WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1912. SHIP OUT OFRDUTE? Steamship Agents Think Ti tanic Sought Record. FULL SPEED PROBABLY ON Submarine Mountain. Clashing of J Ocean Current, and Fog. Fmc- tors Xo Doubt In Wrrok, - Says Portland Man. Moat of the local steamship agents la expressing their opinions on the Joss of the Titanic agree that she was In ail probability trying; to make m record royals and Instead of fol lowing the usual Jetour. Just went ahead, thereby running Into the big kerr that brought her to her doom. "Of course It Is difficult to say yet on account of the scarcity of details as to her course, but from the latitude nd longitude In which she foundered, the Titanic would seem to hare been outside her course, and probably going at full speed." said one of the agent". "She wouW of course hare heard by wireless from the other ships of the great bank of Icebergs they had en countered, after leaving American or Canadian ports, and would go slow In consequence till It waa passed In safety. Then with quickening speed. It seems, she must have run Into a bis: berg apart from others, which rad not been noted by the rest of be ships." Definite (rM Ktxed. Apropos of these remarks It is In teresting to recall that all the prin cipal steamship companies op the North .Atlantic have adopted definite fixed rourses for their steamships In crossing the ocean, which are known- as "ocean Janes." Commanders of vessels are required yiot to deviate from these routes, except for the most urgent reasons. Among the objects attained by fixed adherence to the established routes, the greatest Is the prevention of collision between hips proceeding In opposite directions. 3n addition such adherence secures snore fixed and precise knowledge of winds, compass variations, ocean cur rents and weather conditions along the usual track, with more prompt assist ance In case of accident or Injury. There are two recognised routes for rastbound ships and two for those making a western port, varying ac cording to the season of the year. Kast fcound ships follow one route from January li to August iJ. whereas westward-bound change their route on August 13. The Island of Newfoundland, off the Cdast of Canada. marks the north western limits of the Great Bank of Newfoundland. a vast expanse of hoal water that extends I3 miles ti or til and south and 10 miles east nd west. It lies between latitudes S:30 and AS north and between longi tudes 47:iO and S7:10 west, being directly In the track of steam naviga tion between America and Kurope. ftsjheaartae Mawatala Tnere. Over this shoal the average depth or water la 10 fathoms or J feet, but there are many portions where It Is much less. On either side of this shoal the water deepens rapiuiy to many thousands of fathoms, the bank being really an enormous submarine moun tain rising from the bottom of the sea. while Its top does not quite reach the surface. The Gulf Stream flows past It on the southeastern edge, with the Arctic or Labrador current coming Uown on Ita northeastern limit. Both these great ocean currents at times flow over the outer edpea of the bank, the amount and direction of tnis flow varying with the season of the year, and the force and direction of the prevailing winds. One of the main causes of the fogs. In which t!ie Newfoundland banks are ao frequently shrouded. Is the conflict rf these two great ocean currents with their vast difference In temperature, the one coming up from the tropics while the otlwr bears down from the froxen north. The warm air above the Gulf Stream loses Its moisture by condensation In contact with the chill atmosphere over the Arctic current, and I he result la the Inevitable cold, damp p nd dangerous fog. In addition the prevalence of fleets of fishing vessels adds to the difficul ties of navigation over these banks, for the great liner has to thread Its way through them across this 40 miles of tossing sea. DAILY CITY STATISTICS .Marriages. ' BKCK-STgANT'lllM..! John F'Ck. cltjr. tl and HIU:a Mrsnthim. cliy. -S. Pfc.TKK.-ON-JiHNSON Carl O. Teterson. Cltr 27. and Jennie Johnson, cltjr, 15. KIHN-HKNSKL Jullui Kudu, city. 2j. and F.Isi llnel. citv. 23. PK-E-KIN''. R- J-e Dice. city. 23. and vlvla VI King. Lents. IS. ' HI'HL-KEUi Walter RahL city. 35. and Hr.-ste KflM. rlly. 24. Geo. C. I-uderv city. Wat inM Mr E. Ilowsll. city. legal. I.K M.BKTTEK-VA.NHUBV Robert M. l.eadbetter. city. 22. and Florence E. Van Jlorn. cit. -1 KOl'tiLAS WORK tvm. P. Do'iglas. city. Ci. and EHiaheth Work. city. 23 Ml"I-KI.!i-'''TT Harry F. Mulklns. ally 21. and t"hr1l V. Scott, rlly. 23. HAl.H'oHMEST-Slonrw Hall. city. Israt. and Kern Forrest, city. legal. srAINrtROiI.E-HOBinA To Ralph V. Ft;norvle. 2", Multnomah County, and :thel M. Kotl. -I. HATTOX-B AI M To Ross C Hatton. . "Multnomah Cnrjpty. and Mrs, Kvi Baum. 2M. JOHNSON.Rn.VHAa To Walter l John son. 2. Mtltnomab County, and Pauline M. "fcfcenham, i't. HI'ERUVC-WnTZEl. To Amtst Ppr Si of Multnomah County, and Emily Ml CK-ITVES To I- r. Muck. 20. if Lewis Countr. Washington, and Calls L. Fm. 21. huRT.GII To Bertram '. Short, at (Multnomah I'ountr. ? Tllle E. Gtle. HAaSl'BUePKAi'H To K. C. Ramsdell. f ilu.tnorah county, and Joels M. Black. RHAKEK-KOI.FE To If. M. Rharer, S9. f MuitnoTiah C.ionir. and May Kolfe. Is. HAM NKTT ro"Nfl To James Hamnett. T Multnomah County, and V rs. Mai tie Coons, i- NfUAROl'aHAHT-T Charles F. Nell. Mu.tnomsu County, and Katharine C A'rque- Lart. MSKA-R UTtANTS To John Nlska. 