Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 17, 1912, Page 18, Image 18

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VNTKU a.&r-r nr nu and wlfa for
ji.i.:r wiirk: rent of -'oo-n Kptrimrnt.
t. water, gaa. rlctr1c licnt. etc.. clvna
!r er !. work it bard and eer -'
tiaz mntfBMnt Apply ! 1 rath at.
X. .-r telephone Main JA4 Man nn attend
his trade or Joo h has ea wM.
A" A XT f. D 2 bright bo Nat 17 venm '
t.V wurh check hove; flrsl-c.-. oppor
tunity to le,.-j te.-jraphy. App'r chi-f
p-rTor HVnt-rn Uol.n Te. Co.. 5-h floor
V .rc eer to K.
ruv well'drssaed energetic oun men with
e-wapaper rtrcTiUtlnn experience profer-r-d.
Hi pr vrk. Call 3 to 5 P. M.
rfnnn P-WIg
.MAN unira:aninsr gardening and general
Tfc ror arr.aH ranch ner Portland in- j
mediate i. St wifft w anted- Must
--n A e. t""v Ormcinlin. j
V vTCI-Mn. .me kriittlcdf of IMP
r-.rr. Irrmh preferred. Al Ore
J.FKK"WKL) !e-ture- wanted: must le
r. noni ii krr. & Washington st.. near
1 'm
WANTED Plrat-cia ard
mut N rapid worker.
r aign ni
.: Washing'
rer Itiii
TWO f.r-t-rU-e
f.ti-nW e.
cabinet -maker.
V ANTT:r-. H-rfrers" ppr-niicea; steady
joh. ldi"t pi. r-r I'd.
ROTO Map4: t-t ever offeree":
HEir w AXTrr rr.M ale.
TV a X f r D TOt'NG L A D I FOR T
WtyTrr-nookkpr, one experienred In
(nktidurnr if.-'UR'l pr ferret. Anir
. . - A. n h.n.iKPiiiPz. ii vlng refer
ence' nd uUrr rtpfcifrt. Address P. O.
Hvx 42. cur.
AWTlli TiMi.lV.
k for rounirv hiel. $.75: famt!T
Lnth sM.t s to It rr ."k. hm-
rrTnaM. i'Ju d P; iMii"ltor and alrla
.'or cnr I hua ork : a !
ljirtt Opt.. . lomn at.
WAXT EH Ssvral ynun lad i nataro
k. Ar it and for Tnnan?nt p
t:ao. Apply tha P. T. a T. Co i7 AUUr
or la aat Ankonjr au
WE rrd two wlda-a aka lady oilcltora
mho ara wtllinr to work noura a a-
i iir.i ..Amtwnutlnn : work teady and
plfaanL ai Id to 1 1 MuUawk bid
:d and MorTtaoo.
WANTEl lonnf Udv to cI'ct; mi
rvifino tt pany uua: i'rj
i-'Unc MH;. nffr I A. -
Apply 70S
Ijidy for fcnrl vt f t work !n ral
it- ofiir Apply 4 SpaMin blrtc..
t--n and li A. M
-4-Trn-ftiirM in r.ivat boardins
iur. 4M iadian. Ca.l briw'ca or
Vain w
Vtaaaiafton k;d.. ih n'1
kelD or A
CI EI for"i-urI hou-arlt In 4-rnom
hour 9 A. M. aiid (o bom n:snta
f U'tnomah at. --
iv ITD E C V 2 r iinihr-mlld. hoil"kff P
n auraa tlrla. th onn. St. Lniili
Anr. !;. Aidar. Main A 4..S.
WANTED V;rprinred flrl for cooklnc
and n-rl houawork: M-racta ra-
quir-d w,t l.ovjoy. Main Slid.
W'AMC i -nrat hou-rk r. In fam-ii-
of thr-. prion- East or rail i
r!iuyl-r at., nar 19th. .
COMPETENT woman for -neraI honsa
n ork : moat b r,v0 cook. avast S'd.
- t;at rjth North.
Kunim'oa at., cor. Tin- upU-Ua
fhona Vatn 2692.
BY a :oiaU houf. an ambitious woman.
wtlitii to anp-y "n-r-lf: fipenenc not r-
.u.rr!. O VA Ora-nlan-
STRN Oi H A P I E K with oma kxo!pd of
book-ptn: aiata xprIn- and salary ax-P-t:.
AP 99. Orsontan.
V NTEL A Ctrl to w t'h fnril
huork, Iiia1on strt. laka
w n car. ,
riR. r- 'L.A Alt -r. ; board and
ro-.m ; far paid. Ilr.n i FmpjoyTiient
. 3 .". '-j ahlnici'n at. K.
W i v a X or r.i -i
on tabi
r in amalt
L. Kins.
Add reaa lrs.
TaTEI iiri Xr general housework, ona
t:at i;i ro to the bach- i'a.1 Main
pe rt i F N" ELF i-t urr pid . must ba
Hu'nt ta!kr. i-HV- Washicatoa at., near
r. T. fa:?Ml f 'r fr $nra hotiawortC
in of iw-o. y lar. Iriephona
WANTED Brtdy lronr and hand iron-r.
PP'V at ontV. International Uaundry Co.
.t and Oak.
LD1 Es HAN D. )uat r(anislnc. wa hava
jd aitrartiY of far for you. Selbarl tnr
l u as 4usjc Co, 1Z4 Second at.
K' mv rrot frea to aoma busineaa woman
ju-t as forapinr tnlnci for alderly lady.
References. K IM. Oronlia.
H a N I t:i KrnoH. capaoia woman far .a
ponaibla position. ViatI Co,, aoa RoUfc
r.: d tiJ.. 4ffe and Waahtoctoa.
rtiin;r? : hoaa- keeper.
u Wi.hniton at."
waltreaa. together.
Uowt i Ascncy. 29
to alt with bouae work in ex-'hanga
muaic eaona. AP Oreconian.
i;iF:i wanted for sencral housework; I
(am)'.?, i all A 531-
X'MrKTENT r'rt for general nousework-
' i-rte Knt
A I FI 'rl to do rcnaral houaework
and cooklnc: no chlldran. Apply 5S1 1 tth.
JTl'V"baiir aantad at 21 VamUlll. naar
W ANTED "jtrl for housework. IT Nortk
rup at. Call In tba momlnc-
tiiftl fr ceneral housework. 13 Mallory
e. phono C 221. Taka Woodlawn car.
LrU;ir.NC t'.D aalaaiadl-s i'or trim mints,
and emheettdenea. Roberta Proa.
v. ifcD Iiri for gener-1 housework. kU&
I fh at. phona lar. Iiaa. Apt. C
TrtIlOLtlVKUT a tenr need alteration wom
an to work on coata. Hoberta Bros.
W A NT ED Tachara for Chlnee mission.
Taylor U.
39 to P T. M.
Yv' N'J trl l amitat with houaawork; fam
t.w f two. Fa at 10
VERY capable family second girl, wagee
L"n. Agency. Main ZQiV
iTxFERIEiTrEn second girl: wages ICO. 215
Ford at. Fbon Main T'0.
OIK I, for general houaework and cooking;
a rati fsniUr- lil amook st.
j v KfcT Hands. WorreU's Sample Cloaks aY
-ilts. 131 ard 114 th at., cor. Alder.
oiKI for general housework and cookiuc.
f r-liaM st. M am 412.
