' jut: mousing okegoxtan, Thursday, atril i, 1913. 13 Manicuring and HairdreSsing rariors, r ioor-z-inwrc r l ammg .... u WEE ACTORS TRAIN Miss Zillah Bowen Drills Cam pus Mouser Kidlets. CHORUS CATCHY FEATURE rrult and Flower Mission Offer Tick for fcal t I-dins; Hotel Coupon Holders to Omt F1rt Cholor. I'nrtffr the personal direction "f Mtsa Zlllail Bowen. of Seattle, the ten "Kid lets," younsest of the mfmbfri In the cam of the "Campus Mouser." arc rehearsing- t-aII!v upon their dancing and chorua -stunt." whlrh i to ho one of tlie catchy feature In the first art. Bowen le.l the Klrtlef spe cialty when the play P'u on hy the youn people of society in Seattle a short time aco. Tha chorus of Kldtets appears with Cornelia Cook Dorothy lav!d.on in tne cat as soloist In a parody eonc. "Oh. What the I'm"' The words of the son were written by Leone Cass Haer. Wearlna real "kill costumes." aunbonnets and fln;ham aprons, and carrying tin pal-... the ten KMIete pre sent a lively feature of novelty danc-Ina- Tha first rehearsal of the Kidlets In conjunction witn tie cl was he: I last msrht at the Hnns-alow Theater, and from this time until te nr)-nin presentation of ih play April .".0. trey will renearse steadily with the cast. Other specialties rapidly are roundlnir out In private rehearsals and soon will feature In the regular cast rehearsals. A new Terslan specialty haa been prepared by MarJ.-rle Ilousman and James Alexander, who are remembered for their successful appearance In the Klrmeas. "Come Alonir. Ma Cherle." will be suns; In connection wltlt the dancing specialty. Members of tLe Kldlet chores are: Klliabeth Peaco.k. Antoinette Mears. Allca Tucker. Louise Causwell. Lavilla Younr. Alice Smltlu Ruth Fraley. Bar harm Tracer. Urace Rosslter. Katharine Twomey; rhaperones: Mrs. J. A. fcherard and Mrs. I- (. Mears. Ials of the tickets are held this week by representatives of the Fruit and Flower Mission, under whose aus pices the play Is to be Klven. Through out U-e week they will ba on sale In the lobby of the Multnomah Hotel. Pur chasers of tickets In advance will ba srtven advantage In selection of seats for tha two performances. April " 30 and May 1. Holders of tha advance coupon will have an opportunltv to aelect their seats from 1 to 1 o'clock on Monday and Tuesday. April 29 and 5. - Mies Orace Cerrlsh. author and di rector of the play. Is holdlna- nlKhtlj rehearsals of cast and various specialty features at the Bungalow Theater. Spe cial rehearsals for the different fea tures are also held Independently In different halls In the city. land and now a San Francisco broker. is at the rortland. Arthur McCreery. a Hood Rlrer or chardist. U at the Portland. Horace D. Thine, a canneryman of MiOowan, la at the Portland. EL I Youmans. a lumberman of Stevenson. Is at the Carlton, Frank Masbburn. a Orants Tass mer chant. Is at the Multnomah. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Scott of Tacoma, are registered at the Carlton. G. Mackintosh, a wool dealer oT San Francisco, is at the Multnomah. Georpe Drombucher. a theater owner of Butte. Is registered at the Oregon. Mrs. Le Roy Armstrong, of Hood r.iver. Is registered at the Imperial. W. H. Keonyer. a Deputy Sheriff from Cliehalis. Is registered at the Perkins. S. V. Abrams. a mule breeder of Missouri, ireeristered at tha Carlton. J. W.' Huncitt, a prominent business man of Spokane, is at .the Multnomah. W. T. Stoll. an attorney of Spokane. TOO MUCH LAW SAYS JUDGE F. A. MrBrlde Trlla Ad men Too Many Change Are Made. Members of the Tortland Ad Club yasterdav slsnaily honored their presi dent. A. O. Clark, by electing him unan imously as their official representa tive to the National convention of ad men in