I - - . TULj 31UIt. ! I JlirjJXAt a tiaM-ri a.. . v . .. , . j .. -" - ; ... EVANS WIIIS VOTES Jeers Change to Cheers Candidate Talks as STREET SPEAKERS MANY "isht Crowd I.i.-tentng to Spell hinders Frequently Ilefuddled, With Quk-k Changing of Talk ers Pol le Keep Order. Bellowed at hy a boisterous throng that shouted TcuM for District At torney." Walter H. Kvans. by sheer force of his personality and his firm Insistence, trained a hearing and. In a brief speech at the corner of Sixth and Washington streets last night, set forth the platform on which he Is running for Republican nomination for Ulstrlct .Attorney. The tbrons was In a noisy humor whrn Sir. Kvans arrived. C. K. Kraber. the eccentric street haransuer. wbo has been talking on street corners for several weeks, had been shouting; for half an hour In support of half a dosen candidates, while his hearers cicxed him on to urcater efforts with roars of mock applause. Finally, when they began to show tendencies to rouchness and had thrust Kraber from hl.i stand several times, a policeman had Inter fered and Insisted on the speaker mor inar on. Having- no other method of "letting; out ' their fund of rood spirits, the crowd swarmed around an auto where another speaker wss attemptlne an address, and bellowed for Fouls until the voice of the orator was drowned. Finally, he surrendered his stand to Mr. Kvans. whose appearanca was irrected with an even more ex uberant outburst of shouting. Jeers t sasse Cheers. For several minutes they roared, re gardless of his gestures for silence. Then the noise began to subside and he began hia address. Scattering- shouts ceased, and within a few minutes the humor of the crowd appeared to swing completely around and cheera and ap plause for Ir. Kvans became loud and continuous. Prior to Ills appearance on 5-lxth and Washington. Mr. Kvans addressed an assembly of men on Burnslde street and other of his supporters spoke on other prominent corners. Politics was afloat on every street, and no sooner would one speaker fin ish Ms address at some favored plaee than another automobile would nose Its wav -to the curbing; and supporters of om other candidate would launch Into their speeches before the throng had ttme to disperse. During; the early part of the evening George S. Shep herd's gigantic banner, nearly two blocks In length and supported by about 0 men. crawled about the principal streets like a huge centipede with a band and an automobile In the lead. Swinging on at the tall nt the novel procession. an I. W. V. agitator brought up the rear, with a huge plac ard and trailed the Shepherd banner for blocks before he was finally lost from the line of march. Mr. Shepherd later In the evening spoke on the cor ner of Seventh and Washington, after the Socialist agitators, who had pre empted the place, finished their meetinr and withdrew. Crowd la Befuddled. Sixth and Washington was, however, the favored spot. Speaker followed speaker until. In the swift changes of addresses. It was almost Impossible for the bystanders to tell at times Just who was bidding for the support of the voters. Kvery automobile In the vicinity fell under suspicion of tarrying a campaign orator. Who are you going to talk for?" asked a bystander from a driver who was slowly worklnr Ms machine through the middle of the crush of people and honking his horn for "gang war." U'wan." retorted the chauffeur. I'm not going to talk for anyone. I'm trying to get through this blamed mob!" Widely distributed as were the ac tivities of the street campaigners last nlrht. however, the street campaign today bids fair to wax even more gen eral and exciting DAILY CITY STATISTICS Births. BARTER T the wife of Fred O. Bar ber. 1- teat Korljr-Bfth strtvt. March ... FlJITA Tn the wife of f. Fujila. 512 Va'li.nn street. April l. a mort. LI.VENSON To the wife of Morris I-ev-rnson. 50 Eaat GUaan street. April S. a daughter MUIXNIS To the wife of E. McGlnnls. VMO Vincent street. April 13. a son. Wl'INN To the wit" of Fred V. . Qulnn. Mca.le tret. April I'.', a n. WILEY Tt the wife of Rohert w. Wiley. 7r; - K.st S ilraon atr.et. April II. a eon. WililN To the wife of J. T. Wilson. 7T1 Se.-icitl street. April 12. a sn. Kl'1'l'l.K To the wife of Charles R. Kep t -'- Kast 3:;d street. April II. a son. QUILL To th- wife of Mnrcae J. Wulll. Jr.. 124 Macadam elroel. April 11. a daugh- IVtK To the wife of E. R. Ivle. 1115 Raymond .rvtt. April 12. a daughter. Marriage Urease. ri.lVK-fOSTEH- ErMt cilve. city. 2T. and tola Ft. r.y. . LATviUKKTTK-HINT I.vmen K. Ijitour ettr. rltv. legal, and Llliia- M. Hunt. city. '"tAROlNH-M'KIXNNCV r- B llardlnx. city SI- ami ltly A. McKinnou. city. :!. K ASKR-OTTKX W. R. Kaa-r. city, legal. n4 Mry Oiten. cl-y. Ii-g.il. WOI.D-B ALT7. F ltSFN Harold Wold, cttv .'T and Klar-d Ha"xer.n. rlty. leral. ri'OESFl.