VA T ED A n experienced second maid ;
msH fami'y: good waye. a;U park at.
EXPERIENCED ladv ao!i--ltor-. salary and
commission. HPi-Mann Co.. .126 Worcester.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
ArMy 7"". 'i Keome-.
t X P E RJ ENC E I coat hand wanted. Western
m t n 1 1 1 n g C o..4i W a t, st.
WANTED A ood dining-room iri at 19
W. Far k-
TWO live eanvasrs. 1 to 13 Wednesday.
rom 1 4 Heel Congtreas.
TWO educated snd reflned women of mid -age
to demonstrate. W Morrison at.
S.'lltOL. of shorthand and tvpea riuns.
tandaro sirate-ns. Positions secured. IS
rr morth. Hth st. Main Rtr..
i,AKE money writing abort sterlea, oc for
Lspera; big pas ; free booklet teils hew.
n.ted Frees arndcata. Saa Fmnoieoa.
AM ED Plclura play writ are; big pay;
oeU teach o. Picture Flay jt aorn i a
rion. fca ranclecs.
oookkeeplnc. 4- Hamilton bid. Mir. 4.'.
i I..NH.K PHY-
t. p'i
sv r-
ipllg in or near
achoola and tcacbsrs, ! Swsiland bld-
Hr. WANTED Af It to S3. CO prepare
for firemen or brakemea. nearby rail
road a ft to 910 monthly. Esperlcneo an
Mcwury; no itrtk; pmmottoo eagtnor
r conductor. $le to $2e monthly; good
Ufa careers: state age; aand stamp. Hail
war Association. Box . Oregonlan.
SCi-N and woman to Warn tha harder trad a
io alcht waaks; spacial loducacnsnta; por
cantaca paid whila laaxalos; too la free
axpart tn a true tor a; IT vaar In tba koat
ttaas; I? ackoola; a Ufa lima maraoarabtp
yieaa to aacn atuAant. Molar bar bar Coi
Wga. II K. Fawrth aC. forUaad. Or.
MT.S and boya to larn aotamobiie repair
ing, ortrtnc on ap-to-data Car : iM:trl-al.
rivii angineerinc. surreylng; method mst
DrACticat: room and board while !arnirg,
poaitiona aarured. aatuaactlon cuarantaen;
r4tiiou free. itft"l of Engin
eer trig. -11V AV. 7lh. i-oa Angeiea.
M M I" 11 ouir men ara a anted by rall
roaas la tel-srap.i and s.atton aarrlre;
rautona paying i7ft t per montht
For particulars call or awl dree Telegraph
L-Pt.. CoininouwcaUb b'd.. o;to and Ali
ke ny ata.
BAXi md orchestra rehearals earh week;
experienced musician In charge; no ex
nenaa tut you: ae us at onra and cat tha
benefit of practical work. beibarilnff
Kucas Wualc C. 1-4 fncoud St.
WANTED Capable yours; women enter
tratnUt arh-.l for nurie. For particu
lars writs Miaa Rogers, huft. of Nuraen.
HiuUm Cenrral liosltal. llogulam.
M1L-L.1NERT achoo and flower making.
Uara all la an weeks; old bats mads ever
Ilka Dew. Beautiful trimmed cats. Call
od (oodnoch bid- opp. Postoffloa.
K A ILW AT mall clerks, prwpara now. ex
cellent aaJanea and promotion; no lay
offa. sura pay: free be ok. Call today I'S
a Vo States BchooL. McKay bids;., city.
VOi- ota wanted for Government Job.
month. Send postal for list positions open.
Franklin Institute, Dept. i-i O. Rochester.
N. T.
TEACHER, plan, wishes a few more new
beginners, irs. Mae riarriav. ,-ts iruu
way. cor. Vancouver ae , elty.
Bookkeeper sad C leek.
ulNJ mtrrld man. years' experience
1m bank ir tc and insurant buatn ns. best
of refer n-es. wlil m cept anvthlnv at
living v where thre ta rhan"- for
adanccrmnt. U VM. drcgotnan.
WANTED Position as bote; clerk; liaxe
had six ic.n vxperlenc- in nuteia in
Eaet; three years as chuf Ork: wir.lng
to vtart at bottom and work up. Call
113 Eaton Hotel.
Bp booaa. prepare balances ana otaie
meata, install avstema Gilllngham. au
ditor. 411 Lew la bids. Marshall 71 T.
Blmk KEEPER. 3 quirk, correct.
. Ore-
references; w ante poeitlon. AS V
SMALL eia rf books and other similar
work dune by practical accountant, rea
sonably. Addre-a A N PT. Oregonlan.
Yot'NU married man ieira work any
kind, salesman, office man: reference;
not afraid of work. C H i, Oregonlan.
ACCOl'XTAXT Is open to engagement; rea
sonable terms. AS 9,9. oregonlan.
fcTENK;RAPHER; ourg man. experienced.
art : re position. n urrgnnmn.
til ftaeond at. Corner Salmon.
Women's Department. 141 Salmon.
All classes of unskilled, skilled, profes
sional and clerical male and female bela
faraiahed on abort aottce. No fee cbarsd
Phone Main liaS. A 5424.
SITUATION WANTED Japanese experi
enced hotel janitor or hai! boy or cham
bermaid or any kind of klt Uen help or
private family rook or any kind of laun
dry and beat references. Adores AK P7.
VCFXG married man. 4) era" experience In
uruc store, . year at hotel work, also
p-riem e at cleaning and prelnff. will
take an v thing: at living wages. Phone.
Main lot!, or write 17lh t.
UY young man of high school education
and good appearance, c nance to arrow up
with good business; salary no object to
star:; best of references. AT ltt. Orcgo-
B Y sober. Industrious man. job as a de
livery boy or teamster of any kind, small
or laire. or a laundry wagon; can civ
first -class references. Anderson, al 7 Mont
gomery st. Main ion.
to A LEHMAN or office manager open for
position; now In chars; of sales depart
ment; g-ood references. AO Pol. Oicson-lan-
WANTED Br roung man. Eastern experi
ence and references, to go In as an aasiai.
ant to reliable detectivo agency or aim
liar work. AB 174. Oreanlan.
JAPANESE want situation to do cook in jr.
or any kind work from J P. M. t. ph.
TOl Nd. stronc foreigner wants any kind of
work in or out or city, on I arm or irutt
ranch. AS re(rontan.
EXPERIENCED collector wants ateady po
sition with firm; city references; bond. &
!4, Oregonisn.
JAPANESE couple want position In family.
man cook and wife for nousewora. fc.
MARRIED man. good education, busius
n nerience. want post lion any kind. c
!!. Oregonlanu
HOI'SE. m Indow cleaner; floor, woodwork
repohahed: hour or contract. Main M3b,
OCNU Scotchman d-iure. position aa chauf
f-ur. can do repairs; private family pre-f-rred.
B Oregonlan.
W lNLH)W-WASHINO. housecleanlnir. floors
waxed and polished. P&une ballwood
P.APTRY cook. 2 veare' experience, hotel.
cafet-ria expert on rui'ar wori. au voi,
WANTED by a young man.
any kind In
P Ore-
aide work wUD gooo wage.
