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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1912)
11 TTTE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX. THURSDAY, APRIL 18. 1912. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OKXGOXUJf TXIXMOSK. Priatief-rewns Mala TMO A eWtt Clt ( lrt.:..W Mela TOTO A J Marxmi r.dltor m toil) A fcurd.T Editor Maia TOTO A l onpcni .roaa& . uprlatA4mt baUaMas !ktia I05 A UV4 AJaXSEMEXT. TMCATRR n.inth and Taylw avil.lajn ravrhaxs and Julia Opp. la ina mutifJ comfldjr, The reus. loclgbt at .14. BAKER THEATER-(tlttnlb an4 Morrl si Faa.r ftto-k Company In Iba play. 'Tha WlicalBf Hnr." Tonight at l is. OKP1ISVM THEATER MarT1ao. batwaaa Slafaj aad Svalh Vaud.vti:. Tt aft iin at I II u tonight at .! "elen. IXfRCWI THEATER Park and Waahlns tnB Vautf.'.lila. Thla aK.raooa at J U lealght at J. aad clock. PAXTAOE0 THEATER atilh aad Ai der This artaraova at t il. taaight at 7o and 'clock. LYRIC THEATER Fourth and Stark Musical comedy. Tha InTantora." Thla aftornonp at 3M aad weight at t- aad 11 a-rinek. rEOPf.ara. STAR. ARCADE. OH JOT. T1VOUJ AND rRTSTAl. Flrst-rua P'c IMH 11 A. P. Ja. REREATI0y PARK Twany-fourth and Viuiitni BHbt;i. San Franctaro ve. Portland, thia aftaraooa at 1 'clock. "Srvrrma" Hsxaocaia Wo"t Be Lest. "It will nmrdo for the city to begin landing Ita a luffed menagerie." declared Councilman Menefee. when a request waa read before the waya and meana committee yesterday. In which tha Hotel Portland asked for the loan of tha atuffed elk. In the city inuaeum for use In Its decoration scheme during the EIks convention next Hummer. "If we start anything Ilk that." he con tinned. "It won't be many months until our municipal collection of stuffed jackrabblta. and bears and rattlesnakes will be scattered about at every home and fireside In the city. Besides, there may be a few visitors drop up to the ity Hall during the Elks convention. I move the request be denied." The committee was unanimous In Its agree ment and the municipal "stuffed me nagerie" will remain Intact. Ft ax Indcstut la Promoted. The Tortland Commercial Club has received the following telegram from E. H. Smith, expert on flax of the American Llnsed OH Company. Duluth. Minn., which may mean the beginning of a new Oregon Industry. "Further te encourage flax growing In your terri tory have decided to distribute up to 1 bushels growing flax seed free among farmera If tbey will each aow one quarter bushel on one-half acre this month according to directions ac companying each package which will rontaln 14 pounds. Will be shipped free, freight prepaid, upon application to Portland Unseed Oil Works. This ahoukt give each grower I to 1J bushels of seed he may retain unconditionally for next year." Pcftjrgv Case Verdict Sealed. William White was tried yeaterday In he L'nited States Dlatrlct Court on a charge of perjury, the Jury retiring late In the afternoon with Instructions from Judge Bean to return a sealed verdict. White bad been tried some months ago on a charge of having liquor on the Klamath Indian reserva tion and was found not guilty, practi cally on his own testimony. Later evidence developed that warranted his Indictment for perjury, based on his testimony. rrrraai-Ra UutnTBJi to 8rut. Jimci & Martin, D. D.. of Plttaburg. seneral superintendent of the World's Christian Citizenship Conference, which will convene In Portland In ltlt. will apeak In Third Presbyterian Church. Sunday morning. April SI. at the Y. M. . A., at 1 o'clock, and on the following morning at 10:30 o'clock at the Presby terian ministers' meeting and at noon at the Commercial Club. Wiujasi C Bo acrw Is a candidate for Circuit Judge of department No. t. lie Is author of the Ben bow charter for proa-reaelve city government, the city's legal repreaentatlve who won the 1400.000 suit agalnat the streetcar company. tie defended the Oregon system before the United Ktatea Hu preme Court. Don't you think he'll be an honor to the bench of Multnomah County? (Paid adv.) a DoMiTOKT Mem to Dime. Men who live in the dormitories of the Portland Young Men's