Dalla. Texas, next Summer. The peaker who nominated him. referred to him as "one man who la largely re sponsible for every step In advance ment that the club has made In the year." Judre E. A. M.Rrl.le. fllllns; the place of Frank A. Moore, who was to have spoken on 'Our Supreme Court," de clared that the Supreme Court Is stead. Ily striving to work closely along lines of "common horse sense." and would progress more rapidly If It were not for the uncertainty that Is continually belns; brouaht about by changes and revisions of the laws. "The worst trouble with this state now ts too much law." ha said. "It lends to confusion and uncertainty, and makes It Impossible for tha ordinary man to know deflnlrely Just where he does stand. If you know what tha law Is. even If It be unsatisfactory In some respects, you can art alons; better un der It than If you never know from one year to another Just how It stands." Ben W. Olcott. Secretary of State, out lined th new bill which has been pre pared alone the lines of the Kansas "blue aky law." for the purpose of pro tecting rltlxens of the slate against corporations promoting faka enter prises. Ouy C. If. Corllaa spoke on "The Trua Relation Between I-awyer and Business." Chairman for tha day was K. II. Whitfield. FIRM INCREASES STOCK Llpman. Wolfe A Co. 'ovr Capital UeU for 43.000,000. Llpman. Wolfe ac Company has been reorganised with capitalisation of I.VOuO.ttvO. of which Il.tKio.ooO la in pre ferred sto g and 11.000.000 In common stock. Tha original capitalisation mas $300,000. Tha reorganisation was effected to l.repare f'r the company's extensive business plans when the new depart ment store structure at Fifth. Wash ington and Alder streets Is completed and ready for occupancy. It is ex lected that tha hulMlna; will be com pleted at least 30 days ahead of time and that the company a ill begin to Install it new stock br June 13. Adolphe Wolfe, one of the members of the company, said last night that no l arge had been made In t.-ie personnel of the ofricers and stockholders. The articles of reorganisation were filed in Salem yesterday. PERSONAL MENTION. Nathan P. Mears. of Pasadena. Is at the Bowers. J. O. Story, a Tacoma timberman. Is at the Oregon. John J. Ives, a Salem bond broker. Is at the Bowers. Fred A. Wilson, or The Dalles. Is at the Cornelius. A. W. Clark, a Med ford contractor, la at the Imperial. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Johnson, of Dufur, are at the Cornelius. Arthur Clark, a Corvallls banker. Is registered at the Oregon. Thomas MeCormlck. a merchant of Madras. Is at the Perkins. C T. Currelly. an architect of To ronto, Is at the Portland. Captain F. L. Herrlmsn. of Seattle, Is registered at the Bowers. M. J. Anderson, of Grants Pass. 4s registered at the Cornelius. Otto Irving Wise, formerly of Port- e i 1 I j i ." ie . I i M I v .. Photo by McAlpln. Is Kllsaheili rmwk, leaser of the -Kltllet 9eelalt'" la The esBpaa Moaarr. i J ! f i it ! Is at the Multnomah, accompanied by airs. StolL Max Goldsmith, a commission broker of San Francisco. Is registered at the Multnomah. Patrick Bruin. ex-Portland Captain of Police, but now of The Dalles, la at the Perkins. E. J. Brannick has returned from passing the Winter In Southern Call f or at , and Is at the Oregon. A. II. Sperry. assistant general freight agent of the Spokane International Hallway. Is at the Multnomah. W. W. Hrlgg. Pacific Coast represen tative tr the Westenhouse Company, is at the Multnomah from San Francisco. CHICAGO. April 17. (Special.) C. P. Wise, of Portland. Or, Is registered at the Auditorium Hotel. BABY HOME BOARD MEETS Director Klert Officers at Meeting In Y. M- C. A. A meeting of the board of directors of the