50. f Mu-ioomafi County, and Aanle Rauttaneo. 'fMlT!l-HARNST-T W. C. Smith. S3, f Multnuman County, and Clarissa, Harvey. C! WAF.n-ANPERSON' To W. H. Ward. SO. ef Klic-kltat County. Waahlngtoa. and Vlolat A. AiMl'nwn. 3-'. HAJdlLTi'.V-MaRTtX Te Oeorgo 8. tUmtitnn. 27. Multnomah County, and Jes sie M. Martin IH. IRWI.W.KEVIA To Karl I- Irwin. 23. ef Skamania County. Waahlngtoa. and Mary Grenta. 2. r.v.AiK-KKf.I.rHBrt To Arthur D. t Je-h. of Mulinomaa County, and Minnie A. Jillnr. n.HER-iri":R t joe Fisher. ;t. of Vuitnomaa county, and Ella Lauber. 23. ' Births. OR A HAM To tbo wife of L. D. Graham. T.enls April 14. a daughter. HI NT To the wife of K. I. Hunt, BO. JCast Washington street, a son. Mll.1 SAN-Tl ! wifa of M I. Stlll snsri. Amity. Or. April I. a daughter n-i'uNNOR To l!e wife vf Jaremlaw D'l'of-rinr. British Columbia. April . a satis fer. tioItMAN To the wife of William Gor man, siterwood. .Or.. April 10. a son. S To the wif of Oeorxe A. Davis. M Flrpt rreet. April 7. a ..n. Kf.M'iftAV To tlie wile of John T. t.mrm 2s t;raham tret. a sn. AuKitT To ll alfe o! L. A. JTorrtlt. l Fort) -fourth avenue F. C April 11. a son. BAII.KT To ths wife of A. A. BalUy. elty. Marrh IV a son. VAMASHITA To the lfe of Hlkotaro Tama-hita. 31 m North Srcond street, April ft. a son. WALLACE To th Ifo of James H. Wii:re. J4! frad tret. April 11. a son. IUSIl'KAM To the wife of Chtia J. schmlearteskamp, 102 East Lincoln street, April 11. a dauchter. SII.KWOHTH To ths rlfa of Don Car los, silkworth. 4J 3d St.. 8. V... April 11. a daughter. M !tBIS To the wife of Edward A. M"r rlp. 33 East f irst strset. April 13. a daush ter. HBf5Tf To the wife of W. F. Shun. 62m Klttteta avenue. April 12. a aon. STIt ADB To tho wife of Henry A. Btraile. IZA Dean street, April 11. a son. Laborer Foand Pcatl In Bed. JUNCTION CITT. Or.. April 1. (Special.) W. H. Lyon, a laborer on the Oregon Klectrlp Railway, was found dead In bed tills morning by his bed fellow, lie evidently died without a struggle. Coroner Gordon waa caned and after a thorough Investigation decided It was unnecessary to hold an Inquest. The body was taken to the undertak ing rooms of J. H. Miller and Is helng embalmed. It will be held awaiting news from relatives In tho Kast If they can be located. Liquor Law Violators l-'lnod. W OOP BURN. Or.. April IS. (Spe cial.) The case of the City of Wood burn vs. Fred Apiin for selling liquor without a license was settled here r . . .l.nilint naM a Oktturuay. w . . . . - fine of $300 and costs of S5. The trial of Gilbert Apnn lor a similar irnee was held Friday, and the defendant waa found a-ulltv. The fine of .1O0 w nor r.ald Attornevs tor tne aeicnac served notice of appeal. Oil Company Incorporates. SAI.KM. Or, April . (Special.) The Linn County Oil Company filed articles of Incorporation hore today. It la capitalized at $1,000,000 and the In- cornorators are J. L. Ttirnrldge. a. r.. Davis. T. II. Watklns, J. u. M'om.n and G. II. Hay. Ridgrfield GcU Postal Bank. RIDGEFIKI.D, Wssh.. April !. (Spe cial. A postal savings bank naa oeen established at the Rldgefield postofflce. and I'ostmaster Bla.kburn became a banker last week on tho opening of the new Institution. rsAn.T METEOROI-OtilCAl. REPORT. PORTLAND. Or.. April 1. Maximum tamperst'irc. o dearera: minimum. -42 de gree.. Hirer reading. A. M.. T.T feet: change in lat 1 hours, o t foot rise. Total rainfall iS P. M. to S T. M.I. trace: total rainfall since September 1. .w.Su Inches: normal rainfall ne Sejitemher 1. .14 Inrhea; deficiency of rainfall slnre Septem ber 1. S.OJ Ini'liea. Total sunshine, none: possible sunshine 13 hours. ;li minutes. Barometer I reduced to sea levelj at S P. M.. 3tX IS Inchea. TUB WEATHER. Wind Stats ef Wsatbar TATIO.M Baker Role ....... 44 0 7 O. 4 VW en lrt W oo 12,-i no t; sW 00 24 N 01 S NW i' NK t' 4 K l 1 N W 7 S N OH 4 S .13' SE O.. 14 N Cloudy Pt. cloudy Mudy t'loud v 'Cloudy Pt. cloudy 'loudy Clear Clear 'Cloudy t 'loud Vt. cloudy Rain rt. cloudy alsary Chicago . ...( 0. Denver ....... Dee Moines . . . Duluth Ktireka ...... M 41 S4 .'.4 ). I . l O -. i. fiH l S'J o Too 74 O tialveston .... Helena ....... JselcvonTtlla .. Kansas lty .. Marshfleld ... Montreal New Orleans New York ... North Head . . North Yakima Phoenix ... Pih-si llo Portland X 4 NW Ot 1H W -t'loudy Rain PL cloudy t'loudy Pi. cloudy I't. cloudy Pt. cloudy Rain ' Pt. clordy flear Vloudy ti. cloudy near lrudy Vlear Pi. cloudy 32 SNE IM 2 W tti IS NW ihi 4 NW INi tt W r,o Kx O ' 7i I e-4 .-, O ' To 0 ' ! 4Jt o rvj o. r.H : tij o ;.un. .-.o. Ttto. 4i o. no 4 W R W t NW Koseburg ..... Sacramento St. Iuts ..... St. Paul Halt t.ako .... San I Hero . . . San KranOsco Spokane Taconia Tatoosn island Walla Wnlla . Washlnv.on .. Wlnnlpejr no Inn ci 4 K oi 4 N no' a nw nv' SV mi ;o W ll'i 4 W IK K NW no; s s w no 6 RW t2 4 S HO 4 NW t loudv I't. cloudy rieor Pt. cloudy C1ar WEATHER CONDITIONS?. High pressure covers the north-central portion of the. country and also tho North I'aclflr Coast. KJsewhere tho pressura l relatively low. with apparent centers over British Columbia, tha southern Rockies, tlulf states and the extreme Northesst. re spectively. Within the last 12 hours precip itation has occurred' In Western Washing ton. Southwestern Montana. I tah, Okla homa, and In the Gulf and Atlantic states, in tho Gulf atates the rainfall was heavy. A thunder storm was reported from Boston. The a-eathor