THE MORXIXO OKEGOXIAN, TIIUKSDAY, ATOIL 18, 1912. in t ATFI 2 briht 17 yaara ol4 l- work a cherk bp. nrt-cl oppor tunity to rn tierp'iy. Apply htef n-riinr Wt-rn talon Tel. Co., 5th floor ofifiir b.ock. TRW FLING man. taking la the im:i t. n. can make his mnry with a aid I.r : nxh!ng in ll; tnte la new and nimT. Call. a- I B. Samuel. H- U A.l ED Plret-ilaa Vi-rrt- & 'o ! imaa. Appy -AiE.-wAN for pnpu'ir ape- -Iait ; as.ary and niriMin et "US Ankmy at. 1 W t. fr-t l.ttfiibr i i.i cabirci-niakers. Fitchleaa o . K. M. Jortna. wamkd-:. b. Joi. 2 J M.i dtp rhra apprentice n at. n-r 2d. ateady PHOTO coupon : best ever offered; ana fes) esent Cutnerth Stud to. Dhim kid a. LI. amurd taiior aanted. Fid Oldmsn. Kl rrid. "A ih. I H'TO njpn ac'-. b.- imp ever offered. ita'.'tn Studio. 34. H Whiugton at. r l' man for read l pnoto-.tph ). l- .V I'hon Marshall -4 3. .! N in i n in s rec-r y u'.J t h e p ri n r. and confectionery "47 Nortnrup. W TKI I:iab tirl-. ia. A R tfnt to handl . i r-gnn ian. good EXPERIENCE! marker for laundr. Fhone 212. HELP WANTFn-FKMALK. WANTED YOUNG LAD! US FOR TELE PHONE CPERATIXO. WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE. APPLT THE PA CIFIC TELETHON E TELEGRATH CO.. EAT CTH AND ANKENY STS. WANTED TODAY. Pry cook. eV IL.lrl rn.iki In II.V ook for pinai' restaurant. S9 per wHt ranch cook, f J-V Firmlv rok. t.'..V niirm. -". and $30. Knur band ironera for laundrv. ri. rk for rtgar a'and. $ per week. Grneral houae work. t'ZO to "- PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. I-adi-!- Ieut. r".','s Momaon. WANTED Fook4errr. one experienced In tnat ailment .unta preferred. Anewcr In your own handwriting, giving rfer and -Iry rapc ted. Addreaa P. U. llo 42. Ciiy. "TOOK. delicu--en. $le meek. 2 boarding Is am c.k. 4o; rmk eountrv htc-l. reataurant wk. Sin week up: waitcra. and V chambermaid. i meek and room. Offe girl room nnd board, f am: l v ck. . HANSEN EiO'l-OYMKNT OFFICE, ai;.- WaahiotB Room WANTED Pereral yvng Udiaa btwtn iha acea of IS and 2 for par man "nt poal i.on. Applr th P. T. T. 74 AMtr a:., or 4 id" Eaat Ackcajr at- W E need two wlde-awaka lady aolicltora hn art willtnc t- work hoori a day f. r liberal rrni p naatlon : work atady nd pieaeant. Caji 10 10 1-. 41 liohawk blds auJ M or rian. GIHi. lo rook and u rrmral Uouwo-k rr famllr of thxee on an apD orchard; rniM be atrirtlr llrat-rlaaa cok and omo ftrrntnH tt atay- Telephone room 44. Mki.tnomAh HoU-t. hetaeen nd SI A. M. t"NTFD A reltahla Kirl for office work h. can write c1 apell the Encllih lan Euare correctly: aten-crpher and type- nir preferred. Call office tha Oak Park, bet S and 4 P. M. W A N T El A -mp teat Ctrl for c-n- rI h'Mip'ork at HfMl Hivr; fnrirner pr-trr-fd; Kood wajrea. good home. Alarahal! TED Youiv tr! to help about Ina who i.hea to learu drepamaklnic. V. VTEl Waitrea in private boarding hue. 4 MJdlaon. Ca.l batweca V or t ' Q WANTED C,rl for kllfhen work: esperl enred rook; month. Apptv K14 Jack pnn pt . eo-. aiaf. l"ortand Hrtjthta. TOlNt Ktrl wntd for fnn; houaework. m family, tall Hlaa lu vt.Urv. Main 4!1. or call at 411 7Ui at., f at B. fTlTiR t" ;Kr.T experienced alteration wom an to nrk on coata llbcrta Broa.. 34 and Morrtaon. 2 WAITRESSES, country. 9Z'.; houae kpr. .: rookK. ". IV wr-k. Howe a I -a . 1 1 a A c n cy. .TV. W'ah. EXPF.KIKM'KD K'rl for aecond work; call Iw-iwren .". and 12. North 21al atrel. or phne 27 Main. Kef-rancea required. M MOvlr i-aDIBrT aGEMCI. Mbti.ktn oidg.. :n aod Wuk axa alaln t or A Si'4a "WANTED Expertenrad Birl for cooking and g-ner houawork ; rcferancea ra. nnlred. Lovejoy. Main 3141. E P E Fl t E N " E O lenurer wanted; mual ba (tunt ta.ker. 3-6 Waahinfton at., near I7th. W ANTE! Kip rlenced aecoTwl n v r--ferncea, aagea Main M'X irirl with Telephone EXPERIENCED aale;dy for hoaiery. un-d-rwrr and nHHnrv. Apply liolden Erle tr. 3d and Yamhill. sTKNtiHAPH EH wanted. r Kperi.'nced. with good huilneii!i ability; aalary ,4ik. Sr i1-. Hroka. fl t'ham. of "onimerce. " HANCKN'0 LaDIEa' AGENCY. " fZ Maal lnctn at., cur. 7to. BAataUa phona Vain iTsrAlil'fZ- heeily woman tor geueral r.uwork: muM b guod cook: bci rj nm ft. V ANTED A woman for houra every iav f r work and watt max on ta-r-'a tn amall reManrant. J.'.fi Market at. W NTED Mai-1 for a'nrl hooaework. on ram. no cntldrcn. Apply 376 Muttnomati man or Kirl mniry httl. wait on taMo in ami It Addreae M ra L. Ktlic. NEW. rlthf-il rirl fr i nrl houaework n fmi'v i.f tao. enay plce. 1 rlephon Tal r ! 17-- v "h NTFI- t-monirator for well-know n f"d prod net; ataried poalilon; reference. ; t. f trefoniHil WANTED A at.rl liPUMwnrk. 1 K W" K rar. with treeu iniTtl TaWa Tt m M rnl free to pome huatnea woman jut aa compare eveninca for atderiy lady. If frne. E trea:o"lan. i" WTED w o t n or lrl to take car ef (i d IJy. T&t ton Home, 075 Michigan I PEKIECED tjit. w alatP. trimming and r Prop.. Sd and Mrrtpon Cio-ika. H-U- . l .-. rt n n capaoia woaaaa far pontbe poatttoa. tavl Cw. Ov Rata f r.t d MJg . tt and Waahingtoaw 1 m k for am II howrdina-hope; rnut be firat-e:. R-ferncp rejitired: one uaed to mm pref ed- 3.1 N 1 7rh at. 1 i M w'i.E-i omg wonian with )un baoy, horn- A r 7. .r-ronlTHi. WW 7 ED t in. 411 to run power aewing Multnomah at. ,:ri. to aait with houpework In eii-hanga f r m uplc Iwnm. AP Oregoniau. .int. wanted fir general huuaeaor k : fmt. fall A 531. i;if:L for general houaeaoric Apply at 4SJ tUaf -Tth at. North. V.'A VTED r lady barber w tth Oregon It- . A Orecnian. W4.NTKD A romiwtrnl nurae glri. 7.3 hm r at. I.U'Y b. rr w ante YambliU rrar J 1 at rinT-'LA.-s r;i 4th pt. rat maker wanted. Appiy ne i. N T EI' Esrtnrd Ititi. 7t U-iMnimn. chambermaid. The Y' ANT E rjp at ;ir for houaework. 7 Xortfc a!l In the morning. EXPERIENCED g Y .rd ai phene Vain 1 aagca 130. 213 CIKL for e-ner hout-aork, no children. . Ayo y 4 it w at lnnin at.B :.UY eaimb!- fumlly cori'f girl, a ages $.T0. "r Agn Main .t.:. X T Kl- T o pe, it'irri w I r-. a. A p- p v -i The Virginia H''t. Mth at. T n.-T-CEA -S wit fliuab-ra Apia. !Mh and randTa Chrti 1'XPERIFNCED lai! .II-ttor. Miarv and . nmmipeion. H.H-Mann o.. " jn W ..r.-ct-r EX PER IKNCEt e t httMl warned. Wnitio VuUf..t Co.. 4v null. IU HKLP WATTED rEMAI.B. WANTED A fw more rood agenia. man and women, in everv eity and town In iT'rn. Waahlngton and Idaho, to aell our new arcideni and health p-'Iiciea. Annual rot i and lo; paa Hi a week while dl-abled. Our agent are making $3 to 1 a day. why nt you? Hlghcat com mlaaiona and renewals. Write or call f"r Information. Abbott A Co.. WUCOX bldg-, Portland. Or. TWO educated and refined women of mid dle age to detnonatrate. 