Baby Home took place Monday at the Y. M. C, A. to elect officers for the present year. All officers were re elected, with the exception of Mri. Lydell Baker, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Dnvld T. Honeyman. vice president, both of whom have served two year. Mrs. Frank H. Ransom was chosen to succeed Mrs. Baker as corresponding secretary, while Mrs. 1. N. Fleischner was selected for the post Of vice-president, other officers who will remain In charge of sfTalrs for another year are Mr. D. C. Burns, president; F. S. Akin, secretary, and A. L, Kecnan. treasurer. In addition to the officers mentioned, the other members of the board are as follows: Mrs. Hlllott Habersham. Mrs. Fred Johnston. Mrs. John Stewart, Mrs. David T. Honeyman. Mrs. J. Krneat Laidlaw. Mrs. Lydell Baker, L, V Kern. Charles H. I'odd, Klllott R, Corbett and David T. Honeyman. SAM SLOAN STANDS ALONE Every resource of the manufac'urer has been extended to create the "Sam Slian-' 5c cigar. Klcctlon of Senator by rote of peo ple. oh. S. Shepherd, for Congress, (Paid Advl.V BIGGEST SIGN EVER MADE Four Hundred-Foot Banner. Adver tising Candidacy of Oorge S. Shepherd for Congress Will Be in Fsxade Tonight. Imagine one continuous banner four hundred feet long ttwo eolld blocks snd ten fee high: and some Idea of i the gigantic proportions of tha huge banner advocating the candidacy of George S. Shepherd for Congress can be pained. It 1 the largest banner ever made, requiring nearly -one hundred men to handle It. It will be shown onre mors on the downtown streets this evening; and will follow the band In the Shep herd Parade tonight. It Is a novel sight worth seeing. I Paid Adv.) SKIN TROUBLES DRIVEN AWAY. BY POSLAM No matter what form your skin af fection may take. Poslam will eradicate It more rapidly and more effectually i than anything at devised. poslam haa simplified the treatment of skin diseases. Nothing exists which can equal It In Intense, active healing- pow er and certainty of rrsults. Poslam Is Invaluable. In hospital and household. Invaluable to you If affected with ecaema I wet or dry), acne, herpes, rash. Itch, pimples, scaly acalp. Itching feet, or any like disorder. The terrible Itching whlrh causes sleepless nights of aggravation Is stopped at the very outset. The Owl Drug Co. and all druggist soil Poslam !0 centsi and POSLAM H' A p. the beautifying skin soap t:S enl. For free samp!" of Poslam, write to the Kmerie-ci' y Lahotatortes, 5i West ! ioUi SirvvU -New Vork Clio. j IOSds, Wor tm.aii p Eia n Occupying Entire City BlocK-Bounded by Morrhon, Alder. Tenth and ParK Strts n j, TT a. f We've Waited So Patiently Since Our NewYork Office S& JwSlSU a Wired Us About the Purchase-Now They're Here O o 200 Suits SVo S52.50 for-$35. AnLOtHer ILot u?td $45 for $25.00 VLits Worth Up to $38.50 for $18.50 In the women's garment store, 2d floor, southwest Three great specials in Women's Suits await your choosing tomorrow. A very special purchase made by our Miss Bernard, who is now in the marhet caring' for your needs. Her teleg'ram said "it's the best buy T U,r TVipkp wits fuller corroborate her statement. Don't fail to see them. First choosers g'et the plums. Sale begins at 8 A. M. Lot 1 $35.00 Discriminating women will find asy choosing in this lot, for no matter how particular one might be, there will be a 6uit to please. The materials are two-toned etamincs, serges in navy, black, tan and gray, whipcords in diagonals, in the popular wanted shade. The Coats are all the new cut-a-Vvay styles, with one, two or three buttons, with lace collars and cuffs, or ratine, 6triped satin and plain materials. Some have long revers silk lined. Skirts have high waist lines with tunic