-KYSEK f. W. H.eae!. Warrea. Or. S2. and Mra Rwtts. Bvser. city. 42. KOOTR'JS-BACIGAI.I'S I-eler Kootroa, Seatt: .11. end Ro-e llarlralus. rltT. 20. SNII'F.S-FKILOvVS Ir. Thomas W. Snipra. city. 25, and Helen F. Fellows, city. "'haOET KBI.I.T-John C. Hsgca, city. I, and K-l'r. citv. 1. sal WALkKR-gi'lV BV H. B. Walker, rltv. legal and Caroline -. vulmbv. city, legal. REEK-REKK Emtl Kn-k. city, legal, and Mrs. M '! R-ek. clly. led- rUATTOX-nAKEHll AX Herbert V.niv ton. city, legal, and Crystal P. Oakermsn. " PELROSSO-GIANAt.I Ben del C rosso, cltv art and Anna GtAnall. city. 2- CLFM-HoGUE Marrv . Om. city, and .Mjrri-'-t Hncjf. St. Jrthnj. 2. n Brnoi'i i.v-n ki jx in joim c. stmd-r-on. city. 2. and Genevieve C Nelsoo. city. "VoRBIX-SHALL rharl-a T. Corbln. Seat tle. 37. and r'rankle K. Shall, city. 19. Yot Xameii Innrancw Men. SALEM. Or, April 17. With a vlew to revising the state Insurance laws. CSovernor West today appointed a com mission of li to examine the laws and report the result of the Investigations and make recommendations to the legislature. The appointments are rrm'.e by the Governor on his own Initiative, and the members must bear ihelr own expenses, as no provision la made by law to rare for them. The r.-n.bers arrolnte1 are. Ti.rmas i Oreene. Portland: W. H. Hollls. Hllls .oro; I. Samuel. Portland: George M. pice Pendleton: Harvey Wells. Port land: M. A. Moody. The Dalles; John H FturkharU Portland: It. S. Shaw. M-ll Cltr: W. r. Haaertv. Mc-Minnville: II it tJile. Salem: A. Mcf'argar. Portland; William McKay, Champoeg; W. J. Clemens, Portland. HOTEL CORNELIUS House of Welcome Portland, Or. Our 14-paasenger electric 'ban meets all trains. A high-class, modern hotel in the heart of the theater and shopping district. One Mock from any car line, tl rr day and up. European plan. E. P. MORRIS. Prop. The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel MO Rm 104 Suite. With PnTtte ' ' Baths. NEW rcHEPROOF BUILDING Uoderate Rates. FhQ Metschan & Sons. Props. The Portland FROM far or near, the trav veler finds here a hearty welcome. Courteous at tention Is given to the wants of our gruests. Convenient to the theaters, the retail shops, and the urban railways. Motors meet every Incoming train. G. J. KAIFMAXN, Maaager. HOTEL CARLTON Rates $ l.OO a Day and Up-Special Monthly Rates Entirely New Absolutely Fireproof All Light, Outside Rooms Auto Bus Meets AU Trains 14th and Washington Sts. Ross Finnegan. Mgr. x f .T1 nSysv " ' "rortland'a Largest Korthwest'a Grandest Hostelry Absolutely Fireproof 725 Booms 300 Rooms With Bath 100 Sample Rooms Oerosies aa er black in tte heart sf basisees god Snsocui! districts. Tbs most mrni. eet Labbv Restaarant. Ballraom, Baaqoet Hall and Public Rooms tn the West. The utmost uicomlert and caovsawaos. Headqaartati B.P.O.S. Grand Lads Convention, Portland. 191J " StntOPKAJI PtAlt RATES Sl.Sg TO tS.OO PER DAT Busses Meet Kvery Train and Steamer H. C. SOWERS, Kaagrcr HOTEL OREGON, Portland, Or., Wright-Dickinson Hotel Co., Props. HOTEL SEATTLE, . Seattle, Wash. Wright-Dickinson Hotel Co.. Props. TILT METEOItOI.OC.IC At REPORT. ror.TWXD. April 17. Maximum tem perature. 5H degrees; minimum. 44 degrees, lalver reading. S A. M., T.7 feet; change In last 24 hours, none. Total rainfall (5 P. M to .1 Y. M.. 1 Inch; total rainfall since September 1. lull. 30.53 Inche,: normal rainfall since Peptemher 1. 3..",7 Inches: de-flrtem-r of rainfall ainca Heplember 1. 1P11, Kirj Inrhrf. Total aunahtne. I hour 441 mln ui. : poible ,unhlne, l.l hour, ,i mliiutea. ltaromeler I reduced to sea level) at 6 1. M.. 30.16 Inchra. THE WEATHER. K T Wind 5" Sl B - e. C - 3 g as a n e I ft F I : : . . t- fttata of Wcatna STATIONS HKrr Bol!H Hwton Calvary hi-injo ....... Inv r I jk!olne . . . . I mi I titu ........ Kurfkl c;a:vAton H'l-'nt ........ Jrk)KnTlH . . . Kansas lty . . , Marvliflfia . . . . Montreal . Nw .rlAnj. . , Nrw York North load . . . North Vaktma . fhonix ro"atr.lo Tortlai.d Rnsf hurf Sa-Tamrnto .. . , St. Ixul , St. Ta jl Salt tik ..... Sn rirtro San Francisco , StX'kax.e Taoma Ta?oah Mland Walla .. Wfth.tnsrtnn 3o o, ft ? ft NvViCWmdv ' pt. cloudy .-K Rain M tt. I ft lt. cloudy 3 u. 4l ft. 44 O. 0 0 7; o. - o. !x! 0. 41 i. Wl . 4K. 7! I. K II. 4I I). 4 . 