Chriatlan Association will meet at dinner In the association audi torium tomorrow night at t:lS o'clock. A programme of music and other diver sions has been prepared by Social Sec retary Harris. This Is one of the regular Friday night social events of the association. , Swa!tt JonxsnN'a Flueral. JIxj-d. The funeral of Swanty Jobnaon. who died April 13 at his home, 179 Morris street. Albina. was held yeaterday from Zeller dc Co.'s chapel, S93 Williams avenue, and the Interment was made . in Klverview Cemetery. Mr. Johnson was S3 years and months old. He Is survived by widow. Mrs. Ida M. John son. Choice 8 si. son ax of Imported Spring woolens; high-grade work only; 20 per rent rebate for cash payment until further notice. J. Polivka at Co tailors. ( Corbett bldg. DoVt believe all you hear and half what you see; your chajices are In heaven If you vote for 17. J. J. Flts elmmons. For the people always. (Paid adv.) , MoeER. Gus C. Moser for State Senator, lawyer, booster, progressive; Statement No. 1. good roads, a greater Oregon, interstate bridge, economy, efficiency. No. 7 on ballot. (Tald adv.) Kathlxcx Lawucr Belcher concert. White Temple. Twelfth and Taylor sts, Tuesday. April 23. t:20 P. M. Tickets, Hilars. 7th and. Alder its.; Wiley B. .Mien s, 7th and Morrison eta; Graves Music Store. e Bcxaow Is no corporation tool: he's a people's man, a progressive Republi can; honest, fearless and faithful. Make bis majority a hummer for Circuit Judge of department No. 3. (Paid adv.) I Wiu. Bats the Taxfaters $4000 to 14000 a year by feeding th prisoners at cost to the county, profit now made by the Sheriff above the flat salary. N. H. Bird for Sheriff. (Paid adv.) Vote the way the people are think ing. Benbow will make a Circuit Judge of the McGinn type. Remember his number on the ballot Is S3. (Paid adv.) Waldemar 8etoic for Circuit Judge, department No. 4: 20 years In Portland; 1 years a practicing lawyer; four years' experience as Judge. (Paid adv.) Mcltvomah Coittt has the beet roads in the West. Vote for the man who built them. W. L. IJghtner for County Commissioner. (Paid adv.) Fred W. Prasp (Rep.) for County Clerk will establish an Information desk for the benefit of all the people. Vote X. 123. (Paid adv.) Cokrad P. Oieoi for Representative to Legislature. A substantial capable man with a clean record. (Paid adv.) Fun 8. Fmoi for tea years County Clerk is the Republican candidate for Secretary of Stale. Ballot No. 43. (Paid adv.) Vote for William Reld for Circuit Judge, department No. 4. No. St on ballot. (Paid adv.) William Rod. Republican candi date for Circuit Judge, department No. 4. No. SI on ballot. (Paid adv.) Vote No. 14. Ed Gloss, progres sive Republican candidate for Con stable. (Paid adv.) No. 142 Is Oliver M. Mickey's lucky number for Justice of the Peace. (Paid adv.) Posr'T forget to vote for Allan Joy for District Attorney. (Paid adv.) Pax a ma Caxal. "Teddy" did IL Vote for him. (Paid adv.) Vote for Honest John. Vote 111 X. (Paid adv.) e Slovee Asks Special Furd. Police Chief Mover communicated yesterday with the ways and means committee, asking that an ordinance be prepared providing for an emergency appropria tion of l-'SO monthly for bis department, for use in collecting evidence for the prosecution of those conducting un desirable resorts In the city. He stated that the Ones from arrests of this nature would amount to approximately 11200 a month, and the city would ac cordingly be amply reimbursed. Mr. Slover will be aaked to appear before the committee at Its next meeting and go Into the matter In detail. Lack of such ready funds as might be afforded by such an emergency appropriation had. he said, proved a drawback In the efforts to secure evidence necessary for the conviction of the class of lawbreak ers agalnat whom he waa preparing to direct bis efforts. Stvpxwt or Shakespeare to Speak. Father E. J. Conaty. pastor of St. Rose parish, at Rose City Park, is to preside at the first entertainment given' since the Lenten season tonight, when "An Evening With Shakespeare" will be enjoyed at St. Rose Hall, at East Fifty-fifth