AGGOUHT OF LOVE AFFINITY OF NEW YORKER WHO MAY HAVE TO FACE CHARGE OF MURDERING HIM.. -1 AFFAIRS AMAZING v Inquest on Walter J. Snyder May Prove Him to Be Bigamist. ' OUOLtH- 0XYPATH0R NEW WIFE TAKEN YEARLY Mary S. kirnt Sticks to Story of His Death Iteinjr Hesult of Souffle. Dead Man" Career Marked Villi Affinities. NEW YORK. April 1 1. (.-'pcria!.) The most a;na:lns story of many love affairs, stretching across the Continent and sometimes carried on simultaneous ly In different cities, will be told on Thursday at the Inquest of Walter J. Fnyder, killed last Sunday by scissors In tn hands of Mary S. Karns In an apartment occupied by them. The woman says that he was stabbed In the course of a scuffle. He selated her hands and drew her toward htm suddenly. As he did this the scissors opened and the "blades entered his breast, she says. Search for evidence. to discredit the woman's story haM yielded little, but In the course of It. the police have discovered that r-'nv-lers 3 years of life were crowded with romance. He has been successively Jockey, racetrack tout, bartender, fair man ager, gambler and sporting writer and aeems to have pusses .''! himself of a new wife or affinity almost every year since he reached maturity. There Is little doubt In the minds of the authorities that Snyder committed bigamy on several occasions. THE HEART OF THE HILLS rlucsra anil Mountain Boys Set v tic a Difference. John Fox. Jr.. In tcribner's. The boy, Jason, was seated on the yard fence with his chin In his hands, his back to the house and Ms face toward home. He heard the stranger's atep. turned his head. and. mistaking a puulesl sympathy for a challenge, dropped to the ground and came to ward him. gathering; fury as he came. I.tke lightning the blue crass lad's face chanced, whitening a little as he sprang forward to meet him. but Ja son, motioning with his thumb, swerved behind the chimney, where Vie stranger swiftly threw off his roat. the mountain boy spat on his hards and like two diminutive demons they went at each other fiercely and silently. A few minutes later the two little girls rounding tho chimney cor ner saw them Gray on top and .Tason writhing and biting- under him Irke a tortured snake. A moment more Jdavls strong little hand had the stranxer boy by his thick hair, and Mavis, feeling her arm. clutched by the stranger-girl, let go and turned on her like a fury.. There was a pierc ing scream from Marjorie. hurried footsteps answered on the porch and old Jason and the Colonel looked with bewildered eyes on the little blue girl amazed. Indignant, white with horror. Mavis shrinking away from her as though she were the one who had been threatened with a blow; the stranger-lad with a bitten thumb clenched in the hollow of one hand, bis face already reddening with con trition and shame, and savage little Jason biting a bloody lip and with the lust of battle still shaking him from head to foot. -Jason." said the old man sternly, whuts the matter out hyeh?" Marjorie pointed one finger at Mavis, started to speak and stopped. Jason's eyes fell. "Not h In'." he said sullenly, and Colo, nel Pendleton looked to his son with astonished Inquiry, and the lad's fine face turned bewildered and foolish. "I don't know, sir." he said at last. "Don't know?" echoed the Colonel. Well " ' The old man broke In: "Jason, if you have lost yo- manners an" don't know how to behave when thar's strangers around. I reckon you'd better go on home. The boy did not lift his eyes. OUR CITIES ARE -DEFENDED V herein New America lias Much to Teach Old Kinplre. , tfcribner's. New York C!ty alone secures a larger revenue from land values than do the much-heralded "unearned Increment" taxes of all the cities of Germany and all the taxes of the revolutionary I.lod George budget of 19')9 com bined. The total collections of New ork City from this source amount to approximately $60. COO. 000 a year. I think It may fairly be claimed that wa have made more prowresa In local tax ation than have any cities of the world. It mist be remembered, too. that many activities of the American city are efficiently performed, our library systems are models. In this we have been pioneers. The rapid develop ment of public and private libraries, the extension of branches, the opening of reading-rooms and library centers, the use of pictures and children's de partments show the possibilities of our municipal democracy the laws of the state permit It to grow as It will. Commissions come to America to study our library methods. Just as com missions go from this country to Ku roie to study their municipal achieve ments. The park systems of our cities are of the same high order. our de velopment In recent ear lus been phenomenal. Not only are our parks generous In area, but thy have bn laid out by experts in a far-sighted way. The Boston system Is said to be the most comprehensive of any In the world, while those of Chicago. Cleve