7. o. f.K (I. . ft. 7:' 4) n .vo. th n? ii r,( ft r o. ft 4 ft. rft o. 64 0 T.HI4 14 - rnow N Italn NE '. Inudv XK " loudy NW'cloudy X flear X -louly XE iCInudv .OH 4 K1 12 IJ .1- 4 i'2 4 10 i M' 4 X .Xlr 4 ."Hi 24 .!" 14 N Cloudv S 'Cloudy E Pt. rlnadr XW Pt. cloudy K IRaln XW Cloufly X E Pt. elouriv .SO H (HV .Oft' s MW U-Iear SXV 'I'loudy W iKaln Sff 'Cloudy 1.1 It ft K X w -lrar XW Cloudy X Cloudy XW rlear XW Pt. cloudy Oft 14 .! 12 .0" 1ft .on' S HtV Ifloudy .Oft' 4 W Cloudy .4 n.ln SH 'touilr a K t- loudy FORECAST?. Portland snd vlclnlfy Show.rs; westerly wlnda. Orejtoa ami Washington Phowers ; west erly wind.. - v Idaho e' bowers. WEATHER CONDlTIOX. A trouch-shard low -pre., ore area ovtr. Ilea the Rocky Mountain atatea and a high, preaavr. area of considerable energv Is cen tral at sea erf the North California eoaat. The i;ulf storm has moved northeastward to In. Ohio Vali. y and It hs, caused general rains In the Io wr Mlsieaippl allv and tlie Atlantic atatc. Loral rMtne. ireneraMy I'rhl li.iv. fallen at a number of pl-ca in the North I'aririC Slates. It la cooler In to Ubio Vallty, middle Atlantic and N, New Perkins Fifth and Washington Sts. A Hotel in the Very Heart of Portland's Business Activity MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT Elactri Aato Boa. Cars to and Iron Unios Depot ervery lew minutes. L. Q. Swetlaad, Mr. A. CROUSE, Mgr The Hotel Bowers Elamth and Stark Sta. Under New Management offers all the convenience of a high-class hotel, with all tha comfort of a home. European plan 11.09 per day up. American plan. too. Famous for Its grill, a la carte and table d'hote service at reasonable prtcea fcpeclal rates to permanent guests. F. P. WILLIAMS, MANAGER tty-fiaa' a .tVr? ' ? ' ' S B rci'kota "H 'Biato jnti KSaa a ayB' a T-i r-r s r i -.? KvaK a. -. - at SlalAtal Hotel Sixth, gereatla. Mor. rtaoa A Yamhill Sta. WHIN IN Portlsnd, Oregon gTOr AT THI MOTEL MULTNOMAH J. M. BROWIteiX, Assistant Bfanarer Both hotels -centrally located, modern in every respect, and conducted on the European plan. F.nrland atate. while eliewhers the changes In temperature have been unimportant. The co'idlllon, are favorable lor showers In this dlttrlut Thursday. BREAKING OUT Where Scratched It Made Sores. Ter rible Itchingand Burning Kept Her from Sleeping. Cuticura Remedies Completely Cured Her. No Return. Wguktcin. III. ." Three, yearg aeo thig winter I had a breaking; out that covered tor waale body. It itched so it seemed as if I should go rray. it nrsi carat out in lltlla pimples n my back and spread till it covered my whole body and limbs down to my knees, also my arms down to my elbows. Where I scratched, it made sores, and the terrihle ltchlnr and burning kept me from sleep In-. I tried several reme dies all to no purpose. Thn V ranctuded- to trv the Cuticura Remedies. I used the Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment, also the Resolv- . -... tMir mnntha. and they com pletely cured mo of eciema. I have bad no return of the dlseate ginoe. I never had a food night's rest after the skin eruption firs broke out till I commenced using the Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I had only used tbem a few days before I could see they were beglnnme to heal, and the terrible itching was Kone. "Those that lived in the bouse at the tiroa know bow I suffered, and how the Cuticura Soap and Ointment cured me. I never taka a bath without using the Cuticura Soap, and I do not believe there are better remedies for any skin disease than the Cuticura Soap sod Ointment." (Signed) Miss Sarah Calking, Mar. 1. 1911. Cuticura Soap and Ointment do so mucn for skin eruptions, poor complexions, red. rough hands, and dry, tbln and falling hair, and cost so little that tt is almost criminal not to use them. Fold everywhere. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. book on tkia and scalp treatment. Address, Cuticura." Dept. T. Boston. Tender-faced taea should use Cuticura boap BhaTios Stick. COVERED BODY AMtJSEMKSTS. HEILIG Tth Taylor Phones Main 1 and A 112X ' o nights Toniflht Bpeclsl Price Matinee Saturday. WT1AJAM FAVERSHAM Supported hr MIS JII-IK OPP. and his Company In the Comedy THK rAIJi" Evening Lower rloor. 2. gl.Bft: Bal cony. II. 50. $1.00. 7Sc. SOc; Gallery. 5lo. Paturdav'a Matinee Lower floor. 1. 80. l: Balcony. 1. 