333 Morrleon at. HEf.P WAXTKD ailSCEf XAXKOCa WEN WANTED Age II to 36. to prepare for firemen or braketen, nearby rail road a ftSv to 10e monthly. Eiperience un neceaaary; no atrtke; promotion engineer or conductor. $160 to monthly; good Ufa career; atate age; aend a tamp. Kail- . way Aaaoclatlon. Bog . Orefonlaa. WANTED Men at Lua Angel-; can Jarn trade; fair wage after acond month: auto mobile, elect rutty, plumbing, bricklay ing . practical work on actu.t Jo be : l'o aiudenta liit five )ars; only few month required. Cntud Irde Wcfiool. Loa An g .--. MK and women to leara the bareer trade In eight weka; apeciaU Induce men te; per centage paid while learning: took freef eipert Inatruetore; 1? year tn the bual vea : 1 ? acboole ; a lifetime mem beranl a a-tvea to each etudent. Molar Barber Ool leg a, N. Fourth at.. PorUand. OT. M MBER youn; men are wanted by rall roale In telegraph and station aervlce; popitiona paving; T3 to $lu per month, tor panlculaia ca'l or addreaa Telegraph Dept.. Commonwealth bid'.. tKh and An ktny ata. WANTED Caimble young women to entor t ra miug chiol for nurse. For particu Jura write 31 lea Roger, ttupt. of Nuraea. H-qui am General Hospital. Uwjuiam, Waah. U1LLINERT ecnool and fiower making, learn ail In aix week a; old kata made ovar like saw. Beautiful trimmed hata. Caul iM twoodnonga bldg opp. Poatfflca RAILWAY mall clerk prepare now. ex cellent aaJarlee and promuiiona; no lay offs, aur pay: free book. Call today Pe clflc b la tea School. McKay bldg.. city. YOL are wanted for Government Job. 3 month. bnd poet a 1 for Hat position a open, f ranklin Institute. Dept. -3 O. Kochestcr. n. y. TEACHER, ptnno. wlahe a fear more new beginner. Mra. Mae Barcla. -4jJ Broad w a . i-or. Vnnrouvrr wve.. clt y. HCIHI, of ahorthand and typewriting atan.taro at etna. Fo-itione aecured. S3 per month. 14th t. Main 3S. aiAKK money writing ebort atoriea. or let taper; Mg pay; free booklet talla how. nlted Press syndicate. 6an Kranclaoo. WANTED Picture play writer; big pay; wall teach you. Picture Play aaeocJa tiun. Fan Franciaco. PRIVATB SHORTHAND. T VP K WRITING. bookkeeping. o4J Hamilton bldg. Mar. 4J.. TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION for achoola and teachers. 41w tiwetland bldg. blTCATIONH WANTED MALI. Hookkeeper aad Clerka FIRST-CLASS ahoe. cloth in; or geneial merchandise aaleainan wants position In or out of city, country town preferred. Stead . hard worker and good recom mendation AJ I". Oreg.-nUn. CLOTHING aaleaman. Id years experience. K 34. bachelor, heat of Portland and Eaetern referenees. opn for position: no ohje. -nons lo smaller town. J li Ore g on la ii. A! B NK EK and bwkkeeper want popi tlon In or out of city; firat-claPa ref-r-enc v Phone E.iet :;i44 or Mai shall S- l:-i-lenre. &iti Stanton at. Bruce WheeVr. WILL AUDIT. OPEN, CLOSB OK WRIT up books, prepare balance and atate Bints, -natal I y sterna OllUng.ara. aa o.tor. 411 Lewto bldg. Marshall 711. t EX I'ERIEN'CKD collector wanta poaltion; can k-'D books and use tpewrltr. AB t.. tirrgontan. til A 1,L aia of booke and ot her almilar work done by praci leal accountant, rea sonably, Addreaa AN is7. oregonlan. Vul .NG miin id man tirairea work any . k ind. aaleaman. Office man ; reference; not afraid of ork. C iKi. Oregonian. At't'Ol'NTANT Is opn to engagement; rea Biiable terms. AS 973. Orcgoolan. STENx;RAPHEK; young man. experienced. flesires position. K ur-gonian. M hxellaaeoue. MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOIMENT BLRJiAU. 4 ' f IB Hecond at.. Comer Sal mow. veaen'a Department. 24a fialmoa. All claaaee of unskilled, skilled, pro fee atonal and clerical male and female help laralsbed oa abort ootkee. No fae charged. Phone Main ISfa. A Hit CIVIL engineer, graduate firat-claaa unlter aity. aeven era experience, w ith large rorporstlnna. municipal, rugtroad and Irri gation, desires situation In I'ortland: well balanced, good appearance; have Instru ment, etc ; beat of reference. t 94S. iiregonlan. li A V E ou an oienlng for an experienced machinery or Implement man. well ac aitiaittted with the trade in Oregon or Washington, as aaleaman. credits. ad vertising r callable of taking full charge of a bUKlnsa? Have my home In Port land. J t7, Oregon Jan. - BA LESM AN. eight year eperience in re in II. crockery and hoiipe rurnian ing oe part men t. formerly aaaiatatit manager. 3 ara. for large Eaatern d- part nent store; can furnleh best references. Af 1M. Ore gonlan. . SITUATION WANTED Japanese experi enced hotel Janitor or hall boy or cham bermaid or any kind of kitchen help or private family cook or any kind of laun dry and best references. Addreaa AK. 0feT, Oregonlan. YOING married man. 4 year a' experience In nruie atore. s year at hotel w orK. aiso. e' p rienct at cleaning and pressing, will take an vthtr g at living wagea Prion?. Mln 5m I. or write 34 17th at. BKIwHT. energetic young man. aged 21 w ant pop it ion with chance for advance ment : beat of rrferencca. AH , Ore gonlan. WANTED By young man. Eastern experi ence and rererenrea. to go in aa an aaisi. ant to reliable detective agency or alm I'ar work. AH 074. Oregonlan. YOl NJ man. experienced !n placing piano for moviig pleturta. dlre ptaition wun moving-pit-lure show tn or out of town. J 1 uregunlaii. EXPERIENCED collector wanta at early po sition with linn; ciiy retcrtnecs: bona, sv :nV Oregonlan. CVLINJDER snd Job preaamsn wanta poi- t Ion. Hteadv. obcr. reliable. City or country A B Imw. Oregonlan. J A E'A N EE couple want ioaltion in family. man cook and wire for nousewora. a Ore gonlan. WANTED Woik by a good carpenter; No. I in framlnc and 'inching, aiao cement work. .1 '.. urrconian. W I N 1H i W-WASH I Ni. noueecleanlng. f loora waxed and polished. fbune aellwood ll-O. CARPENTER forvinan wants aituallon. day or contract. Addreaa J. ki. lour.g. oou atovk. MARRIED man. ." of good habit, wanta woik collecting or somethinar that reo litres nntxlde htiitltng. IMine Mrwhatl 1 I"7. POSITION fly a competent. experienced grocery ciera. gooa reierencea j urs- gont:tp. Yol' N man want poalt ion on farm ; all kin-la of work; wants gooa eaiary; close t lo-tUnd. AN t4i, OregonUn. CH At'KKKl It wlphca poeinon w ith family or firm. - yeara experience; goou reicr enru. AF iw". Oregonlan. STEADY, practical man. f-tioner. wants work; K-r by at reet. baker and r. ferencca con ill MAN and wife With habv want work on farm ; homelike plaew conaldered above !:! prmnnent. Box 77. Mt. Angel, tie. JAPANESE wanta houaecieaning by hour or day. Frank, care Japanese Mlpaaon. a yovn; A N V man wants work of any kind. i iregonlan. yoi'Ml man wants place aa cashier la res taurant: ateady. B . Oregonian. U"D . work. spaneae man aan any kind place Main ".;!. ENPERIENCED vegetable gardener waais IHei t inn AT sh. Oregonlan. LANDSCAPES gardener delre ateady po- I'on. long eaperlence. AB ti7. Oregonlan. , "JAPANESE- wanta powltlon. any kind. eerv morning. R- Suxukl. ft X. Mh L JAPANESE fter i P. snt poaltlon. general work. F. Datanabe. 