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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1912)
13 25c Shoppers' Lunch Served Daily in the Basement Lunch Room Women's and Men's Up-to-Date Shoe-Shining Parlors in Basement Lisle Gloves 65c Grade 39c Full 16-Button Length BlacK and White Only In the Basement "Underprice Store." Don't miss this sale for the world. It 'will last all day, if the Gloves last. 16-button length Lisle Gloves, in fine quality black or white, a complete ranee of .sizes; very "rood, seasonable val- y us; worth rejrular Hoc a pair, spl only ejiC Sl.OO and $1.50 raids at 29c In lOOO 12-Yard Bunches In the Basement, all day, if they last, a great sale of fancy Milinery Braids of the best grade straw in a great variety of styles and all wanted colors; fine or coarse; put up in 10-yard or 12 yard bunches; good $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 nn values, specially priced for this sale at )Q, No Telephone or Mail Orders Will Be Filled on Hourly Sale Items . . . THE MORXING OREGOXIAN, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 17, 1912. t Bay v wr i - 1D Women's $3.50 Oxfords 1.48 Women's $3.50 Shoes $1.69 All day today, in the Basement, a sale of Women s Oxfords and Pumps; 1500 pairs grouped in one lot; the season's most wanted styles in gunmetal, vici kid or patents; splendid styles and excellent qualities, that Bell in the regular way at $2.50, $3.00 and - a q $3.50 a pair, specially priced at only, pair 2) J. .rO Women's High-top Shoes in patents, gunmetals and some velvets, also, Oxfords in patents and gunmetals in a great variety of styles; in all sizes and tf f f widths; regular $3 and $3.50 values, pair ti)JL.0!s Boys' Shoes L49 In the Basement. 500 pairs of boys' splendid Shoes, made of fine box calf stock; solid leather throughout; medium weight; all good lasts; sfes 2 to t vf Q 51 2 excellent $2.50 values, pair at B A T Jm 2 Phenomenal Spec'ls 22.50 Suit 10.98 S$15 Suits $9.98 In the Basement All day today thrifty women will be choosing from these two lots of fine Suits and none will be disappoint ed. They are the most attractive Suits we have ever shown at the price. The materials are smart, new mixtures in splendid patterns, and serges and worsteds in all wanted colors fault- lessly made, are lined with good satin, nearly all sizes for misses and women. 350 Suits in the two lots, $20, $22.50 Suits, $10.98, and regu lar $15.00 Suits for only $9.98 Men's $1.25 Shirts 50c For One Hour Only 9 to lO A.M. I I J J 9 to 10 A. M. today, in tne Basement "Underprice Store," a one-hour sale of oV 9ul0 Jjf 500 Men's Sample Shirts. "We advise you to be here on time, for when the gong sounds there will lie a rush for this counter. Men's Negligee-style Shirts, made with or without collars. The materials are soisette, chambray, batiste, percale, etc. Well made, cut extra full; all good colors, plain or fancy; sizes 14 to 19, excellent $1 or r A $1.2." grades. Thrifty men will supply their season's needs at this remarkably low price OUC No Telephone or Mail Orders will be filled on Hourly Sales. Delivsry, however, will be promptly made. Ging'hams 7c Yard ALL DAY LONG IN THE BASEMENT An all-day sale of 5000 yards of Standard Check Ginghams, rep resenting a special purchase at a very low price. Guaranteed colors. Assorted size checks. Full 27 inches wide. Bpe-pj cially priced at, the yard C $7.50 $4.50 Tri mmed fiats $3.95 . $5, $5.50 Hats $2.95 In the Baseme't Shop in the Basement "Un derprice Store" today, for it will be a day for unusual sav ings. Here are two great bargains in Trimmed Hats; 800 or more to. pick from; beautiful creations at the most ridiculously low prices we have ever put on such good hats. Fashion's favored styles, trimmed in ribbons, flowers, nets, feathers, etc. Beautiful color combinations, small, medium and large shapes. An assortment so ex tensive that every taste may be satisfied. dQ QfJ regular $6.50 and $7.50 Hats priced only tQutO Regular $4.50, $5.00 and $5.50 Hats priced only 2.95 Women's $42flats $125 jft CO All Day Long on the Bargain Circle At the Basement Bargain Circle" today, we offer a phenomenal bargain sale of Women's Tailored Hats, 400 smart street styles, made up for opening samples; the season's best approved styles. Foundations are- of good braids; black and all wanted colors. Thrifty women will take advantage of this offering. Many who have bought their Spring Hats will also get one of these for next best. They are good fff values at $3.50 to $4.50. Specially priced on the Basement "Bargain Circle" at only ,each tj) X No Telephone or Mail Orders will be filled on Hourly Sales. Delivery, however, will be promptly made. rod 1 Hour KqOM Y Only n 10 t0 11 KK'n y in the r Basem't 75c and $1 SilKs, yard 48c From 10 to 11 A. M. today in the B.iwment A one-hour me of beau tiful fancy Silks in a frrcat variety of patterns and every wanted color in fine taffeta weaves, A Q rich, lustrous. Tor, $1.00 T"OC Children's Hose, pair, 8c From 10 to 11 A. M. today in the Basement "Underprice Store," a sale of Children's Hose, fine black cotton IX" rib, double knee, toe, heel, fat color, lisle finish. Q ies b 2-7-7'. 2, 2 grades O C WomVs White SKirts 49c From 10 to 11 A. M. today in the Basement Underprice Store," a sale of Women's fine white Muslin Skirts, good quality soft muslin, trimmed with tucks and A Q ide embroidery flounce ri C Dress Ginghams, yard, 9c From 10 to 11 A. M. today in the Basement "I'nderpricc Store." a roiisinsr sale of 27-inch Dress Ging hams, in sreat variety of plaids, check and plain colore. Lay f in a suply now at. the yard i C Men's 50c Underwear 25c From 10 to 11 A. M. today in the Ba-scmrnt "underprice Store," aN ale of men's fine Balbrijran Un derwear, shirts and drawers. "Mill seconds." excellent qual- C f" ity, reinforced seat, W'xTv Hour I f nttM Only II Pi 11 to 12 Aiiwk LJ in the - Basem't $1 Mesh Union Suits 59c From 11 A. M, to 12 today in the Basement "Underprice Store," a sale of Men's fine wash Union Suits, knee length. 6hort sleeves, elastic ribbed neoks, illrA sizes, $1 garment only Oet C 2500 yds'Tbrchon Lace 4c From 11 A. M. to 12 today in the Basement, a sale of 2500 yds. splen did Torehon Lace, Edges and In sertions, I1,? to 4 in. wide, in a STeat variety of new pat- A terns, for' this hour only at T C Women's Hose, pair 12c From 11 A. M. to 12 today in the Basement, a sale of Women's seamless Stockintrs, fast black, white soles, double toe and heel, made from fine cotton "1 yarn, sizes 8' to 10, pr X i C 15c Madras, Scrim, yd., 7c From 11 A. M. to 12 today in the Basement "Underprice Store" a sale of printed Madras and striped Scrim, excellent quality in great variety, all colors, 36 to 42 ""T in. wide, 'l-c, 15c grades C Women's Sweaters $1.48 From 11 A. M. to 12 today in the Basement, a sale of Women's all wool Sweater Coats in heavv cardi- pan rib, with two pockets, V-neck, white, gray, red and Q T A Q nary, sizes 34 to 44 ejj X iTVJ 1 Hour rf FWl Only VV P 12 to 1 sV i1 J4J in the Basem't Child'n's $2.50 Coat $1.59 From 12 to 1 P. M. today in the Basement, a sale of 125 coats for children, new Spring styles, made of mercerized pongee in tan, black ind white checks, (J 1 CO red, navy, $2.50 val. J) X Oc7 20c Kioto SilK, yard, 14c From 12 to 1 P. M. today in the Basement "LTndeprice Store," a sale of Wash Fabrics, in rich, silky finish, 24 in. wide, splendid range of colors and black; reg- A ular 20c quality, yard X TT C 25c and 35c Veilings 12c From 12' to 1 P. M. today in the Basement, a one-hour sale of fine silk face Veiling in fine or coarse mesh, plain and fancy patterns, black, white and colors " O regular 25c, 35c grade X C Women's Union Suits 38c From 12 to 1 P. M. today in the Basement. Thrifty women will lay in supply of these fine cotton Un ion Suits, extra fine, close ribbed, sleeveless, loose knee, O Q lace trimmed, reg. 50c O C Men's $1 Sweaters for 48c From 12 to 1 P. M. today in the Basement, sale of Men's heavy wool Sweaters, cardigan rib, in gray, trimmed in red or blue, with large pearl buttons, sizes A Q 34 to 42, $1 values attOC FR Y Only IV Fj 1 to 2 s 1 2 AJ in the Basem't Child's $1.75 Sweater 95c 1 to 2 P. M.