenced ana cross-fenced, and tn fact is one of the best "in Yamhill County. We have looked this over and It is tine; will consider trade. ' PORTLAND .BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 7"fl-10 Rothchlld Bldg. Marshall :ife-'. no ACRES (BY OWBR). POTATO AND PRUNE FARM, All cleared and In cultivation, level, biark. sandy, gravelly, loam warm soil ) and very rich; will raise 300 bushels po tatoes per acre. 24 acres now In Italian prunes, about 8 acres in potatoes, between the trees. (We are planting 13 acres to potatoes r, 20 -acre- In wheat and oats, fine. -room house, big barn, chirken houies, windmill and tank house,' water piped In house, and to barn and garden; fine old family orchard, all kinds fruit, tine team horses. Jersey cow, 3 brood sows, 300 chickens, turkeys, buggy, wagon. . hack, all farm tools fall good), hay and grain on hand, and 23 sacks of fine seed potatoes; this all goes for 1G0 per acre, 12 miles from Salem, one mile from West Stayton. on R. TL. 2 miles from Aums vllle." Address H. Graham, Aumsville, Or., R.,- 1. 13. b-v.-or- phone me from tany w here). Thone ytuinsville 2X5-3. ALFALFA FARM. 400 acrea rlne alfalfa land in Morrow . uuih; , it ii iif viiu via rniiH rroMO timrierf v Irrtcriiteo hv est Umatilla Irrigate ir project; or vou (n put in pumping plant of your own from Columbia. It i ver : farm has a gradua. slope to th- river; very best shipping facilities, water and rail. t you ate look ing for an a:fa1fa farm it will pay you to look at thin one. Price iH3 an acre. - GRUSSI & HOLDS. 31S Eoard of Trad Bldg.. 4th and Oak. 40 ACRES. 20 cleared. ' 1 in prunes, apples and pears, good 'barn, house. chicken house and running -water; $100 per acre; half cash, balan at- per cent. Also 4i' '-5 acres adjoining. $s an acre; 10 clear;-' with oats and potatoes and wheat; milium" feet timber; half cash, balance . per; : cent. w are. too old to work any longer and nave to. ae4i. .peter Chantler, R...o. L box Brush Prairie. W ash. L i - LOOK THIS OVER. '45-aer'e farm 'near Base Line -pa'(J. $250 ner acre. it or ju-acre tracts, near. Trout dale, $-"0 pec acre, unimproved.. - SO-acre farm near Bormg. Jt'0 per acre: modern improvements, eo-acre firm, boring. $13. - (KM); well.: improved.- O; IO. . 20. 40-acre tracts, near' Boring, unimproved, from $100 to $200 per acre. wiiiiam jl. Jdorsjid. ' Boring, or. ONLY $40 Spteifcdid Georgia farm home; earns more each, year than the total cost: cultivation without attention of owner If preferred, or convertible at your opiton; absolute safety guaranteed; bank refer ence and trusteeship. Write' for photo graphs; Quick action necessary; answer immediately. Geo. w. Dees. Box 4btJ, Way cross. Ga. A SACRIFICED The best all-purpose farm, containing 30O acre. In Linn County; all In cultivation; all A No. 1 land; buildings ; good; lies well to subdivide; running water. For information call, on or write J. V. Pipe, Albany. Or. .r JIO .PER. ACRE. Qua"? ter section, partly cleared, fftvel, good soil, some fruit, lots of grass. Hilton R. White, 80S Henry Bldg. 82 ACRES, mile Newberg. Improved, house, barn, creek, family orchard; $175 acre; terms. H. N. Swank. 806 Abington bidg. FOR SALE oS-acre dairy ranch. 4 miles from Tillamook y. For particulars ap ply owner. P. O. Box. 3-42, Tillamook. Or. DAIRY ranch on railroad' for sale cheap, A3 as. Oregonian. MlM-eiiaDeou. FOR SALE Best vacant residence lot on East otde, fine home surroundings. 