effect. Paneled back and front. CQC firl High-class values to $52.50 for onl Lot 2 $25.00 Don't miss seeing this lot of Suits, no matter how much it might inconvenience you. Let your morn ing work go and hurry to the store. You will not be disappointed. The materials employed in this lot art Diagonal 6uitings in Rose, lavender and light gray, reseda striped novelties, cheviots and whipcords, and .navy blue or black serges. Plain tailored effects with fancy collars and cuffs and long revers. Tunic effect skirts with panel front and bark: some have small plaits; some norfolks in the lot. Good values to $45.00 OC flft Women's Waists $2.95 Dainty Lingerie and the Popular Marquisettes All Sizes New arrivals in Women's Waists, made of sheer quality batiste, styled with hiph or Dutch necks and short sleeves and trimmed with Valenciennes lace, fancy embroidery and cluny lace and eyelet embroidery with laee insertion. Marquisettes in the Dutch effects; some have peplums. All are pleasingly Q trimmed; 6izes 34 to 44; a most attractive offer at dsWatO each. Special for this sale at only XT --mT A itfai f 1 a St C j WW . w Large Size Cot 3 $18.50 In Portland's largest and host suit stove. A sale of suits which we secured only through the shrewdness of our experienced buyer, who made an offer for a large quantity and agreed to use up all the cloths which the manufacturer had -on hand. The lot comprises light gray suitings, tan suitings, black and white checks, gray and tan diagonals, Copenhagen serges and white serge suits. All fashioned according to the latest vogue, medium length coats, medium width Q E.O skirts. Popular styles; to $38.50 for ? 1 0J v Waists $2.50-$3.50 New arrivals in large-size Lin gerie Waists, of good quality batiste, with high or Dutch neck and short sleeves and neatly trim med in laces and inser- tD tions; $2.50, $2.95 and PJ.Jl $5 Petticoats at $3-49 In RicH, Soft Messalmes and Lustrous Finish Taffetas An unusual offering of Women's Silk Petticoats, made up of ?ood quality taffeta and messalinc silks, fancy flowered effect and every wanted plain shade, including black. They are cut rather narrow to comply with the late dictates of fashion. They have wide or narrow plaited flounces with pin tucks and stitched band trimmings. With or without under- $J0 A Q flounces; sell regularly at $5.00; this sale at only O.Trl Of Interest to All Mothers In the infants' store, second floor, we spe cialize the cutest little knit Bootees 0 7. you ever saw. Choose them at only INFANTS' SACQUES, 89c Splendid grades, well made. All good colors. BUOQY EOBES, ONE-HALT PRICE. InfanU' store, second floor. A sale of slightly soiled pique Buggy Robes, ambroidery trimmed attractive and pleasing fo Pf ipsa patterns all are special at ' lvG BABY BLANKETS, 35c, See them.. 00 the 6oond floor. Infants' Dpt Women's $22.50 Suits at $10.93 Women's $15.00 Suits at $9.98 In the Basement "Underpriee Store," a phenomenal offering of women's Suits, bought way underpriee especially for the Basement. Don't fail to see them. Fitting "Hard-to-Fits" Our Specialty Little Misses' and Junior Suits $18.50 to $32.50 Distinct junior effects in Suits. Not the ordinary styles seen "there" and "every where," but high-class Suits shown only at this fashion shop. Box fronts, with loose, semi-fitted backs and Norfolk Jacket Suits with plain skirts. Other dressier types Have touches of lace, white or colored corded silks or terry cloths to intensify their effectiveness. Skirta are varied in style with side-front and side-back effects. Soft toned gray and tan mixtures, invisible stripes and shepherd Checks. Plain delft, pea cock and navy blue serges are mnch admired and are selling fast. . Bring the daugu ter "so hard to fit," and we will fit hr most becomingly. The sizes ffOO EL( run from 13 to 20. Specially priced for this selling at from $18.50 toP'" v Larg'e Suits for Stout Women We have made a special effort this season to secure good lines of stout Suits. These were made by firms that make a specialty of "Hard to Fits!" They are fashioned be comingly to large women. The materials are good dependable serges, whip-cords, diago nals and invisible stripes in the staple shades of tan, gray, black and JM 00 white, etc. Sizes 39 to 49 bust measure. The prices range from $20.00 to W Groceries Sugar $5. 9 O Sack Cane StocK Full Weight LOO CABIN SYRUP, 35c. Guaranteed pure. Put up in one-quart cans. DRY WHOLE MILK. Will not spoil. Easy to prepare. One A e pound is equal to 5 lbs. milk. 25c and""' '75c BOTTLE PEANUT OIL 50c. Delft Peanut Oil. Guaranteed absolutely pure. NUTS, 2 POUNDS FOR 35c Brazil, Pecans and Filbert Nuts. Order early. ENGLISH WALNUTS, LB., 16c Large size. Full of rich meat. Order early. FIGS, 2 POUNDS FOR 35c Imported Smyrna. Extra choice, clean figs. PRESIDENT BISCUITS, 2 PKGS. 35c McVitie and Price's. Imported stock. Try them. CANNED PEACHES, 3 FOR 50c On Basement Circle SilK Finished Foulards 15c (fa IN THE r at root or J On the basement "Bargain Circle" ' today only. A sale of new Cotton Foulards. A rich silk-finished material, 27 inches wide, in a pleasing assortment of choice patterns, such as snots, stripes and small floral designs, beauti ful rich rolorintrs in Copenhagen and white, navy blue and white, brown and white, black and white. 35 pieces shown for the first time 1 C, -today. Priced very special for this selling at only, the yard V It's Refrigerator Time See Our Refrigerators "Automatic" Refrigerators, special for this sale at $18.60 to S54.60 "Illinois" Refrigerators, special for this sale at $12.60 to $21.60 "Illinois" Ice Chests, special this sale at only $8.60 to $15.00 i3c-Day in 25c Garden Hat for 15c Fine, light weight Garden Hats, made of peanut straw; soft, tight and durable. Assorted sizes. 1 C Regularly 25c special at AsJt. Sun Bonnets for only 15c Children's Sunbonnets, made of fine quality gingham, in plain blue Or pink or pink and white and blue and white checks; nicely 1 made. Special only each 35c Ribbon, the yard, 15c A sale of 100 pieces fine pure silk Ribbon, 5 and 6-inch, in plain and moire, excellent qualities for mi linery and fancy work? etc. Regu lar 25e and 35c qualities; a great variety of colors. Special 1 at. your choice, the yard AJ asement ore 25c Suspenders, only 15c A Sale of men's Snspenders, fine elastic webbing, strong leatner ends and fancy buckles. Our regular 25c values. On sale at the 1 C. very special low price, pair J Flouncing, the yard, 15c A sale of fine Swiss embroidery Flouncing, 18 inches wide, with deep embroidery, fine 6wiss muslin, in a great variety of new, 1 dainty patterns. The yard 20c, 25c White Goods 15c White Goods; dimity and madras, in a great variety of patterns, a choice material for waists, dresses, children's wear, etc.; regu- C Iar 20c and 2oc grades at AJi White Aprons only 15c Women's Aprons, made full and long, of nice fine lawn. 1 C Extra wide; special at only Ui Rush Shop'ng BasKets 15c A sale of rush shopping Baskets, good, large size, light and durable; have strong handles. Reg- J C ularlv 25c. Special at only Stationery, the box, 15c A sale of box Stationer', 24 en velopes and 4 quires of good paper; in a neat box. Special for 1 this sale at onlv, the box AsJi HucK Towels, only 15c A sale of splendid linen Huek Tow els, good size, 18x36, with colored borders, good heavy quality 1 special at only, each -" Blue & White! Garden Tools, Lessfj Enamel Ware ale Prices High-Grade and Guaranteed 27c Lipped Kettles, 2-quart sie, at only 19 40c Lipped Kettles, 3-quart size, at only 32 55c Lipied Kettles, 5-quart size, at only 43 1.2 Double Boilers, 2-quart size, for $1.00 $1.60 Double Boilers. 