land. Philadelphia. Baltimore. Wash ington. Kansas Cltv. Iwpver and a score of lesser cities compare favor ably with those of any cities of Ku-rore- America, too. led the way In play Cruunil development, as well as In the wl-'er use of the srhoolrmuse ard the social center. The exhibits of the American city In these actlvitlea at the Berlin Town I'lannlng Imposition were accepted as In advance of those of Europe. From the very beginning our fire de partments have been honestly and ef ficiently administered. These, too. bare been m"dcls for foreign cities. Kor the most part they have been fre from the spoils system. Merit has been recog rlied In tiie selection of chiefs. New si.pliances have been rapidly Intro duced and an esprit de corps has been rested like that of the Army and the Navy. .4 . , v. J r sW- fj . , sC. t. fA A v MtRV S. WEST SNOW SWEPT Nebraska and Wyoming by Bad Blizzard. Hit LOSS TO STOCK IS HEAVY Many Houses. Vn roofed by JIljcli W inds ami I.Ives Lot In Blinding Snow Ranchmen Vnprepared Throughout Wide Area. HELLING FOKP. Neb.. April 14. The billiard which raged In Western Nebraska Saturday afternoon and throughout the nljrt.t. claimed at least one victim and probably two. Mrs. Klrhard Path, who with her little son started out at the beginning of the storm to bring livestock to shelter, was lost In the snow and her dead body was found this morning not far from her borne, ten miles from here. The child has not been found, but Is Is feared he perished. Kiel. ard rath, the husband, was at Alliance, proving up on a home stead. The bllixard was the worst ever ex perienced In this section so late In the Spring, and ranchmen were unprepared for It. The wind was of almost hur ricane force. Many houses were unroofed and many buildings were damaged. Keports came In today of stock in the open perish ing. The storm extended as far west as Sheridan. Wyo.. and eastward nearly a hundred miles. Snow fell through the Black HHls. but there waa an ab sence of high wlrtd. Kanchmen fear stock losses will be heavy as cattle were turned out several weeks ago for forage. PASTOR RESENTS ATTACK FATIIKK THOMPSON' ANSWERS BAPTIST HESOLt'TIONS. Brethren Told to He-tote Time to Sunday School and Not Ie canl Against Catholics. rOHTLAND. April 13. (To the Edi tor.) It was with mingled feelings of sorrow ani nisgusi mi t resolution framed by the Willamette j tsapusi Association, nj iici iin thors hope to "awaken their co-rell-gionlsts to the political encroachments of the Catholic hierarchy upon the civil and religious liberties of our Govern ment" and spur them on to the "use of all honorable means to protect our rights as a Nation." lien whose profession binds them In a special way to the love of truth and the practice of charity, tako upon their onsclenres a heavy responsibility when .hey thus deliberately and with the full weight of their ministerial Influ ence, ae-k'to lead their followers to embrace, the malicious delusion that the Catholic Church la a menace to belr civil ani religious liberties. I a-ould respectfully remind the members of this association that they are sadly out of'jolnt with their owu times and the ht'torv of their own country when, with strutting insolence, they talk of -our Government." as If the Catholics here were all aliens and not as much the llfrhlood and patriotism of the Na lon as this school of bigotry whose del iberations Issued this defamatory reso lution. If the Baptist brethren of the Willamette Association are milling to profit by the alarming Jeremlai of their own' outspoken C. H. Llhby. they will do m-ell to leave off their rancorous resolving" against the Catholic hier archy and devote their fruitful efforts to the rehabilitation of their Sunday schools. It Is with the "encroachments' of the devil, "who goes about as a roar ing lion, seeking those whom he may devour." that these vigilant shepherds should be concerned, as It strongly ap pears that tUe lambs of their fold are In Imminent and Increasing danger. If. as Mr. Llbby asserts, and with the, as sumed approval of ' out of every 100 Baptist teachers." the typical Baptist Smday school boy is "diorderly, rude and discourteous," and If. which seems tt be a superfluous admission, their fSunda -school methods are a failure, surely these sued ministers have a .. .SZJi?tt HARMS. more Immediate work at hand than casting sinister and strife-provoking reflections upon the Catholic hierarchy. It Is happily and unquestionably true that the Catholic Church Is making progress under the Stars and Stripes, but it is not true to describe- her steady advance as encroachments upon the "civil and religious liberties of our Government." True, liberty Is born of moral rectitude and spiritual enlight enment. A man enjoys liberty when he lives In the secure possession of his rights. A man. however, secures hli rights only when those about him dis charge their duties to him. It Is the mission