75c. Hftc: Gallery. S.1-2SC. SEATS SEULINO FOR KXOAGEMENT. SEAT STT.K TOMORROW HETL.IG THEATER The Favorite Comedienne. MayRobson NEXT PCX.. MOV. TCES.. THL'R., SAT. Fpeclat Prlre Matinee Saturday. THE NEW COMEDY HIT. "A NIGHT OCT." NEXT WED.. FP.I. NIGHTS AND AT Special Price Matinee Wednesday, "THE REJTJVEXATIOX OF A INT MARY." Rvenlngs: Ixiwer floor. $1.10. (I: Bal cony. 73c. Bftc; Gallery, S3c. Both Matinees, tt, 75c. , 30c 83c. 2c B A. K E R. wlia'af "mo. Ceo. U Baker. Mgr. Tonight, All Week, matinee Saturday. The popular Baker Stork Company in "THK niT(RI0 HOCK." Bv Augustus Thorn aa. One of the most fasclnatlnir and absorbing plays ever writ ten. Original, gripping and powerfully dra matic. Clever comedy. Evenings, 23c, 6e only. Matinees. 23c. Next week "The Spoilers." M ATX , A 1020 I MATIN KE EVERT DAT riOHTSs 13c. Kc. Mr. 7 YVEKK APRIfj IS Katherlne rey. la "Above the Imw." Johnny Ford. Roaloa raaaeili. Harvey and Imi Vora Trio. Tore. (;laldenbeks, Alsace aud Ixtrralne, Dorothy Kenton, Orchestra, Pictures. l,AHTA(iES WEEK APRIL 15 Mr. George Bloomqnest and Uls rlaers. In "Nerve"; Mine, fbsrn bellnn. Prima llonua Paris C.rand Opera; l)e Haven and Kidney, Woods-Ko I ton Trio, The Three Klderos. Rrinarc and Riiay, Pantaeeaoope. Panlagea Orcbestra. Popu lar price. Hove and first row balconv re served. Box office open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Phones. A 223d, Main 4836. Curtain (:S0, 7:15 and 9. Matinee Every Day. xtroress infill Sullivan Conaldlne. Keflned Vaudeville. WEEK APRIl. IS The George Bonhalr Tronpe, 3 bamoas S. Iwls and 1 ear-on Mat tie Ivrkette, El t'leve, Guy Bartlett Trio. Orchestra. Prices, 13c and 25c. Z. - f- THEATER I a JL jL ASUbTABK WEEK APRIL 15 Rice jfady. with the Keating Hood Muaical Comedy Co.. In "The Inventor..- Prices, 15c and esc. rl dav Night, "Chorna Conteat. hpeclal Nexs Week Ed S. Allen. Portland's Favorite He brew Comedian, In "The Belle of China- BASEBALL RECHBATIOX PARK, ' Cor. Vaiusnn and Twenty-fonrth Sta. SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND April Id. M, 1R. I. 2. S Games Begin YVeekdaya at 3i00 P. M. Sundays 2i30 P. M. LADIES' DAY FRI DAT. Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. After the Show The Arcadian Garden IN Hotel Multnomah "The Restaurant Beautiful" "his week's programme of stellar at tractions surpsases anything yet offered In the R-etnurant BeautlfuT. Dally from 0-3O to S:SO and 10:30 to 12:S0. CIJNK. ROSE AMI RAYMOND. One of the higgeat lilts In Vaudeville. I.A ACGITITA, Spanish liancer. N VOl'Mi AND DENT. Character Entertainer. THE FRANCO NEAPOLITAN DCO, ilomantlc tlerenaders. KO.NSK1, Violin Virtuoso. , PHJEIP PELZ. Kusslan Imperial Court t'ondurtor, and his Concert Or chestra of Soloists. Iteserve your tables early. MIXTNOMAn HOTKIj COMPANV. H. C. Bowerm, Manager. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES aily or Bandar. far Use. On time H Same ad two eonaerutlve tiroes f e harae ad three consecutive times e bamead six or seven conaecntlve times., lea Kemlttauices must acvompauj ent-of-towa arUera. Ubrs one advertisement Is net run in roa eeriitive Issue the one-Ume rate applies. aits ward, coant aa one line on taan ad vertisements aud no ad counted for leas tkaa two 11 1 i . On charge or hook advertisements the charge will be ba-ed ea the actual number of Hues appearing In the paper, regardless af the number of words tn each line. In New louay all advertisements are charged by measure only, 14 lines ta the '"th's above rates apply to advertisements ander "New Today" and all otber daaald ca tions except the following: Mtuations Wanted, Male. situations Y anted, s emale. Orrgonlao vrtll arept claselfled advertise. anenta over tbe telephone, providing the ad vertiser la a subscriber to either ubooa. Ne Erica, will be quoted over the phone, bat III will be rendered the following day. Wbetber eaheequent advertlneniente will be accepted .tar the phone depends upon tbe nremptneaa of the payment of telephone ad .erliaementa. Situations Wanted and Per sonal advertisements will not be accepted e.er the telephone. Orders for ene Inaer tloa only wlU be accepted for "Housee for Rent." -Fnrnlture for bale," "Business Op portunities." "Koomlug-Uousea" and Want ed to Rent.' NEW TODAY Money to Lend Any sum to $12,000. Also for farm loans. 2000 and 000 to 1 10.000. Fire insurance solicited. GHO. II. THOM A. 2IT Onk St., ltoom 3 Alnavrorth' Bide;. COLLI, BERRIDGE THOMPSON. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. B34 Worcester Blieck. Pkona Main 5C7, AUCTION SAEES TODAT. At Baker's Auction House, 152 Park st. Furniture, etc. Sale at 10 A. M. MEETING NOTICES. OREGON COMMANDERT. K. T. A special conclave will be held thla Thursday. April 18. at 7:30 o'clock P. M. Red Cross. The attendance of all Fir Knlffhts will be apprs G. F. W I EG AND: Recorder. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 114. A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Thursday) even ing, at 8 o'clock. Masonic Temple Labor In the M. M. degree. Vis iting brethren welcome, by order W. M. FRED L.. OLfES. Secretary. GOLDEN RULE ENCAMPMENT. NO. 28. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting tonight (Thurs day) at 8 o'clock. Patriarchal degree. All Patrlarcha Invited. 8. A. STARR. Scribe. FUNERAL NOTICES. MARX In this city. April IT. at Good Sa maritan Hospital, Rachael Mary, aged years a months 24 days, beloved wife of Joseph Marx, mother of Fred M. Marx, Portland; Mra. Max Oottdlner, Salt Lake: Mannle and Ralph Marx. Seattle. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors St 10 A. M. tomorrow (Friday), April 19. Interment Ahaval Sholom Cemetery. Please omit flowers. CASEY In this city. April 1. Melton H. Casey, aged 50 years 7 montha and 13 days. Funeral services will be held st FlnleVa chapel at 2 P. M., Friday. April 19. Instead of Thursday, aa previously an nounced. Friends Invited. Interment ML 8cott Park Cemetery. GUNTLET In this city. April 16. Christian - Guiitley, age 72 years. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon sts., at 2 P. M. today (Thursday), April 18. Interment Multnomah. Cemetery. MRAE The funeral services of the late Donald McRae will be held at the family residence. 246 East ttth st. North, at 10 A. M. today (Thursday). Frlenda Invited. interment Rlverview cemetery. FLOWERS, flarsa designs. Nob Hill Flan 1st. lgo sd and Gllaan. Mala Mi, A 14, MOm ENTS Otto Schumann Martois Works. East 3d and Pine Sts. East 741. Mi. EDWARD HOLM AN. the leading fa neral director and undertaker. xSv Xaud at, cor. baJroon. Lady assistant. Donning; alcEntee, Funeral Directors. 1th and tine. Phone Main 430. Lady al tendant. Office of County Coroner. ' A. B- ZELLEB CO.. SUg-4 Williams are. Pbone East 1UM. C 108. Lady atlepaaai. J. P. nXLEg SON, td and Mail la an. tndy atteadant. pbone Mala . A W. KABT BIDE Funeral Directors, sort.ss.rs tof.ll. Donning. Inc. K. . B Xot. LEBCU. Undertaker, oor. East Alder aad flxlh. East 7S1. B 18. Lady attasMlaaa. btLEWLli COMPANY, gd and Clay. I1U. A Xgl. Lady attetidaat - THE CEMETERY : Beautiful ML Scott Park " LARGE, PERMANEJIT, 7 HUDEHK. PORT. Z LAND'S ONLY MODERN Z CEMETERY WITH s PERPETUAL CARbl of all burial plots without extra charge. Provided with a perma- nent irreducible M a 1 n t n a n o o Fund. Location Ideal; just out- aide the city limits on north and west slopes of Mount Scott. " contalnlnK iti a c r a, equipped " with every modern convenience. " PRICES TO SUIT ALL. SERVICE .THE BEST. ONE MILE SOUTH OF LENTS. REGULAR AUTOMOBILE SERV. ice FREE BETWEEN T LENTS AND TUB CEMETERY. tl II CTTY OFFICE, "20-921 YEON BUILDING. MAIN 225, A 70. CEMETERY OFFICE, TABOK Z 14S8- HOME PHONE RING B T lll' THEN CALX. LOCAL 4201. Z OREGON HUMNE SOCIETY Office. City Hall. Main BM. A. 7M. Humane officer. Sergeant E. I Crate. Residence. 4 B. 14th N., East 41J. Horse ambulance, corner c (th snd Taylor. Vetarlnary In charge. Marshall 00. Ani mals Rescue Home. North rup Acres. Thomas A. Short. Supt.. A 5S47. 8 rings. SEW TODAY. For Sale- 8-room modern residence. No. 193 N. 22d, between Johnson and Kearney. LOT 50x100 FEET. PRICE $12,500. $4500 cash, balance 6 per cent. PARRISH, WATKINS & CO., No. 250 Alder St. GO LOOK Not until then will you know the true worth of our free rent offer to you. What Is better economy than to save your rent? .You can live better, dress better, still save money and soon own your own home In Oregory Heights. Gregory Heights Is a .10 mlnute ride on the Rose City Park carllne. not sparsely settled, but built up with many homes, occupied by their owners. The fol lowing offer. No Rent to Pay No House to Boy helped many of them to their own homes. Why not you? Coma out any dsy. or. If more conven ient, come Sunday. Take Rose City Park car to oregory Heights office. Seventy (72) second street. Gregory Investment Co., Owners 41S Corbelt Bldg.. 7Id and Sandy Road. L THE CREAM OP THE EAST SIDE residence- section. Street all paved: sewer, water, gas mains all in. Graded building restrictions. tJood car service. Prices From J 1000 to $3000 per lot. Get particulars. Phone Main 1503. Main 4020 or A 1515. Be sure to ask for Mr. Urdahl. B33 Corbeft Rldsr. Mortgage Loans 50,000 and Orer CENTRAL BUSIXESS PROPERTY. LOWEST CURRENT RATES. WE M ACM ASTER 701 Corbett Bids;. Four Houses For Sale goOO 15th "and Kearney St. JOHN" I.. KAHXOPP, Ky. Kxch. Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN f- Qi WM. C. BOUCHERS Qf O JQ 207 Oregonian Bldg. JQ MORTGAGE LOANS Residence Property CC EVERETT&SIMQNDS nol J IO Incorporated. 