and Alameda. Father Conaty will make the Introductory remarks. while Judge G. C. II. Corliss. ex-Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of North Dakota, will speak on the famous character and his masterpieces. Judge Corliss Is said by Father Conaty, who heard the lecture during their early acquaintance In Dakota, to be the most Interesting student of Shakespeare he hu listened to and one who has the ability to present comprehensively the instructive features of the great author's works. WOMAJi BCRNS PAVEMNTV--MrS. C. F. Runkle. cleaning her yard yesterday afternoon, piled the rubbish gathered In the street In front of her house and set fire to It. Two large holes In the pavement mark the place where the fire smouldered. When a patrolman called upon Mrs. Runkle at her home. 1013 Pacific street, to ask for an explana tion, the woman said that she wss not aware that fire would penetrate hard surface pavement. Considerable dam age was done by Are yesterday after noon in a two-story frame dwelling at 20 East Fortieth street. The fire was started by the explosion of an air tight stove. By the time the Fire De partment had the flames under con tral. only the shell of the building re mained. Gkkmax Preacher to Spbae. Rev O. D. Hlllker. general secretary of the board of home mission of the German Reformed Church, is expected In Port land this week on his tour through the West. It is his Intention to investigate the opportunities of the Oerman Mis sion work In this city which has grown very rapidly In the past few years. He will be at the German Reformed Church of Lents. Sunday, April 21, and " not April 21, as announced. In the after noon he will also be present at the Friends Church, corner East Thirty fifth and East Main streets, where the Reformed Church also has a mission. Brothkrhood Chapter Oroaxixes. Taylor-street chapter. Methodist Broth erhood, of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Portland, was organised last night at the Taylor-Street Methodist Church, with 70 charter members. The purpose of the organisation Is to utilise the efforts of the men of the church In every phase of activity, civic, mis sionary and social. The officers elected were as follows: V. S. Hinshaw. presi dent: J. T. Andrus, vice-president; J. C. Martin, secretary: Fred Clutterham. treasurer. It was decided that the meetings of the Brotherhood shall be monthly. For Covxtt Assessor. The policy of high assessments established in 10S has not produced the low tax rale predicted for It. It Is a failure. I am opposed to excessive assessments and high taxes. Both assessments and taxea can be kept down if the Assessor will sit on the lid. I will sit on the lid. Henry K. Reed. Republican candi date. No. i:i on the official ballot. (I'aid adv.) Pvpil of St. Mary's Academy and College In series of music recitals. Per. formera vary each - night. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. April 23. 24 and 2. at :1 o'clock. Academy Hall. Fifth and Mill streeta Tickets for series of recitals may be had at St. Mary's Academy. Graves' Muslo Store and Sher man, clay Co.'s piano house. Scries, tl; single nights. So cents. Whex Too Bi t an Oriental rug here you are sure of what you are getting. Our Spring Importations now arriving are unusually rich and varied and In clude practically every weave and slxe that comes from the Orient. Our usual modest prices prevail. Cartozlan Bros., Importers. 473 Wash., bet. Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets. Ward Fuxeral Held. The funeral of the late John H. Ward, who died April 14. at his late residence, 7S1 Missouri avenue, was held yesterday afternoon from the chapel of A. R, Zeller Co. Burial was made at Mount Scott Park Cemetery. Mr. Ward was 5( years of age at the time of his death. Jewish Women to Act. The Council of Jewish Women will conduct a play, written by one of Its members, at t o'clock tonight, at Concordia Hall. The title qf the play Is "An Old-Kashioned Rehearsal." and Is an echo of the early Portland days. MirmoA ALL-atxt TO Dixe. The Uni versity of Michigan Alumni