3-quart size, for $1.2S 70c Covered Sauce Pots, 3-quart size, at 55 95c Covered Sauce Pots, 6-quart size, at T5J 4-"c Measures, 1-qnart size, special at 33 $1.00 Dish Pans, 14-quart size, special at 80J $1.30 Water Pails, 12-quart size, for $1.04 $1.25 Tea Kettles, No. 70, special for $1.00 $1.50 Tea Kettles, No. 80, special for $1.20 8.5c Coffee Pots, 3-quart size, special at 67J 3(c Mixing Bowls, 2-quart size, special, 24 35c Mixing Bowls, 3-qnart size, special, 27? 55c Mixing Bowls, 6-quart size, special, 43 40c Tubed Cake Pans, 3-qnart size, only 32 27e Deep Pudding Pans, 2-quart size, at 20 3.1c Milk Pans, 4-quart size, special at 27 25c Deep Pie Plates, 10-inch size, only 20 30c Jelly Cake Pans, 10-inch size, special, 24 20c Seamless Cups, 1-pint size, special, 15J 22c Basting Spoons, 16-inch size, special, 17? Vc Soup Strainers, offered special for 43 25c Tea or Coffee Strainers, special for 20 Lawn Mowers, 12-inch, $3.00 grade, this sale only S! Long Handle Shovel, 75c grade, this sale at only, ea. Garden Rake, 12-tooth, the 25o grade, on sale at only 25c Long Handle Weeding Hoe, during this sale only 10c Weeding Hooks, special 8i 25c Heavy Trowels, 25c Grass Hook, special price this sale 19d 25c Grass Shears, specially priced only 19 25c Garden Hoe, specially priced at only 19c Regular 5c Garden Trowels, special price 46 Gard enliose 33. IO Grade For $2.25 50-ft. length, complete with noz zle. Phone your order in early. $1 HOSE REELS, SPECIAL FOR THIS SALE AT 75 60o RING LAWN SPRAYS ON SPECIAL SALE AT 48 90c Bevel French Plate Mirror, white frame, Bpecial, 72 $2.00 Bevel French Plate Mirror, white frame, spc'l, $1.60 Rl nnri WKitel5 Pint Size Enamel ware 75c Tea Kettles, No. 8, each 55 13c Lipped Sauce Pans, 1-qt., e 17c Lipped Sauce Pans, 2-qt., 12 23o Lipped Sanee Pans, 4-qt., 17 60c Double Rice Boilers, lVs-qt. 47 70c Double Rice Boilers, 2-qt., 55? $1 Double Rice Boilers, 3y2t., 79 40c Straight Cov'd Pots, 4-qt., 30 60c Straight Cov'd Pots, S-qt 472 2-40 'SQW&S 59c tkml&Mi 2.7. Extra Heavy JO Ofk Wash Boiler tor A.-W i?" " '"sir II . if . : Order by Mail tSwiss Aluminum 75c Sauce Pan 50c $2.50 Carpet Sweepers for $1.95 55c Shopping Bags, special for 35? 75c Shopping Bags, special for .45 25c Sanitary Dust Cloths, only 19 1 35c Nickel Towel Bar, special at 27 UTnnA f!n SnnnnB at nnlv 12 25c Wood Salt Box, special for 19 20c Selected Rolling Pins, only 15? 55c good Parlor Brooms, at only 49 $1.25 Nickel Tea Kettles, only 95 $3.75 Galvanized Ash Cans at $3.00 $2.25 Sanitary Ash Cans, for $1.65 Laundry Needs Are Reduced 75c Galvanized Wash Tubs for 59 35c Galvanized Water Pails at 27 $4.00 Clothes Wringer, 11-in., $3.20 $1.00 Folding Clothes Racks at 79 75c Ironing Boards, 6-ft. size, at 59 65c Ironing Board, 5-foot, for 52c $1.50 Folding Ironing Boards S1.20 $1.35 Sensible Sadirons, 3 at $1,10 Swiss Aluminum Ware 60c Sauce Pans or Sauce Kettles, specialized for this sale at 48 75e Sauce Pans or Sauce Kettles, on special sale at only 60 $1.10 58uce Pans or-Sauce Kettles, offered special at only 88 $1.15 Covered Sauce Pans, Swiss aluminum, special this sale 90c $1.35 Covered Swiss Aluminum Sauce Pans, special at only 90 $1.60 Covered Swiss Aluminum Sauce Pans, special at only $1.28 95c Covered Stew Pans, with side handles, special at only 75? $1.40 Covered Stew Pans, with side handles, special only $1.12 95c Frv Pans. Swiss aluminum ware, special for this sale at 75 $1.50 Footed Colanders, Swiss aluminum ware, special at $1.20 j i