50x 100, close tn. near carllne. near schools, worth Investigation, $40OO. Addraa 9 92$, Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED People Interested in buying or selling property in Bellingham, Wash., to correspond with J. D. Hockey, Red Front Building,. Belllugham. Wash. References given. . - . I WAZ. r TO BUY - . - A home, west of Laur.elhur.U ; must be a bargain ; state eaact 'local ion and terms ; also phone number; no- agents; write AH VHs, oregonian.. WANT good building lot. irvington. Walnut Park. Piedmont or Rose City Park. Can pay-, part can a and wish to trade In acre age on balance. W 957, Oregonln. LOT or house and lot on Hawthorne ave., east of 37th at. Give location, price and terms. V 987. Oregonian. IHAVE $3000 to put into good real estate; must be good : give particulars. I mean business. W 982. Oregonian. I WILL pay cash for 1 or 2 good building lots. If the price is right; give full pai titulars. T &&8. Oregonian. CHOICE lot Piedmont district; reasonable. Give price and location. E WM, Oregonian. LOT between 8th. 14th. Going and Alberta sts.. for cash. AJ 095. Oregonian. IOK RENT FARMS. WE have for sale 10 or 20 acres fine land wtth good house, barn and small orchard; spring water piped Into house; low- price and easy terms ; will practically give the use of adjoining 40 or 00 acres for plant ing If desired : purchaser will need team and outfit; splendid chance to get a start for a little money; close to R. K. station, school, stores and model chicken farm. Davis A Sharp Co.. dOO Commercial blk. WANT to sell long lease, near St. Helens. on account of death of my husband ; .14 milch cows, 1 team and all farming Im plements. Mrs. E. G. Specht, Helens, Or. FOR RENT on shares: ranch and Improve ments near Ketso and Laau, wasn. f ine opportunity for good man with small cap ital to start with. Inquire D. A. G.. Box 7. Astoria, Or. frA-ACRE tract, all under cultivation, be tween Portland and Oregon City; house, barn, fruit. I. G. DAVIDSON. 819 Chamber of Commerce. FOR KENT Farm. 20 acres in alfalfa and good school and railroad. Crow ley-Colum-1.1a Trust Co., 82 4th at. fUk HA Lit TIMBER LA NIX 320 ACRES of timber land In Klamath County; will cruise from 1 to 1 millions to the quarter section ; will sell for cash or trade for a good, clean grocery stock. Write P. O. Box 171. Centerviile, Wash. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg FOR 8 ALE 500 acres yellow pine, in Crook County, or win consider gooa trace; win sell or trade cheap. Phone Woodlawn till. FARMS WANTED. K0r uibK uotII -pinjiuorf ntu OR ujqjtj 'J0 Ot Ol-LLNVVr TO EXCHANGE. FOR SALE or will trade for Portland Heights or Willamette Heights home. $15,000 controlling interest In established manufacturing business. F i0. Oregonian. WANTED Five-paeaenger automobile In ex change for installment mortgage, Laurel hurst lot or Rose City Park house. B 17. Oregonian, INCOME Portland business property; price g.'d.uou. xor umoer or larra iana. au 87. Oregonian. HIGH-CLASS Spokane residence, trade for desirable Portland nome. ioo2 Teon bldg. Mar. 1776. WANT good house cle 1n. for acreage near Mllwaukl: value hu.wj. uoidscnmidt a Agency, 413 Crjamber of Commerce. GOOD 5-passenger automobile to trade for Portland propertj. io cnamber of Com merce. WILL exchange income Seattle property. value $30,000. for stock or merchandise or acre ag e. 131 2d st., Portland . 2 LOTS for team, harness and buggy, or apnng wagon. e.i v-namoer or Com merce. WEST SIDE flam, full lot: will consider acreage witnin ia miies 01 foruand. 415 Chamber of Commerce. NCOME propersy; no Incumbrance; $3300; Glendlve. Mont. want r-oruand property Call Woodlawn 2651. forenoons. WILL trade New York lot for auto or realty; pay iorM.. woo. orego nian. - WILL trade loV acres. Douglas County. 7 within ten mnea 01 xtoseourg; title per fect, no Incumbrance. 9m. Oregonian. y you have furniture. ,ots or acreage to trade-on a J-room ounga.'ow, &.t up igAjn 84 41. WANTED To exchange a stock of watches and .Jewelry for farm lands or equity la farm lands. - a $40, Oregonian. TO KXCHANO'E. - . CAN YOU MATCH THESE? E. Morrison ncar.3uth st.. modern V roorri house, lot luuxloo ft., free and 4.itar of- incumbi ance; trade even lor acreage near Portland. Price $6000- . ;;Rth near Hawthorne, modern 7-room house. fuU lot. cement basement, holly and fruit trees; $3ooo equity; trade tor acreage. " tark near 27th;. modern Li-room house. 