Associa tion will meet at 12:15 P. M. today for luncheon at the Oregon Grill, presi dent W. S, Foster, of Reed College. will speak on "Tlie Alms of Reed Col lege." Notice to U. or O. Stl-dests. All students wishing to return to Eugene on blanket tickets take 4:30 train from Pqrtland, Friday evening. Information. E. 1(26. E. 6. B 2607. Lckcheox, Womax's Exchange. Creamed chicken' and oysters, lambs' tongues, browned gravy: stuffed toma toes, artichokes. apple pie. prune souffle. Woman's Exchange, 18 Fifth. Cleax. able, brainy and progres sive; In harmony with the times and In sympathy with the people, vote for Benbow for Circuit Judge of depart ment No. 2. (Paid adv.) Vote No. 108 for T. J. Kreuder, the p uUr progressive Republican candi date for County Commissioner, and for a business administration and lower taxes. (Paid adv.) William C Benbow won the people's fight for the Initiative and referendum. He Is now a candidate for Circuit Judge. This Is a good time to reward him. (Paid adv.) H. C. Smith (Rep.), for County Clerk, Is not a politician, but has made good as chief deputy In the office and knows the business. Ballot No. 124. (Paid adv.) Vote No. 1 37. Dr. B. Earl Smith, Republican candidate for Coroner; in dependent of any undertaker; Indorsed by all the leading physicians. (Paid adv.) Pacific Coast People should vote for Roosevelt. He gave them the Pana ma Canal. (Paid adv.) Vote No. 149. Ed Gloss, progres sive Republican candidate for Con stable. (Paid adv.) Two One alcove rooms, with board, now available at The Virginia Hill. 25 Fourteenth street. Roosevelt Elected means a step forward: Taft means we go backward. (Paid adv.) Vote SO X, Henry J. 8chulderman, for Railroad Commissioner. (Paid adv.) "Sam Sloak" cigar, sold for S cents worth more. Vote No. 10S for T. J. Kreuder and lower taxea (Paid adv.) Vote for Allan Joy for District At torney. (Paid adv.) Dr. Hamm has returned. 313-14. Selling bldg. Vote for Honest John the Hack man. Vote US X. (Paid adv.) Skatimo today ail day. Oaks Rink. , Talkfest Lands Max in Jail. J. A Brown found himself Inside the City Jail yesterday. The object of his wrath waa a conductor on a Mount Scott car. When Brown got on the car on the Eaat Side he soon engaged himself In a gal loping gab fest with the conductor over a transfer, or the change, or the relative merits of Fouls and h.vans In tha confusion those on the car could not tell which. At any rate the language became so tropical that wo men recoiled and stopped their ears, and little boys and girls were shocked beyond description. 1 ne contusion at tracted the attention of Patrolman O'Brien, who quelled the wordy whirl wind and took Brown In tow. It cost Hrown 120 in ball money to get out and he will have to appear In court this mornlna- to explain why his con duct was not a violation of the state vagrancy law. Preacher to DlST8S TITANIC WRECK. a memorial service for those who went down In the Titanic will be held at the I'niversallst Church Broadway and East Twenty-fourth streets. Sunday morning at 10:4S. Rev. J. D. Corby will speak on "A Good God and the Lesson of the Titanic Disaster." Mr. Corby hsd an experience with Icebergs near Cape Race on his last trip abroad and had a friend on the 1 name. uir n-.-tnn tha War Nurse, and Her Serv ice to Humanity" will be the topic of Sundav evenlnK. Members oi me u. a, R. and Women's Relief Corps have been Invited and the choir has ar ranged to sing some of the old war songs. Mr. Corby was personally ac quainted with Miss Barton. The Vet erans' Quartet will be heard In several numbers for the first time in irvmS ton. Poultrt Car Attracts. More than 3000 persons In the Willamette Valley and Southern Oregon have visited the HmiDiam Pacific's noultrv car. since It started Its tour of education and dem onstration nine dsys ago. This Is an aversce of nearly 1000 a day. Poultry raising In Oregon, until a few years ago. was almost a "lost art." At Eugene yesterday about 1100 persons saw the poultry exhibit and listened to the lectures by the agricultural college in structors. The car has made 19 stops. nnii