POSITION By a competent. experlerc-d
grocery cicra. gooa reicrsnce. j vo-t. urt
com an,
DAIRY ranch worker; a Japanese young
man wsnrs position in oairv larm nusi
neae; want steady Job. D r.d. Oregonlan.
Ol'NO man wants poaiiion on farm; all
kind of work ; wants good aJr ; close
to Portland. AN Oregoninn.
APANESE wants house-Icanlng by hour or
day. Frank, care Japaneae Illation.
YOrX man wants work of any kind.
AX Ctregonlan.
Ol'NO man wants pla'e aa cashier In res
taurant ; ateaay. B 99. Cregonlan.
GCSJD Japaneae man wanta any kind piece-
work. Aiam
SWISa man and wife want work on larm.
AJ 34. uretonmn.
EXrKRI ENCED vegetable gardener wants
alt I on A I I w. irfon:n.
BLACKSMITH. good reference. wants
steady position, c orre. a.i pianton st.
EXPERIENCED woman wanta oay work.
t an give reterencaa. moor
LANDSCAPE gardener deairea ateady posi
tion, long experience, ad wt , uregonian.
""jAPANESB wants poeitlon. "any kind,
evry morning. R. Suxukl. 4 N. th st.
APANtBE wanta position, general work.
after sr. M- r. I'at-Jimoc. x sin st.
A YOl'NO man la looking for an easy out-
da ybi aman wagea. Main -w.
pgtifr- and btaaagrapass-.
TOt" Nii lady drslrrs permanent position as
stenographer; four years experience. Mar
shsll 27o3
POSITION wanted by stenographer; aoma
experience; small salary to start. Tabor
EX PERTENCED competent bookkeeper,
sienoitrapber and office assistant desires
position, reference. Main t'W.
YOL'NG lsrfy typewriter desires general o
tlce or cashier work- Main 3uatf.
DRESSMAKINO Ladles tailoring; cut
price during April. Washington. Ella
at. entrance. Phoa A 8140. Portland ret
erencva. GOOD aM-iitrtM would like position in
dresormaking shop. Phono Marshall 421,
Ask for Ethel Jone
"YOLXtl lady, experienced seamstress, would
like to lesrn ladlea" tailoring. Phone Mar
rnall RSI. ask for Ethel Jones.
BK1N4 your old drsa-e to 274 Yamhill, oor.
prk and I will make them la tb latest
PLAIN eewing at home or by day; $LfrX
Mrs. Allen. East ..2d St.
FASHIONABLE dreasmaklng and tailoring
by the dy: good fitter. Phone C 84 a.
DRESSMAKING. 1.M per day. A 3.'AS.
Work guaranteed.
D' Ej-sm a K INi snd see ing of all kinds, at
home or by the day. B. L"7. -
FIRST-CLASS drcmaker wis he engage
ment; hest reference. Main 11M. R. l'4.
HOSPITAL nur-e would :ike in kind of
nursing. Reference. Phone East ;;I72.
EXPFHIEXCKD nuraa would Yke "more
cases. Main 446a
l.WAUO an hare room, home comforts,
falned nurse, rraionabi; city reference.
Phone Ta br
JC.PbHIK' Ft nurae. all kinds, maternity,
tnvslld. elderly. Morrison r39. A ATTi.
J lottsakeepara.
CAPABLE woirin deairea situation, houae-keep-r
widowers familv. couple. St. loula
Agency, l&ji. Alder. MbIii 2J,.V
TOl'Xci Swedish woman desires houekep
Ing: references. t. Louis Agency. Main
I;KI,IAPLK woman wanta work Thura.lay
and Friday. Call afternoon Wed., A
V iaeellaoeaus.
1 U'O U'lte. . tell noaltiona u fuai-rlaaa lio- (
tei elderly Ud, ,M. aa tffl-e lady. 3 t
years' cxjw-rlence In Portland arn w aah
Irgton. !. vancr tadv. 'CJ aacsrttr in
reaiatiiaiit or liki poaiiion. n ar's ex
perl -nee t preaeni in position one year,
wlrh change; Senatda preferred. Address
for tne neck, Mrs, Adrlcnne. tf5 EnFt .'Jd
et.. pot i :. ud. Brecon.
VO!".V; strong woman wants work by hour
or dav waahtiic Ironlnir. liouso clcanini;;
r'-r-Ten-. Ph'me Ktat 3tM 7 to a P. M.
YOCX; lady wlaloa places to mo Plata an-,
ciitinren a tiurams; oy tne u--. i w.
Cregonin. w
TWO viiirfrh!i want work in private board-
irjr hmisr. Call l etw een 11 and 1-. room
Mahi 7'i'i.
AX EXPKKIEX KI orchcrtra pianist wanta
p-iit;.n. pniiatimt, Uatice ore lies trn. A
7 VI.
FIRST-CLASS Inuncreas wants work Thurs
day and Frldav. References. Thone AVood
lawn Irtil. .
TRNt experienced German woman
wants d- wutk washing, irnninjr. Paoue
Mln SltiJ.
W.A NTED Second rk lv experienced
young Xore eg Ian woman. I'hune Marshall
- I 4. .-------.
GFRM A X hsnd laundry of fancy and plain
cioihes : relied for and delivered. Tele
phone Sell wood 1 7". K. Pyrlnjc.
Gin.S want housework, experienced, wasna
5 up. Main A J'j Koom W
WA NT ED Work by the day. Call Main
4."!. nMm 2. morninge.
offi. e.
po-ithn of trust, housekeeper or
Oregon lan.
CURTAINS wanted, hand laundry,
la-rn 2W4. No mar.t;!lnir.
MIDDLE-AOED woman wants housework,
-.aahlnjr Ironlnc hy day. Main 6o4.
VcC Ni lady wants day work. Phono
Woodlawn 41. 10 A. M. to V. M.
CAPABLE woman wants work at rood wag-cs
In country hotel. X ss.. Oregoiilan.
CAPAELE woman needs work. Phone Main
FIRT-CLASS Ironlnc In families by the
diy. Main 4WRI. Miu Athcrton.
LADY wishe to care for children in her
home, sellwood 402.
A'JKMS 435 a week for 2 hours' work
day sellinc wonderful new household ne
cesslty: new sellinc plan, with free ad
vertlalne; doe 1L Collette Mfg. Co., box
41. Amaterdam, X. i.
WANTED Every sewing machine canvasser
in Portland to can ana e fc,rvey at i
Rd at. : be baa something to offer you
don't wait.
AT ONCE Furnished bungalow with bath
and around for garden, within .Vcent
fare limit ; must be leasonable. K tS$,
WAXTE D By rcanonsiWio married couple.
no ehtldren. amnil turi.thed cottage for
Summer; Portland HikMs preferred; give
full (artlculars. AH vai, Orpgonlan.
WA..TED Modern bouse of I or rooms
with bath. etc.. reasonable, close In ; can
furnish reference. AR , Orejonlan.
WANTED During July and August. C-room
furnished house, no children; reference. V
Irti 7, orcgonlsn.
WAXTED Pleasant room and small kltch-
en: state price. P M. Oregonlan.
Room a With Board.
WANTED By young lady emploed. room
and board In private family, We-t bide,
walking distance. T P8J. Oregonlan.
BOARD and room with refined family; rec
urrences ex changed . II s5. Qregonian.
Boalneoa pkacea,
DESK room and desk wanted: state loca
tion, pi Ice, etc. AC l'iA. Oreconian.