of the Catholic Church and the hierarchy through which she energises to make men dutiful, virtuous, religious and law-abiding. With these ends in view, she builds her own Christian nchools, that she may rescue her chil dren from the blighting plague of irre llglon and indifference and teach them life's great business, the saving of their Immortal souls. The business of sal vation means the formation of Christ In childish mind and conscience. It means keeping the commandments, re spect for legitimate authority. In fam ily, state and church: it means definite convictions aa to the sacredness of marriage and the responsibilities aris ing therefrom: In fine. Catholio train ing means good citizens for this world and for the world to come. When men seek the kingdom of God the temporal blessings of National well- being are added unto them, so harmo niously has God blonded our temporal with our eternal Interests. In the light of the church's distinct and emphatic teaching. In the light of American Catholic history. In the full face of her majestic proportions and splendid serv ice, it Is hard to account for the malig nant impulse that prompted a body or ministers to frame so Injurious a reso lution. If theee Baptist ministers choose to look upon the political preferment which some Catholic may have fairly obtained as an "encroachment of the Catholic hierarchy." I wonder what euphemism they employ to designate their own machinations In theJr pulpits and out of them with a view to politi cal domination. I suppose our liberties, both civil and religious, are to be en trusted with filial docility to the gen try of the Willamette Association, and that the 15.000,000 Catholics of this country should behave like corpses In the conduct of this democratic and rep resentative Government. The Catholics of this country will al ways endeavor to secure for themselves a weight and Influence In the affairs of our Government proportionate to their numerical strength. As self-respecting men they cannot bo content with less, and as fair-minded men they will never ask for more. But the gov ernmental influence which Catholics may be called upon to wield, aa tima goes on. and their numbers increase and bigotry dies away, will not be sub versive of our liberties. The history of Catholic Maryland, and. nearer home, the biography of the great pioneer con vert. I'r. John McLoughlin. are both eloquent testimonies to the eordlal good will and kindly fraternallsm which characterizes the tine Catholic in his dealings with Ms non-Catholic fellows. And more than that. It Is generally con ceded by the enlightened and thought ful men of our country that the Catho lic Church Is the one Institution which our country possesses, endowed with moral power sufficient to make her the Nation's Impregnable bulwark against the Incoming tide of materialistic an archy. It wss a Protestant minister who said recently that the Catholic Church was the cement which was hold ing our civilisation together. There are many outside the Catholic Church who would Indorse this clergyman's opinion. I commend It to the calm con sideration of the Willamette Associa tion. So let the members of this Baptist bodv forget the Catholic hierarchy and devote themselves more assiduously to the "encroachments" of the evil ono and the needs of their Sunday scnoois. A year of zealous effort along the lines so franklv pointed out by their good monitor. Mr. Libby. mill doubtless Im prove the methods of their schools and ameliorate somewhat the rudeness, dis order and discourtesy of their preco cious offsprings. KATI1ER GEORGK THOMPSON. Tastor of the Madeleine. BANK OFICERS RESIGN Cincinnati Clearing: House Takes Over Institution. CINCINNATI. April 14. The officers and directors of the Second National Bank, of Cincinnati, resigned tonight, new officers were chosen and the bank will be taken over by the Conclnnatl Clearinghouse. The clearing-house will run the insti tution until the stockholders formulate plana for a reorganization satisfactory to the comptroller of the currency. The action vii taken by the board of di rectors late tonight. Get our FREE 72-page book of Facts About the Drug Evil And Information on OXYPATHY Sick friend, if you want to break away from the tyranny of Disease and Dr. Dopem's Drugs and enjoy the glorious freedom" of sound, vigorous health, get this 'Book. It will show you the way out of the pit of darkness, silly tradition and befogged intelligence that keeps us in hopeless bondage to "Commercialized Medicine." Sickness and ill health are forced upon us by our unnatural living conditions then we are made to gulp down vile, nauseating drugs and deadly poisons that we know nothing about and do not want and then taxed beyond endurance to pay the "fees" whether the "treat ment" does any good or not. If a loved one is:arried from our midst, we are taxed just the same for the medical "service." Is this not bondage? It