each In the following cities: Albany, Grants Pass. Medford. Central Point. Ashland. Merlin. Gold Hill. Glen dale. Myrtle Creek. Roseburg. Wilbur, Sutherlln. Oakland. Yoncalla. Cottage Grove. Drain. Cresswell and Eugene. Ep worth League r to Mect. The snnual convention of Portland District Epworth League will open tomorrow night at the Sellwood Methodist Epis copal Church with a social session, m charge of Sellwood chapter. All ar rangements have been completed for the entire session. Saturday morning at 9:30 the convention will open with A prayer service and will continue all .rf.v with business and a Junior rally. At night Dr. Benjamin Young, pastor of First Church, will deliver an aaoress on "The Value of a Boy." Sellwood Church will provide entertainment for all who wish to attend Saturday and Sunday. Pahext-Tkachers' Mketino Planned. The second Parent-Teachers' meeting of the Richmond district win oe new at the schoolhouse tomorrow afternoon at 2:4S o'clock. Principal Dinwiddle ha been helnful In establishing thin ctiv center and co-operation in the neighborhood. Mrs. C. Newton, the chairman of the playground. Is to set fnrih some nlan whereby it may be Mnhi. in have a snare for the chil dren adjacent to the achool. Mrs. W. J. Hawkins is to be the spesker of the afternoon. Mrs. Di'!iwat Recovering. A rest lesa invalid. but all things con sidered a Dhllosophlcal one. Is Mrs. Abigail Scott Dunlway. leader for more than 40 years of the agitation for woman suffrage In the Pacinc sortn wmL Mrs. Dunlway'a service dates back to the stagecoach era in this sec tion. She has been confined for two months with acute septicemia and her life much of the time was despaired of htr all exrent herself. She la now able to sit up several hours each iay, Froxen Orasoes Condemned. Ad ditional Market Inspector Singer yes terday condemned 73 boxes of froxen oranges found in the warehouse Jt the Columbia Fruit and Produce Company. at 115 Front street, and personally oe llvered them to the crematory, where he supervised their cremation. Singer says he has received a large number of complaints concerning frosen oranges being sold In the city, and Is making an Investigation witn a view to confiscating all such fruit found. Pole Breaks Lineman's Leo. T. A. Crow, a lineman for the Pacific Tele phone Telegraph Company, who lives at S0 Columbia street, while erecting a telephone pole near East Third and East Madison streets yesterday, was struck by the pole and sustained a broken leg. With a companion he was trying to put the pole In place, when It overbalanced and fell, striking htm on the right leg and breaking the limb between the knee and ankle. He was taken to Good Samaritan Hospital. Mr. Weister to Lecture. The art department of the Portland Wo man's Club will hold its next meeting Friday. April 19. In the East Side Li brary Eleventh and Alder streets. Mrs. Weister will give the second lecture in the course of etereoptlcon views on American and landscape art. The members of the class assisting are: Mrs. D. W. Brings. Mrs. La Nolr. Mrs. Aimer. Mrs. Shay. Mrs. Schmidt, Mrs. Stlnson. PORTLAND HOTKL CLERKS ORCIASIIS. Thirty-four clerks of the Portland hotels have organised the Oregon State Hotl Clerks' Association, which will become affiliated with the National association, known as the Greetera. At a meeting held Monday night a com mittee was appointed to draft a con stitution and bylaws and when It .has completed Its work an organization will be permanently effected. Parents axd Teachers to Conffr. The Parents and Teachers' Associa tion of Woodlawn will hold its regular monthly meeting tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Woodlawn school. The programme Includes a talk by Mrs. R. H. Tate, president of the Mothers' Con gress. Three acres of garden under cultivation by the pupils will bo In spected. Name or Brown Contuses. Alice Brown, the runaway Portland girl who was caught In San Francisco yesterday. Is not the daughter of Mrs. E. S. Brown, of 310 Halght avenue. Since the publi cation of the message Mrs. Brown has received many calls from solicitous