4 N. 8th st. MTt'ATIOM WANTEIa IT.MALK, sekkeewera ad wteoegraiiase. Y oL N 1 lad y deal re s permanent position as tenograpn'r; four ears' experience. Mar- hall CT"i Piis IT loN a anie by stenographer; soma M p, rience ; small aalary t-j at art. Tabor VMO. VnI'Mt Tad c i he office position. Phone Main 7 J. too r. DKT. S.-MA K I NO I-adlea' tailoring ; rut price during April. A33 Washington. EUa at. entrance, phone A 3140. Portland ref- FI.MN tAicj; at boiTie or ( da ; Mrs,, 4 Laal d SU .3u ftlTt'ATION WANTED FKMAI.E. Ho oaekeepera. WANTED A widow, educated and capable, etranaer In th rlty. wanta a poeltion a lnuMkepr in widoa-rr Imnie or eotn panloQ and houac keeper with lady living; a !ne. a K l4. iirvgontan. l..-ITlON bv mlddh'-atred woman, thor oughly capable of ctinp aa houackacper in any t lrat-laia r'wming-houP" or pri vate home; reference. AD 93. Orego ninn. CAPABLE woman deeirea alluatlon. houaa keeper. widower a fumtlv. rouple. St. Louia Agency. 2..'i5 Alder. Main A 473. WANTED By middle-aged vommi. Jtood houaekeeper. cook, in amall fmnily; ccei. lent Teference. P3 Tenth at. SWEDISH ladv. girl 2. dealrea houackooping. ft. LotiiP Agency. Main 3i. INVALID can have room, home comforts, trained nurse. r-aaouable; city references. Phono Tabor 2213. LXliEilCfRAtM'vVTE will take any kind of cae. msssage; reference; reaeonable, M : ra hall 2 QQ. W A NT E D By good, kind nurae, ca re of children or Invalid. 13 Tenth at. City ref crencca ' Nl'RSE. much experlenee. car of maternity. Invalid, aged. Matn 2039; A 4775. HOSPITaII-nurse would like any kind of nursing. References. Phone Eait SIT rrCXPERIEN'CED nurse would like more rapea. Main 44m. MIscellaneoua. rwo iadle wish poaltiona in first -class ho tel elderly lady. :.0. as office lady. 24 year experience in Portland and Wash ington, D. C.t younc ladr. aj.aa caphler in restaurant or like position, one year a ex perience, at present In position ona year, wish change; Seaside preferred. Addreaa for one week. Mr. Adrlenne. 7b3 East 33d t.. Portland. Oregon. A WOMAN with 7-year-old girl dealre posi tion a houaekeeper or cooking for shimU crew of men. Call at 312 Third at., room T. upatwirs Yl5uNCrw6man of experience wants to act as companion to some lady or tnke fare t.f children; beat of reference. M. -4ul. A fJ'ttS. Cutholle Women's lengue. YOL'N? strong woman wanta work by hour or day washing. Ironing, house cleaning; references. Phone East 3SS3 7 to 8 P. M. TWO waitrese want work In private board ing house. Call between 11 and IX room Main 7i-.4. AN EXPERIENCED orchestra planiat wants P-mon, permanent, dance oi chest ra. A 7831- - WAITRESSES, chambf rmald-. housekeep era. nurae girls, winherwoinun. tt. I'' Agency. a&3V Alder. Main 2039; A 4t3. WANTED A home for an elderly I0 more for companion than work. AB Oregonlan. ; GERMAN hand laundry of fancy and plain clothes; cslled for and delivered. Tele--phone Scllwood 1728. K. Syrlng. EX PERI ENCED saleslady wishea poaltlon In embroidery, ribbon, notions or mllli nary. J UM. Oregonia n. FIRST-CLASS laundrtas wanta work Thurs day and Friday; referencea Phono wood lawn loll. EXPERIENCED laundress iSwedishk wants work by the day. Phone Maxahall 4l'n7. between 13 snd 4 o'cUyat. GERMAN lady wishes to care for chlldrcw In hr home, 7l7 Iettygrove at GITtI-i want housework, experienced, wages 3-3 jip. Mam 4150. A 3Q37. Room W. GERMAN aoman alphe to go out. washing and I ron In g. At: 1Q. Ore g onlai i . WOMAN wants houae cleaning, etc. Thone Eaet 1017. roo m 3 . EXPERIENCED Marshall 4"VJ. lady wishes day work. tilllL wlahea poalilon. nurae girl or assist with housework. 167 Page at. CURTAINS wanted, hand lanndry. Wooa- lawn 26H4. No mangling. fcX PERI ENCED milliner a ante position as aa! lady. W lt3. Oregonian. PIANO and violin I. -son given. .Vc; up of Instrutncnta; tefeeenoea. Marshall thUV NtRWEt.iI AN woman went U work. Phone Mam 4 I 'Hi. YOlMi lady wanta day work. Phone WoofUawn 43, 10 A. M- to 2 P. M. WANTED Work hy the day. 4.'.:iM. room 2. mornlnga. Call Main WOMAN wanta day work washing and iron ing, weeping and cleaning. A l48. LA DYwishe to care for children In her home. fciellwood 402. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED A few more good agents, men and women, in evrry city and town In Oregon, Washington and Idaho, to sell our new accident and health politic. Annual cose and $10; pays M3 a week while disabled. Our agents are making 5 to Jlrt a day. whv not you? Highest com mteion and renewals. Write or call for Information. Abbott Co, Wilcox bldg.. Portland, Or. WANTED Every sewing machine rtnvawer In Portland to call and ace Ervey at 31 3d st. ; he haa aumalhlng to offer you; don't watt. WANTED TO RENT. COl'PLE desires to rent furnished house b oa t; must be desirable. O tregonian. Houses, WANTED Immediately by bualneaa man. Modern furnished houae or flat; muat be close in. shacka need not answer; want thla home for wife, and son; permanent, rtiferencea, must he reasonable and give full particulars first letter. W lbti, Ore gonluu. WA. TED Modern house of 8 or 9 rooms with bath. etc.. reasonable, cloae In; can furnish references. AH va7. Oregonlan. WANTED During July and Auguat. 4-room rurnlsbed house, no cnuuren; references, v 1M7, Oregon tun. ; Kooma With Board LADY wlrhes board and room in private family, close in. West Fide; no boardlug-hous--. J pm. Oregonlan. FOB KENX. s-urnlabed Koonaa. NOW Ol'ENI NOW OPKNl NOW OPEN 1 Those three beautifully furnished note HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MI NOOK. PAKbONd. UOWLANDI. 