- today in the Base ment, a one-hour sale of Children's "Ruff Neck" Sweaters, made of fine wool yarns, heavy cardigan nb, 2 pockets, gray, tan f P" red, 26 to 34, reg. $1.75 J7 O C 75c Plain or F'cy SilKs 33c From 1 to 2 P. M. today. A sale of 2500 yds. of choice Silks, plain and fancy, such as poplin, fancy pon gee, black Jap Silks, fancy messa lines, etc, all colors, 18QO to 27 in. 50c, 75c grades ) O C 35c Pure SilK Ribbon 17c 1 to 2 P. M. today in the Base ment, a sals of bO pieces of pure Silk Ribbon, 6 in. wide, with corded edge, rich, lustrous finish taffeta, black, white and colors, 't J 35c grades, on sale at X C Wom'n's Rib'd Pants 17c 1 to 2 P..M. today in the Base ment "Underprice Store," a sale of fine Swiss Ribbed Pants . in Spring weight, loose knee, trimmed in lace, all sizes, special- ized for this hour only X C Boys' 35c Underwear 23c 1 to 2 P. M. today in the Basfr ment, a one-hour sale of Boys' fine Balbriffgan Underwear, shirts and drawers, shirts with lonfr or short sleeves, , drawers f O ankle or knee lengths 1 Hour V I 77 2 t0 3 k 2 us AJ in the N-X Basem't Women's Kimonos 98c 2 to 3 P M. today in the Base ment, a sale of Women's long Kimonos, made of cotton challie and crepe, new patterns, good col ors, cut full and long, Q Q all sizes, $1.75 values JOC Men's 50c, 65c Shirts 38c 2 to 3 P M. today in the Base ment, a one-hour sale of rare, good values in Men's Shirts in black sateen, black and white sateen and striped duck, full bodies O Q and sleeves, 14J2 to 17 O C Misses' 35c Union S'ts 19c 2 to 3 P M. today in the Base ment, a one-hour sale of Misses' fine cotton Union Suits, Spring weight, sleeveless, loose knee, lace trimmed, sizes 14, 16, f 18, regular 35c values at X J C 15c Swiss Emb'dery 7c 2 to 3 P3I. today in the Base ment, a sale, of 100 pieces of fine Swiss Embroidery, Edges and In sertions in fine sheer quality, all new patterns, 3 to 6 'Tl in. wide, regular 15c 2C Large 50c Bib Aprons 33c 2 to 3 P M. today in the Base ment "Underprice Store," a sale of Women's large Bib Aprons, of fine white lawn trimmed in fine tucks, cut full and long, O O regular 50c sellers, at ') C ioA 1 Hour W -f) 3 to 4 vV30 A in the Basem't Women's Dresses $5.00 3 to 4 P. M. today in the Base ment, a sale of women's and Big Misses' one-piece Dresses, of fine quality storm serge, black, navy, colors, splendid styles, nice- rf pj ly trimmed, $10 to $12 val.tpQ Dresser Scarfs For 48c 8 to 4 P. M. today in the Base ment "Underprice Store," a rare, good sale of Dresser Scarfs, 18x54 in., scalloped edges and drawn work centers, extra good A Q values, special at onlyrOC Child's 15c Und'rw'r 10c 3 to 4 P. M. today in the Base ment, a one-hour sale of 50 dozen Children's Underwear, vests and pants, of fine Egyptian cotton in white, medium weight, f fine rib, sizes 2 to 14 X J C Men's 75c Union Suits 39c 3 to 4 P. M. today in the Base ment, a rousing one-hour sale of fine cotton Union Suits, mill sec onds, Spring weights, longr sleeves and ankle length, all O f sizes, 75c values, special ) J C Girls' 50c Overalls at 38c 3 to" 4 P. M. today in the Base ment "Underprice Store," a one- hour sale of little Girls' Over Alls; bine denim trimmed in red; sizes 2 to 6; 50c O Q values. Special for only a) O C FR)M V Only jf-X Basem't $5, $6 Dress SKirts $2.48 4 to 5 P. M. today in the Base ment, a one-hour sale 'of Women's Dress Skirts, various styles and materials, serges, Panamas, mix tures, black, navy, tf O A Q colors, $5, $6 grade $,nlO Women's 35c Gloves 18c 4 to 5 P. M. today in the Base ment, a one-hour sale of Women's Gloves, two style, fine lisle, black or white. Chamoisette in suede fin ish, 2-button styles. 