friends, who believed the girl In ques tion was perhaps her daughter. Parent-Teachers to Meet. Members of the Lents Parent-Teachers' Associa tion will meet tomorrow afternoon at 2:4S at the Lents schoolhouse. when Mrs. O. W. Evans will give an address on "Playgrounds," to be followed by a reading by Mrs. Meta Schneider. The musical part of the programme will be in charge of Mrs. E. L. Sells. Canadian Pacific Official Herb. W. Q. Annable. general passenger agent for the Canadian Pacific steamship lines, was a business visitor In Portland yesterday. Mr. Annable's home Is In Montreal and this was his first visit to Portland. He marveled at the activ ity and the cleanliness of Portland. Woodlawn Meeting Postponed. The Woodlawn Improvement Associa tion has postponed the meeting of Fri day until date to be announced, later. Make the bench progressive too. Vote for W. C -Benbow for Circuit Judge of department No. 3. (Paid adv.) Vote W. T. Masters, Circuit Judge, department No. 4; clean administration. (Paid adv.) Vote 50 X. Henry J. Schulderman. for Railroad Commissioner. (Paid adv.) Don't forget to vote for Allan Joy for District Attorney. (Paid adv.) The People Demand Roosevelt for President. .U'aid iv-i , The Simplest Known Form of stating the exact condition of title is found in aGcrtifi cate of Title. Tis also the safest, sur est and most eco nomical. Investigate. Call for booklet. Title & Trust Com pany, 4th and Oak. Pstcholoot Club to Meet. The Portland Psychology ' Club will meet today In the Olds. Wort man King Auditorium. Mrs. Weister will speak on "The Ideal In Practical Life." Members are requested to bring paper and pencil and return library books. A meeting of the board Is an nounced at the residence of Mrs. A. D. Charlton. Vista avenue. Saturday at 2:30 P. M-, to arrange for next year's work. i - Highland Mothers to Meet. The regular monthly meeting of the Mothers and Teachers' Circle of the Highland school will be held tomorrow aner noon at 3 o'clock at the school. Mrs. George Weister will address the moth ers on "How to Meet the Every-Day Needs of Home Life." The small chil dren will be cared for during the meeting .by the kindergarten com ml t tee. Government announces Examinations The United States Civil Service Commission announces that an exami nation will be held on May 22-23 to secure eligible with which to fill vacancies In the position of laboratory assistant in chemistry In the bureau of standards. Further Information con cernlng this examination can be secured from Z. A. Leigh at the Portland t-osi office. North Takima Max Dies. John H. Ward, from North Yakima, died at the home of his son-in-law, J. n. nan cock. The funeral services were con ducted yesterday from Zeller & Co.'s chapel, and the Interment was made In Mount Scott Cemetery. Mr. Ward was a widower, and had been In Portland about one year. Republicans write In on your ballot, for Presidential elector, X McKlnley Mitchell. (Paid adv.) John M. McKernax for Sheriff. Vote 113 X. (Paid adv.) POLICE HANG OUT BIG SIGN Removal of Station Works) Hardship to Thoitc With Trouble. "Police Station." Dainted on it in bold letters. Is the sign that has been placed over me poiica iiaiiun v smuo " v " " who have been unable to find head- .Inn. .-a m nJ m f.Am Rocnild and Oak streets to Everett, between Fifth and Bixtn streets. M n v men and women, achlna to officers, have been unable, to unburden their grier, ana equally as many nome- 1 . .m... .4 A-Aa hnv. .l.nF In th Atmi Decaue mey coma not una uiv biuvh supervised the putting up of the sign i-.ii.rliv nNftnnNM that ha evnertfl Dusmess to pica up consiueraoiy irum nenceiorin. BIG CUT CLOTHING PRICES At Bowman's F1nh-Slre Store. Men's $13.60 suits now 35 00 Men's SIS.OO suits now 3S.S0. Men's 320.00 suits now $10.00 Fin cashmere hose now 12 He. Fine cotton hosa now to. White cambrlo handkerchiefs now So. Carlos Coon collars now Sc. K. A W. collars now 13 He. Kxtra good suspenders now ltc. These extremely low prices are being made to rush out the balance of the stock In the J. L. Bowman & Co.'s 6th and Alder street store before the con tractors get busy putting up the new building. CONVENIENT. When vou arrive in the city It Is not neoessary to give your baggage check to an exoresaman. unknown to you. Just phone us the number of the oheck when you arrive at your noma ana we will collect the check when the bag gage Is delivered. Service day and night. B. & O. Transfer Co.; Park and Davis streets. Phones Main 6980, A 3322. Oregon Dental Quiz. Drs. T. W. Sharps and Jack M. Tates. Dekum bldg., will open a class May 20 for dentists, preparing for btaie tsoara examination, in June. Address Dr. Sharpe. Cordwood. 