7.ixloo f u corner, flrwpiaces.- etc ; equity $i;ooo; trade lor farm, acreage or city property. . . 120-room apartment house. fr?c stud clear of incumbrance; rent $:;0; lease ; Income Jlluo; trade for stock groceries. " drugs 01 city property; price $11,000. Rogue River Valley. 23-acre fruit ranch, 11 acres 3-ycar-oId orchard, apples and pearr. with peach fillers; springs and creek on place; income $:;oou last year; price $13,000; trade for farm or city property. Near Gresham. on auto road and elec tric railway; bet improved farm in coun- -ty; 1 a. bearing -orchard: modern 7-room house, bath, etc.; new barn, brick potato , and machinery house; tiu.de for income property to full amount. J'OKTLAND -BUSINESa EXCHANGE. 700-10 Rothchlld Bldg. Marshall :S2j. $9000 NEW store building on Hawthorne avenue; income $.17 monthly; to trade for 30-acre tract suitable for chicken ranch; $2000 mortgage. 14S acres Joscphin County; mining and oak timber land; value $1:13 an acre; will - trade- for- merchandise, houses or Income property; a snap and a money-majier; mortgage $150o. 40 acres Tualatin Valley, value $127 an acre; mortgaae 82131; can be . removed; will trade equity for small houses or merchandise. - ' 5470: llau thoinfi new bungalow. 8 rooms, never occupied, lixturea. shades, hardwood Doors; will take Sunnystde or Hawthorne lots fr equity. ' Marshall 42SO. A J. DETSCH CO. A 1339. MO chamber of Commerce. vx NOTHING DOWN AND ANY TERMS THAT SUIT YOU. Must leave go this property at a ?ac- rlliee oT profit or easii . uire ro'.ni. piped for furnaces exquisite paneling, fite - place, laundry trays; will tint and put in fixtures to auit. .... CLOSE-IN RESTRICTED RESIDENCE DISTRICT. PRICE :W00. . Marshall .42SO. A- J." DETACH i'6.. A LVIO. 840 Chamber of Commerce. II.'EAL HOME PLACE. A beautiful a.iri comfort?. Vle h-me place: 1 acre of ground on East 02d t.. good 8-r.iom hoe, -wlUi all city conveniences: over 00 fi::e fruit trees, in extra good condition. t.ppk-a, pears, cherries, plums, quince. Etigllsh walnuts, butternuts, goose berries, currants,-: raspberries, nnd a good chicken house and yard. WilU trade for flats or other income property.- G OWEN-IDE TRUST COMPANY. No. 2. Lumberman. Bldg. . Ground Floor. ' FKU IT FARM IN MOSI Kit. SO acrs. 1 1 -room house. . large barn, a pple-iiouse and numerous outbuildings. Implements, tools, waguiie: no stork ; J, H acres bearing orchard ; place worth $1.1, OoO; can deliver for $13,000 on terms of $1-100 down, balance 5 to 10 years, or will take a house of from 12 to 40 rooms in locality suit able for rooming or boarding-house husi npss up to$8o00. Fred W. German, 329 Burnalde. M. or A 2776. HOTEL FOR FARM. A good brick hotel In a good live town in Eastern Oregon, to trade for a farm; this hotel' la leased and is a good in vestment; price $5J2.0OO. GRUSSI & BODS, 31 S Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. WILL accept unincumbered lot or lots as first payment on modern 7-room house In Rose City lark. worth $4nw; balance pay able monthly. In easy payments: house is on corner. In f tne district, near car: is .rented but can give possseion if dosired. Give location of lots. C 087. Oregonian. $2000 CASH interest In 20 acres, close , to . station and good town. 15 miles . from center of Portland; 8 aerew In cultivation. 300 cords wood, running water, balance 'pavable 1 and 2 years, to exchange- for good automobile, or will discount -for cash AK 4U Oregonian. .... IMPROVED and unimproved Irrigated land near Twin Falls, Idaho, with good water right at JoO an acre and up; good terms 6 per cent Interest, for sale or trade for Portland property, business, residence or acreage. Robert Martyn. 607 Yeon bldg., Marshall 165, , w. FORMER Spokanelte now living in Port land will exchange his Spokane home for Portland property. Please give location and price of Portland property when answering. L 02.