Furnished Room.
Oracd and Hawthorn Avenues.
For rent, the Uneat corner, parlor, bed
room and bath suits In the city, large
rooms, beautifully furnished, nine win
dows, fine Tlew of aj) the mountains. Also
some alcgle rooms, elevator service, tele
phone, hot and cold water, electric light
and steam beat; moderate prices for de
sirable tenants. Eight streetcar lines pass
the building. If you are looking for
permanent, bomu-llke quarters, be sure
snk Inspect the Sargent before locattug.
Excellent restaurant In connection with
hotel. Telephone Knu 'JUL
Washington SL
Lnder New Managemsct.
Large )bby, (luisiiad in mahogany, tt'.a
and loarbie; ladles parlor with eHsant
fireplacn; frea tnlvyhone service !n rooms,
all night and day. electric elevator, steam
heat, hot aad cold eatr In all rooms,
many wltb bath. A residential hotel above
reproac.i. where every effort la made tor
the comfort and convenience of its guests;
rent the mod reasonable In the city ;
room by Li day. wk or month. Look
this over before locating. Take W car
at depot, net off at ll"th and Washington.
Those tares beautlful'y furnished hoteis
t 4th at 211 H 4th at 307 H 4th at.
On Fourth st running from Taylor ta
Salmon st; brand-new brick; elegantly
furnished, steam heat, private baths, hot
and coid water In all room; strictly up
to data In all respects, and at popular
prices. If you want something out of tb
ordinary tn tb heart of tns city, at rea
sonable prices, give us n eali, as wa know
yoo wlil like it. Rooms by ths day, wee a
or month. Tourist trad solicited.
Ill Kiev en tb b treat.
New, modern brlcAt building: at earn
heated, private baths, hot and cold water
In rooms; beautifully furnished, cosy, oom
fortabla, rent reasonable. Call and aeo
t wa Regular and transient trade soiAoiteek
37 Fst Burnsld.
Live on ths East bid and sav money
an your room rest; we have 190 modern
rooms, special price on rooms and suites
with privet bath, rates &uo to $3 per day;
12 to W per week. Mat 6940; B 17.
Fin oorner bedroom on first floor, suit
able for atudlo: also nice room for 3 or
4 people on first floor, steam heat, run
ning water, fine bathroom and nice single
room upstairs facing on 10th and Mor
rison; rent ft.SO to 14.60. 1& 14th st.
MOTEL LA SALLE. 101k and Bursa ide aa
Absolutely fireproof; new and elegantly
furnished rooms; private baths, steam
heat, hot and cold water, private phones
in each room; special rates by tba moats :
pkone service frea Phono Mara bait eves.
HOTEL REN WICK An Ideal homVfor bnaU
a peowle; centrally located; elegant
rooms; ail modern conveniences; Tth aad
Taylor ate.. 1 block from Portland Hot
appaaita Helltg Tbaaier. Phone Main VI
Oo block from Union Depot; 140 outside
rooms, with hot and cold water and steam
heat; offers special rate for par man aa 4
guests; rates 0c to i n dsy; nad
ap par week. Phona Main 413.
106 Twairth U Marshall 27X
In heart of business district; steam heat,
hot and coid water, frea phono tn evrj
room ; 1 d yan d up;4 week and up.
ElEOAXTLT furnished room, hlrdseye ma
plae. Axmlnater carpats, running water,
beautiful lawn and porch, 4 blocks from
p. u ; must bo seen to be appreciated.
24$ th.
huibL OAKLAND, 26 Trinity Place, oor.
Washington; ow brick, stsm-hted
building, prlrsie telephones; atrictiy mod
ern; ratea, gii.60 wees; up; permanent uad
transient solicited.
CALUMET HOTaU 1(4 Park t ran
reams, hot and sold water, steam heaw
elevator and all modern convenience; 414
per month and up; quiet and comfortably
Large pleasant front rooms, easy walk
ing distance, all home conveniences, Ii,
l,bO to 4 per week. 8.9 4th C Main 66L
HOTEL NORRIS. modern conveniences. to ft week. Aider, corner
II th.
DO TOU want a good room in good lor.
tlon at a low rate? Try Hotel Larrabee,
It'll Larrabee at.
LARGE, elegant front rooms, l, f
Alder-Grand, 121 Vs Grand are.
CLEAN rooms, rentrally located, by week or
month. 4k2 Wash. st.
Furnished Kooma.
Nov Open.
112 Rooms.
How Opem.
Seventh and Taylor Sta.
Residential and transient: absolntaly
rentral; two minutes from Fostotflca.
stores, theaters and restaurants; just off
business a tract and car Unas: quietest and
beat location; handsome brick. am pie
eiram hcC hot running water and pnonea
Ju every loom, s-jliea and private bath,
elavator. Reputable and comfortabla.
From ;&c daiiy. 4 weakly. Any car Cram
l-arnlalied Room- la PHeata Family.
472 SALMON; nice Urge Xront room euiia
Me for i, Rood bum d, modern conven
ience; -Ip- in ; reasonable. Thona
Mamhdll .
.N l K. clean rooms, w Ith all niodorn con
v -menee. iia ul inno if desired, walk
iiia disfanre, reaaunable. W North 10th.
I'll nv
A 3i
4)7 TH. NEAR Collvge. 1 Urge front
mom. 1 slnglo room, (5 and F- per week
respectively : mi'als if desired; 10 minutes
from Oregonlan.
Mi'F.l.T fumisheU front tophi; also aui
i-H.m. &T Trinity Place, between lUth wild
TWO our(t men lo share larico front room,
private family, all conveniences. Apt. 1,
Hanovor. Kinp and Waehif;tn.
J MONTH nice 1(B front room, furnished,
hcht housekeeping workln lady, walking
distance. 3.1 Chapman St.. nearjClay.
NIELY furnished room, tise of parlor and
piano; ail modern conveniences. 77i irv
ing. FO It R E X T One large r oo m ; also one
small room. In private home; electric
light. l0 X'. 17th.
LA ROE, liRht. well -furnished room in re
ft ncd Jen lsli home. Inquire ili Chamber
of Commerce.
WELL-KI RNI.SHKD pomi from 13 weekly;
easy walking distance, phone, 6o5 Waah
ingron. NICEI.Y furnished room; modern conven
iences: centre My located: reasonable. 40
Clay, near lttn.
COM FORT A RLE sleeping room, modern,
walking distance, 17 montU. 308 Col
lege su
ELEGANTLY furnished bay-window room.
!." per week; f.rlvate home; bath, phone.
414 Ma rk et. rvr. 1 1 th.
TH K beet lot l"Oo w ill buy on Portland
Heights. AH 1N4. cregonian.
TWO front rooms, one largo porch bedroum.
-11 12th.
NICE furnished room for V; no other room
er; olose in, cheap. Phone A "s&3.
300 SALMON ST. Nice room, electric light,
hot water heat, bath, phone.
PLEASANT front room, use of piano, w alk
Ing distance. VSl luth st.
LIGHT, airy rooms, large and nicely fur
nlnlied. f:t.n per week. 1M Tlth.
TWO large front -rooms, nicely furnished.
single or en suite. hi vvamningion at.
Fi'MXlfiHED. SLoO up: electric light, fur
nace heat, walking distance. 530 Davis at.