61abwood. CoaL. Hotmail Fuel Co.. successors to Baa-leld-Veysey Fuel Co. M. 353. A 33(3. a r TJ -Rn.mM.e Na 139. foe Countv Clerk. Joe 8. Hutchinson. (Paid Adv.) VCOUM pack"' GOLDS, Safest"! COFFEE GUARANTEED A really good eoffe la a rar ity. Yon try tats) brand aad that. Yea have to pay for It eve a If It la uaaatufactory. Net with Goldea West Cef. fee. Try a tin. If yo are at perfectly satisfied ret ura the ! aad receive back yoar purrhaae moaey. r Kathleen Lawler Belcher colorature soprano, who will ap pear in concert next Tuesday ev ening at White Temple. 12th and Taylor sts.. at 8:30 o'clock. This Is the onlv opportunity Portland people will have to hear this young artist, as she will return shortly to Paris to further her studies for grand opera. LADIES SAVE NOW SHOE SALE Oxfords, Pumps and Shoes, broken sizes, -worth $4.00 and $5.00 pair. MARKS' N. Y. SHOE SHOP UPSTAIRS, 313V2 Wash, near 6th. Lafayette Bldg. CIGARS AND ROPE. Lynching necessitates pulling on a "rope." Don't pull on a rope smoke a good cigar, which only costs Be "Sam Sloan. " Roosevelt will have nothing to do with machine politics. Isn't he our man? (Paid Adv.) Prohibit stock gambling. Geo. S. Shepherd, for Congress. (Paid Advt.) VENTURA PARK TUB PICNIC GROUNDS. No more ldel spot can be found round Portland to enjoy your Sunday than Ventura Park. Bring your lunch and spend the day. We serve the cof fee free. You are In no way obligated to buy. Ventura Park Is the coming suburb of Portland, where yon can pur chase lots for only $200. with a small cash paymemt. No taxes. No Interest. Water, graded streets, good car service. In fact, you get it all in Ventura Park. Better come out Sunday and enjoy the day. Take Montavllla car to end of line. Auto meets you there and thence to Ventura. For further particulars see F. K. Taylor Co., 404-B Lewis building. Call Marshall 892, Home phone A 4414. For Judge of Circuit Court Department Number Four 55 Y GEISLER, T. J. II of Multnomah County Seaaiblr, Impartial Justice, Fearlessly and Speedily Administered (Tald Advertisement.) The Refined use of CARMEN Complexion Powder wfllamfianM that Youthful loveliness that natural nva too. and will not show an unsightly "powder effect," Carmen, unlike other ixjwJeia. wDI not come off until you ieuwe it. nor will it lose Its I aacinating fragrance. Carman iaantirelv "different rmreasd harmless, it beautifies and benefit the skin. FUmK, Whit, Pink, and Oeam from your Drinnit or Department Eton. TnUt iw Me. Carmen Cold Cream beats aad aof tens irritated and rough akin Snow-white Non-sticky ftsrmlaas tsoana 5e. Stafford-Miller Co. 51 S Olive Street St. Louis, Mo. $9,000,000 Is the approximate) value of each years tobacco crop in the Vuelta Abajo district of Cuba a narrow strip of fertile soil that supplies the entire world with its finest Havana tobacco-rand from where comes the fragrant . aromatic leaves which. In Tampa, Fla. to gave high in port dutymo skilfully rolled by Cuban experts Into Van Dyck "Quality" Cigars 3 ' for - 25c and Upward U. A. GUNST k CO.-Tke Boeee of Itaplts" Dfctrikettrs I C E East 629 B 6148 UBEBTY GQAli ICS COKTAJTL Excursion Fares To the East via Northern Pacific Railway The Scenic Highway and the Only Line to Gardiner Gateway, official Yellow stone Park entrance. A few samples similar reductions to many other points in the Eastern United States and Canada, as well a3 the Middle West. c Daui ifirt an Minneapolis". 60.00 Duluth 60.00 Superior Winnipeg Chicago St. Louis Omaha, Kansas City and Joseph. . : Pes Moines.. Sioux City Davenport. 