8 V 1 BOARD OB TBAPB BlPlilO, MORTGAGE LOANS CCT JOHN E. CROHAiN, 7 SJLiQ. loa fualdlaa; Bld. -A a"i aj-yrjfc-w elated. AURELHURST f NEW TODAY I xvc.-m . . ... I l Nob Hill 100x100 Corner 22nd and Marshall Sts. Excellent apartment-house site. Im proved with 4 modern houses, which will net 8 per cent. Appraised value $25,000 $12,500 cash, balance erms at G per cent. - Frank L. Waller 917 Board of Trade. Main 9416. Member Portland Realty Board. QUARTER BLOCK IRVINGTON PARK ADJACENT 3 CORNERS. IMPROVED WITH $12,000 AND $18,000 HOMES. HARD-SURFACE STREETS. . ONE BLOCK OF CARS. PRICE ONLY $6500, TERMS. Call for C. Or. Reagan. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST COMPANY, 332-338 Chamber of Commerce Two Houses for Sale Northeast Corner Morrison and 13th St. Brick Building to Bo Erected. These houses are well built. Can be moved to new location. Offers for Houses Now Received. El 3 Yeon Bldgr. Phone Main 1002. MONEY TO LOAN CITY MORTGAGES. FARM MORTGAGES tTVSST HATES -i'liltllS TO SOT A. H. BIRRELL CO., S0 ll'KAY BUH.DI.Ma. Third ... Stark. ARv'TDAPT PfTfla'C nl' complete set ADOlnAul DUUrVO for Lewis County, Wash., for sale or trade. 503 Yeon bldg. SEAL ESTATE DEALERS. BRDBAKER BENEDICT. 80S McKay bid. M. B49. Beck. William a.. 818-816 Falling bldg. Chapln At Herlow. 832 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. S. Co.. 508 Corbett bldg. Jennings t Co. Main 188. 208 Oregontaa. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 40-40S-40t Wilcox bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ava at Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition). REAL. ESTATE. For Sale Iota llIS $90 CASH. Lot 60xll2i4, on the west slope of Council Crest; magnificent unobstructed view of the valley; street graded, city water, all paid; beautiful small fir, dog wood and maple trees: built up all round It and you don't have to pioneer: lot Js practically level and retaining walls will never be required. K "'. Oregonian. CORNER WEST AVENUE AND LINCOLN. 100x114. rnicE f.'soo. terms. Call for C. G. Reagan. CHAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE as TRUST CO.. 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. - HAWTHORNE AVENUE. An unrestricted corner where the street curves, near XOth. Has a frontage on Hawthorne ave. or 100 feet to the south and 35 feet to the west: Is 115 feet deep. A fine location for grocer, druggist and other business. Price 810.000. third rash. STRONG & CO.. (Inc.), 605 Concord Bldg. Authorized agents for Ladd s Addition. 90x100 CORNER 31ST AND TIBBETTS, WAVERLT HEIGHTS. PRICE 8000. 2oO DOWN". BALANCE $15 PER MONTH. Call for C. G. Reagan. CHAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE & 332-33S Chamber of Commerce. CORNER. NO RESTRICTIONS; block to Sandy blvd. and car: adjoins restricted district: aVi lots: water In; price $13.i, $J0O down. $15 mo., 6 per cent or other terms. See J as. C. Logan, 81o Spalding bldg. $10 DOWN $10 PER MONTH. Flno view lot, matured fruit tree, re stricted district, near car. cement waih and curb. Bull Run water. Provldaai "Sat Company. 201. 202, 208 Board at Trade. Marshall 4T3. A 1022. FOR SALE cheap by non-rcsldcnt Lot 11. block 20, Lincoln Park Addition; lot 4, .,anoa inr Chicago property. T. J. Summit AQaillUll. ruil.i"iu, -O'Malley, 41-'3 North Asliland ave. cago. Chl- LOOK THIS UP. Sightly Laurelhurat lot. One Block from Glisan st. and car. Price $1200. lerml arranged. . BURLINGAME ALLISON. Msln 1503. A 1515. AN INTERESTING BUT. 75x100. southeast corner 4bth and Di vision streets, must be sold quick and the price will get action on this. Priced to sell at $1500. half cash. JACOB HAAS, 408 Teon Bldg; EXCELLENT view lot on Central Ea Side, with Improvements all In and paid for; will build residence after your plans on easy terms; car 1 block from property. AD 9S4, Oregonian. BUILDERS. ATTENTION. We can sell the best lots In the Haw thorne district for 10 per cent down and take second mortgage for balance. Tabor 2942. SACRIFICE SALE. Lot SOxlOo: has small plastered house; price 550; terms. Take Mt. Scott car, get off at Gray's crossing; S-cent fare. Inquire at Howe'e store for Beard. ALBERTA Desirable lots: extraordinary values for lmmediste sale. $.V0, $50, $50; terms: builders' opportunity. Owner. 1179 Ivon st. PORTLAND -HEIGHTS LEVEL SITE I. lone in, .uiiauia j - Marshall 4S2T. BROOKE, A 3S39. Dandv view lot. One of the first lots selected: worth $2200; will sell for $1850; easy terms. Address l to.'