VERY til ce roo m .
every convenience.
also one $3.50
CLEAN. well-furnished room, modern.
walking distance. 66 East Sthj 7.
ROOM for a gentleman In a strictly pri
vate Jewish faintly. Marshal, l s2.
NICELY furnished room, Fordham Apart
ments. Apartment do.
ATTRACTIVE room In congenial home, elec
trinity, hot water, furnace. Phone B 2713.
BEAUTIFUL room. Just off Washington, 2
per week. X. itn at.
VERY neat clean room; reasonable. 2K8 li'th
Rooms Wltb Board.
Corner West Park and Montgomery.
Strictly hlgh-claaa family boarding
house, everything brand new and up to
date, an nign-ciaa xumisnings. steaia
beat, hot and cold running water la
every room, private bath, beautiful large
auunjr room ana in view is unsurpassea.
rifht on the Park, nice largo veranda.
lovely dining-room, strictly a homelike
place at popular prices; give ua a cal
and aee for yourself. Main 1783. i
DOb.S a horns appeal 10 you 7 THE WHITE
HALL cor. 6th and Madison; large rooms
bath, broad veranda, quiet, close In, neat
car. 4 blocks from P. O. American plan.
Attractive, clean room. steam
good board, close In. reason able.
Kooma with board, use of sewinc-rooni. li
brary. &Jo Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, supt
ROOM auid board for joung women, 3 per
week, new bouse, witn an conveniences.
No. 12 E. Till st. south.
THE LAMBcTRSON. SS- Couch at very de-
altabl outiae rooms, steam neat, run water, good board, close In.
LARGE, tunny front room for S or 3 gen
t lumen, excellent tauie. rea-aonavoie. w
X. lth st.
ELEGANT room, facing the pa. k. A-l board,
reasonable. 3i4 Park.
' Rooms With Board In Private Family.
VERY desirable rooms, with hot and cold
running water, bath and shower adjoin
Ing. with sleeping porch, home cooking, 2
minutes walk to car ann i'j minutes
walk to Washington st. 7 '1 Prospect drive,
Portland Heights. Malu 10o.
N It "ELY furnished room with board for
or - in private nomc ; lai ge nay winnow
fating park; niouern conveniences, use of
piano, te., block from Hotel Portland
Main 4-'J.
l'LKA X rooms, two meals, good, who!
some food, home cooking, home privileges,
bath and phone good Summer place, walk
ing distance. per mourn ana up. .n,
47i'l. 4ik W. Park.
TWO nicely furnished rooms, one front room
and one adjoining oat n. suitable zor on
or two; good ooard; two In family. Call
at S2it Ciay su
LARGE pleasant nicely furnished room with
board ; mod rn conveniences; one or two
people; walking distance; reasonable. Main
GIVE 1 child of o year or over mother's
every care and attention, in strictiy pri
vate home. Phono Maln4!G4.
fa PLEASANT front room or two, $40;
clean, new, modern house; single beds.
Ks 17th. hear Everett.
Sl'NXY coiner room with board, suitable for
one or two, -'0 per montn. uain 3304.
ith st.
ROOM and home comforts, care trained
nurse, reasonable, for helpless Invalid.
Ta bor 2-13.
LARGE suite of rooms; private balhj also
other rooms: excellent board. 204 N. 2 .id,
bt-tween Kearney end Lovejoy. A 7230.
FIRST-CLASS board and room, home prlvt-l-grs.
all modern. S.':t E. Cou-h st.
I'LEASANT front suite;
Hot. Main 7VM.
will board. 739
I'KASANT rooms, single or en suite;
lent board. 6r.$ Gllaan.
SINGLE front room, 3 meals, $6.50 par
week. lDh St.. near Jefferson.
ROOM with connecting bedroom, excellent
board, porches and grounds. Main 2o71.
TWO gentlemen wanting tent sleeping room
with good board. Cnll Tabor 34o.
FIRST-CLASS room and board In prlvata
famtly. o43 Yamhill st.
ROOM and board for children. Woodlawn
1 1 .v..
PRIVATE rooms with board,
phone Main .13
NEWLY furniHhed. modern rooms, with
board. 4'7 Clay, near 11th.
Apart meat
MODERN APTS., one and two rooms with
kitchenette, two wall beds, bath; $V2 to
month. flU Grand ave. N.
SAN MARCO APTS., E. Sth and Touch. new
brick modern, private bath and phones.
3 room. S23. Cnll E. 2701.
BUCK. HARTFORD APTS. 21st and Flsndera
Under new management. 3, 4-room apt.;
wim ipt. ;
ance. Main 8783.
all modern, waiamn
2-KOOM furnished apartment for sale, very
reasonable; like new. Apt, 3, American
YOUR choice of two best rooms, modern,
above all. reasonable, next to Park Way.
;:20 Montgomery.
FOR RENT A basement apartment at Lu
rretla Court. Lucretla st near 2od ana
Furnished and unfurnlaned apartments.
446 Lovejoy sl Taae "W" car.
3-room furnished apts., private bath and
phone. walktngdistance. Marshall 1378,
jHT" wTndSOR APARTMENTS, at front
rooms: new, clean and homelike, walking
distance. Cor. E. 14th and Yamhill.
4 and h rooms; modern.
$.0 THREE larg-, light rooms, alcove,
bat h, porrh. maiklngditance, 1M3 Hall.
tTxEONTA Apartment, 1S7 17th st.; sleep
ing rooms. nlO; suites 10 to a0.
JC'LlAETTE Furnished and unfumisbad $
rooms Corner 2d and Montgomery.
S'3 Harrison St, Phono Marshall 3070.
THE ELM 2 and 3-room apta., furnished
hi at, pbon and bath. 191 14th au
lol 24th street North.
New modern, up-to-date apartment
building. Four rooms, furnished and tin
furnished : free telephone, two wall bed
In each apartment, all built-in conveni
ences. Rent 4. cnd up. Rent now and
get the advantage of the Summer rate
throughout the year.
71. Wayne st. (near Kins.
Mx large rooms (three bedrooms: al!
modem built-in conveniences, masnltlcent
view of city, walking distance. Rent f-"iO.
city Department.
Mnln 6t. 140 Fifth St. A S','07.
I-fTr and Harrison.
Now ready for tenant. 2 and 1
room apartment, living rooms 10x
20, high and sightly; well furnihed
with everything that goe to make
high-class apts.; 11th or 18lh-a:.
Marshall and 19th.
Large, airy 2. 3 and 4-room apart
ments; quiet and exclusive neighbor
hood. NOKOM1S.
Marshall, near 17th St.
NEW. AttraetlTely
room apartments,
bach el era
for THE WH E E LDOTf .
Cor. Park and Taylor sta.
Car. Tenth and Salmon sta.
Walking Distance.
Furnished complete, 8, and! 4-room
apartments: buildings new and strictly
modern j service first-class. s-
loth and Everett Sta
New management; 3, 4 or 5-room fin
furnished apartments. Tha best apart
ments In the cltv for tha mouse: they
have all modern convenience, are close
In. neat and homelike. Don't fall to
Inspect them befor locating. If furnlhd
apartment 1 desired, can arrange this on
small monthly payment with rent, tenant
eventually owning Tumitur at asu
monthly cost as furnished apartments.