Is cooler In tho Mississippi and Ohio vallvs. Uk region, upper St. Law rence Vsllev. .Interior North Carolina, and la Interior Western Oregon, and it Is warm er In the Middle Atlantic states. The condition sre favorable for gener ally fair we.tther Wednesday In WVstern Oregon and Western Washington, and (or slioaers east of the Cascade Mountains. Temperature changea will be unimportant end winds mill be mostly westerly. FORECASTS: Portland and Tlclnity Fair; westerly winds. Oregon and Washington Fair west, show ers followed by clearing weather In east portion: winds mostly westerly. , Idaho -Show ers. THEODORB F. DRAKE. A'lnr lttHrf eorecaier. MEETING KOTK'ES. 1 NOBLES Help ttiiki the Shrine ball a success, riaaee promptly send your remit tance o the Recorder. More i-andtdatrs are needsd. Spe ,i.i umiiiii will be held Sat. nrdMv eveiilne. April 20. at t he Masonic temple. West urn a-iiu n ' and If candidates enough a ceremonial will be held on Park April v,;v juui ' ' In now. Write t'. Recorder, ho need the monev. Ths Recorder la revising his mall Ins; Itot Every m- mber will kindly help him by eendlns in their correct postofflce address. By order of the potentate. B. G. WHITfcHOLSE. Recorder. PALESTINE LODGE N:0. 141. V. and A. M. Stated com unlratlon at Woodmere Hall. Arleta. this tweonesoayi eve ning. April 17. at S o'clock. Visit ing brother welcome. GEO. E. HOWARD. Sec HAWTHORNE 1-ODGE. NO. 111. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication thia i Wednes day! evening, at t.SO. Work K. A. degree, and S o'clock work F. C. degree. Masonic Temple. Visiting brethren welcome. C. E. MILLER. Sec. WASHINGTON IXDGE. No. 4. A. y. AND A. M. Wtated com- evenlas. 7:30. E. Eighth and H urn I rte. M. M. degree. 1st tors welcome. J. n. RICHMOND. Secretary. PORTI-AND CHAPTER NO. X, R. A- M. Stated convocation this (Wednesday evening at o'clock. Visiting companions welcome. There will be no work, but there will be speaking, good smoking and good eating. Come A. M. KNAI'P. Sec. SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 2. 1. O. O. F. Keg. ular meeting this (Wed. needay) evening St 8 o'clock. Second degree. Visitors always wel H. OSVOLD. Sec GEO. WRIGHT W. R. C. NO. 2. Ths funeral ef Mr- Sarah Victoria Tsft. a mem ber of the corps, will be held at Flnley s parlors at 2 1. M Wednesday afternoon. Members requested to be present. YOVESA SEVERANCE. Pres. DELLA G. MICKLEV. Sec. KOnNRRODT The funeral services of Mr. Kthel Holm Kornbrodt will be held Wed nesday. April 12. 1U. at 1 o'clock P. M.. at the Isle residence. 111 E. Twenty-third street North. V 7 m ORIKNT LutM-.K. X. 17. f. S. o. F. Rr-KOljr meeting tonight t Wednes,is v . Con. ferilng the initiatory rtcgr-e. Visitors In- sued te bs wnb us. W. W. TsVKItr. Has. A MI F MEM". HEILIG Theater tth Taylor Thonrs Main 1 and A 1122. Two Performances Today. Special Price S 1 I.ast Time Tonight 1:1 Matinee Charlea IMillnrham presents All Americas J'rlme KsTorlte Elsie Janis In the Musical Comedy Trtomph. TIIK M.IM rKlNCKSS" With JtrM-.l'll t A TIIOKN Tonight: Lower floor $1. Walronv 1.. II. Tie. 50c tJnllory SOc. Today s mat In: Lower floor S I. At. Balcony $1. 7ic. Gallery J5c. 10c. SEATS NOW SELLING HEILIG THEATER 3 banning Tomorrow Speelal Price Matinee Ssturdsy. W-II.IJAM FAVERSHAM Supported by 41T.IE OrP and His Company. In tha Comedy THE FAIN" Even'ngs: Lower rloor, 2. fl..V. Ral eony. (1. OOc. c.nllerj-, .'iuc. Special xirlr-e matinee Saturday: Lower floor. 1 .vi, tl. Balcony, 1. T5c. JOc. Gallery. 3,1c. 25c. R.AIC E S?. Mal'nTMoO Geo. I- Baser. Mrr. Tonight, All Week, matinee Saturday. The popular Baker Stoek Conipsnv in -THE WITCHING ItOCK--Bv Augustus Thomas. One of the most fascinating and absorbing plays ever writ ten, original, gripping and powerfully dra matic Clever comedy. Evening!. 20c, COc only. Matinees. 2.V:. Next week "The Spoilers." e. 1 AM 11, n l' -W IMATINEE EVERT DAT 'iJBt. sPvta e ptfrvA .. ISe lit NIC.IITH: 13c. 5c, 0e. IStf WEEK APRIL 1.1 Katherlne drey, la "Above the I aw." Johnny Eord. Rosina favuetll. Ilarvev and He ora Trio. Three t.ltxidenheeks. Alsace end lrralne, IHvrotby Kenton, 4rrchestra, t'ift u res. WTKK APRlf 15 .Mr. r.Mr. Bloomniift nd 111 IM-r. In tSrr"i Mm-. I hmn tfrlln. Prima Ikinoa Pur In (iri-nt. Oprm; I Hiivfi nr Sldnrr, VV (xmIi.-Km t ( on Trio, Th ThrtM KIH-r-ro. Renmrr avi lCt), PajB I JTvrj. Intajx lrritntm. 1'opu-la-r prtos, naas. mni f irft i--w iMlroiiT- if s-a-rra-ei. Mox off itr f.-T frnrn 10 A. t. to 10 P. M. rhon-. A at.oS, Main 4J. Carttila 5 30. 1:15 nod 9. Matinee Every Day. ess onrterlv (irand. Iran a Consldine. rtrflnrd Vaudeville. WEEK APRIL 1.1 The fieorge Bonhalr Tronpe. 3 t.amons S. l-ewla and fearson Maltie lAckrlte, El Cleve. t.iiy lart:ett Trio. Orchestra. Prices, lie and ioc. LYRIC T11EATEU IDtKIU AND bl'ABB trrrg Amu. 1 A Hire a (adv. with the Keating a flood Musical Comedy Co.. In "IK. nMnea' Prices. 