25c Q and 35c values, special X O C Men's Golf Shirts at 55c 4 to 5 P. M. today in the Base ment, a one-hour sale of Hen's Golf Shirts of fine quality percale in striped patterns, good range of colors, coat styles with rf cuffs attached, 14Vj tol7 DOC Children's Rompers 33c 4 to 5 P. M. today in the Base ment, a one-hour sale of Children's Rompers, of good quality gingham in plain or neat stripes, O O sizes 2 to 6 years, atOOC Large Bed Sheets at 54c 4 to 5 P. M. today in the Base ment, a one-hour sale of splendid quality double size Bed Sheets, of fine heavy bleached sheeting with out seams; torn and A hemmed. Special, each OtcC Bargain Circle, First Floor Sale of Little Things You Need jr Pln. 4uO to the ppr. 2 for.. 5 Hair Fin". 10c box of for 5 Irontnc Wax. .cal. dozen IOC kVaah TrtmmlriKs. Kuarante4 fat cul on,' -rij plevrs. aurted pa tier n, ;Sp a bunch. ne-lal 18 Hanirrs. comblnatton coat and nkirt banxra. food, atrong. lac values. IOC each. or. tb duaao Sl.OO -pool Cotton. 500-vH ituuiIi klsrV . uhltr al numbers, 4 spool, or. doxn 45 lutsimv lotion, boo - yard spool, white oniv. atandard grade. 4? spool, or, doien 45 fpool S!k. Iarir pools, white or black, A onlv. Special, tlio spool 25 I'resmiiakera- Tins. H-lb. box. rer. 35: spe. 29t Hair ts, Sylvia. 6c grade.. S-ylvIa Hair Nets, special, dozen.. 35C 15c Taffeta Hlndinn KlbbonK i Collar Slays. Eve or Astra, regular lc. special 7, or, the doien . . . . 75 Sc Tape Measure, special 3c Sc Thimbles, special at two for....5 &c Crowley Needles at two for....ftf he Hair Pins, wire, two packages. .5 Human Hair Nets. 15c a-rade, for lOr Keatherbone, silk covered, 15c grade O a yard, r the piece only OOC Tailors' Chalk, assorted colors. 72 pieces In box, 15c (Trades special .......210 10c Bias Tape, all widths, at c 10c Shirtwaist Belts (or 8C ..30 lBc Hair Pin Cabinets for 80 Ironing- Pads, Ec grade 4 flocks and Kyes, black or white, regu lar 5c, special 2 for 5t. the gross 140 25c Skirt Markers, special gO 10c Coat Hanarers. special 3 for. .20 Bo Holff-Fast Snaps, special 2 for 5 Hair Nets, five In an envelope. ... IOC 15c Hr Nets, large size, each....lO Center Circle, First Floor 50c Embroidery at 19c l 52.50 Allovers at $1.37 On the center circle, main floor, a sale of Nainsook and Cambric Embroideries, from 2 to 18 inches wide, the reason a clean-up of broken lots and broken sets, 15c grades, 5c ; 50c grades for 19c On the center circle, main floor, a sale of 22-inch Allovers in swiss, nainsook and cambric. Resrular $1 grades 59c; regular $l.iO grades Doc; regular $2.o0 grades for only $1.37 15c to 35c Pieces Table Glassware lOc A ooLftrtmpnt of useful Attip1fs in TnKla niacowoeA ti-ia.1 ft fnJa.. ml.. 41.. l. . , . - .. .. - " .. ... v. t"ivi.u fcwaj 'LllJ Hi LilC UrtM'IUCXl 1 . 0F9 8-inch Berry Bowls, Footed Fruit Bowls, Cake Stands, Glass Vases, Water Pitchers, Vinegar Cruets, H Preserve Dishes. Berry Bowls, Spoon Trays, Syrup Pitchers, Celery Trays, Cream Pitchers, Sugar I Bowl, Butter Dishes, Bon Bons, Olive Dishes, etc.; 15c to 35c articles, special on the sale table at only Basement Groceries In the Basement Grocery De partment today only: Lemons, large, juicy, dozen 20 4? Oranges, "Sunkist," dozen 25 15c can Pimentos, special, 10 Tomatoes, special, '3 cans for 25 Ghirardelli's Chocolate, lb tin 25 Royal Anne Cherries, 2 cans 25? Yeloban Milk, 2 for 15c, doz. 80 . Prunes, special, - 3 lbs. for 25 Walnuts, soft shell, pound ' 16 Beatsol Cleaner, the can, 5 Diamond C. Soap, 7 bars for 25 String Beans, pheasant Brand 10c can, special, 3 cans for 25 Krinkle Corn Flake, 4 pkgs. 25 30e Coffee, very special, lb. 23 Mission Black Figs, 4 lbs. for 25 Laundry Soap, special, 11 brs 25 Blue Label Ketchup, 25c bot. 18 Cottage Hams, boneless, lb. 14? Men's $2.50 Trousers $1.75 For One Hour Only 5 to 6 P. M. 5 to 6 P. M. today, in the basement "Underprice Store" a one hour sale of 