60.00 60.00 72.50 70.00 60.00 St. (0.00 65.70 60.00 70.00 Til-flla April 25, 26 and 27, to St. Paul and Minneapolis only. May 14, to Dallas only. To all points except Dallas, Texas, on numerous dates, May 2 to September 30. Limit 15 days on going trip. October 31, 1912, for return. North Coast Atlantic Express C. B. & Q. By. Daily through to Chicago via Minneapolis and St. Paul. Immediate connections to Duluth, Superior and Winnipeg. The North Coast Limited rtins via Milwaukee, with Compart ment and Drawing-Room Sleeping Cars. Mississippi Valley Limited Are you fond of Okra? Nothing personal about this question. Okra is not a girl; but a vegetable a long thin juicy vegetable which adds one more tasty flavor to our Tomato Okra Soup. Some people think no thick soup is quite complete without Okra; and Campbell's 21 kinds includes a soup for every taste. Try this particular one for a change. Perhaps it will hit you hardest of all. Try it today. 21 kinds 10c a can Look for the red-and-white label f? nX-tfXVk vi4f7r yvr CANDIDATE FOR NOMINATION ON THE REPUBLICAN TICKET FOR COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT For County School Superintendent 129 X ARMSTRONG, A. (Paid Advertisement.) Do you know that $600 left in our hands for investment will amount to $1000 in 105 months, and may then be drawn in cash f Not an estimated result, but guaranteed. Ask us about it. Officers and Directors! iTSKU H.O .So R.racnkKEDhl'Ig.ney Directs, C2T?lJZr R .Mcfh Piatt . PU... Counaai 206 Starls Street. Main 63S7. A Portland Corporation . Under State Supervision H. C. CAMPBELL ia well known, not only in Port land, where he has resided since 1886, but throughout the entire state. If elected delegate to the National Republican Convention he will work and vote for the nomination of party's choice for President and Vice-President. 16 x CAMPBELL, HOMER C (Paid Advertisement.) Foster & Kleiser BIh Grade commercial and EUectrie SIGNS Cut Sereath and Emt Everett Streeta Pheae Eut 1111, B 2224. DIABETES I treated with greatest success witnoui re - tricted diet. phvalo-nutxltlve Sal-Sano removes all symp toms of the dineaae. produres gain In weight, muscles ana nervo power uu At leading drusglsts. KAL-HANO CO.. w oi-k. ti Vf. Broadway, Write tor booklet. C n 1 o r ado Springs, Pueblo 53.00 New York 108.50 Philadelphia 10S.50 Baltimore 107.50 Boston H0.00 Montreal. Que 105.00 Buffalo 81.50 Pittsburg 91.50 Washington 107.50 Detroit 82-50 Dallas 75.00 will Via nn salfl Limited c. Via & N. W. Ry. Denver, Daily through to Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Joseph and Denver via Billings and the Burlington Route. Direct connec tions to Omaha. Standard Drawing - Room and Tourist Sleeping Cars. .... Dlnins-Cars with service that is famous. For reservations and tickets call on A. D. CHARLTON". Aaat. General raaar Aajeut. PORTLAND, 2.13 Morrison ft.. Cor ner Third St. Main 244 Phones A 1244. lUlSr VOTE FOR ONE Better work, not more; how well, rather than how much. P. COLUMBIA SANITARIUM The Columbia Sanitarium Is a surgical and medical Institute, located at the corner of Sixth and Yamhill streeta next to the Port land Hotel, and Is well prepared to traat and cure diseases of men. women and children. This institution was established In Port land six years ago. where during these years Its marvelous success fn curing thousands of persons of diseases has caused It to stand tha peer of any like Institution In the West. We make a specialty of the eve. ear. nose, throat, heart, stomach, kidneys, catarrh, rheumatism and all chronlo diseases. Our surgical. ectr,cal and medical laboratory departments are complete. Columbia Sani tarium. 181 Sixth street, Portland. Oregon. fierzberg's I P F& 17 HP 'T 7 liliiiir. i ir. 116 S. 13th St, Phila, Pa. Heron Aigrettes branched In any desired Quantity to a bunch at $3 per doxen sprays. Write for ninst rated Catalogue MORTGAGE LOANS Clfyf .fcajsiem i'unis on Best r Jf fJrO Portland Securities at 0 ttihcr Funds for Businesa Propextte and Cioee-ia iteaideneea at 6 7