Most iip-to-dat apartment tn ths
Northwest; every convenience; 4 and
rooms, all outside sunny rooms; "new;
walking distance, list and Johnson sta.;
cnoico residence district; attenaani on
premises. .arsnail sabo.
THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irvlnsr sti
this new 4-story brick now open; fur
nished and unfurnished in 2. 3 and 4-room
suites; reception hall, electric automatio
elevator. Holmes dlaannearlne beds, built'
In buffet and writing desk, gas range, 1c
box, plenty of closet rooms, both phone,
vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you
want something nice, come to the Barker;
1 S-room basement apartment, 1 15. Phones
A 1744, Marshall Svbl.
13th and Taylor.
Just completed, most magnificently foe
ntsbed apartments In th Northwest; loca
tion perfect; rentals reasonable; every
modern convenience.. Including banquet
hall and roof garden; both phone In all
apsrtments; high-class service: references
required. Ma.u 227 and A 7057.
bia, 4 blocks south from Morrison at. 1
new brick building, completely first-class
furnished In 2. ft and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath, steam heat, hot wa
ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner.
Janitor service; rent per month, $26, $39
S40 and up; must bo ssen to no apprs-
NEWLY furnished Th Upshur. 26th and
Upshur sts., furnished 2-room apartments,
fla. $18, 20 and up. This Includes steam
heat, hot and cold water in every apart
ment, private phones, public bath, electric
lights, gas range, laundry-room, all free;
also S-room unfurnished apartments, with
private bath. SIS; 4 rooms, J0. Take S.
?3d or W car north. Phone Main
tone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity
Place, between 19th and 20th street. Just
off Washington ; magnificent exclusive
apartment. In heart of apart men t-houae
district; rental reasonable; every modern
cob venlence ; sleeping porches, hign-cieaa
service; refined clientele; references re
oulrd In all cases Mrs. A. N. Weight
supt. phone Marshall 110L
King and Washington sts., now ready.
New 6-story reinforced concrete build
ing, only fireproof apartment-house in
Portland; every possible convenience, elec
tric elevator, best of service, private bal
conies, easy walking distance; 2, ft, and
4-room apartments, 122.50 up.
IN SMALL, well-kept apartment-house, 6
minutes' walk from Morrison st.
One very large, well furnished 4-room
apartment, on first floor.
One small, airy furnished apartment of
4 rooms, first floor.
One S-room apartment, light and commo
dloua. on third floor. 343 4th st,
Lucretla Si., Near 23d and Wash.
Unfurnished apartments, from two to
five rooms, all large, light ana outside;
large closets, hardwood noora; under new
management. Mart hall lfiift. Janitor, Mar
shall 15O0.
Nicely furnished 3 rooms, $-'5; all put
side, large, light, airy rooms, private
phone snd bath, gas range, refrigerator,
water heater, launary trays, large closets,
on carllne. East Side. E. irJlKl, B 3041.
45 Trinity Place, between 19th and 30th
sts., just off Washington; 2, 3 and 4
room; brick building; newly furnished;
phone In each apartment; modern In every
respect. $25 and up.
171 KINO 6T.
4, ft, 4-room apartments; selsot tenancy.
Apply on promises.
GRANDEST A furnished apartments. Or and
ave. and biara; new brick build lag.
8 rooma plendldly furnished, with pri
vat bath, 27 50; electrlo elevator; mod
ern conveniences; cioso-ln location; ar
walking distance; best cf service.
JUST .broken up my 10-room house, complete
furnishings o. two Dea rooms, Kitcnen and
wicker furniture for conservatory, or porch
for sale cheap If taken before atored; used
lecs than 6 months. Ormande Apt., Mar
shall 1IX(.
BT. CROIX Apartments, St. Clair sl. near
Wasnington ; X ana e-room apartment,
with private bath, furnished and unfur
nished; superb location, easy walking dis
tance, brick building; convenient arrange
ment. best of service and very low rents,
Hoyt; 4 rooms ana natn, prlvata balooay.
new brick building, electrlo elevator, su
perb location. In walking distance; most
convenient arrangement, low rut and oast
of eervjoe.
lumbia sts., 1 cnoice a -room unrumlshed
and 1 completely furnished 2-room apt.,
all modern conveniences, choice location,
fronting tha park and only 6 minutes'
wslk from business center.
14th and Clay atreet.
BplsndHl location, solid brick build ma,
electrlo elevator; we have unfurnished ft
and 4-room suites, with private vestibular
phone, bath, eta.
Just completed, corner 3d and Hall; all
2-rooin furnished apt., large out id
kitchens, best arranged apta. in Portland,
$25 and up. Easy walking distance.
at.; best 01 service; aeairaoi location,
with unexcelled car service; also aay
walking distance; ft-room apt., with beta,
modern convenience, very reasonable rani.
tiful bummer nome; mmuneo and unfur
nished apartments. $16 to $25. Tak Mis
sissippi or L car. get off at Killlngsworth
ave- phono C 1170.
New, modern building; new furniture;
ft-room apartments; walking distance, or
best car service.
JEFFERSON a niun-v-LASS 6-room
unfurnished apartment for rent to desira.
ble tenants. Apply at manager1 office.
In the buildlng!
410 6th sL ft minutes' walk, brick
building, nicely furnished 8-room apart
ments, private bath, phone, elevator; low
est rates In Portlsnd. Main 2078, a 2038.
20ft 16th st., near Taylor.
2 elegant 6-room unfurnished apart
ments; one northeast, on southwest ex
posure. Make reservation on premise..
HAD DON HA LL, Cor. Hall and 11th Sta.
S ana e-rm. Bunes, up; beautifully
furn., hardwood floors, private porches,
phones, bath. ML Tabor car. Mar. 117L
BR YN MAWR. 15 East 13th, near Yamhill,
Apart ments.
Steam-heated, CLEAN, light, well-furnished
2 and 3-room apartments at abso
lutely lowest prices consistent with firat
claps service and equipment.
Every convenience, including elevator
service, private telephones. HOT water at
all hours, excellent closet room, laundry
with steam dryer.
Handsome entrance and wide halls;
beautifully carpeted and well lighted.
Jefferson and 13tU Sis.
3,-4 and &-Room Apartments.
Exceptionally Low Summer Kate.
Janitor Service Unexcelled.
New, Strictly Modern.
rhon Main 2103.
Elegantly furnished 3-room corner
apartment, with slteping porch: sur
rounded by lawn and flowers, all bright
outside rooms; also very oesiraute, large,
light. 2-room apartment with bay window.
Daintily served meals can be arranged for
Just across the street. References.
17e Ford st.. lust south of Washington:
most complete, highest class apartments
aver bunt in roruana; nnisnea inrougn
out tn hardwood; tiled baths, superb fix
tures: elegant wall coverings; each with
private balcony; highest class service:
very reasonable rents; 4 and ft-room
apartments; most copvPlotly arranged.
t44 Everett st.
New and elegantly furnished apart
ment; ft rooms, reception hall and sleeping-porch;
automatio electrlo elevator and
private Pacific telephone; located in on
of the choicest residence districts, sur
rounded by elegant homes; walking ais
tance. 4-ROOM apartment with private bath $35;
all outside rooms, spiencia view; modern;
convenient arrangement; superb location;
close to Postofficc: also u-room apartment
best of service. The Sheffield, Tth and Jef
ferson sts.