21V 4th at. 211H 4th at 201 4th sL On Fourth at., running from Taylor te F aim on au; brand-new brlca; elegantly furnished, steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up to date In all respects, and at popular prtcea If you want something out of tbe ordinary. In the bears of the city, at rea sonable price, give ns a call, as we know you will like it. Booms by the day, wees ' or month. Tourist trade solicited. HOTEL SAVON. Hi Kleventk fstreet. New, modern brick building; steeaa heated, private baths, hot and cold watee la room; beautifully furnished, cosy, ceaa forteoie, rent reasonable call and see ws. Regular and transient trad aodotteaTL GRAND UNION HOTEL &7fe East Burnslde. LJv on the Eaat Side and, save money en your room rewt; we have LaO modern rooma. a peel a 1 prc on rooma and suites wtth private bath; rates Sue to $2 per day; $i to 17 pur autk. .Cast a"; B 1473. THE COLONIAL Flue corner bedroom on first floor, suit able lor studio; alao nice room fur 1 or 4 people on nrat floor, ateam heat, run ning water, fine bathroom and nice single room uiaialra facing on luth and Mor rison; reut 33-30 to 1 lth at. sToTeL LA SALLE, iota and Burnaide ata Absolute; fireproof; new auid eiegaatif f uraianed rooms; private baths. staaaa kcai. hot aod cold water, private paoaae Aa eack room; speclsu rates by the saoatk; pboae aarvice frea Phone MaxahaU eeee MOTEL REN WICK An IdeaThome for bmaL a. pwoele; centrally located; elagaat reoma; aii modern convenlenoaa; Ttk aad Taylor ata. 1 block from Portland Uet4 apposite Melllg Theater. Phone Mala ! RAINIER HOTEL Oee block from Union Depot; 140 ou tales rwooaa, with hot and cold water and etaaoa kaai ; effara apecial rates for prmaaa Cuasis; rates eve to $2 a day; aad a a per week. Phone Main 4lt, VAN OORDER HOTEL, SOftAi Twelfth bC MarshaU 27aa. In aaart of bualnaes district; steaxa kaaa. hot. aad cold water, free phone ia svrj room; lday and up; 4weak aadjup. SEVERAL choice housekeeping rooma. nice ly furnished, at 167 Stout at., ona block south of Washington; only ft minutes' wak from gown tow n. t.Ltkaf UOTaL 1M Park U, cm roo bus. hot and sold water, ateam heal, vaiur aad aii modern conveniences; par month and np; quiot aod com.1 ortasi a " THE LIN DELL. Largs pleasant front rooms, easy walk ing uiatance. all home convenience. 42, JO to 4 per week. 32 4th t- Alain ftei. HOTEL- NOKRIH. modern convenience, 83 J to aeek. 63 Alder, corner 17th. 1X YOU want a good rom In a good loca tion at a low rateT Try Hotel Larrabee. Larrabee st. LA U i E. e leg an t fron t rooma. 3 Alder-Grand. 131 H Orand tvc. 34. 13 CLEAN room, centrally located, by week or month. 4SJI Wash, at. FOB RENT. Furniebed Room. Now Open. Ill Room a Mo Opea. HOTEL BTRON. HOTEL CAPLXAV Rov.nlh mnA Tvlor flLa. ReeldentJai and transient: abaolntely central; two m In a tea from Poet office, a tore a theatera and restaurants; Juat off bualneaa streotg and carl In aa: quietest ana beat location : handaom brick. a team hagu. hot running water and phones in every .room, euitea ana private Dv?"- eieTaior. tteiuiao;e ana cgnuw' From 2&e daily. 14 weeeljr. Any car trot deieia THE SARGENT HOTEL, For rent, iha fine.t corner, parlor, bed room and l-ath suite la the city, large rooms, beautifully furnished, nine win do, fine view of all the mountains. Alst some single rooms, elevator service, tele phone, hot and cold water, electric ugh and stesm heat: moderate price for d' irabl tenanta Eight streetcar lines pan tbe building. If you are looking for permanent, home-like quarter, be aure a tit inspect the Sargent no tore iocauu. Excellent restaurant in connection with hotel. Telephone Esat S01. J. H. CLARK. PROPRIETOR. ANGELA HOTEL C3f Washington St. -L'nder New Management. Larsre lobbr. finished in mahocanr. til and marble; ladies parlor with edc-ant iiiwpiaet; rreo teiapnoue aervice in rooms, all night and day. electric elevator, steam beat, hot and cold water tn all rooms, many with bath. A residential hotel above reproach, where every effort !a made for the comfort and convenience of It guests rents the moat reasonable In the city rooma by tbe day, week or month. Look mis over be lor locating. l -ko w car at depot, get off at 19th and Washington- HOTEL OAKLAND. Ji Trinity Plana, cor. Washington; new brick, steam-heated bulidinar. urlvate telenhones: strictly mod ern; rates, S3.50 week up; permanent aad transient aoucitea. Fwrotftheu Booms In Prleate FamUy. 472 SALMON; nice large front room suit a ble for 2: sood board, modern convm lenrea; close in; reasonable. Phono Marshall 4-73. NEW. exceptionally well furnished front rooms, fj to S3.30 week; alao houwkeep ing apartment, first floor, 173 East S3d at. 44 7 TH. NEAR Cvailege. 1 large fron room, 1 single room, $4 and 32 per week respectively; meals if desired; 10 minutes from Oreg on ia n. NICELY furnished front room; also attj room, oi Trinity Place, between auih ana .'utn. Nit 'ELY f urn t shed room, use of parlor and piano; ail modern conveniences. 77U lrv Ing. WELL -FURNISH ED rooms from $2 weekly easy waiKing uiatance, pnone, uo wasn ington. NK'EIjY furnished room : modern conven lences ; centrally located ; reasonable. 404 ciay. near lutn. NICELY furnished rooms week up; also transients. at l. to per li 12th st. TWO front rooms, one large.porch bedroom. 2ii i-tn. PLEASANT front room, use of piano, walk ing (jisiance. ;oi luin st. FLKMrtHEU. el.OU up; electric HghtsT"fur naee hest. walking distance. 331 Duvis at. NIC ELY furnished front bedroom, month, 441 East 7th st. North. VERY nice room. 2.30; also ona $3.30 every convenience. 325 Tth. ROOM for a gentleman In a strictly pri vate jew is n iamiiy. . Juaranan is. BEAUTIFUL room. Juat off Washington, per week. 29 X. 17th st. . IS LAUiE. pleasant room with ua of kitchen. cry reasonable. oJ i-tn si. Nli.'KLY furnished front room, private fain ily. walking llPtar.ce. J21 West Park. FRONT rooms, suitable for gentlemen; mod ern, private houe; nice yard. 431 Market 33o SAIMON ST. Nice room, electric light. hot water heat, bath, phone. NIC ELY furnished room, reasonable, good location, waiKing nitance. 4o2 5th. LKiHT. alo rooma, largo and nicely fur n i a tied, f 3. 30 per week. 1 b! 1 1 th. LARGE, pleasant front room, all conven. lences: beat location, $2 week. 2U2 J 4th. VERY neat clean room; reasonable. 2tiS lth Boo ma With Board. li .V il.-V OW OPEN! NOW OPEN! THE PARK. VIEW. Corner Weal Park and Montgomery sts. Family hoarding -bouse, richly furnished uid run ti Ing waier in all rooms, prlvato baths, private parK. anu laces a large puo- ;ic park; a homelike place witn a view that la unsurpassed in any city; rates ranging from 33 to $1UG a montn. t.'ail ami wo are at your service. Phone Main 37-3. .iSti Montgomery at. LuEi a home appeal to you? THB WHITE HALL, cor. Ciu and Madison; large rooma bath, broad veranda, quiet, close in. neaj car, 4 blocks from F. O. American pi an. MAN. TOO, 361 JJTU 8T. Attractive, clean rooms. stean food board, close Jrj reasonable. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION, 23d year. k,iOini with board, uae of a wiug-rootn. li brary. 