1 1W Bnd iC. day Mint. boras Contest. Hperlnl Next Week Ed 8. Allen. Portland's Iravorite He brew Comedies, ia "The Belle of Chlna- towa." STAR THEATER Rsrlaatve Appearaace Tulltl , TOMORROW AD FRII) W Mr. Frank Lanning World'a' Greatest Film Indian la Character IraperMeaatloaa Krwm Oreat Photo Plays la M hlch he Played the Leading; Part BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Cer. Aaugbe asd Tvreaty-fonrth Sis. SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND a is. it. lit in. no. " l . Uatnea Krgis Weekdays at .TitH P. M. Sundays Si30 P. M. LADIES' PAT FRIDAY. nova 1'nde.r 12 Kree to Bleachers W'ednesday. After the Show The Arcadian Garden IN Hotel Multnomah -The Restaurant Beautiful" This week's programme of atellar at tractions surpasses anything yet offered In tho Restaurant Beautiful. Pally from :3ft to S 30 snd 10 .W to li.XO. I'UNE. ROSE AND RAYMOND. One of the Higgest lilts In Vaudeville. I.A ACCltTTA. cranlsh liancer. TOtMl ANO Ies"T. Character Entertalnera. THE DKANCO NEAPOLITAN DCO, Romantic oretiaders. KONSKV. Violin Virtuoso. PHUJP PEIi, Ruaslsn ImpeHal Court Conductor, and hla Concert Or chestra of soloists. Iteserve your tahlea early. MULTNOMAH HOTEL COMPANY. IL C. Bowers, Jdaaacer. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally er Sunday. Par Use. Oae time IM Same ad two eeweecntlve times. ..... tte hame ad three consecutive times Sue ba me ad six er sevea consecutive times., see K emit ten cee must accsinuasy ut-ef-towa erders. Vi bea ene a a v err im iiienv t sm raw in cwts secnUv Usuee the ooe-Um rate applies. Si x words count as ene line sa cash ad verUseoieate aad Oje ad coutitcd lor lees tbaa 1st Unea. Oa charge er -book advertisements the eharge will be baaed ea the actual umber ef lines appearing is the paper, regardless ef the amuber ef words la each line. In New letiay all edvertlaemeele are charged by SBeeaare only. 14 lines ( the tara- Tbe above rate apply te advertisements andrr "New Today" and all ether classifies. Uena except the following! eltaatloue Wanted. Male. Mtuatlene W anted. 1 ejnal. Oregealaa will ecept classified adeerttee sseoc ever tbo telephone, providing the ad vertiser la a subscriber te either pboue. e prices will be Quoted ever the phone, bus bill will be rendered tbe following day. Whether eabeeqnoot advert laemente will be accepted ever the phone depends Dpos the prainptnewe of the peymeat of telephone ad seelUements. bituations Wanted and Per son si advettlsemeals will not be accepted ver the telephone. Orders for one iaaer ttoa only will be accepted for "Houses faf Rent," "Euroilure lor bale," "Business Op portunities. "livotulug-stousea" aad Want ed te avea. fa- IV e NA - Snl'l AUCTION SALES TOD.t Y. At Mrs. Way's residence. PS N". 1.1th St.. ner Flanders L, f urnlttiri. etc. Sal at 10 A. M. Raker Crowcll, auctioneers. At Wilson's Auction House, it 10 JL M. Furniture. 171-t-S 6econd street. DIED. BILGER John A. Bllger. Arrll 1. aged 4t vears snd P months. Remains sent to JseVsonvl lie. Or., for burial. DIED At Kt. Vincent's Hospital. Melton H. t'asev. of 8 Hood st. aged bO years. No. ti-o of funeral lster FLTi'ERAL NOTICES. JOHNSON In this rltj April 1. Sivsnty Johnson, aged JV3 years months, beloved husband of Ida M. Johnson, of 179 Morris at. Friends Invited to attend funeral serv ices, which will be held at Holtnan'a funeral parlors. 3d and Salmon sts., at P. M. today l Wednesday!, April II. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. At! NET -US Graham ave.. April 16. Mr. ' Eva J. Arnet. belovrd wife or T. I Arnet. Funeral ervtces will be held at the Cre matorium Thursilav. April 1H, St 2:"0 P. M. Friends respectfully Invited. Re mains st A. It. Zeller Co. parlors. .I?: w imams ave. PI RHAM The funeral of the 1st Panlel Ourham will be held from Holmsn's funersl parlors st 8:30 A- M. today 'Wed nesday!, thence to the Cathedral. and Davis, sts. services at 9 A. M. Friends Invited. Interjnent Mu Calvary Cemetery. TAFT The funeral services of the 1st aiah Victoria 1ft. formerly Mrs. Drum tnond. will he held at the family residence. !.Vi4 East Slatv -sixth street E.. at 2 '. M. today i t.'ednesday ). Friends Invit ed. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. M'RAE In this city. April fT. st his late residence. Kast Sixth street. Donald McK&e, aged f7 years. 11 months and 18 days. The funeral servlcea will be held at the above resilience at lo A. M. Thurs day. Friends Invited. Interment Rlver vlew Cemetery, M'f'OMB At the residence, 300 Pkldmore street. Virgil It. Mct'omb. sued 4rt years. - Funeral services will be held at the abov residence todav (Wednesday), April 17, at 1' I. M. Friends respectfully Invited. In terment Rlvervlew Cemetery. WARD The funeral services of the late John H. Ward will be held today (Wed nesday l st 1 P. M. from the chnpel of A R. Zeller Co.. SH4 Williams ave. in terment Mount Scott Park Cemetery. HILL The funeral of Mrs. H. J. Hill II! be held at the First Baptist Church. Ore gon City, today t Wednesday 1, April 17 at 1 P. M. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. ILOHEKs, floral designs. Nob HUI flee let. lMe Jtid and GUaaa. .Halts Aug, Jk Jig. MONUMENTS Otto Bchtunana Marble Works. East ad and 1'lne bis. East It. UK. EDWARD HOLM AN. the leading fw gcral director aod undertaker. 0 loua ear, balmon. Lady assist ant. Ducjilng Jk McRntee, Funeral Directors, tth aod Tine. Phone Main 439. Lady al tandanU Office ef Coouty Coroner. A. B. ZELLEB CO.. BJ-t VMIIIams sea. pboas Emt 1U8S. C iflbg. Lady alteadans. e. P. IIALEI SON. Sd aad MaduMta. Lady attendant, pneao Main . A. lASa. LAST blDK Funeral Directors, su te t. &. Uanning. ino. K. tt, B Ull. Lbltl'u, Undertaker, cor. East Alder eae) bUth. fcast 7S1. B HIBs. Lady atteadaat. eklHUi COMPANY, td aad CUy. 41SI. A zl. Lady atteadaat- THE CEMETERY Beautiful ML Scott Park : lARf.K, PERMANENT, MODKRN. PORT- e LAU' 1)LV MODERN g) C El M E T El It Y WITH . PKKPKTIJAL CAR U of all burial plots without extra charge. Provided with a perms- nent irreducible M a I n 1 1 n a n o e Kund. Location Ideal; Just out- side the city limits on norta and west slopes of Mount Scott, containing tii acres, equipped with every modern convauleuce. PRICKS TO SUIT ALL. SKKVICE TUK BEST. e 0. M-: MILE bOCTM OK e 1, K Jf T S. K i V L A R AUTOMOBILE bKltV. e ICE I'KEfcJ Utl 1'Vt bE.V a Lti IS AAD T is a, CtiiiK'lElt V. ti e CITY OFFICK. 