Ford et., near Wasnington; select resi
dence district; a 3-room apartment, with
balcony; all conveniences of the best-class
apartments. Main 3a3, A 7-HS-.
GRACE APTS., 717 Northrup at, corner
24th. 5 largo rooms, hardwood Hoofs, front
veranda, large sleeping porch, private
telephone, water, neat and not water;
new and strictly modern.
New brick, corner iid and Montgomery,
furnished .-room apartments, private
bath, phone and elevator, close in; no
children; 4-5 up. Main 940o.
near Main; close in location; elegant 8
room apartment with bath and private
balcony, $3. Every convenience, good
560 E. Taylor, corner E. 13Ui, Just com
pleted, 2, w, 4 and 5-roora unfurnished
apartments, every convenience, walking
East Hh and Morrison, most centrally lo
cated: '2 and 3-room apartments, fur
nished up to date; private baths; moder
ate rates.
6-room apartment, choice residence dis
trict, walking distance, every convenience,
lilst and Flanders sts. Main 7516.
WINSTON Apartment. 341 14th st, at
ldarket; new corner brick; all bright, out
side rooms; X and 1-room sultws com
pletely furnished for housekeeping; 2a to
447. all. Fur Information call Maun A7a?.
All OUlSlUW, -i uuui ajjoiuucjita, XlOimCS
beds, built-in writing desks, vacuum clean
er, ianltor service; 2.0u to ;;u, Including
:ighLS, private phones. A 3472, Main 1377.
11th and Clay; a-roota apartments, fur
nished, with private bath; all conve
niences; good service; easy walking dis
tance ; very reasonable rents.
Park and Madison at.
For rent, ft and 4-room furnished and
unfurnished apartments, strictly modern.
407 Hall St.
Walking, distance; 2 rooms, elegantly
furnished. rnunc i-vv.
WILL rent beautifully furnished 3-room
apartment Ir summer 90 , unmeaiate
possession. Phone Marshall 1662, apart
ment 1, me lcaaume.
THE FLORbjXCb -ew ana absolutely
r rat-ciaa - uu vrv,144 luiuiauou aoari.
ments, 32.60 up. ZH 11th at. Marshall
num rM ETOPA. 18th and Flanders. ' A
ana -rw ,,rt .,7. muuBQ
and unturnisiitu, v now .urniture
and new building. Apply to the janitor.
THE MEilEDITH. 71 Washington st,, ,
3 snd 4 -room apts,, hardwood floors, with
every convenience, newly furnished; cheap,
est rent in the city.
,;-roora furnished or unfurnished apart
ment, all modern, low rent. Main IttNt.
jjJriLLAXD, 16th Lovejoy Unfurnished
1 front); modern, new brick; must be seen
to b appreciated. Main 1867, A lod7.
LEONCE, 186 N. 22d, near Johnson, on
beautifully furnished 2-room suite; pri
vate bath and phone; $22.50; 3 rooms $30.
gv't 5-ROOM flat, gas and electricity, fire
place, 2 bedrooms, 7S4 Oilman.
Mar. 4517. A 4545. 407 Spalding bldg.
HOLLADA Y A DDITION 6-room modern
upper flat, sleeping porch. 5 blocks from
new Stel bridge. 262 . 2d st. North,
corner Multnomah st. Phone East 294B.
NEW upper modern sunny flat, 6 rooms and
two sleeping porches; very desirable; op
posite new Multnomah Club; $-H. Inquire
."Si Salmon st.
$16 MODERN 4-room upper flat, porch,
basement, yard. sunny and pleasant,
adults. 780 William ave. Woodlawn
FIVE-ROOM lower flat, atrictiy modern,
fireplace. 852 Jackson. Inquire at 406
Park st.
3-ROOM flat, with bath, private entrance,
completely furnished; references. 650 pet
tlgrove. Phone Main 3176. Evenings.
FURNISHED 6-room flat, with sleeping
porch, heat and light. Call 164 li. 12th
or phone E 2431.
MODERN five-room lower fiat, furnace, fire
place, $;W; upper flat. 9 rooms, $45; very
close In. Phone East 3408.
FOR RENT Swell 7-room modern flat. 444
Park st., furnace and fireplace, no
children: Phone Tabor 763 or East 1431.
MODERN, new. 6-room upper flat. West
Side, select neighborhood, hardwood floors,
sleeping porch, fireplace. Marshall 2624.
500 MARKET ST. 5-room, modern flat, $30
per month; key at 502. Portland Trust
Company, 3d and Oak.
4-ROOM fur. flat, porch, largo ard. fine
view. 561 Davenport, cor. Pattonroad. Take
P. H. car to Spring st.
FURNISHED flat or room to rent. 19th and
Davis, West Side. Inquire 452 Washington
at. References.
5-ROOM flat for rent. cor. E. 14th and
Madison sts., 1 block north Hawthorne
ave. Phone Sellwood ttVL
NOB HILL; modern 4-room upper
sleeping porch. Main
ftlft; HOUSEKEEPING suite, moaern, gaa
Included, bedroom $6. 625 Marshall.
UPPER 7-room flat, sleeping-porch, 331
11th St.; $37.50. Main 5424.
5-ROOM modern sunny flat on Mount Tabor
1 . T,nn W 1 (Ml"
FIVE-ROOM modern flat, five blocks from
Postoffice. Telephone Marshall 626.
MODERN 5-room flat, 5th, near Jackson,
West Side, 10 mln. walk. Main or A 1223.
4-ROOM flat, close in, low rent. Inquire
230 Hall
MODERN 6-room flat, $20. Phone Woodlawn
2333 or C 221S.
S.NAP 5-rooin flat, close in. 64 Ella st.;
u8t renovated; only 26.50.
6-ROOM lower modern flat, 74 Irving L,
near 23d; key upstairs.
LARGE. 6-room lower flat,
-t. Main 8475.
MODERN 5-room flata. East ISth and Ash.
B 2006.
FLAT FOR RENT A fine large corner "rial
for rent, having six large, wo 11 -lighted
rooms, furnished with coal and wood
range and gas plate; built-in w a rdro
l'uilt-in pantry cupboards, porcelaii utii
tionary washtub, porcelain bath, ;i tine
east corner view; in fact it is a :.0 tt:U
reduced to $0. Apply to Milton G-j.urtz.
173-17.-. First St.
New i and. 6-room flats, modern. E
nth and Hancock sis., 2 Mocks f nun
Broadway tar. easv walking distance;
hardwood floors, tiled bath. Dutch kit-lien,
hot water heater, large attic and basement-,
separate stairway: owner cares for
lawn; fine residence district ; rent si.
Phone East 5t"70. Keys on premises.
5-ROOM flat. 72 Olisan st.. $rw7 nw
building, superb location, very desirable;
hardwood tloors. fireplace. gas rantr';,
water heater, furnace. Keys with Mr.
Hughes, janitor Cecilia Apts.. I'l'd and
STEAM-HEATED 5-rooin flat, very desira
ble; convenient arrangement, with cai
range; ."'J.5 Summer rate. Apply jani
tor, Wellington Apartments, loth and
NOB Hill flat. 7 rooms, flue yard, splendid
neighborhood. 775 M Johnson at., bet. --!
and 24th. Alain 0591.