- Orejjonian. 1 OWNER wishes to trade 23 acres of choice land In Douelas County tn a thriv ing town on the Southern Pacific, at $20P per acre, tor propeny in or near rorv land. Clarence E. Vest; Enterprise. Or.; 20-ACRE farm 12 milee S. W. of Portland house, barn and other Improvement a. will consider Portland home. 403 Roth child bldg. WEST SIDE high-class residence and ' loti with garage; value $2.1. 000 ; for Ual lfornia property. -413 Chamber of Com merce. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Eto. I HAVE lust arrived from. Southern Orejroil with a car of marrs and RcldinRs weigh ing from 1230 to 10OO poundrt; several well mated teams, some good mares, suitable to breed or use on jne tarin; prices irom s'.f to 40 a span if in the market for good. serviceable stock at the very lowest pos sible prices, come and look this lot over before buying. phono Marshall 4i3tl come and see me personally at 503 Alder sti eet. GOOD BARGAIN. $250 buys team of horses, weight 2.100 lbs., 6 and t years old. sound ana good pullers, harness and farm wagon; also 1 25 buys team, mare and horse, weight 2100 lbs., sound and good pullers, harness and farm wagon. Woodstock, corner 01 th s;. and 03 d ave. Take Woodstock car o nd of line. Phone Sellwood I1S8. FOR SALE 33 head of horses, ranging from t30 to looo pounds, wen matcned teams. ranging in price irom aiwo to a span siu guaranteed as represented; farm wag ons and karnesa. Inquire 351 2d. Max- shall 1412. Phil Suetter. $P3 BUYS small bay team-. perfectly gentle, single, double and to ride. I am forced to sell this team at once. Come and see them work. Call for Mr. James at 3o3 Aider. 01) hit 4 n nnr horses, unbroken: gelding. ages 8. 4 and 5 years: weight 30 to 1300 pounds. Ready for delivery May 13. For .jurther particulars apply Arthur G. rar ' sons. Wibaux, Montana. hdr.k. nucffv and harness for sale cheap; Hawthorne car to Division St., walk one ' block west and three south. 2S13 5Stb at. . S. E MI ST be sold at once. 3 OA-lb. team, good meting w agon and harness. Call for W. Rosier, 14 Union ave. WANTED a-year-old horse. 12.10 pounds; gentle, city, broke. . Log Cabin Bakery 734 Vancouver, ave. ' WE HAVE for sale several high-class draft and delivery horses: also harness for same. Inquire Mt. Hood Brewing Co.. Sell wood, THREE cheip farm teams, also 20 head of cheap horses, from $40 up. Phone E. 7T2. FOR SALE Large team, dump wagon and harness $375. Phone East 2486. FOR SALE HORSES. Trustworthy horsaa, accustomed to city. East 7th st. Norta. PASTURE for rent near Portland. Phone Main , TWO pair of horses, sound, good workers, welrht 2 5 0-S 838 E. 28th. . NICE young driving mare, sound and gentle, for ladies to drive. Sellwood 14L 840t-POt"ND mam. and wagon for sale, call 313 Albina ave. - . mafias. OrifSUK and Musical Insironseats. PIANO. High-'giade, in excellent condition, equal to n-w; cost $rnn; will sell for $125 cash. Main 7290. A 7521. 45 a splendid highzgrade piano. 14 ca balance to suit. Call 322 Lumbcrm cash. rmens bldg.. 5th and Stark. Automobile. lJril REGAL runabout, overhauled and painted, cheap for cash. Phone evenings, Woodlawn 128. . FC RESALE 1PH 5-pass. Ford, fully equip ped; Just overhauled; $350. &22 Capital ave. . 1911 WHITE, fully equipped, in good condi tion, cost $3800; best offer takes It. 514 Hawthorne ave. WILL build automobile garage- on 5Ox10O corner. West iside, on hard-surface street, very low rent. Main 6S60. r N EW five-room liouco ; will take auto to $70 as first payment, balance to suit at 6 per cent. H !i&3, Oregonian. NEW 6-clincIer 5-pat-s-nRer auto cheap for .ab today. Main 2-".. . 3-PASSENGER automobile, good condition. $ ;.V today. phone A 140".. FIRST-CLASS runabout c.l.eap f-r cash. H It7. Oregonian. WANTED Second-hand runabout. Portland Post Card Co., 223 Lumbermen's bldg. FOR SALE. Automobiles. 