920-921 YEON BUILDING. MAIN 21'6, A 70SS. CKMETKRY OFFICK. TABOK 14t,: HOME PHONE K I M G a till THEM CALL LOCAL. 4201. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office. Cltv Hall. Main B. A TH. Humane officer. Sergeant E. 1 Crate. Residence. 24 K. I4th N Ksst 4771. Horse ambulance, corner of Sth and Taylor. Veterinary in charge. Marshall 0. Aal msis Rescue Home. Northrup Acrea Thomas A. Short. Suyt-. A 5M7. 8 rlnga NEW TODAY. THK CHK4M OF THE EAST SIDE resldenr-e section. Streevts all paved: sewer, water, naa mains all In. Graded biiildlntr restrictions. tooU car nervlce. Prices from 1000 ti ,3000 per lot. Get particulars. Phone Main 150.1. Main 4020 or A 1516. Be sure to ask for Mr. Urdahl. RW Corbett Bldrr. 54 LOTS Slaughter Price consisting- of threo blocks in a re stricted district within tlire-mlle cir cle. Special low price on application. tiODDARO IVIKDHIl'R, SI3 Stark St. Mortgage Loans $.10,000 aad Over CENTRAL BUSINESS PROPERTY. LOWEST CURRENT RATES. WM. M ACM ASTER 701 Corbett Hide;. 80-Acre Snap Tliree m licet from Reave-rtan: very best deep soil. No rock. Covered with cordwood timber. Owner in Montana. Actual value $10,000. I'rice for quick eale ,6500. fiODDARD WIKDRICK, 243 Stark St. MONEY TO LOAN rOl WM- 0- BOECHERS JQf Q JO 207 Orcgouian Bldg. JQ UDDTPirJCinIWCOai Baslaee. aad IllUn I UtUL Lunno K, teeldenee Property TOl FVFRFTT&.S!MQNHS 701 Incorporated. 9 lO 1 BOARD OB TRADE BCILU1NU. MORTGAGE LOANS COJ JOHM E. CRONAN, 7 JO ooa Bpaldlaa; Blda. ' WAJIT THIS t Old house, with lot 60x150, Sacramento, close, to tnion. trice 3uu. GOOD HI) A V1EDRICK, 24a Stark St REAL ESTATE MEN f7even-passenp;er Auto for Hire ,15 Per uav tMiiiii -totirsi. Phone It 4,'.4. COLLI. BER-RIDGE Jt THOMPSON. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. 124 Wetgscatex Block, i'lsni Mala U, LAURELHURST NEW TODAT. - ssss-miai i -- 1 i fllillfl Administrator's sale of farrn. The John Thomas farm, consist ing of 100 acres of land, all in cultivation and well improved, iy2 miles south o Sycamore Station, on Foster road, 10 miles from Courthouse, will be sold. Sealed" bids should be forwarded to L. A. MeNary, 1011 Yeon bid-?., Portland. Or., on or before April 2.. 1012. ROBERT LIVINGSTON, Administrator. Iodem 8-room residence. No. 193 No. 22d, near John son St. Lot 50vl00 feet. Price, $12,500.00 $4500 cash, balance at 6. Parrish, Watldns & Co. 250 Alder St. WANTED TO BUY A 6 or S-room house, on liberal terms, with not to exceed $500 down. Wish to buy it from the owner. Contrae-toi-s with big profits in view need not write. When writing, give all details e-ize of house, incumbrance, terms, location and number of house, as well as reason for desiring to sell. Address AM 94.1. Oregonian. ' Tomorrow, Thursday At Baker's Auction House. IBS Park SI. We have the fnrnlshliis: of n 10-room private resldeace to sell, eomprlslnat Parlor, llbrarv, dlmnif-ruoni ami bed room furniture, about 400 yards of good Axminster and body Brussels carpets. niKs, inalicahle. steel range. Kas range and many other lots. Kor positive sale to the talc hem hldder for eaxb. Sale tomorrow at 10 o'clock (prompt). C. BAKKR C. A. CROWELt, Auctioneers, 133 Park St. Lovejoy Street 160x100. with five first-class houses. Good income). Can take $10,000 cash, balance) ten years at 6 per cent, fiood Investment for the present and future. Lovejoy Street 60x100. with small house. Splendid apartment site. Very easy terms. fiODD.l RD at WIEDRICK, Zi3 Stark St. 15 ACRES Commercial Orchard Four miles north of Sheridan, fronts on three roads: land cently rolling, red shot soil, family orchard; very large barn. No house. Knouuli good lumber ln barn to build smaller barn and house. All In 2-year-old apple trees of commercial -variety : three or four acres In strawberries owner says will He north at least 500 this year, i'rice GOUDARD WIEDHlCh, 2-13 Stark St. For Sale Or Lease for a term of years, a modern six-BUry-and-basement brick, sprinkler equipped, on Terminal tracks, very central; 70,000 square feet floor space: suitable for warehouse or wholesale. DAVID STUARTS, 34V WasMncton St. Two Houses for Sale Northraat Comer Morrlsoa and 13th St. Brick Building; to Bn Erected. These houses are well built. Can be moved to new location. Offers for Houses Now Received. BIS Yeon Bide;. Phone Main 1Q02. INCOME PROPERTY Two lots and building', income 15 per cent. Will consider lot In good loca tion. Price $12,000, with terms. 7.IMMEWMA.V. 310 Board of Trade. ABSTRACT BOOKS Sr''c" U'ash., for sale or trade. iU3 "Veon bldg. REAL ESTATE. lor Sale -Lola VIEW lot. Koiith rtrpot. rlnso to labor 2'JU. Portland, cai; fiOO hard surface casu handles. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. bRl'BAEER A BENEDICT. S02 IIcKas bids. M. S49. Beck. William 815-8r6 Failing bld. Cbapln ft Herlow, 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. 6. A Co.. AOS Corbett bide. Jnnlngs A Co. Main 18S. 206 Oregonlaa. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. 