200 pairs of Men's Pants, made of the well-Known and always reliable "Redding' Cassimeres" famous for the wearing qualities. Medium weight, smart, neat patterns in Oxford gray, well made and finished, sizes 30 to 50, splendid $2.50 Pants, special for this hour only. Don't fail to be here; they are placed on sale at low price Don't fail to be here today we are offering remarKable bargains throughout the day in all binds of Men's Apparel See our Shoe Specials for Men and Boys $1.75 Two RemarKable 12c Specials 3500 Yards Embroidery 3500 yards of new dainty embroidery of fered for this special sale; 18 inches vide, fine Swiss muslin, in a great variety of new jatterns. Our regular price 20c. 1 O special price 'for this sale, yard 3500 Yards of Percale 3500 yards of excellent percales, full 36 inch wide, in light, medium and dark colors. A great variety of new patterns, suitable for dresses, aprons, children's -wear, "l 0 etc. Specially priced for Wednesday c Oc 5.35 Garden Hose $3.50 50 feet of guaranteed quality Garden Hose, An f f with nozzle; sells regular at $5.35; special u)03vJ 25-foot length Garden Hose, $3.10 grade, only S2.'25 $3.25 Lawn Mowers, specially priced at only $2.60 75c Garden Sets at 59c 3-pc. Garden Set, Hoe, Bake and Shovel, worth 75c, 59 3-pc. Garden Set, Hoe, Rake and Shovel, worth 15c, 9 3-pc. Garden Set, Hoe, Rake and Shovel, worth 45c, 39d 3-pc. Garden Set, Hoe, Rake and Shovel, worth 60c, 49 MURDER CHARGE RETURNED .rand Jury IihIIcK II. K. ICoberts. (UpccCrd to Confe-. An Indlrtmvnt rhardna- II. E-. alias 'Jark Robrta, with murdrr In th first lurw was rnurnfl by the fcrand ury rsfr1ajr afternoon, rle Is accused of tbe murder of tonld M. Stewart Should the prosecution fail be mar be chara-ed. any time within the three year statute of limitations, with the murder of George Hastings, the other victim of the attempted automobile holdup on the Whitehouse road. Sheriff Stevens. Deputy Sheriff Leon ard and Deputy District Attorney Flt-R-erald for days have been expecting: Roberta to break down and confess to the crime, but they declare that he baa so far maintained alienee. Xbey con tend, however, that tbe evidence is bo strong that he is certain to be con victed In any event and aay that a confession would serve only to aave the expense, time ana worry of a trial. Th British Board of Agriculture Is shout to establish a Katloital t)sttna station, whan all Brltlah-ralad .attle will be examined before they are exported. Representations as to tbe desirability of so doing have corns from many sources, especially from Houth Africa and from soma of ihe tfeuta Amsrl CA zasusilca. CORPORATION TAXES DUE City Attorney Grant Starts Suit to Collect From Three Utilities. To collect from the Portland Rail way. Light & Power Company, tbe Portland Gaa & Coke Company and the Muunt Hood Railway St Pawar. Com pany $33.62.J8, $19,182.09 and $334.75, respectively, City Attorney Grant yes terday started- suits in the Circuit Court. " The amounts are alleged to be due by the public service corporations as gross earning: tax under the initiative ordinance adopted last June taxing such corporations 3 per cent of their gross earnings as specific tax. The companies assert the law is unconstitu tional. The ordinance, No, 23,565, took effect immediately after its passage. Since June 6. the date on which It commenced to operate, to December 31 last, the. Portland Railway, Light & Power Com pany earned $995,826.69 within the city, the Portland Gas & Coke Company $587,633.47, and the Mount Hood Rail way & Power Company $10,144.32, ao- I cording to Mr. Grant's complaint. These figures were obtained from sworn state ments filed with the city by the man agers of the public service corporations. Our insecticide positively nuts bed bugs out of business. Wre also make all styles of sweeping compounds, floor oils and floor spray. Phone Plummer Drug Co . Third and Madison. Main 292. Quick delivery, .