610 Flandera. Mra. E. N. W':Ibop. aupt BOOM and board for young women, S3 per week, new house, witn. an conveniences. No. 12 K. Tth at. 8outh. THE LA M B E'KbON. 634 Couch U very de an abie outalde rooma. steam beat, rua biiig water, good board, cloae In. l.AltGE. aunny front room for 2 or 3 gen tlemen. exceilcni lauie, reaaunauie. oo N. 17th St. ELEGANT room, facing the park. A-l board reasonable. At A para. Rooma With Board ia Private Family. VERY dcairable rooms, with hot vand cold running water, oatn ana snower aajoin Inar. with sleeping porch, home cooking. 3 m'nutes' walk to car and 10 minutes' walk to Wsshlngton au 723 Proapect drive, Portland Heights. Main 1037. CLEAN rooma, two meals, good, whole some food, home cooking, home privileges, bath nnd phone. Rood Summer place, walk ing dlstame, 2o per month and up. M. 47iI. 4vo W. Park. A GOOD HOME In beat West Side location for one or two young or middle-aged men; steam heat, electric Ilplitn and beat home cooking, U week. tJ20 Main at. . TWO nicely furnished rooma, on front room and one adjoining bath, sultablo for one or two; good board: two in family. Call at 322 Ciay st. VERY pleasant, nicely furnished room with board, everything modern, walking Uia tance, beat home cooking, very reason able. Muln 32mj. , $20 PLEASANT front rooma .or two, $40; clean, new, modern house; single beds. SH 17in. ner Everett. SUNNY corner room with board, aultablf for one ti or two, iH st. ti:0 per month. Maui 3304. Wl LL take care of two children at my home; for particular call up Columbia .Mis. BOOM and home comfort a care trained nurse, reasonable, for helplc-ss Invalid. Tabor 2213. . ROOM for oung man. easy walking dis tance. r!tft East Taylor, corner of 13ih. Phone East 2Mti. FURNISHED front alcove room with two meals a day. 123 per month: walking dis tance. 5 Oilcan, comer 17th. LARGE aulto of rooms; private bath; also other rooms; excellent board. 201 N. 22d, between Kearney and Lovejoy. A 7230. BEAUTIFUL f uehlahed front parlor, flrat floor, strict !y modem, up-to-date, suitable for two; rent reaaonable. 475 Clay. FIRST-CLASS board and room, home privl 1 c K . all -modern. 3.'-3 E. Couch at. n.i-.AoA.s'l' rooms, erngle or cj suite. lci lent board, q.'.d ;iiann. ROOM with connecting bedroom, excellent board, porchea and grounda Alain 2071 FIRST-CLASS room' and board In private family. 343 Yamhill st. SINGLE and double rooms, with board, i.60 up. Ma rah ail 293. .! 11th at. NEWLY board. f urnlshed, modern rooms, 427 Clay, near 11th. AiMitmcnta MODERN APTS.. one and two rooms with kitchenette, two wall beds, bath; $12 to month. oO Grand ave. N. bAN MARCO APTS., E. eth and Couch, new brick, modern, private batha and phones. S rooms. 8-3. Call E. 2751. FOR RENT A basement apartment st Lu c rot la Court. Lucre ua at,, near 23d ano yvhingtoa, XHE WINDSOR APARTMENTS. 3 front rooms; new. clean and homelike, walking distance. Cor. E. 14th and Yamhill. IRIS, COR. SD AND MILL. 4 and a fooma; modern. -0 TH R EE large, light rooms, alcove, bath, porch, walking jdtatance. -t33. Mall. ONKONTA Apartment. Ils7 17lh at.; "aleop "ing rooms. 10; suite 10 to $5. JuLlXsTTC Furnished and unfurnished S rooma Corner Id and Montgomery. THE PARK APARTMENT?'. 333 Hsmson 8t. Phone Marshall 3070. THE ELM 2 and 3-room apt., furnished heat, puvoe and bath. 191 J 4th su FOR RENT. Apart men Is. ARDMAT TERTtACK. 12th snd Harrison. Now ready for tenants, 2 and t room apartmema, living rooms 10s 20, high and sightly; well furnished with everything that goes to make Mgh-class apte.; 11th or 13th-sr. car- - ALTON I A APARTMENTS. Marshall and 19th. Large, airy 2. 3 and 4-room apart ment; quiet and exclusive neighbor hood. NOKOMIS. Marshall, near 17th St. NEW. Attractively furnished, 2 room apartments. bervlco for bachelors. THB WrT E E LtJOM, Car. Park and Taylor eta, THE WHEBLDON ANNEX. Cor Tenth and Salmon - Walking Distance. Ftimtahed complete. 2, t 4 -room apartments; butldinga new nnd atrleUr modern; service f lrat-clasa WELLINGTON COURT, mth and Everett Bta. New management; 2. 4 or B-room on fnmlahed apartmenta The best apart ments In the city for the money; they bare all modern conveniences, are close In, neat and homelike. Don't fall to Inspect them before locating. If furnished apartment is desired, can arrange thla on mil! monthly nayment with rent, tenant eventually owning rurniture ec monthly cost as furnished apartment TUB) AMERICAN. Most up-to-date apartment In tha Northwest; every convenience; 4 and 6 rooms, all outside sunny rooms: "new;" walking distance. 21st and Johnson sts. ; choice residence district; attendant on pre mi sea Marshall 8360. THE BARKERrcor721st and Irving ta; thla new 4-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished In 2, t and 4-room suites; reception ball, electric automatic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing deak. gaa range, ice box, plenty of cloaet rooma, rjotn pnonea, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to ttie Barker 1 J -room basement apartment, Slv. Phones A 1744, Marshall 261. XU VILLA hT CLARA. 12tb and Taylor. Jut completed, most magntflcently fa nisbed apartments In the Northwest: loca tion perfect ; rentals reaaonable; every modern convenience. Including banquet ball and roof garden: both phone In all apartment: high-claaa service: references required. Ma.u 2276 and A 706T. HEINZ APARTMENTS 14th and Colum bia, 4 blocka aoutn from Morrison at.; Haw brick building, completely flrat-class furnished In 2. S and 4-room family a part in en ta; private bath, ateam heat, toot wa ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner. Janitor aervice; rent per month, $2 a, 3301 $40 and up; must be seen to be appre- elated. NEWLY furnished The Upshur, 26th and Upshur sts., furnished 2 -room apartments. $13, $18, 20 and up. This Includes steam heat, hot and cold water In every apart ment, prtvate phones, public bath, electric lights, gas range. laundry-room, all free; also 3-room unfurnished apartments, with private bath, fib; 4 rooms, S2". Take S -.'3d or W cara north. Phone Main 8a9. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, brick and atone palace of luxurious home. Trinity Place, between 10th and 20th atreeta. Just off Washington; magnificent exclusive apertmente, in heart of apartment-house district; rente la reaaonable; every modern convenience; sleeping porcnea, hlga-cieaa service; refined clientele; references ra qulrd In sl casea Mrs. A. N. Wright, supt- phone Mara hall 110L HANOVER F1REP ROOF APA RTM ENTS. King and Washington sts., now ready. New 0-story reinforced concrete build ing, only n reproof apartment-bouae in Portland; every posaible convenience, elec tric elevator, best of service, private bal conies, easy walking distance; 2, 3, and 4-room. apartments, 122.6Q up. IN SMALL, well-kept apartment-house, 6 minute walk from Morrison st. On very lurjre.. well furnished 4-rooraa apartment, on nrat floor. One small, airy furnialied apartment of 4 rooma, first floor. tme 2-roum apartment, tight and commo dious, oil third floor. 