404-40i-40 Wilcox bldg. The Oregon Real Eatate Co.. Grand tva, at Multnomah mu (Holladar Addition). REAT, ESTATE. For bale Lot. LOTS r,0xl. ?ivO TO 200. On electric car line, close to dopot; all cleared, rt-ady for gardetiilnR and build in, handy to ctty. llnest ioil posstble. no rocks, taxes Almost nnthlriK; values will double in comparatively short time. Call and see us and we will quote you splen did cany terms. Owner. J. W. HEFFRRLIX, Marshall 2?i0 G13 Corbett Building. SITE FOR APARTMENT-HOUSE OR HOTEL OR STORES. Prominent corner on West Side; close In; price $20,000. Immediato possession (2421. HART MAX A THOMPSON, Real Kstate Department. Chamber of Commerce Bids. FLAT SITE. Corner Grand arc. and Prescott, 100x100; special reduced price. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. " BKAUTIrUL view lot on southern a op, near Council Crest, $650 and up. Including cement sidewalks, curbs, traded streets and water; buUdlnc restrictions; sold oo easy terms. Provident Trust Company, U01, 20a!, 2ua Board of Trad. Marshall -iti, A 1022. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Level homeslte of a lots with splendid view, beinjr tiie only remaining available site in neighborhood of fine homes, each standing In large grounds. Owner must sell. Make oflei. Marshall 4S1.T. BROOKE. A 3.10. $10 DOWN $10 PER MONTH. Fln view lot, matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car, cement wala and curb. Bull Run water. Provides t Trust Company. 201, 202. 203 Board of Trade, Marshall 473. A 1022. LOOK 1 HIS UP. Sightly Laurelhurst fc lot. One block from Glisan st. and cVr. Trice 12ut. Terms arranged. BUKMNdAMB A ALLISON, M a in 1503. A 151. GLEXX AVE. BARGAIN. 40x114: sewer paid; no assessments; price $ST0: cah. BKfBAKER & BENEDICT, 602 McKay Bldg. FACRIFICB SALE". Lot ."0xl05; has small plastered hou?fl; price $."0; terms. Take Mt. Scott car. fret off at Gray's crossing:; 5-cent fare. Inquire at Holmes' store for Bard. BUILVERS. ATTENTION. We can sell the best lots In the Haw thorne district for lO per cent down and t:ikft second mortgage for balance. Tabor 2942. . ALBERTA Desirable, lots; extraordinary values for Immediate sale. $.o0, $HiV, $00; terms; builders opportunity. Owner, 1170 Ivon st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS LEVEL SITE. Close in. suitable for 1 or 55 bungalows; 17Wr; reduction for cash. Marnhall 4S27. BROOKE. A 3Srtff. LAURELHURST tXAP. Dandy view lot. One of the first lots selected; worth S220O; will sell for $1600; easv terms. Address Y W.", Oregonian. $10 CASH and $.. month, beautiful lot near l nana; cuy w.iri, mi" . b.aucU paid HIGLET & BISHOP. 132 Third St. FINE building lots on Broadway, 2 blocks from Rose City cars, for sale. Inquire US4 Broadway. Phone C 2140. 1RVINGTON LOT CHEAP On K. 19th. near Stanton, in splndid locality. Lueddemann A Burke, 921 Electric bldg. APARTMENT SITE. Full lot on West Park at., desirable. Main li5"j. cheap and SNAP FOR CASH West Side lot, fine view, two blocks from car, ros. in; $l5M. Tabor 2tl2. LOT, $300; $5 monthly; $30 cash; no re strictions; near I. car. Johnson A Dod- aon. &20-522 Board of TradetiQg. EAST Mt. Tabor lots $12." and up. $1 down and $1 a week. R. W. Wood. 267 Couch st. $oOO- EQUITY in choice Eastmoreland lot, trade or sell cheap. AB "04, Oregonian. j FINE lots at Ocean View, at a bargain. Blake. 778 Glisan. LAURELHURST equity in 4 view lots. Main 906. Beach Property. HAVE a splendid lot In best section of Oregon; finest beach, close to surf and. fresh-water lakes; finest of fishing, bath ing, boating, etc. ; free ubo of new board floor tent, fully equipped; will sell for only $15 down, $5 monthly. P 966. Ore gonian. - For bale -House HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. 7 -room bungalow with all modern con veniences; street improvements all in; one block to car, 13 minutes to city; new. 6-room house, modern, 2tM feet to car; lot 0'x 10O; excellent neighborhood. 5-room bungalow, modern, with all built-in conveniences, furnace; two blocks .from car; near tine school; gas, electricity, "street improvements paid; excellent view; corner; $3450 for 10 days. 4 rooms, in excellent buburb; restric tions; all built-in Conveniences, large living-rooms, with panels, fixtures and tint ing. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPAN1, 201-SI-3 Board of Trade. Phone Marshall 473. A 1012. FORCED TO SACRIFICE HOME. 1 am leaving the city and muse-sell my flno ti-room home In Rose City Park AT ONCE; strictly modern and has fine view of city and mountains: with or without furniture. If this home suits you. 1 will make a price on It that you can't refuse and will give easy trms. See this. Mr. Price, corner 4Sth and Alameda. Tabor $20O CASH. YOU CAN SAVE $000 ON BUNGALOW. To make a quick sale, wo offer a $3?O0 bungalow for $'M- It has five nice rooms, bath, fireplace, fine lighting fixtures, shades, full cemented basement with laun dry tubs, located south of Hawthorn-, ave.; $ih cash down, balance $3 monthly and 7 per cnt interest. 'I his is an unusually good offer. A. E. Poulsen, 41S Railway Exchange bldg. RESTRICTED DISTRICT. Fine home 7 rooms. lot 50x100, parking 10 feet, all paid, lawn, cement block chlm nev and fireplace, roof green, house white, elegant hardwood floor, 7-foot buffet, bev eled plate glass door, 4 French mirrors, large work pantry and sink, fine base ment, furnace, large rooms, sleeping porch, 2 carline. 