. u"8""" FOR SALE Lots and 10, block 10. Fox chase T Add.: 1st 1 and 2. block 2. Colum bia Heights': lot S. Mock 8. Center Add.; te?mV. Add ress P. O. Box J. Oregon City. " $53 DOWN. $10 A MONTH. Full BOxloO foot lot, all In fruit and In a restricted district. Call East 521T after o r. si. "IRVINGTON LOT. On E 18th. bet. Knott and Stanton; faces east: $230 cash, bal. $20 monthly; price rignt. "'"lEW lot South Portland, hard surface ' street, close to car; $500 cash handles. Tabor 1942- . "" APARTMENT SITE. Full lot on West Park St.. cheap and desirable. Main 1955. FINE building lots on Broadway, 2 blocks from Rose City cars, for sale.- Inquire 10S4 Broadway. Phone C 2140. lot $300; $5 monthly; $30 cash; no re strlctlons: near I, car. Johnson It Dod son. 820-822 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE 50x100 cheap, 31st and E. Couch sts. Phone East 28S2. A SNAP bv owner Lot 50x100, on Vernon ave.. $0J0. Berner. Main 8142. EAST Mt. Tabor lots $123 and up. $1 down and $1 a week. R. W. Wood. 267 Couch st. LAURELHURST equity In 4 view lots. Main sos. FINE view lots in George Plsce. So,. Mr. Harris, 1002 Wilcox bldg. Marshall 264. For Sale PORTLAND HEIGHTS CORNER. $600 TERMS. Perfectly level lot 50x100. with good view of the Tualatin Valley: macadam ised street on the long side: Bull Run water, all improvements paid; three blocks of Portland Heights carllne; this Is an ideal place for a home and worth $1000; takes quick action. L 955, Ore gonian. SITE FOR APARTMENT-HOUSE OR HOTEL OR STORES. Prominent corner on West Side; close In; price $20,000. Immediate posse&slon 12121.) HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Real Estate Department. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HOLLADAY ADD. HALF BLOCK.. 100x200 feet on E. 22d st., between Wasco and Multnomah, paved streets. Ill one of the best residential districts of the cits-, near the new E. 21st st. bridge. Price $9500, terms. II. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main SIS99; A 2S.V5. BEAUTIFUL, view lot ou southern, slope, near Council Crest, $650 and up, lncludlna cemcDt sidewalks, curbs, sraded streets and water; building restrictions; sold oa easy terms. Provident Trust Company. Sul, 202, 2U3 Board of Trada. Marshall 7t. A 1022. EAST IRVINGTON. Restricted residence sites, frontine on Hancock. Kast iSth and Tillamook sts., sightly, hard-surface pavement: prices from 1100 up. This property will appeal to you on sight. II. P. PAI.MER-JONES CO., 404 Wllco Bids. rhonea Main t-S'.'O; A 2653. 2 ACRES tS.00. Situated on ridge, above CVillamette HclBhte, unexcelled view, ample water from perpetual spring;, on county road. Prlre f.tr immediate sale. $301)0. t H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bide. Phones Main Stiflt); A ZGoS. IVi ACRES W00. Near Powell Valley Koad and E. iTtn St., level, street on two sides. Rull Rim water, surrounded by houses. Price 2;00. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bids. Thones Main 800U; A -H". " PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Level homesite of 8 lots with splendid view being; the only remaining available site In neighborhood of fine homes, each standing In largo grounds. Owner must sell. Make offer. Marshall 4S27. BROOKE. A 3S39. BROADWAY LOT. 50x100 feet, on Broadway, near 31st St.. faces north on paved street. Price for Immediate sale $1000 cash. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main SO'.'W: A 2653. 100x100 ROSE CITY PARK, beautiful loca tion. S2S00. terms. 50x100, Wellington Addition, a bargain. $750, easy terms. HIGG1NS BOYER. 506 Northwest Bldg. Main 44"0. Beach Property. HAVE a splendid lot in best section of Oregon; finest beach, close to surf and fresh-water lakes; finest of fishing, bath ing, boating, etc.; free use of new board floor tent, fully equipped; will sell for only $15 down, $5 monthly. P 96, Ors- gonlan. For Bale Houses $250 CASH. TOD CAN SAVE $500 ON BUNGALOW. To make a quick sale, we offer a $3100 bungalow for $i.tO. It has five nice rooms, bath, fireplace, fine lighting fixtures, shades, full cemented basement with laun dry tubs, located south of Hawthorne ave.: I250 cash down, balance $25 monthly and 7 per cent Interest. This is an unusually good offer. A. E. Poulsen, 418 Railway Mcnang. piug. Fine home, 7 rooms, lot 50x100. parking 10 feet, all paid. lawn, cement block chim ney and fireplace, roof green, house white, elegant hardwood floor, 7-foot buffet, bev. eled plate glass door. 4 French mirrors, large work pantry and sink, fine base ment, furnace, large rooms, sleeping porch, 2 carllnes. 