34t 4th st. THE CAMAR. 704 Lovejoy St. Under new management; new. modern brick. 2. 3 and 4-room apartments, f ur ntMied or unfurnished ; wc will rent j ou apartments 23 per cent cheaper than any place in the city : good Janitor aervic e. Give us a call and be convinced. Mar. 210- LUCRET1A COURT. Locretfa St-, Near 23d and Wash. Unfurnished apart men ta, from two to Ave rooms, all large, light and outside; large closets, hardwood floors; under new management. Marshall 1513. Janitor, Mar shall 13o0. THE RUSSELL New and elegantly furnished modern apartments of two and three rooms, lo cated over new Postof fice building ; rent reasonable. Take any Union ave. car. Call personally ' or phone E. 2743. KhKKi HILL APARTMENT 171 KINO ST. 4, 6 6-room apartments; select tenancy. Apply on premises. GRAND EST A furnlaned apartments. Grand ave. ana fc-asi stara; new crick building, ft room, splendidly furnished, with pri vate bath, 127-50; electric elevator; a a ern conveniences; ciose-in location; easy walking distance; beat of service. JUST broken up my 10-room house, complete lurnianings or. two ceo. rooms, Kitcnen and wicker furniture for conservatory, or porch for sale cheap if taken before stored; used less than 6 months. Ormande Apta, Mar shall 113- ST. CROIX Apartments, tit- Clair bl. near was ning ton ; a ana a -room apartment with private bath, furnished and unfur nished; superb location, ay walking dis tance, brick building; convenient arrange menl, best of service and very low renta ST. FRANCIS APARTMENTS, 2 1st and Moyt; 4 rooms ana oatn. private balcony, new brick building, electric elevator, su perb location. In walking: dial an ce ; moat convenient arrangement, low rent and neat of aa r vice. THE SUNLIGHT -APTS. Nicely furnished, 3 rooms, $23; all out side, large, light, airy room?, private .phone und bat it. gaa range, refrigerator, vater hater. laundry traps, largo closots. on carllne, East hiue. tanor .'J, H ,IHl. CUMUEHLAND APTS., W. Park and Co lumbia at l ciiuico j-room unrurnlalicd and 1 completely furnished 2-room apt., all modern conveniences, choice location, fronting tha park and only 3 minutes' walk from business center. KEELEH APARTMENTS, 14th and Clay streets. Bplendld location, solid brick building, electric elevator; we have unfurnished $ and 4-room suites, with private vesuooiss, pnone. bath, etc. THE LUZERNE. Juat comoleted. corner 3d and Hall all 2-room lurniahed apt., large outld kitchens, best arranged apta. in for tl anu. 23 and up. Eaay walartng distance. CECILIA APARTMENTS. 2-d and Gllaea ata.; neat ox aerviw, umhsois locauoo. w Ith unexcelled car service; also eaay walking a la tan ce; 3-room apu. with batA, modern conveniences, very reasonable roar. PENINSULA APARTMENTS Modern beau- titul summer nome; i uinmuru ana unxur nuaned apartments 316 to $23. Take Mis sissippi or U, car, get off at. Kill ing a worth ave. phone C lliO. GARDNER apartments, corner of fl3th and East A an. peauiuui o-roum. witti (ire pluce, heat and water, furnished 3 with large porch; also garage vacant May 1. Phone East 2-71. UlaLOP HALL. UAWTHOf.NL AVE. AND CTH ST. New, modern building; new furniture; S-room apartments; walking distance, or best car aervice. ROSE FRI END APA KT M ENTS. 7TH AND J bre KKaUA A 21 iuu-ti-AS5 3-room unfurnished apartment for rent to detiira-r ble tenant. Apply at manager office. In the building. THE WESTFAL APARTMENTS. 410 6th t. & minutes' walk, brick bui.ulng, nicely furnished 3-room apart ments, private bath, phone, elevator; low est rates In Portland. Main 207, A 2038. THE DEZE.NUUR-". 208 16th su, near Taylor. 2 elegant 3-room unfurnished apart ments; one northeast, one southwest ea p o ur. Make reservation on premise. THE ARCADIA. 70 EVERETT ST. Nicely furnished 2-room apt., $22.30 and 823; lo 3-room, .t0 to 3; modern. Main o2l3, T30l. LEONCE, 186 N. 22d. near Johnson, one beautliuny mnunucu iium; pri vate bath and phone; 322.30; 3 rooms $30. BUCK HARTFORD APTS. 21at and Flandera Under new niaiiasinem, d. --room apt. ; sll modern, walking distance Main 278 2. ROOM furnished apartment for sale, very ri ssonable; like new. Apt. 63, American Apartments. liRYN MAWR. 1S. Eaat 13th. near Yamhill. 4 outaiue iwww w. . porco. FOR RENT. Apartments. CARMELITA. Jefferson and 13th Sts. I, 4 and 5-Room Apartments. Unfurnished. Exceptionally Low Summer Rates. Janitor Service Unexcelled. Near, Strictly Modern. References. Phone Main 2103. STELWYX ATTS. Si. Clair and Washington Sts. One 6-room and one 3-room apartment now vacant ; beautifully furnished ; large airy rooms, sleeping porches, tiled baths, private halls and phones; ballroom for use of tenants; most exclusive houe In thj city. We have a few single rooms with, bath for gentlemen. Reference required. THB HOTJSMAN. 730 HOTT ST. Elegantly furnished 3-room corner apartment, with sleeping porch ; sur rounded by lawn and flowers, nil bright outside rooms; also very desirable, large. Tight, 2-room apartment with bay window. Daintily served meals can be arranged for Just across the street. References. FORDHAM APARTMENTS, 170 Ford at.. Just south of Washington; most complete, highest class apartments ever built In Portland; finished through out In hardwood; tiled hatha, auperb fu tures; elegsnt wall coverings; each with private balcony; highest class service; very reaaonable rents; 4 and 6-room a part men ta; moat convenlentlyarrangeq. THE EVERETT, 644 Everett at. New and elegantly f urnlshed a part men ta; 3 rooma, reception hall and sieep-lr.g-porch; auLoinatio electric elevator and private Pacific telephone; located in on of the choicest residence districts, sur rounaed by elegant homes; walking ois tanca. ; 4-ROOM apartment with private bath $35; all ouisiuti rooms, aplenaid view; modern; convenient arrangement; aupero location; close to Postof f ice; also 3-room apartment; best of service. The Sheffield, 7th and Jef ferson sts. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. Ford st., near Wasmugtun ; select resi dence district; a 3-room apartment, with balcony; all conveniences oi the be-t-clab apartment a. Main 33. A 7148. GRACE APTo., 707 Northrup St., corner 24th, 5 largo rooms, hardwood floors, front veranda, large sleeping poruh, private telephone, water, heat and hot water; . new and strictly modern. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. New nricK. corner 3d and Montgomery, furnished 2-room apartment. private bain, phone and elevator, close lu; no children; .5 up. Main "4otJ. HAM-UKA APARTMENTS, 31 12th L, near Main ; close in location : elegant 3 rooia apartment with bath and private balcony, ?3. Every convenience, good service. FORTNOMAH APARTMENTS. 560 E. Taylor, corner E. 13th, Just com pleted, 2, 3, 4 and 3-room uniurnished apartments, every convenience, walking distance. THE M' HUN LEY APARTMENTS, East th "-nd Mornaoo, most centrally lo cated ; 2 aud 3,-room apartments, f ur tilbhed up to date; private baths; moder ate rates. THE MARLBOROUGH. 6-room apartment, choice residence dis trict, walking distance, every convenience. 21st and Flandera at. Main 7016. WINSTON Apartments, 341 14tn au, at Market; new corner brick; aU bright, out aide rooms; 2 and 2-room suites com pletely furnished for housekeeping; to 17.U. For information call Main 17s. LINCOLN APTS., COR 4TH AND LINCOLN. Ail outside, 2-room apartment; Holmes beds, bunt-in writing de&ks, vacuum clean er, tanitor aervice; 22.3u to jo. .nciudiiit 'lvlit, private phones. A 3472, Main lo7. CLA1POOLE FURNISHED APARTMENTa, 11th and Clay; 2-roou apartments, fur nished, with private bath; all conve niences; good service; easy walking uia tance, very reasonable rents. MADISON PARK. APAUlMx-NTd, Park and Madison ata Eor rent, & and 4-rooiu furnished ana unfurnished: apartments, strictly modern. NORTH MTON APARTMENTS. 4U7 Hall at. Walking distance; 2 rooms, elegantly furmsheu. Phone Main 421W. THE FLORENCE New and absolutely first-class 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments, e-2.60 up. 3htt 11th st. Marshall 4114. THE CHETOPA, loth and FianUera, 2, 3 and 4-room modern apartment, furnished and unfurnished, 320 up; new furniture un.i new building. Apply to the Janitor. THE MEiiEOlTH, T12 Washington at., x ... a ... -l -room uota. liardwood floor, witn very convenience, newly furnished; cheap est rent in the city. FOR KENT Finest 2 and 3-room apta. in the city ror tne price, cummer rates; an modern. Nob Hill district. Phone Mar- suail2O03. H ADD O.N HALL. Cor. Hall and 11th Sts. 2 and --rm, suites, up; beautifully f urn., nardwood xiuor-, private porcnea. pnonea, oath. Mt. Tanor car. Mar. EVELYN APARTMENTS, 2t7 N. 21st t. 2 -room furnished or unfurnished apart ment, all modern, low rent. Main lUbj. MJxiLLAND, 16th Lovejoy Unfurnisned iirontj ; moui un., must, ue aeea lo be appreciated. Main 1M7. A lb67. BERYL APARTMENTS. "" Furnished and uniurmsned apartments tab lovejoy t- Take "W" car. THE LILLIAN, 6T11 AND MONTGOMERY. 3-room furnished apt., private bath and phone, walking dlatance. MarshaU 137. ' " Flats. ' 2. 3-ltooM flat, gas and electricity, lire place, 2 bedrooms, 7S4 Gllsun. R. N. TUFFORD. Mar. 4347, A 4543. 4t7 Spalding bldg. UNFURNISHED flat. 3 large, light, airy rooms, private bath, very ucsiraoie, closo in, on West Side. 311 ? Montgomery, cor ner 7th. 1IOLLADA Y ADDITION 6-room modern upper fiat, sleeping porch. 3 blocks from new Steel bridge. 262 Vs E. 2d st. North, corner Multnomah et. Phono East2!J4b. NEW upper modern sunny flat, 6 rooma and two sleeping porchca; very desirable; op posite new Multnomah Club; H. inquire iiso Salmon at. $16 MODERN 4-room upper flat, porch, basement, yard, sunny and pleasant, adulti. 780 William ave. Wood lawn 426. FURNISHED 3-ioom flat, with sleeping porch, heat and light. Call 164 E. I2td or phon E. 2431. MODERN five-room lower flat, furnace, fire place. 333; upper flat. 1 rooms, $13; very cios in. Phone East 34'J8. FOR RENT Swell 7-room modern flat. 444 i'ark at., furnace and fireplace. $.'17.30, no children; Phone Tabor t3 or East 14-tl. MODERN, new, 6-room upper flat. West 5ide, select neighborhood, hardwood floors. sleeping porch, fireplace. Marshall 2624. 300 MARKET STVo-room, modern flat, $30 per month; key at 502 'A. Portland Trust Uompany. 3d and Onk. 4-ROOM fur. flat, porch, large yard, fine view. 361 Davenport, cor. Patton road. Take P. IT. car to Spring st. 3-ROOM flat for rent, cor. E. 14th and Madison sts.. 1 block north Hawthorne ave. Phone Sellwood 61U. NOB HJU flat. 7 rooms, fine yard, splendid neighborhood. 775 Johnson t-. bet, 23d and 24th. Main 3331. L8 Modern 4-room lower ilat. 628 East Main. Phone Eaut PVT. NOB HILL; modern 6-room upper flat, sleeping porch. Main 868. MAY 1 Well-furnished four-room apart ment. Apply Janitor, 171 King st. UPPER 7-room flat, sleeping-porch, 331 31th St.; $37.30. Main 5424. UNFURNISHED 3-room flat, near 14th on Jefferson, inquire 275 14th st. FIVe'roOM modern flat, five blocks from Postofflce. Telephone Marshall 6?6. MODERN 5-room flat, 0th, near Jackson, West Side, 10 min. walk. Main or A 1223. 4-ROOM fist, dose In, low rent. Inquire ;io Hall at. sxp 5-room flat. cIofc in. 4 Ella st.; just renovated: only $2C.50. fi.ROOM lower modern fiat, 7S Irving at, near 23d; key upstairs. LARGE. 5-room lower flat- S22 Northrup st. Main S475. mohERN. S room?, aleepins; potv h. 5 min utes from P. O.; snap. Main 337. FOR RENT. mat. FOR RENT Modern five-room flat, with hall and bathroom, a full cemented oel Jar, furnaces, t ashtray, gaa and electric fixtures, rooms nicely tinted, fine loca tion. In Holladay Park, at No. 8-"3 Halsey street, at $21 per month. Get off the Broad w ay carllne at 24th and Hroadwaj . or the Rose City ParK car at 2Sth and Sandy road. Phone daytime, Marshall 4022, or evenings East 72S. FLAT FOR RENT A tine largo corner flat for rent, havins six large, well-lighted ronma, furnished with coal and wood range and gas plate; built-in wardrobes, built-in pantry cupboard?, porcelain sla tlonary washtub, porcelain bath, a tine east corner view; in fact it is a $:0 flit reduced to $20. Apply to Milton Gevurtz. 173-173 First St. 6-ROOM flat, 7S2 GHsan at., $30; new build ing, superb location, very desirable.; hard wood floors, fireplace, gas rang, water heater, furnace. See Mr. Roat, SL Croix Apartments, 170 St. Clair st. UNUSUALLY desirable modern furnished fat, 3 or 4 large, light, airy rooms. fire Place, steepinc porch, private bath, c!n in on West Side, very reasonable, . 4 1 Mon t go m cry, corner 7th. - STEAM-HEATED 5-room flat, very desira ble; con ven lent arrangement, with tia. range; V2.50 Summer rate. Apply Jani tor. Wellington Apartments, 13th and Everett. o-iiOOM flat, with bath, private entrance, completely furnished; references. 63ii pet tigrtive. Phone Main 3176. Evenings. MODERN 6-room flats. East iSth and Ash. B 2006. Housekeeping: Rooms. THE BEAVER, 12tn and Marshall Fur nished for housekeeping; gas range, elec tric light, hot water, bath, laundry, free; 15 per month up; a clean place, best In tbe city for the money; short distance from Union depot. Take "S" or ISth-st. cars north, get off at Marshall st. No doga. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, newly papered and painted, with gas. Inquire of Mrs. Whalcn, over 627 First st.. South Portland. 11.50 TO $2.60 per week Clean furnished housekeeping rooms; free heat, phon. bath, laundry, yard. 40. Vancouver ave. and 203 Stanton; "IT car. Phone U. 6039. FOR RENT One 4-room suite, completely furnished for housekeeping, gas ranyo. hot water heat, bath and stationary wash tub, llbl Kerby. Phone C 2G67. THE MELVIN, II th St.. near Tamil i 1 J -Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms and suites: bath. gas. heat, phone and laun dry privileges ; rates reasonable. THE M1LNER,' 3504; Morrison, corner Park; steam heat, hot and cold water, elevator; furnished apartments with kitchenette, 15. 406U, N. 2Uth st. Completely furnished 2- rooni apartment. including heat. IikIi'. phone, gir up. M. S3lt. Take M, 23d or W car north. FURNISHED single housekeeping rooms. $1.30 to $2 per week. DeSoto House, 2!'l 2d. 461 EAST MORRISON, cor. Eaat Sth. cuni pletely fuynished housekeeping suites, rea sonable. HOUSEKEEPING, single. and in two anl three-ioom -suites, very reasonable; brick building. I251--2 Russell Bt. CLEAN housekeeping rooms, centrally lo cated, reasonable. Call 4 82 Wash. st. FURNISHED and lu sonablo rates. .:m"i usekeeplng-roonis; rca ;. liith at. North. HOUSEKEEPING rooms in new conerett building. Phone Woodlawn '2'rJl or 'i19. Housekeeping ltooms tu Private J-amlly NEWLY furnished In modern t! welling, for liousHkeeplng, 1 and 2-room suites ; rt jspectable. exclusive, close-in dis"trlct; ev ery convenience: $S per month up. 6-"3 Flanders, near 20th st. I'ORTLAND HEIGHTS 3 nice furnished housekeeping rooms with largo new sleep ing porch: lineat view, walking dist.niee; $MK Heights car, K:t otf at tTMfton su, walk two blocks eai. P. H. Main 444. $6.10 MONTH, nice, Hffht. front room, fur nished fpr light housekeeping, for lady. Walking distance. 321 Chapman St., near Clary. NICE front room with kitchenette, furnace iipui, vivcliii: niili v . i rv 1 1 1 s ui- tance. 53 weekly. 66 N. 21st st., 1 blocks from Wash Ington. CLEAN, attractive fiont housekeeping rooms, bay windows, $3 per week; nlso two good housekeeping rooms, $10. 40S Hall st. TWO or three niceful furnished housekeep ing rooma, modern conveniences. 11 (itand ave. North. TWO furnished housekeeping jooms; light, phone, bath, heat, laundry Vrivlleges; $4 per week. 3UU E. 14th. NICE clean single housekeeping rooms. alo front housekeeping room, with alcove kitchen, phone and bath. 163 N. 1611 FURNISHED rooms in private liouso foi light housekeeping, iast Cherry st. Apji ast E. Ko" n.. ' 2 FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms: mod ern; steam-heated. 234 East lbth, cor. Main. TWO large, clean. well-furnishAd front rooms, porch, alcove, phone, bath, walk ing distance. 66 K. hth. $18. TWO large, comfortablt front hoiiFCkecplng rooms, all conveniences, reasonable. 262 14th lO TO 16 clean, completely furnished house keeping rooms; tfas. electricity, laundry. 2 Gran d ave., S. E. cor. Anken y. ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS Large, furnlsh ed housekeeping rooms; modern; rent rea sonable. Phone M a in 223 1. $14 Three desirable, nicely furnished rooms, suitable for couple or three adults; gas range, hath, phone. Woodlawn 14'0. ROOM and board Tor 2 lu prlvato family; use of parlor, piano, bath and phone. Phone Sell wood 1720. NICE, clean housekeeping-rooms; aUo rooma with or without board; bath, he at, light nnd phone. 32 2,'Id at. North. LARGE. clean furnished, housekeeping rooms; all conveniences, to desirable peo ple only. 21 N. 18th. Marshall 47:ta. $"lfi FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms, gas plate, steel range. Apply room 3, Washington bldg. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, lights, water, cooking gas. etc.. free, stHtlonary tubs, $14. 678 Gantenbein. U or RS car. FURNISHED or unfurnished for house keeping, at 10 Halsey st., nice flat. Tele phone E. -. LARGE, housekeeping, third floor room everything furnished, $12.50; sleeping $lo THREE G nicely furnished housekeeping is, 2 beds. 215 loth st., comer Sal- room mon. N ICE house keeping-rooms : free phone, gas and bath; $6 and up. 104 15th at. Nortli, eor. Kearney. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, all conveniences, desirable location. 4-0 Mar ket, near llth. PLEASANT suite rooms, reasonable, and 7th. if front housekeeping ;:t0 Talor, between 6th 63 N 20TH, new ly furnished room, I, 2 and 3-room sultecompleto for houekccp ?ng. ; THREE completely furnished rooms, large yard, bath, sink, laundry, phone; no ob jections to child. S-'5 East Stark. T WO furnished housekeeping rooms, mod ern, private entrance; beat location. West Side. Phone M. 8382. 4 CLEAN, light furniHlied housekeeping rooms; gas, bath; $12.50 month. 6 J 2 Front st. J-ROOM suite, sink, pantry, newly papered. At so 1 alngle room. 1H8 N. 15th. NEVTLY furnished housekeeping rooms In private family. 13 East 7th St. East 12L. HOUSEKEEPING suite of 3 rooms, nicely furnished, also sleeping rooms. 6! N- 14th. CLEAN, light, well-furnished housekeeping rooms. ;" 6th. COMFORTABLY furnished housr keeping rooms; reasonable. 91 1st, near Stark st $14 2 connecting nousckeeping rooms. 65J E. Morrison. $2 A WEEK, housekeeping room. 412 10th st., near Hall. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 149 13th, betweer Mo rrl son and Aide r. 2TOR3 desirable unfurnished housokeep- I n rooms; walking distance. Sa. Qih. 471 MORRISON; one large housekeeping room, good location, very reasonable. iToU SEKEEPJNti: two rooms, $3.50; aisc niee eingl room. 4i5 Davis, corner 14th. $15 HOUSEKEEPING suite, modern, yard. roses, walking distance. 625 Marshall. $10 ONE cozy furnished housekeeping room, electric light. Z'iK Park st. A 3603. GOOD housekeeping rooms: also sleeping rooms: reasonable. 548 East Ankeny. ONE large third-floor front room for light housekeeping. $2.50 perweek. 29 N. ITtlt. TWO bright, clean, newly furnished house keeping ioirn!!peir 4th. "WE EL-FURNISHED housekeeping room, $1C p.-r month. 366 12tb st. COMPLETELY furnished, central. large, convenient, $2.73 and up. 42ft Main st. ELEGANT front suite, everything furnisaed, :n East 10ih street North. East IS 18. N I ELY f urnlshed largq neat room, gas range, rath, phone. $lo. 4 47 5th. N EATTA" furnished h.usclterping rooms, yard, bath, plione. 450 Yamhill si.