34 minutes to business; terms. Phone owner. Main 4144. for particulars. SACRIFICE Beautiful Richmond bunga low ; select neighborhood ; paved street; - pressing obligation compels sacrifice; re sponsible party investigate Immediately; nothing reasonable refused; occupied. Owner, 1170 Ivon st. $100 CASH, bal. $30 payments. like rent. 6-room bungalow. Rose City Park, price $?t54 ; fireplace, trays, Dutch kitchen, tinted fixtures. A. J. Detsch Co.. biO Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 42SO. 5-TtOOM bungalow. 50x100 lot. every mod ern convenience. street improvements paid for; ,1UU casn. per munin. iuciuu lr.ff Interest: one block from car; sood locality. AH SSO. Oregonian. jTrooM modern house snd six 3.vfoot lots adjoining Columbia Park on St. John's carllne: onlv t'-,H): easy terms. HIOOINS & HOYEK. 506 Northwest Bldg. Phone Main 4400. " " SSSO. $200 cash and -5 per month; which fn- eludes Interest, buys this elesant bungalow close to Hawthorne and 41st st. Morrin & Malr, :td snd Hawthorne ave. S-ROOM modern house. 72x100 lot, 2 blocks from Highland School- 1 block from St. Andrews Si-hool: good place for large f.imily. $"5"0: terms if desired. Owner, 485 Wygant St. ' a.V CASH. S-room modern house, lot jlli 100. 3 blocks MV car; price 1S0; cer tainly s pickup. HltfLEY a- BISHOP. 132 Third St. ' EAST TATLOR ST.. fine corner with modern 7-room house for eale or trade for "Wil lamette or Tualatin farm. iVoldschmid t's Agency. 414 Chamber of Commerce. REASONABLE. S-room house, 13 bearing fruit trees, near store, car .and school. 9;g South Jersey -t. ni. jonna car. 14000 10-ROOM house, beautiful scenery, somo exchange. Swsnk. HIT Hamilton bldg. b I N -N Y i I ' K. J2500: 6-room eottaga; fire place; 20 per month; East Morrison, near HOth. E25 Yeon bldg. Main 112. A 7458. J. E. HALL, 30S Ablngton bldg.. sells new bungalows, rental payments. $(4. 7-HM. modern bungalow; $900 dead loss. 1135 E. 23d N. Woodlawn 2714. WOR FINE homes! Res Delahunc 1!00 fi-FtOOM bungalow; .ISth. n-ar Haw thorne; tluo dona, 'hone A 7316. REAL ESTATE. I'or Sale Houses. A HIGH-CLASS HOME. Study the DESCRIPTION and see if will do( FOR YOU, ON TAXBOT ROAD and GREEN WAT AVE. THREE perfect LOT.-, commanding a SURPASSINGLY BEAUTIFUL VIEW HOUSE is A LA RGE, seven-room, practically NEW, perfectly appointed HOME for small family of refined ia-t. Has large hails. leeptnf! porch, balcony, bath -mom, dress In s-room. toilet -room, two pantries, two linen closets, one general closet, foul wardrobes, two toilets, three lav a tori s two fireplaces, two large clieval mirrot s finished five coats white enamel through out, oak, floors, superior plumbing and light fixtures, plate glasy windows, floored attic suitable for three rooms, pleasing exterior. If number of rooms will do. It will please fastideous people. I am NOW offering it at the nominal price of $i;.0.n Will consider a good old house on good West Side lot in part pavment. E. F- FERRIS, Tabor .1021. $500 SACRIFICE .New. 7-room. 1 -stor3 house, double constructed, largo living room, fine fireplace, all built-in conveni ences, oak Honrs, 3 large- sleeping chain brs, second lloor. full cement baseim-nt actual cost of house and lot, $4-o0. Client must sell. Price $3700; $000 cash, bal ance e:sy. BUNGALOW at cost: T rooms first floor cjyi finish 2 rooms on second floor; duuhh constructed. in fine location : bun galow, l'Sx42. All built-in conveniences; 4 blocks to W-R car. - f32o0; $200 cash, balance to suit. ti-ROOM bungalow; Iarg llving-rooir and dining-room, very large buffet and fireplace, large airy bedrooms and sieep ing porch on second floor; uil floors down stairs are oak; the linish is exceptionally Jlne; elegant el ec trie fixtures: east front; trees, shrubbery, .lowers. full basement, good furnace; $.200; $70O cull, 4 blorks to Broad wa y car. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, 201, 20S, -2"Z Board of Trade Bldg. Marshall 47J, A 1022. LAD1'S ADDITION. y.sOO 1 rooms ( two In attic), furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in book case?. Dutch kitchen, fajes east, street paved, with alley in the tear, close, to catiine, schools and churches. A larye place for a little money. Sij.iOO s rooms, wit li sleeping porch, rvoxi is -foot Jot. facing east, wit h a fine view and alley in the rear. House has fur nace, two fireplaces, one upstairs, hard wood floors, numerous built-in conveni ence;, and Is a bargain at this price. $7000 s rooms and sleeping porch. Just off irom Hawthorno ave. and facing the avenue. Has hot water heating plant, fire- . place, fine ext ra, larse living-room, wel 1 kepi lawn with roses and flowers. Built b the owner for hi? own home. St reet paved, with alley in the rear. A good bu. STRONG & CO. (INC.). 05 Concord bldg. Authorized Agents for Ladd's Addition. ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN" HOME. One acre, two blocks west of Meidrum station, on Oregon 'fty carMne: highly im proved, with an artistic 7-room bungalow, wit h fireplace, built-in bookcases, china closet, Dutch kitchen, ci-mont laundry tubs; interior has every labor-saving con -venience; compares with the best homes hi Portland ; electric lighted, w at er under pressure, good outbuildings; -surrounded by high-class modern homes; must be seen to be appreciated; compelled to sell; priced accordingly; can be seen at any time. Mrs. J. Frank Powers, owner, on premises, or call on THOS. J. HAMMER, 4"S Veon Bldg. MR. LOT OWNER! HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO IM PROVE YOUR PROPERTY WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF IN TEREST; PLANS FURNISHED FREE; IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME IU AND TALK TH1S OVER. J. S. ATKTNS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, HENRY BLDG. USE YOUR RENT MONEY TO BUT A HOME. ?f you can nay $000 cash and $40 1o $ per tnont h, w hich w Ml include interest ; we will finance the bulldinz of your home on a very desirable Laur Ihurot lot. If you want to buy or build a house on these easy terms, come in and talk it - ver. BURL I NG A ME & ALLISON. 