1911 E. F. M- :SG, 5-pass. touring car, fully equipped, price $7?.1. Chalmers 30, , 5-pass., fully equipped. cot $2200, pric $970. 1111 Flanders runabout, fully equilpcd. $3.v. 1010 Buick runabout. 4-cyi., 20 h. P. $475. These cars arc practically new. Over 20 other cars in swvk. Call and sec them. CUSTOM HOUSE AUTO CO.. Cor. E. I.'lth and Hawthorne Ave. SLIGHTLY USED AUTOMOBILES. If you wish to buy. we have the car you want at -the right price. If you wish to sol!, we will pay you spot cash. Call or write for prices. We are ex clusive dealers of used automobiles. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. New Location. 493-495 Alder Jt. 40 H.-P., 4 Passenger Overland, completely equipped, detachable tonneau. A 1 condi tion, very cheap or'wilv trado in on larger car. - Lumbermen's bldg. Marshall r.M. 5-PASSENGER splendid condition fully equipped, bargain. One taxhab body, one Ford camn body, second-hand fronts and tops. Auto Top Co..- .12.1 Alder. FOU bargain in usci cars s-se us firet; writ- for lit,:; we buy' and s"il. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO.. Cor. E". " loth and Hawthorne ave. WANTED Runabout or 4-pagsenger car; state make, model, distance covered; must be in A-l condition and cheap. Address AH '$0. Oregonian. WANT a first-class automobile for my equity of $2000 and a ioo second mortgage ; - huue value $G4iRt. See M r. Harbolt. A. J. Detach Co., Mo Chamber of Commerce. WANT. 4 or 5-pass., -ci. $o;. in eood condition. M.l Spa Id In it blder. auto, not over sec Mr. Logan. WANTED Second-hand liuht automobile, o p.isscnger, Kord or Hu pin oh lie ; must be bargain; state pike., AM 0H2. Oregonian. Dog. Birds, Fct Stock. WHITE Leghorn baby chicks; best selected utilitv ttok; bred to lay: healthy chicks, guaranteed; $7.rn per 1 0. during April and May. The liioneer Hatchery. Box 34b. I'ctaluma. Cal. EGGa tjr hatchin; on Bhort notice; ai breeds, baby chicks; atandard-bied poul try; incubators and supplies. The Poul try Supply House. "i Salmon st. PRATT'S Animal Regulator for sale by J J. Butzcr, 1S8 Front st. FOU SALE Phonc K. : Pedigreed white 11. Angora cats. SEVERAL singers for sale. 3 Shaver st. Woodlawn car. FOR SALE A 4-moiulis-old Spitz dog. $10. 10S 3 Vaughn st. M. r?:!4. .vilncelluueous. T MEET AND BEAT the strongest competition on mens suits. Take the elevatur and save $10. Jimmy. Dunn, room 313. Oregonian bldg. WE have on hand Immense supply new and second-hand pipe, all sizes; also carry full line pi umblng supplies; buy and set! all kinds tools: great bargains in everything, we buy all kinds of junk. Alaska Junk Co., 227 Front st. Main 4110. PRESIDENTS' MESSAGES From Washington to T. R.. handsomely bound, riew; also Century Dictionary, lo volumes. Main. 728y, A 7321. MEN'S HIGH-GRADE SLITS. Men! Take the elevator and save money on your suits; $22. SO to $2.1 suits at $1-4.75; $27. 30 to $30 suits at $18.75. Jimmy Dunn. room 313. Oregonian bldg. MEN'S PANTS. For the best values in Portland on men's trousers, tako th. elevator to Jtmiuy Dunn, room $15. Oregonian bldg. (Prictfi $2 to $4. You save one-third. FOR SALE Fine Scraco camera, 4x3, in fine condition: plates or films. Big bar gain, ('all -04 Columbia st., - room ii'io, alter & P. M. FOR SALE cheap, almost new L1-H. P. electric motor, counter shaft, wood pulley. rip and circular saws, 2 safes and desk Inquire Harris Trunk Co., 130 0th st. 8 COWS, part fresh and part coming in soon, 2 extra for family use, one-quarter of a mile cast from Lents. Tabor 1102, A. Kess. r. ' TWO National cash registers. No. 337, for salo at a bargain; used only a few months, Call 200 Maiquam bld. or phone Mar shall 901 between 12 and 1. FOR SALE Flat-top desk, revolving chair, visibltt typewriter, two secondhand safes. Cheap for cash. Purceii fc'afw Co., 3 Fifth gt. COMPLETE assay outfit for mine or custom work; rlieap: none finer in Southern Ore. gon. In Al condition. Write C. J Homme, Glentlale. Or. SAFES Genuine Hall safes, new and second-hand, low prices, easy terms; safes opened fend repaired. Puree! Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co.. 85 5th sL Mnln.ft3oa 6LIGHTLY used cash registers, credit reg isters, computing scales, etc., bought and sold. The Pacific btore Service CoH 221 Btarkst. Main 771L NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS, $20 and up. We buy, sell and repair cash registers W. J. Macauley, sales agent National Cash registers. 354 Burnside st., cor. of 8th. FOR BALE Cash register, scales, coffee mill, cheese cutter, credit register, meat si leer, etc. The Portland Store Supply Co . 250 2d t- Marshall 454$ FRESH Durham cow. good easy milker, tieo. Hamilton, 5 mtln out Molalla road and half mile west Oregon City. aO-KOOT by 6-foot hull; everything but engine; -cheap if sold at once. Phone evenings, Woodlawn 12S6. FOR SALE Fine, big. fresh Durham cows; also some family cows. 221 S. Main at.. Louts. ALL makes typewriters rented, S3 a moata. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER C.. 262 Stark St. 15"" HEAD dairy and cream cows, some Just fresh, others coming fresh in a few da a. 7o Harold ave. Phone Sellwood I17L FOU HALE Steel range, used juat 5 months, cheap if taken at once. Call 2V; Grand ave.. room 1. w ALMOST new furniture of four rooms at a great sacrifice. Call evenings or Sundays 473 7th. West Side. FOR SALE 1 one section and 1 two section, all-steel French range; also larg broiler. Chef.. Arlington Club. FOR SALE Portable oven, has been in use 3 months. 291 10th. NEW n e o s t y I e ami bargain. t5 0th. lar'R amount supplies; Main 17 13." FURNITURE for sale; will take lot as part" payment. Main 9008 CABINET grand piano for sale or trade for motor cycle. East 1921. 600 BUSINESS cards. $1; a bargain. Rosa City prlntery. J2 8d. corner Taylor. FOR SALE Second-hand L. C. Smith type writer. Call 201 Medical Bldg. TYPEWRITERS rented 3 months for $5. Remington Typewriter Co.. 24." Stark $20026-FOOT boat. 12 h. p., can be seen N. W. end of Hawthorne bridge. OFFICE furniture, new and second-hand; at tractive prices, phone Main $21. WANTED MLSCKLXAXEOPB. WANTED FURNITURE. Want good furniture and . lot in ex change for 40 acres, black loam soil, good farming community; have fine residence lots in Tacoma for good furniture; all street improvements in and patd AS 02. orejfonian. WE JBU CLOTHING. FURNITURE. TOOLS. Highest price paid ior men s ana iaies cifct-off clothing, shoee. furniture, tools. ir-.ecnanic. logging. Call Main 20S0. let st.. The Globe- WE buy junk ana second-hand machinery of every description, can xor our ouyer. m. Barde ft Sons. 240-240 I'ront St.. the juiuse of a million bargains. Main tit3; a 10i::. WANTED At once, good 200-egg incubator and brooder; oO I'lymontn itock chickens. pair homers or common pigeons; must be bargain. AN 9H9, Oregonian. BAKUKK'8 AUCflONH6uSE 870 L- Morrison. Phone E. 1022. Pays highe&t cash price for furniture. WE pay the highest cash Price for second - liana lumuure. neater at Aiamn. rooot East 8134. 848 Hawthorne ave. TO BUY, cash register, scales, coffee mill. cheese cutter, credit register and meat Ulcer. Phone Marshall 4.S4S 250 2d. WILL pay spot cash for stocks of merchan dise; strictly contiaenuai. lol 2d st.. Portland. . ', WANTED 30 or 32-ir.ch power paper cut ter. Must be tn good condition. Mate price. P P76. Oregonian. WANTED Second-hand autograprTic regia- ter: state mae ana price, r orego nian. j WANTED Moving-picture outfit, folding chairs, etc. AL U4. oregonian. WILL tint rooms li.30 up; painting at rea 6124. unable .prices. East WANTED Large incubator; must be chep !. O. KOyCP. OOOSIOCK. NMIHOOfl J.it'-. FOKD Auction Co- .Pays most cash tor any Rind of furniture Main Jy5l, A 2443 WF5 want to bu a second-hand delivery wason. Hawthorne irheci Metal Works.