is! But it is not hopeless bondage. Thert is a way out. Climb out of the pit of drugs and disease cut loose from your dependence on Dr. Dopem's Drugs and the Dope System. Quit raking one poison to kill another. It's a hopeless quest you'll never find health and strength that way. Try Nature' t Way. Use Oxygen Nature's greatest remedial agent and life -principle cleanser, tonic and builder. You know how Peroxide purees an open wound, and you know how Oxygen tanks are used to prolong life, but do you know that sufficient Oxygen in the blood will cleanse it of all causes of disease ? Get our book and inform yourself about this proven principle. Learn about OXYPATHY-rthe modern, simple, tane, safe, pleasant, inexpensive and ever-ready method of treating disease, of getting well and keeping ivell. lust say "send your book," and we will send you "OXYPATHY, Nature's Ktyal Read tt Health" 72 pages of extremely interesting reading, startling dis closures, and inspiration, hope and comfort to the sick. Better write now. Addrat oar local offico The Pacific Coast Oxypathor Co. 719-721 Spalding Bldg., Portland, Or. Hours: 8 to 5; Monday and Saturday Evenings Till 9. THE OXYPATHOR COMPANY Geaera! Office and American Factory Branches in All Parts of BUFFALO, N. Y. Literature and Ctrresptndenct Oprrliht, ltll Tbs OxspstBor Oo., Buffalo, It. T. -VVfieV'-:, Pulitzer Journalistic Course to Begin Next Fall. 3 SUBJECTS PRESCRIBED EjiRllsh, HiMory and French or Ger man Required for Admittance. Cost to Tic $ I 8 0 a Ycnr for Instruction. NEW YORK. April 14. (Special-) Th school of journalism founded In Columbia University by the late Joseph Pulitzer Issued its preliminary an nouncement today outlining; the re quirements for admittance, the cost of Instruction and the programme of '"instructions will be bosun on Sep tember 1!3 next with a complete pro gramme of study In all four years of undergraduate work. Admittance may bo obtained by an entrance examination, similar to the entrance examination for Columbia SCHOOL IS OUTLINED and the World in Spanish, Pirtagaese, French, German and College, the prescribed subjects being English, history and French or Ger man. Iater on the school will an nounce the number of years work de sired in e.acli prescribed subject. Undergraduates will be of two main classes. matriculated students who have passed the entrance examinations and axe following- the regular pro gramme of studies prescribed for the degree of Bachelor of Literature in Journalism, and non-matriculants ad mitted as of marked fitness under the discretionary power vested in the di rector. The regular fees for candidates for a degree will be about J1S0 a year, th: same as for Columbia College. Stu dents taking partial work will pay Sl.iiU per weekly hour of instruction for ?ach half year. - laier and Woman Suffrage. Strand. The Kaiser, by the way. is one of the most pronounced opponents of woman's suffrage to be found. He holds and at times lie expresses his views with considerable vigor of language that women have no right to seek to med dle with politics in any shape or form, and ho sternly discourages any refer ence to these subjects on the part of th Empress and his daughter. yueen Wary once scored off His Majesty rather neatly The Emperor was holding forth at some length upon tha unfittedness of women for admis sion to the franchise. "What can they know of politics?" he demanded, fierce ly. "Just about as much as a man knowa of the organization of a nursery and the rearing of a family." remarked Queen Mary, quietly. The hit was mirch appreciated by those present, since, during the whole of his & -IfVE- America : Italian. visit, the Kaiser had paid constant visits to the nursery of the Prince of Wales and his younger brothers, and had glvenmany more or less useful DULL, SICK HEADACHE, BiLIOUS BREATH, BAD STOMACH, CONSTIPATION-TAKE CASCARETS Sick headaches! Always trace them to lazy liver, delayed, fermenting food in the. bowels or a sick stomach. Poisonous matter, instead of being throw n out Is reabsorbed into the blood. When tliis-polson reaches the delicate, brain tissue it causes congestion and that dull, awful throbbing, sickening headache. Cascarets remove the cause by stimulating the. liver, making the poison move on and out and purifying the blood. The effect is almost instantaneous. Ladies whose sensitive organisms are especially prone to sick headaches, need not suffer, for thev can be quickly cured by Cascarets. One taken tonight 11 straighten you out by morning a vmsm sikbguivhi skes i ssr b Also2Bcin4 VIRUS hints to those charged with the care of the children. For testinz the dancers of mine gases a and most e:irnft opponents of rce suicide. JO - cent dox means u cicar ui perfect heaitn roi- munm.-. i-'"" i.s-- - their little insides need a good, gentle, cleansing. too. Children gladly take Cascarets, because they taste good and never gripe or sicken. a 11 Drug siara 0