522-6 Corbett bldg. Ma-'n tntT.. A 1515. NEW LAURELHURST HOME. 6 rooms and brenkfast-room, finished beautifully t hrounhout : strictly modern. built-in buffet and bookcases, fireplace and furnace, hardwood tloors, north front: onu block off earl inc. full lot; pric $4SU0, terms $300 cash and $40 per month, in terest included. Phono Main 1 Ot'3 or A 3010. Ask for .Mr. Lrdalil,. Call 022 Cor bett bldg. WASCO ST. BUNGALOW. A fine new 6-room bungalow. 3 bed rooms and sleeping porch, furnace, fire place, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen; lot s:: 1 -;jxl'M. corner; all street impim e mentis in and paid; price $41"0, on easy terms, or completely furnished with piano, etc., at $4Mn. GRUSSI BOI.DS. ::iR Board of Trade Bldg., 4th & Oak. 6 ROOMS EAST SALMON ST. $:i7". New and modern, with all kinds of built in conveniences, such as fireplace, book capes, china and linen closets, clothes and dust chutes. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement with tubs and wood lift, piped for furnace, gas and electricity, house is double const rut ted and extra veil built. See owner, next door. Phone TalKr 1104. " THAT VACA N T LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN TNTO INCOME PROPERTY? I H" YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FURNISH Til!-: MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE IF WE BUILD. OUR REPUTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US. L. R. BAILEY CO., INC.. CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS. 324 A 3INGTON BUD. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. Beautiful new 0-room residence, fire place, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, cut glass fixtures. leaded windows, besu tifu! woodwork and cornices; built for home, every possible modern convenience; 2'i level lots, 150 ft. from car, marvelous view which can never be obstructed. Marshall 427. BROOKE. A 3Sa. MR. HOMESEKKER. Good S-room house, fur $.i000. In good locality: electricity, fruit trees: $1000, rest easy terms; hit 00x100; one block to car. Mr. Bernard, CHAPIN-HERLOW MOR1GAOIS A TRUST CO.. :i?.2-3", Chamber of Commerce. SEE i'Re 2, this jfsue, of The Oregonian for pic Lure and description of new home for sale in L- urel hurst; watch this space on page a overy day for pic tures and descriptions of Laurel hui st JionifB ofTered for sale. Some of t lv; clHSsiest homes In Portland are now being built for sale in Laurelhurst. WI LL accept unincumbered lot or lots as first pavment on modern 7-room house In Rose Citv Park, worth $4mi; balance payable monthly in easy payments: house is on corner, In fine district, near car; is rented but can give possession if de sired. Give location of lots. C as7, Ore conian. "WEST SIDE HOUSE. 1250. rjood 6-room house, gas, full cement basement, lot 42x120, some bearing fruit trees, chicken house, lint view, on First St.. near Bancroft ave.; price $3000; $250 cash, $25 per month. C.RT-SSI & BOLUS, SIS Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. OWNER sacrificing beautiful country home on "Willamette Kiver, 411 minutes on Ore gon city Electric. 8 rooms, new, modem, electric lights, running water, about one acre; terms: would consider trade. I'MBDENSTOCK & LARSON, 2JS6 OflK St. $200 CASH $35 MONTH. Payment includes interest; beautiful T room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, large porch: commanding view: restricted district: beautiful sur roundings. Must sell. Write owner. AB 075. Oregonian. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, strictly modern: beamed ceil ings, high panels, well finished, built-iu buffet, 2 fireplaces, furnace, elegant fix tures; price $rSOO, terms. I'hone Main lr.03 or A 1.M5. Be sure to sk for Mr. Urdahi. '.22 Cofbctt bldg. I "WANT to sell the linest suburban grounds and 7-room houso at Riverside. These grounds are absolutely beautiful, with a perfect view of the city, mountains, golf links, etc. One auro of ground. AJ !lfi, Oregonian. ' 1RVINGTON HOME. New, modem 7 rooms, well built; choicest location; bargain. Owner. Pboas East 3502. , IBVINGTON for $42.".0. $.100 below market value: must be seen to be appreciated. 583 jj. loth N. Phono E. 1S72. Terms. FOR SALE Modern 9-room house. 100 feet square, bearing fruit trees, cheap. W. ii. Guile. 1487 Fern st. Woodlawn car. 1RV1NGTON residence for sale Most dcsir- able location. complete in all details: terms. For particulars phone C 2384. $26U0 BUNGALOW. $2100; Improvements paid; terms. 3.".1 Marguerite, near Haw thorne. Woodlawn 2714. FOR SALE The prettiest bungalow in Ross Ctty Park. 4S00:, $500 cash; leaving the city and must sell at once. Tel. East 2964. lOR SALE Very cheap 4-room house, lot SOxtflO; by owner. S48 N". Kellog su, St. Johns FINE modern home, full lot. facing soutb; East Couch and 21st sts.; flowers; $000. t2o 1'eou bldg. Main 112, A 74olk