14 minutes to business; terms. Phone owner. Main 4144. for particulars. 8-room modern house on comer -4th. and Brazee sts.: white enamel woodwork, every convenience, garage; lot 53x100 feet. Price including street improvements, $9000. terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., Phones Main 8699; A 2653. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. ' 8-room modern house on Thurman St.; 5 bedrooms, furnace, fireplace, laundry trays, cement basement: large attic. High and sightly. Street improvements all paid. Price $7500. terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phsnes Main X699: A 2653. NEW LAURELHURST HOME. 6 rooms and breakfast-room, finished beautifully throughout; strictly modern, built-in buffet and bookcases, fireplace and furnace, hardwood floors, north front; one block off carllne, full lot; price $4800, terms $500 cash and $40 per month. In terest included. Phone Main 1 503 or A 1515. Ask for Mr. Urdahl, Call 622 Cor- bett bldg. p THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD P.ESlDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE IF WE BUILD. OUIt REPUTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US. L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC.. CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS. 324 A31S6TON BLD. COLONIAL IRVINGTON HOME. 12 rooms, modern In every respect; llv-Ing-room. music-room and hall finished In quarter-sawed oak, dining-room In ma hogany, bedrooms white enamel, hot water heat, garage, etc. 11. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main 8600: A 26.'..-!. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. Beautiful new 9-room residence, fire place, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, cut glass fixtures, leaded windows, beau tiful woodwork and cornices; built for home, every possible modern convenience; 2 ii level lots. 150 ft. from car. marvelous view which can never be obstructed. Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A 3S39. COTTAGE $2000. 4-room modern cottage on lot 47x10(1 feet, within 1 Mock of WW carline. Howe station, in first-class shape and ready for occupancy. Price -'000 on easy terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main 8609; A 2653. OWNER sacrificing beautiful country home on Willamette litver, 4 minutes on Ore gon City Electric. 8 rooms, new. modern, electric lights, running water, about ons acre terms; would consider trade. UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON. 2S6 Oak st. $200 CASH $.15 MONTH. Pavment includes interest; beautiful T room' bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchon, large porch: commanding view: restricted district; beautiful sur roundings. Must sell. Write owner, AB 075. Oregonian. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, strictly modern: beamed ceil ings, high panels, well finished, built-in buffet, 2 fireplaces, furnace, elegant fix tures; price $5800. terms. Phone Main 15n3 or A 1515. Be sure to ask for Mr. Urdahl. 522 Corbett bldg. SACRIFICE Beautiful Richmond bunga low; select neighborhood: paved street; pressing obligation compels sacrifice: re sponsible party Investigate Immediately; nothing reasonable refused; occupied. Owner. 1179 Ivon St. : $2850. $200 cash and $25 per month, which In cludes interest, buys this elegant bungalow close to Hawthorne and 41st st. Morrln & Mair. 43d and Hawthorne ave. IRVINGTON HOME. New modern 7 rooms, well built: choicest location; bargain. Own.r, Phone East 3532. . A MODERN bungalow, 5 rooms, cemenl basement, shades and fixtures, small pay--nent down, easy terms on balance; must J, sold at once. Woodlawn 3229. IRVINGTON residence for sale Most desir able location. complete In all details: terms. For particulars phone C 2384. 12600 BUNGALOW, $2100; Improvements paid- terms. 351 Marguerite, near Haw thorne. Woodlawn 2714. FOR SALE Tbe prettiest bungalow In Ros City Park, $4500: $500 cash; leaving the city and must sell at once. Tel. East 2964. rlNE modern home, full lot, facing south; East Couch and 21st sts.; flowers; $6200, Km yeon bldg. Main 112. A 7458. REASONABLE, 8-room house. 13 bearing fruit trees, near store, car and school. 928 South Jersey t. St. Johns car. BUNNYSIDE, $2500; 6-room cottage; fire place; $20 per month; East Morrison, near 80th. 82S Yeon bldg. Main 112. A 7458. J. E. HALL, 80S Ablngton bldg., sells new bungalows, rental payment. $220. 7-RM. modern bungalow; $600 dead loss. 1135 E. 23d N. Woodlawn 2714. " FOR FINB HOMES. 6ea Delabunu ipnii 6-ROOM bungalow: 3Sth, near Haw thorne; $100 down. Phone A 7316.