Housekeeping Room.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur
mshed for housekeeping; -gas range, elec
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free;
SIS per month up; a clean place, best in
the city for the money; short distance
from Union depot. Take 'S" or Kth-ac
cars north, get off at Marshall st. No doga.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, newly
papered and painted, with gas. Inquire
of Mrs. "VYhalen, over 627 First st.. South
$1.60 TO 52.50 per week Clean furnished
housekeeping rooms; free heat, phone
bath, laundry, yard. 404 Vancouver ave.
and 203 Stanton; "U" car. Phone E. 602.
FOR RENT One 4-ronm suite, completely
furnished for housekeeping, gas range,
hot water heat, bath and stationary wash
tub. 1181 Kerby. Phone C 2667.
THE MELVIN, 11th St.. near Yamhill
Nicely furnished housekeeping -rooms and
suites; bath, gas. heat, phone and laun-di-y
privileges; rates reasonable.
THE MILNE iU 3f0Vj Morrison, corner ParlT;
steam heat, hot and coid water, clovator;
furnished apartments with kltchencue,
4U6',a N. 20th st- Completely furnished 2
roum apartment, including heat, light,
phone. $15 up. M. Take S, iiSd or W
car north.
401 EAST MORRISON, cor. East 8th. com
pletely furnished housekeeping suites, reus
enable. FURNISHED .single housekeeping room-.
$1.00 to $2 per week. DeSoto House, 101
HOUSEKEEPING, single and in two and
three-room suites, verv reasonable; brick
building. 121 i Russell st.
CLEAN housekeeping rooms, centrally lo
cated, reasonable. Call Wash. Pt.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms In new concrete
building. Phone Woodlawn 2997 or 2379.
Housekeeping Rooms in Private Jramily
NEWLY furnished In modern dwelling, for
housekeeping. 1 and 2-room suites; re
spectable, exclusive, close-in district; ev
ery convenience; $8 per month up. 6-"t5
Flanders, near 20th st.
FURNISHED nice front rooms for house
keeping, gas range and sink, $o.fn a
week; also single rooms. $i70; 3 blocks
from City Hall. 30; 7th st.
HOUSEKEEPING suite, front and sunny;
also suite of two rooms and kitchenette,
5 15.."i0 monthly ; desirable, clean, conveni
ences. 44.i 6ih st.
CLEAN, attractive front housekeeping
rooms, bay windows, $3 per week; also two
good housekeeping rooms, $10. los Hall
LARGE, clean furnished or unfurnished
housekeeping rooms, all convenience- to
desirable people only. 41 N. 18th. Mar
shall 47S.
TWO or three niceful furnished housekeep
ing rooms, modern conveniences. Hi
Grand ave. North.
TH REE large, newly furnished housekeep
ing rooms, electricity and gas. connectuitf
bath and phone. 4o0t Park s.
THREE completely furnished rooms, large
jara, natn. sink, iaunnry, phone; no ou
jectlons to child IS. $25 East Stark.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 7;
w imams ave. ; nice back yard and fi ui
trees, $10 per month.
FURNISHED rooms in private house for
light nouseKeeping, iast Cherry st. Apply
ZUl E. Ross st.
ed housekeeping rooms; modern; rent rea
sonable. Phone Main 22.7.
15 FOUR furnished housekeeping ruoms.
gas plate, steel range. Apply room u,
Washington bldg.
63 N. 20TH, newly furnished room. 1, 2
and 3-room suite, complete for housekeep
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, mod
ern, private entrance; best location. West
1 Side. Phone M. S3S2.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; light,
phone, bath, heat. laundry prl ileget; ii
per week. 169 E. 14th.
S13 14TH. CORNER of Clayl large, clean
J and 2-room furnished housekeeping
$16 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in
cottage; gas range, sink and bath; separ
ate entrance, close in. 610 1st st.
TWO sunny housekeeping rooms, all conveni
ences, walking distance. $15 month. 41
21st st. X., cor. Washington. Main ut9o.
4 CLEAN, light furnished housekeeping -
rooms ; gas, bath ; $12,50 month. 'f2
Front st.
$10 TWO furnished housekeeping rooms,
71 H K- 22d st., near Oak. Apply 127
E. 10th st.. near Morrison.
TWO sunny housekeeping rooms, all conven
iences, walking distance, $15 month- 42
21st st. N.. corner Washington.
147 35TH ST.. bet. Alder and Morrison;
neatly furnished rooms, reasonable. Mar
shall 42S6.
2 LARGE, light housekeeping rooms, walk
ing distance, cheap. 32. Jackson. A
ESPECIALLY desirable front rooms. large,
airy, furnished, street bay window, 534
LARGE. nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms, excellent location, very reasonabie
262 14th.
NEATLY furnished housekeeping room in
private family. 13 Eat 7th st. East 102?.
NICELY furnished housekeeping and singie
rooms, closes in, at 47- Alder.
HOUSEKEEPING suite of 3 rooms, nicely
furnished, also sleeping rooms. 6S N. 14th.
CLEAN, light, well-furnished housekeeping
rooms. 3H5 tirh.
COMFORTABLY furnished housekeeping
rooms; reasonable. 91V. 1st. near Stark si.
-2 connecting nousekeeping rooms. 651
THREE nice housekeeping rooms; two beds;
furnace heat. i!47 Hall.
A WEEK, housekeeping room. 412 10th
it., near Hall.
TH REE or four nfceK furnished house
keeping rooms. 2,15 10th, corner Salmon.
2 NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms.
yard, batn. pnone. am nut st.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 149 13th, between
Morrison and Alder.
2 OR ft desirable unfurnished housekeep
ing rooms; wanting distance, ayj er n.
$15 HOUSEKEEPING suite, modern, yard.
ones, waiKing distance. 625 Marshall.
GOOD housekeeping rooms; also sleeping
" rooms: reasonable. 548 East Ankeny.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms and
single rooms, 40 Ella eL Marshall 2521.
ONE large third-floor front room for light
housekeeping, $2.50 per week. 29 N. 17th.
TWO bright, clean, newly furnished house
keeping' rooms. per week. 411 4th.
BARGAIN" Artistic 8-room bungalow. 1 !ft
East Tenth North, near Killingsworth, $;l.
Marshall 177'.
FOR RENT Modern. up-to-date 7-rooiu
home, Nob, Hill district. Apply TJS No.
$50 CASH will handle my new modern
bungalow: balance like rent; no agents.
Phone Tabor3556.
HIGH-CLASS Portland Heights residence,
with garage and large grounds. Inquire
415 Chamber of Commerce.,
NEAT 5-room cottage, ten minutes' walk
from FosiofTlce, West Side, yard room;
rent $20 per month. 4S34arket. st.
MODERN 5-rom cottage, comer Union
ave.. 4 block south of Hawthorne. Tabor
MODERN 2-story 6-room house, nice vaTd.
paved street, one block to car. adult.
$22. 780 Williams ave. Woodlawn 426.
7-ROOM house for rent, furniturefor-sa!e
cneap. Inquire 62 N. 6th st.
5- ROOM West Pids nice yard, fins view "of
river, fruit trees. Call Main 1S-69.
6- ROOM house. lenpnnRible parties; onI
rent $1S. Inquire. P25 E. Stark.
A OOZY-bungalow, strictly modern, for rent.
Alberta district. Phon? A 2222.
FOR R KNT 5-rooin modern cotiage.
oulre at 62 East 22d st. S.